Today in Digital Marketing - 115: Finally! We Can Edit Tweets! (Sort of.)

Episode Date: March 12, 2020

It’s here! An Edit Tweet button. Sort of. A much simpler way to make your ads augmented reality Instagram’s upcoming feature could help you build your brand’s IGTV library a lot faster An...d the surprising history behind the Coronavirus song heating up TikTok Can you help spread the word? Review this podcast at AND/OR click to preview a tweet you can publish Today in Digital Marketing is brought to you by engageQ digital. Can we help you with YOUR brand’s digital marketing and social media? Let’s chat. or call 1-855-863-6233. TOD’S SOCIAL MEDIA: Tod’s web site: Tod’s agency: LinkedIn: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: TikTok: Mixer: SOURCES: --- Send in a voice message: Sponsors:* Check out Kinsta: https://kinsta.comPrivacy & Opt-Out:

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Starting point is 00:00:18 starting at $19 per month at Be protected. Be Zen. It is Thursday, March the 12th, 2020. Happy World Kidney Day. I'm Todd Maffin from EngageQ Digital. Today, it's here, an edit tweet button, sort of. A much simpler way to make your ads augmented reality. Instagram's upcoming feature could help you build your brand's IGTV library a lot faster And the surprising history behind the coronavirus song that is currently heating up TikTok Here's what you missed today in Digital Marketing Finally, it's here friends
Starting point is 00:00:58 The long-awaited edit tweet button Yes, it exists now Just not quite in the form you think it's in It's through a third-party app called Brizly. You might remember that app's name. It used to be one of the many run-of-the-mill Twitter clients. Now they're back and have repositioned to be a kind of set of power user tools. Here's how it'll work. When you use their platform to post a tweet, it won't go out right away. Instead, it'll hold it for anywhere from 10 seconds to 10 minutes.
Starting point is 00:01:27 And within that gap, you can edit to your heart's content because it's not technically out yet. You might be familiar with this model if you use Gmail. Gmail has an undo send button, but all it's actually doing is holding your email for about a half minute after you press the send button, and then you've got a bit of time to pull it back before it actually sends. This isn't the first app to try to hack an edit function into Twitter. The popular Twitterific app added a one-click way to delete a tweet and replace it with a new one. One presumably without the typo. But none of these actually edited the same tweet on Twitter's actual platform. Why has Twitter not put an edit button in? So far, they say it's because they don't want people to change the meaning of tweets after
Starting point is 00:02:10 people have responded to it. Here's an extreme example. Someone tweets a photo of a cute puppy, generates hundreds of tweet replies saying how cute it is, then the original poster edits that tweet and posts a photo of a Holocaust victim in its place. Yes, that would suck. But the other platforms figured this out long ago. On Facebook, they disclosed the fact that a post has been edited, and you can click the Edited link to see all the versions. Why can't Twitter do that? Who knows?
Starting point is 00:02:39 They seem quite against editing tweets. Brizly will cost $6 US per month. If you've ever wanted to play with augmented reality for your brand, but didn't have the budget or the means to set a whole campaign up around it, Snapchat has introduced a way to make that easier. Their new Lens Web Builder will now let you create AR lens campaigns right within their ads manager. Plus, you don't need to be
Starting point is 00:03:05 particularly creative. They've got hundreds of 3D templates you can start with and then customize to fit your brand. This is actually kind of a big deal. It used to take weeks to get a single AR campaign up on Snapchat. Now it can be done in minutes. And if you're thinking, wait a minute, I thought I could already build AR campaigns on Snapchat. Yes, you can. That's Lens Studio you're thinking of. That is, of course, a much more robust system focused on advanced 3D modeling techniques. This new Lens Web Builder is simpler and easier to use. You can bid programmatically for the AR ads created with Lens Web Builder, so that means no minimum budget and access to the full set of audience targeting. Instagram is working on a new video feature that could be a really nice addition to your marketing efforts if you do a lot of Instagram Lives for your brand. Right now, when your live
Starting point is 00:03:57 broadcast is over, you can either delete it or let it sit in your stories for 24 hours and then it's gone. Reverse engineering expert Jane Wong has discovered they're testing letting you share your Instagram live streams to IGTV as soon as it's over. So lots of ways you might be able to use that for your brand. Not the least of which is it would be a much faster way to build up your IGTV content library. No word on a release date, but Instagram does seem to be putting more effort on IGTV these days, so this could come soon. All right, coronavirus as it applies to digital marketing. A really solid piece in marketing land today about the impact of COVID-19 and e-commerce. They say there is early evidence of increased
Starting point is 00:04:42 online sales, which makes sense. Quoting the blog post, one bullish scenario argues that consumers will shift more and more purchases online as they avoid public places, with Amazon, delivery services, and the online divisions of major retailers as the biggest beneficiaries. Indeed, foot traffic in shopping malls is down. However, supply chain issues, product shortages, and potentially declining consumer demand could also blunt e-commerce growth if the economy falters or goes into recession. If you are in the e-commerce space, the full article is worth a read. Link in the show notes. If you're one of the many who are working from home now, LinkedIn is removing the pay gate from a handful of their video training courses. The courses cover ways to build relationships when you're not face-to-face,
Starting point is 00:05:31 using virtual meeting tools like Skype or Zoom, and finding a healthy work-life balance while working from home. Also, if you search for things on LinkedIn like hashtag WFH, that's work from home, or hashtag remote work, LinkedIn will offer some best practices on how to do those. Google has postponed their Google Webmaster conferences. They've hinted they may be announcing a virtual attendance option soon. Over on Twitter yesterday, the company sent all employees home to work remotely.
Starting point is 00:05:59 All of them across the globe. Just a couple of days earlier, they had, quote, strongly encouraged working from home. Now it's mandatory. Currently, there is a COVID-19 related tweet every 45 milliseconds. Coronavirus is already the second most used hashtag of 2020. It's Corona time. Hey, it's Corona time right now If you're on TikTok a lot, you've almost certainly heard this little ditty It seems to be the unofficial backing track for any video about the COVID-19 coronavirus And you might think, that's clever, someone found an old Mexican track and used it here
Starting point is 00:06:38 Nope, it's not at all how it got out there Turns out this was created specifically for this whole little mess the world has gotten itself into. It was first uploaded to YouTube only on February 3rd. That's about a month after the initial reports of the pandemic. And it was created on a smartphone video production app. It has been used millions of times. COVID-19 caught up to us here at the agency big time today. We handle the social media engagement and moderation for dozens of brands,
Starting point is 00:07:10 including shopping centers, major sports events, and so on. One of our clients is the largest road race in Canada, 45,000 runners. That run was scheduled to go one month from now. All that to say, it is possible. In fact, I would say it's likely that there will not be an episode tomorrow because we are all going to be all hands on deck over here. 45,000 runners. All of them apparently have a Twitter account. It's going to be a day. Well, if you get value from this daily show, please rate and review this podcast. You'll
Starting point is 00:07:41 find a link in this episode's description that makes this a simple one click. Follow me on social. Links to my channels are in this episode's description. I'm Todd Maffin. Please stay safe, friends. I will either see you tomorrow or on Monday.

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