Today in Digital Marketing - The Old Facebook UI is Back! (for Page Admins)
Episode Date: October 16, 2020Hope you’re keeping your business’s wait times in check, because Google’s about to disclose how fast you serve customers… There appears to be a secret back-door to getting the old Facebook des...ign back, and I’ll show you how to find it… the record labels have started coming after podcasts… and why did Wix today disclose a password breach more than two years after it happened?Join our Slack community! subscribed yet? Subscribe links at HELP SPREAD THE WORD:Tweet It: to preview a tweet you can publishReview Us: ABOUT THE PODCAST:Produced by: Advertising: and Ads: Transcripts: See each episode at Email list: Theme music: Mark Blevis (all other music licensed by Source Audio)TOD’S SOCIAL MEDIA:Twitter:’s agency: engageQ.comTikTok: / (game livestreaming)Source links and full transcripts at TodayInDigital.comOur Sponsors:* Check out Kinsta: https://kinsta.comPrivacy & Opt-Out:
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Today, hope you're keeping your business's wait times in check because Google is about
to disclose how fast you serve customers.
There appears to be a secret backdoor to getting the old Facebook design back, and I'll show
you how to find it.
The record labels have started coming after podcasts.
And why did Wix today disclose a password breach that occurred more than two years ago. It's Friday, October 16th, 2020.
Happy Global Cat Day. I'm Todd Maffin from EngageQ Digital, and here is what you missed today in
digital marketing. Nielsen, that's the measurement company, will now start including YouTube TV in
their digital and total ad ratings. Not all YouTube, mind you.
Remember, we're just talking about YouTube TV.
That's their add-on service that streams regular broadcast television.
And not on all platforms either.
Just YouTube played on a smart TV or similar box for now.
The next year, they'll include streams on the YouTube app.
But still, that's a big indication that YouTube TV is now a player competing with cable networks for the television space too.
Quoting Marketing Dive, As TV viewing evolves with the growth of connected TVs, Nielsen's measurement of YouTube's streaming TV ad inventory will help it form a more accurate picture of audiences for media buyers and sellers.
According to Nielsen, more than 100 million people in the U.S. watch YouTube
and YouTube TV on connected TVs every month. You know when you search for a mall or a coffee shop
on Google Maps and it shows you how busy it is based on location data that Google gets from
smartphones? Earlier this week, I reported that some restaurants are saying the wait times shown are grossly inaccurate.
So, strange time then for Google to announce today that they're actually expanding that feature to cover more types of businesses.
It will now include beaches, parks, grocery stores, pharmacies, laundromats, and a couple more.
And, even more interesting, they're going to put some of that busy time onto the map itself.
I don't mean in the sidebar with the listing screenshots i've seen show the name of the business on the map and then
right underneath that name smaller text like busier than usual and as busy as it gets
well whether you're voting for Joe Biden or Donald Trump,
I think we can all come across party lines and agree
that Facebook's new design is a vomit-inducing dog's breakfast
of lazy and perhaps drunken user interface decisions.
They keep trying to force us to use it.
For a while, it would pop us into the new version,
but there was always a switch back to the old version toggle
until like a week or two ago, and then that toggle was gone, and apparently there was always a switch back to the old version toggle until like a week or two ago and then that toggle was gone
and apparently there was no way back.
Friends, I think I found a way back.
Now, let me preface this by acknowledging
that Facebook's platform is different for different users
so this may not work for you
but it did work for me
and honestly, I was a little surprised it did.
So here's what to try.
Go to your brand page.
Then click ads in the left nav bar
then audiences under that.
Facebook then offered that former switch back to the old version toggle.
Apparently only on that screen now, but it did work and it did reset me to the old and perfectly good design across the whole site.
Other people spotted this too, by the way, in different places.
One report said the switch was in the left nav bar, sort of beside the profile picture. This seems to only be showing up for people who administer Facebook pages,
so I'm guessing this is most of you listening. So give it a shot.
A few smaller items here. First, Agora Pulse has added some new features to its Power Reports
optional add-on. You can now send scheduled reports to external users.
To do that, go to Reports, of course,
and set up your report like you normally would have.
The new options are down under Add External Recipients.
You can set up as many as you like,
but they have to validate their emails first.
Second, two podcasts have been taken offline
after the record industry shut them down
for violations of music copyright.
Both were music radio shows, so basically playing full-length songs.
I mean, come on, what did you think was going to happen?
They both say they had the artist's permission, but as you hopefully know,
there are many, many different people and groups that hold different rights for the same song.
Writing, performance, publishing, there are sync licenses, mechanical licenses.
It's pretty much impossible to play commercial music in a podcast
without violating rights in some way.
The music in this podcast, incidentally, is licensed from a production music library.
Third, today emailed its customers
saying they are resetting some passwords of users
because of a breach of username and passwords.
Honestly, their email was a little confusing.
First, they said the breach wasn't actually of Wix.
It was of the video tool Animoto.
And worse, apparently this breach happened more than two years ago.
I emailed Wix for clarity on this.
They did not respond before our production deadline.
And finally, Facebook this morning was having some trouble delivering ads to Marketplace.
If you're running campaigns there, which you probably are,
if you have left automatic placements on,
you may want to double check your analytics.
You know, I try really hard to make this a good use of your time,
short and punchy and no rambling.
And if you find this valuable, I'd really appreciate it
if you'd take a minute this weekend to rate and review this podcast.
I have made this easier for you than you will believe because there's a link in this episode's notes that will take you right to the review page of your app.
Thank you in advance.
Our production assistant is Sarah Guild.
Our theme is by Mark Blevis.
Music licensing by Source Audio.
This podcast is produced by our agency, EngageQ Digital.
Find us at
Full transcripts to every episode are on our website,
I'm Todd Maffin.
Have a restful and safe weekend, friends, and I will talk to you on Monday. Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada