Timesuck with Dan Cummins - BONUS 19: Richard "The Night Stalker" Ramirez

Episode Date: March 30, 2018

Serial killer Richard Ramirez killed at least 14 people and raped and tortured at least two dozen more, mostly during the Spring and Summer of 1985. He robbed to support his coke habit and and he tort...ured, raped, and killed to both sexually satisfy himself and to appease Satan. Ramirez was WAY into Satan. He’d actually pray to the Devil for protection before sneaking into some innocent family’s home to brutalize, rape, and kill. And today, if you have the stomach for it, you can learn all about the dirty deeds of this dark piece of shit. Extra big parental advisory on this one. We go dark, REAL dark, today, on Timesuck. Timesuck is brought to you today by by the socially conscious and fantastic on-line mattress store LEESA! Go to www.leesa.com/timesuck to get $125 off AND a free pillow!! Merch - https://badmagicmerch.com/ Want to try out Discord!?! https://discord.gg/tqzH89v Want to join the Cult of the Curious private Facebook Group? Go directly to Facebook and search for "Cult of the Curious" in order to locate whatever current page hasn't been put in FB Jail :) For all merch related questions: https://badmagicmerch.com/pages/contact Please rate and subscribe on iTunes and elsewhere and follow the suck on social media!! @timesuckpodcast on IG, @timesuckpodcast on Twitter, and www.facebook.com/timesuckpodcast Wanna be a Space Lizard"? Go here: https://www.patreon.com/timesuckpodcast Sign up through Patreon and for $5 a month you get to listen to the Secret Suck, which will drop Thursdays at Noon, PST. You'll also get 20% off of all regular Timesuck merch PLUS access to exclusive Space Lizard merch. You get to vote on two Monday topics each month via the app. And you get the download link for my new comedy album, Feel the Heat. Check the Patreon posts to find out how to download the new album and take advantage of other benefits. And, thank you for supporting the show by doing your Amazon shopping after clicking on my Amazon link at www.timesuckpodcast.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Richard, the night stocker Ramirez, killed at least 14 people and raped in torture at least two dozen more Mostly during the spring and summer of 1995 He robbed to support his co-cabit and to pay for a place to stay since his piece of shit was allergic to an honest day's work And he tortured raped and killed to sexually satisfy himself and to appease his one true God the devil Ramirez was way into Satan like he would actually pray to the devil for protection before sneaking into some innocent family's home to brutalize rape and kill. And today if you have the stomach for it, you can learn all about the dirty deed to this dark piece of shit.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Extra big parental advisory on this one. We're going dark. Real dark. Today on TimeSuck. Hello TimeSuckers, I'm Dan Cummins and this is TimeSuck. Hail Nimrod, praise vote, Jangles, Glory Beat, and Michael Motherfuck and McDonald. And Lucifina, she is in full force this week wow After Mondays heaviness just kind of topical heaviness
Starting point is 00:01:09 One of my favorites sucks by the way. We're going pure just kind of macabre escapeism this week Uh, I know that serial killer episodes are many times suckers favorites and well if you do like a dark It really doesn't get any darker than Richard Ramirez The man was just evil incarnate Uh, thanks again for all the recent iTunes ratings and reviews. Thank you so much. I keep pouring in, they keep pumping up, spreading the sock. There's a lot of podcasts out there and I'm so thankful that you choose this one to listen to and to promote.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Every rating you give, every post you share, every time you post about the sock anywhere. It just helps so much. Nothing like Word of mouth spreads the suck and I thank you. Bringing this year's flat earth tour to a lot of new cities and tickets are selling well. It has been fantastic. Everywhere but Alabama. So come on Alabama. Step that shit up. I'll be in Charlotte, North Carolina, April 8th at Lanna on the 9th. Birmingham, Alabama on the 10th Huntsville, Alabama. Gotta get those NASA employees to come here, some flat earth jokes on the 11th. National and the 12th Houston on the 13th, Dallas on the 14th, San Antonio on the 15th.
Starting point is 00:02:09 And then the next weekend, I'll be in Salt Lake City and Sam Fran after that may come in his Sacramento in Phoenix and doing another live time stock podcast in Spokane on May 6th. And I got a couple new late fall early winter dates that I got a post including Portland, Oregon, to come in Washington, so getting some Northwest stuff up there. Very late in the year, you're going to have another live podcast in Portland, so excited for that. More tour dates at dancoma.tv. And I keep forgetting, I keep forgetting, I'm not in.
Starting point is 00:02:40 I didn't even mean to do that. They actually just started to pop out. I keep forgetting, I'll be doing a cruise early next year. March 7th through the 11th, 2019, with those glorious bastards. Those, those old funhounds, Tom and Dan. Mm-hmm, the mediocre time, guys. Yep. We're gonna sail out of a portkinavel on May 7th,
Starting point is 00:02:58 and we're gonna head straight into the heart with the Bimida Triangle and never return. No, not sure where we're going actually, other than out to sea, and we'll return on the 11th, and it's going to be a blast. There's going to be a bunch of hangouts and live podcasts and to be done, some drinks, some marimen to be had and shared. Uh, you can put a hold on a cabin for just 25 bucks if you're interested.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Tom and Dan Cruz has always sell out and this one will be no different. Looking forward to it. Hope I remember to get it L. Ron Hubbard, see your captain's hat for my journey and hope some of you can make it. Uh, Lindsey be there if you'd like her more than me. Why not? Tom and Dan Cruz dot com for more info and quick word of condolence to loyal sucker Aaron Mayo who just lost his pet and family member Stella the cat just the other day. I know that stings and sorry for your loss. A lot of fantastic updates on Monday's gun suck at the end, bonus suck 19 Richard Ramirez right now.
Starting point is 00:03:50 [♪ OUTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪ All right, so the night's soccer. Why suck him? Well, as far as serial killers go, he may scare me the most. Some serial killers seem to still possess some kind of portion of humanity within them, right?
Starting point is 00:04:07 Like they're fucked up monsters, all of them, but most of me still seem a little human. I take Jeffrey Dahmer, you know, I almost felt sorry for him when we did that suck. He just seemed to, he seemed almost mentally handicapped. He seemed to aware that there was something really wrong with him. He seemed to feel kind of bad about who he was. Now, he was trying to create a sex zombie. He was sadistic to be sure, but also just delusional and pathetic.
Starting point is 00:04:29 You know, it seemed childish in a way, kind of similar to Ed Geen, who just seemed like a fucked up kid in a way, or BTK, huge monster, but also able to convince a family and kids he raised and to think he was a good guy. When he came to his family, he actually was a good guy.
Starting point is 00:04:42 He actually did care about him. It was the occasional stranger. He really didn't care about it. And he was capable of doing the most horrible things to them. With Richard Ramirez, there appeared to be no good in him. There's no like, oh, but he did this. That was nice. At all, nothing as an adult.
Starting point is 00:04:58 He just seemed to be pure unadulterated evil, like Ted Bundy, but worse. I mean, even Ted Bundy, at least tried to hide the fact that he was evil even Bundy, you know, like save lives on a suicide hotline Save the kid from drowning once Richard. What a fucking just watch the kid drown in laugh He would have tried to talk people into killing themselves if he worked as a suicide hotline operator He was just yeah, just I can't think of a comparable person to him that I've come across
Starting point is 00:05:22 So as we do here on this suck when it comes to biographical based episodes, let's start at the beginning with this week's topic with the Time Step Timeline. Shrap on those boots soldier, we're marching down a time suck timeline. February 29th, 1960, Ricardo Leva, Munoz, Ramirez was born in El Paso, Texas, the fifth child of Mexican immigrants, Mercedes and Julien Ramirez. It was Ruth, Ruben, Richard, Robert, and Joseph. His father was a Mexican national former Juarez policeman who later became a laborer on the San Feu Railroad. He was a hard-working man prone to fits of anger that often resulted in the physical abuse of his family.
Starting point is 00:06:08 His mother, Mercedes, was a respected archaeologist from Mexico City who'd walked away from a promising career in Mayan temple excavation and interpretation before Mary and Hullian. And that's not true. That's not sense. No, she had a first grade education. She worked at a boot factory where she was exposed to chemical fumes when she was pregnant with Richard. That sounds more like the mom of a serial killer. She worked at the Tony Lama boot factory, makes some pigments and chemicals used on the boots. She was mixing chemicals such as benzene,
Starting point is 00:06:34 dielene, tooling, and unfortunately in this era, in that era, the toxicity of those chemicals was not known. All the siblings had birth defects, like literally all of them, ranging from respiratory difficulty to bone deformities. Specifically, when pregnant with Richard, the fume she was inhaling made her weak and nauseous and threatened the pregnancy.
Starting point is 00:06:53 Doctors suspected her body was trying to reject the child she was carrying. If she had rejected it, so many other lives would have been saved. When Richard was in the womb, doctors noticed that he had two little horns on his head and a spiky tail and a little teeny baby pitchfork. No, that's not true, but after you hear about today's story, you wouldn't be surprised if it was. So basically, Richard was born with tons of advantages. Poor check, poor and new to this country, member of a then unpopular minority group, check, check, physical abuse, check. Mom with first grade education, constantly breathing, toxic fumes while pregnant at a boot factory. Check. Both parents working long hours, pretty much every day,
Starting point is 00:07:31 sometimes into the night and not around to raise the kids. Check. 1962 Richard suffers the first of two significant head wounds as a child. When a dresser, he's age two. And when a dresser falls on him and lacerates his forehead, now I also had a dresser fall on me at two and cut my head open enough to leave a scar I still have and I'm totally normal as all of you know. I'm very a very sound mind. As I write this, I'm looking at a pain in my own face here in the suck dungeon. I was firing my eyes and also a small glass skull half covered in my face. It's a little replica thingy.
Starting point is 00:08:06 That's normal, right? It's normal to have that stuff in your life. I never had to get stitches for my little head wound. Richard's forehead laceration required 30 stitches to close it in the blow knocked him unconscious. Maybe he got hit a little harder than I did. Got a dig a little more scrambled. 1965, at the age of five, he was knocked unconscious from a swing, started experiencing
Starting point is 00:08:24 epileptic seizures, and his family took it to the doctor, and he was knocked unconscious from a swing started experiencing epileptic seizures and his family Took it to the doctor and then he went and saw a series of specialists and ended up spending about a about a year at the myoclinic and Rochester Minnesota or he was continually studied and treated by the best pediatricians and epilepsy specialists in the world Yeah, right No mention of what treatment if any he received. I'm guessing around none Richard's father Julian was an abusive parent uh... you know as his father was before him if mercedes or any of the kids did anything that just really consider wrong
Starting point is 00:08:52 uh... they were physically beat normally with the belt sometimes the best district disciplinarian firm believer in corporate punishment uh... mom took solace uh... you know away from the home violence into the cat in the catholic church where she uh, she and the kids were heavily involved. Gotta say, this doesn't seem that atypical in the context of the era. You know, before the 80s, I feel like just a lot of physical punishment was just kind of dulled out just the norm.
Starting point is 00:09:13 Parents, you know, uh, by and large, just kind of beat the shit out of their kids. My dad and his brothers got beat all the time. My grandma chased them around with a hot wheel track. Like, uh, that's what, that's what my dad would call it. But I mean, you know, he meant like one of those little tracks where you get the cars and the grooves. It's like two cars. I don't know if you ever had one of those toys as a kid.
Starting point is 00:09:32 And you each got a little button you push and they just, it's fucking janky. It never worked that well. And then they just kind of zip around some predetermined course. But you get to assemble the tracks. So basically just pieces of very hard, I guess prefabricated plastic or something, like a heart and she would just fucking beat them with that
Starting point is 00:09:47 Better than a baseball bat, you know Worse than a hand. You just swing wildly. Hit him wherever she could land a good blow a grandpa paddler asses with the belt Teachers paddled in a class everybody ever got smack-lop back then including sadly a lot of wives So well, I think this is super fucked up. It wasn't also that odd for living in an impoverished neighborhood in 1960s, 1970s America. And I'm guessing Spankins came a little looser, a little faster, a little more heat coming towards the button Texas that in certain other states. What is interesting to note about his childhood is that throughout the 1950s, or I guess also interesting to know, the military was conducting nuclear bomb tests in nearby New Mexico, not far from Roswell, America's butthole.
Starting point is 00:10:26 And as it happened, the fallout from the bombs was carried by the wind to settle in El Paso, affect the landscape, cattle and people, infected milk, meat and water. All of the remeberers, children again were born with various problems, respiratory difficulty to collars disease. You know, Ruben, Richard Older brother was actually permanently disabled. So good chance, Richard's brain did not come out of the womb at like a hundred percent full power. Maybe some wires got crossed where sadism and empathy are concerned. By the late 60s, young Richard attended grade school and he did well. Classmates would remember him fondly. So
Starting point is 00:10:59 apparently the head wounds and all those chemicals, his pregnant mom had inhaled hadn't turned him into an obvious future murderer and psychopath quite yet. Joe Pinyone, a classmate of his, claimed as a kid that Richard was super friendly and charismatic. Claimed he had tons of friends, even some little girlfriends. He was close to his siblings, especially his older brother Joseph, you know.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Richard was protective of Joseph. Again, the one with some pretty severe mental deficiencies and even some physical deformities. He would protect him even though he was five years younger from bullies. However, he wasn't able to protect him from one of his teachers. When Joe was placed into a slow learner's class, he felt prey to that class as child molesting teacher. The teacher would visit the Ramirez home when the parents were away.
Starting point is 00:11:39 This would happen when Richard was around eight or nine and he witnessed his then 14-year-old brother getting abused sexually. It was suspected they'll never confirmed it. Richard may have been sexually abused as well. Maybe that's just kind of started growing rage within him other than his problems with epileptic seizures. He was considered to be healthy, although hyper and aggressive.
Starting point is 00:12:00 His mother claimed him to be a lovely child, which doesn't mean a lot to me. Moms are fairly delusional all our times when it comes to serial killers. You know, you used a kid, always dancing, laughing, and giggling according to her. Richard was raised Catholic, as I said.
Starting point is 00:12:12 As I guess most Mexican Americans in the early 1970s probably were, especially, you know, in the southern half of the states. Well, his father's physical abuse of the family continued throughout most of his childhood. He found refuge in the company of his mom and sister mom and sister Ruth. Doted on him.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Ruth would watch over him as best she could regarding her dad who would fly into rage. So severe. He even occasionally beat himself once, bashed himself in the head with the hammer, splitting the set open. So that's a, that's a guy who I guess really spreads it around. You know, he was fucking mad at the families can beat them and he's mad at himself. He can beat himself. Um, ironically though beat them and he's mad at himself. He's gonna beat himself Ironically though his sister and mom were loving and giving he grew to have a deep hatred of women and
Starting point is 00:12:53 By 1970 at the age of 10 Richard started smoking that weed Which may seem crazy, but this was the 70s Actually having a 12 year old and a 10 year old kid it does seem crazy It does I would be more shocked than upset if I walked in on Kyler or Monroe, hitting some bong. Like I can't even, I can't even genuinely picture that. It just doesn't make sense in my brain. Like that, at all. Like if that happened,
Starting point is 00:13:15 uh, 10, that's my Monroe, my dollars, I cannot imagine her smoking weed. It just seems cartonish. If that happened, I feel like I'd be more worried about my own mental health than anything. I'd be convinced that I'd had some kind of psychotic break and I was just hallucinating the entire experience. There's no way, no way my sweet babies
Starting point is 00:13:30 were hitting that naughty grass. My 1972 12 year old Richard, Smoking weed, like all future of standing citizens. Sniffing that glue, bro. Yeah, bro. You're not cool unless you're high on glue. How you ever gonna grow, you know, and graduate from law school,
Starting point is 00:13:45 unless you sniff that glue, bro? Yeah, around that time Richard's cousin McGuel, aka Mike got back from Vietnam and it fucked him up. Mike was a decorated green beret and also a misogynist psychopath. According to Richard, when he was 12, Mike showed him photographs of himself raping a Vietnamese woman while he was in the service.
Starting point is 00:14:06 Going through a sequence of detailed photographs, Richard came to the last picture. The picture was of the same rape, victims severed head, held by Mike, positioned so that the victim's mouth was placed around his penis. Holy shit! Now, all we have to believe, this actually happened, is the word of a convicted rapist pedophile and murderer, but can you imagine if that is true? Can you imagine how that would have rocked your 12-year-old world? How unbelievably fucked that would have been? And Mike and Richard spent a lot of time together for about a year smoking weed, maybe sniff a little gloobra.
Starting point is 00:14:39 Mike openly fantasizing about his Vietnam rape and murder and more future rapes. Just, you know, just bros being bros Man my god the childhood some people have I appreciate my little hometown of rigans Idaho more and more and more and more as I get older Richard later admits that he was especially sexually aroused by the photographs of the rape and murder victim that Michael showed him He knew it was wrong to feel that way, but he couldn't talk to anyone about it because he knew he was cousin Mike in a lot of trouble was wrong to feel that way, but he couldn't talk to anyone about it because he knew he was causing Mike in a lot of trouble. Oh man, how important this is to make me think,
Starting point is 00:15:07 how important it is to monitor your kids as they're going through puberty. Make sure they're not making some, horrific associations regarding sex. Like how often does this come up with sexually deviant serial killers, right? They make a horrible sexual association and they're adolescents and they just can never shake it.
Starting point is 00:15:22 Right, they get exposed to rape, molestations, some other deviant sexual behavior, and then that early association ends up manifesting itself later on in their sex life. Like I remember my mom being really particular about what I beat off to, right? Like we would have talks each week. She would check in with me.
Starting point is 00:15:38 How many times did I beat off? What was I beaten off to? How long did it take me to beat off? What position was I in when I was beating off? And looking back, I'm glad she did. I'm glad she would film a lot of it for review, what should show the videos to the rest. I'm fucking making, as you can imagine,
Starting point is 00:15:58 if I just like threw that out there as if it was normal. It's like, yeah, you know, it's like with your kids, you gotta check in. You gotta make sure they're making the proper sexual associations, you gotta check in. You gotta make sure they're, you know, making the proper sexual associations. You gotta check in with their masturbation schedules. But it's so fucking ridiculous. No, my mom was actually very particular about, I'm just picture my mom listening to this now.
Starting point is 00:16:15 I'm be like, what? No, I never did that. But you was particular about who I'm out with, you know, because, and I get it, you know, because you know, you hang out with the wrong crowd and it can fuck you up forever. Seeing pictures of your cousin raping and then killing and be heading and practicing necrophilia on someone that doesn't turn you into a rapist and serial killer necessarily, but I feel like it does guarantee you're going to have to work a little harder than the average bear not to end up totally fucked up later.
Starting point is 00:16:40 And then the next year, 73 Richard watches that same cousin murder his fiance, Jesse after an argument at home, right in front of him. Mike shot Jesse in the face, right in front of Richard, during an argument, and then told Richard to leave before the police showed up and not to say word about it. Well the police did show up and they took Mike to jail and he was charged with murder and ended up being found not guilty by reason of insanity. And he was just sent to a mental health facility where sadly he'd only be held for four years.
Starting point is 00:17:05 Now this was around the time where it should begin to truly become a monster. Of course he did. He would have had a monster for a mentor when he was 12. It's exactly how you become a monster yourself. If only he would have been able to get a hold of issue 256 of Pudy and Juju. Pudy hits the pipe. In this memorable all-time classic issue, Juju suddenly notices that Poodie isn't acting like his or her normal self. Right? Poodie's suddenly staying out past midnight instead of getting in bed by 9 p.m. at the latest,
Starting point is 00:17:33 as he or she had done for decades, Poodie wasn't up with the roosters anymore in the morn. Now Poodie's sleeping until noon, noon. No more three square meals, no single cookie and milk before bedtime. Now, Poodie is snacking on sugary breakfast cereals that aren't healthy, like super sugar crisps, honeycombs, sugar smacks, lucky charms, and all hours of the day. Poodie doesn't do much of anything but lay on the couch, eat pringles, Doritos, twinkies, and laugh way too hard at the Brady Bunch. Sure, it's kinda funny, but it's no mash, it's no Bob Newhart show, it sure is shit as in Sanford and Sons, and that's when
Starting point is 00:18:08 Juju finds out that Pudy has been smoking weed! Gasp, chock, horror! Juju soon discovers that Pudy is quit working at the post office and now works at a... A record shop, a known hippie hotbed. Even worse, Juju finds tickets. Pudy is bot to see known weed smokers. The doobie brothers Well, the ill and nor central and a southern cent freight got to keep on pushing mama. You know, they're running late without love Where would you be right now without love?
Starting point is 00:19:06 Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun Pop Poodie, please put down a pop. Poodie, through a plume of smoke, yells back, you should squawk a lot for someone who ain't never said nothing, no how. And then put in your lunch box, Shirley, and then Juju starts to cry. And Poodie tells Juju, Juju, he or she, will cut back only evening pops from now on, no more waking bake. Juju screams, two dead of Poodie, and then slaps Poodie and his hair on her face.
Starting point is 00:19:22 And this breaks the spell that's a powerful weed had over Poodie. And then Poodie throws away the devil weed pipe, which working at the filthy record shop gets rehired at the post office, a respectable job. And by the next night, Poodie and Juju are watching the new Dick Van Dyke show and embed by 815 PM like reasonable citizens. And all is right in the Poodie and Juju world. And I'm back.
Starting point is 00:19:44 Sorry if you're new listener, you were probably very confused right now or just not listening anymore. That was just a little Pudy and Juju with a weird kind of Michael McDonald thing thrown in the middle. You'll get used to it, stuff like that happens here and there, or at least you know, maybe you'll learn to tolerate it. And you packed your mirrores.
Starting point is 00:20:00 By the time Kazimiko's away, Richard starts to really change. He begins to roam the neighborhood at night, looking at women's windows. He's a peeping Tom now, or I guess more accurately, a peeping dick, because his name is Richard. That's corny, I know. If only this was as far as he'd take it. He starts sneaking out of the house at night and heading to a nearby cemetery, falling
Starting point is 00:20:17 asleep during occasion, praying to the devil after giving up on Christianity. He is, yeah, he's completely out of his mind. In 1974, Richard rolls in Jefferson High School and 14-year-old Richard's classmates noticed a change in him. Former classmate, again, Joe Pinyone claims, he no longer look like a normal kid. He looked dirty, looked like life had changed him. Another classmate of his, Latisha, recalls a moment she saw him in a dark hallway at school, or walking opposite directions.
Starting point is 00:20:43 They didn't say anything to each other. She remembers he looked up at her and they made eye contact and for some reason, she was terrified. She has, she was listening to her inner voice, listened to her gut and it was not, not staring her in the wrong direction. It wasn't long until he dropped out of high school
Starting point is 00:20:56 before the end of freshman year, snagged a job at a local holiday in and not for the money as it turns out for the opportunities. Strangely, to this day, Holiday Inn does not mention Richard Ramirez anywhere in their literature, not in their commercials, not in their brochures, not on their website.
Starting point is 00:21:13 They don't have a big cardboard cutout of him with a pentagram on his palm when you walk into their lobbies. You know, no, welcome to Holiday Inn, former employee of serial rapist and murderer Richard the Night Stocker Ramirez. He used to have unlimited access to guest rooms. Sleep tight, motherfuckers.
Starting point is 00:21:28 Now it is a bit disturbing though, isn't it? He had a master key to get into all the rooms and he apparently started sneaking into female guest rooms and watching them. He's like just like a real life boogie man just hiding in the closet. Like a real life to shadow Chiquitilo. No, no you did not do this. This is Night Soccer episode. He nearly is creepy. He may be more creepy than Chicatilo.
Starting point is 00:21:47 I know, she'll still show. What is big deal? I saw a jerk say, same cock, so many episodes ago. You have nothing new to talk about. You think you trick time soccer? Listeners by calling Chicatilo, Shadow Chicatilo. It's Shadow Chicatilo. It's a slight name, different names for the same creep. Besides, much murder and jerking behind chickatilo now, past his past, I focus on wrestling academy, I focus on business, please, get back to episode. I have to make flyer to make sweatpants to make mist off. Sorry, last episode was so serious and sensitive. I just am getting like two sucks worth of weirdness
Starting point is 00:22:22 out of my system in one. By T by by his Batine Ramirez. Yeah, he really was like a real life boogie man one night hiding in the guest room He watched a woman under us take a shower and then he decided that he was a dungeon's watching as she got out of the shower He grabs her plants his hand over her mouth and starts to rape her somewhat luckily As luckily, I guess in the situation as it can be when you're already being raped, her husband enters the room shortly after the assault has began, and beats Richard almost to death. If only he had beaten Ramirez to death.
Starting point is 00:22:54 The cops were called, Richard was booked, taken to court, but unfortunately the couple wanted nothing more to do with the whole situation. The victim, understandably, never wanted to see Richard's face again, and they refused to return to Al Paso, and the charges were unfortunately dropped. And so, young Richard got away with rape. This no doubt fueled his ego and made him feel invincible that he was above punishment. This too comes up too much with a variety of serial killers, man. Early close calls that go unpunished.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Bundy, narrowly avoided capture early on, so did BTK, so did Gacy, if you ever call. You know, he got that early, so did I mean charge, but no real punishment. I mean, he went to jail, but not for long. I guess he went to prison, but still not for long. Close calls, breed, craftiness, and it makes these guys harder to catch later on, if you like. 1977, Crazy Cousin Mike is released
Starting point is 00:23:42 from the mental institution. He's been staying after a few years after murdering his wife Seems like a bad decision to let him go. He and Rich spend some more quality family time together Just you know hanging out smoking weed fantasizing about rape No turning back for Richard now his dark identity and future are pretty much sealed The hangs around all pass over a few more months and then you know gets by by breaking into homes stealing cars picking up a healthy late 70s co-cabits. And then in 1978, at age 18, Richard moves to Los Angeles, where he gets an acting gig, and
Starting point is 00:24:11 he was on a sitcom for four years. He was actually in all in the family. He had a small role. You can see him in the background. A lot of time, just kind of hiding in closets. It was just like a weird, no, none of that, of course that didn't happen. No, he just lives on the streets. He becomes an alcoholic and a coke addict, which is great news for everybody.
Starting point is 00:24:28 You know, if there's one thing, a teen peeping Tom rapist and devil worshiper needs, it's an addiction to coke. He hangs out with other drifters and low lives around the bus station downtown, lives for a time in a really run down kind of shanty house about a quarter mile from the police station. Still best buds with Satan, still way into the devil worship, even traveled to San Francisco to visit a coven of devil worshipers around this time. At one point, he had the opportunity to join,
Starting point is 00:24:52 like this organized satanic cult, but he decided against it. They just weren't into Satan like he was into Satan. You know, he just wasn't feeling their satanic interpretation. Like they were kind of evil, but he wanted to be like full evil He drips around LA for a few years doing a lot of drugs Committing a lot of crimes a lot of burglary a lot of car jacking's a lot of a car theft
Starting point is 00:25:12 He was never charged Oh, sorry. Yeah, sorry and he earned a reputation. He was charged He did get arrested two times and your reputation is there it's a pretty good car thief and burglar though He was arrested twice in LA for auto theft in 81 and then again in 84. In 83, Ramirez's mother and sister are worried enough about him that his sister Ruth comes out to LA to find him and bring him home. And he actually tells his sister Ruth that he is under the protection of Lucifer and that he will never return home. Do you imagine a family member telling you some shit like that? Dad, mom, good news, bad news about Rich. The good news is I found him and he's okay.
Starting point is 00:25:49 He's actually being protected. The bad news is that he's being protected by the devil himself, who he has sworn lifelong allegiance to and he'll never be coming home again. That's just I can't, I can't even imagine if somebody, you know, like if I went to my sister, my sister was like a drifter now. And she was like, now Danny, I'm good, I'm not coming home. Not coming home, the devil's got me. I'm fine, I'm fine, Satan's keeping an eye out for me. Around this time, before a second auto theft arrest, Richard is also able to buy a master set of keys
Starting point is 00:26:18 to Toyota's and Hondas, so we could get around back then, still kind of at will, which was a thing. How crazy is that? You could get a master key for certain automobiles. You still can't actually that would allow you to steal any particular making model that you could find. I didn't know that was possible before this week. Check out this. This is some research I found in 2006 article on a police resource website where they said
Starting point is 00:26:41 shaved keys have been around for decades. They're the most inexpensive and effective way to steal a wide variety of vehicles. In Northern California, the nation's top auto theft hotspot for the last three years running, shaved keys account for nearly half of all auto thefts. Shaved keys are known by other names as well, such as Master Keys or Jiglers. They work by fitting into the vehicle's ignition and fooling the ignition system into believing it's the original key. Some of the keys will also work on a vehicle's doors.
Starting point is 00:27:08 The same key can be used on hundreds of cars before wearing out. Shaved keys can be made easily with the aid of any metal grinder or hand-held file. In fact, many criminals will simply grind the key down on the edge of a sidewalk or rock. The method is just as effective, providing they can just get the key thin enough to jiggle into the car's ignition. So some kind of technique. Toyota Honda and Saturn vehicles between the model years of 1980 and 1996 are the most common ones taken using shaved keys. These models use very similar ignition systems, making them easily defeated with the use of a shaved key. Damn, wow man, I wanna rethink that good deal
Starting point is 00:27:45 you just got on that 95 Corolla. Now plus side, easy to get in and drive home if you lose your key. Downside, easy to get in and drive to other people's homes by other people who don't have a key. So Ramirez would grab all kinds of cars with these master keys and then drive round LLA looking for houses to rob.
Starting point is 00:28:01 Steal a car to then find houses to steal more stuff from. Five months after he spoke with the sisters, he's arrested for car theft, he's photographed, fingerprinted, spent six months in jail. Now he's in the system, but far from being known with crime. After getting out of jail in 1984, Ramirez got right back in the steal and shit with each robbery. His skills are improving within two years. You know, he's been robbing like up to two homes at night and then selling, you know, whatever he would gather to a contact he night, and then selling whatever he would gather to a contact he'd made,
Starting point is 00:28:26 and then generally just get more some coke and some hookers. Strange, while he frequent in prostitutes, he was never known to harm them. And that's just odd considering how frequently they are the primary target of serial killers. Now that he'd become a master at burglarizing homes, he decided to up the ante, and he began raping women and robbing them while he was through.
Starting point is 00:28:45 And this would quickly lead to his first kill and we'll discuss all of his horrific murders as his timeline merges into some super scary stuff. All right time suckers, this section of this episode is rated full, Chicatillo. It is that dark and horrific. Lucifina strongly approves. So you have been warned. This is going to get more and more brutal. On April 10th, 1984, nine year old, my Linda Lwing was beaten, stabbed and raped in the
Starting point is 00:29:21 tenderloin district of San Francisco. This case would go and solve for 25 years. At the time of the murder, Ramirez, he had moved up there briefly and he lived about six blocks from the girls' apartment. Loang and her eight-year-old brother had gone to the basement at 765 O'Farell Street to look for a dollar bill. Her brother had lost somehow they got separated. When Lang's brother returned about 30 minutes later, he found her lifeless body hanging from a pipe. There were never any strong suspects in the case when investigators found her feet were just a few inches off the ground. And one of the arriving officers said that had she been a little taller, she could have transferred her weight to her feet on the ground
Starting point is 00:29:57 and screamed and somebody could have come and helped her. Loing's death was described as a ritual style slain and remeerage was a known Satanist. If you can picture Christ on the cross, that's the way she looked. Her head was dropped and her chin down, recalled another investigator. Now, he wasn't tied to the case until 2009 through DNA, long after he was caught, but he was never charged. By then, he was already awaiting execution on death row. And I think this is that when he was up in the Bay area for a little bit, looking into that satanic coven he was thinking about joining and this could have been some kind of ritual killing. So that was a or it also could have been just, you know, wrong place,
Starting point is 00:30:34 wrong time. He really he at this point, he still wasn't going, you know, really like full steam into murder like he would be here soon. Little over two months later, 79-year-old Jenny Vickow, VinKow, was found dead in her apartment. She'd been restabred repeatedly and her throat was slashed. So severely, she was almost decapitated. Jenny's son Jack would later testify at Ramirez's trial. He said, his mother lived at the same apartment building. The last time you saw her live was the afternoon of June 27, 1984. He found his mother's body nearly 24 hours later, and called her name several times, got no response. When I saw she was dead, I shouted to the manager,
Starting point is 00:31:10 my mother's been murdered. The dead of the night, Richard Vermeerius had removed the screen to her apartment window, brutally killing her in bed while she slept. It was a blood-orgy of brutality that shocked the world. He lost control, repeatedly stabbing her in his lash and her throat so deeply that she was, again, nearly decapitated when police found her body, and then he had sexual decorps.
Starting point is 00:31:29 Jesus. At the morgue, the police discovered a key piece of evidence in the form of a fingerprint. However, they couldn't do much with it back then. They could only, it could help link a suspect to a crime after he had already been kind of apprehended. But at that time, the Department of Justice had 16 million fingerprints in master files, all in hard copy. They were developing a computerized fingerprint system that just wasn't up and running quite yet. But it would be instrumental later in catching Ramirez. After murder in January, a V. Coutie killer slept deeper and deeper into intravenous coq addiction.
Starting point is 00:31:58 The drug became his life. And that murdered by the way back in the LA area. He'd come down from San Francisco. He was up there, you know, briefly briefly come back and that's where he'd do the overwhelming majority of his killings actually being the valley of the you know around Burbank, Glendale, Menrovia up in that Pasadena kind of area of the world and he's gotten really into coke now and he to get it he needed money which he routinely secured by committing burglaries frequently frequently two to three a day. And yeah, he was constantly stealing stuff. He would always wear gloves, always wear black. He'd silently slink in and out of people's homes, never leaving a clue. He'd take coin, money, stamp collections, televisions, VCRs, and so on.
Starting point is 00:32:37 Which he'd, whatever he thought he could sell, whatever he could fence and quickly turn over into money. Sleeping, eating, washing, didn't matter much to him. He walked with a kind of, you know, leathery smell about him and odor witnesses would later describe to police and talk about in court. He had no friends. He was very untrusting of people. He was a consummate loner. Usually he just stained his room from from sundown to sunrise, shooting up coke, watching MTV, listening to heavy metal music. He was weighing to ACDC, fantasizing about extreme sexual violence, watching people suffer, squirm, and die.
Starting point is 00:33:06 Man, just a sick son of a bitch. He felt certain the demons in Satan were protecting him and watching over him thought he'd never get caught. Yeah, I told you this dude was dark. He actually thought the devil and demons were his friends. Over six months later, now this is when things really, really, he goes on like a true, I guess, just killing spree. This is February 21st, 1975.
Starting point is 00:33:28 Sitzers Christina and Mary Caldwell, ages 58 and 71, were found dead in their home. The Eashman stab dozens of times, a few more victims for the Night Stalker, which extra creepy is a sneaky way. He would stock a lot of these victims like on March 17, 1985. So just a, what, I guess, less than a month after that previous one, he follows Maria Hernandez
Starting point is 00:33:49 home creeping into her garage with her as she pulled into the park. Maria Hernandez was a petite, attractive, runette with large round eyes, clear all of skin, and Richard spotted her on the freeway as she was driving her gold Camaro home from dinner at a boyfriend's house in Monterey Park. As she left the freeway, it made her way into the suburb of Rosemede, a little lovely residential community of 46,000. He exited just behind her. He followed her three blocks before she slowed and took right into the new condominium community
Starting point is 00:34:15 on village lane. He trailed her into the complex, watched her take a left and a right and pulled into the last garage at the back of the condo she shared with her roommate, Dale Uzaki or Okasaki who's green Toyota wagon was already parked in the garage. Earlier that evening, Dale, 14 days away from her 35th birthday, had been visiting her mom and dad watching TV and talking. She was pleased at a recent promotion, traffic supervisor with LA County. Dale was one of the three children from a close supportive loving family. She had attended Pasadena City College. She was an avid skier, taking classes
Starting point is 00:34:46 and cake decorating, flower arranging, computer programming, and self-defense. She was highly motivated woman, love life made the most out of it. She saved hard to buy the condominium. She now share with Maria. And when Maria stepped out of the car, luckily she was holding her car keys.
Starting point is 00:35:01 That's gonna come up very handy in a second. The entrance to her house was this door on the side of the garage. She walked towards it, moved around two cars. On the wall near the door was a button that opened and closed the garage. She pushed it. Door began to close. That moment, Ramirez, even now, you know, watching her, bent down, snuck under the garage door, walked straight towards Maria while her back was still to him. He raised his 22 pistol aimed directly at her head. She had to open two locks get into her house and when she opened one she heard a little noise behind her.
Starting point is 00:35:30 Perhaps it was the ACDC hat that are just falling off of Ramirez head when he kind of snuck under the garage door. She turns towards the noise. He's a good 20 feet away walking towards her point the gun with two hands right between her eyes. She could actually see down the barrel. No God, please don't. She screams automatically raising her right hand
Starting point is 00:35:46 that had the keys. He kept coming and when the gun was two feet from her face, the garage door finishing closing and the light automatically going out, puts them in sudden darkness and at that instant he fires, but the bullet is miraculously deflected by the keys. Like, fucking how incredibly lucky is that.
Starting point is 00:36:03 And then she goes down down plays dead. She's not even wounded. Ramirez steps over her body enters the house where then he spots her roommate Dale who would not be so lucky. Maria gets up as soon as the door from the garage of the house shuts and runs out into an alley once Maria Ramirez is inside her roommate Dale wearing a baggy Dodger's t-shirt, faded jeans, straight shoulder length black hair, young beautiful woman, heart shaped face, full round lips, got everything going for, but she's then spots Ramirez, she hits the floor,
Starting point is 00:36:30 hides behind the counter, hoping he hadn't seen her, he had, he stayed by the door, waiting for her to move and when she pops up to kind of peek and look over the counter, he fires and shoots her right in the forehead. You know, she's dead immediately. He then runs out into the alley where he finds Maria who begged him not to shoot her again
Starting point is 00:36:46 and maybe thinking he just needed to jet before the cops show up. He bolts and he leaves behind a dead body and his first eyewitness to murder. Sexually revved up from the fresh killing but frustrated by not getting the chance at a sexual release, he immediately starts looking for a new victim and he finds one just about an hour later. Ramirez spots a petite Veronica U as she exited the freeway and monitor a park. Predominally Asian community with the population of 65,000 about seven miles east of L.A. And it has its own police department and you a 30 year old law student.
Starting point is 00:37:16 She's tired. She's been visiting a close childhood friend, June Wang. I've been talking for hours. She's heading home with St Patrick's Day. Neither of the women had to work. And when Veronica noticed that a man in a Toyota was trailing her, she started looking for a police car. After another block, she pulled over to the curb,
Starting point is 00:37:33 stopped her car to get a better look at him, Ramirez passed by, and then Veronica made the biggest mistake of her life. She started following him back. She wanted to know who was following her. Never do this, time suckers. Never do this. Just geters. Never do this. Just get their license plate. Get the number. File a police report if you're worried. Go on about
Starting point is 00:37:50 your life. Tell your friends and your family if you were to make sure you lock your doors at night. Make sure your windows are locked. Make sure you have a solid security system if you can afford it. Try and afford to have one of those in support. Not to tie this to last week, but you know, might want to have a self-defense weapon at home. If, if you're anti gun, uh, you know, I hope you're, uh, you know, pro mace or that you know, Krav Magaar something. So Ramirez has driven ahead. Veronica could leave now, but dozens. She follows him and after only a block, he catches a red light on North, Alejandra Avenue,
Starting point is 00:38:19 Pleasant little two way street leads directly to the I-10 freeway. He shuts the lights. He gets out of the car, approaches Veronica, who's parked behind him to 22 pistol. He just killed Dale with, talked into his waistband. Veronica opens her window and asks the night stocker, why you follow me? And I swear I was written that way.
Starting point is 00:38:35 In a book I found the same following. I'm not just doing a patronizing Asian accent. She was like, why you follow me? And Ramirez claims as a witness across the street would say later, I'm not following, I thought I knew you. And she says, no, you didn't, she's arguing with him now. You follow me, why? What you want? She stares at him and disbelief
Starting point is 00:38:51 for all my shape dies dark and angry. I wasn't, I thought I knew you, her repeats. She still could leave, but she's like, she still keeps in front of him, liar, she says, I'm calling the police. Nope, nope, nope, no, she would not do that because Ramirez then reaches out and grabs Veronica by the shoulders, tries to pull her in through the fucking window.
Starting point is 00:39:07 She starts to scream so he couldn't get her, you know, in that way the driver's door is locked, he couldn't open it so he, he notices the passenger door is not locked and sorry, it pulls her out of the window earlier. He's standing outside the car. So then he jumps over her car, reaches out to open the door quickly Veronica moves her right hand to try and lock the passenger door not in time. He gets into the car with her. What do you want?
Starting point is 00:39:27 She pleads. He says nothing just pulls out the 22 shoots her on the side under her arm 17 inches from the top of her head. She then opens the door to flee and he shoots her again this time in the lower back. She gets out of the car, loses the shoe, wobbles a few feet and then just drops where she'd bleed out and die. When the media finds out the police had connected these two murders in the days that followed, Ramirez is initially dubbed the walk-in killer
Starting point is 00:39:49 or the Valley intruder. These initial murders, while there was definitely a sexual aspect to them, in a sense, the violence turned him on. The sexual part was kind of like the collateral. It's collateral damage. It's thought that with the first little girl, he killed that, you know, again, he may have been in the basement with the first little girl, he killed that, you know,
Starting point is 00:40:05 again, he may have been in the basement with the intent to rob, not kill. Maybe it was some weird satanic thing, but probably just an opportunity randomly presented itself. Same with the murders of the Cold Wall Sisters, robbery is probably the primary motivator there. The subsequent murder of Dale Ocasaki was motivated by the desire to kill, but he was still primarily their to rob uh... junkie and wanted drug money and then the murder of ronica you was just kind of more impulsive than anything
Starting point is 00:40:32 but but but after these murders uh... he starts thinking you know long and hard about who he is and what he wants to do and he decides just makes it like an actual mental decision to commit himself to sadistic domination to murder. He decides that murder is the ultimate high and it's what his life is going to be all about going forward. He believes in his heart that the more heinous and vicious his assaults are, the more Satan will
Starting point is 00:40:54 be pleased with him and afford him some kind of fiery blessings. And this is why Vermeerus freaks me out more than most serial killers. Again, most of them possess some type of humanity. Again, Bundy brutalized raped murder, but also like I said, worked as a suicide hotline operator. You know, again, we saved a kid from drowning. You know, John Wayne Gacy tortured boys, raped him and buried him in his basement crawl space, but also volunteered with the JCs and raised money for various charities. Dennis Raider, you know, aka BTK, tortured and killed women and children children, also volunteered as a Cub Scout leader, also was active in his church. You know, even Chikotila, that piece of shit,
Starting point is 00:41:31 was a doding grandfather. Sometimes I'd not the bed guy, sometimes I buy ice cream instead of rassul and chill. Yeah, most serial killers lead dual lives, you know, one public seemingly good life, doing all the right things to put society at ease, and then one private evil is hell life. But Ramirez didn't have the fake good side component. He was just bad. His day job was robbing homes and just shooting up coke, stealing cars for drug money.
Starting point is 00:41:55 His night job was more stealing, you know, was rape and torture. He actually planned, he had a plan to steal enough money to buy his own house somewhere quiet and Set up a torture room in the basement where he could just you know just kill in privacy and torture and rape Yeah, he had he had vision to filming his conquest and selling them on some kind of black, you know Market snuff film, you know, let plays ah if the dark web would have been around you know back then He would have been all over that old cousin McGuell had really messed him up. Less than two weeks later, the night stockers back on the prowl.
Starting point is 00:42:28 And before we talk about what he got up into, let's check in with today's sponsor. The night stockers brought to you by Lisa. Maybe Richard Ramirez would have stayed in school and not been a murderous piece of shit if he'd only had a proper bed to sleep on. Driven by the mission to provide a better place to sleep for everybody, Lisa is an innovative direct to consumer online mattress brand that is also socially conscious. For every 10 mattresses, Lisa sells, they donate one to a shelter. They have a patented universal adaptive feel. So Lisa is designed for all types of sleepers, features three premium foam layers, including a two inch of Vena foam top layer for cooling and breathability,
Starting point is 00:43:05 two inch memory foam, middle layer for body contouring and pressure relief, six inch dense core support for durability and structure, works for sleepers of all sizes. And again, I love mine, I've talked about it before, I love it, sleep great on it, good NASCAR better mattress. Maybe again, Maremira is more than anything, he was just fucking tired.
Starting point is 00:43:24 Maybe the ninth socket would have been a cuddle buddy. It would have been an old cuddle bunny if he was just a little more rested. I'm not saying that's true, but we don't know for sure that it's not. Anyway, Lisa has continued to expand, to expand its offerings, including Lisa Pillow now, Blanket, Foundation and Frame. To try Lisa mattress in your own home for a hundred nights risk-free, available in the U.S., UK, Canada and Germany online with free shipping. There's a hundred percent American made mattress ships compressed in a box right to your door. I know some other time suckers
Starting point is 00:43:52 have gotten them and they're loving them. Try it at the least a dream gallery in Soho, New York City for junior beach and over 80 West Elm stores nationwide and get a hundred off and a free pillow and a free pillow when you go to leesay.com slash time suck or if you listen on the time suck app or go to the time suck website, you just click the sponsors from the little menu. Just click sponsors and then click the lease of logo and you go straight to the deal.
Starting point is 00:44:20 I've made it so easy for you. All right, March 27th, 1935, back to darkness now. Ramirez approaches a home that he had burglarized a year earlier. He's poor people in Whittier, a city in LA County, 20 miles east of LA, around 2 a.m. He creeps up to the light of window. He sees Vincent, Zazara sleeping on a plaid couch, television's on. It was around black glass table in front of the couch on it. It was a plant with bright red flowers. Mitchers Azara had apparently gozed off a watching television and he was a fun loving, gregarious man. He was retired, certified personal accountant who now owned a couple pizza restaurants.
Starting point is 00:44:55 Taking note of where Vincent lay, he Ramirez continued on to the backyard. Careful to avoid, you know, walking into anything. He was super and sneaky. Midway to the back yard he looks in a second story window sees a 44 year old wife of Vincent Maxine sound asleep in bed. He immediately gets sexually excited. He places an empty compound can under a window another window gets on it reaches up removes the screen. Pries the window open pulls himself up into a small room where there's a washing machine and dryer. He reaches down, unties and takes off his shoes and is stocking feet to all fucking quiet and sneaky and evil.
Starting point is 00:45:30 Stars towards an unsuspecting, soundly sleeping Vincent Zazara pulls the 22 revolver from his waistband. As he reaches the front of the house, he raises the gun, holds in the combat position, rushes into the den, whereas Zazara had fallen asleep, aims carefully, shoots him in the left side of the head just above the ear. That's how he gets woken up with the shock to the head. Shocked and bleeding, his R tries to stand up and grabbed him, treated with the gun, but the bullets bounced around his skull, pulverized his brain, and he slumps to the ground, still breathing, but quickly dying. At the sound of the gunshot, Maxine's R wakes up, wide eyed, just as the killer rushes into a room,
Starting point is 00:46:01 point the gun at her, she's screaming, he slaps her, screaming shut up bitch. Don't look at me. Where's the money? Where's the jewelry? Maxine demands that he leave. And then he beats her, telling her not to look at him, forces her onto her stomach, ties her hands together with the necktie, gags her, take the, he disables the phone lines. And then he begins to frantically ransack the bedroom, opened in closets and drawers, looking for diamonds, gold cash, whatever you can find. Maxine knows there's a shotgun of the bed that her and her husband bought the previous year after a burglary saying that if the burglar came back, the burglar, by the way, being Ramirez, that they'd blown to pieces.
Starting point is 00:46:34 She tries with every ounce of strength that she had to untie the knots, find in her hands when Richard looks around the house for whatever he could sell for drug money. She's able to get free, find that shotgun. She draws it, aims it, if it's sweating, pieces shit., throwing her possessions all over the place, his back is to her, he hears something turns, he's her point in the big board, shot it at him, he moves left, goes for his gun in the pants, she pulls the trigger, and there's only a metallic click. Fuck, the gun is empty. Man, this, ah, just a sad irony, just, you know, that a gun that they would bot, just a
Starting point is 00:47:04 year before because Ramirez had broken in and then they, ah, they forget to leave it loaded. Uh, man, these poor people robbed Ramirez by Ramirez one year, robbed again and then terrorized and killed the next. So Ramirez screams, bitch, motherfucker raises 22, shoots her three times, bullets knock her down, but don't kill her. He beats her, kicks her, slaps her fears that she would define. Try to kill him.
Starting point is 00:47:26 He hurries to the kitchen. He finds a sharp 10 inch long with carving knife returns to her, picks her up, puts her on the bed, raises her purple night shirt and tries to literally cut her heart out of her chest. So she's dead now, but he can't cut to the rib cage, leaves a gaping inverted cross, sliced into her chest, over and below the left breast. Frustrated, he decides to, this is, again, this is, sorry, this is gonna be real bad.
Starting point is 00:47:47 He decides to take her eyes. He feels this would be his way of taking a piece of her soul. Quickly, yet carefully, he cuts away her eyelids, removes both eyes, puts him in a little jewelry box he had found laughing as he does, so she's us. Ugh. He stabs her in the stomach,
Starting point is 00:48:04 throat, pubic area. After all that, he tries to have sex with her. But he's still too shaken up by her point, by her point in the shotgun and pulling the trigger, you know, at him. What a preposterous monster. Almost getting shot is what turned him off. Not the insane amount of blood and gourd that he has created.
Starting point is 00:48:18 Not the taking of life. This poor human being, this Maxine alive moment before, now a bloody carcass, missing eyes, huge hole in her chest, stab wounds all over the place. I can only imagine how much blood is all over Ramirez in the rest of the room. He tries to have insects with a mutilated body. He is beyond fucking monstrous. Why can't there be a special death row for crime, you know, people who do crimes as heinous, who commit crimes this bad?
Starting point is 00:48:40 Like you can appeal a week after your verdict, you get a new, maybe week-long trial, most, at most that long And then if you're still found guilty the judge just kills you in the middle of court like the judge Themself they get to kill you and they give your body to the victims families or you just get turned loose to the victims families and they get to kill you He's such a monster instead of pursuing Equipelia, you know, he just gathers what he what he can of value BCR jewelry watches rings put them in pillowcase what he can of value, BCR, jewelry watches, rings, puts him in a pillowcase, grabs Maxine's 45, another shotgun and then just takes back off into the night. And then he heads downtown to the sea soul hotel where he's been staying.
Starting point is 00:49:11 Remember that place? That's the hotel, Elisa Lam stayed at and died in the one we covered in time, stuck 29. The hotel that was the basis for American horror story, season five hotel, Pripyat's hotel, washed himself up, meets the fence, he's always selling his soul and goods to get some cash. Then he goes and finds a prostitute who he pays to let him play with their feet for a while.
Starting point is 00:49:32 Seriously, he has sex with her feet and then he drops her off. He's so fucking weird in so many ways. And then he drops off the car he's been driving a few miles away, takes a bus back to Cecil where he plays with Maxine's eyes for real. And thinks about how Satan must be so happy with him. My, my, he's cartoonishly evil. Vincenate Maxine's body is discovered by their son Peter, man, other than that vague description from Maria Hernandez earlier, the woman who was saved by the key chain, the police have no leads. They're not anywhere close to catching the son of a bitch. They're just starting to realize,
Starting point is 00:50:04 you know, they got a true serial killer on their hands. For the next seven weeks, he just steals cars, snorts, coke, doesn't kill that we know of. And then on the night of May 14, 1995, 25 year old satist Ramirez creeps into the backyard of 66 year old, recently retired Santa Fe trail trucking company sales manager Bill Doye. Bill had just bought a brand new Ford van the day before planning to tour the country in it with his 56 year old wife Lillian. Richard had just gotten rid of the 22 revolver sold to a fence for 20 bucks. He knew it was hot.
Starting point is 00:50:34 And tonight he had a new weapon, a silver plated 22 automatic. Sam automatic. He slid the screen quietly, climbed into a rear bathroom bathroom, saying inside his head as he did so. Satan, this, what I, your humble servant, am about to do, I do for you. He's praying to the devil now. He's just, again, if you wrote this guy into a movie, it would seem dumb.
Starting point is 00:50:58 It would seem too over the top. It would be like, get out of here. No one's that fucking evil. Come on, stop. But no, he was. He got down and low, waited, making sure he hadn't been heard. Seconds later, he's up, moving through the house. You have to sneak in all creepy.
Starting point is 00:51:12 There's a hallway light on. It was easy to see. In the first bedroom, he finds an elderly Asian woman, Bill's wife, Lillian's sleeping, you know, soundly. He sees a wheelchair next to her bed, tells him that, you know, she's not a threat. And he, so he moves on to search the rest of the house, finds the bedroom of Bill Doye, raises the gun, chambers it, cold metallic click, wakes Bill up instantly.
Starting point is 00:51:34 He knew what it was. He grabs for a loaded nine millimeter. He kept the nightstand and he just wasn't quite quick enough. And as he's grabbing his nine, you know, Richard runs up to him and shoots him in the upper lip right through the tongue. Man, Bill half falls from the bed, choking on the bullet lodge in the back of his throat. He tries to shoot Ramirez, tries to shoot Bill again, but the 22 jams, cursing returns to the hall, clears the gun, leaves the shell on the floor, goes back in to finish Bill.
Starting point is 00:52:01 The bullet he had taken, tumbling after it entered, had caused severe damage to Bill's tongue, voice box and brain. He couldn't pick up the Walter to pull the trigger. He tries to beg for his life, but could not articulate the word. Blood is gushing from his mouth. I guess Richard feels like he doesn't need to shoot him again. Maybe wants to just watch himself. Lillian has awakened at the report of the 22. She's heard Bill moaning. But you know, she's unable to get to him, unable to move. She can only lie there and fucking tear. Bill's pleased for mercy, fallen deaf ears, and then Ramirez uses his glove fist to then beat Bill unconscious and then kicks him viciously once he's down on the ground.
Starting point is 00:52:37 He takes Bill's Walter and hurries to Lillian's bedroom, wakes, walks up to her bed, slaps her and warns her not to scream. Shut up or I'll kill you bitch is what he said. Even if she'd wanted to scream, she couldn't since the stroke verbal articulation had been difficult for her. He secures her hands with thumb cuffs, receipts to ransack the house, taking whatever jewelry and valuables you could find throwing things all over the place. The jewelry he stole included Bill Doys, a mega-concilation watch, his Masonic ring,
Starting point is 00:53:02 Jade ring, Lillian Doys father father's pocket watch both of their wedding bands Bill comes to moaning and pain his streams of blood running from his nose and mouth immediately the killers running back to him Noxomon conscious again beats him unconscious a second time excited by the shooting and beating Ramirez returns to lily this room lily and excuse me room and rapes her all while demanding she now look at him Finish she actually kisses her, puts what he was taking into two pillowcases, disables one of the two phones in the house, and then, you know, without removing the thumb cuffs from Lillian's hands, Bill somehow regained consciousness. He calls 911 a second time, and repeatedly gurls help me, crying Lillian struggles to
Starting point is 00:53:41 get up, forces the cuff off a right hand leaving a thumb badly bleeding. And then the police, the police have been called now. For the first time, Richard takes off. He's taken off Lillian tells officers about a tall man in black with a gun and bad teeth, officer Reynolds manages to get the cuff's other thumb. They put her in a squad car, drive her to Monterey Park hospital, you know, and Bill Doey, he also reaches the hospital at 5.13 a.m. is immediately taken into the emergency room, but he has died. And he is unable to be resuscitated.
Starting point is 00:54:10 His pronounce date at 5.29 a.m. I mean, this whole bad teeth description would keep coming up with Ramirez because in addition to Coke and rape and theft and murder, another one of his vices was candy. Dude loved candy, aided all the time, I guess. So much so that his mouth by the age of 25 was already just full of so many cavities. He was like a giant evil kid left to his own horrible devices. He just did everything you're not supposed to do. Constant crime, he was deviant even when it came to nutrition.
Starting point is 00:54:38 What am I supposed to eat? Real food? That will make me feel good? No thanks. Satan says, I can have all the candy I want. Satan says, he told me, like I have twigs for breakfast, kickcaps for lunch, and a box of hostess cupcakes for dinner, and some sixlets for dessert after my cupcakes. That's what Satan said. Two weeks later on the night of May 29th, 1985, this sick candy eating fuck of a human drove a stolen Mercedes
Starting point is 00:54:59 Benz to Minrovia 25 miles north of downtown LA, and stopped at the house of Mabel, Ma Bell. She's 83 and her sister Florence, Netty Lang, 81. He just, man, he's just, there's nobody who's off limits to him. And he does something arguably more horrific and disturbing than what he's already done. Mabel Bell, or Ma Bell, if she was known was a strong independent senior citizen who still drove around Manrovia, enjoyed bridge games three times a week. She liked the seclusion of her house. Prime wasn't something she worried about.
Starting point is 00:55:29 She didn't even leave her door locked. She moved to California from Oklahoma. 35 years earlier where folks didn't leave their, you know, didn't lock their doors. She contributed to a fund every year. Keeps statue of liberty in good shape. She loved God, her country, her kids, her 12 grandkids. She was a good lady, just nice lady. She loved God or country her kids or 12 grandkids. She's a good lady
Starting point is 00:55:45 She's nice lady. She had taken in her invalid sister netty two years earlier rather than let her sister be institutionalized Two sisters slept in different bedrooms. Ma Bells was white with ruffled Victorian curtains covering its windows Her bed had four dark wooden posts and at 11.40 p.m. on May 29th both sisters are sleeping soundly with the doors unlocked And then just before midnight, the devil drives by. From Miraz, he loved at Ma's house with a half a mile from many other home. So he parks along the street, gets out, careful not to slam his door,
Starting point is 00:56:14 quietly walks up to her front porch, walks right to the front door, finds it, finds unlocked. As usual, he wore gloves, didn't worry about fingerprints, when he grabbed the doorob, turned and pushed. Door opens, he slowly gets in, the hunched all low, coiled, you know, aggression, utter creepiness. He lets his eyes get used to the dark, takes out a flashlight, finds his way around to
Starting point is 00:56:33 the bedrooms. He could readily see the documents of the house. We're not too well off, that there was not much of monetary value and he starts getting angry, starts getting pissed at them for not having enough good stuff for him to steal. He quickly finds Nettie Lang and realizing she was an elderly invalid. He moves on to search the rest of the house. See if there's someone who's more of a threat. He then makes it to Ma Bell's room.
Starting point is 00:56:53 See, he's hurried asleep and bed, realizes she also isn't much of a threat. He searches the rest of the house. And then he really realizes he'd come to the wrong place. There were no young women. There's nothing much to steal and he becomes even more enraged because he is a hundred thousand percent psychopath. He decides to take out his rage on the elderly women. He goes to the kitchen, looks for a knife, can't find one. He does find a fucking hammer. Yep, it's gonna get real bad. He finds a red wood-handled hammer. And he returns to the Nettelang's bedroom
Starting point is 00:57:21 and walks up to her frail sleeping form and without hesitation to to wake her up he smashes her in the head repeatedly. Then he uses a piece of electrical cord from a clock near the bed to bind her hands behind her back. Not really sure that's necessary after the hammer smashes. Netty's alarm clock drops the floor stops at 12.06 a.m. So police knew when the attack occurred. Calling to Satan to watch what he was about to do. He raises the hammer now. He goes to the mob elves room Raises the hammer again and then strikes her in the head and she wakes up screaming in a panic. I think she's having a nightmare Sure again, he's again cartoonishly evil calling on Satan to watch him bash old women in the heads with hammers He screamed shut up or I'll kill you whereas the money. Where's the jewelry? She says I have no money get out of my house. Who are you?
Starting point is 00:58:06 And she managed to say that even though she'd been smashed in the head and then he smashed her in the head again and he sent some of her brain matter onto the wall But but doesn't kill her. Oh Jesus Christ. He puts on the lights finds duct tape Use it to bind her ankles. He rips the rest of the cord from all bells bedside clock four by five inch white face general electric frayed the broken ends of the cord plugs it back in uses the exposed wires to shock her he's shocking he still lives semi conscious m-mobile then he takes whatever's value confined and uh... a set player including the cassette players
Starting point is 00:58:38 excuse me that mobile had just got him from a grandson and then he's all sexually charged and returns to the somehow still alive Nettie Lang who's her night down off and rapes her. You know Satan is going to be pleased with his work and then his time he reads until at the whole world know that he has you know been walking with Satan and he uses mobiles red lipstick to draw a pentagram on the back of her left thigh and on the on the white wall over her head. And then he draws a pentagram on Nettie Lang's bedroom wall. Then he goes to kitchen you you know, eats banana.
Starting point is 00:59:05 Drinks can't amount and do. Has his can of coke, takes piss. And then he leaves carrying a bloodstain pillowcase with his sisters, with his sisters, excuse me, meager belongings in it. You know, like he's just some fucking deranged Santa Claus. 26 hours later, nothing to wait two days to attack his next victim.
Starting point is 00:59:21 He's attacking the next victim, 26 hours later, Ma Bell and Nettie Lang are still bound in a life, just as he left them. 78 year old Carlos Valenzuela would do gardening for the, in the Manorovia area. He was doing it. And he had known Mabel Bell for 24 years. He'd taken care of her yard and her pool.
Starting point is 00:59:38 And he passed by the house in the morning of May 30th, rung the bell, knocked, doesn't get an answer. Comes back to next day, same thing. Finally, when he comes back on June 1st, the third time, enters the bell, knock, doesn't get an answer, comes back to next day, same thing. Finally when he comes back on June 1st, the third time, he enters the house, finds them, finds them still alive, 58 hours after being attacked. Both visible brain matter, you know, you're able to see their head wound, you're able to see their brains through their skulls, Jesus Christ, both were comatose and neither would ever become from their injuries, of course not.
Starting point is 01:00:03 But yeah, and then the night after that attack, the night of May 30th, he's right back at it, he drives to Burbank, just a few miles north of downtown LA, but a whole other world. I worked in Burbank for two years and it's sleepy, it's gonna quaint. A little bit of California meets the Midwest, it's the home of NBC, tons of studios. It doesn't feel like Hollywood. People do not expect, I guess anywhere for a piece of shit like Richard Ramirez, but they expect it less than a place like Burbank. He stops at Goodwill earlier in the day where he had boxes of books and filled the back seat with them. So if the police were chasing him and shot at him, the books would stop the bullets. This was some shit he just seen in a movie. He's completely out of his mind.
Starting point is 01:00:40 357 AM. He parks on North Avan, walks over to a beige ducco house, average Burbank house with a big bay window, snakes into the backyard, approaches the quiet house, snakes into the back door, or up to the back door, finds all the windows locked, but the doggy door is not locked. And he got into a couple homes this way. So, man, something to think about if you have a doggy door, he quietly reaches up from the doggy door, he puts his arms through it and is able to unlock the black at the back door and lets himself into the home. And in this time, he lets himself into the home
Starting point is 01:01:09 of 42 year old Carol Kyle. Fingertide and the trigger of his 22 pistol, he finds her bedroom, finds her asleep, points a gun at her, flips on the lights and screams her awake, wake up bitch, don't scream, I'll kill you, don't make a fucking sound. Put the gun to her head and ask who else is in the house. Turns out her 11 year old son.
Starting point is 01:01:26 He walks, carol down the hall to her son's bedroom, makes carol life face down on the floor with the promise that he'll kill her. If she gets up, he storms into her son's room, starts to scream, her son awake as well. And then carol bolts up anyway, throws herself between Ramirez and her son. And then he handcuffs them both together,
Starting point is 01:01:42 puts them in a hall closet, ransacks the house, looking for things that are valuable. When he can't find anything, he comes back, threatens both their lives. Carol convinces him to follow her into the bedroom away from her son, where she has a jewelry box. Once in the room, she gives him a diamond ring. The diamond ring, her dead husband, and given to her, he died six years earlier in the plane crash and then Ramirez rapes her, orally, vaginally, and annually. And then he thinks her. Yeah, after all the raping, like a lot of raping, says she wasn't bad for her age.
Starting point is 01:02:10 And then he lets her put her clothes back on, ask her for directions to the freeway, like they just been on a date. Then he handcuffs her understand to the bed, and then he leaves. What the fuck? But just because he let Carol live doesn't mean he wasn't done killing.
Starting point is 01:02:23 Less than a month later on June 27th, he strikes again this time in our cadia eighteen miles east of berbank little more than twenty miles north east of downtown la uh... breaks into the apartment of twenty eight year old school teacher patty elaine higgins who he brutally beat satan eyes
Starting point is 01:02:38 and nearly decapitated and then lesson week after that in july second he's back in our cadia this time sneak into the home of 75-year-old widow Mary Louise Cannon, a widow who lived alone, a woman who'd beat cancer twice. She was about to take a trip with other seniors to Australia. She'd been in a minor accent the day before it was supposed to be healing up for her trip. And then while she slept, Richard Ramirez took a heavy vase lamp from her bedroom and bashed her head with it.
Starting point is 01:03:05 She wakes up screaming, he beats her unconscious, and then he gets a ten inch knife from the kitchen, slashed her throat, thinking about how proud Satan must be of him. And then he grabs anything he thinks he can fence, anything he can sell, and takes off back downtown to the seasonal hotel. The LAPD now knew for sure that they had like a fucking grade A or whatever you want to like like the most dangerous form of serial killer like a highly active serial killer on their hands. They're putting their best detectives on the case, but this case felt almost impossible to solve because he didn't have a victim type. His M.O. was just random mayhem.
Starting point is 01:03:39 You know, he was a, they knew he was a Hispanic guy, but he was a Hispanic guy in a city full of Hispanic guys. The media at this at this point, still calling him the Valley intruder, uh, you know, and then it shifts quickly and calling him the night stocker. I guess that was catcher. Despite law enforcement, um, dedicated more and more manpower seemingly every day to finding this guy. He doesn't leave the area yet. He doesn't stop killing three days after Mary Louise, Kenne's murder in July 5th.
Starting point is 01:04:02 He breaks into a home in Sierra Madre, another town in the valley, just north of Pasadena, 26 miles from downtown LA. He bludgeoned 16-year-old Whitney Bennett with a tire iron as she slept in her bedroom. He's just, again, all over the map, you know, elderly woman, teen, he doesn't fucking care. After some time, he rapes and kills, sometimes he rapes and leaves.
Starting point is 01:04:20 He's just, after searching in vain for a knife in the kitchen, he attempts to strangle her with a telephone cord, and then he startled to see sparks emanate from the cord and the victim start to breathe again. I guess she had stopped breathing for a moment and then he flees the house thinking that Jesus Christ had intervened and saved her. So he thinks he's in this weird religious battle now and in his coke-addled sociopath, psychopath mind. He's so crazy. adult sociopath, psychopath mind. He's so crazy. She survives this average beating, but it requires 478 stitches to close the lacerations to her scalp, unbelievable that she lived through that. She had to have massive facial reconstructive surgery, and then little interesting trivia. Whitney would later help put Mermeres in prison with her powerful eyewitness testimony in court, and she would also marry Mike Solerno, son of one of the main LA detectives who was working
Starting point is 01:05:10 the night soccer Ramirez case. Just two days later, on July 7th, I mean, he's just constant, constant, just butcher. On July 7th, Ramirez burglarizes the home of Joyce, Louis, Lucille Nelson, she's 61 and Monterey Park, finds her sleep on her living room couch, she beats her to death using his fists. Oh my God. And also when she's on the ground, stomps her. Stomps her so savagely, a shoe print from his via sneaker was left just imprinted on
Starting point is 01:05:39 her face when detectives showed up. He's just stomped her fucking face into oblivion. He doesn't seem like a human being. He doesn't He just he's like some vicious sick animal some rabid animal just pretending to be a human like an alien. Oh, hours later at 3 a.m. The morning of July 8th Just hours later he breaks into the home of a 63 year old psychiatric nurse named Sophie Dickman Let's himself in by unlocking the back door or reach up to that doggy door once again. Stills are jewelry beets her attempts to Sodomizer
Starting point is 01:06:09 Doesn't work out so he gives up then he makes her swear on Satan. That was something he was still a time I want you to swear on Satan that she would never tell anyone he was there and then he leaves Again, so random no mo Less than two weeks later on July 20th He decides to work a machete into the mix, a fucking machete. Over mirror is purchases machete before driving a stolen toy to Glendale, just six miles north of LA, just nine miles from down head LA. Right? He chooses the home of Layla Needing 66, her husband Mac 68. Before entering the home, he
Starting point is 01:06:43 actually kneels down and prays to Satan, saying, by all that is evil, I, your humble servant invokes Satan to be here and accept his offering. He bursts into the sleeping couple's bedroom, flips on the light, screams, rise and shine, mother fuckers, then buries his machete into Max's neck. The blade sticks, doesn't kill Max, but he has a hard time getting the back out, so he takes out his 22 pistol, shoots him in the head, killing him instantly, and then he shoots Lee the three times in the face killing her. And then he takes everything he can feel like, you know, that he feels like he can steal
Starting point is 01:07:11 or sell back to his fence, you know, hit the back town to make some money. And this is something else that frees me out about Ramirez, you know, how he just turned savage murder into a business, right? I mean, it wasn't just about pleasing Satan. It was also like how he paid his bills. He killed for sexual satisfaction, killed for some sort of satanic fulfillment, and then also to make some scratch
Starting point is 01:07:31 so he could stay to Cecil, get hookers, and do blow. Hours after killing the needy and Glendale, and selling their stuff, he heads to Sun Valley nearby. Sun Valley's sleepy subber about 18 miles north of downtown, just a few miles north of berbake and uh... approximately four fifteen a.m. he breaks into the home of the uh... kovanas family and again the frequency i mean he's just fucking butchered people in the shetty
Starting point is 01:07:54 he was if back down town in the stolen car sells his stuff and he's like oh man we're not done yet nice just getting started uh... he was just a terror and so he breaks into the home of this family that immigrated from Thailand a decade earlier. He murders Chen Erong by shooting, this is the father of the family, by shooting him in the head with the 25 caliber handgun. Kill him instantly. The dad had never even, you know, never even realized that someone had broken in. One second, he's asleep, next second, he's dead.
Starting point is 01:08:21 He then repeatedly rapes the wife, some kid, Kavanaugh, beating her and satanizing her over and over in the bed where her dead body's husband is still lying. He binds the couple's terrified eight-year-old son before dragging the wife around the house to reveal the location of valuable items, which he steals. During his assault, he constantly demands that she swear to Satan, that she's not hiding more money from him And then he rapes her again after getting all the valuables and takes off And after he leaves she takes her son and flees to a neighbor's house who calls a police And she would describe Richard as being brown skinned with bad teeth 30 to 35. He's actually much younger He's still 25 150 pounds six foot one or so
Starting point is 01:09:02 Oh candy tooth demon boy has struck again 6 foot 1 or so. The old candy tooth demon boy has struck again. A little over two weeks later, Ramirez comes across the luckiest would be should be victims of a serial killer I've ever read about. Chris and Virginia Peterson. This shit is unbelievable. The couple have been sleeping in the master bedroom of their single story home when the gunman pushed a pistol into Virginia Peterson's face. She sits up in bed screaming,
Starting point is 01:09:23 he fires, she's struck by one shot in the face, falls back. She moves to shield her husband, but the gunman fires again. Remira's shoots him in the neck, days and not believing. Either they've been shot. Virginia asked her husband, did he hit us with a stun gun? He answers no to starter gun. This is a sick joke. And then they realize he's still in the room watching them. So the husband, uh, after just getting shot, you know, he got some serious fight or flight going on. He charges Ramirez dodging two more shots and Richard flees through the same door. He entered and sneaks off into the night and then the couple rushed there To find their four-year-old daughter who's been sleeping in another room. She's unharmed They called the police and then they pile into their camper and then drive themselves to a hospital.
Starting point is 01:10:06 After each of them just, you know, he gets shot the next, she gets out in the face. What they remember most about the attack was the way that the, uh, that Ramirez lingered. He could have just finished, finished us off just then, uh, said the, uh, the husband 38, but he just watched us. They say he likes to watch them suffer. The Peterson spent one night in a hospital, Chris, again, been shot in the neck, Virginia shot in the head, and although it was a small caliber gun, authorities say it was amazing
Starting point is 01:10:30 they survived a point blank attack like that. And, you know, that's how they found out they were super heroes. And that's what the animated movie, The Incredibles, is based on, is based on their story. No, it's not, but that is incredible. So unlucky to be attacked, so lucky to survive shots at point blank range like that. Other cases investigated by the Night Stalker Task Force, and there is definitely a Night Stalker Task Force going on now.
Starting point is 01:10:55 He is being called Night Stalker. They describe what he looks like just two days later though. He's right back at it again. He repeats a lot of the details of the Sun Valley, Covana's family attack. On August 8, 1905, he drives a stolen car to Diamond Bar, 27 miles east of downtown LA, chooses a home of Sikina Abowath, 27 for husband, Alias Abowath, 31.
Starting point is 01:11:19 And what's really insane to me is that with the exception of the first random murder of the nine-year- year old all of this has happened in 1985 Right, uh, the frequency makes it extra disturbing. He just keeps killing faster and faster Also, I'm not sure if this has anything to do with these killings, but No looking back had just been released on July 30th, right? The second solo album from Michael mother fuck a McDonald triple M The hit single No Looking Back had just been released early that summer. I can't return rivers will run bridges will burn How much of that song have to do with Nightstalker murders? We'll never know we do know it has a hundred percent to do with you Just kidding fucking Michael McDonald's it right now
Starting point is 01:12:17 Sorry, I know I know I already sang shittily early this episode, but this shit is so heavy I needed a break and I needed some yacht rock to take my mind off of constant, horrific murder. Alright, enough of that lighthearted silliness. Back to gloom and despair. That was a tough song to sing by the way. That's actually, if you listen to that one, that song, if you do like Michael, no looking back, it actually is one of my favorite Michael and Donald songs, but not as easy to sing as some of his other ones.
Starting point is 01:12:46 It's my only complaint. So if you know if you hit in the karaoke bar, that's that's a that's like a level three McDonald's song to try and pull off. Okay. So when he backed back to this fucking piece of shit, we're back on August 8th, 1975, he's in Diamond Bar. He's stuck into this young couple, Sikina and the lies, Abowas home. And he enters the house around 2.30 a.m. via this unlocked rear sliding glass door, goes into the master bedroom, instantly kills the sleeping husband, shoots him in the head, it's time for a 25 caliber handgun.
Starting point is 01:13:14 Handcuffs and beats Sikina, while forcing her to reveal the locations of the family's jewelry, making her swear to Satan, a lot of swear to Satan going on. After she reveals the location of a bunch of jewelry, he then brutally rapes and satanizes her, repeatedly demands that she's swear to Satan, a lot of swear to Satan going on. After she reveals location of a bunch of jewelry, he then brutally rapes and satanizes her repeatedly demands that she's swear on Satan, that she's not going to scream during his assaults. And when the couple's three year old son enters the bedroom, oh my god, Ramirez ties the kid up and then continues to rape them all just in front of the kid.
Starting point is 01:13:38 Like he's there's again, no limits to the depravity. This guy will commit. And then he leaves. Doesn't kill her leaves. You know, she she she she on ties her son, she runs the neighbors for help. And I got it. And again, he's so evil. You wonder if he just let some of these people live so they could just suffer more with their memories, like, you know, because he clearly wasn't a nice guy. The local news in LA is definitely now all about the night stalker. Night stalker task force is combing the streets.
Starting point is 01:14:08 He's left numerous eyewitnesses alive now. There's a reward out for him over $30,000. And he's getting worried about it now because he has a lot of dirt bag kind of, you know, drug and theft contacts who would happily sell him out. It's not like he doesn't have any friends. He heads north to San Francisco within days of arrival. He's broken into some homes, stolen some jewelry, beaten the
Starting point is 01:14:28 shit out of a seven year old Chinese woman in a Chinatown fucking apartment building lobby. Just for the fuck of it, just, you know, what followed her in, beat the shit out of her and left. 10 days after the Diamond Bar Abelath family attack on August 18, 1985, he enters the home of Peter and Barbara Pan in the Lakeside District of San Francisco. Peter 66 worked as an accountant for the San Francisco General Hospital for the past 16 years. Wife is a bank teller and he shoots Peter in his sleep, gunshot to the temple again. This is like his favorite thing to do now. Barbara age 62, again, beaten and sexually violated before being shot in her head and left for dead. At the crime scene, Ramirez uses lipstick to scroll to pantogram in the phrase jack
Starting point is 01:15:08 the knife under the bedroom wall. Then he goes to the tenderloin district, picks up a prostitute, pays her 10 bucks to have sex with her feet. Seriously, probably ate a bunch of candy after that and then just passes out when it's discovered that the ballistic and shoe print evidence from the night soccer crime scenes, it matches up to the pan crime scene, the then mayor of San Francisco, devolved some information and a televised press conference. And this leak infuriates the detectives because now they know that the killers fall on the media coverage and it's going to give him, you know, the opportunity to sneak away to destroy some forensic evidence.
Starting point is 01:15:39 Ramirez had been watching the press and he drops his size 11 and a half of via sneakers over the side of the golden gate bridge that night. And then he hangs out for a few more days and heads back to L.A. Week later, August 24th, Ramirez breaks into the house of Bill Karns, 30 years old, his fiance, Inez, Erickson, 29 through a back door. Ramirez, he enters the bedroom of the sleeping couple, Awakens Karns, when he cocks his 25 caliber handgun uh... he shoots carons three times in the head
Starting point is 01:16:07 then turns attention to his wife premier is told the terrified woman that he was the night stalker forces her to swear that she loves satan feature with his fist uh... bouncer with neck ties after stealing what he can find he drags her to another room to rape and satan miser demands cash more jewelry makes her swear on satan someor, uh, that there's
Starting point is 01:16:25 no more jewelry before leaving the home. He tells, uh, the wife tell them the night soccer was here. She unties herself goes to a neighbor's house, uh, and to get help for her severely injured fiance. Surgeons are actually able to remove two of the bullets from his head and incredibly he survives his injuries. Uh, Erickson was able to give a detailed description of the assailant to investigators. The police were able to obtain a cast of Ramirez's
Starting point is 01:16:47 footprint. The stolen car is found August 28th near the Wilshire Wilshire Center in LA. And police are able to obtain a single fingerprint from the rear view mirror despite Ramirez's careful efforts to wipe the car clean of his prints. The print was positively identified as belonging to Richard Munoz Ramirez. They had that database going now. He's described as a 25 year old drifter from Texas with a long rap sheet that included many arrests for traffic and illegal drug violations. Law enforcement official decide to release to the media a mug shot of Ramirez from December 12, 1984 from his from his car theft, arrest and the night stocker finally has a face.
Starting point is 01:17:25 There's a police conference and it's announced we know who you are now and soon everyone else will. There will be no place you can hide. Six days later, August 30th, 1905, Ramirez tries to take a bus to Tucson, Arizona to visit his brother unaware that he's become the lead story in virtually every major newspaper and television program across the state of California. After failing, oh no, I'm sorry, he does take a bus to Tucson.
Starting point is 01:17:50 That's right. This time, he actually made it out. And then he doesn't realize how much he does on him and he takes a bus back to LA on August 31st. Then he walks past officers who are who are staking out the bus terminal and hopes to catch him this killer. After noticing, just as he's leaving the bus terminal, a group of elderly Mexican women fearfully identifying him, calling him the El Matador, uh, the killer, uh, Ramirez,
Starting point is 01:18:13 sees his face and the covers, uh, on the newspaper rack and he, and he flees, flees in a panic after running across the Santa Fe, uh, freeway, he attempts to car jack a woman. He's chased away by bystanders who pursue him. An angry mob now chasing this guy, just like angry mob used to chase fucking people. They thought were monsters hundreds of years ago. After hopping over several fences attempting two more car jacking, the mob catches up with them. Someone in the mob has a metal bar, bashed him in the head. The mob continues to beat him until police show up. A unit from LAPD arrives on the scenes, including officer Jim Kaiser, who said that he had been chasing reports the night stocker in this neighborhood.
Starting point is 01:18:47 Officer Andy Ramirez remembers that by the time the cops showed up and arrested Ramirez, more and more people were realizing it was a night stocker, not just a car jacker. The tone of the crowd changed, he said. You could see the anger. They were getting closer and closer to where Richard Ramirez had been handcuffed and placed in the car. I thought if I lose control of this crowd, they're going to take him from this car. Now, they're going to kill him. Officer Kaiser,
Starting point is 01:19:06 then here's someone in the crowd shout, get him, shoot him. Kaiser takes Richard Ramirez out of Andy Ramirez's car. And the mob is surrounded that car at this point. Transports him to his police vehicle and takes him to the Hollenbeck police station. When Kaiser stopped at the Hollenbeck station, he opens the patrol car door. Ramirez throws up in the parking lot. It was green like the exorcist Kaiser would say, reference in the 1973 movie. This guy is really evil. Pukes was probably just a mixture of Mountain Dew and Jolly Ranchers, you know?
Starting point is 01:19:36 Whatever, whatever candy was the grossest, the most evil. That's probably what it was his favorite, probably what he had in stomach. Kaiser tightens Ramirez's handcuffs over and over again. He goes, I didn't know what he was capable of. I looked straight into the eyes of absolute evil. He had cold, black eyes. He was the ultimate manifestation of absolute evil. Ramirez asked the detective for a favor, saying,
Starting point is 01:19:55 put a bullet in my head. Let's end it. Gil Carrillo, the lead sheriff's homicide detective who had been on the night's stockers trail for months, walks into the LAPD building just before 10am. He joined by his partner Frank Salerno. It was a party like atmosphere. The two detectives stopped the party immediately.
Starting point is 01:20:13 The Ramirez, who had been reading about himself the newspapers, knew the names of both detectives without being introduced. Kareo sat across Ramirez in a second floor interview room, uncuff him, he said. Kareo called him Rich. Rich was calm, called himself the night's stalk him, he said. Kuro called him rich. Rich was calm, called himself the night stalker, and he asked Kuro a question, why do you think I did what I did? Kuro thought for a second, rich, if I had that answer, I would be a doctor, making a lot of money.
Starting point is 01:20:35 And he would later say he was the most vicious and vile person I had ever come into contact with. And this is an LAPD veteran homicide detective. During the interview, Kuro noticed Ramirez was tracing circles and lines on the table with his finger, and he figured out that he was drawing pentagrams. Shortly after this, Ramirez would be charged with 13 counts of murder,
Starting point is 01:20:55 five attempted murders, 11 sexual assaults, 14 burglaries. And that finally takes us out of this super scary stuff. Finally, takes us out of this super scary stuff. Snips, slush, thwack. Snips, sl some extreme interesting moments you put on quite a show, his trial. Jury selection for the case didn't begin until three years later because of a lot of legal mumbo jumbo. Started in July 22nd, 1988. His first court appearance, Ramirez raised a hand with a pantogram drawn on it and yelled, Hale Satan, fucking ridiculous. Although, if I'm ever put on trial for anything, I hope I remember to yell, Hale Nimrod, if I am ever put on trial for anything,
Starting point is 01:21:45 I hope I remember the Yale, Hail Nimrod, because that would be a great insight joke for you guys. August 3rd, 1988, the Los Angeles Times reported that some jail employees overheard Ramirez planning to shoot the prosecutor with a gun, which Ramirez, I guess, intended to have smuggled into the courtroom, consequently a metal detectors installed outside the courtroom,
Starting point is 01:22:04 and intensive searches are being conducted on people entering the courtroom now. August 14th, the trial is interrupted because one of the jurors, Phyllis Singleteri, doesn't arrive at the courtroom. Later that day, she's found shot to death in her apartment. A jury is terrified. They couldn't help but wonder if Ramirez
Starting point is 01:22:20 had something to do with this. If he had directed this event from inside his prison cell, and if he could reach other jury members. Turned out Ramirez was not responsible for Singletary's death. She'd been shot and killed by her boyfriend who later committed suicide with the same weapon. However, the alternate juror who replaced Singletary was so frightened to be in the trial that she was a, you know, fearful to return to her home. I bet you was. Can you imagine getting stuck on a trial like that?
Starting point is 01:22:44 I would say whatever it took to get myself out of that shit. September 20th, 1989, Ramirez was convicted of all charges. 13 counts of murder, five attempted murders, 11 sexual assaults, 14 burglaries. During the penalty phase of the trial on November 7th, 89, he sentenced to dying California's gas chamber.
Starting point is 01:23:01 He states the reporters after the death sentence he's given. He says, big deal. Death was always, uh, death always went with the territory, see you in Disneyland. What the fuck? During his trial, he, he'd amassed a sizable group of followers, some were fellow devil worshipers who idolized him, some were groupies who wanted to have his baby. Yeah, women were fighting, like literally fighting over Richard Ramirez outside of court. I think I've said this in a previous podcast, but how bad does that suck for the person who's lived their life the right way and who can't get a date? Right, this guy's the biggest piece of shit of all time. One of them is rotten tooth candy eating psychopath has women fighting over him attractive women actually
Starting point is 01:23:40 One of these women was Doreen Liy, who rode him nearly 75 letters during his incarceration, starting shortly after his arrest in 1925. How insulting to the victims of these crimes? What a deranged piece of shit she is. In 1988, he proposed to her. She accepts. In October 3, 1996, they're married in California's San Quentin State Prison. For years before Ramirez's death,
Starting point is 01:24:05 they always stated that she commits suicide when Ramirez was executed. Oh, too bad, too bad she, too bad that never happened. Ramirez was never executed. He was eventually, he eventually died on death row. Shortly before California abolished it on June 7th,
Starting point is 01:24:18 2013 of complications, secondary to B. Stell lymphoma at Marin General Hospital in Green Break, California. He'd also been suffering from complications brought on by chronic substance abuse and chronic hepatitis C viral infection. And I hope his death was painful. And that takes us out of this time-sec timeline. Good job, soldier.
Starting point is 01:24:38 You've made it back. Barely. So what a monster, huh? Evil until the very end. Never expressed any remorse for all the horrible, horrible, horrible things he did. Believe in the devil right up until the end. Randomly actor Todd Bridges. Remember that dude, he was on different strokes when he was a kid. And then he had some rough patches of the drugs and some crime.
Starting point is 01:25:03 Well, he ended up being incarcerated briefly in the same prison as Ramirez and he remembers, uh, in an interview later, he remembered Ramirez taunting him. He said that Ramirez would come by his cell and shake the door really hard. He always tried to freak me out. He would say, I'm going to come in and get you. Uh, Bridges said the shit he did and the stuff he said in court wasn't for show. He was that guy, evil to the core until the very end. And still like I said earlier, he had groupies. You know, I get the bad boy fast nation. A lot of women go through on some level, you know, I get, you know, I thought the bad girls are hot, you know, hey, Lucifena, but Ramirez, way too bad. Like getting tatted up, smoking and drinking too much, living a reckless life, having that kind of, you
Starting point is 01:25:42 know, charismatic, don't give a fuck attitude. That's one thing, you know, but being a pure, sadistic, homicidal rapist or murder, that's, I guess that little redundant homicidal murder, it kind of goes that. But yeah, but just being that evil is an entirely other thing. Let's explore this dark fascination some of these women have on today's Idiots of the Internet. The best video I could find dealing with murder groupies, I guess, that didn't have the comments disabled, as most of them did, was 10 serial killers with obsessive groupies published by Planet Dolan in 2016, Ramirez being one of the 10.
Starting point is 01:26:23 And before we get to the dumb comments, a lot of funny ones, user the anime avatar is ironic, posts all these serial killers and their groupies and I can't still get a text back. And then user Nade duck posts, I guess there's a complete goddamn moron out there for everyone to which user Eulisus replies,
Starting point is 01:26:40 22 years and I'm still looking for my moron. I love that. User Metal Neck has the best one, I think point posting. So remember a little Timmy. If you want Sally from down the street to like you murder her friends. Jeez. And then the dumb starts. A user Alice Benniston posts. I'll admit Richard Romero's is good looking. And user I broke apart to play this game goes full misguided team goth dumb shit and post. He's good looking and Satanism is awesome.
Starting point is 01:27:08 No, he's not. It's not and you should be sterilized. You should be sterilized with that attitude. Get ready to have a terrible life. Get ready to have some kids with some loser who's gonna leave you and abandon his responsibilities to work on a shitty fucking band or whatever. You know, wonder how awesome you'll think
Starting point is 01:27:23 worship in the devil and bad boys are then, huh? And then Alice, the original poster, ends up telling another one of the creeps in the comment section to find her on Facebook and hit her up. Oh, geez. Do you want to be a future victim? The comment section of a serial killer video? That's where you're going to find your hookups. You know, Jesus.
Starting point is 01:27:42 Then user Kimi Freak 200 shows how fucking dumb she is commenting. He was scary though and had Hep C. Also had Rod and T's when he was captured. That's why they were messed up. He was a homeless drug addict. I like his, I like his fuck the world attitude and his swagger and charisma, but his crimes were terrifying to me.
Starting point is 01:28:00 Big turn off, but you know what, hey, that's just me. Big turn off, but that's just me. I love how she, you know, would consider dating someone like that, but the homeless thing, the hip-sea, the fucked up teeth were turn-offs. I mean, his crimes are terrifying, but she liked his charisma and attitude. Love the hate that's just me too. You know, I don't want to offend anybody. Look, if you guys want to fuck a serial killer, I mean, who am I to judge? You should judge shit like that, you moron.
Starting point is 01:28:27 I hate the notion that you can't judge anyone. No, no, yes, you can. And should heavily. Like, if you think Ramirez was a cool, good guy, fuck you, you are so dumb. I hope you can never have kids. I hope your dick doesn't work. Or your uterus is as barren as the space between your ears.
Starting point is 01:28:46 I hope you're never able to get a job, even working around kids. I hope you don't live anywhere in there, kids. I hope you don't see a kid. Hope you go blind, so you can't see kids. I don't want you to influence in the future of society in any meaningful way whatsoever. You pathetic, wretched, misguided,
Starting point is 01:28:59 complete fucking idiot of the internet. So Ramirez, Gladys dead. Too bad he lived as long as he did. Very disturbing. The some people think he's cool. What a preposterous monster. And while we'll never get to know exactly what makes these people tick, what turns them into murderers, you know, a lot of kids have abusive parents, a lot of kids are molested,
Starting point is 01:29:23 a lot of have some kind of mental disorder, leaves them devoid of empathy, and the overwhelming majority don't grow up to become people anywhere close to what Richard Ramirez became. But I do feel like old cousin Mike, old McGwell had a lot to do with the formation of the night stocker. You are maybe at your most impression around, you know, 12 and 13 years old. And this is the dude that he spent time with, transitioning from a boy to a young man. This dude is who he's with when he's first dabble in with drugs, when he's first having sexual thoughts, establishing a sexual identity. And this guy's telling him that rape is cool, showing him pictures of rape, showing him pictures of murder, of necrophilia. And then a year or so later it shows him actual murder, murder someone in front of him. And if because the family member, he doesn't feel like he can talk about any of this crazy thoughts he's having. Oh my God, man, terrible, terrible, terrible show
Starting point is 01:30:11 in somebody. All of that doesn't mean you know, like, again, they will become a citizen nightmare, but I feel like it greatly increases the odds that they will. So, uh, yeah, again, watch who you let your kids hang around. Man, now let's take another look back at all of this with some top five takeaways. Time, suck, some top five takeaways. Time to suck. Top five takeaways. Number one, on September 20th, 1989, Richard, the night stock of Ramirez was convicted on 13 counts of murder, five attempted murders, 11 sexual assaults and 14 burglaries.
Starting point is 01:30:39 And he was sentenced to death row. And years later, he will be tied to another murder, his 14th with DNA evidence. Number two, Richard committed nearly all of his violent crimes in one year, 1995. Michael McDonald releases second solo album, they'll come back that same year. Don't worry, I'm not going to sing coincidence for sure, but fun for me to have an excuse to throw triple M into another episode of the suck. Number three, Cokehead, Richard Ramirez, believed his crime for pleasing the devil.
Starting point is 01:31:06 And in addition to torturing, raping, beating, robbing, and killing his victims, he also made them swear to Satan repeatedly during the crimes. And even prayed for Satanic guidance during some of the crimes. It's like Rick James said on that old shepel show sketch, Kochane is a hell of a drug. Number four, and angry mob caught Ramirez
Starting point is 01:31:24 before the police did, and the police hadn't shown up when they did might have beaten him to death to bed he didn't would have given the story better ending given the families of his victims something to feel good about and number five new info during his trial Ramirez tried to kill the prosecuting attorney uh... right we said that in the middle of the trial law enforcement uh... task with keeping the court room safe found found out about the plot Ramirez had planned to get a gun
Starting point is 01:31:44 into court room will also about the plot Ramirez had planned to get a gun into the courtroom. Well, also after the plot is discovered, he tries to escape prison, tries to get out twice. So he could get back out there and start killing again. The first of Ramirez's escape plans was prevented in the fall of 93 when Ramirez would be in brought back to prison and had to pass through a metal detector. The machine beat his Ramirez walks through and law enforcement found a key inserted into his rectum that would open his handcuffs. The second escape plan never got out of the planning stages and scards at the prison found out about a potential plot
Starting point is 01:32:13 after reading a letter from an obsessed night stocker fan who was trying to help him escape. Probably a groupie. Hope she spent some serious time in prison for being that dumb as well. Richard Ramirez has been sucked and I need some mouthwash. Need to get the taste out of a mouth. From that fucking monster growth. Okay, something that's not gross. More of the danger brain, black, culture, the curious, 251% elderly moles getting shirts back in the store
Starting point is 01:32:46 should be available by purchase for purchase by tomorrow. Other designs we've run low on are in the progress of reorder and some new danger brain stickers should be in the store in just a few days, including some new vinyl card decals. They look amazing. And the danger brain guys, by the way, when they were kids, they lived in the, in the valley out in LA and they remember I was talking to Alfonso just the other day, and he remembers all the news coverage and being terrified when he was a kid over to Ramirez back in 85. Many of you have been downloading the free ringtones that are now in the time suck store.
Starting point is 01:33:15 It's downloads for both Android and iPhone users. I love it. Show intro, outro, most of the segment intros are up. As is the most popular download, this one, the Tupac and Biggie episode, they took my, I'm not some of crack. And they remixed that into a ringtone. So put it on the suck, or for the suckering phone, excuse me, it's free.
Starting point is 01:33:33 Thanks to Harmony Velocamp, Jesse Dobner, Lindsey Cummins, Josh Creld, the entire time suck team for their help. Huge thanks to OG Bojangles Research Team members, Rebecca and Sarah Lilly, forgive me, a turbo boost on my Ramirez research and condolences again to time sucker Aaron. This Monday we kick off April with the space lizard selected Stanford prison experiment as a topic.
Starting point is 01:33:55 So excited, almost done, put that episode together research wise. Current vote leader for the next space lizard be voted on topic is the green river killer. So we may have more murder coming your way in mid April. The Stanford prison experiment, by the way, took place in 1971, supervised by esteemed social psychologist Philip Zimbardo, young men were divided into the roles of prisoner and guard and put in a prison like environment in the basement of the psychology department of Stanford University. The study was meant to last two weeks, but the brutality of the guards, the fake guards, the suffering of the fake prisoners, so intense, it was terminated much before that. Find out what incredible information we learned about the human condition, about human
Starting point is 01:34:37 nature from that experiment, why I was conducted, why I can never be conducted again just a couple days this Monday. And now let's find out what you suckers have been up to with this week's incredible time-sucker updates. Rupdate? Get your time, sucker updates! Okay, I've never gotten so many emails about one episode like I did this past week regarding the American gun suck and overwhelmingly they were respectful and intelligent. Never been more proud to be a member of TimeSuck than I am right now. Just amazing.
Starting point is 01:35:10 Just an amazing group of people. Here are just a few. I'll share more on Monday. So many came in. So many great ones. First is an update from Ailey Irvine who writes in with an awesome subject line of my degree is in this. So listen up.
Starting point is 01:35:22 I mean, it says, hiya. Sorry for my slightly aggressive subject line, but I know you will be getting a lot of emails, yep, about guns and I wanted to stand out. I have a degree in criminal justice, and so I was super excited to hear about your gun episode. You did a good job, really good job, learned some new things and it made me think.
Starting point is 01:35:38 Now that being said, there's a couple things I want to bring about in just a few points. You kept saying you couldn't find the stats you wanted and even wondered if the data you did have or lack of it was political. It's not. Look into something called the DICI amendment. This is why there isn't a lot of up-to-date research on guns.
Starting point is 01:35:54 The CDC funds a large majority of research in the USA and by law, they basically can't research guns due to the DICI amendment. It's a really shitty deal because then we can't have a good scientifically backed discussion about guts. And I did not have time to research the DICI amendment, but I'm curious if more of you know more about it, but I just, yeah, I am curious why that was passed, why don't we know more. And then Eile says something to think about with rape rates. You mentioned Australia specifically. Rape rates are extremely difficult to interpret. Rape rates can often go up.
Starting point is 01:36:30 Rape rates can and often do go up when people feel more comfortable reporting those rates. So as sexual liberation and sexual norms have relaxed in many countries, including Australia, more people feel comfortable reporting to the police. This leads to an uptick in rape rates. Okay. That's an interesting thought as opposed to an uptick in rape rates. Okay. That's an interesting thought as opposed to any kind of correlation with gun control. Also in recent years, the definition of rape has changed. For example, the FBI just updated their definition in 2012
Starting point is 01:36:54 to include male rape. Until then, many men that were raped were considered or weren't counted in the overall number instead it was just considered assault. Obviously, this excludes child rape of any gender. Another thing, Switzerland and Finland, et cetera, have free mental health care. There are problems with their systems, but no matter your income, you can get care. That makes a huge difference. On top of that, kids get evaluations at a young age in school. As far as mental health, so kids that have problems at a young age can be identified and get the help they need. And when the men join and when men join the mandatory military, they
Starting point is 01:37:25 also undergo a psychological evaluation. That this will be something considered when buying a gun. Thanks to the show, I hope my points help clear up some things. Hail, Lucifina, Eileen. Yeah, thank you. I mean, that, that really was great. I mean, you really further illustrate how complicated this issue is and how when you dig into the stats, it gets, it gets even more complicated. There's so many factors to consider when you're trying to figure out what within a culture uh... is contributing to overall violence levels and what is contributing to the prevention of overall violence levels very hard to figure out what were the important statistically significant uh... correlations are in the mental health thing that is such a good point
Starting point is 01:37:58 what if we had way less stigma in this country about mental health what if there was free mental health care for everybody? If we could make that a thing, what if there were screenings starting in childhood to just kind of like, you know, look for people who may have, you know, violent tendencies and get them to help they need, how much would that cut down and just violence overall?
Starting point is 01:38:16 I mean, I'm guessing a lot. You know, why isn't that the main thing we're talking about? Next up, time sucker John Leffler wrote in saying, hey, master sucker, after senior comments before I listened to the gun control suck, I was a bit ambivalent about listing after some more thought. I realized that master sucker would not fall for the charms of Luciferina and would present the topic in a fair and even handed manner. I really did try to do that. I listened. I was really impressed with the information and how it's presented. I am a gun owner and enthusiast, but I firmly believe that things do need
Starting point is 01:38:42 to change. Learning more about the Swiss and their approach, i.e. education, licensing, et cetera, I would like to see more of that here in the US. I've been shooting since it's about 10. My father taught me explicitly that safety was the most important thing when it comes to shooting. I could not even handle a real gun
Starting point is 01:38:56 until I proved that I was safe and competent with the BB pellet gun, yep, meet you. I had to be conscious of where I was pointing the weapon, show trigger discipline, I'll be able to show I knew the functions of the weapon. I think the problem here in the US is that guns are easy to get and there is no need to show any kind of competency. It's also a huge problem when people on the on the far right say things like guns don't
Starting point is 01:39:15 kill, which is absolutely ridiculous. While I absolutely agree that banning certain types of weapons is a farce, I also agree that closing the gun show loophole, creating a national registry, putting more money emphasis into background checks will lead to a decrease in mass shooting, especially. I also think better education and honest discussion about guns will help to curb the shootings. One last point about bump stocks is that there are other ways in which one can achieve the effect. So banning that piece of equipment doesn't necessarily mean that people will not be able to modify
Starting point is 01:39:40 their weapon in another manner. Sorry for the long email. Keep on sucking. No apologies necessary, John. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Couldn't agree more on the better education angle. It needs to be necessary. Take a few points from the Swiss, right?
Starting point is 01:39:52 That's an addition to mental health. You know, also, just proper gun safety needs to be taught. You know, if you have this like fear culture around it, it's just not healthy. It's just not healthy to have that association with guns. I don't think replicating the Swiss policy is totally realistic in this country, but I do think we could learn a thing or two. Next up, Austin Rinker. Austin says, hello, master suck. I was very happy with the gun control debate. I was happy you took a more neutral stance on the topic. I noticed when you were talking about the types of rifles, getting banned,
Starting point is 01:40:20 you said assault rifles should be maybe banned from civilian purchases or something along those lines. I just want to tell you that an assault rifle is a weapon specifically given to infantry and has a very specific characteristic, selective fire. Selective fire allows the shooter on average to switch between safety and fully automatic on the rifle. Sometimes depending on the gun, you will see burst or semi-automatic. As you mentioned, the episode weapons with the fully auto firing mode are pretty much impossible unless you spend tens of thousands of dollars, and even then, it's one of the heaviest
Starting point is 01:40:51 regulated things in the country. So with this being said, normal fire arms sold to civilians aren't assault rifles, just rifles. Sort of like, what's the difference between Air Force One and a Boeing 747? One is a military plane, the other is a civilian transport plane. Anyway, I wanted you to know this for the future. Also, fun fact, there were rapid fire weapons before the Second Amendment was signed. One of the guns was the belt and flint lock, multi-shot musket with one load. Another was the Puckle Gun. Anyway, just wanted to
Starting point is 01:41:17 tell you these things that a lot of not on people, that not a lot of people know about. I can't wait to hear next episode. You're soccer Austin. Also, I hope you did like this episode and good info on what an assault weapon is. And I'm torn to weapons like the AR 15 because they don't really have more firepower at the end of the day than other, you know, less military looking rifles and handguns. And then, and, you know, you know, going after them, we just end up going down this path of trying to ban more and more types of guns, which I'm not in favor of because I don't think that addresses the primary issue. Why are people shooting up places in the of because I don't think that addresses the primary issue.
Starting point is 01:41:45 Why are people shooting up places in the first place? And I know by the way that the term assault weapon fired a fair amount of view up because technically any weapon can be used for assault. And it feels like a lot of you feel like that kind of malign to certain class of weapons and makes people more scared of them than they need to be. Next up, Sim Scott, who says,
Starting point is 01:42:02 salutations and well met, oh holy daddy of the suck and your profits are free of Nimrod the holy. I really enjoyed your last episode in the gun debate. I think you did an incredible job of relaying statistics and an unbiased manner. However, there was one small point you kept that kept sticking out to me as the episode went on. You kept referring to the far left view that was saying, let's get rid of all guns. Well, I'm sure you meant the far left of mainstream politics in America.
Starting point is 01:42:24 I think it's worth mentioning that the actual far left communist socialist anarchist, almost uniformly believes that gun ownership is essential to the well-being of the general public. Well, you pointed out that a popular unrising, popular uprising would likely be crushed. So many countries, the US included rows up anyway, and defied the odds and overthrew their unjust government. With the continued military-ization of police forces, many leftists, myself included believe it is essential that the working class is able to arm themselves in case this need arises again.
Starting point is 01:42:56 In his address to the Central Committee, the Communist League at 1850 Karl Marx said the workers must be armed and organized. The whole proletariat must be armed at once with muskets, rifles, cannon, ammunition. Under no pretext, should arms and ammunition be surrendered. Any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated by force if necessary. Anyway, I know you're a commie bastard
Starting point is 01:43:15 hating libertarian patriot, but I thought this was something that should be brought to your attention. Thanks for doing what you do. You're one of if not my favorite comedians, Time suckers by far my favorite podcast. Hope to be able to join the Spaces of Rank soon. Well, I can't make it to Charlotte.
Starting point is 01:43:27 Hope you come back to North Carolina soon so I can see in person, you beautiful son of a bitch. Stay curious and keep on sucking simps. Well, thank you, simps. And I don't hate alcomies. I just don't think it's a realistic former government. I just don't think it's a better former government
Starting point is 01:43:39 than regulated capitalism. And you do bring up a great point about an armed citizenry. That's probably what I got the most heat over in the emails was that a lot of you disagreed with that point where I said that I didn't think in American, you know, the American public could stand up to the American military. I still don't just culturally. I just don't think a modern America is ready to hide out in the woods and go fucking full red dawn. But I do have to concede that an armed citizenry would have at least a chance, you know, a fighting back
Starting point is 01:44:06 Compared to an unarmed citizenry that has no chance. So that's a valid point. It's a very valid point Thanks for correcting me on that and now last one last one again. So many came in. This is from Fran Master Paulo. Hey, Dan. Love your podcast on the gun debate I thought it was a stat-filled fact-filled episode that resonated with me Even though I am of the female ilk-ish, I love the ish, I believe that to have any substantive progress on this debate, we have to do it in a reason manner with thoughtfulness born from our emotions.
Starting point is 01:44:38 Seems like the emotional part has taken over as far as immediate is concerned, but when has it ever been a good decision to act immediately after a cataclysmic life-aling event? Think about your last major break up. Can't really relate, though, been married for 30 years. It can take weeks, months, even years to recover, and to think about what is the right next thing to do is like impossible. Piling on the reason why this is happening at this time, I agree that the media make these perverse low lives into celebrities, and you have to actually have some talent
Starting point is 01:45:08 to become famous and you used to actually have to have some talent to become famous. I'd like to throw this into the conversation. Mike Rowe, who is the only man alive that I would leave my husband for and he knows that since JFK Jr.'s dad has a micro has a Facebook post writing about the epidemic of fatherless children and adults that are lost in our society. The stats are staggering and gut wrenchingly sad. years, dad has a micro has a Facebook post writing about the epidemic of fatherless children and adults that are lost in our society. The stats are staggering and gut wrenchingly sad. It seems to me that we have unfortunately been born into a perfect storm media infamous
Starting point is 01:45:34 plus fatherless households plus ineffective government agencies plus lack of moral direction plus glorification of guns and social media plus hell. Two glasses of wine and two more beers is taking me way too long to write this all ready. So hail, Namrod, and fuck the crab feast. I love Jay Larson and, uh, and ride the crab feast. Uh, oh wait, keep on sucking. Thanks for sharing that friend. Yes, fatherless households or households with shitty parental influences.
Starting point is 01:45:56 You get another fact and all this so many lost kids out there. I mean, look at today's episode. Look at Richard Romero's. Definitely seem like a lost kid himself at one point. Clearly, uh, didn't have the proper, proper parental guidance when he needed it. So yes, I think part of the gun problem does lie in the mirror, are we raising our kids the right way?
Starting point is 01:46:14 Are we giving them good morals? Are we giving them households full of love and security? With proper respect for both life and the instruments capable of taking life. I'm a hateful fuck of a comic, but I'm not a hateful fuck of a father, and I take great pride in that. Parenting really is the most important job you'll ever have.
Starting point is 01:46:29 And if you don't have kids, you can always volunteer, a lot of big brother, big sister type programs for troubled kids out there who need a guiding hand in their lives, and I do agree that people never make great decisions when they're coming from a highly emotional place, like in the middle of the initial stages of grief, and that break of analogy is perfect. Yeah, you don't make good relationship decisions.
Starting point is 01:46:50 That's why there's the whole rebound thing, and you don't make good, you know, we're not gonna make a good decision if it's like a rebound gun decision. So yeah, so lots to keep thinking about time suckers. Thanks for writing in, and thanks for being the most awesome people on the planet. Thanks, time suckers. I need a net. We all did.
Starting point is 01:47:09 So that's all for today. Cult the Cures. I know it was a long one. Uh, man, I hope you enjoyed it. You guys are the fucking best. Have a great weekend. Don't kill anyone to please Satan. Don't try and please say in a general. And keep on sucking.

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