Timesuck with Dan Cummins - 50 - The Ku Klux Klan: Who are these hatemongers?

Episode Date: August 28, 2017

Recent events in Charlottesville, VA reminded me that the KKK is still around. I realized I've never thought much about who these people are. When was the KKK founded? By whom and why? Why are they st...ill here? Why are people even racist in the first place? All of this and more gets the deep suck on today's Timesuck! This episode of Timesuck is brought to you by the fantastic Dollar Shave Club! Go to www.dollarshaveclub.com/timesuck today and get their badass Executive razor handle, four stainless steel, six blade cartridges and a tube of Dr. Carver's Shave Butter sent to your door for only 5 bucks! Best razor you'll ever use Timesuckers! Please rate and subscribe and follow the suck on social media!! @timesuckpodcast on IG, @timesuckpodcast on Twitter, and www.facebook.com/timesuckpodcast Merch - https://badmagicmerch.com/ Want to try out Discord!?! https://discord.gg/tqzH89v Want to join the Cult of the Curious private Facebook Group? Go directly to Facebook and search for "Cult of the Curious" in order to locate whatever current page hasn't been put in FB Jail :) For all merch related questions: https://badmagicmerch.com/pages/contact

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The recent events in Charlottesville got me thinking about the KKK. If you somehow haven't heard what happened in Charlottesville, Virginia on Saturday, August 12, 32-year-old civil rights activists Heather Hire was run over by a 20-year-old white supremacist named James Alex Fields, Jr. driving a car into a crowd where alt-right white nationalists were protesting the city's decision to remove a statue of Robert E. Lee and their clashing with people not interested in letting white races yell idiotic rhetoric like Jews will not control us. KKK members around the country weighed in on Charlottesville, like North Carolina grand dragon for the loyal white knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Justin Moore, who said afterwards
Starting point is 00:00:36 that he was glad that Heather died. What a piece of shit. And after hearing that, I just thought, how are we still talking about the KKK in 2017? How do these people still exist? And then I realized that other people, you know, no one's there racist in white hoods, I really didn't know anything about the KKK in 2017, how do these people still exist? And then I realized that other being, you know, no one's there to racist and white hoods, I really didn't know anything about the KKK. And I decided it was high time these motherfuckers got sucked.
Starting point is 00:00:51 So strap in for a ride to the dark underbelly of America's post-Civil War relationship with racism. And this enough is enough addition of time suck. You're listening to Time Sun. Happy Monday, you wonderfully curious members of the tribe of Time Sun. I'm Dan Cummins, love that you're listening. Hope you're having a fantastic day, or at least today they got a little better.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Second, you started hearing this sweet suck flown into your mind tunnel. If it sounds a little different, it's because I'm in another hotel. I haven't traveled so much I've not been able to be home to actually record episodes at home and I'll be doing the same thing next week. And then you know so just you know whenever I can I'll record the home studio which has a little better mic and then sometimes you know just life dictates that I have to record somewhere
Starting point is 00:01:40 else. So today is a 50th Monday episode of the suck and, and I just feel like I should do something special for it, and so I was thinking, and with some of the shit going on in the media right now, and the current level of racial tension in America, this just felt like the stuff needed to happen. So I hope you enjoyed. Thanks for all the recent iTunes reviews, iTunes reviewer, KRK25 just reviewed The Suck,
Starting point is 00:02:00 giving it five stars, saying, Whitty and insightful. The back stories and details around each subject are mind-blowing. Thoroughly researched with excellent delivery. Well, thank you, KRK25, and all the other new reviews. We're halfway to the 900 review bonus edition already, and 800, I-Tune Review Bonus Edition, just came out this past Friday. You know, MK Ultra suck.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Also, thanks for getting those new fourth generation time suck T-shirts everybody. I really appreciate that. I really appreciate the support. They have those in the shop now at timesuckpodcast.com. You can stick your pack with each one. Charcoal Bella Tri Blend, right? Little Royal Blue time suck on the front, little white logo face on the sleeve.
Starting point is 00:02:40 Whole thing made out of 311% pure domestic bald eagle feathers. Only feathers on the bald eagle's beautiful freedom head Or taken no less than 25 eagles go into every single shirt. That's quality. Hail Nimrot Check them out. So check those out and and thank you for coming to the Irvine improv this past weekend Metal out of you time suckers. It was fantastic Met a few you time suckers who said you're also gonna be at the Hollywood improv live time suck on October 5th Right first ever live recording of a time suck podcast as part of the LA podcast festival. It's gonna be 7 30 pm
Starting point is 00:03:11 Take a link to be in the episode description and and at the podcast, you know in the podcast player and at timesackpodcast.com And all else we're gonna show with the Hollywood improv Saturday night October 7th at 8 pm. So you can make a full weekend out of it This week I'm gonna be at the Omaha Funny Bone August 31st, excuse me, through September 3rd. And I'll be at that Columbus Funny Bone September 14th through the 17th. That's a new week of shows out there at the Columbus Funny Bone. So you can find more tour dates at TimescookPotcast.com. And I can remind you about this kind of stuff. You know, if you follow Timescook on social media at Timescook podcast on Instagram, Twitter, slash Time Suck podcast on Facebook, just do it.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Just click some buttons, make it happen. And finally, thanks to Time Suck or Steven Rock, Noah Seldanya, and others for asking for today's topic. Stay tuned for Time Sucker updates at the end and listen to today's Suck right now. How long have the KKK been around? Why do they wear those goofy looking costumes? Listen to today's suck right now. [♪ OUTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪ How long have the KKK been around? Why do they wear those goofy looking costumes?
Starting point is 00:04:09 What do they want? What do they originally come from? What are the words, koo, klux, clan, even mean? By the way, that's the correct word. I'm probably going to, at some point, say, koo, klux, clan. Because I think it's because the two Ls, in the second and third word, makes me want to put, I thought until this research, I actually just thought my whole life, it was clue. Clawx clan. It's Koo. Not these dipshit.
Starting point is 00:04:31 We have any accuracy, but it's Koo. Clawx clan. But my mind doesn't want to say that. So there you go. There you go. And you know, we're going to answer all this and more today. And a lot of it is going to be answered in today's time suck timeline Okay, the the clan kind of came about in three phases and the first one the original start on December 25th 1865 oh Merry Christmas, everybody. Fuck, fuck, fucked up. Polaski, Tennessee, the KKK's formed by six Tennessee veterans
Starting point is 00:05:10 of the Confederate Army. Now originally this is like a social club. It was John C. Lester, John Kennedy, James Crow, Frank McCord, Richard Reed, and J. Calvin Jones. And apparently it was not initially formed in the very, very, very, very beginning as some racist militant organization. It was just kind of formed on a large couple dudes who, we guess, had a little extra time on
Starting point is 00:05:27 their hands, and now that they weren't busy, fighting to keep slavery alive. And they kicked off a fraternal organization that was based on another fraternal organization that had also started off as a joke. The sons of Malta and St. Louis, which began in 1855. Mystic societies were popular at this time. People just basically like secret club houses. You know, it's like adult secret club houses, but you know, codes and secret initial or handshakes and rituals and you know, just excuse for dudes to get together and dick around and come up with some funny or whatever secret stuff to make
Starting point is 00:05:59 themselves feel important and drink. I guess kind of anything to get out of the house type vibe. important and drink. I guess anything to get out of the house, tie vibe. And I do get that, I get the secret society part, not that I'm interested, and doing that at some clubhouse. Other, you know, a time suck is my society, honestly. This is my tribe. And, you know, well, I guess we'll have to come up with some secret fucking handshakes now.
Starting point is 00:06:19 But I do remember, like as a kid, wanting like a proper tree fort, you know, you needed a code word to enter it. You know, some some kind of secret handshake you had to know. I remember becoming a blood brothers with a neighbor kid once. I'm not sure what we pledged, but I remember being intense about it at the time. There's going to be forever man. Just no girls man, no girls. We're going to stay away from girls with their cooties and ponytails. And we're always and forever going to have time for Legos and comic books and G.I.J.O.s. Okay? Now let's just work on our handshake more. This is serious stuff.
Starting point is 00:06:49 Well the name the Ku Klux Klan is not to have been derived from the Greek word Ku Klux, which means circle and the Scottish word clan, you know? Probably just picked for a iteration and it does denote that it's a group. Really just a random for a turnal name, which for the purpose of telling some interesting narratives, kind of a bummer. You know, it's hoping it stood for something intense like death, pain and destruction, something you know, deservedly wicked, filled with dickheads. No, just random and nonsensical, which actually is kind of fitting since these fuckheads ideals are random and nonsensical.
Starting point is 00:07:21 Just like last week we learned that Kurt Cobain randomly picked Nirvana after seeing the late night, you know, Buddhism infomercial after considering Whisker Biscuit and Pupilbox for other names. These guys just kind of pulled KKK out of their asses. Just six guys coming up with their own little silly threat. I think it is funny when we hear words enough in life. We just want there to be meaning behind them. I always hear a musician talk about that.
Starting point is 00:07:41 You know, people are signing all these, you know, means, their lyrics and their songs. And time and time again, all these guys are like, I don't know, I just some shit I thought, just some stuff popped in my head and it sounded good with the melody. That's it. Let's say people refuse to believe it. And then months after formation,
Starting point is 00:07:56 this little france starts to grow and the guys in a decide they should do something besides come up with initiation rituals and drink and hang out. And they decided they need a purpose, a mission. And his former Confederate soldiers who just lost to the Union and as former slave owners
Starting point is 00:08:08 who had just seen their slaves freed as southerners who are now having union soldiers and politicians tell them what to do, they decided their mission was to keep recently freed black men and women and the white citizens and politicians who supported them from changing the Southern way of life. They settled on an evil mission of hate
Starting point is 00:08:24 based out of fear of change and stubborn dedication to keep African-American people from enjoying the Southern way of life. They settled on an evil mission of hate based out of fear of change and stubborn dedication to keep African-American people from enjoying the same quality of life that they had, which I guess makes sense for these guys. These guys are members of their former slave owners, you know, there's sons, grandsons, great grandsons, et cetera of former slave owners, to suddenly accept that what their family's been doing
Starting point is 00:08:43 for the last 100, maybe 200 years, was intrinsically just immoral and shameful and disgusting. And then you know, there'd be a harsh truth to face. And historically, people don't like to face harsh truths. You know, they like to double down on their existing prejudices and misinformed worldviews and just keep that rationalization train, you know, just to tutin' along. All aboard the willful refusal to never indulge in potentially painful introspection. Woo hoo.
Starting point is 00:09:09 Well, the Civil War ended just months before the formation of the KKK and maybe 65. Sorry, as I'm doing this, I just keep thinking of like, there's people in the room next door. They must be like, what in the fuck is he doing over there, making his chuchu sounds and having a very one-sided conversation. Okay, but the Civil War ended just month before the formation of KKK in May of 1865 in the subsequent months, you know, many white supremacists across the South angry over the outcome of the war had begun forming several different organizations
Starting point is 00:09:36 to violently intimidate recently-free African-American slaves and also Republicans who were trying to win political power. And by the way, in the 1800s, the current ideologies of today's political parties were reversed. Republicans were the liberals, and Democrats were conservative. Also in early in 1865, an April President Lincoln had been assassinated, and his vice president, Andrew Johnson, was not up to the task of overseeing kind of proper reconstruction of the South. He was not nearly the politician.
Starting point is 00:10:04 The Lincoln was, the South gets kind of thrown into political turmoil and Southern states quickly pass laws to reduce rights of the newly freed African American citizens, Northerners counter by passing laws to counteract the South's new legislation. 1866 violence is breaking out across the South between blacks and whites' premises. Between May 1st and 3rd and 1866, a quarrel between whites
Starting point is 00:10:24 and black ex-soldiers erupts into full-fledged riots in Memphis, Tennessee. White policemen assist the mobs in their violent rampage through the black section to town, and by the time the violence has ended, 46 people are dead, 70 more wounded, numerous churches and schools burned to the ground. Just two months later on July 30th, a similar outbreak of violence or rubs in New Orleans. This time, white mob attacks, the attendees of Black suffrage convention, killing 37 Black people and three white people who allied with them. 1867, former Confederate General and noted white supremacists, Nathan Bedford, forest,
Starting point is 00:10:59 architect of the Fort Pillo massacre, becomes the first grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, and he soon develops the ability to turn himself into a white wolf at will, freeze time, and control the weather. You know, wizard shit. Grand wizard, what in the fucking, what an appropriate title for the leader of a bunch of idiots. How do they take themselves seriously? I would just love to meet with some grand wizard now and just ruthlessly mock him.
Starting point is 00:11:23 So what spells do you know? What can you conjure? Can you travel through time? Can you shoot fireballs? Can you freeze people in their tracks? Can you transport you? And your clan, jackasses, to another place, will, no. Well then you're not a fucking wizard, are you?
Starting point is 00:11:35 You're a sad, uneducated douchebag who likes to play dress up and feel much more important than he actually is. So get the fuck out of here with your wizard shit. The Fort Pillow Masker by the way, occurred in Tennessee on April 12th, 1864 at Fort Pillow on the Mississippi River and Henning, Tennessee led by Forest, the Confederates won the battle and then after the battle the largely African-American contingent of union troops surrendered and then
Starting point is 00:11:58 the Confederates massacred the unarmed men in an event categorized later by historians as a mass lynching. After the surrender over 300 African- are killed, including not just soldiers, but many civilians. So the first leader of the KKK was a man who butchered unarmed soldiers and also unarmed civilians, including women and children. So, you know, real upstanding dude, 1867 alone the clans ends up murdering several thousand, several thousand recently freed African Americans
Starting point is 00:12:26 in the former Confederate States as an effort to suppress the political participation of black southerners and their allies. Whites are able to kill blacks in broad daylight in front of numerous witnesses, never be charged, never go to trial. Local law enforcement enters his side with the butchers. Then during a period known as the radical reconstruction
Starting point is 00:12:45 of the South, which began in 1867 when liberal Republicans in D.C. started doing their best to bring equality to recently freed African Americans, newly in franchise black men in the South gained a voice in government for the first time in American history. African Americans started winning the election to Southern state legislators, even to the U.S. Congress.
Starting point is 00:13:04 The Reconstruction Act of 1867, the act that laid out the process to re-admit states into the Union, required Southern states to write new constitutions, permitting African Americans to be able to vote and hold public office. And for a brief time, great strides towards racial equality were made. And then these strides, you know, scared the shit out of the racist assholes across the South who then started doing everything they could to stop those strides from advancing further. 1868, the KKK begins to really formally organize and publishes its organization and principles.
Starting point is 00:13:33 This kind of first little pamphlet book thingy. Although early supporters of the clan claimed it was philosophically a Christian patriotic organization rather than a group of blatant white supremacist hate mongers, quick glance at the clans' catacism reveals otherwise. Check out some of these questions to which clan members answered yes. Are you opposed to Negro equality, both social and political? Are you in favor of a white man's government in this country? Are you in favor of constitutional liberty and a government of equitable laws instead of
Starting point is 00:14:04 a government of violence and oppression? Are you in favor of maintaining liberty and the government of equitable laws instead of a government of violence and oppression? Are you in favor of maintaining the constitutional rights of the South? Are you in favor of the re-enfranchisement and emancipation of the white men of the South? And the re-institution of the Southern people to all their rights like proprietary, civil, and political? Do you believe in the inalienable right of self preservation of the people against the exercise of arbitrary and unlicensed power? Yeah, yeah, yeah, just random goodwill grew my ass. Yeah, a lot of a lot of the qualifications in there. Are you in favor of life getting better for wine people?
Starting point is 00:14:37 Are you in favor of never oppressing anyone except for blind people? I'll press all of them all the time. Just yeah, yeah, it's not good, not good. Also in 1868, Ulysses has grant is elected the 18th president of the United States and the clan is pissed. This man is the eternal enemy of the Confederates, Grant is not only a liberal Republican, he's also was the military commander of the Union
Starting point is 00:14:59 that just kicked their asses in the Civil War. And President Grant hated the KKK. 14th Amendment has passed on July 28th, 1868, and African-Americans are officially recognized now as citizens of the United States, outraging many Southerners, because other than the right to vote, this act gave newly freed blacks
Starting point is 00:15:15 the same federal civil rights, at least in theory as they had. However, despite the new laws DC has passed and enforcing them in the South, whole other issue. Linchines and killings of black citizens by white supremacists continue and remain largely unpunished. 1869. Grant in Congress passed a 15th Amendment ratified in 1870 that granted African-American
Starting point is 00:15:35 men the right to vote across the U.S. Sorry ladies, women of all colors would still have to wait until 1920 another 50 years. On January 1870, Mississippi elects Hiram Rebels as a U.S. Senator, the first African American member of Congress. Mississippi had just been re-admitted to the union, and Herum took his seat on February 25th, 1870, and held the office until March 3rd, 1871. During Rebels' short tenure, he introduced several bills, presented a number of petitions, and served on the Committee of the District of Columbia, and the committee on education. 1871 Congress passes the Civil Rights Act, also known as the Ku Klux Klan Act, which
Starting point is 00:16:13 allows the government to act against terrorist organizations, which is exactly what the KKK was and is. Granted, not rigorously enforced these laws, though, although he did order the arrest of hundreds of clan members. As a result of this act, although he did order the arrest of hundreds of clan members. As a result of this act, although racism and violence towards African-Americans continues throughout the South, the clan as an actual organization does disappear. That's one reason it disappears is because of this act. But really a large reason it disappears is because white supremacists don't need it anymore
Starting point is 00:16:41 to carry out their agenda. By 1872, the Friedman's Bureau established after the Civil War to help former Black slaves and poor whites in the South and the aftermath of the Civil War in 1865 is abandoned due to southern political pressure. The Friedman's Bureau had provided food, housing, and medical aid, established schools and offered legal assistance. It also attempted to settle former slaves on Confederate lands confiscated or abandoned during the war. Union and Federal troops sent to the south, supervised the reformation of the south, also
Starting point is 00:17:08 began to withdraw. So with the Bureau and Federal troops gone, recently free black citizens began to quickly lose many of the rights they had gained immediately after the Civil War. Southern leaders were able to be openly violent and racist against them once again. They don't need to hide behind a group like the KKK. They can just do it out in the open. Interesting random note about the first historical period of the KKK, they never had the white pointy hoods
Starting point is 00:17:31 during this first period of activity as I had always assumed. They actually wore various costumes when they went out and committed acts of mob violence. Like they kind of like a weird martygross yet. Sometimes showing up for an attack and like women's dresses, not getting. Sometimes they wear antlers, you know, coonskin caps, fake beards, sometimes even black face.
Starting point is 00:17:51 Some of them did wear like pointy wizard type hats of various colors, but not necessarily white, you know, some look more like a dunce caps than the later hoods, which is fitting. All sorts of various costumes designed to hide identity and mock their victims. And then the lynchings in terror just continued without the costumes when the clans disbanded. Journalists Ida B. Wells Barnet estimated that in the 25 years after the Civil War, lynchers murdered 10,000 black Americans, and that's just the African Americans who were murdered. God knows how many others were beaten, raped, otherwise humiliated, starting in the 1880s, spectacle lynchings attracted crowds up to 15,000
Starting point is 00:18:25 white participant witnesses who booked special excursion trains to reach lynching sites. They snatched victims clothing, bone fragments, Jesus, organs, they souvenir, they photographed themselves, smiling, posing with their kids, we said they broke and burned bodies of victims, scrapbooked the photos, mailed them as postcards, confident that they'd never be held accountable for their terrorism.
Starting point is 00:18:47 It didn't even wear hoods, you know, because they didn't need to. Hard to believe that shit happened. Think about the fucking, think about the hateful place. You have to let your mind go to and just live in to get to the point where you would think you would not only be okay, but fun, like a fun experience to bring the family, to bring the wife and kids to witness the public murder of a human being whose only crime is to have been born, the wrong shade of pigment for that particular
Starting point is 00:19:14 historical period. You know, it reminds me of the Nazis coming to power in the 1930s in Germany. You know, just how a lot of citizens were just, you know, mocking the Jewish people and being relentlessly hateful to the Jewish people. I guess just like it was easier to go along with the hate there than it was to stand up
Starting point is 00:19:29 to the oppression when the Nazi stormtroopers were doing all their horrible shit. I guess it was just easier for settlers to go along with the wanton violence towards African-Americans and it was to stand up to a lynch mob. But then going to witness it is even taking it further. Maybe you could somehow morally rationalize a tiny bit of it on some levels like, look, man, I don't fucking like this at all, but I'm worried about my family being killed if I
Starting point is 00:19:51 stand up for somebody because that stuff did happen and I'm scared. That is understandable that you want to keep your family alive. But when you take it to the next point of like, oh man, we're gonna hop on a train and we're gonna go make a weekend out of it to just to watch some poor fucking son of a bitch get hung from a tree, then you're just a fucking evil piece of shit. You are an evil, you are an evil, evil person to do that, Jesus.
Starting point is 00:20:18 I think about that quote that's often attributed to Einstein. I'm not sure if he actually said it, but whoever said it spoke the truth when they said, the world is a dangerous place to live in, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it. Yeah, man. I know there's some other quotes along similar lines there, but geez, man. Lingeans were not spontaneous outbursts of mob violence, but the predictable result of institutional support and the outright participation of political elites as well. The lynchers of Leo Frank and Marietta Georgia years later in
Starting point is 00:20:57 1915 for example included a former governor judge mayor state legislator sheriff county prosecutor lawyer banker business owners U.S. Senators son founders of the Marietta country club Frank's case because he was white and Jewish attracted media attention that sadly thousands of black victims never received and just exposed the ways that the elites and authorities exonerated themselves by blaming mob violence on the so-called, you know, just the crackers. These people, these mob violence, we just can't control them. Yeah, and now you like it.
Starting point is 00:21:19 You've broken race the son of a bitch. Meanwhile, Mississippi governor, later US Senator, Senator James K. Vardeman said in 1907, if it is necessary, every Negro in the state will be lynched. It will be done to maintain white supremacy. Jesus Christ, man, this is a senator. Vardeman didn't wear white hood man. Neither did the first female US Senator, Rebecca Latimer, Felton, who's hard to feel good about, what she accomplished. I mean, on the one hand, for like women's rights, she was the first US Senator technically,
Starting point is 00:21:48 even though she served for just 24 hours, and in 1922, more of ceremoniously kind of thing, but she was also just a hardcore racist. She said in 1897, if it takes lynching to protect women's dearest possession from drunken, ravening human beasts, then I say lynch 1,000 a week if it becomes necessary. Motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:22:10 The National Association for the Advancement of Color People and NAACP, their research, by the way, would just prove this total lie of the lynch mob as honorable defenders of white women. Besides the fact that the myth of the black rapist was a white supremacist fantasy, 70% of lynchers didn't even bother to invoke it to justify their violence.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Lynchers killed for such alleged offenses as sassing, wanting to drink of water, being, quote, troublesome, quote, conjuring, and often is in the murder of Mrs. Jake Sebrose and an eight-year-old unnamed child, no excuse at all. All right? Quick additional note on this mythology of the black man is the rapper of white women. This is what we're touching on again because throughout the clan's history, it would be one of the primary moral justifications they would use for violence towards black men. White segregation
Starting point is 00:22:59 had a real fear of African-Americans as sex-crazed rapers. And this was a huge myth. There was a myth that a lot of mixed race southerners were the product of black men raping white women. When reality, exact opposite was true. White male slave owners frequently raped female black slaves and got them pregnant. And then after the Civil War, this is embarrassing. Some documented history was hidden. And the narrative was just rewritten,
Starting point is 00:23:25 as it often is, you know, in history. And by the way, if anybody, I just had to stop up my head, is like, you know, like, oh man, you know, Dan's trying to appeal to liberals right now, or he was trying to appease white guilt, like, no, no, I'm not. I don't care what your political ideologies, I don't care if your liberal conservative
Starting point is 00:23:44 I really don't give a shit. And I don't have any white guilt, truly I don't, I don't care what your political ideologies. I don't care if you're a liberal conservative. I really don't give a shit. And I don't have any white guilt. Truly, I don't. I don't. Cause I feel like I'm responsible for what I've done in my life. Not what, you know, people did 150 years ago. So I'm just telling this like it is,
Starting point is 00:23:56 but I don't like it when I feel like some white people get offended almost when all this racist history is brought up. It's like, no one's blaming you personally for it, but it fucking happened. Don't pretend that it didn't happen. Don't pretend that these guys, don't pretend that some of your ancestors
Starting point is 00:24:10 weren't huge pieces of shit. Like give me a break. Anyway, black men were painted a savage beast with an unquenchable sexual drive, lusted after young white women, and in part of that segregation mythology was protecting these innocent white women from lustful black men.
Starting point is 00:24:24 You know, rewriting history, man. The more research I do, the more common I find that this happens, which is why I may not always hit the mark as well as I'd like, but I really attempt to be as honest as possible regarding both history and current events, because I think it's so important to do, because it doesn't happen enough. I just try and think about how, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:39 you don't need to force narrative. Just look at the facts, let the narrative guide you. So anyway, despite no evidence of Southerners' fears of African Americans having any factual basis, politicians continued to defend lynchers in 1918. George Gov. Hugh M. Dorsey wrote to the NAACP, I believe that if the Negroes would exert their ultimate
Starting point is 00:24:58 influence with the criminal element of their race and stop rapes that it would go a long way towards stopping lynchings, well, this criminal element he was referring to was Mary Turner, who had threatened to press charges against the lynchers of her husband, Hayes Turner, and of nine other men. Ten dudes.
Starting point is 00:25:14 The lynchers, as reported by the Savannah Morning News, took exceptions to her remarks as well as her attitude. Then they lynched Mary, who was eight months pregnant, journalist Walter White, whose ability to pass his white, enabled him to interview the murderers themselves, reported that they hung Mary upside down, set her on fire, cut out her fetus and stomped it, then shot her multiple times. M-haw.
Starting point is 00:25:38 The Brooks County Corners jury ruled that all the victims had died at the hands of parties unknown and closed their cases. A lyncher served as the jury foreman, one of the actual lynchers. Wow, man. You know, I was trying to take into like historical context into account when I'm judging somebody, you know, back in history. You know, we talked about that like Vlad the Impaler. It's like, yeah, dude, it was a monster, but you know, a lot of other people are in
Starting point is 00:26:01 Pailin. You know, you try and put it in context where it's, you know, it's not the same as if it happened today. You know, I tried and things like, oh, that's you know, you try and put it in context where it's not the same as if it happened today. You know, I try and think like, oh, that's fucked up, but it was a different time, et cetera. No, not in this case, no, no, no, no, not in that case right there. That shit was evil, right?
Starting point is 00:26:13 Those lynchers chose to act in evil ways. No one was forcing them to do that. No one was forced in this poor woman. And a baby, a man, you are a fucking monster. You know, some things I think, you know, are are a fucking monster. You know, some things I think, you know, are forgivable in life. If you kill a baby, you should die.
Starting point is 00:26:31 You should die. There's no redeeming you. I don't, I don't, I don't, there's certain things I think when people do, I don't think you, you qualify for redemption anymore. It's too much, man. Too much, we gotta have some kind of fucking punishment for that stuff in society.
Starting point is 00:26:43 Some kind of, you know, harsh in society, some kind of harsh punishment to send a message to the rest of us that you don't get away with that. You don't get away with that, my God. Well, these lunches just got away with it, man. Everybody did back then with that kind of stuff, these pieces of garbage. Okay, so now we know the Wildly, the KKK's organization
Starting point is 00:26:59 died out in the 1870s, the legacy of horrific violence towards African-Americans by white supremacists, clearly lived on After after the organization itself went away for a while and then around the time of the despicable lynching I just talked about the clan as an organization comes back in a major way before we delve into that Let's check in with today's sponsor time suckers brought to you today by the dollar shave club the right razor for people of all races Okay, maybe those idiotic KKK members, we've been talking about today, would have been quite as angry and hateful.
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Starting point is 00:29:31 Support the show by supporting our sponsors. All right, back into the muck in the mire of today's Suck Man. Second phase of the clan is in 1915. In 1915, the White Hoods are born. You know how earlier I stated that the, initially the clan never wore that costume. We now recognize as being the KKK in the 19th century. Yeah, that that white robe, the white hood, you know, with the eyes cut out, that whole shit. Well, now we do know where that costume came from,
Starting point is 00:29:53 exactly where it came from, a movie. Seriously, check this out. In 1915, director, DW Griffith adapted the book, The Clansman into the silent movie, Birth of a Nation, the Birth of a Nation. One of the first feature lengths films and the first feature lengths film to screen in the White House, which is terribly embarrassing. A shameful moment of our history. The movie is based on a book, The Klanzmen, the second book in a trilogy that author Thomas F. Dixon Jr. wrote. The Klanzmen is a message to Northerners to maintain racial segregation.
Starting point is 00:30:23 As the work he wrote claimed that blacks, when free, would turn savage and violent, committing crimes such as murder, rape, and robbery, far out of proportion to their percentage of the population. Did I mention that this movie was the first movie screen in the White House? What the fuck? Not one of Woodrow Wilson's finer moments,
Starting point is 00:30:39 strong indication of racial attitudes at the time, right? Like this is a horrific, you know, Trump doesn't have the best reputation in some people's minds for race relations, but you know, even he could not get away from like throwing like a screening party of this movie, I hope not. I hope he could not get away with that.
Starting point is 00:30:58 The most famous scene of the movie is the ride of the clan and it required 25,000 yards, white muslin to realize Dixon's costume ideas. Among the variety of clansmen costumes in the film, there appeared a new one. The one piece, full face masking pointed white hood with eye holes, which would come to represent the modern clan member. Maybe it was Griffith who brought those pieces of fabric together and assumed to be iconic form.
Starting point is 00:31:19 After all his mother had sewn costumes for his clansmen father, my god, the family that hates together, huh? Or maybe Griffith got the idea from another source altogether, Freemason Regalia? Or maybe it wasn't even Griffith's idea at all, but that of Paris Train, costume designer Gillett's holophamer, Claire West, who worked on the film. Maybe she just made it up. While the blockbuster popularity of Birth of a Nation gave free advertising to a traveling
Starting point is 00:31:42 fraternal order organizer, former Methodist minister, Gartor Salesman, and overall, hate-mongering pieces, shit, William J. Simmons. By the way, there are so many pieces of shit in this episode. It's one of the higher percentages of pieces of shit in an episode we've had so far. Simmons did not just organize fraternities.
Starting point is 00:32:01 He had joined 15 of them himself, including the Knights Templar and the Mason's, dude loved a secret handshake, loved it so much. Well, the 1915 lynching of Leo Frank, though I mentioned earlier, inspired Simmons to form a new anti-Semitic racist fraternity. That's right. They hated the Jewish people as well. They hated pretty much everybody. You'll find out soon. One week before the birth of a nation's Atlanta premiere, Simmons received a state charter for the Invisible Empire, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan Incorporated. Not just Wizards now, they're Knights.
Starting point is 00:32:28 Man, these guys love to feel so much more important than they were, didn't they? Hello, friend. I'm Bubba the Knight. And this is my papi, Gunther the Wizard. What are you talking about? You're not a Knight the Wizard, did you just dump shits and die or need a dental work sitting in a waffle house and smelling like last week's BL? Well, Simmons got to make that sweet hate money, selling hoods and robes for $650 each, sewn
Starting point is 00:32:49 in a local shop and he wrote a handbook to the chlorine, or the Chloran, and in 1920 hired publicists Edward Y. Clark and Elizabeth Tyler to launch a massive campaign that attracted 100,000 new members in 16 months. Klegels, as the new recruits were called, arranged minstrel shows and screenings of the birth of a nation and other pro-Clan films. Jesus, man, what a money hungry piece of shit Simmons was. Uh, what's selling to you, Janice?
Starting point is 00:33:16 What's, what's, what's, what's, what's hot? What's hot with the kids today? I think it'll open up a new fraternity, just, violence racial hate. Well, that's, that's just positively soiled, Janice. Lot of, just a violent racial hate. Well, that's just positively swelter, Janice. Lot of money to be made in hate. Oh, me, oh my, let's burn across and light up the sky. Time to make some of those clan clams.
Starting point is 00:33:33 Janice makes some of that sweet bigot bread. I've found a copy of Simmons' Clarenne online, and here's the creed. It says, we, the order of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, reverentially acknowledged the majesticity, the majesticity, the majesty and supremacy of the divine being and recognized the goodness and providence of the same. Okay, so far it doesn't sound hateful,
Starting point is 00:33:58 sounds a little wordy. What else do they have to say? We, all caps on the we, recognize our relation to the government of the United States of America. The supremacy of its constitution laws thereof and we shall ever be devoted to the sublime principles of a pure Americanism and valiant in the defenses of its ideals and institutions. Okay, still pretty worthy, but patriotic, noble sounding even. When does it become super racist? Oh, next paragraph.
Starting point is 00:34:27 We avowed the distinctions between the races of making as same as being decreed by the creator, and we shall ever be true in the faithful maintenance of white supremacy. And we'll strenuously oppose any compromise thereof and any and all things. There we go. Strenuously oppose any compromise of winds of privacy. As God intended, does the Bible actually encourage racism? You know, well, Bob Jones University in Greenville, South Carolina, a place that sounds like quite possibly
Starting point is 00:34:56 the worst place in America to go to college, was officially against interracial dating as in you could get thrown out of school for doing it until the year 2000. Seriously, like fuck, what the, 1999 1999 you still couldn't inter racially date. What the fuck? Bob, Bob Jones himself once said quote white folks and colored folks you listen to me. You cannot run over God's plan and God's established order without having trouble.
Starting point is 00:35:21 God never meant to have one race. It was not his purpose at all. God has a purpose for each race. You know, whenever somebody starts telling me what fucking God thinks, I get real skeptical. I'm like, you know what? I think God wants you to shut the fuck up. That's what I think. I think if he does exist, not a fan of you, not a fan of you, you know, just talking on his behalf all the time with some silly bullshit. So what did the Bible say? Not much, as it turns out. Slavery existed during the time in which the Bible was written, and slavery is biblically condoned, and various verses referenced.
Starting point is 00:35:53 However, it's never associated explicitly with race. Despite the message that some dipshit fundamentalists like Bob tried to sell. Like Genesis 415 says, but the Lord said to him, not so anyone who kills Cain will suffer vengeance seven times over, then the Lord put a mark on Cain so that no one who found him would kill him. Then much later in Genesis, Genesis 9.25, it says, then he cursed Cain. Cain, sorry, the son of Ham, may Cain be cursed, may he be the lowest of servants to his relatives.
Starting point is 00:36:23 And somehow the mark of Cain became seen as an indication of being African-American, this curse of ham, and then like the lowest of servants somehow gets associated with skin color as well. And then, you know, even though those verses don't seem to even remotely indicate any justification of slavery at all, if you're a rational person, just look at it and not just twisting ancient religious texts to fit your own personal, hateful agenda. The Bible is not against an irrational dating period and a story. It's not. And if your minister tells you otherwise, it's because he's a
Starting point is 00:36:55 fucking asshole. He's an uneducated fool as he is. And I know it's a strongly judgmental thing to say, but it's the truth. I just I get so sick of people twisting religious text to fit their own agendas of hate. It's gone on so long in our Indian know, in the history of humanity, and it's so fucking tiresome, just enough already. Uh, okay, so no biblical justification for racial persecution, but the clan tries to align itself with the Bible anyway. Simmons, K continues, it says, we appreciate the intrinsic value of a real practical relationship of kindred thought, purpose, and ideals, and the infinite benefits accruable therefrom, and we shall faithfully devote ourselves to the practice of
Starting point is 00:37:36 an honorable clannishness, clannishness that the life and living or each may be a constant blessing to others. And then it ends with some nonsense of non-silver, said, and thought. It's supposed to mean not self but others, but not really. It's like this weird mashup of Latin and Gothic. They were just, again, kind of just making up their own random symbols and stuff. You know, there's been honorable guys. That's it. It says so right in the pamphlet.
Starting point is 00:38:00 You know, dissociation was being ignorant thugs. That's just hearsay. It's all big misunderstanding. They're just bringing blessings to people. So many blessings. You know, that's what they keep on the top of their little pointy duns hats is actual, it's God's blessings. That's where they store 10 to 20 of God's blessings in each of their little duns caps. Speaking of duns caps, let's get back to their costume design. 1921, the clan opens the Gates City manufacturing company in Atlanta to mass produce regalia, imitating the birth of a nation's designs, the sumptuous full color, male order catalog of official robes and banners, advertised
Starting point is 00:38:34 all standardized factory made hoods for new hierarchy. Clansman, white cotton denim hood, red tassel, terror, which is that sounds so I don't know, I couldn't find any more info on that same hood, along with the red waist cord, special terror, white satin hood, three red silk tassels. Also for sale, we're like ceremonial banners, you know, the catalogs banners like sampled stuff like the red bank in the realm of New Jersey. New Jersey has 60,000 members in the clan, the peak of membership, more than Louisiana, Alabama,
Starting point is 00:39:02 or even the original clan's home state of Tennessee. Many of these motherfuckers, they're treating violent oppression, torture, disenfranchisement, murder of human beings like it's a Halloween party. The cross burning that would come to symbolize the clan also came from the movie, Birth of a Nation. These guys were not big on original ideas. What a sad example of life imitating shitty art. With Black American Lives, already so severely constrained by Jim Crow law and
Starting point is 00:39:25 Lynch law, the newly hooded clan, didn't actually direct a lot of their initial violence in the second wave towards African Americans in the 20s. They directed it towards new targets, immigrants from Eastern and Southern Europe, Jews, Catholics, alleged Bolsheviks, union members. Jim Crow laws, by the way, were local laws in the South that supported segregation You know like by 1877 after the initial reconstruction of tamas by liberal Politicians to secure equal rights for African-Americans white conservative Democrat politicians regained power in the South and the last of the federal troops The Union had stationed the South to oversee their reintegration into the North have been removed and these new white Politicians immediately began passing laws to segregate blacks from whites.
Starting point is 00:40:06 Blacks were still elected to local offices throughout the 1880s, but their voting was suppressed for state and national elections. And then between 1890 and 1910, ten of the 11 former Confederate states started with Mississippi passed new constitutions or amendments that effectively disenfranchised most blacks and tens of thousands of poor whites through a combination of poll taxes, literacy and comprehension tests and residency and record keeping requirements. Slavery may have officially been over, but a large population of white southerners were a long way from being done with oppressing African Americans. Now the new plan in the early 20th century, courted mainstream Protestants, nativist white
Starting point is 00:40:41 supremacist, respectability, Senator, Supreme Court, justices, governors joined up, so do white women. Shortly after the ratification of the 19th Amendment on August 18th, 1920, women's right to vote, the clan auxiliary organization, women of the clue club, women of the sea, I did the clue thing, women of the coup club's clan formed. Well, the new hooded uniforms and the secret rituals had very little to do with the clan's 19th century origins.
Starting point is 00:41:04 They were based more on fraternal orders, like the M's and an imbiby wasn't quite the point with the costumes Either while the hoods were could assure they're kind of wears personal anonymity Their force came from declaring membership in a safe privileged identity. There's anything but secret as peak in the mid 1920s The organization claimed to include about 15% of the nation's eligible population approximately four to five million men man racism was alive and well in 1920s America. Membership in the clan peaked in 1925 and August 8th, 1925 more than 50,000 members of the KKK, paraded through Washington, D.C., some walked in lines as wide as 20 abreast others created formations of the letter K, or of a Christian cross, if you wrote on horseback,
Starting point is 00:41:42 because they're knights, guys, they're knights. Noble defenders of the realm, salanzalouch, so author and now so kuta, so jethro, so belly bob. Many held American flags, many women alike, you know, the marchers carried banners and blazing with the names of their home stage or local chapters or precession lasted for more than three hours down Pennsylvania Avenue, lying with spectators, national leaders of the organization were resplendent
Starting point is 00:42:05 in colorful satin robes, the rank and file war white, there were Gellio Dorn with a circular red patch containing a cross with a droplet blood at its center. And before this comes across two heavy handed towards southern whites, I do want to point out that the clan was not just in the South anymore.
Starting point is 00:42:22 There were local clav'rins all across the United States, from Maine to California, right? Washington down there to Arizona, everywhere. In 1924, the clan actually had as many as 40,000 members in Maine alone, and they helped elect Governor Ralph Brewster. Ideologically, the clan was blending xenophobia, religious prejudice, white supremacy together with a broadly conservative moralism, amidst a global recession that came in the aftermath of World War I. There's a lot of fear and anxiety amongst native born white Protestants in America that the kind of world they knew was going to come undone
Starting point is 00:42:55 with all these different immigrants and all these Catholics coming in. Just like the South was afraid of chains in the 1860s and the 1870s with the ending of slavery, now the whole country is afraid of change after World War I with a massive influx of immigrants. Right? Does this all sound familiar? By the way, fear of change combined with immigration, xenophobia combined with right-wing politicians, preaching fear, you know, talking about how we have to protect the American way of life.
Starting point is 00:43:20 God, man, the more things change, the more they stay the same. Part of why I'm getting so interested in history. It's just, it's so fascinating to see these patterns just keep repeating and repeating and repeating. Citizens, you know, are worried about the influx of Eastern European immigrants who adhere to communism and other supposedly subversive political creeds and they're growing influence and the Catholics and the Jewish immigrants in American life. And about how, you know, the migration of African Americans out of the South was gonna change things.
Starting point is 00:43:46 There was the intellectual vote for religious modernism, the expansion of political and sexual freedom for women. And because of all this, there was this perception that immortality or immoral lifestyle choices, crime and vice, we're all gonna be on the rise. It was just confirmed the sense that their world was spinning out of their control. It's just confirmed the sense that their world was spinning out of their control.
Starting point is 00:44:07 The clan advocated the restoration of true Americanism. Again, it doesn't necessarily help. I mean, when everybody's like loose. And again, I'm not trying to get political with shit on Trump, but it did really bother me. Just as a somewhat intellectual person, I fucking hate the slogan make America great. I could not hate it more. Like America great, I could not hate it more.
Starting point is 00:44:26 Like I literally, I could not hate, that is the dumbest shit. It is the dumbest shit. Like what, what, when exactly? When was it, what is the great you're referring to? When it was, when it was more sexist and racist, back in history, great for who? For racist, is that, or great for everybody? It's just
Starting point is 00:44:45 like it's just a nonsense fucking statement that by the way I think was playing on just to get side note there. We just playing on you know people who had lost their job like factory jobs and things and it was like this bullshit sales pitch of like we're gonna get it all back for you. Yeah man you lost the house you lost your job we're gonna get it all back for you. No you won't know you won't politicians never come through on shit like that, not ever, not on either side of the political sphere. Anyway, anyway, anyway, anyway. So the clan, you know, it advocates this restoration of true Americanism, offers members a platform that demonizes black Catholics, Jews, Mexicans, Asians, just basically any other non-white ethnic immigrant, also condemning communism,
Starting point is 00:45:23 just basically any other non-white ethnic immigrant, also condemning communism. Most other forms leftist politics, based cultural influences such as alcohol, birth control, teaching of evolution, public schools. Well, I get, think about everything that they're opposed to. They're opposed to everybody who is, like literally everybody who is not, not only white, you gotta be white, you gotta be Protestant.
Starting point is 00:45:50 You're white, let's see, you're white, you're Protestant. You're in favor of creationism and you are sober. Like it's such a narrow, narrow scope of people, But apparently there was a lot of people within that scope. So they were trying to present themselves as this Christian moral reform organization, and this vehicle for kind of, you know, entrenching the economic and political power of white Anglo-Saxon Protestants, and the Klan Flores for a while with that, you know, with the promise that energetic white nationalism and traditional morals would hold back the tile of, you know, modern life, modern sinful life, and
Starting point is 00:46:27 it's crazy schemes trying to undermine the authority of native born white Americans. In the late 1910s, throughout the 1920s, Klanzmann returned to their violent roots, started carrying out hundreds of beatings and whippings and dozens of murders. They also started threatening bootleggers, taking a stance, again again in favor of prohibition, which kind of helped sell themselves to the moral conservatives. They're taking a stance and they're in favor of prohibition. They're in galvanized movement that way. They're not ignorant and violent in the same races. They're just some good old boys trying to keep America as morals pure.
Starting point is 00:47:00 That's all guys trying to keep everybody sober. Just doing it for the kids. They were the good guys who flagged Mexicans. They were the good guys, you know, who flagged Mexicans. They were the nice guys who tarred in feathered doctors who performed abortions. They were strong armed politicians. They were just good old guys who lynched unarmed innocent black citizens and just fine fellows
Starting point is 00:47:16 who showed up on night rides, terrifying abuse prostitutes and to beat and sometimes killed Jewish people. And just good guys who terrified young women, you know, found riding the cars with man of any color. Just keep everybody safe. They even had a number of auxiliaries for children, which had names such as the junior Ku Klux Klan, the Tri-K club, and the Ku Klux Kitties. I wish I was making that up.
Starting point is 00:47:38 The Ku Klux Kitties. Are you fucking kidding me? That sounds like something out of an SNL sketch. But they had little songs and everything too. We're the Ku Klux Kitties and we want to be your pal if you're white. We're the Ku Klux Kitties, fun love and boys and gals. We're all white. The Ku Klux Kitties are a friend to those in need.
Starting point is 00:47:56 If they're white. And when we grow up, we probably still won't be able to read. What, I don't know. I didn't say they have good songs. I didn't say they have good songs. I didn't say they have good songs. And again, keep in mind, I'm doing this doing it from a hotel room, freaking out people next door. Clan members did a lot in the 20s to normalize their organization, making more appealing to mainstream white America. They showed up on church on Sunday mornings,
Starting point is 00:48:16 donate money, they ran charity drives, they threw Christmas parties for orphans, raised money to build Protestant only hospitals, Protestant. hospitals, Protestant only hospitals again, so narrow. Children's hospitals to help, you know, stay kids, get better, as long as those kids are white, believe in creationism, Protestants and not communist or even liberal. What's going on? What's going on, Michael?
Starting point is 00:48:40 You got Scarlett's favorite, that's terrible, buddy. We're gonna, you know, we're gonna do everything we can to fix you right up, K-Body, Dr. Dominguez, right in the sea. Wait, what was yourlett's favorite, that's terrible, buddy. We're gonna do everything we can to fix you right up. Okay, body doctor, we're gonna be right in the sea. Wait, what was your last name again, Michael? Goldberg. That's Jewish, right? Yeah, okay, all right. You know what, and how about instead of waiting
Starting point is 00:48:56 for the doctor in here in the waiting room, why don't you go wait out by the dumpster with Jamal and Enrique. The clan made efforts to fight supposed Catholic influence in public schools by donating American flags and Enrique. The clan made efforts to fight supposed Catholic influence in public schools by donating American flags and Bibles, you know, because you know how much Catholics hate flags and Bibles. But I don't fuck what, what is the connection there?
Starting point is 00:49:13 Oh, man, that's, we just want to donate some flags to this school, because we, you know, we know the Catholics aren't going to be doing that, right? And some Bibles, because we know that they don't, they don't care for that. You know, I don't know what kind of Catholic book they're reading. They read the, the, the, the, the, the purple is what they read. We read the Bible and they read the, the, the purple. And the purple is devil's work. So, you know, there you go.
Starting point is 00:49:38 It does get hard, you know, research stuff like this, where it's hard to understand the clans motivations, because basically in general, they were just, they were done. They were dumb people, truly, truly. There was a few people, historically, in the clan, that were educated. The more research I did, when I dug into someone like that, who are these people, the socioeconomics, and it usually is terribly uneducated, poor, extremely ignorant white people people who join them. It's not like, you know, I mean, they did for a while in the 20s, you know, have a fair
Starting point is 00:50:09 amount of casual members, which is a sad state of kind of commentary on the times that were like doctors and lawyers, but by and large, the people going to all the meetings were just exactly what you think. When you think of like central casting, clan member, some guy with missing a lot of teeth, and not in peak physical condition, hygiene, not great, mind, not good at all. Like a guy just kinda, maybe living on canned meat and sweet tea, and that's, that's pretty accurate
Starting point is 00:50:42 from where I came across. KKK created special clan rights for wedding ceremonies, Christianine's funerals, Rand, uh, Rand candidates for hundreds of state and local offices, Americans elected countless clan members as mayors, school board and city council members, sheriff, state legislators, clan, off soldiers and picked, uh, we're particularly prominent and powerful positions, uh, included, like governors, like governor Edward Jackson of Indiana,
Starting point is 00:51:08 Clifford Walker of Georgia, as well as US senators, Earl Mayfield of Texas, Rice Means, Colorado. Rice means a lot of tough name. Rice, Mr. Means, I prefer to be called Rice. Okay. And when you hear about these politicians, you might think, you know, again, that they couldn't have all been done, right? They couldn't, but no, but not all of them, but again, most, most of these people who were getting elected, they were just manipulating the kind of the, the, the clavvarns to get some votes. They weren't, they weren't like active. Remember what it was, I'm not giving them an excuse, but I'm just trying to paint a picture of that. Yeah, I was just remember. Then on November 16th, 1925, the grand dragon got dragons,
Starting point is 00:51:41 got dragons and wizards, you know? Man, should have started playing some D&D. The grand dragon of Indiana, David Stephenson, the state's leading clansman, one of the most powerful, you know, one of the most powerful dragons, I wish these guys, it's hard not to laugh, just say they're stupid fucking titles. One of the most powerful dragons in the country
Starting point is 00:52:02 at this time, he was telling guilty the rape and murder of a white woman, he don't fucked up, rape and kill and a white woman. Those are the two things the clan was supposed to be protecting people from the most, right? Those are the two things that they were the most afraid of that the black man was doing.
Starting point is 00:52:15 And here, there are wholesome dragon is doing it. You know, the clan provided itself, you know, it mean a protector of white people and the virtue of white women. And this was the beginning of the end, this crime for the second era of the clan after his conviction and sent and seen the life in prison, you know, fellow clansmen and governor of Indiana Edward Jackson refused to grant Stevenson clemency or commute his sentence. And then, you know, Stevenson is enraged by the
Starting point is 00:52:36 clan not bailing him out and he rats out a whole mess of politicians who are on the clan's payroll. And he rats him out to the Indianapolis Times and the Times thoroughly looks into it. And they ended up getting a Pulitzer Prize for public service for their investigative reporting and scandal decimates clan membership in not only Indiana, but just nationally, as these people would be known, just begin to be exposed as just, you know, hateful degenerates. But they still weren't totally done. 1927 in Alabama, KKK, vigilantes launched a wave of physical terror. They targeted both blacks and whites for violations of racial norms, for perceived moral lapses. But then this two-back fired
Starting point is 00:53:07 led to more national sentiment turning against him, Grover Seahawl senior editor of the Montgomery advisor from 1926, wrote a series of editorials and articles that attacked the clan. Hall won a, he won a Pulitzer Prize for his moral crusade, the 1928 editorial writing Pulitzer, citing his editorials against gangsterism, flogging and racial and religious intolerance. Other newspapers kept up a steady
Starting point is 00:53:30 loud attack on the clan. Referring to the organization is violent and un-american. Sheriff's finally cracked down on activities by 1930 clan membership in Alabama dropped to less than 6,000. Small independent units continued to be active in the industrial city of Birmingham, but their numbers dwindled as well KKK units were still active through the 1930s and parts of Georgia with a group of night writers and Atlanta and forcing their moral views by Flogging people who violated them Whites as well as blacks in March 1940. They were implicated. I don't know what that squeak was by the way Hard to wear squeak sounded very much like a fart and
Starting point is 00:54:04 I just only point that out because I may not go back and I'm not gonna go back and cut this out. So not me. You didn't, you, if you were like, when, what was that? I don't know. Came from one of the rooms around me.
Starting point is 00:54:14 Anyway, March 1940, these nightwriters were implicated in the beatings and murder of a young white couple taken from their car on a lover's lane. It's logged to white barber to death for drinking. All in East Point, a suburb of Atlanta. Jesus Christ, man, some barber, white drinks too much, they've flagged into death.
Starting point is 00:54:31 That sounds like a bad way to die being flagged to death. More than 20 others were brutally flagged. As the police began to investigate, they found the records of the KKK disappeared from their East Point office. The cases were reported by the Chicago Tribune and the NAACP and its Christ magazine as well with other local papers. Still getting a lot of bad national press right now.
Starting point is 00:54:48 Three lynchings, black men by whites, no KKK affiliation known for that, took place in the South in 1940. Albert Williams was the first NAACP member known to be killed for civil rights activities. He was murdered in Brownsville, Tennessee for working to register blacks to vote. Several other activists were run out of town. Jesse Thornton was lynched in Le Verne, Alabama for a minor social and infraction, and 16 year old Austin Callaway, a suspect in the assault of a white woman was taken from a jail in the middle of the night and killed by six white men in the Grange, Georgia.
Starting point is 00:55:17 And then World War II got going, and the second era of the claim was over. An A-Soon was not preoccupied or was now preoccupied with war. And the main target of the KKK young black man were now overseas fighting. The claim was over. An asu was not preoccupied or was now preoccupied with war. And the main target of the KKK young black man were now overseas fighting so that a different racist oppressor could be brought to justice. How strange must it felt for many like southern black men to be across the world like risking their lives, dying, fighting so that other people could be treated better than many of them would be treated when they returned home?
Starting point is 00:55:42 That's so fucked up. The clan would return again after the war, but before we examine that third incarnation of the clan, let's take a second to see what the internet has to say about the KKK, specifically the idiots of the internet. I went to a YouTube video called the Ku Klux Klan Secret History. Posted by the channel Little Dread, who states under the video, please note, this channel does not support the Ku Klux Klan. This video has been made for education purposes only.
Starting point is 00:56:14 I would have that disclaimer as well. When I started reading these comments, what I found was actually refreshing. Hail Nimrot. There's hope for the human race after all. The first comment is from user Aiden Vavero, who states, I just can't take the KKK seriously with those silly costumes. I do totally agree. I mean, I get it one time just because of what they were doing.
Starting point is 00:56:32 They were terrifying. And the costumes maybe look scary when you had that political power as an organization and numbers on your side and your arm, going up against unarmed people and all that, I get that. But man, but just, you know, if you just like saw somebody in the hallway with it, they just look like a silly asshole. Like a grown man put on a costume for any reason,
Starting point is 00:56:51 KKK, religion, whatever. It just, it does get a little sillier and sillier to me as I get older. Like, why are you wearing a costume? Why, why, why, just, just stop. You know, why, why, why, why, how do you not just stop while you're putting on your hood and thinking, what the fuck am I doing?
Starting point is 00:57:04 This is dumb as shit ever. User Marcel Khalil, referencing the KKK's Christian Association ads, I love this. Jesus was a brown Middle Eastern. These people are insane. I love this point. I've heard it many times and thought about it a lot of course my life.
Starting point is 00:57:20 How does supposedly Christian organizations justify white supremacy when Jesus himself was not white? like for sure not, absolutely for sure not. He was Middle Eastern, a hundred percent Middle Eastern. If Jesus was alive today, I wonder how many American Christians would suspect him of being a terrorist? Like, like, how hard would he be hassled by the TSA? You know, trying to go through the airport. Like, think of him just thinking of you from the Middle East. He's not going to look like he's from fucking Denmark. Like think I'm just thinking of you from the Middle East. You're not gonna look like he's from fucking Denmark. User Matthew Bissonette also drops in some wisdom,
Starting point is 00:57:48 saying poor white people have a lot more in common with poor black people than they do with rich white people. The world is not divided by lines of race but is divided by lines of economics. There should be solidarity among people of a common lot in life. Yes, sir, how true is that? A pressed people, you know, unite. I always felt, you know,
Starting point is 00:58:06 growing up that I had more in common with the poor black man than I did with a rich white man. I mean, for real, for real, even though I grew up in Idaho, you know, because I wasn't sitting in my trailer in a backwoods little Idaho town without a single family member who had ever gone to college in my entire family tree thinking, man, sure feels good to be on this team. Man, as well, that's great. I sure do love all this, all this white privilege I'm getting right now. I, uh, I sure do love this privilege of getting a taste government cheese and the privilege, you know, having to buy discounted hot lunch tickets and the privilege of having to almost die if I ever want to be taken to the doctor because we don't have insurance, you know, I sure love the privilege of being half into wear like weird, came art,
Starting point is 00:58:42 knockoff sneakers, you know, just had a lot of numbers in the title instead of Nike's man And all these privileges are sure swell now man the poor and a press need to join forces forces. Excuse me the poor and the press Yeah, they need to join forces now. Let's really shit like racism keeping divided if they ever want to overthrow their corporate overlords You know preach mr. Biss and net preach Now all this intelligence and unity is fantastic, but it's not idiotic. Where are the idiots of the internet this week? Well, it turns out they're common
Starting point is 00:59:11 in a different video called News and Prophecy, the KKK, the coming American race war, post it by user GMS, T-A-Z-A-Y, A-W-A-N, ATL. And it's video of the KKK members talking about a common race war. And they're sitting in an environment that exactly would be what I expected. If I didn't, you know, if someone just told me like, hey, man, I'm watching this video of these three KKK people talking
Starting point is 00:59:33 from their house. You know, there's sitting in a dumpy trailer on a thrift store couch, you know, that I'm, I imagine reeks of cat piss and cheap pills and cigarettes and butt crack and beow. And check out this comment left about the man in the video hide behind his K hood it says it's all caps says Chris Barker is the one in the couch with his wife and kids He's hiding his face because of his parole. He's not He's not allowed any clan activities, but he's very active in stealing from everybody These fuckers are not Christians. They fight each other more than anything Chris Barker's phone numbers 434-791-3129 Those kids need to be taken away ASAP now. I don't know who's phone number is 434-791-3129.
Starting point is 01:00:05 Those kids need to be taken away ASAP. Now I don't know who's phone number that is. I don't want to get in trouble for reliance. I don't want somebody's phone number, but I did read it, you know, it's just posted right there on YouTube. And why do I think this comment is idiotic because the user who posted it,
Starting point is 01:00:17 their channel is named White Pride worldwide. Like, how disagreeable are these fucking idiots? Like think about what I said earlier, we're like, how narrow their reach is. We're looking only for Uber conservative, Christian fundamentalist, you know, Aryan Protestants, right? That's, that's it. And then they can't even get along with each other. Like within that group, they're fucking attacking each other.
Starting point is 01:00:42 Like they're just so filled with mindless hate, it's just constantly overflowing with them. Like right, like, like, which I guess makes sense. Like you can't hate just on who they happen to be 99% of the world and then meet up with your, you know, people who hate everybody. And then also, but then somehow magically get along. Like they're just constantly just so full of hate, you know? That's to, that had to have bummed out the person who posted the video,
Starting point is 01:01:07 though, right? Just like, fuck, man, we're getting thumbed down by other members now. How are we supposed to rise up and start a race war if we can't even get other members of our race to join us, right? They're supposed to be our prime demographic. That's our target demo. If we're not appealing to other rights and premises, we're not a trouble, right? Because we really don't have another audience to go after.
Starting point is 01:01:25 Then more idiocy under a video of the recent demonstration in Charlottesville, user savagence, gaming, rights in all caps, just the cell caps, bitch, you need, wait, it's so hard to read because it's so nonsensical, bitch, you need yo shut the hell up y'all made as fucking ass slaves. And now you're such a dickhead to be fucking up. If blacks were racist to you, damn white ass bitches, you would fuck your dick fuck off bitch. That's a quote, that's an exact quote. And I have no idea what it even means.
Starting point is 01:01:59 I'm not sure if it's pro or against the KKK, it's still preposterously idiotic. It's reached the level of actual gibberish. I don't know if the user is white or black. I have no idea what's happening. User, I do not consent. Does seem to understand some of it replying with, I'd fuck my dick, bro.
Starting point is 01:02:15 Okay, so a solid exchange gentleman, solid exchange. I'm glad you two are having a nice intellectual discussion about race. A user general clause on Bolt writes, I'm a proud liberal Democrat, we will kill all whites. Okay, all right, hoping this is some kind of satire and not an actual statement, killing all whites, not the answer to the KKK problem,
Starting point is 01:02:36 they don't speak for all of us, okay? Now they do not, in fact, in fact they speak for almost no one, they don't even get along, they don't even speak for each other as we just found out. A user, Andrew Caesar, stumps even the trolls when he posts the following nonsense. He says, the brave anti-racist American soldiers thought they had the right to rape 10 to 900,000 German women in the ages from 3 to 79 because they defeated the Nazis while degrading and
Starting point is 01:03:03 killing their family members. You are indeed of same sick type of humans waste. Okay, again, again, kind of hard to follow, kind of hard to follow some of these people. I'm not sure they have access to computers when they can clearly barely read or write. I think this is against the KKK approach. I'm not sure. I'm not sure they're talking about. I love between 10 and 900,000 German women. That's a large kind of spread there. It's a very broad estimate. And the victims were between the ages of three and 79, very specific numbers, which I guess means that there was definitely two victims one who was three and one who was 79 Which is you know, I feel like most most rapists from what I've read about them seem to have some kind of you know
Starting point is 01:03:53 To targets thereafter, you know some kind of look You know like I think like a Bundy killer, you know He likes a woman of a certain age this part really all over the map Three to 79 very indiscriminate, very confusing. And then free speech or zone, weighs in with something I hear a lot, saying they are no more racist than Black Lives Matter, so go fuck your racist double standard.
Starting point is 01:04:16 Okay, now look, I'm not here to push some liberal agendas that don't have one. I really don't. I'm here to push common sense. That's what I try to do each and every week here on the suck. The Black Lives Matter movement is not a white lives don't matter movement, right? There is no white lives matter movement in this country because white lives have always mattered more. They just have to like law enforcement and other groups That's just that's just history and to deny that is just deny history, just to deny the facts of the world we live in.
Starting point is 01:04:45 If the Black Lives Matter movement starts chanting fuck white people, or white people need to die, or Black Lives Matter more than white lives, you know what? Then I'm going to have a big problem. That's not okay. Not okay to be racist because you're not white, right? It's just as immoral and idiotic to be anti-white as it is to be anti-black. But please, if you know anything at all about the history of America and you've learned some more today,
Starting point is 01:05:09 it's that African Americans have been disenfranchised and abused far more, far more than white people. And again, as you know about me, this is coming from a dude with a very poor white kid background, okay, and if you wanna write me with some stats about how there's like a higher percentage of criminals among African Americans and Caucasians or You know some kind of argument along those lines, which is always kind of weird
Starting point is 01:05:30 I think when people kind of bring that stuff up us I you know save your time socioeconomic status dictates the risk of criminal behavior not skin color Crime is not a reflection of pigment. It's just not it's a reflection of the environment you raised in, the lack of hope you feel for your future and your own personal poor choices. Well, user-free speech sound, you are no proponent of equality, you are just another idiot of the internet. 3rd Revival of the Cl, type of the 1950s. After decline of the national organization before World War II, you know, small independent groups adopted the name Ku Klux Klan, along with variations, that no formal connection to
Starting point is 01:06:12 the second KKK, except for the fact that they copied its terminology and costumes. They began to set up their own clavrons again, meet each other's homes, churches, began the 1950s, individual clan groups, and like Birmingham, Alabama, began to resist social change and blackstaffers to improve their lives by bombing houses and transitional neighborhoods. the churches, began in 1950s, individual clan groups and like Birmingham, Alabama, began to resist social change and black staffers to improve their lives by bombing houses and transitional neighborhoods. The white men working in mining and steel industries had access to materials to make bombs
Starting point is 01:06:34 and there were so many bombings of black homes in Birmingham by clan groups in the 50s. The city's nickname became bombing ham. During the tenure of Bull Connor as police commissioner in Birmingham, Cling Groups were closely allied with the police and operated with impunity from the law. Of course they did. Of course they did during Bull Connor's reign. That's some most racings racist sounding sheriff name I've ever heard of in my life. Like if
Starting point is 01:06:56 you're writing a movie that featured like a super racist, insanely violent southern sheriff, it would be hard to come up with a better name than Bull Connor. Bull Connor is not the name of an effeminate man running the daycare for intercity youths. Bull Connor is the name of a broad, shouldered, just fucking terrifying stare, possessing son of a bitch who just kicks asses and punches faces for a living. When the freedom writers, some civil rights activists, working to help desegregate the South, right in Birmingham in 1961,
Starting point is 01:07:28 well, oh, Bull gave Klan members 15 minutes to attack the writers as they saw fit before he would send the police in to call the attack. My God, man, that stuff's still going on in the 50s. Just beat, maim, kill, whatever you need to do. I feel like a Bull was wearing aviator sunglasses and had a toothpick in his mouth when he told him that. I feel like bull looked like the guy from Cool Hand Luke, the warden. What we have here is a failure to communicate. Just, you know, that kind of piece of
Starting point is 01:07:54 shit if you see that movie. When local and state authorities failed to protect the freedom writers and activists, the federal government began to establish intervention and protection in states such as Alabama and Mississippi clan members forged alliances with governors administrations and Birmingham and elsewhere, the KKK groups, bombed the house as civil rights activists like I was saying. We learned about that in the Martin Luther King time suck. In some cases, the US Physical Violence and Intimidation
Starting point is 01:08:14 and Assassination directly against individuals continuing disenfranchisement of the blacks across the South meant that they most could not serve on juries, which were all white and demonstrably biased verdicts and sentences were handed out. According to a report from the Southern Regional Council on Atlanta, the homes of 40 black Southern families were bombed during 1951 and 1952. Some of the bombing victims were social activists, you know, whose work exposed them to danger, but a lot of them were just, you know, people who happened to be African-American.
Starting point is 01:08:39 Among the most notorious murders by clan members in the 50s and 60s was the 1951 Christmas E bombing of the home of national association for the advancements of color people activist Harry and Harry yet more and Mims Florida resulting in their deaths. 1957 murder of Willie Edwards Jr. Clansman force Edwards to jump to his death from a bridge into Alabama River. Jesus Christ. 1963 assassination of NAACP organizer Medgar Evers and Mississippi, KKK, Byron Day LeBeck with would not be convicted for this murder for over 30 years. Finally being found guilty in 1994.
Starting point is 01:09:12 The 16th Street Baptist Church bombing September 1963, Birmingham, Alabama, which killed four African American girls, injured 22 people. The perpetrators were clan members, Robert Chamblis who wouldn't be convicted until 1977 Thomas Edwin Blanton Jr. Bobby Frank Cherry who wouldn't be convicted until 2001-2002 and then Herman Cash who would die before having a chance to be convicted. There was 1964 murders of Cheney Goodman and Schorner, three civil rights workers in Mississippi 30 years later in June 2005, clan member Edgar Raat Ray Killing was finally convicted of manslaughter.
Starting point is 01:09:47 Are you sensing a pattern here? The law just ignored this shit, blatantly ignored it, right? Because again, many police officers, you know, in this area, were just as racist as these clan members if they weren't just clan members themselves. Nothing like all of them, not at all, but obviously a fair amount for just crime,
Starting point is 01:10:03 after crime, after crime. Just to be like, we don't know. I don't know. Well, you did know because they were able to catch them 30 years later. There was 1964 murder of two black teenagers. Henry has KID and Charles Eddie Moore, Mississippi in August 2007, based on the confession of Klansman, Charles Marcus Edwards, James Ford seal, a reputed KKK member was convicted, seal was sentenced to serve three life sentences. and he was a former Mississippi policeman and sheriff's deputy right in on and on and on you you get it
Starting point is 01:10:31 1981 the clan was a well organized national order their clan. Excuse me 1991 the clan as a well organized national organization fell apart again for the third time Right, it would be done now at least until for the third time, right? It would be done now, at least until the present day as a national organization. When Morris Dees and Montgomery-based lawyer and founder of the Southern Poverty Law Center, a non-profit civil rights organization that specializes litigation
Starting point is 01:10:56 and kind of keep an eye on racist hate groups, they sued the clan itself, known at that time, as United Clans of America for their conspiratorial involvement as an organization in the 1981 lynching death of Michael Donald. Not Michael Mothafuck and McDonald. This time long time fans of the suck. No, a young man named Michael Donald became the first lynching victim in the South in over 30 years. The SPLC won the lawsuit, the clan had to pay up seven mil and this bank rep to the organization has never been successfully reorganized since. And by the way, if you're doing research on you,
Starting point is 01:11:26 I know some of you guys ask, oh, what are some good sites and stuff. Southern Poverty Law Center is a really good one. Really good one, their research seems to be very, very well done. Stanford, Stanford does a lot of studies, very well done. The Atlantic, I find that their articles are very informative and well-sided and some others. And again, kind of side note, just find that their articles are very informative and you know, and well-sided and some others.
Starting point is 01:11:46 And again, kind of side note, just on that stuff. I know you guys like writing like, hey, man, if you could put a list together of your books and all that, I am barely getting these episodes done, even with all the help right now. So I do hear your emails, I do want to do a lot more. And we're going to do a lot more. When that app gets built, I'm going to have some announcements where hopefully we can take the stock to the next level and I can get some full time help and just keep kicking it up, man. Keep kicking it up, this cold to curious. I think this is important shit for us all to be learning about. Okay. So in 2017, the Southern Poverty Law Center would still dedicate itself to monitoring extremist groups estimates that there are at
Starting point is 01:12:21 least 29 separate rival clan groups currently active in the United States right now. And they compete with one another for members, do's, news, media attention, and the title of being the true heir to the KKK. Membership is estimated to be, you know, a couple thousand to five thousand. I mean, you know, not a lot and lose membership largely. According to a 2016 anti-definition league report, despite a persistent ability to attract media attention, organized KKK groups are actually continuing a long-term trend of decline. There remain a collection of mostly small, disjointed groups that continually change in name
Starting point is 01:12:54 and leadership. So that is the basic history of the KKK, right? They started off a couple of Confederate soldiers, the kind of spread in name. This is kind of fraternity of hates to oppress recently freed African Americans. Then after about 10 years or so, just when the South kind of got through with their period of federal oversight
Starting point is 01:13:17 from the North or in the reconstruction of the South, and they just started becoming like, super racist again, basically these racist that they could possibly be without technically going back to a full fledged slavery. The KKK went away because, you know, there was no need for hoods because people could just do whatever the fuck they wanted with impunity. And then, you know, so then they go away again.
Starting point is 01:13:37 And then they come back after World War I when people have a whole new set of fears when you know, white Protestants are all scared all over again. Scared about Catholics this time and about communists and about Communists and about the Jewish Bolsheviks and just about nonsense. And then they go down again, they just kind of, I guess that's the second one. Yeah, they stay until, you know what, right before World War II and then the war starts. And then after World War II, it starts again, but not as organized as it was, you know, when it peaked back in 1925, not as organized as it was before, you know, World War II,
Starting point is 01:14:12 and then it just went away as a true organization in any sense altogether in the early 80s. So that is the basic history of the KKK. Now let's hop on out of this timeline. Good job, soldier. Made it back. Barely. So what is the KKK even fighting for anymore?
Starting point is 01:14:34 Honestly, I don't think they even really know. You know, they weren't America that never existed. They want some area in Utopia. It isn't real. It's never been real. I read a great book about the Southern poverty loss and are bringing down the third incarnation of the clan in the early 80s after the lynching of Michael Donald and it really explores the lives of the clan members
Starting point is 01:14:51 who killed Michael, you know what they wanted. The mindset of the KKK and Alabama, the 50, 60, 70s and 80s, the book is called The Lynching, the epic courtroom battle that brought down the clan written by Lawrence Lemur. It's that book about Morris D's, I was talking about him earlier. And yeah, just kind of talks about who these people were.
Starting point is 01:15:10 And basically, there were just people who wanted to believe that the black man was the source of all their problems in life. And why? Well, I believe it's because it's easier to blame someone else for your problems than it is to blame yourself for life not working out like you planned. And for many of them, it was simpler than that, even.
Starting point is 01:15:24 They were racist because they were just kind of raised to be racist and so were all their peers. Violent racism and the wake of a legacy of slavery. What a shameful and embarrassing part of the Salis history man. There's zero rational basis for such anger towards African Americans. They didn't want to be brought to America
Starting point is 01:15:39 and slaves in the first place. And once slavery ends, how do you not step back and think, oh God, wow, man, that was really fucked up. Shit, we did. We should bug and base, oh god, wow, that was really fucked up shit we did. We should bug and base some cookies, bring it over to our new neighbors, and start to apologize them now. But instead, so many just chose anger and hate.
Starting point is 01:15:54 And this is pure conjecture and speculation in my part, 100% unsubstantiated armchair psychology going on here. But I think I know why. I think most hateful folks, I think are hateful folks because they were raised by and around other hateful folks and because of their parental bond you're born with. And you know, when you're the child of a hateful fuck, you still generally love your hateful fuck with parents.
Starting point is 01:16:13 And you don't wanna believe that they're hateful fuck. You wanna believe that they're a good person, that they're not hateful, that they're right. You know, and I think it's psychologically just easier to go along with it and join them. Join them and they hate they feel as a way to kind of feel closer to them and as a way to be able to still respect them and love them.
Starting point is 01:16:28 As opposed to denouncing everything they believe in and risking completely ostracizing yourself from your entire family and possibly your entire community. It's not an easy thing to do, you know, think about that. Imagine being loved and cared for your whole life by a family who along with all their friends, irrationally despise a group of people, and even commit incredibly violent acts against those people. Do you go along with it in order to fit in, or do you risk saying goodbye to just kind of everybody
Starting point is 01:16:52 and everything you've ever known, and just venturing off into a new life completely alone? Now, I know it's not always that dramatic, but a lot of times I bet it is. How many fathers would have completely disowned their sons or daughters for an interracial marriage in the Alabama in the 50s? Wondered about what else contributes to making someone racist led me to a 2010 article
Starting point is 01:17:09 in Psychology Today, and here's what the author Clay A Rutledge PhD, social psychologist and professor of psychology at North Dakota State University had to say about the factors that contribute to being racist. Pre-interesting stuff here. One self-esteem. A number of published studies have demonstrated that people sometimes use prejudicial attitudes and discriminatory behavior to boost their own self-esteem. When people self-esteem, it feels threatened.
Starting point is 01:17:32 Pregedicial actions such as racism appear to restore a steam at least for some. Obviously, this is not a socially productive way to gain feelings of self-worth, but it appears to be a way that some people do it. I guess that makes sense, psychologically. You're having a shitty day. You want to just feel better than somebody. If you can just somehow rationalize being superior to an entire race of people, then no matter how fucking shit your life is, you can at least go, yeah, well, at least I'm not
Starting point is 01:17:54 that. Number two, positive distinctiveness. Humans are social creatures. We like being part of a group. And just as we like to see ourselves in a positive-like self-esteem, we like to perceive our groups as important or significant. It's called positive distinctiveness. The problem is that the one way this is done is by looking down on members of other groups. So if someone is noticeably different in some way, people sometimes hold negative attitudes about that individual because they belong to a different group.
Starting point is 01:18:19 Classic and contemporary research and social psychology supports this idea, as people tend to respond more favorably to others that they share a common group identity. This identity can be religious, political, social, even racial, as it merely becomes increasingly diverse in our attitudes about defining groups, become more inclusive, racism should continue to decrease. However, at least for some individuals, it seems likely that race is still an important group, distinction, and this distinction promotes negative attitudes towards people who belong to other racial groups. So how do we combat that? Well, I think we do it by joining a better group to feel good about like time suck,
Starting point is 01:18:50 you sons of bitches, hail Nimrod. Right? Looking down on people of all races and treats who aren't time suckers. That's what we do. And then we encourage all those people to join the suck, you know, and then we can feel great about them again as well. Because time suckers come in all shapes and sizes and genders and sexual persuasions and sexual identities and colors and religions,
Starting point is 01:19:09 pant sizes and fucking sock colors. Even you Scientology cult members are welcome. Get in here, get in here, make this your tribe. It's the best way to reprogram your mind and get away from the fucking lunatic teachings of El Ron Hubbard. Survival is another factor. Some scholars, I am serious by the way,
Starting point is 01:19:24 by the other stuff, man, make time suck your tribe, God damn it, do it. Survival is another factor. Some scholars have argued that prejudice and racism in particular may be driven in part by basic survival motives. Humans evolved as a species that thrives in groups. Groups compete over scarce resources, or at least historically did, you know, more. And we do not have to look back at our ancestors very far to see this in practice.
Starting point is 01:19:44 Even today, nations and groups within nations fight over access to limited resources like water, good land, ports, oil, etc. Classic social psychological research demonstrates that it is very easy to pit groups against one another if they're competing for a scarce resource, right? Like the show survivor, you know, if I can people get real worked up about people in the other tribe. So that's another one. That's another one. And finally, meaning people are motivated to perceive life as meaningful.
Starting point is 01:20:08 How would racism help people gain meaning? People find meaning by investing in cultural belief systems or worldviews that give their lives some sense of order and certainty. Sadly, some people invest in worldviews that promote racism, beliefs about racial superiority, that kind of shit. Now, the good news is a number of people who just do subscribe to racist worldviews
Starting point is 01:20:25 appear to be decreasing. However, for those who do have racist worldviews, when their sense of meaning is threatened to the world feels uncertain, they will turn to their worldviews for guidance and support. And they lose a job or something. Start freaking out, they're gonna lose the house, they want someone to blame, and you know,
Starting point is 01:20:40 sometimes it's the Mexicans or sometimes it's, you know, the black people or Jewish people. You know, that happens all the time. Well, hop on instead of some bullshit worldview where you have to preserve your race as part of God's plan and you have to fight members of other races to keep your race from being destroyed. How about you accept the truth that we're all members of the human race? It's only a matter of time. If the world isn't destroyed before it can happen, they're all going to kind of end up looking
Starting point is 01:21:00 like each other. We're all going to be part of the same ethnic group eventually if we make it that far. I think maybe just sign on to that. Maybe maybe make it your mission to speed it up, you know. There's a lot of attractive people out there of different races. You know, do it. Just stick in to just one, you know, in your dating life or even your marrying life, you know, that's, you're doing yourself tremendous disservice.
Starting point is 01:21:19 So how about subscribe to that and said, and finally, I think it's important to, you know, important points to remember with racism that one person or one family or even one neighborhood never represents an entire race of people, not ever. You know, like if you live next door to a family of, let's say, for this episode, a family of black people that happen to be a bunch of total assholes, right? Because assholes come in all colors, you know, and now you think you hate black people. No, you don't. You hate the Anderson's next door, you know, that's all. They don't speak for everyone. You never forget assholes and shit faces come in all shape, sizes, genders, and colors.
Starting point is 01:21:50 And so do amazing people. I'm not trying to tell you not to hate this episode. Just hate people who, you know, earned it. Hate individuals, not groups. All right, let's get into some updates and preview of next week's show right after today's Top 5 takeaways. Number one, the KKK took their costume idea from a movie, their rituals from other fraternal orders, and their name is just some made up nonsense.
Starting point is 01:22:17 What a perfect origin for a group of idiots whose organization remains devoid of any real meaning to this day. Number two, the heyday of the KKK was organized by essentially a costume salesman, William Joseph Simmons, who saw there was a lot of money to be made by selling ignorant people selly hats. Number three, early KKK members rallied behind the beliefs that the black man was a threat to the white woman when actually the exact opposite was true. The white man had historically been a threat to the black woman.
Starting point is 01:22:44 Most of you know, early mixed race couples were the result of slave owners raping female slaves, not vice versa. Nice try assholes. Number four, the white man is an evil and neither is the southern white man allowing yourself to ignore truth and believe a hateful legacy of lies to make yourself feel superior, superior, that is evil. So don't fucking do it. And number five, some new info, black man, a black man says he has accidentally persuaded about 200 white racists to abandon the KKK simply by befriending them. Blues musician Darryl Davis has traveled to US for about three decades, actively seeking out white supremacists as a hobby of his in a new documentary.
Starting point is 01:23:23 Uh, it's gonna be I didn't get the name. Sorry about that, but his name is Darrell Davis, so you can Google it. The 58-year-old can be seen sitting down, you know, joking with some cloak members and says, it's a wonderful thing when you see a light bulb pop on in someone's head or they call you and tell you that they are quitting. Says this author and lecturer, I never set out to convert anyone in the clan. I just set out to get an answer to my question. How can you hate me when you don't even know me? I simply gave them the chance to get to know me and treated them the way I wanted to be treated How beautiful is that and what a what a good way you know to end today's you know hateful subject on
Starting point is 01:24:09 So that's today's suck. I hope you enjoyed it, time suckers. I hope you keep spreading the suck. Some of you have written in about the time suck app and it is being built. I'm working on trying to build this time suck community as fast as I can with all the money I got. And it just can take a while. You know, really hope it's out and operational sometime in November. And then we'll modify it from there. Also, surfing, I get back to a lot of you. I have been extremely busy lately working on some other stuff and working on the time suck as well. And just I literally have not had enough hours in the day to get it all done, even with
Starting point is 01:24:35 the help a lot of you find time suckers have been given me. So I promise it's nothing personal. I just begin a lot of emails and just literally don't have done a time to get back to them because they're in depth, they're personal, which I appreciate. And you know, a quick response, not sufficient. Next week on the suck, some of you are going to be very happy to hear it's the iceman. The iceman finally, Richard Kuklincksky, American mob, hitman who was convicted of murdering five people.
Starting point is 01:24:57 Though he likely killed probably several, several dozen more over a period of 30 years. He was associated with members of the mob, including the five families in New York City, and apparently for three decades, he would just murder whoever the fuck they wanted him to murder. And then he would just come home and play husband and dad like nothing happened. You know, just choke some dude out on Tuesday, host a barbecue on Saturday. How do people do that? We're going to find out next week. We're at least find out how he did it. And now let's find out what people have been saying this past week by looking at some time-soccer updates. Okay, first one, many episodes ago, I talked about flatter theory and those who believed that NASA has guarded, you know, their guarding the ice wall perimeter of the flat earth.
Starting point is 01:25:38 To keep us from finding out the truth, you know, that we can just walk out in the space. Well another NASA time-soccer wrote into a surest once again that this is not true. Time-soccer John Ellis wrote in saying, even in Master Sheriff's Sucker, I was listening to the most recent sucka-sode like that. Well, you briefly mentioned the NASA ice wall guards. I figured I would give you some information on that. I'm a protective services officer for NASA.
Starting point is 01:25:59 And while we do have a SWAT team, which is hilarious to me, we do not have an Arctic defense force. I could not imagine what it would be like to stand out in the ball shrinking cold every day guarding an ice wall. I do, however, know what it is like to direct traffic in the blistering heat for three hours. So keep sucking. Hail, Nimra.
Starting point is 01:26:17 John, love it. I love the argument that earth believers try and make, that flat earth believers. On the one side of the flat earth debate is every scientist, every legitimate scientist ever. On the other is your buddy Tony, down at the shop who's been kind of thinking about some shit. Time's like a Ryan Daggett wrote in saying, hey, Dan, just saw your show at the Irvine Improv's tonight. And you absolutely killed.
Starting point is 01:26:38 Thank you, Ryan. Your hands down my favorite comedian. I just felt really good tonight. I wanted to share it with you because you were the man that made it happen. I brought your awesome book from my 15 year old daughter who was disappointed that she couldn't join me at your show. I have let her listen to your Don't Wake the Bear City and some podcasts and it brings me so much joy to laugh together with my daughter.
Starting point is 01:26:57 We don't have tons in common but we both have a very sarcastic sense of humor and connect with your type of comedy. When I gave her your book, signed by you. She was so excited. I was so surprised how much she appreciated getting a book signed by her favorite comedian, made me feel great. Like, we have our love for your comedy to share together, or that we have, our love for your comedy to share together. Then my five year old son said, keep on sucking. And it felt like a great family moment that was just really cool. So thank you for the laughs. the Daggett family. Appreciate your comedy podcasts that truly makes our lives a little bit better. Thank you so much for many laughs. We'll
Starting point is 01:27:29 see you in Hollywood. Ryan, God damn it. Can't tell you how much joy it gives me to hear that silly shit I do is bring in some families like yourself, like your family, you know, closer together. That really, really does warm my heart, man. Really does. You know, just like I guess, make it, you know, I guess I make you feel better, man, you do the same for me when you share stuff like that. So thank you so much for doing that, and I will see you look forward to seeing that live time suck taping in Hollywood in October. And finally, an update from a time sucker who wanted his name kept out of this update,
Starting point is 01:27:56 and I will respect that request. He writes in saying, hello, master sucker, mother fucker. Oh, that warning, what you were about to read will be peppered with grammatical errors and half-form thoughts. I'm fine with that. So, I have to be completely honest. When you are ramping up to do the transgender episode, I completely lost interest in anything that has to do with you or time suck. My first thought was, oh great, another comedian bowing down to the PC bullshit of this country.
Starting point is 01:28:22 Now, it is probably time to mention that I'm a Democrat, and I'm not a bigot. One thing I'm sick of is the transgender debate. In reality, no one should be able to tell anyone how they should feel or what they can and cannot do with their own bodies. The episode was done wonderfully and was very informative. Thank you for the professionalism of this episode
Starting point is 01:28:39 instead of getting on a soapbox. Everyone should be comfortable in their body that they are in and everyone should be able to love who they love. Ah, couldn't agree more. My one concern has always been how to properly treat transgendered individuals in an emergency setting. I'm a paramedic and a fairly large area that goes from incredibly poor to incredibly affluent and everywhere in between. I can hear the argument forming in my head when I have a patient that doesn't
Starting point is 01:28:59 let me know that they are trans and I will get in trouble for just assuming. While I'm sure most transgendered individuals will point out that they are, I do get in trouble for just assuming. Well, I'm sure most transgender individuals will point out that they are, I do get nervous about pissing the wrong person off by assuming. Sometimes with certain complaints and certain presentations with patients, it is completely gender specific. I don't know, I'm just rambling on right now.
Starting point is 01:29:15 I just know people get up in arms about anything and I'm always one wrong question away from being filmed and put on blast in the internet because of my assessment questions. At least we don't live in North, at least we don't live in North fucking career, right? That is a good point. That is a very good point. They bring it up right there. This unnamed time sucker.
Starting point is 01:29:33 And I will say that to my transgender listeners, I know I have, I think, quite a few now. Yeah, man, you shouldn't have to put up with any bullshit, absolutely. But also, I just encourage you to be gentle in your response to people who may assume the wrong gender, you know, because that's at somebody who's, they're not necessarily being a dick at all, they may genuinely just not know. And I know that can be, you know, unintentionally hurtful to you. Maybe you have some self-esteem stuff there. It's never good to have somebody
Starting point is 01:30:07 think you're the different gender than you are because you want to look how you want to look. But if they genuinely are confused, just try and keep in mind that maybe they're not being a dick. Maybe they're not and maybe they're a nice person like this time sucker who's doing their very best to make you feel at ease and be a nice person. Anyway, so that's that.
Starting point is 01:30:25 Any who thank you for inventing the PlayStation 4, the flashlight, the squatty potty, Facebook, punk rock, and the pyramids, you bet, man, you bet, they yep, I knocked all that out. Keep sucking, hail Nimrod and hail both jangles. God damn it, yes. Love always he will not be named. PS, I want some, PS, I want some of my pit bull,
Starting point is 01:30:41 licking her vagina, stop, burp onto her vagina, and then continually, and then continue licking her vagina stop burp onto her vagina and then continue like and then continue licking it that is nothing to do with anything but I figured you would think it was funny Yeah, yeah, yeah, I did I did think that was funny I have a very visual brain and I have a fucking sense of humor I would laugh so hard if I saw that it's the burp It is the burp. They kill I can totally see my dog doing that. Oh my god My dog burp so hard one time after I her, I let Penny have one of those stupid
Starting point is 01:31:06 Starbucks, Papa Chinos. I know his ridiculous, I know, but I can feel some of your eye rolls right now. It's a dollar together, a little couple whipped cream, but it makes her so happy. And she just, she goes after it so furiously. Like I never seen her try to eat something like one of those little things with cream.
Starting point is 01:31:22 Like she just goes fucking bananas. Like she would kill me and her puppy mama, both if she could get to one of those as much as she loves us. And one time she just went after it, went after it, went after it, and then did like a man like, like afterwards, and then went right back to trying to find a few scraps left in the cup. Anyway, okay. Thanks for the thoughts on the transgender issue.
Starting point is 01:31:43 And also I do want to acknowledge that many time suckers have revered and with stats and legitimate articles stating that the mental health community is not totally certain how to handle the issue of being transgender. And that some people believe it's mental health issue. It should be handled not with hormones or gender reassignment surgery, but with counseling. And here's what I'd like to say on that, you know, because I think some people complain that I didn't show enough information on the other side. I don't think people did.
Starting point is 01:32:04 And that's fine. But here's why I presented the way I did. At this point in my life, when something really heavy, like the transgender situation is up for debate, and there's two sides, two legitimate sides to the issue, both backed up with studies and research, I like to take the side of compassion and tolerance. Right? And like until we know, I just think that's the safe side to be on. You know, I don't know exactly what it means to be transgender.
Starting point is 01:32:28 If something that should be addressed with medicine or surgery or counseling, I don't know. I'm not transgender. What I do know is that some people who identify as being transgender really believe that a different body or gender identity would make them have a much happier life. And if it does and it's not hurting anybody else, and they're an adult capable of making their own decisions, then I am all for for them doing whatever the fuck they need to do to find a little more peace in this crazy world of ours. Next time suckers, I need a net. We all did. Well that's it for today Colt. The Curious, having an amazing week. Keep evolving, keep questioning,
Starting point is 01:33:03 keep judging people, but just do it on their actions, not on the color of their skin, and keep on fucking sucking.

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