Timesuck with Dan Cummins - 408 - Larry Nassar and the US Gymnastics Scandal

Episode Date: June 24, 2024

How was Dr. Larry Nasser able to sexually abuse over 500 victims, almost all of them young female gymnasts, over a period of 25+ years, in plain sight? He abused many of them while their parents sat r...ight next to them, or across the room. And what culture of abuse was exposed when he was finally investigated? His dad needs help! Lance Rechichar's email: lancealbertrechichar@gmail.comWatch the Suck on YouTube: https://youtu.be/QG1tBOFl_7YMerch and more: www.badmagicproductions.com Timesuck Discord! https://discord.gg/tqzH89vWant to join the Cult of the Curious PrivateFacebook Group? Go directly to Facebook and search for "Cult of the Curious" to locate whatever happens to be our most current page :)For all merch-related questions/problems: store@badmagicproductions.com (copy and paste)Please rate and subscribe on Apple Podcasts and elsewhere and follow the suck on social media!! @timesuckpodcast on IG and http://www.facebook.com/timesuckpodcastWanna become a Space Lizard? Click here: https://www.patreon.com/timesuckpodcast.Sign up through Patreon, and for $5 a month, you get access to the entire Secret Suck catalog (295 episodes) PLUS the entire catalog of Timesuck, AD FREE. You'll also get 20% off of all regular Timesuck merch PLUS access to exclusive Space Lizard merch. And you get the download link for my secret standup album, Feel the Heat.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Larry Nassar is innocent. Another witch hunt victim in a culture that just will not... Yeah right! No, come on. Larry Nassar is a true monster. For over two decades when he was still out in the wild, he mastered the art of being a wolf in sheep's clothing. A real real pervy slimy wolf who needed to have his paws cut off. Larry seemed to damn near everyone to be a super friendly, kind, patient, funny, top-tier doctor with deep, extensive knowledge of human anatomy. He appeared professional, trustworthy. He was loved by nearly all the parents, children, and other professionals he came across in the gymnastics industry for three decades.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Most of his victims didn't even realize he was sexually abusing them. That's how crafty he was. They truly believed they were being treated by some sort of medical luminary. Nassar was an osteopathic physician who primarily treated young female gymnasts, a group of athletes in need of frequent medical care, due to the continual injuries and wear and tear that comes with competing in gymnastics at the highest, most elite level. Through some skillful networking, Larry was selected to be the team physician for the USA Women's Gymnastics team, a prestigious position that earned him a lot of respect in the US gymnastics community, really the global community.
Starting point is 00:01:16 And Larry quickly became a renowned doctor. Parents felt lucky to have their daughters receive treatments from one of the best in the biz. Many gymnasts felt the same, or at least they wanted to feel that way. They thought they should feel that way. But as the years dragged on, Dr. Nassar's highly unusual and invasive treatments started to make more and more people feel extremely uncomfortable or outright abused and molested because that's what was happening. For most of his long heralded career Larry Nassar was sexually abusing patient after patient under the guise of treating them. Disturbingly he often abused them with their parents or supervisors not only nearby but in the same room. Nassar had seemingly mastered
Starting point is 00:01:56 the dark art of hiding in plain sight. He took advantage of girls who were competing in very high-control environment. Athletes who had been taught their entire lives to be extremely obedient, to not question authority, to do what their coaches and coaching staff told them to do. That was how you became the best. You listened. You did what you were told. Quickly and without question.
Starting point is 00:02:17 He took advantage of ambitious teens who desperately wanted to fix their injuries so they could continue competing for the highest honors in the sport they loved so much and had dedicated most of their lives to. Reports about Nassar go all the way back to the 1990s, for many, many years. When victims made allegations of wrongdoing, they were told they just didn't understand his medical methods, or they were shamed in the silence, or were told by adults in positions of power that the matter would be looked into, but then it would not be. Their complaints would be ignored, sometimes by other predators, in a sport that turned out to be rife with them.
Starting point is 00:02:51 Nassar was finally taken down in 2016, following the Indianapolis Star releasing an article revealing allegations against him, which encouraged others, soon many, many others, to come forward with their stories as well. In total, over 500 people, all but one of them young women and underage girls, will report that they were abused by Larry Nassar. One male gymnast also molested by Dr. Nassar. In today's episode we'll discuss how this particular sport has traditionally fostered an environment for abuse to easily take place. How Larry Nassar was able to get away with and hide what he was doing for so long. Numerous victim stories. How Larry was one of many sexual predators working in
Starting point is 00:03:29 children's gymnastics in America. The lengthy investigation into his case and more. And why are some meat sacks seemingly incapable of just keeping their hands to themselves? Tumbling, balance beam, back handspring, maybe not cartwheels but definitely somersaults and ring leaps edition of Time Suck. This is Michael McDonald and you're listening to Time Suck. Happy Monday and welcome to the Cult of the Curious. I'm Dan Cummins, the Master Sucker. Randy Woodfield, Striptease Choreographer, Reanimated Dick Byrd's Legal Consultant, and
Starting point is 00:04:13 you are listening to Time Suck. Hail Nimrod, Hail Lucifina, praise be to good boy Bojangles and glory be to Triple M. This is the first episode of Time Suck that I'm recording since the Dan Schneider episode dropped and in today's Time Sucker updates I will further explain my position on that episode a bit. I know that episode was Was divisive I knew it would be and maybe that's not a bad thing. It's gotten a lot of you talking We've had research for today's subject done for a little while and this just felt like the right week to release this episode since This story parallels the Schneider story in some ways but also there are some
Starting point is 00:04:47 very important differences and I think it will help explain my position and that's it until the updates. First things first, how am I gonna lay out today's information? Well I'm gonna start with some poppy music, maybe Centuries by Fallout Boy, maybe Good as Hell by Lizzo. Then I'm going to do a few little dance moves, just some smooth kind of pirouette type shit with an eye towards the judges, before breaking out into a kind of like a little trot across the floor, followed by two cartwheels, then two back walkovers, then a back handspring
Starting point is 00:05:24 before launching into a triple back flip with a 360 twist Then I will for sure stick the landing the crowd will cheer then I'll do a pretty cute little ponytail flip We get the judges flirty, but not in a gross way Then I'm gonna shake my little bottom from side to side a bit playfully then I'm gonna refocus myself Shoot a blue steel like Zoolander gaze towards the other end of the floor Then I'll do a couple more cool ballet, interpretive dance type moves. Then I'm going to trot back across the floor, pop into a front flip, followed by a cartwheel, followed by a back handspring before launching some triple twisting double back shit.
Starting point is 00:05:57 I'll stick the landing. Then sachet, sachet, sachet. Oh! So much sachet! Followed by some skipping. Followed by some moonwalking. Then I'm gonna make a few Michael Jackson noises. Hee hoo hoo!
Starting point is 00:06:08 Ah, ah, ah, ah! Then I'm gonna jump straight up into the air, turn upside down, do the Street Fighter 2 Chun-Li spin kick fucking shit back to the center of the floor where I will shoot fireballs out of a cannon I had hidden in my leotard. Then I'm gonna fucking burn the judges alive, then I'm gonna shoot up into outer space, go live on another planet for a little while before I decide to come home and fucking tell you about it. And that probably went on a bit too long, but that was fun for me to do. Here's how I'm really gonna set things up. I want to first discuss how the highly competitive environment of top-level
Starting point is 00:06:37 gymnastics, these athletes are so talented, I can't even fucking do a cartwheel, has allowed abusers to hide in plain sight for decades. Then we'll cover the full timeline of Larry Nassar's medical career, the investigation into his sex crimes, how various organizations handled sexual abuse allegations against him over the years, leading to multiple arrests and settlements, and exposing over 50 other alleged sexual predators working with underage female gymnasts in the US. So let us begin. Larry Nassar worked with USA Gymnastics, USAG, for almost three decades before he was finally arrested
Starting point is 00:07:12 for numerous sexual assaults and possession of a preposterous amount of child pornography. And for over 25 years, he sexually abused patients under the guise of medical treatments. At his historic Ingham County sentencing hearing in Michigan, 156 women and girls gave victim impact statements. And they were just a fraction of the true number of victims, which now sits at over 500, a staggering number. As we'll discuss in the timeline, in 2016, the Indianapolis Star newspaper
Starting point is 00:07:39 published an investigative journalism piece about how USA Gymnastics handled allegations of sexual abuse against coaches, followed by an article with allegations against Larry Nassar. Following the publication of these articles, several brave young women began to come forward to share their stories for these articles and by doing so gave even more victims the courage to come forward. These horrific stories of abuse shocked the nation. Millions of people love watching gymnastics, especially during the Olympics. They wondered how USA Gymnastics coaches, other supervisors, and parents could allow this level
Starting point is 00:08:10 of abuse to continue for so long. How could no one have seen what Larry Nassar was doing? How could they not have noticed what was happening in many instances, literally right in front of them? The truth is some people were noticing. People, many people were making reports well before 2016. The earliest known report against Nassar goes all the way back to 1997. Victim after victim who came forward over the years were questioned about their stories and sometimes shamed into silence or warned not to speak out against Nassar, a man who had the complete and total trust and respect of many gymnastics professionals. But then in 2015, a young gymnast reported that Larry Nassar abused her at the Corolli Ranch, the Olympic training camp near Houston,
Starting point is 00:08:51 Texas. And this allegation did not fizzle out like so many before it. This allegation led to an FBI investigation into Nassar's conduct with other Olympic gymnasts. And at the same time, a separate investigation was now finally taking place in Michigan after so many years of allegations there involving hundreds of victims from Michigan State University and other gymnastics facilities in Nassar's home state. Finally, it looked like justice was coming, at least for Nassar. But he, as it turns out, is just one of so many adults involved with women and or children's gymnastics who have turned out to be or are alleged to be sexual predators. Why are so many of these dirty fuckers drawn to this sport?
Starting point is 00:09:28 A lot of people have pointed towards the controlling environment of competitive gymnastics, being the lure. Girls who grow up in this sport have been taught to obey, to never question authority. Those who do are often punished. It's also like most sports, highly competitive at the elite level. There's a fear that if you speak out, well then you won't be welcome at the top training centers anymore. You won't be able to train with the top trainers and coaches and if that's the case, well then you're never going to the Olympics. Jennifer Say, an author and former gymnast, did an interview
Starting point is 00:09:57 for the incredibly well-done Netflix documentary about the Nassar scandal, Athlete A, which premiered June 24th, 2020. I finally just watched it for this episode. And when she was asked if there were coaches or officials who girls were suspicious of or spoke about as being abusive, she answered quickly, yes, absolutely. There were sexual predators everywhere. She explained that when she began gymnastics in the 1970s, the emotional and physical abuse of athletes wasn't the exception, it was the norm. And I found numerous other gymnasts from her era that have repeated this claim.
Starting point is 00:10:32 And these predators thrived in this world of competitive gymnastics because again, gymnasts were taught to be extremely obedient, right? Do as they were told, not question coaches, training techniques, anything. So even when they knew there was a sexual abuser among them, they never said anything and felt powerless to stop it. And this is huge. coaches, training techniques, anything. So even when they knew there was a sexual abuser among them, they never said anything and felt powerless to stop it. And this is huge. Unlike during the entire previous history of specifically women's gymnastics, the gymnasts were very young. Say talked about an interesting cultural shift that occurred in gymnastics during the 1970s.
Starting point is 00:11:00 Gymnastics coaches being cruel to their athletes, that was nothing new. But those athletes in the past typically full-grown adults. Then all that changed when Bella and Marta Corolli entered the Olympic scene. Bella and Marti are Romanian defectors who came to the US in 1981 and pretty much immediately took over the women's Olympic gymnastics program here in the US. These coaches were famous all over the world because they coached Nadia Comaneci to an Olympic gold medal in 1976 when she was only 14. Nadia actually is a five-time gold medalist. She was the first gymnast to earn a perfect 10 at the Olympics when she was 14. At the
Starting point is 00:11:40 1976 Olympics she received six perfect 10s, won three gold medals. It's crazy. According to say Nadia's victory solidified a shift to younger and smaller female gymnasts that began in the late 60s and early 70s. And there are stats that back this claim up. Check out the ages of the Olympics all-around champions for female gymnastics that I found here. 1952, 30 years old. 1956, 21. 1960, 25. 1964, 22. 1968, 26. 1972, 20. So all between 20 and 30 years old from 1952 to 1972. Not a single teenager in that group. Ever since, literally nothing but teenagers. 1976, Nadia Comenici, 14 years old. 1980, 18 years old. 1984, 16 years old. 1988, 19. 1992, 15. Every all-around champion since between 15 and 19.
Starting point is 00:12:37 Nadia was the turning point. Because when Nadia won, she didn't just win, she fucking dominated. She became the world's first true gymnastics superstar. She displayed a new level of, you know, never before seen style and grace that brought her entire sport a massively increased level of exposure. She did for gymnastics essentially what Caitlin Clark has been doing for women's basketball lately. She brought a ton of new eyeballs, made a ton of new fans. Little girls all around the world now wanted to be just like Nadia and they signed up for gymnastics and all of this led to a new
Starting point is 00:13:08 childlike aesthetic in the sport and that was in so many ways really not good. Not only was Nadia young, she was also very skinny, wayfish. She looked even younger than 14. Did not have a mature body in any way shape or form. She was 86 pounds at 4'11". This body type now became idealized in gymnastics. Many people now believed you had to be as small as possible, as skinny as possible, to best perform the most difficult gymnastics skills. Eating disorders now became prevalent, if not the norm, for elite gymnasts, as well as delayed menstruation and maturation. The NCAA once reported that female gymnasts show a much higher rate of disordered eating than other athletes, with levels at between 51 and 62 percent.
Starting point is 00:13:56 In addition, the average age of menstruation among gymnasts is 15.5 years, compared to 12.4 years for the general population, and that delay caused by a nutritional deficiency, AKA not eating enough, combined with training too hard, too frequently. You know, it's not healthy. It's very cool. It's amazing what these gymnasts can do. You know, their bodies look like they're in perfect shape.
Starting point is 00:14:17 They're not necessarily healthy at all. Uh, once the age of female gymnast began to shift, a lot of coaches began to notice that these new younger gymnasts were more coachable. They got less kickback from kids than they would from adults. Because kids are of course used to deferring to adults and not standing up for themselves. And many of these coaches found that they were able to be frankly crueler to kids who didn't feel as emboldened to stand up to them. Gaze Pazar, the Corollis choreographer from 1974 all the way to 2002, told the
Starting point is 00:14:46 producers of the Athlete A documentary that Romanians came up with the concept of training gymnasts from a very young age. Girls began to be selected in kindergarten, tested for flexibility, strength, a lack of fear, and then the most promising of these little kids would be raised in gymnastics. Pozar said that during the Cold War, while the Soviets could not build better products than the Americans they could create better elite athletes due to the different level of power and control coaches were given in these authoritarian regimes. Puzar said Bella was the one who had the idea to establish total control
Starting point is 00:15:22 over the girls. Puzar claimed that Bella made his young gymnast step on a scale, this is so fucked up, literally every day, that he frequently yelled at them, called them things like fat cows and pigs, allegedly had no problem even slapping the girls when they displeased or disappointed him when they weighed more than he wanted them to. And I know weight is a factor but really fat cows, pigs, little girls, you know, these girls naturally became afraid of him. And obviously this outrageous, you know, psychological abuse and physical abuse inflicted upon these girls completely fucked up their concepts of self-worth.
Starting point is 00:15:55 Pauzar alleged that Marta would also do terrible shit, like dig her fingers into the gymnast necks, slap him, slap him hard. She allegedly slapped him so hard, the girls sometimes ended up with her ring imprinted on their faces. Tracy Talavera, a 1984 Olympian who trained under the Corollies, spoke of how beaten down they were, how the Corollies did the same shit to American gymnasts after they defected. She said, you know, in other sports, the athletes are adults. You can reasonably make choices about what they want or they can. I don't think that is true gymnastics. You know these kids go to these national training centers when they're 10 years old. They're abused and mistreated for years. So even by the time they're of age the line between tough coaching and child
Starting point is 00:16:36 abuse gets blurred. So then when real like obvious abuse, sexual abuse happens you already don't believe your own take on things because you think you're hungry, you think your ankle hurts, you think that you're working really hard, but you're told and you're screamed at that you're lazy, you're fat, that there's nothing wrong with your ankle. And these poor girls that the world watched on their TV smiling and you know competing and you know aesthetically beautiful and athletically mesmerizing routines were just fucking abused and miserable.
Starting point is 00:17:06 Posar said that he reported the Corollis to the authorities in Romania, but nobody took any measures to stop them because that behavior was seen acceptable in Romania at that time. And then Posar defected with Bella and Marta to the US, got involved with USA Gymnastics, USA Gymnastics, the national governing body of gymnastics here in the US. The organization founded in 1963 currently has almost 200,000 members. USA Gymnastics responsible for developing the Olympic team and promoting gymnastics at all levels. Bella and Marta Carolli would both serve as head coaches of Olympic teams and as national
Starting point is 00:17:42 team coordinators. Not sure why POSAR never reported them over here. I guess they toned down their ways a bit. Bella was named head coach for the women's Olympic gymnastics team in 1988 and again in 1992. Marta served as head coach in 1996. Bella started his role as national team coordinator in 1999, retired in 2001. Marta then took over his role until her retirement in 2016.
Starting point is 00:18:06 A long reign. This couple that had run the show in Romania with an iron fist for years now did the same shit in America. The Corollies bought a 40-acre ranch 60 miles north of Houston in 1983 called Corolli Ranch and the ranch as it is commonly called or was for many years was then expanded into 2,000 acres by 1989. They could accommodate 1,400 gymnasts and accompanying staff and was designed as a national training center for women's gymnastics in 2001. In 2011, it was named an Olympic training site. And for many, many years, Nassar would sexually abuse dozens and dozens and dozens of America's top female underage gymnasts here. Gymnasts who claimed that they were also being physically abused, oftentimes by the Corollies, just this kind
Starting point is 00:18:49 of culture of abuse. The Corollies and their training center will be discussed throughout the timeline we're about to jump into due to their connection with the Larry Nassar case. I also mentioned some other high profile coaches who ended up being charged and were convicted of sexual crimes perpetrated against young gymnasts. Mostly that will focus on Dirty Bird Larry Nassar and the massive multi-jurisdictional investigation of his crimes and subsequent trials. Marching down a time-suck timeline. LORENZ GERARD NASSER Lawrence Gerard Nasser, second son, born to Lebanese parents Fred and Mary Nasser on August 16, 1963 in Farmington Hills, Michigan,
Starting point is 00:19:38 a northwestern suburb of Detroit where literally every single resident is a pedophile, which is why it's typically referred to as Diddle Hills. And thank God that's not true. Can you imagine fucking living in Diddle Hills? That'd be a fucking living hell. No, it's actually a pretty nice, fairly affluent suburb. One of the safest cities in the US. Top 50 in terms of per capita income. Five hour energy.
Starting point is 00:20:01 Sharper image. Half of the world headquarters there. And it's the home of the US headquarters of Bosch, TD Auto Finance, Mercedes Benz and more. And Larry grew up there was home to even more company headquarters. Placed with a lot of good jobs. And since this episode is about the culture of abuse and women's gymnastics more than it's about Larry's life, we're not going to spend any time covering the mundane details of his seemingly typical middle class, abuse free as far as we know, one brother, one sister, excuse me, one brother, no sister, childhood. Larry attended North Farmington High School in 1978 when he was just 15. He started working as a
Starting point is 00:20:34 student athletic trainer with the school's gymnastics team. He graduated in 1981, began studying at the University of Michigan. And then in 1985, 22 year old Larry graduated from the University of Michigan with a degree in kinesiology. As a student in Ann Arbor, he worked with both the school's football team and the track and field program. No allegations of abuse from that period of time that we know of as of this recording. 1986, Larry was hired as an athletic trainer
Starting point is 00:21:02 for the USA Gymnastics national team and here we fucking go. His abuse will begin at some point over the next five years. Continuing his studies while working with gymnasts, Larry enrolled in Michigan State University's College of Osteopathic Medicine in 1988. A doctor of osteopathic medicine is not a real doctor. Any other doctor will tell you that. They are definitely looked down upon.
Starting point is 00:21:24 They're meh, quacks, frankly. No, I'm just trying to fire up some people listening who probably are osteopathic medicine professionals. No, they use the abbreviation DO instead of MD. They're fully trained, fully licensed doctors who specialize in the use of manual medicine. They are real doctors. That includes hands-on work on joints and tissues
Starting point is 00:21:44 and massage according to the Mayo Clinic. In addition to working with the U.S. Gymnastics team from 1985 to 1989, Nasser also worked as a grad assistant, athletic trainer, at Wayne State University while he studied for his doctorate. And before Nasser even got his degree, he was abusing. One of the earliest cases of his sexual abuse dates all the way back to 1990 slash 1991, over 25 years before he was finally arrested. The victim was Trinnae Gonzar, very young gymnast, seven years old. Her hip had started popping out of the socket, so she saw Larry for some treatment.
Starting point is 00:22:17 Already, I don't understand how her parents were cool with any of this. I mean, forget about the sexual abuse for a moment. If my fucking seven-year-old is having her hip pop out of the socket thanks to the sport that she is playing, well guess what? She's not gonna play that sport anymore. That series of an injury to me makes that sport not worth the risk. At seven? That's just me. A lot of parents feel different. I like sports for kids. Both my kids, you know, have played sports growing up. So did I. But I don't think I could ever push a kid to commit to something as intense as competitive gymnastics
Starting point is 00:22:50 with the wear and tear it puts on little bodies. Larry suggested to Trinnae's mom that she needed additional work. So he invited her and her mom to his apartment. That's a bit of a red flag. Don't come to the clinic, come to my apartment. Another girl was leaving when she arrived and Larry had her get undressed, sit in an ice bath before she got onto a makeshift exam table.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Her mom sat just a few feet away from her and Larry made casual conversation with her during the appointment. He also moved the table so that her mom would not be able to see everything he was doing and he inserted his ungloved fingers into her vagina. Which if it doesn't go without saying is not how you fucking treat a hip that keeps popping out of the socket. And I'm being half ridiculous here. If this actually did help, then it's more of an ethical dilemma. Like what if some digital manipulation of your vagina could fix hip problems?
Starting point is 00:23:37 Like nothing else. Would you get that treatment? More importantly, would you allow your little kid to get that treatment? Not in some fucking dude's apartment, I wouldn't. Imagine if general manipulation did cure a variety of ills though. Like if you're a dude, here's the dilemma. What if a lot of intense digital penetration of your prostate could cure cancer? But it has to be a lot. Like hours and hours and hours. Would you get that treatment? You know? Oh, god damn it. So okay, so you can cure me. Let me get this straight. You can cure me. But for the next eight weeks, you're gonna have
Starting point is 00:24:07 to stick your entire hand into my butthole for at least two hours a day. I do want to live. I'm gonna have to think about this. If you're wondering why I think about stuff like that, I also wonder. It's a curse. Trinay's lawyer estimated she was molested 856 times by Larry Nassar over subsequent years starting at seven years old. So, so many treatments and because it was a doctor doing this with her mom near for the longest time, Trinay didn't even know she was being molested. Such a mindfuck. Trinay only realized what was happening many years later in the late 90s when another gymnast told her that Larry had
Starting point is 00:24:41 penetrated her with his fingers and she was looking for support to prove that something abusive was going on, that was not normal treatment. And that is when Trinay had an epiphany and shouted, he does that to me all the time. 1993 now. When Larry Nassar is actively abusing Trinay and others, he graduates from MSU with his osteopathic medical degree. And then he continues to work with more and more young female gymnasts.
Starting point is 00:25:02 In 1996, he completes his family practice residency at St. Lawrence Hospital in Lansing, Michigan. That hospital has since merged with the Sparrow Hospital. He also gets married to Stephanie Lynn Anderson, an athletic trainer he met at Twiz Stars Gymnastics Club. Twiz Stars is going to come up a lot. Larry and Stephanie will remain married all the way until 2017. She'll file for divorce once the abuse allegations go public. The couple estranged before that. Before the divorce the couple will have three kids together, two daughters and a son, Katelyn, Carolyn and Ryan, born in 2001, 2004 and 2006 respectively. One of Larry's daughters has autism and he established the Gymnastics Doctor Autism Foundation to support gymnastics programs for kids with special needs which helped shield
Starting point is 00:25:48 him from a lot of early allegations of abuse right it was just not not Larry he raises money for children with special needs it can't be him as mentioned Larry met his wife at twist stars gymnastics club which had two locations in Dyingdale and DeWitt Michigan excuse me Diamond Dale say diamond with no D, Diamonddale. Twist Stars was founded by John and Catherine Gettert, a husband and wife duo. John Gettert will go on to coach the 2012 Olympic Women's Gymnastics team.
Starting point is 00:26:15 And he was another sexual predator. Certainly, almost certainly. I'm gonna say almost, because he died before his trial for multiple counts of sexual abuse and more began. But he was. I'll provide more details when his death comes up in the timeline. Like the Curly Ranch, Twistars is a central location in the story.
Starting point is 00:26:36 John Gettert, Larry Nassar became close friends, described collectively as a perfect team of abusers by the New York Times. Sarah Klein, a former gymnast, told the Times regarding John and Larry, he had this good cop bad cop dynamic that worked beautifully. John would beat us up and break us down both mentally and physically and then send us back to Larry who would give us a tissue to dry our tears and sexually abuse us. Then he'd send us back to John often on broken bones and pulled muscles so the cycle could start all over again. Reports of various forms of abuse by John Gettert, physical and sexual, go back to the
Starting point is 00:27:07 80s. Gettert was a former college gymnast who started his career at Great Lakes Gymnastics in Lansing. Sarah Klein claimed that Gettert would talk frequently in inappropriate ways about underage girls' bodies, commenting often on their breasts and buttocks. Klein said, I equate him to a mob boss who did anything he wanted and would stop at nothing to achieve what he wanted to achieve, whether that was a gold medal or making someone cry or quit the sport.
Starting point is 00:27:32 Sometimes it felt like he was driving his gymnast to mental breakdowns for no reason. In the 2019 book, the girls gymnast Sarah Teristi described how Gettert was demanding, called girls worthless, sometimes threw clipboards at them. She wrote that he once told her that boys were going to love her because she couldn't keep her legs together. She was 10 when he allegedly said that. My god. Gettert Nassar met when Nassar was a student of osteopathy in Michigan State. At Michigan State he volunteered his services, later set up an office in the back of the Twistars gym. Nassar began volunteering about 20 hours a week, often had unsupervised access to young girls he was molesting. Sarah Teristi said that Nassar began abusing her at Twistars when she was 14.
Starting point is 00:28:13 She said that Gettert once saw Nassar touching her nipples. Why is touching her nipples a part of fucking any treatment? And he just tossed out a joke about her breast size. So you know, cool couple of bros. And if Jim Ness or parents complained about Gettert, the abuse would often worsen the next day. According to the New York Times, parents learned quickly to tread lightly around him or jeopardize their daughter's chances at a college scholarship or the Olympics. Sounds like this dude needed to be thrown a blanket party.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Have a few parents, you know, maybe wait for him outside of his facility at night, throw a blanket over him, tune him up, a couple of brickbats, maybe some socks with some bars of soap in the ends, maybe some aluminum baseball bats. While as they disguise their voices, they tell him to start treating the girls with a little more respect or this won't be the last blanket party he receives. I wish beat downs like that showed up a lot more in these stories. I feel like a real solid beat down is just such an excellent behavior modifier. A couple blanket parties like that and I bet Johnny would have started treating gymnasts with a lot more respect Monroe was in gymnastics for a while when she was real little like kindergarten age and she was good
Starting point is 00:29:16 Showed a lot of potential. She suddenly wanted to stop doing it and she's always been a little fickle and I was pretty bummed Because I thought she could have been amazing and I will say this episode has me feeling very good that my daughter decided to not pursue gymnastics further One parent said she felt like she had to ask for permission to take her daughter on family vacations because get it demanded They attend every practice She said honestly John was terrifying intense in the gym and arrogant and he scared parents girls and coaches everyone But when you're living in it, you think these are amazing coaches, and what a blessing it is to be a part of this. Rita Weber, the mother of 2012 Olympic gold medalist Jordan Weber,
Starting point is 00:29:52 described Gettard as a cult leader who convinced people he could make or break a girl's career. Parents felt special if they were part of his inner circle, and they didn't want to damage the relationship by complaining. In both 2011 and 2013, Getter was questioned by the police about some assault and battery accusations made against him. Yeah, against, excuse me, made against him. And this involves some adults this time, not kids. This dude sounds like he was not mentally stable. I watched some videos of him on YouTube and he seemed a bit unhinged to me. 2011, he was accused of assaulting a woman in the gym parking lot by stepping on her foot and then chest bumping her to prevent her from walking away. 2013 a gymnast accused him of
Starting point is 00:30:30 stepping on her foot and also grabbing her arm. Prosecutors declined to press charges in these incidents. And before moving forward like that's a fucking weird foot move. I hadn't heard of the step on somebody's foot so they can't get away from me move. That's odd. Also where were these women's boyfriends, brothers, husbands, fathers? Someone does that to Lindsay or Monroe and I feel like they've given me permission to try to really hurt them. And I know that's not the best way to handle shit like this because then you can come across like the crazy person. You can get hurt. You can get in legal trouble but I'm surprised I don't hear about retribution in more situations like this but I guess people
Starting point is 00:31:08 like uh you know this guy John they they do shit like this to uh people they feel like they can get away with it with you know they're pretty cowardly in who they choose okay now let's transition back to Larry Nassar right after today's first of two mid show sponsor breaks and I'm back and if you don hear these ads, get the entire catalog ad free and more by signing up to be a space lizard on Patreon for $5 a month. And now let's see what Larry Dirtbag is up to in 1996. In 1996, Nassar was appointed National Medical Coordinator for Team USA Gymnastics. He attended the Olympics that year.
Starting point is 00:31:43 And as his access to athletes increases, so does the frequency of his abuse, it seems. His volunteer position with USAG gave Nassar a prestigious reputation as a skilled doctor. In reality, he'd actually just finished his residency, didn't have that much experience. But according to an article on thecut.com, in sports medicine, the caliber of athlete one treats is taken to be correlated with curative power. So now Larry is held in very high regard. He's got to be correlated with curative power. So now Larry is held in very high regard. He's got to be one of the best of the best, if not the best. He's more respected, which will make girls, you know, more reluctant to question his creepy treatments.
Starting point is 00:32:16 Jimnis will later recount being assaulted at Nassar's home, in his office at MSU, at the Twistars Gymnastics Club, and at various athletic events and competitions all around the world. He'll continue to work with a lot of the same girls over long periods of time, which gives him plenty of time to do his grooming. He ingratiated himself with gymnasts by talking to them, listening to them when it seemed like no one else would, gave them food and snacks if they were hungry, won their trust by presenting himself as their protector, the guy who fixes them, the guy who helps keep their Olympic dreams alive. Parent after parent felt grateful towards Larry for taking such great care of their daughters,
Starting point is 00:32:49 for treating certain injuries with his intravaginal adjustments. As time goes on, Nassar finds more and more evidence that back and hip problems can be truly alleviated through pelvic floor physical therapy, which is actually a thing. This is how he's able to get away with his shit, he did. Pelvic floor physical therapist, Rhonda Kadorinos, stated in the cut.com article, that there is truly a correlation between pelvic floor dysfunction
Starting point is 00:33:13 and strenuous exercise in young female athletes. Possibly because developing the glute muscles causes pelvic muscles to shorten, and that pelvic pain can then often present as lower back pain. Furthermore Furthermore there actually is one method of treatment that involves a specialist who is almost always female who does insert her fingers into a patient's vagina to access certain muscles that cannot be reached in that same way from any other location. And I know that feels like some of my
Starting point is 00:33:39 bullshit but this is a real thing. So you know holy shit there are some non-sexual treatments that do involve digitally entering a vagina. And when I really think about that, I guess it does kind of make sense. Like it seemed crazy to me at first, but there are also proven medical techniques for non-sexual elements that involve the penis. Right? I was too embarrassed to bring it up earlier, but sometimes I will administer some of these
Starting point is 00:34:01 treatments to myself. Like sometimes if I'm experiencing a lot of muscle tension, my neck and or upper back or like if I'm having like a tension slash stress headache, I will medically pull and push the skin of my erect penis back and forth until ejaculation because that somehow releases some of the muscular tension and stress. Not sure what the academic and medical literature is saying about this, but anecdotally, you know, it works. It works and I'm being absurd. But seriously seriously there is validity for pelvic floor therapy which I did
Starting point is 00:34:28 not know about but is it appropriate to perform on underage girls right in some settings I'm sure when the girl in her guardian are properly informed when consent is given when more than one medical professional I imagine is present in the room and a guardian is near and gloves are worn etc Nasser was definitely not doing this appropriately at all present and in the room and a guardian is near and gloves are worn etc. Nassar was definitely not doing this appropriately at all. Nassar did not follow any proper procedures for true pelvic floor therapy treatment. He never really explained what he was doing to the girls, meaning he did not have
Starting point is 00:34:55 informed consent from them or their guardians. Also didn't use gloves which is a huge no-no and making it painfully obvious why he was really doing this he used this you know treatment to supposedly treat shit like ankle and knee injuries which is fucking nonsense also never called it pelvic floor physical therapy called it myofascial release or as I mentioned earlier intravaginal adjustment right myofascial release now that has nothing to do with this and breast massages and anal finger insertion, which he did. That's not part of pelvic floor therapy.
Starting point is 00:35:28 Nassar assaulted numerous patients this way, with their parents or other people nearby, sometimes even in the same room. Thecut.com summed up Nassar's little racket very well in a 2018 article. Much loved Larry placed himself in a position of authority in the least monitored space full of children and proceeded to become the most successful pedophile in sports history. Such a weird term phrase there, most successful pedophile. Beyond the choice of medical school, the apparent research interest in the
Starting point is 00:35:55 sacro tuberous ligament, the intense focus on a world populated by 11 year old girls, the useful belief in alternative therapies, there was also this, his incredible brazenness. Nassar molested young girls in his office while their fathers watched. He molested elite athletes under blankets in busy gyms teaming with people. Even a paranoid parent would not have perceived a meeting with a doctor in an open gym a few feet away to be an encounter requiring vigilance. Your daughter was safe because you never left her side.
Starting point is 00:36:26 When mothers might have a moment of pause, a flicker of suspicion, there was the reassuring thought that no man would try something right in front of them. Fucking crazy. I can't think of an equivalent of someone doing this, right? Literally molesting girls directly in front of their parents. But other parents have no idea what was happening. Also, if you look online for demonstration videos on the myofascial release of the sacro tuberous ligament, which was something he talked about a lot, it does look like people are having their buttholes massaged. Like one of
Starting point is 00:36:54 the masseuse's thumbs is just centimeters away from going in in a legit massage treatment. And I bring this up because, you know, just to illustrate that there are legitimate sports recovery techniques where a medical professional's hands are going to be all around a woman's genitals. And Larry, very hyper aware of this. And just like a cult leader who often convinces people to join their cult by playing on beliefs they already have and accept and then pivoting a bit into new more extreme beliefs that serve the cult leader. Larry was able to trick people by showing them examples of known legitimate treatments that other people are doing and then pivoting a bit into sexual abuse. In August of 1997, Nassar completed a primary care sports medicine fellowship,
Starting point is 00:37:36 now becomes a team physician and assistant professor at the MSU College of Osteopathic Medicine. Just climbing the ranks. Also started working as a team physician at Holt High School in Holt, Michigan, so he can access even more kids because he is fucking insatiable. That year, 16 year old gymnast Larissa Boyce was participating in a youth program at MSU, under coach Kathy Clagas, who was friends with Nassar. Larissa had been sexually abused by Nassar
Starting point is 00:38:01 six years earlier in 1991. Now in 1997, she felt ready to tell somebody. And when she told Clagas, Kathy now interrogated the girls and told them it was just a misunderstanding. Coach Clagas will later get into a lot of trouble herself for not reporting incidents like this to authorities. And in my mind, in this situation, that doesn't necessarily make her a monster, right? Larry was very manipulative and convincing. He may have fully convinced Kathy that his methods were sound and that they were not unscrupulous and that some girls just didn't understand what he was really trying to do for them. Nassar tricked a lot
Starting point is 00:38:35 of girls, tricked a lot of parents, tricked a lot of coaches, just tricked a lot of people. He victimized a lot more people than just the girls he actively molested and he molested so many. Clague has told Larissa that she could report the assaults, but it would have serious consequences for both herself and Larry. At this point, Larissa did not want to get anyone in trouble. Next time she saw Larry, he told her that he had spoke to Kathy, and now poor Larissa apologizes,
Starting point is 00:38:59 says it's all just a big misunderstanding. And now she thinks it's her fault. I am glad, by the way, if you're listening to this episode and you're getting worked up about some of the stuff, a lot of justice does get dealt out towards the end, which is not always the case, and it's pretty satisfying. Additionally, in 1997, a parent reported a concern about Nassar to John Gettert, but you know, he did not notify the police per a 2017 lawsuit, and that'll happen a lot with Gettert because he's also a pedophile. Allegedly, but he was. I feel like he knew what Larry was doing and Larry knew what he was doing. 1998, Nasser began abusing the six-year-old daughter of a family friend.
Starting point is 00:39:34 Man, guess all the girls she had access to through work just wasn't enough for him. She later told the police that he penetrated her vagina with his fingers every other week for five years. My god, the lancet, this guy just fucking constantly had his fingers in kids. The Lansing State Journal also reported that in 1998, a student athlete at MSU reported concerns about Nassar to trainers or coaches, but MSU failed to take any action. That same year, another parent told John Gettert that her daughter was sexually abused by Nassar at Twistars, John's facility. again. He doesn't report him in 2002 MSU student athlete reports concerns about Nassar to trainers or coaches
Starting point is 00:40:12 But the university again failed to take any action per a 2017 lawsuit Member of the MSU volleyball team stated that that by 2003 reports about Nassar were so well known That he was commonly called the crotch doc. He's fucking known as the crotch doc. We're still over a decade away from him being taken down. One of the MSU victims was former distance runner Natalie Stein. She was assaulted by Nassar twice in the spring of 2004.
Starting point is 00:40:39 MSU athletes would go to Genesyn Fieldhouse to receive treatment and sometimes Nassar was the doctor on duty. He's also the primary physician for women's gymnastics and rowing. And Stein said, I remember it as being common knowledge. Everybody knew if you went to him, you got weird treatment. Kate Hannon, a rower, told the New York Times that Nassar regularly massaged her breasts under the pretext of treatment, saying that she had popped a rib.
Starting point is 00:41:01 And she noticed once that he appeared to be blatantly aroused during her quote treatment. Yeah that's a red flag. When your doctor is squeezing your breast and has a notable or noticeable hard on you might want to share that info with some other doctors right find out if what he's doing is legit not legit. Gymnast Lindsay Lemke said that Nassar once did acupuncture in her pubic area told her I, I do this to Olympians, to a lot of people. He's not an acupuncturist. Runner Christy Auchenbach went to Nasser in 1999 for a hamstring injury. During the appointment, Nasser inserted his fingers into her vagina without a glove.
Starting point is 00:41:37 She discussed a vaginal procedure with her parents and her coach, and then no one did anything about it. She told her teammates they didn't think the treatment was abnormal because he was also doing that shit to them. Brianne Randall Gay knew right away though that her exam was not legit. She was 17 years old when she went to see Nassar for scoliosis treatment in 2004. During her appointment Nassar gratuitously massaged her breasts, also attempted to put his fingers into her vagina, but she objected. She told her mom and her mother filed a complaint with the Meridian Township police A rape kit was collected the local hospital detective Andrew McCready then had an answer coming for questioning Nasser told him that yeah. Yeah, you know, he touched brands perineum, which was part of treatment
Starting point is 00:42:18 The treatment I referenced, you know earlier that sacro tuberous ligament release and that that treatment was published in legit medical journals. He presented a fucking PowerPoint presentation with medical journal sources about this therapy for the detective. He was convincing because the real treatment does look pretty creepy. He had evidence that seemed to back up what he was doing as being medically valid. You know, he had perfected this abusive grift and Detective McCready informed Brianne's mom that the case now was closed because no crime had been committed. He's such a sneaky fucker. Additionally, the Lansing State Journal reported that in 2004, a victim from Ingham County, Michigan told her parents about sexual abuse committed by Larry Nassar, but her parents
Starting point is 00:42:57 did not report it to the police. Next decade goes very well for Nassar. More girls talk to their coaches or their parents about him. More complaints are filed with USAG, but it's all swept away. Larry continues to convince everyone that what he is doing is legitimate. He continues to molest literally hundreds of his underage patients. And frequently. 2014 looks for a moment like a complaint against Larry is going to be taken more seriously. This year MSU launches a Title IX investigation into Larry Nassar's conduct after cheerleader
Starting point is 00:43:27 Amanda Tomasho now files a complaint against him with the Title IX office and the University of Police. And good on Amanda, right? Pursuing this to the fullest. Nassar now 50 years old is placed on leave by MSU during the investigation. Title IX investigator Christine Moore interviews three osteopathic physicians and an athletic trainer, and they all believe that Nassar's conduct
Starting point is 00:43:49 is medically appropriate. Fuck. All of them worked for MSU and knew Nassar personally, so a bit of a conflict of interest. Investigator Moore concluded that Amanda just did not understand the nuanced difference between medical treatment and a sexual massage. Right again, fucking guy was slick. The final report stated Dr. Nasser has presented on this nationally and internationally, has videos posted to the
Starting point is 00:44:13 web that explain the procedure, and is widely known for this work. We cannot find that the conduct was medically inappropriate and thus cannot find it was sexual in nature. The Dean of the College of Osteopathic Medicine, Dr. William Strample, instructed Nassar to have a chaperone in the room going forward to avoid, or excuse me, and to avoid skin-to-skin contact with patients. But Nassar does not adhere to these decrees, just keeps doing what he's been doing. Nassar retired that year as the USA Gymnastics Medical Coordinator, but announced he would remain team doctor for women's artistic gymnastics. a gymnastics medical coordinator but announced he would remain team doctor for women's artistic gymnastics. Next year in 2015, the MSU police send their investigation to the Ingham County
Starting point is 00:44:49 prosecutor requesting charges for another misdemeanor sexual offense committed by Larry. But the prosecutor declined suppressed charges because they felt they could not sustain their burden at trial. Right again, he just fucking sneaks by. Finally, some allegations surfaced that won't be so easily dismissed or swept under the rug. A gymnast known as Athlete A makes a report of sexual abuse against Larry Nassar in June of 2015. Athlete A was 17-year-old Maggie Nichols. Her identity would remain anonymous for the next three years
Starting point is 00:45:17 and then she would allow herself to be publicly identified. Maggie was a star gymnast who had qualified for elite gymnastics at the age of 13, made the U.S US national team at 15. She was considered second only in skill to Simone Biles. 2015 was a big year for her. Maggie was featured in some Olympic promos, was on track to be selected for the Olympic team.
Starting point is 00:45:36 She was training with other gymnasts at the prestigious Corolli Ranch in Huntsville, Texas when her abuse occurred. Gymnasts there totally isolated from the outside world. It was just them, the Corollis, other staff, the parents not even allowed to fucking visit. There's barely even cell reception. Parents were supposed to just trust the process and believe that sending their daughters here would turn them into elite Olympic athletes. According to the Athlete A documentary, girls trained seven hours a day at the ranch in
Starting point is 00:46:02 an incredibly competitive environment. Gymnasts came to camp for 5 days each month during gymnastics season. Camp was invitation only, so it was considered an honor to even just be there at all. Didn't always feel like an honor though. Here gymnasts would use moldy showers, sleep with stained blankets, food was reportedly so bad many of the girls went hungry. To many Larry was the only bright light at the Corolli camp. He was kind, funny, he snuck girls' snacks, built trust with them, just typical grooming.
Starting point is 00:46:31 He also, of course, administered a lot of creepy treatments and massages in a backroom of the ranch that involved sticking his ungloved fingers in their vaginas and rectums. Quick little random note here before moving forward about how little I realized I knew about correct anatomical terms. It felt weird for me when I was putting the notes together to say butthole there. So I was going to go with anus, but then I wasn't sure that the anus was a butthole. I thought maybe I could say rectum. So I googled anus. I actually googled anus versus rectum. And I expected both words to refer to the exact same body part.
Starting point is 00:47:03 No sir. Just so you know, the anus, you probably already know this but I didn't anus is the opening at the end of the digestive track So it is technically your butthole your rectum not your butthole, which was news to me It's five or six inches long It's this tube lower part of the large intestine that connects to the colon and stores stool from the colon until it passes through the anus. So it's a little connecting like highway from the colon to the butthole. So if you're if you're pushing into a butt you're going past the anus into the rectum. I'll be damned. The rectum is not your butthole. Anus is. The more you know.
Starting point is 00:47:41 I love those notes. In her interview for the athlete a documentary, Maggie said that she received these creepy treatments from Larry and that he would just do it right there in the back room. She continued and I was just like kind of like confused and like wondering what it was. It didn't seem right because I grew up always going to physical therapy and stuff because I had many injuries growing up and I'd never experienced anything like that. So I thought I'd ask Ali, referring to Olympic gymnast Ali Raisman here, just because I mean we were really close friends and she was older too and has been to national team camps and
Starting point is 00:48:16 has worked with them before. So I just kind of asked her. I was like, does he do this to you? Is this normal? And she said, yeah, like he does it to me too. In the spring of 2015, a coach, Sarah Jancy, overheard Maggie speaking with Ali Raisman about these treatments. Jancy first reached out to Maggie's parents, good on fucking Sarah, and by June 17th she had informed USA Gymnastics about the allegation.
Starting point is 00:48:37 Right? Finally, a coach who works, you know, around Larry seems suspicious of him and is doing something about it. Gina Nichols, Maggie's mom, said in her documentary interview that Jancy called her said she overheard Maggie and another athlete saying Nassar was touching her funny. Maggie told her that Larry was touching her genitals and inserting ungloved fingers into her vagina. Maggie's mom wanted to make a police report immediately. Oh fuck yeah. Coach Jancy told her that she was gonna call Rhonda Fain, the VP of USA Gymnastics, a former elite-level gymnast herself, who is the head coach of the University of Florida
Starting point is 00:49:10 women's gymnastics team that won three consecutive championships, 2013, 2014, and 2015, and are just left to take charge of the USAG women's program. Rhonda will soon leave her long and heralded gymnastics career in disgrace due to not taking Nassar's claims more seriously Or the claims against Nassar right that fucking piece of shit Not only molested hundreds and hundreds of girls some of them hundreds and hundreds of times He also helped destroy so many otherwise wonderful careers when you factor in the parents of all the girls He molested as well this motherfucker inflicted serious trauma on thousands of people She molested as well. This motherfucker inflicted serious trauma on thousands of people
Starting point is 00:49:50 After coach Jancy made her call Steve Penny the president of USAG contacted Gina the next day Gina told Steve Penny that the police needed to be contacted penny assured her USAGA or USAG Excuse me would take care of making the report But then weeks passed Gina and Maggie they didn't hear shit and NASA was still conducting the same exams on more girls Then the Nichols family is contacted and told to keep things quiet. Instead of immediately reporting the sexual abuse allegation, what the USAG actually did was hire Fran Sepler, an HR expert, who investigates sexual harassment in the workplace. That's not good. Finally, three to four weeks after Maggie accused Nassar of sexual abuse, Steve Penny
Starting point is 00:50:23 called the Nichols family and said they wanted Maggie to speak to Seppler. All the while, Maggie was still competing in competitions. Steve Penny insured her parents USAG would take care of Nassar and they believed him. But they wouldn't take care of Nassar. July 24, 2015, a private investigator hired by USAG now recommends that the organization should report Larry to law enforcement. Three days later, July 27, the gymnastics official calls the FBI in Indianapolis office where the USAG headquarters is located.
Starting point is 00:50:52 Next day, USAG chairman Paul Perilla and President Steve Penney meet with FBI agents. USAG gives the FBI the contact info of the three gymnasts, Maggie Nichols, Ali Reisman, Raisman, and Michaela Moroni, another Olympic gymnast. And USAG turns over copies of Nassar's demonstration videos, which shows him touching around girls' genitals with ungloved hands. Some videos also show his hands under a towel between girls' legs. Just fucking brazen. In fact, over the years, Nassar had posted so many demonstration videos online for the world to see. It made what he was doing seem so much more legitimate. I mean, how wrong could it be if he's posting videos of
Starting point is 00:51:27 what he's doing openly on YouTube showing colleagues parents showing victims these videos. W.J. Abbott the former special agent in charge of the Indianapolis FBI office told the New York Times that he didn't watch the videos but some of his colleagues did and he said the reaction of my special agents who were very well versed in this was one of disgust. That is why we worked with such urgency. But they didn't actually work with a lot of urgency. The next day, Larry Nassar was relieved of further assignments with USAG without any official announcement, which is fucking finally happening, but he still hasn't been charged with anything. In fact, that won't happen for quite some time. A later statement from USAG explained USA Gymnastics understood from its meeting with
Starting point is 00:52:08 the FBI that it should not take any action nor communicate anything that might interfere with the FBI's investigation. In late July, early August 2015, FBI agents now asked gymnast Michaela Moroni to travel to Indianapolis from California and discuss allegations against Nassar but she declines. Her first interview will be conducted over the phone instead. At this point, Allie Raisman and Maggie Nichols still had not received word from law enforcement. Part of the delay was due to jurisdictional issues.
Starting point is 00:52:34 Investigators had to make sure this was all done by the book so that when they went to make their charges, they would stick. When Special Agent Avet was later asked why officials did not notify gymnasts, parents, or coaches about Nassar at this time, he said, That's where things can get tricky. There is a duty to warn those who might be harmed in the future, but everyone is still
Starting point is 00:52:51 trying to ascertain whether a crime has been committed, and everybody has rights here. That is true. He said that there was a vigorous debate about whether Nassar was performing legitimate medical procedures as well. Right? He still is fucking tricking people. A lot of people are like, I don't know. Might just be a good doctor.
Starting point is 00:53:07 September 12th, Michaela Moroney, directed by USAG to contact the FBI office in East Lansing, Michigan now. Michaela's mom calls repeatedly, receives no response, according to Michaela's lawyer, John Manley. September 27th, 2015, Larry Nasser announces his retirement from the women's team staff,
Starting point is 00:53:23 so he can run for the school board and hold Michigan. Yeah, let's get this guy in the school board. He can't stay away from kids. Nassar will post on Facebook, I decided to retire in part to prepare for the HPS school board of education election. I knew that if I dedicated the time needed to be at the 2016 Rio Olympics, I would not be able to prepare a campaign for the school board. It is time for me to place my efforts locally and be a greater part of my children's education
Starting point is 00:53:47 Time to help the next generation have the opportunities that I had and give back to the community It is time to stop fingering gymnasts and instead start fingering my own kids and the friends of my kids And of course finger other sexy children in my community He didn't write those last few lines. He probably wrote him in a rough draft I'm gonna say he wrote him in a rough draft and And it was like, that's too much. He fucking scrapped that. He deleted that little part. After leaving USAG, Nassar did continue to volunteer at Twist Star's Gymnastics Club and worked for MSU in late 2015 and in early 2016. Parents of these organizations were not notified about the sexual abuse allegations and because of this,
Starting point is 00:54:22 he's kept abusing. New York Times later identified over 40 girls and women who said Nassar molested them between July 2015 and September of 2016 when the abuse went public. Damn. February 2018 the Times asked the FBI for a comment and they issued a 112 word statement. The Times reported the agency left unaddressed the oft repeated claim by USA Gymnastics officials that after initially presenting the sexual assault allegations to the FBI in July 2015, they came away with the impression that federal agents had advised them not to discuss the case with anyone. The ensuing silence had dire consequences.
Starting point is 00:54:58 As the many girls and young women still seen, Dr. Nassar received no warning. By the spring of 2016, the Nichols family had still not heard anything from the FBI. They didn't want to go public because they didn't want to jeopardize the investigation or upset USA Gymnastics, which could put her spot on the Olympic team in jeopardy. Allie Raisman and her family hadn't really heard anything
Starting point is 00:55:18 about the investigation as well. They were told the FBI would get in touch with them at some point. Took almost a full year for the FBI to finally get in contact with Nichols family. May of 2016, USAG chairman Paul Perilla and President Steve Penney traveled to Los Angeles to make the same report at a different FBI office. And this is what seemed to really jumpstart the federal investigation according to the New York Times. Michaela Moroni interviewed in person May 17th.
Starting point is 00:55:41 according to the New York Times. Michaela Moroney interviewed in person May 17th. June 13th, Gina Nichols, gymnast Maggie Nichols' mom, received an email from LA agent Michael Hess informing her he was looking into a complaint about misconduct and asking her to call when she had time. Maggie spoke with agent Hess in Minneapolis a few days later. Allie Raisman also contacted finally by the FBI in the summer of 2016.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Meanwhile, 13 women participate in the July 2016 Olympic trials including Maggie Nichols. And her family notices something's off with how Maggie is being treated by U.S. gymnastics officials as soon as they arrive. Her parents normally had reserved seats at events. Cameras follow them to capture their reactions as they did their parents, but at the Olympic trials they did not have reserved seats. No camera crew was following them.
Starting point is 00:56:24 Maggie will score 6 at the Olympic trials trials not make the cut for the team Not even as an alternate and a lot of people feel like this is because she made these accusations and now she's being punished Which is beyond fucked up Final five were Simone Biles, Allie Raisman, Laurie Hernandez, Gabby Douglas and Madison Cotion. The alternates were Michaela Skinner, Reagan Smith and Ashton Locklear. Simone, Allie, Gabby, Madison and Ashton all will later publicly state they had been abused by Larry Nassar. August 4th 2016. The Indianapolis Star publishes an investigative piece about how USA
Starting point is 00:56:59 Gymnastics has been handling sexual abuse complaints. This article is super important because it exposes sexual abuse in gymnastics to a wider audience, much wider audience, and leads to several more women coming forward with reports about Larry Nassar. This whole story starts to trend now. And that kick-starts a state investigation that is now carried out simultaneously with the existing FBI investigation. Indy Star had found four cases where USAG was warned about
Starting point is 00:57:25 suspected abuse committed, not even by Nassar, but by various coaches, but never initiated any reports to authorities. And then those coaches then went on to abuse at least 14 underage gymnasts after USAG had received warnings, warnings they didn't tell anybody about. USA Gymnastics would not disclose the total number of sexual misconduct allegations made each year, but IndyStar learned the organization had compiled complaint dossiers on at least 54 coaches from 1996 to 2006, and that these dossiers not passed along to authorities, but instead just kept in a drawer that no one was going to fucking look at, at their executive office in Indianapolis. For example, in 2011, USAG received a complaint about coach Marvin
Starting point is 00:58:07 Sharp who was a 2010 National Women's Coach of the Year and the complaint described inappropriate touching of minors and warned he should never be around children. Wasn't until 2015 that the USAG reported Sharp to the police. Sharp was charged with touching a gymnast's genitals, trimming her pubic hair, fuck, and taking sexually explicit pictures of her, starting at the age of only 12. So, taking a lot of child porn photos. Sharp will then die of suicide in jail, which is fucking great news. I actually wish jails and prisons made it easier for pedophiles to follow his lead, right? How great would it be? When sex offenders are processed into into prison they're given like a welcome packet. They should be given like in their welcome packet
Starting point is 00:58:49 it should be like a noose and an illustrated set of instructions regarding how to best hang oneself in your cell. There could be like a little hanging hook in the cell ceiling as well. Right? Paint a little arrow pointing towards it with the following words behind it. Place non-noose end of hanging room here, pedo. You know, maybe a little heart, fucking encouragement. Do it! USAG had another file full of complaints about Tennessee gymnastics coach Mark Schiefelbein dating back several years. Girl's parents reported him to the police in 2002 after he sexually assaulted the girl
Starting point is 00:59:20 and recorded a sexually explicit video of her. Her parents' complaints were only made public when prosecutors subpoenaed records from USAG. Sheeflbein would end up being convicted of aggravated sexual battery and sexual exploitation of a minor in 2003 and would be sentenced to 36 years in prison. I like it! Over three decades. In 2003, coach James Bell was arrested for molesting three gymnasts in Rhode Island. USAG had a complaint filed on him dating back at least five years prior to his arrest. Indy Star also found police reports about Bell from Oregon where in 1990 an underage gymnast reported he climbed on top of her, told her he wanted to take off her pants. In 1991, a 10-year-old girl reported that Bell stuck his hand inside her shirt and just
Starting point is 01:00:00 pinched her breast. He was not charged until his former employer reported him in Rhode Island. Then he goes on the run, hides out for 11 years before he's caught and arrested in 2015. Then pleads guilty to three counts of child molestation and is only sentenced to eight years in prison. That feels real fucking light, especially considering he went into hiding. USAG received at least four complaints about Georgia coach William McCabe dating back to 1998 when Florida gym owner Dan Dickey warned that McCabe quote should be locked in a cage before someone is raped. Fucking strong words. McCabe was first suspected of abuse in 1996. That year he was fired from gymnastics world in Cape Coral
Starting point is 01:00:38 Florida owned by Dan Dickey. 1998 Mr. Dickey learned that Mr. McCabe and his deviant Dickey were coaching in Tallahickey learned that Mr. McCabe and his deviant Dickey were coaching in Tallahassee so he sent a letter to USAG. The letter described how McCabe was fired after his staff member reported that he bragged about being around a 15 year old girl in her underwear, said he thought he would be able to quote fuck her very soon, also bragged about having sex with team gymnasts and other clubs. Part of the letter read, to allow this scumbag to continue working within the gymnastics community would be a terrible insult. Part of the letter read, to allow this scumbag to continue working within the gymnastics community
Starting point is 01:01:06 would be a terrible insult to all of the gym owners and coaches who have worked so hard to build up the reputation of gymnastics. USAG again doesn't do shit with this allegation, does not report it to the police. A USAG representative responded four days later to Dickie saying they were awaiting an official letter of complaint from a parent and an athlete. I will add your letter to the file in the event we receive the letter and an investigation is commenced. By this point, Tallahassee gym owner Jan Guenapero sent a fax to USAG after McCabe resigned amid allegations there of sexual harassment.
Starting point is 01:01:37 Her fax included six pages of allegations with names and contact information of other gyms that had also fired him or gyms where he had left under questionable circumstances. It was loose cannon. McCabe was still coaching months later after all this. So now she wrote two more letters to the USAG. Around this time McCabe began sexually abusing girl, which would go on for several years. But still USAG renewed his membership in December of 1999. But still, USAG renewed his membership in December of 1999. By 2006, McCabe was a co-owner of Savannah Metro Gymnastics and Cheerleading in Rincon,
Starting point is 01:02:10 Georgia. Lisa Ganzer's daughter enrolled at this gym in 2002. Over a year later, Lisa received an anonymous packet that contained the complaints sent to USAG about McCabe. She called USAG and an official confirmed his membership and actually told her there were no complaints against him. Damn.
Starting point is 01:02:27 She confronted McCabe. He said the packet came from a disgruntled former business partner. But then in January of 2006, Lisa will find disturbing emails on her daughter's computer. The emails appeared to come from an Olympic gold medalist. They started off talking about gymnastics. But then the sender made explicit sexual requests and sent pics of a female's naked body. She contacted the FBI and the investigators found that McCabe had sent those emails. He also had similar online interactions with at least four other minors.
Starting point is 01:02:53 McCabe was finally charged with molesting gymnasts, videotaping girls changing clothes, and posting pictures of them online. 2006, McCabe pled guilty to federal charges of sexual exploitation of children and making false statements and was sentenced to 30 years in prison All right, there be 30 years. That's better than eight 2013 Lisa Ganser's daughter filed a lawsuit against both McCabe and USAG And when seeking to dismiss the lawsuit USAG said the warnings from 1998 and 1999 did not give quote any foresight about McCabe's criminal misconduct and
Starting point is 01:03:24 Did not meet the reason to believe threshold of the reporting law and that's that's bullshit did not give quote any foresight about McCabe's criminal misconduct and did not meet the reason to believe threshold of the reporting law and that's that's bullshit they argued that they were not liable because mandatory reporting laws in Florida and Indiana apply to individuals not organizations weird thing to hide behind during the lawsuit USAG acknowledged that it rarely forwarded allegations of child abuse to the police or CPS without being asked. Under oath, President Steve Penny said his predecessor, Robert Colarissi, explained why. Colarissi said he inherited a policy of dismissing complaints as hearsay unless they were signed by a victim or victim's parents. He said what we're talking
Starting point is 01:03:56 about is a policy that was a policy of the executive office. It feels like passing the buck, right? He was a president. He could have changed that policy. Michael Athens, USAG's attorney, told the Indy Star that those policies went back to the 90s and just really haven't changed. Colerissi acknowledged in a deposition that the organization dismissed the McCabe allegations, as hearsay, because a parent or victim did not make them. But God, there were so fucking many though. It's not like it was one person. Even then, they should at least look into it, but they just didn't look into just a
Starting point is 01:04:23 pile of them. Yeah, no one interviewed the coaches even. Colerissi said in his 2015 deposition in the sport of gymnastics, it's very competitive to gain and retain students and or athletes, and people might have all kinds of reasons for saying things. Steve Penney testified in a 2014 deposition that the possibility of a witch hunt could be very real, and they have to be careful about complaints because the coach is as much as a member as the athlete.
Starting point is 01:04:45 And I do get that, but how is that a reason not to investigate the complaint on any level? You don't have to fucking publicly blast them all over the fucking internet, but you can at least talk to the police. Pretty important to find out if the allegation is credible or not. In some cases, USAG did launch an internal investigation. Retired FBI agent Robert Agnew, who was kept on retainer to investigate complaints, said in a 2015 deposition that he sometimes disagreed with how the organization handled complaints, but he deferred to officials on whether or not to report allegations to the police or child welfare. Steve Penny said in his 2015 deposition that USAG
Starting point is 01:05:21 followed reporting guidelines for state laws, but to the best of my knowledge, there's no duty to report if you are a third party to some allegation. You know, that lies with the person who has first-hand knowledge. I just wonder why even take allegations as an organization if you're not going to do anything with them? Why not just have a policy of just telling people who call to, hey, we're not going to do anything with this, you should just go directly to the police. I mean, this is fucking crazy. Like, we're not talking about toxic work environment or HR violations here. We're talking about like serious sexual crimes, felonies, ones involving victims who are minors. Why couldn't they just at least say like, yeah, you should talk to the cops?
Starting point is 01:05:58 The IndyStar did note that the USAG launched a child abuse awareness campaign in 2012, encouraging local gyms to report to law enforcement. Even more reason for them than when people call to be like, hey, you know, just like our campaign says, you should talk to the police. Steve Penney released the following statement to the IndyStar, which was published in the article. USA Gymnastics has a long and proactive history of developing policy to protect its athletes and will remain diligent in evaluating
Starting point is 01:06:25 new and best practices, which should be implemented. We recognize our leadership role is important and remain committed to working with the entire gymnastics community and other important partners to promote a safe and fun environment for children. USAG will settle this case in April of 2018 for a confidential amount of money." So they did have to pay out for the fuck-ups there. for a confidential amount of money. So they did have to pay out for the fuck ups there. August 29, 2016, former gymnast, current lawyer Rachel Denhollander now files a criminal complaint against Larry Nassar with the MSU police alleging that he sexually abused her in 2000. She was living in Louisville, Kentucky at this time.
Starting point is 01:06:58 On August 25, 2016, the MSU police were informed that an out-of-state woman called Dispatch to report that she was sexually assaulted by an MSU doctor over a decade ago. Rachel Denhollander wanted to meet investigators in person to present around 100 pages of medical documents she had compiled. Detective Lieutenant Andrea Munford was the one who spoke to her August 29th. Munford already familiar with Nassar because of that 2014 Title IX investigation in Michigan. When she made a report, Denhollander was also speaking with the Indy Star. She had read the August 4th article, wanted to come forward, it inspired her to speak out against Nassar. Her allegations will be detailed in a later article. August 30th, 2016, MSU relatives, excuse me,
Starting point is 01:07:38 MSU relieves Nassar of clinical and patient duties. Same day, Larry's interviewed by Detective Lieutenant Andrew Munford. Munford later recalled in the athlete aid doc that when she asked Nassar specific questions, he seemed real nervous. Started sweating, started stuttering, reframed the questions to blame the patient, questioned why the girls didn't say anything during the treatment. Nassar would also use a lot of anatomical terms when he spoke as if to confuse the detective and then say things like, you won't understand this stuff. But they did understand it was clear to Detective Munford that the injuries he described treating did not require
Starting point is 01:08:11 vaginal penetration as a solution. September 8, 2016, former Olympic medalist files, just a former one, files an anonymous civil lawsuit in California alleging she was sexually abused by Nassar for seven years, 1994 to 2000. Stutt also alleged that USAG failed to act on suspicions about Nassar's conduct. Attorney John Manley said his client reported that USAG allowed Nassar to examine her alone in private rooms which violates the written best practices and USAG standards of conduct. September 12, 2016, the IndyStar publishes an article about Larry Nassar featuring the
Starting point is 01:08:46 allegations now from Rachel Denhollander and the former Olympic gymnast who had recently filed a lawsuit. At this time, Denhollander was still the only victim who had gone public with her identity. The other former gymnast was Jamie Dancer. She came forward publicly in 2017 and spoke in the Athlete A documentary. Rachel competed at a club in Michigan. She first met Larry at the MSU Sports Medicine Clinic in 2000 when she was 15 and was suffering from lower back and wrist pain. Rachel Denhollander told the Indy Star, over the last 16 years, I realized I have a responsibility and the question about whether or not to speak publicly cannot center around what is easy for me. This isn't something I want to do." Dan Hollander received five treatments from Nasser and the sexual abuse escalated at each
Starting point is 01:09:28 appointment. Nasser touched her genitals, penetrated both her vagina and anus with his finger and thumb and massaged her breasts. All to help with wrist and lower back pain. Rachel further described what happened in her documentary interview saying, he asked me to do myofascial release He asked me to do myofascial release. Or he asked to do myofascial release, which I knew was a legitimate physical therapy technique. And he did that with his right hand externally. He did legitimate therapy. And with his left, he sexually assaulted me under the towel. He would position himself in between me and my mom.
Starting point is 01:09:59 But since she was so close, I presumed that she was aware of what was going on. I didn't know until months later she had no idea. Den Hollander told the Indy star, I was terrified that she was aware of what was going on. I didn't know until months later she had no idea. Dan Hollander told the Indy star, I was terrified. I was ashamed. I was very embarrassed. And I was very confused trying to reconcile what was happening with the person he was supposed to be. He's this famous doctor.
Starting point is 01:10:16 He's trusted by my friends. He's trusted by these other gymnasts. How could he reach this position in the medical profession? How could he reach this kind of prominence and stature if this is who he is? Years later, she went to the head coach, the gymnastics facility where she worked, and said that Larry sexually abused her. She was told that no one else had made those same reports and was cautioned against speaking out.
Starting point is 01:10:37 I mean, that's so fucked. She was discouraged from just, you know, having him investigated, having him looked into. California lawsuit alleged that USAG hid complaints about Nassar failed to adequately supervise him, claiming he would do anal and vaginal examinations of plaintiff and other gymnasts in the care of USA gymnastics without gloves, chaperone and or any form of lubricant. These procedures were well outside any recognized
Starting point is 01:10:59 and or accepted technique and were done for the perpetrator's own sexual gratification. The lawsuit stated that Nassar would fondle and grope the plaintiff's feet, ankles, thighs, buttocks, hips, waists, breasts, arms, shoulders, and neck, placing plaintiff under the impression this inappropriate contact was part of treatment. Nassar also talked to her about oral sex, told her other underage gymnasts were all about it. They were doing it. Fuck, how did he bring that up? So yeah, this should really help your back and and your wrist. Hey, quick question. Are you having anyone eat your pussy?
Starting point is 01:11:34 A lot of the other girls are having their pussies eaten, which has helped their back and wrist pain. Just pass it along. You should try it. Thank you, doctor. Jamie Dancer had never told anybody about the abuse before 2016. In the Athlete A documentary, she talked about growing up in a harsh gymnastics environment, trained with Beth and Steve Rybacki at the Gliders Gymnastics Gym from age 11 to age 18. Her dream was to go to the Olympics. She said that over the years, she competed with a variety of serious injuries, broken
Starting point is 01:12:02 toes, a back fracture. When she was injured, it seemed like no one believed her. She once lost six pounds when she was sick with the flu. Her coach told her, man, they had to figure out how to keep off that weight. She looked great. First met Larry Nassar when she went in for a routine physical. He had her undressed completely. Jamie would compete in the 2000 Olympics, but it wasn't a dream come true.
Starting point is 01:12:22 Larry Nassar abused her at the Olympics. They had her train, excuse me, they had to train morning and night and she needed daily adjustments for back pain sometimes up to four times a day. So she's seen him frequently. She recalled how Larry would sneak him food, candy, leave things under their pillows, right? Similar to statements from other gymnasts in 2015. Jamie said, I mean, back then, I didn't even think of it as abuse. That's kind of it's still psychological for me because I almost still feel bad for even saying the truth. Like I almost like I hate the sense, but I actually like look forward to treatment, looked forward to treatment. And because Larry was the only nice adult, he's really the only nice adult
Starting point is 01:13:00 I can remember being a part of USA Gymnastics staff. How fucking sad about that culture that the only nice adult I can remember being a part of USA Gymnastics staff. How fucking sad about that culture that the only nice adult in the entire gymnastics team was a serial sexual abuser. 2016 she spoke with an attorney named John Manley. He agreed to take on her case and he would eventually represent hundreds of other victims. The Indy star spoke with a third gymnast named Jessica Howard who was abused by Nassar when she was 15. She called him after the August 4th article came out. She said she didn't want to be included in the September article in any way, but her story was important because now they had three people given the same info about Nassar. After being shown a copy of the lawsuit, Nassar's attorney,
Starting point is 01:13:38 Matthew Borgola said, Dr. Nassar, to the extent the allegations are against him, adamantly denies any misconduct at this or any other time. Borgola also said Nassar, to the extent the allegations are against him, adamantly denies any misconduct at this or any other time. Bogota also said Nassar's retirement had nothing to do with the allegations, but did acknowledge that USAG told Nassar about potential criminal allegations before he resigned. He said no agency contacted Nassar about the allegations USAG claimed it forwarded to the authorities. MSU and Twistars told IndyStar that USAG did not inform them of their concerns about Larry Nassar. According to IndyStar Investigation's editor Steve Burda, when they first started the investigation into Nassar, they set up a meeting with his lawyer and they were told,
Starting point is 01:14:14 you know, this is a very important man and you're potentially going to ruin his reputation here. Tim Evans, an investigative reporter, did the interview with Nassar at his attorney's office. When asked if Nassar used manual penetration of the vagina as a medical procedure, Margula responded, no there's no circumstance that he ever penetrated her vagina in any way related to any procedure and that is not a smart play. I'm surprised he didn't work the angle of of course he did it's all part of very legitimate treatment come on. But to backpedal now. Oh man makes him looking worse According to Evans Nasser was almost in tears pleaded with him not to run the story because it would ruin his reputation and harm his family
Starting point is 01:14:52 Today after the publication of the September article Nasser disputed USAG statement that he was fired in 2015 USAG issued the following statement. Dr. Nasser is no longer affiliated with USA Gymnastics upon learning of athlete concerns USA Gymnastics immediately notified law enforcement. Since then, we have cooperated fully with the law enforcement agency, including refraining from making further statements or taking any other action that might interfere with the agency's investigation. We are grateful to the athletes for coming forward to share their concerns." So they just straight up lied there. They had not immediately notified law enforcement in so many instances as we've already went over.
Starting point is 01:15:28 Nassar's attorney Matt Bergula issued a statement in response saying Dr. Nassar was never relieved of his volunteer position at USA Gymnastics. He considered retirement in 2013, long before the current allegations came to light, but was asked to stay by the coaches and athletes because they relied on his expertise to care for the gymnasts that represent our country. he later retired in 2015 after 29 years of service Who else is gonna stick their fingers in these athletes vaginas, huh? Who else is gonna be fucking brave enough courageous enough to do what it fucking takes to get him out there on the floor winning gold goddamn else
Starting point is 01:15:58 He didn't say that part He said his decision was not influenced by the current allegations because he was unaware of those allegations until yesterday. Instead, he retired because it was a voluntary position and he wished to pursue other interests outside of USA Gymnastics. During his retirement, Dr. Nassar continued to support USA Gymnastics and has been called upon by coaches and staff many times since his retirement to assist the athletes with various health issues. Since the allegations came to light, he has received words of support from dozens of former gymnasts and other members of the USA Gymnastics program. Nichols family read the
Starting point is 01:16:29 IndyStar article. They were fucking furious because USAG had told them not to speak out for so long. Gina Nichols now decided to reach out to John Manley. John Manley said in a later interview that Maggie's coach should have reported Nassar to the police, but she didn't. Instead, she reported the allegation to Ron DeFeen, head of the women's program. Fe coach should have reported Nassar to the police but she didn't. Instead she reported the allegation to Ron DeFane, head of the women's program. Fane should have then gone to the police but she didn't. She told Steve Penny. He then should have gone to the police but he also didn't. He hired a private investigator. Manley said this was a violation of both Indiana and Texas state law. September 20, 2016 now MSU
Starting point is 01:17:02 fires Nassar from his position as associate professor with the College of Osteopathic Medicine School said they fired him after learning he violated certain employment requirements put in place after the 2014 investigation That same day a search warrant was executed at Nassar's house and now shit gets blown wide open Right after today's second of two mid-show sponsor breaks open right after today's second of two mid-show sponsor breaks. And I'm back and now it is time to see how this investigation takes a huge turn for the worse on September 20, 2016 for Larry at least. The police were able to obtain search warrants because victims reported he was doing treatments in his basement and that he also sexually abused a non-patient, non-patient excuse me, in the
Starting point is 01:17:43 basement. During the search investigator notes that the trash had not been picked up and the can was full. The police found hard drives in the trash with Larry's name and number written on them. What a fucking idiot! These are hard drives full of a crazy amount of child pornography by the way. This guy couldn't even bother to throw them away at the dump, right? Or in a grocery store dumpster, anywhere outside his house. What a fucking maniac puts their fucking name outside his house. Also, what a fucking mania puts their fucking name and phone number. Might as well just write like child porn. Hey, I got a lot of important child porn here. I don't want to get in trouble. So if you find this, please just don't tell the police. Just call me. I'll come get it. Roughly 37,000 images of child
Starting point is 01:18:18 sexual abuse material will be found on these hard drives, including videos that showed Nassar himself sexually assaulting girls in a pool. So many pictures. This guy was clearly addicted to underage porn. Probably didn't want to, you know, take his precious hard drives and throw them away because he needed to constantly beat off those pics. Like this dude probably fucking jerked off like his dick was also training to be in the Olympics. He actually almost got away with getting rid of all that child porn. His trash pickup was late the day the investigator searched his house. Inside the trash can right they find these hard drives all these fucking pictures. If the trash would have been picked up on time he would have gotten away with
Starting point is 01:18:51 that. October 6, 2016 Michigan Attorney General Bill Michigan I said that weird Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette no Michigan Attorney General very different Bill Schuette, no, Michigan Attorney General, very different, Bill Schuette, announced that his office would now review the accusations against Nassar at the request of the MSU police. It's fucking crazy, he still has not been arrested. Despite the horrific allegations against Nassar, November 8th, 2016, Nassar receives 2,730 votes or 21% of the votes for the Holt school board. Oh, fuck yeah! percent of the votes for the Holt school board. Oh, fuck yeah. November 21st, 2016, Nassar is arrested, finally in custody, charged with three counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct with a person under 13. This abuse took place in his home in Holt, Michigan in Ingham County between 1998 and 2005. Nassar pleads not guilty and then is released on
Starting point is 01:19:41 a million dollar bond. He won't stay out long. At a press conference, officials announced that they have received approximately 50 complaints alleging sexual abuse by Nassar. That number is going to go up a lot. December 16, 2016, Larry is now indicted on federal child pornography charges and is taken back to jail. The charges allege that he had received or attempted to receive images of child porn in 2004 and had possessed child porn between 2003 and 2016. After the Indy Star story came out many people reluctant to believe or refused to believe that Nassar had assaulted so many young girls. A lot of his own victims initially refused to believe what he was charged with. Right? That's how good a manipulation this dude is. Some of the victims thought the girls who came forward were just not remembering
Starting point is 01:20:24 things correctly because they received the same treatments. Many girls who were assaulted thought that the victims, you know, Sorry, I wrote that down twice. It wasn't until Nassar was charged with possessing child pornography that his supporters changed their minds about him. Now parents started to question everything. Ask their children about their experiences with him. For example, a mom named Jane told a journalist for thecut.com, all of a sudden the stuff you think is normal coming out of somebody else's mouth doesn't sound normal. She realized that it was not normal how she took her daughter to Nassar's home every week for treatment in Larry's basement. And that it was not normal that she was never billed for any of those treatments. Yeah, those are some red flags.
Starting point is 01:21:00 December 21, 2016, Nassar denied bond on the federal charges and will have to sit in a cell to await his trials. January 10th 2017, 18 victims filed a federal lawsuit against Larry, MSU, USA Gymnastics, and Twistars Gymnastics Club alleging sexual assault, battery molestation, and harassment between 1996 and 2016. The lawsuit alleged that in 1999 and 2000 victims raised concerns to MSU coaches and or trainers and the university did not launch an investigation. Lawsuit also alleged that in 1997 a parent expressed concerns to John Gettert who did not
Starting point is 01:21:34 report it to police. Finally the lawsuit alleged that in 2004 allegations were made about Nassar to the Meridian Township Police Department but he was was not charged. He was fucking pretty tricky. January 24, 2017, the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs suspends Nassar's medical license. January 26, police in Texas now confirm they're conducting a sexual assault investigation related to Nassar. An attorney for Bella and Marty Corolle revealed that the Texas Rangers came to the Kuroli Ranch as part of the investigation. February 7th, an additional federal charge is filed against Nassar, alleging that he destroyed computer files that contain even fucking more porn!
Starting point is 01:22:15 More than the 37,000 plus images they already had. That is an absurd amount of pornography. Especially illegal underage pornography. God damn. February 13th, 2017, MSU gymnastics coach Kathy Clagas is suspended after a woman claims in court records that Clagas discouraged her from filing a sexual assault complaint against Nassar in the late 90s. The victim filed paperwork to join the federal lawsuit from January.
Starting point is 01:22:39 February 13, 2016 MSU athletic director Mark Hollis meets with Cleggis to discuss the allegation that the gymnastics team was discouraged from answering police questions about Nassar during a September meeting and let her address to Cleggis. Hollis wrote that she shared a highly emotional sense of shock that confused the athletes about who they could speak to. Her defense of Nassar created an emotionally charged environment and his concerns led him to suspend her with pay. Then a second woman came forward to
Starting point is 01:23:05 allege that in 1997, Clegas asked her if Nassar had digitally penetrated her. When she said yes, Clegas told her, there's no reason to bring it up. That's not a good look. This woman alleged that Nassar held her down and performed an intravaginal procedure against her will after she declined. Her conversation with Clegas did happen before that. Well, Cleggis announced her retirement very next day. February 17, 2017, District Court Judge rules that there was enough evidence for Nassar to stand trial in Ingham County, Michigan for three sexual assault charges. February 19, former gymnasts Jeanette Antolin and Jamie Dancer make public allegations against Nassar in an interview with 60 Minutes. The gymnast talked about their experience at the Corolli Ranch, how Nassar was kind
Starting point is 01:23:51 to them when the Corollis were not, how he built trust with them so that they wouldn't question his treatments, and then even though he made them uncomfortable, they felt like they couldn't complain because they would risk their spot on the Olympic team roster. Marta and Belly Corolli gave a written statement to 60 Minutes where they denied the existence of an emotionally abusive environment, said they did not have knowledge of any complaint about Dr. Nassar until they learned he was dismissed from USAG in 2015. And many of course think that they are lying their asses off here. February 22, 2017. The police secured warrants for 22 new sexual assault charges against Nassar in Ingham County and Eaton County, Michigan. Over half of those charges are related to his work with
Starting point is 01:24:32 MSU Sports Medicine. The rest connected to the Twistars Gymnastics Club. Steve Penny resigns as president of USA Gymnastics March 16, 2017, after the Olympic Committee Board calls for him to step down. March 17, MSU completes a second Title IX investigation against Larry Nassar regarding racial den Hollander's complaints. The report concluded that Nassar violated university policy. Yeah, let's put it mildly. April 6th, 2017, State Disciplinary Board revokes Nassar's medical license for at least three years, requires him to pay at least $100,000 before reapplying. June 23rd an Ingham County judge rules that there is
Starting point is 01:25:08 enough evidence for Nassar to stand trial for 12 counts now of first degree criminal sexual misconduct. June 30th an Eaton County judge rules there's enough evidence for Nassar to stand trial there for seven counts of first degree criminal sexual conduct. Hours later 20 yeah just hours later 23 more girls and women joined the federal lawsuit against Nassar, MSU and USA Gymnastics. By this point, 119 women and girls have filed lawsuits against him. It just keeps growing and growing. July 11, 2017, Larry Nassar pleads guilty to three federal charges, obtaining and possessing child porn and destroying computer files to hamper the investigation. In exchange for the guilty plea, federal prosecutors agreed to not charge Nassar
Starting point is 01:25:47 with alleged sexual exploitation of children in relation to four victims. In the fall of 2017, three members of the fierce five 2012 Olympic Gymnastics gold medal-winning team publicly stated they were abused by Larry Nassar. All five will eventually come forward. Yah! The first was Michaela Moroni, who issued a statement on October 18th with the hashtag MeToo. Moroni posted on Twitter, I was molested by Dr. Larry Nassar. He told me I was receiving medically necessary treatment that he had been performing on patients for over 30 years. It
Starting point is 01:26:18 started when I was 13 years old at one of my first national team training camps in Texas. And it didn't end until I left the sport. It seemed whenever and wherever this man could find the chance, I was treated. It happened in London before my team and I won the gold medal and it happened before I won my silver. For me, the scariest night of my life happened when I was 15 years old.
Starting point is 01:26:36 I had flown all day and night with the team to get to Tokyo. He'd given me a sleeping pill for the flight. And the next thing I know, I was alone with him in his hotel room, getting a treatment. I thought I was going to die that night. Jesus. What the fuck did he do to her when she was passed out? I should add there have been other allegations but no criminal charges from girls over the years accusing Larry of raping them while they were passed out. In a later interview with Dateline Moroni revealed that the day after the Tokyo incident she spoke up to other
Starting point is 01:27:03 gymnasts and John Gettert. She said, I was in the car driving back to the hotel. I even said out loud that last night Larry was fingering me. People in the car gasped, so she knew they heard her, but nothing was done. Ali Raisman told Dateline that Michaela described what happened in graphic detail, but John Gettert, fellow pitot, of course said and did nothing. Michaela said, there was the moment that I shut it. That was the moment that I shut it down. In my head, I was never going to speak out about him again.
Starting point is 01:27:28 And I was just going to go along with it. Ali Raisman talked about what she went through in an interview with 60 minutes, which aired November 12th. In an interview with Time Magazine and in her book, Fierce, Ali further detailed the sexual abuse she experienced. Once when she was competing in the Netherlands, Nasser knocked on her door about 8 p.m. to offer her a massage, right, she's 16.
Starting point is 01:27:48 She noticed that during the treatment, Nasser closed his eyes and became out of breath. She didn't know what she was being sexually assaulted and thought he was just tired or jet-lagged. She told Time Magazine, "'I know people will say, why didn't she tell her mom? "'Why didn't she say anything?' "'But those questions are unfair. "'The fact is, I didn't she tell her mom? Why didn't she say anything? But those questions are unfair.
Starting point is 01:28:05 The fact is I didn't really know what was happening to me. What people don't get is that he was a doctor. I would never have imagined that a doctor would abuse me or manipulate me so badly. She didn't fully realize she'd been sexually assaulted until July of 2015 when Steve Penny asked her to speak to the hired investigator. The investigator asked her about Nassar and his treatments
Starting point is 01:28:23 and she tried to make excuses. Told the investigator she felt uncomfortable during the treatments but you know he wasn't trying to make me feel that way you know and he brought her another girl's gifts. Next day she called back and asked to speak to the investigator again. She stopped back on her experiences now realized yeah it was sexual abuse. She was told the investigation was ongoing received a text telling her to stop talking about her experiences publicly to avoid jeopardizing the investigation. Gabby Douglas came forward November 21, 2017, said she was also abused by Nassar. She also released an Instagram post addressing some comments she had made the previous week
Starting point is 01:28:57 that were called out as victim-shaming. Ali Raisman had tweeted that what a woman wears does not give men the right to abuse her and Gabby had commented, However, it is our responsibility as women to dress modestly and be classy. Dressing in a provocative sexual way entices the wrong crowd. She then deleted that tweet, also issued an apology, made a second apology post on Instagram, part of which read, I didn't view my comments as victim shaming because I know that no matter what you wear, it never gives anyone the right to harass or abuse you.
Starting point is 01:29:24 It would be like saying that because of the leotards we wear, it never gives anyone the right to harass or abuse you. It would be like saying that because of the leotards we wore, it was our fault that we were abused by Larry Nassar. I didn't publicly share my experiences as well as many other things because for years we were conditioned to stay silent. And honestly, some things were extremely painful. November 22, 2017. Nassar pleads guilty now to seven counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct at Ingham County, Michigan as part of a plea agreement with
Starting point is 01:29:48 Michigan Attorney General's office. Prosecutors agreed to drop aid charges, not to charge for other sexual assaults in Ingham County, and not to charge on child porn evidence unrelated to the existing federal charges. Man, fucking more child porn! Nassar said at the hearing, I think this is important what I've done today to help move the community. This is fucking ridiculous. I'm sorry. I just forgot for a second the way he phrased all this. Yeah, Nasser said at this hearing where he just found guilty, I think this is important. What I've done today to help move the community forward and away from the hurting, let the healing start. A couple things I could do to stop the hurting is this, and I think that's important. For all those involved, I'm so
Starting point is 01:30:29 horribly sorry. This was like a match that turned into a forest fire out of control. I have no animosity towards anyone. I just want healing. We need to move forward." God, these fuckers like this. Like, I love how he's acting noble in the situation. It was, that's. It felt like he was just like trying to split his consciousness. And now the guy writing that, New Larry, is a completely different entity than Old Larry. Old Larry's a fucking creepy ass pedophile. But New Larry, man, no one's been hurt by Old Larry more than New Larry. He's not a monster. He's a heroic part of the solution. Just, hey, thanks for gathering gathering here today everybody. I just want you to know how hurt I am that old Larry, not me, definitely not me, did
Starting point is 01:31:09 so many terrible things. Shame. Shame on old Larry and shame on all the coaches who refused to report old Larry for his heinous crap. Makes me sick. If someone would have told me, new Larry, what old Larry was doing, hot dog, I would have gone straight to the police. It is beyond unfortunate that old Larry doesn't have the decency to stand here today and apologize
Starting point is 01:31:31 for his crimes and man up. I'll try and do it for him. I'll make the sacrifice. Even though no one's been victimized more by old Larry than me, New Larry, we might never ever be able to find it. Old Larry truly enforced him to face justice, but in order just to help these poor girls heal. I'll sacrifice. I'll take the hit. That's the kind of guy I am. I'll go to prison so that these girls can at least know that someone is being punished for old Larry's crimes that I did not commit.
Starting point is 01:31:55 No way, 100% for sure. Let's just heal everybody. All about healing. Oh, last thing. While I don't have a medical license at the moment, I am more than happy to volunteer and provide vaginal and or rectal Adjustments for any and everyone under the age of 18 who would like one free of charge You know just to show the kids that not all doctors are trying to molest him. You know just more healing of course I'm all about the healing November 29th 2017 Nassar pled guilty to three counts of first-degree sexual conduct in Eaton County now Just to help the healing.
Starting point is 01:32:25 This agreement with the Michigan Attorney General's office had a similar sentencing arrangement to the Ingham County agreement. Again, prosecutors agreed to drop four additional charges and to not add additional charges for sexual assault and child porn. December 4th, 2017, Michigan Attorney General Bill Schutte asks MSU President Lou Anna Simon, can people stop publicly identifying themselves with middle names? Attorney General Bill Schutte asks MSU President Lou Anna Simon, Can people stop publicly identifying themselves with middle names? Let's just fucking knock it off.
Starting point is 01:32:50 Two names is max. You only get to have two names out there in the world. Right? You're Lou Simon. Lou Anna Simon, shut the fuck up. To release the findings of the internal review conducted by former US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald into the actions of Larry Nassar while employed by the university. Fitzgerald's review cleared university officials of wrongdoing, but the details were not made
Starting point is 01:33:10 public. More on that later. December 7, 2017, Larry Nassar sentenced to 60 years in federal prison for child porn. Nassar told the judge that he had battled an addiction, which he compared to alcoholism or drug addiction. Oh yeah, fuck, somebody just handed him a picture of a fucking kid getting diddled and it was just all downhill from there. He said it was ashamed which kept him from asking for help because he's the victim. No one again has been
Starting point is 01:33:34 victimized more by Larry Nassar than Larry Nassar. The shame, your honor, the shame that old Larry placed upon my shoulders is about to break me. New Larry Oh, it's a heavy burden to bear. If I ever come across old Larry, oh boy, I'll gladly stay in prison for the chance to kill him. That's how mad I am, your honor. I will literally kill old Larry for the hurt he has caused, mostly new Larry. Here's what Larry really said. You go back and you wonder how I got down this path to begin with. I really did try to be a good person. I really did try to help people. I hope one day I can be forgiven and I'm going to take every day of your sentence to try to better myself. Don't bother Larry, just fucking hang yourself to the world of favor.
Starting point is 01:34:17 January 9th, 2018, Maggie Nichols now publicly announces she was sexually abused by Larry Nassar. She released a statement through her lawyer, John Manley. Up until now, I was identified as athlete A by USA Gymnastics, the U.S. Olympic Committee, and Michigan State University. I want everyone to know that he did not do this to athlete A. He did it to Maggie Nichols. January 15, 2018. Olympic gymnast Simone Biles also revealed she was abused by Larry Nassar. She posted her statement on Twitter, part of which said, I too am one of the many survivors that was sexually abused by Larry Nassar. She posted her statement on Twitter, part of which said, I too am one of the many survivors that was sexually abused by Larry Nassar. Please believe me when I say it was a lot harder to first speak those words out loud than it is now to put them on paper.
Starting point is 01:34:54 Nassar's Ingham County Sentencing Hearing began January 16, 2018. Hearing lasted seven days. 156 people made victim impact statements. So many victims. Following are some portions of those statements, not in any chronological order. Rachel Denhollander said Larry is the most dangerous type of abuser. One who is capable of manipulating his victims through coldly calculated grooming methodologies presenting the most wholesome and caring external persona as a deliberate means to ensure a steady stream of young children to assault.
Starting point is 01:35:23 Fucking well said. Kyle Stevens, a girl who was abused by a nasser when young children to assault. Well said. Kyle Stevens, the girl who was abused by Nassar when she was just six years old, said, Little girls don't stay little forever. They grow into strong women that return to destroy your world. Fucking Hail Nimrod. Holy shit. That's a bad ass quote. Lucifina just kicked a fucking hole in the wall.
Starting point is 01:35:42 Fired her up so much. Marie Anderson told Nassar, My parents who had my best interests at heart will forever have to live with the fact that they continually brought their daughter to a sexual predator and were in the room as he assaulted me. Think about all the parental victims again. The hundreds and hundreds of parents, over a thousand, who will feel their spirits sink in moments, who will second-guess themselves prior for the rest of their lives,
Starting point is 01:36:08 who will carry the shame of feeling like they should have known. They should have protected their dollars. Oh man. During Nassar's sentencing hearings, several important figures at USAG and MSU left their positions as they should have. January 18, 2018 now, USAG announces it will sever ties with the Corolli Ranch. January 22, USA Gymnastics announces several board members have stepped down, including Chairman Paul Perilla, Vice Chairman Jay Binder, and Treasurer Bitzky Kelly. And yes, Bitzky Kelly is someone's real name. This happened after Scott Blackman, the head of the U.S. Olympic Committee,
Starting point is 01:36:42 threatened to decertify USA Gymnastics unless the entire board resigned within six days. Okay, good for Scott. Same day, former USA or former U.S. women's gymnastics coach and owner of Twistars Gymnastics Club, John Gettert, finally suspended from USAG. Hours later, he sent an email to the families at Twistars announcing his retirement and a part of his email read, you know me. And you know Twistars. Everything about our work is about safe, successful gymnastics. That's why I am so incredibly disappointed in USA Gymnastics' recent letter and its false allegations that I have violated safe sport policy. They have imposed a suspension of my membership. At a time when we should only be paying attention to the courageous young women who have demonstrated their commitment to truth, the governing body of our sport is doing everything
Starting point is 01:37:28 to upstage the victim's statements. I know I'm not perfect. Like all of our coaches, I'm deeply committed to protecting the safety and well-being of our students. I know my shortcomings as a coach. I have high expectations and high standards, and I am passionate about coaching our gymnasts to realize their full potential. Sometimes the intensity is challenging, both for our gymnasts and their coaches. Most of you have noticed that I have been taking a back seat this year. That has been part of my exit strategy to retire at the age of 60. Well, 60 is here. The process began last fall and since that time I have been reducing my coaching roles
Starting point is 01:37:59 and turning over responsibility to our very capable staff. Nobody can argue with the results thus far. Justice is about to come for that slimeball as well. turning over responsibility to our very capable staff. Nobody can argue with the results thus far. Justice is about to come for that slime ball as well. He is not gonna enjoy that retirement for very long at all. It's gonna be great. January 23rd, 2018, the NCAA announces that it had sent a letter of inquiry to MSU, formally opening an investigation
Starting point is 01:38:19 into how the university handled the Larry Nassar case. Next day, Judge Rosemarie Aquilina sentenced Larry Nassar again this time to a minimum of 40 years, maximum of 175 years in prison. Oh, fuck yeah. She read parts of a letter Nassar sent her after he pled guilty, a letter that made her realize she needed to hand him a significant sentence because he's a douchebag who won't take responsibility for what he's done. Old Larry was a bad, bad guy, the letter read.
Starting point is 01:38:44 He was a bad doctor. Ah, if I knew Larry had been around to stop him, you know I would. Okay, I'll stop with that one-note joke now. But this is ridiculous what he actually wrote. He wrote, after all this, this is how he still thinks of himself. He wrote, I was a good doctor because my treatments worked and those patients that are now speaking out were the same ones you praised and came back over and over and referred family and friends to see me. The media convinced them that everything I did was wrong and bad. They feel I broke their trust. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
Starting point is 01:39:14 Surprised he didn't right-finger there. Hell hath no fury like a woman fingered. It is just a complete nightmare. Stories are being fabricated to sensationalize this. I was just so manipulated by the Attorney General and now Judge Aquilina. And all I wanted was to minimize stress to everyone. That's his real letter. His narcissism, his self delusion knows no bounds. Well the judge told him, this letter tells me you have not yet owned what you did. You still think somehow you were right, you're a doctor, that you're entitled to so you don't have to listen. That you did treatment. I wouldn't send you to my dog, sir. I love when judges
Starting point is 01:39:48 sneaking little zingers like that. Judge Aquilina is full of them. She might be my favorite judge. Now Nasser says in court, yeah I have some more about her coming up, now Nasser says in court, your words have had a significant emotional effect on myself and shaken me to my core. I recognize that what I am feeling pales in comparison to the pain, trauma, and emotional destruction I've caused. No words can describe the depth of how sorry I am for what occurred. I will carry your words with me for the rest of my days. Aquilina then told Nasser, I'm a judge who believes in life and rehabilitation when rehabilitation is
Starting point is 01:40:19 possible. I don't find that's possible with you. I just signed your death warrant. Hail Honorable Judge Aquilina. That same day, MSU President Lou Anna Simon resigned amid heavy public pressure to do so. MSU Athletic Director Mark Hollis announces his resignation two days later, January 26, 2018. That same day, USAG confirms that all remaining board members will resign after receiving the letter from USOC Chief Executive Scott Blackmon threatening to decertify the organization
Starting point is 01:40:49 if they don't resign by the next week. Also promised that the USOC Olympic Committee would begin an independent investigation of both itself and USAG. January 27, 2018, Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette said his office was leading a review of the university. As mentioned, MSU ordered an internal review led by Patrick Fitzgerald former US Attorney in Chicago. In a December 2017 letter to the Michigan Attorney General Fitzgerald wrote that no one at MSU knew what Nassar had done until the victims went to the media. He wrote while many in the community today
Starting point is 01:41:18 wish that they had identified Nassar as a predator we believe the evidence in this case will show that no one else at MSU knew that Nassar engaged in criminal behavior. However, the Detroit News reported that at least 14 MSU representatives did fucking know about allegations against Nassar, and that former President Lou Simon knew about the 2014 Title IX investigation against an unnamed sports medicine doctor. Lawyers for more than 100 victims now criticized MSU for failing to conduct an independent investigation and for settling for a review by a legal team who was also trying to protect the school from liability. Their contract stated they were supposed to defend the university in
Starting point is 01:41:57 lawsuits. So huge conflict of interest. January 30th, 2018, Texas Governor Greg Abbott announces that the Texas Rangers will investigate allegations of sexual abuse at Corollary Ranch and that is the law enforcement agency not the baseball team if anybody's a huge baseball fan. They're just like fucking what? Fucking send a bunch of baseball players in there Larry Nassar's Eaton County sentencing hearing then starts next the next day January 31st 2018 65 victims scheduled to speak at this hearing. An anonymous victim's statement was read in court. The victim wrote that her mom warned John Gettered about Larry Nassar way back in 1998.
Starting point is 01:42:31 Nassar assaulted her when she was 16. She came in for an appointment at the MSU Sports Medicine Clinic, noticed the receptionist did not let her sign in. So did the receptionist also know what was going on? She wrote that Larry sat next to her on the exam table, told her he was going to perform a new procedure, showed her a plastic model of a pelvis, said the procedure would be, you know, in that area. He did not get permission from her parents to do this. Nassar managed, massaged her glute and hamstring muscles, then inserted his fingers both into her vagina and
Starting point is 01:42:59 anus. The victim wrote, I remember shaking and knowing that at that very moment I was being assaulted. She told her mom what happened. Her mom told Gettard that Larry did an inappropriate procedure on her daughter, didn't want to see him again. The victim asked, why would John continue to refer his athletes to Larry knowing full well of his treatments? She said that after the Indy star released in 2016, she spoke with Gettard and he told her it was a medical treatment and she needed to do her research, right? A misunderstanding. Oh, Gettard, I can't fucking wait for you to get justice in this timeline. February 5th, 2018, Nassar was sentenced yet again, now 40 to 125 years in Eaton County. So many sentencing. Both of his Michigan sentences are now to be served after his federal sentence, which will ensure he will never get out of prison alive.
Starting point is 01:43:44 Now let's focus on some fallout from the Nassar investigation. February 19, 2018 MSU announces its intention to fire former Dean of College of Osteopathic Medicine Dr. William Strample and the suspension and the announcement suspension of Radiology Chairman Suresh Makhirji. Makhirji was interviewed as part of the investigation into the rules Nassar was supposed to follow after the 2014 Title IX investigation. February 10th, Nassar is transferred to the U.S. Penitentiary in Tucson, Arizona, the nation's only high-security federal facility that has a sex offender management program. According to Ralph Miller, retired Bureau of Prisons employee,
Starting point is 01:44:23 Nassar was to be surrounded by 70-80% of inmates who were sex offenders there. Pretty much the only environment he would be safe in besides solitary. February of 2018, Jane Doe files a lawsuit against Bella and Marta Carolli. Sue alleges the Carollis hit and scratched kids and encouraged parents to hit them. They also allowed Nassar to have unfettered and secluded access to minor children. The Corollies had announced their closure of their camp shortly after Nassar was first sentenced. Former gymnast Maddie Larson, who had also filed a lawsuit, told CNN, the complete detachment from the outside world, on top of careless and neglectful adults,
Starting point is 01:44:56 made the ranch the perfect environment for abusers and molesters to thrive. Maddie revealed that the abuse was so bad she once gave herself a head injury, just so she wouldn't have to go to the ranch. Her lawsuit alleged that the Corollies turned a blind eye to the perpetrator Nassar's sexual abuse of children at the ranch. Bella and Marta gave depositions in May of 2017 as part of the Larsen lawsuit. Marta claims she didn't know about the sexual abuse again right like she said before until Steve Penny called her in 2015. Marta said Nassar did not come to the ranch very often. When asked if she knew whether he was
Starting point is 01:45:28 licensed to practice in Texas, she said she didn't know, had no part in selecting him as a team doctor, assumed he had an appropriate license, also was not under her supervision at the ranch, she reported to a USAG official. However, various gymnasts have contradicted this. Olympic gymnast Jordan Weber said Marta controlled everything at the ranch. Weber and another gymnast said they often saw Larry speaking to Marta and giving her reports on their conditions. I went and asked if she knew what type of therapy
Starting point is 01:45:53 Nasser gave the gymnast. Marta said she never questioned it. And she saw him doing manipulations with arms and things like that. There were no written rules about this, but it was understood adults were not allowed in gymnast cabins, yet Nasser did after hours treatments in the social hour room or in the end room at the far end of the cabins which had massage tables. In her deposition, Bella Corolli said that USAG policies
Starting point is 01:46:13 were enforced by Representative Cathy Kelly and then after he retired in 2001, you know, he didn't interfere with athletes and coaches. March 5th, 2018, Jacob Moore reveals, or excuse me, Jacob Moore comes forward as the only male gymnast to accuse Nassar of abuse. He saw Nassar in April of 2016 for some shoulder problems and shit got fucking weird, as it always does with Nassar. He said his shoulder treatment took place in Nassar's basement, where Nassar pulled on his pants, as you do with shoulder injuries, and administered acupuncture in his genital area, as you do when you have a sore shoulder. Actually my shoulders been hurting. I should stick some pins in my balls.
Starting point is 01:46:51 And be like, oh fuck, okay. While he did this, he also talked to a female gymnast who was also in the room and could see everything, asked her if she'd ever seen a man's dick or not. He said penis, but you know. This treatment was uncomfortable, did not help his shoulder, yeah. And then Moore later had to get surgery. Moore, a freshman gymnast at MSU, joined the civil federal lawsuit against Nassar. He decided to come forward because his sister
Starting point is 01:47:13 and other women testified at the sentencing hearing. So he's one of several family members to be abused. Jacob said, I was inspired by my, or at least I'm sorry, by a family member. He was one of, there was another, goddammit. So much going on in the suck. He was one of, there was another, goddammit. So much going on in the suck. He was one of two siblings. He said, I was inspired by my sister
Starting point is 01:47:28 and everyone else in this community to come out and help bring change to what allowed this to happen. I don't want other victims to be scared to come out because of stigma that guys can't be sexually abused or taken advantage of. So good for Jacob. March 26th, 2018, William Strample, former Dean of MSU's College of Osteopathic Medicine,
Starting point is 01:47:46 charged with fourth degree criminal sexual misconduct. I just want to add the miss, it's just conduct, but misconduct sounds better. Felony misconduct in office and two counts of willful neglect of duty. He was accused of using his position to sexually harass female students frequently. June 12th, Strample found guilty of two counts of willful neglect of duty and one count of felony misconduct in office. He's acquitted of second-degree criminal sexual misconduct and he receives two concurrent one-year sentences. So many dirty birds involved in all this. April 20th, 2018, the Crowley
Starting point is 01:48:19 sued the US Olympic Committee and sued USAG for canceling the purchase of the ranch. Seud alleges that during the negotiation of the July 2016 purchase agreement, USAG did not inform them about the sexual misconduct on the property, even though they already knew about it because of the 2015 report. After NASA was arrested in December of 2016, they received notice that USAG was terminating the purchase and sale agreement. In an interview with Dateline that aired April 22nd 2018, Marta said, I feel extremely bad. I don't feel responsible, but I feel extremely hurt that
Starting point is 01:48:49 this thing happened and it happened everywhere. It happened here also. She said she was aware of the people questioned how they didn't know anything was happening on their property adding, but if you couldn't suspect anything I heard during the testimonies that some of the parents were in the therapy room with their own child and Larry Nassar was performing this and the parent couldn't see. How could I see? And you know what? That's a fucking fair point.
Starting point is 01:49:09 It's not her fault this guy was very good at being very bad. He was so fucking devious. He tricked hundreds if not thousands of people. Yeah, thousands of people. Bell and Marta again denied wrongdoing or knowledge of the abuse. May 16th, 2018 MSU agrees to a massive $500 million settlement with 332 women and girls sexually abused by Larry Nassar Michigan. $500 million dollars. A portion of the settlement will be held back for
Starting point is 01:49:35 anticipated future lawsuits related to Nassar. July 12, 2018 Sarah Herschlin is announced as the new CEO of the US Olympic Committee. She had previously served as Chief Commercial Officer for the US Golf Association. So now they've got a fresh start. August 22, 2018, Nassar's appeal of his federal sentence denied by the US 6th Circuit Court of Appeals. August 27, Nassar's attorneys lost his appeal to have Judge Rosemary Aquilina removed from hearing his appeal for a new sentence. Judge Aquilina removed from hearing his appeal for a new sentence. Judge Aquilina said, this is not Burger King. He will not have it his way. Again, I fucking love
Starting point is 01:50:11 her. Here are some other quotes of hers from Nassar's trial and appeal attempts. Near the end of the first day of Nassar's sentencing hearing regarding cruel and unusual punishment, she said, our constitution does not allow for cruel and unusual punishment. If it did, I have to say, I might allow what he did to all these beautiful souls, these young women in their childhood, I would allow some or many people to do to him what he did to others. I like it. Regarding a letter from NASA question if he could mentally handle multiple days of victim impact statements, she said, you may
Starting point is 01:50:42 find it harsh that you are here listening, but nothing is as harsh as what your victims endured for thousands of hours at your hands collectively. You spent thousands of hours perpetrating criminal sexual conduct on minors. Spending four or five days listening to them is significantly minor considering the hours of pleasure you had at their expense and ruining their lives. None of this should come as a surprise to you.
Starting point is 01:51:05 Before gymnast Ali Raisman gave a victim statement, she said, I'm an adult and I'm listening and I'm sorry it took this long. You were never the problem, but you are so much the solution. To gymnast Olivia Cowan who gave a victim statement, she said, your dreams are still out there. His are squashed. And finally, the soccer player Amanda Cormier, who said she lost her passion for songwriting due to Nassar's abuse. The judge said, It seems to me after this, you can finish writing.
Starting point is 01:51:35 You found your voice. It's a strong, effective, brave voice. And you have a child coming. Maybe what you need to do is start and finish the lullaby. I fucking love Rosemary Aquilina. Why can't she run for president? Aquilina! 2024, let's fucking go! Also in August of 2018, some good news. Nasser transferred to the Coleman II U.S. Penitentiary and uh, penitenciary. I know I say that word wrong all the time.
Starting point is 01:52:00 Penitenciary. In central Florida because he was attacked by another inmate in May shortly after he was released in the general population. Oh, fuck yeah. NASA's attorneys partially blamed Judge Rosemary Aquilina. Arguing that during the sentencing hearing she made efforts to demonize Dr. Nasser in front of the entire world. Openly lamented that she could not impose cruel and unusual punishment upon the defendant. And indicated her expectation that he would be harmed in prison.
Starting point is 01:52:26 I didn't find that quote. Yeah, well, they can all fuck off. He should be demonized. He's a demon. November 5th, 2018, the U.S. Olympic Committee initiated steps to remove USAG as a sports governing body at the Olympic level. December 5th, 2018, USAG filed a Chapter 11 bankruptcy petition. At the time, the organization was facing a hundred lawsuits. A report commissioned by the U.S. Olympic Committee, February 2018, was released December
Starting point is 01:52:51 10, 2018, and the report determined that Nassar did not operate in a vacuum and acted within an ecosystem that facilitated its criminal acts. Officials with the U.S. Olympic Committee waited over a year before addressing the abuse allegations and that inaction allowed Nassar to continue to have access to young athletes and girls for another 14 months. Nassar had access to athletes at MSU, Twistars, and Holt High School. The report noted that USAG was first presented with credible sexual abuse allegations against Nassar in mid-June 2015.
Starting point is 01:53:21 USAG launched a five-week internal investigation and contacted the FBI in July. During the five weeks, USAG did not make the gymnastics community aware of the complaints. The report concluded that Nassar committed thousands of assaults between the early 90s and 2016. He carefully constructed a comprehensive system of abuse where he maintained his reputation as a skilled and caring doctor and earned the trust of victims, parents, and other adults. Individuals and organizations ignored red flags, failed to recognize textbook grooming behaviors, or in some egregious instances, dismissed clear calls for help from girls and young women who were being abused by Nassar. April 24, 2019, Twistar's Gymnastics Club reaches a $2.125 million settlement with 200 victims who said they were assaulted at that gym.
Starting point is 01:54:07 July 30, 2019, NBC News obtained the Senate report stating that the organization meant to protect gymnasts from sexual abuse, such as the U.S. Olympic Committee and the FBI, fundamentally failed to do so. The Senate Commerce Subcommittee on Manufacturing, Trade, and Consumer Protection conducted a year-and-a-half-long investigation and proposed legislation to improve oversight and prevent future abuse. The report found that MSU, USAG, and USOC, and the FBI all had opportunities to stop Nassar but failed to do so. Olympic organizations knowingly concealed abuse by Nassar, leading to the abuse of dozens
Starting point is 01:54:40 of additional amateur athletes between the summer of 2015 and September of 2016. Senator Richard Blumenthal, the ranking member of the Senate subcommittee overseeing the Olympics, told NBC, whether it was a criminal cover-up remains to be proven, but it was a cover-up in spirit. And yes, that was a Richard, and I'm not going to obsess over it. January 21, 2020, the Michigan State Police and members of the Attorney General's office were seen taking boxes out of the Twistars Gymnastics Club and the Grand Ledge Police were seen at John Gettert's home earlier that day. About to get it, fucking Gettert. June 24th, 2020, the Athlete A documentary covering the Larry Nassar scandal debuts on
Starting point is 01:55:18 Netflix and now millions hear about this story for the first time. July 14th, 2021, the Inspector General of the Justice Department released a report criticizing how the FBI handled the Nassar case. The report stated that 70 or more athletes were abused between July 2015 and August 2016, when Rachel Denhollander made her police report. Attorney John Manley, representing the victims, said the number was closer to 120. The Inspector General found that senior FBI officials at the Indianapolis field office failed to respond to the allegations with the utmost seriousness and urgency they
Starting point is 01:55:49 deserved and required. The FBI made numerous and fundamental errors and failed to notify state or local authorities to take steps to address the threat posed by Nassar. September 15, 2021, gymnast Simone Biles, Ali Raisman, Maggie Nichols, Michaela Moroney testify at a Senate committee hearing. FBI Director Christopher A. Ray acknowledged that the FBI mishandled the case and apologized directly to the victims. This is the first time anyone with the FBI submitted to public questioning. Ray could not offer an explanation for why the case was mishandled.
Starting point is 01:56:23 He also revealed that he had fired the agent who interviewed Michaela, Michael Langman. Langman was an unnamed agent in the Inspector General's report. The report said Langman should have known the abuse was properly widespread and he did not investigate the case with any urgency. Langman did not properly document the interview with Michaela or open an investigation. He filed an interview report 17 months later, which did not name her Also included some statements. She didn't make fuck was going on that guy lazy and competent both
Starting point is 01:56:56 Also did not alert local or state authorities about NASA which violates FBI policy Langman later said he filed an initial report asking for the case to be transferred to the office in Lansing But the paperwork was not found in the database February 25th, 2021. there's justice for Twistar's Gymnastics Club founder and coach and Nassar's pitot buddy fucking John Gettert. John did the world a huge favor on February 25th, 2021, and he actually murdered a monster himself. He died of suicide at the age of 63. He had been charged with human trafficking, forced labor, and the sexual assault of a teenage girl. Gettert's body was found at a roadside rest area in Clinton County, Michigan.
Starting point is 01:57:30 Hopefully near some trash cans. He did not report for his arraignment earlier that day. Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel filed the charges. The charges alleged that Gettert subjected his athletes to forced labor or services under extreme conditions that contributed to suffering injuries and harm. Nestle used a new legal strategy in charging Gutter with human trafficking. Human trafficking referred to any kind of coerced labor, not just sexual exploitation.
Starting point is 01:57:53 She hoped this would deter other coaches from abusing athletes in a similar way. December 13, 2021, a federal bankruptcy court in Indianapolis approves a $380 million settlement between USA Gymnastics, the US Olympic and Paralympic Committee, and over 500 victims. Over 90% of the victims voted in favor of a tentative settlement, reached in September. The call for $425 million to be paid out. And then a modified settlement was approved by the court. A provision of the settlement included a dedicated seat for the victims on the Safe Sport Committee,
Starting point is 01:58:24 Athlete Health and Wellness Council, and Board of Directors, and a look at the culture and practices within USAG. April 20, 2022, Attorney Jamie White files a tort claim against the FBI. He represents 13 female athletes seeking $10 million each from the FBI. The 13 victims were abused at the Twistars Gymnastics Club after the FBI was made aware of the allegations. June 8, 2022, a group representing over 90 women including Simone Biles, Michaela Moroni, Ali Raisman, filed a federal tort claim or filed several federal tort claims against the FBI seeking over a
Starting point is 01:58:59 billion dollars in damages for the mishandling of the investigation. June 17, 2022, Michigan Supreme Court rejects Nassar's appeal. July 9, 2023, Larry Nassar stabbed, oh, fuck yeah, six times, stabbed six times in the back and chest with a shiv by another inmate at the U.S. Penitentiary Coleman in Florida. Nassar was in stable condition by the next day. That dumb motherfucker was watching Wimbledon, allegedly, with some other inmates, when he said in a sexual way, I wish there were girls playing. And that comment led a fellow inmate to go to Nassar's cell later that day,
Starting point is 01:59:35 stab him at least six times with a manufactured weapon. I picture him as the guy is coming for him yelling, No, it's not me you're after! You want old Larry! No, no, no, no! Old Larry wants to fuck with tennis girls not me. New Larry is trying to make sure they have proper hip and hamstring mobility. Just a few months ago now, April 23rd, 2024, the Department of Justice announced a 139 million dollar settlement with Larry Nassar's victims over FBI misconduct. This is a settlement for that billion dollar suit. I mentioned all those tort claims. 139 total victims ended up joining this suit,
Starting point is 02:00:09 so they'll now each get a million dollars. Hail Nimrod! Hail Lucifina! And finally, just a few days ago, before I recorded this, June 8th, rumors have surfaced that following getting stabbed in prison, right, last year, now 60-year-old Larry Nassar has been paying Mexican gang members for protection in prison with cash and, oh I love this, sexual favors. Fucking finally someone is giving Larry some treatment of his own. I hope just like Larry didn't use lube with his victims, they're not using lube with him.
Starting point is 02:00:41 Good job soldier, you made it back. Barely. God, we usually don't get such a satisfying conclusion like that. How great. Larry fucking Nassar is getting fucked in prison. That sneaky motherfucker. For over 25 years, he openly molested girl after girl after girl, all under the guise of treatment, right? Just doing some pelvic floor physical therapy, just trying to loosen up that tight pesky sacro-tuberous butthole ligament. Larry worked with USA Gymnastics, Michigan State University, volunteered at a prominent Michigan gymnastics club for decades. Young gymnasts, MSU students, parents made reports about his misconduct over the
Starting point is 02:01:23 years. But their suspicions largely disregarded Ork Norb because he was so fucking good at being a piece of shit. When they were investigated, Larry was able to dupe investigators with his medical knowledge. Thankfully, victims didn't give up. More kept making reports, and finally two major events led to Larry Nassar's downfall. A report made to the FBI in July of 2015 by USA Gymnastics, and a police report made at MSU by a former gymnast who was abused in 2000. Initially, the FBI will fail in their response to this report. The USAG waited five weeks to
Starting point is 02:01:51 make the initial report, ignoring requirements to report suspected sexual abuse to authorities immediately. They both failed. After receiving the report, agents waited months to interview the Olympic-level gymnasts who accused Nassar of sexual abuse. Gymnasts and their family were told to keep quiet. The authorities did not share the allegations with MSU or other organizations, which allowed Larry to keep abusing people. Over 100 more victims. But where the FBI failed, some dedicated investigative journalists at the Indianapolis Star were able to expose Nassar's crimes to the whole country. The Indy Star published a story sharing claims from two women who were assaulted by Nassar, one of whom was a former Olympic gymnast.
Starting point is 02:02:25 The first victim to come forward publicly, Rachel Denhollander, filed a police report against Nassar, and her actions in the story of Finney Star helped really ramp up the federal investigation. In response to the articles, hundreds of women would come forward to report they were sexually abused by Nassar. To date, over 500 have accused him of abuse. Nassar assaulted women, girls, at least one young man at different locations. MSU, Twistar's gymnast club, where he volunteered for his friend and former Olympic
Starting point is 02:02:50 head coach John Gettert. His home down in the basements, right? The Corolli Olympic training camp, the ranch in Texas. He targeted underage girls as young as six years old, at least as young as six, almost always gymnast. Nassasser told female gymnast that he could help treat injuries with a procedure called an intravaginal adjustment. And he would then grope and massage underage patients' breasts and genitals. He inserted his ungloved, unlooped fingers and thumbs into the vaginas and rectums. He did this without parental permission or informed consent. And he did it for things like fucking wrist injuries.
Starting point is 02:03:22 Many of the gymnasts thought this was a legitimate medical practice, so they often did not question his behavior. Nasser occasionally assaulted patients with their parents or other people nearby. Most girls felt lucky they were being treated by an esteemed Olympic doctor, and those who wanted to speak out were questioned, told they were just confused about how the treatment was supposed to work, told they might cause harm to Nasser's reputation and career if they disparaged him, and it seemed like no one believed the victims who came forward before 2015
Starting point is 02:03:47 Others were scared to say anything because it would put their athletic career at risk Nasser had numerous supporters in the gymnastics community even after he was arrested and charged But that did all change when he was charged with possession of child pornography Hard to fucking spin that away now his actions were viewed new, not therapeutic, definitely sexually deviant lens. In 2017, Nassar pled guilty to federal child pornography charges and 10 counts of first degree criminal sexual conduct in two Michigan counties. At a sentencing hearings in January of 2018, over 200 women and girls gave victim impact statements in court. In addition to a 60-year federal sentence, Nassar received a 40- to 175-year sentence and a 40 to 125 year
Starting point is 02:04:25 sentence. He will for sure die in prison. And maybe soon, if he gets stabbed again. Better make sure he's sucking a mean dick. Getting that fucking loophole examined to keep that protection racket going he needs. The allegations against Nassar exposed problems within USAG, the U.S. Olympic Committee, and MSU. Several individuals associated with Nassar, like former MSU president and gymnastics coach and the former president of USAG,
Starting point is 02:04:48 faced federal charges for their actions during the criminal investigation. There were also reports that Nassar's buddy John Goetterd ignored reports of abuse, and the Corollies were accused of allegedly overlooking sexual abuse. And it became clear that the USAG did not properly expose over 50 other alleged pedophiles, at least several of whom have been convicted of serious crimes. Both the Senate and Justice Department's Inspector General found the FBI made several errors during the investigation that allowed Nassar to continue abusing gymnasts for months and months and months. Hundreds of victims have filed lawsuits against Nassar, MSU, USAG, the FBI, Twistars, Gymnastics Club. The Larry Nassar case didn't just reveal the heinous actions of one man, it exposed
Starting point is 02:05:26 the widespread abuse and problems in gymnastics in general in the US. And has led to important conversations about how to make the sport safer and promote a positive environment for young athletes. A lot of changes have been implemented. Right? Today, because of this scandal, the world of female gymnastics is finally much safer. So let's recap, learn something new as well in today's takeaways.
Starting point is 02:05:47 Time shock, top five takeaways. Number one, over 500 people. That is so many fucking people ended up accusing Larry Nassar of sexual abuse. That's more than the fucking town I grew up in. So many victims. Nassar abuse, weird for me, now my brain, now they said that I'm just picturing fucking Larry Nassar just
Starting point is 02:06:08 molesting literally every single person in the town I grew up in. NASA abused young women, girls, at least one young man for decades. Not the young man for decades but overall. He committed sexual abuse at Michigan State University, his home, Twist Stars, Gymnastics Club, the Crowley Ranch in Texas, and at gymnastics events literally all over the world, even at the Olympics. He often had unsupervised access to underage girls, but in many cases, a victim's parent or other supervisor would be in the room with them. Nassar had established so much trust with the adults in the gymnastics industry that
Starting point is 02:06:39 they did not believe the parents or the girls who did come forward to report that he touched them inappropriately. Many girls thought that what happened to them was a legitimate medical procedure. Didn't realize until years later they were being sexually abused. These are just some of the factors that allowed the abuse to continue for so long. Number 2, Rachel Denhollander was the first victim to publicly identify herself. In 2016, she read an article from the Indy Star about sexual abuse by gymnastics coaches, decided it was time to share her story
Starting point is 02:07:05 She was sexually abused by Nasser in 2000 She an Olympic gymnast Jamie dancer spoke with the Indy star for a September 2016 article that exposed Nasser's crimes to the whole country Their bravery helped hundreds of other women come forward to make additional reports against Nasser number three Actually quick little number two, backing up. Hell, hell Nimrod, hell is the feet of that's fucking incredible how they just blew it open. Uh, number three, the FBI investigation started because of
Starting point is 02:07:33 reports from athlete a elite gymnast, Maggie Nichols and June, 2015, Maggie's coach overheard her telling another gymnast that Larry touched her inappropriately at the ranch. Maggie's parents wanted to make a report immediately, but former USAG President Steve Penny told him, we'll take care of it. And then USAG waited five weeks, during which they hired an investigator to speak to several girls. The investigator recommended they contact law enforcement, so then they reported allegations
Starting point is 02:07:57 to the FBI in July of 2015. Due to some jurisdictional confusion and also some straight up incompetence, the FBI waited for fucking months to speak to victims. All the while they were told the investigation was being taken care of and just to keep quiet. Because the investigation was kept secret for so long, no one warned so many others about Larry Nassar. And he continued to abuse so many girls until he was fired in September of 2016 from MSU. Number four, Larry Nassar almost got away with possessing a crazy amount of child porn.
Starting point is 02:08:25 His trash pickup was late on the day investigators searched his house. Inside the trash can they found hard drives that contained over 37,000 images of child sexual abuse. If the trash pickup had arrived on time, the hard drives would have gone to the landfill and most likely would have never been found. And number five, new info, a viral moment in court. February 2nd, 2018, a father named Randall Margraves rushed at Larry Nassar during his sentencing hearing in Eden County. Almost managed to fucking get a hold of him too.
Starting point is 02:08:53 I watched the video twice. Hearing the details about the abuse for the first time and seeing Nassar shaking his head like he was the fucking victim, fucking old Larry, made Randy lose his shit in an attempt to attack Nassar. The attack went viral because the hearing was live streamed. Three of his daughters spoke at this hearing. Yes, Larry sexually abused three of this guy's kids. Two of them had just finished speaking when Margraves addressed the judge saying, I would ask you as a part of the sentencing to grant
Starting point is 02:09:20 me five minutes in a locked room with this demon. The judge said she couldn't do that. So he then asked, can I have one minute? And there was like, can't have that. Three deputies and Nassar's attorney then blocked and tackled Margraves. When he rushed at Nassar, Margraves said, give me one minute with that bastard. Let me have that son of a bitch. Judge found Margraves in contempt of court but did not fine or jail him. Awesome. Sheriff's office debated charging with something though. Margrave said at a later press conference that evening that he was embarrassed by his actions saying, my daughter is the real heroes and all the victims and survivors of this.
Starting point is 02:09:53 Well then many people supported Margrave's online with the hashtag give him a minute. Fucking love it. February 12th it was announced he would face no charges from the sheriff. Lansing resident set up a GoFundMe page on his behalf to cover fines or legal fees. Over $31,000 was raised in just two days. And then Margrave said he didn't want the money and promised to give people a chance to get a refund. And that any funds not reclaimed would be donated to an organization to help survivors of sexual abuse. Time Shuck Top 5 Takeaways
Starting point is 02:10:26 Larry Nassar and the U.S. Gymnastics scandal has been sucked. Man, so much abuse for so long. And not just dished out by Larry. So many predators. Lurking around so many female gymnasts. Thank you once again to the Bad Magic Productions team for all the help in making Time Suck. Starting with Queen of Bad Magic, Lindsay Cummins, followed by Logan Keith recording this episode designing merch for the store at badmagicproductions.com. Big thank you to Olivia Leigh for doing a killer job compiling a lot of initial research from a lot of different sources today. Well done, Olivia. Also, thanks to the all-seen eyes moderating the Cult of the Curious private Facebook page, the Mod Squad, making sure Discord stays fun,
Starting point is 02:11:05 and everyone over on the Time Suck subreddit and Bad Magic subreddit. And now let's head over to this week's Time Sucker updates. Okay, before we get into the Schneider updates, something far more important. Sweet son, marvelous meat sack, Lance Retchichar has a time-sensitive request. He wrote it with the subject line of, my dad needs help. Hello, Dan. I want to start off by saying I love the podcast. I listen to every new episode. I am not a space lizard, but hope to be one in the future. I'm writing you because my family needs help.
Starting point is 02:11:43 My dad, Donald H. Retchichar needs a kidney and as of right now we are looking for live donors if at all possible. I was wondering if you might be able to help by sending his name and contact information. I'm not very good with computers but if you're willing to do this I can get you anything you'll need such as the length information for people to sign up to be a live donor. If not I completely understand. I will continue to listen to your show either way. I hope to hear from you soon. I can go into more detail about the great man that my father is and all he has done for me and my three siblings and his
Starting point is 02:12:14 nine grandchildren. I know you're a busy man but if on the off chance you get a free moment and you'd like to talk about it I'll put my number down at the bottom. Appreciate your time and reading the message. Hope all is well with you, Lindsay, Kyler, and Monroe. Also sorry about the run on sentences. Horrible sentence structure. Grammar was never my strong suit. No, you did fucking great. I work with my back. There isn't much use for good grammar in my field. Well, you have good grammar. I'll be copying this and sending it to a few more emails. I have to find a few more emails. I just want to make sure I've gotten it to you Somehow so I apologize in advance for the duplicate emails It's just very important to me that you see this and I just hope you can help and I was kind of the black sheep
Starting point is 02:12:51 Of the family for years. I don't know how else to help my dad My brother and sisters are making flyers and doing sponsored lunges I've never had the same ability as them, but I do listen to you So this is my shoot. This is me shooting my shot. Hope to hear from you soon loyal fan Lance wretched sharp Lance I'm so sorry to hear about your dad's medical situation. I did not have much time as I usually don't to compile the updates outside of like episode you know you know getting that stuff together but here's how I can help. I put your email in today's episode description and And it is Lance Albert Retichar. That's a tricky last name.
Starting point is 02:13:28 I think I'm saying it right just because there was an old football player, Bert Retichar who played like the fucking 40s or something who had that name. But it's Lance Albert Retichar, R-E-C-H-I-C-H-R at gmail.com. But again, it'll be in the episode description for everybody listening. If any meat, sex listing happened to have a kidney
Starting point is 02:13:44 you consider parting with to save a stranger's life, obviously email Lance. But also if you just have insight to share with Lance regarding how he could find a donor, please email him. I am not an expert by fucking any means. I don't know shit about that area. Not my area of expertise at all. So if anybody has information that can help him, you know, some tips he might not find
Starting point is 02:14:03 easily online, please reach out to him. And good on you for reaching out Lance. You're doing awesome. You should be proud of yourself for helping. Your dad, siblings should be proud of you as well. Hail Nimrod. All is well with the fam. Thanks for asking and best of luck.
Starting point is 02:14:16 And now one more non Schneider message because I do want to share another stick beating story. Stick wielding sack, Bobber Harden wrote in with the subject line of sticks and stones will break my bones. Good afternoon, Dan and the Time Stuck team. My name is Bobbert, Bobbert B. Blackerson, or at least that's what people call me
Starting point is 02:14:34 because I made it my name on Facebook years ago. Fucking love it. Before getting into my story of beating someone with a stick, I wanted to say your comedy and your podcast mean a lot to me. I've always enjoyed your comedy to the point that at one time I tagered my friend while yelling ELECTRICO when he asked why I was dressed as a wizard. That's awesome.
Starting point is 02:14:53 Even though I've only started the podcast about a year and a half ago, it has become a reminder there are plenty of awesome inquisitive meat sacks out there. The Time-Sug Gods have even appeared in my D&D campaigns. With that said, on to the story. So my little brother Onyx, yes that's his real name, grew up in combat sports. Me doing MMA, him in boxing and wrestling. So us beating each other up was a constant. He is one year younger so they were fair fights. We didn't live together so when I graduated high school before him I would often wait at his house for him to get
Starting point is 02:15:22 home. I love just waiting to fight him. Before Christmas break was one such time. I was waiting when I had a brilliant idea about how I could just ambush him in the woods during his walk home. For added effect, I unscrewed a broom handle to use as a weapon. Unable to find a good hiding spot in the woods, I chose to climb a tree. Now I was in a tree with the broom handle waiting for him. I love this. I was so confident in my plan, I called him on a cell phone, told him I was waiting in
Starting point is 02:15:44 a tree for him Which he didn't believe because that's crazy Mm-hmm eventually I was able to fall from the tree I landed one good hit on his shoulder before I could continue he pleaded with me to wait because he has a New sweat he was wearing a new sweater. He just got as a gift. I fucking love now Come on, let me get the sweater off being courteous I allowed him to take it off as we walked out of the woods He folded it up placed it on a, and then the beating fucking resumed.
Starting point is 02:16:07 I got maybe five good hits in before he caught the broom. Then we had a tug of war over it while punching and kicking each other until it broke. But it wasn't done. Now he had a stick and he wanted revenge. We turned the sticks to the broken end. Wasn't the part we were swinging, right? Safety first. Then proceeded to beat each other with sticks for about five minutes before an adult made a stop because they were afraid we're gonna damage his car. I love my little brother. I have many stories of the random violence we visited upon one another. I hope you enjoyed my little story. I did. And of course, I'm not sorry about the length. I'm sorry for any misspellings or grammatical areas. Dyslexia can be a bitch.
Starting point is 02:16:42 And I refuse to proofread. If you read this on the air, just a shout out to all the meat sacks out there that haven't heard today. I love you. Oh, thanks, Bobbert. Yes, I do love me. A good stick beating story. And that sounds like a great one.
Starting point is 02:16:56 Sounds like you had a lot of fun, right? Sounds like you got some good cracks in. Took some shots as well. Well done, Hiding in the Tree. That was nice extra detail. Hearing that story when I first read it, it legitimately made me want to find a stick and beat Kyler Monroe. But not really. Because like when we fight, they don't show restraint when they fight back and they've gotten big and strong. It's concerning. Like I always have some regard for their well-being when fighting them. They have none for mine.
Starting point is 02:17:21 Okay, now Schneider. Okay, we've gotten a lot of emails, as I'm sure you're not surprised, about the episode. And it's just been a couple days. I'm recording this a couple days after it came out, so I'm sure more are coming. I've also seen a lot of comments on Patreon, social media, YouTube. I found it interesting that while a lot of people leaving comments definitely did not like my take on Schneider, not being a monster in the way the documentary portrayed him, most of the emails that have come in have been some kind of version of, I know you're getting a lot of hate. I assume you get a lot of hate. I bet you get a lot of hate. But I also
Starting point is 02:17:50 watched the doc and did not see evidence warranting classifying Schneider as a monster. Here's one of those emails and then I'll share a very critical message right to round it out and and then I'll explain things further. I'm not gonna hear this person's name. I don't want anybody else to be publicly dragged into the polarizing debate here. They wrote, I must say when I first started listening to the Dan Schneider episode of Time Suck, I was a bit worried and thought you were going to be in over your head. Maybe even get canceled.
Starting point is 02:18:16 I must give you props on trying to be level headed and go against the majority of public opinion. This is a very touchy subject where people feel very strongly and you are for sure going to get blow back. Although I don't agree with everything you said, I think you are mostly correct on Dan Schneider He was an asshole not a predator the sexual jokes and innuendo were in my opinion as someone who watched those shows as a kid And teen they were meant to be sexual which of course is inappropriate and weird to do as an adult around kids But not the worst crime in the world. He is an asshole a weird asshole do as an adult around kids, but not the worst crime in the world. He is an asshole, a weird asshole. But that's it. To lump his actions in with the actions of actual predators does
Starting point is 02:18:49 nothing but diminish the credibility of the documentary, which is unfortunate for true victims such as Drake Bell. I doubt you'll read this on the show, but just wanted to share my thoughts and thank you for the show. PS, I discovered your show due to an ad on last podcast on the left, Advertising Works. Well, Well, thank you person who did not ask to remain anonymous, but a person I chose to leave anonymous. I forgot we ever had ads on that podcast, last podcast on the left. I'm glad at least one worked.
Starting point is 02:19:14 Okay, and now again, before I have a little lengthy thing to say, another point of view. I couldn't find what I thought was an email sent in that said similar things. So I went and found a comment. And they wrote, I can't believe Dan, this Dan, me, dug so deep to defend Schneider so many times.
Starting point is 02:19:32 I usually like how he'll try and look at subjects from all sides, but this episode he really dug deep with conjecture to defend some terribly bad behavior by Schneider. All because he, himself, admits to similar bad behavior in writing rooms in the past. Well, not exactly this time. I did not admit to bad behavior that was similar to what he did. The documentary never once said Schneider was a child predator, but Dan thinks the documentary should lose a suit for telling other people's sides. This will really stop anyone from going after a powerful person in the future one out of five stars. Okay, a lot to unpack. I'm going to share a bit more about my side. First off, I just want to say I'm amazed by what some people heard or just what they hear
Starting point is 02:20:13 when you talk about any polarizing issue. This has happened to me in the past with other subjects. I'm like, no, I didn't say that. I feel like there's a lot of misinterpretations out there regarding my stance on Dan Schneider in this episode. The only reason I defended this particular attack on Dan Schneider as opposed to defending Dan just as a human in general, and the reason I'll continue to do so unless new evidence comes in, is because he was clearly, to me and to many others, framed as being a child predator. Not as an
Starting point is 02:20:42 asshole, not as a dickhead boss. But as a pedophile who just hasn't been arrested quite yet. And that is why he's suing. He's not suing because people said bad things about him being a boss. He admitted he was a bad boss in some video I watched on YouTube. Like he doesn't deny that. He doesn't deny he was a dickhead to those two female writers. He's suing because they took it so much further than that It wasn't about inappropriate commentary in the workplace It was about clearly framing him as a fucking pedophile who just hasn't been caught
Starting point is 02:21:14 Producers never called him that explicitly no one who worked with him ever called him that at least not on camera in the docu-series But it was for sure insinuated over and over and over and over five episodes and to me that is not okay when you don't have hard evidence of him being a child predator. I was not and am not trying to say again he was a good dude or is a good boss. I don't know. There's I don't know much about him. I just will never think it's okay to try and portray someone, anyone, as a pedophile. Unless you have evidence. It's a very heavy, lofty, life-altering accusation. You can destroy someone's life with it. So you better not take it lightly. Also, the more times people make a huge fuss about someone being a fucking creep,
Starting point is 02:21:59 or like a pedo, I guess, when there's no evidence of that, the less likely people will be in the future to believe victims when they accuse a real predator of being a real predator. One commenter, I can't remember who, told me that you should always believe accusers and other people said similar things. And that's not true. You should not. You should always hear victims out, alleged victims. You should always assume they might be telling the truth, but you should not blindly believe that is absurd. If that was true, we should get rid of juries and trials. Just get rid of most of our court system. We should implement a new policy where if you
Starting point is 02:22:34 accuse something of anything at all, they just immediately get arrested. Police don't even hear their side of the story. They just find them, they arrest them, they take them straight to prison where they stay for the length of whatever sentence corresponds to the accusation. No lawyers, no chance to defend themselves at all. We don't do that though because that's fucking crazy. We don't do that because just like a lot of people are victimized, just like a lot of people are actually monsters, a lot of people are also liars. False accusations, that's a real phenomenon.
Starting point is 02:23:02 And to deny it would be for me to be intellectually dishonest, to's a real phenomenon. And to deny it would be, for me, to be intellectually dishonest. To be disingenuous. Oh my god. Disingenuous? There we go. Disingenuous. I was also accused by some people of victim blaming when it came to the former child actors. But I would say regarding, again, the narrative of the documentary being that a sexual perpetrator,
Starting point is 02:23:23 sexual predator, how can you blame a victim when they have no claims of being victimized? Right? Not in the way the docuseries alluded to. I kept waiting for them. When I went into this docuseries, I honestly thought he was for sure guilty. I was like, well, that's why this docuseries exists. Because this guy is some kind of fucking, you know, Jeffrey Epstein. I kept waiting for one of them to say that Dan molested them, that Dan was grooming them, that while they were underage, Dan was blatantly flirting with them. I kept waiting for one of them to say that Dan molested them, that Dan was grooming them, that while they were underage, Dan was blatantly flirting with them. I kept waiting for somebody on camera to say, you know, Dan was peeping on them in the dressing room,
Starting point is 02:23:52 or that Dan looked up their skirt. Something to that effect. Anything. But it never happened in the five episodes. So how exactly were those people victims? I mean the things they said were stuff like they didn't like the sketches they were in. people victims. I mean the things they said were stuff like they didn't like the sketches they were in. They didn't like some of the outfits they were asked to wear. Is that how low the bar is now when it comes to identifying as a victim? I find that insulting to victims of serious crimes like Larry Nassar's victims. I think this kind of attitude waters down what it means to be
Starting point is 02:24:20 victimized and it does a huge disservice to people who are actually assaulted and it plays into a sad kind of victim mentality that helps no one in life. Again me pointing out my stance here does not equate also with me being on Team Schneider which seemed to be a perception held by many. He was creepy regarding asking adult female employees for shoulder rubs. 100% was sexist. Frankly fucking douchebag when it came to how he treated at least two female staff writers. That's not cool. But that behavior again does not justify portraying him as a sex offender who just hasn't been caught. To read sexually predatory behavior into what could have been easily have been juvenile sketches. Like cum shots? Children's
Starting point is 02:24:59 foot fetish? Really? For sure? We know that. Can't just be slapstick gross out humor? Fetish? Really? For sure? We know that. Can't just be slapstick gross out humor? I don't fucking buy it. Not the way it was presented. Might be. Also might not be. My issue in the episode is not with Dan Snyder. It's with the quiet on set producers. How unfairly they framed a documentary narrative without evidence to back it up. And that's why I want him to lose or yeah, want them to lose this defamation suit. Also regarding my defense of production work culture and preventing people from going after people in power, never said Dan Schneider was a good boss. Ever. Or that his negative behavior in the writers room was okay. If this doc would have been framed differently if it would have been about bad bosses,
Starting point is 02:25:39 okay. All right it's a different narrative. I'm more likely to be on board but that's not what it was about at all. It wasn't about being a bad boss. I'm more likely to be on board, but that's not what it was about at all. It wasn't about being a bad boss. It was about sexual predators working on kids' TV shows, and the focus was mostly on Dan Schneider. What I was trying to do regarding sharing my own behavior on shows was to illustrate how manipulative
Starting point is 02:25:56 the producers of the Quiet On Set docu-series were by leaving out important context. It is important when talking about what goes on in a writer's room to understand what the cultural norm is. If the norm was for people to talk and behave like they were at church and then you had a guy making crude jokes and demeaning other writers, well that behavior is more outrageous, right? Because it's more atypical. But if crude jokes and sexually charged atmosphere is
Starting point is 02:26:20 the norm, which it is and was for sure, then that person's behavior does not seem as alarming because they're acting like most other people are acting. They're acting by definition normal, conforming to a standard. Not saying that's good, but it's important context to understand. In most cases, when trying to ascertain how inappropriate someone is being, you need to know how abnormal their behavior is. Right? Normal doesn't always equate to ethical to correct,
Starting point is 02:26:47 but I feel strongly that what was normal was important contextually in the docuseries framing Schneider as a monster. And I could go on and on, but there's no point. We're not going to see eye to eye and everything. And that is fine. That is life. In conclusion, a lot of people upset with me kept using the word monster. Dan Schneider is a monster.
Starting point is 02:27:04 He's a monster. He's a monster. Not for me, he's not. Not based on the evidence. Call me crazy, but I'm going to reserve the term monster for people like fucking Larry Nassar. I'm not going to water it down by also applying it to Dan Schneider. I think it's again an insult to the victims of someone like Nassar to act like Schneider is even remotely in the same category, which for sure a lot of people have done online. Like fucking millions. And I think it's ridiculous. Nassar deserves every bit of punishment he's gotten for what he's done. Schneider though, based on what I heard in the docuseries, what I've seen in articles online, does not at this point deserve
Starting point is 02:27:40 to have his character assassinated for sometimes being a bad boss. For sometimes being a dickhead. For sometimes being a dickhead. For being fucking creepy with his shoulder rubs. For maybe being creepy about kids sketches, but maybe not. And that's all I got. You can keep hating my opinion, but I'm not going to change it just because of public sentiment. Thank you to the overwhelming majority of you who even when you are pissed at me, even when you think I'm way off fucking base, and I gonna be I fuck up just like everybody else I'm gonna be wrong
Starting point is 02:28:06 about punny shit, you're still respectful when voicing a dissenting opinion and that is just refreshing. Even if you're upset with me right now I still think the majority of you even when I strongly disagree with you are some of the best people on the planet and it's still so fun to do this podcast so keep thinking for yourselves you beautiful bastards keep trying to do the right thing like you guys always seem to do, right? Trust no one implicitly. Don't just agree with somebody because it's easy to do. That includes documentary producers.
Starting point is 02:28:33 That includes me. Hail Nimrod. I hope you have a fucking great week. Thank you for listening to another Bad Magic Productions podcast. Thanks, Time Suckers. I needed that. We all did. Thank you for listening to another Bad Magic Productions podcast. Scare to Death, Time Sucky tweak. Short Sucks, Nightmare Fuel on the Time Suckin' Scare to Death podcast feed some weeks. Please do not try to dish out any intravaginal adjustments this week. It's not a real thing. Just keep your fucking dirty fingers to yourself.
Starting point is 02:29:02 And keep on suckin'. Time Suckers. Just keep your fucking dirty fingers to yourself. Keep on sucking. I want to give you another, uh, some more knowledge. Did you know that a colon massage is a real legitimate thing and that it shouldn't if carried out correctly involves sodomy Takes about 20 minutes and it can aid in relieving constipation. It can help you poop out get your peanut butter out Here's how you perform it You have your patient lie down flat on the floor Start at the lower right hand side of the abdomen at the front of the right hip bone and you just kind of stroke upward to Underneath the right side of the rib cage Stroke across from right to left underneath the rib cage right just
Starting point is 02:29:47 you're just going up and then you're going across here and then down the lower left side of the abdomen you're just kind of just pushing out right by the ribs and then you finish with an inward stroke towards the middle of the lower abdomen and you just repeat this square like motion just kind of just go around here five to seven times just massaging the poop out. Next place the hand on the lower right hand side of the abdomen press down with moderate pressure scoop the hand in an upward c-shaped stroke three to five times. Repeat the same stroke below the right hand rib cage left hand rib cage lower left side of the
Starting point is 02:30:16 abdomen lower middle abdomen three to five times each position. And that's it no rectum penetration necessary you don't need to stick anything into their butthole to help them get their poop out. The more you know everybody, the more you know.

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