Timesuck with Dan Cummins - 68 - John Wayne Gacy: Chicago's Serial Killing Clown

Episode Date: January 1, 2018

John Wayne Gacy aka Pogo the clown aka Patches the clown aka the Devil himself. This outgoing member of his Chicago community, this Democratic Party volunteer, high ranking member of the Jaycees, para...de organizer, and successful contractor by day was a living monster by night. He abducted, handcuffed, raped, strangled, tortured, and suffocated at least 33 young men and teen boys in the 1970s. Twenty-eight of them ended up buried beneath his home in the crawlspace. Meet the man/monster who's last words were "kiss my ass" today on Timesuck! Timesuck is also brought to you by by the socially conscious on-line fantastic mattress store LEESA! Go to www.leesa.com/timesuckto get $100 off of one of their incredible mattresses and help both the environment and the homeless while doing so! Trouble with the APP or new website? Email BitElixir! (you'll have to copy and paste - sorry) Timsuckapp@bitelixir.co Merch - https://badmagicmerch.com/ Want to try out Discord!?! https://discord.gg/tqzH89v Want to join the Cult of the Curious private Facebook Group? Go directly to Facebook and search for "Cult of the Curious" in order to locate whatever current page hasn't been put in FB Jail :) For all merch related questions: https://badmagicmerch.com/pages/contact Please rate and subscribe on iTunes and elsewhere and follow the suck on social media!! @timesuckpodcast on IG, @timesuckpodcast on Twitter, and www.facebook.com/timesuckpodcast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On the afternoon of December 21, 1978, a half dozen Chicago investigators, armed with the fresh search warrant, made their way down into the crawl space beneath the home of John Wayne Gacy, at 8213 West Somardale Avenue, in the Norwood Park neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois. Officer Daniel Gentie made his way crawling along his stomach to a spot underneath Gacy's kitchen where he saw what looked like human hairs sticking out of the ground. Shining a flood light on the area, he saw a long depression look like a dry lake bed with cracks in the yellow grade covering of a layer of lime that gase he had put over the entire surface of the dirt beneath his home. Gentie popped an entrenching tool into the ground and after two shovelfuls of dirt, he
Starting point is 00:00:38 hit some whitish bits of soap-like material. It was at a posterior flesh, body tissue that has chemically changed to a large-like substance due to rot and moisture. The crawl space smelled like a sewer. Gentiedug further and he bone, an arm bone. A definitely human arm bone. There were more hairs on this little shovel. Gentied turn towards some other officers poking their heads to crawl space access door and said, charge him. I found one. Within minutes, Gaseacy was in police custody, charged on suspicion of murder. The body, genty, had begun to uncover
Starting point is 00:01:10 was the first of what would be 28 corpses that would be removed from underneath his home. We tend to like it dark here in the suck, and it's hard to get darker than this week's Gacy. So let's go full evil. Explore the man, the murderer, the fucking children's clown that was John Wayne gacy. So let's go full evil, explore the man, the murderer, the fucking children's clown that was John Wayne Gacy today on TimeSuck.
Starting point is 00:01:42 Happy New Year, suckers 2018. It's here. Hail Nimrod. Let's make it big. Let's make it real big. I'm Dan Cummins, and this is TimeSuck. Welcome to the Cult of the Curious. Lucina clearly stearness into the New Year. Not able to suck this one in the new sucked engine,
Starting point is 00:01:57 the suck studio, the suck layer. I'm still in a Denver Colorado doing some shows, recording from a walk in closet, in the nice condo they've got for me here. I've been doing shows in comedy works, the South comedy works at landmark here in Denver, and just been overwhelmed by the amount of time suckers who came out this week.
Starting point is 00:02:13 Wow. Now I also really wanna add Denver to the list of cities. I wanna do a future live time suck in. Man, Denver came out and forced this week, appreciated so much. Even received some gifts, got a framed rest putin' newspaper clipping from 1917, puttin' that in the office and the suck dungeon for sure. And for the time suck of the gay, that's me by the way, please message me. I lost
Starting point is 00:02:34 track your name and the blur of suckers as meatin' after that Thursday show. I really appreciate that. Couple tour dates, no get right into gasey, more announcements at the end including the topic for this Friday's bonus suck and a special upcoming time suck live event in February. New one. Indianapolis, January 5th and 6th, Providence, Rhode Island, January 19th, 20th, Chikapy, Massachusetts, January 21st, Philadelphia, January 25th through 27th, Baltimore, January 28th. Sorry, that date wasn't posted at the McGubby's Comedy Club website.
Starting point is 00:03:02 It is up now. Chicago, January 31st through February 3rd, New York City, Gotham Comedy Club February 11th, more tour dates at either Dan Cummins.tv, which is being rebuilt right now, or timesockpodcast.com. Minneapolis tickets should be now on sale. They should have went on sale.
Starting point is 00:03:20 Yeah, yeah, today actually. They're supposed to be announced today, so grab those quick, seating, take a links, venue links in the episode description for all the shows I mentioned and a few I did not. More announcements at the end of the show right now is getting to TimeSuck 68, first suck in 2018, John Wayne Gacy, very, very different man than John Wayne.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Not the Duke. Uh, uh, no, this is a Polish, uh, Illinois man who was, uh, seen by a, by some, is a pillar of his community. He donated his time to cheer up sick kids, dressed as Pogo, the clown or patches of clown. He was heavily involved in the J.C.'s, uh, volunteering at numerous community events, organizing parades, contributing both time and money to the local Democratic Party, helped get to first lady, Rosalind Carter, wife of President Jimmy Carter,
Starting point is 00:04:11 come to Chicago, she's Rosalind. There's a picture of the two shaken hands. He ran several successful businesses, had a couple kids, convinced two women to marry him, dated many others. He wasn't some social outcast, not on the surface, but he was a serious social deviant, had a dark side, big one, and at least 33 young men and boys lost their lives because of that dark side. So let's, let's suck into who he was and how he became
Starting point is 00:04:34 a monster, an evil clown makeup wear monster, with a long, hard look at this sick, twisted life in a time-sub timeline. March 17, 1942. Future serial killer and arguably least funny and most evil clown ever, John Wayne Gacy, is born in the Portage Park neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois. Portage Park, aka Clown Town, is the birthplace to several of America's most famous clowns, including Sildo the Clown, host a nationally syndicated 1960s kid show, Sildo's rodeo. Until the show was pulled and then buried in 1968, following some on-area issues with alcohol. Also Donald McDonald, inspiration for the McDonald's Clown for Ronald McDonald. His name was changed to Ronald after a defamation suit brought him by Donald.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Donald was a Barnum and Bailey's master clown from 1934 to 1939 until an accident with the show's human cannonball during rehearsals Left the left side of his face partially paralyzed. He was unable to smile and the circus felt he was too scary to amuse children And then Donald McDonald died in a tragic accident involving a banana peel and an oversized rubber mallet a couple years after his forest retirement. None of that happened except for John being born in Portage Park. Still those rodeo? Come on. Sounds a little too close to Dildo. Dildo's rodeo, doesn't it? Dildo the clown. I hope some of you went along for some of that right. Anyway, Portage Park, actually an officially designated Chicago community located on the northwest side of town Name due to it being the major portage linking the desplanes and Chicago rivers and I hope I'm getting desplanes right
Starting point is 00:06:12 I thought it for sure would be like the plane but apparently You know the locals have decided to to fuck the front French pronunciation and call it desplanes according to several videos I found it Portage Park is the largest Polish community in all of Chicago, which if you've ever been to Chicago saying a lot, because that city is infested with dirty, mangy, disease-riddled Polish people,
Starting point is 00:06:37 spreading their genetically tainted and inferior lineage. Little known fact, actually uncommon for a Polish baby not to be born with several birth defects. Also, a Polish person of average human intelligence is considered a genius in the Polish community, and is sought out by other Polish people for advice as kind of an oracle or shaman. Actually, my wife is Polish, and I love to needlessly slander Polish people just to tease her. I actually love Polish culture sausage and progies. Let's do it Portage Park is heavily Polish large working class neighborhood Gacy was of primarily Polish descent. He was born on St. Patrick's data
Starting point is 00:07:16 John Wayne Gacy senior Polish machinist World War one veteran also born in Chicago a Stern hardworking Polish Catholic man who was also an abusive violent homophobic drunk piece of shit His mom was Marion Elaine Robinson So her maiden name a homemaker with an incredibly credible ability to live in total denial of her entire life basically She was happy to be married to a man who made a good living, you know He's made a nice living. He's a good provider. And who cares if he beat the shit out of her? She would refuse to think John had anything to do with any of the murders until the day he died,
Starting point is 00:07:52 or I'm sorry she died. John was their second child. John's older sister Joanne had been born two years earlier in 1940. In 1944, John Sr. and Maryins III and final child Karen is born. John Sr. would later be described by all three of his children as an unemotional man with a jekyll and hide personality. His violence could seemingly show up at a nowhere when little John was two. You know, and his sister, Karen, was only about three, three weeks old. He came home drunk one night and punched out several of Marion's teeth. Yeah, punch out his wife's teeth.
Starting point is 00:08:25 She fled into the street while two-year-old John and four-year-old Joanne screamed inside the house as their father beat their mother on the sidewalk only stopped him when police officers intervened. As a little John Jr. got older, he tried and come to his mother's defense when his dad would attack her. His father would then also beat him, calling him a sissy and a mama's boy. Yeah, Jesus Christ. What kind of sissy tries to keep their mama from taking a good punch to their face? Where are you gay? Where do you get what you
Starting point is 00:08:50 little punching on your mom? Get you weak in the knees? Yeah, Jesus Christ. John Sr. was a total piece of shit. Despite his violent temper, the kids apparently still love their dad. We're eager to please the man who wasn't warm, but at least wasn't beating the shit out of their mom when he was sober. Sad little John was really, really bad at pleasing his dad. Pretty much openly just despised his son. His dad would call him fat, lazy, stupid, all kinds of things. And mom didn't seem to be an award-winning parent either. When John was young, Mary and one's found a bag of her panties. Under the porch, where John would play. So she made him wear the, you know, wear a pair of her panties to shame him from what he'd done in his kind of front of everyone. Made him put them on in the living room and prayed around with him. You know, that's,
Starting point is 00:09:31 that's not good parenting. And then dad came home from work and then beating with leather strap. He was once beaten with leather belt by his father at the age of four for accidentally disarranging car engine components. His father had assembled a lot of stories actually about, you know, little John doing this, that in the other and then get in beat with leather strap dead love to work more with leather uh... dad was also homophobic not uncommon for a dad in the forties uh... he would tell tell a little john that he would probably grow to be queer uh... hoping that was less common
Starting point is 00:09:59 uh... his mom also would say later that if uh... case you would told his dad he was gay his dad probably killed him So, you know, maybe John senior a little more aggressively homophobic than the average 1940s father Towards the end grade school young Gacy began to suffer seizures and fainting spells He was periodically hospitalized and his pissed dad off John senior felt that his pansy son was faking it He's faking it for some attention, you know, especially when the cause of seizures and faintings was never conclusively discovered or identified. Little John was given the vague diagnosis of heart trouble and he'd occasionally, you know, suffer a bounce of chest pain, like headiness, you know, for the rest of his life. Medical problems prevented him from participating
Starting point is 00:10:38 in school sports, further cementing his status as a gay mama's boy and his dad's crew lies. 1960 John struggled through school, may or may not have been molested by a contractor a friend of his father's, who he didn't tell out of fear that his dad would blame him for it, and then he dropped out of high school. That was 1960. He dropped out during his senior year, volunteered for the local Democratic Party, which of course made his father sick to his stomach. I guess you consider the Democratic Party to be gay as well. John Jr. also volunteered at a civil defense organization that allowed
Starting point is 00:11:08 him to go to accidents like car accidents and fires and even have a flashing blue light in his car made him feel important. Volunteering in various organizations over the remainder of his adult life, which he'd be very good at, gave him a sense of approval. He just never got it home from his horrific father. Sometime between 1960 and 1962, John got tired of his dad's shit. He was still living at home and his dad had helped him buy a car, but wouldn't really let him use it like you should.
Starting point is 00:11:34 Let somebody use it if you buy it for him. You take the keys from him, you know? If he didn't approve of John's behavior, he removed the distributor cap so he couldn't, you know, the car couldn't run when John got a spare set of keys. And you know, that pissed John off his last straw. So, you know, car couldn't run when John got a spare set of keys. And you know, that pissed John off his last straw. So, you know, he took, he left Illinois and took off for Las Vegas. And he got a job with the Palm Mortuary.
Starting point is 00:11:52 And also he worked for a local ambulance service. He was, he was already a creep. After working at the funeral for about three months, he apparently freaked himself out one night when he was alone with corpses. And he climbed into the coffin that was carrying the body of a teenage boy and then he just kind of like fondled and caressed the corpse for a while and then you know the next day I guess you know he just thought about his behavior and he freaked himself out and he called his mom and asked if dad would let him come back home.
Starting point is 00:12:19 Highly doubt he gave his mom the exact reason why. What's wrong, John? Did something happen? Kaira, it's not a big deal, ma. I'm not in trouble or anything. I just, well, last night at work, I fell into one of the coffins of the bodies I've been working on.
Starting point is 00:12:33 And the next thing you know, I guess some dead 14 year old dick in my hand and how crazy is that? Total accident, of course. And here's the thing, I'm not in trouble or nothing. I just feel like the long guy stay here, the more dead dick I'm gonna end up following on, following on, you know, and touching and grabbing and putting my mouth and slamming on my butt and, you know,
Starting point is 00:12:52 so forth and, and you know, how come I am, huh? And I hate to embarrass dad if I got caught or anything, so you know, people get the wrong idea. So I figure, how about head home, you know, when you know, there's less, let, you know, let dead dick lean around for a totally straight guy, total up and up, stand up straight guy like myself to fall down and pull my mouth on and such. Back in Chicago, I don't know if that's Chicago accident, but
Starting point is 00:13:13 it's the one I'm going to stick with. Gacy May or May not have gotten some type of degree from Northwestern Business College. I'm not sold on that. The vague business degree is referenced in a lot of sources on the web. So I feel like it's worth mentioning, but I can't find any primary source that gives any real definitive info about where he attended, or I'm sorry, when he attended,
Starting point is 00:13:32 or what degree he actually obtained. So I'm gonna give it a maybe to him, probably not. He did get a job though with the Nun Bus shoe company. He was transferred to Springfield Illinois, 200 miles and about three hour drive away from Chicago. The Nun Bus shoe company still around seems to specialize based on what I found in a variety of cheap wing tips, oxfords, penny loafers worn by men primarily who have completely given up any hope of ever making a woman's vagina wet again.
Starting point is 00:13:58 Picture the shoe of a struggling insurance salesman with a comb over and a wispy mustache tipping a little gas station coffee, you know, wearing some brown polyester slacks, and you'll be picturing some nun bush shoes. While working at nun bush, selling those dope ass kicks, John has promoted to a management position, and he meets his future wife, his future first wife, Marlon Myers, a nun bush co-worker.
Starting point is 00:14:19 Man, the rare gal attracted to a shoe with a solid no nonsense tread, and the tweed-jacketed man bold enough to wear it. Well, after dating for nine months and having sweaty, awkward sex during which pasty, gasey undoubtedly left his black socks on John and Marlon Wedd in September of 1964. 1964 is a big year for gasey. He also joined the local J.C.'s chapter, aka the United States Junior Chamber, a leadership
Starting point is 00:14:47 and civic organization for people between the ages of 18 and 40 who want to develop business and management skills and perform some community service. Until 1984, it was only dudes who could join up with J.C.'s and you know Gacy loved that. An organization of only young dudes, he could spend time with, it wouldn't seem, overtly homosexual, to his homophobic father. an organization of only young dudes, he could spend time with, it wouldn't seem overtly homosexual to his homophobic father. And it was, you know, with one of these fellow J.C.'s, with whom Gacy would later recount
Starting point is 00:15:10 having his first homosexual experience. The two went out for drinks and then Gacy crashed on the guy's couch where the new colleague gave him a blowjob. You know, I doubt he told his family that either. It's time to say, how are things going in Springfield, John? Oh, good, I killed good, Ma.
Starting point is 00:15:24 The J.C.'s named, the key man, you know, quite an honor. I just asked Ma, Linda, Mary, me and business is going really swell. So a lot of shoes, a lot of wingtip with the little tassels, make a classy shoe, Ma. Don't tell dad, but I had another accident the other night, you know, I'll come to YMMA at an accident with the JC buddy, we're sitting on the couch, pounding beers, doing straight guy stuff, talking about how women are attractive, you know, how's Mendo, and you know,
Starting point is 00:15:44 next thing, you know, I kind of, I'm all over reaching for my beer, and so I'm just thinking of my mouth. It was a dangerous thing, ma. He was so drunk, he must have thought it was a woman's nipple. It's like a hot woman's nipple or something, because he started sucking on it. Don't, don't tell dad. You know, he'll probably think it's gay or something, and he had that crazy pull that head, and he who, thanks a good, ma, thanks a good, by By 1965 John was the vice president of the Springfield J.C.'s
Starting point is 00:16:08 He's named third most outstanding JC in the state. He's not fucking around Getting that JC on JC blowjob. It's probably what pushed him into the top three probably no better than top 10 without that Stranger the JC's make no mention of John in any of their literature. Huh weird in February of 1966 John and Marilyn Marlon, have their first child, Michael, shortly, uh, after moving to Waterloo, Iowa. Mm-hmm. Just before Michael's birth, John's new father-in-law gave John the business opportunity of a lifetime, he could manage three of the families, KFC franchises, in Waterloo.
Starting point is 00:16:44 All right, hot damn, making some of that that chicken money making some of that instant mashed potato dough making some of that biscuit scratch John moved to Waterloo is a mundane manufacturing and meat packing town of about 75,000 people to time set in prime Iowa corn country full of original recipe Drumstick love and Midwesterners of original recipe, drumstick love and Midwesterners. All right, and the story about John taking over management of the three restaurants, the Waterloo Courier reported the John Hilded degree in accounting and business management. Again, can't find any proof of actual degree, considering the type of braggart you'll soon realize he was, doubt it.
Starting point is 00:17:17 Doubted, but he lied to him. His father-in-law, Fred Myers, being a good businessman himself, apparently never cared for John, and tried right up until the wedding to persuade his daughter not to marry him So you know smart dude once married though and with his daughter pregnant with John's child You know you gave John a decent salary for the time 15,000 a year plus 20% of those net chicken profits Getting some of that fried chicken scratch getting some of that you know a coleslaw of Benjamin's John attended Kentucky Fried Chicken University, got to Managing.
Starting point is 00:17:47 Now I can't find any info online about an institution called Kentucky Fried Chicken University. However, it is referenced in the book I used heavily for this episode, Killer Clown, the John Wayne Gacy Murders, written by Terry Sullivan, and sorry, she's looking at John Wayne Gary this time.
Starting point is 00:18:04 I was, yeah, John Wayne Gacy Murders this time. Yeah, John Wengarry is the murder of my Terry Sullivan. The Illinois State's attorney prosecutor, who, and prosecutor, who spearheaded the investigation and arrest of John Wengarry. And so I'm gonna assume that it at least was a real place because that is fucking hilarious to me. I mean, God bless you.
Starting point is 00:18:20 If you've bettered your life by managing a KFC, but going to KFC University just sounds so incredibly sad. Just, good news, Mom. I'm going to college just like I always said I was going to. That's great. I'm so proud of you, honey. Did the University of Iowa change their mind?
Starting point is 00:18:35 I thought they turned you down. You know what? They did. They did turn me down. I don't even care. It doesn't matter now. I got into an even better school. I got one that doesn't care that I dropped out sophomore year or had a 1.2 GPA. I got into KFC University. And two weeks from now, fingers crossed.
Starting point is 00:18:50 Your son will graduate with a degree in original recipe fried chicken with the focus and drumsticks. You promised me a car if I ever graduated from college, mom, and I can't wait to drive it two weeks from now. Yeah, about that car, honey, that was, in 1967, John and Marlon had their second final child, daughter Christine. John also finally wins a little approval from his father around this time, with John senior taking him aside
Starting point is 00:19:15 and telling him the now young married young father that he was wrong about him. How would it dick? Listen, Stan, I owe you an apology. If I had known you weren want some queer little mom, it's boy, I wouldn't have beat the shit out of you with your entire childhood. And I probably would have pulled a few punches
Starting point is 00:19:30 on your mouth as well. So, you know, sorry about the hustle, I'm proud of you. Thanks, Dad. I love you. Whoa, whoa, whoa, easy there, Professor Pricypetz. I said, I was proud of you. I didn't say I wanted to put your balls in my mouth. Jesus, let's go out of the beer. Forget about how gay you just made things. Forget about how you made me's proud of you. I didn't say I wanted to put your balls in my mouth. Jesus, it's going to be a...
Starting point is 00:19:45 And forget about how gay you just made things. You know, forget about how you made me want to punch you. You got damn queer lights out for you for getting up on me right there. John continued his involvement with the J.C.'s in Waterloo, becoming friends with the local president, even getting his picture in the paper as a J.C. where he was listed as Colonel Gacy,
Starting point is 00:20:03 not to his KFC empire. You call me the Colonel, you can call me the Colonel. He also gets heavily involved in Waterloo Nightlife with his JC buddies, frequenting bars and strip clothes, becoming quite the braggart claimant, he'd laid over 100 women, highly doubtful that he has sex with 100 women, but at least he had sex with a few.
Starting point is 00:20:20 One later claimed he was strange in bed, and that he choked her when she refused to go down on him after intercourse Funny use of the word strange more like psychotic abusive John Wayne gays he started getting pretty weird with his wife offering her up sexually to his drinking buddies Tell them you know, he'd let him let him sleep with her if they gave him a blowjob And if this seems outrageous to you I was and if you're wondering how the hell would he get away with action like that? Well the more I would read about him the more this picture emerges of a guy who who just makes out landish statements under the guys of you know just you just fooling around. Hey buddy I don't really want you to blow me.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Cheesh. Cheesh. I just fooling around. You thought I was serious? Come on. I just can't get what? Can't get kid around anymore? It's just joking, yeah. These. He was that douchebag, a lot of noxious personality. I have always loved. He was a guy who was joking, you know, just joking around until you took him up on one of his jokes and then he was absolutely serious.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Gacy was also involved in the merchants patrol in Waterloo, kind of a organized neighborhood watch patrol that guarded local businesses. Basically a bunch of wannabe police officers, John was always drawn to authority figures. I always wanted to be around, you know some power and some muscle. I wanted to feel connected.
Starting point is 00:21:31 You know, you'd bring freak chicken to local police officers and firemen several times a month that gave money and freak chicken to underpervade youth around Christmas time. He really went out of his way to show everybody what a good guy was. You know, he loved being kind of like that big man on campus. You know, the unofficial mayor,
Starting point is 00:21:44 guy who knows everybody's name. He also set up a social club. This is so creepy. He set up a social club in his basement for local teen boys, too young to get into bars at the time, many of which he had met to hire them to work at one of his KFC locations. And he would charge a monthly dues. And then they could drink beer and liquor and play pool and hang out and stuff. You know. Talk about a red flag. If my son ever tells me about some dude, some grown man, who's offered to let him and his friends come over and drink beers with just, you know, just him and the basement, no other adults around, just this guy. That motherfucker's getting a visit from me. I feel like that's a guy you could beat the shit out of without fear of legal repercussion, you know.
Starting point is 00:22:23 Just head over with the baseball bat. Hey, are you the guy who offered to let a bunch of teenage boys drink with you in the basement? You are crack! Just start swinging. Go ahead, call the cops, fuckface. I go down for assault, you go down for contributing to the delinquency of numerous minors
Starting point is 00:22:37 and you get the reputation of being a dude who in all likelihood is a creepy pedophile fuck. God, that's weird. Gacy, of course, made it even creepier. They're already seems he would openly challenge the boys to a game of, if you beat me and pull, I'll give you a blowjob. You know? One of his, come on, come on, lay him up, I'm just, I'm fooling around. I'm just, I'm just joking around. He's so worked up for. You know, one of his joke, not jokes. Jesus, he also told kids that the governor of Illinois had commissioned him personally.
Starting point is 00:23:05 John had commissioned John Wayne Gasey personally to conduct sexual experiments. Some had a sexual, mostly homosexual, in the interest of scientific inquiry. Right? He even shown some of them a certificate he had printed a testing to his membership in some sort of fictitious sexual commission. He would lecture them on sexual morality explaining that homosexual thoughts were totally normal, including ones between men and boys, it's all part of life. You know, he offered up a sexualist wife again.
Starting point is 00:23:32 If that's what it took, you know, to get them to give him a blowjob first. By the way, he that constant offer, I don't think his wife was aware of that offer in any serious way, or the offer was ever taken up. I don't think anyone actually banged his wife. Uh, I don't know lawyer, but I feel like if someone does that to your kid, you can kill him.
Starting point is 00:23:47 You know, as long as you don't have a prior record, you can kill him and you're probably not gonna do much time. And again, I'm no legal expert, so you might wanna check with other sources. But I just, I feel like, you know, personally, you should be able to murder someone who tries to molest your kid. That obviously.
Starting point is 00:24:03 The ball's on this deviant. How the fuck is his wife okay with any of this? You know, I guess, you know, she's like, to murder someone who tries to molest your kid. That obviously. The balls on this deviant. How the fuck is his wife okay with any of this? I guess you know, she's like, oh, John, he just, he jokes around. He just, he jokes around. How's his father-in-law not threatened and to pull the franchises from it?
Starting point is 00:24:15 Well, the police end up intervening on the family's behalf. Somebody finally rathed his creep out. 16-year-old Edward Lynch was working for John as a KFC dishwasher in 1967 when John invites him over. You know what the basement for some beers and you know a little game of his special pool. Watch couple of pornos, you know just normal shit for a grown man to do with a teenage employee, fun guy stuff, and making him even bigger creep. He invites him over while his wife is still in the hospital after having just given birth to their
Starting point is 00:24:42 daughter. He's class act all the way around. Well, they play a few games at pool, you know, games, you know, Gacy clearly that's Edward Wind and then John gets mad when, you know, Ed won't take him up on the free blow job. You know, just come on, I'm trying to be a nice guy here and put your balls in my mouth already, you know, yeah, show some respect for your host. Even Chickatilo thought the kid was being a little rude, you know, did I mention he was in the basement? Well, there's big deal. What can we make you fuss?
Starting point is 00:25:05 You get rude about all four of penis and mouth. I get strange glance when I make joke of using soft cock of shame for pull kill. You don't want to wrestle? How we say in Russia, you real pooper of party. So upset about the blowjob refusal. Gacy grabs a carving knife from the kitchen and tells Edward to get into the bedroom and they wrestle on the bed. Finally, finally, some fun, some are oscilling.
Starting point is 00:25:30 Gacy cussed Edward on the arm, apologizes, bandages him up, and then convinces Edward to watch some porn in the basement with him. Poor Ed, man, clearly not the brightest of bulbs. When someone forces you into a bedroom with a knife and you get away, you leave. That's when you leave, always. You do not accept their apology and then just, you know, chill out and watch some porn. Oh, and real quick, for first time listeners, Chiquitillo, real historical person, another sick, serial killer, not really in Gacy's basement. A little, I guess, inside joke. The started back in time
Starting point is 00:25:57 suck 57, this past October. I just didn't want you to get hung up on what the fuck was that Russian guy doing there? Back to the action. Gacy convinces Edward to let him tie him up and Jesus. And when Gacy tries to rape and choke him, he fights back, piss himself. And then Gacy comes somewhat to a census, I guess, and drives the boy home. Maybe realizes that people know that this kid is at his house.
Starting point is 00:26:19 Well, Edward tells some of his friends what Gacy has done. One of these friends is Donald Vor Donald Voorhees, Jr. No relation to Donald McDonald. And Donald said that recently he had some weird encounters with Gacy. He said Gacy paid him $50 for some scientific sex research he was doing over the course of a few months. In the name of science, Gacy had given him a few below jobs and got him drunk. Well, these two kids, they decided to tell their parents finally. One, you know, uh, one of whom Donald Voorhees senior also, uh, no relation to Donald Donald,
Starting point is 00:26:50 is a fellow JC who's been helping Gacy run for JC president. What was Gacy thinking? molesting the kid of the guy helping you run for JC office. Dude was a fucking total psycho. Well the parents go to the police. Incredibly, no one tries to kill Gacy and Gacy ends up getting charged with Sodomy. Now, interesting legal note here. I always assumed Sodomy was only anal sex,
Starting point is 00:27:10 but legally, this is not always the case. I did some digging in an Alabama, for example. Currently, Sodomy is listed under the broader title of Deviant Sexual Intercourse. And Deviant Sexual Intercourse is sexual relations between unmarried people involving the sex organs of one person and the mouth or anus of the other. That's right, technically illegal over there, you know, to put your wing in a butter or mouth.
Starting point is 00:27:36 If you know, you're not married to the owner of the butter or mouth. Side note on the side note. I did my sawdermy research in a Denver Starbucks this week where I'm positive I was creeping out numerous other customers. It was really crowded, like really crowded. There was only one spot for me to sit when I got my coffee and it happened to be this big long table
Starting point is 00:27:54 with those people right next to me and the line of people waiting to get their coffee is directly behind me, like almost touching me behind me. And I have my computer, I have all these browser tabs open to just nothing but like John Wayne Gacy shit. Nothing but serial killer documentaries, various articles, you know, a Kindle book on John Wayne, it just tons of pictures of Gacy, you know,
Starting point is 00:28:18 I hadn't combed my hair or anything yet. They had to have thought just like, we gotta keep an eye on this guy, you know? I got another, you know, a tab open to the legality of Sodomy. Ah, anyway, shit, you learn what time it's like. Where else would you find that out? Well, while awaiting trial for Sodomy charges, Gacy tries a plan, you know, or tries paying another kid to beat up the Vorhe's kid. And then that kid gets caught and confesses that Gacy was the one who had paid him to attack Donald Jr. no relation to Donald McDonald and the police put Gacy and Jail. And then on
Starting point is 00:28:51 December 3rd 1968, Gacy is sentenced to 10 years in prison. His wife immediately files for divorce, his father-in-law immediately cuts him out of the family KFC business and Gacy would never, ever see his two young kids again. How humiliating for the father-in-law and his wife, man. You know, and Gacy's wife, you know, for the father-in-law's daughter. I don't normally advocate cutting a birth parent out of a kid's life or kids' lives, but in this case, hell yes. Gacy wasn't about to let a little incarceration stop his work with the J.C.'s.
Starting point is 00:29:20 Ah, ah, ah. Not sure how he's not banned from that organization for life now, but he runs the prison J.C.'s chapter. Christmas, he's the prison Santa Claus, he wins a sound citizen award. You know, he's a good guy. Just, you know, he's a good guy, you know, he made a mistake, he slipped when he was, you know, walking down the stairs of the basement and his mouth landed on a kid's deck. You know, it happens to the best of them, I guess. His mom, Queen of Denial, will not believe any of the charges, writes letters to the prison system asking for leniency,
Starting point is 00:29:47 early release. John Cine, his dad, his, John Cine's health starts to fail. And the family hopes, you know, he could get out and see good old paw before he dies. Poor dad has gotten so sick, he doesn't have the energy to be the shit out of his wife anymore. Well, John Jr. does not make it out in time. On Christmas day, 1969, John senior passes away from a cirrhosis of the liver. And because he had asked God for forgiveness, he's good Catholic, he went straight to heaven. Where life is perfect for him
Starting point is 00:30:15 and it'll be blissful forever. I mean, that's how it works, right? Dirt bags, get to pull a, sorry, sorry about that, in their final minute, and then all is forgiven. All of their horrible deeds, just just how you got men you know now that I'm a couple minutes or so from dying I gotta tell you I am real sorry about the whole punch in my wife's teeth out about all the weapons The constant leather weapons and the weapons on little Johnny and the whole telling me he's bad and worthless and acquired and the
Starting point is 00:30:38 Crybaby you know yada yada and And being being drunk all the time and scaring the shit out of the family and crippling all of them emotionally forever and whatnot. So you know, I just want to say my bad, you know, just do a couple of hell marries and when we're good, right? We're cool. Thanks, God. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:56 You're the fucking best. On June 18th, 1970, John is granted early release, real early, dude served only 18 months for repeatedly molesting a teenager. It was finally able to get his high school diploma in prison as well, which makes me really doubt about, you know, really doubt his earlier business degree claims. Getting out early, man, after a child's out of me charged, that shit makes me sick. When is this country gonna stop fucking around with sex offenders?
Starting point is 00:31:21 Put those motherfuckers in a dark pit, leave them there to rot. And look, I know I know what if they're innocent, what if they've been wrongly incarcerated, okay, well, can we at least throw repeat offenders into a pit, people who've been repeatedly convicted, leave them to rot. They didn't get framed twice or more, give me a break. Okay, well, per conditions of his parole,
Starting point is 00:31:41 Gacy had to go back to Chicago, live with his mom. He had a curfew, had to check in regularly with his parole officer, took a job as a short order cook, sure the waitresses loved working with him, sure he was fantastic. Uh, didn't even make it a year before getting arrested again, charged on February 12, 1971 with sexually assaulting a teenage boy, took the kid back to his house, tried to rape him, before the teen escaped, but when the teen did not appear in court, the charges were dismissed. And because police agencies didn't communicate with each other very effectively in the days before the internet, his parole officer never found out.
Starting point is 00:32:10 Too bad. A lot of lives would have been saved had he gone back to prison for many years. In October of 1971, his parole ended and Gacy was truly a free man again. Also, he convinced his mom to move to a bigger house and they moved to Norwood Park Township. An unincorporated area of Cook County just north and outside of Chicago This house located at 8213 West Somardale Avenue is where Gacy would live until his arrest in December 1978 and where he would commit all of his known murders Also in 1971 Gacy started dating Kathy Hull a woman who got into high school with him and knew John's little sister, a woman who,
Starting point is 00:32:45 you know, he dated when he was 16. She was going through divorce. John married her in July 1972, became stepdad to her two daughters. What the fuck? She had to have known about his prison time. Why are you dating as a mom, a dude with a sex offense conviction? I'm sure he convinced her is all big misunderstanding, you know?
Starting point is 00:33:02 And I'm also guessing that Kathy Hull is dumb as a rock. Sorry if you're here in this Kathy, sorry if she's a sweet lady, but come on, how desperate are you? How, you know, how low is your self-esteem when you start dating a convicted sex offender, fresh off parole, and how reckless of you to endanger your kids that way? John started, started contracting business in 1971, PDM, which stood for Polish Durbag Malester Incorporated. And people started hiring him to legally molester kids, of course not.
Starting point is 00:33:30 PDM stood for painting, decorating, and maintenance. And he started taking out jobs, and interior design, remodeling, installation, assembly, landscaping, business is going well. He got his mom to move out. So he and his wife and his kids could have the house themselves, he got his mother-in-law, who had also moved in to move out as well. And then he just went right back to surrounding himself with teenage boys just like the good old days back at
Starting point is 00:33:49 KFC. Except now it's you know hiring him to hire those kids to work with him in a pdm. Well 1972 two years out of prison the killing started. His preferred MO would become a trick he'd play on his victims over and over. He'd get a boy drunk, pull out a pair of handcuffs, and have the boy cuff gasey behind gasey's back. Then he'd uncuff himself, and he'd tell them he'd show them how to do it. He'd then handcuff their hands behind their back, and then he'd show them the key, explaining that he had it the whole time, and that was the trick.
Starting point is 00:34:16 You got to have the key. Then he'd fuck with them, horrifically. Sounds like a terrible, terrible trick. Sounds worse than the infamous Pull My Finger Far Trick. Several of the first few victims of the trick luckily lived to talk about it. He handcuffed an early teenage employee with the last name of Ed Com.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Set on the kid's stomach, choke him for a bit before he's decided to let him go. He handcuffed 16 year old Anthony Antonucci who was able to slip out of one handcuff and fight Gacy off when Gacy tried to choke him. Several other local youth would tell investigators later that when they were looking into Gacy's crime after his arrest, what he'd done to them,
Starting point is 00:34:50 you know, he'd handcuffed a bunch, chloroformed some, beaten many, told one, he'd kill him if he didn't let him perform anal intercourse on him. When he was done, he'd dare them to rat him out. He'd tell him no one would believe their story. A teen employee, he'd taken on a business trip to Florida, 1973, claimed that Gacy raped him
Starting point is 00:35:05 in the hotel room and that kid actually showed up at Gacy's Chicago House and beat the shit out of Gacy and Gacy's front yard. Reading that was literally my favorite part of researching this piece of shit. Too bad he didn't beat him to death. What made a fantastic ending to this story? Gacy told his wife and the kid was just mad that Gacy had fired him. These kids now, you know, they do a terrible job. You stick one boner in their butt, you fire them,
Starting point is 00:35:28 and they haul off in Deckus. What, what, what, what did you say, John? These kids, they don't do a good job. You fire them in Deckus. No, you said something else the first time. No, I didn't. Kids don't wanna work out these days. They think life is just one big walk in the park
Starting point is 00:35:43 where you get a free ride. No one sticks a boating your butt, you know? That's it, you just said it again. Just like he'd done in Waterloo, Gacy had ingratiate himself to the community. Give these poor kids more reason to believe that no one would think he was the monster. They'd now just seen firsthand. He'd become active in local Democratic Party politics. He'd even met First Lady, Rosalind Carter. 1978, he'd offer up his PDM employees
Starting point is 00:36:05 for Democratic party use free of charge. Reminds me of Jim Jones, man, offering his followers to political candidates in San Francisco. In 1975, he was the director of Chicago's annual Polish Constitution Day parade through his membership in a local Moose Club. He got into clowning. As if clowns didn't already have a bad name, he joined the Jolly Jokers. A clown club that performed at fundraising events, parades, children's hospitals. He came up with three characters, Pogo, the clown, patches of the clown, and Donald McDonald. Kidding about their last one, I just love seeing Donald McDonald. Sounds like Ronald's deadbeat brother. You know, Ronald's out there kicking ass, open franchise,
Starting point is 00:36:40 making that cheeseburger scratch, and old Donald's out eating stale fries out of the dumpster behind the shop. Gacy, he really did do a fair amount of clowning. And if hell is real, JWG is down there entertaining the devil and his evil clown get up. Interesting note about clowns, Gacy's clown alter egos, is it unlike the rounded makeup lines that most clowns use to kind of soften the features and look less scary. Gacy's clown characters had sharp angles that outlined the makeup around his eyes and
Starting point is 00:37:09 mouth. He's putting that evil out there for everyone to see. I bet that piece of shit creeped out so many people. I remember when he finally got caught. There was so many more of, I fucking knew something was wrong with that guy than there was of holy shit, John? Really? I'm shocked. He would also sometimes show
Starting point is 00:37:26 one of his favorite local bars, the good luck lounge, still in his makeup, have a few drinks. God, I was so scary. So many ways. I think of a scary looking clown came in and sat next to me to bar. I quickly finished my drink and take off. You know, right after getting a pick or two for Instagram. I only wonder what he'd say is a clown. You know, the, hey kids, who wants to see a trick? Who wants a little polgo to put some cuffs on you? I only wonder what he'd say as a clown, you know? He-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he-he- for no one time to die could us know we all float down here. I don't know if I was in that, you know, openly scary. That probably a bit much. Gacy's first known murder victim was 16 year old Tim McCoy.
Starting point is 00:38:16 Gacy had picked him up at a Greyhound bus terminal the night of January 2nd, 1972, and his wife was out of town. Took the kid on a site, see him tour Chicago, took him back to his house for some booze. Then he raped the kid right from that night. Woke up next morning in the kid who the kid, who didn't perform the handcuff trick on, was coming at him with a knife he'd grabbed from the kitchen. You know, I'm guessing he raped him. I'm saying that because he would say that they just had sex, but I don't think too many people come at you with kitchen butcher knife after a pleasant evening of buggery.
Starting point is 00:38:41 And if you're getting cut on the arm, Gacy wrestled a knife away from the boy, and up slitting the kid's chest, or I'm sorry, ended up sitting on the kid's chest and then stabbed him repeatedly. He later said that as he's killing him, he had a mind numbing orgasm, and he realized that death was the ultimate thrill. Man, damn, all these serial killers,
Starting point is 00:39:00 man, seem to share something similar to this moment Gacy just had. After that first kill, they're generally not repulsed. They feel more alive than ever. Like they've just been showing their purpose, like they've just been giving a hit of their new favorite drug. He cleans up the mass before his wife gets home,
Starting point is 00:39:13 buries the kid in the crawl space, but he's his house. He would end up burying all but his last several victims there. It'd be two years before John would kill again. It gets kind of scared himself a little. But January 1974, Gacy would kill a kid who would never be identified. Again, when his wife wasn't home, Gacy would claim he couldn't remember the kid's name, which may have been true.
Starting point is 00:39:32 He'd later claim to have picked up and brought home like a few hundred teens, most of whom we'd only met that night. Couldn't remember who all of them were. Some of the kids he brought back to his house, you know, he'd bring him back with the promise of just being a fun dude who wanted to give them a job and some were a team prostitute,itute somewhere. He just you know, hey man, let's go have some booze, watch them porn Other times he pretend to be a police officer and you know and order them into the car then handcuff them Almost all of them were picked up, you know late in the evening and most of his victims were killed in the middle of the night
Starting point is 00:39:58 In 1975 between all the young dudes coming over all the time and finding a bunch of gay porn in the house Gacy's wife confronts him about being gay, he confesses and they divorce and she moves out. Now he has a whole house to himself, and the frequency of his killing escalates dramatically. Sadly, neighbors could have done so much more to stop it. One neighbor would later recollect that for several years, she and her son had repeatedly been awoken by the repeated sounds of muffled screaming, shouting and loud crying in the early morning hours, which she and her son had identified as emanating from Gacy's house. Why are people so reluctant?
Starting point is 00:40:38 Do call the police in situations like that. I do not understand that. If you hear muffled screaming from a neighbor's house, call the fucking police the I do not understand that. If you hear muffled screaming from a neighbor's house, call the fucking police, the first time you hear that. Every, do, always do that. Never ignore that. I mean, what do you think's going on there
Starting point is 00:40:52 that isn't terrible when you hear muffled screaming? You know, if it turns out to be some hardcore BDSM, well, that fucking whatever. Okay, then you say, hey, sorry about that. I didn't know. And if there's still assholes about that, then fuck them, then those are shithead neighbors. Like if you're doing a much crazy BDSM shit,
Starting point is 00:41:07 and it sounds like someone's being murdered, and your neighbors call the cops, you don't have the fucking right to get all indignant about it. You fucking moron. Anyway, sorry, kind of went off of a tangent there. A month after his divorce has finalized, Gacy abducks handcuffs and strangled 18 year old Darrell
Starting point is 00:41:24 Samson April 6, 1976, and into the crawl space he goes Five weeks later only five weeks later on May 14th 15 year old Randall refit disappears while walking home from scene high school Hours after him 14 year old Samuel Stapleton vanishes as he walks home from his sister's apartment The bodies of both teams would share the same grave under Darrell's home two and one night. Lesson three weeks later on June 3rd, 1976, a 17-year-old boy by the name of Michael Bonan disappears while traveling from Chicago to a Kegan. Gacy would cough and also strangle him to death and his body would end up in the crawlspace. Ten days later on June 13th, 1976, Gacy strikes again.
Starting point is 00:42:02 16-year-old William Carroll meets the same fate. Three additional victims will be killed by August 6th. 13th, 1976, Gacy strikes again. 16-year-old William Carroll meets the same fate. Three additional victims will be killed by August 6th. He's killing a kid a week now, and they all share the same crawlspace grave. On July 26th, 1976, Gacy employs an 18-year-old named David Kram. A few years later, on the day Gacy was arrested for murder, Kram would stay the Gacy told him he'd killed 33 people. On August 21st, Kram moves into the house.
Starting point is 00:42:25 He and Gasey would have an odd relationship, to say the least. Day after moving in, Gasey got Cram drunk, pulled the old handcuff trick on Cram, and then Gasey swung Cram around, like swung around through the air, while holding the chain, linking the cuss. Gasey then told David that he intended to rape him. Cram was able to kick Gasey in the face,
Starting point is 00:42:44 and then freed himself from the handcuffs, you knowram was able to kick Gacy in the face and then freed himself from the handcuffs, you know, was able to grab the key. And then for some reason, he doesn't immediately move out, which is insane to me. I'm just guessing Gacy probably gave him the old joke around excuses, you know, just me and buddy, you really got all, you could cranked up last night. My face really hurts.
Starting point is 00:43:01 You fucking handcuffed me. You swung me around. You told me you're gonna rape me. Ah, is that what you got to bid on a safe side? Geez. I thought you knew how to take a joke since, you know, I just did a fooling man. I just fooling. That's just how I kid, buddy. That's just all in fun. You know, I didn't know you're so sensitive. Well, month later, I gave you jokes around again and appears that Kram's bedroom door in the middle of the night telling him again is gonna rape him. I was a good bit the first time, you know, so why not use it again?
Starting point is 00:43:27 He says, Dave, you really don't know who I am. Maybe it'd be good if you give me what I want." To quote, Kram has to fight him off again, resist Gacy's attempts to assault him, and then Gacy leaves the bedroom. After this incident, Kram does move out. Good call. However, he does still continue to work for Gacy over the next couple of years. Weird call. Hey, Dave, are you still hanging
Starting point is 00:43:51 around with John? Kind of. I finally moved out. I got totally fed up with the guy trying to rape me all the time. But he pays a decent wage. So, you know, we still work together. We have lunch from time to time and such. You know, he's never tried to rape me at work or lunch and nothing. So, you know, it is cool. The month after cram moves out, Gacy kills two more males who bodies would never be identified. Then on October 24th, 1976, Gacy pulls another double shift. He picks up two teenagers who were last seen outside a restaurant on Clark Street. They shared the same crawl space grave just days later, 19 year old employee, 19 year old employee of Gacy named William
Starting point is 00:44:24 Bunny would end up in a new grave under Gacy old employee of Gacy named William Bunny would end up in a new grave under Gacy's bedroom. Gacy took a vacation from constant raping and murdering in November and it was back at it in December. Another PDM employee, 17 year old Grace Gregory Godzick, disappears. His parents would call Gacy and ask him if he knew anything and Gacy told him that Greg could talk to him about wanting to run away from home. Why was he so compelled to keep killing? Was he just a bloodthirsty psychopath? Or did he have, you know, just a hard time getting a good night's sleep?
Starting point is 00:44:53 Was he just really tired and was not thinking clearly all the time? Maybe, maybe. Let's talk about today's sponsor. The first time suck of 2018 is brought to you by Lisa mattresses driven by the mission to provide a better place to sleep for everybody. Lisa is an innovative direct to consumer online mattress brand that is also socially conscious. For every 10 mattresses, Lisa sells a donate 1 to a shelter to their 110 program because they're awesome.
Starting point is 00:45:17 They're good people, seriously. They also plant one tree for every mattress sold, donate 1% of each employee's time to volunteer for local causes. Not to mention with a patented universal adaptive feel, Lisa is designed for all types of sleepers and features three premium foam layers, a 2-inch, a Vina foam top layer for cooling and breathability, a 2-inch memory foam layer, a middle layer for body contouring and pressure relief, and a 6-inch dense core support foam for durability and structure, which works for sleepers of all sizes.
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Starting point is 00:46:25 To get $100 off, when you go to L-E-E-S-A.com slash time suck. That's L-E-E-S-A.com slash time suck link in the episode description. All right. Enough socially conscious goodness. Back to that piece of shit, John Wayne Gacy. Month after the previous murder on January 20th, 1977, 19-year-old John Sick showed up at Gacy's home to sell him his Plymouth satellite. He ended up in the crawl space, and Gacy would sell his car to another youth named Michael
Starting point is 00:46:55 Rossi. By March, Gacy would claim two more victims. Then he'd take April off. Then he'd make up for it May by killing two unidentified youths on the same day again. Another double shift, two kids who would share the same crawl space grave. That spring, he'd also date a woman for a few months, get engaged and break it off in June. Gotta keep up public appearances.
Starting point is 00:47:12 Shortly after breaking it off, he cuffs, strangles, 19-year-old Matthew Bowman into the crawl space. He goes, kill another six men in 1977, one of whom, 18-year-old Robert Gilroy was the son of a Chicago police sergeant. He was also interviewed by police in 1977 about one of the disappearances he created. The kid he'd sold six cars to, Michael Rossi got arrested for stealing gasoline in the police trace to car to Gacy's house, because Michael had listed Gacy's house as his address.
Starting point is 00:47:40 He was another PDM worker who had lived with Gacy a little while, and Gacy just told the cops it sick, it sold him the car to raise some money to leave town and then that was that. Alright, well December 30th, 1977, Robert Donnelly has a brief stint in hell. This is an incident that would give investigators a little insight into how many of Gacy's victims would spend their final hours. And man, this whole episode has been dark, but this next bit is about as dark as it gets. This is truly an example of some super scary stuff.
Starting point is 00:48:17 After a few beers at a friend's house on the northwest side of Chicago, 19-year-old Robert Donnelly left a little after midnight and walked to a bus stop on December 30th 1977. Gacy pulled up, pretended to be a cop, and asked him for some identification. When Donnelly leaned in the passenger window to show Gacy his driver's license, Gacy pulled a gun on him, told him to get in. Donnelly obeyed, and Gacy cuffed him and drove him to his home, screaming at him to stay quiet whenever he tried to ask why he was being arrested. him to his home, screaming at him to stay quiet whenever he tried to ask why he was being arrested. Gacy led him, handcuffed him to his home, sat him down, and then poured himself a drink,
Starting point is 00:48:50 started babbling about how no one respected him, about how women only cared about money and a man's looks. He offered Donnelly a drink and when Donnelly refused, Gacy just dumped some liquor on his face. He told the kid he didn't want to shoot him, but he would and then his house was soundproof. He then uncuffed him, asked Donnelly to give Gacy his ID. Once the kid did, he slid the cuffs back on and told Donnelly, I should kill you now because you don't respect me either.
Starting point is 00:49:13 Once Donnelly had the cuffs back on, Gacy led him to the couch, threw him on his stomach and then pulled his pants down and raped him. Donnelly momentarily passed out from the pain, and then when he came to, Gacy led into the bathroom where he was, filling up the tub with warm water. He slipped a rope around the kid's neck, twisted it tight, then he'd slap Donnelly's head into a wall,
Starting point is 00:49:34 twist the rope even tighter, kept asking Donnelly if he was having fun, how does it feel? Where have fun, huh? Then Gacy knocked out Donnelly's legs from under him, pushed his head under the bath water, twisting the rope, and he did that until Donnelly passed out. And fuck the thoughts that would be going through your head at a moment like this, like you've just been raped, and now your head's been held under water. Donnelly comes too, he's naked, now his hands were handcuffed behind his back, he's laying
Starting point is 00:49:56 on the bathroom floor, the monster Gacy is standing above him, Gacy picks him up, enough to shove his head back under the bathwater, asking again, we're having fun, huh? He holds him under until Donnelly passes out a second time in the tub. When he woke up again, Gacy was sitting on the toilet and asked, looking for me? Big shit eating grin on his face. He was loving this pure evil, total disregard for the well-being of another human being, someone who has done nothing to him. Gacy showed him some nude photos in a penthouse magazine, asked him if he liked what he saw. Donnelly was too weak to respond so Gacy started kicking him, then through his
Starting point is 00:50:28 face underwater again until he passed out in the tub for a third time. When he woke up again, Gacy dragged him into his bedroom. We had a projector, projecting some gay porn under the wall. He told Donnelly he was just in time for the late show. Then he sat on the kids back as the kids lying on the stomach, pulls his head up by his hair so the kick could see the movie. When the film's over, Gacy wonders out loud, what fun game could we play next? You know, he sits down on the way up against a wall, tells him to play some Russian roulette, gets out of revolver, spins the chamber, points the barrel at Donnelly's head, and pulls
Starting point is 00:50:58 the trigger. Nothing. Does it again? Nothing. And again? And again? Until finally the gun goes off, and it again, nothing, and again, and again, until finally the gun goes off, and it's a blank.
Starting point is 00:51:07 Still just fucking with Donnelly, laughing the whole time big belly laughs, having the time of his life. Yeah, it's too bad that bow jangles couldn't have swept into that house at a time like that, just three-legged, one-eyed pit bull mask out of the suck profit of Nimrod, and just two gays he's fucking eyes out. Stick a rusty tin can up his ass. One that cuts his anus a little more every time he sobs in pain, unties Donnelly, lets that kid kick gasey around for as long as he fucking wants to, and then bites down into
Starting point is 00:51:34 gaseys balls, drags him into the crawl space, buries that statistic motherfucker alive, with one of the decaying corpses of his victims to keep him company. If only, if only Bojangles could do that he would. But last, Bojangles was not there to save anyone. And the cruelty of Gacy only intensifies. He tells Donnelly that he wants to kill some girls in the Shiller Park, but it wasn't, you know, wasn't fun. It was way more fun to kill guys, way more entertaining than he chokes Donnelly with his hands
Starting point is 00:52:00 until Donnelly passes out. The fifth time Donnelly had lost consciousness that evening. When Michael wakes up, he has a gag in his mouth. Gacy proceeds to punch him and then annually rape him with the dildo until he passes out from the pain of the sodomy, losing consciousness for a sixth time, that terrible evening.
Starting point is 00:52:16 When he comes to Gacy asks him, if it was fun to scream, no one can hear you. Gacy takes the gag out of his mouth, tells him not to scream, starts to rape him again with the dildo. Donnelly asks him just to get it over with and kill him. And then Gacy takes Donnelly back into the bathroom, takes a cuffs off, holds his gun at him, tells him to shower, because he looks rough. Then, you know, he keeps a gun on him, while the kid gets dressed, puts a cuffs back on,
Starting point is 00:52:37 Donnelly leads him back to the car, once in the car. He asks Donnelly how it feels knowing that he's going to die. And he just loved having that power, didn't he? That control. And then Gacy drove him downtown, it was the middle of the night at this point. And then he took the cuffs off and dropped it off in front of a Marshall's Field Store, or Marshall Field Store. And he tells Donnelly if he went to the cops to Gacy, he would find him, he would hunt him
Starting point is 00:52:55 down and find him and kill him. And then added that even if he did go to the cops, who cares? Who was going to believe him? And so Donnelly got to live. After experiencing several hours in hell, experiencing some seriously, super scary stuff. Well, Donnelly did go to the police, where he recounted what had happened to him and even gave the police Gacy's license plate number.
Starting point is 00:53:28 And then on January 6, 1978, Gacy is arrested at his home on suspicion of deviant sexual conduct. Tells investigators that everything Donnelly said was true, except that it had all been consensual. Man, just some BDSM stuff, man, just some kinky rough sex. That's all. And then an assistant estate's attorney believes him and drops the charges.
Starting point is 00:53:46 Just like Gacy had predicted, no one would believe Donnelly. A month later, on February 16th, 1978, Gacy would strike again luring 19-year-old William Kindred back to his home where he'd be the final victim to be buried under Gacy's home. Gacy wasn't done killing. He had just run out of room to bury bodies beneath his house. In March 1978, Gacy decided to commit another catch and release crime. He lured 26-year-old Jeffrey Ringnell into his car, chloroforms him, takes him back to
Starting point is 00:54:12 his home, rapes him, tortures him, with stuff like lit candles and whips, repeatedly chloroforms him, unconscious only to revive him from more rape and torture. And then he dumps him off in Lincoln Park, unconscious but still alive. He was also able to identify Gacy after he staggered to his girlfriend's house and she called the police. Gacy would be charged with battery and he would be awaiting trial for this charge later when he's arrested for murder. The constant chloroforming permanently damaged Rignol's liver. Gacy would kill five more men over the course of 1978 and tell his arrest. He dumped all five of the bodies into the desplanes river off the I-55 bridge.
Starting point is 00:54:48 The extra trouble of disposing of the bodies, not being able to just put them in his crawl space, may have slowed down the rate at which he murdered. His last victim was 15-year-old Rob Peast, and his decision to snatch Rob from a place where he knew people and to do so in mid day, you know, kind of broad daylight basically, would lead to his rest. Rob worked as playing as pharmacy and his boss, New Gacy, and had brought Gacy over to talk about a potential PDM remodel on December 11th.
Starting point is 00:55:16 Gacy made a comment about, you know, paying teens who worked for him, you know, $5 an hour, which was more than twice what the pharmacy made, said it was an earshot of, who was saving up for a car. Before Gacy left, Rob then went and spoke with Gacy, who invited him over to his house to talk about it. Rob called his mom and said that a contractor had offered him a job, and then he'd be right back.
Starting point is 00:55:36 He left the pharmacy. After his shift, told a coworker, he'd be right back, his mom was coming to pick him up, and then no one but Gacy ever saw him alive again. Peace was not the kind of kid who runs away. He was a 15 year old sophomore at Maine West High School. He was hard working, got good grades, was almost an Eagle Scout. He was an athlete training for a sophomore,
Starting point is 00:55:54 gymnastics team. He was close to his parents. And the day he went missing, his family was celebrating his mom's 46th birthday. You know, they were waiting for him that evening to blow out the candles on the cake. This is not an event this kid was gonna miss. He never done anything like that before he wasn't a street kid Wasn't a runaway and
Starting point is 00:56:10 You know and his parents, you know immediately called the police when he didn't return to the store first mom to pick him up so and you know and he tells the she tells the police that you know That Rob had told her he was speaking to a con a contractor you know through some quick questions at the pharmacy he realizes that he realized that a contractor where he'd just been there this guy named Gacy John John Wayne Gacy you know and so the police do after the after she files missing persons report they do end up talking to this you know to Gacy and he denies that he's ever met this kid which was a big red flag for local police you know and police is you know so there are suspicious now and they look into Gacy's background
Starting point is 00:56:46 and they find the battery charge, you know, from the guy he dropped off on Lincoln Park earlier, they find the sexual devancy complaint against him. I'm a little bit before that. They keep digging, they eventually find that old Sodomy charge, you know, and they served 18 months for, and they ask Gacy to come in for questioning the next day. Well, Gacy fails to show up until 2 in that morning. He was supposed to get there by 11 p.m. with the next day. Well, Gacy fails to show up until two in that morning. He was supposed to get there by 11 PM with the very latest.
Starting point is 00:57:06 He shows up with pants covered in mud, complaining about some strange undocumented car accident. They got real suspicions and put a surveillance team on him. Team on him. Turned out, he didn't show up because he still had to get rid of peace body and he got into a little car accident on the way back from dumping his body over the bridge.
Starting point is 00:57:23 The surveillance team would monitor Gacy day and night for just over a week and more of Gacy's personality would emerge. He'd alternate between telling the police officers he was going to come after them and some kind of defamation suit one minute and then the next he's inviting them into his house for drinks. Officers know that his house stinks but don't initially assume that the reason for the stink is decomposing bodies. On numerous occasions he takes officers out, buys some meals and drinks.
Starting point is 00:57:45 In one bar, he tells everybody there is bodyguards, and another, he gets mad and tells everybody that the ZFBI is harassing him. He tells them that not only did he have no idea where Rob Pist was, but that he'd actually hired a private investigator himself to find the kid. He's a good dude, trying to do the right thing. Why are they harassing him?
Starting point is 00:58:02 He'd be super buddy buddy one moment, telling the cops how much he respected police officers. And then the next he told him to get mob connections. And he knew guys that wouldn't hesitate to kill a cop if they mess with their buddy Gacy. It's like his dad, you know, it's the old juggling hide thing going on. You know, on at least two occasions when talking about his clown characters, the numerous paintings of clowns inside his house just to make victims fine-loubers that much more terrifying. We're also notified officers. He said, you know, clowns can get away with murder. He actually said that several times. Now he now he was referring at least you know outwardly to tales of his. He was telling his officers about being able to
Starting point is 00:58:35 fondle women, but being able to grow them when he's in his clown makeup. You know he's always talking about how many broads he was banging. Just classic closet homosexual speak. Still no man. baldy to actually say that. He was also telling friends that the police had nothing on him, and I think he really believed that. He was so cocky, he had gotten away with so many murders, he felt untouchable. He felt like he'd always be able to outsmart the cops. He'd always be able to outsmart the tales of some of his victims.
Starting point is 00:58:58 Meanwhile, the police had now confiscated some of his vehicles, including an oldmobile, the one he had driven, Rob Peast Home in, a police German shepherd that specialized in body, retrieval indicated that Rob had for sure been in that car. So investigators were able to obtain a search warrant and they go through Gacy's home. And during their first search, they find old IDs from missing people,
Starting point is 00:59:19 blood stains on the carpet, tons of sex toys and porn. They find books with titles like tight teenagers, pedestrian sex between men and boys. Or actually, Peter Astey. Peter Astey, I had a fucking who care. Sorry, I didn't have time to look at how that, Peter Astey, I'm pretty good to meet you, let me know how it's pronounced.
Starting point is 00:59:38 PETERASTY, it's one of those words that I just never looks right to me. And it's not a fucked up word, by the way, too, man, six between my name boys. Jesus, they find the chloroform. They couldn't link any of the blood to any actual person, though, and they couldn't find an actual body or anything related to Rob P. So despite all of that, they still didn't make an arrest. They just carried on surveillance.
Starting point is 00:59:59 Former P.D.M. employees, including Michael Rossi and David Kram were brought in in question. They talk about trenches. They had dug in the crawl space, trenches the size of graves. Huge red flag. On December 20th, feeling like the charges were going to be brought against him, Gacy confesses to his attorneys to killing between 25 and 30 people.
Starting point is 01:00:18 He still feels like his lawyers are going to be able to get him off and his life will go back to normal. He also feels like he's only killed people, society didn't care about. You know, somehow he still refuses to identify himself as being gays like he's only killed people, society didn't care about. Somehow he still refuses to identify himself as being gay. It's the victims. They're gay, and that's why I was good at your rid of him.
Starting point is 01:00:31 His old man will be proud. In reality, actually a lot of the boys and men, Gacy Rape, and killed were straight. The insane realities, man, people create for themselves. After leaving his lawyer's office on the 20th, Gacy really starts to crack up. He hands some weed over to a gas station attendant in front of a surveillance offer, telling the kid working there that these guys are gonna kill me.
Starting point is 01:00:50 He visits fellow contractor and friend Ronald Rode, hugs him, tells him, I killed 30 people, give or take a few. He visits his father's grave, you know, I guess gonna pay his last respects, visits him along with an old employee, David Kram. Tells Kram, and he told his lawyers, he killed over 30 people, Kram tells police. And then the police get a second
Starting point is 01:01:08 search warrant based on this confession to Kram, start digging in that crawl space where they'd heard about the trenches, the size of graves. And the second they find, you know, the first of nearly 30 bodies buried into the house, they arrest John Wayne Gacy and charge him with murder. And then the early hours of December 22nd, 1978, shortly after being arrested. And after police find that first body, Gacy Tells Police, he killed between 25 and 30 men, all of whom he claimed were teenager runaways or male prostitutes.
Starting point is 01:01:33 Tells them he planned to further conceal the bodies under his house by covering the whole space with concrete in early 1979. Man, good thing they never made it that far. God knows how many more people he would have killed. Confested dumping raw peace body and the display and river. Then between December 22nd and December 29th, 27 bodies are recovered from Gacy's property.
Starting point is 01:01:50 Two additional bodies are going to be found in March. When the dig is suspended due to the winter weather, sorry, I think it was like 26 and then two more. I believe it's crazy. Every source that looked at had a different number For the amount of bodies and the cross like Wikipedia'll say 26 This book will say 28 this says 27 plus 2 29 I think they ended up being 28 and then five, you know more were were buried or thrown off that bridge which brought it to 33 Okay, dental records were used to identify many of the victims buried underneath his home
Starting point is 01:02:22 Some were found with bags over their heads. They were asphyxiated, not strangled. To date, eight victims of Gacy have never been identified. On February 6, 1980, John Wayne Gacy is charged with 33 murders. Uh, yeah, yeah. And on March 12, Gacy was found guilty of 33 counts of murder. The jury took only two hours to deliberate. He was given the death penalty for the 12 murders committed after Illinois
Starting point is 01:02:47 had reinstated the death penalty in June of 1977 and his initial date of execution is set for June 2nd, 1980. In the morning of May 9th, 1994, after numerous failed appeals, Gacy is transferred from the Menard Correctional Center and Chester Illinois to the Stateville Correctional Center and Crest Hill to be executed. He was taken to the execution room late that evening for his last meal
Starting point is 01:03:09 Where he ordered a bucket of Kentucky fried chicken seriously of course he did probably brought back fond memories of employees He molested what piece of shit? He also ordered doesn't fried shrimp french fries for strawberries die coke and If I was a prison cook I'd have been seriously tempted to burn the fuck out of all of that. After being given a lethal injection, he was confirmed dead at 12.58am, May 10th, 1994, roughly 8,000 people cheered on his death outside the facility, somewhere in t-shirts that said stuff like, no tears for the clown. I really like that one, I thought that was a clever.
Starting point is 01:03:41 Gacy's final words were kiss my ass. A true scumbag piece of shit right to the bitter end. If only he could have gotten the painful drawn out death he deserved. And that takes us out of this time suck timeline. Good job, soldier. You made it back. Barely. BANG!
Starting point is 01:03:59 BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! So, John Wayne Gacy, man, what a scary, scary bastard. First thing I wondered after reading all this stuff about him was what the hell psychologically was wrong with this guy.
Starting point is 01:04:12 Well, he did try to claim an insanity defense, had some extensive psycho vows done on him. And here's what the doctors came up with, author Hartman, chief psychologist of the psychiatric institute, the Cook County, courts forensic clinic found Gacy to be, very egocentric and narcissistic with a basically anti-social exploitative orientation. One reflection of this is his development of a technique of conning or misleading others in his business or personal dealings. Harmon found Gacy's severe underlying psychosexual conflict and confusion of sexual identity very significant.
Starting point is 01:04:48 Gacy at first tried to claim multiple personalities. He didn't kill those boys, man, his alter ego, Jack Handley did. Damn, damn it, damn you, Jack! Funny that he would use the name Jack for his alter ego because Gacy hated to be called a Jagoff. I guess like more than anything, investors would call him a Jagoff if they wanted to a rise out of him, shake him up because his dad would call him a Jagoff all the time as a kid. And it just would like, you know, a huge trigger for him. Hartman did not buy his multiple personality bullshit. He felt that this was a conscious
Starting point is 01:05:16 evasive device and that no scientifically valid division in consciousness could be observed between John Gacy and Jack Hanley. Hartman's diagnostic impression of Gacy was out of a psychopathic anti-social personality with sexual deviation and hysterical personality and minor compulsive and paranoid personality elements. And Dr. Hartman felt the underlying cause of Gacy's personality was chemical. Specifically, it was the chemical, one of the chemicals found in the secret recipe of Kacy's personality was chemical. Specifically, it was the chemical, one of the chemicals found in the secret recipe of KFC's original recipe chicken. Turn Gacy from a weak mom's boy into a killer. Yeah, Gacy was actually able to sue his former father-in-law from death row, bankrupted the guy
Starting point is 01:05:56 after winning a $300 million lawsuit against his franchises and against KFC in general. And that is also why the media gave Gacy the nickname of Cockadoodle clown. That's how he got the catchphrase of finger-lican dead. And that's why he started to refer to himself in his final days as the drumstick of death. Of course, that is not true. But how insane would it be if eating too much KFC
Starting point is 01:06:18 turned you into a homosythomaniac? Would you still grab a bucket of that delicious fried chicken from time to time? Would you still grab a biscuit here and there and lather it up with some fake butter and probably real honey. Well, other doctors examined Gasey. Largely came to similar conclusions.
Starting point is 01:06:33 He was faking multiple personalities, you know. For example, one doctor felt that regarding his past heart issues and childhood fainting and seizures that there was no real physical illness of any magnitude. Dr. Believe that anxiety brought all of that on, so you know, Dad was right about Gacy, you're faking it, you little jag-off. Well, actually not why I wasn't faking it, but it was in his head, so to speak, not in his body. Another psychiatrist, Dr. Richard G. Rappapore, found Gacy to have a borderline personality organization
Starting point is 01:07:00 with the subtype of psychopathic personality and with episodes of and an underlying paranoid schizophrenia. The paranoid schizophrenic element, Rappaport concluded, was not dominant and only appeared during particularly stressful conditions. Gacy fit the following borderline personality disorder definition according to Rappaport. Intense affect such as angry eruptions in an impulsive manner, usually hostile or depressed. The depression characterized by loneliness rather than guilt or shame. A history of impulsive behavior, a lack of integrated identity or self-concept, difficulty with self-image and gender identity, superficial interpersonal and chaotic sexual relations, use of primitive ego-defense mechanisms such as splitting, projective identification, and gross denial.
Starting point is 01:07:53 Raphapore supported his diagnosis of psychopathic personality by attributing these characteristics to Gacy, on usual degree of self-reference, great need to be loved and admired, exploitative, charming on the surface, cold and ruthless underneath. Noticable absence of feeling of remorse or guilt, history of continuous and chronic anti-social behavior. Yeah, that last one works for me, man. That last one works for me after what we know about Gacy. Dude was a psychopath, no remorse, great need to be admired, right? Hence all the volunteering to be in charge of teens charming on the surface Cold and ruthless underneath
Starting point is 01:08:30 Seems to some him up for sure. I kept wondering as I look to his crimes You know would he have killed all those men and boys if his dad would have been kind loving and accepting instead of you know a Homophobic fucking drunk violent maniac and I got to say I don't think he would become a killer if he had a different dad I feel like he might have still. And I gotta say, I don't think he would've become a killer if he had a different dad. I feel like he might've still ended up being like, I don't know, we're dude with a strange interest in clowns. Might've still been like a braggart
Starting point is 01:08:55 who might've needed to tell people he's a big man around town, but maybe not even that. If his dad had loved him and not been an abuse of peace as shit, he wouldn't have needed to prove himself. It seemed like his adult life was in public, trying to be the big, hard work and well-liked ladies man that his daddy would have admired.
Starting point is 01:09:11 And then in private, you know, hating his homosexuality so much that he killed it over and over hating the part of him that maybe he felt kept his father from loving him. Interesting note is that he would never claim to hate his father, not ever. Never tried to blame his dad for anything. It's like he chose to side with his father from loving him. Interesting note is that he would never claim to hate his father, not ever. Never tried to blame his dad for anything. It's like he chose to side with his father's verdict about himself, that weak mama's boy,
Starting point is 01:09:32 kind of queers were disgusting. And he'd prove it by giving them what they wanted, what they deserved by fucking them, then killing them, because that kind of man's life didn't have value anyway. He did feel in various police interviews that he was doing society a favor. He was getting rid of undesirables. Now he really rationalized it all. It's extra messed up. Again, like what I've said before, a lot of victims were not homosexual. You know, he just projected that upon them and then killed
Starting point is 01:09:55 him for it. But that is just speculation. That's just what I think, you know? I just some armchair psychology. What does the interweb think? Let's find out with some idiots on the internet. The Internet. The Internet. The Internet. The Internet. The Internet.
Starting point is 01:10:11 The Internet. The Internet. Under a video titled John Wayne Gacy Rope Trick, a short news clip of Gacy in prison, demonstrating the type of not he uses, trying to lose victims, YouTube user Tyler Yarbal posts something equal parts adorable
Starting point is 01:10:25 in idiotic. He says, guys like him piss me off. He heard and murdered incense boys. I am 17 and it pissed me off and I am writing a paper to stop creeps like him from happening again. I love that Tyler is going to put an end to all of this, you guys, with a paper. You know, he's getting rid of it. That's gonna be some paper.
Starting point is 01:10:51 You know, everybody isn't it crazy that there hasn't been a serial killer in over a decade? That's right, not a single teen boy has gone missing either. I wonder why. Oh, you didn't hear about Tyler's paper? Now, he gave rid of all those creeps. You know, here we had law enforcement and counselors and this that and the other trying to deal with crime and crime prevention. All it actually took was Tyler, right?
Starting point is 01:11:09 The little letter asking for the creeps to knock it off. I wish we would have known that years ago. Oh, Tyler, don't ever change, buddy. Don't ever change. Under the same video, we have amateur detective and professional idiot, user, Q-Cabe, who posts, if Gacy murdered all those people, he would have kept murdering in prison because it's full of young males like the victims.
Starting point is 01:11:30 He didn't, because the truth is, Gacy had nothing to do with the murders. All of his employees had access to his house, and any one of them could have put the bodies there. The real murderer is still walking free. Wow, so much dumb here. So much dumb here, it's hard to decide what to address first. Actually, QK prison is not full of young teens. The age of many of Gacy's victims is overwhelmingly, mostly adults over the age of 18. It is not
Starting point is 01:12:00 Gacy wandering around unsupervised with a bunch of young teens. I don't know what weird movies you've been watching to make you think otherwise. And uh, Gacy, you know, he tricked his victims into wearing handcuffs before strangling them. Pretty sure he didn't get to hang out unsupervised in prison with teens and also get to have his own pair of handcuffs. Highly doubt that was the case. Oh, and Gacy confessed his crimes many times to multiple people demonstrated how he committed them that fit how the bodies were found. DNA evidence linked him to the killings.
Starting point is 01:12:32 Why, why after all of that would you still think it wasn't him? Oh, I know, because you're an idiot. Sadly, like most idiots, QK thinks he's a genius. He doubles down on his conclusion, on his dumb conclusion with another post. He never confessed, not true. And he had no idea where the bodies were, as it's proven because it took them weeks to find them. They asked him where they might have been. And he finally, after a three day sleepless interrogation, suggested places based on where he knew the supporting posts were in his house.
Starting point is 01:13:01 He was in construction after all. Uh, what? Of course he didn't just tell the police where the bodies were, uh, initially, you stupid fuck. He wasn't trying to go to prison. Who in the police starts investigating the murder when they think they might be able to get out of it just tells the police where the bodies are. You never catch me, coppers, you got nothing. Where are the bodies, Casey? The bodies? They're in my crawl space. Why do you ask? Oh, god damn it. Now, and he didn't tell them exactly where they were. Because he just is having a whole dog randomly down there
Starting point is 01:13:30 and then throwing them in there. Why would he, he's not down there hanging out of the time. You wouldn't have a perfect mental map of exactly where everybody was. It's fucking ridiculous. YouTuber, YouTube user Cory Sturner is as confused by QK as I am posting LOL. Why are you defending John Wayne fucking gays, dude?
Starting point is 01:13:47 Are you fucking serious right now? Are you related? Was he your friend? Well said, Corey, well said. And QK has an answer. He says, I have no connection to him. I just seek the truth, all caps. Which is that he did not do those murders.
Starting point is 01:14:03 Truth and all caps. That's what QKB is after. He's so much smarter than the rest of us, everybody. Time-seekers, he's so much smarter than us and he's just come to a conclusion that investigating detectives, prosecutors, jury, psychiatrist, even gaysy himself missed that someone else did it. 50% chance, at least, that QKB is a flat-erther. There's another dummy who thinks he's smarter than actual experts in whatever the hell
Starting point is 01:14:26 he's talking about, moron. Or maybe he's just a troll, I don't know. In that case, you know what, well done, thanks for the laughs. Before moving on, I do want to address this rampant web speculation that there was an accomplice or accomplices involved in some of the Gacy or all of the Gacy killings. There does not seem to be any actual credence to those claims. It does not fit Gacy's style, method of killing for one thing.
Starting point is 01:14:46 He was not a, you know, didn't work well with others, not in that way. He had employees and friends in and out of the house during that time for sure. A lot of people did have access to his home, but if anything, these were just other victims or potential victims. You know, there's a lot of tales of temporary roommates,
Starting point is 01:15:00 he tried to rape or gotten some kind of struggle with. You know, one guy would actually, one former roommate of Gacy's would tell a police he slept with his pants on. Because Gacy would sneak into his room middle night and just try to slide it in him. Yeah, some roommate. Okay, one more idiot. User Palomino Verop's post another serial killer hoax.
Starting point is 01:15:18 33, huh? Your Freemason number. Aw, for fuck's sake. So Gacy is part of the Freemason conspiracy now. This complete moron thinks that all the evidence out there about Gacy, all the interviews, the trials, the interviews with victims, families, interviews with the victims who got away, stories told by
Starting point is 01:15:35 former employees, books written by the prosecutor in a dirty, written by defense attorneys, friends, family members of Gacy, months of excavating bodies from Gacy's crawl space, in front of thousands and thousands of witnesses, all the police reports, all the officers involved, all the body identifications, all the journalists who have ever reported on Gacy's Chicago over the years, all lies, all of them, part of the Freemason agenda, to distract us with cirrhulars. So they can get busy
Starting point is 01:16:10 Freemasoning and stuff. Don't you see it? Think about it number 33 It can't be coincidence. Can it damn you Freemasons damn you illuminati you reptilian overlords Dear Palomino, please shut the fuck up get off the internet go to the library right now right now if you're listening Go to the library turn this off go to the library right now. Right now, if you're listening, go to the library. Turn this off. Go to the library. Read. Read. Read. Learn. Learn. Learn. Until you are no longer an idiot of the internet. It is an idiot from that idiot. So that's what the idiots think. Before we get to takeaways, I don't want to forget to mention that all of Gacy's evil did actually lead to something good.
Starting point is 01:16:48 Gacy's crimes inspired the Missing Child Recovery Act of 1984. Sam Amarante, one of Gacy's defense attorneys, helped champion and write the Missing Child Recovery Act. He said his primary motivation was that at the time of Gacy's murders, there was a 72-hour period, a police had to wait after a child went missing before they could investigate. His new act removed this waiting period, and then after his past Illinois,
Starting point is 01:17:10 other states adopted similar legislation, and then a national network to locate missing kids emerged, a network to develop into something called the Child Abduction Emergency, aka the Amber Alert. So, at least that jack-off Gacy's crimes led to the Amber Alert, which has saved almost
Starting point is 01:17:25 900 children, I believe, 897 since he was captured as of the most recent government statistic update this past month, November. I guess it will be past two months now, and now that you're going to be hearing this in January. Nice to know, there is at least somewhat of a silver lining to this horrible story. So let's get back now to the darkness that is Gacy. Just a few more times. Let's look back with some top five takeaways. Time to suck. Top five takeaway.
Starting point is 01:17:54 Number one, John Wayne Gacy sexually assaulted, tortured and murdered at least 33 teenage boys and young men between 1972 and 1978 in Cook County, Illinois. Number two, Gacy buried 28 of his victims in the crawl space underneath his home, and investigators could smell the stench of rotting flesh when they investigated Gacy before capturing him. Dude slept above 28 of his rotting victims. An occasionally dressed up as a clown and volunteered at children's functions during the day while these bodies laid beneath him at night.
Starting point is 01:18:25 He was the personification of evil. Number 3. Gacy spent 14 years on death row before he was executed by lethal injection at state-filled correctional center on May 10, 1994. He had KFC for his last meal, little nod to his old life when he managed three KFC franchises in Waterloo, Iowa. Number 4. Gacy's father beat him as a child mocked his masculinity
Starting point is 01:18:46 and once punched his mom's teeth out in front of him. So you know, if you're dead, maybe don't do shit like that. It's not nice, and you might end up brazing a future serial killer. Number five, new info, while in prison for murder and on death row, Gacy took up painting to pass the time.
Starting point is 01:19:01 And he created a ton of clown artwork, seriously, made a bunch of clown paintings. One was titled Pennywise the Clown, how fucked up is that? He's in prison convicted of killing boys and he creates a painting of Pennywise, the clown from Stephen King's It, known for killing children. Due to truly, did not have an ounce of remorse inside of him, did he? Also, the character of Pennywise was inspired by John Wayne Gacy, most believe. I was written by Stephen King in the early 80s shortly after Gacy was captured and his clowning would have been well known at that point by Stephen King.
Starting point is 01:19:30 So a little bit of art imitating life reimagined again as art by the life who initially inspired the art. Crazy. You can buy Gacy's artwork online if you want to. He gave it away to various admirers of his work and his original painting sell from anywhere from a few thousand dollars per piece to over ten thousand dollars fucked up and I wouldn't even mention that but it's not that's not like he's getting the money. Time suck.
Starting point is 01:19:54 Top five take away. Alright episode 68. First one of 2018 has been sucked. Time for those extra announcements before some time suck or update. First one for the first time ever. There's gonna be a live kind of space lizard gathering. It's happening in February
Starting point is 01:20:16 and it's happening in Cordelein Idaho with the sucked dungeon. It's the first ever little, many times the gathering is being called a space lizard elite private event. And for the details on how to score an invitation, follow at Secret Space Lizards on Instagram. Time sucks own event coordinator, Harmony Velakamp, some of many of you already know her, will be announcing how to win an invitation to this event, Friday, January 5th, right after this week's bonus suck episode.
Starting point is 01:20:43 It's going to be so fun. It's going to be so fun. It's going to be so fun. And again, it'll be happening in the late February. It's going to be a small exclusive event for die hard time suckers. Well, we're going to get to hang out, you know, just enjoy Jettles Company, talk about the suck. You know, there'll be some fun, little merch created just for this one time event.
Starting point is 01:20:59 It's going to have a blast. And yeah, so be sure and check out at secret space lizards on Instagram if you're interested and you know, hanging out with us. So if you don't already listen to time suck on the time suck app, you can get, uh, you can download it from both the Apple and Android app stores. You can create a username now in preparation for becoming a space lizard, a premium sucker. Now only a month away, man, ramping up this month. Show notes for each episode or currently on the app,
Starting point is 01:21:28 the app has a great podcast player. There are descriptions of many of the times that characters on the app, if you're new and wondering who the hell both jangles is, you can read his bio on the app and find out. You can write into the show directly from the app, easy link to the store and more right there on the app, easy links to sponsor deals.
Starting point is 01:21:42 Thank you again to BitElixir for building it. They tell me they are making good progress on the upcoming initial space lizard features for the app. In February, it can be added in the topic voting system, so premium listeners can pick two episodes each month. Space lizards will be able to upvote, downvote topics, determining two Monday topics per month. Two topics chosen by space lizards. The will of Nimrod will be felt. Space lizards control the fate of the suck as they control all of our lives. The app in the website will be the only places
Starting point is 01:22:12 where you can stream or download episodes of the Secret Suck. Secret Suck is a new space lizard podcast where you can send voice messages through the app through the time suck app into the show and be heard. Cause I'll be cutting those into the secret suck episodes. I'll play numerous messages each episode, answer questions, discuss prior episodes, and of course, checking with David Ike each week.
Starting point is 01:22:32 He who fears the world is being controlled by space lizards. The conspiracy theorist who's greatest fear is being monitored by a secret group of space lizards. A man who began in February actually will be monitored by a secret group of people known as space lizards. Art imitating life on the suck. I love it. When I tell people about the secret suck, I just kind of tell them to imagine the relationship
Starting point is 01:22:53 between like the talking dead and the walking dead. The secret suck is a show about a show, a show for real fans. So excited to get that going, getting the first piece of exclusive space lizard merch that only space lizards will be able to buy, develop and print it right now. We're gonna have a legit secret clubhouse. About time I had a clubhouse I want on the whole life. And you'll get all this for five bucks a month. You'll get a weekly secret suck episode, exclusive merch access, ability to vote on Monday topics, 20% discount on non-lizard merch, and you'll get a brand new stand-up album. I have
Starting point is 01:23:24 two new albums of previously unrecorded material and I recorded this past fall. Coming out in the next month, one, called Maybe I'm the Problem is currently set to debut on Pandora on January 24th. I'll have more details on that soon. I'll have a link where even non-premium Pandora users can listen to the albums tracks in order. So like, you know, like you would a regular old album. And I'll have another new album called Feel the Heat that you can only get by signing up for a premium time-suck membership
Starting point is 01:23:52 by becoming a space lizard. And you're gonna be able to sign up soon through Patreon to become a space lizard. Getting that set up, and I will share the details when I have them in advance of February, so you can get ready. And if enough of you sign up and become space losers, I will be able to continue to add more features
Starting point is 01:24:07 to the app, just keep making it cooler and cooler, really build this community of the cult of the curious. We're growing now, it's up to you. You know, I'd love to add a message board, a place for discussions to be had, and friendships to be built. I'd love to get that little dating site, I talked about so long ago down the road someday
Starting point is 01:24:22 for time suckers. And if at least 2000 space lizards sign up, that will give me the funds to continue to have a full time employee in office to record in and the money to keep building out the app. Keep updating it. I'm so excited to see where we can take this in 2018. And the more headlines I read everywhere
Starting point is 01:24:37 from the Huffington Post to Fox News, I just realized how important it is to stay curious, seek real truths, not just double down on polarizing beliefs, you know, the polarizing new sources tell us to believe in, you know, the more time suckers I meet, the more I just wanna make this community bigger and better. So that is that.
Starting point is 01:24:54 Also, time suck store is as of this moment, at least completely restocked for the first time in probably six or eight weeks. First four generations, the time suck shirt have been restocked, new hoodies and pullovers, new hail Nimrod shirt, cults the curious shirt, new lady shirts are finally in the store. Oh, in their crew neck, by the way, I ordered crew neck and then I was told they were v-neck at first, there was a little confusion, so I said to you guys, they are crew necks. So sorry about any of
Starting point is 01:25:18 that confusion and I know a lot of lady type suckers were saying that they preferred crew necks, so you know what, I listen and now you have them. And there are still VNX in the ladies' bow jangle shirts, which I love. I love that color, that turquoise, but try my best to give you guys all the cuts you want. And you know, hopefully it was, keep adding addin to it. So many exotic animal skin products now in the store. Hummingbird feather pullover, Arctic Fox tail, skin zip up hoodie, elderly stawled, starved, 251% mole skin shirts, 213%
Starting point is 01:25:45 Koala anus shirts, 100% imported unicorn scrotum shirts, shirts made from imported muskrat labia, domestic bald eagle head feathers, so much more. And thanks to Danger Brain for the new items. Man love working with those guys. Danger Brain also just killed it with the cover design for the new Pandora album. Well, at least the one that will be debuting on Pandora, maybe I'm in the problem. They're designing the new Feel the Heat album cover. Danger Brain also designed the new secret suck t-shirts. Come in the new secret suck logo. Oh, look so fucking good. Check those guys out. Danger Brain, the danger brain. Excuse me, the dangerbrain.com.
Starting point is 01:26:19 Amazing design energy you should work with. Use danger brain for any design logo projects. I know some time suckers have already started working with them. And I've seen some fantastic stuff. So very close to having all the time stuck episodes up on YouTube. If only I just wasn't so goddamn busy, uh, able to kick my new employee up to full time. No soon. So we'll we'll be get organized. We'll get it next few months. We'll get seriously organized.
Starting point is 01:26:39 I hope that's the plan. Year ago, I had roughly zero business skills. And then this show started to grow, and I've just been doing my best to keep up. Special thanks, time suckers. Jillian Silva, Damian, Saravino, are actually, Saver, Savor Gino. If I can, you guys and your names,
Starting point is 01:26:58 Saver is the first part, and then Gino. So, Savor Gino, or something like that. I talked to him on social media, sorry about that, Damien, if I fucked your name up. Aubrey, Cardi, Mandy Martin, Hannah Carpenter. There's a name that I can not fuck up, Hannah Carpenter. There's another one, John Bishop.
Starting point is 01:27:17 One syllable first name, two syllable phonetically spelled second name, okay. And anyone else I missed for suggesting today's topic, thank you. Thanks to Sidney Shive for killing it on social media, Harmony Velocamp. For all over kickass positive energy to help on social media, getting that time set gathering setup. Amazing ladies. Thanks to Jesse Dogener for the editing help on this one. Email him at jessedogeneratoutlook.com to hire him for editing. I wish I knew half as much about grammar rules as he did. Thanks to Josh Krell for his continual help. And thanks to all of you who write and listen. Spread
Starting point is 01:27:47 the word by merch, come to shows, rate the suck on iTunes and elsewhere, spread the suck and make this thing possible. This Friday, some bonus suck. There was a big vote on Instagram this past week at TimeSuck Podcast and the choices were the Secret Society of the Freemasons, Colt Leader, David Kuresh, Psychiatrist, Sigmund Freud, and here's how the votes broke down. Third place, Sigmund Freud with 134 votes, second place, David Kuresh, and the branched Davidian,
Starting point is 01:28:14 compound with 194 votes, first place in a landslide, Freemasons, 438 votes. And again, if you wanna vote in the future, follow the show on Instagram, at times like podcasts. So this Friday, noon Pacific time, we suck on the free masons. A fraternal organization that goes back, possibly to the stone masons. Or does it?
Starting point is 01:28:32 A lot of mystery about the free masons did begin in London in 1717. It did go back to biblical times earlier. What exactly do they do? Do the free masons control the fate of our very society? Of the world? Or do they sit around, have a few drinks, and shoot the shit? Or something in between? Do they have anything to do with the occult?
Starting point is 01:28:49 Or is it more of a clubhouse? A can to what we're building here with Time Suck? I'm gonna find out all I can between now and Friday. And now, Time Sucker Updates. [♪ Music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in, music playing in background, music playing in, music playing in background, music playing in, music playing in, music playing in background, music playing in, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in, music playing in background, music playing inucker by the name of Shane and Shane wrote in to let me know how much he appreciates not only this show, but the rest of you. Fellow time-suckers, the community. He writes, hey, this is Shane again, I'm the guy that's sent in about the life preparation class a few weeks back. Well, I have some news. I wasn't sure if you were aware, but there was a group, a group chat called Time Suckers United on the Line messaging app ran by your very own
Starting point is 01:29:30 Harmony Velocamp. This group chat has united me with other people that share my purpose of curiosity and learning, also a few memes here and there. And in this chat, I've found some new friends. They all go by various pun names based on your episodes. The group has over 30 members, including people like At Toasty Buns, at Flatter Tour Guide, right? At BTK, or BT Concade, Harmony, aka At Secret Space Lizard, and me at Toast Whisperer. I find it awesome that I can come home from school and find over 250 messages from these people and be able to understand everything that they're talking about.
Starting point is 01:30:02 I also like to refer to these people as the inner circle because I know some of them actually speak to you personally, which I'm totally jealous of, by the way, just thought I'd make sure you knew that you have a community of people out there and we mutually love what you do. Thanks, Master of Sucker. PS, since I sent in that message about the preparation class, the life preparation class, some kids actually started a petition against it. Oh, you're got.
Starting point is 01:30:21 I, of course, did not sign it. Mary Christmas Master of S, and Happy New Year. Hail Nimrod. Well, Hail Nimrod and Happy New Year to you, Shane, you beautiful bastard. I just, I love that you're getting so much out of speaking with fellow time suckers. That makes my heart feel so good.
Starting point is 01:30:34 I was like, hope for this little journey, and I really hope that it's just the beginning. Man, it feels nice to be part of a tribe, not based on political or religious, or non-religious beliefs, a tribe, not based on color or age or sex or sexual orientation, just based on curiosity and being, for lack of a better word, cool about life, you know?
Starting point is 01:30:51 I love it so much. To join the line, you download the line app, and then you go to at secret space lizards to get the QR code to join the group that Harmony is set up. And no, I did not know about this group. I did not know about line until I read your message. I never heard of it. I am so deep in research and creating new standup
Starting point is 01:31:08 and touring and family stuff most of the time. I can barely keep up with Instagram. My brain moves slow, too slow to keep up with the constant posting. But I love that Harmony has created this. She's so good at social media and I hope, you know, as Sydney Shives is as well with that time. So, and I hope more people join. I hope to be working with Harmony in 2018, creating a lot more community.
Starting point is 01:31:29 I see very good at that. Next update comes in from Time Sucker and Majestic Human. Chiam Schaller. Hope I said that right. Chiam writes in saying, Hill Nimrod, hey, there, King Cummins, been wanting to contact you for a while, but after listening to the Einstein episode, it seemed like the perfect opportunity.
Starting point is 01:31:44 Chiam Whitesman's first name and mine is pronounced Chiam, with a sort of throat clearing sound at the beginning. Also, Nesset is pronounced Knesset, the K is not silent. Also wanted to say that your podcast has kept me company while commuting back and forth to school a few times a week. I've been a huge fan of yours for years and I love that you do this. As a religious Jew, I love that I can disagree with some of your views and not only feel like I respect you, but that you would treat me with the same respect.
Starting point is 01:32:09 Absolutely. My parents taught me to always respect the people around me and the ways in which they choose to lead their lives. I think if we all treat each other the way that you espouse on this show, the world would be a better place. Thanks so much for keeping me curious. I've been spreading time suck around all my family and friends, including my brother who lives overseas, which gives us something to bond over. We used to listen to your stand-up pretty much on loop when
Starting point is 01:32:30 he was at home. I also hope to catch you when you come out to New York City soon. Please do. Sorry this was long winded just so thrilled to be a member of the Colt to Curious keep on sucking. Yes, I love it. I'm trying. Name it. See, I'm trying. It's a hymn. Thanks for the pronunciation, Tiff. So many language origins out there to work with. So many cultures, so many regional dialects, so much to learn. I hope you liked the Einstein episode. And yeah, you're right, man. I would respect you in your views.
Starting point is 01:32:55 I feel like I do respect others' views. As long as those views aren't like destructively ignorant, right? Such as the views discussed on the edits of the internet segments, you know, I like with religion, I respect religious views. As long as I don't feel like they're overtly harmful, which is why, you know, some forms of major religions, fundamentalism bothers me a lot. And also why Scientology, you know, disgust me, to me that is a manipulative cult, very destructive family destroying relationship destroying cult posed as religion, and I will
Starting point is 01:33:23 not endorse it. But I would still hear a Scientologist out. I wouldn't just personally attack them because they were, they happen to be a member. I just would not can respect their institution that they choose to be part of. Anyway, I am very glad that you can agree to disagree and still enjoy what I do.
Starting point is 01:33:39 The world needs more of you. Hi, I'm, it's funny. I know the throat clearing is the appropriate pronunciation. I'm trying my best, but I feel weird doing it because I feel like I'm being disrespectful somehow. Like I'm trying too hard or something, but that is price stupid. I am trying. I am trying. Okay. Totally weird update for this next one. This is from Time Sucker Tom Hansen who wrote in with the clown update from episode five, which seemed fitting, you know, because of Gacy this week. Tom says, this is probably a super old update
Starting point is 01:34:04 or such to do, but I think scientifically on time suck five, the clown one, the clowns are so scary, is the stereotype that the bigger your shoe size, you have the bigger your penis, and the bigger your car, the smaller your penis, think clown cars. So no wonder everyone is afraid of them, although this could be my sleep deprived mind at 3 a.m. Well, Tom, I think this update did come from your sleep deprived mind, but I loved it. So because clown shoes are big, we're afraid of how big their penises are. And because of how many clowns can fit inside one car, we're afraid of how small their penises are. Or do both the car and the shoes point to an unusually large penis.
Starting point is 01:34:43 I'm a little confused. Maybe the fear comes from the sheer unpredictability of clown penis size. They could be so huge or they could be so tiny. And are they painted? Is it a huge, you know, painted wing or a tiny painted wing? Does it have a little red clown note stuck to the tip? So many clown weed, wing, wing questions. Okay, last one.
Starting point is 01:35:04 Another Einstein update from sucker Thomas Fog, who understands some of Einstein's teachings way better than I do. So I thought it'd be nice to share his info. Thomas writes in, hey Dan, I am not complaining about issues with the way you did the episode or the facts in it. So I guess it's not technically an update, but I did just want to fill you in
Starting point is 01:35:20 on some of the topics related to Einstein that you have said you know little about. First and foremost, I just want to say that the unifying theory of everything is a culminating theory between quantum and astrophysics. It's something that Einstein was attempting to work on mathematically and it's what Stephen Hawking is currently working on. To simplify it, there is a way that subatomic particles, like electrons, protons, neutrons, et cetera, act that make no sense on the scale of, say, a person,
Starting point is 01:35:46 for example, they can exist in a quantum state, which to oversimplify that means that they can exist in multiple states at once. A bit, for example, is a piece of electronic information that exists in one of two binary states, either one, on or zero off. Equipment can exist in a combination of the two states, so it actually can have a value of say five, as one piece of information. And there are ways that heavenly bodies act that also don't quite work with the way us humans go through our day-to-day lives. The problem is that these worlds have very different rules, the universe exists as a paradoxical mashing of a giant place made with tiny building blocks that don't follow the same rules as individuals. I know that was a lot, yeah it was. But to sum it up simply, both big and little are complicated, but they are complicated in their own ways that are mutually exclusive to each other.
Starting point is 01:36:36 Well when it came to the math issue that Einstein carefully made with the difference between an irrational number and an imaginary number, both are actually easy to explain. An irrational number is a number that is so far from an integer value, whole numbers like 1, 2, 3, etc., that the number functionally goes on forever. Pi is a good example. An imaginary number is the square root value of a negative number. The number, usually shown in italics, an imaginary math is the value representation of the square
Starting point is 01:37:05 root of a negative one. It's like a little i. Believe it or not, imaginary numbers are used every day in electrical engineering. There were a couple of other things that you didn't know about that I can't recall right now, but the important thing is you want to know, and then it didn't distract from the episode. If anything, listen to the accomplishments of a man in a way where you yourself don't understand as a 21st century educated male with the benefit of the internet and an arguably better education system only goes to show how truly and uniquely gifted this man was who was born more than a hundred years ago.
Starting point is 01:37:34 I was as a kid, always interested in physics, especially theoretical, and my physics and AP physics teacher was a creationist who seemed more interested in finding a job rather than knowing anything about scientists or about science, excuse me. I get having teachers and having teachers be mad at you for asking questions, even for the benefit of other kids present and not necessarily yourself. I know I'm roundling, so I'll just end this long and overly complicated email shortly.
Starting point is 01:37:57 I just want you to always be curious, especially when it's the topic you have trouble grasping and to keep on sucking. I always look forward to Mondays and of course, occasionally Friday, and I look forward to becoming a space lizard. Again, from the nerd with too much time, too much free time on his hands, Thomas Fog. Well thank you Thomas. You are a wonderful nerd and I appreciate the nerd enlightenment and I'm sure there are many listeners who are able to stand more of what you said than I was. But I did,
Starting point is 01:38:20 but I did get someone and it's just good to hear that stuff. I think repeatedly and it kind of like just slowly sinks into some of our heads. So thank you for making us the rest of us a little bit smarter with that update. Thanks, time suckers. I need a net. We all did. Well, thanks for listening, everybody. Follow the suck on social media at time suck podcast on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Happy new year.
Starting point is 01:38:46 Have a great week. Listen again this Friday. You know, here about the free mason's. Don't bury anyone in your crawl space or anywhere else for that matter. Don't be an evil clown. And keep on sucking. Thank you. Oh!

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