Today in Digital Marketing - It’s Thanksgiving Weekend! (No, it really is.)
Episode Date: October 9, 2020Microsoft plans to point people AWAY from your product pages. Or maybe route people TO them. It all depends on your product’s pricing. Plus, Instagram finally adds the one thing missing the most fro...m Reels… Yelp plans to call out racist businesses… and your Google My Profile may be giving wrong information to customers about how busy you are.Join our Slack community! subscribed yet? Subscribe links at HELP SPREAD THE WORD:Tweet It: to preview a tweet you can publishReview Us: ABOUT THE PODCAST:Produced by: Advertising: and Ads: Transcripts: See each episode at Email list: Theme music: Mark Blevis (all other music licensed by Source Audio)TOD’S SOCIAL MEDIA:Twitter:’s agency: engageQ.comTikTok: / (game livestreaming)Source links and full transcripts at Our Sponsors:* Check out Kinsta: https://kinsta.comPrivacy & Opt-Out:
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Today, Microsoft plans to point people away from your product pages.
Or maybe point them to them.
It all depends on your product's pricing.
Plus, Instagram finally adds the one thing most missing from Reels.
Yelp plans to call out racist businesses.
And your Google My Business profile may be giving out wrong information to customers about how busy you are.
It's Friday, October 9th, 2020. Happy Valencia
Community Day, Spain. I'm Todd Maffin from EngageQ Digital, and here's what you missed today in
digital marketing. An interesting upgrade to Microsoft's new web browser may hold some
opportunities for e-commerce marketers. They are adding price comparisons into their Edge browser
natively. It'll be part of the collections tool.
We've had price comparison plugins for browsers since,
well, since plugins were a thing.
But this is the first mainstream browser to add it in such an integrated way.
This, of course, might be good news for you, or bad news,
depending on where you stand in the market.
If you want to check where your products will come out,
just go to Bing and use their existing price comparison engine, since that's where it'll pull most of the data from.
They're also launching a rebates cashback system and have signed up Walmart, Expedia,
Walgreens, and Nvidia to be part of that.
In a surprise move, Instagram today released a totally original feature.
I'm just kidding. They're still
copying other apps. Of course, they are maniacally obsessed with TikTok right now. And so this new
feature is, of course, a copy of a TikTok feature. Now, users of Instagram Reels will be able to
save sounds in app, which they can then use in their own Reels clips, share collections of Reels,
which use a specific piece of audio, and they can now search for sounds and music and own Reels clips, share collections of Reels, which use a specific piece of audio,
and they can now search for sounds and music and the Reels clips that use them.
These, of course, were the big things missing when they first launched their TikTok clone.
They're not the only ones guiding for TikTok. The strategy of the Triller app has been to entice popular TikTok influencers over to their platform with promises of money,
equity in the company, and even Rolls Royces.
All right, a handful of tiny things now here for you. Interesting move by Yelp. They say from now
on, when a business gains public attention for reports of racist conduct, like using racist
language or symbols, Yelp will now place a new Business Accused of Racist Behavior alert
on their Yelp page, along with a link to media coverage of the incident.
So far in 2020, they report a 133% increase in the number of media-fueled incidences on
Yelp compared to the same time last year.
It seems that there is a bug in that part of Google My Business profiles that shows
how busy you are during certain times of the day.
You'll have this if you're a bricks and mortar store or a mall or something.
Some restaurants are saying that Google is reporting three hour waits when the actual time is under an hour.
A bug at Squarespace is preventing people from adding a new page section.
That's only affecting you if you have version 7.1 of the site.
They are looking
into it. Google Meet, that's Google's Zoom competitor, has added dial-in phone numbers for
eight additional countries. Those countries are Chile, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Israel, Japan, Mexico,
Peru, and Trinidad and Tobago. And yesterday, I reported that Twitter appeared to be testing the
removal of the one-click retweet option.
Today they announced it, saying, quote,
we will temporarily ask people to add their own commentary before amplifying content by prompting quote tweets instead of retweets.
We hope this encourages everyone to consider why they're amplifying a tweet
and bring more thought, reaction, and perspectives to the conversation, unquote.
Interesting that they're saying this is temporary.
I guess we'll just have to see if they keep it up after the U.S. election.
Classified ads still available on the show.
20 bucks will let you reach the 1,200 digital marketers who listen every day.
There's a link in this episode's description for that.
I'm very excited.
Our dear friend Amy is coming over for Thanksgiving weekend. It is Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada.
I know you Americans celebrated on the wrong day. Sorry, I mean a different day. That also means
there will be no show on Monday because I will be nursing a turkey and stuffing hangover.
Mostly stuffing. I love stuffing. How could you not?
It's warm, salty bread.
Those are my three favorite things.
One more thing.
We are past 250 episodes now,
and each one I try to make short
and packed with only the information
you need to know as a digital marketer.
If you have some time this weekend,
I'd really appreciate it
if you'd take a minute to rate and review this show.
There's a link in this episode's notes
that will take you right to the review page of your app.
Our production assistant is Sarah Guild.
Our theme is by Mark Blevis.
Music licensing by Source Audio.
And this podcast is produced by our agency, EngageQ Digital.
Find us at
Full transcripts to every episode are on our website,
I'm Todd Maffin.
Have a restful Thanksgiving weekend,
fellow Canadians.
To the rest of you, stay safe,
and I'll speak to you next on Tuesday.