Today in Digital Marketing - Third-Party Cookies: "We're Not Dead Yet!"

Episode Date: June 24, 2021

The cookiepocalypse is on hold! Snapchat's clever digital campaign goes real-world. Your next employer is already spying on you. And — did I read this right?! Facebook CPMs are down?Get each epi...sode as a daily email newsletter (with images, videos, and links) — ADVERTISING:- Ads: Classifieds: Brand Takeovers: JOIN THE COMMUNITY:- Slack: Discord: Podcast Perks: ENJOYING THE SHOW?- Rate and review: Leave a voicemail: FOLLOW TOD:- Twitter: LinkedIn: TikTok: Today in Digital Marketing is hosted by Tod Maffin ( and produced by engageQ digital ( Subscribe at or wherever you get your podcasts. (Theme music by Mark Blevis. All other music licensed by Source Audio.)Our Sponsors:* Check out Kinsta: https://kinsta.comPrivacy & Opt-Out:

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Starting point is 00:01:07 Your next employer is already spying on you. And did I read this right? Facebook CPMs are down? It's Thursday, June 24th, 2021. Happy National Indigenous Day, Peru. I'm Todd Maffin from EngageU Digital, and here's what you missed today in digital marketing. Some fantastic news for our little corner of the world. Google this morning announced it will delay its planned removal of third-party cookies. Those cookies, of course, are little
Starting point is 00:01:36 browser trackers that report back a site visitor's behavior. The third-party thing means that behavioral data is being sent to another company like Facebook or Pinterest or any other service. And now, Google says it won't phase those third-party cookies out of its Chrome browser for another two and a half years or so. Until now, they've been saying they'll stop supporting them at the end of this year. When they do roll this out, it will be staged. Late next year, that's 2022, they will start a migration period. Then those cookies will stop working in Chrome in late 2023.
Starting point is 00:02:10 This is, of course, great news for digital marketers who've already been beaten up by Apple's removal of tracking data from apps on its mobile devices. This should give the ad industry more time to develop alternatives. It might also signal that Google's own much-ballyhooed alternative, which it calls Flock, just isn't cutting it, at least not yet. Last week, Digiday reported that pretty much all of Amazon's consumer-facing sites like, Whole,, all of those were Flock-blocking. Sorry. Quoting, Whatever the timeline, the pushed back against these as inefficient replacements and has been stymied by radio silence from the tech giant on the issue. Ultimately, Google's delay ensures that questions around how to address privacy and tracking
Starting point is 00:03:15 in digital marketing will continue over the next couple of years. Getting it right is imperative as digital marketing's importance continues to grow, but the longer timeline is also likely to complicate things for marketers." A clever campaign by Snapchat lets users there create their own custom pride flag. The company said, To reflect how pronouns and physical expressions have become more fluid and expansive, Snapchat created new versions of pride flags with blended gradients, giving the LGBTQIA plus community a way to embrace the spectrum of identity and an individual's place within it, unquote. But here's the thing. In addition to the digital flag you create, Snapchat will also print and ship you the actual flag you designed.
Starting point is 00:04:07 For each flag sold, $2 will go to a group supporting equity efforts. Snapchat's actually been quite focused on these kinds of crossover promotions. In January, people discovered a patent that Snapchat filed which would add popular real clothes from fashion brands to Snapchat's personal avatar designs. So rather than just generic beige t-shirt, you could buy and wear a beige t-shirt from The Gap. This past spring, the company also bought the digital sizing company Fit Analytics. So you've been looking for a new job, sending your resumes to various brands or agencies.
Starting point is 00:04:47 Maybe you've even put your Twitter account on there. And maybe you even worried a little that they might actually check it. According to new data from Skynova, yeah, you've got reason to be concerned. Their survey of 233 hiring managers found nearly two out of three hiring managers always check the social media accounts of job applicants before they decide on hiring them. The top reason they check? To get more detail on an applicant's professional background and to get a sense of their personality. When asked how political posts on a candidate's socials would affect their desire to hide them. 39% said, actually, it would work in the candidate's favor.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Managers would be more likely to hire them. But Tide, at 39%, said it would have no impact. And about 21% said seeing political posts would negatively affect that decision. Today's premium newsletter has a very pretty infographic with many colors and charts. All right, over to the lightning round. Today's premium newsletter has a very pretty infographic with many colors and charts. a single webpage where you can find all their search content policies. It is a horrible URL, so we made a short one for you. slash Google Policies. Twitter now lets iOS users share tweets directly to Instagram stories. It shows up in a little Twitter-branded frame and actually looks pretty good. And I've been seeing some reports today on Twitter among Facebook ad buyers that CPMs seem to be down and CTRs up.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Of course, that's just anecdotal data. But if you had your Facebook campaigns on hold because of the crazy auction rates in the last few weeks, it might be worth seeing what numbers you get now. If you've got a marketing position you're trying to fill, or maybe you're looking for the next great gig, consider Classified Ad right here. It's just 20 bucks. You can book it online. Link in this episode's description. Talk to you tomorrow. We took our time We took it slow
Starting point is 00:06:56 You read my mind I wanted to go We took our time It's the season for new styles, and you love to shop for jackets and boots. So when you do, always make sure you get cash back from Rakuten. And it's not just clothing and shoes. You can get cash back from over 750 stores on electronics, holiday travel, home decor, and more. It's super easy.
Starting point is 00:07:29 And before you buy anything, always go to Rakuten first. Join free at Start shopping and get your cash back sent to you by check or PayPal. Get the Rakuten app or join at R-A-K-U-T-E-N dot C-A.

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