Timesuck with Dan Cummins - 51 - "The Iceman": Serial Killer Richard Kuklinski

Episode Date: September 4, 2017

Richard Kuklinski once shot a man twice in the head on Christmas Eve because the guy owed him $1600. He beat a kid to death with a closet rod when he was 13. He strangled, stabbed, poisoned, shot, blu...dgeoned, burned, exploded and allegedly otherwise destroyed up to 200 men. Find out what made the Iceman tick and what finally brought this murder machine down in a very intense and graphic episode of Timesuck. This edition of Timesuck is brought to you by Marc Maron's new Netflix standup special "Too Real". Only on Netflix, out September 5th! Want to donate to the victims of Hurricane Harvey? To donate to JJ Watt's Hurricane relief fund click HERE You can also text HARVEY2017 to 91999 to support the Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund. Please rate and subscribe and follow the suck on social media!! @timesuckpodcast on IG, @timesuckpodcast on Twitter, and www.facebook.com/timesuckpodcast Merch - https://badmagicmerch.com/ Want to try out Discord!?! https://discord.gg/tqzH89v Want to join the Cult of the Curious private Facebook Group? Go directly to Facebook and search for "Cult of the Curious" in order to locate whatever current page hasn't been put in FB Jail :) For all merch related questions: https://badmagicmerch.com/pages/contact

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Starting point is 00:00:00 He once shot a man twice in the head on Christmas Eve for owning him $1,600. Beat his first victim to death with a closet rod, strangled men to death, stabbed, poisoned shot, bludgeoned, burned, exploded, allegedly otherwise destroyed up to 200 dudes, known as the Polock or Big Rich, and eventually as the Ice Man, Richard Kuklingsky was a 6-foot 5-inch 295-pound killing machine who worked as a hitman, fulfilling murder contracts for various East Coast mob families and their associates. He also killed other men simply because they annoyed him or reminded him of his dad. He killed to test out new killing techniques, he killed for over 3 decades.
Starting point is 00:00:38 He also had a family and a quiet suburban home life with 3 kids and a wife for over 20 years. Today's time suck is mostly about the ice man, and the ice man is mostly about murder. Extra adult rating on this one very graphic violence, so get out now if you don't want to hear about it, or stay tuned and get sucked. What's up time suckers hope you had a good Labor Day I'm Dan Cummins thanks for sucking Thanks for listening to time suck you suckin suck heads thanks for letting the suck touch you thanks for deciding not just to rub it around your lips but for taking the suck all the way in thoughts and support today go out to Texas time suckers. Going out right now for a fucking hurricane Harvey,
Starting point is 00:01:30 all the damage is done, down in Houston, in the surrounding areas. Donate if you can to help him out. And be careful where you donate. If you do donate, a lot of scumbags taking advantage of the situation to make a quick buck. Houston Texans defensive legend, JJ Watts, has set up a donation fund
Starting point is 00:01:46 to help victims of Harvey on eukaryne.com. If you'd like to donate any amount at all, the link is up in today's episode description. And you can also text Harvey 2017 to 91999 to support the Hurricane Harvey relief fund, the funds set up by Houston's mayor. Link for this also included in the episode description. And I'll be performing in Columbus, Ohio this week, shows in Hollywood, California, Portland, Oregon, Sada Washington, Spokane, Washington, and more, much more coming up quick.
Starting point is 00:02:13 Take it links to the first live time suck and more shows in the episode description. And now, let's get to the ice man. [♪ OUTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪ Richard Cooke-Linksky was one of the scariest men in the East Coast Mafia scene in the 1960s, 70s and early 80s. A world of notoriously scary men. He killed mob bosses, other hitmen, a lot of people who owed money to people that, you
Starting point is 00:02:37 know, they shouldn't have ever bought it from in the first place. And he also killed just some random dudes who happened to be, you know, in the wrong place at the wrong time, looking at the wrong motherfucker. And the murder's meant nothing to him. Other gangsters described him as cold as ice. He could brutally murder a man and then just happily, you know, eat a sandwich, his wife made him. Maybe take the kids out for some ice cream, buy him some new toys.
Starting point is 00:02:58 He could kill a man on Christmas Eve and then watch his kids open presents on Christmas mourn and just pose for some family photos like all it's all good in the world. How does someone turn out like that? How does it all start? Well, for Richard, it started in a nice family in the suburbs of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. His dad was an assistant principal and his mom was a secretary at a textile manufacturer. Richard, he had two brothers, Tony and Jason and Jason would go on to star as a middle linebacker of Penn State in the early 60s. Rich was well liked. He was voted best smile, most likely to succeed in his
Starting point is 00:03:28 high school yearbook. Loved his father dearly. He later say that his dad, dying of a heart attack when he was 24, was the worst moment of his life. And he was a bit of a mama's boy as well. And as his mom would later visit him in prison, refusing to believe what her Eagle Scout son had been convicted of. He graduated second in his class, enrolled in st. Joseph University where he was going to study accounting he even actually saved a girl from drowning while he was volunteering as a lifeguard for the local YMCA and then none of that fucking happened get out of here you don't you don't have an ideal childhood and turn
Starting point is 00:04:00 out like the iceman does not happen no Richard Krueckling's heat was an incredibly violent man born into a home of preposterous violence. So let's find out one of the ways you can make a murderer by jumping into today's time suck timeline. Shrap on those boots, soldier. We're marching down a time the timeline. April 11th, 1935. Richard is born to Stanley and Anna Kuklinski
Starting point is 00:04:33 and Jersey City, New Jersey, rough blue collar industrial city just across the water, but also a world away from Manhattan. It's part of the New York City metropolitan area. Richard was born to a Polish family and if you know anything about Polox, they are a dirty, immoral bunch of subhuman savages. Kidding, my wife is Polish and her maiden name is Ransominsky. I just like to denigrate her lineage, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:56 ever possible to potentially get a rise out of her. Now, he was born to a Polish family though, poor family and a town full of poor people. Jersey City in the early 20th century had a large Polish Catholic population, blue collar, blue collar immigrants recently, you know, having just arrived to America. The Lackawanna, Erie, Pennsylvania, and central railroads all had stations in Jersey City and the city was the last stop for, you know, like a whole bunch of produce and other goods making its way east on tracks throughout the nation to then ship off on boats across the Atlantic. Tracks all over Jersey City, the main thoroughfare was actually called, it may still be called, Real Road Avenue. While today,
Starting point is 00:05:31 there's a lot of good white-colored jobs in Jersey City, especially in the financial sector, being so close to Wall Street. That wasn't the case in the early 20th century. It was a lot of hard, manual labor jobs. In an era when workers weren't as protected from safety in different things, in long hours as they are now. The summers are hot, war and are hot and humid. The winners, brutally cold. Lives were hard for a lot of residents
Starting point is 00:05:55 of a bustling little blue collar town. And it was here that Richard parents met each other. His father Stanley was born in Warsaw, Poland, immigrated over with his parents and two brothers. His mom was Irish. Her parents had immigrated over with his parents and two brothers. His mom was Irish. Her parents had immigrated over from Dublin and they both died shortly after bringing the family to Jersey City. Her dad died of pneumonia and her mom was run over by a truck in a freak accent.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Man, fucking rough luck. Man dad dies in pneumonia. Mom gets hit by a truck literally. She grew up in an orphanage where religion was quite literally beat into her by sadistic nuns, and that's not a shot at just Catholicism in general. That's these particular nuns, I guess we're particularly sadistic in Jersey City.
Starting point is 00:06:34 And a father hands him a secret, one of those kind of type priests also molested her and took her virginity before the age of 10. So fucking rough life. For mom completely, man, both parents die, orphanage, physically beat, molested and raped, all before the age of 10. That's Anna.
Starting point is 00:06:51 At 18, Anna had to leave the orphanage and almost immediately met Richard's dad, Stanley at a church dance. And they got married in July 1925. You rented a flat and a two story house on 3rd Street and Stanley had a job as a breakman for Lackawanna Railroad. And then Anna quickly learned that she had went from a bad situation to a worse one and that she had married a
Starting point is 00:07:10 fucking Polish demon. Stanley was not a large man but apparently he was very strong, strong enough just to kind of, you know, give some people some serious beatings and he was possessive jealous, he had an escalating drinking problem and just a violent temper and he soon began to just beat the shit out of Anna on a regular basis. He'd get drunk, come problem and just a violent temper and he soon began to just beat the shit out of Anna on a regular basis He'd get drunk come home just toss around like a ragdoll and then in 1929 the couple has their first child You know little boy named Florian and Florian gets beat too He'd get hit for wet in the bed. He'd get hit for crying He'd get hit for crying because he just got hit for wet in the bed and crying Jesus Christ
Starting point is 00:07:42 And then when Richard was born 1935. He getting hit too. The family was a mess man. And Anna just she didn't leave, didn't leave Stanley because of her you know the Catholic kind of stigma with divorce especially at that time. You just didn't get a divorce so she just took it. Just pray a lot you know Stanley would come home with a proverbial lip stick on his collar, he'd be messing around with some women at some bar. And then accused her of being unfaithful and then beat the shit out of her in front of the boys. He's that guy.
Starting point is 00:08:10 He's a sociopath. According to Richard, when Rich was little, his dad would do shit like rap a belt around his fists and just kind of punch the boys for sport. Little boys, man, his boys just punch him for sport when he was drunk. And he's not like pulling punches either. He hit him so hard, he'd knock him unconscious. Rich said he'd become so afraid of his father he'd sometimes let himself with fear when his dad was home. He would just get incredibly anxious just the sound of his voice. And then his course his dad, you know, when he did
Starting point is 00:08:36 what himself would beat him for that. How do you do that to a child? I guess by just being a true sociopath, just truly incapable of empathy. February 1st, 1941, when Florian is 11 and Richard is five, Stanley cements his induction into the father, Hall of Shame, into the ring of the worst ads of all time by actually beating his oldest son, Florian, to death. Hitting one too many times in the back of the head,
Starting point is 00:09:04 kid never got back up. And then the family covered for Stanley, said he fell down the stairs. Can you imagine that? Can you imagine watching your dad? The man who was supposed to be your protector in the world actually beat your older brother to death. And then what's your mom covered up?
Starting point is 00:09:19 Help cover it up. Your mom who also gets beat, and also who does nothing to protect you from getting beat. Think that might fuck your head up a little bit. You know, I don't think childhood woe should be taken into account when sentencing adult criminals for their crimes. You know, I don't, but I do think it's important to understand why monsters become monsters, so we can do everything we can as a society to prevent more monsters from being created. I mean, in the end, you're accountable for your actions as an adult, but God, man, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:41 many of us were given a much, much better moral code to start working with in life than Richard Kukalinsky. So when Florian gone now, Rich becomes a sole recipient of Stanley's parental beatings. And not only is he getting beat at home, he's getting beat at school too. He was a shy, awkward little kid with no real friends, horrible self-esteem. Of course, he is, think about his home life, you know, he makes him a target of bullying at school as well. Two Irish brothers who lived on the street would just beat Rich on a regular basis. And then as Rich got older,
Starting point is 00:10:09 you know, the beatings just continued and intensified. And then one day Stanley actually watched his son run home, running away from the chasing brothers to avoid yet another beating. And then Stanley being the exemplary father figure he was, Whipped Richard across the face with the fucking belt the second he came inside the house. Told him that no son of his was gonna be a little chicken shit who ran from bullies, and told him, you know, he better get after those kids. Again, can you imagine having this guy for a dad?
Starting point is 00:10:36 If this guy lived next door to me now, and I saw something like that, you know, in addition to Colin CPS, I would be fantasizing on a regular basis like, how can I get away with killing that son of a bitch? How can I get away with just fucking beating him to death? Stanley then demanded, you know, yeah, he demands his son goes to a fight back, six Richard, you know, on the boat, he's like, like, you'd sick a junkyard dog on some trespassers.
Starting point is 00:10:56 Rich apparently finally unleashes all that pent-up anger that he'd been building up and, you know, building up inside of him for his entire horrible life and he beats a shit on them both. And then the father of these Irish boys runs and goes and pushes Richard to stop him, you know, give him off his sons. And then Stanley jumps out of the house, runs over, gets in a fight with the dead and then knocks their dad out. Finally, Rich gets a little bit of protection and some, you know, approval from his dad. All it took was violence, you know.
Starting point is 00:11:21 That's the one thing old daddy approved of. He's putting a good beat not somebody. Well, on September 27th, 1942, a year and a half after the murder of Florian, Stanley and Anna have a third child. You know, why not bring some more good into the world? Why not? You know, bring some more some more life into this incredible nuclear family unit. They bring in their first daughter, Roberta. And suddenly, and incredibly, the violent stops. And the Ku Klink Seas, they open up an ice cream parlor, a malt shop, they call it Stan, and Anne's milkshake
Starting point is 00:11:51 and malt's, and instead of getting drunk and beating his family, Stanley decides it would be more fun to have Sundays. He preferred hot fudge with two cherries, and he likes to play board games with the kids. He'd still get a little twitchy when you know, when you made him an Oplie, playing him an Oplie, you know, before he did, then, then refused to make some
Starting point is 00:12:06 trades like an asshole. So everyone has a chance to win. But you know, he kept his belt on and, and no one got punched. Yeah, right. Yeah, right. The pressure of another mouth to feed made Stan leave him more fucking violent and even more, uh, you know, of a mean son of a bitch and he already was. And he's back to beaten, you know, three family members instead of two. And, uh, and he kicked up his womanizing to just the next deplorable level. Instead of just hooking up with women in bars, he starts bringing a woman home from bars, like bringing them home to where's fucking family is. Just comes home drunk.
Starting point is 00:12:33 So I was banging these women in the living room while the kids were in their rooms and wives in her room. Just what the fucking savage, just a shameless savage. Richard would later say in prison interviews that he began around this time to regularly fantasize about killing his dad. You know, and this one of his would be one of his life regrets is just not killing his father. He would think about that a lot, talk about that a lot like he just really wish you would have killed his dad. Dad was just, you know, still beating him so hard that he once
Starting point is 00:12:57 knocked Rich out for half the night after hitting him in the head so he didn't learn from the Florian beating, you know, that you might want to take it easy, might want to, might want to work the body instead of the head. Rich was also getting beat by teachers at school. So so many fucking beatings, just getting beat, everywhere he turned. He went to a Catholic school that apparently had some pretty ruthless nuns,
Starting point is 00:13:13 maybe those same nuns his mom had, and they love to whack him on the knuckles with a hard ruler when he tried to use his fingers to read, which he was doing, because he was dyslexic, and the nuns would hit him hard enough to make his fingers bleed, because that's how you get a kid to learn. You fucking beat him.
Starting point is 00:13:26 When you finally had enough one day, and according to him, he told the nun, you hit me again, Kanton, I'll break your fucking head. Which I don't blame him. The nun ran down the hall, grabbed a priest, to then came back into the classroom and throttled the shit out of Richard. You know, another beating. Then he came home and he got smacked around by his mom. You know, told him not to act up in school. Jesus. Okay, May 5th 1944
Starting point is 00:13:48 Stand and end welcome their fourth and final child into the world Joseph and then with four mouths to feed now at home Old old, you know, father of the year Stan does what great dads, you know, do when they go and gets tough And he just takes off he leaves and he starts shacking up with a Some new lady and just abandons his family financially and completely and then and it gets two jobs, you know, and has to raise three kids. He's working days at the Armond Meat Packing Company and cleaning the floors of St. Mary's church in the evenings. And then Rich also gets a job as an animal exterminator, kind of, not really. No one hires him. He just takes it upon himself to rid the neighborhood of straight pets.
Starting point is 00:14:26 More of a volunteer position, I guess, unpaid internship. Young Richard begins to turn his rage from his constant physical abuse he's experiencing life. And he just puts that on the neighborhood animals. The older you hit me, I kicked the dog kind of syndrome. And he starts doing shit like capturing straight cats, tying their tails together with whatever you can find, and then throwing them over a clothesline and watching them just tear themselves to shreds.
Starting point is 00:14:48 He'd also get gasoline, pour it on stray dogs, watch them run off on fire, be animals to death with clubs, pipes, hammers, maybe, maybe if a good therapist had gotten a hold of Richard around this time and had him remove from his home, maybe he could have been reformed and turned into a productive member of society. Or maybe he was already too psychologically damaged. Who knows? I mean, by God, by the time you've reached a place in your life where you're setting dogs on fire,
Starting point is 00:15:12 probably not gonna also be prom king, probably not gonna be captain of the football team, valedictorian, maybe he could still be reformed somewhat, probably not gonna be given a moving speech on graduation night. Eight years ago, I couldn't even imagine delivering a validatorian's address and getting a full right to Dartmouth, where, you know, I'm lucky to be studying pre-law and sociology. You know, eight years ago, I was far too busy just burning Labrador's to death and forcing
Starting point is 00:15:39 cats to tear each other apart. My health things changed. Now you're never going to of that speech, not ever. Richard also turned to crime early in life, initially stealing food to eat, because Stanley, you know, obviously, wasn't providing anything from the family and mom, you know, even though she's working two jobs, you know, she's not able to get it done. And then Anna not not only does not, not only does she not condone the stealing, which finds out she beats Richard for getting some food for him and his brother and sister,
Starting point is 00:16:06 beating him with pots and pans and broomsticks, whatever she can get a hold of. According to Richard, she wants knocked him out with a good shot to the head. Again, the beatings, my god. Shortly after dad moved out, mom had moved the famine to a federally subsidized apartment building and some projects on New Jersey Avenue in 15th Street, and the new digs were full of some rough project kids who immediately began to bully the fuck out of young, skinny, shy, aqua Richard, who now doesn't even have his dad around to maybe kind of stand in sometimes. You know, growing up, it was if Rich had a kick me sign,
Starting point is 00:16:35 just kind of permanently attached to his back. And everyone took him up on the offer. One kid in particular who liked to beat on young Richard was a headhunt show, some little group of kind of project tough guys, some kids, a kid named Charlie Lane, more on Charlie in just a bit. When Richard isn't getting beat, he starts reading true crime, pulp fiction stories, true crime magazines, tales of violent assholes, getting some, you know, violence dealt to them, unsurprisingly appeals to Richard. He also likes reading
Starting point is 00:17:03 about criminals, taking what they wanted from the world, making names for themselves. I get that, not taking shit from anyone. And this too, again, appeals to him a great deal. So he begins dreaming at this point of becoming one of these guys, one of these untouchable criminal mastermind guys. He loves hearing how the crimes are solved
Starting point is 00:17:20 in the books and articles he reads, especially murder and begins to dream of how he could get away with murdering people. You know, there's a lot of people on this list, dad, dad, you know, it's right at the top. And also bullies in his life, bullies like Charlie Lane. 1948, when he's 13, Richard decides to fight back, stand up to Charlie Lane as little thugs
Starting point is 00:17:37 and doesn't work out for him, you know. He tries, you know, starting some stuff and then they finish it and they beat him so bad, they almost kill him. They punch and kick him to the ground, kick beat him so bad, they almost kill him. They punch and kick him to the ground, kick him all his down, spit on him. Beat him so bad he couldn't leave his apartment for a week after that. Mom wanted him to go to the police, report it, but he didn't want to be a rat.
Starting point is 00:17:56 You know, he already had that cronomy, not going to be a rat and not going to talk to the cops. You know he must have been badly beaten when his mom wanted him to report the beating to police, even though she already has beaten him unconscious herself What the fuck what was that? What does that conversation? Hey Richard? It is not okay sweetie what these kids are do it. They don't what they've done to you God knows when I beat you. I don't I don't keep picking you once you're down honey That's because that's because I love you. You know that right. I've never spit on you after slamming a frying pan upside your back of your head, knocking my
Starting point is 00:18:28 sweet boy unconscious. I'm not I'm not a monster like these. These kids need the police is what they need. Once he's healed, Richard sets out for revenge one night with the intention of just giving Charlie the beating of his life. Just wants to really give him a good beating. And he takes a two-foot closet rod out of the apartment and he hides outside this new jersey, avenue entrance to the project he's living in. Knowing the Charlie, that's how he comes home is that entrance. Eventually Charlie does come home that night
Starting point is 00:18:52 and Richard pops out in the dark, from behind the dark spot, he's kind of hiding in. Closet rod in hand, Charlie takes him to be tells him to beat it or he can beat his ass again, Rich doesn't budge. Said he swings that closet rod and he hits Charlie right in the side of the head and knocks him to the ground
Starting point is 00:19:06 and then he just pounces. Jump's on top of Charlie and just starts hitting him over and over and over and over. All that pent up anger from being bullied by his father, his mother, the nuns, the priests. From Charlie himself, another bully is being unleashed on Charlie's head and body. And when he's done, you know, he pops up,
Starting point is 00:19:25 starts yelling at Charlie to get up and fight back. Come on, you know, fight back, fight me, and then realizes that he's beat Charlie's to death. He's beat Charlie's to death. You know, Charlie takes his pulse, nothing's there, and now he's, you know, now he's panicking. Now he's now he's he's also, you know, committed his first murder at the age of only 13. He's terrified. He's gonna be caught and locked up. But then he's so he steals car, using skills he'd learned, studying those true crime in those true crime magazines. And he gets Charlie in the trunk of that car, and then he drives the body, a couple hours down to South Jersey.
Starting point is 00:19:54 And yeah, I know he's like 13, but he's a big kid. He's a big dude, tall and stuff like that. So I guess he could pass as an adult driving, or not as an adult, but like as a 15 year old or whatever. So he drives him down there and then he finds this some marshland. And then he remembers, as he's gonna dispose of the body, he remembers from the crime magazine,
Starting point is 00:20:12 I'm sure he's thinking about it the whole way down that bodies are identified by like fingerprints and dental records primarily. So after taking the body out of the trunk and dragging out the marsh, he finds a hammer slash hatchet tool in the trunk and he used it to smash all of Charlie's teeth out and chop his fingers off. And then he leaves the body, you know, for animals to scavenge, and then he takes the fingertips and teeth fragments and just kind of scatters them about another marsh a little ways away.
Starting point is 00:20:37 And then he drives home, apparently, feeling pretty proud of himself, feeling great. Well, shortly after killing Charlie, he found the other members of the gang and that he, you know, that had beat him. And while he didn't kill the other kids, he beat the shit out of them as well. And just, you know, really started to realize that he enjoyed dishing out punishment a whole lot more than taking it. And he decided to never let anyone get away
Starting point is 00:20:56 with beating him ever again. After killing Charlie, Rich starts going to school less and less over the next few years, soon drops out altogether, starts hanging out in some pool halls nearby Hoboken or Hoboken notorious mafia kind of hot bed in a town that You know has claimed a different points to have more bars per capita in its history than any other town in America And yeah, he's only 14. We start to go on which I don't know again
Starting point is 00:21:18 Sounds crazy kind of like the car, but he knows a big kid and I don't I don't get the feeling that local police We're really worried about underage drinking in Jersey in the early 50s I don't feel like it was the top priority for law enforcement. He's really good at pool, makes some decent money, you know, pool hustling. Over the next few years, also develops reputation as a tough guy, doesn't take shit. A dude quick to break pool cue over a fool's head if he gets too lippy. After a pair of brothers ganged up on him and beat his ass after one pool game, he tracked one of them down later and fucking stabbed him in the stomach.
Starting point is 00:21:45 The other brother fled town. Now I bet he did. He and four other juvenile delinquents around this time formed a little gang called coming up roses. And they each got a little matching tattoo on their left hand. Would you know, you could see when you look up a document or is in stuff of Richard Cookeling. See that tattoo, you know, on his little on his left hand there,
Starting point is 00:22:01 kind of between his thumb and his fingers on the back of his hand. Second man, Rich claims to have killed as an Irish cop. He kills around this time named Boyle. A guy went by the name of Boyle, drunken guy, apparently insulted Rich over and over as they played pool. And unfortunately for Doyle, he reminded Rich of his father of being tormented by his father. I guess he kind of looked like his dad after the bar closes, Rich finds Doyle. He just kind of waits for him, finds him passing out in his car, waits for him to pass out, and then thinks about just going over there and stabbing him. But he knows if he does that, he'll be a prime suspect and murder so instead he walks to a local gas station, buys him gasoline, comes back, pours it on Doyle, and then just like one of those old neighborhood dogs, he just walkin' lights him on fire. And then he slept like a baby that night, I guess, you know, no big whoops, Doyle didn't wanna be burned alive, then he shouldn't have called me a dumb pollock.
Starting point is 00:22:45 Affairs fair. In 1951, when Rich was just 16, he moved in with the woman he met in a bar, Linda, an older woman, around the age 25, a woman, it's almost impossible to find information on. Biographers tend to focus almost exclusively on his second wife, Barbara. However, he and Linda would later have two boys together, boys Rich would later abandon.
Starting point is 00:23:04 He'd later say he never wanted kids with Linda, just happened, never loved her, just like the sex. Apparently, she was almost always in the mood and he never really wanted to marry her. He didn't even tell his family when they got married at City Hall. But he did marry her and he also used to be the shit out of her, like dad, like son.
Starting point is 00:23:20 His little coming up Rose's gang started making a name for themselves as a group of bathroom brawlers, tough guys who rarely if ever lost a fight and they made money robin liquor stores burglarizing rich people's homes and surrounding suburbs breaking into warehouses their activities attracted the attention of a local mafia family the uh... the cavalcante family uh... who the sopranos are actually based on the hpos sopranos and a member of the crime family uh... car mine uh... geno Vice approached the guys with a job, a contract killing.
Starting point is 00:23:46 A job they took. And then when it came to doing the killing, the other four members of the gang couldn't go through with it. No one could pull the trigger, except Richard. He took the gun from John Wheeler, who was the toughest guy in the crew when it came to barfights, the guy who was initially going to do the killing. But John just couldn't bring himself to walk up to a duty, had no personal beef with. Some duty didn't know and just you know shoot him down So Richard got out of the Lincoln the crew is riding and walked up to the target, you know after he'd taken the gun from from Wheeler And and found this guy This guy was about to get into his car and it puts the gun to the back of the guy's head pulls a trigger
Starting point is 00:24:17 And then walks back to his crew hopped in the car and then they sped off and act like nothing happened Victor victim never even sought coming. His crew couldn't believe how casual Richard was about it, just no emotion. Supposedly John Wheeler said, man, Rich, you're cold like ice. And then they went back to a very pleased car mine who gave them each 500 bucks, and they have 500 bucks for taking a dude's life.
Starting point is 00:24:38 And again, just like when his dad approved him, beating up those bullies, you know, years ago Richard Kuglingsky finds more validation through violence, you know, and they're talking about what a great job he did, everybody's talking him up. This is how he gets his self esteem is murder. After this first job, the coming up rose his gang, starts getting a lot of work from Carmine, hijack and trucks, stealing dockyard shipments, you know, just whatever kind of
Starting point is 00:24:57 criminal enterprise they can make enough money on to make it worth it. And Carmine pays them well and they live it up, you know, doing shit like flying to Vegas, pissing it all away, partying, It once made a million dollars in one night after hitting up an armored truck. And I guess they were basically broke a few months later. It's just fast cars, high stakes, poker games, you know, just easy come, easy go kind of lifestyle. I mean, they're still teenagers.
Starting point is 00:25:16 Life was fast and fun for the gang, but then John Wheeler and Jack Debrowski, another coming up roses gang member, fucked up big time. They held up a car game that was sponsored by the Cavalconte family made man Albert Perenti, a job that had not been authorized by Carmine Genovese. Albert knew Richard wasn't personally involved when he found out, which was the only reason he didn't kill Richard. He decides to meet with Richard. Let's him know that the only way out of this fuck up was to remove Wheeler and Jack.
Starting point is 00:25:49 You know, they had to be killed and to prove his loyalty to the devil, to the Decaval Conte family. The family wanted Richard to do the hit. Yeah. And Richard did. He killed two of his best friends. Two of the best friends he'd ever had found Jack outside a bar, shot him in the head before even saw Richard coming. And they found John shortly after that coming out of his girlfriend's apartment and shot him down in the street. Left both bodies where they laid so the police would find him, they'd make the papers and the decavacante family would know that he did what had been asked of him. Well, after that, the other two coming up roses members, you know, heard rumors that
Starting point is 00:26:16 Richard had killed Jack and John and they avoided Richard like the plague. Hell yeah, they did, man. They knew all too well what he was capable of. They'd seen it for his hands. Well, by 1954, 19 year old Richard Kuklinsky by his own account had now killed four people, you know, two of which were some of his best friends. And before we push even further into the darkness, that is the ice man, let's line it up
Starting point is 00:26:38 with a little comedy from today's sponsor. Today's time suck is brought to you by Mark Marren's new Netflix special to real. Premiering on Netflix this week, Tuesday, September 5th. That's right. Since there's a good chance you are listening to Time suck this episode on or after September the 5th, you can watch it today. Watch it right after you're done listening to this podcast. In this special, the fantastic veteran comic and legendary podcaster talks about how meditation makes him crazy, how he's not big on fun, how he turns profound his comfort into an art form. Mark is one of the most respected names in comedy, one of the stars of the new critically acclaimed
Starting point is 00:27:13 Netflix original series, Glow. I've watched some of that, I'm going to watch some more really funny show, a period piece so it's about wrestling, really funny. You can hear the trailer for his new special, his new special called Too Real right now. A Netflix comedy special. I don't know how to have fun. How do you have fun?
Starting point is 00:27:33 How do you guys do it? Like, I don't think I would have come to this show. Mark Mellon's mind. My comfort zone is uncomfortable. It's a complicated place. I'm not the most courageous guy. I'm sort of an alpha pussy There's the classic alpha male just the meathead rage field like
Starting point is 00:27:50 And then there's the alpha pussy who makes fun of that guy Two-year nose-tuning only on Netflix So watch Mark Marin to real only on Netflix September 5th, very funny dude I've seen live several times myself. How funny is that? After the great pussy debate, we had here on time, it's like a while back, that he says it. His word, not mind time, sucker, save any angry emails.
Starting point is 00:28:14 You have, you know, I do think Mark is very funny and I am sure the special's gonna be great. Okay, so in 1954, that's where we were. 19 year old Richard Cookelynxi transitions from bully killer, contract killer to just flat out serial killer. You know, even though he lived his entire life with a mile or two of Manhattan,
Starting point is 00:28:31 he'd actually ever been to New York City a handful of times and never by himself. And then according to later prison interviews, he just starts taking the ferry across the Hudson and going on even walks by himself just around the city. Kind of checking it out. And one night when he's over there walking around by himself and aggressive panhandler gets in his face, one too many times. It's a little bit too pushy
Starting point is 00:28:48 demanding money. The guy does it in a dark side street where no one else is around and you know there's no witnesses. And so Richard just takes his knife out. He'd always carry at least one knife and one handgun on him in public whenever he left the house as an adult and just stabs us twice in the chest. Just pop pop. You know-p-p-p. You know, pulling him in close, watching the light go out in his eyes before letting him drop to the ground. He'd say later, I enjoy seeing the lights go out. I enjoy killing up close and personal. I always wanted the last image they had to be my face. Man, this motherfucker. Zero empathy. What an unusual beast, man, part hit man, part serial killer.
Starting point is 00:29:27 I don't know, I guess maybe that's not so unusual, you know? I mean, if you're willing to kill for money, it can't be a big leap to just kill because you feel like some dude needs to die. Well, after this truly, you know, first random kill, after this first truly random kill, you know, he claims to have killed many more victims over the next few months.
Starting point is 00:29:42 He'd come to New York City alone, and if someone bothered him on the street in a bar wherever and yet a chance to get him with no witnesses around they were as good as dead he said the only criteria was that they had to be man no women no kids man that was his murder moral code uh... he'd be horrifically physically abusive to women as you're going to soon find out that he
Starting point is 00:30:01 you know he'd abandoned a couple kids of his own but he's not going to kill him because you know he's not a bad guy out. He, you know, he'd abandoned a couple of kids of his own, but he's not gonna kill him. Cause, you know, he's not a bad guy. He's got his principles, you know, really, really fucked up principles, but I guess principles nonetheless. Well, 1955, Linda gets pregnant and Richard wants her to get an abortion. And when she, when she does not, he becomes violent, even punched her in the stomach, trying basically abort the baby himself, but the baby's born anyway, Richard Jr. In 1955, a 20 year old Richard is a dad for the first time and anyway. Richard Jr. in 1955 and 20-year-old Richard is a dad for the first time and he marries Linda. He says for the kids sake. Well, fatherhood does not deter the killings. By 1956, he's still killing and now he has two kids because the second son, David is born. Richard had emotional feelings of love towards his kids,
Starting point is 00:30:40 or I'm sorry, he had no emotional feelings of love towards his kids, but he was protected above them. One example, this was when the superintendent of the department, he lived in with Linda, slapped both Richard's kids for allegedly being too loud when he wasn't home. Linda called Richard at a local bar, told him what happened, he got in his car,
Starting point is 00:30:55 drove to find this dude at a bar, beat the fuck out of him. Also got punched, he punched a bartender when the dude tried to stop him, and he almost went to jail for that. The bartender was an off-duty cop, and Richard had to use his mob connections to get off easy relatively with a $3,000 fine price-lash bribe and no jail time. Rich almost goes to prison for his entire life around that time as well for another bar
Starting point is 00:31:18 altercation kind of gone bad. When a truck driver who actually was tough enough to smack the six foot five inch Richard around Follows Richard after the bar fight, you know Follows him like in his car like they're gonna like have like a little car chase type thing You know kind of cuts him off at this one point the him and his buddies hop out to you know come over and give Richard beating But it doesn't happen because he's got a 38 on him and he just starts shooting and he just kills Kills all three of them kills him in broad daylight. It could have been, you know, caught easily for that.
Starting point is 00:31:48 We got lucky, no one was around. And so he throws all three bodies into a cave. He'd found while hunting in the wilderness of Buck County sometime earlier. According to Iceman interviews, years later, a lot of men would end up disappearing in caves in Buck County. Now I do have to bring this up at this point. There are many people out there who dispute his various murder claims.
Starting point is 00:32:09 I feel compelled to say that, years after Cooke Linksey was captured, amateur sloughs, serial killer fanatics would like to do stuff like search the caves in Buck County. And according to a 2013 Philadelphia and Choir article, I read, no remains were ever found. Richard Cranzel, who wrote the About the Counties cave
Starting point is 00:32:24 for the National Speological Society, said that the long closed Durham mine is the only place large enough to hide human remains. The mine opened during the Revolutionary War when it's iron ore was made into cannonballs and gunshot. It was later used for commercial purposes before closing in 1908. And he says nothing was found in there. Now, so did Richard exaggerate? Maybe, did he lie? Maybe. But also maybe not, you know. The dude definitely killed people. The only question is how And he says nothing was found in there now now so did Richard exaggerate maybe did you lie maybe But also maybe not you know The dude definitely killed people the only question is how many and while he allegedly never killed a woman He did commit one of the most horrific examples of domestic abuse. I can remember reading one evening Richard's younger brother Joe
Starting point is 00:33:00 Tills Richard he'd seen a guy Sammy James and Rich's wife Linda go into a room with the Hudson hotel room 16 His brother tells him ground level right near the coke machine now rich and Linda did not have much a relationship at all at this point after the birth the second kid David They were married and name only you know rich It wasn't even there a lot of times, but it was the principal of it the bothered him You don't you don't disrespect him by fucking his wife even if he's not fucking his wife. You don't fuck his wife Right, I think that that's actually also the real reason he beat the shit out of the apartment super in 10 and earlier too.
Starting point is 00:33:28 It wasn't about the guy actually upsetting and hurting Richard's kids. I think it was about this guy, you know, disrespecting Richard by hitting Richard's kids. You don't hit Richard's kids. Now Richard Cookeling, see, he don't fuck with him. You know, didn't matter that he didn't give a shit about his kids, it was about to abandon him.
Starting point is 00:33:41 You know, they're still his. So when Joe tells him that his wife is full and round, Richard speeds off for the hotel. He kicks the door down, shows up, and catches the two of them in the act. Richard then horrifically beats the shit at a Sammy, supposedly breaking a preposterous amount of his bones, and then turns to Linda and says, you know,
Starting point is 00:34:00 if you weren't the mother of my sons, implying, you know, he would kill her if she wasn't. And then he holds her down, knocks her unconscious and proceeds to, God, this is brutal. Brace yourself for this one. Be sure you're not in mid-bite or mid-drink. When you hear this, he cuts her nipples off. That's right, takes a knife out and it cuts off her nipples.
Starting point is 00:34:21 If you happen to be eating some pepperoni pizza right now, you're probably gonna want wanna throw that away. Ugh. After this incident, not surprisingly, Richard apparently does not see much of Linda or the kids, yeah, I don't. I don't think you get to work that out with some relationship counseling later, you know?
Starting point is 00:34:38 There's no form of, I'm sorry, that makes up for full on nipple removal. What the fuck? Like a lot of these tales, there is no police record of this, so we're relying on hearsay, but holy shit. You know, none of the sources I found attributed a source to this particular story, but it comes up a lot, and it's so specific, I feel like it probably sadly was true. That is some psychopathic shit, man.
Starting point is 00:34:59 And if half the other stories are true about the iceman, I'm not surprised you did it. The man hurt and killed people in the most inhuman of ways. And if you're thinking, you know, why weren't these killings if they did happen? Big news. Why weren't police in New York City, New Jersey looking for a serial killer if he just stabbed and fucking shooting people at time and cut nipples off? Well, for one, a lot of murders were just chocked up to gang violence around this time. And according to former New York police department captain of detectives Ken Rowe, he says back then there were no citywide records of homicides being kept as there are today. The local precinct had a file, but that was it.
Starting point is 00:35:30 And because most of these killings were bums, or people who no one really gave a fuck about, there was no incentive to properly work the case. You see, because he was killing in all these different ways. The cops didn't think one guy was doing it in a sense. They were inadvertently giving him a license to kill. Well, and he would kill. He would kill in a variety of ways. And let's dig in to some of the worst of those ways in a very intense addition of super
Starting point is 00:35:52 scary stuff. All right, we're going to jump ahead as far as time goes and dig into some of the ice men's more horrific murders. A little bit of bouncing around here as far as time goes. Then we'll hop back into the timeline for a wee bit to explain who was hiring him for all these crimes, you know, and give him a little more context and his life while all these crimes are going on. But here are the actual crimes.
Starting point is 00:36:23 You know, Rich was cut into a deal and one with some other mobsters who had a lead on a cargo truck loaded with televisions. They were given the trucks, you know, route details, and their job was to hijack the truck, stash it and nearby farm, put it in a barn, and then delivered to a cash buyer week or so later who was going to buy the entirety of the truck's cargo cash on demand. All right. Now the hijack part goes smoothly, as does store in the truck and then nearby farms put in the barn there. But then when they come back to get the truck, we could so later out of the barn, trucks
Starting point is 00:36:52 gone. Well, Rich suspects the owner of the farm for knowing something about where it went. He asked him where the truck was gone and the guy plays dumb and Rich isn't having it. He's convinced he's not telling them something, so he ties the guy to a tree to interrogate him, right? Just, he gets some rope, time to a tree, so he's like, standing up and like facing outward, so they can talk to him.
Starting point is 00:37:13 And then Rich just kind of slaps him around a while. You know, just roughs up his face a little bit, draws a little bit of blood. The guy is still claiming that he doesn't know anything. So then Rich gets the idea to go grab some emergency road flares. He has the trunk of his car, comes back and tells the guy, he's gonna hurt him real, real bad if he doesn't talk. Guy still plays dumb.
Starting point is 00:37:30 So Richard takes off the guy's shoes. Remember, he's still tired of that tree, right? He lights one of the flares, takes guys shoes and socks off, and then you hold the flame of the flare, just under one of the guys' feet. Not close enough to really burn it at first, just close enough to blister it. And the guy still won't talk.
Starting point is 00:37:47 He's like, man, this is just gonna get worse. This is just gonna get worse. The guy won't, you know, acts like he knows. I don't know anything. I don't know anything. So then he pushes that flame closer to the bottom of the man's foot, close enough to start searing his flesh. Close enough to start burning it away.
Starting point is 00:38:00 The guy is screaming bloody murder. Rich ends up burning his fucking foot down to the bone. Chard flesh and bone. Burns is toes down to charred meat and bone. The dude still will not talk. So he's like, all right man, I'm gonna get your other foot. The guy's like, I don't know anything man, I don't please stop. I don't know anything. Fucking does the same things that are foot. His feet are just, oh, I'm sure the smell of them was just powerful stents in the air. The dudes feet are just, you know, like you've ever been camping and you're making some hamburger and a little bit falls into the flame, you know, off the, like that,
Starting point is 00:38:37 but like that's what your feet are now. Just chart up meat. Jesus. This guy's crippled for life now, man, you know, you're not going to reconstruct those things. Still nothing though, still no, just charred up meat. Jesus. This guy's crippled for life now, man. You're not gonna reconstruct those things. Still nothing though. Still no, the guy won't talk. We're just convinced that he's holding back. So he likes the second flare. Tells the farmer, if he doesn't talk,
Starting point is 00:38:55 he's gonna burn his fucking balls off. Guy begs and pleads, but doesn't say what the truck is. So Rich holds the second flare up to the man's jeans on his crotch, burns through his jeans, and then basically melts his testicles. I'm gonna let that sink in for a bit. This guy screaming, he's wailing, swearing, he has no only thing he can barely talk. Still, Richard has convinced this guy knows something.
Starting point is 00:39:20 So now he tells the guy he's gonna burn his dick off as well. And then just before he does, the guy, he's gonna burn his dick off as well. And then just before he does, the guy actually talks. The guy did know. The guy tells him that his buddy, Sammy, had the truck the whole time in another farm. You know, they were gonna sell it
Starting point is 00:39:33 because they really needed the money. I don't fucking believe it. If you know, how do you not talk when he starts burning that first foot? Like how do you think it's gonna, do you think it's gonna somehow get better? Do you think it's gonna give up? Like a guy like that?
Starting point is 00:39:44 It's gonna give up after burning a foot? No! You know, why, why after he's, after he's burned both feet and he's, you know, it got to the torch to your balls, maybe then you could be like, oh, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. I can talk, I can talk. Why do you have, why is that the dick that is the line, right? He's already, your balls are already melted off.
Starting point is 00:40:04 You can't even use your dick. Why is that suddenly dick is the line, right? He's already, your balls are already melted off. You can't even use your dick. Why is that suddenly the breaking point? I don't know, man, maybe the guy knew that, you know, if you finally confessed, Richard was gonna kill him anyway. I mean, that is actually what happened. Once Richard is accomplished, his track down at Sammy found the truck,
Starting point is 00:40:17 bringing Sammy back to the barn, old roasted nuts his farm, you know, they put a bullet in both their heads, you know, at this point for all hot balls, all fire sack, all steam and scroat, it's probably mercy killing. All right, well this next murder isn't brutal in this method, but it's especially savage in his choice of victim. Rich had been working with notorious mafia gangster by the name of Roy Dameo, a dude who
Starting point is 00:40:40 was no stranger to murder at all. He'd already assembled a team of hitmen known as the Dameo crew who'd become infamous for their brutality and the volume of murders they'd commit. Suppose he killed over 100 people between 73 and 83, but he hadn't hired Rich yet. He hadn't hired him for a murder yet. So he just heard rumors. He had been working with Rich, working with him regarding some pornography distribution for years. Rich worked with a group of guys who were the main porn distributors on the East Coast. That's where he made a lot of his money They were you know distributing legal porn, but then also a lot of stuff that was not legal, you know stuff stuff that had girls that weren't quite 18 a lot of stuff with women and animals. Yep, all kinds of beastieality Something else I didn't know about the iceman before this week. It did apparently didn't care about porn
Starting point is 00:41:21 He had a strange moral code and while he was clearly not opposed to murder, he also had no interest in porn, prostitutes, strippers. He was always faithful to whoever he dated. There was just money to him. Anyway, Roy D'Ameyau, he wants Rich to prove that he can kill anyone. Roy wants him to kill. No questions asked. So he takes Rich along for a drive.
Starting point is 00:41:39 Some of the other members of the murder crew. And I guess they were in an intersection when Roy sees this guy, just some random dude, some random guy walking his dog, getting ready to cross the intersection. You know, they're stifling on a red light, no one else is around. He points to the guy and just says, cap him. And we're just like, here, now Roy tells me to do it. And he stepped out of the car, walked up behind the guy, shot him in the back of the head, just stepped back in the car, and they just drove off like it was fucking nothing. It wasn't some guy who owed mob money. This wasn't some guy who owed mob money. This wasn't some guy who stole from the mob.
Starting point is 00:42:06 Wasn't some idiot who tried to make some money on a fucking barn hijack. Wasn't some guy who bothered Rich or a member of Rich's family. Not a guy who hassled any of these guys anyway. Just some random human being, possibly father, possibly somebody's boyfriend or husband, definitely somebody's son,
Starting point is 00:42:22 life takings just so Rich could prove to somebody else. He was a good guy to hire for killing other people. What a piece of shit. All these guys just pieces of shit. All of a monster. Since dad Stanley was a monster, rich was even worse. All right, back to brutality. This next method of murder was apparently Richard's favorite.
Starting point is 00:42:37 He claims to have done this several times. He claims to have found a bunch of rats one day, one of those caves in the woods of Buck County. He says he dropped off some meat once to see how fast they'd kind of come out from their hiding places and go through it. And he just kind of like a condition that we just feed him sometimes
Starting point is 00:42:51 and get him used to coming out to kind of list open space in the cave and eat whatever he put out there. Yeah, well, he figured out eventually these rats would eat a person. And this next victim is one of these people. Some mob boss didn't like who her daughter was dating, didn't like his intentions, thought he was too old for her, was just out to get some ass, and then off to bang the next girl. And he confronts us, dude, the dude is early 20s,
Starting point is 00:43:12 asks what his intentions are. The guy's like, says he just wants to ask him fun. Well, this was enough for this mob boss to want this guy dead. So he hires Richard to kill him, says he wants to make sure the guy suffers before he dies. These people are fucking psychopaths. says he wants to make sure the guy suffers before he dies. These people are fucking psychopaths, all of them. So Rich kidnaps this young dude ties him up, takes him to Buck County, strips him down, ties him to a chair, and then he decides to try something new.
Starting point is 00:43:33 He takes some thin, raw-hide strips, he's soaked, got him real wet, and then he ties him around the guys forehead, his arms, his balls. If you don't know anything about raw-hide, most people I think so, so shit it with, they're like dogs, chew toys, you get those little raw hide, chew toys you can get. Which actually is not supposed to be not very good for them.
Starting point is 00:43:48 But anyway, raw hide constricts as it dries. And so he knows this, he puts them on wet, and then just lets them start drying, and they just keep tightening and tightening and tightening. They cut into the skin of his arms and forehead so much that you know, draw blood. They're nearly popping, his bright red now testicles. He then takes Polaroid photos of the guy's suffering,
Starting point is 00:44:05 so he can show them a boss. And then the rats start smelling the blood, bleeding from this guy, they start hearing his screams, pain, and they're curious. They start coming out there to check things out. And then they start getting a little more curious, they're getting closer to him, and eventually, they start taking little nibbles.
Starting point is 00:44:20 And they start taking little bites, and then more rats come. And they start climbing all over this guy in his chair, covering him him just taking more and more bites. Just fucking chewing his face off everything Richard comes back two days later. It's just a nod skeleton tied to a chair Fuck man Again, if this is true, and I don't I don't know why later in prison. He would be making this stuff up. I don't know Jesus Christ man. He'd call this extra method of execution death from a thousand bites. This guy, and Vlad the Impaler would have been, you know, good buzzing buddies,
Starting point is 00:44:50 would have had serious man crushes on one another. What the fuck? This guy was fed to rats just because he was a normal 20 something dude for one of the fool arounds his girlfriend without intending to marry her. My God! Well, Rich wasn't opposed to an extremely quick death either. He seemed to love to play with different murder techniques,
Starting point is 00:45:05 like kind of like a chef experiments with different ingredients to make the perfect meal. A iceman liked to play with different murder methods to build the perfect kill for the perfect situation. Strangely, if more people took as much pride in their jobs as the iceman took pride and murder, the world would actually be a much better place. An LA porn shop manager
Starting point is 00:45:22 had been taken several of Rich's porn shipments but was not paying for him. He's way behind on payments and then suddenly he stops returning Rich's calls, stops answering the phone. So Rich flies out to Los Angeles from New Jersey, find out what the guy's deal was, shows up, walks in there, asks him where his money is. And the guy tells him, you know, like, I don't have it. And he's like, well, you got to pay me my money. And the guy's like, you'll get it in a month. And Rich is like, that's not our agreement. And the guy says, it is'll get it in a month. And Rich is like, that's not our agreement. And the guy says, it is now.
Starting point is 00:45:46 And just like that, with that moment of disrespect, he signed his own death warrant. Rich then snuck a pin out of a grenade, he'd apparently been holding down beneath the counter where the porn shop owner couldn't see it. And then just tosses the pin at the guy. And when the guy's like, what is this? Rich says it's a surprise.
Starting point is 00:46:01 Then tosses him to grenade, as he kind of like, hurries out of the shop, and then he fucking blows the guy to pieces, blows up the shop. And then he just walks to his rental car, drives back to the airport and flies back home. How weird is that? He'd be sitting in a first class seat
Starting point is 00:46:13 because apparently he always flew first class because it made him feel important. He's on a cross-country flight, hours after blowing up some porn shop owner with a grenade. Probably sitting next to some travel and businessmen, some upper-level executive maybe. I wonder if, like, you know, when making inevitable small talk,
Starting point is 00:46:26 he was ever tempted just to tell the truth and just scare the fuck out of people. Just, uh, yeah, farmer's musical sales, that's how I make my money. It's not bad, man, it's a nice, nice racket. What do you do? Well, I've been dealing a lot of porn, but I also got my hands in a little of this
Starting point is 00:46:40 and a little of that. Murder's what I enjoy the most. Love a good murder. Good money in murder. Okay, no, no, really, what do you do? Well, today I blew up some porn shop owner and blew him into fucking oblivion. Oh man, if you haven't seen a man getting blown to shit, you haven't lived. Last week, last week, oh, last week I fed some punk to some rats. After wrapping some wet row hide around his nuts. You know, say stewardess. Can I get a whiskey sour?
Starting point is 00:47:11 What do you want to drink, their friend? I'm good. I'm gonna close my eyes. Just, I'm gonna try and get some sleep. Unfuckin' believable. And I love with this airport stuff too, this guy who fly around the country and just bring weapons with him in the days before any sort of security checks whatsoever at the airport. You could just
Starting point is 00:47:32 fucking, your carry on could be just nothing but guns. It could just be all guns. I'm not one to check, Dave. Oh, and real, unreal. Okay, so towards the end of his career, in the few years before he was captured, which was apparently a very, very, very busy boy when it came to murder. And again, a lot of this comes from prison interviews where it's your game when he knew he'd never be a free man. Again, a lot of these murders have, you know,
Starting point is 00:47:55 have never been verified by the police. However, there is no doubt he was a mafia connected hitman and there's also, you know, no reason to use substantial amounts of taxpayer money to try and verify all these cases. And Richard was in a position to, you know, come across a lot of contracted killings because he wasn't Italian. That's why he was able to do all these murders, too. Not being Italian, uh, it was basically impossible for him to become a made man and, you know, and become part of a mafia family. Because sometimes he's hit guys when they're Italian, they become part of a family. And now they, now they work for that family. They don't,
Starting point is 00:48:22 well, Richard just worked for everybody, you know know because he wasn't connected to any one particular family He could basically just be an independent murder contractor and work for whoever felt like hiring him I mean of course they'd be killed a member of family The done work for and then they found out about it There's a good chance, you know a hit could be put out on him But he was good enough for covering his tracks that never happened because he actually did that several times According to again interviews allegedly in one particularly busy month, he killed 15 men, all contracted killings, and he killed them in the same warehouse.
Starting point is 00:48:49 He was an up close and personal kind of killer. That's why he was into it this time. He was into a phase of wanting to be right up close and personal, and he decided just to beat these guys to death and he'd hit them with crowbars, hammers, pipes, time to chairs, slam a screwdriver in their back to sever their spine, leaving them paralyzed but still alive. Jesus man.
Starting point is 00:49:08 The term daddy issues, you know, that gets thrown around a lot with women, but Rich clearly had daddy issues of his own. Little bit of untrained armchair therapy here, but he never seemed to psychologically recover from all those early beatings from his dad, did he? Right? When you watch him in documentary interviews, you know, there were several done on him. He talks about killing guys who reminded him of his father. He talked about how angry bullies and loud mouths, people like his father made him.
Starting point is 00:49:29 Feeling disrespected, feeling judged comes up a lot. His father disrespected and judged him. I just feel like especially considering, you know, while he would abuse women, he wouldn't kill him, but how he would kill any man, he would just symbolically kill him, his father over and over again. You know, he just spent so much of his childhood feeling powerless to the constant violence that he over compensated and decided he overcomers early years of violence by embracing it, becoming about as violent as you can get as an adult. Strangely, though, again, he never killed his dad, man.
Starting point is 00:49:55 Again, he talked later about regretting that. I do think it's strange when a serial killer's motivation to kill is clearly inspired by one particular person, and then they just never killed that person. A whole bunch of strangers just have to die instead. Well another man was taken to that rat cave, tied to a chair and in another incident of torture, he was forced to listen to, I keep forgetting, I'm not in love anymore. I keep forgetting things will never be the same again. I keep forgetting, I never be the same again. I'll keep forgetting not in love anymore. Michael Motherfucking McDonald singing one song on repeat
Starting point is 00:50:31 for seven straight goddamn days. And then when a week had passed, which dipped the man's nuts and some ground beef and fucking honey and unleashed both jangles into the cave, who had eaten in four days. No, of course not. Our sweet time suck mask out both jangles, that beloved three-legged one-eyed pippo
Starting point is 00:50:47 would never work with a sadistic creep like the ice man. I don't think, he probably, he might, he probably wouldn't though. Been a while, since I'm a Donald you guys, you know? Wasn't feeling it for a couple episodes. You guys, I just figured this was the perfect episode to remind you that you're never safe. You are never safe from being McDonald's.
Starting point is 00:51:05 Okay, one more terrifying murder before we pop out of this segment. This is the worst one I came across as bad as these other ones were. If you were on the edge with the other ones, you might want to fast forward a little bit. This is unbelievable. Rich had a special disdain for rapists. He hated them more than bullies. And we got a hold of one. He pushed himself to new levels of just utter viciousness.
Starting point is 00:51:25 This shit is off the charts. Roy Domeo gave Richard contract to Killaman who had beat and raped the 14 year old daughter of an associate of his down in Miami, where I wanted proof to the man would suffer immensely. Rich flew down, waited for the dude to get off work when he went out to his car,
Starting point is 00:51:40 Rich snuck up behind him, stuck a 38 and he was back, walked him into a van, he'd rented. Had him get inside, handcuffed him, stuck a sock in his mouth, drove him to a secluded beach, tormented him on the way there, telling him exactly what he was going to do to him, he was going to kill him, he was going to make himself for a whole bunch of forty dyes. And now look, I don't have any sympathy for rapists, but what he did to this guy is just unbelievable, just so inhuman. And he dragged the guy out of a van, tied him to a tree, dude loved tying people to trees. And then dragged the guy out of a van, tied him to a tree,
Starting point is 00:52:05 dude love tying people to trees. And then he put on some gloves, took the guy's pants and then he grabbed the guy's balls. I feel like at this point you have to know if you're the guy with your balls in Richard Cookelingsky's giant hands, nothing good's about to happen. Like best case, Richard squeezes your balls real hard. I think that's a reasonable best case scenario
Starting point is 00:52:21 in this situation. You get a firm ball squeeze. Make sure insides feel like they're turning upside down in a jelly. Worst case, he rips your balls clean off. Well, Rich goes for Worst case. Straight to Worst case. He pulls down with those giant Polish barocloss of his
Starting point is 00:52:35 and literally rips the man's balls off. And that's just the opening act for the show he's putting on that night. He then shows the man, the dude's own balls. He then shows them in, the good dude's own balls, he tosses them aside, takes a break from the torture. You know, taking in the light of the moon, listening to the waves hit the beach, wanted to let the pain really sink in for this guy,
Starting point is 00:52:53 and then round two. He takes out his knife and he cuts the guy's dick off, and he shows the guy's dick to him. And he puts it in a plastic bag to give the Roy later, so he can prove to the male, and the male can show to the social, the guy definitely suffered, all godly suffer. Then his bad is as it's already is,
Starting point is 00:53:08 it gets even worse. He takes his knife, this made me, I'll just sick to my stomach, even more than the other things I've said. And he starts flaying off little random bits of flesh from around the dude's body, just cutting off a little chunk here, cutting off a little chunk there.
Starting point is 00:53:22 And then before the guy can bleed to death, he goes back to the van, grabs a big bag of kosher salt, he'd save for the education. I don't know why it was kosher, but that detail was in the stuff I read so I included it. I don't know if he was like, that's the guy, I was like, hey man, do you have, well the salt do, oh no, no, no, no, no, I need some, I don't, I need some kosher salt, can't be dirty, I need some kosher salt. Well, he really planned this out, he literally rub salt in all of the guy's wounds. Fucking A. The guy must have just explosions of legendary pain.
Starting point is 00:53:51 Like, I don't even know what you could do to inflict more pain on someone that. Well, Rich did know, still not done, still not done, splits up in the guy's stomach, let's his intestines fall out. And then I guess somehow this guy is still alive. He unties him from the tree, he puts a life jacket on him, kind of love time people to treat. And just I guess somehow this guy is still alive. He unties him from the tree. He puts a life jacket on him. Cut. He loves time people to trees. And then and just pushes him out
Starting point is 00:54:08 to see while the tide is going out. Confined the tiger sharks in the area are going to, you know, be drawn in by all the blood and just, you know, fucking finish him off. And even if they don't, you know, he's just going to die. He's just going to drown anyway. And then he just left head back to Jersey, you know, hands of dudes, dick to Dimeo, Clex's money, goes home and probably plays, I don't know, battleship or some shit with his wife and kids. And that time suckers is some halacia super scary stuff.
Starting point is 00:54:33 Slips your stuff. Slips your stuff. Slips your stuff. Slips your stuff. Slips your stuff. Okay, when we left the timeline to delve into the hell that Rich inflicted on his victims, the year was 1955 and Rich had just abandoned his family after cutting off his wife, Nipples. Motherfucker that is a horrible sense.
Starting point is 00:54:53 1961, Fats Fast Forward there and 26 year old Richie Kruklinkski, who would estimate later he'd already killed over 50 men by that time, is working to Swiftline trucking company. Mob associate, he'd gotten him a cushy job there to make a little money in between murders and other criminal exploits. Young Richard was a big gambler this time. And in any money he made, he quickly blew and casinos or just overall just dicking around. You know, he'd have $100,000 in cash,
Starting point is 00:55:15 one month and be broke to next. And during one of his kind of broke periods, you know, he takes this trucking job and it's working at this warehouse, you know, he's a big dude, he can load shit. And at this job, he meets his next wife, Barbara Pedrici. Now, Barbara was 18 and had just started working there as a secretary, it was learning how to be an accountant.
Starting point is 00:55:32 Rich ran into her at the soda machine one day, flirt with her a little bit, and then they run into each other again at a loading port, and Rich flirts a bit more. And his boss sees this, also her boss. And she happened, Barbara, to remind her boss, of her boss's daughter. She'd taken a liking to her, not a sexual way, not in a protective way.
Starting point is 00:55:49 And the dude did not like Richard. So he had a good read on people, apparently. And he tells Richard to stay away from her. It tells him to not date her. Absolutely not. Rich tells him he's a hild fucking talk or date whoever he wants. So the guy fires him. It tells him to stop by that afternoon and pick up a check and then never come back.
Starting point is 00:56:04 Well, Rich decides to kill the guy that night, but then when he comes back to grab that check, he sees Barbara again. She feels terrible. She'd accidentally gotten in fired and she asked if he wanted to go out and grab a coffee after work. Well, that decision saved her boss's life
Starting point is 00:56:18 but also destroyed her own future. Richard fell in love almost immediately with Barbara and even though her family did not like him, I thought he was too old for her, you know, she just stayed teen He decided that he had to have her Well, they took things slow first Barbara was a virgin and tends to intended to stay that way until marriage They went on in various dates, you know But almost most are kind of like a platonic vibe, you know Barbara thought he was okay, but she wasn't that interested
Starting point is 00:56:40 You know, she's 18 she wants the other boys well. She wanted to date somebody closer to her own age She she did like how Richard had bought her flowers and stuff, no other boy had ever done that, but she did not like how he would just show up at her house uninvited or just show up at her job uninvited to walk her home when her ship was over. Big red flag there ladies and gay men, you know, a dude shown up at your house uninvited,
Starting point is 00:57:02 or shown up to your job uninvited, or leave, or show them to your job, uninvited, or leave in a relationship, not once, but multiple times, not romantic. That's fucking psychotic. Oh, he's still romantic, he just cares. No, he's damaged, he's a lunatic. And then eventually, when he just kept coming around and around and around,
Starting point is 00:57:18 Barbara decided it was too much and tells him one day that she liked to see other people. That she's just not interested in pursuing this. Iceman does not take that well. As she's telling this in the car, he slipped his arm around behind her, and then suddenly she feels a prick on her shoulder, and then she looks down, and she's a drop of blood,
Starting point is 00:57:30 realizes he just kind of casually stabbed her a little bit. Just a little warning stab. You know, it's not gonna knife blade back there, and cut her a little bit. And she goes nuts, you know, obviously, she freaks out, and she's like, what the fuck is wrong with you? You know, what kind of crazy person does something like this?
Starting point is 00:57:45 I mean, it kind of only she knew who he really was. Richard then tells her, and no one's certain terms, that if she leaves him, he'll kill her entire family, he'll kill everyone he loves, or everyone he loves, everyone she loves. And then he beats the shit out of her in the car, beats her unconscious. If she finally comes to, he acts like nothing's happened. It's all good, like, well, settle that. Now, good thing we can move on. You know, everyone's going to have a bump in the road, but you smooth it out, you know, with the good beating.
Starting point is 00:58:10 And, you know, your mindset that he's going to kill her entire family, you know, also tells her that he loves her and let's try out the car. And again, this is not funny. It's just so ridiculous. Ladies and game end, not a red flag when something like this happens, it's a fucking death threat. It's a fucking death threat.
Starting point is 00:58:24 This is when you go to the police. This is when you go to the police. This is when you go to the police. I don't care that this was the iceman. If she would have gone to the police, I don't actually think he would have killed her because he would be a prime suspect. He would have been pissed off, and that wasn't his style.
Starting point is 00:58:36 He killed random dudes at all occasions with bars or ran into an alley or people look like his dad. But I really don't think he would have killed her or her female relatives. Uh, I don't think so, but, you know, he was just, he was never the prime suspect in any of his murders for almost three decades. You know, he was, he was only tied to five killings at the end of his criminal career. He was, he was pretty good at, uh, you know, not killing people that he had obvious, obvious
Starting point is 00:59:01 connection to. And, but, you know, what know what, I still think though, that's a risk you have to take. You know, never let someone threaten you into a relationship. Odds are, you know, going to the police, turning them in is the safest thing you can do for yourself and the people around you.
Starting point is 00:59:14 You know, or if you try to get the police involved and they're not helping, well, I think you do what you need to do then. I'm not saying you poison them to death, not saying that, I can't legally say that you should poison them to death, but I just, I can't say that you should do it, you need to do it to protect yourself. Like, I can't legally say that you should poison them to death, but I can't say that you should do what you need to do to protect yourself.
Starting point is 00:59:28 I'm not gonna say that you should invite them to go for a hike where there's a nice spot to stand on. It's kind of slippery on the edge of a high cliff, where the fall would be enough to definitely kill you. I'm not saying you get him to look at that and then push him off. I'm not gonna condone that, but again, you need to do to protect yourself.
Starting point is 00:59:45 Well, okay, after briefly fleeing to Florida in 1961 to get away from Richard, to go live with her father who was living down there, Richard eventually shows up, shows up on her door there as well. You know, Barbara finally accepts, he's just never gonna give up. And you know, he might actually kill her, or kill her family, and then up get married.
Starting point is 01:00:04 They get married on September 8th, 1961. And I should know, she didn't stay with him completely out of fear. She would later say she was married to two men, good rich and bad rich. Good rich was a perfect gentleman who would buy her flowers, take her shopping, get her anything she wanted, open the car door for, ride her letters, spoil the kids they'd have together, take her out to nice dinners, surprise her with gifts, make love to her, all that Bad rich would slap her around at both private and public Slap her in front of the kids bad rich would would rape her if she didn't want to have sex bad rich was a terrifying fucking monster
Starting point is 01:00:32 It was not only violent, but terrifyingly strong That kept coming up in research to do was you know six five and again And then by timing is 30's damn near three hundred pounds. I guess you just have like a real strength Especially when you got mad like Barbara would say that she witnessed him once during an argument to take a marble, marble coffee table, a big one. They had in their living room the too large moving man had struggled to get in there. And he just, he just fucking picked it up and threw it through the living room window. That's terrifying, scary dude.
Starting point is 01:00:58 Okay, March 27th, 1964, Rich and Barbara have their first child, daughter, Merrick, born after the couple had three miscarriages. At least one of the miscarriages was due to Rich's violence, specifically, beat the shit out of Barbara, punched in the stomach, which is five months pregnant. If you watch the Michael Shannon film about the ice man, simply called the ice man. I think the movie took away too easy
Starting point is 01:01:17 on the character of Richard Kuhnick, about like they tried to paint a picture of him being a murder associate path who was also a loving family man at home and that's really not true. You know, I put on a good front, you know, neighbors thought he was a nice guy, you know, and he wasn't usual and then he did, you know, tons of bad shit but apparently he never cheated on Barbara. I'm sure she never cheated on him especially if he told her that nipple story, he'll be shit.
Starting point is 01:01:38 He didn't do drugs, never physically beat the kids, but he wasn't a good dude. He's a fucked up psychopath. He desperately wanted some kind of Norman Rockwell-type tranquil family life, the family life he never had growing up and he kind of created it for himself, but he didn't create it through love. He created it through intimidation and terror. Well, Little Merrick, his first born would be his favorite
Starting point is 01:01:56 child and actually the only person who wouldn't have a bad thing to say about her dad later after he went to prison. She was in the hospital a lot growing up and Rich was very sensitive to her tour tour tour tour. Always there by her side holding her hand, gently petting her forehead, sleeping in the hospital room, when she had to stay overnight,
Starting point is 01:02:11 he'd tell Merrick about his horrible childhood, but he had but not really talk about it with his other family members. He also told her though that if something bad happened, he may have to kill the whole family. But if he did have to do that, that she would be the hardest person to kill because he loved her the most.
Starting point is 01:02:25 And she seemed to somehow understand that. What a number he did on her little brain. That's not that bad. Guys, that's, I know, look, I know he's killed a lot of people. But most of them were bad. You know, yeah, I know he beat up Mama Lop, but to be fair, she was pretty lippy. You know, I mean, yeah, I mean, he said there could be a situation where you'd have to kill all of us, but he
Starting point is 01:02:46 He said it'd be hard. He said it'd be super hard and he said you'd you be the hardest to kill me because you love me the most dad He loves me lucky girl Wow April 21st, 1965 the Ku Klings he's had their second child daughter Chris and then on January 13th, 1969 They welcomed their third and final child son D Dwayne. Richard, not happy to have a boy. He felt that a son would vie for attention from Barbara. He felt threatened by his son, but he never beat Dwayne or the other two kids you have with Barbara. For a beaten woman, Barbara was no wallflower. She did tell Rich no one's certain terms. If he started beating the kids, she would kill him in a sleep. I guess he believed that.
Starting point is 01:03:21 So he never did. December 17th 1986 let's fast forward all the way there. Rich is finally arrested for all the murders. He's arrest well not for all the murders. He's arrest for five of them. He's arrest for multiple murders and then he would never get out of prison again. America's 22 at this point. Chris is 21, Dwayne is 17, finished in high school. Can you only imagine the stairs he got in the halls? You know like on December 18th after his dad is suddenly you know front page national news isth, after his dad is suddenly, you know, front page, National News is a brutal murderer. Well, all the other murders I talked about, you know,
Starting point is 01:03:50 the ones that he didn't get charged for. Most of them I read about in a book called the Iceman Confessions of Amoffia Contract Killer. That was my primary source for today's episode. And I'm gonna be honest, kind of a tedious read. It's 500 pages, just over, I think, a few over 500 pages in the paperback. And it spends about 30 pages on his childhood,
Starting point is 01:04:08 which I found very interesting, very fascinating. And then about 400 pages on just murder after murder, after murder, after murder. You know, like after a while, it's like, oh, I ain't got fucking, I get it. He's confess to killing a lot of people. I get it. He killed people in solo murder contracts,
Starting point is 01:04:21 given to him from like Roy Domeo and a variety of other mobsters. He completed contracts from mob associates as you know now. Sometimes you kill people because he just pissed him off. Sometimes you kill people, you know, working in a group. You know, for Wally an interesting relationship with another contract killer named Robert Prongay, aka Mr. Softy, a guy who showed up in the Michael Shannon movie, guy who drove a Mr. Softy ice contract.
Starting point is 01:04:39 It was also an independent murder for higher contract or Mr. Softy knew a lot about explosives and poison and Richard's supposedly learned a lot about how to use like cyanide for Mr. Softy, a method that would become one of his favorite ways of killing people and a method that would help eventually get him caught. And then when Mr. Softy asked Richard to kill his family for him
Starting point is 01:04:56 because he was afraid they could lead to his arrest, Richard shot him to death. You don't kill kids, man. Supposedly, this Pongay was especially nuts and was also considering dumping a massive amount of rice and poison into a local reservoir to fulfill a murder contract around that time. Because the whole family, he was hired to kill
Starting point is 01:05:13 would be poisoned. Also, hundreds of other people would be poisoned. If that is true, I guess the ice man saved hundreds of lives by putting them down, so real fucking hero. And again, almost all this comes from richest confessions. you know, hours and hours of confessions he gave in documentaries and confessions he gave, you know, for that book. Many of these confessions would be contested. You can go online and find a ton of the Iceman Lies type of, you know, website stuff, types of, you know, pages out there. But none of the sources claiming he lied are any more
Starting point is 01:05:39 credible than him claiming that, you know, they were true. You know, it's not like law enforcement officers came forward to say, no way, never did any of that. He claimed to have eventually killed Roy D'Ameo, but now there's evidence that maybe he didn't do that. I personally don't give a shit off the guy did 10% of what he claimed to have done. Still an infamous, darkly fascinating cycle path. And hopefully we can study these people again to figure out how do we prevent more of these people from existing?
Starting point is 01:06:08 Okay, so let's hop out of this timeline and examine the killings He was convicted of the ones that got him arrested the ones that we know for sure he was involved in Good job soldier. You made it back barely A string of New Jersey Berkleries in 1981 is what would eventually lead to Rich's arrest. Guy gets caught by the owner in a burglary. The match is a style of other burglaries and then the guy starts talking at jail and a detective named Pat Cain gets involved in a interrogation.
Starting point is 01:06:38 And then this guy to get himself out of some prison time he agrees to take Detective Cain to all the houses, the gang at burglarize ends up showing him 43 total houses. And he also raps out his accomplices, Danny Deppner, Gary Smith, Percy House, and a guy he knew only his big rich. Well Detective Kane finds and arrests Percy House, but can't find the other dudes. He does stakeouts for weeks and they just don't show up. But then Danny Deppner's wife shows up at the police station and is hysterical. She says that Danny had contacted her and that he's afraid for his life. He says that the big
Starting point is 01:07:08 rich is going to kill him all. That the dude is a devil. He's a murderer. And then she gives Detective Kane his full name and it's Richard Kulklingsky. And then she tells him that Rich has already killed Gary Smith. She said, you know, he took all the guys to a hotel after purse he got arrested and told him to stay put. Well, don't Gary wanted to go sneak out and visit his daughter and then he came back but Rich finds out and after he finds out he brings the guy some hamburgers. And seconds after Gary starts eating his hamburgers starts having a lot of trouble breathing. Starts turning blue, falls in the ground and then Rich has Danny finish him off with some
Starting point is 01:07:37 strangulation and Danny I guess obeys. And then detectives find Gary's body a little while after that and instead of disposing it like he had claimed to normally do, Rich and Danny just pushed the body under the bed in the York Motel in North Berger, New Jersey. And by the time it was found, 12 other guests had slept above the body. How creepy is that? Ugh, oh my God.
Starting point is 01:07:55 Detective Kane then also found out that Rich had called the hotel shortly after Danny and Gary had checked in. So little sloppy on Rich's part. Then in May of 1983, Danny Deppner's body is found in a wooded area of West Milford, New Jersey. He'd been shot in the head, also possibly strangled Detective Kane. New Rich was behind it, but couldn't link him to the crime conclusively enough to get a warrant.
Starting point is 01:08:15 Kane realizes they're gonna need an undercover cop to get the evidence they need to nail this guy. You know, to just, you know, actually catching, you know, planning something for sure. And then he meets Dominic, Prula Frohn, 39-year-old undercover agent with a history of infiltrating East Coast Mafia families who worked for, and this guy worked for the ATF. Wilcane also got Percy House, who was still in jail for the burglaries he did with Rich to agree to be a snitch, and wear a wire to incriminate a bigger fish fill. So Salamine, a man they needed to get Richard. See Phil was a guy who seemed to know all the criminals in North Jersey. He had a hangout spot called the store where these guys would come. They'd get, you know, sign new jobs, get contracts, play high stakes poker games, shoot the shit,
Starting point is 01:08:58 you know, like a gangster hideout, fill new Richard. And Richard had gotten jobs from Phil and also gotten weapons. And the plan was for Phil to vouch for undercover agent Dominic going by Dominic Provenzano now, you know act like they went way back connect Dominic to Rich and then the opportunity came up with When Rich went to Phil to get some cyanide He you know he killed his previous cyanide contract or supplier I guess and now he needed a new guy. That's one of the problems, you know, with constantly murdering the people you work with, you know, later, you don't need a favor, you can't, you know, can't get it because they're dead, because he killed him. Dominic can fill me up, end up meeting several times. Dominic says he had
Starting point is 01:09:33 a lead on a big ol' batch of pharmaceutical grade cyanide, and in the course of several conversations, Rich Straight Up admits to having you cyanide in the past to kill people, but he doesn't give names, Detective Kane and the others working on the case, they need more proof. They want more proof that he's a killer. They want him to buy what he thinks is signite from Dominic and try to use it. And then in a big sting, numerous playing closed officers witness rich
Starting point is 01:09:54 buying what he thinks is signite from Dominic with the verbal intent to use it to kill someone. This kid, the Dominic's insane, has been, he's been selling Coke too, and he's probably wants some gone, which is like no problem. And they arrest Rich shortly after that right outside his home. And apparently takes eight officers to hold this bull of a man down, takes four guys to
Starting point is 01:10:12 get his hands behind his back, and they had to use leg shackles instead of handcuffs to restrain him because his big ass murder risks are so thick. And when it was all said and done, Rich is convicted and the murders of Gary Smith, Danny Deppner, Lewis Maskey, George Maliband, and Peter Calabral. George Malibrand of Huntington, Pennsylvania was killed January 31, 1980, actually met with Mr. Cookling ski to sell several videotapes, and his body was found several days later, stuffed in a 55 gallon drum. Lewis Maskey was last seen in July, 1991 as way to videotape, like a videotape business
Starting point is 01:10:42 deal with Mr. Cookling skisky had apparently $95,000 hidden in the door panel of his van. 15 months later, Mr. Maske's partially decomposed body is found in Orange Town, New York, shot in the head, wrapped in several plastic bags. Authorities said the body had been stored in a freezer. That's how he got the name from the Iceman, you know, as far as the media was concerned. Kuklingsky fired a shotgun. Its detective, Calibro's head as the officer east is Honda civics through a snowstorm way back in March 14, 1980.
Starting point is 01:11:07 In the end, I've been convicted for all these three separate trials. After these convictions, he would spend the rest of his life in jail. And then his health starts to fail in October 2005 after 17 years in prison. He's diagnosed with a rare and incurable inflammation of the blood vessels, transferred to a secure wing at St. Francis Medical Center in Trenton, New Jersey, and then checked this out. He asked doctors to make sure they revived him if you went in some kind of cardiac arrest, but he's clearly afraid of dying, clearly afraid of dying, but his wife, Barbara, who he given power of attorney to previously had signed a do not resuscitate order on him.
Starting point is 01:11:39 Well, a week before his death, the hospital calls Barbara to ask if she wishes to rescind the instructions for the do not resuscitate because he wants them to take it back. She says no. And then he dives at age 70 on March 5, 2006. Kind of a nice little last victory for Barb, you know? Nope, dude. Not letting you live a day longer than I have to. And then the iceman is no more.
Starting point is 01:12:01 Now, let's take one more look at this cold cold blood son of a bitch with some top five takeaways. Time to suck, top five takeaways. Number one, according to the Iceman, he watched his father Stanley Kuklingsky literally beat his older brother, Florian, to death when he was five years old. You might not become a serial killer after scenes, some shit like that, but if you don't want to seriously increase the odds that you're going to raise a serial
Starting point is 01:12:28 killer or a murderer, you probably should not murder in front of your kids. And you especially shouldn't murder one of your kids in front of another one of your kids. That's kind of parenting 101. Number two, the ice man had a very strange moral code. He refused to kill women, but he'd shoot a random passerby in the head with the crossbow bolt. If the passerby happened to be a man and he'd mutilate and savagely beat you if you were
Starting point is 01:12:47 a woman. But he not kill you. You know, he's not a scumbag. Number three, the iceman claims to have brutalized animals as a child, including setting a dog on fire. If your kids it's a dog on fire, do not think he's just going through a face. Oh no, no, this is no face. He's transitioning into becoming a serial killer.
Starting point is 01:13:04 Get that diabolical seed of yours into some much needed crisis counseling. Number four, the iceman killed men for disrespecting him in a bar being, you know, too pushy when asking him for money. Good reminder that when you're out there in the world, you're out there in public, you don't really, you really don't know who you're fucking with. So probably best to avoid confrontation. You know, might feel good in the moment to tell some random dude to go fuck themselves, but if that dude is anything like Richard Kuklingsky, it's not going to seem like you made a good decision when your lifeless body is laying in an alley behind the bar with a bullet in the back of your head.
Starting point is 01:13:34 Number 5. New Info. Richard wasn't the only Kukling see to spend the last years of his life in the Trenton State prison in Trenton, New Jersey. In September of 1970, Richard's little brother Joseph, then 25, was arrested and then convicted for lowering a 12 year old girl, Pamela Deel, to a roof,
Starting point is 01:13:51 satanizing, strangling, and then throwing her body several stories down to the ground below. Huh. And then he threw the girl's dog off the roof with her, just for added insult, I guess. While the dog, who broke a leg but survived, kept barking, alerted witnesses to Pamela's body. Joseph was quickly who who broke a leg, but survived kept barking alert of witnesses to panelist body
Starting point is 01:14:05 Joseph was quickly caught charge convicted sends to finally dying prison on September 22nd 2003 and then a twist of fitting justice Joseph Wood over the years have several surgeries to repair his rectum Which have been torn numerous times from brutal and frequent Sodomizing hard to feel bad for him after he did what he did, really kind of poetic, really, you know, and despite staying in the same prison for years, the two brothers never hung out and really spoke. Rich was disgusted by his rapist, child killing brother because he was just so much more or less superior to him.
Starting point is 01:14:37 Dude, he had his principles. Time shut, tough, right takeaway. So that is the iceman. What a brutal son of a bitch, man. What a strange dude. He had such an odd moral code, didn't he? Wouldn't do anything to a child other than, you know, abandon his first two kids.
Starting point is 01:14:53 Wouldn't kill a woman, but would savagely beat him. Wouldn't do anything to a man. Would just do whatever, no matter how innocent the guy was. He also distributed hardcore pornography. I'm talking beast reality hardcore for years and years. But then with faithful and relationships and looked down on women who posed nude, they discussed them to the end.
Starting point is 01:15:09 In fact, women would send him letters in prison proclaiming their love for him right up until he died. And a lot of these women would also include naked photos themselves and put those in the letters, they'd send him in prison. And apparently, they grossed him out. He would just throw their pictures in the trash. They'd disgust him.
Starting point is 01:15:24 He felt that any woman who sends a stranger naked photos is a pig. Well then what does killing people's sons, husbands, and dads make you? Wow, strange man. And Sidon, why do women do that? Why the fuck would you want to try and start a relationship with a convicted murderer?
Starting point is 01:15:37 How sick is that? You are so messed up if that's what you're into. All right, hope you enjoyed today's suck subject. Thanks goes to time suckers, John Prim, Kyle Patrick Ezel, who's been bugging me for months for some iceman suck. And anyone else that may have missed, and hopefully the sound is good this week. I've had to record on the road again.
Starting point is 01:15:57 I tried getting out of the hotel, then I was at, and I went to the comedy club in the green room with the Omaha Funnybone. I thought I would have it to myself. I do have the room to myself, but there's other workers around. They're quite noisy. I hear them in my headphones. Hopefully it's not distracting for you. I found the best place I could this week. And again, whenever possible, I do this in the home studio. Sometimes it's
Starting point is 01:16:15 just not possible. Next Monday, the time suck is going to be 9-11 because it is 9-11. It's coming Monday. We're going to look back at what happened on that faithful day. You know, the infamous 9.11, who did it? Why they claimed to do it. And the incredible heroics of the brave men and women who saved lives and risked their lives that day, many of whom died, many whom sacrificed their lives doing so. And we'll also take a peek at conspiracy theories that still surround this event. I actually don't know much about it. Don't know much about the conspiracies at all. But I am interested in looking into it and finding out, and I'm interested in reading some inspiring tales of real, real heroism. Also, thanks to you, time suckers, who've been rocking that new time sucked tea, that
Starting point is 01:16:55 fourth generation, right? And to those where in the first three generations of teas, the new time suck hats, I'm so excited there's gonna be two styles with two different color options, with each of you choose from so really four different hats, so fucking excited to get these. They should be in the store this coming Monday according to the FedEx stuff. So thanks to those of you also who support the show by using that Amazon button on timesockpodcast.com to do your shopping on Amazon as well. And also at the website you can link over to the tour dates, tour dates find out where I'm going to be. And if you follow TimeSug on Instagram,
Starting point is 01:17:25 which you should, you can vote on the next bonus episode. It's coming up real fast. You guys have been writing away and I appreciate it. Less than 20 iTunes reviews away from the 900 review episode. The topic gets the most comments under the bonus episode post on Instagram. The Instagram handle is TimeSug podcast. Before midnight, Pacific time, this Sunday, September 10th.
Starting point is 01:17:45 You have to get them in before then. We'll be the next bonus episode, whatever gets the most. And that bonus episode probably based on current reviews probably come out around Friday, September 15th. And this time you get to pick from the following three topics. You can pick the Salem Witch Trials. That's going to be interesting to shit. You can pick Mothman, that paranormal legend.
Starting point is 01:18:04 Or if you haven't had your fill of murder after today's episode, the Zodiac Killer. So Salem Witch Trials Mothman or the Zodiac Killer follow the suck on Instagram to vote for that. And again, tickets still on sale, not many left out. So please don't just think you can show up at the door and get in.
Starting point is 01:18:19 At the Melrose Improv, Thursday, October 5th of the first ever live time set podcast. And also the seventh, I will be at the same club doing some stand-up ticket links in the episode description. And again, more shows coming up in a lot of other places. And now if you're wondering why there was no idiot to the internet segment, there is. And it's happened right now. Idiot. Idiot.
Starting point is 01:18:41 Idiot. Idiot. Idiot. Idiot. Okay, today's idiot is not some random YouTuber. It is an adventure that gets revenge. Okay, today's idiot is not some random YouTuber. Sadly, it's a time-sucker, or at this point, probably a former time-sucker. Look, I don't mind thoughtful criticism,
Starting point is 01:18:53 I really don't, and I get a fair amount of it, I don't share it to you guys, messages and stuff, and I enjoy it, I really do. Even if it's harsh sometimes, in the moment I'm actually like, God dang, but then I'll think about it, and I learn a lot from it, a lot of it really makes me reflect on, what I, but then I'll think about it. You know, and I learn a lot from it.
Starting point is 01:19:07 A lot of it really makes me reflect on you know what I think about. What I think I know helps me to evolve become a better person. So much so that yeah, I want to do some more stuff with kind of like community discussions here coming up, wholly by the end of the year. And I love the time. So I provide that again, sorry if you hear noises. I feel like there's just people just throwing shit into walls behind me. But some critics are just trolls, right? There was nothing constructive in what they do.
Starting point is 01:19:28 Some people are just sad, angry, bitter individuals looking to shit on everyone's good time, just poisonous people. And one of these people recently started listening to the suck and loved it, I guess, until the last episode. And then they tweeted, you know, me, the following tweet saying, listen to love every podcast, except for the last one, endless, dem and rep switched parties, horse shit killed me, brah. Okay, so far no big deal.
Starting point is 01:19:51 You have every right to not like an episode. Of course you do. I expect nothing less. But I didn't make up the fact that at one point in history, the Democrat party in the US and the Republican party had switched ideologies, right? It didn't happen like overnight, but when the Democrats started, you know, they were conservative,
Starting point is 01:20:08 and then the Republicans, when they started, they were liberal. That's just document a historical fact. If you don't know, the Democratic Party evolved from the conservative Democratic-Dash Republican Party of the 1790s. The first contested presidential election was in 1796, and the Democrat-Dash Republican Party nominated the conservative Thomas Jefferson as their first presidential nominee. Party members were anti-federalists who favored state sovereignty, free markets, a decentralized federal government, an originalist interpretation of the US Constitution and slavery. Pretty conservative. The Republican Party also experienced significant ideological alterations founded in 1854 as a liberal
Starting point is 01:20:46 counterweight to the conservative Democratic Party. Republicans opposed the expansion of slavery, supported more money for public education, advocated a more liberal immigration policy, and had other liberal political agendas. This is not speculation. You can look it up. In the KKK episode, I just referenced it. And I just referenced it. Republicans opposed slavery, Democrats. I just referenced it and I just referenced it Republicans Rapids slavery Democrats were in favor of it. I didn't editorialize on it
Starting point is 01:21:09 It was just kind of a side note, you know, I just didn't want people to be confused like why would this party support that and this other party would support Whatever I just referenced that it happened Well, so anyway, I think this guy is confused and I tweet back just to clarify. I say horseshit It's history. Damns used to be conservative. Republicans used to be liberal. And again, I don't understand how this is a point of contention. It's just like saying, yeah, pizza is generally round and a sandwich is generally bred with meat inside.
Starting point is 01:21:36 Like, what is there to fucking argue? Well, this guy goes little nuts and he tweets several times. First tweet says, no, lies via 60s and Nixon's South Strat only could win by appealing to race the Southern Dams. Reps did well before in 1928, 47% 1952 slash 1956. Second tweet got more six states got about sorry got about six states after brown V board ed and enforcing integration more switched D to R 1964 over civil rights act equals only 1D out of 21. Third tweet. Those 20 seats went Republican 20 plus years later. More Southern strata allowed. Republicans to keep South Nixon lost Clinton. Carter swept up. Fourth tweet. Reps didn't have a congressional majority until 1994, 30 years after Civil Rights Act, if Southern Rednecks left Democrats
Starting point is 01:22:32 because racism and Civil Rights Act, fifth tweet. Why the shit would they wait 30 years to do so, this one gets insulting, you shitty college attending biatch. Nuts on your face, you're welcome. And then a six tweet. Love the podcast. Smiley face emoticon. What in the fuck do you understand what's happening here? He's now throwing stats at me that may ever not be true. I didn't bother looking him up because they're relevant.
Starting point is 01:22:58 That he's trying to back up a position in an argument we're not having. When I talked about Democrats being conservatives and Republicans being liberal, I was referring to the fucking 1860s. Clearly, clearly, clearly, clearly, not the 1960s. What a strange thing to do, right? That's like, hey, bra, remember what you said? You're not a big fan of Walmart? Well, I don't appreciate that motherfucker.
Starting point is 01:23:17 I think Target's great. Target does treat their employees very well, asshole. Target is a nice store. They donate a lot of money to worthy causes. They have the right items, the right price is a nice store. They donate a lot of money to worthy causes. They have the right items, the right prices, nice try. Shit, not target. What? No, I never was even talking about target.
Starting point is 01:23:31 I was talking about Walmart. Yay, I'll ride, buddy. I heard you the first time. Let me throw a little more knowledge your way. You need to get woke, motherfucker. Despite what you just said, Target does offer 401Ks for full-time employees. You can get health and dental.
Starting point is 01:23:44 They do have a Starbucks and select locations. So take those nuts on your face. Biotch. I think you need to take your meds. And I love that dude throws out some idiotic and aggressive insult, but then adds, but love the podcast. Do you?
Starting point is 01:23:58 Do you feel like you just love being an obnoxious kind of pot-stern asshole? Now, I know you're not supposed to feed the trolls. I know that. I know that. But some part of me hopes against all logic and reason. But maybe if I just clarified this point of confusion, he'll realize that he is just confused
Starting point is 01:24:12 and be like, oh shit man, sorry, I misunderstood the argument. So I tweet again, I say, great stats, too bad none apply to your argument. I discussed the ideologies being switched in the 1860s. Not the 1960s, nice try though. I discussed the ideologies being switched in the 1860s. Not the 1960s, nice try though. I do realize by the way that I've been a little bit of a dick with the nice try though. But I feel like it was deserved. Well, he comes back with even more nonsense. He goes 1860s, sweet shit. That makes your point more convoluted. Is your source the DNC
Starting point is 01:24:42 website? You're saying basically Lincoln was a damn LOL. Big dog, this is the second tweet. Big dog, I'm not Republican, I think for myself. Good points from everyone else with IRL gifts and idiot solvos too. Sweet fucking Christ. He's so specific with his nonsense and just so aggressive with it
Starting point is 01:25:00 that I actually second guess myself for a second. I was like, maybe I'm gonna dig this wrong. So I read numerous articles about the ideology switch. And it just verifies the original reference I had. I actually do remember studying in college as well. Apparently my shitty college I went to. So I decided to send him just a link to one of the many, many, many, many articles.
Starting point is 01:25:17 One of the many articles about this, a link and nothing more. Spread a little knowledge of someone who could need, this would happen to be a link from live science.com. I thought they just kind of explained it the quickest. He tweets back, that's your source, fuck dude. Next time do the inverse search of why to stupid people believe the DNR switch never happened.
Starting point is 01:25:35 Second tweet, the fact you believe this with no zero research, I like that, no zero research, I don't even know what that means. But now embrace a plurality of genders, i.e. two plus, smacks of intellectual dishonesty. It's like he just has like an algorithm where they put big words and dissentances, but the sentence doesn't actually make sense. And then the third, I was going to troll your research and quip something semi-funny about cons slash levels, but I see blocking success, but oh, but like I think he means like cock blocking,
Starting point is 01:26:06 but I cock blocking success isn't my mo. I think it is. And one of them, and then just kisses. Wow, so many questions. I'll never ask this asshole because I blocked him after this. And more on why I blocked him in just a moment. First, why is the history of a political party's ideology so important this guy? Again, why does he give a shit? What Democrats and Republicans believe in the 19th century? And of all the things, like when he said originally, he liked all the episodes until the last one, I had to have made way bigger fuck-ups than that.
Starting point is 01:26:32 But that one's not even a fuck-up. It's just like that's, it's like, again, it's like the weirdest thing to become enraged about. It's like getting mad about the recipe for chocolate cake. Somebody telling you that it used to be different. The chocolate cake recipes tended to be different a hundred and fifty years ago than today, and you just flying off the handle. That's the only way that the state's what I stated. Like that was the only one I could find. How hard is it for him to Google? He's clearly on the internet a lot. He's like, I'm not going to say that.
Starting point is 01:26:47 I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that.
Starting point is 01:26:55 I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that.
Starting point is 01:27:03 I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. And why would he assume that that's the only web article that states what I stated? Like that was the only one I could find. How hard is it for him to Google? He's clearly on the internet a lot. He reminds me of Flat Earth or the kind of person who just like laughs at all of your sources that are rational, acts like anyone with half a brain,
Starting point is 01:27:17 who bull, you know, or acts like anyone with half a brain which is obviously believe the wackled doodle shit, you know, they believe, just bra, bra. You believe NASA when it comes to the Earth being around okay so let me get this straight you believe in college educated scientists okay so you believe you believe physics professors all right you believe okay okay all of them you believe that what every science professor at every college on earth has thought for decades? Okay, brah.
Starting point is 01:27:47 All right, just keep being a moron. Just keep being, just keep putting your head in the ground. Right. I'm fucking woke. I believe some shit I read on some dark web conspiracy chat room sites. Okay. Now here's why I blocked this guy. I went to his Twitter handle and I, and I, and I read his feed and it's just so much trolling like, like, almost nothing but just a never ending stream of stuff
Starting point is 01:28:06 like shame shame shame pussy's replying to drug report, something says they said another one just says keep your Canadian pie whole shut on American politics and maybe concentrate on MMA to some aerial hell wanting whoever that is and fuck this guy to bloody elbow and another one just if Afghans understood they lived in Afghanistan, that will be a start. Just a steady stream of nonsensical hate. Just tweets where you can tell he clearly feels like some frustrated intellectual, clearly a very uneducated, frustrated intellectual.
Starting point is 01:28:38 Sadly, he appears to be too dumb to even understand how dummy actually is. When you have a job that puts you in what you do in a constant forum for public judgment like I do, you do develop a special hatred for trolls. And I've had it long before this guy. This guy just won a many. And I don't just get worked up when it's directed at me. Like I can't stand Yelp reviewers who just constantly leave negative reviews.
Starting point is 01:28:58 Like if you're a Yelp reviewer and you've left over 100 reviews, but the average review you leave is less than three stars. You're not a discerning critic with a sophisticated palette. You're a spiteful, hateful, it's just a little fuck of a person who clearly takes great pleasure and taking a dump on the efforts of others to actually create something good in the world instead of just shit on other people's efforts. Right?
Starting point is 01:29:19 If you have somebody like this in your personal life, I also wanted to bring this up, you know, because I think these people are obviously around. If you have somebody like this in your personal life. I also wanted to bring this up, because I think these people are obviously around. If you have somebody like this in your real life, someone who consistently just negatively criticizes and just argumentative with everything you do and everything other people do as well. Block them in real life. Like cut them out of your social circle.
Starting point is 01:29:37 They need it. They're a cancer. They're a tumor with legs. And if you wanna get or stay healthy, you need to cut them out of your social life. Remove them. Let them take their psychological abuse elsewhere. They're not someone who's approval you need or should ever want. They're someone who, when they aren't busy, you know, bringing you down, they're busy on the web trying to bring down the rest of the world.
Starting point is 01:29:56 Just some true idiot of the internet. Bra. All right, thanks for listening to that little rant. I never want to come down like that on the list, but that was too much, man. It's not that fuck, too much of that shit on the web. So many sad, hateful people out there, you know? Luckily the overwhelming majority of time suckers seem to be like awesome people. I mean, I keep meeting it shows truly like, you know, just reinvigorate my faith in humanity. Just and thanks for all the awesome messages.
Starting point is 01:30:25 And you sent me, sorry, I'm gonna have them back to all of them. I really truly wish I would, I was up to like five in the morning last night, working on this, after shows, after two shows, oh my, well, hopefully when the Time Suck app is completed, I can hire a full-time employee, and then with their help, and the help of the amazing Time Sucker volunteers already volunteer in their time, are the good as their hearts. I can rearrange my life a little bit to add some balance to it and also get back more
Starting point is 01:30:48 consistently and just stay on top of everything. I am trying. I do appreciate it. I know I keep saying that every week, but it's true. I really appreciate the effort you guys make with this. Now let's check in with some awesome time suckers in today's time-sucker updates. Rupdate? Get your time, sucker updates. First update comes in from Jake Thomas, who writes greetings, Almighty Suckmaster. And your last podcast about the KKK, you talked about how it's bad to put people in groups
Starting point is 01:31:17 and judge them based on stereotypes associated with their groups. I strongly agree with this philosophy, however, where should we draw the line? Is it okay to judge individuals who are in the KKK or neo-Nazis and assume that they are just piles of bochangles as shit? Or should we understand that some of them may not be evil, just extremely ignorant and work with them to change their worldviews? This is something that I have really been contemplating in my head and would love to hear your thoughts on Hale Nimrod, Jake.
Starting point is 01:31:39 Well, Hale Nimrod, Jake. Yes, well, God, man, good question. How do we balance tolerance with judgment? I believe in tolerance within reason. And I kind of define that by, I'll be tolerant towards you unless you're trying to actively harm me or my family or basically other people, you know?
Starting point is 01:31:56 And then I'll become an extremely intolerant mother fucker. Like the KKK based on a history of violence and murder towards innocent people, do not in my opinion deserve much tolerance, right? They deserve public scorn, ridicule, and contempt for their twisted ideals. And if they do act out with violence, they deserve, you know, immediate and extreme punishment. Now, to your point, with the individuals within this group, I do think, you know, you try and reach them initially with some questioning, you know, get them to like, try and face like,
Starting point is 01:32:22 why they think they're hateful, why they think they're racist. You do, it is good, I think, to make an effort to try and change their minds because they're probably are some good people just who have been manipulated and just allowed themselves to go down a bad path within those groups. But after a while, if they're just shouting back at you with vile and hate, I think some occurring disrespect is in order because they're not acting in a way deserving of respect. So I don't think they're entitled to it. It's tough.
Starting point is 01:32:45 I do have sympathy for people. Again, being manipulated into joining up with a hateful agenda. And I don't think they're necessarily evil, but I also think if you consistently don't judge harshly hateful actions, you end up enabling them to continue. You end up kind of silently condoning them. And that's not good.
Starting point is 01:33:01 But that's all just my opinion. And I should say that when it comes to judgment and punishment, I am pretty conservative. Sometimes I think I come across as a lot more liberal than I am. I'm very socially liberal in some ways. If you want to do something sexually or with drugs, as a consenting adult, with other consenting adults,
Starting point is 01:33:16 I'm all for it. But if you want to hurt, rape, molest, kill, well, then you deserve imprisonment and or death in my opinion. Take the argument regarding the child molesters, man. You know, many of these people were molested themselves. You know, they were sexualized as an early age, and increased the odds. They're going to act out sexy with others.
Starting point is 01:33:32 That same age later, there's evidence that their brain chemistry may be off, you know, predisposing them to molests. You know, you could argue that it's not entirely their fault. Maybe you should try and like reach them. Maybe we should try and, you know, talk to them and find out what's going on. You know, you could argue that various factors could be taken into account, you know, when you're judging them. However, if you molester harmed, you know, one of my kids, you know, my wife or something like that and I was able to get a hold of you for the
Starting point is 01:33:55 police did, I'll put a fucking bullet in your head. I would have no more qualms about that. I would enjoy watching you die in that situation. You cross the line in my opinion that puts into a category of people no longer deserving of tolerance or frankly life itself. I think tolerance is a great thing, but I also think that actions have consequences. In some cases, I believe that consequence is death. And again, that's my opinion.
Starting point is 01:34:18 I know I've been on a little bit of the outs on that one my whole life. I've had that one forever. I've thought about it a lot. I just have never changed on it. Okay, and maybe I'm, I don't know, maybe I got a tiny bit of psycho on me. Who knows? But that's how I, that's how I think about it. Another one is from Kai Carlson, another update says, howdy dan just listen to your KKK time suck and it was rough. Even
Starting point is 01:34:35 as an african-american, but I do want to pick a bone on one issue. Earlier this year, my national guard unit, one, one, three, two, two, or I guess the 11,322 military police company, was activated to protect property and Charlotte, North Carolina after several Black Lives Matter riots. I personally have been lucky to have lived a fairly race, hate-free life, but during those protests, I had never received such racial hate. I had another Black male, actually called me a coon. I had to provide medical care for several white citizens who were beat bloody for being white
Starting point is 01:35:07 and had a weapon drawn on me by a quote unquote, protester. The Black Lives Matter group I ran into was truly a racist and violent organization as much as KKK, the situations we were placed in, left a bad taste in our mouths for that particular group. But enough beating you over the head, I want to commend you on taking such a controversial topic
Starting point is 01:35:24 in such a truly open way. I can't think of many people who would come. Athens was such an open mind. Thank you, Kai. Thank you, man. And sorry, you have what sounds like a seriously shitty day at the protest. Man, man, that's terrible. And numerous other time suckers also wrote in saying that I kind of let the Black Lives Matter protesters off, you know, way too easy pointing out that some of them are also, you know, calling for the death of all white people. Well, Here's my thoughts on it. I didn't realize that some members of the movement were doing that kind of stuff. Now, when you go to the Black Lives Matter's website, there is zero anti-white rhetoric.
Starting point is 01:35:56 Zero is opposed to the KKK, which is quite literally based pretty much entirely in racism. So I think that the original essence of the Black Lives Matter movement is a beautiful one. It's based in a desire for equality. Unfortunately, some racist assholes have hijacked the movement and twisted it into their own desires for vengeance and that's despicable.
Starting point is 01:36:17 Never okay to want to bring harm to any and all members of any particular race because a few members of that race did something to you. You're mad because some white people treated you unfairly. You know, I'm not talking about kindness. I'm talking about like a black lives matter protestor.
Starting point is 01:36:31 I get that. You should be mad. You should be mad. And if you're gonna take it out on someone, take it out on the specific individual and or individuals who wronged you. Not on this innocent bystanders. Okay.
Starting point is 01:36:43 Now a great Kurt Cobain update from Time Sucker, Jessica Cassias, who's sending the following message. Hello, Master Time Sucker. The most recent bonus episode was awesome. I came on to chime in with an update you had during that episode, another fellow Time Sucker had updated you about the trials of being unriddling as a child. So I wanted to explain why I agree with him
Starting point is 01:37:00 regards those medications. I'm a pharmacy technician. So while in school, we have to learn about all these medications. What a lot of people don't understand is that all of the ADD and ADHD medications are a derivative of meth itself. It's just a lab made synthetic of the drug. So of course, it alters the brain and to some point, they can have a dependency for it. The other thing I learned in my schooling is that there are three categories of people
Starting point is 01:37:22 that are not tested on when they do these trials on all FDA approved medications, one, children, two, pregnant women, and three, geriatrics. So since we don't test these three categories, which we shouldn't, when any drug is prescribed, any of these categories, no one really knows what the pros and cons towards the medications are until in some cases is too late. Also, when an ADD or ADHD medication is prescribed
Starting point is 01:37:44 to a child, the dosing is sadly really based off guesswork since the test studies were done with grown adults. I understand that some people truly have to be in these medications, but not the multitude of children that have been placed on them and all of these children who were or have been on those medications may have issues since it's basically altered their brain chemistry while still developing. The medical society probably won't know what the actual effects from these drugs are until the people are grown adults.
Starting point is 01:38:08 And by then, sadly, it can be too late. I really wish everyone would really do their homework on all medications described to them before they just started taking it, especially if they fall into one of these three categories. I understand the benefits of medications, but work in pharmacies I've also seen the sad detrimental effects medications have as well. So even if a doctor says that it's FDA approved, you can still end up being a possible guinea pig.
Starting point is 01:38:29 Anyways, hail the Almighty Nimrod bow down to bow jangles and keep on sucking hard master's sucker. Well, good shit, Jessica. So good. And again, that was all in reference to me saying that when Kurt Cobain was blazing, blaming his, you know, adult drug dependencies on some medication as a kid that I didn't agree with it. Based on a study I found, I've had a bunch of people come back and so I've changed my opinion. Based on all the stuff that's come, a lot of other emails come in, yeah, I think I was wrong.
Starting point is 01:38:54 I think I was wrong to go along with that. And clearly, it does sound like that really could make you much more likely to be a drug addict when you're older. And also, what have done me? I've been, I just realized I've never researched a single medication I've ever taken, ever. I just take it. That's some lazy shit on the worst when it comes to taking care of my health, my physical health.
Starting point is 01:39:13 Oh man, need to remedy that. So research your drugs, time suckers. I'm gonna start doing that too. Just, you know, don't take whatever you're handed. I feel like Dr. Steve Ruler right now, that great character, adult swim, you know, for your health. But seriously, know your drugs. Okay, next update is from Time Sucker Vanessa Toner
Starting point is 01:39:28 regarding MK Ultra. Hey Dan, I was listening to MK Ultra episode tonight and just wanted to give some insight on ECT, Electric Convulsive Therapy, AKA Shock Therapy. I am bipolar and have lived in a downward spiral for the past five plus years, literally seeing my life dissolve in front of my eyes. Last year, my mental health doctors found ECT necessary as a last resort.
Starting point is 01:39:47 I wanted nothing more than to die and spend all of my time and spend all of my time devising ways of accomplishing that. I underwent 14 sessions of ECT at Providence and Spokane and a year later I can vouch for its effectiveness. Not as a quick fix, but over time has helped manage my bipolar symptoms. But like you touched on, it most definitely does cause amnesia. Probably 90% of 2016, I have absolutely no recollection of. And only know that certain things even happen
Starting point is 01:40:12 by looking at photos and texts on my phone. It is not a miracle cure or just another form, or as just another form of treatment, but as a last resort in terminal cases. I'm very thankful that this form of treatment still exists. It may seem barbaric to shock someone's brain to the point of seizure, but for the folks who genuinely need it, it can literally be a lifesaver. Thank you for all you do and suck. Hail, name, right? Hail, name, Rod, Vanessa. That was good to hear. So glad you're feeling better.
Starting point is 01:40:35 Man, what an ordeal you've been through. Good to know that Dr. Shocky makes Shocker 10 is doing some good in the world a lot more than I realized. You know, again, shows what I know, you know, I'm learning that if I haven't specifically researched something for one of these episodes, I don't know a lot about it. And there's a lot more than I realized. You know, again, shows that I know, you know, I'm learning that if I haven't specifically researched something for one of these episodes, I don't know a lot about it. And there's a lot more I could learn about the things I have researched. So thanks for sharing that, you know,
Starting point is 01:40:52 maybe some other listener hearing about it, we'll look at you, if they really truly need it and it'll help save their life as well. So Hail Memoroth. And finally, last one from Time Sucker Taylor Reno, this harkens back to Nigerian email scam episode a long time ago. Feels topical right now though, for reasons reasons again I'll hit in a second.
Starting point is 01:41:07 He says, Hello Dan currently trying to sell my old car after buying a new one and I got this potential scam. If you read it you can see how easily it would be to fall for this. This scammer seems genuine and doesn't even mention the fake website right away. Genius Moof. I was suspicious after he mentioned that he wanted to win report from this specific site. After extensive googling I found it was a scam and I forward this email to spam at uce.gov to report it.
Starting point is 01:41:28 Please let everyone know to forward any suspicious emails to this address and watch out if you are selling your car for potential scammers. Not all scams are from Reverend Doctors. Keep on sucking Taylor. And here's the scam email Taylor received. It says, to be able to come, see, test and make a deal for it face to face, I need the report so I can pass it to my loan officer and make sure he will allow me to buy it. I need the report because the loan company asked for it. Please go to auto.
Starting point is 01:41:53 Auto's report.com and get one will not make sense for me to get one because I can't reuse it. Like you can you will be able to give it to all your potential buyers. Me on the other hand, if it will not be OK, I will give to look for a new vehicle and get a new report. I know it is only $24, but I have to run five reports until I find an OK report where will I be? It's a report will be OK. You can consider it so regards.
Starting point is 01:42:18 PS, if it is about money, I will add the $25 to the final price. So again, also be very leery if the grammar's insane on emails. That's a tip as well as a red flag. But goddamn it, man, those sneaky bastards, so many scams, and I wanted to include this update in this episode because they're scamming people right now regarding Hurricane Harvey.
Starting point is 01:42:36 Send in emails, if you get emails, you know, to donate, I wouldn't. Scam-free donation sites are listed in today's episode, description, the ones I mentioned earlier. Thanks all the knowledge time suckers fucking love you guys Thanks time suckers. I need a net. We all did All right, that's it everybody have a fantastic week Hope you had a great labor day weekend if you're if you're hearing this at the very end of it I hope you're still having one and if you're in Houston, you know
Starting point is 01:43:04 Or the Houston area our thoughts are with you and I hope you get much needed relief very soon and that you're hearing this at the very end of it, I hope you're still having one. And if you're in Houston, you know, or the Houston area, our thoughts are with you. And I hope you get much needed relief very soon and that you're safe. And stay curious, stay in the cold to the curious, you magnificent bastards. Try not to start shit with strangers. You never know who you're messing with. I need to take my own advice there.
Starting point is 01:43:18 Hail Nimrod, praise both jangles, and that's it. Keep on sucking.

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