Timesuck with Dan Cummins - BONUS 18: Aleister Crowley: The Wickedest Man in the World

Episode Date: March 9, 2018

Aleister Crowley was many things: an author, an artist, a poet, a mystic, a student, a mountaineer, a world traveler, and a notorious occultist. He shocked Victorian and post-Victorian England and the... Western World at-large with his "Satanic" ways. He was permanently banned from both Italy and France before his death. He believed in magic, real magic, and tried to conjure mythical spirits into our world. He performed bizarre "sex magick" rituals that shocked polite society. He developed the spiritual philosophy of Thelema, built on his guiding principle of "Do What Thou Wilt". Who was this dark, strange man and how was he able to leave the mark he did on Western Culture? All is revealed! The Great Beast exposed today, on Timesuck. Merch - https://badmagicmerch.com/ Want to try out Discord!?! https://discord.gg/tqzH89v Want to join the Cult of the Curious private Facebook Group? Go directly to Facebook and search for "Cult of the Curious" in order to locate whatever current page hasn't been put in FB Jail :) For all merch related questions: https://badmagicmerch.com/pages/contact Please rate and subscribe on iTunes and elsewhere and follow the suck on social media!! @timesuckpodcast on IG, @timesuckpodcast on Twitter, and www.facebook.com/timesuckpodcast Wanna be a Space Lizard"? Go here: https://www.patreon.com/timesuckpodcast Sign up through Patreon and for $5 a month you get to listen to the Secret Suck, which will drop Thursdays at Noon, PST. You'll also get 20% off of all regular Timesuck merch PLUS access to exclusive Space Lizard merch. You get to vote on two Monday topics each month via the app. And you get the download link for my new comedy album, Feel the Heat. Check the Patreon posts to find out how to download the new album and take advantage of other benefits. And, thank you for supporting the show by doing your Amazon shopping after clicking on my Amazon link at www.timesuckpodcast.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When Celia comes to his earthquake hour, the bed vibrates like kettle drums. It is a grand display of power when Celia comes. When Celia farts, my hasty nose niffs up the fragrance from her pots. Shamed are the violets and rows when Celia farts. Hey guys, that's a little ditty I put together this week. I hope you like it. I hope you love it. I worked real hard on it. No, this is one of 20th century occultist Alistair Crowley's poems. Titled as you might guess when Celia Foughts.
Starting point is 00:00:32 Not exactly the kind of poem I heard grown up in English lit class would have been a huge crowd pleaser in eighth grade, whom I could even have been a crowd pleaser between six and grade and sophomore year of college. Maybe not wildly scandalous today, but Alistair was writing poems like that at the dawn of the 20th century when he had to pen them under a pseudonym and publish them via foreign presses to avoid being arrested in Victorian era
Starting point is 00:00:54 written on obscenity charges. Alistair Crowley was an infamous satanist in the sense that he worshiped evil and wanted among other things to bring the devil himself into this world. Now, many modern satanists will dispute this label. They say he was no Satanist at all. They tend to base this thought on Anton Levei founding the Church of Satan roughly 20 years after Crowley's passing, but that's just semantics. You don't get to redefine the term Satanist and then assert that your new meaning is now the only acceptable definition of said term.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Crowley was a Satanist in the sense that he wanted to bring down Christianity. He opposed it strongly. He also didn't believe in it. He had an interesting set of beliefs. He didn't believe, but at the same time did believe in malevolent spirits and sentient beings living in other dimensions, beings that he knew Christians would refer to as demons, one demon, uh, being the equivalent of the devil, being Biel's above.
Starting point is 00:01:47 And he wanted to actually try to invoke these actual demons and bring them into our world. Who was this dark, strange man? And how is he able to leave the mark he did on Western culture? All is revealed. The great beasts exposed. And more Celia-esque, Wacadoodle poetry and writings and musings today on TimeSuck. Subtime suckers and space lizards on Dancomans aka the Prophet of Nimrat aka Suckmaster, aka the missing eye of Bojangles. And this is time suck.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Recording from a hotel room in Brea, California today, but the sound of the suck will be polished up by the Reverend Dr. Crowell and scenic Cordelay and Idaho before it hits your ear membranes. So if you do hear any little different ambiance noises, you're like, oh, it sounds a little different, well, that's why. Had to do a different location this week. Monday will be the same location. Circumstances dictate, got to record some of these on the road. Got to be on the church, what's happening now?
Starting point is 00:02:51 With Joey Coco Diaz, what an awesome time, man. Just another day. That episode is out now. And it was also a guest on the Adam Corolla show. So fun to be on two of the biggest county podcasts out there just same week. Remember listening to Adam? Many times when he was on Love Lines,
Starting point is 00:03:06 many years ago on FM Radio. If you snuck over to the suck from IZAR Show, man, thank you, thank you, thank you. I hope you stay. We have a good time. Recording an episode of the 10-Fuel Hat with Sam Tripoli later today, love that wackadoodle. He's my favorite conspiracy nut,
Starting point is 00:03:21 a lot of fun podcast in this week. Hail Memorite! More shows at Brea at the Improv this weekend and then back to my wife's hometown back in Cleveland at hilarious March 22 through the 24th You fucking get their Cleveland you show up. Salt Lake City, April 20th to the 21st Charlotte, Atlanta, Birmingham, Huntsville, Dallas, Houston and now in San Antonio all part of the 2018 flat earth tour more dates at And now in San Antonio, all part of the 2018 flat earth tour more dates at Dancomans.tv. Also hoodies and pullovers have been restocked in the store. Finally, I know this has been out for a while. Now they're back.
Starting point is 00:03:51 More secret sucks shirts are being ordered. And new stickers have been ordered. Yeah, new stickers. I'm very excited about vinyl decals being ordered. Keep the suck train moving. Now the tracks. And now, Alistair Crowley. [♪ OUTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪ Alistair Crowley would be born into wealth, really,
Starting point is 00:04:10 into a typical Victorian British Christian culture. He would come to despise. He would die virtually penniless, and basically alone in a post-Victorian world that largely despised him. He was a polarizing man. He was a poet and author and a cultist and artist, mostly a mystic. He created his own religion, Thalima,
Starting point is 00:04:32 whose guiding core principle is do what that willt. Right, do what that willt shall be the whole of the law. Love is the law, love under will. There is no law beyond do what that willt. Crowley, aka the great beast. As he himself liked to be called, became infamous for his scandalous ways. He did a lot of what that will. Crowley aka the great beast. As he himself liked to be called became infamous for his scandalous ways. He did a lot of what he willed, which involved a lot more than dirty poetry. And you know, he has name recognition today mostly via living on through pop culture.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Heavy metal pioneer Ozzy Osborne released a tribute to Alistair called Mr. Crowley in 1980 on his debut solo released Blizzard of Oz. It's made a variety of top 50 most influential metal songs of all time lists. The Beatles included Mr. Crowley alongside dozens of other influential figures on the cover. Their Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club band album. David Bowie was fascinated with Crowley. References in him in lyrics. And you can see in the way he dressed during some of his Ziggy stardust kind of era costumes. Very Crowley-esque Led Zeppelin tool. So many somewhat obscure Scandinavian
Starting point is 00:05:29 metal bands have been heavily influenced or have been obsessed or both with Alistair Crowley. He's become very influential especially after his death in kind of Western cultures, mainstream break from religion. And especially during the 60s counter-cultural revolution, His name and kind of ethos would make a resurgence. He would influence Timothy Leary, amongst others. It's part of that kind of revolution. And that's what we're looking into him today. So let's get to know this strange, strange man with a lengthy deep dive down a time-sub timeline. Edward Alexander Crowley was born at 30 Claredin Square in the Royal Lemington Spa, Warwickshire,
Starting point is 00:06:16 England on October 12th, 1875, and he was born into a life of comfort and luxury. His father, Edward Crowley, 46 at the age of Alistair's birth was trained as an engineer, but due to his share of a lucrative family brewing business, Crowley's Alton Ails. A business that would last from 1821 until 1947, that's a damn good run. He was already retired before his son was born. He had a strained relationship with his mother, Emily birthed a bishop who would nickname her apparently unruly child, the beast. Guessing this Christian woman would come to really regret that nickname years later when he became
Starting point is 00:06:49 the most notorious occultist of his era. A young Edward childhood was filled by a combination of the lack of financial concern and yet no real earthly enjoyment of that wealth. His family was extremely conservative, both parents were members of the exclusive brethren in an offshoot of the Plymouth brethren. Now the Plymouth brethren are alive and well by the way.
Starting point is 00:07:09 They seem to exist mainly in the UK and Australia, headquartered in Armington, Australia, but they also exist to some degree in the US, Canada, Caribbean, elsewhere in Europe, Argentina, originated in Dublin in the 1820s as an offshoot of Anglicanism and it seems a little wackadoodle. For example, discipline among brethren may involve formal social ostracism or shunning to various degrees, depending on what kind of brethren group it is.
Starting point is 00:07:34 For instance, people placed under discipline may not, may be asked to not attend any group functions, which are purely social. People may decline to eat, you know, around them, even shake hands with them when people are under discipline. That's fucking really, you're gonna shame sitting adult members of the congregation by not shaking their hands, because they've been naughty. You're gonna shun them, get the fuck out of here, I hate that stuff. You know, what happened to forgiveness in the church being a shelter in the storm, a
Starting point is 00:07:58 light in the darkness, plays a solace for the good and the wicked alike. People sound super jetty,asons for being put under discipline on the naughty list by both the open and exclusive brethren, include disseminating gross scriptural or doctrinal error. That's how you can read a lot into that. So basically, if you don't believe in their exact interpretation of scripture or question it anyway, you're under discipline now.
Starting point is 00:08:24 Get in the corner, face the corner. Don't look at anyone in the eye. If you're involved in anything, you know, that's deemed sexually immoral, including adultery, homosexual acts. Yep, total hopes. Primarily sex, and then you're on the night list, get in the fucking corner. If you're being accused of a regular illegal financial dealings, you can be put under discipline. Extreme cases, members may be asked to shun or divorce members of their own family,
Starting point is 00:08:50 members of their immediate family. So, man, not a fan of that, not a fan of one that church is like, nope, you can't talk to your dad anymore, you can't talk to your daughter. Oh, okay, Scientology, take it easy. I should add that the church does not consider itself to nominal. So there is no firm hierarchy and various churches can institute policies as AC fit.
Starting point is 00:09:07 So if you are a member and your church is way more relaxed about it, that's not true, that's not how we act. Well, maybe that's not how you're congregation acts, but others do. And yeah, I just feel like this is important to add just to give kind of the tone of his childhood, of Crowley's childhood. It doesn't, doesn't sound like he's going to a real fun church. And this is back in Victorian area, England. So you know, it's way more strict than it is now.
Starting point is 00:09:27 It doesn't sound like he's going to a place where he's singing songs about God's love and forgiveness, sounds a little more fire and brimstone. However, both of young Edwards' parents super into it, and so is he. The family's hardcore. They don't celebrate Christmas, because it's too pagan.
Starting point is 00:09:41 Mm-mm, not in this house. Neither of them ever have a job when young Edward is alive, because they already got their money. So it gives them a ton of free time to kind of throw into their faith, which isn't always good. Edward Sr. even became a preacher, traveling to nearby towns to preach the good word.
Starting point is 00:09:58 On February 29th, or 1880, 1980, that'd be a weird time jump. On February 29th, 1880, when young eddies four, the crowdlies bring a second child into the world, Grace, who only lasts a few hours. She dies the same day. She only lived for five hours. First of many early childhood deaths in this tale,
Starting point is 00:10:15 by the way, how tragic for her poor parents, he would remain an only child after that. And Crowley would later say, he remembered being taken to see the body of Grace, and in his own words, he would say, the incidents made a curious impression on me. I did not see why I should be disturbed so uselessly. I couldn't do any good. The child was dead. It was not of my business. This cold, kind of logical heartless attitude man continued throughout his life. The incident I'm strongly guessing pushed the Crowley's deeper into their faith.
Starting point is 00:10:43 You know, they now became pathologically anti-pleasure They were constantly warning young Edward against sin and constantly reminding him of the consequences hell hell is the consequence So you know home life takes dip as far as fun ghosts after cystize And yet early on in the childhood little Eddie didn't seem to mind. Yeah, he didn't mind all this preaching He it was what he knew it was his world. It's a young child. He was he wasn't rebellious actually the beast Persona would emerge later. He was a daddy's boy. He was devoted to his father and it's child He wanted to follow in his father's footsteps. He wanted to possibly be a you know a preacher himself inspired by his father's faith You know is he became a fervent little brother Plymouth brother. He studied the Bible eagerly the prophetic passages in the book of revelation
Starting point is 00:11:23 You know the beast six six six the scarlet woman those book of Revelation, you know, the beast 666, the scarlet woman, those particular passages, you know, fascinated him especially. He readily imagined himself a servant of God, just like his father battling Satan in his hordes. He'd later save his dad, years later when he was deeper than he called to you'd say, my father is the wrong-headed as he was, had humanity, and a degree of common sense. I always like dad, I always gave some respect to dad. And then on March 5th, 1887, when Little Eddie is only 11, Ed Sr. pulls a dick move and he dies of tongue cancer. Jesus man, fatal tongue cancer in the late 19th century had to have been a mother fucker of a way to go out. I can only imagine what kind of treatments old timey doctors were
Starting point is 00:12:00 prescribing. Just, I reckon his time was stick a bunch of leeches on your lung. I want you to take opium in the morning, loud in the evening, both oral and supositorial forms, and I may have to cut off, I'll probably have to cut off one of your legs. And yes, even in Mary old Victorian England, doctors talk like old timey horse thieves. The death of his father was a pivotal moment in young Edward's life. I became angry with God. How could God take the life of the man so devoted to him? Wasn't fair. He denounced the church, and then he denounced his mother
Starting point is 00:12:29 along with it, who threw herself even harder into the church. And I feel like, how does Father just not died? No one would be talking about Alistair Crowley today. I know I said a million times in this show, but it's always fascinating to me when you have these moments, these pivotal moments where had this one thing not happened, the person never would have put on the trajectory that led them to become in famous infamous notorious whatever.
Starting point is 00:12:48 You know, there would be no, there would literally be no Aleister because he would never change his name later, you know, and kind of anger. Emily and young Edward moved in with her brother at his uncle, Tom Bishop in the Dreyton Garden section of London later that year, and it didn't go well. Young Crowley, not a fan of Uncle Tom. He later described him pretty poorly, saying, no more cruel fanatic, no mean of villain, ever walked the earth.
Starting point is 00:13:12 So you know, they weren't going to grab beers together after he left the house, you know, years afterwards. Uncle Tom ran a household so strict, even forbade a young Edward from reading David Copperfield. I didn't want him reading Dickens' David Copperfield because there was a certain character in that work named Emily. And this might cause Crowley to disrespect his mother due to her sharing the same name.
Starting point is 00:13:32 So that guy sounds like a lot of fun. Frustrated under his uncle's authoritarian rule, angry over his father's untimely death, young Crowley starts to rebel and become the beast. To become quite the disturbed young man. He described a childhood incident years later in his autobiography, The Confessions of Alicircrali. So fucked up. He says, I therefore caught a cat, and having administered a large dose of arsenic, I claw-affirmed it.
Starting point is 00:13:55 Hanged it above the gas jet, stabbed it, cut its throat, smashed its skull, and when it had been pretty thoroughly burnt, drowned it, and threw it out of the window, that the fall might remove the ninth life. In fact, the operation was successful. I'd killed the cat. Jesus, yeah, I think so. Overkill, way overkill, fairly sadistic. Man, the torture and murder of neighborhood pets, never a good indication of future positive behavior.
Starting point is 00:14:23 That shit doesn't seem to come up in the biographies of people like Warren Buffett, Oprah Winfrey. indication of future positive behavior. That shit doesn't seem to come up in the biographies of people like Warren Buffett, Oprah Winfrey. Can you imagine, can you imagine Oprah talking about doing that, about chloroforming, hanging, stabbing, burning, drowning, smashing, tossing a cat out of a window? As a little girl, I knew I wanted to achieve more than anyone in my family ever had.
Starting point is 00:14:41 One day after returning to my mother's home in Milwaukee, sick of bouncing back and forth between my parents' homes, never feeling truly wanted in either place, I became so angry that I motherfucked my neighbor's cat to death. I smashed that piece of shit skull. And then later I'd move into more charity. No, it never happens. I know that it didn't sound anything like over. If any of you listening did something similar as a kid, you're gonna have to probably work through rest of your life on keeping your inner psychopath in check. Pushing young Crowley's youthful anger and deviant behavior into a religious direction
Starting point is 00:15:12 is one reverend, H. D. O. C. Champany, the reverend Dr. Champany, ran the sons of brethren Christian school and Cambridge. Crowley described this time as a boyhood in hell, and it doesn't sound like he was extremely well liked by the students there. He was often placed in solitary, you know, for misbehavior. See, that's what I was talking about earlier, a little bit of that brethren discipline. They loved to isolate people. Once placed in solitary, neither student or master could speak to him, or he to them. He received only bread and water to eat.
Starting point is 00:15:41 You know, during play hours, he walked around and around the school room. During work hours, he was placed alone round the school room during work hours. He was placed alone on the playground, so he just kept him fucking ostracized. The strain of this isolation apparently affected his health, affected his kidneys and he had to leave school altogether for a couple years. His health deteriorating to the point that doctors were afraid he would die in his teens. Once it was discovered that a kidney disorder, he was placed back in school. And then the other boys I guess would bully him unmercifully. You know, his kidneys were regarded as, you know, one of the best places to kind
Starting point is 00:16:09 of punch him. My kids, man. I remember kidney shots. Oh my God. Man, to this day, you know, just from getting like, I think from like middle school, just like leftover vestiges of middle school, you know, Tom Foulary, I do not like having my head smacked, I fucking hate having my kidneys tapped at all. Like it just takes me right back to junior high, so I'm like, wapping you in the back of the head, I was a tiny kid, you know, I was not, anybody who wanted to walk me can walk me. Oh my God, so that's suck for him. Early 1892, the 16 year old Crowley sexual life began and it took a deviant term pretty
Starting point is 00:16:43 quickly, which is fitting considering his later behavior. He lost his virginity to a theater girl when he was 16, fairly normal. But then his next sexual encounter was with the family parlor made, not as normal, but I get it. But then he had sex with her on his mother's bed. That's where they had sex, which that's a statement. That's a statement fuck. He blamed the repressive nature of his home for pushing him towards this magical affirmation of my revolt.
Starting point is 00:17:08 Well, this magical affirmation, you know, just, you're pretty happy about it. You're pretty excited to have had her on his mother's very bed, he'd say. And I got him interested in sex magic later as we'll find out this concept of his. Lave the same year, he was expelled from school for contracting Ghana, Rhea from a prostitute. That seems like a strange thing for your school to find out about, you know, let a little little expel you for, but that's what happened around the age of 18 and 1893, Crowley received an initial inheritance. I think this is another pivotal moment kind of in his life. I feel like had this not happen, he also wouldn't have gone in the path he did. He received a somewhere between 30 and 40,000 pounds equivalent to about 500,000 pounds today. So you know, nice little head start. Nice little head start.
Starting point is 00:17:47 He invested most of it in real estate. About a few townhouses rented them out. He took some of the rest. He became a silent partner in another successful pub. Kind of expanded his family's kind of brewery background. He used to remain to go to school where he studied business and by the time he graduated, he had almost doubled his inheritance through shoot, shrewd investments and get the fuck out of here.
Starting point is 00:18:05 He didn't, this isn't the life of a decent, sensible person we're talking about. We're talking about a near-responsible hedonist. He didn't do any of that. No, no, he joined some mountaineering club. You do mountaineering often on throughout his youth. You'd be actually fairly successful at it. And you just heads off to the Swiss Alps and dicks around for a while climbing mountains, which is exactly what you do when you have a trust fund.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Anyway, he didn't earn that money. Why didn't he go fuck around with it? 1895, it's weird to mountaineering thing. A lot of people point at us like this big impressive thing with him, yes, but like asterisk. Whenever like, like at 18, you just don't ever have to work. And then you do something like some hobby, kind of like that, especially in the pioneering phase
Starting point is 00:18:38 of it, and then you do something successful. I'm always like, you kind of pressed, but it's like, the mostly the reason you're able to be successful at mountaineering is because you never had to paint a goddamn bills, right? I'm sure a lot you kind of pressed, but it's like the mostly the reason you were able to be successful at mountaineering is because you never had to paint a goddamn bills, right? I'm sure a lot of us could be pretty successful at some weird like hobby if we had literally no other responsibilities in life anyway 1895 Crowley began studying at Trinity College at Cambridge where he studied science literature philosophy
Starting point is 00:19:00 He passed a special examination in chemistry in 1898 Lee's school early during his final spring term without bothering to get a degree. Another very trust-fun kid type decision. He becomes Alistair in college, changing his name from Edward. He explained the logic behind the change, and years later saying, for many years I had loads being called Alec, partly because of the unpleasant sound and sight of the word, partly because it was the name by which my mother called me. So many mommy issues. And you call it that, you know, because his middle name was Alexander,
Starting point is 00:19:28 and her husband before he died was also named Edward, so it makes sense, you know, you got two heads in the house, you can call one Alexander. Edward did not seem to suit me, and the diminutives, Ted, a Ned, were even less appropriate. Alexander was too long, and Sandy suggested tow hair and freckles. I had read in some book or other that the most favorable name for becoming famous was one consisting of a dactyl, followed by a spondy. Is it the end of a hexameter? Like Jeremy Taylor. Alistair Crowley fulfilled these conditions and Alistair is the gaelic form of Alexander.
Starting point is 00:19:58 And by the way, dactyl is a metrical foot to beat of an inline of poetry consisting of one long and two short syllables or of one long and then two short syllables or of one stress and then two unstressed syllables such as tenderly. A spondy is a metrical foot consisting of two long or stressed syllables such as downtown, an equal amount of stress on each syllable. I don't know that I pull it off in any word. I feel like I want to be stressed in one syllable. Hexometer is a line of verse consisting of six metrical feet.
Starting point is 00:20:23 An example would be Henry Wadsworth Longfellow in in Evangeline, a little piece of this, you know. Now had the season returned when the night scroll cold over in Longa, and the retreating sun, the sign of a scorpion antus. Birds of a passage sailed through the leaden air from the ice bound, desolate northern bays to the shores of tropical islands. So you know, I guess there's six beats there, there's six little's six little you know moments there basically separated by commas or
Starting point is 00:20:48 He's each one of them For those of you, you know who didn't just fall asleep Ah, what kind of poem was that I didn't I didn't know any of the shit by the way had to look it all up total English lit thing to do by the way change your name to realign it to like a common poetic rhythm such a Such a again like trust fund trust fun, 19-year-old, 20-year-old, like English lit, I was English minor in college, I can see like some of the drama kids doing something like this. I will not be called Pam anymore.
Starting point is 00:21:17 I am, I am, Afro-ditis. I am Afro-ditis now. I'm Afro-ditis, ballastor, the Esquire. Allister continues to adapt to would satisfy my romantic ideals. The atrocious spelling Allister was suggested as the correct form by my cousin Grega, who ought to have known better. In any case, I don't know if you're critiquing random family members, you know, for your name, like my middle name's Brent, you know, it's be like my aunt gave me the middle name Brent
Starting point is 00:21:45 Which is a common man's name. Well, I should have been given something more, you know, respective of my great birth Like a Nathaniel the great Daniel the Daniel the great cupboards. It was a bend what I prefer These fucking pretentious bastards. So then he goes in any case Alice dare makes a very bad doctor. For these reasons, I saddled myself with my presence in Omnigua. I can't say that I feel sure that I facilitated the process of becoming famous or that it facilitated the process because I should doubtless have done so, whatever name I had chosen. So, you know, he was an eccentric and fucking pretentious cat. Alistair also did some sexual experimenting while in college,
Starting point is 00:22:28 beginning a homosexual relationship with Jerome Paulitt in October 1897. That would last for months, Crowley would later write that I lived with Paulitt as his wife for some six months, and he made a poet out of me. Oh, that's how you become a poet. I thought you had to like study poetry and just, you know, just kind of like work on your craft. Turns out you, you just have to be a dude's wife. That is how you just, you need some dick. Dick gives you poetry.
Starting point is 00:22:55 I didn't, I had no idea. Crowley would later reflect on this relationship in his book, The Scented Garden of Abdullah, The Saturist of Shoraz, which is part homoerotic parody, part mystical texts. Only 200 copies are reprinted, and most were destroyed upon seizure after being published due to the filth inside the naughty wickedness, the coddle sins of the flesh. So you can find an original of this book, I guess, and that's where some coin. The book is full of interesting tidbits, such as, a man can afford to a man, two pleasures,
Starting point is 00:23:24 which a woman cannot give him namely one passive sotamy pleasure of the pathic two, a rumination pleasure of the philator if you're confused let me break that down for you this was a very sophisticated way of him saying look uh do she can't do everything a dude can do with the dude okay she can't stick her dick and dudes but she can't slap a man winner in mouth. Maybe that's oversimplifying it. I love the new words. So actually new dirty words. Hey, Luzha Fina. And I can't ever recall coming across a rumination before. It's defined on one medical dictionary site as the active thrusting of a man's penis into or between one or more partner's body parts, including legs, breasts, feet, upper thighs, abdomens, throats, and the mouth.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Unlike for a show in which the refrigerator is the active stimulator. Ah, man, sounds creative, sounds fun. So many places to thrust your ween. I ain't, what need, man, having done some of those. So much aruminating to be done. What a great form of birth control. Man, don't have to worry about unexpected pregnancy when you're doing some armpit, a ruminating.
Starting point is 00:24:29 Just what's in God's name? Are you doing to the smell of my back? Why I'm just a ruminating it? Really? Well, it feels like you're aggressively thrusting your dick into my spine. Well, that's exactly what I'm doing. It's delightful.
Starting point is 00:24:41 Anyway, Alistair, Mr. Pollock, break up as young people often do. Doing part to Pollett's unwillingness to take part in Crowley's growing interest in mysticism. Now, Crowley would occasionally denounce this relationship later in life, but it always comes across as kind of jilted lover talking, you know, kind of style graves kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Sounds like Pollett, you know, pulled out just in time, pun intended, because in 1897 contracted uh... syphilis uh... he also self self published his first book one school around the time in cabriges uh... acel dama a place to bury strangers in it featured a volume of pornographic verses called white stains uh... man classic rally
Starting point is 00:25:20 he had to publish it and answer them under the pseudonym george archibald bishop and it was scandalous for vict England, containing Todd reverses such as, I will kiss thee and fondle in wooly and mingle my lips into thine. That shall tingle and thrill through and through thee as the drought of the flame will wine. I will drink of the font of our pleasure, licking round and about and above, till it streams pour me out to their full measure. O Lucius, love. And it had some sack village, some stuff like hell is the house of all delight, heaven is the home of bitter blight, pain is our joy and our spirits power, never shall fade its fiery flower.
Starting point is 00:26:00 Oh, so much fucking angry emo kid right there, So much goth teen, so much dark trench coat. And then he gets a little nod of your, with my favorite, free women cast a lustful eye on my gigantic charms and seek. Buy wood and touch with me to lie and vainly profit, cut and cheek. Ooh, so naughty. Kant always sounds so much less offensive to me when it's said with an accent, right, doesn't it? And throwing profa in front of it, mmm. Really clasping up the Kant there.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Also in 1897, Crowley reads, Carl von Eckert's housings, the cloud upon the sanctuary and becomes fascinated with the existence of secret societies, which would lead him to soon seek them out. Eckhart's house on an 18th century German Catholic mystic presented the mystical thesis that there exists this invisible and interior church or a society of the elect and then it exists quite apart from any established church and Karl believed that this
Starting point is 00:27:02 secret society had existed from the very beginning of time, the dawn of man, and was presently alive and well, and would one day openly rule the world's space lizards. We are coming, I mean, I mean, they are coming. Those people, not us. Interesting note, Eckhart Towson would join that initial mysterious group, the original Illuminati. He was an OG Illuminati member, man, pretty dope. That was the original mysterious group, the original Illuminati. He was an OG Illuminati member, pretty dope. That was the original secret group founded by Adam Weisshop. The Illuminati
Starting point is 00:27:29 man, conspiring to overthrow the church and rebirth the earth under a new world order. And then, you know, in the reality of shortly after its creation, they had a pavaria, banned secret societies, members were arrested, blah, blah, blah, fragmented, and went away. Or lives to this day in its under constant investigation via the watchful third eye of David Ike. Well, in May of 1998, Crowley leaves Cambridge. It makes resolution that he will find the hidden church, the secret assembly of chiefs alluded to by Eckhart's house. Now that's a red flag for Wacadoodle's right there for being a Wacadoodle. That's one of the many ways you know someone has become or is becoming a complete Wackadoodle.
Starting point is 00:28:05 When they drop out of college, do dedicate their life to finding secret societies, also very trust-fund. But yeah, never good. I've never never makes the parents happy. Emily, how's your son Edward these days? Well, Judas, he goes by Alistair, and he's just dropped out of Trinity College to find a secret society that controls the fate of humanity. How's Charles? Oh, and he's a doctor now.
Starting point is 00:28:31 I must be going. I really must be going. Just as he's leaving Cambridge, currently joins the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. An organization devoted to the study and practice of the occult, metaphysics, paranormal activities, and these groups were fairly common. We've talked to some other ones like the Harry Houd metaphysics, paranormal activities. And these groups were fairly common. We've talked to some other ones like the Harry Houdini episode, roughly around this same time frame where people are doing sands, and they're having all these teardocards and all the psychics.
Starting point is 00:28:58 That stuff is really invoked. Now, this particular order is order the Golden Dawn, who are the founders of this order? Freemasons? Of course, they were spaceless. It's always pulling the lizard strings from the darkness of the Freemasons. Crowley was allowed in as a neophyte of the hermetic order of the Golden Dawn. He was, he was the evening of November 18th, 1898. The Mark Mason's Hall in London was when he was indoctrinated.
Starting point is 00:29:23 The rights and rituals practiced in this order would go into influence modern Wicca and Thalima, Alistair's religion. Oh, man, to be a fly on the wall at that place, man, grown-ups, practices and little magic, wearing some costumes, that sounds like some A plus plus plus, like top shelf people watching, like the fucking best. I'm inherently far too skeptical and sarcastic to ever be a member of something like that and take it seriously. Like, I might be able to do like a member of something like that and take it seriously.
Starting point is 00:29:45 I might be able to do like a free Mason right, you know? I could see like, you know, getting in maybe, but I would potentially be the worst member of, you know, if they get too into the weird costumes and stuff. Just Mr. Cummins, could you please stop giggling? We're trying to focus on some necromancy. Sorry, it's a pointy hat. I can't look at you wearing that pointy hat and not laugh. Stop smirk and at least, can you at least put the wand down? There's fucking there's no way. I can look at you wearing a pointy hat and holding a wand at 50 years old and not at least smirk. Yeah, give me a smirk. Well, Alistair does not smirk, does not giggle. He loves it. He immediately
Starting point is 00:30:19 begins to rise through the outer circle of this order. He's all in. By the end of the year, he begins to develop an obsession with completing the operation of Abraham, Abramalan, Abramalan, which involves six months of seclusion devoted to an ever-hytonine discipline of meditation, prayer, and study. And if you do it right, you can conjure your own guardian angel
Starting point is 00:30:38 into this plane of existence. And then once you've conjured this angel, he tells you how to bind or overcome various demons that are keeping you from getting everything you want in life or some shit. Also once you've conjured this angel, he tells you how to bind or overcome various demons that are keeping you from getting everything you want in life or some shit. Also once you complete this ritual, believers think you have the ability to master a whole new level of spells now. The cover, the cover, the cover, diverse range of abilities from like flight, resurrection, shape shifting, ah, to divination, access to hidden odds, get the fuck out of here.
Starting point is 00:31:04 Actually, you're studying this stuff, pretty're pretty soon, I'll be able to shape shift and fly, and fly around the actual project. Man, it's like you're like a level 7 human mage now with neutral alignment or possibly a necromancer. You have a plus 7 in religion on your character sheet. You have a plus 5 in wisdom. So many extra hit points you guys. So you get a plus 2 in charisma. You get a plus five and wisdom. So many extra hit points you guys. So you get a plus two
Starting point is 00:31:25 in charisma. You get a plus 17 Wacadoodle. Ah, this shit is just like last week, man. It's like 17. The spring of 1899 Crowley meets Alan Bennett, one of the most esteemed members of the Golden Dawn in a ritual at Mark Mason's Hall. Bennett and Crowley start experimenting with magic on their own. That's a huge red Wacadoodle flag. When you and another dude start doing your own experimenting with magic. How is Alistair these days Emily? It is still Alistair, isn't it? It is Judith, and he's splendid. He's He's joined an author of dark magicians after dropping out of universities. I'm quite pleased about that. And now he and another magician have set out to practice a little magic on their own.
Starting point is 00:32:05 I believe they're working on some kind of necromancy, some kind of shape-tifting spell at the moment. Can I get you some more tea? Oh, I must be leaving again, Emily. You must be terribly proud, though. You must be terribly proud. Bennett introduces Crowley to drug use as part of practicing magic.
Starting point is 00:32:21 The explorations undertaken by Bennett and Crowley went beyond the confines of second-order magic to take in the possibilities of alternative consciousness by meanness of drugs. It just gets more and more like a weird trust-funding kid where it's like, really, now you're if I can just hang out, working on your spells, and then you're just to find drug use for your magic. You know they're wearing black robes and shit. Interestingly, the social atmosphere and legal consequences of drug experimentation that period were very different from our own. There was already a strong kind of 19th century tradition of using drugs. It's a means to explore the human mind. So that part
Starting point is 00:32:54 really wasn't that scandalous, man. Kind of a weird sign of the times during that era pornography, extremely taboo, extremely taboo in Victorian England, but narcotics, whatever man, that's just fucking life. Yeah, of course you're taking some lodin, of course you're taking some opium, feel good. Ben had was seriously into drugs, he was in poor health suffering from asthma, which he treated by first taking opium orally. And after a week or two, switching up to shooting up morphine, and then he started doing coke. Why don't you drink this cocaine, lodin and stuff. Andging stuff. And then when he started to cause him to hallucinate, he went on to an hailing chloroform.
Starting point is 00:33:30 Oh man, and this was like doctors were prescribing these treatments. I'm no doctor, but that sounds like a horrible way to treat asthma. Yeah, I'm pretty sure no one's asthma has ever gotten better from them doing heroin. So much coke, they started to hallucinate and then sniffing a lot of chloroform.
Starting point is 00:33:46 Just, you know, like, like, going back in for your checkup later when you don't feel any better, what? Your Asma is way worse. How you been smoking heroin? You've been smoking new, have you been shooting it up? Have you been putting it in a needle and shooting it in your veins?
Starting point is 00:33:58 Huh, and you've been drinking lots of cocaine after hallucinate? Hmm, then sniffing the chloroform, just really taking deep, deep breaths, feeling your lungs with nothing but chloroform. And you still don't feel well, that's peculiar. Hmm, it's almost as if I have no idea how to treat maladies, so if I have no idea how to treat patients for actual diseases. Later in 1899, Crowley gets into a fight with another member of the Golden Dawn, the famed poet William Butler Yates, Yates out ranks Crowley within the order and doesn't like Crowley and Yates helps get Crowley gets into a fight with another member of the golden dawn. The famed poet William Butler Yates. Yates out ranks Crowley within the order and doesn't like Crowley and Yates helps get
Starting point is 00:34:29 Crowley tossed out fucking nerd fight. It's a wizard duel, everyone. Get your corners, grab your wands, get ready just for the side of your spells. Crowley would later claim he got tossed out for criticizing the order or because they were just playing at magic. Right. He didn't think they were taking it seriously enough. That's another huge whackadoodle red flag when you get kicked out of an order of dark magicians
Starting point is 00:34:51 For being angry at them that they're not taking the dark magic serious enough. That's when you know you're a complete weirdo when you are odd human being January 15th 1900 Crowley kicked out of the London order, moves to Paris to study his magic, to further study his magic. Under the tutelage of another exiled order member, another person who didn't think they were taking it seriously enough,
Starting point is 00:35:12 British, a cult of Samuel, L'Hadel, Mathurs. I'll just take my black magic across the pond, thank you very much. While in Paris, Mathurs and Crowley decided they're going to return to London and they're going to take back the second order. I just, I love this. Grab your wands, Doc Wizards, it's fight. As we must take our order back. I just, I love, I love how seriously these lunatics
Starting point is 00:35:33 are taking this nonsense. These grown men are getting, you know, they're preparing over in Paris to go back to London and take over their dark magic order to fucking reclaim it from the it from the false wizards. Their plan was to return in some all-second order members and over the course of several days have them answer a series of questions and the course of an interview as to which dark leader there pledged their loyalty to Yates and his wizards or matters.
Starting point is 00:36:01 Crowley as the questioner would wear a mask of Osiris. Oh, Jesus, to emphasize the impersonality of his role, this is very like I as White Shut Now. As matters emissary and jugged, the loyalty test would culminate in the signing of a statement of how in matters as the unquestioned leader. Any member refusing to sign would be expelled from the order. These plans formulated Crowley departed from Paris on April 13th, and the wizard inquisition raged. It raged for three days and nights. While Crowley quizzed the Magicians in London, mayors, I think I keep saying mathers,
Starting point is 00:36:34 I just, my mind puts that tea in there, mayors aided from afar with his sorcery. Not even kidding. He baptized dry peas, giving each of them the name of one of his opponents, and then he invoked the devil's bell to pub and typhoon set. Well simultaneously shaking the peas in a large sieve to create quarrels and discord among his enemies. Do you hear what I'm saying? This dude, this dude, this is like some Paris apartment and he's wearing like a robe and he's been doing incantations and he's just, he has a sieve of, of peas that he's shacking around and he's angry and he's just imagining all these arguments breaking out because of the fucking
Starting point is 00:37:13 peas running, this is bananas. Just shaking dry peas, calling out for some demon to torment other grown-ups who won't play magic the way he wants to. I'll show them, they'll rule the day they cross Samuel Little Mathers, May has wait until I get these peas rolled out just right. They have yet to feel my p-rath. Well, this little battle fails to accomplish much of anything, of course doesn't. Other than just kind of fracturing their little order and most members just kind of just give up on it the next year or so. They're just like, if I can, no, no, this is too much, this is too much weird bullshit. They go back to their lives and they move on
Starting point is 00:37:46 to, or they move on to other silly little black magic clubs and Crowley himself moves on. On July 6, 1900, he takes off the states. He's still associated with mayors. Madhars, goddamn it. Sorry, I'd written down wrong that one time. I believe it is Madhars now. On July 6, he's not a seriously important person
Starting point is 00:38:07 to this story. I hope this is a ruin for anybody. Is it May as a Mathers? It is Mathers. It is Mathers. I had it written down one time. Sorry, I get so hung up on stuff like that. Anyway, July 6th Crowley lands in New York Harbor.
Starting point is 00:38:21 Wonders for the US and Mexico practice. He's magic working on his spells. He attempts to start some new magical orders. According to one source, his growing sense of independence showed itself also in the founding of a new magical society. According to Crowley, Mathers had bestowed upon him a certain amount of latitude to initiate into the Golden Dawn suitable new candidates whom he might encounter on his travels. And again, the way how seriously they take this.
Starting point is 00:38:43 Now, yes, you can, yes, you can, you know, within a reason, you can bring new members into the fold, you know, I trust you. Of course, you know, after the first few members of the Broughton, I will have to meet them myself and make sure that you've properly screened them. You can't just let anyone in a little magic club, even though it's just you and I at the moment. So this latitude is expanded by Crowley into the creation of the lamp of the invisible light, which appears to have had it most two members. So this is one of his accomplishments early on as he gets a group. He comes up with a whole name and a mountain, you know, and
Starting point is 00:39:18 fucking code and it's just him and some other dude. It's just two of them. This Crowley's one member and some other dude is another one. Some Don Jesus Medina in Mexico who Crowley grandly describes as a descendant of the great Duke of Armada fame and one of the highest chiefs of Scottish free right, or Scottish right free mason's free. He initiates his elder into the lamp of the invisible light, his club of two. And then in turn, he receives accelerated Masonic initiation to the 33rd degree,
Starting point is 00:39:51 the highest degree of the Scottish right sure he did. He's just fucking making it, he's just a fucking lunatic. He's just wandering around, formed a weird little club, so many rituals in this episode, so many funny hats and robes to wear. And again, so trust fund. Throughout 1901, 1902 Crowley divides his time between a cult practice writing weird poems, talking about spells and shit and mountain climbing.
Starting point is 00:40:11 And all these poems he's going to do, by the way, he doesn't really make any money on this or lose his money. He's all like self-published stuff under pseudonym. So it's not like he's really making a living as a poem. He's able to kind of stretch it as soon he got just based on his life. It doesn't go into all his financial details. But in addition to that initial kind of lump sum, he was given, you know, that was equivalent to like half a million pounds. I think he was, you know, also given more money as time went on, or he just, you know, kind of lived off the kindness of
Starting point is 00:40:39 of his admirers, which he would do for sure later. So, Crowley, in August of 1903, he's invited to stay with his friend Gerald Kelly and his family. He makes it back to England and their vacation in Scotland and Crowley is reintroduced to Bennett's young sister, Rose Edith, and is immediately attracted to her on August 11th, Rose shares that she is in trouble for having an affair with the married man.
Starting point is 00:41:01 Her family is pressing her to marry another man who's just not care for her. And so Crow pressing her to marry another, you know, this man who does not care for. And so Crowley offers to kind of, you know, solve this dilemma for her and marry her and let her move in with him and also allow her to continue her affair with this married man. So, you know, kind of conventions be damned without telling her family on August 12th. They just the next day they all open the nearby Scottish town of Dingwall and her family's understandably not pleased.
Starting point is 00:41:22 Her father requests Crowley pay a 10,000 pound dowry, and he refuses. He's not gonna fucking give away that not hard earned trust on money. Dude clearly loves to defy conventions, which is why a lot of metal pioneers and stuff would love him later. You know, it's like he just did shit because he weren't supposed to, it felt like so often.
Starting point is 00:41:38 Like you wonder if he slept with that male poet in college or married this woman here because he was actually attracted to them, or if he was attracted to the taboo they represented. Like he was attracted to the violation of the existing social moral code, you know, that they represented like super taboo, to have a homosexual relationship in Victorian England, also super taboo to marry a woman,
Starting point is 00:41:57 days after meeting her without her family's permission, in parts so that she could continue to fuck some other married guy. I mean, he clearly loved creating some chaos. And then comes the honeymoon and Crowley's big spiritual epiphany. But first a word from today's sponsor. Time Suck is brought to us today by Coven Gardens Magic Cauldron. Now the Magic Cauldron and Delightful Coven Gardens in London is a fantastic little magic shop for the whole family.
Starting point is 00:42:19 They have hand buzzers, they have smoke bombs, for the little ones, magical locking rings, those fun little rings you kind of, you know, they're locked, they're not locked for the middle school magician in your family. And for older, more advanced students, the magic cauldron has a demonic possession and Kentations. They have necromancer rituals from the book of the dead astral projection jackets, so you don't freeze out in, you know, the fucking parallel dimensions.
Starting point is 00:42:41 Lots of silk scarves to continually be pulled from, you know, top hats, which they also sell. the fucking parallel dimensions, lots of silk scarves to continually be pulled from, you know, top hats, which they also sell, to get 50% off your next order, go to www.getthefuckoutihier.magic.didanyonefallforthat.son of a bitch. No, there's no sponsors today, I just wanted to do that. Uh, shortly after their shot, get a wedding. Uh, man, I hope, I hope some of you made it to Necromancer ritual. Before you're like, what the fuck? Shortly after they're shot in wedding, Alistair and Rose leave to have a honeymoon in Cairo.
Starting point is 00:43:11 That must be nice, man, can you do it? honeymoon in Egypt. Alistair would later call the honeymoon a period of uninterrupted debauchery. Now that is a good honeymoon. That's how you do a honeymoon right. uninterrupted debauchery. Poor Rose though, man, I can only imagine where
Starting point is 00:43:24 and how often she was penetrated by the great beast Lovehammer. He's probably not just you're talking earlier, he's probably putting her armpit and back of her knee. And he must have snuck an intro of Dianne at least one time, you know, because she does get pregnant. And 16 months later, she gives birth to Lusaphina, yes, a fully grown temptress after a long gestation period with fishnet stockings. Right after womb fishnet stockings. Right after womb fishnet stockings are got a full perky breast that would vary between a bee and deacup depending on mood in the moon cycle, unimaginable beauty. The demon immediately kills her mother and takes her place as Alistair's wife. It's so fucked up. No, that never happened. Not even
Starting point is 00:44:00 in pretendland that happened. I've grown very fond of Lucifina despite her occasional meddling in suck anything that goes wrong, still still her fault but I don't want her mythology to include mess around with nasty s Crowley uh-uh he skives me out no thank you uh Rose does get pregnant perhaps uh impregnated inside an actual pyramid uh they spent a night in the Vikings chamber in the great pyramid Jesus man guess in the visitation policy was way more relaxed back then uh how cool would that be to stay a night, by the way, in a pyramid? Alistair said he rains a state so he could work on his magic inside the powerful resonator that is the great pyramid. Hail Nimrod! And he wanted his wife to see what a great magician
Starting point is 00:44:36 he was. Oh, God. This was a turning point for Crowley. Rose in a dream state, within the chamber, kept repeating, they are waiting for you. When asked who she said was waiting, she said, Horace, an Egyptian god. Now, apparently, she's supposedly new nothing of the occult, nothing of Egyptology. After this wild night, Crowley took her to an Egyptian museum to test her knowledge of Egyptology, and she ran through the museum until she found
Starting point is 00:44:58 the statue of Horace, and then cried. This is him. Now, adding a Horace, and then, you know, cry. This is him. Now, adding a dark twist to the encounter, at least actually, of Horace was exhibit six, six, six. Dun, dun, dun, dun. Now, I think it's important to keep in mind that Crowley was doing his shillow to drugs around this time, and it all likely was Sous-Rose.
Starting point is 00:45:19 So, so, God knows how much cocaine or opium also made it into that chamber. You know, how much fucking formaldehyde they were huffing. On April 8th, 1904 in a hotel in Cairo, the great beast had another encounter with the supernatural. Or so he would later claim Crowley hears a voice over his shoulders, not a human voice. Over the next three days, this voice will appear at noon each day and dictate to Crowley. And that voice was I was, MSAry of Horace.
Starting point is 00:45:44 And each day he would whisper into Crowley's ear, Clean! Y'all, taint! It is filthy. You mostly remember to wash your balls and frequently and vigorously wash your bottle. If anything, you're washing your bottle too often and too vigorously. But you often forget your taint and it is filthy.
Starting point is 00:46:06 And from that experience forward, Crowley would have the cleanest taint in human history. It would become a great honor actually to have Crowley press his squeaky clean taint, literally squeaky clean against your face. That's how you knew he cared for you. Sometimes you would also let you eat off his unearthly divine cleanliness of a taint. No, no, that was nonsense, but it wasn't nonsense that he thought he heard this demon thing whisper into him. I redained him.
Starting point is 00:46:29 And apparently it was, you know, I was, which is kind of, and I was given him messages from Horus, which is kind of weird, right? That like one demon thing or Egypt, God, has to, has to give you messages from another one. You know, like, why can't, what's he doing? What's he, what's he, what's he told me? Is he doing, and he can't come talk to Alster?
Starting point is 00:46:44 You know, is this Horus and now Horus is unable to make it at all this time He's haunting a different pyramid today or maybe at the sphinx it is I the less impressive But still pretty cool I was and I'm here to give you a message from Horus He told me to talk to you. I suppose that I was, I gave Crowley the text of the book of the law. Name him profit. Mm-hmm sure he did. Sure he did David Kuresh. I mean Marshal Apple White. I mean Jim Jones. I mean Elrond Hubbard. I mean Aleister Crowley, you delusional son of itch. This text will become the foundation for Thalima. Aleister's new spiritual philosophy or religion. The most important line of the text Crowley received in the mantra that would be the basis for all that Crowley would later do is do what that will
Starting point is 00:47:25 She'll be the whole of the law now to the events in Cairo Crowley dubs himself Chilokan he brewed for it great beasts and rose is now Audra the Sia rose is a scottah woman the first scottah woman So he's getting way into his new mythology on July 28th 1904 rose gives birth to their daughter and mythology on July 28th 1904 Rose gives birth to their daughter and and Crowley goes out of his fucking way to give her the most preposterously shitty name any parent is given a child. He names her I'm not making this up. New it ma a hot the war Hictate Safo Jezebel Lilith that's her name that's her first name that's her first name right that's that's not even counting the Crowley part. Seriously, guess they just called her Lily for short. I hope so. Jesus, anyone who names their kids and fucking bullshit like that, they deserve honestly to have their kid taken away from them. You're not even joking. You're not ready to be a parent when you
Starting point is 00:48:17 do that. And you make another human being carry the burden of your wackadoodle agenda with their name. Crowley later explained her name. He would say, knew it was given an honor to our Lady of the Stars. Ma, Goddess of Justice, because the sign of Libra was rising. Ahthua, Goddess of Love and Beauty, became Venus, rules Libra. Oh, because Venus rules Libra. I'm not sure about the name, hekde. I love whatever it just random.
Starting point is 00:48:46 It's Hecate, or Hecate. H-E-C-A-T, if I can't say nonsense is what it is. By the way, he says, I'm not sure about the name Hecate. It may have been a compliment to the infernal gods. A poet could hardly do less than commemorate the only lady who ever wrote poetry, Sappho. Jezebel still held her place as my favorite character in Scripture, and Lilith, of course, holds undisputed possession of my affections in the realm of demons.
Starting point is 00:49:11 That is the most wacky, dear little rationale for a name. I love that in the middle of all this symbolism, there's one of the names, he's just like, yeah, don't, that's a good question, right? We were doing a lot of opium. I was very high, and I don't remember all the reasonings Around the birth of child Alicir's marriage begins to fall apart Maybe they argue a bunch over that kid's name. I wanted to name her Sarah. What's wrong with Sarah? It's a beautiful name What's wrong with knew it's my a soul heck it?
Starting point is 00:49:36 So far so full just a little is fucking everything Fuckface would have been a better name than that Domestic life did not suit Crowley so in April05, Crowley takes off for some more mountain climbing. You know, he'd been doing off and on ever since he got that, you know, trust fund. He decided to join Expedition with the members of the K2 team to climb. Couching Junga, a towering peak of some 28,207 feet, third highest mountain in the world. No Western climbers had ever ventured. For like 40 years, he would have, you know, the record be part of the team that had the record for the highest climb. So, you know,
Starting point is 00:50:09 he was, you know, at least within with good company doing his climbing. This climb though doesn't, doesn't go well. He gets in a fight with his team, has to make himself a separate little camp, guessing the argument started when he told him what his daughter's name was, they called him an asshole and probably went downhill from there. But then on September 1st, 1905, an avalanche occurs and Crowley's handling of the aftermath causes him to kind of basically lose a lot of respect to the mountaineering circles and kind of be shunned back to the shunning. The rest of his party was descending when an avalanche struck four of the group died. The survivors were later claimed that Crowley was nearby in an unaffected tent when the
Starting point is 00:50:43 avalanche hit and that he ignored their cries for help, choosing instead to drink his tea. Maybe cast a spell to make it happen. Maybe it's probably dicking around with some dried peas in his tent, you know. Roll him around in a bowl of spider legs and some eye of newt, some bat wool in his tent cauldron. I'll teach you to not be nice to me the dark wizard October 29th 1905 after the disastrous climb Crowley heads to Calcutta roses to meet him there They had not seen each other in six months and you know, she just wanted to catch up with them and just present him in person is
Starting point is 00:51:19 1905 international father of the year trophy The young family leaves from India to travel to China and Crowley again quickly tires domestic life less than six months later on March 22nd 1906 Rose and Crowley part company Crowley head back has back to England by the Pacific route to Japan then to Canada and then after Crossing of the entire North American continent at last a sale for England from New York rose was to proceed by way of India To pick up the remaining luggage and then through the Suez Canal and the Mediterranean The rationale later offered by Crowley for this decision and this is all according to later biography author Lawrence Sutton, was his intention to draw support in New York for a Katynchunga expedition, which he would attempt vainly to accomplish. It's like a new new expedition. Well, he arrives in Liverpool on June 2nd, 1906, and learns via letter that his daughter knew it has
Starting point is 00:52:07 died of typhoid in Rangoon. And he blames Rose, claiming that the cause was an improperly sanitized bottle nipple due to Rose's drunkenness. I wonder if she just finally realized what her name was and just passed away of sadness. Rose is pregnant again when young Newodais gives birth to daughter Lola Zaza in 1907. Lola would live a long life, reaching the age of 83, with a regular, not too fucked up name, coincidence. By 1907, there's no longer even an illusion of a managa's marriage between Alistair and
Starting point is 00:52:34 Rose, and Rose is drinking heavily and Crowley is unsympathetic. By 1911, she would actually end up being committed to an asylum for alcohol-induced dementia, and for many years of dementia and just kind of toiling in asylum, she would die in 1932. By 1908, Alistair has moved out of their shared Scotland apartment and their marriage completely, as fallen apart, he's also begun to spread the Gospel of Thelima, which is very similar to the Golden Dawn, some kind of new stuff, new twist and turn thrown in. It's built off the back of the Golden Dawn kind of rights. In November of 1907, he founded the A,
Starting point is 00:53:08 followed by three periods in a triangle, the logical and mathematical symbol for therefore, another A, followed again by this symbol, A, therefore, A, therefore. And yes, so this A, and since most people myself included don't immediately recognize what a their four symbol means, and just read it as AA, which I guess is how you say it. It comes across looking just like alcoholic synonymous, and I just bring that up because
Starting point is 00:53:33 it's led to some hilarious conspiracy theory videos on YouTube, where thousands of people believe, and you can tell by their comments, that alcohol synonymous, or alcoholics synonymous, was founded by Aleistair Crowley and is inherently a satanic organization, which is complete and utter nonsense. But there's this association because of Alistair Crowley having an organization around the same time AA was founded roughly
Starting point is 00:54:02 that had these same initials. What do the A stand for with Crowley's organization? Well, there's a lot of disagreement over that since from what I can tell, Alistair never completely spelled it out just explicitly. The Latin name of Crowley's previous magical order, the Golden Dawn, Aurora, Orea, also featured the initial AA, probably not a coincidence. Argentium, astrum. Not good with Latin, but that's Latin for the Silver Star, and most past believers
Starting point is 00:54:27 have felt, and I guess most current believers felt, this is the true name of the religion, like the Silver Star, it's called, a lot of times. And there's a bunch of other conjectures out there about other possibilities. Well, whatever the fuck it stands for, Crowley begins to spread it. He starts to gather disciples. He meets Victor Newberg in the spring of 1908. Newberg is seven years, Crowley's junior, Crowley's later description of him is fantastic. He described this guy as, he was agnostic, vegetarian, a mystic, a Tolstoyian, and several
Starting point is 00:54:51 other things always once. He endeavoured to express his spiritual state by wearing the green star of Esperanto, though he could not speak the language by refusing to wear a hat, even in London, to wash and to wear trousers. Whenever addressed, he wriggled convulsively in his lips, which was three times too large for him, and had been put on hastily as an afterthought, and admitted the most extraordinary laugh that had ever come my way. To these advantages he united those of being extraordinarily well-read, overflowing with exquisitely subtle humor,
Starting point is 00:55:19 and being one of the best-natured people that have ever trawled this planet. I love that his physical description makes me think of like a young Mick Jagger. Well, Crowley initiated this newberg into his magical order, the AA, and he took the magical name Frata Omnia Vincum. And I'm sure he took that very seriously from this moment forward, you off Frata Omnia of Vincum. That is your magic name. Crowley also began a long-lasting sentimental and sexual relationship with Newberg in 1909. Crowley took Newberg to Algiers, in Africa, and they set off in the desert where they performed some super weird shit. They performed a series of occult rituals based on this anotian system of the 16th century British occultist Dr. John D, you know, these rituals to like bring forth spirits into this plane.
Starting point is 00:56:01 In the midst of these rituals, Crowley put the ideas of sex and magic together, performed his first sex magic, and it'd be like magic with a K on there, ritual, which would actually bring forth the Red Hot Chili Peppers from one plane, a plane of white boys, Southern California, funk into this one, into ours, blood, sugar, sex, magic.
Starting point is 00:56:18 Actually worth noting that the chili peppers did spell magic with a K in that album, in that song, just like Crowley did. Another pop culture nod to the heatnest. So no, of course they did not conjure a band. They did try to fuck up some magic literally. Crowley would come to believe as he literally came in the desert with New perk. There was a lot of me going on at the desert and I hope they used loop anal sex in the desert sounds like a nightmare, a lot of sand. As he would later say in the book of law, he would say that each individual has an absolute
Starting point is 00:56:48 right to satisfy his sexual instinct as his physiologically proper for him. The one injunction is to treat all such acts of sacraments, one should not eat as the roots, but in order to enable one to do one's will. The same applies to sex. We must use every faculty to further the one object of all existence. Well, so what he did out there is, well, he would come and then come to believe that sexual energy is a potent force that can be harnessed to transcend one's normally perceived reality. One example of the practice of sex magic is using the sexual energy of orgasm with visual visualization to achieve a desired result.
Starting point is 00:57:23 And so, but he has this like a piphany, like while he's having Newberg's atomized him in the desert while they're doing their little incantations and stuff, like it was like part of this ritual, the deviation of this ritual, you know, that he had come up with, which really all just sounds like rationale for just doing kind of unlimited fucking, you know, he would go on to make like sex magic rituals
Starting point is 00:57:45 and involve oral intercourse, vaginal intercourse, anal intercourse, just everything. Just, you know, just use some good old mumbo jumbo magic talk, justify a lot of putting your dick in places. Or maybe he really did think it gave him power. In Algiers, he knew, he knew, this is, it's still, this whole episode is overpatched. He and Newberg did try to fuck the demon Teraunzon, the dweller of the abyss into existence or Koranzon, or who gives a shit, but no, he this demon, he believed this demon to be the main obstacle between humanity and true enlightenment. These knuckleheads are out there in the desert having sex in order to, in their minds, open the gates
Starting point is 00:58:26 of hell. And again, how much opium went into that? And yeah, and to do this, for this particular ritual, Crowley has Newbergs atomize him. And at the point of climax, Crowley has this mystic revelation that where he sees a bright white light and realizes that sex itself is a sacrament, it's a shortcut to magic. And this ritual ignited, you know, Crowley and the firmly believed that sex and magic were linked and then you'll see where this leads.
Starting point is 00:58:51 So 1912 Crowley finds a new muse for a sex magic. He was never one to have a partner very long or necessarily to stick to one sex. Lila Wadell, one of his books, The Book of Lies is very much inspired by her. Not sure how flattering that title is, I don't know. Baby, I have dedicated a new book to you. That's wonderful, darling.
Starting point is 00:59:11 And what does it call, Dallastah? The Book of Lies, you hollet. Crowley spends the next few years working on sex magic, developing Thalima further, I bet he does. Sounds like a good time. Is Thalima research sounds a hell of a lot more exciting than time's a research to tell you that? In January of 1914, Crowley decided to undertake
Starting point is 00:59:28 another major ritual. It would be a six-week ritual. It's a long time-ver ritual. It would be called the Paris Working Ritual. Paris sounds like a way better place to do some sex magic than the African desert. And the purpose of the Paris Working Ritual was to summon the Roman gods Mercury and Jupiter
Starting point is 00:59:42 into our plane. Uh-huh. It sounds legit, not at all, Wacadoodle. You know, just kind of reach out to a few Roman gods Mercury and Jupiter into our plane. Uh-huh, that sounds legit, not at all a wackadoodle. You know, just kind of reach out to a few Roman gods, no big whoop, you know. Uh, man, and I thought last, uh, last sucks, Norse mythology was weird. And the ritual takes place in the Saperus apartment, Crowley in Newberg's share. And it attracted some, uh, some interesting guests. New York Times foreign correspondent Walter Duranty, another of Aleister's lovers,
Starting point is 01:00:03 he participated. And the first experiment is done on New Year's Eve with Duranty, another of Aleister's lovers, he participated. And the first experiment is done on New Year's Eve with Duranty and Crowley receives sacrament from Duranty in the form of his semen. Yep, you heard right. Exactly how and where he received the sacrament, it has nothing recorded. Hopefully not in his eye, that's rude. And then that night, she gets so cray cray. Newberg does some type of dance.
Starting point is 01:00:24 His movements represent independent of pentagramagram done to purify the room while he dances and I assume he's dancing naked. Crowley skirges him on his buttocks so you know he's getting spanked with some little spanking device probably some little leather strap or something as he does his little pentagram dance and then Crowley takes a dagger cuts across a newberg's chest and he wraps a chain around Newberg's head so much drugs so much drugs had to be present. No way these idiots were so sober for this insanity. And then when the clock strikes, midnight, of course, Crowley and Newberg engage in ritual sex. And then Newberg is fucking Crowley.
Starting point is 01:00:54 While they're both reciting a Latin verse composed by Duranty and Crowley, just for this occasion, which translates to magician is with magician joined, Hermes, King of Wont, appear, bringing the inevitable word. Do you understand the fucking how crazy this is? They're chanting that phrase over and over in Latin. While engaged or having the satami, I'm sure there's witnesses chanting it as well, and then according to this outrageous wacky doodles' presidency event, Mercury manifested in Newbrook, whom Crowley saw surrounded by a dazzling astral array.
Starting point is 01:01:28 The temple grew flashing full of flashing caducey, the magical wand with intertwined serpent sacred to Mercury of gold and yellow. Oh, good drugs, man. The serpent's alive and moving, Hermes bearing them, but so young and mischievous was he that the sacrifice was impossible. Well, apparently this last sentence referred to Newberg fucking up bringing Mercury fully into our realm by not maintaining an erection long enough to complete the ritual. I'm not kidding.
Starting point is 01:01:53 That's not one of my lies. They're that ridiculous. You know, like they do all this stuff, they prepare for it, you know, this is very long ritual, just weeks ending with this, and then, you know, Mercury doesn't show up and they're like, well of course, if he didn't show up you you came too fast. God damn it man. Why couldn't you just finish it not a little bit towards the end. Slap the tip of your dick for a second to slow things down. You just you just nut it away on entire ritual. Well cry and this how seriously they took this. Crowley was so disappointed in Newberg his ill-timed orgasm
Starting point is 01:02:24 that they actually parted ways after this ritual. It ended their relationship., Crowley was so disappointed in Newburgh, his ill-timed orgasm that they actually parted ways after this ritual. It ended their relationship. For Crowley, the object of this ritual was not limited to just some mystical union with some goddess or god. He thought they could actually invoke some sort of magical child as he would later come to call it. This magical child could be like, you know, some concentrated form of inspiration. It could manifest physically.
Starting point is 01:02:43 It's a talisman Uh-huh Or even as a human being. It was as in a newborn baby. That'd be a that'd be quite the party party trick To butt fuck a newborn baby into existence You can do that. Oh That is you got some powers my friends. Oh man. I don't want I don't want to be around that baby Well with that I don't know what that butt baby is going to get out to you in this life, but probably nothing good. Really, look at here, and I got some pig, did he speak?
Starting point is 01:03:09 Ever did lick? Maybe that's how the Primeys started from a demonic butt baby ritual. But it doesn't happen. This doesn't happen, you know, because of Newberg's two easily excited Wien. He gets a little bit of spanking, a little bit of chin, a little bit of satami. He's spraying like a garden sprinkler, man. Amateur. What an amateur move. So then he takes off and he has a fairly normal of spanking, a little bit of chan, a little bit of satime. He's spraying like a garden sprinkler, man. Amateur. What an amateur move.
Starting point is 01:03:27 So then he takes off and he has a fairly normal life after that away from Cali. Crowley. On October 24th, 1914, Crowley heads back to America on the loose, loose satania, the US passenger vessel, the sinking of which in 1916 by a German submarine would precipitate to America's entry into the war. He's still exploring sex magic. He records this time in his diary. You know, he'd noticed that from September 1st, 1914 to June 16th, 1915, there were 68 operations, which was his term for sex magic experiences,
Starting point is 01:03:56 and that 11 of these were solo masturbations. So, you know, 11 times he wasn't able to trick someone into one of his weird sex games, and he would just jerk off instead. Man, masturbation magic, that's pretty sweet. That sounds like an easy trick to pull off. Maybe I'm gonna do that. I'm gonna do that later today, you know? Out on the road in my hotel room. How would the other hotel guests like that?
Starting point is 01:04:15 Just to hear me, you know, jerking off, just yelling stuff like, ah, la, peanut, bata, shand, which, then maybe right as I come, just by the power of grayschool. What are you doing in there? Sex magic. Get out of it.
Starting point is 01:04:28 Get away from me. January of 1915, Crowley meets George Sylvester Virich, a writer that Crowley would interact with throughout the war years. Viric would later be remembered as the most influential propagandist for the German cause in America during both World War I and World War II. So you know, birds of the feather flock together. He was a tracking real swell crowd. By the way, there will be a lot of speculation
Starting point is 01:04:47 about this layer. Some people would think that he was just being a dick to try to support Germany just because it was again, like he just likes to turn off the pot. Other speculations never completely verified that he may have been some secret agent for Britain and actually trying to spread propaganda to make the propaganda seem so dumb
Starting point is 01:05:03 that it kind of weakened the German cause. So maybe he was working with the British government, maybe just being a dick. The public assumed he was just being a dick. When this would, you know, come out of the press. And June Crowley falls in love with the New York fashion model named Gene or Jan, it doesn't say however, however she chose to pronounce it. I'm going to say, let's just say, a genie, Jeannie Robert Foster. Foster was the model used for the illustrations of artist Harrison Fisher. She was named the Harrison Fisher girl in 1903.
Starting point is 01:05:32 All these illustrations, you know, go out about her. Jeannie would be one of the great loves of Crowley's life and another scarlet woman Crowley begins practicing some, some, some, Jesus Christ. Samasati, meditation around this time and has a revelation that to become a mages and bring the world of the word of the lemine to the flesh, he must have a magic child. He just keeps getting weirder. He just chooses faster to be his new scarlet woman to bear this child. The undertaking would be magic of the highest order, the mystical union of the sexist Crowley composed. Luckily for Jeannie, it doesn't happen. And she goes on to become a poet of some renowned and get away from him. In 1916 Crowley starts an affair with an
Starting point is 01:06:08 Indian musician, Ratan Devi, who she becomes pregnant with in a month of meeting him. Now he can have his magic baby. Well, nope. Her husband finds out and he's not happy. And then takes her away from him, takes her to sail back across the pond to England. However, Crowley performs a sex magic ritual to ensure a safe pregnancy, because that's what you gotta do. You know, we gotta have some more sex to make sure that you make it. And then she gets sick on the voyage and has a miscarriage. And yeah, and so no magic baby doesn't get to have his magic baby.
Starting point is 01:06:43 During the summer of 1916, Crowley ups the amounts of drug usage. She's doing a tie-do is magic rituals. Finally starts to think of straight man That's what he's been missing that man. That's why he wasn't able to get mercury That's the real reason wasn't about his buddies. Wayne they just didn't have enough coconut system to have an avopium He starts using heroin for solitary sex operations, which is one hell of a way to rationalize shooting up heroin while you're jerking off He's doing a lot of coke too. I got to get more coke into those rituals. His drug of choice was relatively recent discovery, ether or ethyl oxide, pungent anesthetic liquid, the vapors from which he would inhale from a bottle with a long thin neck, sounds
Starting point is 01:07:18 fancy, huffing up that ethyl oxide man, huffing up a little ether. That's what the magic was missing man. You got to put a little bit of that pep on it, A little bit of the ether pep. That was a fucking maniac. New York of 1918, Crowley meets Leah Hursig. Her sister Alma, brought her to Crowley's apartment. Alma was already an occultist. Leah had an interest. Leah was a 35 year old single mother to a son named Hansi, who Crowley would call Dionysius. That's not weird. Referring to a young boy's degree, God of wine and madness. That's not weird at all. When they met, she was a public school teacher
Starting point is 01:07:48 on the Bronx, attending law lectures at NYU, and then she met Crowley and everything Philip Hart. At the time, Crowley met Hersig. He was attempting to create visual art in his apartment. He just taken out an ad in the New York newspaper that read all caps to be in wanted dwarfs and he goes to regular lowercase hunchbacks tattooed women harrassing fischer girls freaks of all sorts colored women only if exceptionally ugly
Starting point is 01:08:13 or deformed to pose for artist swear to god this guy really just march to the beat of his own drummer to me uh... feel like he would have loved the skin art of edgain oh man he would love that i don't know how much edgain would have loved uh... him i think he would have loved the skin art of edgine all man he would love to know how much edgine would have loved uh... him i think he would have loved edgine uh... her secret none of these descriptions she was white and attractive but she showed up and she would become the first woman to pose for him completely new
Starting point is 01:08:33 and then after he finishes uh... his peace is our tea consul created her as the scala to woman uh... world war ones going on during all of this kralia and again you know there's those rumors that apparently offered himself to british intelligence is a spy uh... kind of the main, there's those rumors that he apparently offered himself to British intelligence as a spy. Kind of the main one is that he was rejected when he offered himself and he takes that personally, and then that's when he becomes a dick and it's like it supports the propaganda behalf of the Germans.
Starting point is 01:08:55 And then there's the other side, which I mentioned earlier. December of 1918, Crowley returns to London, leaving behind a pregnant herstic physician prescribed some heroin for his asthma. Uh-huh. It's probably just, you know, again, we talked about that. What a great treatment. He moves from there to Paris, an eighth month pregnant Hersteg joins him to a year old Hanse, joins him on the boat to Paris.
Starting point is 01:09:15 They meet a Ninet Shumway, a single mother of a three year old boy. And she comes along to become a nanny for Hersteg and Crowley. By February of 1919, Shumway is also a magic lover and is given the name of sister Cyprus. And her sick remains the primary scarlet woman. And she's, I guess, like the backup scarlet woman. On February 20th, 1919, they got a little trifecta going on. Hersey gives birth to a daughter named Anne Leanne, nicknamed a poopy, which is French for doll, a poopy. And in March of 1919, Crowley seeks a place
Starting point is 01:09:45 to build a church for Thalima, a temple. He consults an oracle. Mm-hmm, of course he does. It gives a favorable response to the small Sicilian town of Cifalu. Cifalu. Crowley arrives on April 1st with Herstic and Shemwe, and they rent the Villa Santa Barbara
Starting point is 01:10:00 and work to remodel it into the abbey of Thalima. February 19, 2020, both Herstic and Shem shall we are pregnant, Pupe is in very poor health. In October 14th, Pupe dies. In a hospital in Palermo, it is said, Crowley grieved more for Pupe than anyone else in his life. Sorry, I feel like such a monster. It's very sad what I'm reading about. Obviously it's like this poor baby died, but when you say like,
Starting point is 01:10:22 Pupe dies, it's just, it makes it hard to be as sad Maybe that's the maybe that's a trick to dealing with grief. Just name everybody you love fucking horrific Weird silly names, you know, just poopy and peepy head You know that way only refer to them as that so that you know, it's I'm in terrible peepy head is not feeling well poopy is very sick. It takes a little bit of his edge off of it. Anyway, her sick has a miscarriage six days later after Pupi dies, so very, very terrible terrible for her. The loss of these two children in the face of Shumwe's healthy
Starting point is 01:10:55 pregnancy proves unbearable for her sick. She becomes convinced that Shumwe has been working some black magical current in that's been causing the deaths of the two children. And she talks Crowley into reviewing Shum some ways magical diaries for this period which he does and he feels that she was right and then he she's shunned she's she's banished from the Abby these fucking lunatics how seriously to take that stuff you know it's so sad these kids died but it's like yeah what was it the spells was she doing black magic or was it the crazy amount of drugs you idiots are doing I don on Sicily.
Starting point is 01:11:26 Well, she's not banished for long weeks later on November 26th. She gives the second scarlet woman gives birth to a daughter and is allowed to return, which is too bad, because this little temple that they're living in is not fit for a baby as we're gonna find out. So much debauchery may have went on there. So much sexual depravity, like an insane level.
Starting point is 01:11:46 And we're gonna dive right into that, right after we take a short break for today's idiots of the internet. I remember the earlier confusion I referenced between Alistair's AA Religion and Alcoholics Anonymous. Well, let's start with the comments underneath the video I watched about that says what you need to know about alcoholics anonymous and it's true history a Hashtag kill kill you kill Luminati kill Luminati. There we go kill kill Luminati And the creator a narrator of this video video is living just breathing just shits sandwich
Starting point is 01:12:25 of a human being, just a maniac. At one point when he's making this convoluted argument about how alcoholics anonymous is satanic and trying to tie Crowley to it, which is crazy when you consider how much Crowley loved drugs. At one point he puts a picture on screen of Alistair and it's been badly photoshopped to kind of show him giving the the viewer the double bird both middle fingers up You know, I'm sure you know phrase that is like that's against Goddies Anyway
Starting point is 01:12:51 There's some stuff that really cracked me up on this video User his helping heart posts all caps wow. I am shocked at this. I feel sick to my stomach exclamation points I've talked at this. I feel sick to my stomach exclamation points, lower case. To be honest, I was actually going to go to an AA meeting this morning, but for some reason I changed my mind and I just stayed at home and I read my Bible. And then after I finished, I decided to get online and see what God wanted to show me today.
Starting point is 01:13:17 And I see this, all caps exclamation points. What exclamation points? Wow. Thanks for the information. I appreciate all that you post. God bless you, brother exclamation points. Wow! Helping heart, you need to spend a few days reading some books other than the Bible because you are dumb as fuck. Oh my god. By all means, keep reading the Bible, keep reading it maybe, but just work some other texts into the rotation, like maybe a critical thinking textbook,
Starting point is 01:13:49 critical thinking 101, maybe read an announcer, Crowley Bio, followed by an AA summary, so you can understand for the first time how clearly opposed those philosophies actually are. That is just so sad that this person clearly has a drinking problem. They need help. And instead of getting help, they make up some weird excuse that rationalize it through
Starting point is 01:14:13 their faith to stay home and then read this video and then now we're never going to go to a meeting that could actually save their life. I know A is not for everybody. I actually had to go to A.A. just for like court order when I had this D.Y. years ago. Not my finest moment at all. And you know, it's really cool. You could see it really like fucking men a lot to some of these people. And I know people who A.A. has been a huge, huge, important piece of their life and has kept them on the road to sobriety. And now this poor lady, this helping heart is just never going to go because this dumb
Starting point is 01:14:47 shit is convinced her it's satanic. User Daniel Fristow comments under this post, still drinking and I'm guessing she's referring to user helping hearts. Yeah, I'm sure I'm sure still drinking. Oh, man, read more drink less. You know what, you need to exercise the few brain cells you have left. One more from this comment section. User, Jamie A, asks, please do more videos on this subject.
Starting point is 01:15:15 My husband had a drinking problem and now goes to AA. We are separated and he keeps hooking up with women there. He is into new age now and yoga and joins Spartans fitness challenge, which is all about the flesh, not the spirit. I believe in health and exercise, but this is also extreme. He rarely will listen about Jesus anymore and is sinning, but thinks he's okay. He said, A-A has to come first before me and our kids. He texted me his nine months sobriety coin. It scared me with the triangle, it scared me, and it says be true to thyself. Ugh, I don't know how adultery is supposed to stop with these meetings.
Starting point is 01:15:51 It just seems to me that this is still all about alcohol, whether drinking or not, if they're hearing your video, I'll be praying against this deception that Christians are falling into. I have a daughter who just started going to, and now I am worried, and will pray for her, to be led to a Christian place for her addiction. Thank you so much and thanks for quickly updating my password for your exclusive videos. Make God strengthen you. Continue to lead to you. Jamie Archibald.
Starting point is 01:16:15 Oh Jamie, you fucking dumb, sad clown of a lady. He's not working out all the time and hooking up because of the devil. He's just no longer in a relationship with a woman where I'm strongly guessing he was in a sexless marriage. Not that it's Jamie's fault. This dude could be a douchebag as well. I don't want to come across that way. But just this lady seems so sad that she wants her drunk husband back.
Starting point is 01:16:40 You know, she prefer him not to be drunk, but she'd rather have him be a drunk and doing what she wants than to be doing his Spartan fitness challenges and fucking knocking it out with his AA ladies. Oh, God, I bet their sex life was terrible. Man, stop wasting your time blaming the devil for your broken marriage, right? I don't know much about you, Jamie. But just stop it. I do know that's not the road you're going down, not going to put anything back together. This is not helping anything at all. Move on with your life, right? Stop blaming the devil.
Starting point is 01:17:09 It's definitely stopped subscribing to this idea. It's private videos. I can only imagine the horrible information he's giving your head through private videos where his dumbest public video is. Get to do some therapy, do some couples counseling if you can talk to a husband to that, but fuckin' come on, stop, stop, stop, dot.
Starting point is 01:17:24 And then really, you're gonna be the if you can talk to a husband to that, but fuckin' come on. Stop, stop, stop. And then really, you're gonna be the lady trying to talk here, you're separate to husband, and your daughter out of getting sobriety help. And why are the two of you, alcoholics, it sounds like there's a lot going on. This doesn't sound like a good home, happy home you guys had. I also watched a roughly hour long, Crowley documentary. It was called Satanist, Aleister Crowley, the most wicked man in the world, and a pretty interesting documentary, man.
Starting point is 01:17:44 They're rated by the great Scottish actor Brian Cox. I love that dude. Love his voice man. That's the guy. Older guy has been everything from Super Troopers to Troy. A lot of comedies too, played Churchill in the 2017 film with the same name. And user Rick Sanchez takes an odd stance in the comments sections, saying, came for the baseless allegations while misrepresentations and
Starting point is 01:18:05 outright lies about crowleyness work leaving totally satisfied right because crowley wasn't an eccentric sexual deviant you moron and as if he didn't want that image out there that's what we're thinking about some of the crowley defenders you find in these comment sections and this is this gold is gold in you find in these comment sections, there's gold, there's gold, it ain't gold in these threads. He's made it, where it's like, he loved it. He loved being reviled.
Starting point is 01:18:31 He loved repulsing people. If anything, the document I watched was, didn't say anything. If anything, it said less stuff than some of the stuff in the books, you know, he would have enjoyed it. Or wanted them to just make his image harsher. They wanna make up outlandish tales of him doing more stuff You know, he would have enjoyed it, you know, or wanted, you know, them to just make his image harsher. They wanted to, I don't know, make up outlandish tales of him doing more stuff that was
Starting point is 01:18:49 more outwardly evil. User XDMBX seems to miss a lot of the documentary. He's post, you say sex addict like it's a bad thing, creating life really isn't a bad thing. Well that's two different thoughts you dumb shit. All right, being a sex addict isn't just having a normal sexual life. Those are two different things. Sex is not a bad thing.
Starting point is 01:19:09 Not at all. Creating life, not a bad thing. How are species stays around? Cutting across on some dudes, chess, and having him fuck you, so you could bring a Roman god demon baby into the world is at least not good. It's at least not good if not I would say
Starting point is 01:19:26 kind of bad. At the very least it's questionable. And it's definitely not creating life. So what's the hell are you talking about? You know, lies, user Jeffrey posts lies lies and even more lies. Just another video of Christian religious propaganda bullshit to instill fear in people from discovering the truth truth of each individual potentiality. To prevent people from actually experiencing the true reality, true spirituality, true nature in which exist so deeply within and without and yet so mysteriously that even those among us who are awakened still can I grasp the complexity of beauty within our world, much love to all those who have the courage to march forward and create their own lives in whatever way they desire it manifests. Many blessings.
Starting point is 01:20:09 Eleven people project their meanings onto things that don't share that meaning. Like this person, it doesn't sound like a bad person. He's a little angry about Christianity and religion, but he's got his, you know, what sounds like some kind of positive spirituality for himself. But then he chooses to have Alistair Crowley represent this positive spirituality and be this great bastion of individuality No, did he was also a fucking just kind of degenerate asshole You know just somebody who was a fucking terrible father a terrible husband Just this trust fund douchebag who plays his fucking magic games and you know uses it to justify This is his sexual obsession
Starting point is 01:20:43 That's not like some free love kind of hippie person that you're making amount to be here. You know, it's like when he was used when the counterculture revolution is the 60s, everyone you know went to Crowley, and you know, like this great example of kind of standing up to the man and standing up to this Christian patriarchal society we live in, this oppressive society.
Starting point is 01:21:00 And it's like, okay, in an overly suppressive, religious kind of patriarchal, I don't think that's good, but that doesn an overly a suppressive religious kind of patriarchy, I don't think that's good, but that doesn't mean that the opposite is good. People do that weird thing in their heads all the time, whether like, well, I don't like this at all. And so then they go to somebody who's the opposite of that and they're like, that's what I like.
Starting point is 01:21:16 Without thinking that this opposite thing may be just as fucking ridiculous as what they don't like. It's just another extreme, equally horrific in its own way or worse. It's like, dude, man, that that post would be, you know, meaningful and insightful. If a fallester's philosophy had brought any good into the world, but, you know, it didn't.
Starting point is 01:21:32 Unless he counted a bunch of, you know, kick ass future heavy metal wrists, which I don't. Those guys would have kicked ass without Crowley. They didn't need him, you know. He'd go on to die, he's kind of a washed up, you know. Loser, bluest trust fund money. Fucking climbing around mountains and fucking people in the desert. You know, oh loser, bloat, blew his trust fund money, fucking climbing around mountains and fucking people in the desert.
Starting point is 01:21:46 You know, man, you know, if we're about to find out in this suck, he also would openly do hard drugs, you know, and in front of children, and you know, and just have these weird sex magic rituals in front of kids, you know, and he was just so angry. He wanted to bring down society
Starting point is 01:22:03 and bring these malevolent spirits in the world, all because of why, you know, like, or why? Because God took his daddy too soon. I mean, fuck Alex Crowley. He's interesting to read about for sure, but he was hardly a role model. Okay, one more. User religion is cancer.
Starting point is 01:22:17 That's an aggressive, that's an aggressive title. Post anyone who can piss off a Christian just by existing, he must have been a good person. And again, this is what I was just talking about. This polarizing idiot speak. Post anyone who can piss off a Christian just my existing he must have been a good person and again This is what I was just talking about this polarizing idiot speak and I'm so sick of it right now It's I'm I'm sensitive to it because it reminds me of the current political climate of our country this whole Democrats versus Republicans Just bullshit, you know, and then maybe that's easy for me to say because I'm you know in the middle as more of an independent libertarian But it just it makes me sick male the simple black and white thinking going on. Fuck you in your beliefs.
Starting point is 01:22:47 No one listens to anyone the other side. They just, they just automatically hate the other side for just being the other side, right? This stupid black and white thinking of what anyone who can just piss off a Christian by existing is good. No, how does that make them good? Some people who can piss off Christians can be good, you know, my favorite comic, George Carlin, I think he was great and He pissed off a lot of Christians with his pro abortion and selective pro suicide rantings. His general disdain of life and humanity.
Starting point is 01:23:13 He also brought me a lot of laughs. Still does fill a lot of philosophical insights. He wasn't just having orgies in front of kids, bringing actual animals into orgies, which apparently may have happened, trying to bring monsters into our plane of existence, which I do think is impossible by the way, but, you know, but do what that will, that whole philosophy of crowd, do what that will, as long as it doesn't directly hurt others, as long as there isn't violence behind it, that's a message I can give behind, but that's not what Crowley preached, right? He was, he wasn't a good person. I get that he's, you know, seen as this great champion of individualism, he gets points
Starting point is 01:23:44 for, you know, not becoming a slave to the Rige's morality of the Victorian England but come on man. He took shit too far. The other other direction the religion of Thalima you know calls for Shaking free of the shackles of care for the feeling of others. That's a quote in favor of engagement in quote blasphemy murder rape revolution anything bad or but strong. That is just fucking juvenile and dumb. Right? That's a Crowley quote from the sort of song, like really, evocation of rape as long as Jesus Christ. Crowley was an anarchist at heart, which sounds cool when you're young and angry man.
Starting point is 01:24:16 I remember love and anarchist, I still have some anarchist tendencies from time to time. You know, I get the appeal of that whole fuck the man vibe, totally get it. But if you carry that those anarchistic thoughts to their logical conclusions, if you really actually carry them out in your head, it doesn't end well. Do you really truly want want and rape, looting and murder? That's what you want your life to be full of. You also even surrounded by it. Do you really want that much anarchy?
Starting point is 01:24:43 Truly, no joke at all all not even joking a little bit Well, you know what if you do Congratulations, you are also an idiot of the internet All right back into this timeline back in and if you think I'll be too hard and Crowley You won't in a second, I hope. Let's head back to 1921, explore what went on in that little Sicilian abbey, that is a temple of Thalima. In 1921, Leah Horsig writes in her diary,
Starting point is 01:25:13 I dedicate myself wholly to the great work. I will work for wickedness. I will kill my heart. I will be shameless before all men. I will freely prostitute my body to all creatures. All creatures, not just men, not just women, all creatures. Crowley described his experiences at the Abbey as perfectly happy, my idea of heaven. Crowley and his followers wore robes, performed rituals to the sun god raw, it's set, you know, at times during the day occasionally performing, you know,
Starting point is 01:25:39 a gnostic mass, you know, all these mystic rituals, you know, during the rest of the day, they were left to follow their own interests, and that parts all well and good. With Crowley offered a liberty and education for kids, allowing them to play all day, and also to witness sex magic acts, which is, that's not good. That part's not well and good. Look, not cool. Look, I don't think sex should be viewed as shameful, or presented to children as being a shameful act, at all. I don't hate that, actually. But I also don't think you should prematurely sexualize children by fucking in front of them. What get out of here? All right, they also don't need to be living in an opium orgy din.
Starting point is 01:26:11 Crowley would travel to Palermo to buy supplies, including drugs, which included heroin, his heroin addiction, he came to dominate his life that the Abbey cocaine began to erode his nasal cavity around this time. No one took cleaning too seriously at the Abbey, wild dogs and cats, fucking feral animals are wandering around. You know, this is a place where kids are, you know,
Starting point is 01:26:26 it's filthy. You know, it's getting like train spotting in the requiem of a dream kind of territory now. New followers continue to arrive at the abbey, though, attended by Crowley, among them was film star, Jane Wolfe, who arrived in July 1920. She was initiated into AA, became Crowley Secretary. Another was Cecil Frederick Russell,
Starting point is 01:26:43 who often argued with Crowley. He strongly disliked the same sex magic ritual that, you know, converts were required to perform and then left after a year, that fucking cracks me up. You know, like that's the one thing you just couldn't take. You know, I'm out, Alistair. No, don't try to change my mind. Look, I'm out of here. I had a good time for the most part. You've been a good host mostly. I like the drugs. I enjoy the orgies. I don't mind the cats wandering around in here. I just, look, I didn't come here to get fucked in the ass, right?
Starting point is 01:27:12 That's not why I came to Sicily. That part does not sit well with me. And I don't sit well, frankly, after that ritual. So no thank you, sir. I'm packing my bags in my butthole and I'm getting out of here. More conducive was the Australian Thalimite. Thalimite, Frank Bennett, who also spent several months at the Happy in February 1922,
Starting point is 01:27:33 Crowley returned to Paris for a retreat and an unsuccessful attempt to kick his heroin addiction. Then he went to London and searched for some funds. He's completely out of his inheritance, probably has been for a while now. He's trying to raise some money from some admirers to keep his old party going. He's publishing, trying to publish articles in the English review, criticizing the dangerous drug acts of 1920.
Starting point is 01:27:50 He writes a novel, diary of a drug-fiend, completed in July. On publication, it receives mixed reviews. He doesn't really, never makes any money. He puts out a lot of content, but doesn't really make a lot of money. But he does get admirers, you know, he makes money. So I guess, in a way, he does. He was lambasted by the Sunday express called for the books burning. You just influence the rent further reprints. And that's why a lot of people do like him too, because like, you know, he was just like
Starting point is 01:28:12 he wouldn't succumb to authority. And again, I don't think it's right that they were burning his books. I don't think that it's right that he was censored. That I also don't agree with to be clear in this episode. And I get his appeal that way as somebody who just wouldn't allow himself to be censored. But I also don't think what they wanted to censor was fucking good. I don't think it was like good literature. I think it was kind of dumb, but again, I think you should be a huge, huge proponent of free speech and whatever fucking dumb shit you want to put out in the world. Well, all right, man, I'll stand behind it out of the sense of freedom.
Starting point is 01:28:42 Anyway, the Abbey has a dog named Satan. So that's, yeah, named Satan. That's fun. There were children there. Like I said, they run around naked, watching the sex acts, you know, as magic. Watch as my penis disappear. Abraham, there was a nightmare room in the Abbey, an actual place called a nightmare room where disciples were given drugs, forced to sit there, look at pornographic paintings that Crowley had made. The idea was that they would concofea then, be able to overcome it. The sex magic they practiced got more and more extreme. And allegedly, one sex magic ritual involved Leah, his scarlet woman, trying to have sex with a goat. They attempted goat sex. Apparently the goat
Starting point is 01:29:19 wasn't as into it and they didn't really make it work, but they were trying to get some goat fucking. And that's really when you've gone too far into the occult, when you're down to fuck a goat or are fucking a goat. He did seem to draw the line at least on not fucking kids, so I guess that's good. Unless the goat was a young goat, which technically would make it a kid, which is what you call a young goat. So, possibly some kind of kid fucking going there. If they really did have sex with a goat,
Starting point is 01:29:46 and this is an allegation, it'll always be a heat shed, she said to have a thing, always be, not completely substantiated rumors, didn't film any of this ex-magic that we know of, it's just, that to me is morally unacceptable. On the grounds that an animal cannot give consent, right? Like it might like it, I get, might really like it, but it might also hate it, you just, you don't know.
Starting point is 01:30:04 Right, it depends on the sex act, I'm guessing the animal, you know, maybe the go at the time of his life for all I know. You know, I don't know, right in, right in with your own B.C. Alley thoughts, to both jangles at timesidepodcast.com, I'm sure that would make for a lively and entertaining update.
Starting point is 01:30:18 Both jangles by the way, just told me that he is a very pro B.C. Alley, so who knows? You know, both jangles is, he wears sometimes around the office. He wears, I love Bees Geali t-shirt, so there's that. Sometimes wears a crop top. Sometimes a mesh crop top. But even the morally questionable Bojangles
Starting point is 01:30:34 does think it's wrong to have sex in front of kids. And then along came Betty May and Alistair's big boner party goes limp. She takes it, she takes it crashing into the ground. 1922, a young Thalimite named Raoul Love Day moves to the Abbey in Sicily with his wife, Betty May, and while Love Day was devoted to Crowley, May detested him, like a smart lady, and detested life at the commune. She later claimed, I'm sure, she especially detested the Sodomy Act. She must have had to witness being performed on her husband. I don't like
Starting point is 01:31:03 it here. I don't like, I don't like, I don't like, I don't like watching you getting fucked in the ass. She later claimed that love day was made to drink the blood of a sacrifice cat, and they were required to cut themselves with razors every time they used the pronoun I, right, they had to get rid of their sense of self. Ra will drink from a local pluted stream and then develop deliver infection that resulted in his death in
Starting point is 01:31:29 February of 1923 and to be fair to Crowley he literally told them not to drink the water from the creek So don't drink that and then a doctor told Them that it was the water that made Raoul sick and then killed him not the not the cap blood But anyway, but she's mad. She's not convinced. She returns to London and she tells her short of the press and they eat it up The tabloid the Sunday Sunday Express, runs the headline, New Sinister Relations of Alistair Crowley. Vosity lads death enticed to Abby, dreadful ordeal of a young wife, Crowley's plans. The paper runs six pieces, published in April and May of 1923. He's headlined the King of Depravity, the wickedest man in the world, a cannibal at large.
Starting point is 01:32:02 I'm sure they exaggerated a lot of these stories and the stories are picked up by newspapers in North America throughout Europe and this is how he really becomes notorious. The international press leads to Mussolini, the dictator, kicking the members of the Abby out of Italy. Just fucking get out of here, and April 23rd, British journalist John Bull proclaims Crowley a man we'd like to hang.
Starting point is 01:32:20 The fastest government of, yeah, Mussolini learns of Crowley's activities, you know, and that's why they give him this deportation and without him the Abbey closes. By the time he's been kicked out of Sicily, his average heroin usage has apparently reached three grams per day, which I don't know a lot about heroin, but that seems excessive. 1924, Leah Hersig, who was not kicked out of the Abbey. She finally leaves. She's been trying to keep it going.
Starting point is 01:32:42 She joins it in Paris, trying to raise funds for a new Abby. It doesn't work in the two part ways. August 24, 1924, Crowley meets Dorothy Olson, who within weeks would replace her sick as a new scarlet woman. Guess she had a little bit more money for him to live off for a while. Conjecture there on my part, but I feel it's probably accurate. By 1925, while living in Tunis. Crowley allegedly starts to physically abuse Olson, shattering the bones around in her eye. She writes letters to another disciple, detailing the abuse.
Starting point is 01:33:11 This and partly to this disciple, one Norman mud losing faith in Crowley as a prophet. Right, so just one letter that year and has a formal break from him in 1926. Same year, her sick moves to Switzerland, has a son by one of Crowley's former disciples. Everything's fallen apart. She two denounces Crowley as a prophet. You know, the bands all busted up the fucking band leaders broke. He's gone full-scot, W Island.
Starting point is 01:33:30 You know, uh, I guess not full is not yet. Crowley returns to Paris and goes around to his and by the way, that was not suicide reference with Crowley with W Island. That was W Island well before he, uh, O.D. and that was a while in well before he OD'd, which I guess you know, it's not really too tight, but well before he OD'd, he was just notoriously a fucking asshole to work with and just, you know, ruined SDP. From what I've heard, from what I've read. Anyway, Crowley returns to Paris and goes around to his former friends and allies trying to gather capital, still trying to raise some money to keep his fucking sex magic party going.
Starting point is 01:34:02 He still pranks and sex magic spends the next four years traveling around Europe and poverty with a new scarlet woman named Maria de Meramar, who was from Nicaragua, they'd marry, and then they'd be expelled from France shortly after that. And then that's part, you know, sounds kind of shitty. He wasn't doing anything illegal in France. It's just a French government, you know, it heard about Italy.
Starting point is 01:34:20 They had sent some secret service people to kind of watch him, and then he was seeing, you know, talking to some kind of lower Nobility, they didn't want to scandal to break out in France and so they were just like fucking get out of here Take your drama get out of the country and never come back. He's notorious now. No one wants him by 1930 The broke middle-aged occultist has moved back to sorry moved to Berlin and then soon after arriving there He had been Miramar separates and then by 1932 he's back in England January 33 He spies a placard in a bookshop
Starting point is 01:34:46 window in London, and as attached to a copy of one of his novel Moon Child and declares as a sales enticement that Alistair Crowley's first novel, The Diary of a Drug Fiend, was withdrawn from circulation after an attack in the sensational press. And Crowley takes this as an opportunity to sue for libel. He's desperate for money. He sued on the particular grounds that the drug fiend had never been removed from circulation. Those sales had certainly suffered. The general grounds that the placard implied that his work was in decent. The one day trial takes place on May 10, 1933. He's awarded 50 pounds plus costs and then kind of bolstered by this win. In your desperate for more money, he attempts to sue a memorized Ethel Menon for writing about him being a black magician.
Starting point is 01:35:24 And that doesn't go well. He doesn't win that one, and here's a transcript from a part of the court case. I like this. It's constable, whatever lawyer is like, did you take to yourself the designation of the beast 6666? And then Crowley's like, yes. Did you call yourself the master of the theorem? Yes.
Starting point is 01:35:44 What does thehramon mean? Great wild beast. Do these titles convey a fair expression of your practice and an outlook on life. The beast is 666 only means sunlight. You can call me little sunshine. Yeah. Well, kind of funny, but they weren't amused. And these cases, tossed out, he loses it. And he's forced to declare total an absolute bankruptcy in 1935. Total debts come to about just under 5,000 pounds,
Starting point is 01:36:08 zero assets. As he walks out of the courthouse though, he runs into a 19 year old woman named Patricia McAlpine, whom he would call Diedra, and she's furious, and he lost the case, she's a big admirer, she's more upset than he is, and she propositions Crowley to have a child with her, you know, and then she's almost 40 years younger than him, and already has a two, and he already has two, sorry, she's almost 40 years younger than
Starting point is 01:36:33 him, and he agrees to have a kid with her. And I'm sure he does. I'm sure he was just like, thank you, Lucifina, back in the game, just hit the jackpot. Well Crowley and McAlpine perform sex magic, he's loving life again. She becomes pregnant and has a son, and Crowley names Megalind perform sex magic. He's loving life again. She becomes pregnant and has a son and Crowley names his only son, Alistair Aturk. Ataturk, there we go. Ataturk. And unlike most of his previous kids, this kid lives, finally has his
Starting point is 01:36:53 magic baby, but it doesn't go well for, it doesn't really kind of, it doesn't like settling to domestic life, you know, he just not that guy. Summer of 1937, he starts a public health business out of the house. He's staying at, calls him to doctor, sort of selling a lickserv life pills, you know, he starts a public health business out of the house. He's staying at, calls him to the doctor, starts selling a liquor of life pills. He's just a snake oil salesman now. Or a snake oil salesman, there he goes,
Starting point is 01:37:13 that sells body vibrators, infrared lights. And then his lady and young son leave him by 1937. I'm sure they do. And for men on, he would have no permanent lodgings. He's just some weird wackadoodle like an liquor of life pill salesman now. Ninety-eight, he finds a new lover and patron, wealthy woman, free to Harris.
Starting point is 01:37:29 She gives him two pounds a week for six years, to kind of like a little allowance to live on. By that time, his health is in rapid decline. He's fallen out of popularity. The great beast living on a tiny allowance, man, how the mighty have fallen. He has enough money from other sources to kind of continue to support his heroin habits.
Starting point is 01:37:44 You know, we take that habit of the grave according to one biography. He averaged four to six grams of heroin per day in 43 and 44. And then allegedly 10 grams per day for the first half of 1945, which it's actually they wrote it as grains. I don't know why I switched to grams. Maybe that's some other measurement of it. In 1945, in January, he moves. For the last time in his life, moves to another woods, the ridge, hastings, little home for kind of elderly, decrepit people, in the final stages of life.
Starting point is 01:38:13 He convinces one new young disciple to move there with him. This guy can't have grant, but grants parents could have been him to move out later that year and now Crowley's alone. And this grant was interested in the occult and wanted to be under Crowley's tutelage but then he's he fucking gets out of there and then he just you know lives out his last years in this little cottage with visits from his few remaining friends and occasional visits from
Starting point is 01:38:33 his children and he dies on December 1st 1947 at the age of 72 and that takes us out of this time so timeline. Good job soldier soldier. You've made it back. Barely. So, Crowley, you know, quite the individual. And by the way, some will argue about his final year, saying that he died, surrounded by friends, and fellow intellectuals, and he didn't die penniless, and everything was great. Others will say he wasn't evil at all, but just a victim of Christian persecution and rigid religious authoritarians, just didn't like that he wouldn't tell the line
Starting point is 01:39:09 and there's all this propaganda about him. And I'm sure that some of his life was sensationalized, but man, nothing about his life speaks to me about him being a good dude. I'm not a huge poetry buff, but he did seem to have some real talent as a poet in artists and author. He was interesting, he was charismatic in some circles.
Starting point is 01:39:24 But the whole live only for your desires, he'd nist philosophy of his, it's just so gross to me, and it's always been gross. People who just like, you know, do what thou wilt, it's just, it's so fucking selfish. Right? I mean, yeah, do what thou wilt as long as that's okay, like in decent, but what if you're a piece of shit, you know, I don kind of the, I don't trust everyone's nature. With that, and I say this is someone who's lived, you know, almost their entire adult life, kind of doing what I will to a certain extent,
Starting point is 01:39:53 is being a comedic artist, you know? It's not like I've, you know, worked every gig that I wanted to work, like, you know, it's not like it was like this perfect road, but, you know, I never, never had to have, you know, not absolutely had to have a day job since I was like 23. It wasn't something in the arts and pretty selfish career really. It was a comic, your career is literally all about you, but I still make choices for other people
Starting point is 01:40:15 all the time and glad to do so. I moved to Idaho for my kids, not for my career. I love Idaho, happy to be here, but it's not like it was an amazing career move. I mean, it's worked out great, I'm so happy. But, but, but, you know, it could have easily turned the other way. But that's what you do when you have kids, sacrifice, Aleister did not sacrifice for anyone. You know, he just seemed to take and to what end? What spiritual enlightenment, hedonistic pleasure, you know, finding out these big secrets, you know, these solving these mysteries of the universe. Did he solve anything?
Starting point is 01:40:45 Did he solve fucking anything at all? He got some STDs, you know, had some estranged kids, got addicted to drugs for most of his life. And I feel like that's what a kind of a life of unbridled, unbridled hedonism, that's where it leads you, you know, to ruin, you know, to being alone. And I guess we all die alone, you know, in our way, but at least some of us can feel the love
Starting point is 01:41:03 of our loved ones as we pass over, but not not not not Alistair. And his life reminds me of this great Doug Stanhope bit, like to finally use it as his life. Stanhope, one of my favorite comics of all time, maybe my favorite comic work in today, not for the fan of heart, but you time suckers are far from being queasy.
Starting point is 01:41:15 So many of you probably would enjoy him. And he had this bit a couple of albums back about living like there's no tomorrow, about people who say that, this whole hedonist philosophy about like, man, live like there's no tomorrow. But then he has his thought in whole hedonist philosophy, about like, man, live like there's no tomorrow. But then he has his thought in the bit about like, yeah, but what if you don't die?
Starting point is 01:41:29 What if you live like there's no tomorrow and you go fucking live it up with a casino and you just bet it all on black, on the roulette wheel, you just throw it all on the blackjack table, but then you don't die. But then what do you do? You drank all your money away, you got STDs, I don't want it kids.
Starting point is 01:41:43 And then he says, maybe it's time to live my life like my dad's not sending me money anymore. Exactly. It's like I admire Alistair's conviction and courage to defy convention. He didn't seem to care what mainstream society thought of him that is admirable to it in a sense. I just wish he could have put that courage and conviction to better use. Maybe fight on behalf of the poor in a press instead of just fighting to be able to stick
Starting point is 01:42:03 your dick where you please. To quote the great philosopher Ozzy Osborne Mr. Crowley what went wrong in your head. Oh, Mr. Crowley Excuse me. Did you talk to the dead your lifestyle to me seem so tragic with the thrill of it all you fooled all the people with magic You waited on St. Cull But I call never came did it All that magic and what trick did you really ever perform? You know you trick yourself into thinking you could connect with other worlds. When you didn't even manage to really connect, you know, with this one, you know, for yourself,
Starting point is 01:42:32 you disconnected. And then it was just all over, it's all over. And now we take a few more looks back at the strange days of Alistair Crowley with some top five takeaways. Number one in 1898, the 23-year-old Alistair Crowley was initiated into the occult group the hermetic order of the Golden Dawn Founded by a group of mason's in the late 19th century the society embraced mysticism and the occult other members included novelist bram stoker Sherlock Holmes Creator sure sir arthin cone in a Doyle, poet, William Butler Yeats. Butler Yeats. Yeats, Crowley was drawn to the group by their shared interest in alchemy, though some biographers have suggested that Crowley may have initially infiltrated the organization
Starting point is 01:43:13 under orders from the British sequence services, which I doubt. Number two, Alistair developed the spiritual philosophy of Thalima, which centered around the concept of do what that willed, and personal freedom. And for Alistair, what he will to do was mostly drugs and sex. Number three, Alistair once tried to literally fuck a demon out of the desert. Not a lot of people can say that. Number four, Alistair was vilified by the press as being the most wicked man in the world. He was not every murdering dictator in human history, and there have been a lot of them
Starting point is 01:43:41 who are all more wicked than Alistair Crowley. Weirdest may have been most appropriate. He once broke up with the dude for coming too fast into his butt while they tried to summon the Roman god of Mercury. That's pretty weird. And number five new info, Alistair Crowley is president George W. Bush's grandfather
Starting point is 01:43:58 and Barbara Bush's father. Now, while that's not true, it is a popular internet rumor, especially years back, based on Barbara's mother, Pauline Pierce, being in Paris during the 1920s and possibly partying with Crowley eight months before the birth of Barbara Bush.
Starting point is 01:44:12 And thanks to itty to the internet, thousands of people still believe this to be true. Man, don't believe everything you hear. But do believe most of what I tell you, unless I tell you I'm lying. Time to suck, tough, five, take away. Alistar Crowley, who deposit in the suck bank, tossed in the suck stack, washed, dried, folded, placed neatly on a suck shelf in the suck closet.
Starting point is 01:44:34 Now go out there and grab some tickets, come fucking see me. April 2021, Go Balls Deep in the Salt Lake City Shows. San Francisco Pund, signed April 25 to the 28th, do it, get in there. Cleveland next week, Charlotte Atlanta Birmingham. Huntsfield, Nashville, Houston, Dallas, San Antonio. All in one big of comedy. One big week of comedy coming up, man. More toer info, it didn't come as.tv.
Starting point is 01:44:52 Check out those dates, that's up some ticks. Thanks to Harmony Velocamp, Jesse Dober, the entire time sub team, the BiddleLicks, their guys, man, special, special thanks. The new member of the Bojangles research team, Heather Rylander, for kicking off this week's research. And suggesting this topic. I hope I did it as well as she hopes.
Starting point is 01:45:08 Thanks also to Michael Suzio, Nick Perry, Ryan Hanson, Ryan Minton, Nathan Scott. I'm sure many others I missed for suggesting this suck topic. Thanks for all the reviews and spread in the suck, man. That's, you know, I'm able to keep these bonus episodes going because you guys just keep spreading the word, man. Damn near 3,000 itin reviews, which is unbelievable to me So it happened so fast best way you can help the show is to spread the word post on social media tell your friends
Starting point is 01:45:31 Tell your co-workers reference on reddit, you know, I don't know if I can walk down the street with a goddamn sign Whatever you need to do spread the sweet suck every view helps Monday topic coming up twig man the Bill ski brothers The real-life story of a Polish Jewish family that the uh... the inspired the daniel kreg movie defiance a family organized a militia fought back against the nazis with the mission to save as many juzas possible and they did save many powerful story of courage and compassion probably not as weird as today's suck but possibly much more inspiring and and even interesting
Starting point is 01:46:01 uh... and i say possibly more, definitely more inspiring, possibly more interesting. And now I bring you some time sucker updates. You're up days, get your time sucker updates. Starting off with the heavy one from time sucker Devon. Man Devon, I hope you're listening brother, and I appreciate it, our email exchange the other day.
Starting point is 01:46:24 Devon writes in saying, dear master suck, my name is Devon, I've been a fan of your standup for years, your podcast or a wonderful distraction from work. My favorite episode is Kurt Cobain and that's when I realize you actually give a fuck about us and hearing your speech at the end about hanging in there really helps me out. I'm writing this message to say thank you for all you've done, you're the coolest, most caring community I've seen. I'm in a very dark place right now in my life and I may not pull through. Don't fucking say that, Devon, you fucking pull through.
Starting point is 01:46:46 I overthink most bullshit, dude, I hear you. I hear you on that man. It's hard to turn the voices off sometimes. To a point, you overthink him, where it breaks me down. Your podcast helps me escape for an hour or two. I greatly appreciate that. I've seen a therapist right now. Yes, good call.
Starting point is 01:47:02 Fingers crossed, that'll help. But enough about me and my bullshit problems. It would mean a lot to me. If you give a shout out to my two best friends, Drew and Charlotte, um, to my best friend Drew, sorry, and Charlotte, uh, uh, Charlotte, stop well, shot well. So the sentence reads, if you give a shout out to my two best friends, Drew and Charlotte, stop, shot well. So I'm not sure if it's sorry, I'm not sure if it's, it's, it has to you, I guess best friends, Drew and Charlotte shot well. So I'm not sure if it's story. I'm not sure if it's, I have to you I guess. If it's Drew and Charlotte or Drew in Charlotte, who are you know what fucking Drew, you know who the hell you are. You want
Starting point is 01:47:32 you fucking send him another update, you know, but yes, yes. Without them I would have taken an early exit years ago. They mean the world to me. I could never repay them back for all the love and caring. Hopefully the shout out will be a good way to start thanking them. Thanks for your time. Keep on sucking PS. You're doing an episode on Henry Rollins. He's a punk rock icon. I think you'll find the life he is living very interesting.
Starting point is 01:47:52 Hope to hear back from you. And then we had our little exchange, what we did talk, which was nice. And thank you, Devin. You're right, man. Henry Rollins, super interesting. Random trivia about Rollins. I've never met him, but I was on an episode of the Storyteller show on Comedy Central. This is not happening with him.
Starting point is 01:48:07 I think it was a season premiere of two or season two or season three. Like it doesn't matter. It's on YouTube now. But there was just me, you know, for the televised version of the episode, it was just me and Henry Rollins. And we were both sharing stories of getting
Starting point is 01:48:19 messed up on hallucinogens. And I never got to meet him, sadly, because, but I do think it's cool, because I'm also a fan of him, they got to be in the same episode with him. We taped on different days, and then they cut it together. But man, glad I can help you, you know, kind of get distracted from this dark place, Devon.
Starting point is 01:48:35 Man, really glad, man. Bring a little sunshine your way. I love that you're getting some therapy. I hope the coming spring helps you out as well. I know this time of year, my mind's always the darkest, man. It's always the cloudiest, just because of the fucking gray winter days.
Starting point is 01:48:47 Start to weigh on my brain muscle. Start to give me, think it's some crazy thoughts from time to time. And I do have some other random advice, maybe in addition to whatever your therapist is saying, find something to look forward to. This helps me so much. It may sound just simple and obvious,
Starting point is 01:49:01 but find something to look forward to and always have something to look forward to on the horizon. I feel like that keeps your mind focused on the possibilities of tomorrow and not the troubles of yesterday or the present, right? I'm focusing on something to be as simple as like, you know, getting out of fucking jail or having a sunshine on the weather forecast,
Starting point is 01:49:19 you know, it can be a weight loss goal, it can be a weight gain goal, it can be a job you want, it can be something you're saving up to buy, you can be a fucking video game, you want to get it, you can be a class, you want to take a skill you want to learn, maybe you want to pick up the guitar, maybe you want to play the skin flute, you know, that's a cheap one, you know, but for real man, like just pick something and then when you get to pick something else, always have something to look forward to, forever forward, my friend, forever fucking forward. Love you man, a million error hard updates, updates time suck episode 55 the remains of a million error hurt may have been found
Starting point is 01:49:48 Grand bag shot will burnson ariagasino Chris Aaron Jack, Jake bag of doughnuts of that handle and more brought this to my attention bag of donuts wrote in saying yo Suck master D. Here's an update on episode 55 million error hard looks like they finally may have fucking found her, smack the ebb in the South Pacific like you said, where you said she might be. This is so cool. Jans, using several modern quantitative techniques, including Fordisk, a computer program for estimating sex,
Starting point is 01:50:16 ancestry, and stature from skeletal measurements, found the hoodlists, found that hoodlists, this is all about, you know, they found these bones years ago. And now the new technology is saying, the initial, the initial interpretation that they were not a million airheart, that interpretation was wrong. And it says that this hoodless person had incorrectly determined the sex, the remains, the program co-created by Janss is used by nearly every board certified forensic anthropologist in the US and around the world.
Starting point is 01:50:39 The data revealed the bones have more similarity to airheart than to 99% of individuals in a large reference sample. The new study is published in 99% of individuals in a large reference sample. The new study is published in the Journal of Forensic Anthropology. Jans also compared the bone lengths with Earhart's, her humorous and radius lengths were obtained from a photograph of the scalable object. The scale was provided by Jeff Glickman of FOTEC. Her tibial length was estimated for measurements of her clothing in the George Palmer Putnam collection of a million Earhart papers at Purdue.
Starting point is 01:51:03 A historic seamstress took the measurements, which included the inseam length and waste circumference of Earhart's trousers. Anyway, keep on stocking motherfuckers, sorry, I missed you, Baltimore, recover from back surgery. Till next time, Faceless Baseless or Jake Bagadona. Do thank you, Jake. I love the technology they can go into what we do now. That's amazing.
Starting point is 01:51:20 They can find one old photograph. As long as it has a scalable object, some little can of what fucking can be a soda can. And as long as they know, what size that is, they can figure out everything else now about like how big the person was. That's amazing, man. And yeah, I did a little further research. I clicked the link. He gave me a read that article. Yeah, there's group of researchers, including this person, Jantz. You know, they believe now that she died as a cast away on the island of Nukumaro. Man, what a terrible way to go. That little island is part of the Phoenix Islands and the Western Pacific to coral at
Starting point is 01:51:51 toll, no more than 6 kilometers wide, 3.7 miles, briefly occupied in the past by incredibly small numbers of people uninhabited today. What a fucking terrible way to go out. Man, who knows if her and Noonan both lived initially, survived the crash or if it was just her and then you're stuck on this island. Oh, what a bummer of it. I'm glad we have closure, but man, I would much rather die in the crash. Then to make it onto an island, you know, you actually do crash land and then you're just stuck there and then you just fucking die. What dehydration exposure, ugh, starvation. Oh man, just let me die in the crash. Last update, thanks to Timesucker, Matthew Chapman.
Starting point is 01:52:26 Oh, man, I'm going to have some cool pics down the road. He's giving me some gifts in San Antonio. And he also just got me certified as a reverent. Now, I just got to get my doctorate somehow. He met, met, actually bought me the honorary title of Grand Master Brain Wizard from the Universal Life Church. And I'm now officially a Grand Master Brain Wizard from the Universal Life Church. And I'm now officially a Grand Master Brain Wizard and officially a pastor. And I guess I can do weddings. You know, I just got to do a couple more steps, something real quick.
Starting point is 01:52:51 It's all ready to go. And I can officiate now. So who knows what trouble that will lead me into. Thank you, Matt. You guys blow me away, man, with your kindness and just how cool you guys are. So thank you, Matt, and thank all of you, Devin bag of donuts
Starting point is 01:53:10 Have have a great weekend and I'll be talking to you on Monday and those are some great updates Thanks time suckers. I need a net. We all did All right time suckers space lizards have fun have fun this weekend But not fucking a good on an island fun not bringing a demon demon out of the desert fun. Alright, so have a less fun than that while you keep on sucking. you

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