Today in Digital Marketing - 159: Why Is Google Rewriting Your Metadata?!
Episode Date: May 26, 2020Amazon fights the loss of third-party cookies with first-party podcasts, retail ecommerce marketers just got some big love from Google Ads, why Google is rewriting those meta-descriptions you’ve sla...ved over, and TikTok’s new location function will spell more work for social media community managers. Today in Digital Marketing is produced by Can we help you with YOUR brand’s digital marketing and social media? Email or visit Today’s episode is sponsored by: Help Spread the Word! • Review this podcast at • Click to preview a tweet you can publish Advertising: Reach ~1,000 Digital Marketers • Classifieds ($20) — • Mid-Rolls — TOD’S SOCIAL MEDIA: • Tod’s web site: • Tod’s agency: • LinkedIn: • Twitter: • Instagram: • Facebook: • TikTok: • Mixer: • Xbox Gamertag: Radio#9573 SOURCES: --- Send in a voice message: Sponsors:* Check out Kinsta: https://kinsta.comPrivacy & Opt-Out:
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Amazon fights the loss of third-party cookies with first-party podcasts.
Retail e-commerce marketers just got some big love from Google ads.
TikTok's new location function will spell more work for social media community managers.
And why is Google rewriting those meta descriptions that you slaved over?
It's Tuesday, May 26th. Happy National Book Day, Uruguay.
I'm Todd Mathen from EngageQ Digital.
And here is what you missed today in digital marketing brought to you by Ladder.
Amazon is the latest company said to be moving
into the podcasting business.
Reports say they are planning to buy up podcast networks
related to news and sports.
This, some people believe, is a play for ad revenue
in the local search business.
With third-party cookies starting to disappear
in the coming year or two,
podcasts hosted on their own
platform can have local ads
spat out based on the IP address of the
listener. Quoting Search Engine Journal,
local news and sports podcasts
avoid privacy issues because
listeners self-select themselves
as specific audiences.
A news site targets specific listeners
in a geographic area.
Sports shows can be said to target another demographic made up of males of certain ages.
Funny side story here.
My first job in radio in the early 90s was at a small regional radio network in British Columbia.
It served three markets, Trail, Creston, and Nelson.
And even though the programming all came from Trail, each community would hear a different ad.
The DJ would say, we'll be right back. And then the Trail people would hear a car dealership ad. C each community would hear a different ad. The DJ would say,
we'll be right back. And then the trail people would hear a car dealership ad. Creston would
hear a restaurant. Nelson would hear their own thing. How did this all happen? Remember, this
was around 1991. Cell phones didn't exist. When we needed a mobile phone, we had to use a radio
phone and the help of a special radio phone operator. And actually, how this splitting of the ads by geography worked was amazingly low-tech.
The commercials were all on these cartridges that looked like old 8-track tapes.
They had this machine you could put three carts in and press one button.
Cart one would play to one market, cart two to another, and cart three to the third, all
at the same time.
They laugh if you like, but back then that was like rocket science.
Anyway, back to Amazon.
No official word on their podcast strategy yet,
but they have certainly identified a desire to buy up content
like the huge acquisition of video game streaming site Twitch.
Google Ads has some nice new functionality for retail e-commerce advertisers.
Now you'll be able to see performance by retail category between search and social.
Until now, there wasn't really an easy way to drill down into this,
so digital marketers had to hack it a little,
like making sure they had a specific naming convention in their campaigns or ad sets
and then filtering that element to see results.
For instance, if they sold desks and living room furniture,
they would make sure that each category was in the campaign name somewhere.
Anyway, there's a great piece about this,
complete with screenshots of the new layout over at
If you'd like to check that out, see the link in this episode's notes.
Still ahead, Google will rewrite your metadata if it doesn't like it.
Why are major platforms abandoning their marketing APIs?
And this mobile app's reviews went from 4.5 star average to 1.2 stars literally overnight.
What happened?
That's in a minute, when Today in Digital Marketing continues.
I am not an athlete, but my wife, who is a scientist by training, was on Canada's national
wheelchair basketball team. Today, she coaches. And when I got my vanilla protein powder from
Ladder, I made her try it.
It has a kind of like grown up vanilla pudding kind of feel.
Would you drink that?
Yeah, I'd drink it.
I think it would be great with a banana.
Ladder was founded by LeBron James and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
And unlike other supplements, every batch is tested by a third party to verify the highest quality standards.
My wife and I head to the blender where she finally learns that I lost that top part years ago.
I need something to cover it.
We don't own the thing anymore.
I do this all the time.
You're weird.
Ooh, that's good.
It's good with a banana?
Yeah, it's good taste.
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That's BETTEREVERYDAY for 30% off everything site-wide at
If your digital marketing responsibilities include SEO, then you're probably very familiar with metadata.
Those are hidden fields of text that describe the page to search engines and other bots.
One of the most important for SEO is the description field.
Now, an important thing to note here, the description field doesn't actually help you rank.
Google doesn't consider the text there when it comes to how high up a search result page you should land.
Other things matter, like heading structure, page speed, how mobile-friendly it is, and about a million other factors.
But the description field is important for your click-through rate because that's the text that rides underneath the page title in Google search results. For instance, under the listing of this podcast,
you'll see text reading, a fast-paced eight-minute rundown of what you missed in the world of digital marketing and social media. The description, of course, is meant to entice people to click.
So imagine the surprise when people discovered that Google was just straight up rewriting those descriptions.
Now, this wasn't manual, of course.
They don't have a bunch of staff in a dark room feverishly changing your text.
It was all automated.
And Google's John Mueller has now explained why that happens.
Basically, if they think that your existing description is low quality, they will find other text on your site to put there,
even if you have put that meta description in place on purpose. And what you ask is low quality
to Google? The old crap like keyword stuffing, or maybe your description is picking up strange text
in the alt tags of images. But overall, if it feels the meta description you've put in
isn't a good match for the search query the user inputs
it might tweak your text
one viral video that's all it took for tiktok's average review rating to plummet on google's
play store from four and a half stars to 1.2 stars over the course of just one night
the video was from an ind Indian influencer who attempted a comedy sketch
about a woman being assaulted in an acid attack.
I mean, what the f***? Holy.
And then three things happened in succession.
Two of them we'd expect.
One was a little surprising.
Thing one, the guy apologized.
It was just a joke, dude.
Thing two, TikTok pulled the video.
And surprising thing three, TikTok pulled the video. And surprising thing
three, Google pulled the reviews. Yeah, they deleted all of the negative reviews that flooded
in saying that people were just setting up bot accounts to downrank the app. Even with this
mitigation, though, TikTok's average rating on the Play Store at the time that I write this
is 1.4 stars.
The share of Android devices, of course, is much higher in India,
so much so that over on Apple's App Store,
TikTok's average rating sitting mostly unchanged at 4.6 stars.
Speaking of TikTok, there are some screenshots circulating around the Twitters today that shows them testing the ability to add a location to your videos.
So if you shoot video at a sports stadium or at a specific park, you can tag it.
This, of course, has repercussions for the social media community managers among you.
If they roll this out more widely, and of course they're going to, and you are hypersensitive about the media monitoring you do for your brand,
this will be something else that you will need to keep an eye on.
I don't think this is available in their API,
and probably won't be for a while,
so this will be something you'll be doing manually on your phones.
Similar to how Instagram actually took this API functionality away.
Used to be, third-party platforms like Sprout Social
could pull location data from Instagram photos
and put posts it found that were tagged with a specific location,
like, say, your office, into their customers' inboxes for review.
Then they stashed it under a separate area
because Instagram took away the ability to comment on those posts,
and now they're just gone.
Like, you can't monitor Instagram locations at all
unless you do it manually on your phone. It's dumb, and now they're just gone. Like, you can't monitor Instagram locations at all unless you do it manually on your phone.
It's dumb, and I don't get it.
All right, lots in the lightning round today.
If you market on Shopify,
are you neglecting perhaps the biggest asset you have there,
your Shopify blog?
Check the link in this episode's notes for more on that.
A new study has found that more than half of employees at advertising and marketing agencies say they are working longer hours since the whole COVID-19 thing.
59%, to be precise, that is higher than the 55% of professionals among all industries who say that they are also working longer.
Strange bug over at the social media platform Buffer.
Apparently, customers with pro subscriptions were being downgraded automatically.
Something to do with subscriptions through iTunes and Google Play.
They say they fixed it, but if you still find yourself on a downgraded plan suddenly, be sure to reach out to them.
Facebook has new blueprint courses for digital marketers.
15 in all.
They include mapping the customer journey, how to create and manage a content calendar, and creating authentic messaging.
Links to those courses in this show notes.
Spotify now lets you add as many songs to your personal library as you like.
Previously, you could only add 10,000 songs to it.
TikTok now makes more money each month from in-app charges
than any other non-gaming app, including YouTube.
That revenue comes from digital currency that you buy to gift creators
who then convert that currency into real money.
Hertz has now joined the growing list of big name companies filing for creditor protection.
That list includes JCPenney's, Neiman Marcus, J.Crew and Pier One.
And finally, because we all need a bit of comedy, U.S. President Donald Trump says he is considering setting up a commission to investigate social media. Because something something anti-conservative bias.
Saying the radical left is in total command and control of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Google.
If you found this podcast through one of those recommended for you listings,
that happened because people rated and reviewed the show.
And if you're getting value from this short daily news podcast,
please consider paying it forward by doing the same.
You will find a link in this episode's description that makes rating and reviewing this podcast a simple one-click process.
Special thanks to Ladder for sponsoring this episode.
Remember, you can check them out at
I'm Todd Maffin. Talk to you tomorrow.
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