Timesuck with Dan Cummins - 57 - The Butcher of Rostov: Serial Killer Andrei Chikatilo

Episode Date: October 16, 2017

We go REAL dark this week on Timesuck with an examination of Russian serial killer and relentless sadist Andrei Chikatilo, a monster who killed between 53-56 men, women, and mostly children between 19...78 and 1990 in Southeastern Russia in horrific eye-removing fashion. I also delve into the psychological reasons we are interested in serial killers. Why is true crime so popular? Why do we love it? Turns it out it's totally mentally healthy to be fascinated with this nonsense. So enjoy guilt-free! This Timesuck is brought to you by by the socially conscious on-line fantastic mattress store LEESA! Go to www.leesa.com/timesuck to get $100 off of one of their incredible mattresses and help both the environment and the homeless while doing so! Merch - https://badmagicmerch.com/ Want to try out Discord!?! https://discord.gg/tqzH89v Want to join the Cult of the Curious private Facebook Group? Go directly to Facebook and search for "Cult of the Curious" in order to locate whatever current page hasn't been put in FB Jail :) For all merch related questions: https://badmagicmerch.com/pages/contact Please rate and subscribe on iTunes and elsewhere and follow the suck on social media!! @timesuckpodcast on IG, @timesuckpodcast on Twitter, and www.facebook.com/timesuckpodcast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Andrei Cicatilo, the butcher of Rostov, the red ripper, the demented Ukrainian sack of serial killing shit, who brutally murdered over 50 men, women and children between 1978 and 1990. Today's episode features descriptions of extreme violence, nightmarish tales of horrific sadism, listener discretion highly, highly advised on this one time, suckers. Might want to let the kids set this one out And if you don't and you do let them listen don't send me emails when they come knocking on your door in the middle of the night Because they don't want to go to sleep because they can't go to sleep because they're having nightmares shit
Starting point is 00:00:35 It's going to get dark today as we examine the most brutal serial killer I had previously never heard of on today's bloody Terrible and morbidly captivating edition of Time Suck. Happy Monday Time Suckers, Hail Nimrod, praise his prof-boat jangles on behalf of Michael Motherfuck and McDonald Triple lamb Yamaha time suck. The votes came in for this Friday's bonus episode and it is going to be the amity bill haunting in a landslide if you've been on a time suck podcast on Instagram you are not surprised. Makes sense man. Sucktober, Hawny one just feels right. It's gonna be a solid getting ready
Starting point is 00:01:19 for Halloween suck. If you're hoping for DB Cooper or Bruce Lee don't worry, there is going to be another bonus episode coming up on November 3rd. The 1200 iTunes reviews bonus suck. If you're hoping for DB Cooper Bruce Lee, don't worry, there is going to be another bonus episode coming up on November 3rd, the 1200 iTunes reviews bonus suck. Man, you guys have been just really ramping up those iTunes reviews and I appreciate it. So great. Thank you for all those, thank you all, all you time suckers who left those. It really, really helps out. It really makes the show kind of get noticed a little more. And yeah, man, you were reviewing it faster and faster. Faster than I can create Friday bonus episodes. I got to space them out a little bit. I love it. I love all the kind words.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Keep them motivated to know the care. And huge thank before I began to all the time. It's all because you came out this past weekend. Show's at Helium in Portland. And part of the live in Bellevue. Man, it's so great. Actually, I'm still in Bellevue recording this in my hotel room right now.
Starting point is 00:02:03 And so many t-shirts, you know, worn to the show. So much muskrat labia, so much, you know, gerbil saliva, the softest materials known to man with those t-shirts. But I know it's just so cool to look out into an audience and see so much of that, you know, and see so many beautiful members of the cult that curious coming out now.
Starting point is 00:02:21 It's a cotton, so thankful. Thanks for some of the gifts somebody gave me. Man, very cool. Time sucker, Agnasty cracked me up. Came to the helium Portland show, we're in a t-shirt, said fuck Hitler. That's all it said. Giant, giant letters. Really cracked me up. Got some time suck artwork from Reese Bank. Man, God, so good. And I think I got a bunch of new material recorded for the for a new album. Hopefully for early 2018, it'll start out only on Pandora.
Starting point is 00:02:49 And I also recorded a separate 35 minute EP. You guys didn't even know about it that we're there. I didn't want to say anything. I'm gonna put pressure on you or me on this one. And that's gonna be an EP. You can only get by trying out the new TimeSec app later in the year when that comes out. And a lot of you guys were asking about that this week
Starting point is 00:03:04 on which made me feel great. A lot of space lizards in the making out there. A lot of people are just waiting to be space lizards. And yeah, last few weeks, I'm a great man. LA shows we can be forward amazing, you know, first light podcast and a standup show with James Petigallo, Jimmy Wiseman from crime and sports in small town murder so fucking fun. Making me really excited for shows the rest of this year and for 2018 and you know, eager to start building some new material.
Starting point is 00:03:26 And speaking of shows, I hope some of you New Yorkers, you know, cross the Hudson this week and get your asses to Jersey for my shows this Friday and Saturday night at bananas comedy club in Hasbrook Heights, New Jersey. Also we have the Dayton Ohio funny bone November 2nd to the fifth the Spokane comedy club in Spokane, Washington where I started November 9th through the 11th, Dr. Grins and Grand Rapids, Michigan, November 30th through December 2nd, St. Louis, Funnybone, and St. Louis, Missouri, December 7th to the 10th. Comedy club on state and Madison, Wisconsin, December 14th through 16th, closing out the year in Denver, Colorado at Comedy Works, December 28th through New Year's Eve.
Starting point is 00:04:03 All right, enough tour dates, time from some murder. [♪ OUTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪ After I picked this topic and I sort of researched in this episode, I just thought, why do I even care about this piece of shit? Like, why am I spending my time, a lot of time this week, researching a low life murderer? And when why is true crime so popular?
Starting point is 00:04:26 Why do any of us care about these monsters, the disgusting deviance? Right, I googled actually, why are we curious about killers? And an interesting psychology today article written in 2014 came up titled, Here's why we love serial killers. The article's author, Dr. Scott Bond,
Starting point is 00:04:43 he also wrote a book called Why We Love Serial Killers, The Curious Appeal of the World's Most Savage Murderers, and a lot of interesting thoughts thrown out. After doing a lot of research and studies, Dr. Bond concluded that in many ways serial killers are for adults what monster movies are for children. That is scary fun. But because these monsters are real and have real victims, most of us also feel guilty for being fascinated. I get that. I get that. I mean, there is something fun about feeling scared when you know you're safe. That's when it's fun. Right? Would not be fun to be interested in serial killers if you're in a dark alley by yourself in the middle of the night and you think a serial killer is right behind you. That is not fun. That would be fucking terrifying. But when you know you're safe,
Starting point is 00:05:25 it is, I guess it is fun for lack of a better word to venture into the darkness. I feel like it's probably why many of us, like going to the zoo, you know, be able to stand, you know, 10 feet away from some killer shark or lion or grizzly bear. You know, we can look into the eyes of a predator, we're hardwired to be terrified of, instinctively afraid of, but we know that glass of the aquarium or the steel bars of the cage are going to keep us safe. Soinctively afraid of, but we know that glass of the aquarium or the steel bars of the cage are gonna keep us safe. So close to one of our greatest fears. You know, so close to some crocodile that could death roll us, you know, or some grizzly bear that could chew our fucking face off,
Starting point is 00:05:55 but totally protected, but our heartbeat still ticks up. We had a little bit of that adrenaline sweat. We had a little of that rush of that fighter flight, adrenal gland rush, you know, that spike, that ancient instinct of euphoria, with little to none of the risk associated with actually being, you know, suddenly and violently killed. And then Dr. Bond wrote something that really summed up
Starting point is 00:06:15 part of why I think we're obsessed with these assholes, saying the average person who has been socialized to respect life and who also possesses the normal range of emotions, such as love, shame, pity, and remorse, cannot comprehend the workings of a pathological mind that would compel one to abduct, torture, rape, kill, engage, and necrophilia, and occasionally even eat another human being.
Starting point is 00:06:36 The incomprehensibility of such actions drives society to understand why serial killers do incredibly horrible things to other people who often are complete strangers. Absolutely, this makes sense to me. We're raised in a civilized society to respect rules and social norms and serial killers violate these rules and norms in pretty much more than anybody else. You know, they're the ultimate bad guys, the ultimate boogie men. They take the most sacred of our rules and norms. Don't kill, don't rape, don't torture, don't statistically destroy.
Starting point is 00:07:05 And not only do they violate these rules, they violate them time and time again. And for a long time, they don't get caught, which outrageous our sense of justice and fairness. For a sense of vengeance. First off, how the fuck do they bring themselves to do that in second? How do they not get caught?
Starting point is 00:07:17 How do they get away with it? How do they just rape and mutilate and kill? And it's in person one night, and then make small talk with coworkers and their family the next day and then do it again. How does the guilt over what they've done? Not tear them apart, how do they not feel guilt? And then Dr. Bon adds that serial killers
Starting point is 00:07:31 appeal to the most basic and powerful instinct in all of us, that is survival. The total disregard for life and the suffering of others exhibited by serial killers shocks our sense of humanity and makes us question our safety and security. This is similar to another thought I had. I feel like our survival instinct creates an interest in serial killers. And this is me speculating on this one, but I just feel like there's this sense, you know, like if we can study their
Starting point is 00:07:56 methods and their crimes, maybe we can learn how to avoid being a future victim, learn enough about how they operate, we can figure out how to spot them, you know, listen to the time suck about Ted Bundy, you don't think twice about helping someone do with the Xarmony cast, move some stuff into a car, and it darks included section of a park. You listen to the Dominar episode, you know, Jeffrey Dommer, you're gonna keep a close eye on some dude
Starting point is 00:08:16 you meet at a bar, pouring you a drink. Make sure he's not spiking it. You know, if you let him pour you a drink at all, you know, maybe I can go home with a guy and let him pour you some drinks after listening that episode for a while, if ever. Just, you know, just, uh, uh with a guy and let him pour you some drinks after listening to that episode for a while, if ever. Just, you know, I'm just, uh, uh, buddy, uh, uh, uh, you can spike in my drink. So I can wake up to you pour an acid in my forehead so you can create a fuck zombie.
Starting point is 00:08:33 I know what you're up to. Not at my bleach skull to your death alter. Uh, protect me, Nimrod, protect me, Nimrod. And then Dr. Bell and, uh, adds another reason for our fascination. I did not, I had not thought of saying, serial killers have a visceral appeal for the public similar to monster movies because they provide a euphoric adrenaline rush.
Starting point is 00:08:50 Consequently, there are trusty tales in the news and entertainment are addictive. Finally, they provide a conduit for the public's most primal fear, such as primal feelings, such as fear, lust, and anger. And he adds another thought. There appears to be in innate human tendency to identify or empathize with all things,
Starting point is 00:09:08 whether good or bad, including serial killers. That's a really interesting thought there. Maybe that's the main reason we're fascinated. We just want answers to that unanswerable question of how could you? How could you fucking do that to someone? Like what actually is wrong with you? Truly what is wrong with you? How could you fucking do that to someone? Like what actually is wrong with you? Truly what is wrong with you?
Starting point is 00:09:28 You know, I feel like we just wanna understand our world. We wanna understand something that seems so incomprehensible. Like how much of a relief would it be if someone finally came around like good news everybody, we got it, we found it. We found the part of the brain, the turns people into complete, depraved, just sadistic violent pieces of shit. And more importantly, we can cure it.
Starting point is 00:09:46 Turns out, turns out a few tall glasses of fresh beet juice, it knocks it right out. Somehow the beet juice rewires a part of the frontal lobe that makes another wise normal family man, I want to satamize and destroy children. He's just, whoo, whoo. Oh, so don't worry, everybody. Don't have to stress out about being raped and murdered.
Starting point is 00:10:07 Don't have to stress out about your family being abducted and killed. Ah, it's all gone. All gone, all better, all better. Problem solved. Thanks, thanks, Dr. Ice Pick McBrain, Stavr. Thanks for solving that dilemma for all of us. Okay, I don't know about you,
Starting point is 00:10:20 but now I feel a little less guilty, spending a lot of time learning about this goddamn monster. I get it now. And if my voice is a little off to the end of the video, I have a lot of late nights this last weekend. Working on the CDs and then working on this story and my voice is a little bit shot. But yeah, but I get why we're here now.
Starting point is 00:10:38 We're drawing like, we're drawing like, moss to the dark, dark flame of these horrific assholes. So let's try and get some answers. Let's try and figure out why Andre Chicatilo savagely killed over 50 people. But first, and I guess I just did do this, let's start at the beginning of his life with a time suck timeline.
Starting point is 00:10:57 Shrap on those boots soldier, we're marching down a time suck timeline. down a time, some time, line. Andre Chicatilo was born on October 16th, 1936 in the Ukraine state of the US SR. He was born with water on the brain and brain lesions, who knows how much that would play into his future killings in the village of Yoblokni. A town so shitty, it doesn't even have a wikipedia page. That's bad. Even Whitebird Idaho, town less than 100 people were my mom, of you'll look me a town so shitty it doesn't even have a Wikipedia page that's that's that's that even Waiber Dido town less than a hundred people were my mom stepped in live now no grocery store not
Starting point is 00:11:30 one fast food joint Waiber Dido with a pdf page substantial one really how how shitty is you look me well I googled it Google Earth it actually so I can look at it and it's not even really a village it's I mean barely you know I it's a couple of farms located near each other with a smattering of extra houses thrown in Maybe a school hard to tell. There's any actual retail there by the shape of the buildings. Doesn't seem to be an actual town A few miles away. Maybe maybe five or ten miles by the look of the map is Akatora or Akatorka Akatorka. I only know how to say that name. Thanks to the pronunciation of a small Ukrainian boy,
Starting point is 00:12:07 named Anton in a video called Anton's Family Presentation, Akatorka, that has only 17 views, even though it's been up for almost two years, because no one gives a fuck about Anton, or his family, or the town of Akatorka. Well, according to another shitty YouTube video I found, Akatorka was founded as a Polish
Starting point is 00:12:26 outpost in 1641 and was an important center of Ukraine in the 17th and 18th centuries when it was rivaled Karkov. And based on slideshow picks in that video, it's an industrial shithole, full of sad Ukrainians who wish they were living somewhere else. There is a beautiful Russian Orthodox Cathedral, a Pekrova Cathedral, and that it's, you know, basically the only building that looks nice or moderately inspiring. It's a cold, barren wasteland, full of big, depressing, cement, communist apartments that make you immediately just feel terribly sad
Starting point is 00:12:57 for anyone living there. You watch the video, you immediately understand why there aren't more videos showcasing the town. There's nice river nearby. Probably no one ever gets to enjoy. I bet it's covered in ice most of the year. And probably polluted. Dress here.
Starting point is 00:13:10 It's a fucking dump. And it's by far the best town in the area that Andre grew up in. During the 1930s, Ukraine was known as the bread basket of the Soviet Union. And life in rural Ukraine was even shittier than it is today. As bad as life is, and you're, luckily, today residents can at least feel good about not living there 80 years ago. 1929 Joseph Stalin, the the the humanitarian,
Starting point is 00:13:30 the noble leader of communist Russia, all around great guy by every historian's account. Yes, I'm being sarcastic. Had Institute instituted a policy of forced agricultural collectivization upon Ukrainian farmers and that worked out pretty bad for them. Following World War I when the Bolsheviks took Russia away from the rule of the Zars and turned it into a communist nation under Lenin, Ukraine initially battled Russia for independence emerging
Starting point is 00:13:54 from World War I as its own communist nation, the Ukrainian peoples Republic. But then Poland and eventually the Soviet Union squashed that shit and Ukraine was forced into the USSR. And at first, the Soviet Union did a pretty good job of integrating Ukrainian culture into Russian culture, taking care of Ukrainian as a general, but then Stalin came to power in the Communist Party in the 19, you know, mid-1920s after Lenin, and Stalin didn't give two shits about Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:14:19 He didn't give one shit. Actually, you know, he cared less than that. He didn't give a sh- a shart about't give it didn't give a popcorn fart about Ukraine and he did his best to squash out any remaining dissident communist not loyal to the Soviet Union itself not loyal to himself and he motherfucked the entire region through this forced agricultural collectivization peasants no longer able to have their own farms and work their own farms for themselves instead they're forced off their land and made to join state farms.
Starting point is 00:14:47 And these farms were given agricultural production quotas. Basically they had to deliver X amount of grain or potatoes or whatever vegetable to the Communist Party and then they could keep whatever was left over for themselves. Unfortunately, there really wasn't much of anything left over. And these farmers are kicking out all these crops in the bread basket, the Sony Union, and are ironically starving themselves. I'm sure they saw the humor in that. Hey, Petrov, isn't it funny?
Starting point is 00:15:14 If you think about it, how we grow the most crops for Mother Russia, and yet we go hungry ourselves. How one is it, I pick a bit after a bit of Ukrainian soil and yet my own baby daughter soon die of malnutrition. Hacili is that, life is funny, is it not petrof? I would laugh if I had more energy. I must rest now. I barely have strength to talk after not eating for days. Despite picking delicious, nutritious vegetables from my own field. The sweet irony
Starting point is 00:15:48 of it all, Petrov. I would slap my knee and gest. If I were not scared, I'd break a bird like bones of own leg, brittle from black of proper vitamins and nutrients. Yeah, shit was rough. Bad year from crop production in 1932 really kicked off what would become to known as the great famine, aka the hallowed do more, Ukrainian for death by hunger. That sounds terrible. Death by hunger. Crop production fell almost 50% compared to 1931 harvest and now when previously very little food was left over for Ukrainians after meeting their production quotas, not now basically no food is left over. And it's just four starvation by Stalin. To keep Ukrainians from skimming some of their crops
Starting point is 00:16:30 for themselves, theft of these crops that they're harvesting is punishable by death. And I'm sure a lot of farmers, despite this harsh sentence, took their chances anyway, because they're already dying in 1932 and 1933. Two years, roughly four million Ukrainians die from four starvation, four fucking million. That's a four million Ukrainians die from forced starvation four fucking million That's a lot of Ukrainians and in a two-year period and the aftermath of this living hell is what little Andre Cicatillo is born into
Starting point is 00:16:55 His parents growl show and tinky were assholes and circus performers growl Chia was a fortune teller slash mime and tinky was a double jointed contortionist slash acrobat. Of course, that's not true. Can you imagine having to mime someone's fortune to them? No, his parents were Roman and Anna, collective farm laborers living in a one room hut. He was their only child. There are some accounts online that his mom told him
Starting point is 00:17:18 he did have an older brother step in. That comes with a lot of articles. I do not think that is true. If you look into it yourself, more legit sources like the book, The Red Ripper, I lean on pretty heavy for this, indicate that he told, he was told he had an older cousin, Steppen, who was taken by starving neighbors and eaten when the kid was four.
Starting point is 00:17:38 I'm sure that was super fun to hear grown up. Just do your chores and Andre, do your chores. Your cousin, Steppen, he would be doing his chores right now if he was only still alive. Such a sweet boy, he's too sweet, so sweet today. They ate him, they ate him for being so sweet. So sweet, the neighbors eat little stepping. When he was, when he was your age,
Starting point is 00:17:58 when he was your age right now, he could eat him. Oh, apparently this story looks pretty deep, psychic impact on Andre, you know. Possibly leading to later cannibalistic tendencies he'd have. Andre slept in the same bed as his parents as a child. The family only had one bed and this was terrible for everyone because Andre was a bed wetter. Apparently with the bed a lot and then mom would berate him, shame him, beat him physically for wetting the bed. So, you know, his self-esteem was sky high. He was incredibly poor, slept in a bed with his parents who hated him for wetting the bed. He said the know, his self-esteem is sky high. He was incredibly poor, self-tenant, a bit of his parents who hated him for wedding the bed. He said the jackpot
Starting point is 00:18:27 to start off his life. There's speculation that his bed wedding may have been brought on by the some poor brainwiring that he was born with, you know, that hydrocephalus, you know, the water on the brain may have caused him some genital urinary tract problems later in life, you know, like the bed wedding that last into his late adolescence, and later the ability to sustain a erection, although he was able to ejaculate. His erection problems, his erectile dysfunction, would definitely help lead him to the path of murder. We're gonna be talking a lot about this
Starting point is 00:18:54 as we go forward. He was also apparently very hungry as a kid, man. Things are still not good there with the food situation. Claiming to not have eaten bread until he was 12, claiming to have eaten a lot of grass and leaves to keep from starving. Who knows? I don't really trust serial killers
Starting point is 00:19:07 when they talk about the childhood or frankly much else for that matter, but it is possible that was that rough for him considering the circumstances of where he grew up. 1941, when Andre is five, the Nazis attack Ukraine. It's part of World War II, the bomb, the fuck out of it. His own one room hut is burned to the ground by Nazis.
Starting point is 00:19:25 It had to be rebuilt by his parents and other villagers. So you know, his childhood really just continues to be a dream. Just one great dream after another. Wonderful experience all around. Between 1941 and 1945, approximately 3 million Ukrainian and other non-Jewish victims are killed as part of Nazi, Nazi extermination policies in Ukraine, along with approximately 1.6 million Jewish people.
Starting point is 00:19:46 An additional 3 million inhabitants of Ukraine died during this period as soldiers of the Soviet army or indirectly as a consequence of World War II. Things were so bad. The Ukrainian Office of Tourism adopted an ill-advised national slogan during this time of Ukraine. Come for the starvation. Stay for Nazi death. Yes, so you know, fucking tourism's rock bottom. Of course, of course, that was never a slogan. Things were absolutely terrible. Chikotilo's father, Roman, was drafted into the Red Army. The Soviet's peasant army in 1941. He's wounded, taken as a POW. 1943 while Roman is still a prisoner
Starting point is 00:20:20 of war. Andrei's mother gives birth to Tatiana. The father's identity was never confirmed, but it's assumed that Anna was raped by a Nazi soldier, which evidently was fairly common at that time because life in Ukraine was the absolute worst. Because Anna was living in a one room hut with Roman at the time she was raped, good chance that young Andrei witnessed this. So that's not gonna do wonders for your,
Starting point is 00:20:42 you know, budding personality. By the age of six, Andre has experienced near starvation. Been told his cousin was kidnapped, killed, and eaten by cannibal neighbors, been shamed and beaten on a regular basis for wet in the bed, seen his village bombed, taken over by Nazis, who he'd say much later committed horrific atrocities
Starting point is 00:20:59 at his village. And one interview, he revealed in 1941, in 1941 to 1943, my family lived under the Nazi occupation. To the battles we pick up the corpses, parts of bodies, everywhere. In the streets I saw the children torn into pieces. You know, Jesus. He's his dad as a prisoner of war. His home is burned to the ground, probably watched his mom get raped. None of the communities justify what he would later do, but it does help understand him a bit.
Starting point is 00:21:26 You know, he's witnessed firsthand a lot of brutality. You know, he's seen the actions of people that Nazis placed no value on human life. He's seen horrific and widespread, pre-casual violence during his initial formative years. 1944, Andre began attending school. All things are still rough in Ukraine, the Nazis still occupied, and he's still super hungry.
Starting point is 00:21:47 He passed out several times at school from hunger in class in his first year of school. In 1945, the war with the Germans is finally over and his father Roman returns home, but instead of being welcome back to his war hero, he's labeled a coward. He's welcome back as a coward for allowing himself to be captured by the Germans.
Starting point is 00:22:02 So that sucks. And then Andre gets bullied and teased at school because of that. In early childhood, this dude really could not catch a break. Andre was a good student, but shy and socially awkward. He was also small and weak, you know, just unacceptable for Russian boy. Week, Russian boy make a week Russian man, disgusting, pathetic, rant boy. And also, you know, was near-sighted. So, you know, you didn't see that great and got teased for that. As you grew into early adolescence, I still with the bed frequently, verbally and physically abused by his mom again, still afforded
Starting point is 00:22:30 home, beat by bullies at school. So he throws himself into his studies, teaches praise him about his studies, about the only praise he was getting in life, and he took great pride, being a great pride in his studies, more than his fellow students, and he would develop an arrogance about his intellect that would also play into future killings. Seeds of an intellectual superiority complex are born in young Chikotilo. This feeling of intellectual superiority was combined with his growing frustration with his physical self after growing through puberty. He learned that in addition to being a bedwetter he was also impotent. He could ejaculate
Starting point is 00:23:01 but he just couldn't maintain a firm erection and he fucking hated himself for it. He was ashamed of it. You know, what kind of proud young Russian man could he be without being able to sport a hard dick? You know, Lucifino, Times of Devil, cursed him with a sad floppy ween that no good Russian woman would accept a respect. Damn, you Lucifino. 1951, the age of 14, Andre was appointed the editor of his school newspaper, made sure
Starting point is 00:23:24 everything being printed was communist-approved. Andre, despite his early hardships, was a firm believer in communism and would remain a firm believer in communism the rest of his life. Two years later, he'd become the chairman of the local chapter of the Student Communist Committee. He would organize local street marches proclaiming the virtues of communist ideals. He did eventually grow out of his scrawny little kid phase and he did grow into a well-built teen, proud, soldier, and athletic eventually he would earn the nickname Andrei Silla or Andrew the Strong. Before that he'd be made fun of, like we said before being shortsighted, he'd also get some stupid schoolyard nicknames. One classmate called it,
Starting point is 00:24:01 claims his breasts were too big. Maybe he had a little bit of a little bit of man titties going on and the kids started calling him Baba. A derogatory term for a woman and then another kid noticed his dick at the urinal and thought his foreskin looked odd and told everyone in school about that too. He was made fun of for that for a long time for having a weird looking dick. But kids are so mean. They're so mean. Well, my son kind of was in first grade. Some shitty kid told him that he had a nose look like a pig nose. He has a adorable nose? Yeah, he has a adorable nose, he's always had an adorable nose. But then suddenly he hates his nose
Starting point is 00:24:28 and he's convinced he's ugly. He was upset about it for months and months took forever to get his self-esteem back. You know, God, man, I remember some kid told me I had a huge head when I was in junior high. Maybe six grade even. Actually, a couple of kids did. All right, well, I did have a big head.
Starting point is 00:24:41 So I still have a big head but that was super self-conscious about the size of my head for years and Andre is self-conscious now. You know, he's naturally shy and now he's getting extremely uncomfortable around girls between the impotence and being teased. When he's 17, he does find some sexual satisfaction. Now, unfortunately, he finds it in a strange place. He jumps on an 11-year-old friend of his younger sister.
Starting point is 00:25:00 I don't know what would preface the jump. He didn't really explain that, but he starts wrestling. He wrestles her to the ground somewhat playfully But then she wants to be let up and he won't let her up You know and it gets you know she gets a little scared and when she gets scared and he he's hold her down He also just suddenly ejaculates into his pants. You know she's struggling to get away Coming into his pants will be a huge part of Andre's life He'd actually get a new nickname out of it, old sticky zipper. Well, if it isn't
Starting point is 00:25:26 under a sticky zipper, chicken tue, how many times you'll come in pants today? How's Steve on pants today? He also became obsessed with masturbation during adolescence, which feels like a statement you could apply to 99% of all adolescent boys, you know. When I first heard that, I always thought, well, be weird if he was a teenage boy who wasn't into masturbation, you know, be like, we weird if he tried it once and we just like, well, be weird if he was a teenage boy who wasn't in a masturbation, you know? Like, we weird if he tried to once and we just like, whatever. What is fuss about with the jerking and the coming? I did not hate it, but it did not bring me more joy than arithmetic or memorizing names
Starting point is 00:25:54 of important coming as part of members. So although he apparently couldn't maintain an erection firm enough for sexes, we'll find out. He could kind of get it just, you know, just barely hard enough to kind of jerk it around and he can ejaculate, you know, it's like he had permanent whiskey dick. Well, 1953, Andre, and I guess he's just jerking off
Starting point is 00:26:12 all the time, like he really is obsessed with masturbation, like even me again, more so than typical teen boy, you know, every time the parents leave the house, even when they're in the house, he's kind of like, just doing little sneak jerks inside his pants, you know, dude loves to come in his pants, he's kind of like, he's doing little sneak jerks inside his pants. Dude loves to come in his pants. That's one of his things.
Starting point is 00:26:27 Ninety-fifth-three Andre graduated from school with excellent grades. He was the only kid from his collective farm to graduate at all. And you blew, and drove him crazy. Still couldn't get a proper boner. He's the smartest kid in his village, but he also has the limpest dick.
Starting point is 00:26:41 And the perceived unfairness of this disconnect between academic performance and physical prowess would drive him mad for the restpest dick. And the perceived unfairness of this disconnect between academic performance and physical prowess would drive him mad for the rest of his life. He'd kill for a variety of reasons later, but frustration over his own impotence would truly seem to be his biggest motivation, which is why if your kid struggles, if your teenage kid struggles with impotence, the best thing you can do from what I've read is just to put them down. You're going to have to have them killed. I know that's hard. I know it's hard, but you got to put them down before they become another limp dick serial killer. Or sorry, or you can take them to a doctor or a counselor
Starting point is 00:27:14 and just kind of get it worked out that way. That's right. There is that. There was that option. There also was that option. After graduating, Andre applies for admission at Moscow State University. He gets full-ride scholarship, major in Invodka distilling with a minor in beat harvesting. He got accepted into a frat, pie, cappagama, Epsilon, Delta, Rusky. He became the assistant coach on the women's Greco-Roman style wrestling team using practice sessions as an excuse to grapple with young women so he could regularly ejaculate him to his tight cotton coaching shorts. No, he did not get into Moscow State.
Starting point is 00:27:43 He was devastated that he did not. And he blamed his rejection on his father's military record for being captured. He's bummed out. He's depressed. He tends nearby technical college studying to get a two-year degree in communications engineering. He also dates a local girl Tatyana, who his sister had introduced him to. We tried several times to have sex with and just could not get it up and that ended the relationship. You know, just dumb, dumb, dumb, worthless, bald, could dick, dumb, you limp,
Starting point is 00:28:07 traitor, trouser, weasel, you betray me. If only I could find a woman who loves man who rassles her until common pants. Under these boner problems can continue, you know, tries dating other girls. Every romantic encounter ends in failure.
Starting point is 00:28:21 You just could not get the right boner at the right time and then became increasingly frustrated with his sex one in adequacy. 1955, Andre finishes his two-year course. You sent by the young Communist League for his first adult work experience to work on power lines in the dismal industrial city
Starting point is 00:28:35 of Nizny, Nizny, the guild. Nizny the guild. About 800 miles of East Moscow. The place sounds like a terrible place to live. Several Maxwell security prisons around the town and when prisoners are released, I guess most of you stay. Vice, I love watching Vice videos.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Vice did a short documentary on it in 2015, called it the city of the colorful sky. Its sky is discolored due to the massive amounts of industrial pollution pouring out of it, pouring out of over 600 factories. It looks terrible. It's also has a heavy Russian mafia presence. It has enough prostitutes to have Google Auto-Add,
Starting point is 00:29:11 the word prostitution, to the name of the town when I Googled it. Well, despite all these ladies, romance problems, Porticatilo, of course, continue, which increase his nervousness and frustration with women. 1957, Andre is drafted to the military where he would serve for three years. He gets so awkward around the ladies because of his fear of not being able to perform that the other soldiers start to spread rumors that he's gay, which was a big no-no in 1950s, my cheese mill Russian culture, where homosexuality also stole
Starting point is 00:29:36 the crime and his sexual self-esteem is just plummeting even further. He's a limp-dick shell of his former limp-dick self. He did have another rastling moment. He goes on a date with some woman. And when he holds her down and she doesn't like it, and struggles to get away, he doesn't let her go. He comes again and he realizes for sure now that holding someone down and the violence and the struggle is what makes him ejaculate.
Starting point is 00:29:57 He really firmly makes that connection. He's like, okay, that's what does it for me. In 1960, a chikotilo completes his military service and heads back to his home village of Yablukhli. And he quickly realizes that home holds nothing for him. No job, no single girl's to wrestle with and try hump and come into your pants around. So he heads east into a Russian agricultural region
Starting point is 00:30:17 known as the Rostov Oblast, settling in a little town of Rodunovah, Nysvijetskiy and getting a job as a telephone engineer. It's one room place, but unlike the one room shack of his childhood, his one room pad has electricity, has running water, has an indoor toilet, all on his moving on up to the each side. We finally got a piece of the pie, little Jefferson's. 1961, little poorly sung Jefferson's. 1961, yeah, I can sing poorly more than Michael McDonald as you've been finding out.
Starting point is 00:30:53 There's a lot of stuff I can sing poorly. In 1961, Andre's parents and his sister come to join them, all living in that one room place. Doesn't bother Andre, because it's not like he's bringing ladies home. And he's a master of ejaculating into his underruists and pants at this point in secrets. So it's not like he even needs privacy to masturbate. ladies home and he's a master of ejaculating into his underuse and pants at this point and secrets.
Starting point is 00:31:05 So it's not even his privacy to masturbate. You know, he's, he's a challenge one of the ladies' house of the house to an armless on mass challenges. My arm is just there. Just come on. You think you can defeat the champ? Come on grab my hand on the cell. Now try to pin it down.
Starting point is 00:31:17 You can do it. You can do it. Can you? Now try to get away from me. Try to, try to make me let you go of you. Come on. Just try. Try, try to get away from me. Try to make me let you go of you. Come on, you try. Try to make them.
Starting point is 00:31:32 You can go now. That was fun. It's good to find the game, no? Actually, there was never any indication of anything in Sestuous with Andre. He at least kept his sexual dysfunction away from the fam. And he also gets more, even more into jerk enough. Whenever his fam is not home man, he is just slapping his soft, Ukrainian skin flew around the pad there. Playing that Russian snake harp.
Starting point is 00:31:48 That's how he do, baby. Apparently, whenever this guy felt the urge to masturbate, which was often, he just did it, you know, usually within minutes, wherever he happened to be, which led to, I'm guessing a lot of embarrassing situations, I read about one at work, this is unbelievable. Andres, short-sightedness, when near-sightedness, combined with his masturbation impulse, I'm guessing a lot of embarrassing situations. I read about one at work. This is unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:32:05 Andre's short-sightedness, or near-sightedness, combined with his masturbation impulse, led him to walk away from some fellow telephone engineers out in the woods during a lunch break after he's worked on some power lines. And he walks out into the woods away from them until he thinks he's out of sight. But because of his poor eyesight, he's not
Starting point is 00:32:25 out of sight. And he just starts just jerking his floppy dick around. And while he can't see his coworkers, they can see him and they just like, they just watch this whole thing. Right. And then they're just like, what the fuck? What are you? What are you doing? What are you jerking in woods? And you know, they mock him relentlessly after that as they should have, you know. Let me add that, as they should have. If you get caught jerking off at work, you cannot then, you know, have any legitimacy
Starting point is 00:32:54 to your complaints about being mocked. You should be made fun of if you haven't been fired. What the fuck is wrong with you? Like really, you can't wait to get home. You poor impulse, control having sexual deviant. Who just stands there and jerks into the woods? I don't think I've ever been horny enough to need to do that, ever. Not even like the height of my hormones in my teens.
Starting point is 00:33:13 You know, where I just needed to walk off little ways for my coworkers and just fucking start beating it. I worked a playboy for two years with new playboy models. I was never like, oh god, I gotta get to the bathroom right now. And jerk these naughty thoughts into a shame toilet. Must have released. Now, you start having super-horned thoughts and you take care of it the normal way. You start thinking about your childhood dog being taken away
Starting point is 00:33:34 from you, you know, or unattractive co-worker, force themselves on you, or you think about your grandma, wiping diarrhea for butthole. Whatever you need to think about to immediately kill any feelings of sexuality. Not sure that psychologically healthy to do on that, but it works for me. So how do you go back to work after getting mocked for jerking off in the woods? How do you not just run further into the forest after that and just try to leave your family, live as a wild man for the rest of your days, completely abandoning society, I guess you
Starting point is 00:34:03 didn't have a family so you even need to run. I just can't imagine I'm embarrassing the rest of that shift, completely abandoning society. I guess he didn't have a family, so he even needs you. I just can't imagine I'm embarrassing the rest that shift was, hey, Andre, would you mind climbing the pole and resetting the power line? Or are you too busy coming onto pine needles again? Can you help us set a pole? Or would you rather play with own polling woods?
Starting point is 00:34:20 Like we'll sex me in the act as we watch you earlier. And you go home after that to your little one bedroom, you know, with your family, and your mom's all like, how was work on the day? It was her day mother. We had problems with electrical lines, starting small fire. And also co-workers watch me,
Starting point is 00:34:38 you know, stroke soft-cocked woods when I think I alone. Would you make big soup tonight, mother? I could use comfort food after a hard day of toil and shame. 1963 is sister Tatiana. She's getting worried about her brother. She sets her 27 year old up brother with another lady friend. The family in general started to worry about him. 27 is old in Russia.
Starting point is 00:34:57 1963 would be single. And especially for a guy who is a member in good standing in the Communist Party. He's got a good job. He's making decent money. He's not a bad looking guy. Why doesn't he have a wife? You know, is he gay? People are starting to talk.
Starting point is 00:35:08 You know, he can't be gay in Russia in 1963. Well, I mean, of course you can. Many of them daddally were, but you couldn't admit it unless you didn't care about going to jail. Losing your job. Well, his sister introduced his Andre to a friend of a friend, Fyodor Shia, also known as Fyina. And despite Andre's painful shyness and
Starting point is 00:35:25 awkwardness around her eventually to become romantically involved, as much as Andre can be romantically involved with anyone, but he's quite the gentleman actually when he wants to wait for marriage to have sex. And then they get married in late 1963, get their marriage license after a simple ceremony at the local registrar's office, and then on the wedding night, Fyina realizes why he was so shy sexually, and the impotence, of course, continues. Despite the impotence, they do have a child in 1965 when daughter Liyudmila is born. A second child, a son named Yuri, is born in 1969. To get Fena pregnant, check this out. Andrei would just jerk off into his hand
Starting point is 00:35:59 and then push the sperm inside of her with his fingers. So how hot is that, ladies? How excited? How revved up are you right now? What a stud. A young couple couldn't be happier. Every girl's dream. You know, just to get pregnant from a future serial killer, pushing, pushing, come and do a vagina with this sweaty,
Starting point is 00:36:21 palm-tanned, ugh. If you're wondering what kind of woman would accept this? You know, why didn't she leave him? You know, why didn't she at least try and make him go to a doctor or a therapist to work at the stuff out? She did try to make him go to a therapist. He wouldn't really, he wouldn't have it.
Starting point is 00:36:33 You mean, one and a half ass attempt, but he wasn't interested. Well, because, you know, she put up with this because the bar for a good Russian man in the 1960s was preposterously low. Yeah, Andrei had boner problems, but he also wasn't drunk all the time, and he didn't be here,
Starting point is 00:36:46 which apparently were norms for Russian husbands at the time, like seriously. Like, I watched his documentary where this Russian detective explains this. You know, he's like, he did not get drunk or be a, which was common for Russian men at this time. Wow, you know, Russia, what the country?
Starting point is 00:37:03 Andre would later talk about beginning to regularly sexually fantasize about physically dominating women at this time too cementing that part of Association in his brain. He keeps his fantasies private though kind of only there had been like a socially accepted BDSM club at that time You know bondage dominance submission. Sto massacism. You know, maybe maybe he could have worked his shit out there But sadly, you know 50 shades gray had still yet to be poorly written. 1960s, Andre, you know, began taking college courses again in the late 1960s. And in 1971, he got a degree in Russian philology and literature from Rustlef University.
Starting point is 00:37:39 And he quit his job at the telephone station in 1970 after several years of, I don't do the guy who was cut joking off in woods. This is the guy. This is the guy joking off in woods. You know constant snickering whenever you left the room, every entered a room. And you got a job as a head of a local youth sports center where he focused exclusively on COVID-19. Just what you want to do is you want to get behind the woman or girl like this.
Starting point is 00:38:03 You get behind her and your pin arms behind her head. And make it hurt a little, then you use pelvis area to hold woman to ground and by pushing crotch against buttocks, much like this. And you rub up and down and you're back and fall. And you, okay, that is enough lessons for today, children. Coach J. Goodillow must change choice now. I don't know if he really defokes on wrestling, but he really did run a kids youth sports center, which is creepy. For this guy, not creepy for anybody, does that? After getting his degree,
Starting point is 00:38:32 he gets a job as a teacher in the town of Nova Shuktensk, an industrial shithole. About 200,000 people were a lot of coal was being mined in conditions that were the most dangerous in the world for coal mines at that time, which is saying a lot since coal mines in general aren't known for being super safe places. So again, you know, let us show what the country. And at first, Andre was super excited about his new job. He's a teacher with a college degree, which made him an esteemed member of Russian society in the town.
Starting point is 00:38:59 He was proud. However, he also was a shitty teacher. Former students, interview years later, described him as introverted, uninterested, and unpleasant. Man, wow, the trifecta of shittiness. Really pains quite a picture there. His fellow teachers didn't like me there. He's one of the few Russians who didn't like to go drink,
Starting point is 00:39:15 you know, and never went out to work with them. Went out to, never went out to staff. His wife wasn't terribly happy with him at home, you know. She's a young woman married to a man completely in willing to figure out why he can't figure out a fucker It's sex life outside of marriage, however starting to pick up Starting to pick up. He starts out obviously stroking his dick inside his pants during class You know normal Russian teacher stuff and then because he taught at a boarding school He starts showing up at the doorways of girls rooms when they're changing when their night gowns
Starting point is 00:39:43 You don't get ready to go to bed clearly just like obviously not trying to hide it, just jerking off inside his pants. And that is how you get the nickname of Professor Pocketpool, which he apparently adores. But Professor Pocketpool is a tell-and-move indielement. He's saying the respect. Kids joke around. But Professor Pocketpool is like a cool guy or a rad dude. No, he didn't have that nickname. So weird man. I had some private teachers growing up
Starting point is 00:40:07 You know obviously trying to look up girls skirts, but jerking off inside of your pants at some next level Super perv-shit Well, I don't know if anyone called him professor pocket pool But I do know he got even creepier 1973 on a field trip. He swam with a river or swam with a river That's weird. He swam in a river with some students and then when he was alone with a 15 year old girl, a little bit away from the group, he just underwater, fondles her breasts and general starts grow up in her, she starts screaming, he only stops grow up in her when other students swim over to see what the fuss is about and after he undoubtedly ejaculated into swim trunks and incredibly he is not disciplined
Starting point is 00:40:43 for this incident at all. Just what these fuss I giveests, I, I give another me lesson. I, I never stopped teaching. I always teaching. A month later, he asked a 14 year old female student who wasn't doing well in class to stay afterwards for a school for a private tutoring lesson. When she got some questions wrong, he hits her on the small, the back with the ruler and realizes this really turns him on to do this. She asked him to stop, which turns him on more so he grabs her, refuses to let her go, and as she struggles away, of course, he comes into his pants. Never read about a guy coming into her pants, more than this guy, by God.
Starting point is 00:41:16 By the way, how weird is it that we went from talking about John Holmes in his giant heart porn dick last week and how that factor into his life and demise. And now this week we're talking about Chikotilo's lip dick, which will heavily factor into his, you know, whorleness and demise. A lot of prominent dick narratives in the suck lately. I mean, I've been sucking some serious dick, you know, last few weeks if you think about it. Incredibly, despite the girl telling her parents,
Starting point is 00:41:38 nothing has done to discipline Andre. Still a communist party member in good standing. He also starts from the lesson his niece at this time when she comes to visit, put his hands into the six-year-old underwear. Years later when she was 10, she'd wake up to her uncle standing above her bed as she slept, just masturbating openly, dude, is fucked up. And also fucked up as his wife, Fahina, knew this stuff was going on but chose to ignore it, preferring to live into Nile instead of admitting her husband was a pedophile and having to deal with that. He's also rubbing himself up against strangers
Starting point is 00:42:04 on buses and trams and town trains, you know? No one loved an invasive crotch rub, more than Chicotilo. To this day, actually, if you rub your limp dick against a stranger in Russia, it's called Chicotilo in somebody. And what are you doing? What's the stuff rubbing on me?
Starting point is 00:42:17 Hey, did you just checkotilo me? Oh, God, the front of your shirt's all wet now. You totally checkotiloed me. You still know a bitch. It's not called that, but it should be. Finally, January of 1974, the school had it had enough of Professor Pocket Pool, and he was asked to resign or be fired.
Starting point is 00:42:34 Jesus. Well, less of a few kids and your punishment is, you gotta find a new job, unreal. Well, part of the reason he wasn't reported to authorities likely the only reason actually is because the nature of Russian communism at this time, because the focus is on collective living when a teacher at school does well,
Starting point is 00:42:48 the whole school is rewarded. Like some teacher gets a reward, shows favorably in the entire school. But when a teacher does poorly, the whole school can be punished, can be looked down upon, it can hurt your standing in the party. So if the school director would have turned in Andre,
Starting point is 00:43:01 Andre wouldn't be the only one to take a loss of social value. The other teachers and the director would also be seen as less, they wouldn't be as good of communists. So why couldn't they solve their own problem? Why wasn't the school able to correct the behavior of a member of their team? Why didn't they see this coming? Yeah, just this fucking russia.
Starting point is 00:43:22 What the country? So weird. Okay, so Chikazeelo immediately gets a new job right around the corner in Nova Shuktensk You know, yeah, just this fucking Russia with the what the country so weird Okay, so so Chikotilo immediately gets a new job right around the corner in Nova Shocktons Technical school number 39 being forced to resign did seem to scare Andre enough into not molesting anyone in school for a few years And he made it all the way to 1978 without diddling anyone that we know of that year He was let go from that school when they received a budget cutback. So he may not be molesting anyone, but he's still not liked by staff or students. Then he gets a job and nearby a shuckty at technical school number 33.
Starting point is 00:43:53 I fucking have sold this was Russian society at this time. Teaching at technical school 33. Undoubtedly some drab concrete building, you know, living in some state apartments, apartments, units center or 17. Another soulless concrete building taking a shitty bus, work bus number 24. Pest one depressing coal factory after another, just communism was fucking terrible. Feina joins her husband in his new job, getting hired as a matron, you know, they're giving a four room flat in the boarding school so they can live there as well. So that was that was actually, you know, pretty hard to get at that time, you know, so it's on during again, he's such an ardent communist that despite his constant fuck-ups, he lives for Russian standards at the time, pretty good life. Chikotilo's main responsibility is new school is managing the boys dormitory,
Starting point is 00:44:37 and Andrei didn't let, you know, only having access to boys put it into his sexual deviancy. A former student recalled that in the fall of 1978, when he was 15, he awoke in his dorm bed to find his dick and chickatilos mouth. Seriously, I wakes up, his dick is in chickatilo mouth, Andre fled out of the room, he runs out of the room, he woke up, you know, fear of a negative light being cast on the tire school, the incident is again unreported. The word gets around the staff, but no one does anything. Unbelievable. It seems like that would be even harder to explain than jerking off in the woods, you know,
Starting point is 00:45:09 the telephone guys, you know, to your peers. Just look, I'm not, I'm not a molester. I just like to joke around. I like to joke around. I have an odd sense of humor. No one gets it, you know, I joke in woods. I joke in woods for laugh. I put the sleeping boy, they can mouth for a joke. Everyone's so up joke in woods. I joke in woods for laugh. I put the sleeping boy dick in mouth for a joke.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Everyone's so uptight in Russia. Also in 1978, Chikotilo buys little shack in the woods at the edge of town without telling his family, a little one-room hut of the now 42 year old pedophile and overall deviant is hoping to lure women and girls back to. And he starts, you know, lure and poor communist women and girls back to shack
Starting point is 00:45:44 with the promise of food or vodka and then he'd rough them up a bit and then he'd ejaculate and do his pants. Such a weirdo. Such a horrific human being said. And then on December 22nd, 1978, he lures nine-year-old Lina Zakatova or Zakato Nova to his secret shack. And this is where the timeline really, really starts to get rough. But before we get rough, let's get comfortable.
Starting point is 00:46:06 Let's get comfortable with today's sponsor. Today's time suck is brought to you by Lisa. Best mattresses in the mattress game. What if you could give back while you slept? Well, you know what? Now you can. Lisa is an innovative, direct to consumer online mattress brand. It is also socially conscious.
Starting point is 00:46:22 I love it. Driven by the mission to provide a better place to sleep for everybody. For every 10 mattresses, Lisa sells. They donate one to a shelter through their 110 program. How cool is that, time suckers? I love that so much. Not to mention, Lisa also plans one tree for every mattress sold and donate to one percent of each employee's time to volunteer for local causes. But best of all, Lisa's patented universal adaptive field is designed for all types of sleepers, features three premium foam layers, including a two-inch
Starting point is 00:46:51 avena, foam top layer for cooling and breathability, two-inch memory foam, middle layer for body contouring and pressure relief, six-inch dense core support foam for durability and structure for sleepers of all sizes. Lisa mattresses are available online in the US, the UK, Canada, Germany. I know I have time suckers in all those places. Or at the Lisa Dream Gallery in New York City, the 100% American made mattresses. I also love that. 100% American made mattresses ship compressed into a box to your door.
Starting point is 00:47:22 So you can save a trip to the store. No wonder it's a Forbes Top 20 Startups to watch company. I have a King-sized leesa mattress coming in the mail and I can't wait for it to get here. Right now my wife and I sleep on a queen and my wife wants a king so bad, specifically so we can get a second dog. And so then we can have room for both of our dogs to sleep in our bed. You heard that right. We are officially super weird dog people now.
Starting point is 00:47:46 I'm, do you hear what I'm saying? I'm getting a bigger bed so I can fit more animals in it while I sleep. And I'm kind of excited about that. I kind of want more sweet puppy to cut it with. I, God, I know that that feels creepy coming on my mouth. I am self aware of that, but it's true. You know, it's not creepy though, Lisa mattresses.
Starting point is 00:48:03 So try a Lisa mattress in your own home for a hundred nights risk-free with free shipping and best part, get a hundred dollars off when you go to leesatime-suck. You hear that discount? It's a hundred bucks. A hundred bucks off. Go to leesatleesa.com-suck suck to get $100 off the mattress. Link will be provided in the episode description. Okay, now back to the horribleness of today's episode. So, okay, so this poor, this poor little girl is poor little Lena. Jesus man, this, this nine year old, she is, she's heading
Starting point is 00:48:40 home for a friend's house and she could see a little approach to her. Reminds her of her grandfather and, you know, and then she has to go to the bathroom, she reveals, and Andre tells her he's like, you don't even worry about it, he's just used mine. And then once he gets her inside his shack, he holds her down, rips her clothes off, he tries to rape a little girl,
Starting point is 00:48:56 but he can't physically, he can't get an erection. So then he tries to use his hand to push his penis inside of her and this breaks her hymen. She starts to bleed a little bit and when he sees the blood, he immediately has the most powerful orgasm of his entire life. This guy was the sickest of fucks.
Starting point is 00:49:10 Sadly, no one rushed in at this point and caved his goddamn, demented skull in with a fucking lead pipe. Wouldn't that be great? You know, when I read about stuff like this, I just can't comprehend pure pacifists or world without violence. I would gladly walk around the prison
Starting point is 00:49:26 and put bullets in the heads of pedophile pieces of shit like this guy. There's sadistic social predators. There's no cure for them. And you know, in my mind, they need to be eliminated. And I do realize that my view here is much more extreme than many of you other listeners. I've got on these brands before I've gotten some emails
Starting point is 00:49:43 about pedophilia, about like really. Do you really think they should just be put down? I do, I do because there's no cure form. There's no cure form. So we're gonna have to agree to disagree on that. That's fine. Well, he's not killed. Instead, he has his moment of clarity. He realizes he needs to inflict a lot of pain. He has to make somebody hurt and bleed to achieve sexual satisfaction. So then he takes a knife out of his pocket, with intensity, you know, at first just, apparently what he would say later, cut it on the belly a little bit, seeing a little bit more blood.
Starting point is 00:50:09 And when he does this, he gets off again. You know, quickly he ejaculates again. And he goes nuts and he doesn't cut her a bit. He stabs her now in the stomach over and over again. And then he tears at the wounds like a demon. He tears her insides apart in this orgy of violence. And then he snaps out of it. He realizes what he's done, he panics, it's dark now.
Starting point is 00:50:27 He picks up her dead body, runs it to a nearby river, throws the girl and all of her belongings in it, raises home, cleans himself up in the shower before his wife gets home. Well, the police finally in his body two days later in this Gushofka river, special investigative team is set up to find the killer. The girl's belongings have been found
Starting point is 00:50:42 near Ticotilo's shack. Near the bank there, he didn't throw him far enough or too far. And they ended up on the bank of the river. Instead of in the water, you know, he didn't notice in the dark. And so now investigators, you know, they start interviewing residents near Chicatilo's shack. They start talking, you know, when they do investigate the neighbors, they start talking about how they've been seeing women and girls. Andres been bringing back that shack and becomes a person of interest, especially when the police find drops of blood on the ground near
Starting point is 00:51:06 the door of his shack. However, his wife, Faena, the enabler, gives him an alibi, because she's also a piece of shit, if you really think about it. And because none of his previous crimes against children had been reported to police, he had no criminal record, and the police did not properly pursue their investigation of him. Instead, they shift their focus to another local resident, 25-year-old Alexander Krochenko, who lived a few doors down
Starting point is 00:51:30 and who'd been convicted of a similar killing in Crimea eight years earlier when he was 17. The fact that he wasn't 18 is the only reason he was still alive. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison and was released after six for that murder. Well, the previous conviction for a similar crime and no alibi was enough to charge, try, convict, the previous conviction for a similar crime and no alibi was enough to charge, try, convict, and execute Alexander for a crime he did not commit. And I feel
Starting point is 00:51:50 bad for him if he hadn't killed some other little girl earlier, so you know what, so fucking, so fucking good riddance. But what a strange time for Chikotilo, not only does he not get caught for brutal murder, murder, but someone else does get caught and is then executed, so he's never even going to be investigated for it again This had to have fueled his intellectual superiority complex greatly, you know, he's like he's probably feels like he's out smart of the system Communism, you know Plays into this you know false conviction. Please had to appear good at their jobs To be considered good communist and to maintain good standing in the Communist Party and to be a good homicide investigator
Starting point is 00:52:23 Well, you have to catch murderers. And then to be a good judge, you know, you got to convict them. You got to produce results. You got to reaffirm that the Communist system works. So probably a lot of innocent people are convicted of shit. Despite literally getting away with murder, it'll be several years before Chickatill kills again. In the fact that he was investigated at all does scare him and keeps him from killing, you
Starting point is 00:52:41 know, for a little while. In 1991, he's also dismissed from another teaching position, rather than fire him from killing for a little while. In 1991, he's also dismissed from another teaching position, rather than firing him from technical school, 33, the place where years earlier, student woke up to find a dick in his, under his mouth. Sure, there was a whole other host of nefarious and lectures, he committed a school
Starting point is 00:52:59 waiting for budget cutbacks, so that they could then ask him to voluntarily step down. Communism again, keeping them from firing him and risking being seen as somehow culpable in his predatory actions, somehow being associated. So, rather than get another teaching position, Chikotilo decides to switch careers and takes a job as an industrial supply clerk. I don't know, maybe we just sick of, you know, teachers and students, you know, just not appreciating its eccentric sense of humor.
Starting point is 00:53:20 You know, it's so tired of no one wants to joke around this school. No one likes grabbing boobies on field trip joke. You know, no one likes to joke it off behind students back joke or putting sleeping boy dick and mouth jokes. That's my best joke. That's my best material. Well, maybe the fact that you guys know how to get around, you know, more better. Well, it turns out his new job would lead to a lot of murders for his supply clerk position.
Starting point is 00:53:41 He was required to travel around the country, talk with various other factories, get needed supplies, bring them back for his company and his factory. He traveled alone, being alone in new cities. We're now in Newham, and we're police wouldn't know to look for him, was a killing opportunity, this piece of shit just couldn't resist. And on September 3rd, 1931, Chickatilo struck again, and then nearby industrial and crime riddled city
Starting point is 00:54:02 over Rostov, Rostov Nadanyu, the largest city in southern Russia with over a million people. It was on this day that the 44-year-old Chikotilo met a 17-year-old girl named Larisa Takchenko. He never said what he did. He convinced the girl to accompany him from a train station to his included area.
Starting point is 00:54:17 Maybe the promise of food, alcohol, money, whatever it was. She willingly followed him into some woods near what was called a relaxation station, which sounds basically like a strip mall. And when they lay down the ground for what I'm guessing, she used to be sick, he starts getting rough with her, pins her arms, and she starts screaming. So he grabs handfuls of dirt and just pushes them into her mouth. Then he starts hitting her in the head and starts choking her, eventually ejaculated
Starting point is 00:54:36 under her body, his pants are off. She dies, you know, and then this fucking demon after she's had bites one of her nipples off, then this real life monster, I'm not making this up, starts whooping and running around her, like in little circles and some kind of joy-filled death celebratory dance, seriously. He's naked from the waist down, chewing on a nipple, literally dancing on her dead,
Starting point is 00:54:59 mutilated body, blood undoubtedly on his face, he's in an area secluded enough, I guess to let him feel comfortable doing this shit and he fucking celebrated like he was doing a goddamn touchdown dance. And sadly, no Russian wolf emerged from the force and bit his sad limp dick off. No bear descended from the trees
Starting point is 00:55:14 and mulled off his worthless face. When he's done celebrating, he puts his clothes back on, covers his body with some leaves, hit her torn, cloded under some brush and just called me walked away, rationalized what he had done. You know, I rationalize like, well, if she didn't want that to happen, then she shouldn't have walked off in the woods with all her might. She's woman of lucid morals, she bring it on herself.
Starting point is 00:55:33 And he'd use this type of rationalization for future killings. He wasn't a disgusting monster who deserved to be tortured to death. No, no, not him, not him. He's a good guy. He's a human exterminator, getting rid of undesirables for the glory of Russia. It keeps Russia strong by eliminate the weak members. Amazing what human beings can rationalize, isn't it? Okay, we'll have to lane low for nine months. Chikotilo would strike again on June 12, 1982, 13 year old Le-Uba Burak had been sent to the store by her mom in a little village of Donkkoye
Starting point is 00:56:01 Pusulik. And instead of taking the bus home as a plan, she decided to walk and Chicatilo happened to be walking along the same road that she was. He caught up with her, you know, start up from conversation with the girl who's 32 years younger than him. After all those years teaching him, he clearly knows that I talked to kids. I'm sure he passed himself off as some kind of father figure.
Starting point is 00:56:18 As the two walked, that's the road, took to a wooded trail alongside the road. And as soon as Chicatilo knew that no one else was around, he jumps on young Liyuba Thor clothes off tries the raper. I think you know this is not gonna work out, you know Enraged it is ongoing impotence. He pulls out a knife Trice is you know stabs our stabbing our cut sir again climaxing during a flurry of violence too close to the road to do a little victory Dance this walking pile of evil, you know
Starting point is 00:56:41 Just covered her body with dirt and leaves through her clothes and shopping bags into the woods. What about his day like nothing ever happened? And then now, now they just continue to get away with things. Chikotilo begins to ramp up his killings. By the end of 1982, he claimed six additional victims. Another Leibovolio Bevia, age 14, was killed on July 25th on one of one of these business trips. Nine-year-old Oleg would die on August 13th, Chikotilo's first male victim. 16-year-old Oleg would die just three days later. 18-year-old Arena, Cardiff Nukyolva, and 15-year-old Sergei Kuzman are killed in September
Starting point is 00:57:16 and in December, he killed 10-year-old Oleg Stalman-Chuk. Special Force investigation is formed to look into these killing, form an operation known as Leso Palusa Something looks like a lot of blue so Liso Palusa the forest path a name tag pride fucking that a name taken from the place where almost all the bodies are found at the forest
Starting point is 00:57:36 And while the police clearly knew they had a madman on their hands the public did not Very different and Russia then that it isn't like the US now. The media is rigidly controlled by the communist regime in the 80s and journalists are not allowed to report anything about this story. The police fear will cause panic amongst the public. And if the police did release all the details, it might have. Actually, I mean, the crimes were horrific. Bodies mutilated. Organes cut off, sexual organs cut off. In some cases, forensic evidence suggested victims were still alive and possibly even conscious while their stomachs were cut open while they were tortured, the killer clearly did not want them to die too quickly.
Starting point is 00:58:08 He wanted to save their last moments. And his disgusting and scary is all that is, it gets even worse. And to discuss how much worse it gets, we're going to have to go into some super scary stuff. Super, super. If Chikotilo left his signature to his kills, it was what he did with the eyes. Virtually everybody the police found had stab wounds around the eyes if the eyes weren't actually completely just carved out and removed. Police began to believe the killer believes in Old Russian's wives' tale that a person's retinas somehow retained the last image they saw before death.
Starting point is 00:58:47 And Chikotilo would admit that that was why he did it later. And these cases, you know, he was afraid that image would be, obviously Chikotilo's sexually satisfied sick fuck face. What a weird old wives' tale. Like where did that come from? I could not find after googling for a while any origin info on that wives' tale, you know, probably. Probably somebody got, you. Probably somebody got screwed over at some trial where they didn't have any actual evidence and that bullshit was thrown out.
Starting point is 00:59:10 Crazy communist Russia. Do we have fingerprints of defendants? It crimes him? No. Do we have witness to killing? No. Do we have motive? No.
Starting point is 00:59:21 Does defendants have strong alibi? Perhaps. But on victim's eyeballs is last image seen before death. And that image is defendant. Holding more than weapon we have not been able to find. That is guilty. Do I have these eyeballs for you to see image? I speak of no. No. I have been thrown in trash at the respect for family. So I need you to trust me guilty, guilty as charged based on eyeball evidence. Chikotilo was able to do whatever he wanted to do with victims because he saw them as subhuman. After being captured years later, he told the police that the victims followed me like dogs. Now it's his words to the forest. They were filthy animals who deserve what they got.
Starting point is 01:00:02 Eight more victims met their demise at the hands and knife of Chikotilo in 1983, six women between the ages of 13 and 25 and a seven year old boy named Igor Gudof, or Gudkov, on January of 1984, the body of 17 year old Natalia, Shelopininia, was found with part of her lip and nose cut off. Finger was also missing. March 27th, the body of a 10 year old boy was found. He'd been stabbed in total of 54 times, and May of 1984, 29 year old Tatiana Petserolstion,
Starting point is 01:00:30 made the mistake of challenging his manhood when he couldn't get hard for sex. This is what he claimed later. She actually had an affair, which he could tell you a few years earlier, if you could call it an affair, they tried to have sex a few times. He couldn't get it up and it ended. And he ran into each other to train station again, 1924. You know, he offered the affair again, I guess. I don't know. She must have been just fucking desperate for options, goes with him. And when Switzerland shamed Andre, saying you call yourself a real man, he took out a fucking knife out of this bag. He'd always carry around and just get a big kitchen knife and he slammed it to the side of her
Starting point is 01:00:59 head and didn't kill her though. Somehow, he didn't kill her. Now she's screaming. And then he grabbed a hammer. He also had in his bag and just smashed her fucking head in. And of course, came in his pants. Even worse, Svetlana didn't come to the forest alone with Andrei. She had brought her 10 year old daughter. And oh my God. Yeah, I'm sorry, no, Tatiana is the mom. Even worse Tatiana didn't come to the forest alone.
Starting point is 01:01:23 She brought her 10 year old daughter Svetlana. And this girl had wandered off into the forest before her mom and Jikotilo had started to fool around and then hearing her mom scream, though, she ran back to the spot where Jikotilo had just killed her mother. The spot where she now saw her mother's body also saw a buck naked and blood covered Jikotilo holding a knife, holy fuck, how terrifying would that be. And then this naked demon chases her through the woods, eventually catches her, stabbing her to death, cuts her head completely off. The police would find that, they'd find the bodies over a week later.
Starting point is 01:01:51 G.K. Taylor would kill a total of 15 people in 1984, 10 victims dying in August and September alone, now killed over 30 people total, doing his sick little kill dance around most of the bodies afterwards. Meanwhile, he's still married to Fiyina and raising his two kids, man. He's coming home after a lot of these kills, was scratched on his body, his face, blood on his clothes, he tells his wife all his wounds are from helping other workers
Starting point is 01:02:11 unload metal, other materials from supply trucks, and she believes him because she doesn't want to believe the truth. Had to know, especially after he'd been suspected for that murder years earlier, he said, these aren't work wounds, give me a break. Cheek and Teito was stabbing most of his victims between 30 and 50 times. He's learning where to stab them and not to kill them right away, prolonging their agony as long as possible. He's squatting and kneeling next to the victims
Starting point is 01:02:31 as they breathe their final breath. So we can hear and then watch the light go out of their eyes. He's a monster as scary as anything you can dream up. A real-life Michael Myers, Jigsaw, Freddie Krueger, Satan himself. He tell investigators after being captured at the crime and screaming and pleading that the victims gave him sexual satisfaction. He's also steadily developing a taste for blood and would later confess to biting and chewing
Starting point is 01:02:54 on victims genitalia. Remember the cannibalism tendencies I referenced earlier? This is what I was talking about. Chew on lips, nipples, tongues. He'd later admit to chewing on victims' uterus' and their testicles. His favorite organ in Nibblan was uterus. He would say revealing later that, you know, when he got caught, that he did not want to bite them as a quote. Not want to bite them so much as chew them. They were so beautiful and elastic. What a fucking maniac! There's no fucking limit to
Starting point is 01:03:20 this guy's sadism. No limit to the horror he was willing to commit to on people. It's just such a monster, you know, because of impotence, he couldn't, he couldn't properly rape victims, I guess like he wanted, so he's over-compensated for pure savagery. He became more and more attractive to savagery itself, to torture, you know, not even,
Starting point is 01:03:37 not necessarily sexual torture, you know, he just, he just wanted to tear these people apart. That's what gave him orgasms. That's so messed up. Ugh, chewing on fucking uterus, Jesus. Okay, so let's get back to this timeline. Let's get away from these crime details. And there's no point in going over any more of the murders in great detail.
Starting point is 01:03:54 It's just repetitive horror. Nothing else is gonna be more shocking than cutting off someone's uterus or chewing on somebody's fucking balls, you know, Jesus, crap. I don't know how you get scarier than Andre, Cheekatilo. Okay, it's a fall in 1984. The police are no closer to catching their mystery killer than they had been years earlier. He's killing people in different villages, boys, girls, women.
Starting point is 01:04:27 The victims range from poor to middle class. They range considerably in age. It's hard to identify a pattern. He just didn't fit any pattern Russian police were used to. He didn't just kill women. He just didn't kill men. He just didn't kill people, kids. He didn't have a criminal record.
Starting point is 01:04:39 He was a communist and good standing. He was a husband and a father. He had a college degree. He's just not on the radar. Despite his previous brushes with the law despite the stuff he did at the school Which they they don't know about and then on September 13th 1984 he fucks up. He was observed by an undercover detective attempting to lure young young woman away from a bus station or off stuff He was arrested his bag was searching inside was rope and a knife. Pretty incriminating when all the victims had been stabbed. And because of the linoleum, this is so random,
Starting point is 01:05:09 had recently gone missing at Chiquitilo's job and had disappeared under Chiquitilo's watch. And because none of his coworkers liked him because he was a fucking creep, he'd been blamed recently for stolen goods at work. And it was this charge of theft that actually allowed investigators to detain him for a longer period of time
Starting point is 01:05:24 than just circumstantial evidence, like a knife with no blood on it. So upon investigation, his shady past comes up, like how he'd been investigating for that first murder back in 1978, his physical description matches the description of men last seen with a few of the victims. A sample of his blood is taken. And then unfortunately, in this weird twist and unfortunately for future victims, his blood type just not matched the blood type of the killer that had been determined
Starting point is 01:05:46 through semen samples, you know, analysis of those samples from the crime scenes. Chicatilla was blood type A, while the semen from the crime scenes was from someone with a blood type of AB. So he based on that, he was dismissed, man. He was found guilty of the theft, the property theft from his employer.
Starting point is 01:06:02 He was sentenced to a year in prison and he was freed after a few months in December 12, 1984. This is also strange. The theft he was actually convicted for, it appears he did not commit. Who the hell knows, who took giant, two giant rolls of linoleum off a supply truck, he'd been in charge of, but I don't think it was Chicatilo. That was never his thing. And then he gets let go for the much more serious crimes of murder. He did commit because of the one and a million rare blood condition. How fucked up is this? Chikotilo happened to have an extremely rare blood disorder that causes your semen to register
Starting point is 01:06:33 as originating from a different blood type than your actual blood and saliva does. And at the time of his arrest, this arrest police did not know this condition even existed. And so because of this, instead of being executed for the murders of over 30 people, he gets three months behind bars for a separate charge and then is released upon society once again. Well, upon his release from prison, Chikotilo stopped killing for a little over half a year, which totally fucked up his sex life. Sex life has been terrible since prison. Say a dick is limpsed, it ever has been so frustrating when you feel police are watching
Starting point is 01:07:04 you. so it makes a hard to stop someone makes it hard to you know follow impulses of evil limp dick and shoot habit use into into pants pocket look I just I just cannot get over how demanding the studio is it's like he was just attracted to violence itself you know you would just come with a side of blood I didn't know that was a thing I guess Dom or had a little bit of that you know how Dom or get turned on when he was dissecting his victims afterwards, or even an animal or whatever. Man, and he didn't think himself as being an evil person.
Starting point is 01:07:34 How do you do that? Like if you're doing that kind of stuff, if you're just brutally murdering these people and you don't think of yourself as evil, what the fuck do you think evil is? Like what is worse than you? Well, in August 1st, 1985, the day I was celebrating my sister, Donna's third birthday,
Starting point is 01:07:50 and Regan's Idaho, 18-year-old Natalia, a polyphstylia, was running into the devil at a Russian train station. Chikotilo would meet a lot of victims of train stations. She was a poor and alone, and Chikotilo offered to buy her food if she agreed to have sex with them, and acted in and of itself makes you a piece of shit.
Starting point is 01:08:06 If you're willing to give a stranger food, but only if they fuck you, you're a monster. If you lure a stranger into doing that, to actually torture and kill them instead, you're the devil, you're Chicatilo. He took the towel into the words, try to have sex with her, became enrages and impotence,
Starting point is 01:08:20 then stabbed her 38 times strangled her, and her body would be found the next day by someone picking mushrooms. He killed one more victim that fall, 18-year-old Irina Goliath Yiva, and still the police had no idea who'd do all of this. They knew that the killer was between the ages of 25 and 55. They did have somebody form a psychological profile.
Starting point is 01:08:36 They knew he was tall, well-developed physically. They knew he cared a knife in a bag or briefcase. They thought he may be impotent. They knew he suffered from some sort of sexual perversion. They also knew he traveled for work, most likely met his, most of the victims of train stations. They knew his shoe size from one of the crime scenes, but they had no idea what he actually looked like, you know, other than being this white Russian dude, which is, you know, 99% of the fucking country, 25 to 55, you know, it's quite the age range. So basically, he could be any tall Russian man with a shoe size appropriate for a tall
Starting point is 01:09:04 Russian man, who may or may not be impotent. However, the task force set up to catch the butcher of Rostov did manage to solve a lot of other crimes because of this task force. Over the course of the investigation in Tick-Tick-Ti-Los murders, a half million rostov citizens will be checked, some 10% of the entire population of the region. This included 5,485 men with previous convictions, 10,000 potentially dangerous mentally ill citizens. And while doing this, they were able to clear up over 1,000 other crimes, including 95 other murders
Starting point is 01:09:34 and 245 other rapes. By 1988, chicken dealers become a grandfather. Man, I hate that so much. Wonderful people, you know, and die young all the time. And this murderous piece of shit, the sadistic monster gets to spend time with his grandkids. He's a walking reminder of the unfairness and cold and difference of the universe to our existence. His daughter, Lee D'Amelia, is now 23 married,
Starting point is 01:09:55 has a kid of her own, by all accounts, she can tell you, it was a doating grandfather, so weird how he can be a great grandpa, and then go out and savagely torture other people's grandkids to death. Apparently he's a good dad too, even helps his daughter get a job at the factories working at. He's also killed several more people by 1988, increasingly killing more boys and men than women, which further confused police. In 1987, he killed only males, two 12-year-old boys and a 16-year-old boy. In 1988, he killed
Starting point is 01:10:20 one woman in her 20s, a nine-year-old boy, and, and a 15 year old boy. 1989, he killed two girls, 16 year old, 19 year old, and three males, and eight year old and two 10 year olds. There was no evidence that any of these boys, by the way, were homosexual. Chickatilo just likely lured them into the woods with the promise of food or alcohol or just snuck up on them when they were out there, you know, alone. And my 1989, he's 53 years old, and he's given off that harmless grandpa vibe. And why the growing nitters and boys was he homosexual?
Starting point is 01:10:46 Well, while he would later claim that he never lured anyone into the woods to kill them, he'd claim that he'd lured them there for sex, then become enraged when his dick wouldn't work. Most people actually in the end didn't buy this. They think that he would just say that to try and justify his crimes. Try to blame it on his impotence.
Starting point is 01:11:03 You know, try to blame it on some kind of sex thing, but actually he knew. He knew he was gonna kill him, when he brought him out there, he wasn't gonna, he wasn't just gonna be surprised that his dick didn't work and never worked. He knew where this was going. And so, something to the sex of the victim just didn't matter to Chicatilo
Starting point is 01:11:18 because it really wasn't about sex. It didn't age, it didn't matter. Just the young people were easier to trick and to go into the forest with him alone than older people. You know, he wasn't really attracted to boys, girls, men, or women. He was just attracted to sadism itself. He was attracted to violence. He was attracted to power, control, torture.
Starting point is 01:11:34 You know, he was attracted to the sadistic destruction of a human being is insane as that is. Also in 1988, something that would help him get convicted later, Japanese forensic scientists discovered that it was possible, although extremely rare for someone's semen to not match up with their blood type. And this information was read in 88 by Russian investigators, but it didn't connect it in the Chikotilos prior rest at that time. 1990 would be the redrippers last year of murder,
Starting point is 01:12:03 and he'd claim the lives of eight more victims six boys between the ages of 10 and 16 to women 31 year old, you both Zuevia and his final victim 22 year olds Fethlana Korksk Who he killed in a wooded area near the Donliska's train station and on November 6th police after looking for Chikotilo For more than a decade finally get a break that would lead to his arrest. Sergeant Igor Rybakov, part of the Forest Path investigation unit was doing surveillance at the Donklusk train station, ice peels for anything unusual. And at 4 p.m., he sees a man walk out of the woods,
Starting point is 01:12:36 which that wasn't unusual. A lot of people would pick mushrooms in this area. All this mushroom picking, man, it's because they were fucking poor. Get some mushrooms for their stew, I guess. But this man wasn't dressed this mushroom picking man because they were fucking poor and get some mushrooms for their stew i guess uh... but this man wasn't dressed for mushroom picking he was wearing a gray suit uh... you know tie glasses at bag with shoulder strap his fingers also bandage there was red stain on his
Starting point is 01:12:54 cheek that you know could be blood could be berries i guess from the fourth his his clothes were covered in leaves is is boots were muddy uh... with chickatilo chickatilo leave in the spot where he just stabbed his façlana to death and then sergeant eagle robocelf walked over to chickatilo. And Chicatilo leave in the spot where he had just stabbed his Fetlana to death. And then Sergeant Ego Robocolf walked over to Chicatilo asked for his documents, but Chicatilo wasn't a suspect. So the name Chicatilo meant nothing to the Sergeant. And you know, he told the Sergeant,
Starting point is 01:13:14 he was just visiting a friend who lived nearby and Ego let him go. But then a week later on November 13th, Fetlana's body is found not far from where Chicatilo had been seen coming out of the forest on the sixth. Sergeant Ego's surveillance report from the prior week has reviewed and the report of him emerging with leaves on his clothing carrying a bag and possible blood of the cheek, you
Starting point is 01:13:31 know, is alarming. Officers do a little research into Chicatilo and his arrest from 1904 comes up as does investigation into prior killings, you know, doing further digging his, his, his, you know, the 1978 thing. His dismissal from various teaching positions come up, you know, there's reports of the doing further digging, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, want to have more evidence on him before they arrest him, more than the circumstantial stuff, even though there's a lot of it. And so for the next few days,
Starting point is 01:14:08 GKT Lewis followed investigators learned that he rides, that whenever he rides a train or takes a city bus, he's always sitting next to a young boy or girl. Like, you know, really seeks that out, really makes it a point to sit next to a kid's and engage them in conversation. He's a fucking constant predator. On November 20th, he's sitting next to a young boy in a train
Starting point is 01:14:25 and tries to persuade the young boy to go into the woods with them. And when the boy wouldn't go, and Chicatilo got off of the next stop and undercover officer asked the boy what Chicatilo had said to him. And the boy said that Chicatilo had offered him beer, told him that she'd go to his house in the woods
Starting point is 01:14:39 and watched the movies with the police that had heard enough. And they find out what Chicatilo is now and they arrest him at 3.40 pm. On November 20th, he was approached by four plane clothes, police officers, as he walked out of a cafe, quietly arrested, doesn't put up a struggle, officers handcuffed him, put him in a police squad car, and just like that, the 12 year murder spree is finally over.
Starting point is 01:14:59 Well, Chiquitilo initially denies involvement, of course. But then when they distributed search of him, it was revealed that one of his fingers had a flesh wound. The medical examiners concluded was a wound from a human bite. And that was significant because Chicatilo's second to last victim, a 16 year old boy named Victor, to Chico was physically strong youth,
Starting point is 01:15:15 who had been killed three weeks earlier on October 30th. And the crime scene revealed that, a ferocious physical struggle had gone on between the victim and his murderer. And despite his finger actually being broken and his fingernail having been bitten completely off, Cicatilo had, you know, strangely never sought medical treatment for his injuries, which obviously, you know,
Starting point is 01:15:32 seems suspicious and red flag. Also a new blood test reveals that while Cicatilo's semen was blood type A, B, his actual blood and saliva are blood type A, which matched the crimes. Initially those, but still, you know, Cicatilo wouldn't confess. And Initially those, but still, you know, Chiquitillo wouldn't confess. And their evidence was largely still circumstantial.
Starting point is 01:15:49 But then on November 29th, nine days after being arrested, after two hours of questioning by the psychiatrist who had put together the psychological profile, you know, during the investigation to find him, Chiquitillo burst into tears and finally confesses. He had initially confesses to 34 murders, also giving a detailed description of each one of them. He tells investigators he used to 34 murders, also given a detailed description of each one of them. He tells investigators he used rope to bind their hands behind their
Starting point is 01:16:08 back before he killed them. That's what the rope was for. Said he would initially stab victims lightly in the chest before making deeper wounds to the stomach. Eventually he turned into their stomach, remove organs. Over the next few days, she could see a little confesses to an additional 22 killings. The bodies of three of the 56 victims he confessed to killing couldn't be found, and so he ended up being charged with 53 murders. He was sent to the Serbsky Institute in Moscow to determine if he was mentally fit to stand trial. And after a 60-day cycle of all, it was determined that while he suffered from borderline personality disorder with sadistic features, he was fully aware of his crimes and competent to stand trial. In December of 1991, the Russian public is finally made aware of the Rostov River, police
Starting point is 01:16:49 releasing details of his crimes, and his arrest to the media. In the spring of 1992, Ticatilo's trial begins on April 14th. He charged with five counts of sexual assaults against minors. Those are those ones from his days as a teacher, which have finally come to light, in addition to the 53 counts of murder. So let's hop out of this timeline and take a second and talk about the trial. Good job, soldier. You made it back. Barely. And the trial was fucking wild.
Starting point is 01:17:23 I've, you can watch documentary footage of it online. They had shaved, Chiquitito's head in prison, like some lice protocol, and they put him in a cage for the trial, just he's in a cage, and the middle of the courtroom, he looks like a fucking demon. Like some weird, Hannibal Lecter sounds at the lamp, shit, he looks so evil. And he acted like, you know, he's fucking evil.
Starting point is 01:17:42 He's crazy, like he'd blame his limp dick for the torture and murders. At one point, he stood up in his cage and just, you know, throw his pants down and he starts like, you know, violently waving his limp dick around. Just, I'm victim. I'm cursed with this. Look at it.
Starting point is 01:17:56 Look at this, Vlad's, flashed sadness tube. What was I supposed to do? Not come, not kill lots of people? Oh, well, shit, maybe when I say it like that, that sounds bad, but you know, God, you know, you got all the family members of the victims of the trial, they understandably want to murder this twisted fuck, you know, they have to constantly be restrained by police officers from rushing in the cage and trying to, you
Starting point is 01:18:17 know, attack him and killing him, it's circus. And it ends after four months of testimony in August, and then on October 15, 1992, Chickatotilo was found guilty of 52 of the 53 council murder. That's why they couldn't just round up, you know, that last one. And he stands to death for each of the murders. And he's still alive today because Russian prison officials are still trying to figure out how you kill somebody 52 separate times. And when they do, you know, then they'll implement it. No, he files an appeal on the grounds that the psychiatrist was evaluation that found
Starting point is 01:18:44 him fit to stand trial was biased. The appeal is unsuccessful and then on February 14th, 1994, Chikotilo is killed more humanely sadly than any of the victims he killed. He is killed by a single bullet fired into the back of his head in a Russian cell. Happy Valentine's Day, motherfucker. So what the hell did we learn in this suck? Other than Chiquitillo is one of the biggest pieces of shit whoever lived.
Starting point is 01:19:12 Well, before I try and answer that, what I think, let's do what people on YouTube think about Chiquitillo was some idiots of the internet. It is the intro that, intro that, intro that, intro that. All right, one year ago, YouTube user, Stemple 11100 says under a video of courtroom footage of Chicatilo, sick, twisted fuck, one gun shot to the head was way too quick for him. Couldn't agree more.
Starting point is 01:19:42 Couldn't agree more. And then incredibly, instead of, you know, just maybe disagreeing with killing Chicatilo on some instead of, you know, just maybe disagreeing with killing Chickatilo on some kind of, you know, opposition to capital punishment angle, but you know, okay, I have to entertain, I feel like, as a, you know, rational person. User Pulaski 421 disagrees on the, Chickatilo was a good dude angle, and it doesn't seem to be kidding, saying, as Temple 11100, he should have lived. He at least did the right thing and killed children,
Starting point is 01:20:05 preventing the earth from overpopulation. Open your goddamn eyes and see beyond your religion. What the fuck? What? How can you argue that killing kids is good? You piece of shit. You're seriously gonna take a, let's kill some kids to cut down on overpopulation.
Starting point is 01:20:23 You're gonna take that angle. No, limiting breeding is how we could cure overpopulation. You moron, you don't have to go to child murder. I read this and I think, if you want to cure overpopulation through murder, why don't you just leave the way, asshole, and kill yourself. Well, as Temple 11100 is in disbelief,
Starting point is 01:20:40 I'll tell you, yeah, of course, and asks, Pulaski 421, I seriously hope you're joking. And it doesn't appear user Polaski 421 is joking. They come back with, I am being serious. The fucking humanity is overpopulated or this fucked. The humanity is overpopulated. I love these idiots. Uh, and then user in a story, uh, has the thought I had saying Polaski 421, if you're so concerned with overpopulation, why don't you do the world of favor and kill yourself? And then user Polaski 421 gets all classy
Starting point is 01:21:09 and says, I kill myself, but if you really want to kill me, you can try to crush me with your fat. What? Not sure why weight needs to be dragged into this argument and you can't see anything. You don't have no idea what Nistari looks like because that was just, okay, all right, random immature thing thrown in there.
Starting point is 01:21:24 Of course it was, he's more on. Nistari comes back with a little plea for knowledge saying, Polaski 421, invest more in your education, sound it sounds like you really need one. And things could even more childish, with Polaski 421 saying in this, say, in this case, I'm not from America or whatever shithole you are from
Starting point is 01:21:39 to know English really well. I don't even know what that means. And then these two just go back and forth for way too long. And Stari says, Polaski 421, neither am I, but you are presumptuous little child, aren't you? I made no mention of your ability to speak English, nor will I. I simply suggested that you were an idiot.
Starting point is 01:21:55 I love it. And needed to return to school. I love, okay, I just suggested you were an idiot, which I, yeah, which I totally agree with. I like the story. Well, a Polaski 421 says, look, pal, you're the idiot, sympathizing, humans, even though it's fucked.
Starting point is 01:22:10 All shit, the society teaches you. Don't act any different. Don't have a personality. Follow the trends. Be a mindless sheep using windows. Believe in God, it's the most required thing. Seriously, just think about it. There's so much nonsense in there.
Starting point is 01:22:25 So much not, using windows, like I love what you're throwing like a weird jab at Microsoft, into your weird child killing rant. What the fuck are you talking about, Polaski 421? You know, not thinking it's cool to torture and kill children is being a mindless sheep.
Starting point is 01:22:41 That's going along with the trend. Okay, well then, you know, better be a sheep and a trend going along with the trend. Okay, well then, you know, better be a sheep in a trend follower, then be an independent figure, thinker who's a 100% independent thoughts or a 100% nonsensical and evil. Just so much stupid. What this guy, like you think, see some, you know,
Starting point is 01:22:58 I do my own thing, man. I don't know what society told me what to think, you know? Society's like, hey man, don't fucking kill kids. And I'm like, whoa, whoa, wait, wait, why? I'm not gonna take your word for it. You know, this fuckhead believes yours is flat too. Please talk about the Illuminati all the time. This dumb shit.
Starting point is 01:23:14 Well, he keeps going. They keep going back and forth. The story says, Plasky 421, you are really are terrible at reading people, aren't you? If I was sympathetic to humanity, I wouldn't have asked you to kill yourself. Good point. You know, nothing about me.
Starting point is 01:23:25 If everything is fucked, why don't you just end it all now and save yourselves a frustration? Just some food for thought. You rebel. I can just hear the sarcasm in that. I love it in the story. Well, Plasky421 comes back with, you know nothing about me. You do realize everything is anonymous on internet. Why do you expect me to know everything about you?
Starting point is 01:23:41 And no, I'm not killing myself. What do I look like? An emo kid who's trying to get people to take care to care about him by cutting his wrists, shit, no. Oh, what? I love, what do you, what do you think I look like? We don't know what you look like. You dumb shit, because there's no pictures of you.
Starting point is 01:23:58 You fucking moron. And the story comes back with a Polesky 421. One, do you make a habit of assuming so much about all these anonymous people on the internet? Two, the world is doomed, overpopulation is a problem, except for blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Why do you choose to be part of the problem instead of the solution?
Starting point is 01:24:13 Polesky 421 says, do I look like someone who spies on people? No. What are you even talking about? You know this person either has no friends or their friends are equally as insane and ridiculous and stupid as they are. Again, what do you think I look like type of thought? No one can see you, dude.
Starting point is 01:24:32 Some people, it'll never cease to baff me, just how mind-numbingly dumb. Cause what baffs, I would get it if you were just, truly, I would never make fun of somebody's like truly mentally handicapped. Someone who's not intelligent enough to use computer and just kind of saying pure gibberish. But what it's crazy about, this is someone who knows how to work YouTube, set up a YouTube profile.
Starting point is 01:24:55 So they can get around a computer. That's what kills me on the internet. They can work the way around a computer, but just fucking morons, just dead inside intellectually. Oh my God. Well, Pulaski 4ons, just dead inside intellectually. Oh my God. Well, Pulaski 421, he goes on with, and I'm not gonna end my life to it because the world is fucked,
Starting point is 01:25:11 considering you have these thoughts. Why don't you do this to yourself since you're that pissed just because I said that Chiquitilla was a good guy for killing children. Your pissed just because I said Chiquotilla was a good guy for killing children. What the fuck? What the hell is wrong? Just do, just calm down. All I said was, you know, he's just cool to kill kids. How was that inflammatory? It is one of the most inflammatory statements you can make. When the story comes back with Pulaski 421, clearly you do not
Starting point is 01:25:40 understand how logic works. Yes, clearly. You feel the world is overpopulated. You are populating the world. Air go. You are part of the problem. So shut up or change your status. Can't make it simpler than that. Really. Well, Pulaski is not about to let Nistari have the last word.
Starting point is 01:25:57 Lasky 421 comes back with some real, just hard-hidden, you know, debate team shit saying, no, how about you eat shit? I ain't going to shut up. The world is fucked, I ain't changing it. Okay, interesting counter points. Made like a true moron. How about I become part of the solution? You know what?
Starting point is 01:26:17 How about you, how about you eat shit? Put another debate point on the board for Pulaski 41. Put another debate point on the board for Pulaski 41. Put another debate point on the board for an idiot of the internet. The idiot of the internet. The idiot of the internet. All right, well call me crazy, but I don't think Chikotilo was a good guy at all.
Starting point is 01:26:40 I'm not at all on board with Pulaski 41. There's no rationalizing what he did, man. You saw atrocities when you were kids, so what? All the more reason to not commit more yourself because you know more than anyone how painful they are. You dig, doesn't it work? So what? See a counselor.
Starting point is 01:26:56 What a horrible, horrible person to be able to not only kill children but to do it in such an extremely brutal fashion, also we could have the orgasm he wanted. How selfish is that? If the only way you can have a good orgasm is to torture and kill other people, I don't idea. How about you focus on something other than coming? Except it coming isn't going to be your thing. Take a build model trains. Get yourself castrated to reduce your horny, horrible monster murder thoughts. Or if you can't take not coming, kill yourself. I really advocate suicide, but if you've tortured a child to death and you're now fantasized about torturing more kids' death, you should do it.
Starting point is 01:27:26 For sure, just get rid of yourself. This is one of those cases where suicide truly is the best solution for everything. God, man, do we learn anything at all from this useful sick bastard? Yeah, I guess. I mean, I think it's another good reminder to talk to your kids, but never going anywhere with strangers. Right now for yourself, you know, trust no stranger, even if they're a teacher, even if they're like a grandpa.
Starting point is 01:27:45 Even soft spoken grandpa can kill and be monsters. It really can be anybody, so you shouldn't trust anybody you don't know. Also, we learned if you're dick isn't getting as hard as you like, man up, go see a doctor for fuck's sake. What if Chuck Cattillo could have gotten a hold of some biagra as a teen? Maybe talk to a counselor, work some shit out when he's 11 or 12. Maybe never would have killed. I don't know. Maybe it would have counselor, work some shit out when he's 11 or 12. Maybe never would have killed. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:28:05 Maybe we would have never gotten that far. Oh man. And I think we also learned it really sucked to live in Ukraine and Russia during the Soviet Union. Now let's take one more look back. Actually, let's take five more look backs on what we learned today. What's some top five takeaways? Time, suck, top five takeaways. Top 5 Takeaway Number one Ukraine was a terrible place to live between 1932 and 1945 with millions of Ukrainians starving because of Stalin
Starting point is 01:28:32 And then millions more dying because of Hitler Hitler and Stalin even harder on the Russian people than Chikotilo Number two on great Chikotilo had the strangest sexual fixation I can recall reading about he was sexually attracted to violence itself Hello had the strangest sexual fixation I can recall reading about. He was sexually attracted to violence itself. And you were worried about your fetish, turned out, you know, being into some spanking or some pinup girl costumes. Not the big of a deal, after all. Number three, if you get so horny, you need to jerk off in the woods during your lunch break.
Starting point is 01:28:57 You may not be a future serial killer like Chicatilo, but you do need to see a therapist. Jerking off is great, doing it near co-workers on your lunch break, bit of a mental illness red flag. 4. Andre Cicatilo Didn't Kill His First Victim Until He Was 42 Which means just because you haven't snapped yet, if you're younger than that doesn't mean you still can't snap. So always work on keeping your shit together, work on keeping your mind right, and never too old to let yourself get crazy. 5. Not Only Did Andre Cicatilo kill somewhere between 53 and 56 people, he also inspired even more unnecessary horrific death after he was executed. Another Russian serial killer, Alexander Pichushkin needed someone to look up to, and he chose a fellow murderer, Andre Chikotilo.
Starting point is 01:29:36 Pichushkin's goal was to outkill Chikotilo, and he did. Chikotilo killed 56 people, at most, mixed with men, women, and kids. While Pichuskin claimed a body count of 61, only three short of his goal of killing as many people as there are squares on a chess board, which is how he gets a nickname the chess board killer. Maybe a future time suck. He was captured in 2006 and is currently serving life in prison. Murderers no longer being shot down in Russia with a bullet in the back of the head after the fall of the Soviet Union. So that's a bummer.
Starting point is 01:30:07 Time suck. Top five take away. All right, special thanks to my buddy and time, sucker, Dayton Patterson for suggesting this week's topic. Also thanks to time, sucker, Haley Sidel for suggesting this topic. Quite a while back. Excited to stuck on the Amityville haunting this Friday, man. On November 13th, 1974, Ronald DeFaeo Jr. shot and killed six members of his family at 112th Ocean Avenue,
Starting point is 01:30:29 large Dutch colonial house situated in a suburban neighborhood in Amityville on the south shore of Long Island, New York. He was convicted of second-degree murder, November 1975, December 1975, George and Kathy Lutz, and their three kids move into the house and after 28 days, they get the fuck out, claiming to have been terrorized by paranormal phenomena while living there. Well, what really happened during those 28 days? Is it a bunch bullshit? Or is it some super scary stuff? Excited to find out this week. Big thanks again to Time Sucker, Superstar, Sydney Shives, for keeping track of all the email topics and doing so much more with social media
Starting point is 01:31:01 and everything else. Another big thanks to Time Suck podcast, by the way, across Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, I'm gonna get YouTube going this week. Another big thanks to TimeSuck editor, Jesse Dobner, for continuing to offer his services as a TimeSuck editor. It was great to meet him in Bellevue last night. Thanks to all you who follow the show on social media at TimeSuck podcast. Again, on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. And now coming up on YouTube. Social media now has that awesome new look. Thanks to Danger Brain, man. If you need graphic branding, design, logo, illustration, work,
Starting point is 01:31:30 go to Danger Brain. Go to thedangerbrain.com. Thedangerbrain.com, you know, work with the best. And again, thanks for all the interest in becoming a space lizard. When the time's up, the app comes out, makes me feel so fucking good. A lot of time suckers in Portland and Bellevue
Starting point is 01:31:43 asking about it, maybe feel amazing. As soon as I get an official launch date for the new app on the new website, it will be announced for sure. And thanks for the recent PayPal donations, Amazon purchases, made via time-sickpodcast.com for the store purchases of time-suck hats, teas, signbooks and CDs,
Starting point is 01:31:59 all of that helps so very much. All right, let's catch up on previous episodes and recent happenings with some time-sucker updates. ["Sucker Updates"] ["Sucker Updates"] ["Get your time, sucker updates"] Time-sucker Damian Nichols let me know how to pronounce the name of the ship I couldn't figure out
Starting point is 01:32:18 in the Amelia Earhart episode, the USS Itasca. Writing in with Master Suck, I assume the word you were struggling with is itasca. Lake Itasca is the source of a little river you may have heard of. The Mississippi located in northern Minnesota. Great episode per usual. Keep on sucking, Damien Nichols.
Starting point is 01:32:34 Will you keep on sucking, Damien? Thank you for that correction. Thanks to other people who stand in as well. Time sucker Eric Varney, others wrote in with the pronunciation update from last week from the Wonderland murders episode. John Holmes lived in Patascala, not Patascala, Ohio. Patascala.
Starting point is 01:32:51 Christian listener, cool update from Josh Powell. Josh Wapau, I love this. He says, Hey, oh master of suck. Give my props to Nimrod. I'm just a humble suck servant down here in Louisiana. I am a pastor and absolutely love your podcast. Man, that makes me feel so good.
Starting point is 01:33:04 I usually listen to it while I'm on the road, meetings are headed to the hospital to minister to folks. Man, that makes me feel so good. I usually listen to it while I'm on the road, meetings are headed to the hospital to minister to folks. Ah, that makes me feel so good. I was active in speech and debate in college, and I miss those opportunities to engage respectfully with people who see the world differently than I do. I wanna take a moment to let you know that I appreciate what you do and I pray for you.
Starting point is 01:33:18 It bums me out that you were ostracized from your church or asking too many questions. If you ever have a theological question, shoot me a message, I am always up for good discussion. I love that, Josh. Well, I do a lot of my doctoral research. I did a lot of my doctoral research on the prosperity gospel.
Starting point is 01:33:31 The folks are always hounding people for money while claiming to pass out miracles before they get arrested. And have a lot of research on the evolution of the movement and the key figures in it. That's interesting. Actually, a lot of it goes back to the mid 1800s and is pretty interesting if you ever wanted to do a podcast
Starting point is 01:33:44 and I'd be glad to pass along. research just a thought keep sucking. Oh, you keep sucking as well, Joshua Powell Man, thanks for making me a lot more tolerant. I really appreciate that really appreciate my religious listeners more and more Man, we can all get along. You don't all have to think the same things, but we can respect each other's thoughts You know, except for the super crazy shit. It's dangerous like heaven's gate and Scientology. Come on Nah, nah, nah. Now we gotta get people out of that. This final update was sent in regarding the Vegas shooting. Man, I've met several time suckers
Starting point is 01:34:11 who were there last night. I met a couple who were there, obviously still devastated by it. It's so horrible. This update is about me mentioning a future episode at some point on our nation's debate on gun control, which I will, it's gonna be a little while. I gotta really work on my thoughts.
Starting point is 01:34:24 And anyway, this is, says, dear Madame Mozel, Daniel Suckington-esque choir. First off, I'm a long-time comedy fan. I've been riding the Sucks since the beginning. Absolutely love it. Also, I'm riding this email from a phone. So please ignore any grammar and crazy auto-corrects that I miss onto the point.
Starting point is 01:34:39 I'm riding it in because during the last Suck Wonderland, you mentioned the horrible event in Vegas and a possible future time suck on the gun control debate. I caught a few mistakes and you're wording about firearms and the laws around them and notice mistakes before another episode we'll talk about firearms. Nothing too serious, but enough to drive a diehard two-way supporter and say, I write as an ex-member of the US military, love and military listeners, longtime gun owner, gun rights supporter, diehard supporter of the truth and facts around the firearms world,
Starting point is 01:35:05 hoping that you'll be sure to speak to people on both sides of the debate when you do. Absolutely, I will, absolutely, I will. And to find someone, you know, not to bias, neither direction to help with the facts will be distorted by either side. I fully support gun rights, but I know that the pro-gun people
Starting point is 01:35:19 will distort truth just as much as the anti-gun people. It's all an agenda, and both sides will distort facts to their advantage. I am a firearms enthusiast in terms of collecting, shooting, building, following the history and development of firearms, and tracking and studying the laws around them. If you would like,
Starting point is 01:35:34 I would gladly be available to answer any firearm questions you have with an unbiased factual reply and an opinion reply if you'd like. I just hate seeing misinformation, accidental or purposeful, for or against being broadcast about such a touching, important topic. I am by no means an expert,
Starting point is 01:35:49 but I do have a deeply educated view in the topic. Please feel free to contact me anytime a question arises. Always loyal agent of Nimrod, Stephen Klan. God dang it, man, that's so fucking great. You know what he says, keep on sucking. I love it, man. I just love how time suckers are, man, we conservative, liberal, all over. We just, you know, so respectful all the time.
Starting point is 01:36:07 So always offering to help. It's so amazing to me. And several other time suckers also wrote and let me know that my mistake about automatic rifles that they are actually illegal. I do want to clarify that I did actually know that when I was talking about automatic rifles, how we need to get, you know, maybe think about getting rid of those, I meant modified. I should have been more clear. I meant modified semi-autos with like the bump stocks that have been modified to act like an automatic rifle for all intent and purposes.
Starting point is 01:36:32 So that's my bad for not being more clear. And I will, man, I will, Steven. I will hopefully remember to hit you up. Sometimes I get so rushed in a moment, I forget, but I really do want to. And I want to really take some time with that. I want it to be a little, but I really do want to and I want to really take some time with that one. It'll be a little while because I really do want to present
Starting point is 01:36:47 both sides. I want to do that with every topic, man. I know that a few early on, I definitely took more of a liberal or libertarian stance on some things and I want to be a little bit better, always going forward on. I'm gonna have my opinions but also make sure that I represent those are my opinions
Starting point is 01:37:04 and represent the other side as well. That's what time's up is about, man. People come together not just, you know, not just listen to this bullshit polarized news. We're getting all the fucking time. I'm so sick of trying to divide us. You know, you got Fox News, you know, shit non-liberals constantly and you got the Huffington Post shit non-conservatives and neither one of them are doing anybody any fucking favors. You know, just pushing people further into their corners. That's bullshit, man. And this is, I want this to be a place
Starting point is 01:37:26 where we can get away from that bullshit. So thank you for those time-soccer updates. Thanks, time-soccer. I need a net. We all did. All right, have a great week, everybody. Follow us on social media, time-soc podcast on Instagram, where we had those votes for the bonus episode. And I hope you enjoyed the 1100 review
Starting point is 01:37:48 bonus episode this Friday, the Amityville Hauntie, man. Have a great week again. Hail Memorad and keep on... Second. Thank you.

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