Today in Digital Marketing - 127: The Link Building Strategy You Need to Stop Doing
Episode Date: April 7, 2020How to get your Facebook ad campaign bumped to the front of the review queue Your brand’s content is less likely to go viral on one of Facebook’s main platforms as of today And the SEO that you MIGHT be using, and which Google now says you should NOT be using Special thanks to our sponsor for this episode: Business Communication. Simplified. Can you help spread the word? Review this podcast at AND/OR click to preview a tweet you can publish Today in Digital Marketing is produced by engageQ digital. Can we help you with YOUR brand’s digital marketing and social media? Let’s chat. TOD’S SOCIAL MEDIA: Tod’s web site: Tod’s agency: LinkedIn: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: TikTok: Mixer: SOURCES: --- Send in a voice message: Sponsors:* Check out Kinsta: https://kinsta.comPrivacy & Opt-Out:
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It is Tuesday, April 7th, 2020.
Happy World Health Day, and perhaps just coincidentally, National Beer Day.
I'm Todd Maffin from EngageQ Digital.
Today, how to get your Facebook ad campaign bumped to the front of the review queue,
your brand's content is less likely to go viral on one of Facebook's main platforms as of today,
and the SEO strategy that you might be using,
which Google now says you should not be using.
Here's what you missed,
today in digital marketing, sponsored by
All right, let's get the COVID news out of the way.
If your brand has had its content blocked by Facebook
because its automatic moderators
have inaccurately tripped on something that you've posted,
you are not alone, because many of Facebook's human moderators have inaccurately tripped on something that you've posted, you are not alone.
Because many of Facebook's human moderators are at home,
and owing to the nature of the things they have to review can't do that work at home,
the platform is using a lot more AI-based moderators.
And brands have been reporting their posts have been blocked by those bots,
most recently from a group that was showing people how to make do-it-yourself face masks.
If this happens to your brand on the organic side, there's not really a lot you can do other than create another post and try to rip out some of the problem words.
If it's on the ad side, you can try to appeal it or just simply change the ad text.
More than half the news consumed on Facebook in the U.S. right now is about COVID-19.
No surprise here, but in case you're curious, 87% of U.S. consumers and 80% of U.K. consumers say they are consuming more content across various media since the coronavirus outbreak.
The biggest increases? Broadcast television, online video, and online television streaming.
The stats are about what you'd expect.
Millennials and Gen Zs are watching more online videos than do Gen X and Baby Boomers.
Interestingly, though, men and respondents with higher income are more likely than women
and respondents with lower income to have increased their media consumption.
The chance that your brand's content will go viral on WhatsApp is getting kneecapped today.
As of this afternoon, any message that has been forwarded five or more times
will now no longer be able to be forwarded except by doing it one person at a time.
Facebook, which owns WhatsApp, says that they are doing it to clamp down
on the spread of conspiracy theories and misinformation.
Last year, they limited users to only being able to forward a message to more than five users at one time. It's especially interesting because Facebook doesn't actually know what
messages people are sending via WhatsApp. That's because they use end-to-end encryption. Even they
can't read the messages. But they say anecdotal evidence and analyzing the metadata has given them cause to implement this.
Still ahead, the SEO technique that you may be using right now that is hurting your ranking.
And the three-second fix to your Facebook ad campaign that could move it to the front of the review queue.
That's in a minute when Today in Digital Marketing continues.
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That's T-R-E-S-T-A dot com slash today. The practice is known as Web 2.0 link building,
and one of Google's top engineers says if you're doing it for your brand's website,
it's probably doing more harm than good. Quoting,
Web 2.0 link building is where you sign up at, typically, social microblogging sites. it's probably doing more harm than good. Quoting,
Web 2.0 link building is where you sign up at, typically, social microblogging sites.
After you sign up, you are granted a subdomain or a web space where you can blog and publish links to yourself.
Examples of sites that have been abused in Web 2.0 link building are Tumblr, Reddit, Alexa, Slideshare, Medium, and Quora.
An example of how in the past some have obtained a free link on someplace like Tumblr is to sign up, get a subdomain of Tumblr,
then create blog posts with links back to the spammer's website.
The strategy itself is so simple to plan that a third grader with a juice box
and 10 minutes to spare could have created it,
unquote. In a recent Google Hangouts with John Mueller from Google, he said, knock that off.
All of those examples that you mentioned are really terrible ways of promoting your website.
So that's something where if you hire an agency and they go off and post links on Tumblr,
on classified sites and free posting sites, and they claim that and post links on Tumblr, on classified sites, and free posting sites,
and they claim that this is going to help your website,
then I would move to some other agency.
So just to be really clear, this kind of activity
has zero value for SEO.
It's not something where you're promoting your website
in any way, but rather, essentially,
they're spamming the web.
So that's something I would strongly
discourage anyone from doing.
On the other hand, creating really fantastic content
and then reaching out to perhaps other sites who
want to talk about that content, that's
like a totally different story.
So it's not the case that I would say
any work that you do that results in getting a link is a bad thing. But rather, you should be
focusing on things where you end up getting natural links because of the value of your
content that you're providing. For the record, Mueller did not specifically say it hurts your
ranking, only that it doesn't help.
But we know from years of Google statements that when they say that, they mean we will derank you for this.
I'm going to share something that we think we may have cracked here at my agency at EngageQ.
And I will warn you, this is just anecdotal.
We have not done a study on this.
I haven't seen anyone else do a study on this.
But we've tested it a few times, and it does seem to work, at least for our ad account. What am I talking about?
Review queues. As you know, nearly every ad campaign you set up on Facebook's platform gets reviewed by a human moderator to make sure it's complying with their ad policies.
And with COVID-19 happening, those review queues can be long. One thing we've noticed, and again, this could be coincidental,
is that by changing the budget by even just a dollar, this appears to move us quite far up the
review queue. Campaigns that were taking a day to get approved will get approved within the hour
after a small budget change. So we did test this a little bit. We ran two nearly identical campaigns. We let one
be normal. The other, we increased the budget by just $1 after an hour in the queue. That budget
increase campaign was approved 45 minutes later. The other one that we didn't touch took 17 hours.
Again, big caveat here. This may be a fluke, but it's been working for us for about a week now.
Your mileage may vary. Also, in the
random things that people have noticed, DTC Pro David Herman said on Twitter this morning he's
been removing the call to action on his Facebook feed ads. That's in the headline section, and his
click-through rate has increased. Weird. Anyway, maybe stuff you can test for your own account.
Finally, a new app from the developer NPE Team is out.
It's called Tuned, and it's meant for couples.
The app describes itself as a private space where you and your significant other can just be yourselves.
This is notable because, in case you didn't know, NPE Team is secretly Facebook.
That's the code name for their new product experimentation team.
My wife and I tried it out, and it is really, really stupid.
It's basically like a scaled-down private Facebook for just two people.
It's only available in Canada and the U.S. right now.
I expect they will probably kill it in a few months.
Thanks again to for sponsoring this episode.
Do check them out,
I hope you're doing well.
I hope you're healthy and that your people are well.
I'll talk to you tomorrow.