Today in Digital Marketing - Please Click The X Clearly Visible In This Box: 🔲
Episode Date: December 15, 2020TikTok goes to the big screen. An easy way to find out the hints Googlers have told us about search performance. And the Facebook bug of the day: You can no longer delete interests from ad campaigns.�...�� Join our free Slack community!➡ Watch me produce this live at (about 12-3 PT weekdays)HELP SPREAD THE WORD:Tweet It: to preview a tweet you can publishReview Us: ABOUT THE PODCAST:Source links and full transcripts: Advertising: and Ads: Leave a voicemail at See each episode at Email list: Theme music: Mark Blevis (all other music licensed by Source Audio)TOD’S SOCIAL MEDIA:Twitter:’s agency: engageQ.comTikTok: / (game livestreaming)Today in Digital Marketing is hosted by Tod Maffin ( and produced by engageQ digital ( Subscribe at or wherever you get your podcasts.Our Sponsors:* Check out Kinsta: https://kinsta.comPrivacy & Opt-Out:
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Today, TikTok goes to the big screen, an easy way to find out the hints Googlers have told us about search performance,
and the Facebook bug of the day, hope you're sitting down for this one, because you can no longer delete interests from ad campaigns.
It's Tuesday, December 15th, 2020. Happy end of the celebration of the Virgin of Katoka, Bolivia.
I'm Todd Maffin from EngageQ Digital, and here's what you missed today in digital marketing.
By the way, this might be the shortest episode I've ever put out.
We'll chat more about that at the end, but we start with TikTok on television.
Samsung has signed a deal with TikTok to let owners of their smart TVs watch TikTok videos on their TV sets.
This is only in Europe for now.
TVs these days, of course, have their own apps. Everything's a their TV sets. This is only in Europe for now. TVs these days, of course,
have their own apps. Everything's a smart TV now. Our Samsung TV has apps for wallpapers,
looking at photos, a Netflix app, a YouTube app, and more than 100 more. And I have looked at that
screen exactly once in the six years that we've owned it. It sounds like this TikTok app is going
to be very similar to the mobile app, a following feed, a for you feed, but a bit more curated.
They'll organize content into 12 categories covering things like comedy and food and animals.
They'll also incorporate the learn on TikTok section.
You will not need a TikTok account to view the videos, although I presume if you do use one, it'll serve you more personalized content.
Makes it sound a little silly, but YouTube has found some pretty big success of people watching videos on these so-called smart TVs.
So much so, they even added an ad placement especially for it, the masthead.
So maybe this is an ad play somehow?
It makes sense for YouTube because they've already got the Google ad platform behind them, but will Samsung open up their own ad platform?
Or maybe partner with Google so that Samsung TVs are a placement?
Who knows?
One of the best sources for little tidbits about how the Google search engine works
is to watch the Twitter account of three Google employees.
They are search engineers and are sort of known in the industry as the SEO whisperers.
Someone will tweet them a question like,
does the meta description rank pages at all?
And the answer is no,
but remember that's the first thing a user sees
when they decide to click through.
And that text does give Google's bot an idea
of what you consider to be important on that page.
That last tidbit I hadn't realized they were doing.
Well, someone has archived
some of the more telling tweet responses
into a sort of searchable website at
I say sort of because, ironically, the search function is really bad.
So, you know, don't even bother with the search.
But there are some links to some top-level subjects like technical SEO, on-page SEO, off-page SEO.
There's some other interesting stuff in there, so it's probably worth a few minutes of your time to poke around.
It is at
Two bugs to tell you about.
First, Sprout Social is experiencing issues
connecting to YouTube pages.
They're aware of it and are working on it.
And it wouldn't be a day without a Facebook bug.
This one's a doozy.
You can no longer remove interests from
ad campaigns. So you know how when you set up a campaign, you could put interest in there like
bowling and sports and healthcare. And let's say you accidentally put tennis in there, right?
So you hover over it and the little X pops up on the right. So you click the X and tennis goes away. Well, now Facebook's UI actually covers up the X with information about that audience when you hover over it.
You know this pop-up, right?
It's that pop-up that tells you how many people are in the audience.
Yes, now this pop-up is on top of the X, which means you can't access the X anymore,
which means you can't cancel out an interest anymore.
Honestly, like, I know I have a rep for being snarky to Facebook, but tell me they don't
deserve it.
How do they let a bug this big get published to the live platform?
Are none of Facebook's developers even using this?
You know, don't even answer that question.
I'm kind of afraid to know the answer.
So yeah, short episode today.
I have a medical appointment in a couple of hours
at the hospital.
Nothing big, not to worry.
It's just a lung function test.
I've had a bad
post-nasal drip
all of my life,
which is probably allergies,
but I guess I want to see
if there's asthma in the mix.
So three cheers
for free Canadian health care. Don't forget, you can hang out with me and others as we produce each episode
of the podcast every day starting somewhere around 3 p.m. Eastern, give or take an hour.
I live stream everything, the voicing, the mixing, the uploading. I stream it on my Twitch channel,
this podcast's YouTube channel. But the easiest way is to follow me on Twitter, because it goes live there too.
Links to all my social media are in this episode's description.
I'm Todd Mathen, talk to you tomorrow. Shake it next to me Find time to get it moving Shake all that we got to shake
Find time to get it moving
Give it all to me