Today in Digital Marketing - 198: Immoral, Obscene, and Vulgar.
Episode Date: July 21, 2020Today: The Facebook ad boycott is bigger than we thought… how to get your brand’s web site content in the search engine the second it goes live… Pinterest may subsidize your ad campaigns… and ...guess which country is pissed at TikTok now? Today’s episode is brought to you by Today in Digital Marketing is produced by Can we help you with YOUR brand’s digital marketing and social media? Email or visit Help Spread the Word! • Review Us: • Click to preview a tweet you can publish Advertise on This Podcast Learn more at Tod’s Social Media • Tod’s web site: • Tod’s agency: • LinkedIn: • Twitter: • Instagram: • Facebook: • TikTok: • Twitch: • Xbox Gamertag: Radio#9573 Music Theme music by Mark Blevis. Unless otherwise stated, all other mechanical, master, synchronization and public performance music rights licensed by Source Audio. Transcripts Episode Transcripts: Sources --- Send in a voice message: Sponsors:* Check out Kinsta: https://kinsta.comPrivacy & Opt-Out:
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Today, the Facebook ad boycott is bigger than we thought.
How to get your brand's website content in the search engine the second it goes live.
Pinterest may subsidize your ad campaigns.
And guess which country is pissed at TikTok now?
It's Tuesday, July 21st, 2020.
Happy National Day, Belgium.
I'm Todd Mathven from EngageQ Digital.
And here is what you missed today in digital marketing brought to you by
Last month, a number of brands announced that they would be participating in a boycott of Facebook advertising this month.
For some, it was a response to what they saw as Facebook's refusal to take down U.S. President Donald Trump's incendiary posts.
For others, it was a way to jump on board a growing social movement.
And a handful of those saying they wouldn't advertise in July
didn't advertise anyway in the summer usually.
And what many media reported, including myself,
was that most of the big advertisers,
the ones that make up a significant chunk of Facebook's revenues,
were not participating.
Now, it appears it wasn't that simple.
An analysis by Media Matters for America says they found a number of brands did halt all Facebook
ads this month without coming out with an announcement about it. Those brands include
Disney, Walmart, McDonald's, Kellogg's, Allstate, Dell, Geico, Ikea, Kohl's, and Peloton.
Those brands spent more than $335 million on Facebook ads last
year. Walmart alone spent $145 million of that. Altogether, it's estimated that more than 400
companies are boycotting Facebook this month. Perhaps not coincidentally, just today, for the
first time, Facebook put a note at the bottom of one of Trump's posts.
The post claimed the upcoming American election in November would be corrupted by mail-in ballots.
Under that post, Facebook added a note saying,
Get official voting info on how to vote in the 2020 U.S. election at
But the real question, is the boycott hurting Facebook?
You tell me.
This week, the company's stock hit a record high.
Well, here's the WordPress plugin we all want. The second you hit publish on a new web page,
it gets indexed in the search engine immediately. No waiting for the bot to crawl your site map,
nothing. Just publish and it's there. And as of today,
that plugin exists. But it's not for Google. It's for Bing, Microsoft's competitor to Google.
Still, Bing is not insignificant. A couple of years ago, Microsoft claimed it had a 33% share, which, well, nobody believed. This year, the estimates are around 5%. But that's still a lot
of searches. And this WordPress extension really is plug-and-play.
Of course, you need your Bing API key,
but then anything that you publish on your site
goes directly into Bing's search engine,
making it searchable immediately.
You can submit up to 10,000 URLs per day.
If for some reason you need more than that,
you can manually request more.
Still ahead, a big part of Google,
the one that the SEO industry relies on, is broken today. Thank you. continues. Studies show the most important factor for a successful business is timing,
launching the right product or idea at the right time. Well, now there's a way to do just that. provides you trends and opportunities before others spot them and
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multiple companies to the millions through finding trends. So check out
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You won't regret it.
There's a big bug today in Google.
The site search operator, that's S-I-T-E, appears to be broken.
You use this when you're trying to restrict search results to a specific website.
So if you were looking for references to TikTok on this podcast's website,
you might search for TikTok site colon
This is particularly troublesome to digital marketers who spend a lot of time in SEO,
since this command is used a whole lot for doing that kind of work.
To be clear, only search results that use that operator are potentially affected here. Your web pages are still in the index just fine, and other search parameters can bring them up.
Google says they're aware of the issue and are working on a fix now.
With much of the U.S. going back into pandemic lockdown,
Pinterest is launching a new content stream for consumers and a new advertising program for digital brand marketers.
The consumer side is called the
Chefs at Home initiative. They've hired 30 professional chefs to share their recipes
and walk people through creating a meal. They say searches for easy at-home recipes are up 12-fold.
And for us digital marketers, $300,000 in free advertising. No, you don't get all of it,
of course. That's the total pool that people will share, obviously. And there is a catch, of course. It is only for the restaurant industry. But if
that's you, you will want to apply to either the National Restaurant Association or the Relief
Opportunities for All Restaurants industry group, as that is where Pinterest is sending its money.
Which brings us to the lightning round.
Instagram today began testing personal fundraisers.
People will be able to either start a cause or support an existing one and promote it as a special link on their bio.
Another country is pissed off at TikTok, this time Pakistan, which has issued what they call a final warning because of, quote, immoral, obscene and vulgar content, unquote.
For its part, TikTok says, hey, we're trying. We've already removed more than three and a half
million videos from Pakistan in the last half of 2019. Neighboring India has already straight up
banned the app over security concerns. Last year, TikTok was the most downloaded app in Pakistan.
Oh, they also banned the popular mobile game PUBG, saying Pakistani youth were
wasting their time. Google has brought back the Twitter carousel to its search engine result pages.
They had disabled it during the high profile hack last week. And if you run ads on Microsoft's Bing,
you can now use any of Shutterstock's 320 million images as part of your campaign.
Two companies have a new partnership that makes the stock image library available
inside the Microsoft ad interface.
This will show up first for
US and UK marketers who are
in Microsoft's audience network beta.
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please consider paying it forward by doing the same.
You'll find a link in this episode's description
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Special thanks to
for sponsoring today's episode.
I'm Todd Maffin.
More from the world of digital marketing tomorrow.
Talk to you then.
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