Timesuck with Dan Cummins - BONUS 20 - The Demonic Possession of Anneliese Michel 1 of 2

Episode Date: April 20, 2018

Anneliese Michel would die in a small, German town on July 1st, 1976. The official cause of death? Malnutrition and dehydration. But why did she stop eating? Mental illness? She’d seen a plethora of... doctors for years, none of whom could determine, beyond epilepsy, exactly what was wrong. Brain scans revealed nothing abnormal. Why was she hearing voices? Was she simply suffering from a mental illness local doctors just weren’t knowledgeable enough to identify and treat? If so, how does mental illness explain others watching her eyes turn black and her hands turning into claws? Was something other than illness attacking her mind and body? Something not of this world? Something evil? We set this stage for both scientific and spiritual possibilities in part one of a two part dark and disturbing edition of Timesuck. Wanna donate and help the homeless? Here's that charity info: The Nashville, TN Chapter of Atheist Alliance Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/AAHHNash/ and their Amazon wishlist is pinned to the top of the page. That link is https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/JBH9HJLC66HP Merch - https://badmagicmerch.com/ Want to try out Discord!?! https://discord.gg/tqzH89v Want to join the Cult of the Curious private Facebook Group? Go directly to Facebook and search for "Cult of the Curious" in order to locate whatever current page hasn't been put in FB Jail :) For all merch related questions: https://badmagicmerch.com/pages/contact Please rate and subscribe on iTunes and elsewhere and follow the suck on social media!! @timesuckpodcast on IG, @timesuckpodcast on Twitter, and www.facebook.com/timesuckpodcast Wanna be a Space Lizard"? We're over 2,000 strong! Go here: https://www.patreon.com/timesuckpodcast Sign up through Patreon and for $5 a month you get to listen to the Secret Suck, which will drop Thursdays at Noon, PST. You'll also get 20% off of all regular Timesuck merch PLUS access to exclusive Space Lizard merch. You get to vote on two Monday topics each month via the app. And you get the download link for my new comedy album, Feel the Heat. Check the Patreon posts to find out how to download the new album and take advantage of other benefits. And, thank you for supporting the show by doing your Amazon shopping after clicking on my Amazon link at www.timesuckpodcast.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 In the last days of Annalise Michelle's life, she looks more dead than life. Amaciated, face sunken in, sharp cheekbones protruding from gray, palad skin, teeth chip from recently biting a hole in a wall, extremely dark black circles around once beautiful and hopeful eyes. This previously attractive young German college student was only 23 years old and now she looked closer to 60. She should have been graduating, joining the workforce, dating, enjoying her youth. She should have been figuring out what she was going to do with her long and happy life. Instead, she'd been undergoing multiple exorcism rituals
Starting point is 00:00:36 a week for nearly a full year. She was bedridden and weighed less than 70 pounds. And it's not she was three feet tall. I actually couldn't find a single reference to exactly how tall she was. But based on numerous photos, I'd have to say around five, four, five, five. And based on photos of Annalise when she was healthy, I'd put her weight around a very fit one, 10, maybe even 115, 120. But now in the last days of her life,
Starting point is 00:00:59 she is a skeleton with rice paper thin skin. She looked like a demon. She looked frightened, ethereal. She looked like a demon. She looked frightened, ethereal. She looked like she had become their personification of torment itself. She lost 40 to 50 pounds off of an already thin frame. That's what happens when you skip the food pyramid and instead exist on a diet of spiders, flies, and your own urine licked up off the floor. Seriously, for a time this was all she would eat her drink. Speaking like a demon as she did so. Despite her emaciated physique she possessed
Starting point is 00:01:31 in moments in unnatural, almost superhuman strength. She destroyed rosaries, crucifixes, holy pictures, one squeezed an apple with one hand until it burst. Another time she threw her sister across the room as if she were a rag doll. And Annelise still possessed enough energy to speak slash bark at the priest around her in an inhuman and terrifying voice. One demon from the genius was named Amitine and fashion.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Man, I do not like that. That does not sound good at all. Annelise would die on July 1st, 1976, the official cause of death, malnutrition, and dehydration. But what caused this recently fairly healthy young woman to refuse to eat in the first place? Mental illness? She'd seen a plethora of doctors, none of whom would have been able to help her. Brain scans showed nothing physically abnormal with her mind, so what was happening? Which she's simply suffering from a mental illness, local doctors just weren't knowledgeable enough
Starting point is 00:02:28 to identify and treat, or was this something else entirely that was afflicting her, something not in this world, something dead, something evil. We set the stage for both scientific and spiritual possibilities in this part one of a two-part paranormal horoscope today on a dark and disturbing edition of Time Suck.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Happy Friday Time Suckers. I'm Dan Cummins, aka Senior Suck Master Supreme, aka Sergeant Suck Master, aka Profit of Nimrod. And you indoctrinated drinker of that sweet sauce known as the Cult of the Curious, you are listening to Time Suck, the 20th bonus episode. Long ago, at the beginning of this podcast, I made a deal with you listeners to do a bonus episode for every 100 iTunes reviews, iTunes reviews, and now I owe you beautiful bastards 13 more bonus episodes. And counting. One every three weeks is the most I can kick out And so we have another Friday bonus of bonus episode Come in every three weeks for at least the next 39 weeks at that rate
Starting point is 00:03:36 You know or the rate you review excuse me pretty soon. We're gonna have them coming up for like over a year out in front of us I I appreciate so much. I appreciate the reviews so much. The most recent review, as I write this written by iTunes user, a middle-aged white woman, I'm not that, as a subject of Bojangles dance for me. And she writes, my 12 year old puppy just passed away. I will name the next furry love of my life, Bojangles, the Danimal.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Well, middle-aged white woman, thank you for the five-star rating. So sorry to hear about the passing of your puppy. I've been there. It's never fun. When the time is right and you get a new fur baby, I will be honored to hear that the name Bojangles will be bestowed upon him. And I'm certain he will be a mighty snuggle warrior. Thank you for your continued support for continually spreading the suck. Thanks, thanks to all of you for your ratings, reviews, subscriptions,
Starting point is 00:04:28 keeps time suck up in the comedy charts where future suckers can find it and be brought into the little fun fold we got here. Okay, we've been heavy on a kind of a heavy religious theme to past few sucks unintentional. It just works out that way. I remember a while back we were on like a medieval Europe one just unintentionally for a while, but since it just works out that way. I remember a while back we were on like a medieval Europe one just unintentionally for a while, but but since it has worked out that way, it felt right today to throw a bone to our awesome non religious suckers as well. One of our very own time suckers, John Bonner, is a board member of the Nashville Tennessee chapter of the atheist alliance helping the homeless bandages, mouthwash, body powder,
Starting point is 00:05:03 first aid kits, toothbrushes, hand sanitizer, gloves, tents, hoodies and more that might not make much of a difference in your day-to-day life, but could make a huge difference to somebody else's is what they kind of help the homeless get, help the people who need to get. Lindsay and I actually bought some backpacks and tents for the homeless out in Nashville. Sometimes little help is also needed to get back on their feet. You know, one couple, after getting some assistance from this organization,
Starting point is 00:05:27 was able to scrape up enough money to purchase a small rundown car, get into section 8 housing, and they're no longer on the street. So it's a 10, Nashville, Tennessee chapter of Atheist Alliance, one of 17 chapters in different cities. They have a Facebook page. It's Facebook, Facebook.com slash A-A-H-H-N-A-S-H. And their Amazon wish list is pinned to the top of that page. And I'll put links in the episode description to make it way easier. So, yeah, and the Amazon, you know, wish list is obviously where you do the shopping to get those tents and other accessories I referenced. Thank you, thank you, John, for showing up at the Zany zany show last week by the way john's awesome is a space list and more importantly
Starting point is 00:06:08 he's just doing a lot of good work right now currently working writing grants to get the government funding needed to start a reintegration program for the homeless program will take in these folks work with them on health legal addiction psychological issues given life and job skills you know to eventually get them back on their feet and into their own place. And again, there's a lot of kick-ass, amazing religious charities out there that are helping the less fortunate as well, so thankful that they exist.
Starting point is 00:06:32 But I think a lot of people don't realize they're also non-religious charities sometimes. You know, so if you like, if you've allowed a theological bias to maybe getting the way of helping the less fortunate, you know, get what they need to survive, well now you don't have an excuse. Also, do not feel bad if you don't have the dough to donate. That's not what this is about. Or if this just isn't your charity, don't feel bad, but it is a great charity.
Starting point is 00:06:53 And if you do donate, Nimrod will be most pleased. Hail Nimrod. So thanks to all of you time suckers as well, who've been scooping up the new danger brain design stickers and vinyl decals, those have been flying off, flying off the proverbial shelves, spreading that suck. Man, Danger Brain, Danger Brain, Danger Brain.
Starting point is 00:07:10 I love saying the name of the official suck designers. You know, if Michael motherfucking McDonald, I keep forgetting. Not in love anymore. If he's the bar to the suck, right? You know, then they're like the sucks Leonardo Da Vinci. Actually, there's two of them, two designers, Sebastian and Alfonso. So they're like the Leonardo Da Vinci and the Michelangelo of Time Suck. And I'm not talking about teenage mutant interterals.
Starting point is 00:07:33 And as long as they're in stock, you're going to get a free sticker pack with every order of $30 or more and danger brain recently collaborated with a Time Suck fan who sent in some fan art to make a new limited edition Time S product that I'll tell you about it a little bit I'm not gonna tell you about it now and you'll understand why I didn't tell you about it now when you hear it Ticket sales looking dynamite for Salt Lake City tonight and tomorrow tomorrow nights already sold out early show and By the time you hear this it looks like the early show tonight may also be sold out very excited for those shows Hope you can get some tickets if you can make it to the late shows, San Francisco punchline coming up in less than a week, April 25th, the 28th time suckers filling those up as well. Get out there. Get out there. I'm
Starting point is 00:08:12 excited to see you Bay area mother fucking time suckers. Next up is a live time suck podcast and spoke. Can May 6th Sunday night, going to be sucking a real Northwest piece of shit. Gary Ridgeway, green river killer. Sp spacesors voted in him for the first topic of the month and May the first Monday topic and The rest of you time suckers will hear the studio version of green river Gary on May 7th spacesers will will hear the live version as well It's part of that membership and then it's a Sacramento punchline may 10 to the 12th tempi Arizona Phoenix May 31st to the due without June 3rd so, May 31st through that June 3rd. So many solid venues, not a shit hole in the bunch.
Starting point is 00:08:48 More tour dates coming up, uh, uh, there are Dan Cummins.tv, kick ass original song making fun of the Westboro Baptist Church, written performed by musician, time sucker, Larry Hooper, and today's time sucker updates. Bonus episode 20, the demonic possession of Annalise Michele, part one of two, right, damn, now. Big on Lucenthina. Hi, time, Stuckers. Who are we talking about today?
Starting point is 00:09:17 Well, the unfortunate star of this suck is Anna Elizabeth Michele, a religious woman. In the early 20s, who went to Mass twice a week with studying the University of Würzburg, one of the oldest institutions of higher learning in Germany, having been founded in 1402 and situated, as you would expect, in Würzburg, Germany, city of roughly 124,000 people, over 50,000 of whom work at the Würzburg Frankfurt Factorium as the world's largest sausage, factory,
Starting point is 00:09:43 and distribution center, over 10 million tons of bratwurst alone pumped out every year. And at least we're studying essentially to become a slaughterhouse quality control technician with the focus and ways to make the execution process less painful for both calves and young hogs. To make quality bratwurst, you can't let the animals live more than two years. And you know, while they were trying to make the execution process specifically less painful, they did need their lives to be somewhat painful
Starting point is 00:10:13 because the sadder and more fearful animals are, the better they taste, that's been scientifically proven. And that's why all young pigs and calves, this Frankfort, in fact, Tori, were forced to watch their parents get killed. And then they did something very unique here. They would make the young animals wear a mask made out of the skin of their parents' faces for the rest of their short lives, which were spent in trapped and small cages, not big enough to let them stand up. So sadness, plus fear, equals flavor. I'm sorry if you don't like that, and I'm going to
Starting point is 00:10:41 stop now before the few of you still listening. uh, I also hit the stop and unsubscribe button. That was horrific. That was a load of disgusting nonsensical bullshit. No, that's ridiculous, that they would have a slaughterhouse like that. No, Vertsburg is an ancient city settled in the fourth or fifth century by the Celts and a side of a tragic World War II disaster. On March 16th,th 1945 about 90% of the city was destroyed in 17 minutes by fire bombing from 225 British landcaster bombers during a world war two air raid shit That is a lot of destruction especially in 17 minutes 2016 also something happened or something was shot dead by authorities on a train After attacking four people with a fucking hatchet a hatchet attack. You don't hear about those off and thank God. It's very intense.
Starting point is 00:11:29 Vertsburg also the home of the Vertsburg residents in 18th century palace that at one time was the largest personal residence in all of Europe. One of the few buildings that survived that fire bombing. It's a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a Baroque masterpiece with over 300 rooms. It is fucking ridiculous. I looked at pictures, I got kind of stuck into a little time suck of just looking at pictures this place. Nesco World Heritage Site and a Baroque masterpiece with over 300 rooms. It is fucking ridiculous. I looked at pictures, I got kind of stuck and do a little time suck of just looking at pictures of this place. It looks like it's roughly the size
Starting point is 00:11:51 of a medium-sized shopping mall. But like the most high-end shopping mall you've ever seen by far. And it's just, you know, it's a personal residence. It's just the perfect home for a family that wants to live under the same roof, but also be able to live their lives and go months without seeing each other.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Vertsburg is a picturesque medieval-looking city, roughly an hour and a half drive, east of Frankfurt, very green, lots of cool architecture, not a place you expect to deem and define you, but maybe that's what happened. Back in the early 70s, in Vertsburg, things were pretty quiet on a lease, so I was studying to become a teacher.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Her classmates later described her as withdrawn and very religious uh... looking pictures of her pre-exorcism pictures uh... she's very pretty unbeknownst her classmates she had been uh... struggling with some health issues for a number of years and recently a very private battle uh... with what uh... her family believed to be a a demonic possession they'll be uh... becoming very public when she started her college education.
Starting point is 00:12:46 Her family was super Catholic, but when she started exhibiting strange possession-esque symptoms right around her 16th birthday, they didn't just run straight to the church. The first occurrence was passing out in school, shrugging it off as exhaustion brought on by vigorous study. After going to bed, that same day, just after midnight, she woke up, she couldn't move. The old sleep paralysis paralysis slash shadow people. Uh, shadow people. We spoke of them in time, suck 59.
Starting point is 00:13:10 They'd struck. She awoke to feel a giant force pinning her down to her bed. Set on her stomach, pressed her an- her abdomen, pressed it so hard she could feel warm urine spilling out from her body, powerless to stop it. She could barely breathe. She tried to call out to her sisters but no sound would come out of her mouth. So whether or not there was a paranormal force behind this, you know, pretty damn scary, whether sleep paralysis or shadow people, both ways very scary. I'm recording this one with the windows open intentionally here in the suck dungeon. So let us and all of the lights on
Starting point is 00:13:40 and I'm still getting fucking creeped out and still out of the corner of my eye right now. I see movement and I don't want to look at it. I'm sure somebody walking on the street, everything's freaking me out now when I read about this stuff. God dang it. Okay. So, um, so whether or not there's paranormal force behind this game, scary and then it happened to get about a year later, we'll talk about this all again in the timeline.
Starting point is 00:14:01 For now, I just want to establish that a few strange incidents like this happened in high school and then initially her family didn't think the problem had supernatural roots. They thought it was a medical issue and they took it to a neurologist referred to them by their family physician. So good job parents, you know, they took that shit seriously. And that brings us to what I want to discuss before we get into the horror aspects of this episode. Thank God we're going to take a little break. The debate between the psychology community and the shrinking field of demonologists and exorcists, actually the exorcist part is maybe not shrinking
Starting point is 00:14:29 as I've found out, who believe that the problem is paranormal. So let's start with the psychological look and exorcism. I've been a fan of the magazine and now magazine slash website, psychology today, since I was a psychology student, roughly 250 years ago. And they had some great articles.
Starting point is 00:14:46 I found some great articles about the modern psychological community's explanation of demonic possession. I also found a fascinating 2016 washed in post article written by a board certified psychiatrist, a professor of clinical psychiatry at New York Medical College, who also works with priests on identifying demonic possession. So he has a very unique insight into all of this.
Starting point is 00:15:07 So let's talk about counter-transference to begin. Counter-transference is defined as the emotional reaction of the analyst to the subject's contribution. And how the analyst, you know, therapist reacts emotionally to a subject and influence the therapist's diagnosis, which can then influence the patient's perception of what is wrong with them I might have sounded a little confusing but like for example like a therapist who feels irritated by a patient It's unlike him whatever reason
Starting point is 00:15:35 May eventually uncover subtle unconscious provocations by the patient that irritate and repel others You know and thereby keep the patient unwittingly lonely and isolated. So if the patient's doing something super fucking annoying, that the therapists can't put their finger on. If they pay attention to that, they might be able to figure, oh, that's what annoys me and perhaps that thing is annoying to other people. And then there's this concept of psychic infection, the spread of psychic effects or influenced on others, which is in the realm of demonic possession, can basically mean that if the analyst, in this case, a priest thinks you're infected with demons due to that priest worldview,
Starting point is 00:16:07 including demonic possession, as a real thing that happens to people, you can start to think this is well. It can infect your thoughts. Their thoughts infect your thoughts. This is amplified by counter-transference. The priest is reacting in a fearful way because they're afraid of that they think that there is a demon inside your body. You can, you know, that can be transferred to you, then you can become fearful of the same thing.
Starting point is 00:16:31 You can pick up on it even like subconsciously, you know, if they're afraid some demons in there, then you get scared. And then, you know, you can kind of that whole, you know, which is a youngian kind of concept that psychic infection, psychic infection, their thoughts about it can kind of become your thoughts about it. And that's what some people in the psychological community think is going on with these demonic possessions. That it's just people picking up on the energy of the people around them. Maybe they're raised in a very strict religious household, and that makes them worried about
Starting point is 00:16:59 this stuff already. And they start exhibiting signs, and other people around them start interpreting those signs. It's like demonic, and so they internalize that as it must be demonic and then it just kind of builds from there. And what are some of the symptoms of possession? Unusual strength, feelings of being attacked by an unseen entity, volatile emotions, profane outbursts. These are also symptoms of certain psychotic disorders, you know, like dissociative identity disorder. Formally known as multiple personality disorder, formerly known as multiple personality disorder, that's a condition where a person's identity is fragmented in the two or more distinct
Starting point is 00:17:29 personality states. And some of your personalities may be stronger than others in a certain sense. You know, dissociative identity disorder can trick your brain into ignoring a certain amount of physical pain. That combined with a huge kind of rage- rage induced adrenaline spike, you know, can turn you into basically super you and make your strengths suddenly seem otherworldly. Skits of Frenia, a mental illness defined as a long-term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behavior leading to a faulty
Starting point is 00:18:00 perception in appropriate actions and feelings with draw from reality and personal relationships to fantasy and delusion in a sense of mental fragmentation. Can include rare symptoms such as auditory and visual hallucinations, delusions, disorientation to place people in time, altered speech, paranoia, superhuman strength, superior insights, and catatonic behavior marked by still and motionless postures for hours or sometimes even days on it. So there are certain possession symptoms that do for sure overlap into symptoms of mental illness, the Catholic Church has long recognized that, and these symptoms can't have been proven to be
Starting point is 00:18:40 curable or at least able to be managed with anti-psychotic medication, other psychological medications in therapy. Now before I share some info from the doctor that also works with priests on identifying demonic possession, information that scared the shit out of me. Let's talk about how the Roman Catholic Church, historically the main go-to exorcism guys have defined demonic possession. Now the Roman Catholic Church is official diagnostic criteria for discerning genuine demonic possession, include speaking in tongues or languages formally unfamiliar to the possessed person, supernatural physical strength, visibly negative reactions of the victim to prayers,
Starting point is 00:19:22 holy water, priests, et cetera. But for the modern church, physical and and or psychiatric disorders must first be ruled out. The church teaches that demons can interfere in one of two ways with their victims, which I didn't realize. I thought it was just the one. And I may suffer, I may suffer from the first one. Demons can cause an obsession,
Starting point is 00:19:40 termed an obsession, in which the demon fills the mind of its victim with evil thoughts. Ah ha! So that's why I write so many fucked up jokes. I got a joke demon, filling my head with demon jokes. And that demon clearly thinks it's funny to talk about the brutal Ukrainian nightmare Andre Cicatillo.
Starting point is 00:20:00 What does big deal? What is it wrong to joke about the Soss-shim cock? How? Why how is wrestling bad? Why how is aggressive play fighting with evil kid? Evil. I was trying to keep mother Russia strong by wrestling out weak members of party. Chikotilo has so much love for communist Russia. Sometimes that love come out of the sad tip of shamecock. See, damn it, dammit right there. F**k and that was an example of it. gone loose with Fina You stop filming my head with your sick disgusting demon jokes
Starting point is 00:20:30 Stop feeling my my head or my head's plural with the thoughts of lingerie That I want lenses to wear around the house when the kids aren't home and about how she should be tied down to the bed When she wears some fishnet thigh highs and tall leather high heel boots with pinup makeup and hair and a corset and, damn it, demon! You making it harder to podcast when I have a boner. It actually makes it literally harder, which is a bad pun that the demon also put in my head. And I'm back. No, session is one of two ways,
Starting point is 00:21:02 according to the Roman Catholic Church that demon can affect your life. The other, if I have to pick one, if I have to have a demon obsessed over me or possess me, I would pick obsession. Possession sounds far worse, and this is when the demon physically takes over the human body.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Various signs of demonic possession are errors in belief, deceptions, falsehoods, lies and confusion, speaking a great number of words from unknown languages or understanding them, making known things either distant or hidden, showing strength beyond one situation, together with vehement aversion towards God, our lady, the cross, and holy pictures. Obviously, that's the Catholic definition. The Vatican guidelines stress that most behaviors that appear to be caused by demonic possession are actually triggered by psychiatric illness.
Starting point is 00:21:47 However, the church has not gone soft on the belief in Satan and in Satan's demons. Fattych and spokesman, Cardinal Jorge Medina Estevez stressed, the existence of the devil isn't an opinion, something to take or leave as you wish. Anyone who says he doesn't exist wouldn't have the fullness of the catholic faith he said that the devil's presence is seen in a widespread acceptance of lies in deceit the idolatry of money the idolatry of sex
Starting point is 00:22:15 the presence of the devil explains a dramatic condition of the world which languages under the power of the malign one according to the memoirs of cardinal uh... jocke martin former prefect of the pontifical household, Pope John Paul II successfully, or sorry, prefect of the pontifical household, Pope John Paul II successfully exercised a woman in 1982.
Starting point is 00:22:36 Apparently she was brought to him, rising on the ground, Father Gabriel Amorth told Lostampa, an Italian newspaper that the Pope has carried out three exorcisms, or that he has carried out three exorcisms, or that he did carry out three exorcisms during his 23 year pontificate. A Morse said, he carried out these exorcisms because he wanted to give a powerful example. He wanted to give the message that we must once again start exercising those who are possessed
Starting point is 00:22:57 by demons. I have seen many strange things during exorcisms, objects such as nails spat out. The devil told a woman that he would make her spit out a transistor radio and lo and behold, she started spitting out bits and pieces of a radio transistor. I have seen levitations and a force that needed six or eight men to hold the person still,
Starting point is 00:23:17 such things are rare, but they happen. I'm hoping that transistor radio was a long time ago. That'd be weird for that to have happened like two months ago. Like the demon just hadn't been on Earth in several decades. And so he's like, like he doesn't get what's important to people now instead of going for like your MacBook, your iPhone, he's like, I'll take your Transistor Radio. I'll make you eat it.
Starting point is 00:23:41 I'll make you spit up your Transistor. I don't know, no one has that anymore. I'll find one. I'll find you eat it. I'll make you spit up your transit. I don't, no one has that anymore. I'll find one. I'll find a transistor radio and make it come out in pieces. Like just like the other demons don't respect that one. They're just like, dude, if I can, make an iPhone parts come out something. Kick it up, man, it's 2018.
Starting point is 00:24:00 Okay, now let's talk about that, that psychiatry professor who believes in demonic possession because I know there's a fair amount of skeptic time suckers out there, you know, and maybe you're still not convinced that there's a snowball's chance in hell. That any of this stuff can be real. I hear you. I am a doubt or myself. I'm a skeptic.
Starting point is 00:24:14 At least until a sound goes down, and I'm alone, and my imagination starts getting, you know, revved up, then a lot of shit starts sounding way too possible. Start sounding likely, which I don't care for. While I was a little bummed out about how scary this episode might be, in the sense that I was worried that exorcisms are just obviously not possible, you know, because, you know, demonic possession is just superstition. And then I read an article written by a board certified psychiatrist and a professor of clinical psychiatry at New York Medical College, this Dr. Richard Gallagher, who also works with priests on identifying demonic possession. And, man, this was scary stuff for at least for me to come across.
Starting point is 00:24:48 While initially not a believer, apparently this doctor, Gallagher, after witnessing numerous cases of alleged demonic possession, now feels that while rare, it is a real thing. And again, this is not a guy who studied at the University of Wacadoodle's Power Crystal Campus, right? He trained in psychiatry at Yale and then in psychoanalysis at Columbia. And many years ago, a Catholic priest asked him for his professional opinion,
Starting point is 00:25:11 which he offered pro bono, about whether or not a woman the priest had been speaking with was suffering from a mental disorder as opposed to demonic possession. Well, Dr. Gallagher doesn't give the date he was asked to do this, but he said it happened during the height of the national panic about Satanism. Remember when we talked about that in the Mandela Effect episode?
Starting point is 00:25:28 That was suck 31. Based on that and how old he looks, I'm strongly assuming this happened in the late 80s or early 90s. Well, based on all the false accusations surrounding Satanic scares, Dr. Gallagher was inclined to be very skeptical, but then he met a subject whose behavior exceeded anything he could explain with his scientific training. He witnesses woman who could tell some people their secret weaknesses, such as undue pride, right?
Starting point is 00:25:54 Now is that one seriously kind of impressive? No, I know it's not. You have a lot of pride. That could be said to a lot of people. Maybe she was just really good at observing like the way someone speaks, their body language, et cetera, very detailed-oriented, highly intelligent, able to tell a lot about somebody with very few clues.
Starting point is 00:26:12 I know those people exist and they're not demonic, but this woman also knew how individuals she had never known had died, including Dr. Gallagher's own mother. She knew that she died of ovarian cancer, that's a specific one. I should add this is back when you couldn't just easily access everyone's information on the web. And even if you could, I looked into Dr. Gallagher and he's not like this public, you know, incredibly public figure with a lot of info about him that you can easily find. Also, six people later vouched to Dr. Gallagher that during other exorcisms of the same woman, they'd heard her speaking multiple languages, including Latin, completely unfamiliar to her outside of her transes. Dr. Gallagher that during other exorcisms of the same woman, they'd heard her speaking multiple languages, including Latin, completely unfamiliar to her outside of her transes.
Starting point is 00:26:48 Dr. Gallagher concluded this wasn't psychosis, it was what he could describe as paranormal ability. And he ended up concluding that she was possessed in some form. The incident really shook Dr. Gallagher up. He was worried, you know, professionally what his peers would think of his conclusion. He would later reflect on the incident saying, Is it possible to be a sophisticated psychiatrist and believe that evil spirits are, however, seldom, assailing humans? Most of my scientific colleagues and friends say no. Because of their frequent contact with patients who are deluded about demons, their general skepticism of the supernatural, and their commitment to employ
Starting point is 00:27:26 only standard peer-reviewed treatments that do not potentially mislead or harm vulnerable patients. But careful observation of the evidence presented to me and my career has led me to believe that certain extremely uncommon cases can be explained no other way. That's scary, right? This well-educated dude,
Starting point is 00:27:48 this highly trained student of the human mind now believes in demonic possession. And he believes that the height of his career, it's not like he had all this education, didn't believe in it. Then he had like a series of strokes or psychotic break, spent a few years in a mental health facility as a patient, not as a doctor,
Starting point is 00:28:05 and that's where he wrote this article. That's a day man trying to get everybody. No, he's saying this as he's a noted lecturer like right now. Also very scary is that Dr. Gallagher has heard from the church that claims of demonic possession in the United States are on the rise. He says the Vatican doesn't track global or countrywide exorcism, but that according to the priest, he's met, demand is definitely rising. According to a priest he's spoken to,
Starting point is 00:28:28 the United States is honed about 50 stable extracists, those who have been designated by bishops to combat demonic activity on a semi-regular basis, up from just 12 a decade ago. And this was told to him by the Reverend Vincent Lampert, an Indianapolis-based priest extracist, who is active in the International Association of Exorcist and receives about 20 inquiries per week,
Starting point is 00:28:48 doubled the number from when his bishop appointed him in 2005. Ugh. Ugh, it's a bummer. Dr. Gallagher, as heard of subjects of exorcism, he wasn't present at, exhibit the extraordinarily rare phenomena of levitation, saying half a dozen people, I work with vowed that they've seen it in the course of their exorcisms.
Starting point is 00:29:05 He has witnessed subjects demonstrate hidden knowledge of all sorts of things like what secret sins a person has committed or where people are at a given moment and these are skills that cannot be explained except by some kind of special psychic or or preter natural ability, you, like not having witnesses stuff personally myself, I am still a little bit skeptical, but again, it's not like this guy found his degree in the bottom of a box of cracker jacks. So I think he got a three-packer cracker jacks and one of them was a prestigious psychiatry degree.
Starting point is 00:29:38 If some person I had never met knew my deepest darkest secrets, you know, and then announced them, I would freak the fuck out. There's no denying something supernatural at that point. Like, if I had never recorded, which is unusual for most people my deepest darkest secret in stand-up form and released it on the field of heat album, this is one of the spaces that's got what you signed up.
Starting point is 00:29:58 It's the track called Field of Heat, which I really is true. I wish it wasn't, but on that track I admit to burning my penis on a bathroom space here when I was five because I felt like my snake dick needed to bite the grill. That was something I truly never told a single soul. No one, no one for over 30 years. And if I was in an extracism and then some demon would just like, damn, come and how is your cock? Do you still wonder if you did permanent structural damage to your eirator?
Starting point is 00:30:26 When you wondered how hot the bathroom heater grill was and you stuck your dick on it, when your mama left the bathroom and you were five to take a phone call and you hopped out of the tub, shot the door, pretended your penis was a snake, and then decided your little snake we needed to bite the heater to never let you still question how solid the basic foundation of your mental health truly is. That would, that would, uh, yeah, I would, I would lose it. I would lose it.
Starting point is 00:30:54 I would just, I don't even, I don't even know how it would react to that. Like part of me thinks I would just like crumble to the floor just in a weeping fetal position. And I did, I really did do that. There's not some story made up. I wondered how hot the grill on the electric graph of me was at as strong as the curiosity and some real weird thoughts obviously and I, I used the inside of my penis to find out I bid it. I had my little wiener snake and I bid the grill just you know classic, classic trial and error experimentation. I'm sure you've all chomp stuff with your wien snakes if you have a Wayne Probably haven't but seriously what if you don't believe in any of this shit
Starting point is 00:31:27 But then you witness the next system and suddenly a strange voice emanated from some person you never knew Prior to the extra system and share the secret you'd never told him one. How do you rationalize that? You know if someone's like hey dog fucker Still thinking about sticking it in the golden retriever, like you did on May 12th, 1984, 1215 Pacific time behind the Anderson shed, cause you just needed to know if it was possible and how it would feel. That one is not mine.
Starting point is 00:31:55 That one is not mine. That's completely random nonsense I made up. Not trying to shame you. If you're a time sucker who also is a dogfucker. I should actually probably shame you. That's pretty terrible. You should be ashamed of that. Not saying you're a horrible person, but that is pretty gross. And unethical. And I do realize there's a few of you who probably didn't care for that example.
Starting point is 00:32:16 You know, I'll tell you one person, you know, or one entity that really didn't care for that example, Bojangles! That muscle takes shit from no one,-legged one-eyed pitbull mascot of time suck Bojangles wishes everyone was a dogfucker or even better more appropriately a dogfucky and he just not Consider that term a drugatory description This is actually the second time I had to record today's time suck because the first time I made that joke He back pod me and bounced my head off the wall and when I came to he was gone And that's the only reason I felt comfortable making that joke again was in his absence Anyway, I'll stop what I'm saying is when it comes to, he was gone, and that's the only reason I felt comfortable making that joke again, was in his absence. Anyway, I'll stop. What I'm saying is, when it comes to stuff like exorcism,
Starting point is 00:32:48 I feel like a lot of people are in the, I'll believe it when I see it camp, I have one of them, similar to UFOs, cryptosuology, the rest of the paranormal world, and I haven't seen any of this stuff, you know, firsthand, full disclosure. But this week, the more I look into this, the more people I talk to, the more I start to think maybe, because a lot of people do claim to have, you know, definitive first hand, you know, hand accounts with this kind of stuff. You know, this past week when the sun's been down for hours and Lindsey goes to bed and Kyler and my row or, you know, or with their mom and step down this week. And it's just me and my laptop in the dark.
Starting point is 00:33:18 I think, fuck, maybe started to sound like probably. Okay, I think the stage has been set now for the possibilities of what demon possession may be and who it may have occurred to, Annelise Michele. And before we go further, a little word from today's sponsor. Time suck is brought to you today by the 2018 Pudi and Ju-ju con.
Starting point is 00:33:41 Held in lovely La Jolla California, just outside San Diego. The 2018 Pudi and Ju-Ju-Kon. Held in lovely Lahoya, California just outside San Diego, the 2018 Pudi and Ju-Ju-Kon will take place this May 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st, and also on June 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, through theteenth, at the Lakinta Inn and Convention Center. There will be Pudi and Juju voiceover artists from the classic 1960 through 1965, Saturday, PNG, Morning Cartoon series, Pudu and Juju's Magic Twinkle Hole. Max Wiggaby and Danielle Vagahooden, the stars of Pudi and Juju's Magic Twinkle Hole, the voices behind those classic
Starting point is 00:34:25 PNG phrases that they gave to a whole new generation of kids, put it in your lunch box, Shirley. Two little two did a Pudy. Also it's Hending, will be the grandson of Pudian Juju creator, Jamal Johnson, who will have his grandfather's ashes, the great Reverend Dr. Antoine Jackson Esquire III, on display for the entire event. So much fun. There will also be trivia nights, neon bowling, tilt or worlds, knife fights, putting wrestling,
Starting point is 00:34:51 jello shots, costume parties, and Q&As with everyone from Clint Eastwood who voiced one of the animated series most notable villains, Kitty Von Tweedlebiscuit, who had her own popular catchphrase. No one slaps my dingle hop, not ever. Forced Whitaker, Sarah Burrell is also being a tenance because they seem cool shit. So go to Putin, Juji. Putin, Juji.biz.net.com.netwitt.
Starting point is 00:35:17 And order your passes today only $17,996 per person. Reference time suck and get a free Pudy and Juju coffee mug. Pudy in your lunch box, Shirley. Okay, so obviously I was not, I could not make it through that. With that laugh in which I know it seems pretty narcissistic. However, we really do have Pudy and Juju coffee mugs
Starting point is 00:35:40 in the time suck store. I'm not kidding about that like for reals. Time Sucker Nate Smith, this is what I was referring to earlier. Time sucker Nate Smith sending some Putin, Juju artwork while back. We put it on Instagram and then Sebastian and Alfonso, right, Leonardo and Michelangelo, over danger brain incorporated that work
Starting point is 00:35:56 into a kickass old diner style Putin, Juju limited edition coffee mug. They say put it in your lunch box, surely on the back and coldly curious on the front. Or I guess coffee mugs really don't have a front in the back. One side says one one side says the other. They're $15 each and there is a limited amount. It's a limited edition mug, only 200 exists and when they're gone, they're gone.
Starting point is 00:36:16 So if you want them, grab them quick. That was fun. That was too much fun for me. So now let's get to know Annalise Michele with the TimeSug timeline. Shrap on those boots soldier, we're marching down a TimeSug timeline. September 21st, 1952. Annalise is born Anna Elizabeth Michele Michelle in Libelfing, Bavaria, West Germany, a little town of 4,000 people in hour and 20 minutes drive north east of Munich, where her mother parents, mother's parents lived. Her parents actually lived, her parents, excuse me, Annalisa's
Starting point is 00:36:58 parents actually lived in Klingenberg on Maine, a little town of 6,000 people, four hours drive northwest of a legal thing, in less than 45 minutes from Frankfurt, where she'll be raised and where her father, Joseph Michelle, owned and operated a whoopee cushion testing facility. I mean Somile. Such a better story though, right? If her dad owned and operated, not just a whoopee cushion factory, but a whoopee cushion testing facility. Oh well, damn facts getting in the way of our fun story. Anna was the second not just a whoopie cushion factory, but a whoopie cushion testing facility. Oh well, damn facts getting in the way of our fun story. Anna was the second child of her mother, Anna Ferg,
Starting point is 00:37:31 her older sister Martha died at age eight from kidney ailment, from a kidney ailment, excuse me, and Elise's mother Anna before meeting Joseph had worked in the office of her father's whoopie cushion testing facility. No, saw me again, actually sawmills on both sides of the family. Lot of wood in the beginning of this timeline. Analyse's father, Joseph, was raised
Starting point is 00:37:49 in a very Catholic family. His mother desperately wanted him to become a priest. Three of his aunts were nuns, Joseph himself, considered becoming a priest, but while he got good grades and everything else, wasn't good to Latin. So, no mass for him. Instead, he took over the family business,
Starting point is 00:38:05 tested those fart balloons. Now, he took over the sawmill. Spent his days working with some hard wooden stick. Now, then at 22 years old, he was drafted at the outbreak of the Second World War to fight for Germany, which is a pleasant way of saying he was a Nazi. Isn't it amazing how different words describe me the same thing?
Starting point is 00:38:22 Conjure up such different images. I mean, he fought for his country in the war, you know, and saying that he fought for his country in the war That comes across as honorable as you can get He was Nazi not so much describing the same thing I do I do feel sorry for Nazis who were just young men who didn't agree You know with what was going on, but just got drafted into war that they knew they'd probably be fucking killed if they didn't fight in. That, that, what a terrible position. Anyway, he fought first on the Western front, Belgium and France, and Belgium and France, and then was sent to Russia toward the end of the war.
Starting point is 00:38:58 Joseph became a prisoner of the Americans. He was released in June of 1945, went to Munich to attend school for construction work in 1946. Summer 48 passed his master's examination in Carpentry, took over the family business in Klingenberg and married Anna two years later. And Klingenberg was a very religious and superstitious town in school. Klingenberg children would learn about Dr. Fostas, a brilliant swindler who, according to early versions of this tale passed to Wartsburg, Wartsburg, that small city of 126,000 we talked about earlier, located roughly an hour east, you know, where Annalise would later attend college, and this Dr. Fustis would pass through there, and he made a pact with the devil who, in an, murdered him, tearing him
Starting point is 00:39:40 limb from limb and battered his brains against the wall. As kids tale. Fun kids tale. I'm sure the kids love that one. Could you tell us more of Dr. Fasta's Papa? Please more of the arms being on the ripping from the spati and on brain the smash on the flat and on wall. Please Papa, please more Dr. Fasta's. It helps me sleep.
Starting point is 00:40:01 And again, that was a German-ish accent. They're slipping it out. Students also learned of witches in Klingenburg. Here we go again with the fucking witches. Apparently witches have evil powers that they can use to curse others, and the curses can last long after the witches die, and they can make innocent people sick or rob them of their sanity, and it can't be cured by a doctor. And these are popular tales floating around as Annalise has grown up in this town.
Starting point is 00:40:26 And there would be those in Klingenburg who would believe that she had been a victim of one of these witches curses. Remember earlier when I was on the possession thing might be real train, this is almost causing me to jump. You know, I may believe in possession. You know, I'm open to it, not so much with witches. Witch talk to me always rings of just such
Starting point is 00:40:47 superstitious ignorance? Like if I was having drinks with somebody, and they seem sane to me, we're having drinks at the bar. And suddenly, they lean over and they're like, dude, I know this sounds crazy, but demonic possession is real. I've seen it. I would be open to that discussion.
Starting point is 00:41:04 I wouldn't immediately question that person's sanity. But if someone was like, hey, I need your help. There is a witch that's trying to curse my family. Tuckoo, tuckoo, get the fuck out of here. That's just, uh, just maybe just the term witch when people like, guys, witches are after me. It just, it just reeks of crazy to me. After Annelise was born in 1952, Anna gave birth to three more girls, Gertrude Maria, Barbara and Russ Wita Christine.
Starting point is 00:41:36 Annelise's sisters were fit and healthy as children. Annelise was not, she was sickly, she got the measles like an asshole, who doesn't care how much that inconveniences their parents Bush league In 1957 when she was four or five she caught both the mumps and scarlet fever again like a selfish asshole Imagine if I really thought that like what a dick that kid is getting sick all the time just what does he not just think of his parents Or her grade school recommended to her parents that she'd be kept home in extra year before starting kindergarten Due to her small size and sickly nature
Starting point is 00:42:10 When she did attend kindergarten she was an easy target for bullies was often pushed around by more aggressive children You know other kids who had the decency to be strong and confident kids who fucking get it Now by 1965 when on a lease was 13 She'd already had two kids, she's worked on her second marriage. She struggled with the methamphetamine addiction, was rumored to have blood into local hobo to death with a steel rolling pin, and then hidden his body under a plaque honoring the mayor and the town square. Wait, now that doesn't make any sense at all, that's the wrong story. No, by the time she was 13, she had become a normal, healthy kid. That feels more right.
Starting point is 00:42:44 That feels better. She was like the rest of us, one friend and fellow classmate, Maria Burtick, told a court investigator after Annalise's death. She was a jolly girl, participated in the usual school pranks and jokes. Like bludgeoning hobos. No, of course that's not right. Annalise's father would later remember her at this time as being a happy child, blowing with joy.
Starting point is 00:43:04 She did play the accordion which as it turns out is exactly how you get possessed by a demon the accordion the devil's hand piano Second only to the keytar in terms of being a musical conduit to the dark lord But for real she did play an accordion In instrument by the way that weird owl and I believe weird owl alone has made cool. And she took piano lessons. She was a good student, getting solid grades. She was especially good at Latin, her mother Anna,
Starting point is 00:43:35 recalling later that her daughter was able to recite Latin vocabulary assignments with breath taking speed, big point of pride in her super Catholic family. Her mother hoped analyst would become a school teacher a very prestigious and wholesome profession for a woman, especially religious woman of that time in that area. Annalise's father also took pride in his daughter's grades, as he would often brag to his friends and local tavern. He believed a solid education would get her married to a better type of husband. Funny that these thoughts were being held in the late 60s, not like the 1920s.
Starting point is 00:44:04 I guess they counter-cultural revolution of America of the 60s had just clearly not hit Little Klinginger yet, you know, equal rights on that. Part of this old fashioned mentality was the area they lived in. Another part of it was the Uber conservative household of the Michelle family. Michelle's, you know, they were very strict with their daughters. The family all went to church together every Sunday on various weekday evenings at home. They would all pray with, say the rosary together. They were so conservative that Anna frowned on her daughters taking a local co-ed sports classes
Starting point is 00:44:33 as a local gymnasium and attending the occasional school dance. She was very concerned with her daughter's purity. What a terrible way to live by the way, basing your daughter's self-worth on, or I guess you know, your version of her worth on the intactness or lack thereof of her hymen. It's always like man. While Anna couldn't keep Gertrude Maria, Barbara, and Russ with the Christine at home, she did manage to keep Annelise away from boys and dancing by convincing her. She was too frail and sickly to be Galavant in around town. Leave that galloping to Gertrude. Right?
Starting point is 00:45:06 Gertrude's destined to be an old maid anyway. Remember that hot girl from college named Gertrude? Exactly. Actually, I'm sure there are a lot of beautiful Gertrude's out there. If you're a Gertrude list, just ignore me. You know, I'm crazy. I say stuff. You know that.
Starting point is 00:45:20 Poor Annelise really did have a lonely and secluded adolescence. Her sisters would recall finding her crying in a room about yet another time she'd been forbidden to go out and go dancing. September of 1968, Annelise, around the time her 16th birthday, had a little episode she had started to get worse for her. We mentioned this earlier, she blacked out at school. She was able to start attending the University of Hertzberg early due to her solid grades. And initially she shrugged it off thinking she was just exhausted from studying too much.
Starting point is 00:45:46 And again, as I said before, the same night shortly after midnight, she woke up, she could move. Giant forest was pinning her down, pressed on her abdomen. She could feel suddenly like warm urine spilling out. She could barely breathe. She tried to call it to her sister. She couldn't make a sound. And it was that her tongue was paralyzed.
Starting point is 00:46:01 Holy mother of God, she thought I must be dying. But by the time the tower clock in town of the church sounded the quarter hour, everything was over. All our centers were gone and only her tongue felt sore, so it didn't last that long. She was exhausted, she could hardly move, but she was able to get up and change the linen on her bed the next day. She told her mom that she was too tired to go to school. She was very sick the previous night. Her mom let her stay home and had her explained, you know, what happened.
Starting point is 00:46:28 And then they were worried about it for a bit. But then it didn't happen again for a long time. And then life went on and everything seemed, you know, okay. The only thing that had changed was that she was suddenly very good on the accordion. She had suddenly mastered the devil's hand piano and mother Anna knew in her heart of hearts You can only play those minor scales with this passion and vigor if you'd sold your soul
Starting point is 00:46:50 No, that's ridiculous Everything seemed legit Nellies continued to go to school as before live the same life. She started playing tennis Christmas came and went she completed final exams made it to summer vacation without any other incidents then August 24th 1969 same strange paralyzing occurrence happens again, exactly as before. There was a brief blackout during the day,
Starting point is 00:47:11 and in the middle of the night, the frightening paralysis with the arms completely stiff, inability to breathe, the feeling of attempting to scream and call out for help but not being able to do so. After letting Anna know about her second occurrence, her mom rushes down the street to the family physician. And within an hour, she and Annelise have boarded a train or heading off to a Schofenburg to consult with Dr. Sigmund Luthy, a neurologist.
Starting point is 00:47:34 So you know, they're taking this shit seriously. The doctor ran a bunch of tests, asked a ton of questions as he told a criminal investigator many years later who would come to his office to interview him on February 9th, 1977, he couldn't find anything wrong with her. He did recall being somewhat concerned with her supernatural accordion skills when she played doleabor Augustin front to back and then back to front double time in two separate keys simultaneously. Seriously, though, he couldn't find anything neurologically wrong with her. He asked Anna and Annalise to come back on August 27 for EEG, which they did, still nothing. Based on only the reports from Annalise and her mother about convulsions, Dr. Judge
Starting point is 00:48:16 that was probably just a case of cerebral seizures of the nocturnal type, possible symptoms of a grandmaw type of epilepsy. And that sounds worse than it is. There are varying degrees of severity concerning epilepsy. And it is way more common than I believed. About 2.9 million Americans currently have epilepsy or suffer from it. Fall in 1969, things start to slowly
Starting point is 00:48:37 but steadily go downhill for an unleash. She starts to miss classes on a more regular basis for not feeling well. One of her sisters remembers how an unleash started complaining about a sore throat that fall her tonsils eventually had to be removed. Soon after she contracted a plurcy, an inflammation of the plura, which impairs their lubricating function and causes pain when breathing.
Starting point is 00:48:57 It's caused by pneumonia, other disease of the chest or abdomen. So it makes sense that she should get this because she also did come down with pneumonia. Complicated by tuberculosis infections, she had all kinds of shit hitting her. She was so sick at this point That at the tail of the 1969 she had dropped out of school She was confined to bed at home prevented from even going to mass on Christmas Eve or getting out of bed for her sister's birthday on Christmas When she still wasn't feeling any better in January. She was transferred to a hospital in a Schofenburg February 28, 1970. She moves to a clinic in the mountainous southern region of Bavaria that was a sanatorium,
Starting point is 00:49:33 so not fun. A sanatorium that specialized in bronchial and lung diseases of children and juveniles as of June 3, 1970. She still stick, excuse me still stuck in that sanatorium How much would that suck man? It's been a for months on end out in the mountains away from buddy into some fucking hospital Just with nothing but other sick people then she was struck a third time by the mysterious paralysis Right the stiff arms the struggle for breath the warm urine
Starting point is 00:50:00 It's constantly being described as it when I read his warm urine, which I don't I don't have to be said what other kind of urine is there? I Guess it'd be way way scarier if all of a sudden She's laying there and then piping hot urine sprayed forth from her vagina Out fuck me terrifying or like urine cycles like like a urine ice cube Just starts popping out can you imagine if it's just like she just started shooting out,
Starting point is 00:50:26 little urine, little mini popsicles, little urine cubes out of her VJ. That's when you know you're in a real world of shit. When you are, when your vagina becomes a urine popsicle factory, however, this time, she was at least able to get a scream out and people ran over to help her. A few days after the seizure, on aise was sitting on a chair beside her bed,
Starting point is 00:50:46 started praying for the rosary and the praying seemed to help, but then shit got real weird. As she prayed, her hands cramped up like when a cat stretched his claws. Suddenly, some other patients at the sanatorium noticed that her eyes turned black, which you know, is a thing that you would notice. Annalise didn't believe the other patients, because she felt great. She felt uplifted from her prayer. She got up looked in the mirror and noticed that her eyes were definitely darker than usual.
Starting point is 00:51:12 And what was also odd was she suddenly looked extremely healthy, otherwise. She was very rosy cheeked. You know, looked like she had just been miraculously cured. She felt great. Just very suddenly, on June 16th, Annalise was sent to a doctor, Dr. Vaughan Holler, another neurologist, specialist, and demonic accordion abilities to figure out what the fuck's going
Starting point is 00:51:30 on here? That's quote. Now, that is a quote, but it's not Dr. Vaughan Holler's quote, it's mine. He was, he was a neurologist, though. And he recorded an EEG on a brain noggin that showed a regular alpha pattern with scattered theta and delta waves, nothing pathological, nothing alarming. He recommended anti-convulsive medication for her seizures.
Starting point is 00:51:50 And while it is believed she took medication, it's time for this not known exactly what she did take. Few days later, few days after the whole claw hand, black eye experience, Analyse tries to pray away her pain once again. And this time when she tries, she suddenly sees, you know, I guess in her mind's eye,
Starting point is 00:52:09 maybe the best way to describe it, this huge, cruelly grimacing demon face, leads her terrified. And after seeing this face, you know, she's afraid to pray again. So she grows more and more despondent. You know, she's kept at the sanatorium for another six weeks after the EEG.
Starting point is 00:52:23 She becomes more afraid of prayer because every time she would build up this courage to try and pray and say the rosary again, which was an important part of her faith, she would see that demonic face, that terrifying face that she began to fear lived inside of her. So basically life is awesome. Things are going really well for her right now. No on August 11th, Dr. Von Holler checks her EEG once more, still finds no regularities, asks her how she was feeling lately,
Starting point is 00:52:51 and all she mentioned was that she was dizzy sometimes, she felt that way. She didn't mention the whole, I see a demon face every time I try to pray situation. And then on August 29th, she is discharged, allowed to go home. And then her sisters find her, a change person.
Starting point is 00:53:05 They find her very moody. Annalise just blames it on exhaustion. Fall 1970. Annalise is able to return to school. She's now older than the rest of her class. She had missed a lot of days, you know, school, doing the whole being stuck in a sanatorium, haunted by visions of a demon face situation.
Starting point is 00:53:21 She felt dejected, alone. She was a new girl all over again. She earned only average grade. She didn't feel very well still. Her mother continued to be anxious and worried about her daughter's health. On October 6, 1970, her mom takes her to a specialist for lung disease now. Dr. Wright-Chelte, you know, asked her question. And this doctor asked her questions about her seizures. And they mentioned to him that she had had one recently coinciding more or less with the start of the new school year. Onalisa's lungs checked out fine, but the doctor did find some circulatory problems, wrote
Starting point is 00:53:50 a referral to an internist. Going to all these different doctors, definitely took a toll on Onalisa. It made her feel odd and different from peers like an outcast. It was difficult, stressful for her mother as well. Mom had to take off a lot of work spend spend days, the doctor, you know, with her daughter, which is affecting the family business because who's gonna test those whoopie cushions? Sorry.
Starting point is 00:54:11 Onalice would later say she fell into a deep depression around this time, she became apathetic, lost interest in life around her. But at least for a few years, no more talk of demonic faces. So that's a positive. June of 1972, Onal, has another seizure. She's completely spent. She's wiped out for four days afterwards. She's dreading when the next
Starting point is 00:54:32 seizure is going to occur. She does have a few minor seizures in the days and months afterwards. And then her mom, Anna becomes increasingly worried yet again about her health. And then on September 5th, 1972, yeah, sorry, I just wrote down the wrong year in my notes, just threw me a little bit. Once again, Ana and Ana Leece make a trip to the neurologist. The doctor would later tell an investigator that during this visit Ana Leece admitted suffering through some pretty serious seizures.
Starting point is 00:55:01 The doctor prescribes the anti-convulsant Zen-Tropal. Zenentropole. Analyse starts taking one tablet in the morning, two at night. She starts feeling better, but her accordion skills rapidly deteriorate. Interesting. Analyse comes back for regular checkups in, you know, on January 18th. I guess that we 1973, March 27th, June 4th, and 6th of 1973, though Onelice was experiencing anxiety and stress due to her school exams, the seizures, according to the doctor's medical records, went away under the new medicine regimen. Onelice and her family would later say that the seizures did not go away, and then in fact she began experiencing some new and disturbing, you know, I guess symptoms. Maybe it's the right word.
Starting point is 00:55:47 She started smelling a horrible stench that was not perceived by others. Little did she know that her family had begun testing a new scented whoopie cushion at the testing facility. Jokes on you, on a lease, you thought it was hell, you were smelling. No, ah, no mom, no ma'am. Just a new rancid bean and rotten egg cocktail
Starting point is 00:56:04 cooked up by the family testing facility. No, in the spring in 1973, life throws, no mom, no ma'am. Just a new rancid bean and rotten egg cocktail cooked up by the family testing facility. Now in the spring in 1973, life throws, you know, so a few more turds on the old shit sandwich that has become Annalise's existence. New disturbing things began happening. Annalise begins to hear knocking sounds in her room when no one else notices. She experiences them so often,
Starting point is 00:56:21 talks about so often that she's brought in again to a doctor to be checked out by the family physician to see if her ears are going bad hearing tests come back totally normal uh... by by this point her mom and i began to uh... here things as well uh... so does uh... you know some of the rest of the family you know like uh... her other daughters they would be here wrapping on the wall the sounds of a chair falling over inside the wardrobe closets and at this point her on a listisa's mother began suspect to suspect something supernatural.
Starting point is 00:56:47 But her father does not want to consider this possibility quite yet. He believes his daughter is just physically ill. And then old demon face comes back. God, how fun would it be for that to start happening to you? Oh man, just to see a demon face pop up from time to time. And now I guess with Analisa, there was multiple faces starting to pop up. Holy shit man, it's incredible that she didn't throw herself off the roof during this.
Starting point is 00:57:08 Seriously, I'm not making a line of suicide. I just don't know that I would be able to handle seeing that kind of shit. I mean, can you imagine trying to fall asleep at night? You're in your bed, especially if you're like alone. And then suddenly demonic faces are just popping up around you at will. Just like we're looking at you, taunting you,
Starting point is 00:57:24 just monitoring you day and night. That would drive anyone mad. And this is happening to Annalise. She's now seeing multiple gaps. She distorted faces much more frequently. She could be making her bed playing piano. Just even looking at the window, and all of a sudden just seeing,
Starting point is 00:57:38 be horrified by their appearance. She tells her mom that these faces look like they're devils with horns. She believes they're coming forward. They're coming for her soul. They're telling her that she's damned and then held a wager. Well this creates a lot of tension in the Michelle household as you would expect. Her mother, you know, Ana, is becoming more and more convinced that this is the work of
Starting point is 00:57:57 the devil. Her father, Joseph thinks essentially that it's all in Analisa's head. He thinks it has something to do with her epilepsy. Turns out the truth is that all of this is actually Gertrude. She's been scaring on Elise by popping out of dark corners and freaking on Elise to hell out with nothing but her naturally hideous Gertrude face.
Starting point is 00:58:16 When viewed close up, a Gertrude face is indistinguishable from a demon face. Again, sorry to any Gertrude. No, mom becomes very convinced it's all the work of Satan. When late that spring, now this would freak anyone out if you actually saw this. Mom would claim that she was walking through the living room late that spring.
Starting point is 00:58:39 And suddenly saw Annalise looking at the mother of God, looking to the picture of the mother Mary. Only it wasn't with respect or with adoration. Her face was like a terrible mask, full of hatred. Her eyes had turned jet black, her slender hands, which apparently were very delicate. Well, now they seem to be sticks with claws at the end. Right?
Starting point is 00:59:02 She said, I tell you, it was awful. I was so scared, I rushed over to the office. I tried to call myself. I writing out some bills. Only I couldn't. My hands shook so. I couldn't hold a pen. And I could not see the letters on the typewriter. First, when I read that, I thought, like, how do you go try and pay bills after that? That was like my initial take. But then upon further, further reflection, her reaction does make sense to me. I mean, I mean, how could you not go to some kind of place of denial and try to convince yourself that something like that never happened or at least try not to think about it like if I walked into the living room. I saw Kyler and Monroe just crawling across the ceiling like a couple of little demonic spider monkeys. I think there's a very good chance I would just quietly turn around and walk the fuck back out of that room.
Starting point is 00:59:40 I would try to convince myself that I had not, you know, I'm beginning enough sleep, you have to sleep deprived. And if there's no way, I just saw my kids scurrying about in the ceiling like a pair of giant devil cockroaches. Well, the Michelle family now becomes unified in their beliefs that something supernatural is clearly at work. And they begin to look to prayer for guidance. And this does not help. Instead, Analyse begins to suffer a new kind of hellish torment, one that grows worse and worse. She would talk about it in a conversation with her father, one that her father had recorded a few months before her death on February 1st, 1976. She would say, it was especially gruesome at the time of my exams. Oh, you cannot imagine the most thoughtful dread. It is a terror that goes through all my limbs and settles there. It is a feeling of thinking you are right there in the middle of hell.
Starting point is 01:00:24 You are totally utterly deserted. You can call all you want for help to the mother of God maybe, but they are all deaf. I think that's how it must have been for the Savior on the mount of all those, where they say he was beset by shutters of death. Although I think for him, it must have been even worse for after all. He had taken all the sins of the people on himself, the sins of the world. So you know, she's not a real good mental place. She feels like she's living in hell. She's been abandoned by God, right? Like she's seen demon faces.
Starting point is 01:00:51 She's getting caught, you know, by her mom staring at a picture of mother Mary with black demon eyes. And then on top of everything, she gets sick, physically sick again in the spring of 1973. She comes down with the German measles, which are just like regular measles, except they're incredibly anti-Semitic and are constantly trying to start world wars. No, German measles also known as rebella, basically a milder form of measles, terribly unpleasant, and typically a disease encountered an early childhood, like an infancy. And because this childhood disease came so late for Annalise, her parents, you know, got
Starting point is 01:01:23 worried again, consulted a family, a physician. They went to a new doctor this time, Dr. Keeler, so many damn doctors, and Annalise confessed to this new doctor that she felt she was growing more and more depressed. Yeah, I bet. And that she was having, starting to have suicidal thoughts, but just felt like she was too much of a coward to go through with them. Well, summer of 1973, her father comes up with something new to try. He'd take her to San Damiano, a church in Monastery near a CC Italy built in the 12th century of Miracle in which St. Francis heard, when St. Francis claims to have heard Christ
Starting point is 01:01:56 occurred in 1205 CE in this church. And here's the miracle as recorded by the church. And this is St. Francis, he says one day Francis. He says, one day out in the country, one day out in the countryside to meditate, finding himself near San Damiano, with Stretend Ruin, old as it was, driven by the impulse of the Holy Spirit, he entered the pray.
Starting point is 01:02:17 Neilin in prayer before the image of the crucifix, he was invaded with the great spiritual consolation. And as he affixed his tearful eyes on the cross of the Lord with the tears of his body, he heard a voice to send to him from the cross and say three times. Francis, go and repair my church which as you will see is all in ruins. On hearing that voice, Francis remained astonished and trembling, being in the church alone and perceiving in his heart the power of divine language felt kidnapped by his senses. Finally, returning to his senses, he girded himself to obey, concentrated everything
Starting point is 01:02:48 on the mission to repair the church walls, although the divine word was referring principally to the church which Christ purchased by his blood as the Holy Spirit had made him understand and how he later revealed to his fellow monks. So, you know, he's supposed to repair the whole Catholic church. So afterwards, St. Francis took action to physically repair the structure of the San Damian Church, and
Starting point is 01:03:07 eventually realized that God's message was to restore the entire Catholic church as the whole body, rather than literally repair one stone structure. But ever since, various members of the Catholic faithful have claimed to have been healed of various, you know, ailments by visiting this particular church. So why not give it a shot? Let's take on a list there. Totally get it. Try anything. Why not? And as you're probably guessing, didn't work out too well. This is what happened to her when she arrived. On a list was unable to enter the shrine. She approached it with the greatest hesitation. Then said that the soil burns like fire and she simply could not stand it. She then walked around the shrine in a wide arc and tried to approach it from the back.
Starting point is 01:03:46 She looked at the people who were kneeling in this little area surrounding the garden, and it seemed to her that while praying, they were gnashing their teeth. She got as far as the edge of the garden, then she had to turn back. Coming from the front again, she had to avert her glance from the picture of Christ in the chapel of the house. She made it several times to the garden, but could not get past it. She also noted that she could no longer look at metals or pictures of saints,
Starting point is 01:04:09 because they sparkled so intensely that she could not stand it. Now, witnesses around her, even one's traveling in the group, they observed her behavior. They noticed it. They thought she was just crazy. They noticed that she refused to drink well water,
Starting point is 01:04:21 that was supposedly miraculous. They witnessed, on Lisa's father, buying her a medal, but she just wouldn't wear it. She claims that when she tried to, you know, put it on, she couldn't breathe. Onalisa could not help but notice that people were talking about her. And, but even though she was aware that people were talking about her, you know, where that she was acting, you know, crazy, she wasn't able to change the way she was behaving. She would say that her will was not her own. And it's something else, someone else,
Starting point is 01:04:45 was manipulating her. And then on the bus ride home, she got even worse. Annalise mocked Fraulheim, the organizer of the trip on the bus. She spoke with the voice like a man's. She simply just wasn't Annalise anymore. She tore off a religious medal that Fraulheim was wearing.
Starting point is 01:05:00 Worst of all, she exuded a stench like Fraulheim had never smelled before, like burning shit. That's what was written.... frowell hine had never smelled before like burning shit that's what was written every one of the bus could smell it smelled like burning shit burning shit man i'm a hard time coming up with the worst smell that what would be worse than that maybe uh... i don't know maybe burning shit that that someone's eaten and thrown up and then set on fire again i mean is that worse
Starting point is 01:05:20 or is that just more gross to imagine uh... finally after all this in late 1973, the possibility is, again, finally brought up that maybe it's time to speak with the Jesuit priest about the possibility of demonic possession and consider in the extra system. And that is what takes us out of this time, so timeline. Good job, soldier.
Starting point is 01:05:44 You've made it back. Barely. Bit of a tease. I know time suckers, but only a few days until we dive into Analysis family, contacting, you know, and exorcist, and taking an in-depth look at that exorcism. Actually, multiple. I didn't expect this possible possession to be such a slow build, by the way.
Starting point is 01:06:08 I always thought that these things came about pretty quickly. I guess not. Feels like whatever has happened to us has been this manifesting for years. Let's see what other people think about demonic possession by taking a quick peak. You know, let's take a little gander into the ittt of the internet.
Starting point is 01:06:33 It made sense to go to a video regarding Analice Michelle's exorcism. So I found a Buzzfeed video titled The Chilling Exorcism of Analice Michelle has almost 9 million views. So many weird comments like you'd expect, like this one from the super, supernova, who said, since when did the demon learn how to swear? They actually wrote learnt, like with a T, which is not a word, since when did the demon learnt how to swear?
Starting point is 01:07:00 I love that a demon's use of profanity is what this person is hung up on. Look, I look, I get, I get the demons exist. I'm not questioning that. I'm not questioning that. That makes sense to me. Make total sense. What I don't get is the potty language. Where is a demon going to learn how to curse?
Starting point is 01:07:17 Where? Uh, oh, was you going to learn in hell? Uh, yeah, probably. It's probably exactly where it would learn. Uh, another person gets hung up on something similar. User I on something similar user iced tea asked how did the demon learn German again? What why are you getting hung up on this? Why are you applying some kind of silly logic rule to the supernatural? If some creature from another realm can pass over into this one is You know are you gonna be you're really gonna be surprised they can also pick up a language?
Starting point is 01:07:46 Like that's, like what that's harder. I think if you can fucking morph into different realms you can probably figure out some, you know, verb conjugation. Zombie Hunter 1376 drops my favorite comment of the thread saying there should have been snickers back then. That I laughed so hard when I first read that. So I just was thinking about all those snickers commercials. People are fucking freaking out. They're just being crazy. And then they take a bite of the snickers. And then they snap back to being calm.
Starting point is 01:08:12 And you know, they got a grip on things. A demonic possession snickers commercial. That would be pretty fantastic. If one hasn't been done already, I feel like how was that not been done? Christie Love Starbucks asks a very unanswerable question, which always amuses me on the web. I feel like those are always fun.
Starting point is 01:08:29 She asks, so when she died, did she go to hell with the demons? As if someone's gonna come back like, yeah, no, she did. She went there immediately. They took her, they tied her down, they put her in a demon sled, they dragged her down to the 14th level, where you get taken if you died during an extra system. You stay there for 500 years, right on the dot, 500 years exactly.
Starting point is 01:08:50 Then you get brought to purgatory, your salvation case is evaluated by a, by a heaven judge. Like, what the fuck are you talking about? Why would you ask that? How could anyone answer that? The people, do people ask that expecting a real answer? To rink a 14, ask what I think is the smartest question in this comment feed. This person asked, I wonder if this ever happens to somebody who was not raised in a strictly religious household.
Starting point is 01:09:13 Like if somebody who never grew up even knowing there is such a thing as religion or demons. I wonder that too. I mean, it's probably pretty hard to find somebody who isn't familiar with any, I mean, you have to go to some tribe of people, but I feel like even like the tribes have like witch doctors. But I do wonder about that.
Starting point is 01:09:32 Like our demonic possessions limited to people with a strong familiarity with religion. If so, if that's the only people that afflicts, I feel like that would cast some doubt on its reality. I gotta try and remember to look into that in part two. And we'll end on Steel Perfect's comment, the funniest one in the thread to me that said, I immediately thought,
Starting point is 01:09:53 who knows what burnt feces smells like? That is a great point. Like how does one know what burned shit smells like? That's like a very specific reference you're making. Like, I mean, I feel like we've all smelled shit. We've all smelled it. We've all, you know, produced and smelled it. That smelled a lot of burning things. But I've never smelled to my knowledge burned shit.
Starting point is 01:10:17 Uh, I gotta say though, now part of me wants to go burn some shit and then smell it. Maybe that's the video I make. Maybe that's the video I make that truly goes viral. Maybe that's how you make a viral video. You burn some shit and you fucking huff it. You know, maybe I can do that, you know, just turn myself into a true idiot of the internet comments about exorcism stuff on Monday as well. As far as current thoughts go on all of this, for me, Jerry's still out. Jerry's still out on, you know, I am open to
Starting point is 01:10:58 believing something I get. I just find it interesting that that Analyze has seen a lot of doctors, a lot of medical doctors so far, and it's not like this was in the 19th century. It wasn't that long ago, and none of them seemed like they were able to, you know, really help her at all, but I also find it interesting that she was raised in a very religious household, where, you know, you grew up with the belief
Starting point is 01:11:17 of these things being possible. Like, you know, if she hadn't been, would she have experienced any of this? You know, if demons are real, also I think like, why do they pick on the religious? That to me seems pretty unfair. Like, why not fuck with some atheist? I mean, wouldn't their soul be easier to take, you know,
Starting point is 01:11:33 possibly, you know, like there would be no God for them to cry out to for protection? Or they wouldn't think to cry out, maybe that's the better answer to that. They wouldn't think to cry out to God because they wouldn't believe in God. Are some souls worth more than others to Satan? Does like, does taking a righteous soul piss God off a little more than taking some dirtbag soul?
Starting point is 01:11:48 I don't know, a lot of think about a lot of think about a lot more research to be done still. Looking forward to doing it, looking forward to finishing this two-parter. For now, let's reassess what we've already learned with some top five takeaways. Time suck, tough, five takeaways. Time suck, top five takeaways. Number one, on a list would die on July 1st, 1976, the official cause of death would be malnutrition and dehydration, but what really happened? You know, what are you learning in this suck?
Starting point is 01:12:21 Where are you leaning right now? Possession, mental illness? Both? Number two, board certified psychiatrist, professor of clinical psychiatry at New York Medical College, Dr. Richard Gallagher, also works with priests on identifying demonic possession. And after witnessing several possessions himself, now believes in demonic possession. How scary is that? How does that possibly change your views? Number three, in addition to possession, demons can allegedly also attack humans in a way known as obsession. And once the demon fills the mind of its victims with evil thoughts, so I may have had a demon stuck in my head for quite some time,
Starting point is 01:13:00 and I may have a demon to thank for some of my best material as both a podcaster and as a stand-up comic. So thanks, Lucifena, I guess. Number four, as her condition worsened, and I may have a deep into thank for some of my best material is both a podcaster and is a stand-up comic so uh... thanks lucetina i guess number four as her condition worsened uh... on a list started to smell like burnt shit what does that smell like and i ever going to know for sure how much will i regret if i find out uh... number five new info uh... member we talked earlier about uh... extra
Starting point is 01:13:23 system actually being on the rise? Well, I found a very recent article speaking to just that. The Vatican is holding a training course for priests on extracesm like right now, like today. Started on April 16th, ends tomorrow the 21st, came about amid claims that demands for deliverance from demonic possession have greatly increased across the world.
Starting point is 01:13:43 Vatican backed international association of extracesus, which again represents more than 200 Catholic, Anglican, Orthodox priests, said the increase represented a pastoral emergency. According to a priest from Sicily, the number of people in Italy claiming to be possessed has tripled to 500,000 a year, recently tripled. And an Irish priest has said demand for exorcism has risen exponentially. Apparently, the demand for exorcism is skyrocketing worldwide. So while you yourself, excuse me, may not believe
Starting point is 01:14:17 more and more other people clearly are considering demonic possession as a real and current threat. Time, suck, tough tough, pride take away. Alright, the demonic possession of Honolise Michelle, part one, in the suck pile, south back by the suck shed, stage set for a creepy-ass part two on Monday. And I look forward to that immensely. Thanks to Harmony Velocamp, Lindsey Cummins, Josh Crel, Jesse Dobner, the entire time-sub team for their help, and huge thanks to the Lilly twins, Rebecca, and Sarah,
Starting point is 01:14:51 those OG members of the Bojangles Research Department for crushing it on the research yet again. On Monday, we dig into the meat of this story. All the exorcism details that became the basis for the 2005 horror film, the exorcism of Emily Rose, shit, yet crazy. And now let's find out what you suckers have been thinking about this past week. And here's that awesome Westboro Baptist Church song, uh, sent in by Time Sucker and musician Larry Hooper with some time sucker updates. Updates, get your time, sucker updates!
Starting point is 01:15:26 Hilarious Westboro Baptist Church update and quick Norse mythology update sent in from a Swedish time-sucker, David Freund. Hopefully, I'm saying your name correctly. Frumped? Frumped. David writes in the saying, greetings from Sweden O the Lord of the Suck, commander of the space-fathers, fondler of Bojangles' nuts. I like it.
Starting point is 01:15:47 He who cometh, the likes of 10, cometh of wisdom into our brains and into our minds. First of all, thank you for a great podcast. It's a savior in my commute to work and on walks to the forest around in my home. I love knowing this someone out in Sweden. I mean, based on stats, and there's quite a few people actually in Sweden, but I just, I love just thinking
Starting point is 01:16:02 about you out in Sweden, wherever and wanting to go for a long time, just listening to time suck. That makes me feel so good. I love learning new things in your podcast as always interesting regardless of the topic. I listened to the WBC episode and I remembered that a few years ago when a Swedish minister Aik Green was convicted of hate crime slash hate speech for claiming gaze to be a cancer on society. He was later deemed
Starting point is 01:16:25 but not guilty by our Supreme Court. The WBC started protesting against Sweden. They had God hate Sweden signs signs with pictures of our princess and the word horror written over her and other priceless classics. The reason I wanted to tell you this is not because they protested Sweden. That fits their M.O. perfectly. Now the funny part, and I agree, we were laughing about this so hard in the South Dungeon yesterday, me, Josh and Lindsay. The funny part is that it's hard to protest Sweden in the United States.
Starting point is 01:16:52 I mean, where do you go? Who cares? Who cares about the protest? They ended up picketing outside of an electronic store. That was selling among other things, Swedish vacuum cleaners of the brand Electrolux. I didn't know that was selling among other things Swedish vacuum cleaners of the brand Electrolux. I didn't know that was a Swedish brand by the way. And you write side note, fucking fantastic vacuum cleaners. They are. I've had one. They are. I can't
Starting point is 01:17:15 imagine how the store owners felt trying to wrap their heads around this or how the WBC thought it would make us less gay loving and Sweden. That is ridiculous. Thought you would be amused as I was upon hearing this. Oh, highly. Uh, I hope you make it to Scandinavia on tours from time. Me too. It would be great to catch you live. Keeps friend the suck. Uh, David. And then PS on the North mythology show you talked about snorries,
Starting point is 01:17:39 Trolason from Iceland today, however, in Sweden, the word snory is, uh, mostly uses slang term for dick. Uh, however, in Sweden, the word story is mostly uses slang term for dick. This is important information as penises are almost always funny unless sent to an unsuspecting person on Snapchat. Oh, well, thank you, David. I'm glad you got some extra comedy out of that episode. And that is very funny.
Starting point is 01:17:59 Yeah, that's like the saddest protest ever. Like why couldn't they find a fucking IKEA? Isn't that, would that be make a little more sense? I just love this random, like they're like, ah, there's like the saddest protest ever like why couldn't they find a fucking IKEA? Isn't that wouldn't that be make a little more sense? I just love this random like they're like, ah, there's no There's no a key in there in to pick a Kansas So I guess we gotta go to this poor little electronic store selling vacuum cleaners. What the employees must have been like what the fuck you guys doing? Oh god, I wish we do something like that around here. Okay, keeping with the international theme We have a time suck 80 gun update from UK TimeSucker, Stewart McIntosh. And he writes, and I feel like I messed up,
Starting point is 01:18:34 sorry when I was, yeah, it is Stewart. I messed up when I copied the name onto my document and cut off a letter, so I was like, is this the name start? No, it is Stewart. So I just wanted to get your attention because I'm sure you've had an email on the subject. He writes and oh, and he writes that because he wrote and I'm going to pull it up right now. He wrote a crazy email subject that I didn't have
Starting point is 01:18:55 the initial notes. I'm just going to pull it up right now. He wrote, don't ignore me. I gave up guns to argue safety with you. Okay, so that is the title. And he said, sorry, I just wanna get your attention. I'm sure you get a lot of emails on this subject. He says, first, please allow me to say, greetings, oh exalted Lord of the Suck. I'm embarrassed to say, I've only followed
Starting point is 01:19:17 the great Nimrod for the last six months. Ah, man, I don't fucking care if you followed it for a day. I just love that you're following it. But my eyes have been forcibly opened by Bojangles and seduced by Lucifina's Wiley Charps. I would like to congratulate you on the America's guns, a well-balanced argument for and against, and the first time I've heard anyone in any position explained rationally that it may not be as simple as throwing all the guns into the sun like Superman IV. Great fucking reference. And living in the rainbow utopia, they believe will suddenly exist. For that matter, the weird malicious standpoint
Starting point is 01:19:47 that staunch supporters of the Second Amendment think will protect them from laws put into play by the government. Anyway, the reason I write is because I was once a shooting enthusiast taking part in the pistol and rifle competitions all over the UK from the age of around 13 to 21. I was pretty good at it, especially for the age of 18 to 21.
Starting point is 01:20:02 I really felt like I had found the hobby I always wanted to do, you know, plowing time and money, or putting time and money into the sport. Then the Dublin massacre happened 16 kids of school and their teacher murdered by Thomas Hamilton, legal gun owner, gun laws in the UK were already tight, especially after the Hungerford incident in the 80s.
Starting point is 01:20:18 You had to be vetted by the police before you could be provided with a firearms license. All guns and ammunition had to be detailed in advance on your license. This meant you want a 9mm, it had to be authorized to be on there along with the maximum amount of ammunition you were allowed to hold. You had to have a secure place to store both guns and ammunition separately, also had to be vetted in advance by the firearms officer assigned to your case.
Starting point is 01:20:42 Post-a-blame, or Dunblane, excuse me, an inquiry with set up in the decision made to tighten the gun laws in the UK massively. You were told to attend the police station on a particular date and hand all in any guns and ammunition you had, which would then be destroyed. The government gave you a small compensation for this, which is probably about a tenth of the amount I spent in the first place. That sucks. They didn't do it like Australia, which, you know,
Starting point is 01:21:05 at least gave like market value. The reason I'm telling you this is that the gun crime rates did not change because law abiding gun owners were forced to give up their support. Criminals can still get their hands on firearms if they want regardless of the mandatory five-year prison sentences handed out for people possessing legal firearms. It also did not stop a Cambrian taxi driver
Starting point is 01:21:22 of killing 12 people on a shooting spree in 2010 using illegally owned shotgun While we can remove the tool that assists the killer It never takes away the want to kill in the first place Anyway, that's enough from me. I love the suck. I wish I could attend one of your events But being way over here in Scotland would make it difficult and the constant threat of chikotilo finding me and making me as personal Finger puppet means I have to stand to the radar I'm proud to call myself your humble servant, keep on sucking, Stuart McIntosh, thank you, man.
Starting point is 01:21:49 God, I would love to get over to Scotland too. I really hope I can pull off some international touring on these days. And I just wanna do include that, because yeah, again, I know we're all in disagreement on this, but it's just something that, you know, okay, we do some more gun regulation, okay fine. But I just do worry as Stewart does that it's not going to fix things like some people hope it will
Starting point is 01:22:10 And again because of that, you know what you wrote It doesn't take away the want to kill in the first place where where is that coming from? Why is that on the rise? Okay, we have a pair of lost books a pair of lost book of the Bible updates from American Timesucker won Martinez uh... a pair of last book of the bible updates from american times like her one martina's first one suck master flex i tried to let it go i did i was just gonna gloss it over but if i don't send in this update my head might explode you mentioned the catholic church more than once and i think it's important to
Starting point is 01:22:35 note that in the context of the early church fathers it did not mean roman catholic as we know as uh... know of it today uh... notes that a cath Catholic in that context meant universal. The Eastern Orthodox churches, who by the way are vehembly opposed to about 95% of what the Roman Catholics preach, is still recites the nice and creed. The creed is incredibly long, longer than I'm sure you care
Starting point is 01:22:55 to read, but it basically says, I believe in one God, one Lord Jesus Christ, we skip a lot here in one holy Catholic and a post-alistic church. Prior to 1054, there was only one church. The Romans and the Orthodox for lack of a better word, factions split over the way Rome said the Creed, both sides excommunicated each other and didn't reconcile until the 1960s. But they still aren't a Catholic church in the correct sense of the word. Sorry that got long-winded. I just really passionate about the Orthodox teachings and I love gaining and sharing knowledge,
Starting point is 01:23:27 suck it, one more dentist. Thank you, Aunt Nye. I mean, there is so much to learn. The history is so complex. So many details, and it's just long, you know? Couple thousand years, so many twists and turns. Thanks for sending us another update. That has been a surprisingly popular episode.
Starting point is 01:23:45 Surprising to me, I just didn't realize it would be so so downloaded. Also, of course, some pronunciation help, of course, regarding the biblical son of Isaac mentioned in both the Bible and the Lost Books. One wrote, master sucker, the name you were struggling with is Esau, that's that E-S-A-U, excuse me, E-S-A-U. It's pronounced Esau. It's a weird ass word for sure, but that's the correct pronunciation. Suck on that one Martinez. I think I pronounced it as Sau in the episode. So Esau, it does look like a Sau.
Starting point is 01:24:14 But yeah, Esau, okay, cool. I like it in those. And now, now that Larry Hooper W.B. song I mentioned earlier, Larry sent me an email with the subject line a while back of, I wrote a song about the bastards at WBC and it said in the in the email. So I wrote a song about the Westboro Baptist Church. I put it on a CD. I put it out back in 2011 It's not a love song. Hope you like it. Suck it out and well, I more than liked it. Larry loved it. It's called Heaven or Hell Song for the Westboro Baptist Church and if you like it head over to HooperSongs.com
Starting point is 01:24:44 You can also find this stuff on iTunes and elsewhere. You've got two full albums out on iTunes. You've got some cool teachers. It's sent me one. His albums are between here and the stars, no turning back. And this little diddy will just take us on out of today's updates. So thank you, time suckers, and hit it Larry.
Starting point is 01:24:58 Say, we in. One, two, a one. I'm sorry, my man. Forget what I was doing. One, two, a one. I'm sorry, my man. I forget what I was going. One, two, a one. The school of love lies between us. There's no treasure constraints.
Starting point is 01:25:23 I never looked around the scene Never your gave second glance All the distance up and down All the speeds across the seas You don't add a tooth to the distance I won't be away from you Because you say everyone's sitter And I fought for grace They feel, but if you're
Starting point is 01:25:48 gonna be in heaven, then I'd rather be in hell, and I don't know about turning me, or I will transpire, but if you're picking on a heart, I'll be swimming in the fire That's great, like the swimming in the fire You scream and shout the things that you'll never understand You live in your glass houses that you built upon the sand They say hey, does effort wasted and love is young But hating is easy it's just hard and I do Words because you say it more
Starting point is 01:26:37 And I fall for it's they fell but if you're gonna be in heaven Then I'd rather be in hell, and I don't know about turning me Or I will transpire, but if you're picking on a halt I'll be swimming in the fire I'm gonna do it my way too. I just hope that when the day comes I don't know the way you do. I'm gonna do it my way too. I just hope that when the day comes I don't know the way you do. I just hope that when the day comes I don't know the way you do
Starting point is 01:27:29 And it's not that I'm no believer I know the death that's paid, but I also know the message It's one of love and not a hate And you say everyone is sinner And how far the grace they've fell I love not a hate and you say everyone is sinning And how far the grace they've felt if you're gonna be in heaven Then I'd rather be in hell and I don't know about returning I will transpire that if you're picking on my heart
Starting point is 01:28:01 I'll be swimming in fire if you will begin on my heart. I'll be swimming in fire. That is beautiful, Larry. Oh, man, love and not hate. I love it. Thank you for that wonderful update Thanks time suckers. I need a net. We all did Well, that's all today time suckers and space lizards Hope this got you excited from Monday's episode. I'm excited
Starting point is 01:28:46 If you smell like a burned shit, go see a doctor and maybe a priest and a pastor as well. And keep on sucking. you

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