Today in Digital Marketing - Behind the Scenes of an Accidental Viral Campaign
Episode Date: March 4, 2025Earlier this month, a TikTok video of mine went viral — and it turned into a large-scale tourism marketing campaign. Steve Dotto chats with me about how the TikTok algorithm works, and if this "...lightning in a bottle" can be reproduced..📰 Get our free daily newsletter🌍 Follow us on social media or contact us📈 Advertising: Reach Thousands of Marketing Decision-Makers.GO PREMIUM!Get these exclusive benefits when you upgrade:✅ Listen ad-free✅ Back catalog of 20+ marketing science interviews✅ Get the show earlier than the free version✅ Member-only monthly livestreams with TodAnd a lot more! Check it out:✨ Premium tools: Update Credit Card • Cancel.MORE🆘 Need help with your social media? Check us out: engageQ digital🌟 Rate and Review Us🤝 Our Slack.UPGRADE YOUR SKILLSGoogle Ads for Beginners with Jyll Saskin GalesInside Google Ads: Advanced with Jyll Saskin GalesFoxwell Slack Group and Courses.Today in Digital Marketing is hosted by Tod Maffin and produced by engageQ digital on the traditional territories of the Snuneymuxw First Nation on Vancouver Island, Canada. Associate producer: Steph Gunn.Some links in these show notes may provide affiliate revenue to us.Our Sponsors:* Check out Kinsta: https://kinsta.comPrivacy & Opt-Out:
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It is Tuesday, March 4th. Hello and welcome to our Tuesday Deep Dive episode. I'm Todd
Mappen. Normally when you listen to these things you are expecting one of our ad platform
columnists or maybe a marketing scientist. This week, something a little different. If
you're following me on social media you may know that I had a video go quite viral and
my good friend Steve Dotto, who is a legendary tech commentator, did an
interview with me on his YouTube channel, which I highly recommend you follow. His YouTube
channel is Dotto Tech. That's D-O-T-T-O-T-E-C-H. And he chatted with me about the viral campaign,
its origins, and mostly about content marketing, how to exploit the TikTok algorithm, and lessons
for marketers trying to recreate
that bit of magic.
So here it is, Steve Dotto in conversation with me.
Steve Dotto here, how the heck you doing this fine day?
Welcome to a special edition of Grey Matters
where we're gonna take on just a single topic.
I've got a guest coming up today
and we're gonna talk about TikTok
and about the kind of
the viral nature of TikTok.
Now my guest today is Todd Maffin.
I've known Todd for many, many years.
Todd and I were colleagues in Canada.
Todd was a host of a CBC show on CBC radio and a very popular speaker on the speaking
circuit in Canada.
At the same time as I was doing my TV show and I was a competitive speaker to Todd.
We often talked about the same topics,
but we became good friends.
And Todd has since semi-retired,
well, he isn't semi-retired.
He's moved to a small town on Vancouver Island
and he runs a digital agency, is his primary business,
as well as he does a newsletter on digital marketing.
And Todd was dabbled a little bit in TikTok.
Now I've always been fascinated by TikTok.
I haven't participated myself very much in TikTok
other than as a viewer, just as I occasionally doom scroll
and I do enjoy the interactive nature of TikTok.
Although I don't always necessarily enjoy the interactive nature of TikTok,
although I don't always necessarily enjoy the content. It certainly does a good job of rage baiting me occasionally.
But Todd goofed around a little bit on TikTok,
had his own little account and fooled around a bit.
And then he struck on a,
he decided to take on a little bit of a mission in TikTok
with the current unrest between Canada and the United States.
Todd started to post just a little bit on TikTok
about how Canadians can properly identify Canadian goods
to buy as a part of the kind of the boycott
that is going on in Canada right now.
And his account went viral as a result of that,
as a result of that and kind of the process
that he went through doing that.
So today we're gonna have a chat with Todd
and we're gonna look at the viral nature of TikTok.
How his, we're not gonna talk about the politics
of the boycott, but instead we're gonna talk
about the content marketing aspect
and the community growth and the viral nature of TikTok.
And look at how his content took him from a small channel
with very little momentum to quite a large channel
and then how he's leveraged that
into some other activities.
I think you'll find it a fascinating conversation
if you're interested in content and social marketing.
So today, joining me, Todd Maffin from Nanaimo,
because we've been friends for years.
I was one of your followers and you had like 200.
If it was a sad account.
Yeah, you're not wrong.
You're not wrong.
It was sad.
Um, and then the, and then all the stuff
had started happening between Canada and the
U S in terms of trade tariffs
So I started this about a month ago when the tariff stuff started talking and I started doing like how to buy
Canadian and those picked up quite a bit those were getting some traction and my follower count went from about
300 or so to I think maybe five or six thousand something in that range and one of the interesting things Steve
Is that I noticed in the comments it was because my the content was basically saying here's how to not
buy American goods. And in the comments, the majority of them were Americans saying we're cool
with that. It's fine. Do not buy our products. We don't agree with what's going on either.
I made a video I was it was just a Friday night I was bored, I was waiting for an Xbox game to install. And so I made a video and I said, hey, if
Americans really do support Canada financially, or want to, then why don't we just pick a
weekend and a handful of you come up and shop in our stores? We can pick up the same weekend,
you guys can all come up. And I thought that a dozen would say something in the comments
and my wife and I would pick them up at the ferry and take them up for lunch or
something like that. And I put my phone down to do some dishes.
And about a minute later, the phone just started ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding,
ding, ding, ding, like notifications galore a couple hundred in the first hour,
all of them from Americans saying, if you're serious about this, we'll do that.
And here's the interesting thing, Steve,
about the tick tock algorithm and the way content
seems to move through it that I learned,
is that it sends it out, we know this about TikTok,
that it first sends it out to a percentage
of your existing audience, of your followers,
and it monitors to see what happens.
But it also seems to send it out to a random group as well
to see how it performs there.
And for whatever reason, it grabbed onto Americans and politically active Americans. And if you watch all the way through
the video, if you watch the video and then go to the creator's profile account, all of those are
really good signals to the algorithm. And that seemed to be developed forward. Yeah. And so,
overnight, you had like 2000 people sign up for this?
So I thought, yeah, I put up a little web form and I said, look, if,
like, if you guys are serious about this and you think that there's a better
than 50% chance that you would actually come up in April to my little city and.
Spend the weekend and shopping our stores and eating our restaurants,
and then fill out this form.
I stopped it when we hit 2000 people people because I think I was going to run
out of my form plan, my free plan.
So, Oh, so you cut it off at 2000 and that was quite a while ago and you've
had a lot of publicity.
That was about 72 hours.
It was 2000.
So you could have 10,000, 15,000 people without.
I don't know if it's that many because so I have a discord as well.
We can talk about that and how it plays into content later if you like.
But, and so that's where I'm getting a gut feel.
This sort of thing is not an event in the traditional sense.
I don't have a block of rooms book.
I don't have an event code.
I don't know for sure how many people are coming in the discord.
There's a channel called we booked and I've said, please only post here.
If you've actually booked your travel or your accommodation, it's moving so fast.
I haven't been able to count it, but it's certainly past a couple hundred people.
And even if it's just 200, that in our local community will make a big difference.
But I...
So as an academic exercise, thinking about social platforms, what you're describing in this,
in the algorithm that TikTok does is not really all that different than what YouTube does.
YouTube puts stuff on your for you page and then based on people's watch time or their reaction to like or comments,
negative or positive, then they start to expand it and they put
it out into, into the different demographics that they think
are going to be successful for you.
But even for a, even with that there's, you had explosive growth
in comparison, you know, kind of to, to what your content was
and what the topic was, et cetera.
So what is it about TikTok? Do you think that it's a, it's comparison, kind of to what your content was
and what the topic was, et cetera.
So what is it about TikTok?
Do you think that the TikTok,
the nature of TikTok of the kind of the Twitch related,
you swipe to the next one,
you move through so much content so quickly,
do you think that played into the viral nature?
It could be, and you're right.
Every platform has that kind of feeding system.
Where they're different is where they give weight to certain actions.
YouTube is watch time, certainly.
Facebook and Instagram predominantly have been engagement metrics.
Do you like it?
Do you comment on it?
Do you share it?
None of these platforms voluntarily give this data away.
Sometimes it leaks, but what people seem to have learned about TikTok is that if you is
that the two main things that will propel it forward is when
people sorry, three main things is if people watch the entire
video all the way through, which is watch time, watch time, and
not just watch time, but have they finished the video, right?
Exactly. The second big thing seems to be if people watch one of your
videos, then go to your profile page and watch a few others.
It's helpful. You can spur you can ask people to do that. Right?
So that's why a lot of creators you'll see on TikTok say, this
is part two, and find part three and four on my profile because
they want you to go and click. And then the third one, that's
becoming manipulative. I find that's becoming a bit manipulative. People are doing that on purpose.
They're saying here's a video, but then they won't show you that video till the next one.
That's right. And sometimes people will I've seen people trick you where they're like,
this is part seven of a series and it's not part seven. That was the first one you've done and
probably the only one you've done. But damn it, I went to your page and looked. And then the third
metric that TikTok seems to care about is have people shared it. So there's a bookmark icon
and it really likes if you send it to a friend via DM or if you download it. I, I did notice that,
so I used to, I was very protective of my IP. And so I turned downloads off on my account for the
longest time until quite recently. And when I turned downloads back on my account for the longest time until quite recently.
And when I turned downloads back on when I said it's okay for people to download, I noticed
a difference in terms of number of views.
You can send a link and I think part of the reason that the algorithm rewards it is that
it has the potential to bring new people into TikTok brand new users, right?
It's difficult if you were to send that link to your daughter and she does not have
the TikTok app installed, it shows up in a web browser on your phone with a big play icon. And
when you go to play it, it's very tricky. Sometimes it plays, but I've noticed lately,
it just sends you to the app store and says, install it. So it rewards you for
getting people to...
towards you for getting people to... Proselytizing.
It's interesting to see how each one of the different
platforms creates new, limited gateways.
They don't want to have a real big barrier for entry,
but they do want you to commit.
They do want you to commit and kind of move to the next level.
Did you play with any of the duetting features
or take advantage of the conversation?
Like in YouTube, your conversations
are people go into comments and that's it. That's your engagement. But TikTok has all of these other
levels of engagement that you can have. Duetting when you play somebody else's video and then
comment back and forth on it, which can be used from a positive and a negative perspective.
Have you found much in, you know, as far as additional growth
through conversations and through those different interactive elements?
I personally haven't, but only because I don't really use those too well. And you're right. So
there's Duet, there's Stitch. Those are the two main ones. And YouTube has copied those, by the
way. They have, I think they call there's remix or something like that. So they're all when TikTok
showed up, everyone started copying TikTok, it was like Snapchat and when copied
Snapchat. So I can't say that I've noticed a difference in
that. But that's only because I don't really use them that much.
Where it's helpful for me is that in the in the inbox screen
of the inbox tab of the TikTok app, one of the things you can
do is go into activities is one of the main section, and then
pull down the top menu and change it to mentions.
And that will show you people who have stitched your video.
Or dueted your video.
You can also, and I found this helpful,
if you have a very busy channel
like mine appears to be right now,
I've told it, I do not want notifications for new followers.
I don't want notifications for comments.
The only notification I want, excuse me, is for a followers. I don't want notifications for comments. The only notification I want excuse me, is for a mention. And that is when someone has duetted you or they've tagged
amplified. Yeah, yeah, when they're deliberately amplifying. And I find that helpful to understand
how it's being received. One of the downsides Steve to tick tock is they've been so busy
heads down and with this band and everything that they have
not really put a ton of work into their API. So there aren't really good third party tools
to hand to help you with this. There are third party there's an
between juggling client meetings and keeping up with what's changed in the marketing world.
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API for comments, for comments on videos, but it's only for organic comments.
Platforms like Sprout Social and Hootsuite and Buffer can, I think, maybe not Buffer,
but those big platforms can handle organic comments, but not ad comments, platforms like Sprout social and HootSuite and Buffer can, I think, maybe not buffer, but those big platforms can handle organic comments, but not
ad comments, not mentions.
They can't see mentions.
And worst of all, no DMS.
There's no API for DMS.
Have you had a lot of good contact?
Have you had the kind of real value out of the DM section?
Yeah, quite a bit.
I used to have my DMS off because I just want people, I wanted to funnel
people like NPCs in a video game. I wanted them to just go to my contact form. But the reality
of the way mobile apps are and the way people use them is I would be missing out on opportunities.
But you know, I'm like, I'm gonna be 55 in a couple of months. I like the desktop apps.
That's my comfort zone. I do not like answering DMS like this. But and I'm checking this.
It's funny story.
I was I did a video at Canadian Tire because they have the cutest little marketing campaign on right
now. And I did a video about that and Canadian Tire DMed me and reached out to me. And they said,
thank you very much. And I said, I'm glad you messaged. Listen, you guys have a really busy
channel. How the hell are you managing DMS? Do you guys have is there an API that I don't know?
How the hell are you managing DMs? Do you guys have, is there an API that I don't know?
Is it something on a phone?
And they do it all on a phone.
So some poor social
That's ridiculous.
That is not old person friendly.
It's not at all.
And so some poor social media manager is sitting at night on her phone doing DMs.
So there's no, so anyway, all that to say that, that TikTok is still quite new in terms of back end support for third party tools. You can publish,
you can see organic content, you cannot read ad related content. And sort of another side example,
my main job is I have a social media engagement and moderation agency. We've got five employees,
we handle engagement and moderation for clients. To monitor ad comments on TikTok, we have to
manually go into the TikTok backend and
look at it through their interface and their interface is horrible.
It's just bad.
Oh, yeah.
You didn't wake up one morning and say, I'd like to be an agent for tourism Nanaimo.
So you had this kind of this inflection point. Have you tried to cross promote or amplify the message
and take advantage of repurposing the content
and repurposing the success in TikTok
on your other platforms and what's that look like?
Yes, that's a good question.
So I don't use meta platforms anymore at all.
So none of this is on Instagram or Facebook or threads.
But what I was doing was,
so when you record a video in
Tik Tok I should say there is rumor that you get a better algorithm juice if the video is recorded in the Tik Tok app as
Opposed to produced in final cut or something and then uploaded to it
I haven't seen any actual data around that so I don't know for sure but that's certainly a room that's floating around and
There's a app cap cut which is very popular for that, right?
And CapCut is owned by ByteDance, which also owns TikTok. So perhaps there's a
bit of a better thing in there. And I have certainly noticed that when I use
an external tool, my views are not nearly as good, whether it's because it's
an external tool, or because the video that comes from external tools, external
tools tend to be more produced and
tiktok doesn't seem to like that the algorithm prefers one-offs i don't know i think people
prefer it too people probably the kind of organic they do feel they do yeah for sure what was your
original question sorry i lost track because now i'm well just just about how you were repurposing
right how you're extending it into other platforms one of the options you can do when you create a
tiktok video it's buried in like the final screen is do you want to save this to your phone as a video?
You should have that on.
And the reason why is if you don't have that on, if you then download your video from TikTok,
it will have the TikTok watermark and it will move around the screen.
It's irritating.
There are free websites.
One is called SS tick, which will let
you download you get the link of any video on tik tok and you give it that link and you can download
it and it strips out that thing. So there are ways around it. But when you shoot it in the video,
when you post it to tik tok, if you have that feature on it will have a clean, no watermark
version of that video on your phone. And what I was doing was I was taking that
manually uploading it to YouTube, which worked.
And my YouTube channel is picking up wind, which is great.
But I also happened to have for my business
a service that we use called,
which I know you're familiar with.
Repurpose is a great tool.
It's pretty rock solid, I've certainly found.
So now what I have it is I've set up what they
call a workflow. So it's I've given it authorization to my
tick tock account, I've given it authorization to my YouTube
account. And I've said, listen, anytime you see a video on my
on my tick tock, I want you to automatically put it on YouTube.
It does it within anywhere from five minutes to about an
hour and a half or so. And what's what I love about it is that you can even have it move things
around into different playlists for you on YouTube based on like a hashtag that you use. So whenever
I do whenever I do hashtag Nanaimo infusion, it will put it into my YouTube playlist called Nanaimo infusion.
If I do hashtag by Canadian, it will put it into my by Canadian thing. Anything without
a hashtag, it just dumps into my general my general feed. Unless I use hashtag no on
tik tok, which is like the code word that I've given it to say if it sees hashtag no
in one of my tik tok videos, do not send this to YouTube.
Don't repurpose it.
Don't repurpose it.
It's rock solid.
It's great.
The other nice thing about repurpose is you can feed it an intro video and an extra video.
So it'll automatically slap on a little bit of branding if you want it to.
Now are those going as as YouTube videos or are they going in shorts?
It doesn't.
You can pick.
So when you set up that workflow, you say, take it off TikTok and it'll say,
okay, what's the destination?
And you say YouTube.
And it says, what format do you want it to be in shorts or regular video?
In theory, you could, and I probably should for more views.
You could set up two workflows.
One that takes a TikTok video and makes it a YouTube short.
And the other that takes the same TikTok video and makes it a YouTube short, and the other that takes the same TikTok video
and makes it a regular video.
And what about for the metadata, for the description?
Do you have a template?
The description carries over.
So whatever you put in the caption
will appear in the caption on YouTube.
You can also tell it to always add some extra text to it.
That's really great if you have a business and you want people to go to your website and you forget to add it to always add some extra text to it. That's really great if you have a business
and you want people to go to your website and you forget to add it to TikTok or something,
it will automatically when it does that repurpose when it sends it over to YouTube, it will
automatically add sign up for gray matters at such and such a dot o or whatever.
It'll just add that to the description every time.
Yeah. And you could, you could have like the same way you do a profile link inside of an
Instagram or inside of TikTok, you can have like a link tree or a link page that you can
have dynamic and you can have all of your most current contacts.
And it will do that.
I should say that it'll do that from anything to anything.
So it supports Facebook Reels, Facebook videos, it supports Instagram, it supports threads,
it supports Snapchat, it supports Pinterest, it supports a ton.
And you can have it, you can have it watch your Pinterest and send that to all of them.
In fact, the way we use it for my newsletter and podcast is it's watching our TikTok account
and it's sending it to YouTube and Pinterest as a video pin and Snapchat as a video and
a bunch of other places.
But you could have it the other way.
You could say, listen, we're actually only on Snapchat.
That's where we post.
So you could say, watch Snapchat
and then send it to everywhere else.
Yeah, it's a great tool and reasonably inexpensive.
So we'll share, of course,
all the links in the description here,
but you've had this opportunity drop in your lap
and you've got a short-term goal
where February 25th that we're recording this
in your, in your event is April 25th, I think.
April 27th.
So February, March, April.
So two months, you got two months that you're going to be
kind of looking for new opportunities and growing.
And I'm sure that the city in Nanaimo will, that they'll be,
it'll, it'll grow into something larger.
You're going to have Todd Palooza basically happening in the
So this is going to be kind of, it's going to, it'll grow to be more
than you bargained at the beginning.
But what's next?
Do you see you taking advantage of this viral opportunity that presented itself,
which does have a best before date right now.
And did you see how, but now all of a sudden you've
got 60 by the time this is done, you'll probably have a hundred thousand followers on TikTok.
How do you plan to leverage that? I have not given that a lot of thought,
which is unusual for me because I'm usually pretty entrepreneurial and don't want to look
a gift horse in the mouth. I have not given that a ton of thought. I'll tell you what I have been
doing lately because I'm hoping to retire in five or six years
and sell the agency and sell the newsletter.
And so my head has been like, I have a little note
that's like things I can do when I retire.
I would be thrilled if I can just do what I'm doing now,
which is like run around Nanaimo, which is where I live,
which is on Vancouver Island in Canada.
It's beautiful by the way you should come.
Not you, Steve, you come here all the time. But I would be thrilled. I shouldn't come? Not you Steve, you shouldn't come.
I would be thrilled if what I do after this is continuing doing what I've been doing after all
this sort of blew up. My wife Jocelyn, who you also know very well, is thrilled that I'm getting out
of the house a lot more. I'm going to like Westwood Lake
and I'm going to Collier Dam and I'm wandering around the other shopping districts and I'm going
to I'm exploring the city making these TikTok videos for other for the people who are on the
channel. I'd be thrilled if that's what this ends up being is just being like an unofficial
ambassador for Vancouver Island. It's a well trodden path. I mean, our friend Miss 604, Rebecca,
she's done very well with that in Vancouver area.
That term influencer, which can be bandied about
and can have some negative connotations,
has really positive connotations
when you become an ambassador for your area.
And it does get you engaged in everything around.
I think it might end up well being a real blessing for you as you move ahead.
So I love it.
I like the story and I'm going to be excited to see how April 25th works out.
If so, thank you so much.
Todd Maffinpost, thank you so much.
I will put all of Todd's information, all of his links in the description as well as
links to the event.
Should you listen to this podcast before April 25th, I believe is the date, you can get more
information about it if you happen to be interested.
Now, a quick reminder that this show, Grey Matters, is a show that's dedicated to baby
boomers and gen x and really focused on our digital lives. Primarily how the online world affects us
and also the world of online business and content creation,
the opportunities that exist for those of us
to build businesses and build opportunities online.
And this particular topic that we're on today,
it was about TikTok and about using the TikTok
and how the TikTok algorithm works
and how TikTok can be an effective platform.
It wasn't about the political side of this conversation.
Yes, Todd's site did start, or Todd's TikTok profile,
exploded as a result of political discussion.
But I don't really wanna see the comments in YouTube
devolve into political discourse
and people tossing insults back and forth.
That's not what this is about. Perhaps at some point in the future we can have a
political conversation about what's happening between
my country Canada and the states but this is not the time for that. This is not
the place that we want to we want to discuss the social platforms
and the unique nature of viral growth on TikTok. So I'm just going to ask you to
keep the comments in that area and we certainly welcome all comments that are of that nature. With that'm just going to ask you to keep the comments in that area. And we certainly welcome all comments that
are of that nature.
With that, I encourage you to subscribe to
this channel if you have not yet done so.
And you can also tune into this podcast on
all of your favorite podcast platforms.
So with that, until next time, have fun
storming the castle.
Steve Dotto, his YouTube channel is
Dotto Tech.
That's D-O-T-T-O-T-E-C-H.
I'm Todd Maffin, see you Friday for our wrap-up.