Today in Digital Marketing - 99: Stories Finally Coming to Twitter?
Episode Date: February 19, 2020Twitter joins the Stories party Canadians can finally hear music Google Ads turns on automatic sharing And one social media influencer pranks her community — in glorious fashion. Can you hel...p spread the word? Review this podcast at AND/OR click to preview a tweet you can publish Today in Digital Marketing is brought to you by engageQ digital. Can we help you with YOUR brand’s digital marketing and social media? Let’s chat. or call 1-855-863-6233. TOD’S SOCIAL MEDIA: Tod’s web site: Tod’s agency: LinkedIn: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: TikTok: Mixer: SOURCES: --- Send in a voice message: Sponsors:* Check out Kinsta: https://kinsta.comPrivacy & Opt-Out:
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Today is Wednesday, February 19th, 2020.
Happy Mexican Army Day.
I'm Todd Maffin from EngageQ Digital.
Today, Twitter joins the stories party,
Canadians can finally hear music,
Google Ads turns on automatic sharing,
and one social media influencer pranks her community
in glorious fashion.
Here's what you missed today in digital marketing.
Some bad news for digital marketers in the B2B space,
as many of them use LinkedIn's Sales Navigator browser extension for Gmail.
It's super handy.
It shows the LinkedIn bio information for anyone who emailed you.
But LinkedIn says it will shut that Gmail extension down come next month.
You may have had a version of this a few years back when it was called Reportive.
It was actually quite a solid extension.
LinkedIn bought it and then basically removed everything that wasn't a LinkedIn data source.
Sort of like how Twitter bought TweetDeck and then stripped out the Facebook support that was in it.
Yes, TweetDeck used to let you manage Facebook too.
And why are they closing it? Oh, I'm sorry, sunsettingDeck used to let you manage Facebook too. And why are they
closing it? I'm sorry, sunsetting it, as they said in the news release. It's just not being
used by enough people to warrant the development support to keep it current. To which I say,
really? Like, really? That's the reason? Because A, I know a ton of people who use the hell out of this,
and more importantly, B, let's look a little deeper into that news release,
which says, further down, you will still be able to access the same information in Outlook.
Outlook, Outlook, that's Microsoft, right?
Who does Microsoft own again?
Oh, yeah, LinkedIn.
So, call me crazy, but maybe this is more about circling the wagons
on your own brand's products
than any excuse about low usage.
All right, three stories about stories today.
Stories, I'm talking about that vertical format here,
like Instagram stories or Snapchat or TikTok.
Stories news number one, guess who's coming to the party?
Apparently Twitter,
but they're not building their own version. They are aqua hiring Chroma Labs, TikTok. Stories news number one, guess who's coming to the party? Apparently Twitter, but
they're not building their own version. They are aqua hiring Chroma Labs, a seven person startup
that was actually founded by some former Facebook developers. Chroma's app lets people edit photos
and videos before sharing them onto the story sections of other platforms. Like this LinkedIn
thing and the TweetDeck thing before it, expect that this app
will suddenly disappear support for anything other than Twitter sometime soon. No word yet on when
Twitter Stories will launch. Stories news number two, some people are seeing a test underway in
the Facebook app. You know that row of stories at the top of the app? Some people are seeing a
button underneath now that says see more stories, which takes them to a screen kind of similar to Instagram's discover page. And stories news number three,
Canadians rejoice. You can now use and hear music clips in your Instagram and Facebook stories.
Here in Canada, of course, our music licensing is different because, well, we're another country,
and it was complicated, much more so than the US
or Europe. I should know. I developed the podcast strategy for Canada's National Public Radio
Network some years back, and we spent a huge amount of time trying to nail down music licensing.
In the end, we just couldn't do it, because the one guy who controlled some of those rights
was like 80 years old, didn't understand podcasts,
didn't like the internet and screw you CBC radio and so on. And that is part of the reason why
until now, if you're in Canada, you'll know that a lot of the stories that we were seeing were muted
along with the message saying something like the audio is muted because blah, blah, licensing rights,
etc. It's been like that for two years. Well, now we have music,
or at least it's on its way in the next day or two.
Also coming, music stickers,
where you can post icons like album covers
to activate songs on Instagram stories.
A nice little addition to Google Ads,
now you can share your remarketing lists
across your manager and sub-accounts.
You've actually always been able to do this with a manager account,
sharing your audience list across accounts,
but it's always been a bit of a hassle and required a bunch of steps.
Well, now you can enable continuous audience sharing in your manager accounts.
Quoting Google, when you opt in,
any remarketing lists you create in your manager account
will be shared with all of your
existing and future sub-accounts. These accounts can receive lists from multiple manager accounts,
and you still have control over which lists are active. In the coming months,
you will also have the option to share lists created in sub-accounts with your manager account. TikTok is not screwing around. They want a big user base. And today's announcement
may get them an even larger share amongst an unlikely audience, parents. They have introduced
parental controls that let you set limits on how much time your kids spend on TikTok,
who they can and can't direct message, let them disable inappropriate content, and so on. But for this to work, of course,
the parent will need their own account, even if all they use it for is to enable this so-called
family safety mode. Actually, in fact, these controls were already in TikTok before this
announcement. What's new here is the ability for a parent or guardian to be in charge of
switching those switches on or off for their kids.
And finally, here's a great story.
A young social media influencer recently went to Bali and, as you'd expect, shared lots from her trip.
Here she is in the luxury hotel bathroom.
Here she is posing on a sun lounger.
Here she is at the door about to leave
for a sailing trip. And her 314,000 followers virtually went along with her, of course,
commenting about how awesome she looked and all that. One of them saying, she really out here
living her best life. Except one thing. She wasn't. In fact, she wasn't in Bali at all. She was at Ikea.
Yes, Natalia Taylor faked the entire trip, and she did so by literally just going to Ikea with a photographer and snapping some photos in their room mockups.
And then geotagging the photos in various places in Bali because
that's easy as hell to fake. You just search for any location you want and tag it. She also had a
friend who actually had been to Bali send her a couple of photos that she'd taken there.
Everyone bought it pretty much, including, she said later, some of her closest friends.
No, I guess not everyone. A small handful noticed that she'd left some Ikea price tags
on some of the items in the photos.
She said the stunt was not actually sponsored by Ikea, but, quote, I wish it was.
Well, if you enjoy or get value from this daily news show, please take a moment to rate and review this podcast.
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Scalfanny24 in the US says,
I love this podcast. Great insights into what's happening under the radar. Thanks for bringing light to information for all of us digital marketers. Well, thank you, Scalfini24,
something like that. Follow me on social links to my channels and our agency are in this episode's
description. I'm Todd Maffin. See you tomorrow.
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