Tin Foil Hat With Sam Tripoli - #861: The 51st State, Brigitte Macron, The Shroud Of Turin And UFOs with Richard Syrett

Episode Date: February 21, 2025

Conspiracy radio legend Richard Syrett has seen it all in his time on the airwaves, and he leans on that experience when analyzing this uniquely contentious moment between Canada and the United States.... Who is Mark Carney, the man poised to become Canada's next PM? Should we be concerned about his connections to the Bank of England and Ghislaine Maxwell? Could Canada actually become the 51st state? He delves into those questions, as well as another pressing issue -- is Brigitte Macron trans? Also this week we discuss the remarkable qualities of the Shroud of Turin, and why Syrett thinks it covered the body of Jesus at the moment of resurrection.   Gold, Mint, True Werk

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Tin foil hat. Yo, what the fuck are you guys even talking about? Global controls will have to be imposed. And a world governing body will be created to enforce them. Welcome to Tin Foil Hat. We go deep home, boys. Eric, open your mic. Drink from the fountain of knowledge.
Starting point is 00:00:27 There's lizard people everywhere. That's some interdimensional shit. Wake up, Aaron. This is only the beginning. There's... You just blew my mind. Are you ready to get your mind blown? Did you see that, Johnny, Where the fighting, where the puck drops and everyone just drops their mitts and starts swinging on each other? Those teams hate each other though historically.
Starting point is 00:00:53 Like they've always thrown down. But yeah, that was unprecedented. Like, you know, in the first nine seconds or whatever, three fights. Well, I always say this dude, and people can call me crazy and they will. Richard, correct me if I'd love to hear what your thoughts are, but you know, it makes me sad that like these politicians get us all to fight with each other. Right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Well, first of all, let me say, you know, booing in Ash and Lantham, I just, to me, that's very declasse. And I was just, I was embarrassed by that And people were trying to explain it away. Oh, well, we're not booing the players. We're we're not booing the national anthem We're booing the president. No, that's not how it works Donald Trump wasn't in attendance as far as I know any of those hockey games. So that was just D class a I Would agree with that. I would agree with that. I would agree with that. But I, I just, sadly, I know that, um, that Americans would boo.
Starting point is 00:01:52 We would boo probably as well. You know, well, they, they, there was a game in Boston and there was a little booing, uh, of the Canadian national anthem. It was kind of more isolated and very muted. It wasn't anything like what the Canadian fans did in Montreal at that game. Also, previously, there was a Toronto Raptors game. Then at all places, they booed during one of these Invictus. Invictus, where the disabled war veterans sort of have their Olympics. They were booing like there was a – that was at the basketball game,
Starting point is 00:02:23 a 15-year-old girl singing the national anthem, the US national anthem, and they booed. It was just so embarrassing. It really is sad and it's chaos. And again, the politicians are all probably good friends with each other. We saw that on the situation with when Jimmy Carter died, Obama and Trump were laughing with each
Starting point is 00:02:46 other both agreeing that they hate Kamala Harris which was hilarious I mean but then they all just end up talking to each other and then we hear we got two guys representing their country just swinging on each other and it makes me sad it does it makes me sad and it also makes me its the question like, why are we even doing national anthems before sporting events? You know, having all this flag work, you know what I mean? It's like, it's really, that is a real question. Jingle ism, you know, flyovers and all that shit. I could do it out there. I mean, what's that about? The only problem is there's nowhere else to listen to it. I mean, I don't know if he, I don't think they even played in schools anymore, at least up
Starting point is 00:03:23 here. They used to buy them, I'm old enough to remember when they played it at the beginning of a movie when you went to the theater. You know, we paid 25 cents to go, I'm old enough to remember getting paid to go to the movies. People are always playing one Upsmanship. Well, it was 25 cents when I went to the theater.
Starting point is 00:03:39 But anyway, there's nowhere else to play it. That is so interesting. They paid you to go to the movie theater. Do they do the Pledge of Allegiance still? Yeah, I think they do that. Like every day, it was every day. Every day was every day beginning class, right when the bell rang, you sat up, everyone did it.
Starting point is 00:03:56 There was no no's. I don't know if they, I haven't heard if they do it still or not. I don't even know if there's an American flag in every classroom. So you guys know I did Shrooms at the World Series, right? And I don't know why I did that. I thought it would be a good idea to trip balls at the World Series. And it wasn't bad. We lost, so that's why it was kind of bad. But I just noticed there that everything
Starting point is 00:04:22 was about patriotism and like Convincing poor people to join the military Like that's why they always trot out some some but hey bad. This guy is sergeant lieutenant Anyways, everybody some guys love doing that Yes, and then like if you got none going on your life like that could be me I could be a Dodger Stadium and everybody waving to me and that's what about getting young Hispanic man too specifically because it's always like you know lieutenant Ramirez sacrifices hand in Afghanistan yeah well it's in America i'm not sure what it is in Canada but it makes me sad because i love going to Canada i always say Canada is a wonderful country to do political comedy in because they either they can
Starting point is 00:05:03 stand out here. Good luck I mean, I'm blessed that my crowds can but go to the comedy store do political joke watch you just hear gears grind down to like and then just smoke coming from their ears cuz they're you know That's what their brain saying And it just makes me sad dude, it just makes me sad dude it just makes me sad so all I know is like we live in LA we couldn't be farther from Canada maybe Florida is a little bit farther at the tip but you know where there was a big day down here and Trudeau was stepping down and it just seems like he's still there. And like, even the chick whose grandma was a Nazi, still there. Like they all stepped down, but they're still there. What is going on with that, Richard?
Starting point is 00:05:55 Richard Lange Yeah, he's like a perspiration stain. You can't get out of a garment. Well, he's officially stepping down once the new leader is elected, which will happen March 9th. So, he's doing his, I guess, his victory lap and he's going on, you know, continuing to apologize for everything that Canada has done over its 150 years. But he'll be, yeah, we'll be finally done with his meddlesome prime minister as of March the 9th, and then we're likely to get another globalist in his place. It looks like Mark Carney, former governor of the Bank of Canada and the Bank of England. I mean, talk about, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:36 an elitist. This guy is just incredible. He just admitted on a podcast down in the States, he sort of embraced his, you know, globalism and elitism because he was asked, what's your greatest weakness, Mr. Carney? And he said, well, people think I'm a globalist and an elitist, but he says, that's exactly what Canada needs right now. Excuse me? We just had nine years of that. Didn't end well. So, more of the same with Mark Carney, except it's kind of scary because Trudeau was all about the hair and the crazy socks. Mark Carney actually is pretty intelligent.
Starting point is 00:07:10 I went to Harvard, I think, or Yale. He's an Ivy League guy. He's bright, but he's just as woke and just as much a globalist as Mark Carney is, or as Justin Trudeau is. New boss, same as old boss. And sometimes, I don't know if this applies to Trudeau, but the devil you know almost, and what's going to happen now with a new guy in. And it's really sad. It's really sad to have watched what has happened in Canada because I've been touring in Canada for decades now. And it would always be amazing to go there and see everybody.
Starting point is 00:07:51 And they're really, you know, I used to joke about why would there be airport security in Canada? Because everyone loves Canada. It's like the koala bear of humanity. Like, I don't know. I've never met anyone who's like, oh, these fucking Canadians, bro. They were always like, everyone loves Canadians. And like, you've never been in Toronto. Have you been to Toronto? Oh my God, you go there and they just have like smoke shows for security. It's like the craziest shit I've ever seen. Like drop dead, gorgeous women pointing where you should go. And I'm like like what a Toronto to me is everything that humanity is pop What what humanity is possible of? If you don't spend 50 cents on the dollar on your military like it really is a gorgeous city with gorgeous people
Starting point is 00:08:37 And it like everyone's happy. I'm sure it's not perfect I'm sure we could sit there and be like all this problem this problem this problem but it makes me sad to see what Trudeau has done to that country. And it really does, Richard, let you know that like how powerless you can be. Like everyone talks about revolution and fighting back, but it's like, it's really hard when the entire system is working against you. Is there any chance of it? Yeah. I mean, you raise a fuss up here and they freeze your bank accounts. That's how we do when the entire system is working against you. Is there any chance of it being- Yeah, I mean, you raise a fuss up here
Starting point is 00:09:06 and they freeze your bank accounts. That's how we do business up here. That's how they deal with dissidents up here in Canada. They freeze your bank accounts. Is there any chance of it being Pierre Poliev? Is that- Yes, yes, there's a very good chance that it'll be Pierre Poliev, the conservative party.
Starting point is 00:09:23 What's scary though is when Trudeau was, before he announced his resignation, the conservatives were up in the polls by like 20, 25 points over the liberals. Then is when Trudeau resigned and Mark Carney was being sort of foisted upon us and it looks like he's just going to be sort of anointed and named liberal leader. He'll be prime minister without being elected. That's how our system is kind of crazy. He won't have a seat in parliament. He's just some bureaucrat who will suddenly become the prime minister until the government falls and there will be an election. There has to be one by October of this year. So now that Mark Carney is expected to be the leader, some polls have them sort of neck and neck.
Starting point is 00:10:07 Some polls have the conservatives slightly ahead. And according to some seat projections, there's even a scenario where the liberals could come back with a majority government, which means we'd be stuck with them for another four or five years, which I just cannot, I cannot even contemplate that. I mean, I don't know, is there room on your sofa? I may have to pack up and move down Yeah, you live in the studio bro. It's a nice place. They got showers around here Open open come we'll take him refugees. Why not?
Starting point is 00:10:37 Yeah, it is crazy to me and then it gets kind of gets into this thing that we talk about all the time On the show is about you know, the US electoral college versus what Canada has. And it seems to be that Canada, Toronto and the province of Ontario, right? That's right. They seem to decide who's who is the leader every year. And you know, because these are giant cities We get in the group think people work in corporations. You'll never be able to move Up unless you just bend over backwards
Starting point is 00:11:16 spewing progressive stupid and that's how they vote they vote group think because That's how they're going to progress in their corporate job They vote group think because that's how they're going to progress in their corporate job. And it gets impossible to get out of that cycle. And it just makes me really sad because, you know, we live in LA and nobody's talking about the fires anymore. Gone. Wow.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Nobody is talking about these fires. And like, so this morning, my girlfriend who can't stop watching MSNBC is like oh my god They're going after the mayor. I'm like oh, we're gonna go after Karen Bash. She goes no Eric Eric Adams in New York City I go aw dude Like nobody's calling for this shit And I thought people would be still talking about it for how hard they went. Remember the first week everybody was donating. Let's let's let's for all the fucking people that lost their house. It's gone.
Starting point is 00:12:09 There's no momentum. At all, so they can do it again. We are live from the Wise Wolf Gold and Silver Studios. Go to Sam Trubely. Doc Gold use the promo code Tim Foyle and you can get in on the Purchase of the Mouth game for as little as $50 a month. We are here. I've been blessed to do the our guests show on coast to coast many times or yeah coast
Starting point is 00:12:32 to coast many times. Please welcome Richard Sarat. How are you sir? Hey Sam, great to be here. Richard it's an honor and privilege to be on your show. Anytime you ask me to be on your show I'm like I can't believe this guy wants to be back on his show, dude I mean AM Coast to Coast is the best his show is the Richard Sarah show and
Starting point is 00:12:51 For those who may not be familiar with you my friend Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and where our where our listeners can find you? Well, I'm a regular guest host as you mentioned on Coast to Coast AM and that's like I'm a regular guest host, as you mentioned, on Coast to Coast AM, and that's like 600 affiliates across the United States, fill in occasionally for George Norrie on a Friday, and then I do some Saturdays and Sundays, coasttocoastam.com. And then I have a podcast called Strange Planet, which is kind of the same fare as we discuss on Coast to Coast. UFOs, conspiracies, alternative – well, alternative everything,
Starting point is 00:13:25 alternative energy, alternative health, spirituality, the occult, you name it. That's it right there, Strange Planet. You can subscribe to my podcast. It drops three days a week, Monday, Wednesday, Friday. You can also subscribe to a newsletter there. It's called Inner Sanctum. It comes out once a month. It's absolutely free. And I also, oh, you can also check it out on YouTube and Rumble. It's everywhere. And then I have a daily, because I'm not busy enough, I have a daily radio show on terrestrial radio in Toronto. It's the radio station Saga 960.
Starting point is 00:14:04 And that's very different. It's quite a departure from the stuff I talk about on Coast and Strange Planet. It's more sort of news, the culture war. I talk about the cult of climate change. I talk about, well, news of the day. I talk, you know, with politicians and different newsmakers and journalists and so forth. It's a two-hour show. I really need a five-hour show to discuss everything. But it's The Richard Sarat Show. That's on terrestrial radio. It's also available as a podcast. You can find The Richard Sarat Show everywhere where you find your podcasts, the website, therichardsaratshow.com, and also a YouTube channel for The Richard Sarich Show
Starting point is 00:14:45 where we post some of my monologues, and that's at RichardSarich64, which may or may not be the year of my birth. All of those links will be below in the description. Real quick, we are live from the Wise Wolf Gold and Silver Studios. That's right, go to samtriplee.gold, use the promo code TIMPHAL,
Starting point is 00:15:04 get in the precious metals game for as little as $50 a month. I'm very excited that you're on, and being on your show is a blessing. It's very interesting. I hadn't listened to Art Bell very much when I was young. Maybe heard it something, hear a clip here and there. I'm obviously before YouTube and all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:15:26 And, but, you know, I do the show and I just kind of, the show started off with a guy named Eddie Bravo. He was the first episode and I just wanted to let Eddie talk. I didn't want to judge him. He would always go on JRE and just get like tag teams by those three guys who are now two out of the three. Brian Callens, we're still dragging them along, but you know, they're all conspiracy theorists now, but back then Eddie was going one on three.
Starting point is 00:15:55 So I'm like, I want to do a conspiracy podcast. One of my very good friends is like one of the big guys. Let's have them on. I'm just going to talk so I did that and then you know people always be like oh man this you remind the show reminds me love our Bell and all that stuff which I took as a giant compliment and then I started listening some Art Bell and I totally got what he was doing because I would feel like Art no matter how crazy the call was he would let you go and like you whatever you got to say in that time period that you're on the show, we're gonna take it as facts.
Starting point is 00:16:30 And I always was very impressed with that. Did you listen to art early on in your life? How did you come on to Coast to Coast? When did, how did you get into the conspiracies? I listened to Art Bell faithfully in the starting around the early to mid-90s. In fact, my future bride, we discovered later that this is something we had in common. So I was listening to Coast to Coast every night, hanging on every word Art said, and
Starting point is 00:16:59 she was doing the same thing in her town. Anyway, that was kind of a commonality that we found out what we had. Then, at that same time, I was behind the scenes producing talk radio in Toronto. They had a great program where they would promote talent from within. So, I was given a weekend show in 2000. At first, I was trying to figure out what am I going to talk about and I really didn't know what I was doing. It was failing miserably. Then, we used to get a subscription to something called the Wireless Flash. It came in the
Starting point is 00:17:37 mail once a week or a couple of times a week and it had guest suggestions, people that you could book. The name of the producer was right there, they made it very easy. There was some guy that was hunting the Loch Ness Monster. I thought, okay, I'll try this. I had this person on and it was just like the lines were going crazy on the phones. This was, again, early 2000. That just changed the trajectory of the show.
Starting point is 00:18:03 I thought, well, maybe I should be doing more of this. And it just gradually took over. And then a year later, of course, with 9-11, and then that just took over the show entirely. And every Sunday, that's all I talked about was 9-11. I think I was probably one of the first people on the radio in Canada, and maybe in the mainstream media in Canada,
Starting point is 00:18:24 sort of pulling at a lot of those crazy, you know loose threads like hey Why did they find this passport at the foot of the World Trade Center towers? It's in pristine condition And they oh, this is the hijacker. This is the guy. How does that happen? Meanwhile, you know everyone else was maybe understandably sort of rally around the flag and let's you know Let's get into Afghanistan and kill those bastards. I was just, wait a minute, there's some crazy shit happening here nobody's talking about. That took over the show. Pete Well. John And then, oh sorry, Coast to Coast was my wife's, I call her the mighty Aphrodite,
Starting point is 00:18:55 my lovely Greek wife. She found out that the vice president at Premier Radio Networks, which owned Coast and they also had the Rush Limbaugh show and all that. She found out that the vice president of talk at Premier was from Montreal, so a fellow Canuck. And she said, let's send him a package and maybe you can get on as a guest host. And I thought, oh, that's crazy. Who the hell am I? A couple of weeks later, I got a phone call from this guy. George Norrie is taking his daughter out for birthday dinner on Friday, next Friday, would you like to fill in for him? It's like, whoa. You know, it's like, I felt like I've been, you know, riding the buses and the minors for my career up until that point.
Starting point is 00:19:34 This was 2009 and now I get a call up for the Yankees. So, you know, I was walking on air. So I did one show in 2009. Didn't hit it out of the park. It was a serviceable four hours of radio, I thought, for my first time. Didn't get a call back for five years. And then the executive producer, Lisa Lyon, called me in 2014, January. I remember it. You know, just driving up Bayview Avenue here in Thornhill, called and said, how would you like to do sort of a regular weekend gig on Coast and I've been doing that for the last 11 years. And it's just, it's such an honor. It has such a legacy and such a reach. It's an amazing platform, reaching millions of people every night. I just love it.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Pete Well, it's a blessing and you're really great at it. Do you think you were predestined to do radio with your voice? Like, could you see you doing anything else with such a beautiful radio voice you have? And by the way, you have a face for TV too. You know, mostly they say. Well, I don't know about that. Come on, buddy. You're a good looking man. Well, thank you. The voice, I don't know. You know, maybe I'm alone with my voice too often or too much time. Sometimes I get sick of my voice. I sound like Tom Waits after eating, I don't know, sandpaper or something. But I guess some people find it not that objectionable, so it served me well. You know, going through high school, I just grew up watching
Starting point is 00:21:07 The Tonight Show, or actually listening to The Tonight Show through my parents' bedroom door, the bedroom next to theirs, and I was supposed to be in bed by that time, but I listened, and I fell asleep listening to Johnny Carson. That was my childhood. And I remember getting my first transistor radio, little red transistor radio, and listening to the 75 and 76 World Series,
Starting point is 00:21:32 my Cincinnati Reds, on that transistor radio. So I guess I always had, as far back as I can remember, a love for the medium. Radio more than television, it was always more romantic than television. So, I guess in a sense, somewhere deep inside my soul, I don't know if I would use the word destined, but I think I chose correctly. Well, I think you did too, and it's always a pleasure to talk to you. You're a wonderful interviewer and I'm glad you're on the show and we're
Starting point is 00:22:08 blessed. As we, you know, kind of get back to Canada, this guy's coming in. The situation with Trudeau is, you know, we've been talking on this show about how Trudeau and Gavin Newsom are the same guy. They're just incredibly charismatic, good looking guys that make progressive females panties drop and they can do no wrong. They could do no wrong. And just the craziness and for me, I don't think anything happens by accident. I'm not saying they can't make mistakes,
Starting point is 00:22:48 but when you're gaslighting Canadian patriots for demanding the right to live their life, not under draconian laws of COVID, and you call them Nazis, and then you invite an actual Nazi to, you know, your, your government building where you guys, what do you call your, it's, it's, it's Parliament, Parliament or House of Commons. Yeah. Your House of Commons. I mean, it's shocking to me. Is there any way that wasn't done on purpose for maximum emotional damage?
Starting point is 00:23:28 Well, no, I think I would chalk that one up to just stupidity. Nobody in the PMO or the prime minister's office properly vetted this person. That one, I just chalk up to pure incompetence. But the thing about the left, and I draw a distinction between the left, even though the Liberal Party is left, it wasn't always very radically left. The Liberal Party in Canada used to be pretty centrist, right down the middle of the road. That's why they've sort of been known as the natural governing party of Canada and they've governed the country for most of its 150 years. But the thing about the left and the Liberals around 2015, maybe 2013 just before Trudeau took over as leader just took a they just
Starting point is 00:24:17 like as your great Senator John Kennedy from Louisiana likes to say they're ten past, they're ten exits past crazy. And they are so far left. But the thing about the left is they are just – you have to give it – you have to admire this in a way they're just so audacious and unabashed. Like they will lie right to your face. Like imagine, you know, waking up, you hear a noise downstairs, you flick on the lights and there's someone with their hand in the cookie jar and they're eating the cookie right in front of you and you say, hey, you're stealing my cookie.
Starting point is 00:24:51 And while they're eating it, looking at you, there's, they, no, I'm not. No, I'm not. Yeah, yeah. That's what, and Bill Clinton was good at that too, right? He used to do that, like he could lie right to your. Yeah, and almost convince you like why I guess I am Seeing things I must be crazy. But this is they're so good at that. I don't know how they do it. It's some kind of I don't know Magic, it's data. It's data. It's data over time
Starting point is 00:25:18 It's it's like they study you are you psychopath? I mean true dough has a rich history of Scandals from getting ran out of his school having to pay a lawsuit out a blackface His reaction to his brother dying which gets into some occult sacrifice stuff Like he like blames his brother for like zero emotion. Ah Who's real dad? I mean, it just goes on his connection to Pinkleton or whatever the fun pig farmer guy's name is. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:52 Yeah. Guys. Listen to it. Crypto's crazy. Everything's crazy. And then the fractures are banking's crazy. Dude, our money's back by nothing. Okay.
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Starting point is 00:30:27 Well, his half brother is Kyle Kemper. Margaret Trudeau remarried after divorcing Pierre Trudeau. And excuse me, and I've had Kyle Kemper on the program a number of times. And recently, Kyle Kemper, who lives down in Florida now, very outspoken about his brother. He believes he's being controlled. But he had this very cryptic, maybe not so cryptic, a post on social media recently, when he started talking about, you know, imagine going to a white party, I guess referencing P. Diddy, right?
Starting point is 00:31:02 Imagine going to a white party and maybe taking a sip of a drink that you weren't supposed to and then all of a sudden you find yourself doing some very bizarre things only to discover that it was all captured on camera. Now imagine you're a politician and now the people that are in possession of this video are telling you what to do. He was referencing his brother. I don't think there was any question about that. So I got to get Kyle Kemper back on the program and see if I can get him to reveal a little
Starting point is 00:31:32 bit more. But he seems to firmly believe that Trudeau, he's like a Manchurian candidate. I mean, it explains a lot of the things that he does. It's like, you know, you look at this, the mess this country's in, it's like I couldn't do a better job of destroying this country if I, you know, if I were doing it on purpose. And I think maybe he is.
Starting point is 00:31:53 Yeah, I think they are being led by barbarians. And I talk about that in LA. We have allowed the barbarians in. Why we all focus on Washington, D. Uh, we allowed Karen Bass to get elected in a very shady way over the guy that she's running a rich Rick Caruso, Rick Caruso. I mean, I felt momentum for Rick Caruso. And then all of a sudden she pulled it out and you're like, how did that just happen? We let the barbarians in. And when you're constantly,
Starting point is 00:32:24 especially when you're dealing with progressives, their whole ideology is the theory of things, the theory of hate. They're constantly fighting shadows in the cave. And still to this day, if you listen to MSNBC, everything is, this is theoretically what could happen instead of what is happening. Oh, you know, $4 trillion. We just found out $4 trillion was sent out. We don't know where that, where it went. We can't find out where they sent it. We don't care about that. What about the fact that, you know, Trump may become the the last Emperor that is to people with ton of money And I guarantee you that the MSNBC crowd is a fluid there the rich
Starting point is 00:33:13 Yeah, that's like Leave these corrupt agencies that are stealing tax period money alone And it's like again Complaining about everything's too expensive in California gas is too expensive crime is out of control drug abuse off control Homelessness out of control does not matter keep voting in the barbarians keep voting in you know, like when we study like how Gavin Newsom his last election. No one can tell me the Republican he ran against.
Starting point is 00:33:49 I asked Republicans, what is that dude's name? Nobody knows his name. Was the worst ran campaign I've ever seen to the point you gotta go, did he throw the game? Was he just placed there by Republicans who are in on it, who are taking all the same money from that the Democrats are taken to put up a candidate that resonated with nobody so Gavin Newsom could continue to flip the state into a, a, a, a feudal system of extremely rich and extremely poor, no middle class.
Starting point is 00:34:26 Yeah, it's the uniparty. It's the two-headed monster. It's similar up here. I mean, up until recently, I would say, but now Pierre Poliev of the conservatives has really sort of moved to the right, I think in large measure because of Donald Trump, thank God. I mean, and we see the rise of the populist right in Europe as well.
Starting point is 00:34:47 So, Poliev is moving a little bit further right. He's being forced to, taking tougher stands on immigration and so forth. But prior to that, there really wasn't much difference between the liberals and the conservatives. I agree. Yeah. In Canada, for sure, I always said
Starting point is 00:35:02 the most conservative Canadian is pretty much a liberal in America when I do gigs there They were like they were they were conservative, but they weren't they were they would identify as probably a Democrat in America Well, yeah, they used to call them southern Democrats. You're the southern Democrats were more conservative probably than our conservatives were up here Yeah, I totally agree. So this Carney guy, Mark Carney, who's going to be the guy in, it's very weird to me because it's like, yeah, he's going to be the next guy. And you're like, well, aren't we voting on it?
Starting point is 00:35:33 I mean, don't we have a vote coming up? Do we decide that? But it seems like they are. Governor of the Bank of Canada and the Bank of England. And whenever you see the Bank of England, you should be very scared. It's and whenever you see the Bank of England, you should be very scared. It's like whenever you see anything labeled Babylonian to me, there are a cult. And again, if you go, Sam, who runs Israel, who runs Saudi Arabia, who runs China, who
Starting point is 00:35:56 runs India, who runs the United States, I would say the Bank of England and the black nobility and what they do. So if this guy is in charge of the Bank of England in Canada, you have to really wonder what's going on, right? Jared Sussman Yeah. And he's a real climate zealot to boot. He published a book called Values, and I don't know what he was thinking. Maybe he wasn't planning on running when he wrote the book because his own words are going to come back to haunt him. And I hope Pauliev just sits, you sits, if they have a debate, I just hope he just reads from this book,
Starting point is 00:36:28 chapter one, and he'll be hanged by his own words. He's talking about the need for achieving net zero, which the rest of the world is abandoning because it was a suicide mission. He's talking about net zero zero and if need be, we need to curtail personal freedoms in order to achieve it. You know, what are you talking about? Another emergency act, which is basically
Starting point is 00:36:53 the war measures act that we had during COVID. So he's basically hinting that he would bring that back in a heartbeat if necessary to achieve his, you know, imagine climate lockdowns instead of COVID lockdowns. This is the way this guy thinks. But meanwhile, he's, I mean, Canada is so rich in resources, we should be an energy superpower right along the United States. I mean, we don't need the rest of the world. If the two of us get together, Fortress North America, we don't need anybody. But they won't build pipelines in this country.
Starting point is 00:37:25 We can't get our oil to market to tidewater, which is why we sell our heavy crude to the United States. All of it that we don't use domestically goes to the United States, but we don't have a pipeline to get the oil to Eastern Canada, so we have to import millions and millions of barrels from Saudi Arabia. It's insane.
Starting point is 00:37:46 So they want to keep our energy in the ground. And that's done on purpose because they want, they want, they need the House of Saad to control Mecca. So that's how they keep it going. If you keep buying Saudi Arabian oil, you basically fatten up the House of Saad and they control Mecca, so that's how they keep it going. If you keep buying Saudi Arabian oil, you basically fatten up the House of Sa'd and they control Mecca, and if you control Mecca, you control Islam.
Starting point is 00:38:12 And it is of my belief Israel and Saudi Arabia are both being used to control that region. And they're just Bank of England outposts, and everybody wants to go and, you know, these people, the Jew world order and all that. And this is Sam speaking, not Richard, you know. It's not, it's not, it's a much, there's levels above this shit.
Starting point is 00:38:36 And they get you fighting with people on your level, which is my whole thing about the fight in the hockey. I talk to my friends like, oh, it's great. I'm like, but dude, you got to understand the public is fighting with each other. Why the fat cats do nothing. Yeah. It's the same thing. War.
Starting point is 00:38:55 They want war. Their kids are never going to like Netanyahu's kid is in Miami right now and they want to send you as troops to Gaza. I mean, like like what are we doing so 100% you're correct 100% you are correct that you know this whole climate change thing it's just all about taking away your freedoms he basically came out and said it right there I mean it's it's um and that's why whatever whatever we think about Trump and like I can't enjoy him because Derek Brose or Whitney Webb
Starting point is 00:39:25 is constantly in my, I constantly think of them and what they're saying, and we need them. We need them to be there to go, hey man, easy on the hopium, and is there another shoe that's gonna drop? But I can go by itself, I'm happy we got the Paris Climate Accord
Starting point is 00:39:44 because it was just gonna rape a US economy That's all it's gonna do. Yeah Well, meanwhile getting back to Mark Carney for a second while he wants net zero for Canada And he doesn't want us to build pipelines and he wants a carbon tax on everything He was the the CEO of Brookfield asset management up until January he resigned and he has deferred shares and stock options. Brookfield Asset Management, they own pipelines in other parts of the world.
Starting point is 00:40:15 He's fine building pipelines somewhere else. They own a huge coal port. It's called Del Ripple in Australia. They ship billions of tons of coal. It's metallurgical coal. This is the dirty coal that's used in the production of steel. They ship that to China, Brookfield Asset Management does., he's denying Canada the benefit, our birthright to use our resources. We should be the richest country in the world. We have native reserves here
Starting point is 00:40:51 that don't have proper drinking water in 2025. Nevermind drinking water, we should have hot and cold running champagne in this country we're so rich. Yeah, yeah, dude. I'm with you, same thing with America. I talk about it all the time, dude. This should be Dubai. This should be Dubai
Starting point is 00:41:05 This should be a futuristic cities. We should all be driving futuristic cars We have more oil than Saudi Arabia to ease on just got back from Japan And you won't talk about the technology in the toilets let alone Yeah, you're not like a prisoner where you have to take a shit between two holes and you can hand someone over there It's like it feels privacy. It feels nice. There's no... The Japanese get it. They just can't stop. They won't have sex. That's the only problem with the Japanese. Like, they're too busy watching anime. Nobody's hitting it. Masturbating furiously. Because they have those machines, right? They're horny. They
Starting point is 00:41:38 just are at home masturbating alone. It just makes you wonder how awful Japanese feminists must be that nobody wants to hit it. They're like, oh, you're annoying. Let me just look up with this anime robot. It's crazy to me, but you're totally right. And it's interesting to me because I see some of your notes and like Carney's connection. Well, he has a sister-in-law who's friends with Juslaine Maxwell. who's friends with Ghislaine Maxwell. He's hobnobbing with Prince Andrew. I mean, it just seems like it's a small club and we ain't in it, right? I mean, that's what it seems like.
Starting point is 00:42:11 Yeah, so these guys are sent down from central casting. I mean, it's so predictable that he would be in photos with Ghislaine Maxwell. And the thing is, I get the sense that, because he's also on the board at the World Economic Forum, he's on the board of directors on the WEF, so is Christia Freeland, who was our Deputy Prime Minister, Finance Minister. She's running against Carney for the liberal leadership.
Starting point is 00:42:39 But it's almost like someone at Davos basically tapped Justin on the shoulder and said, your time is up, the people hate you, we're swapping you out, we're bringing in a middle manager, in you go. Like, you know, he's going to the bullpen here. Klaus Schwab is going to the bullpen and he asks for the righty. Mark Kearney, you're in the game. That's what it feels like and smells like to me. I agree with you.
Starting point is 00:43:03 I think you can see that with, um, Bill Gates. I think Bill Gates is brand is dead and you have these other guys stepping up. What's his name? We talked about, uh, from Oracle. Oh, Larry Ellison, Larry Ellison. And then Sam Atman is as name. All men. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:21 Yeah. I mean, they seem to be the new billionaire class who have very shady vibes. Peter Thiel too. He's kind of an old school carryover, but yeah, I think he's in there. Yeah, but he doesn't seem to be out in front like those guys are, even though, I mean, maybe again, Peter Thiel, I don't want to get, I'm not, there's a, why don't you call him out? I'm totally calling him out. He's, oh, anybody who looks like he's constantly sweating all the time like his shade I mean he always looked like he just did something shady and he thinks he's about to get discovered
Starting point is 00:43:50 Does he not have that vibe? Did you guys see what I just did please say no Richard it's very interesting because there is a lot of Dark dark occult history of Canada that, you know, has come to light to me over the last couple years because again, I used to go to Canada all the time. My grandparents lived in Niagara Falls, so I'd go to Canada and it was just like, Niagara Falls, the United States looks like a third world country compared to Niagara Falls, Canada. It's like, it's night and day. I went to my first strip bar there and I Niagara Falls, Canada. It's like, it's night and day.
Starting point is 00:44:29 I went, I went to my first strip bar there and I just try and I tell him the girl like, why are you doing this? You're too beautiful. You know, I was trying to, I was being Captain Save a hoe. You know, just enjoy the ride kid, you know, but I used to have this like romantic view of, of Canadians. And you know, over time I've heard very, just like our politicians, dark, dark, dark stuff. One of the big stories is the famous Queen Elizabeth
Starting point is 00:44:54 with the indigenous children story. Do you know that story? No, no. I mean, I know I've been following a lot about the residential school issue and supposedly discovery of mass graves, which, well, that's another discussion, but yet to find a body. It's kind of a, it's become the indigenous industry, unfortunately. But tell me more about the queen and...
Starting point is 00:45:19 Pete Slauson The queen got found guilty in a world court, and maybe you know this about the disappearance of ten Indigenous and what do you call them indigenous or natives or what? What are they called in Canada? I know there's a First Nations, I don't know what what day of the week is it it seems to change. It's hard to keep up, but it's First Nations Indigenous Nations people and Indigenous. Yeah, first Indigenous nations people and 10 kids disappeared and she was actually found guilty in a court of law and the story is that somebody in Britain tried to arrest her and
Starting point is 00:45:55 He was taken thrown in a mental hospital and put in like a permanent coma Hmm. Wow. I don't know that story, but I'm not a huge fan of the monarchy. There's a great line about the difference between Canada and the United States. There's a comedian up here, Hart Pomerantz. His brother created Cheers, the TV show Cheers. Anyway, Hart used to say the difference between Americans and Canadians is you shot your parents, we still send money home talking about the monarchy. But I don't know, I do like the sort of the pomp and circumstance, but I don't know that story but I'll tell you, you know, back in 2021, there was this report came out, we had
Starting point is 00:46:39 residential schools, I think you had some in the United States as well, where, you know, young indigenous people were sent. Most of them were day schools. Maybe they weren't the greatest places, all of them. Some of them were fine. Others maybe not so good. Listen, I know kids that went to public school that were abused by their teachers.
Starting point is 00:46:59 It's just one of the sad realities of life. In any institution, you're going to have good and you're going to have bad. Of course, they had tuberculosis outbreaks in those schools. Actually, the children probably contracted it on the reservation. They brought it into the school. They're in close quarters. A lot of children died. Somehow that morphed into Catholic priests and nuns were strangling indigenous children in their sleep and then chucking them into mass graves in the middle of the night.
Starting point is 00:47:29 I kid you not, this is the narrative. And of course, Justin Trudeau lapped that up and he went on this apology tour. And then this created this indigenous industry where they were, you know, giving them millions and millions and millions of dollars. Some of that money was supposed to be spent on actually exhuming or doing an excavation, a forensic excavation of these supposed burial sites. Not a dime was spent on that. Not a shovel went into the ground. Instead they spent millions of dollars hiring a PR firm, building a museum,
Starting point is 00:48:05 nothing, you know, there's no attempt at trying to arrive at the truth. And the fact is, there's nobody unaccounted for. I mean, yes, Indigenous people go missing, they're murdered, but that didn't happen. And me saying this, they're talking about making a law, they call it residential school denial, like Holocaust denial up here in Canada.
Starting point is 00:48:28 The liberals were talking about that. So me suggesting that maybe we look at the evidence and that maybe we didn't, our Catholic priests didn't strangle children and throw them into an open pit in the middle of the night. Me suggesting that, could put me in jail. That's how crazy things are up here. I think that's absolutely insanity.
Starting point is 00:48:50 I mean, we have anti-Semitism laws coming, and it's absolutely crazy to me. And that- What do you think the law's gonna be, exactly? The law is that, you know, if you're anti, if you say something anti-Semitic, that's what they want, can curb anti-semitism talk well we're on the record on broken sim that we think it's actually more than six million died during the yeah we think it's 100 million people all of us every I really I think everybody died
Starting point is 00:49:17 all of all the Jews everyone not just Jews everybody just to be clear yeah that's still we're on the record. Everybody died there whatever number you say I agreed to times it times two It's like when chicks give you their body count you had a zero But they want to do it and it's just like watch yourself did Watch yourself you get a strizan effect. You're actually gonna make people look into it more Yeah, and people actually gonna make people look into it more, and people are gonna start questioning stuff.
Starting point is 00:49:47 But it goes, if I talk about something, right, it's like I do it on the internet all the time. When someone accuses me something on the internet, I always go, what are you saying? Explain yourself. Explain yourself. Because I know who I am, and I know what I've done and I ain't doing anything You're telling me I'm doing so why am I afraid of the discussion? Yeah
Starting point is 00:50:12 Yeah, it would be different though, right? If you were getting accused of the same thing over and over again, you already knew what it was and why it was Then at some point, what do you mean explain? Well, I'm thinking about like, I don't know like Tom Hanks or something You know, I mean like I if that is on his radar he's been you know he's got that thrown at him a million times right well I mean you know. I've never seen anyone not acknowledge it though. Yeah. Like that before and that simple like dude you're crazy. Well you just said strisand. Tom Hanks says you're crazy. You're crazy that's a crazy thing move on you've answered it you've dismissed it in a hilarious way. You're crazy. That's a crazy thing. Move on.
Starting point is 00:50:45 You've answered it. You've dismissed it in a hilarious way. You just said Streisand effect though. And that would be, I mean, by denying it, he would be bringing more. But Johnny, here's the thing. The internet has talked about it. Like his sketch he did on Saturday Night Live
Starting point is 00:51:00 just re-ignited everybody. What is he doing, dude? And dude, I saw giant accounts calling him out on that shit. What is he doing, man? You know? And like, I went on... I went on your mom's house, which I thought one of our guests were going to say they were serial killers.
Starting point is 00:51:16 Thank God that didn't go that way. I was like, oh no, what am I going to do? My friends are serial killers. But it turns out they are not. But you know, they were asking me about Tom Hanks. And I told them the whole Mothy Buddha thing. And I don't, listen, I can talk about anything on these shows when you go on normie shows,
Starting point is 00:51:34 but they always wanna talk conspiracy. And their audience goes, who is this asshole? Who's this crazy guy? And I'm like, okay, dude, I get it. Come talk to me in six months, come talk to me in two years, you'll know guy? I'm like, okay, dude. I get it. Yeah, come talk to me in six months Come talk to me in two years. You'll know exactly what I'm talking about and it's just kind of crazy, right? And it's just it makes me sad that when they say we don't want you talking about it that that says to me There's something they're hiding. Hey guys real quick. I'll tell you about our good friend and true work. Listen, look at this hoodie
Starting point is 00:52:04 fire light Fashionable feels good. That's all true work does let me tell you a little bit about true work. I love my hoodie It's the best let me tell you about true work true work is hell bent on creating a more technically High-performing work wear in the world Okay true work story begins in the Colorado mountains where a Trade worker knew there had to be a better solution than the wet heavy gear that was weighing him down True work was born bang bang pow every true work product is engineered for maximum Comfort protection and efficiency with a minimal bulk and extra weight. I'm all about that
Starting point is 00:52:45 Okay, denim and cotton canvases haven't changed much over the last 200 years True work upgrades traditional classics by using the same fabrics worn by elite outdoor athletes Okay, soft stretchy sweat wicking soft shell work pants are the major upgrade over wet heavy jeans. Let's go wind and waterproof shells use intelligently place insulation for streamlined warmth that lets you stay mobile and agile. Okay. Like in the streets. Okay. That's what we're talking about here. True work has over 50,000 five-star reviews and countless stories from trade pros in every state and every job across the country So upgrade to true work for a major change in the way you work
Starting point is 00:53:36 Okay, true work helps you be your best when your best matters most Check out the full lineup and get 15% off your first order at truework.com slash tinfoil. That's 15% off at T-R-U-E-W-E-R-K dot com slash tinfoil. And we thank True Work for sponsoring the show. Oh, it's what I've said about flat earth When they take flat earth off of YouTube, I'm like if it's so dumb you'd leave it on there Yeah, someone came out with something to yeah, if someone put like the earth a cat you wouldn't delete it. You know, okay, whatever
Starting point is 00:54:16 We want the earth a cat. What if we saw earth is a cat? Let's do it Richard any thoughts on earth being a cat? Are you in that you in that cat? Richard, any thoughts on Earth being a cat? Are you in that cat? But you were going to say something about them? I felt like you were about to. Well, it just reminded me on Coast to Coast, and we talked to supposed alien abductees and people who saw Bigfoot or, I don't know,foot or do a mashup, someone who believes that Bigfoot shot Kennedy.
Starting point is 00:54:49 You name it. We take on all comers. I had this guy on Coast and I've had him on my podcast, Ashton Forbes. I don't know if you've been following the whole Malaysian airline MH370 disappearance. Ashton Forbes talks about this leaked video that shows these orbs satellite video and drone video of this airliner. It seems to be MH370 and these orbs are spinning around it and then all of a sudden it just vanishes.
Starting point is 00:55:16 And so, you know, he believes that this is kind of some secret space technology and he's had, you know, naval engineers talking to them about it and they say, yeah, the technology is possible. Like basically they disappeared MH370 into a wormhole or teleported it to, what's that secret base in the South Pacific? Diego Garcia. Diego Garcia. Yeah. I've been there. It's a weird island. You're like, how did you even discover this island? You went to Diego Garcia. Diego Garcia. Diego Garcia. Yeah. I've been there. It's a weird island. You're like, how did you even discover this island? You went to Diego Garcia? Yeah, we
Starting point is 00:55:49 did when I was doing USOs. And it's all just Filipino cover bands. That's all it is all over the place. That's fascinating. Did they do Freebird? Oh yeah, all the time. I'd pay cash money to see that. But so I had Ashton Forbes on Coast talking about this and all of a sudden these people started piling up, this guy's been discredited. How can you talk to him? Why would you put him on Coast? And he says, excuse me, this is the program that talks about, you know, did Bigfoot shoot
Starting point is 00:56:16 Kennedy? You didn't come after me for that. Now all of a sudden, you know, we're talking about secret space technology, zero point energy and it's like, whoa, the, the, the blowback was incredible. The fact is fascinating too. If you, I mean, I guess we're going to get in. We might have him on at some point, right? The whole, the, cause Kim, Kim.com, you remember Kim.com?
Starting point is 00:56:36 Oh yeah. Put out a bounty saying if anybody could discredit this video, we'll pay you. And then a couple of people came forward saying that they were responsible for the original Assets used to create the video and a guy like proved that he was in the area and took the photo of the sky or the video of the sky that was used in it out of his window in an airplane on the way from Like Japan he was so he they discredit well Well, but now I still like dinner and for an Ashton Forbes was on it with Kim comm when this happened when they were interviewing This guy and for a time he accepted that it was like, okay, it's discredited
Starting point is 00:57:10 I think but then he's now kind of reversed that and said No, it could not possibly have been that video for a number of reasons. I don't quite understand but it's fascinating to go dive into it because if they are discrediting him, it's but it's fascinating to go dive into it because if they are discrediting him, it's very professional. It's a very professional job that's being done. I still have my doubts about the discrediting. I'd like to talk to him. I would too. Yeah, of course. Yeah. I think it's important to have everybody on. So I want to get on a couple things with you. The big talk is Canada being the 51st state I personally don't like it. I love Canada. I think you guys you know if we can go back to
Starting point is 00:57:55 2015 Canada was Amazing the women are gorgeous. You guys are the nicest people You all look so healthy because your health care is based on keeping prices down. I know it's not perfect. I'm sure people be like, oh, you don't even know. It takes like eight years to get a doctor's appointment, but whatever it is, you know, I really loved it. I don't want you guys to be the 51st state because now we start getting into the North American union and what that is. And like, is Trump giving us all these amazing things like auditing this auditing that So that he can slip things like this like this globalist
Starting point is 00:58:32 Territory that we've been hearing about forever. What are your thoughts? Well, um, there isn't a mechanism really for us to become the 51st state I mean you have your procedures. It would have to be passed. I don't know if you'd have to convene like a convention with all 50 states and vote on it. I don't imagine, you know, Guam or Puerto Rico would be happy that we get to jump the queue, you know, and become the 51st state. But also, and then up here in Canada, there's just no constitutional mechanism, really. But it would have to pass all 10 provincial legislatures and then the House of Commons.
Starting point is 00:59:11 I don't think it's going to happen militarily anyway. I'm not worried about that. But economically, we're becoming more and more integrated all the time anyway. I'm fine with that, quite frankly. The other thing, I don't think Trump or the Republicans want Canada to be the 51st state because we're roughly the size of California in terms of population. How many electoral college votes do you get? 53 or something like that? Does he really want another 53 congressional or electoral college votes going to the Democrats? Because basically
Starting point is 00:59:44 electoral college votes going to the Democrats because basically we're, you know, they're all Democrats up here. I mean, I'm like, I'm a unicorn up here. I'm like a Republican in support of the Second Amendment. I want conceal and carry in this country. Never going to happen. But I'm like a fish out of water. But most people up here would vote Democrat. And I don't think you want 53 electoral college votes locked in for the Democrats every year
Starting point is 01:00:06 or every four years. But economic integration has been happening since like 1965. That's when we had the Auto Pact. And then there was the North American Free Trade Agreement. There was some big conference out in Vancouver where some of the big mucky mucks were discussing a common currency called the Amaro. Do you remember that? Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. I forgot all about that. Big time. Just like the Euro.
Starting point is 01:00:32 Yeah. Then they had these meetings with the prime minister and the president of Mexico and the US president. I think it was called the security and prosperity partnership. Again, they're talking about more integration. I believe in the nation state because you've got your own problems, we have our problems. Ottawa is our capital, it's distant enough. They're not responsive to our needs. I can't imagine having another layer and having to go to Washington. I can't imagine having another layer and having to go to Washington. But I'm all for greater integration. Like I said earlier, Fortress North America, the rest of the world is going to shit in a handbasket at the speed of light.
Starting point is 01:01:17 I'll get together with my American cousins and let's trade more and let's develop more security arrangements and so forth. We have to carry more of our own weight. Trump is right about that. We've been basically hanging on to your coattails in terms of our defense. We need to spend a lot more on that. Pierre Pauliev wants to build a big military installation up in the Arctic. So he's talking about beefing things up. I mean, I would love for us to produce our own fighter aircraft again, like we did in
Starting point is 01:01:53 the 60s. The Avro Arrow was state of the art. We need to bring that back. We need to build our own ships. And we need to be on a war footing. Because let's face it, we're really already at war with China. They declared war on North America back in the late 80s. Now it's not kinetic warfare, that's the last thing they want, but it's cyber warfare
Starting point is 01:02:18 and it's kind of like the reverse opium wars. Now they're flooding North America with fentanyl. 100,000 dead Americans every year. That's like a Vietnam era event every year. That's war. Yeah, it is war. And I like, I like what you're saying, dude. I mean, being open-minded Richard to, uh, working together more, uh, again, there's a lot of things that Trump is talking about that I'm not against at all, which is like this kind of pulling back
Starting point is 01:02:45 from being everywhere all the time, policing the world, let people police themselves. I mean, it's just the way it is. We don't need to have bases everywhere. We don't need that base everywhere when we're being invaded from our borders. We don't. But you really think they take a base back?
Starting point is 01:03:04 I do. I think he's totally ready to do that. I think, you know, when you start looking at the, I mean, dude, these audits, whatever you believe, and I think part of it is you audit everything. Everyone sees all the corruption, these institutions that have been a bedrock of our government, good or bad, the Fed, IRS, FEMA, all these, you start seeing that they're just money laundering organizations, they'll crumble. What replaced them, I do not know. Again, old boss, new boss, devil you know,
Starting point is 01:03:37 but I do believe that's what's happening. They're showing us how bad these things are so they do collapse, which I'm for. I'm for getting rid of corruption. There's no reason that we should have our dollar worth 90% of what's worth before so that corrupt people in Washington DC can line their pockets.
Starting point is 01:03:56 I'm totally down with that. And yeah, I would love to see Canada again. I think part of the beauty of Canada is that you have been allowed to kind of live this kind of weird fantasy where you don't have to worry about spending all this money on your military and that's why everything I when I go up there I'm like oh it's just beautiful here everything's beautiful. Well if you got to take the good what about the bad? What do you mean? Make it 52. That's part of the the Amero too. That's part of the North American thing.
Starting point is 01:04:25 And you know, the whole point of like making Mexico so unstable is cheap labor and the, be able to let the cartels fund all these drug wars because the, the intelligence agencies and the U S government make tons of money off of drug sales. So that that's why they completely destabilize such a beautiful place like Mexico And but again, I love Canada I I hate seeing what's happening to you guys now before we get into the final thing I want to talk to you about or at least
Starting point is 01:04:57 get into the Marcon stuff is There was a discussion that they were good they, they got you with, hey dude, we just want you to register your guns. So we just, we know where who has the guns and that's all we want to know. And now they're like, oh, we're rounding up the guns and we're shipping them to the Ukraine. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:17 Is that still happening? As far as I know, I haven't heard anything recently about that, but that was the plan. Yeah. It started off with a long gun or rifles, right, hunting rifles and so forth. They wanted us to register those. It was called a long gun registry. And they spent billions and billions of dollars. And that was just a complete, you know, bamboozle and white elephant.
Starting point is 01:05:46 And it was the same with the handguns. They were going to do this buyback program, but they had to hire an agency, an outside agency, to go around confiscating people's guns. And nobody wanted the job. They even tried to get the post office, Canada Post, to press their people into service to go confiscate guns. Their union said, no, not going to happen. So again, this has just been another complete fiasco. But then they banned the sale of new handguns in Canada. You couldn't bequeath a handgun to a family member. So what happened was just before the bill passed and
Starting point is 01:06:26 became law, all the gun enthusiasts, people that own handguns went out and they bought every handgun available. So what they ended up happening was now you've got millions and millions of more handguns in the country, which I think is a good thing. I'm a big Second Amendment guy. We gave that away a long time ago, unfortunately. But here's the thing. Now we have, like you do, we have home invasions and so forth, and we have people, you know, carjackings. And the police up here were actually, they were serious, said it with a straight face. They said, you should leave your car keys at a table by the front door so that when they come to steal your car, they're not going to go rampaging through the house and
Starting point is 01:07:10 hurting anyone. The keys will be right there on the table, and then they can go and steal your car and do it quietly. Maybe we should leave them some milk and cookies, just like Santa Claus. This is the mindset that we have up here. We're supposed to cower under the bed and call 911 when people are busting into our house. And I was just on the radio the other day advocating we need a castle law up here in Canada. My home is my castle and I should be able to use
Starting point is 01:07:37 lethal force if necessary to defend my property, more importantly, my family. And, you know, occasionally it happens where someone will kill a home invader up here with their hunting rifle or whatever, and they get arrested. They get charged. Now, often they get off, but you've got that hanging over your head for a year or two, you know, manslaughter
Starting point is 01:07:59 or second degree murder or whatever. It's the process is the punishment. You're gonna get off in the end, but you go through hell up until that point. That is a big discussion, libertarianism, everybody having their own security. And I go, well, we've seen what happens when there's no law enforcement.
Starting point is 01:08:18 Absolute chaos breaks out when people aren't afraid of going to jail. But then you go, when people do strike back, push back, the law enforcement comes in and arrests all the people trying to defend themselves. So, but if we get to this place where you're like, no law enforcement, everyone defend for themselves, is that better, Johnny? Well, but we've never actually tried that. What you're talking about is when temporarily they have
Starting point is 01:08:44 taken, pulled law enforcement back. What you're talking about is when temporarily they have taken pulled law enforcement back you would you what you're proposing I'm not against what libertarians would propose is a new system which would take a while for people to establish and organize these private security so that it's never been given a real shot here I mean except in the days of the old West you know when you'd hire you know people to go out with you but not in a real way so in a weird way would it be like insurance like I have to mandatory have? This type of security and then I had to I mean that is mandatory I don't I don't be for the neighborhood or for the neighborhood
Starting point is 01:09:16 Yeah, I could see that and everyone has their different ones you can pick a I want this security This one's better than this one. This one shows up faster than the other one Yeah, then you could fire them when they don't do their job yeah exactly I mean you see it dude I mean we're in a neighborhood right here where the Orthodox have their own local security because they don't trust the LAPD to serve the community right you know I mean we see him driving around all the time not against it yeah so uh there you know I want to move on to we got a couple more subjects I saw that I didn't see
Starting point is 01:09:45 before I'm excited to talk to you about. The big story right now is Candace Owens who's gone completely off the reservation when it comes to the Daily Wire. I think she's doing great work. She's very brave because she doesn't care if she's called crazy. She just keeps bringing receipts and I like
Starting point is 01:10:05 it and I think she's very brave beautiful for doing what she's doing it's you know it's like there's a big movement to call Ian Carroll like controlled op because he won't call out Peter Thiel right and we all you know again PayPal mafia trying you know there's a big talk that the reason they're getting rid of CIA and the FBI is because they're just gonna use Pelletier To monitor us that may definitely be true as well. That could be true as well, and I'm against that obviously But you know, you know, he's going you know, Ian Carroll goes after a lot of great people I don't know why everybody's calling him controlled up. He goes after everybody
Starting point is 01:10:43 Maybe hasn't done a video on Peter Thiel yet because it just hasn't entered his universe yet. But she's really made her bones now on Brigitte Marcone and what everyone knew with their eyes and their ears and the wisdom of their experiences told you that was a dude. And the big part of cultural Marxism is, it's like from 1984, you know, to get you not to believe your eyes and your ears, is there the, I'm butchering the quote, but the basically is their number one goal to stay.
Starting point is 01:11:21 And I butchered that, I really butchered that. But that's really what it is and you know not to get too far off of this Marcon thing but that's kind of what USAID did was fund everything that made you go what the fuck is that? That doesn't make any sense but it was everywhere all the time and here we are everyone's like that's a dude and you got yelled at that you're insensitive, that she's, you know. So what is your whole thoughts on that? Well, I heard Candace Owens talk about it on a podcast about a year ago, and it was just kind
Starting point is 01:11:56 of a one-off, and now she's done a deep dive and she's, we're up to episode six, I think. And we watch every night on Rumble, not every night. She alternates. Sometimes she's talking about Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds, and then she's back to McCrone. But you said bring the receipts, absolutely. And then she just had the author, the journalist who's exiled in Italy, who got kicked out of France. They were coming after him and his family for, and this is a legitimate journalist who is meticulous in his research. He gets into the archives and he's got photographs and my wife just ordered the book that he wrote that's presented by Candice Owens and it's called Becoming Brigitte.
Starting point is 01:12:36 Sound familiar? Becoming Michelle? Yeah, becoming Michelle. That's hilarious. When you see the photograph, side-by-side photograph of Jean-Michel Trognau, who is supposedly Brigitte's brother, but is actually Brigitte is Jean-Michel Trognau, right down to the mole on the cheek and this little thing under the mouth, there's no hiding it. Jean-Michel Trognau transitioned, if we can use that word, into Brigitte Macron.
Starting point is 01:13:08 And the thing is, even the French media now is – because his time is up. He's got another two years and he's out and it's going to be Marin Le Pen and the national rally, I think they call the party. They may have changed the name. Anyway, he's on the outs. So there's not going to be any reason to protect him anymore. So even the press in France is admitting, yes, Brigitte was having a relationship with Emmanuel Macron when she was 39 and he was 14. Initially, they said, well, he was 17. Now they admit, yeah, he was 14. That's statutory rape. So he was being groomed by
Starting point is 01:13:49 a guy, Jean-Michel Trognault. He was 25 years older. And what do they call that? There's only a year left where the charges could be laid. Oh, the statute of limitations. Yes. Thank you. Statute of limitations. That's up at the end of this year, I believe. But that alone, statutory rate, they should be looking at them.
Starting point is 01:14:18 They should be all hands on deck. Let's look into this. Let's investigate this. But yeah, the photographic evidence is all there. The extent to which the Eliezi Palace and Brigitte Marcon go to hide her past, there are no photographs of her pregnant with her children, there are no photographs of her between certain ages, it's just,
Starting point is 01:14:42 and you can't get them, you cannot get them. It's just like a black hole or a wall that comes down. And then there's a lot of questions about Emmanuel Macron. He was raised by his grandmother. She was pushing all this pederist literature, pedophilia literature on him. And in fact, his official portrait when he became president, there's one book in the background on the bookcase and it's basically, I can't remember the name of it, but it was written by a notorious pederast. This is a guy that admitted he went to Algeria basically to rape young boys. And the circle around them, you know, the people that they surround themselves with,
Starting point is 01:15:27 pedophiles, peterists, this is all a coincidence? No, no. So, it's worth it. If anyone hasn't seen it yet, it's definitely worth doing a little binge watch of Candice on Rumble and the interview she did with the journalist who really is the guy that's done a lot of the heavy lifting on this. It's just absolutely stunning and there's more to come. There's some suggestion that we're going to find out about some incest in that family
Starting point is 01:15:58 as well. It's just wild. It's very compelling. I'm pretty much 100% certain that Brigitte is Jean-Michel Trognau. Isn't there like high school yearbooks? That's usually where you, I mean, here, that would be the thing.
Starting point is 01:16:17 Hey, here's my high school yearbook. They're talking about either Marcon or Shim. There it is. Shim is a Roth Roth child, right? Now the craziest theory came out and it's even darker and this has just now been presented is that Marcon looks a lot like a kid that she, he, she, it, fathered looks a lot like a kid that she, he, she, it, it, uh, fathered before she transitioned.
Starting point is 01:16:59 And now the running theory is, is it possible that she is actually his dad? Yeah. I was saying that to the mighty Aphrodite, like we were two episodes into Candice, and that thought crossed my mind. And I thought, well, now I'm getting too far over my skis here. And then just in the last couple of days, now that's coming forward. Yeah. So, because this kid was being passed off as her nephew, except she's, the kid was supposedly the son of her brother, Jean-Michel Trognault, but she's Jean-Michel Trognault.
Starting point is 01:17:27 So that kid is hers. He is the spitting image of Emmanuel Macron, but he's supposedly not related by blood, right? It's on the other side. It's her wife's family. So, that's when the thought occurred to me. Yeah. Oh my God, is Jean-Michel Truong, no, actually, Emmanuel's father? I wouldn't know.
Starting point is 01:17:49 But that's the depravity of what is happening when you are in these power positions. It is an inversion of God. It is meant to be an inversion. And you know, I wanted to ask the guest we interviewed earlier, but does the darkness to you, does the darkness infer light, meaning God? Does all this dark, dark stuff we see, all this symbolism, Alyssa Keys going to the all high and then she puts up the bath mitt, two fingers. That's crazy to me, dude Oh, I didn't see that. Oh you have it
Starting point is 01:18:30 It's good. She thanks everybody then she goes to the I can't even do the symbol cuz someone will cut it up and then be Trouble he's doing hand signals. Got him. Got him I'm a rejected retard. I got hand signals I mean, they're just idiots, but you know, you can't, you can't do that. So, but yeah, she puts it out there. But to you, Richard, do you, does all this stuff infer that there is a God of love? Yeah, yeah. In a strange way, it is faith-affirming, if that's what you're getting at. If there is, you know, if we're looking at the dark side and we're looking at all this depravity, and I think it is satanic, then the opposite must also exist. You can't have the darkness without the light, light without the darkness.
Starting point is 01:19:12 So in a strange way, it is kind of faith-affirming. And the fact that now that it's all coming to the surface, it's just like you can't stop it anymore. The globalists and these occultists, their worst nightmare really is the internet because they could control – the way they control the French media, Le Monde and these French newspapers that are their equivalent of the New York Times. They're trying their best to try and keep a lid on this, but you can't anymore. It's like the internet is just like mercury or a Quicksilver or whatever. You just can't control it. It's all coming out, whether we're talking about COVID or the Satanist sociopaths that are supposedly
Starting point is 01:20:03 our elected rulers. It's all coming out. This awakening is going to be one hell of a ride. It's going to be scary. For those of us with faith, it shouldn't really come as that big a surprise. It's all very prophetic. It's all right there in the Good Book and As I say it's to me. It's it just confirms my faith in the Almighty God And what we're starting to see now is That there's all these talks that you know, have you seen Henry Kissinger's wife? I Mean you gotta look that up look up Henry Kissinger's
Starting point is 01:20:47 wife we yeah I mean we've looked at pictures of her what do you mean what about what do you think I mean I mean it's like I did yeah I mean I've heard of a senator Chuck Schumer's wife is not the most attractive older lady and that's been famous there's a European princess straight up, dude. Now she's like, Jack, it's like, this is the inversion. This is when you worshiped the darkness. This is what happens. And you know, again, like when I was on Rogan,
Starting point is 01:21:16 I just think that what is happening is that the old gods are coming out to play, you know, way back in the day in Babylon, they had like Holy temples with trans hookers in it. Like, we saw that all the time, back in the day. So, I mean, you see this kind of resurgence. They want you to say the devil, oh, it's the devil, it's Satan, they never say who Satan is, Satan is the enemy, right?
Starting point is 01:21:40 That's all you know, who is it? Is it Moloch, is it this, is it that? You know, it gets super dark. So I want to get into this shroud of Tor, what's it called? The shroud of Torin? Yeah, because there's a big movement right now on the internet to say that Jesus never existed Christianity is simply a method of control, in a weird way like Q, where it's like, oh, Patrisson control, just sit back, they're taking care of everything. What is your thoughts on Jesus, the Shroud of Turin? What are your thoughts on all that?
Starting point is 01:22:22 and Jesus, the shroud of Toran, what were your thoughts on all that? There's more evidence, more written about Jesus, even outside of the Bible, confirming that he was an historical figure than there is written about Plato or Aristotle, first of all. So for people who question the existence of historic, that's not even a serious historical question,
Starting point is 01:22:43 even serious history professors who, you know, who have looked at the documents, maybe they don't believe in the divinity of Christ, but they'll say, no, Jesus was real. He was an actual person. In terms of the Shroud of Turin, this has been kind of a pet topic of mine for many, many years. I've read probably a half a dozen books and I've talked to everybody who's anybody in this field. I won't say 100% certain because to me that's maybe a little bit hubris, but I genuinely believe that this is the authentic burial cloth of Jesus Christ and it contains evidence of a resurrection event encoded into the cloth. When you look at, I mean, to me, it all starts with this photographer. His name was Pia Seconda.
Starting point is 01:23:48 Around 1898, he goes to see this linen cloth. It's about, for those who don't know, it's linen. It's about 14 and a half feet long and about three and seven inches or four feet wide. And this was supposedly wrapped around Jesus after he was taken down from the cross and went into the tomb. And it has all these sort of obscure stains on it. And you really can't make out what it looks like. But when secondapia decided to use a large format camera, remember those huge cameras, you see them like taking pictures of the Civil War? Yeah. He takes a picture of it because he really can't see what's on there, even if you stand back.
Starting point is 01:24:32 But when he looked at the big negative plate out of that camera, large format negative plate, he sees a positive image. Now, why is that important? he sees a positive image. Now, why is that important? Well, for those of you who remember film cameras, he used to get like the negative, he would develop the film, he would get a negative image on there.
Starting point is 01:24:54 He got a positive image on his film plate, which means the image on the linen cloth is negative. It's a negative image. So for those people think, oh, it's a forgery. Leonardo da Vinci did that. Oh, really? He painted a negative image. It's almost like an x-ray.
Starting point is 01:25:14 You can see the bones of his hands underneath the skin. You can see his teeth underneath the lips. It's an x-ray. Tell me a medieval forger had the ability to produce an x-ray image on the shroud that also the wounds on the image correspond exactly with the gospel accounts of his torture and crucifixion, right down to the scourge wounds on his back
Starting point is 01:25:40 from the Roman cat-o-nine tales. They even measured those whips, they had those little lead pellets on them and they were spaced on these leather straps. They've looked at Roman whips. They've measured the wounds. They're exact. It's got the abdominal wound, which, of course, to check to see if Jesus was dead, they stabbed him with a spear. That's on the image. There are blood stains. It's not paint.
Starting point is 01:26:12 There are remnants of paint on there, and I can explain that in a minute. But the blood wound, the wound, the blood that came out was mixed with water. In other words, it was vascular bleeding, which means it was a post-mortem wound. Leonardo da Vinci had that kind of knowledge. Jesus was not nailed through the fleshy part of his hands onto the cross. They've done studies. It's too fleshy. Your hand wouldn't support the nail. It would just slide right through. He was nailed through the wrists. The image on the shroud, the thumbs are concealed. Why is that?
Starting point is 01:26:49 When you drive a nail through this nerve, it agitates the thumb. Again, they've done studies on dead bodies. The thumb curls under. Whoever did this forgery was able to produce a negative image that's encoded with three-dimensional information, by the way. It's a 3 a negative image that's encoded with three-dimensional information, by the way. It's a 3D negative image. This person must have had incredible knowledge, like 20th century knowledge of anatomy. It gets better. The interesting thing about crucifixions, and there were thousands and thousands and
Starting point is 01:27:23 thousands of crucifixions, this was the Romans' preferred method of execution. It was absolutely barbaric. People might say, well, this could be the image of any crucified person except his legs aren't broken. Why is that significant? Because the Romans, in order to hasten death, that significant? Because the Romans, in order to hasten death, because you would be up there for days on the cross, dying of dehydration and suffocating because you couldn't support your own weight, they would break the legs of the person. Take a big, I don't know, iron hammer or something, crack the leg so that you could no longer hold yourself up with your legs on that little wooden perch. We know from the gospel accounts, they didn't break Jesus' legs because when they shoved that spear into his side and they saw
Starting point is 01:28:12 blood and water pouring out, they knew he was dead. So there's that. There's also pollen fragments around the head. They were actually able to take pollen samples from the shroud, which corresponds with a thorny plant that only grows in that part of the world, the Holy Land. Pete I'm in, dude. I don't buy into this whole thing. It's a control mechanism. I mean, I'm not saying there aren't people that are like, I'm just gonna let God take care of everything, you know?
Starting point is 01:28:46 I'm not, and if you are that person, I'm not judging you. That's my mom. What? Yeah. That's my mom. Well, I mean, there is something that's, you know, that good is gonna overcome evil. I get that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:58 You know, I do think there's a lot of people that, you know, are doing whatever they can to make a world a better place as well. Oh, I lost the internet there Oh, no, did we lose him? Yeah, we lost the internet went down. Let's go. Wait. Yeah, dude I was in the emergency room one time for something and Do you think he's gonna come back I think it was relatively serious and my mom and I'm like, oh it's freaking out My mom goes well, I'll see you in heaven if you die It's like that's how she thinks about oh, about oh wow really she's like you're good to go. Yeah, it was nice used by Jews
Starting point is 01:29:32 What use by Jews? Well that was their burial method right with the shroud they use a herringbone a specific first century. It's all there It's just it's remarkable. No, I'm with you, dude. And you know, I Go off of what the reason my show has been top 100 in comedy for 20, for eight years is because we go by instinct on this show and we tend to be right. And when I just feel when I get closer to Christ, and like I'm a sinner, I keep making mistakes, I'm trying my hardest, I'm not perfect, and I'll never sell you out that I am perfect, you should never follow me for any leads in life.
Starting point is 01:30:16 You know, I try to give you information that you could use to wake up to what they're doing out there, but I'm no moral hero in any way. I'm trying my hardest. But man, I just go with feeling. I feel like Jesus and the teachings of Jesus just lead to happiness. And it's like my biggest problem in my life are things of the flesh. Like, you know, I have a crippling drug and sex addiction and those things are, God will tell you, you don't do that and you don't have problems. Yeah, I got problems.
Starting point is 01:30:55 It's got problems and I'm trying to fight them. I'm doing the best I can. I'm not a perfect person. But when I follow these teachings about love thy neighbor, help other people, spread love, don't judge, forgive people, man, I'm a happier person. I really just am. Yeah. My limited experience with addiction and so forth, but people who have been through that hell and you have been, it's like, you know, you went through the gates of hell and you came back. I mean, to me, people such as yourselves
Starting point is 01:31:32 that have been through that, I think in many ways, once they're close, they become closer to the kingdom. And I think, you know, you are God's pride and joy when you come through that. You come out the other side and you redeem yourself. And yes, we still stumble and fall and so forth, but God bless you, you know, for having endured that and coming back and that makes you a special person. I appreciate that. I do appreciate that. So you know, my whole thing is like,
Starting point is 01:32:06 you know, there's a lot of people out there that aren't the fans of Christianity. They're out there and, you know, they've been on the show and they're always welcome back on the show. I mean, we allow everybody on the show, you can tell based on some of the guests we've had on, they're a little controversial, but that's the show. We have the dangerous, dangerous conversations. But some of these people, they
Starting point is 01:32:34 don't believe in Christianity, but they believe in NASA. So, I mean, it's really hard to take that serious. It's just hard. Well, the thing is, both can be right. Jesus can be real. Jesus is the Son of God. And yes, Christianity, the religion, can be controlling the institutions, whether we're talking about one church or another. Both things can be true at the same time. You know, Christianity isn't about a religion. It's about a person, Jesus Christ. He was real. He lived. He died. He was resurrected, 100%. Yeah, I agree with you. It's about a person, Jesus Christ. He was real, he lived, he died, he was resurrected. 100%.
Starting point is 01:33:07 Yeah, I agree with you. So final thing, because I don't want to keep you all day, this has been a wonderful conversation. You know, I've been saying this on stage lately. Release the Epstein files, release the UFO files. We already know. All we want to know is are we right or completely right? That's all we want to know. How right are we? We don't need you to tell us who's involved in JFK assassination. We know. We just want to know how right were we? The UFOs. Is it, okay, maybe there's a little bit with UFOs.
Starting point is 01:33:43 Is it angels, another from another planet or US government I have my opinions a little bit of angels demons a lot a bit of US government, that's my we're on the same page. Yeah, we're exactly on the same page We just want to know are we right? Are we totally right? That's all you're not gonna tell us anything We know that we're not going to be like, oh my God, my world is shattered. Nobody cares. Just, are we right or are we totally right?
Starting point is 01:34:10 That's all we want to know. What are your thoughts? Well, while I think of it, you should get Stephen Bassett on. Stephen Bassett, one of the top UFO disclosures. In fact, I think he ran for Congress and this was his campaign, you know, to get UFO disclosure and he's really been behind the scenes pushing for congressional hearings and so forth. He's brought a lot of interesting whistleblowers to the Washington Press Gallery, the press
Starting point is 01:34:35 club there and so forth. But Bassett thinks that we could see official disclosure, that is, you know, the President of the United States acknowledging the existence of extraterrestrials within the next, say, 100 days. He walks through all of the reasons, all of the signs pointing to this, including Don Jr. having, I think he had Luis Elizondo and some other UFO whistleblower on his podcast and saying, that doesn't happen without Trump's knowledge, maybe even without Trump's sort of approval.
Starting point is 01:35:08 So all signs he says are pointing to some kind of a statement in the next hundred days, we'll see. And what do you think that statement would say if you had to guess? I think he would probably say I think he would probably say that we have been, we are experiencing incursions. We don't know what these things are. They're not ours. Some of them are not ours.
Starting point is 01:35:41 They're not our adversaries. We don't know whether they're extraterrestrial or not. We can't say that definitively, but you know, there's something going on. I think that would be sort of the starting off point. And then it's not going to all come tumbling out of his mouth all in one shot, but it's going to be kind of from that point on an official acknowledgement that yes, we are being visited by something. These are crafts. They're not ours. They're not China's. It's going to be kind of from that point on an official acknowledgement that yes, we are being visited by something. These are crafts, they're not ours, they're not China's, they're not Russia's.
Starting point is 01:36:11 Then really the sort of the heavy digging, the heavy lifting starts. Then maybe we start to see serious hearings. I mean, listen, did anyone think five years ago we would have someone conducting a serious investigation about the childhood vaccine schedule and its links to autism and so forth? So, I mean, at this point, all bets are off. Why not? I mean, we've had some UFO hearings already, but I think those are going to intensify. And I think Trump is going to be serious in demanding that certain agencies, maybe they've been off the books, no congressional
Starting point is 01:36:48 oversight, even the president doesn't have access. I think he's going to start rooting those out and we're going to see some pretty amazing things maybe during this term. When Stephen Bassett says official disclosure, I don't think he's going to say, you know, we're being visited by little green men from Mars or wherever. But it's going to be an acknowledgement that yes, what you're seeing in the sky is real. We're going to call them UFOs. They're not ours.
Starting point is 01:37:19 They're not China's. What they are, well, that's where we begin now our journey. Let's figure out what they are and who they are and where they're from and what they want. I'm in. I'm in. I agree with you and I think it's an amazing time to be alive. You know, Shane Cashman said, you can be excited about what Doge is doing and also be worried about a digital prison coming. You could have those feelings at the same time. It doesn't have to be one or the other. You can be like, we need to audit the IRS.
Starting point is 01:37:53 If those agents owe $50 million, why are they coming after us? We can audit FEMA, we can audit the Fed. These are things we do while at the same time going, okay, PayPal mafia, chill. Exactly. And I don't think there's anything wrong with that. And I don't think there's anything wrong with having people like Derek
Starting point is 01:38:13 Bros and, uh, uh, Whitney Webb telling us, don't get too excited about this. I could have both of those at the same time. Johnny, what was that face? No, I mean, yeah, no, it's just a little dark that living your life that way, but yeah, I'm with you No, I just think you should be cautiously optimistic Enjoyed in the moment, but understand something may be coming the other shoe may drop So I think that's important Richard. I love talking to you Anytime door open to you anytime you want. Come on
Starting point is 01:38:42 Can you tell our listeners one more time where they can find you? All right, the podcast, Strange Planet, drops three days a week, strangeplanet.ca. You can subscribe from the website or you can become a premium subscriber. You can also subscribe to my monthly newsletter at the bottom there, Inner Sanctum.
Starting point is 01:39:01 Coast to Coast AM coming up on March 1st, 7th, 8th, and 23rd. I'll be hosting or guest hosting, I should say. The YouTube channel for Strange Planet is at Strange Planet Radio. The Richard Sarich Show, my daily news, politics, culture war show on Saga 960 in Toronto. The website there is therichardsaratshow.com. The podcast is available everywhere and on YouTube at richardsarats64. Well, brother, I always enjoy talking to you. You're such a class act and you know, you got the right voice. Man, I could listen to that all day. I will check. I think I'm going to download the Coast to Coast app from my house and just make Dana listen to that all day. I will check, I think I'm gonna download the Coast to Coast app from my house and just make Dana listen to it all day.
Starting point is 01:39:48 Just turn it on, make her listen to it, make my kids listen to it. I've been driving with my daughters and we look up, I go, that's chemtrails, say chemtrails. The government, she does that. The government puts out, she goes, what is a government? I go, the government is an entity that is basically can makes the laws of the land that Control and tell us how we can live our life when she goes it sounds like a monster. I go it is a monster
Starting point is 01:40:18 Thank you Richard for coming on always a pleasure links down below Let's break down the episode get ready for a Las Vegas style action at Bet MGM, the king of online casinos! Enjoy casino games at your fingertips with the same Vegas strip excitement MGM is famous for when you play classics like MGM Grand Millions or popular games like Blackjack, Baccarat, and Roulette. With our ever-growing library of digital slot games, a large selection of online table games and signature BetMGM service. There's no better way to bring the excitement and ambience of Las Vegas home to you than
Starting point is 01:40:52 with BetMGM Casino. Download the BetMGM Casino app today! BetMGM and GameSense remind you to play responsibly. BetMGM.com for Ts and Cs, 19 plus to Wager, Ontario only. Please play responsibly. If you have questions or concerns about your gambling or someone close to you, please contact Connects Ontario at 1-866-531-2600 to speak to an advisor,
Starting point is 01:41:15 free of charge. Bet MGM operates pursuant to an operating agreement with iGaming Ontario. All right, let's get into it. This week, man, crazy, crazy week week a lot of auditing going on a lot of people upset about the audits, which I don't get Did you see that those just perp or Elon is at least flying a kite for this idea that? Every American could get a $5,000 check from the from the money. They've they've which one would you rather have a ball? She IRS or five5,000 check?
Starting point is 01:41:47 Oh God! I mean that's not even a question is it? I think it is! Some people take the cash! Yeah that's because they don't pay their taxes. Yeah exactly. That's what that is. Yeah but won't you have to show you pay tax to get the five grand or is he just sending it out? And by the way what I find hilarious is that when the Democrats want to send everybody check, I was like, oh, what the hell? Maybe because it's more money, people are like, hey, it's kind of interesting. 5G is a lot of money. 5G is a lot of money, more than $750. What would you do with your 5G?
Starting point is 01:42:17 Try to pay some chick to get married? Yeah, most likely. Hey, you can double up your 5G, just let me marry you. You know, come on. I find it interesting, I don't know why everyone's upset. I do not understand why everyone, why would you not want government spending reined in? It's because they're spending on shit that they like, I assume. I mean, it's political, like everything.
Starting point is 01:42:42 And a lot of people hate Elon. They just hate Elon. You know, because of what like everything And a lot of people hate elon. They just hate elon like, you know because of what he stands for I guess um Did you see that? Uh 60 minutes did a Whole thing on the u on usa aid and dude this kid danny Dude, let me see if I can send you this johnny. It's he's so good at editing. Can I send you this? It's literally the funniest thing you'll ever see how you could email would be better but if you're gonna let me email it's so funny he's so good at editing dude oh
Starting point is 01:43:13 it's I'm gonna have to text it to you let me send you home hold on no don't email me because now I'm gonna tell you where to send it then send it to this computer just copy punch drunk oh hold on hold I got I got I got use that one Okay, text it to that please and then here we go. I'm just gonna I'm just gonna um Let me see if I can find it Air drop of my airdrop it to you Johnny I Just text you loose mobile. Who's whose Mac is that? Oh here we go. I just sent a text to you from that number if you want to send it there
Starting point is 01:43:49 No, that's my phone. I Don't know I just sent you a text from Johnny. I can't get into it. You can't get any tag This computer is old and retarded. Well, you only have it on your computer. Yeah, okay And you can't get text there. I'm trying to send it to you Okay, oh, it's it's like Chaos studio Mac. I think I'm Mac Forget it. Don't even worry about it. It's not even worth it Not even worth it. Did you tweet it or anything go to Danny jokes on Twitter?
Starting point is 01:44:23 He can't play audio though. I can okay go to Danny jokes on Twitter and Go down you see where the 60 minutes one is and you can add this guy is so funny, dude This is so funny. I Got it right. Yeah, just play it. It's so good. He's gotten so good at this AI shit I wish I had time to do this. It concerns me though. Doesn't it concern you a little bit? No, because it makes me laugh. No, but when this is going to be used for ill, this is going to be a real problem, bro.
Starting point is 01:44:51 Yeah, here we go. Ready? Watch this, guys. Can't stop watching. ... into Donald Trump's second term. And among the many controversial moves he has already made, maybe the most controversial is taking a bulldozer to USAID. Cutting hundreds of positions at programs responsible for making the world a better
Starting point is 01:45:10 place, we caught up with one former employee to get his side of things. What a bullshit. People are really scared right now. My job at USAID is spreading LGBTQIA plus causes in countries that otherwise wouldn't be receptive to them. And without USAID, this work could not be done. Under Walker, millions of dollars was distributed to many different causes, such as $7.9 million to teach Sri Lankan journalists how to avoid binary gendered language, $5.5 million for LGBT activism in Uganda, $1.5 million to promote
Starting point is 01:45:50 LGBT advocacy in Jamaica, and many similar programs. The work that we're doing to advance LGBTQIA plus issues is very important. For example, we spent $1.5 million to promote LGBT activism in Jamaica. Now many people know Jamaicans are some of the most homophobic people on earth, so what we did is we took that $1.5 million and split it ten ways among ten different Jamaican men, all for the hope that they will no longer be homophobic. And how did that work out for you? They said they'd think about it.
Starting point is 01:46:24 I mean, it's probably a no, but that's a tough nut to crack. But here's the thing, homophobia is ingrained in so many cultures all over the world, which is why we need these endless sums of money to promote this stuff. What is your response to people that say U.S. taxpayers shouldn't be funding stuff like this? Unless you try, you can't be successful. Nobody really wants to talk about any of USAID's wins. Take for example, a program we had in the 90s to advance LGBTQIA plus issues in the country of Canada. Now it's currently shut down because it's no longer necessary, but everybody knows Canada is maybe
Starting point is 01:47:02 the gayest country on earth. I mean, can you think of a gayer country? Exactly. And we can do that to countries all over the world. We just need the resources. The future of USAID remains murky, meaning U.S. taxpayers will no longer be able to make countries all over the world gay against their will. That means no drag stories for children in Afghanistan, or drag queens at all for that matter. And the bureaucrats now out of work will have difficulty finding private sector jobs, making countries gay, as those are few and far between.
Starting point is 01:47:39 What would you tell Elon Musk and Donald Trump if they're watching right now? Making the planet gay is vital to American interest, and it is in the best interest of every American that we gay up the entire planet. And the people at USAID have proudly served their country, no homo, and importantly, they don't have any other skills to feed their families if this goes away. That's so funny. Now the one was definitely he... the first, the beginning of it. The thing at the end was AI for sure.
Starting point is 01:48:09 The one where he was like, you know, drag queens in Afghanistan, that seemed like AI ish, right? I would assume so. Cause I can't believe they would pull that for six to minutes. Yeah. The end of it, you can kind of tell you can see his mouth a little blurry, very little though. So as you guys know uh this show is
Starting point is 01:48:26 i've said it a thousand times i will continue to say it every day every episode top top 100 in comedy podcast for eight years running okay and have and a big reason for that is we're always right even when we're wrong we're probably right and did I say not many years ago, many, many years ago, did I say they didn't want you flying? I was the first, dude, I was the first. There was nobody else saying that. Me, daddy, sweet daddy, Adam Green said you, oh, you might be on the sun. Isaac Weissup said I was right about it everyone says I'm right and here it is Just straight up aren't you a little nervous since you mean you called it and you keep flying too though I mean I gotta work. I know yeah, I got so many mouths to feed That would be the craziest thing if I went down and be like oh my own prophecy got me Oh, you know how we're gonna clip that oh look Sam called it and he fit it's gonna be the worst. Yeah, which one you guys gonna run my memorial? I will do it together. Well, do you think Dana's gonna let us do anything? Oh, yeah
Starting point is 01:49:34 She's gonna find out for sure. We'll have one we won't tell her about and then people like dude does it pay? Just a comedy chaos Dana's gonna try to book it full but dude, how does the plane land on it? It's weird, right? So the logic on that supposedly was that when it was landing a gust of wind hit it and flipped it. I mean Yes, super weird dude. They're like, did you see it land? Yeah, like did you see it land? Yeah, like planes aren't used to wind in the air, you know They're not cool with the wind and a little bit of wind in a flip some Dude and then they made that video where they're like
Starting point is 01:50:11 With a girl like the pilots are singing and stuff like that. It just looks bad. It just looks bad I didn't see that. What is that? Let me see if I can find it. I would just describe. What is it? It's a basically a Delta commercial bragging about all the women That they've hired related to this. Okay, they're like, oh look at me. We hired all these chicks We love the land planes and it's like crash bang boom. Well, they said this this was an experienced crew though, right? Was this a female pilot? I haven't I mean dude, mean, dude, I mean, again, we never talk to women about their experiences, that's illegal. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 01:50:48 Right, that's just wrong. It's funny, my mom had been saying for a while that it was gonna be another one really soon because there's always three, you know, she's superstitious, she always grew up thinking like, oh, there's always three crashes. I'm down with that, I totally agree with that. And this was the third one, so.
Starting point is 01:50:59 Yep, I agree with that, I agree with that. And it's just over and over and over again. I'm trying to find it, I can't find it, I'm sorry. But it's like, yeah dude, they don't want you flying. If they want you to 50 minute city, why do they want you flying? Yeah, that's it, right? It's just crazy to me.
Starting point is 01:51:17 And I just hope that, you know what else is crazy to me? Is when there's no, Johnny, I just send you math... YouTube math questions. Did you see that? It's so long that math question. I go, why are we doing this? I just go, why? You like watching those. I do. I love that.
Starting point is 01:51:40 Because I like to see if I can figure them out. A math question? Have you ever figured one out? Yeah, sometimes I get them right. Those long equations. Yeah, sometimes I do or like where you got to use like Like parentheses over like it goes hem does there's like a thing. He's over. See I had to seize What is it? I looked at my glasses. Yeah, Penn does yeah. Yeah, you can figure it out You like doing stuff like that. I love that shit You can figure it out. You like doing stuff like that. I love that shit. I love it. It's a parentheses
Starting point is 01:52:11 Exclamation. What is it? It's not exclamations. What is he? What is the E in there? I don't know exponents What is it? It's the exponents the ones at the top. Yeah, okay parentheses exponents division multiplication adding subtracting That's crazy. I could watch that all day. I Love that shit long math, but I'm like I go why where where's the supply? Where am I using this in real life nowhere ever? I mean unless you're launching fake rockets to launder money for NASA 100% Just make us so dumb. We can't even figure out how you're lying to us. Yeah, that's great, right? Yeah, anything else guys anything else we missed I just wanted to say one thing he was talking about
Starting point is 01:52:50 I wouldn't it be cool if we could get on the radio around here, dude We should like figure out how to buy like a radio and just do some pirate radio or something I do like he's on the radio in Canada wouldn't it be cool to just be broadcasting it I have my own radio station on Sam Tripoli calm but like oh, you know, so that you can hear in your car. Well, you know, it's weird. Like I'm really in this mood where I just don't even want to do anything but my podcast. Like, why is that weird? That's your thing, man. That's your, yeah, but I don't want to go on big podcasts. I feel like I have to, to sell tickets and stuff. We got to promote these shows,. Yeah, I know but I kind of just want to disappear And just do do my shows and my thing
Starting point is 01:53:29 I mean as much as you might not believe it I love when you go on other people's like when I see you go on temples I'm like, oh, I'm definitely gonna watch it because they love they love the I know it's coming and they don't know it's coming So something I'm like, it's just chaos. It's chaos Like I think you got to flat earth last time with Tim pool and they kind of weren't feeling it, but they're like, it's okay Sam. I mean dude, it's very weird when people are into politics and but they're not, if you're into any conspiracy whatsoever, how can't you be like there's more conspiracies? Why do you think it would be simple right versus left?
Starting point is 01:53:59 I don't even know. Guys go to samtriplee.com. Check it out. Again, I'm going to be in Phoenix, Arizona Kentucky Fort Wayne Detroit Tacoma more dates coming up. I kind of book as I go go down all the every Dude, the mark passeo is already getting crazy feedback Yeah, people are like intent it isn't he was intense I like it go down Johnny premium content. I'm putting up three four episodes a week all the time I mean, I'm just putting up episodes constantly to a day sometimes
Starting point is 01:54:39 And you're getting stuff on Sam Tripoli comme.com that you can only get on samtriplee.com meaning whatever this is, which is my new show I'm doing with Brad Binkley and... You're doing another show? Well, it's just premium content. But I give them names, Johnny, so they know exactly what they're getting into. You never tell me... You always tell me you have no time to do anything and then... It's just more... It's more content. And I... You're the king of content, brother time to do anything and then it's just more it's more content and ah You're the you're the king of content brother. I will give you credit for the awesome Picard We're doing that together, and then there's the dangers danger so you don't even see listed there Okay, eight dollars a month don't forget to scrolling. I actually enjoyed No, I mean it's a lot he has but that doom scrolling if you say it like that? I actually kind of enjoy it. Like it's normally- No, no, no, no, no, because there's a lot- It's normally sucks, probably.
Starting point is 01:55:25 I don't watch- No, I don't- I mean it's a lot he has, but that doom scrolling, if you watch it, he just clicks points and it's just random, like it's just random. And you love the video too, and I'm like, I've seen that one, I want to know his reaction to it. Yeah, it's a great show, and Midnight Mike is great. Johnny, talk about Cash Daddies real quick. Well, I'll talk about Cash Daddies. I'll say- Oh, shit, it's up. Bank and Faddies, we say, is what the phrase over there means. making moolah cash money dollar bills. That's what we do my play right now Johnny Coca-Cola uber Cozum I'm a Uber. Those are what I'm playing right now
Starting point is 01:55:56 I'm buying tons of that and he launched it behind it or just how to feel it He just likes coke and diet coke Well, I feel like I saw this video going, why buy a house where you can just buy a shit ton of Coca-Cola and make money off that every month when you don't have to pay for the upkeep on a house, you don't have to deal with renters, you can just make a fat cash, you know? So he said if you buy $500,000 worth, let's say, of Coca-Cola stock. You could make almost two grand a month forever. Assuming there are no problems or anything.
Starting point is 01:56:31 Yeah, right. I mean, it's at an all-time high right now. Right. So, I mean, like, that doesn't sound like a lot, but if you do that over years. 2.77% dividend, you know. Right? You do that over years,
Starting point is 01:56:41 but you're gonna have to take care of these houses, you're gonna have to fix them up, you're gonna have tenants fucking them up, not paying the rent, all that shit. No, I mean, as dividend paying stocks go, yeah, it's up there for sure. And then Uber, they say, is about to explode. I believe that, yeah. Yeah. Oh, more because of the automated driving?
Starting point is 01:56:56 Oh, no, they're gonna get into shipping. They already are in shipping. They're getting into everything, so they say that's going up, so those are my two plays right now. Uber's got its logic, I like it. Uber's gonna be the everything company. Yeah that's why I'm buying tons of that so uh so listen to Cash Days that's where I learned it he teaches you how to invest and it's oh it's 20 bucks seems like a lot you're like oh it's a lot of money but if you play the cards right and the community tells you how to play you'll make that. No we make no guarantees. We make no guarantees,
Starting point is 01:57:27 but we feel like you will do it. But there's daily posts. There's almost daily posts. Multiple daily posts. Yeah. So just, yeah, I'm like looking at it. It's like three, three, five days ago. He tells you what to do. I'm in Nike too. Um, go back. Uh, chaos twins. That's coming out. We're getting that going okay number two You can also get number one as well one and two those are collectors items then go back new t-shirt alert Yeah Fuck suck dog fuck suck
Starting point is 01:58:00 It is their new t-shirt alert you can can get the fuck suck. That's so cool, dude. Yeah, we're doing this one Don't forget this one. No, it's yeah, everyone's taught all my friends. Love that one the Tim for the podcast Eskimo brothers Say you say that was supposed to look like like I something I wasn't familiar with you There's a famous picture of two two guys in high school And they're standing there and it looks like their hands are in their pockets but really their one hand is down and their shaking hands through the zipper I don't know that, that's weird Yeah, yeah, yeah, so that's why I decided to make that look like
Starting point is 01:58:37 Yeah, what else? Oh yeah, here we go guys We have so many top shelf affiliates. Buy Gold and Silver without them, the show, they make the show possible by sponsoring the studio. So get into that $50 a month, buy it dude. I'm ready to go. That's it, those two links right there? Yeah, those two guys right there. That's funny, I've never seen that.
Starting point is 01:58:59 You're definitely the one on the left, Sam, I do agree. Yeah, right? So we go to Rife Technology, He might be ending it grab it now Ococura hydrogen brown gas grab your you need hydrogen. It can't keeps you young. Uh, Dude, our new affiliate would Pat Miletich. That's right. The mineral king. Hey, dude helps get rid of all of those those Those nasty metals everything out of your body they will dude i'm telling you we had them on last week and it was just absolutely amazing and if you use our promo code you get 15% off your purchases look at that say what say what dude get healthy uh dude talking to uh come free body
Starting point is 01:59:42 this week gonna have my own supplements coming out soon, and I'm gonna give you them cheap That's my goal Harley Ray ah grab those candles crystals sage EMF rocks Let's get into that dirty energy put them all over your house these Faraday bags help block the dirty electricity We've seen people get in shape with Joel Staley. I'm going to get back to him. Brain Supreme. I mean, this guy, he's out of it. He's been completely retarded the last couple of episodes. Brain Supreme, if you're listening, get him some more. Get him some more.
Starting point is 02:00:14 We need him. He came in so high today. We need the line himself. My God. Well, how high was he when he showed up today? Well, I can't attest to his highness, but he smelled high. I can say that. Yeah, I mean, dude, oh, it was like you were like pig pen of weed, right?
Starting point is 02:00:31 My God. And then Prometheus. Guys, if you're looking for social media, we should do something where maybe each one of us jumps on that one time a week for 20 minutes. And we just talk to them. We're going to start doing that nuke social Tim fall hack can stick only a telegram zeros coming back working on that go back down and then all of my Episodes there and doom scrolling is every Tuesday at 2 30 p.m. My radio stations guys
Starting point is 02:01:00 What would you like to promote also get doom scrolling on a podcast app? Yeah, it is. Oh, there you go Go get it. Go leave a review. I work. They just pulls the audio and puts it out Guys, what would you like to promote? Can you also get Doom scrolling on our podcast app? Yeah it is. How does that work? He just pulls the audio and puts it out. So hit the like button, subscribe, go listen, go to Xtreme Marks the Spot. I just did a new poker vlog, so if you want to see me lose money, I'm not going to tell you how much, so go watch that. What are you playing? Hold them? Yeah, no limit.
Starting point is 02:01:24 That's crazy. I got access to record my hands. So why not? Where are you playing? Commerce. Okay. Johnny? That's cool. New Broken Sam is out. Sam is squeaking on Zen. It's very fun. Yeah, I did a Zen and I couldn't stop squeaking. Maybe. Maybe laugh. I mean, it's unlike, you just have to hear it to understand what we're talking about. We also get into all the craziness going on in the world right now Kanye we go deep on Kanye deep on Kanye get a shirt. I know I do have those shoes So I do want those shirts though, cuz I think it'd be hilarious. That should be a new mr. T shirt. I Got coming out. I'm trying to get somebody to make this shirt. No one seems to be able to do it
Starting point is 02:02:02 But that's about it guys. I enjoy these highlights. Here's a clip from the latest Broken Sim. We know we haven't met in a while, but this was just such a funny moment that we'll just do it. So funny. So you had the Democrats showing up at the greatest example of how we allow them to think they have power, right? This is the greatest example of this at all. Here we go. And you have basically the biggest collection of idiots from the Democratic Party show up at the Department of Education demanding to be let in. And this is what happens. We're members of Congress. It's so performative, dude.
Starting point is 02:02:44 It's so, they're such losers. They have the acting skills of those undercover cops from earlier. Watch this. We're members of Congress. We're members of Congress. We're coming in. Don't knock the door. We're coming in. Who are you? Who are you? Who are you?
Starting point is 02:03:01 Who are you? Who are you? Do you have business here? Yes. I have sent the Assistant Secretary a letter alerting her that we would be here today. And we've asked her for a meeting. This is so theater. It's so dumb. It is really that acting level of those undercover cops. What do you do here?
Starting point is 02:03:23 Security responsibility. Get out of here. We pay you to threat to security. Dude, Max Wal- Maxine Maltz is the biggest fraud and the fact that people keep voting for her, which I don't even think they do. I can't believe it. No, her and Wasserman, there's like, there's no way you keep winning. You are not the spokesman for the department. You are a security guard.
Starting point is 02:03:42 Can you identify yourself? We are members of Congress. We have a central department. You don't have guard. Can you identify? We are members of Congress. We have the sense of the front line. You don't have any identification. By the way, what's on his neck? It's a Band-Aid iron. It's not good enough.
Starting point is 02:03:52 We are not a threat to security. By the way, did you see what she said? You don't have any identification. And he pulled it out and she goes, that's not good enough immediately. It's so funny, dude. Yeah. I wish I could get my cursor.
Starting point is 02:04:04 This is an outrage. It's so funny because dude. Yeah. Oh, I wish I could get my cursor. This is an outrage. It's so funny because they keep doing these clips of like all the retarded shit in education right now that stands from that. People don't understand there were times that we didn't have these. These things, we were fine. Totally fine. All right, this top down bullshit. Get rid of it.
Starting point is 02:04:24 It's the bureaucracy, man. It's what Elon was talking about the other day. Dude, have you heard that like 40,000 or like 4,000 homes have gone up for sale in Washington DC area? Oh, I saw that. And then they've done Google searches, lawyers, crimes, and people have been Googling all this shit, like looking for lawyers and shit like that. Well, sue the government no cuz they think they're gonna get sued oh good or they're gonna get charged with crimes oh good that's like you can't be scared the people just don't under like Dana is so lost she's so lost I love her with all my heart she's so lost cuz she still watches MSNBC and MSNBC is just shouting in the dark.
Starting point is 02:05:05 It's Jinsaki. You see Jon Stewart lit her up. Really? I didn't see that. This is a story from ESPN. The Department of Education has revoked its guidance on Title IX and athlete pay. They had said under the Biden administration, it was the policy of the Biden administration that money brought in for NIL should still be split up evenly, men and women. Yeah. I mean, dude, you're about to get, you're about to get, dude, they want to make flag women's flag football into a college sports. You're like, you're just burning money. You're just burning money. Nobody cares. It's dude, flag football is gay as it is. With guys playing it, it's gayer with women playing it. It's terrible. It's terrible.
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Starting point is 02:06:24 Download the Bet MGM Casino app today. BetMGM and GameSense remind you to play responsibly. BetMGM.com for Ts and Cs. 19 plus to wager, Ontario only. Please play responsibly. If you have questions or concerns about your gambling or someone close to you, please contact Connects Ontario at 1-866-531-2600 to speak to an advisor free of charge.
Starting point is 02:06:45 BetMGM operates pursuant to an advisor free of charge. BetMGM operates pursuant to an operating agreement with iGaming Ontario. So Johnny, you know, it's so funny ESPN, they're like, blockbuster WNBA trade. It's like nobody, it's like, it's literally the emperor's new clothes. But in- Unless you mean like literally like a blockbuster
Starting point is 02:07:03 where it went out of business. Yeah, it's going out of business Johnny well played well played but so you know there's all these YouTube play YouTube channels that are doing like hot WNBA talk and you're like you're obviously getting paid you're obviously part of the 45 million dollars that they lose yeah every year going to you you're subsidized you're subsidized to put out this stuff they're paying you to do WNBA hot talk Well, this one guy was talking about that They've kind of blown up the Vegas team and it turns out according to this guy
Starting point is 02:07:35 That nobody likes that. I just checked like the the the the number one DMV They all want out you remember when we show I did you show the video where we're like I just whatever name is the Kelsey plum girl who's like the one hot one? Oh, she's beautiful. She's lecturing her on her fucking whiteness and her privilege, and she just got to sit there and take it. She wanted out. Everybody wants out. No, all these white girls just don't want to play with angry black lesbians
Starting point is 02:08:02 who beat their ass all the time. Cry. It's like, dude, you play in a league that loses money. There's no other group. There's nothing else in the world that's allowed to lose the money that you lose, that you still get paid. I don't care if it's $50,000 or $100,000. You're getting played in a losing corporation. That is privilege. It's what the news used to be for networks, you know, loss leader they would call it. It's for the NBA.
Starting point is 02:08:32 It's a publicity campaign for the NBA. But the problem when you say loss leader, there's like the term loss leader kind of came out, I don't know if it originated, but it was used for casinos, right? Like casinos would give you a cheap show Yeah, that's it cheap entertainment, and then they would just bring you of all your cash gambling And like Johnny how many times have I told you that Vegas is in trouble that they they're too expensive That they they're nickel-and-dime in everybody and there was there's this word that like Vegas wasn't nearly as packed as they thought was gonna be for the Super Bowl Because it's too expensive. You're getting paid a you're getting paid you're having to pay a
Starting point is 02:09:14 What's it called fee every day a resort fee every day of like $30. Oh at least now They're making you pay for parking too. Yeah, dude I had to pay $50 a day for resort fee the last and then you got pay for parking every day we fly Is this the clip you're talking about John Stewart here with Jen Saki? Yeah, they like talking each other and he laughs in her face Yeah, yeah, yeah, we'll just watch this then we'll go 18 second by the way, she was part of a Zionist think tank just so you know, really? Yeah Cheney is Very heroic. Wait, what so you know. Really? Yeah. I also think Liz Cheney is very heroic.
Starting point is 02:09:45 Wait, what? How did that, wait, where did that come from? Here we are. Here we are. What the? But I don't think closing the campaign with a message about fighting democracy with a former Republican member of Congress was the right strategy. I also think Liz Cheney-
Starting point is 02:10:02 Is that what you're talking about? Him laughing in her face? Yeah, because what she's talking about is Kamala Harris and her her campaign yeah when she went out and how like again you like this lets you know the uniparty she's saying yes Liz Cheney who's been rejected by every party even her home state is somehow brave it's's crazy. Yeah. Um, and we'll end with this. They, by the way, Rogan was talking about the left. The Rogan, John Stewart would fit that perfectly.
Starting point is 02:10:33 He's, he's loved by the old school progressives because there was a time when Republicans bad Democrats good that he shined and now they've come back and both sides get it. He doesn't have anything. can't he can't do it They're gonna have to concede that the crazies in their own party, which is what he's doing right there are crazy like the right to that to the super uber conservative religious right that we're like Hate gays all that stuff the Republicans kind of had to go. Okay. Yeah chill out. Yeah chill We're not gonna win anything with you you we're just not you can do you but we're not gonna be able to win the majority you can't be in the party you ever we
Starting point is 02:11:12 talked about this years ago about how they were saying that Republicans will never learn win another election a national yeah they said they became a regional party a side part right and then look what happened immediately it flipped down and I say this all the time. Like you know, we talk about Pearl Harbor, we talk about 9-11, but I'm telling you, Hillary Clinton kneecapping Bernie Sanders. If you'd like to hear the rest of this episode, subscribe to Broken Simulation in your podcasting app or check us out at youtube.com slash Sam Tripoli.
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