Today in Digital Marketing - Solid Updates to Facebook Live and LinkedIn Groups
Episode Date: December 17, 2019Facebook’s Live Video service just got a solid update LinkedIn Groups also got some nice new features And the top five most downloaded apps for the last decade was dominated by… guess who? T...he Premium feed, with exclusive deep-dive interviews with social algorithm experts, is at Today in Digital Marketing is brought to you by engageQ digital. Can we help you with YOUR brand’s digital marketing and social media? Let’s chat. or call 1-855-863-6233. Like this podcast? Click to preview a tweet you can send out to your followers. Links to Tod's social media at at the bottom of --- Send in a voice message: Sponsors:* Check out Kinsta: https://kinsta.comPrivacy & Opt-Out:
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It is Tuesday, December 17th, 2019.
Happy National Maple Syrup Day.
I'm Todd Maffin from EngageQ Digital.
Today, Facebook's live video service just got a solid update.
LinkedIn Groups also got some nice features if you use that.
And the top five most downloaded apps for the last decade was dominated by guess who?
Here's what you missed today in digital marketing.
Yesterday was the longest episode I have ever published, clocking in at 14 and a half minutes.
Mondays are sometimes like that. I've got a bunch of stuff that happened over the weekend that I
usually try to jam in. And today's episode will probably be the shortest.
News and product changes tend to start slowing down in the week leading up to Christmas.
But that said, there are still some things to talk about.
Facebook this morning updated its live video service,
pretty much matching some of the streaming features
that the gaming platforms like Twitch and Mixer have.
Now you'll be able to slow down the chat
so that people can only send a message once every 10 seconds,
or make it so that only chat messages with more than 100 characters show up,
or that only your page's followers can chat,
or people who've had their Facebook accounts for more than two weeks are the only ones who can chat.
This is great news for the big brands among you who do live videos and get a ton of viewers.
It'll be a lot easier to manage that.
If you use LinkedIn groups as part of your marketing efforts,
you'll probably welcome these new changes now rolling out.
Group owners will be able to moderate posts
before they show up for other members.
You'll also be able to prevent members
from inviting their connections to a group.
So that's especially helpful if you have a paid group service.
You'll also be able to block someone right from their comment that they've made, like you can do
on Facebook. And you can also now delete all posts by a specific member in one fell swoop.
So some nice changes if you use LinkedIn for your marketing.
It's not just the end of a year, it's the end of a decade. So we are starting to see a lot of decade-wide top ten lists come out.
And I thought this one was telling, though perhaps not surprising.
The top four most downloaded apps for the last ten years were all owned by Facebook.
They were, in order, the main Facebook app, what Facebook internally calls the Blue app, Messenger, WhatsApp, and Instagram.
In fifth place was Snapchat.
Skype was actually number six.
That one surprised me.
And number seven, TikTok.
Remember, this is decade-wide.
TikTok was downloaded so much in the last two years that it ranked in the top 10 list for
the entire decade. Closing out the list was UC Browser. That'll mean nothing to you if you're
not in China. YouTube at number nine and Twitter rounded out the decade's top 10 apps.
Only two short things for the lightning round. Told you it was short today. Buffer was down
briefly yesterday. Only the
legacy dashboard was affected and it had no impact on publishing. And Google has merged a couple of
tools for news publishers. News Producer and News Publisher Center are now in one dashboard.
Well, my apologies for the weird ass schedule this week. Our team here at EngageQ is lining
up two weeks worth of content and ad campaigns and reporting for our clients, given that we are heading into the holidays. So while
most days I try to get this out around five o'clock Eastern time so that you Eastern folks can commute,
it also means that it's available before bedtime, I think, in the UK. But honestly,
it's going to be all over the map this week. If your brand could use some help with your social media content, engagement or Facebook ads, check out our agency at
And follow me on social. Links to all my social channels and our agency are in this episode's description.
I'm Todd Maffin. See you tomorrow.