Today in Digital Marketing - Your Brand’s Content Isn’t in Google? This Might Be Why.
Episode Date: June 23, 2022What's preventing your content from ranking on Google... Klaviyo's new enterprise offering... A podcast company jumps on Zuck's subscriber-only Facebook Groups... Twitter's new ad lets your brand have its own like button... While its new ad tool lets you forecast performance before launching a campaign...Go Premium! No ads, weekend editions, story links, audio chapters, better audio quality, earlier release time, and more.Get each episode as a daily email newsletter (with images, videos, and links).HELPFUL LINKS:ADS: Reach thousands of marketers with our ad options.CLASSIFIED ADS: Only $20 — more infoMORE CONTENT: Email newsletter, expert interviews, and blog posts.HANG OUT: Join our Slack communityEnjoying the Show? Tweet about us • Rate and review • Send a voicemailFOLLOW US:The Show: LinkedIn • TikTok • FB Page • FB GroupTod: Twitter • LinkedIn • TikTok • TwitchDEALS:Jyll Saskin Gales — Inside Google Ads Andrew Foxwell — Foxwell Founders Membership • Scaling After iOS14 • All CoursesOthers — AppSumo lifetime marketing deals • Riverside.FM podcast recording siteCREDITS:Today in Digital Marketing is hosted by Tod Maffin and produced by engageQ digital on the traditional territories of the Snuneymuxw First Nation on Vancouver Island, Canada. Our associate producer is Steph Gunn. Ad coordination by RedCircle. Production coordination by Sarah Guild. Theme music by Mark Blevis. All other music licensed by Source Audio.(If the links in the show notes do not work in your podcast app, visit )Some links in these show notes may provide us with a commission.Our Sponsors:* Check out Kinsta: https://kinsta.comPrivacy & Opt-Out:
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Today, here's why your content isn't ranking on Google.
Klaviyo has a new enterprise offering.
Twitter's new ad format lets your brand have its own like button.
And here it is, the worst and funniest post-read podcast ad of all time.
No, it's not mine.
It's Thursday, June 23rd.
I'm Todd Maffin.
Here's what you missed today in digital marketing.
Have you ever had content on your brand's website not rank in Google, no matter what you do, or how fast your site is, there may be a simple answer.
Google today updated its help document about Googlebot, the piece of code that crawls and indexes webpages. Quoting that document, Googlebot can crawl the first 15 megabytes of
content in an HTML file or supported text-based file. After the first 15 megs of the file,
Googlebot stops crawling and only considers the first 15 megabytes of content for indexing,
unquote. Meaning, make sure the content that you want Google to rank for is in that first 15 megs
of your web page. Although it wasn't particularly clear in their docs, I'm guessing that this does
not include the file size of any images, though of course it would include the tiny bit of HTML
code that references the image. You can test your site's current index status by using Google's
URL inspection tool to diagnose any SEO issues on your site.
The email and SMS marketing platform Klaviyo had a small product announcement this morning.
The platform is particularly popular in the direct-to-consumer space. They're calling it
Klaviyo One. It's essentially their existing platform, but with a new set of extra stuff
aimed at the large brand enterprise space, like more security options, more responsive support, and so on.
And the second part of their announcement I thought was more interesting.
The database that drives their platform will now also be available as a standalone product.
Jenna Crane leads product marketing at Klaviyo.
She joins me now.
Jenna, what is the use case here?
Why would someone only want to use part of the Klaviyo system?
They could still do the same powerful, you know, personalized marketing.
It's just if they wanted to buy only the CDP part of Klaviyo and then integrate a different email and SMS solution, they could do that.
So obviously we believe that, you know, it's better when you use those
both together, and they work natively, incredibly integrated tightly. But if you really did,
you know, love your email and SMS provider, you could buy just the Klaviyo customer data platform
to make segmentation, you know, super easy, and then add on to it your existing email and SMS
platform. I see. Okay, so like a little more modular. Got it. By the way, now that I have you,
I have another question I've always wanted to know. What does Klaviyo actually mean?
Why is it named that? Do you know?
Yeah, I do. So it was based off the Spanish word klaviyo, which the English translation,
I believe, is python, which is basically what rock climbers
use to anchor into the rock to support them as they climb. And so that's always been core to
the Klaviyo mission is that we are the anchors that support people who are climbing to great
heights. Got it. Jenna Crane leads product marketing at Klaviyo. If you'd like to check
out their announcement today, they have a new mini site up at slash one. That's spelled K-L-A-V-I giving third-party platforms access to subscriber-only Facebook groups through interoperable subscriptions. This lets creators
grant access to subscriber-only groups to their paying fans and subscribers. Following the
announcement, podcasting platform Acast announced that the companies are developing an integration
between its subscription service, Acast Plus, and Facebook groups.
Podcasters using Acast Plus's platform will be able to offer their listeners access to Meta's subscriber-only groups on Facebook, where they interact directly with creators and access
benefits like live streams, Q&As, and special events. Here's how it'll work. When a fan
subscribes to Acast Plus membership, they will be automatically admitted to the group by linking the subscription to their Facebook account right in the podcast feed.
The idea is to make it easier for podcasters to build their own community for listeners rather than having to manually find and add them.
This has some potential for marketers. Already, some brands and creators have clubs or memberships in Discord, where membership is controlled by a third-party platform like Patreon.
Once someone buys the right tier of Patreon membership, Patreon gives that person access in the creator's Discord via a Discord API.
That's essentially what Facebook groups will be able to do, opening up the opportunities for brands to more easily manage memberships in everything from VIP groups to customer groups to, I don't know, influencer clubs.
What would your brand's custom like button be?
Well, Twitter announced yesterday that it will launch branded likes
as an ad option to all advertisers next week.
Branded likes lets you create custom like animations for your tweets. For example, the campaign for the Scream movie featured a heart
being slashed with a knife when you liked the tweet. How much will an ad campaign like this
cost? Well, Twitter hasn't released pricing yet, but it could be expensive considering that it
charged advertisers $1 million for branded emojis
during the Super Bowl. While it works on rolling out a new ad option, Twitter also announced the
launch of its new forecasting tool called Campaign Planner. The planner lets advertisers forecast
campaign results before making them live. With the tool, advertisers can measure several performance outcomes like reach, impressions, average
frequency, and projected CPM. The insights are based on estimates from Twitter's database.
Advertisers can also use the planner to budget for auction-based campaigns.
And if you like the results, you can launch your ads right from the platform.
Currently, Campaign Planner is only available to a few select advertisers, but the company says it will soon expand its availability. or a lawsuit. No business or profession is risk-free. Without insurance, your assets are
at risk from major financial losses, data breaches, and natural disasters. Get customized coverage
today starting at $19 per month at Be protected. Be Zen. Who needs product photo
shoots anymore? Now, AI can generate products for your brand so you don't have to IRL.
Today, Amazon announced that its data labeling service, SageMaker Ground Truth, now supports synthetic data generation.
This means you will have the option to create a virtually unlimited number of images of a product in different positions in any environment.
The VP of Engineering at Amazon Web Services explained,
quote, you start with the 3D model in a number of different formats that you can pull in,
and it'll synthetically generate photorealistic images that match the resolution of the sensors you have, unquote.
Amazon is also partnering with 3D artists to help companies without their own in-house talent get started with this service.
Yes, it's time for another episode of Who's Copying Who?
Who's Copying Who?
God help me, it's meta again. Isn't it always meta?
Yes, yesterday, just one day after Twitter announced that it was
testing a new notes feature. Hey, guess what? Instagram is now too. What are the odds? Yes,
Instagram confirmed it is testing a new feature called, and I know this will shock you, notes,
which lets users post announcements and longer text to their followers. TechCrunch says in contrast to Twitter's notes, which are for long-form content,
Instagram's version is more like a message on a bulletin board.
See, guys? Totally different.
Screenshots of the new feature suggest that unlike posting an announcement to your story,
Instagram notes will appear in a new row above your messages in your DMs.
So far, it looks like notes will be able to have up to 60 characters and users can respond to them through messages.
Since notes will not be posted to your story, an algorithm won't be working against you.
So you can potentially get more reach with a message about an exclusive promotion or a business update. And finally, can the use of the word the in your next
ad now get you into legal hot water? I swear I'm not making this up, but Ohio State University
has successfully trademarked one of the most common words in the English language, the.
Before you call your lawyer, the school says it won't be suing any brands using the word the.
Its protections are limited to a narrow set of circumstances that pertain to clothing in the realm of sports apparel.
So I guess unless you're selling knockoff Ohio State merchandise, you're in the clear.
I think I'd like to trademark wtf
is anyone else getting sick of that stupid thing that tiktok has had for a month now where as soon
as you open the app you get this giant box it's like hey you share this and we'll send you 60
bucks or something like that and then you close it and there is another box behind it.
Like, I don't know.
It's a little, screams a little desperate to me.
Hey, I have a very funny bit of audio for you to end today's show.
Perhaps the worst and yet most entertaining ad of all time.
Parents, it does contain profanity.
But first, a little reminder.
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Okay, so podcasts have been around for more than a decade now.
One of the OGs in the game was Bill Burr.
This is some audio that PodNews
pointed us to today. It is a
recording of a HostRed ad
for a berry company.
This is how
it aired. Enjoy.
I'll see you tomorrow.
This might be my favorite name of anything I've ever
advertised here.
Other than one white Charlie's.
Sherry's Berries. It says advertised here uh other than one white charlie's uh sherry's berries
it says insert story when you've given or received uh the gifts well i i've been out of town i
haven't gotten sherry's berries yet all right sherry's berries since the end of the year is
all about delicious holiday food why not send an extra special holiday treat to friends, family, business associates,
everyone you know.
I've never met a person who didn't love Sherry's Berries.
Send giant dipped strawberries from Sherry's Berries for only $19.99.
That's over a 40% savings.
Go to,
click on the microphone, and type in burr, B-U-R-R. For my listeners,
double the berries
for just $10
more. Berries are terrific
and a sweet holiday gift.
They also have delicious products
such as Christmas cake pops,
cheesecakes, and dipped
pretzels. Here's the only way to get
this special 1999 sherry's berries offer call 866 fruit
i'm sorry
what the fuck am i selling did i approve this this is fucking ridiculous
who the fuck is gonna buy this shit this is the funniest shit
in my fucking life christmas cake pops cheesecakes and dipped pretzels call 866 fruit everybody 866 fruit 0-2
or even better visit
oh punch drunk
oh please spell out the words oh by all means berries
berries berries click on the microphone in the top right corner and type in
burr you got to see these enormous berries for yourself go i swear to god this is the copy go
to click on the microphone and tip in burr type in burr dip your balls and dip your
berries in that don't wait now order order some chocolate berries for the fucking person in your life.
Oh, shit.
I needed that.
That was wonderful.
I'm sure I'll get some complaints on that one.
We need a conference call.
Can't do it.
I'm in Helsinki.
Hey, you cunts better buy some Sherry's berries because I'm going to get in trouble with that fucking reading.
I'm not changing it because that was hilarious.
Wiping tears away here. And my apologies to I didn't look at the copy before I read that. I'm too fucking immature to read shit like that. I'm sure you have wonderful
chocolate covered berries. All right.