Today in Digital Marketing - Twitter is the Next TikTok. Discuss.

Episode Date: October 14, 2021

The next TikTok is Twitter?! The growing marketing platform being ignored by B2B. If morality won't stop Facebook's algorithms, maybe legislation will. And congratulations — your company&#39...;s web site is now on page 1 of Google. Andrew Foxwell's "Q4 & BFCM Quick Wins Guide for Advertisers" —• Get a Free 14-Day Trial of the Premium Newsletter (with exclusive content, videos, links, and more) — GET YOUR WORD OUT:• Ads as low as $20! See• Be a guest expert: JOIN OUR COMMUNITY!- Slack: Discord: Reddit: ENJOYING THE SHOW?- Please tweet about us! Rate and review us: Leave a voicemail: FOLLOW TOD:- TikTok: Twitter: LinkedIn: Today in Digital Marketing is hosted by Tod Maffin ( and produced by engageQ digital ( Subscribe at or wherever you get your podcasts. (Theme music by Mark Blevis. All other music licensed by Source Audio.)Our Sponsors:* Check out Kinsta: https://kinsta.comPrivacy & Opt-Out:

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Starting point is 00:00:18 starting at $19 per month at Be protected, be Zen. Today is TikTok, the next Twitter. Be protected. Be Zen. now on page one of Google. It's Thursday, October 14th, 2021. Happy World Standards Day. I'm Todd Maffin from EngageQ Digital, and here's what you missed today in Digital Marketing, episode 483. Quick, what platform would you go to if you wanted to reach people under 25? TikTok? Instagram? Here's one I bet you didn't say. Twitter. But today the company published new data on its younger users and said almost half of all tweets from May 2020 to May of this year were from users aged 16 to 24. Those are US numbers. Quoting, that runs somewhat counter to the perception that Twitter is being increasingly used by politically motivated groups to drive their messaging.
Starting point is 00:01:30 But then again, Twitter is also known for its more left-leaning movements and focus, which would align with younger, more progressive viewpoints on many key issues. In some ways, that may also lessen the value that some put in Twitter's trends as it's primarily younger users and not necessarily representative of the majority. This data shows that it's increasingly very young demographics that are engaging with tweets, which points to rising trends but may also, again, not be representative of broader opinion, unquote. So from a digital marketing standpoint, Twitter says that some 70% of its Gen Z users come to the app to learn about new products. The same number like to share their opinions about brands and the products that they buy. The company also says young people on its platform want to interact with ad campaigns, especially when the campaigns are designed to garner interaction. Apparently, they were especially engaged when there was an element of the campaign they could riff off, something meme-worthy.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Hmm. Ads? Brands? Memes? Remix culture? Sure sounds like TikTok. In fact, Twitter's recommendations are almost point-for-point what TikTok recommends for brands.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Provide a way for your audience to spin their own take on your message and connect them with a broader conversation. Again, from Based on these findings, Twitter advises that brands should take a participatory approach to their campaign creation, while they should also ensure that they stand by their words and drive ongoing action through advocacy pledges. That interactive community-based approach aligns with the habitual behaviors of Gen Z, Today's premium newsletter has a link to the new research and links to 53 examples of great Twitter campaigns. You can borrow ideas from. Link to the premium newsletter is in this episode's notes. Andrew Falkwell's team has got a great new resource out for digital marketers.
Starting point is 00:03:37 It's called the Q4 Quick Wins Guide to Advertisers. It's got ideas specific to this holiday buying season and covers changing consumer behavior buying patterns this year, the impact of tracking data loss, their recommendation on how your bid strategy needs to change in light of increased competition, a retargeting approach, some ideas around creative and user-generated content. It is a quick read packed with lots of good nuggets, and if you plan to be doing any selling over the next two and a half months, it really is a must-have resource. You can download it at slash q4guide. There's a link to that in today's episode notes.
Starting point is 00:04:14 It's 10 bucks and you'll be supporting this podcast too as we'll get a small cut of that. Again, that URL is in the episode notes or just go to slash q4guide. Do you have business insurance? just go to slash q4guide. major financial losses, data breaches, and natural disasters. Get customized coverage today starting at $19 per month at Be protected. Be Zen. An interesting piece in today asks, if the connected TV industry like Hulu, YouTube Premium, and others is mature, where are the B2B advertisers? Yes, B2B. The author suggests business-to-business brands like Staples, IBM, and Microsoft could be joined by smaller B2B companies to get a foothold in the space,
Starting point is 00:05:10 which is known as CTV. Quoting from the piece, the thousands of B2B marketers focused on performance and narrower audience targets, with millions in their media plan going to other channels, have yet to dip a toe into the highly engaging channel of CTV, and that is a missed opportunity. CTV has 231 million viewers in the US alone. Those viewers are among the wealthier and more educated demographics, which means they comprise a hefty chunk of business buyers. That is plenty of volume for B2B advertisers to run locally targeted or audience targeted advertising using TV or video creative. No one can make excuses anymore about a lack of scale on CTV, unquote.
Starting point is 00:05:53 The whole piece is quite solid. It goes into lead gen, multi-channel attribution, and the future of TV. It is up at Look for the article called CTV Scale is Here, So Where Are the B2B Advertisers? We don't usually cover political or legislative developments here, but this one is an exception since it's about the social algorithms. Probably one in particular. This morning, American politicians introduced proposed legislation called the Justice Against Malicious Algorithms Act, which would amend the country's legal shield that the social platforms currently enjoy in the U.S.
Starting point is 00:06:31 to exclude personalized content recommendations that it contributes to physical or severe emotional injury. This comes after a former Facebook manager leaked internal Facebook documentation saying its algorithms reward anger and division. It may be a tough bill to enforce, though, as a lot of negative influence isn't necessarily illegal. It might be covered under the American ethos of free speech. Contributing to someone's anorexia? Horrible.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Not illegal. Promoting vaccine information? Horrible. Not illegal. promoting vaccine information horrible not illegal the bill would only cover personalized recommendations defined as sorting content with an algorithm that relies on information specific
Starting point is 00:07:14 to an individual and finally I have some great news after all that work you did on your website's SEO I am pleased to let you know it worked. It worked. You are now on page one of the search engine results. Nice work. So that's the good news.
Starting point is 00:07:38 The bad news is that everyone is now on page one. Because Google today has launched continuous scrolling on mobile devices. Now, when you reach the bottom of a search results page on your phone, the next set of results will automatically load. No more pages, just endless doom scrolling. Hooray? So a bit of a short episode today. Hooray? that's on me, but it hurt enough for me to actually get up for a couple of hours. Also, I had this dream after I got back to bed that I had found five separate contact lenses in my right eye,
Starting point is 00:08:32 the right eye that is currently painful. So anyway, good thing, I guess, that today is a light day. All right, talk to you tomorrow. It's your eyes. It's your eyes.

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