Today in Digital Marketing - Reels Hits the Major Leagues with a New Ad Placement
Episode Date: February 23, 2022Facebook's answer to TikTok just got a major enhancement media buyers will like... How will Google handle your web site's infinite-loading pages... Microsoft dives deeper into AI-based ad camp...aigns... Twitter's working on a way to opt your brand out of off-topic threads...Go Premium! No ads, more stories, audio chapters, and extended weekend episodes — as low as $20: JOIN OUR SLACK! US: (TikTok, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit) ENJOYING THE SHOW?- Please tweet about us! Rate and review us: Leave a voicemail: FOLLOW TOD:- TikTok: Twitter: LinkedIn: Twitch: Today in Digital Marketing is hosted by Tod Maffin ( and produced by engageQ digital ( Subscribe at or wherever you get your podcasts. (Theme music by Mark Blevis. All other music licensed by Source Audio.)Does your brand need a podcast? Let us help: Sponsors:* Check out Kinsta: https://kinsta.comPrivacy & Opt-Out:
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Today, Facebook's answer to TikTok just got a major enhancement media buyers will like. How will Google handle your website's infinite loading pages?
Microsoft dives deeper into AI-based ad campaigns. Twitter is working on a new way to opt your brand
out of off-topic threads. And on the premium podcast with no ads, more stories, and extended weekend episodes,
tap the link in the show notes for more.
How much does proximity matter in your SEO?
And how can you exploit it?
It's Tuesday, February 22nd.
I'm Steph Gunn, filling in for Todd Maffin.
Here is what you missed today in digital marketing.
Meta has announced the expansion of Facebook Reels to 150 countries. Reels, of course,
is their answer to TikTok. And with the expansion of the format comes a brand new ad placement,
the overlay. Select creators in the US, Canada, and Mexico will be able to test this out.
Those in the test group will have the opportunity to experiment with two different overlays. First,
banner ads, which appear as a semi-transparent overlay at the bottom of a reel. And then second
is stickers, which appear as static images that can be placed anywhere within the reel.
These are non-interruptive ads, which appear transparently atop the
play in content rather than pausing the video.
These sort of look like a suggested video that pops up at the end of a YouTube video.
Facebook will choose how the ad will be displayed in the frame based on
what is best suited to the viewer.
The revenue for overlay ads in reels will go partially to the creator of
the Reel. Who can access the new ad format? If you're already eligible for in-stream ads for
on-demand on Facebook, you will also be eligible for overlay ads. The company plans to expand
eligibility in the next coming months. In addition to overlay ads, creators will soon have the option to monetize
their Reels with stars, the virtual tipping mechanism that's already available on Facebook Live.
Facebook is also finalizing creative tools like Remix, 60-second Reels, drafts, and video clips.
And just in case you hate the top row of stories at the top of the Facebook app, you're going to hate this even more.
They'll soon be adding a new Reels label at the top of the feed.
Google has confirmed that the page experience update is starting to roll out for desktop.
The update will be slowly rolled out over the next several weeks
and will be complete by the end of March 2022. According to the company, the desktop version will contain the same three core web
vitals metrics and thresholds as the mobile version of the page experience update, which
was rolled out earlier this year, except that it does not need to be mobile friendly. Additionally,
Google plans to help site owners analyze how their desktop pages
are performing by releasing a Search Console report, which will launch before desktop becomes
a ranking signal. The march toward full AI-based ad campaigns continues. Microsoft Advertising
yesterday announced that auto-apply recommendations
have been released on the ad platform. Advertisers will be opted into all five recommendation types
in the platform and should opt out if they do not want them to apply automatically. Here are the
five types of recommendations you'll start to see the platform suggest. Create expanded text ads, create responsive search ads, create multimedia ads,
remove negative keywords conflicts, and finally fix conversion goal setting issues. The company
said that opting in won't increase your budgets. Advertisers can view recommendations in the
scheduled to auto-apply section of the recommendations page. In this section, the cards provide a short
description of the potential issue and the date by which the recommendation will be applied.
Email notifications can also be enabled for recommendations by selecting the add preference
optimization email preference. Detailed information on the target account along with a schedule of
upcoming automatic adoptions will be included in that email.
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Do you allow comments on your website?
As long as you can moderate them, it could help with your website's position in Google.
During an SEO office hours hangout last
week, Google search advocate John Mueller explained that comments can add SEO value to web pages
in the form of additional context. As long as users leave comments that are relevant to what
the page is about, then that information can assist with search engine rankings. On the other hand,
if a user leaves an irrelevant comment, it may cause your rankings to
drop. Off-topic comments may send mixed signals to Google about what that page is about and what
queries it should appear in. According to Mueller, the biggest challenge with user comments is making
sure that they stay on topic. But if you can find a way to maintain comments on a webpage,
that gives you a little bit more context and helps people who are searching in different ways to also find your content.
On the topic of SEO office hours hangouts, Mueller was also asked whether Google is capable of crawling webpages that use infinite scrolling.
These are pages that
keep loading more and more content as you scroll to the bottom of the page. In short, yes, Googlebot
however is limited in its ability to how much infinite scrolling it can handle. According to
Mueller, it is possible for Googlebot to render your page the way it's set up already. Quoting Mueller, essentially what happens
when we render a page is we use a fairly high viewport, like if you have a really long screen
and we render the page to see what the page would show. And usually that would trigger some amount
of infinite scrolling in whatever JavaScript methods that you're using to trigger the infinite
scrolling. And whatever ends up being loaded there, that would be what we would be able to index, unquote.
However, Googlebot may not be able to render everything on your page,
depending on how long your page is and how infinite scrolling is triggered.
Mueller said utilizing the URL inspection tool
is the best way to determine how much of a page can be crawled by Google.
So, you've been tagged in a Twitter thread that starts out about your brand, then kind of meanders off,
and is now generating hundreds of tweets that have nothing to do with you, but you're still seeing because you've been tagged in it. There
is good news ahead. Twitter is testing a feature for users who don't want to be part of a thread
anymore. A Twitter user has tweeted a screenshot of a new leave this conversation feature being
built on the platform. To be clear, this was found through reverse engineering. The code isn't
available yet, but if you are part of the test group,
you will see the option to get out of this conversation. Here's how it will work. The
option will untag your account's username from a conversation, it prevents people from mentioning
you in the conversation again, and it will stop you from receiving notifications about it. When
you leave the conversation, your brand's Twitter
handle will appear as plain text in the tweet where it's mentioned rather than a hyperlink.
Google Merchant Center has added a short title option for smaller ad placements.
The platform says that the short title attribute should be used to identify your product briefly and clearly.
As opposed to the title attribute, the value you submit for the to add the brand name if it's a differentiating factor. product. Describe the product shown on your landing page. Use professional and grammatically
correct language. And finally, don't use capital letters for emphasis. If you don't follow these
requirements, Google says it will disapprove your product. Thanks for listening. I'm filling in for
Todd for the rest of the week. If I do sound a little raspier than usual, I lost my voice over
the weekend. Like it started happening Friday night.
And I basically took every measure possible to make sure that I had it back for today,
which included a lot of tea and basically not talking at all over the weekend, which was not
very fun for me, especially because it was a long weekend here in Canada. So we played a lot of chess
and a lot of Mario Kart, which also isn't very fun when you can't scream at your
competition. Here's something you want to comment on. Just tweet your thoughts with the hashtag
TIDM and I'll read it out on the show. Thanks again for listening. I'll talk to you tomorrow.