Timesuck with Dan Cummins - 43 - The Lost City of Atlantis! So Many Crazy Theories...

Episode Date: July 10, 2017

Atlantis! Did a highly advanced civilization sink into the sea tens of thousands of years ago?  Can the cultures of the Romans, Maya, Incas, Mesopotamians, Greeks and more all be traced back to it? ... Or is Atlantis just another myth? An oceanic metropolis invented by the Greek philosopher Plato to teach a moral lesson to ancient Athenians? Find out in the wild and crazy ride we have to take to unravel the mystery of today’s Timesuck. Today's Timesuck is sponsored by Mack Weldon! Go to www.mackweldon.com and use the promo code TIMESUCK at checkout to get 20% off your fantastic purchase!  Get some cool fine art and support a fellow Timesucker by going to www.etsy.com/shop/vaid and use the coupon code of shesaidyes for 20% off at checkout!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The last city of Atlantis, a highly advanced civilization that existed tens of thousands of years ago, and then suddenly disappeared into the Atlantic without a trace. Can the cultures and architecture of the Romans, Maya, Incas, Mesopotamians, Greeks, and more all be traced back to a single source? Would discovering this island change our understanding of world history? Do the ruins of Atlantis still exist somewhere out in the ocean's depths? If so, finding them would be the single biggest archaeological discovery of all time. Or, are there no ruins to be found?
Starting point is 00:00:30 Is the lost city of Atlantis just another myth? Inosianic, Metropolis, invented by the Greek philosopher Plato, to teach a moral lesson to ancient Athenians and thanks to a few wackadoodle pseudoscientists, and a lot of fiction presented as fact, a fictitious place explores still search for to this day. Find out in the wild and crazy ride through thousands of years of history that we have to take to unravel the mystery of today's time sucks. Welcome to the cult of the curious everybody. Welcome to the suck in a wasis of sarcasm in a reverent TED talk of sorts.
Starting point is 00:01:10 An example of an attempted actual truth in this age of spin. It's time suck. I'm Dan Cummins aka the master sucker aka Lord of the Suck aka a prophet of Nimrod aka I didn't come up with any of those but I love it when you time suckers done in my way. Happy Monday time suckers you beautiful wonderful seekers of a little knowledge and a lot of fun. I have a very fun suck for you today. And today's Atlanta's time suck is brought to you by Mack Weldon, the company that makes the best underwear and socks in the men's clothing game.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Smart designs crafted with natural fibers, premium fabrics, the support as much as they breathe if Neptune, God of the sea, and mythical founder of Atlantis wore underwear, heat wear Mac-welled underwear, and the sea itself would not be able to corrode their God-like comfort. They're my favorite boxer briefs, self snug, but not smothering. It's a delicate balance, and they get it right. So right. They also have a tight sock game, an awesome all-purpose hoodie, great versatile t-shirt, so much more.
Starting point is 00:02:03 I can't verify this, but I've also heard that many of the products are made by actual wizards and sorcerers, because there's no way you can create this stuff without a little bit of magic. All this and so many other cool products. And best of all, they're shipwrites your door, because if you just spy shopping as much as I do, and I do, the best store is no store. So treat yourself. Respect those sweet, sweet loins of yours, and go to Macwellden.com and get 20% off.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Get 20% off your purchase by using the promo code TimeSuck. That's 20% off by going to Macwellden.com and using the promo code TimeSuck. You deserve it. Thanks for all the iTunes reviews, new subscriptions, and new recommendations to others to listen. I still appreciate you guys spreading the suck. new subscriptions and new recommendations to others to listen. I still appreciate you guys spreading this suck. So happy to be dropping the Vlad, the Impaler bonus suck 700 reviews and counting on iTunes. That's coming out this Friday. Very excited for that.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Thanks for also making it to the shop, buying some signed books and CDs, buying some time-stuffed t-shirts, all very much appreciated. Had some awesome music sent into the show as well this past week and look forward to including that in the little segment intro and outro soon. It's pretty pretty awesome. And the show has a new logo. If it's not already in your podcast feed, it will be very soon. We'll be this week for sure.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Making the transition right now to a whole new look, podcast fan and incredible artist and graphic designer, and to invade is the man who built it. Some of you have seen little pieces of it and posts across time-sub social media on at TimeSuck podcast on Instagram and Twitter, slash TimeSuck podcast on Facebook. The old logo is now the classic logo, forever a part of the show. That first generation T is still here to stay,
Starting point is 00:03:35 rockin' the classic logo forever. Anduins also working with me on some upcoming merch designs working on a few TimeSuck hats at the moment, gettin' those designs right and tight, due to so talented. And he's getting married. So congratulations to Anduin. And because weddings are super expensive,
Starting point is 00:03:50 he's having a big sale on his amazing artwork. That's right. So get some cool fine art in support of fellow time sucker. By going to www.etsy.com, that's right, he has an Etsy shop, Etsy.com slash shop slash Vade V A I D. Use the coupon code of she said yes, how adorable is that? For 20% off at checkout. That's right. Time Sucker Art. Yeah, buddy. The sale last to the rest of July and Andrew and we're also throwing a free extra mystery sketch for orders over a hundred bucks. Links to
Starting point is 00:04:22 Andrew and store available at the episode description at timesuckpodcast.com and on timesuck social media. Also, thanks to timesucker Bryce Wrightman, message board poster Bob Bopson. I know it's not your real name, I'm a fucking love Bob Bopson. And anyone who may have also recommended today's suck in the past few hundred or so recent emails
Starting point is 00:04:39 and social media messages, I'm hoping to get back to soon. I will as soon as I am able to, I promise. And finally thanks to timesuckerucker, Time Sucker intern, and member of the Bo Jangle's research team, Rebecca Lilley, aka the Reba Mac Entire of her generation. She kicked ass and put together a ton of information for me to learn and for me to share.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Thank you, Rebecca Reba. And now it's time for some Time Sucker updates. You know, I can never tell exactly what's going to resonate with you time suckers strong enough to have you right in for any random episode. And I never would have guessed that with last week's Martin Luther King Jr episode, a time sucker update would cause a flood of emails unlike anything that's happened on time suck thus far. Turns out this is
Starting point is 00:05:25 the summer of the great pussy storm of 2017. Get ready for so much pussy talk, you guys. Just not to kind you're probably used to. If you are, in fact, used to pussy talk. Last week, I agreed with a time-sooker that I, you know, thought I could think of a better word than pussy to use when referring to someone who is weak or cowardly. And then it was a quote, dickway to associate weakness with gender. And then a disturbance in the time suck force was felt that it's only been rivaled by me saying, genome instead of genome, about 50 times in the designer baby's episode.
Starting point is 00:05:55 Wow. First off, there was the irony of telling someone not to associate negative qualities with gender and genitalia by telling them it was a dickway, which is obviously associating something else negative with gender and genitalia by telling them it was a dick way, which is obviously associating something else negative with gender and genitalia. So mad at myself for not catching that. I repeated it and still didn't catch it. I saw your pussy and raised you a dick and I didn't realize it. This was brought up by Eric Astorck, Cam Cash and Cory D, who titled his email, subject choking on irony, and numerous other time suckers so many. How did I not catch that?
Starting point is 00:06:26 I guess I'm just so used to calling someone a dick and having it just mean to me a jerk or arrogant or stubborn person that I don't even think of penis when I say it, I really don't. So there was that. But that was just a small part of the pussy storm. That was just the opening thunder crack, just the initial lightning here,
Starting point is 00:06:40 seen in the distance. Michael Woiccio and many other time suckers pointed out to the word pussy doesn't have anything to do with female genitalia or gender in its origins. Michael points out that pussy historically is a slang term for pusillanimous, defined what a great scrap word that would be. Defined as showing the lack of courage or determination
Starting point is 00:07:01 to be timid. According to Maryam Webster, the Latin roots of this derisive adjective are pusillus, meaning very small, and related to pusus, meaning boy, and animus, which means spirit. It's like a very small spirit. Pusillanamus first appeared in English
Starting point is 00:07:15 in Britain in the 16th century, but it didn't gain prominence in America until the 1970s when vice-president Spyro Agnew accused his ideological rivals of pusillanlannamus, sorry, Puseanlannamus, Pussyfutti. And then Michael goes on to point out that the use of the word Pussy in a sexual manner comes from the hairy softies of a cat being similar to the softies of early 1900s woman's pubic hair, left natural and ungrumped.
Starting point is 00:07:42 Words in their weird origins, huh? And a lot of other time suckers echoed Michael Stotz and there was a general sentiment of, don't tell me what I can't say, slash don't looking to be offended. You know, slash Dan Stanger ground regarding free speech and saying what you want to say, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. And I see everyone's points.
Starting point is 00:07:59 I really do. But let's look at this in a different way. Is the origin of pussy, pusillanimous? Yes. Now we all know that, however, is a current slang definition of pussy, a woman's vagina, also yes. And do we still live in the 16th century, or still live in 16th century Britain? No, we don't. We don't even live in an English professor's study lounge. We live in the real world. And the definitions and connotations of words change and evolve over time in the real world. If some 18th century British aristocrat who goes by a Nathaniel called you a pussy, I think I said a aristocrat, but I meant a
Starting point is 00:08:34 aristocrat. I don't want to fucking get called out of that. It goes by Nathaniel called you a pussy at a fancy steakhouse in London in 1747. I'm guessing he wouldn't be making any association with a woman or a vagina and no present company would assume he had made an association with a woman or vagina. But in 2017, if some dude who goes by big Todd calls you a pussy at an outback steakhouse and barbers real west Virginia, he probably means vagina and women in general, let's be fucking honest. And his present company knows what he means.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Big Todd's also a guy who probably also is a very fond of phrases like fuck that pussy and bros before hosts. So I guess what I'm saying is we're all right. And in a way, we're all wrong, which I'm sure is infuriating and I promise it's not me, it's not me just being diplomatic. It's the truth. Those of you who know the words origins and truly don't associate it with gender,
Starting point is 00:09:20 say it as much as you want. You're not gonna offend me, you're technically correct in its usage. I'm all for being able to say pussy. I'm on your side as a comic. I'm a huge supporter of freedom of speech, but that's not the only definition of the word. And you have to know you're gonna offend a lot of other people
Starting point is 00:09:34 when you say it. And just like you're not wrong, they're not wrong either. Other people do have the right to be offended by that word, just like you have the right to be inadvertently offensive. All right, pussy is not something inherently inoffensive word. It's not like tractor or something. It's not refrigerator.
Starting point is 00:09:51 It's a word that does have a negative association with women, that's one definition of it. So that's, again, let's not kid ourselves. And to use an even more offensive example to drive home the point I'm trying to make, the point that a word can have an original inoffensive meaning, but can then evolve to have an Offensive meeting. Let's talk about the word retard
Starting point is 00:10:09 This word goes back to the 13th century Latin retardaire makes slow delay keep back Hinder also comes from the 15th century French make slow or slower from the French retarder Restrain hold someone back keep someone from doing something, come to a stop. The noun is recorded from 1788 in the sense of retardation delay. Right? A delay. It didn't show up in America as being used to describe someone who is developmentally delayed or impaired or someone characterized by a slowness or limitation in an intellectual understanding and awareness, emotional development, academic progress, etc., etc. until around 1970. intellectual understanding and awareness, emotional development, academic progress, et cetera,
Starting point is 00:10:45 et cetera, until around 1970. So you could make an academic argument that when you tell your friend you're so retarded on a hiking trip, you could just mean, don't be someone who keeps slowing us down, who keeps hindering our progress. And if you said it in 1790, no one would give a shit, but we don't live in 1790.
Starting point is 00:11:04 And if you said it tomorrow, and if right after saying that you came across a mentally handicapped person asking his parents why the world is so cruel, and then those parents are glaring at you, clearly haven't heard you, I hope you feel like a dick. For stubbornly refuse and use the less offensive word, or I hope you feel like a pussy, but not taking the time to find a better word. Now all that being said, I'm still going to say dick in certain situations. If someone is being unnecessarily rude or aggressive to me, they're being dick. I like that.
Starting point is 00:11:26 I fucking love that word. One syllable, hard consonant sound at the end, just like fuck dick, fuck dick. Great words for comedy. And I will still try to not say pussy going forward, at least outside of the bedroom, where I will say it, because it can be super fucking sexy for real.
Starting point is 00:11:43 If you get the right partner. And that's just my personal preference. All right, same pussy, I'm not gonna keep say it, because it can be super fucking sexy for real. If you get the right partner, and that's just my personal preference. All right, same pussy, I'm not going to keep saying it, because it makes me feel like a bully. That's just me. It makes me feel like a big kid, picking on a small kid, for being small. I don't like the power and balance it reminds me of. It does feel to me like I'm associating physical weakness with women when I say it, and that to me is rude because, well, frankly, it's true. And the truth often hurts. Bear with me on this. George Bernard Shaw once said,
Starting point is 00:12:06 if you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh otherwise they'll kill you. And as a comic who's told some fairly inappropriate bits over the years, holy fuck is that true. And here's a truth that can cause me some listeners, but I need to say it because if we can't be honest on the suck, then fuck this whole thing. Women are physically weaker than men on average.
Starting point is 00:12:24 All right, And I understand how it's probably not fun to be reminded of that. And if you're a woman getting mad right now, hear me out. Don't kill the messenger. Don't shut this off. Let me explain this physical weakness claim and how it pertains to the word pussy and its usage. Women on average are 100% equal to men, but just like women are better at some things than average, like pain tolerance, men are better at others. We are equal overall. We are not the same. To believe we are the same is some fucking PC stilly nonsense that spits in the face of logic and reason. Regarding pain tolerance, discovery myths, uh, discoveries, myth busters
Starting point is 00:12:57 tested the long held belief that women have a higher tolerance for pain than their male counterparts by having members of both sexes submerged their hands in icy water. Women were able to endure the agony on average for a longer amount of time because women are fucking tough, right? They shoot babies out of their fucking vaginas. I can't even imagine that. That sounds like fucking hell. That sounds like some Vlad the Impaler torture shit. My daughter has a much higher tolerance for physical pain than my son. You know random example, but you know she gets a cutter's scrape, she shrugged it off, right?
Starting point is 00:13:26 He tends to cry, girl power. But men are better at growing up to be bigger, stronger humans, which is why I also tell my son to take it easy on his sister when they're going back and forth, because he's fucking stronger than she is, right? Partly because he's older, partly because he's a dude. All right, he has more muscle mass, Google female bodybuilder, and you might think,
Starting point is 00:13:44 what about her? But then Google male bodybuilder, and you'll think, fuck, all right, he has more muscle mass, Google female bodybuilder, and you might think, what about her? But then Google male bodybuilder, and you'll think, fuck, never mind, how is that really human? There's a reason men and women don't play together in professional sports, and it has nothing to do with sharing locker rooms. Check this shit out, this is science. As of 2016, the most recent data from the CDC,
Starting point is 00:14:01 their National Center for Health Statistics Department, puts the average American women's weight at 166.2 pounds, while the average male clocks in at 195.5 pounds. Then let's have a look at the national strength in conditioning association approved XRX nets official bench press standards chart. For 198 pound man, a very close match
Starting point is 00:14:22 for the national average, who has no experience benching whatsoever. X-Rex, I love that, was places the standard bench press as 135 pounds. That jumps up to 175 for a novice and 215 for an intermediate lifter. At the advanced level, the number is 290 pounds. Meanwhile, the standard for an untrained woman who weighs 165 pounds is a bench of 80 pounds or 95 for a novice. For an intermediate experience woman of average height, the standard is 115 pounds or 145 for an advanced lifter.
Starting point is 00:14:53 So according to the best most recent data in the world, the average bench press for the average man who doesn't work out at all is 135 pounds while the average bench press for the female counterpart is 80 pounds or just over 40% less. The bench press has been the most common test for overall upper body strength for decades and according to all the scientific data, men on average are 40% stronger than women. Can't wait to see what emails I get now. But that's the truth.
Starting point is 00:15:18 And I feel compelled to push the agenda of truth to the best of my abilities, even if socially undesirable. And I feel this truth relates to today's argument, why is pussy so offensive to women? Because it's to some, I know not all, but to some, because it's never fun to be degraded, especially when the degradation holds some kernel of truth. I'm extremely forgetful, and I hate it. It runs in my family. And I get really defensive when I'm teased about probably forgetting something because I try so hard to remember. And I just like, it really is, there is some kind of fucking chemical deficiency in my goddamn brain, right?
Starting point is 00:15:48 And I get mad because I can't help it. It's something I can't help. You know, I wasn't born with a good memory. Just like, women aren't currently born with the ability to ever bench press over a thousand pounds. And truth, again, I'd like to say, I'd like to think that's the main reason we're all here. So let's have some fucking truth, right? Let's talk about things in a real honest and intelligent and respectful way.
Starting point is 00:16:06 That's what I want time so to be. A place where we can agree, disagree, get mad, get the fuck over it, learn a lot along the way. So, again, I won't say pussy because it makes me feel like a bully if you wanna keep saying it. Go ahead, at least maybe, now you know, if you didn't already, why it's gonna piss some people off. So that's all I got on that.
Starting point is 00:16:22 I also fired up some listeners when I took a shot at not accomplishing anything in life because of playing video games all the time. Some of our gamer listeners reminded me that some competitive gamers have become professionals and make great living playing video games. I am aware of that. Some gamers accomplish a lot in life,
Starting point is 00:16:38 emphasis on some. I love video games. I have a PS4, fucking love it. Don't get to play it anymore, but I love it. I also notice way more people who waste time playing video games and avoiding life's responsibilities, you know, like living at home as sad-grown children, walking to the fucking game stop, the day their favorite title comes out, the I notice, or read about people who play hours and
Starting point is 00:16:57 hours a day and really have their shit together and turn that into a career. A lot of awesome gamers out there, also a good reason that the basement dwelling life wasting gamer stereotype exists. You fucking know that's true. So go play your super fun games and calm the fuck down. All right, now let's end this update with response. I was hoping for when I did the MLK episode. I also got some of these emails
Starting point is 00:17:17 and they made me feel great. This is a little excerpt from a touching email. I got from Time Sucker Ben, holy shit, your last name is tough. Bassy, backie Galapi, B-A-C-C-I-G-A-L-O-P-I. Dear master sucker of the Nimrodians, I absolutely love everything you've put out. I absolutely love the dark Doctor Martin with the King Junior episode. It reached a very deep level. I was raised in a semi-racist household, and my father is still that way. I grew up in Southwest Louisiana in the mid 80s to early
Starting point is 00:17:44 2000s, and the culture there was still passive-aggressively racist. I joined the Air Force in 2002 and had a hard time adjusting to a highly blended culture at first. It wasn't until I had an African-American roommate that I truly had my eyes open to racial equality and Dr. King's works. After that, I took a hard stance on equality and looking past the color of someone's skin. I love that you did this episode
Starting point is 00:18:05 because it really spoke to me. When I was in the military, I would mentor young white males with a similar background as myself that equality needs to be the focal point in establishing any kind of relationship. That is so true. I have a young son and I'm instilling values in him
Starting point is 00:18:19 that it doesn't matter what race, color, creed, or gender you are. Always remember the golden rule doing to others as you would have them do onto you. I love it Ben, you're good man. I too grew up in a homophobic and racist culture and had to evolve past a lot of ugly thoughts I used to have to get to the same place you're at. Respect man, respect others, until they give you reason not to respect them. Don't judge a book by its color or gender or by the fact that the book may want to get busy with a man instead of a woman or vice versa or both.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Good people can be hard to find and you'd hate to let one slip out of your life because they didn't look the way you thought they should. It's beautiful. Beautiful, beautiful stuff. Love it, love it, love it. Now, let's get away from all this serious shit for a second and get silly with some Atlantis. Next time, suckers, I need a net. We all did.
Starting point is 00:19:09 The last island of Atlantis, the mythical drowned highly advanced civilization. I can't remember where I first heard about it, but I know it was when I was a kid. It's been referenced a ton in pop culture. Like in books, it's been in old books like Jewels Verns, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, CJ Cutcliffe Hines depicted the end of Atlantis and his fantasy, the Lost Continent, the story of Atlantis, first published in 1899. K.A. Applegates Everworld series depicts Atlantis as an underwater city in Everworld's oceans. Popular author, Clive Custler, talks about it in the Lennis Found, C.S. Lewis,
Starting point is 00:19:39 Narnia Dude, you know, in his book, That Hidja Strength, is debated by two of the villains that the character of Merlin, maybe from Numenor, or it is more commonly known at the Lannis. J. R. R. Tokens, the Soma-Rillin, there we go, the Soma-Rillin includes the history of his adaptation of Atlantis, known as the Island of Numenor, where the Numenor-Numenorians lived. Numenor was the home of the most advanced civilization of men in the history of Middle
Starting point is 00:20:06 Earth and much like Atlantis. The island of Numenor was swallowed in the sea in a single night. Erragorn of the Lord of the Rings is a standard from the survivors of this people. And George R.R. Martin's Game of Thrones in the world of a song of ice and fire, the Valerian freehold is widely speculated to be Martin's interpretation of Atlantis. And it shows up in a lot of other books, right? And comics Atlantis was all over the place in the Marvel, or is all over the place in the Marvel comic book universe. It was an ancient landmass, which was home to a technologically advanced civilization,
Starting point is 00:20:36 also shows up in manga, anime, a film that shows up in movies, going all the way back to 1936, like the Undersea Kingdom, where Unga Khan seeks to conquer Atlantis in the surface world, shows up in 1985, Cocoon, where a small group of aliens returned to Earth to find 20 of their species who were left behind when Atlantis was abandoned 10,000 years before, shows up in 2008's 10,000 BC, in which the godlike race, the command is a construction of a pyramid, is believed by the slaves to have originated from a civilization that sank into the sea. Right, another scene in the film briefly shows a map to picking a large island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, shows up in TV.
Starting point is 00:21:11 In the sci-fi, Universal Series Stargate Atlantis, Atlantis is a city ship created by the ancients, a race of human-like beings who are much more technologically and evolutionarily advanced than we humans are. Atlantis is the setting of the 2013 BBC One Fantasy series at the same name. And the animated TV series Justice League, Lannis is the home of Aquaman, and on and on and on. It shows up in video games, role playing games. Definitely shows up in music. Folk Pop, Singer, Donovan scored a top 10 pop hit in 1969 with Atlantis. A song which begins with a narrative of Play Do's account of Atlantis. The 1977 song, Voyage of Atlantis, by the
Starting point is 00:21:51 Isle of Brothers, Michael McDonnell. Michael motherfucker McDonnell sang about it in this 1986 hit, headed back to Atlantis. I'm sure you've heard that one that, okay, that song sadly was never featured on any of triple-m's albums or written by Michael McDonald or sung or even thought of by the Grammy winner. But the rest of that stuff was real. So when did the Atlanta story begin? While many disagree over whether or not Atlanta is real and who supposedly lived there, if it was real, and where it was, if it was real, no legitimate historian disagrees as to where we first heard about Atlanta's.
Starting point is 00:22:42 The Athenian philosopher Plato, and I feel compelled to talk like this sometimes when I'm talking about Plato. Plato was born in 427 BCE. And you know, by the way, there's a little update I can throw in right now over the last few emails, or sorry, last few episodes, people have let me know that BC is not before Christ. And AD is not after death.
Starting point is 00:23:05 It's like Annos Domini or something. Sorry, I can't remember now, as I'm just randomly throwing this in. Because when you do the BC and the AD, it doesn't account for the actual time of Christ's life. Which is what, 30 some years or something. So throw the whole thing off. But anyway, BCE is before Common Era.
Starting point is 00:23:20 CE is Common Era, if I haven't said that before. So Plato was born in 427 BCE in Athens. He's not from referred to as Greek, and indeed his native language was Greek, and he was born in part of Europe, that is today the country of Greece. But in Plato's time, there was no such country. Instead it was, you know, on this peninsula and island of today's Greece, there was just a number of city states, walled cities, the outlining rural areas and villages that each walled city could defend, city states that were governed independently of one another,
Starting point is 00:23:46 although groups that would form into alliances very seriously stronger a week, and were governed in vastly different ways. In Plato's day, the greatest of the city states, of greatness, maybe defined by a level of learning, art, architecture, music, general quality of life, was Athens. And so Plato was an Athenian.
Starting point is 00:24:01 Athens was one of, if not the most in the light in city Europe had ever seen. And one of the world's first, perhaps the very first democracy. The term democracy is derived from the Greek demo Cratia, which was coined from demos, people, and cratos rule in the middle of the fifth century BCE to denote the political systems, then existing, in some Greek city states, notably Athens. However, it also still didn't count women as citizens.
Starting point is 00:24:25 Slavery was common. So it wasn't, you know, enlightened by today's standards in every way. Boys were educated. Even some male slaves were educated. Girls were not. Most Athenian citizens were literate, but books which existed at that time as handwritten
Starting point is 00:24:37 scrolls were rare. Guesting, and this is pure speculation that books were a lot shorter too. When you're hand-writing that shit, you're not going dickens and writing some 928 page bleak house or a 358,000 word David Copperfield. Just fuck you Charles, you asshole. I'm not handwriting five copies of great expectations,
Starting point is 00:24:54 you dick. You feel like giving a copy to all three of your aunts, your neighbor and the guy you like chatting with at the Euro Shack? We'll start dipping your quill and get busy scribbling, motherfucker, medical knowledge and sanitation were advanced for the time, but the lifespan We'll start dipping your quill and get busy scribbling mother fucker. Medical knowledge and sanitation were advanced for the time, but the lifespan of most people was relatively short. Travel was possible, it was very slow, navigational instruments were relatively primitive, so ships were forced to sail close to islands and coastlines, travelers on land, most of whom went by foot were in constant danger of attack by robbers.
Starting point is 00:25:22 For the mountainous country between walled cities was wild and lawless kind of like the wild leans from game of thrones you know there's roving around doubt any of them were even close to as attractive as that one redhead though rose to Leslie I get it John Snow I get it What a weird world that would be man you just out in the fucking was like like instead of just like Ferrell dogs there was just Ferrell humans just running around attacking people both play those mother and father were members of wealthy and politically powerful families in Athens, which was at the time of Plato's
Starting point is 00:25:49 birth, embroiled in a political upheaval involving the city-states of Athens and Spata, Spata, and their allies. This political unrest had recently manifested itself in the outbreak of armed hostilities and the commencement of a disastrous civil war, the Peloponnesian War, 431-404 BC. This war shattered the Athenian Empire, practically destroyed the governments of all the Greek city-states and resulted in anarchy on 404 and 403 BC. Thus Plato grew to young adulthood surrounded by the strife of civil war, and he witnessed several revolutions in Athens. He saw a government of Democrats, the rule of the many, replaced by an oligarchy, the rule of the chosen few, which was then replaced by the Democrats. Plato tells us in a letter he wrote when he was 60 that in his youth,
Starting point is 00:26:34 he had hoped to become actively involved in politics, chiefly because he thought it was his social responsibility, but also because many of Plato's friends and relatives had invited him to help them to govern the Athenians and to share in the exercise of political power. But young Plato, after seeing the various political factions conducting what seemed to him, to be nothing more than self-serving policies, motivated by simple greed and an appetite for absolute power over the people, rather than exercising government for the people and their welfare. He was disappointed, shocked by the violence he saw, done to the people, and finally discussed
Starting point is 00:27:04 it with the existing politics in general and chose not to seek political office. Man, almost 2,500 years ago and everyone was discussed with politicians how little things change. And then in 407 BZ, Plato meets Socrates and they fight to the death. There can be only one highlander. Plato beheads Socrates with one swift, super-assword, absorbs his power, and holds the head of Socrates' eye for the mob that has been born witness to this bloodshed. Are you not entertained? Are you not entertained?
Starting point is 00:27:33 No. That never happened without a fucking awesome. Playdoh be in some study philosophy, taught by Socrates, and then later, during the political unrest of his lifetime, Playdoh witnessed a series of politically motivated maneuvers and fabrications brought against his old friend and teacher Socrates. Plato saw very clearly that the charges brought against Socrates were unjust, and it is playing the Plato feared for the outcome of those charges. Apparently, when Plato was 27 or 28, his friends and relatives who had invited him to join them in governing the Athenians, tried to get even with some of their political enemies, whom they had overthrown in the latest revolution. They tried Plato tells us to enlist the aid of Socrates in helping them to arrest one of their political adversaries and carry him off and execute him. Apparently, the attempt to involve Socrates in this travesty of justice and subsequent murder in the name
Starting point is 00:28:16 of the state was done in order to lend the name of the greatest philosopher of the day as a party to their legal activity and to force him to share in their guilt, kind of legitimize it. Socrates didn't answer their call to action and his absence was remarked and noted. They didn't care for that. It's going to lead his downfall. Plato was disgusted and then the corrupt politicians fell out of power and a new revolution ensued. Plato was tempted once again to involve himself in politics, but then he saw the same system
Starting point is 00:28:43 of political paybacks and corruptions practiced by the new leaders of the state more of the same again, again, man, he could be living now and pissed off by the same kind of stuff. Socrates was approached by the new regime and also again refused to work with him. Socrates was a great teacher, but he was never employed as a teacher,
Starting point is 00:29:00 never took money for the things he taught, never wrote anything down as far as we know, all we know of him and what he taught was recorded by his students, the young men of Athens, whom he would meet on various street corners in Athens, youngsters like Plato, whom he would gauge in conversations. Socrates was a true philosopher, lover of learning and truth, time sucker.
Starting point is 00:29:17 He's kind of like a time sa... Or maybe he didn't know how to write, maybe that's why he didn't do it. Maybe he was too lazy to write everything down by hand. Maybe he had Carpal Tunnel, they didn't know about it yet. Maybe, maybe he had teeny tiny doll hands that were made hard to hold a quilt. We don't know for sure. But apparently, Socrates refused to allow himself for any reason with people whom he felt clearly to be culpable of unjust acts. And Socrates would not cease asking questions of those people. What is your understanding of justice?
Starting point is 00:29:44 If you are wise, how do you know you are wise? If you are leader of the state, where precisely are you leading this state? If you are in a position of authority, what are your credentials for having that authority? In short, Socrates fucking knew how to piss people off. No, Socrates buys own precepts. An example must have encouraged the youth of Athens, including Plato to question authority wherever that authority might reside. And the turbulent Athens of this day, this, again, this is going to lead to his death.
Starting point is 00:30:08 Usually, pissing off the people in power doesn't bode well for your, for your health and well being. Socrates in 399, B.C.E. was brought to trial and charge, with not believing in the gods and with corrupting the youth of Athens. Socrates had too many enemies in high places. At a time when the young Plato was still considering becoming a politician, his dear friend and dearer's teacher was put to death by politicians. Now he did like, you know, drink some poison and kill himself, but it was forced.
Starting point is 00:30:31 The story of Socrates' trial and death is told in Plato's dialogues, The Apology, and The Fado. So how Plato wondered could have just as be achieved for Socrates? Indeed, how might justice be achieved for every citizen of the state? It is this interest and the possibility of achieving justice for every citizen that serves as the major argument in the Republic, in interest which threads through every political dialogue that Plato wrote. He resolved to become more committed to the study of philosophy, just like a teacher's
Starting point is 00:30:55 occulties, because Plato believed that to be a just or that a just and uncorrupted state as a political reality could not be formed until citizens arrived at an understanding of what constitutes justice and the good life as concepts. Plato resolved to dedicate his life to the study of philosophy. After the death of Socrates, Plato left Athens and according to Herm-Herm-Odaris, one of Plato's students, he spent the next few years traveling in Greece, Egypt and Italy. Again, the letter that Plato wrote when he was 60, the seventh letter tells us that he went to Italy and Sicily when he was 40, but then gluttony and sexual debauchery that he found there, disgusted him. He did make a new friend there,
Starting point is 00:31:34 Dion the brother-in-law of Dionysius I of Syracuse and Sicily, and then in 387 or 386 B.C. Plato returned to Athens and founded the Academy, which was intended to serve as a school for future leaders of state And this is gonna get us to Atlantis like problems Plato apparently planned the curriculum of the Academy primarily courses and philosophy signs and law to provide for the training of the ideal Philosopher rulers he described in the Republic This is, you know, most well-known work the Academy was one of the world's first The Academy is probably actually was the world's first university and Academy was probably, it was the world's first university, and it rapidly became the intellectual center for Greek life.
Starting point is 00:32:07 According to Aristotle, who studied with Plato for almost 20 years, Plato lectured without notes, probably engaging his students and conversations after the fashion of his own mentor, Socrates. And as the fame of the Academy grew, it attracted many brilliant thinkers to join his faculty, and we are told that Plato sent many of those faculty to help various city-states and colonies
Starting point is 00:32:24 to form legislative bodies. Man, what a fucking innovator. That's awesome. And 367 BC, when he was 60 years old, at the height of his fame, at the head of the academy, Plato heard from his friend, Dion of Syracuse, who invited Plato to come and teach the young Dionysius II, who had recently become King of Syracuse, Plato accepted the invitation because he still retained his old wish to become actively involved in politics, to be a man of action, as well as a mere man of words. But Dion soon got in trouble because of his political intrigues and was banished from the country. So then Plato again returned to Athens only to return to Syracuse again in 361 BCE to help Dionysius to rule fairly and equitably put the kingdom under a rule of law and
Starting point is 00:33:02 assure the temptations of tyranny. Plato failed in this endeavor and he soon found himself in personal danger. After escaping Syracuse, Plato returned home to Athens, he never again meddled directly in political affairs, although several members of his faculty did actively aid Deon's military expedition against Syracuse in 357 BCE, an expedition that overthrew the tyranny there. By this time, Plato had completed most of the writings, for which we remember him, but latent his life, he was still intrigued by the problem of how to accomplish a legislative body that might serve to put into action the ideas and the ideals he had conversed about in such works as the Republic. Aristotle, who became a student of the Academy in 367 BCE, tells us that
Starting point is 00:33:37 Plato and his students were conversing about the problem of laws and recorded system for governing a given state when Plato died in 348 or 347 BCE. Plato, a philosopher write to the very, very end. How cool is that? And how crazy is that? That all these years later, man, we're still trying to work it out. We're still trying to govern justly. Man, this is a problem that'll never go away because power corrupts, right? Absolute power, corrupts, absolutely. How do you, how do you give people a lot of power to govern the masses and not have them be corrupted? I don't know if that'll ever happen. I really don't.
Starting point is 00:34:12 Okay, so all right. So before we get to what Plato said about Atlantis, let's examine how he taught his students in a little more detail. We're able to really delve into his teachings because due to the Academy's safe keeping, many of Plato's works survived antiquity. These writings are in the form of letters and dialogues, the most famous of which is probably again the Republic. His writings covered subjects ranging from general knowledge to happiness, to politics, to
Starting point is 00:34:32 nature. A lot of Plato's teachings centered on distinguishing between objects that one can see and touch, and this is important to Atlantis, universal and universal ideals. The truest form of the object as the ultimate and original thing. To illustrate that difference, think about what a cat is. The idea of a cat is a general concept. It is a definition. According to Plato, this definition is timeless and immutable.
Starting point is 00:34:55 You can't see or touch a definition. It is independently existing. It is the ultimate thing. It is the ultimate idea of a cat. It is cat Zeus. It is cat Jesus. It is the ultimate thing. It is the ultimate idea of a cat. It is cat Zeus. It is cat Jesus. It is the perfect cat. The universal idea of a cat.
Starting point is 00:35:11 It is ideally and gloriously a hundred percent cat. As opposed to a regular old Mangy Tom cat that you can see on the street with notches on his ears, shepherds in his eyes, smells like a can of tuna, mixed with a litter box left out in the sun, got a crookedness tail. That's a sensible object, something that is right in front of you, something you can see in touch. This street cat is a representation of the ideal cat,
Starting point is 00:35:32 but it is not a cat in its truest, most perfect form. All right, so teaching about the ideal form of a thing compared to the actual version of it is, again, going to lead us to Atlantis. I promise, because that's where the big debate is. Was he talking about a real thing or was he talking about an ideal thing when he mentions Atlantis? And to teach us philosophy Plato had created many dialogues over the years. Timious and critious are two of Plato's dialogues and are the only written record which specifically refer to Atlantis written sometime around 360 BCE. Plato's dialogues in their simplest form
Starting point is 00:36:04 can be compared to like a screenplay, or a movie script. Essentially, Plato makes up conversations between individuals which helped convey his ideas. His dialogues were imaginary conversations between the character's Socrates, Hermocrates, Timious, and Critias. And in one of these dialogues, apparently in response to a prior talk by Socrates about ideal societies,
Starting point is 00:36:23 Timious and Critias agree to entertain Socrates with a tale that they do say is not a fiction, but a true story. And again, this is kind of like what would create the whole mythology of Atlantis. Was it really a true story? Or would he just say that in this narrative to like captivate his audience? And the story is about a conflict between the ancient Athenians and the Atlanteans 9,000 years before Plato's time. Knowledge the distant past, apparently forgotten by the Athenians of Plato's day.
Starting point is 00:36:51 The character Cridius mainly tells the story, in this dialogue Cridius intends to indulge Socrates with a story about the difference between gods and men, arguing that it is easier to speak well of the gods than it is to speak well of ordinary men. This is because to Cridius, aka, remember it's Plato, sharing his thoughts through characters, humans who try to seem impressive, we usually try to impress ignorant people who know nothing about what they were being impressed by. This is unlike the gods who know everything, so they're not going to be impressed by your little fucking pitily accomplishments.
Starting point is 00:37:23 Like you could have some pompous painter, painter, paint the mountains. He's the best human painter that ever lived. And to someone who is not, you know, an artist, or to someone, you know, who is not a God, rather, you know, this is going to look amazing. But to a God who literally created the mountains out of nothing, your mountains look like gray piles of shit. Well, the tale of Atlantis might, uh, tell of it, well, the tale of Atlantis might, well, the tale of Atlantis might,
Starting point is 00:37:46 and ultimate destruction by the gods, was thought of as a warning to the people of Athens. Don't believe your own hype. Don't get arrogant because of your prosperity and think you're the greatest thing to ever happen to Earth. To the gods, you're still nothing, so be fucking humble. And in Plato's tale, the people of Atlantis
Starting point is 00:38:01 were little fold themselves in their abilities, but then the gods were not oppressed and then the gods destroyed them. So again, stay humble, my friend, stay humble. That's what most historians think is a message of Atlantis, basically. So now this is a Plato's story of Atlantis, summarized as told by Critis. He sets a story about 9,000 years ago, and Critis begins to describe a war between which he describes as, to have taken place between those who dwelt outside the pillars of Hercules and all who dwelt within them.
Starting point is 00:38:30 Of the combatants on the one side, the city of Athens, and those they commanded. And the combatants on the other side were commanded by the kings of Atlantis. So first Athens is described. In Athens, you have land ownership and Greek mythology, Athena, and Hephaestus originally possessed Athens, these gods. And basically, the gods just chose areas to obtain and didn't argue with each other about who got one little city-state. And it said that they tended to the people of this land.
Starting point is 00:38:55 They governed them, holding their souls by the rudder of persuasion according to their own pleasure. Thus did they guide all mortal creatures. And Hephaestus, Greek god of blacksmiths, craftsmen's artisans, sculptors, medals, metallurgy, fire and volcanoes, Athena goddess of wisdom, crafts and war, both governed this land together because they were siblings and shared love and philosophy in art, which later changed into wisdom and virtue. In the beginning of Athens, they created brave humans who understood government and tradition.
Starting point is 00:39:23 Athens was inhabited in those days by various classes of citizens. There were artisans, there were husbandmen, farmers. And there were also a warrior class that originally set apart by divine men. These divine men dwelt by themselves and had all things suitable for nurture and education. They had nothing of their own. They regarded all that they had as common property. Nor did they claim to receive anything from the citizens more than their necessary food.
Starting point is 00:39:44 These bros are Plato's favorites. Thinker had a platonic played a boner for the warriors of Athens. There was land types discussed, the land was the best in the world in Athens, and was therefore able to, in those days, support a vast army raised from the surrounding people. They had a ton of animals and produce for their food. The mountains of Athens were high hills covered with fertile soil, and the plains were full of rich earth, and there was abundance of wood in the mountains. And who so lovingly cultivated this land was the husband-mend. Critious described them as lovers of honor and of a noble nature, and they husbanded the shit out of Athenian soil. They husbanded the animals. Husband of them so hard centars were born. That's right. Those
Starting point is 00:40:22 great husband-mend, husband of their seed so deeply into horse vagina that a race of half horse, half men was formed. No, this particular sale has nothing to do with centaurs. I'm afraid. And then there were the warriors. The warrior classed well by themselves around the temples of Athena and Hephaestus. The structure was enclosed with a single fence
Starting point is 00:40:41 like the garden of a single house. They all lived in very simple homes. All looked the same. We were not lavishly decorated. The warriors at this time had no need for riches. This is how they dwelt, being the guardians of their own citizens and the leaders of Hellenys who were their willing followers. And they took care to preserve the same number of men and women through all time. Being so many is required for warlike purposes.
Starting point is 00:41:01 And then as now, that is to say about 20,000. Plato didn't really get into exactly how they kept that number at 20,000. I guess a big detour into a forced abortion would have distracted from his main narrative. And if extra babies were born, that would increase the number beyond 20,000, the warriors used those extra babies for archery practice and gave their redundant corpses to the husband men for fertilizer for the soil. Be it dark turn. Overall, the Athenians were renowned all over Europe and Asia for their beautiful people,
Starting point is 00:41:30 and their darn good virtuous personalities. And then, after Critius finishes describing Athens, he goes on to describe Atlantis. So here we go. So just like Athena and Hephaestus guided Athens, Poseidon, God of the Sea, watched over and assisted Atlantis. The island itself, just like Athens, was extremely fertile and it was surrounded by the sea. Atlantis begins with a small mountain in the island, on this mountain, dwelled an Earth-born man named Ivanola, with his wife Lucip. They birthed only one doctor named Clayto. When the beautiful Clayto reached womanhood, her parents had been long dead and Poseidon fell in love with her and they had sex. You guys.
Starting point is 00:42:08 Hot, steamy water, God's sex. Romance novel shit. You don't too pump chump it when you're the God of the sea. She's lucky to have survived the encounter. Right, lucky her body wasn't torn into a million pieces from Poseidon's powerful waves of semen crashing against her human labia. Sex was so good and island was formed. That's how you know you have good sex.
Starting point is 00:42:25 When you're done, there's a new land mass. When you can come a new land mass into existence, that's how you know you're a god. Poseidon makes it so that no man could get to the island. In the center of the island, he creates two water springs, one with hot water, one with cold, how convenient in the days before gas and electric heaters, as well as a variety of food sprung up from the soil.
Starting point is 00:42:48 He then proceeded to have sex with Plato many more times. They loved to do it. And they produced five pairs of male twins. Why Plato felt the need to add this part to the story is lost to history. Maybe he was just, you know, really into twins and even numbers of offspring. Because there would be ten kids in case you're thinking that's five and odd number. Besides then divided up the island into 10 portions to give to his children. His first born was given his mother's dwelling in the surrounding land.
Starting point is 00:43:11 This was the largest and best plot of land, which made him king over everyone else. The oldest is the king. The rest of the sons become princes, who also had large territories to rule, and many people to rule over. It was a big fucking island, okay? The oldest son, the first king, was named Atlas, and he had meant maps, and he sold them with random McNally, another god. Now, that's just a weird map reference. The eldest god was named Atlas. The island of the land itself, and the surrounding ocean, the Atlantic,
Starting point is 00:43:40 were named after him. That's pretty fucking cool history. Atlantic comes from Atlas. The second youngest, Gator Euras, Gady Euras, there we go. Atlas's twin obtained an island. Oh man, he just missed it. He missed being Atlas by a couple minutes and ended up being Gady Euras. There's nothing to be named after him. Atlas's twin obtained an island known in the region of Gades and had the island language be named after him. The next Ellis pair of twins were called Amphiris and Evamon, two names pronunciation videos don't exist for. To the third pair of twins he gave the name of Manicius. Who knows if that's the fucking correct pronunciation because there are a bunch of stupid old
Starting point is 00:44:18 Greek names. And then there was Otto Kathan, which is spelled like he's a fucking transformer. An Otto Kathan would soon give birth to Optimus Prime. Yes, the Transformers are from Atlantis. Bumblebee, Ratchet, Ironhide, all grand sons of Poseidon. No, but why not? Why not have the Transformers show up in this weird fucking convoluted tale? And then there was other assholes with other asshole names, only their fucking families
Starting point is 00:44:40 cared about or pronounced. And then all these sons and their descendants from any generations were the inhabitants and rulers of the diverse islands and the open sea of Atlantis, even holding sway over the country within the pillars as far as Egypt and Turinia. There was the land structure and wealth of Atlantis was described by Plato. The eldest son had a very large and noble family. The crown was passed down to each eldest son for many generations. They were extremely loaded, more loaded than any king that had ever existed before.
Starting point is 00:45:07 They had everything they needed to run the city and the country and more. Like if yachts had existed, they would have had those more than those. They had so much money, they would have had giant fucking yachts so big that they would have a man made lake on the main yacht deck. And inside of that lake floating on a surface will be yet another yacht. Whether we play yacht rock all the time. They had an abundance of resources, such as precious minerals, wood, even animals.
Starting point is 00:45:33 Again, for an island, this place had a fuck ton of elephants for some reason. They had plentiful fruits and herbs that they used for food and medicine. This place just overflowed with goods. First, they bridged over, they had bridges going over the zones of the sea, because there was like little rings expanding out
Starting point is 00:45:50 from the main center island. And, you know, like there's like a road between the rural palaces. They built a harbor for ships, a canal, 300 feet wide and 50 stadium and length. All this including the zones and bridges. It's surrounded by a stone wall and every side, towers and gates and shits. The entire circle of the wall, which went including the zones and bridges surrounded by a stone wall and every side towers and gates and shit
Starting point is 00:46:06 The entire circuit of the wall which went around the outermost zone they covered with a coating of brass Why not make it look nice and pretty the circuit of the next wall they coated with tin and the third which encompassed the citadel Flashed with red the red light of Ori calcom or the calcom an ancient mix ofverns ink with small traces of nickel and iron. Fancy fucking island stuff, you guys. In the center of the palace, in the middle of the island, there was a holy temple dedicated to Clayto at Anpasidon, which remained inaccessible and was surrounded by an enclosure of gold. Of course it was.
Starting point is 00:46:38 And this temple, the ten sons, with tith of the people, which means that the people of the land would bring them offerings of their crop from the current season. Poseidon's own temple, which was a stadium and length, 600 feet, half a stadium and width, 300 feet, and a proportion of height had a strange barbaric appearance. All the outside of the temples, with the exception of the pinnacles, they covered with silver. And the pinnacles with gold, silver and gold, silver and gold. On the interior of the temple, the roof was made of ivory. I guess from all those fucking elephants, a lot of ivory. I think it was out and on and on.
Starting point is 00:47:10 They had a lot of fancy shit, right? They had temples full of statues, with you know, the gods were all made out of gold. With all the descendants of the 10 kings of landhead statues, they had fucking temples to even all kinds of stuff, even like horse racing at a horse racing temple. Why not? Right racing at a horse racing temple. Why not? Right. Have a horse racing temple in a land. Just fucking go nuts.
Starting point is 00:47:29 And again, so so many details. He talks about so many details, uh, crittyist when he's telling the story of Atlantis. Talks about like, you know, curses and stuff, you know, that they could put curses on people at their temples and talks about their laws. There's many special laws affecting the several inscribed about the temples, but the most important was the following. They were not to take up arms against one another. They were all to come to the rescue of any one of any of their cities attempted to overthrow
Starting point is 00:47:54 the royal house. Like their ancestors, they were deliberate in common about war and other matters giving to the supremacy of the descendants of Atlas. And the king was not to have the power of life and death over any of his kinsmen unless he had the consent of the majority of the 10. 10 smart dudes helped the king rule Atlantis. Right? And again, so many fucking details like they get into the minutia of Atlantis life. Apparently, you know, Plato, when he's when he's given this speech, it a lot of fucking time to kill. You know, he's he realized he shouldn't have signed up, you know, his students for a six hour course on the land and maybe he should have made it like one hour.
Starting point is 00:48:28 But for many generations, this land is apparently goes on like this. People are obedient to the laws, the descendants of Atlas, they fucking run shit. Good to the gods, they pay their tributes, they're very honest people, you know, possess a lot of wisdom, they live virtuous lives. All of that's going great.
Starting point is 00:48:49 But then, then finally, after a long period of time, after the descendants have gone way, way down the descendant line, and the portion of the population began to fade away that was really closely related to the gods, and they became deluded too much with the mortal side of man The human nature got the upper hand they could no no longer ignore their vast fortunes and they started to behave Unseemly started to become greedy lovers of luxury and power And it pissed Zeus off. He was like mmm fuck that as direct quote from a Plato's research
Starting point is 00:49:21 He's like and then Zeus said fuck that and it echoed off of the pillars of Atlantis But no Zeus then the God of God who rules according to law And Zeus is like a cocky their being in soy punisher and according to critis 9,000 years before his lifetime a war took place Between those outside the pillars of Hercules at the straight-age of Walter and those who dwell within them the Athenians Verses the Atlantians and Because you know the landings were gotten real cocky and weren't you know cool to the gods anymore Zeus favored The Athenians versus the Atlantians. And because, you know, the Lannians were gotten real cocky and weren't, you know, cool to the gods anymore. Zeus favored the Athenians who were not as cocky and they were more respectful. Right? Less broy, right?
Starting point is 00:49:54 And the Atlantians, though, you know, there was a huge battle. And even those Zeus favored the Atlantians. The Atlantians still nearly won in this story because they did have the greatest single warrior the world had ever seen. They had bow jangles. Bow jangles was the one immortal non-human Poseidon produced, mating with the beautiful local Pitbull bitch when Clayto could no more take his godseed, and yet he was still horny in the early moments of Atlantis' formation. Bow jangles was made immortal.
Starting point is 00:50:22 He took the mortal form of a Pitbull and possessed the abilities of a mortal god And he was Atlantis's finest warrior. He could cut through the ranks of a hundred enemy men with his ease Slapping them with his four powerful paws staring them down with his two steely eyes He was adored by female dogs and human woman alike and he had a harem of each living with him on Atlantis at all times And he had never been wounded in battle once hundreds of years of fighting But not a single scratch until the day he battled Zeus himself in the final battle on Atlantis at all times. And he had never been wounded in battle once, hundreds of years of fighting, but not a single scratch until the day he battled Zeus himself in the final battle of Atlantis, and Zeus struck Bogyangles with two powerful thunderbolts, one right after the other. The first hit Bogyangles, as Bogyangles nearly killed the God of God with a powerful bite, one thunderbolt, a weapon that would normally wipe an entire village
Starting point is 00:51:04 out the map forever, took out one of Bogyles' precious eyes, and the other removed one of his precious legs, and also strangely saved his life when it blasted him onto the land of Europe. Far away from Zeus' sight, saving him from the violent earthquakes and floods that then sank Atlantis into the sea. So that's the basic summary of what Plato said about Atlantis, except the Bojangles stuff. That was me. That was me. But in this great battle, Zeus did sigh with it and he sank Atlantis into the sea. So now, so that's the basic story. It's super fucking weird and long and parts of it are really boring. But now the big question is, was he being serious on any level, and I mean by him, by he, I mean Plato, in Atlanta's
Starting point is 00:51:45 existing, or was it just a parable? Was this all just a fictional story used to illustrate a moral lesson? Most historians, and by most, I mean all the general historians think it was just a story. It's a story that captures the imagination, says James Rom, Professor of Classics at Bard College in Anondale, New York. It's a great myth. It has a lot of elements that people love to fantasize about. There are many theories about where Atlantis was. In the Mediterranean, off the coast of Spain, even under what is now Antarctica,
Starting point is 00:52:15 pick a spot on the map and someone has said Atlantis was there says Charles Orzer, curator of history at the New York State Museum in Albany. Every place you can imagine. Plato said Atlantis existed about 9,000 years before his own time, and then its story had been passed down by poets, priests, and others. But Plato's writings about Atlantis
Starting point is 00:52:30 are the only known records of his existence, why didn't it pop up before and anything. A few of any scientists think Atlantis actually existed. Ocean, Explorer, Robert Ballard, the National Geographic Explorer in Residence, who discovered the wreck of the Titanic in 1905, pretty accomplished dude, notes that no noble laureates have ever said that what Plato wrote about Atlantis was true.
Starting point is 00:52:52 Look at Ballard going full nerd fight with that little barb. Saying basically that only idiots have a search for real Atlantis. I fucking love it. Still Ballard says the legend of Atlantis is a logical one since cataclysmic floods and volcanic explosions have happened throughout history, including one event that had some similarities to the story of the destruction of Atlantis. About 3600 years ago, a massive volcanic eruption devastated the island of Santorini and the Aegean Sea near Greece. At the time, a highly advanced
Starting point is 00:53:19 for their day, society of Minowans lived on Santorini. The Minowans civilization disappeared suddenly, at about the same time, is that volcanic eruption. But Banner doesn't think Santorini was Atlantis. Because the time of the eruption on the island doesn't coincide with when Plato said Atlantis was destroyed. Ron believes Plato created the story of Atlantis to convey some of his philosophical theories, like I was saying earlier. He was dealing with a number of issues, says Rom, themes that run throughout his work. His ideas about divine versus human nature, ideal societies, the gradual corruption of human society. These ideas are all found in
Starting point is 00:53:53 many of his works. Atlantis was a different vehicle to expand on some of these themes. Right? That he put it much better than I put it earlier when trying to describe what Atlantis, what the message was supposed to be. But if Atlantis was real, where would it be? All right. Okay. So no respectful member of academia actually believes that Atlantis was a real place, but if they did believe it, where would it be?
Starting point is 00:54:14 It is stated several times within the dialogue that the story is true. I mean, there is that parts about the impassable sea and the true content on the other side of Atlantis tend to indicate a more detailed knowledge than a normal fictional story. If you think Plato was telling the truth in Timious and with Timious and Critias, then Atlantis is located somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. One of the more likely places would be around
Starting point is 00:54:35 the Azores Islands. Azores is a group of islands belonging to Portugal, located about 900 miles west of the Portuguese coast. Some people believe these islands are the mountain tops of the sunken continent of Atlantis. On the other hand, if you feel Atlantis was an exaggeration of the historical destruction of Thera and the Minoan Empire, then it's found in the GNC. And again, there are some compelling similarities between the destruction of Santorini and the destruction of Atlantis. Okay. So, you know, Mediterranean, Atlantic, probably one of those places.
Starting point is 00:55:04 But there actually is other thoughts on where it could be. Again, like the guy said before, anywhere on the map, you can basically talk about at some point someone has thought Atlantis was probably there. But when did people start looking for this real Atlantis? Well, for centuries after Plato's teaching, no one searched for Atlantis. It was widely accepted that Plato wasn't referring to a real place. And for hundreds of years, there were also many other mysteries that were definitely real to explore. So it wasn't priority. Europeans were busy exploring the South Pacific,
Starting point is 00:55:28 Africa, Southeast Asia, the Americas. They were venturing to places that were definitely real, unknown to Europeans, full of very real gold and jewels. I mean, just look at how the Spaniards alluded the riches of the Aztecs and Incas. So again, it wasn't a priority to look for Atlantis at that time. And then Charles, Ateen, Brasur, they were Berg showed up.
Starting point is 00:55:46 He of the most obnoxiously long French name in the history of obnoxiously long French names. Fuckin 19th century European assholes with their 17 fuckin' middle names. Ugh, the ego's on these pieces shit. I like 19th century Wild West names, by the way. Like when Dude Ted, like, you know, one simple syllable, you know, like doc or Ike. Anyway, Charlie, as I will now call them, because I refuse to say his proper stupid name at length ever again, or you know, let's go even simpler. Chuck. Chuck was a noted French writer, ethnographer, historian, archaeologist. He became a specialist in Mesoamerican studies, traveling extensively in that region, a region that covers present-day central Mexico
Starting point is 00:56:25 to Costa Rica, and his recovery of historical documents contributed much knowledge of the region's languages, writing, history and culture, particularly those of the Maya and Aztec civilizations. And he also believed in a real Atlantis. And Chuck or Big C is, I also sometimes like to call him now, I believe the Maya culture descended from the culture of Atlantis. He published a theory in 1862, in which he expressed his belief that the lost land described by Plato did really exist and had an advanced civilization there before the beginning of the civilizations in Europe and Asia. He suggested that the origins of European and
Starting point is 00:57:01 Persian words could be traced to indigenous languages of the Americas, and that the ancient cultures of the new and the old world had been in constant communication with one another at one time. He published a book in 1866 called Monuments of Ancient Mexico with illustrations of Maya Ruins illustrations of what the ruins may have looked like originally. Illustrations that also went a little overboard, as far as exaggerating certain architectural features to make the ancient Maya ruins look very similar
Starting point is 00:57:30 to ancient Greek and Roman ruins in this captivated the public's imagination. In another book published in 1868, Chuck made extensive parallels between Maya and Egyptian pantheons and cosmologies, implying that they had all had a common source and that the common source was Atlantis. He even speculated further about a history
Starting point is 00:57:47 of the real Atlantis based on his interpretation of Maya Ruins. And for the most part, not too many people cared about Chuck's thoughts on Atlantis. Not too many like intellectuals. Again, he captured kind of like the public imagination, but few scholars on the whole bot history and very few people were influenced by it.
Starting point is 00:58:04 Until Ignatius Donnelly, an American who liked Chuck's theories a whole bunch, one of the most important, if not the most important figure in the history of Atlantis research is American Ignatius Donnelly born in 1831, lived in 1901, and he was author of Atlantis, the anti-Deluvian world, published in 1882, and without him we probably wouldn't even be doing this episode. Donnelly studied Chuck's teachings extensively in the research of other lesser known Atlantis believers of the 19th century, such as Augustus, Le Plangeon,
Starting point is 00:58:34 a French-American author, an amateur archaeologist who believed that the Maya and Egyptian civilizations also sprouted forth from the Atlantis civilization. And Donnelly proposed that prior to the Great Flood, Atlantis was a paradise of mankind. The Christian and Jewish Garden of Eden and the Greek and Roman Elysian fields. He stated that Atlantis, the cradle of all civilizations, had established its first colony in Egypt, and that few people who escaped the catastrophic flood carried news of the disaster to all parts
Starting point is 00:58:59 of the Earth. This news became the basis of the flood mythology in various religions and cultures. And although widely read and believed at first, Donnelly's theories as well as the tale of Atlanta's gradually were dismissed by the scientific community of his day. A popular nickname for Ignatius during his own lifetime was the Prince of Cranks.
Starting point is 00:59:18 So, you know, that kind of shows how respected he was. He also wrote books about the Biblical flood being brought on by a giant comment, colliding with Earth, and about how Sir Francis Bacon actually wrote all of Shakespeare's plays. He also shortly before he died wrote a pamphlet about a race of wooden puppets living in Pennsylvania who were the true ancestors of the Amish people. He felt that their dedication to a simple way of living came naturally to them due to their wooden puppet origins.
Starting point is 00:59:42 All right, the puppet shit is nonsense, but the rest of that actually is true. One of Donald's Atlanta's theories was looked into further in recent years, and that was the great flood origin theory. This is an interesting one to me. This is about the Black Sea, and this is a theory that presumes Atlantis itself was fictional, but the story of its demise was inspired by an actual historical event, the breaching of the Bosporus by the Mediterranean Sea and the subsequent flooding of the Black Sea around 5,600 BCE. At that time, the Black Sea was a freshwater lake
Starting point is 01:00:10 half its current size. Then, rapid flooding inundated civilizations known to flourish along its banks with hundreds of feet of sea water in a short period of time, perhaps less than a year. As inhabitants of the region scatter, they spread tales of the deluge, the day-luge tales that may have led thousands of years later to play to his account of Atlantis.
Starting point is 01:00:27 Tales that may also have led to the story of Noah and the Biblical flood. This theory was even featured in the New York Times, 1996, while as agreed that the sequence of events described by the hypothesis occurred and that the Black Sea did expand its border around 5,600 BCE, there is significant debate over the suddenness of this
Starting point is 01:00:46 flood, and if it in fact did inspire all the flood mythology of various religions. There's also a theory, one not based on Donnelly's work, that Atlantis was actually a much more temperate version of what is now Antarctica. This is based on the work of Charles Habgood in his 1958 book, Earth Shifting Crust, according to Habgood in his 1958 book Earth Shifting Crust, according to Habgood Around 12,000 years ago the Earth's crust shifted displacing the continent that became Antarctica from a location much further north than it is today The more temperate continent was home to an advanced civilization But the sudden shift to its current frigid location doom the civilizations inhabitants the Atlantians and their magnificent city was buried under layers of ice
Starting point is 01:01:23 Habgood's theory Surface before the scientific world gained a full understanding of plate tectonics, which largely relegated his shifting crust idea to the fringes of Atlantean beliefs. That's pretty unbelievable when you're at the fringe of Atlantean beliefs. This theory makes us about as much sense now as a NASA-guarded ice wall surrounding the flat earth. There's also the Bermuda Triangle theory, and this is another theory that was inspired by Donnelly's Atlanta speculation, dude had no shortage of theories. And this theory was that Lannis was in the center of the Bermuda Triangle, a theory that
Starting point is 01:01:55 many later writers expanded on and then added their own speculations as to where Lannis may have been. One of these writers was Charles Burlitz, grandson of founder of the well-known language schools, and author of many books on paranormal phenomena. In the 1970s, Burlitz claimed that land was a real continent located out the Bahamas that had fallen victim to the notorious Bermuda Triangle, which will be a future time site episode. I know many of you have written in about that.
Starting point is 01:02:19 That's a region of the Atlantic where a number of ships have supposedly disappeared in a very mysterious circumstances and planes as well. Supporters of this theory point to the discovery of what looked like man-made walls and streets found off the coast of the Meeney, although scientists have evacuated these structures and found them to be natural beach rock formations. Charles Burlitz was also, he also wrote a book, I was fascinated with his kid, a world of strange phenomena. Pearlets also wrote Doomsday, 1999 AD. The Roswell incident, the mystery of Atlantis, Atlantis, the lost continent revealed, Atlantis, the eighth continent, numerous other similarly
Starting point is 01:02:53 titled works. Oddly enough, none of Charles Brodys' books have ever been used as either college or high school or even junior high or even home school textbooks. Then there's the work, this is the best. Then there's the work of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, a 19th century Russian occultist who co-founded the Theosophical Society in New York City in 1875 and holy shit! Do Atlantis tales go completely off the fucking rails with her?
Starting point is 01:03:23 Theosophie, the fucking goddammit. Theosophie, theosophie, theothi- fucking goddammit. Theosophie, there we go, theosophie holds that there is an ancient and secretive brotherhood of spiritual adepts known as the masters. Who, although found across the world, are centered in Tibet. These masters are believed, these immortals, these highlanders, are believed to have cultivated great wisdom and paranormal powers. And theosophists believe that it was they who initiated the modern Theosophical movement through dissimating their teachings via Blavatsky. She's the chosen one. And all these masters
Starting point is 01:03:57 Incidentally are directly related to Steven Segal. No, of course they're not. Blavatsky claimed she traveled extensively in the mid-19th century and that her travels brought her to Tai Bet where she was given access to ancient manuscripts and had seek information. Information she would share in books like The Secret Doctrine, published in 1888. And in this book,
Starting point is 01:04:16 she writes about early races of humans that modern history doesn't know about or is chose to hide, including the race of people living in a now-vanished continent that used to exist in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. And she made up, I mean, revealed a lot about this race of people. During the long period of time, when Atlantis was ruled by the Toltex, the ancestors of the Ameri Indians, the early inhabitants of America, the civilization
Starting point is 01:04:41 of Atlantis was at its height. This was the period between about a million and 900,000 years ago. It was called the Golden Age of Atlantis. During this time, the Atlantians had many luxuries and conveniences. Their capital city was called the city of the Golden Gates. At its height, it had two million inhabitants. There was extensive aqueducts leading to the city from a mountain lake. The Atlanteans, they had airships powered by the Vril that could seat two to eight people. I love how it's fucking specific all this nonsense is. Who are the Vril? Fair question.
Starting point is 01:05:15 They are a superior subterranean master race written about in 1871 by Edward Burelitton and his novel The Coming Race, who is Edward Burel Litten. He was an immensely popular British fiction writer, a fiction writer who wrote a lot of best-selling books the 19th century and who coined the phrase, the pen is mightier than the sword. I knew that phrase, I didn't know his name. He also wrote about the real in a science fiction novel. Yet some of his readers, readers like Madame Velatsky, insisted he wasn't making
Starting point is 01:05:44 everything up. He was sneaking in some truths. Anyway, back to Madame Blaski insisted he wasn't making everything up. He was sneaking in some truths. Anyway, back to Kugutown. I mean, back to Madame Blaski's very truthful Atlanta story. She said that Atlanta's economic system was socialist, much like that of the Incas. Atlantaians were the first to develop organized warfare. The military deployed real powered air battleships that contained 50 to 100 fighting men, these air battleships deployed poison gas bombs.
Starting point is 01:06:09 The infantry, remember, this is like a million years ago. The infantry fired fire-tip arrows. The toll-text on Atlantis worshiped the sun in temples as grand as those of ancient Egypt that were decorated in bright colors. The toll-text colonized all of North American South America and thus became the people we now know as the Amerindians. The downfall of Atlantis started when some of the toll texts began to practice black magic around 850,000 BC. Because why did they do that?
Starting point is 01:06:39 Because they were corrupted by the dragon. Thephatat remembered as Devadatta, the opponent of Buddha. corrupted by the dragon, Seth is, Seth attacked. Remember it is, Devadatta, the opponent of Buddha. What the fuck are she even talking about now? Wow, throwing dragons in the mix. Why not? Why not? You're already talking about airships
Starting point is 01:06:56 and poison gas bombs existing on fake continent. Million years ago, why not go full AD&D and throwing some black magic, throwing some fucking dragons? Man, Madame Blask, Bovlaski, must have been the best to talk to at parties, you know, and then what happened? No, really a dragon two dragons get out of town black magic You don't say oh, I'm listening Madame Blasky am I ever listening?
Starting point is 01:07:24 Okay, but back to her historically, accurate downfall, account of the downfall of Atlantis. So, you know, after the start of using black magic, the people began to become selfish and materialistic. Now that's what happens when you start fucking, you know, using black magic, every knows that. And soon thereafter, the the Toranians, the ancestors, the people we know now
Starting point is 01:07:43 is the Turkic people. They become dominant in much of Atlantis. You know, it's their time, their time to shine. And the Teranians, you know, they just fucking, they continue using black magic, you guys. And they use it for hundreds of thousands of years. And it reaches as height in 250,000 BCE. And it continues until the final sink in Atlantis,
Starting point is 01:08:04 when they were opposed by white magicians finally holy shit so they're playing around black magic for 600,000 years look I don't I don't know a lot about black magic but I do know that's a long time to be fucked around with it like that's a long time and then the white magician shut up where were they for the previous 600,000 fucking years I don't know, not okay anyway back to undisputedly accurate historical events Where were they for the previous 600,000 fucking years? I don't know. No, okay. Anyway, back to undisputedly accurate historical events.
Starting point is 01:08:28 So then the master Moria incarnated as the emperor of Atlantis and 220,000 BCE to oppose these black magicians because the white magicians, you know, fucking, they get him going. Now the black magicians at this time, they weren't going down without a fight. And they used magical spells to breed human animal chimeras to use as sex slaves What the fuck?
Starting point is 01:08:50 chimeras They bred fire breathing she monsters with lion's heads goat bodies and serpents tails and they helped create thing with black magic Wow, I guess that's what happens when you when you dig around with black magic for too long you end up making monster sex lives Well, they didn't just fuck these chimeras. They made them fight. And they didn't just have lion chimeras either. Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, they had an army composed of chimeras that were composites, composed of a human body with the heads of fierce predators such as lions, tigers, and bears. Oh my, the eight enemy corpses on the battlefield. I don't know why that detail was important for to relate to our people, but they didn't just kill them. They ate the corpses of the battlefield. I don't know why that detail was important for her to relate to her people,
Starting point is 01:09:25 but they didn't just kill them. They ate the corpses of the people they killed. And then the war between the white magicians and the black magicians continued until the end of Atlantis. And the masters of the ancient wisdom telepathically warned their disciples the white magicians to flee Atlantis and ships.
Starting point is 01:09:41 Remember the masters she was talking about earlier, the Steven Segal cousins or whatever. To flee in the lands and ships, while there were still time to earlier, the Steven Seagull cousins or whatever. To flee and land in ships while there were still time to get out before the final cataclysm. As noted, the final sudden submergence of Atlantis due to earthquakes occurred in 9,564 BC. Exactly. And there you go. There you go time suckers. A little bit of history your teachers were afraid to teach you. History only found in men whence how and wither, a record of clairvoyant investigation, book published 1913 by the second president of the Theosophical Society,
Starting point is 01:10:14 Adjara Abesant, and member CW Leadbeater, expanding on the teachings of the great Madame Lovatsky. But enough, know, fuck. Okay. So that's a while back. That's a while back. That's some 19th century nut job thoughts. But are there any nut jobs out there that still believe in the last David Lannis?
Starting point is 01:10:33 Still look for it. Of course there are. Of course there are. You've been on the internet. There's Tony O'Connell and Irish pseudo historian who runs the website at Lantapedia. An entire Wikipedia, like website, devoted to facts regarding Lannus, Tony describes it thusly.
Starting point is 01:10:50 Atlanta Pedia is aimed at providing the most comprehensive source of information regarding the development of Atlanta's theories, particularly since Ignatius Donnelly produces seminal work, his seminal work, on the subject towards the end of the 19th century. The content is intended to assist researchers, journalists, and anyone with an inquiring mind, unlike many other sites on the internet at Lantapedia
Starting point is 01:11:11 will not be providing open forms. Of course, it won't be. This is because it's a bunch of nonsense, which I have seen so often devolved into time-waisting squabbles between ego-trippers or between lunatics, is what I would say. However, we are open to all ideas and data that may improve the quality of the information offered.
Starting point is 01:11:31 And we've offered an invite for emails from readers. It's actually not written like that. It doesn't, the way he wrote it, it doesn't make any fucking sense. My intention is that a land to pediate, be primarily concerned with a scientific search for Plato's Atlantis. Speculative theories or alleged psychic revelations without any supporting evidence are as worthless
Starting point is 01:11:50 here as they would be in a court of law. He's only dealing with a serious shit, you guys. Atlanta Pedia encompasses a wide range of theories in their proponents to include, if I may badly paraphrase the good, the good, the mad, and the unbelievable. All right, so what qualifications does O'Connell have to run this site? fries, the good paraphrase, the good, the mad, and the unbelievable. All right. Well, so what qualifications does O'Connell have to run this, uh, run this site? Well, O'Connell does not have any education or degrees in archaeology, history, or the classics. The three subjects he spends most of his time writing about.
Starting point is 01:12:16 He did previously work for a small electrical company, he was an electrician, and he's now retired, which, you know, gives him a lot of time to run the amazing Lantapedia. A site that even features an extendability of Atlantis-based terminology such as Atlantophobia, which it defines as fear of the belief in the reality of Plato's Atlantis. Like other phobias, it can manifest itself in different forms, ranging from low-level sneering to downright ad homonym tirades on the internet.
Starting point is 01:12:41 One extreme case led to a suffer physically attacking anyone named Donnelly. Well, you know, at least he has a sense of humor about his sight. I felt like he was talking about me there, by the way, with the, I mean, I guess I do have at land of phobia. I'm curious as to the internet tie raids, Donnelly is referring to, let's find out what people
Starting point is 01:12:56 are saying about it, let us on the web. And what is, my favorite idiots of the internet so far. Okay, guys, this is my favorite part of this episode. If you're bored at work or you need a good laugh or you just want to feel intellectually superior to someone, please do yourself a favor, go to YouTube and search for Lost City of Atlantis is real. Holy Motherfuck, the Pandora's box of crazy, you will open is deliciously incredible. So much lunacy under Atlantis videos. And I don't know what's crazier, the comments or the videos themselves,
Starting point is 01:13:36 the information presented is off the fucking charts crazy. I'm talking flat earth is definitely real. NASA ice guards are for sure patrolling the perimeter right now and being assisted by space lizards who control every thought and move from their moon base. Moon based in the sky. It's that level of preposterous delusion. So let's get into it. The following is an exchange from six months ago in the comment section of a video called most amazing cities found underwater, which of course includes the Lost City of Atlantis
Starting point is 01:14:05 presented by the YouTube channel Origin's Explained. Now, the narrator talks about having photos and videos of amazing underwater cities that traditional historians just aren't talking about. It's too much, you guys. And this video is mostly just a slideshow, and it's the greatest, because it uses obviously stock photo images
Starting point is 01:14:23 of like scientists, like some model pretending to be a scientist in a very generic scientist outfit looking through like a microscope that has nothing to do with what's being spoke with spoke about video and they've mixed in like obvious drawings Presentative photos of giant pyramids under underwater, like obviously fake shit. At one point, they talk about finding ancient pottery and beads underwater, and then they splice in,
Starting point is 01:14:51 again, another stock photo of some cheap plastic beads you'd find like a flea market, stuff that you would get your kid to make like an enneclus making kit. It is the best. And so many people watch this video and think it's real. I mean, it couldn't be more obviously fake. I could make it like in an hour.
Starting point is 01:15:07 And I'm not that good at video editing. And to me, it would be like, here's the fucking dumbest shit ever. It's like like adult swim, making fun of public access. That level of nonsense. But then in the comments, there's a lot of people like,
Starting point is 01:15:21 well, I'm like a legit man, legit. And I guess only people believe it, because apparently a large portion of the world's population is just so emotionally desperate to need this type of shit to be real, to give some kind of meaning that they feel like they need their lives, that they'll just believe anything. Now, by the way, if you're one of those desperate
Starting point is 01:15:38 for any kind of meaning people, so glad to have you on board. No one will spread the message of the suck more than you. Your dedication to whatever you choose to believe is inspiring." Okay, so under this video, a six months ago, user Tefin Cah says, If there are so many reasons that the chronological table needs to be revised, then they are not doing so and purposely trying to cover up these things and deny any of them to be real, despite the physical evidence and continue to teach students lies and force the students
Starting point is 01:16:05 to believe the lies and mark the students wrong when they speak out against the lies. I don't know how that's a question, but it ends in a question mark. To which, but it is a question. And William Gary a month ago, answered it. He says, suppression of information, my man. Those lifelong historians wouldn't want their to risk their credibility by having to rewrite all of their work, would they? What you described is absolutely what they are doing. It's a real problem. Okay.
Starting point is 01:16:31 This exchange is in reference to the video claiming that new previously unknown advanced civilizations such as Atlantis have been discovered for sure. Much older than what we previously thought were the earliest advanced civilizations of Mesotemia. And when Gary, he have two first names, possibly a relative of Ricky Randy and Rodney Bobby, thinks historians, or doesn't think historians rewrite history, even though they do that all the fucking time. Historians love new exciting history to come to light, but they think now, now they got to hide it to keep their credibility intact. So for what, for what agenda? So they can keep selling their old history books.
Starting point is 01:17:07 They would love to write new books. They need more shit to sell. It's not like old history books are just flying off the fucking shelves, just being downloaded at record rates, making all that sweet history book money, living in their history book mansions, fucking half wit.
Starting point is 01:17:20 They would also have way more to gain with new information, right? They would just have new stuff to write, new papers to publish, new courses to teach. Okay. But later on in that same video, power of love, tarot medium reading says, finally, people are starting to wake up. The city, the city near Cuba is Atlantis itself. It is written in ancient sacred texts of Vedas, as well as the reason why they went underwater,
Starting point is 01:17:44 as well as spaceships and all events of Midgard Earth. But if I read one more comment from religious brainwash zombies and their quote, God, I will just throw up. Uh-uh, power of love, tarot, medium reading. You don't get to make fun of religion when you're using your name references, tarot cards in a non-ironic way. I'm going to make a rare stand, defend my religious listeners.
Starting point is 01:18:05 If you've listened to multiple episodes of this podcast, you know that I'm not religious, you know? And then that I'm not necessarily a big fan of organized religion in general. But I do have way more respect for religion than I do for fucking tarot card reading. Oh man, I hate new AG shit so much. When someone starts talking to me about tarot cards
Starting point is 01:18:23 in a serious way or astrology or any of that weird new agey crystal shit, I just want to walk away and never talk to them again. Just get the fuck out of here. Midgard Earth, S spaceships, and you're making fun of religion. I love it when someone who believes in one thing there's no scientific proof for at all or empirical evidence of or any legitimate documentation of any kind of argues with someone else who believes a different thing that no one can prove as well. Yeah, just like, ha ha, you, you believe in Sasquatch?
Starting point is 01:18:52 You fucking jackass. Oh my God, I was just telepathically communicating with some of my alien buddies on Mars about this exact type of silly shit 200 years ago. IE last night when I asked for a project project into another dimension where time isn't relative. And they then told me that there can't be sasquadges. They can't be real because they don't share the same source DNA as centars. But you know what, keep believing in those silly, obviously not real hominids if that's
Starting point is 01:19:20 what you need to do. Just keep ignoring the truth, brother. Refuse to do some basic, clear voyant fucking investigation. Well further down the thread, things take a turn for the good in a weird way, we're skeptic and fundamentalist, form a little truce. Check this out, 8 months ago, user Arizona Person critiques the video saying, your dates are wrong, the earth was created 6,000 years ago, just like the Bible tells us. To which bonkers crayon 60 replies,
Starting point is 01:19:47 LOL, bitch, you're joking. The earth was made billions of years ago. I don't care what you believe in, but I don't believe in that one God shit. Evolution is true, the facts are true, not the fucking Bible. Believe what you believe, kid, but just saying those things, the Bible or whatever,
Starting point is 01:20:02 it's called ain't true. It's so hard to read these things. You have to like, what exactly are they saying with those fucking crazy grammar? Well, Arizona person does not care for this drugatory reply and comes back with ass wipe. No, I am not joking. It was created six thousand years ago,
Starting point is 01:20:19 just like the Bible teaches. You are hell bound, Bible denying, fool. Well, bonkers crayon 60 doesn't like being told he's going to hell few people do few people do he comes back with a lot of capital letters almost everything in caps and a lot of exclamation points like so many he says boy I don't care what you believe I'm discussing the facts humans are older than 6,000 years there are this billions of years old fucking god like damn chill. Well, Arizona person ain't about to chill. There is exactly zero chill in Arizona, Arizona person who
Starting point is 01:20:52 retorts with all caps wrong. Just because you were indoctrinated with lies and bullshit doesn't make it true. You're extremely low IQ is showing. And for some reason, this calms bonkers crayon 60 down. An rare, sincere, YouTube apology is given. Bonkers crayon 60 says, look Arizona person, I'm extremely sorry that I offended you and you're believes in that level. Every human being believes in something and that something may be different from another's beliefs. I'm apologizing and I hope you can accept it.
Starting point is 01:21:23 I believe in evolution and you believe in what the Bible discusses to you. I think that's completely fine and that we should and we should not fight over this. Can you accept my apology? I love how it gets so sincere all of a sudden. Not only does Arizona person accept Bonkers Cran. Bear, bonkers crayons 60s apology, the issue one of their own, it's a YouTube miracle. Yes, I as well, I'm sorry. I just love all of God's creations. I want to see people going to heaven is all. Good day. Note no caps, no exclamation points.
Starting point is 01:21:54 To which bonkers crayons 60 and the exchange was a polite little good day to you too, no caps. That was sweet. I like that. But I like this idiotic nonsense of I'm about to share with you even more Under video titled National Geographic documentary 2015 the Lost World of Atlantis full documentary HD We have some geniuses sharing their knowledge with the world a month ago user Melba Hank lets us all know we are wasting our time looking for Atlantis not because it's not real No, sir. That would be reasonable. No, because we're just not ready to see it.
Starting point is 01:22:26 He says, ladies and gentlemen, none of you will find Atlantis when the time is right. The right people will reincarnate and they are ones that will find Atlantis. It is not about title, it is about the benefit of humanities. Atlantis is on our fingertips, but because of our ego, we lost sight. Atlantis was not in Europe. It was in the Atlantic Ocean. And please stop telling lies. Plato was not the only one that knew the tales of Atlantis. All you need to do is talk to Native American, as if it's one person.
Starting point is 01:23:03 The race of Atlantis was the red race that is now almost extinction, but they will return and they will be the ones to find Atlantis. You are wasting your time and you are giving false information. Please, if you're Native American time-sector, please, please address this, please send me an email.
Starting point is 01:23:20 I love how he just he acts like, yeah, just talk to any Native American and they'll be like, no, we fucking, we've known about it on this for years bro. We tell yeah that's common knowledge I love that he opens with ladies and gentlemen Really adds like an official scholarly heir to the whole thing ladies ladies and gentlemen I have some fine news to share with you. We will not find Atlantis at the bottom of the sea that is lunacy No, we will find it was the red race of Native Americans reincarnate when the time is right to reveal themselves in the lost city That is all good day carry on and so forth
Starting point is 01:23:51 Will user Alan Martin also doesn't buy this video's explanation. No, he instead directs us to the real truth He directs us to another even crazier at Lannis video saying two weeks ago Atlantis was a global civilization that sank 12,900 years ago. There is geological evidence to support these, to support this. See Randall Carlson and Graham Hancock. They know their stuff on this subject, and if you wish to hear what happened during the cataclysm, I refer you to Courtney Brown and the Farsight Institute that they have remote viewed it. Atlantis was discovered by remote viewing. Holy shit, we've reached even another level of insanity.
Starting point is 01:24:28 This is so good, it just keeps getting better. Remote viewing, by the way, is the practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen target, purportedly using extra sensory perception, ESP, or sensing with the mind. It's never been scientifically proven to work ever. Don't think for a second,
Starting point is 01:24:42 that means I won't do a future time so connoissell, I fucking love this weird shit. Well I bid on Alan's recommendation. I watch some of the video Atlantis, the true story, remote viewing Atlantis, Courtney Brown, shared by the YouTube channel Cosmic Continuum. It's narrated by Randy Muggins from Off Planet Radio, who seems exactly as casually insane as you would expect. Off Planet Radio defines itself as, welcome to the new reality adventure of the mind, the paranormal, black science,
Starting point is 01:25:07 deep politics, metaphysics, spiritually, dot dot, or spirituality, dot dot, and beyond. Fuck me. And here's the first awesome exchange I came to under this video. A year ago, user Chuck Hydro has a question about some of the videos claims regarding the entire earth being populated by the people of Atlantis. He says, so there was one race and from that race, all the races evolved. It will be interesting for him to explain as to how the one race was able to develop all the distinct racial features. IE since genetic features simply cannot be added to the genetic code. If there is such an if there is such an ability, I would love to have an example.
Starting point is 01:25:44 Well, finally, one week ago, this question was definitively answered. User, Catherine De Carlo explains Chuck. I'm sorry, Chuck Hydro. Chuck Hydro. That is easy. They came. They gathered. They experimented.
Starting point is 01:25:57 They created. They brought back. They noticed Earth had created her own. They taught. They had to segregate due to changes in DNA, latent abilities, created the Guardian clan, taught them control of abilities, then left. Now they are back. And with the return, and awakening is happening.
Starting point is 01:26:13 There were many outposts, the main landmass was Atlantica and the Atlantic. The people were children of Atlas. Atlas is a triple star system in the ladies. Although all humans have the blood, not all have the abilities. Well, fucking, do you get it now? Chuck Hydro? It's simple. The Guardian clan taught them control abilities and awakening is happening. They're children of Atlas, and now there's a triple star system. Wait the fuck up. Pay attention, Chuck Hydro. I just love that these are real people.
Starting point is 01:26:41 There's a key imagine having to talk to Catherine to Carlo, how fucking maddening that would be about anything. You know that her wackadoodle beliefs aren't limited to this Atlantis. And you know that she replied, you know she's an arguer. You'd be like, oh yeah man, no, it's just nice. It's warm here. Well of course it's warm here. It's warm here because the fire dragons made it warm.
Starting point is 01:26:59 You're like, I don't think so. That doesn't make any sense. Well actually, the awakening of the fire dragons like she'd be infuckin' tolerable. This video brought up a recommendation for another great Atlantis video called The Yucatan Hall of Records, The Atlantis Connection, uploaded by UFOTV,
Starting point is 01:27:16 The Disclosure Network. Well, you had me at UFOTV. I had to check. User, The Bite Night, wondered how, if Atlantis possessed beans who were incredibly technologically advanced as a video claims, why did archaeologists supposedly find their achievements recorded onto stone tablets? Fair question.
Starting point is 01:27:33 A year ago, he asked, how sophisticated could the Atlantians have been if their record-drawn stone tablets? Sounds like something pre-industrial people would do. And four months ago, he got his answer. Alright, because Ralloteph, in Sorceries four months ago, he got his answer. All right, because Ralloteph, in Sorceries, busted out some knowledge on his ass. He said, what do we use today if we want an important record to likely last a long passage of time, centuries to millennia? Certainly not computers. Well, there you go, bite-night. Hard drives don't last as long. And,
Starting point is 01:28:01 you know, and they clearly knew their civilization would disappear. So they chose to chisel shit into stone with the rudimentary language, even though they had computers. Case closed. Next question. At this point, another recommended video caught my eye, one that brought me back to remote viewing. This is from a video called Atlantis, the true story, revised 2016 version posted by far site press. User Mike Waugh calls out people for making fun of what they just don't understand. I felt like he was speaking directly to me. Even though he left this video eight months ago, he said, I don't understand remote
Starting point is 01:28:35 viewing, so it must be bullshit. Therefore, I will make the definite statement without any further research that this entire video is full of shit. Says the naysayers without any further truth seeking, please, LOL. Ha ha ha, educate yourselves. There's far more information supporting this area of research than some fool on a computer chair saying,
Starting point is 01:28:55 nope, while folding their arms, getting Dorito dust all over the place. Well, first off, Mike, Doritos are goddamn delicious. And I'm not eating them right now. I did have some last night for real. I had some notchalcheezureos because of the fucking best. What are they mixing that cheese powder? Crack, I can't fucking stop once I start. Well, Mike receives only encouragement
Starting point is 01:29:13 from the other find of standing morons in this threat. User, your tub immediately showed their support saying, just ignore them, a fixed mind is fixed, and you always try to try to change a closed mind. Those kind of people need a big emotional shock to wake them up, with authority figures and mainstream media reporting truth instead of lying about everything. Don't let people like me get you down, Mike. I'm just part of some agenda I've yet to be told about.
Starting point is 01:29:36 It's all a conspiracy to keep you from the truth. I know that I personally only crawl out of my underground space lizard layer to record this podcast into occasional stand-up shows. That's it. I think we can't get any crazier. Oh, you're wrong. This video led me to the one we're going to end on today. It's called Ancient Hidden Knowledge, the legend of Atlantis, Earth human history posted by a user world piece in its nearly six hours long, five hours, 42 minutes and 58 seconds of gibberish. I didn't watch the whole thing because no one had a gun to my head,
Starting point is 01:30:08 but listened to how it starts. Aons ago, brothers from outer space, under the spiritual guidance of the masters of wisdom, the creators of the universe came to earth and settled in the core of the planet. Their task was to prepare the surface of the planet for the development of higher forms of biological life. And for the reincarnation of souls destroyed in the atomic explosion, which had shattered the planet Malona, Lucifer, located between Jupiter and Mars. Oh, I forgot about that atomic explosion! Wow! Now this is what you're putting in the opening minute.
Starting point is 01:30:54 I had to skip ahead to find out how much crazier it would become. Let's see what's happening about two hours in. The souls on the other hand worked in such a way that they needed many individual experiences. However, they could not they needed many individual experiences. However, they could not identify themselves with these experiences. Therefore, they created a vessel which we call the physical body so that they could gather experiences by reincarnating from one life to the next in the world of opposites and slowly become perfect. Oh, that's how they became perfect,
Starting point is 01:31:26 because the thing he was saying, fuck me. Let's skip ahead to four hours in. They called the present version of the human species modern man, saying that basically we spring from an experiment that began about a half a million years ago, and that the gods that created us are extraterrestrial beings who in reality have forgot their own gods, and these extraterrestrial beings are going through their own process of change at this time. through their own process of change at this time. And because they created us,
Starting point is 01:32:05 because we're a part of how they learn, we're involved and they're involved in this time of coming together. Yeah, okay, that now makes sense. The pletions have taught me is that this coming together, this collapsing of time, this merging of consciousness that's taking place between all species on the earth plane has to do with something that is going to create. Let me see if I can put it. How can you put it? A new geometric
Starting point is 01:32:35 thought form, a new geometry of being. Oh, a new geometry of being. Let me see how can I put this, this is all horseshit. This is all complete in total pseudoscience, new age gibberish. Tales spun by people with desire to feel important, so strong, a desire for the world to be so much more than it appears to be, that they'll try and sell complete another nonsense with a straight face to the rest of the world and all sorts of themselves. But how does it end? How does this marathon masterpiece of nonsensical drivel and… There you go. There you go. They fucking yeah, the truth now. Do with that what you will. Hit up Mike Waw and your tub. Talk to them about it. See what people are. So what are people saying about this revelation? User Hebbens 44 said, did you know that everything
Starting point is 01:33:38 presented in this video is actually the secret knowledge of secret societies. It's from groups like Freemason and Russa Crussians. Interestingly enough, people would have been punished in the past how they made public all this information. Yet they seem to spread it into the public deliberately all this at this time. Not only that, but they emphasize and are quite convinced that all of their knowledge stems from the ancient civilizations with a thin thread of passage from ancient Babylon in ancient Egypt. PS, I have affirmation from all their symbols presented clearly and constantly in this video. Bold claim heavens 44?
Starting point is 01:34:10 Sure you have proof from all the symbols, but you didn't post this video, did you? No, user world peace did. And I think it's up to her to let us know if this video is in fact full of illuminati truths. Well, world peace waste no time getting back to heavens 44 saying yes. This is the occult information. The illuminati have to share information, but it's up to getting back to Heavens 44 saying yes, this is the occult information. The Illuminati have to share information, but it's up to the people to find or use it. Well, there you go.
Starting point is 01:34:30 Turns out Heavens 44 symbol reading was entirely accurate. Or is it? Jennifer Parker isn't buying it because she is woken. It's fuck, son. She quickly posts this is Luciferian propaganda. It takes bits and pieces of truth and rapes and delies. Just because the Masonic orders or the Rose accrucians believed it doesn't make it so. Satan is the most cunning liar there has ever been. Bam! Fucking told you! New it! I had a hunch all along. This was the work of Satan.
Starting point is 01:34:56 Thanks Jenny, or do you prefer Jen? Well, World Peace gets right back to Jen. Another poster may have been offended by her satanic accusations, but not World Peace. She's above that. She's too peaceful for that shit. She calmly types, Lucifer is loved by God just as you are. The truth is truth. I'll tell you, the Bible is not all true as well.
Starting point is 01:35:14 We gotta go with what resonates with us. Well, Jennifer doesn't necessarily agree with world's peace is take on the Bible, but she does respect the sentiment. Immediately replying with, not sure if I agree with what you say about God living Satan, but yes, we do have to go with what resonates. Go with what resonates, everybody.
Starting point is 01:35:30 That's it. That's how you live your life. Just go with what resonates. Fuck science. Forget critical thinking. Forget empirical evidence. Forget rigorous academic experiments, surveys. Forget formal education. Just go with, you know, what resonates. And going with what resonates is a surefire way to end up as one of the idiots of the internet.
Starting point is 01:35:50 So what do I think about Atlantis after all this? Well, I sure don't think there was an ancient land of chimerafuckers flying around in ancient spaceships and having magic wars. Well, I do love that other people believe that. How boring would the world be without all these ideas floating around? It's wonderfully entertaining. I'd love to be a fly on the wall, listing the Madame Velaski, talking to the other members of the Theosophical Society in New York in 1880, and saying the craziest shit is if it makes
Starting point is 01:36:22 total sense. How would that be? Awesome with that beat, to actually be in there when she's talking about it with people. So when the toll text began using black magic to tame dragons, uh, Madame Blaschie, is that, is that, when did that happen? Exactly. Uh, 850,000 years ago Edgar, uh, could you pass me the sugar for my tea, my dear? But of course, Madame, uh, what a pity they had to begin dabbling in the dark arts.
Starting point is 01:36:42 Think of how far a civilization would be today if they hadn't fallen into it, chimera fornication. True, so true Edgar, one must never deal in black magic. I myself thought about that and my trip to Tai Bet. Really, Madam? Of course, I thought about dabbling myself, even learned a few spells, teleported, astral projected, saw the future with my third eye,
Starting point is 01:37:00 watched the ancient virals in their underground cities, but I decided against continuing to use it. Could you hand me the orange marmalade? Oh, you decided against it? After all that, but why? The marmalade, Edgar, could you please pass it? Yes, of course, Madam. Would you like me to spread it on your toast?
Starting point is 01:37:16 No, Edgar, I'm perfectly capable of spreading my marmalade. But thank you, your gentlemen. Thank you, Madam, the dark arts. Why didn't you indulge further? Honestly Edgar, I'm just not fond of dragons. You know they smell dreadful. Ah Yes, of course, Madam. The dreadful smell. I hadn't thought of that But I guess that's why I'm not head of the Theosophical Society. Are you done with that Marmalade? Fucking nuts. God these people cracked me up. How funny is it that one fictional story written over 2,000 years ago, you know, has led to a mythology that turns, that's
Starting point is 01:37:49 turned into expeditions to find a new lost island, movies, songs, about jangles origin narrative, and so much more today. It makes me wonder what some of these ancient guys would think if they were able to visit our time. You know, just a whole bunch of just, what the fuck? There's not what I meant at all. I made it up. Man, you people have some seriously active imaginations. Anyway, I hope you had fun with this suck. I know it was gonna fall over the place, but I really enjoyed it.
Starting point is 01:38:14 And I hope people continue to believe and shit like this. I really do. It gives me the best stories to suck on. Now let's suck on Atlantis. Just a little bit more before we get out of here, it was some top five takeaways. Time suck, top five takeaway. bit more before we get out of here, listen to Top 5 takeaways. Number 1.
Starting point is 01:38:29 Plato taught philosophy through a device now known as the method of Socratic Dialogue. A discussion of moral and philosophical problems between two or more characters in a dialogue is an illustration of one version of the Socratic Method. The dialogues are either dramatic or narrative, and Socrates is often the main participant. And the conversations these characters have are some of the earliest works of fiction we know to exist. Fiction, fictional parables, told to illustrate a real moral truth. And the story of Atlantis can be traced back to one of these fictional dialogues.
Starting point is 01:38:57 And for the record, in that dialogue, played out in, say, shit about dragons or chimera fucking. Number two, Ocean Explorer Robert Ballard, the National Geographic Exploring Residence, who discovered the wreck of the Titanic in 1985, notes that no noble laureates have said that what Plato wrote about Atlantis is true. Ignatius Donnelly, author of Atlantis, the anti-Doluvian world, the novel to spark most modern interest in the lost city was not a noble laureate. He was a dude who also wrote in Ragnarok in 1883 a book in which
Starting point is 01:39:27 Donnelly argues that an enormous comet hit the earth 12,000 years ago resulted in widespread fires, floods, poisonous gases, and unusually vicious and prolonged winners. The catastrophe destroyed another highly advanced civilization forcing his terrified population to seek shelter in caves and as cave dwellers they lost knowledge of art, literature, music, philosophy, and engineering. Wow! Dude had such a hard on for ancient, highly advanced civilizations, getting destroyed in mysterious ways. Number three, digging for Atlantis, I did come across research that the Black Sea did significantly expand its border around 5600 BCE, which may have led directly to the great flood mythology featured in numerous major religions that still exist today. Most interesting knowledge I've come across in a little bit.
Starting point is 01:40:09 I really like that. Every story has an origin. Tony O'Connell is an Irish pseudo historian who runs the website at Lanta Pedia. O'Connell also does not have any education or degrees in archaeology, history, or classics. The three subjects he usually writes about. And you might think, but Dan, you talk a lot about history and you don't have a degree in history, all right?
Starting point is 01:40:29 Well, you know what? It's actually not entirely true. I don't have a degree in history, but I don't also just kind of make this stuff up. I relay information written by real historians and try to slip some comedy into that. Big difference. I'm no genius.
Starting point is 01:40:41 Just smart enough to know my place. I'm not throwing out facts I came up with. I tried to discern which facts others came up with to seem which are the best. I did take a critical thinking class and did take college history, psychology, sociology, and English courses where you're taught, you know, how to study studies and how to interpret historical information.
Starting point is 01:40:59 And number five, some new info that tiny island district of Bimini in the western most part of the Bahamas, not only has this Bimini road, a series of submerged structures, as some believe, to be a link to the Lossative Atlantis, those numerous large limestone blocks that seem to appear to be man-made, forming a road that leads out to sea, it's also where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. are last times that wrote some of his speeches.
Starting point is 01:41:22 He was a big fan of Bimini and traveled there numerous times and wrote, again, some of his most famous speeches floating to top its pristine waters. And by the way, on that road, geologists believe, again, that they are not man-made, that these big stones are natural formations of beach rocks. However, the sci-fi and history channel begged to differ, and the road has been featured on ancient aliens as obvious proof of Atlantis. So this very road could have easily been featured on ancient aliens as obvious proof of Atlantis. So this very road could have easily been carved by ancient black wizard folk, black magic wizard folk, or black magic black wizard folk. I don't know why it had to be white, white and black magicians. Why not? God knows how many kai miras were fucked on that very road.
Starting point is 01:41:59 Time suck, tough, right, take away. Well, thank you, time suckers, five, take away. Well, thank you, time suckers for listening again today. Thanks for telling your friends and forgive me, hope that I might actually be able to turn this little project that I now love so much into a real job. One of you time suckers recently took share of the suck to a new level.
Starting point is 01:42:16 Alicia Lubin is a time sucker and also the brand manager of Maxline Brewing in Fort Collins, Colorado. And if you live in or near Fort Collins and you love Time Suck, I urge you to go meet other Time Suckers at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, July 18th, for an evening of trivia and fine crafted brews in the first ever Time Suck trivia night. That's right, it's trivia all about Time Suck. Teams consist of one to five players.
Starting point is 01:42:40 Time Suck trivia begins at 7 p.m. so please arrive early to grab a brew, seat and your trivia materials, stating his first calm first served. years. Time suck trivia begins at 7pm so please arrive early to grab a brew, seat, and your trivia materials, stating his first com first served. Alicia and the gang at Maxline Brewing will be giving away a signed copy of Don't Wake the Bear, that album assigned a Daddy Bear book, as well as Time suck T-shirts, Brewery Gear, and Beverages, and it's located. At 2724 McClillin Drive Fort Collins, Colorado, go to maxlinebrewing.com for more details.
Starting point is 01:43:06 Some of the topics covered in the trivia night will be Bonnie and Clyde, Jeffrey Dahmer, Pablo Escobar, JFK, Al Capone, and more, all trivia from episodes of Time Suck. I love this so much. If you want to run a Time Suck trivia night of your own in your town, hit me up at adman at TimeSuckpodcast.com for discounted Time Suck merch that you can give away to the winners. Would love this to happen a whole bunch more. What a great way to have fun night and meet other time suckers. Form new friendships, learn new shit with people who share your sense of humor and curiosity about the world.
Starting point is 01:43:31 So fucking cool. Also, if you haven't already, you can watch my latest special, don't wake the bear on Amazon where it's on Amazon where it streams for free for prime members. Please check it out and rate it if you'd be so kind. And follow the suck on social media at time suck podcast on Instagram Twitter backslash or slash time suck podcast on Facebook. And this Friday, Flathian Pailer, the seventh bonus episode, the 15th century
Starting point is 01:43:58 inspiration for Brahms, Stokers 19th century Dracula, which led directly or indirectly to all the Dracula tales told since. And after reading about Vlad Dracula for weeks, the real dude was scarier than the monster. The dude did a lot more than impale people on polls, and he did a shitload of that, impaled enemy soldiers, impaled his own soldiers, criminals, people he didn't like, women, children, and pale babies. He cut off genitals, made people eat human flesh, boiled groups of people to death, and so on. He was also an extremely well-educated person, a talented politician, and a brilliant military commander.
Starting point is 01:44:32 Complicated dude, and this Friday, he gets sucked. The suck gets medieval on your ass. Until then, have a great week, put that time suck Tribuneite at Maxline Brewing in your calendar, if you live in or near Fort Collins, Colorado, check out Anduin Vade's dope artwork that's on sale all month at his Etsy.com slash shop slash Vade Store. Figure out exactly where you stand on the great pussy debate. And keep on sucking. Thank you. Oh!

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