Tomorrow - 234: 100% pure cable TV

Episode Date: September 12, 2021

On this week Tomorrow, everyone from PlayStation to Paramount+ is trying to take Josh and Ryan's money. There's also some discussion of the new Matrix installment and the late Michael K. Williams. Abo...lish the Paw Patrol! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey and welcome to Tomorrow. I'm your host Josh Joshua Topolsky. Today on the podcast, we discuss pop patrol, cable cards, and getting red-pilled. I don't always one minute. Let's get ready. All right, here we are. Here we are back in a chat. Chatting. Back in the on the back of the chat. Chatting. Back in the matrix.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Back in the matrix. Oh, I mean, hold on. Let's, we have to talk about and we'll talk about the matrix resurrections, the new installment in the matrix series. Well, I mean, it's a big deal, I guess. Here's the thing. I remember, okay, the first Matrix film
Starting point is 00:01:07 is, I mean, I can like every, I mean, I can think, I can basically remember every part of it. I mean, it's like a, it is a perfect movie. It is a, it is a, I mean, it is a great, one of the greatest like film experiences of all time, in my opinion. And then the two after that are bad. There's my recollection. Like they made two more, they made two more matrix films. And like I know that like in one of them, there's like a couple of like,
Starting point is 00:01:39 there's like guys who have like, they're like, I wanna say maybe they're like, white guys with dreads who are like twin twins maybe. Yeah, that's the second one. Okay, like, I mean, these are the kinds of things that I've, I remember there's like a rave, they show them in like Zion, Zion city or whatever when they're like out of the matrix and they're everybody's like raving. I think the problem, a big problem is, the first film is so, it's so succinct and focused in its storytelling.
Starting point is 00:02:09 It has such momentum that it doesn't feel like there's a wasted moment or scene in the entire first film. It is just, you start, you press play and it's a roller coaster ride, the entire time. Every scene feels important and meaningful, every discovery fits with like... It's like Jurassic Park, you feel like you're partly on a ride. Yeah, and it's like every piece fits together,
Starting point is 00:02:38 and by the end of it, you're like, yes, like that, and it ends in just the way you want it to, which is kind of open-ended. It's sort of like, you know, the original film ends. Like, yes, there could be more to this story, but I've seen enough of what is happening to feel like, okay, if they never made, I wasn't like, at the end of that movie, I wasn't like, man, I can't wait for the next one.
Starting point is 00:02:59 I think it was my feeling was, and I feel like a lot of people is, you know, your feeling is sort of like, that's a great movie. that's a great ending, it leaves it open to interpretation to like think about what might happen. And then like, the problem is, of course, when the what might happen becomes reality, it always feels like a disappointment, often feels like a disappointment, not always, but often. Yeah. Like, you know, I think the Star Wars, first Star Wars films, Like, you know, I think the Star Wars, for Star Wars films, do a really good job of progressing a story and characters in a way that,
Starting point is 00:03:30 like, I know people have like their niggles with Return of the Jedi, which is actually- No, but that's such bullshit. You could sit there and be like, well, I don't like the Ewoks or whatever. I don't like the Ewoks. Okay, great, but there's the core story telling. They're each individual stories taking part
Starting point is 00:03:44 over a long, a slightly longer plot, but they leave so much more to the imagination and they build out the world in a way that you get tastes of things. And you're excited to see more, but they don't do the thing which I think is very annoying about Harry Potter,
Starting point is 00:03:58 sorry to Zelda, but by the time you're at the end of it, but by the time you're at the end of it, you understand every aspect of how everything works. It's like, how did they get toothpaste? Well, I have a magic spell. We're actually more than halfway through the second book. And for at least the first half of it,
Starting point is 00:04:16 I was like, okay, I don't feel like I need to hear this much detail about whatever they're talking about. There's just too much, I mean already, I was like, and I think Zelda got kind of bored too in the first half of the book. It's just too much, I mean already, I was like, and I think Zelda got kind of bored too in the first half of the book. It's like, the crinkle dorks, when they need to use the toilet, go three times, like multiple pages on a spell class
Starting point is 00:04:34 that like has nothing to do with the plot or whatever. You know, it's like, I don't, it's like, I don't know. The thing with the car with Ron flying, the flying car, it's like, the four-year go-ah. Yeah, who cares about this? It's like the four airs. Who cares about this? It's like just like have them show up. I'm sure it's relates to the plot in some way, but anyhow, I do like that.
Starting point is 00:04:51 I do like that in the, so not to get off the topic of the matrix, matrix resurrections, which I want to talk about, but I do like that they've now introduced the real, what appears to be a real underlying motivation for bad wizards, which is racism, basically. So I think that's a good, that's an interesting, you know, funny, funny, funny, coming from the ultimate, I'm sorry, the world's ultimate turf, JK Rally, she's like, we shouldn't
Starting point is 00:05:16 discriminate. It's like, that's interesting. That's an interesting thing. And everyone has the power to look however they want. Yeah, yeah. And also I'm a turf. however they want. And no discrimination. Also, I'm a turd. Yeah. And those Jews at Greengots.
Starting point is 00:05:28 And you can call me Robert. Yeah. But anyhow, back to the Matrix. So the second and third movie, what I remember is that they get very tongue twisted trying to explain the history and the architecture of the matrix. And I think they also get a little bit hung up on my recollection
Starting point is 00:05:51 as this idea that they've got to throw in a mind melting twist that's kind of, that is like, you know, oh yeah, it's like, hey, we live in a reality that is not what's real. And you can wake up from this and you discover the truth about reality. Then they're like, actually, what if that reality maybe was also not real?
Starting point is 00:06:13 And you're like, okay, that's pretty interesting. And they're like, and what if your mind is completely separate from your body? So it doesn't even matter what reality. And you're like, and then they're like, you know, what if this is actually, and then they're like, and then they're like, you know, what if this is actually we've done this before this exact same thing has happened and now we're just on a loop and it's like, okay, sure, whatever, I don't know. But I just remember at the end, it's like the architect that's
Starting point is 00:06:35 explaining the guy, whoever the guy is like the architect of the matrix. He's like some program that created, I can't remember, but it's like, you know, he's explaining stuff to Neo about what's going on and I'm just like, I don't know anymore, it's not as good as I want it to be. They, they, it got clunkier because they, they, not that all of that is interesting. I think, you know, most of the time, most of the time sci-fi stuff always, and to in my opinion, we're always end up
Starting point is 00:07:00 somewhere battle-circuleactic, but that's fine. Oh, battle-size-time. Now, I know a lot of people have a problem with battle circle act as arc, but I think I actually, Lauren, I watched that, like sort of outside of the hype cycle of it,
Starting point is 00:07:11 and we were like, this is so good, like the high-up thing. I was like, this is such a great, weird, light. I thought it was great. Perfect arc of a show.
Starting point is 00:07:20 I thought it was great. Yeah. But it's not to say that that lore is interesting. It's just that, like, it's less interesting when you've heard it before. And also, it's less interesting when it's not delivered like diagetically. Like I don't, it's hard for me to care when we're doing plot dump scenes about lots of words that I don't really have to learn.
Starting point is 00:07:41 It's like, it's all exposition. It's like instead of you showing me this thing or explaining it in a way that feels really native, which the first movie does really well. It takes you through, yes, like Morpheus breaks it down for Neo, but like you learn it in a way that he learns it and it's kind of like you feel like you're along for that same ride. Yeah. And the later films, you feel like they're going like, okay, you know, have a seat and
Starting point is 00:08:04 they're like, okay, there's a guy with a ch... like, okay, you know, have a seat and they're like, okay, there's a guy with a ch... Literally, I know the architect might have a chart. He definitely has some visuals to like, you know, and like, and he's like, okay, so in the first Matrix, this is a progressing line. I don't know if you, I don't know if this guy telling us about it on screen is a stupid guy.
Starting point is 00:08:19 I don't know if I need a bit of this guy, you know. Exactly. But so, okay, so, so, so there's a trailer for this new with the guy, you know, exactly. But so, okay, so there's a trailer for this new movie, which is called The Matrix Resurrection. And I see, I don't remember, but everybody's like, Neo and Trinity are dead at the end of the last movie.
Starting point is 00:08:35 It's like, are they? I guess, I don't remember. You telling me that doesn't spark anything in my mind, which I think is a testament to how forgettable the final film is. And so what it appears that we're seeing here is, Neo, first off, here's one thing I like about it. It seems to take place in modern day San Francisco
Starting point is 00:08:55 from what I can tell. I mean, or maybe it's like whatever anonymous city, but it looks like an actual place that people live. Because the Matrix films originally made the Matrix seem kind of like otherworldly, like the world that was the Matrix. But then they progressively distance the, what the, when you were in the Matrix versus outside of it, they progressively made them visually much more distant.
Starting point is 00:09:23 And like my recollection of those later movies, and even made to some extent, the first one is that once you realize it, like the scenes in the Matrix all feel very, like, colored and, you know what I mean? They're like heavily color treated and very, like, slick and everybody's wearing those, like, weird, you know, they're all wearing leather for reasons that have nothing to do with the Matrix, but I think have everything to do with someone's love of BDSM. I'm morale.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Yeah, which is like, you know, fine, but like it's just a very funny, like suddenly everybody has like a Florida ceiling, leather jacket on, or pants, and anyhow, but like, so it's appears to be set in like a San Francisco-esque world and Kiana Reeves is character who's got, he's like Kiana Reeves and then he's got a beard
Starting point is 00:10:10 and shit as hair as long. He knows Kung Fu. I mean, he, no, he's like, oh yeah, he's the mentally ill, right? This is the idea, he's like, he's like having hallucinations and crazy dreams and he's like, oh, I had, you know, I thought I was like, savior of humanity in this like fantasy world and he's like, oh, I had, you know, I thought I was less like savior of humanity in this
Starting point is 00:10:25 like fantasy world. And, you know, he's being treated by Dougie Hauser, who is, I like that, what is the guy's name? I cannot watch that graph. Neon, no, no, Jonathan Graf is also in a bit Neopatric Harris. Oh, that's right. It appeared to both be psychologists of some type, which is great. Both of them play evil wonderfully. I think it's very interesting that the arc of Neopatter Carras is like, he kind of just plays evil characters now. It's pretty interesting. Anyhow, he appears to be evil. Maybe he's not. But yeah, so it's like sort of like, you know, oh yeah, all that stuff was fake and this
Starting point is 00:11:03 guy is actually crazy. And that's sort of, I feel like the vibe of it is like we're going to spend at least a pretty good chunk of the film questioning, you know, going like, what is that really? Is that really the nature of your reality? Yeah, what is the nature of your reality? Well, I mean, listen, they have a lot of material now because everybody's convinced we're in it. Like the simulation concept is very popular these days. And so, you know, popularized, you know, very much by the matrix, but then, you know, it's gotten even more mainstreamed.
Starting point is 00:11:32 And I like the idea. I, my favorite, some of my favorite horror films or really scary movies are films that are concerned with this idea that your brain cannot, at times, you can lose control of your mind, and it can make you feel or perceive things that are absolutely not happening and not real. And I think there's honestly nothing scarier than the idea of the loss of control over your mind. In many ways, one of my favorite, at least I've said it a million times, one of my favorite,
Starting point is 00:12:12 I'm low that even call it a horror film, but one of my favorite horror films is In the Mouth of Madness. In the Mouth of Madness is very much a precursor to the matrix in that it deals with this idea of like a fictionalized reality. And that there is a observer who knows that there's a fictional reality and then there are a lot of people inside of the fictional reality that don't know, you know? And I mean, there's an amazing fastbender film, Verner Fastbender called World on a Wire from the 70s, which is incredible on everybody should watch. But it tackles this exact same topic.
Starting point is 00:12:53 It's like, what if you were in a simulation and you didn't know or you knew but everybody else didn't? And so that's like really an exciting area to explore to me because it can just as well be an explanation that you've lost your mind. And I think it looks like they're going to play with this idea in the new matrix that, you know, what we've seen before might literally have been a hallucination. I mean, obviously, it doesn't work unless it turns out that it isn't. But I'm curious to see how they integrate that with the rest of the mythology of the Matrix,
Starting point is 00:13:25 because I think there's something like, there's reboot material there, like that's rebootable to me, like that you might take a different angle that it's not just all of this, like they just made a lot of, they did a lot of constructing of the narrative about what the Matrix is and who's in it
Starting point is 00:13:42 and why they're there and all that stuff, and I feel like they could flip it in this film in some ways but I'll tell you this Separate from whether or not it's actually going to be a good movie and that has a good story the fucking trailer Is so good. I mean it is like such a great trailer It is so good and honestly some of the shots are more beautiful than anything I've seen in a big budget movie for the last I would say over a decade. Oh yeah
Starting point is 00:14:08 And well they and so they played Runner 2049. It's very beautiful. Very beautiful film. They do They do this thing that I typically I often dislike which is they take an old song And they like make it trailer music, but this works really well It's what is the white rabbit? Is that the name of the song? Yeah. Yeah. By, by, I'm not buying it.
Starting point is 00:14:29 Is it Jefferson Airplane? Is it Jefferson Airplane? Is that who it is? Yes. Because they changed their name several times. They became Jefferson Starship in the 80s, which is a very cool idea. And I think everybody should evolve their band name
Starting point is 00:14:40 to a larger aircraft. You may have only Ryan Starship. Yeah, I like that. I think that's good. But no, the visuals are awesome. I mean, there's one scene where somebody's jumping off a roof and they land on a corner of another roof and that part of the roof explodes under their feet.
Starting point is 00:14:59 I mean, and I literally have the image stuck in my mind. It's such like a, it just seems like such a, I don't know, there's just something like cool about it, just something like, it definitely looks visually like it could be some next level shit, you know? And I think, I mean, you know, I hope it is. I don't know, I don't know, I'm excited about it. I was like, I would go to a theater to see this, I think. And then it was like, perberian.hpomax.
Starting point is 00:15:24 I'm like, well, I guess I don't have to. So that's great. You know, I do think this is the kind of movie there are certain movies. You want to see in a theater. Yeah. And I don't know, maybe I'll go see it. And this is we're talking December.
Starting point is 00:15:38 It's a long time from now. Yeah, so I don't know. I think this thing has a shot at being highly entertaining, but yeah, it's hard to tell. I mean, a fourth film is very difficult. I mean, I feel like they had difficulties on two and three. So what brings the Matrix back to, you know, can it ever recapture what the first film did?
Starting point is 00:16:06 I mean, I don't think that's possible. But it could be a great, it could be a great, you know, little piece of the puzzle. You know, I'm excited about it. I'm excited. I honestly, I like everybody in it. I like everybody involved with it. I like even if, even if, you, even even in the wakowski back catalog
Starting point is 00:16:27 There have been like hits and misses obviously I think this is this has the potential to To be a really fun and interesting film. This is not both of the wakowskis. This is just Lana. Is that right? Lana. Yeah, it's interesting, so yeah, so the Matrix, that's a thing that happened and that's a thing that we're excited about. I like, I listened to last week's episode, and I was, I was, frankly, the first half of it,
Starting point is 00:16:52 I was just, it was such a downer because there's so much horrible shit going on in the world. I was like, okay, we, we have to, like, talk about things that are not, that are just not like downer stuff, even though downer stuff continues. I got my fold, can we talk about this really quickly? Yeah, I got my galaxy fold.
Starting point is 00:17:09 I think I'm going to return it. I don't, here's the problem. I don't dislike it, but I'm hard pressed to understand what I'm supposed to do with the larger screen. Like the best thing so far that I've been able to do is I can look at Instagram and Twitter at the same time on my phone, which is, you know, probably not a good idea.
Starting point is 00:17:37 No, I don't know how that would help. No, but I can do it. That's the point, okay? And so like, you know, I was, I like loaded up Genshin Impact on it, I'm like, let me check this out. And it's like, it plays fine. I freight rate seems kind of slowed
Starting point is 00:17:50 in me by comparison to my other devices, you know? Like I feel like the bigger screen is hampering the frame rate. And I don't know, I was gonna download some emulators, but the truth is I have so many things to play games on and so many ways to emulate. It's like, I don't really need it on my phone. So, I'm sort of like, what is this for? You know?
Starting point is 00:18:10 And I think this is the problem with the device. Is, I don't know what it's for. It's a very lovely device. It's well made. I mean, they've definitely incredibly improved the build quality of these things and the functionality of it. And it does everything that you expect it to do. And, you know, but what I find is I'm using it a lot close. It has the screen on the front where you can use it. And it's sort of like, okay, well, but I have another, I have this Galaxy S21
Starting point is 00:18:42 ultra that I was using. It's the exact same phone. I mean, it's the exact same, there's nothing different about it. You know, it's not like it's faster or, I mean, nothing, it seems better about it except that it does have the screen inside, but then I open it up and I'm like, that's really cool. Like Zelda was impressed, but what beyond that is this for? And I think, right, I think beyond that, it's like a little bit of a device in search of a in search of a purpose you know like I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:19:12 What that purpose is I will say I'm you know looking at it now and it's it's cool you know extremely cool. It feels like something futuristic but even like I you know I loaded up the kind app and the Kindle app doesn't even address both of this You can't like have a book in the Kindle. That's kind of my issue with always That's always my issue with these like interesting Android devices Even if it's a tablet which is like for Android and interesting shape 99% of your apps don't care about addressing it. So you're just using a giant version of a phone app. And I just know that almost every, almost, there's a couple that don't like Instagram.
Starting point is 00:19:52 But almost every app on my iPad is made for the iPad and it uses all the features. Right, no, it's, that's right. Why would I want like, you know, an app that, say like I use a Dispo and it's my favorite camera app. If it doesn't use the both screens, then it's just not the whole product I've purchased and it's been all the money on. It's not useful to me. And while it is useful for specific things like Ray putting or was it Evan? It might have been Evan. Someone put the fold in a controller case
Starting point is 00:20:28 and was like, look, it's a four by three emulation device. That's a great use case. Am I gonna do that enough? You know what I mean? Yeah, I don't, that's the question, isn't it? I mean, that's the, I guess the majority of the time what I'd really need them to, the two screens for is to have Twitter open and then
Starting point is 00:20:48 like a browser or Slack open into browser. That's like the majority of the time I would spend, but I don't know, that's not enough for me. Yeah, I mean, so that's the thing is that I'm sort of like, I like the flip because at least when I get smaller, it fits in my pocket better. Right, yeah, I mean, I guess the flip to me has sort of a similar problem, which is what's the point of keeping it closed?
Starting point is 00:21:11 I mean, I have the original flip, and I've played around with it, I've got it sitting here, and it's sort of like, okay, yeah, but I need to open it up to use it. Nothing, there's no real advantage to closing it, except it's half the size of my pocket, but like the phone fits in my pocket, you know?
Starting point is 00:21:28 So it's not a situation where I'm like, oh God, I'm carrying around this bulky device and it just doesn't work, you know? I liked it and then I switched back to the iPhone because, and I didn't even notice. So it can't be back out of the feature. I did like it. I like that it fit my pocket better or a bag or whatever,
Starting point is 00:21:43 but it can't be that great because I'm now on an iPhone Pro Max. So, right. No, I mean, I don't know. I mean, I am just, you know, there's just nothing that I can figure out here just to make, to just justify this being the Android phone that I use, right? Just to this is the other device or this is the main device. the Android phone that I use, right? Just this is the other device or this is the main device. I mean, the screen was cool. Again, I just, they don't even give you a good use case for it on the, you know, Samsung's not even like, here's what you should do with it.
Starting point is 00:22:13 It's, it's, it's, it's, you know, it's impressive. It reminds me of those Verizon phones that would flip open, and then there was a keyboard in there, but it was just a phone. Like, it didn't have any features, or whatever it was called. It's like during their like, voyager. I think the voyager was the name of a phone of them. Yeah, I don't know. I mean, yeah, it's just, I don't know. It's like, I don't take notes. Maybe if I were in a big note taker, I mean, I have an know. I mean, yeah, it's just I don't know. It's like I don't take notes Maybe if I were in a big note taker. I mean, I haven't iPad with a pen. It's like I barely ever touched the pen
Starting point is 00:22:50 Yeah, and and like I literally there's not one killer app that I've found here where it's like oh, yeah, the big screen is great So I don't know I mean I'm not knocking it. I mean, as a device, it's really cool. The other thing that I'm kind of bummed is that the cameras are not. The cameras on the S21 Ultra are very good and also there's like crazy zoom. And I kind of miss having that. I will say- All the foldable have terrible cameras. I will say the first thing they sacrifice. One thing that is interesting is the selfie, the way you can do selfies with it, where it's like, you can use the back camera.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Yeah, you use the back camera, but also you kind of monitor the selfie on a place that isn't where the camera is, and so you can sort of get different shots, which I think is kind of cool. But I don't know if that's worth $2,000, I mean, it's not too, I didn't pay $2,000 for it, but whatever the price is, it's like, yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:23:49 It's hard for me to, it's hard for me to truly make it make sense. I was literally on the fold, there's a Reddit, subreddit for people who love the fold. Yeah, I didn't see a lot of people in there going, this is how so it was like this has been a game changer for reading and it's like I don't see how that's Maybe I guess if you have bad eyes and you want really huge text or whatever like even if even if it the kind of app worked great It would just mean swiping half as much. You know what I mean? You're just swiping pages anyway. Yeah, I think, yeah, I guess so, right.
Starting point is 00:24:30 Well, that's like a book, I mean. Yeah, but what I'm saying is like, what's the huge, it's like, oh, reading is so much easier. It's like, is it easier? I mean, you have to swipe slightly less, but that's not usually the detrimental part of reading for me. No, it's really not.
Starting point is 00:24:44 Yeah, it's really not. Yeah, it's really not. I mean, it's, it's, I don't know, maybe if I could like vibe out what it feels like, if it's for like a little book, I might be into it more, you know, I have a little leather cover on it that would feel, I feel like I'm, you know. But then you don't a surface duo and you don't. I don't, I don't, I, but I could, they can be had for cheap now.
Starting point is 00:25:00 But at any rate, so yeah, so I got it, maybe it's going back, I don't really know. The truth is that no phones ever gonna make me happy really Well speaking of products that will never make you happy The phones are gonna spark joy. Did you watch the PlayStation event? I watch I actually missed the event But I watched a bunch of the stuff from the event and I have to say I Mean there's a there's a lot of good, good looking games coming out.
Starting point is 00:25:25 I will say Ghostwire Tokyo looks like fucking amazing. I mean, I cannot wait to play it. Is that a PlayStation exclusive? Yes. Yeah. I mean, that looks, the game looks so good and weird. I'm very excited about it. I also feel like it looks like a game that's maybe being built for VR stuff.
Starting point is 00:25:46 I can't really tell for sure, but it's first person, which is, it's only a timed console release for a place. Oh, is it really? Yeah. Oh, interesting. And it's coming to Windows at the same time. Oh, it is?
Starting point is 00:25:59 Yeah. Oh, well, not a lot of reason. Why did I buy a PlayStation 5? It's very confusing. I mean, I didn't need that Wolverine game, which I might not have explicitly. Yeah, Insomnias doing, and that's the studio that did the Spider-Man game, right? Yeah. Is doing, well, Spider-Man 2 and Venom's going to be in it like whatever, sure, fine,
Starting point is 00:26:20 why not. I still haven't finished either of the other Spider-Man games, and I'm definitely not paying to upgrade. I mean, it's sort of insane. I was thinking about it, the scam of buying something on the PlayStation where you're like, okay, I bought this game. Now, I have a more powerful system to play it on. They're like, oh, you want to use the power of the system for that game you already paid for? That'll be another 20 bucks or whatever.
Starting point is 00:26:44 It's crazy. Like on my PC, if I get a new graphics card, every game takes advantage of the new graphics card. Nobody's like, nobody's like, no, sorry, you got to get more money for that. It's so ridiculous that Microsoft is just, you literally download the title and it gives you the best version of the title for your console and then you play it. That's insane. It's insane. On PlayStation you have to pay additional money. Then you have to know how to download the correct version. Then you have to make sure you're playing the correct version. And like all of which is to use my own device or to game my own console. No, it's insane.
Starting point is 00:27:20 There's it's very stupid. I think that they're very short-sighted. They should have a major marketing point for the new console should have been every game that we can will get upgraded when you get this new console. You get the new console and your games are gonna look better in play better. Some of them do. Some of them do.
Starting point is 00:27:39 Days gone is greatly improved like in terms of frame rate and resolution and stuff. But, but, but some of these are just 60 FPS patches. They're not like a PlayStation 5 upgrade. And yet, and yet I see the trailer for Project Even, I'm like, I don't wanna buy that. Oh, well yeah, I mean, this is the thing.
Starting point is 00:27:57 We were literally just talking about Ghostwire Tokyo, which looks so amazing. I will say, yeah, no, there's a trailer for this game. I'm not sure if it's a game that I actually would like, but it looks insane, which is, yeah, Paris, not Paris, I'd eve, project Eve. I wish it was Paris, I know I wish it was too. Project Eve, which I know nothing about,
Starting point is 00:28:19 but it looks just insane. They had a bunch of games that actually looked really impressive. This one I think, maybe more than any of the others, just was kind of mind blowing. How much do you think they're going to charge full price for the Alan Wake remaster, which is not really a remake or anything. It's just an upscale. Well, this actually, this actually is, I was really annoyed because it was like, whoa, Alan Wake, that's amazing, this is so exciting,
Starting point is 00:28:55 it's gonna be like a remastered version. It's like Alan Wake remaster, but it's the same version you can buy for the PC. I mean, it's not, it's not different. It's not different. No, it's like the graphics are not good. No. I mean, they look, they're not bad.
Starting point is 00:29:14 They're from 60 graphics. They're from literally, yeah, they're literally like the tail end of the two generations old, you know, like gaming graphics. Speaking of breaking news. Oh no. PlayStation 5 is getting a Grand Theft Auto 5.
Starting point is 00:29:33 Is that true? Is that actually breaking right this moment? No, yesterday they announced it or they showed us more footage of it. You got to hand it to them. I'm done. I can't take another. You do got to hand it to them. I can't take another. You do got a hand it to them. I mean, Grand Theft Auto 5. Talk about milk in that cow to death. Listen, I hope that cyberpunk ends up with a life as long as Grand Grand Theft Auto 5. I think,
Starting point is 00:29:57 I think, I mean, for all the pain and suffering, I mean, it's crazy to me that that game is still very, very relevant and viable and making that company, you know, making rockstar a lot of money. By the way, deservedly. I mean, it's an incredible universe they built. I mean, it's great. They built a great game over a decade ago. It's time for a new game, guys.
Starting point is 00:30:21 Yeah, it is not. But I think we're at an interesting point in games right now. I do think there's like, we're sort of, there's a push and pull that used to be, there was this huge barrier of like, what could you build and how could you, how good could it look and all this stuff? And like the delta between, you know, end of three,
Starting point is 00:30:42 Xbox 360 and PS3 to if he has five is like it's big, but it's not like it was from like the versions, you know, the original Xbox to Xbox 360 or whatever, I mean, that's what it was, right? It's like Xbox to 360. I mean, that was a huge elite that was like, wow, like you not, most people won't get this on their PC. Most people won't experience this anywhere except for the console.
Starting point is 00:31:10 Now it's sort of like, I mean, obviously PC prices are, you can get a pretty decent PC for not a wildly, well, I mean, pre-pandemic, certainly not a wildly high amount of money. But, and so, and there's also like, graphics are not the issue anymore in a way, you know? I mean, there's lots of ways to get a great looking experience. It's not just about that anymore. It used to be like, oh, the leaps, there's this huge leap in consoles graphically
Starting point is 00:31:43 and performance wise. And there is a leap now, but that leap is sort of used to be like, oh, the leaps, there's this huge leap in consoles graphically and performance-wise. And there is a leap now, but that leap is sort of catching up to PCs, which gives it a very different vibe. There's a different value proposition too, if like, do you want to pay upfront or do you want to pay on the back end? Right. Because you can get Xbox at a great deal with Game Pass monthly.
Starting point is 00:32:08 You're paying like 25 bucks a month you have Game Pass and an Xbox and all Xbox live and everything. Like that's a solid, but then you have to pay $50 or whatever they're going to charge for their Alan Wake remaster, which is literally just a game that you probably already have in your Steam library. Yeah, I mean, I download, I mean, I bought the Alan Wake game for like a dollar or something on my PC and started playing it.
Starting point is 00:32:35 And if it's that version, I can run, Cyberpunk almost at like all of everything on Ultra, pretty decently. I mean, I had it maxed and it looks good, but it doesn't look like control. It doesn't look like a current generation game by any measure. And so I'm sort of curious to see what they're going to do
Starting point is 00:32:56 with something like Alan Wake and how much they can actually improve it. Yeah, I don't know. I think I thought Alan Wake was going to get a Resident Evil 2 kind of treatment. Maybe this paves the way for a sequel. I mean, it's been a long time. There's been a lot of talk about a sequel for that game. I hope there is a sequel for it because I need some new games to play. I'm so bored. I don't even have any good games I'm playing right now. It's very depressing,
Starting point is 00:33:22 which is why this presentation was actually pretty interesting to me because there were several games that I thought, oh yeah, I think I would play this. So there's this other one, what is the one? You get in Deathloop this week, huh? Is that coming out this week? I have no interest in Deathloop. I'm sorry, I have no interest in it.
Starting point is 00:33:39 I hate the whole aesthetic. I hate the whole surf guitar, like it's like pulp fiction. It's like a pulp, it's like this, you know, it's like supposed to be. It's like 60s mod. Yeah, I hate that shit. I just doesn't do it for me at all.
Starting point is 00:33:55 I love madman aesthetic. I hate when madman goes to LA. That was when I was like, I'm off of this. Yeah, and it's like, it's just, it's this kitschy, like, oh, remember the 60s James Bond films? It's like that vibe and it's like, yeah, I mean, I don't, that's off of this. Yeah, and it's like, it's just, it's this kitschy, like, oh, remember the 60s James Bond films? It's like that vibe, and it's like, yeah, I mean, I don't, that's not a vibe that I find particularly
Starting point is 00:34:09 compelling in any way, shape or form. And it also feels a little well-mined. The concept of the game seems interesting, but I'm like, it feels to me like, it's what it really wants to be, and it's what it's going to be, is a's going to be is a online battle game. An Overwatch. Yeah, it wants to be Overwatch or Fortnite or whatever,
Starting point is 00:34:31 and I feel like that's really why they made it. And everything about the actual story mode of it is sort of secondary. This is what my God says from looking at all of the stuff that's been out about it. So I sort of like, I just, yeah, it doesn't seem interesting to me. It doesn't seem like it has, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:34:49 I'm interested in games of stories more often than not, and it doesn't seem as good as. I like good games. Yeah, it doesn't seem like it has much of a story. It just seems like it's conceptual. It's like, oh yeah, no, you have to keep repeating. Speaking of games of stories, I bought 12 minutes. Is that what it's called?
Starting point is 00:35:05 Which is the game where you're in a room, and it's like James McAvoy and Karen Knightley, or whoever somebody like that, no, Daisy Ridley. It's not a very good game. It's actually really bad. The game itself seemed like it would be very cool, but I played it for about an hour, and I found it to be just utterly maddening.
Starting point is 00:35:25 Terrible reviews. And the gameplay itself just sloppy, just a sloppy game with bad mechanics. And the time, I mean the ending, it's just... Well, I haven't, I don't know what the ending is because I stopped playing it. It's not worth getting, too. I gave up, I was really excited. I was like, oh, this could be really great. And, you know, Willem defows in it.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Where do I sign? Green Goblin himself. Green Goblin. At the end of the game. I'm green Goblin, his content. At the end of the game, he reveals that he's the green Goblin. It's very exciting stuff.
Starting point is 00:35:59 He says Peter. Peter. Anyhow, anyhow. What else is going on? Is there any other things happening in the world right now? Jeff Bezos is trying to live forever. Oh yeah, Jeff Bezos is going to be able to live forever. I mean, I know, we talked a lot about the bad, they're actually doing the vaccine drone,
Starting point is 00:36:18 it sounds like. They're going to load up the drones with vaccines. No, they're managing, Biden's getting very tough, getting very tough. It's funny how, okay, so what? They're going to load up the drones with vaccines. No, they're managing Biden's getting very tough. Getting very... It's funny how, okay, so what Biden announces if you have a company more than 100 people, all your employees have to be vaccinated
Starting point is 00:36:33 or they have to get weekly COVID to prove that they don't have COVID. But it's very funny because American conservatives are having a meltdown about, you know, hippo laws and your employer. And that's the group of people that tied Health insurance to your employer to begin with so right doesn't seem like that argument's gonna hold I mean there's no there's no consistency. There. It's just like whatever the other side of doing
Starting point is 00:36:59 They're they're the opposite of you know whatever they went and then and then the DOJ sued Texas Yesterday announced a lawsuit about this abortion laws insane abortion law opposite of whatever they went. And then the DOJ sued Texas yesterday, announced a lawsuit about this abortion law, this insane abortion law, and the... A motion ruling. Well, I mean, it's a law in Texas. But yeah, they really are like,
Starting point is 00:37:19 the, Merrick Garland did, you know, he's his show now. He, his statement about, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, it's not, it's not on. So we'll see what happens there. I'd love to see that. I'd love to see a victory. I just don't know anymore. I feel like very hard to tell if a victory is possible against whatever kind of weird court packing was done. Speaking of court victories, Epic beat Apple.
Starting point is 00:38:03 What did that happen? Yeah. Where did that happen? Yeah. Where does that happen? I missed that. Really? I've been kind of out of it. It's been a long period. There was a ruling that said that Apple is not a monopoly
Starting point is 00:38:14 technically, but that they're gonna punish them the way they would punish a monopoly. So the court injunction, which is permanent, I mean, obviously they'll have to try to appeal it a million times, is that Apple cannot block third party vendors from linking to other ways of payment. So that would be, you know, epics, epic, what epic wanted. Well, that's very exciting. So what does that mean? It means that if you wanted to pay for Netflix and you don't have to pay for it
Starting point is 00:38:46 through Apple's payment platform, so Netflix could charge you conceivably less. Like, you know, some subscriptions cost more in Apple's apps than they do on the open web because they're building in the tax that Apple's taking because these companies are like, we are low enough margin that we can't fuck around and give you another 30%.
Starting point is 00:39:03 And so it's now saying that it could present you with a thing that says, click here, you'll get taken to Safari, you could pay it Safari, or pay through the Apple App Store. And the court is like, you have to offer both of those things. You can't say that it's against the rules to pay with a credit card or PayPal through Epic's website. Or to tell you that you can do that. I just had a nightmare scenario with trying to get,
Starting point is 00:39:28 I don't know what's going on with Apple's payment stuff. Like the, I, Zelda wanted to watch the Paw Patrol movie because she's a cop. She's a cop. And, and I was like, you know, it was like,
Starting point is 00:39:47 do we have Paramount Plus? And I was like, well, we had it, but then I think we let it, we got rid of it because we didn't need it. And I was like, let's just get it. I'll go to iTunes and it's like, okay, you can restore the purchase. I can go, like, I go into my subscriptions
Starting point is 00:39:58 and I can go re-subscribe to this thing, right? Okay, because I had been subscribed to it. So I subscribed to it. And then I, it's like, I opened it and I could log into it. But no matter what I did it, like, would not accept that I was subscribed to it. And for like an hour, I mean, still as far as I know to this day, I said, yes, charge me money for this thing now. And app the Apple
Starting point is 00:40:22 subscription service was like, okay, cool, you're all good to go. The Paramount Plus app will let me log in with the rest of the, like, I can restore the purchase from iTunes. And yet I can't watch anything. It keeps going like, sign up. Now it's like, you, I, it's I literally like, I sign in. And then it's like, do you want to subscribe? And I'm like, and even if I'm like, sure, let me subscribe, it just drops me back to the screen where it's like, you're logged in, but you're not subscribed. It's like, and I do feel that it is partially a product
Starting point is 00:40:55 of apples, like the way it's structured these subscriptions, that it's like, that it's abstracted the subscription. No, by the way, I like the idea that I can just say subscribe to these things in one place. For the most part, I think most people will continue to use that, you know? But it should work, it should work, and every app should work pretty flawlessly
Starting point is 00:41:16 if you do it that way. And this was just like, it occurred to me or it appeared that whatever was going on, there was something very wrong with the it's ability to tell what it was, what it happened. And there was like, no, there's no recourse. You're just like, okay, I won't, guess that's broken now. I purchased a season of a TV show that I watch with a friend and I added her on YouTube
Starting point is 00:41:42 and I added her to my family sharing plan. So that when she logs into YouTube and clicks on purchases, it should share conceivably everything I've purchased because she's in my family unit. I also subscribe to the television network that airs the show, a private streaming company by the production company that shares that airs the show. And I play for YouTube TV and YouTube Premium. Right, so I'm already like, there should be nothing unavailable to me. Multiple seasons of the show are not available.
Starting point is 00:42:15 Okay, great. So I have to pay them for them out of pocket just by the rights to the episodes. I do that. I get in, it's missing multiple episodes because of licensing issues, but that was not removed from the price. Also, it's not showing up in her YouTube library. So then I get on, I tried to get any kind of customer service from Google Play, which
Starting point is 00:42:35 bests of luck. Finally figured out that I had used the wrong payment platform checkout. I had used my credit card instead of clicking on the family payment method, which is also my credit card to check it out. So I had to wait a day to get refunded. The $50 I spent on two seasons of the show, and then I had to repurchase them and then go and torrent the missing episodes.
Starting point is 00:43:02 Send them to her. We finally are watching the show. Great, we're watching in tandem, we're having a great time. I loaded up the next day, and the episodes that we're missing are now back with no explanation. I'm not saying this is everybody's fault.
Starting point is 00:43:16 I don't wanna walk around being like this, but you know what, this sucks. I pay so much fucking money to watch TV. I just wanted to watch the goddamn show that I've already paid for, already seen. I bought, I've paid everybody involved in the production already. And I still, I've paid for the whole season outright. And I still can't watch that. I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I don't want to be like a broken record in this because I feel like you've talked about it before. But I honestly feel like whatever has happened with this idea where everybody has a
Starting point is 00:43:41 subscription service and everything is completely discreet and none of it really is made to interact with the other thing and that it's all like we've gone from, I mean, I spend so much money on streaming things and yet there's so much confusion about like if I want to watch something, just finding the thing to watch in and of itself and I know people are like, oh, you know, Apple does like a universal search, like it doesn't, it actually doesn't work. It actually does not work at all. It does not work. Like a lot of times you'll search for something
Starting point is 00:44:11 and you'll, it will not list it somewhere and then you go, Or you'll hit the play button, and it doesn't even fucking say there's apps. There's apps like just watch, which I use where I'm like, okay, let me open up this app now and see if this thing's available. And then it's like, oh, okay,
Starting point is 00:44:23 well, here's the ways I can get it. And then this whole dance of subscriptions, it's so bad, it's so badly designed. It all works so just, it works so poorly. And it's so poorly integrated with the other parts of these things, you know? Everybody wants to be like,
Starting point is 00:44:42 everybody wants to be like, you're just gonna subscribe to HBO Max, okay? And you're not gonna subscribe to anything else. So let's just live in a world. We're gonna pretend that we live in a world where there are just HBO Max subscribers, and that's it, you know? Now I do believe there was a point where there were people who were like,
Starting point is 00:44:59 I just subscribed to Netflix, but we're really quickly moving out of that period. And I think that the reality is like, you really can't, it's really hard to Netflix, but we're really quickly moving out of that period. And I think that the reality is, like, you really can't, it's really hard to watch, I mean, whatever. I know we're just talking about content right now, but it is, I mean, it's true that like, I, what if, look at like Disney Plus, for example, if you want to subscribe to Disney's content,
Starting point is 00:45:22 they are like, okay, subscribe to Disney Plus, Plus except for adult shows or things that we've decided are adult like Love Victor which is the spin-off of Love Simon which is an LGBTQ teen you know dating I meant you want a coffee shop a romcom thing. They advertise it as being part of Disney Plus then decided that gay people are to adult for being gay. So they took this teenage romcom and put it on Hulu where you have to, it's a separate subscription. On top of the fact that like ESPN is its own subscription, so then they want you
Starting point is 00:45:56 to buy the bundle, it is ridiculous at this point. Like also HBO, how many HBO skews are there? There's HBO, there's HBO Max, there's still HBO Go, I don't think so. No, I don't think so. I think HBO Go's gone. But I mean, besides the point, the problem is not, the problem is that just like all of this stuff is really poorly organized and like we've basically left it in like the hands of Apple to go or whoever, to go, okay, you know, what's the... This is where all your subscriptions are.
Starting point is 00:46:27 You can click on this one panel and see everything you're subscribing to. And also we'll have an app that you can type anything in and you can hit play and we'll take you to the app. It's just bad. But it doesn't work. It's just poorly designed and poorly connected. And like this thing with this dumb thing
Starting point is 00:46:42 with Paramount Plus is like, I have no idea why it was doing what it was doing. I have no idea why it couldn't figure out that I had just paid for it. And I don't know, there's not even any real support that you can get. But the point is, I do think that in this mad scramble that every company has made to be a monot, to be its own sacred place where they control everything top to bottom. It has created a absolute nightmare for consumers. Obviously, nightmare in the grand scheme of things, we're talking about nightmare in the world of viewing content on your streaming device. But it is really a messy affair, and I think that, I don't know, I wish that there had been, I wish that people could step back and holistically think about what an end user actually does,
Starting point is 00:47:30 and then design around that, versus thinking only about how do we make as many blockades to everybody else's stuff as possible. I mean, I think that, like, to me with, with, when you talk about the Android Apple divide, I'm not saying that Google got it any better. Although, everybody tells me that Roku is better for searches and stuff like that. I don't, I haven't used a Roku box in a while. I will say the only app on which Paramount and HBO Max is apps always work.
Starting point is 00:47:54 No problems. Knock on wood right now. Is my Roku TV. Everything else, Xbox, PlayStation, WebOS, Firestick, none of this shit works. But my Roku apps do work. So I will give them that. I don't know how, or if it's any of their doing, but their apps are working great. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:15 I mean, we, yeah, I mean, there's definitely, I'm not going to put a new box in the room because frankly, at this point, I'm not gonna put a new box in the room because frankly, at this point, I've tried to wittle down the boxes. Yeah. I just think it's just bad. I just think that all of these people have made, but I just don't think there's a lot of, I don't know who the people are
Starting point is 00:48:40 that are creating these experiences, but I feel like they're not the end user. I mean, I feel like they're not actually using it. There's a lot of duplication of effort, and it doesn't seem to be producing a good problem. No, it's like, have you ever used, I mean, it's the funny thing is I have the AT&T streaming. I mean, I had AT&T TV, which was previously AT&T Uverse, which was then before that was Direct TV streaming or something that announced Direct TV again.
Starting point is 00:49:04 But the app is so bad. I mean, in terms of its actual user experience, it is so bizarre to use. And also in comparison to other people's apps, it is so bizarre. And I think it's all out of the place. Like HBO Max is the same. It's like, you guys are,
Starting point is 00:49:23 just like, can you just steal what Netflix is doing? Just steal like, whatever seems to be working for people, you guys should be copying. Not trying to reinvent. You're like, we have a better way to browse content. Like, you actually don't. I like, we're gonna do it at the spiral circle and you'll twist your way down.
Starting point is 00:49:38 You're like, could you show me? No, I got the green. I, I, I subscribe to the criterion collection, which honestly is a very good, was a very good choice because they have a lot of films that otherwise I would probably never see or find. But their discovery is absolutely terrible.
Starting point is 00:49:53 And it's like, if you want, like you just, I just show me an alphabetical list of your movies, like they can't do that. They don't have that. It's like, you're just, can you just act like a normal app for a minute? Like you don't have to be like, oh, we only show you these hand curated collections of content.
Starting point is 00:50:11 Oh, you want to search, you want to find something alphabetically, sorry, we don't offer that. You want to search, I mean, they have a search, but it's like, you have to know what you want if you do it that way. And now the point is, this is just me, it's just a great, you know, a bitch session about, about bad, you know, consumer
Starting point is 00:50:27 products and their user experiences. I would just say the, the, the Apple, what's interesting about the Apple case is I actually kind of dread the future where there are even more ways to pay somebody for a subscription or whatever, or a purchase, but perhaps there's a solution that is abstract from Apple controlling every payment or epic controlling every payment. I mean, there seems to be a need, a great need for a proper middle player here, which is like.
Starting point is 00:51:03 Yeah, I think there needs to be a couple. Like, I don't want to hand all the business to PayPal, I think there needs to be a couple. Like I don't want to hand out all the business to PayPal. I think there needs to be a vendor. No, but vendors who do check out and you just click the one that you like using. You know what, I got to hand it to Shopify. They have, you know, they work with so many retailers now, they have the shop app, which will track all of your purchases.
Starting point is 00:51:22 Love, it's a lot of stuff. Yeah, it's great. And you know what, I know, even I have my Amazon stuff plugged into it. And it's like, I know one, when I check out, if it's a Shopify checkout, I never worry about, is my credit card info in here? Do I have, you know, is my address right or whatever? It's just there. And it's a lot of retailers now. And the app is great, and it has nothing to do with my actual purchasing habits. It has nothing to do with the things I want.
Starting point is 00:51:52 It's just like, it's there when I need it, and then it's gone. And to me, that is a killer fucking app. They figured something out that I think nobody else really got quite right, which is what you really wanna do is have an Amazon experience no matter where you shop. You basically wanna not have to overthink,
Starting point is 00:52:10 where's my credit card and what doesn't have my address and do I have to log into some fucking new thing? You know what sucks, you know what I hate doing? Is like I go to buy a random thing on a site that I've never been to before. Not like a small site or whatever, let's say, I don't know, I mean, that bath and beyond, cameart, sure, whatever.
Starting point is 00:52:28 And you're like, they're like, do you want to sign up? And it's like, not really, no, I don't. Like, I don't want to sign up to cameart. I just want to buy this thing with some assurance that the checkout will be handled properly. You know, Google Pay kind of does this as well. And, but Shopify seems to have gotten it. They have it both on the retailer end
Starting point is 00:52:51 and on the consumer end, which is where you need those things to really connect. I want Shopify for my subscriptions. This is what I want, and someone needs to fucking make it. I want a thing that is, connects all of that stuff together that will tell me everything I've subscribed to digitally that will allow me to manage those, like to cancel or renew those subscriptions at will
Starting point is 00:53:18 and provides like a method of, and then something that provides a method of like being able to log in to or access those subscriptions. Because what I have now is like, I mean, I maybe have a Paramount Plus login that I don't really quite remember because I probably created it on my television. And maybe that's it.
Starting point is 00:53:39 Like content path, you want like a cable card. Yeah, I want cable. That's what I actually want. No, I want, yeah, I want somebody just go, here's what we're gonna do. We sit in the middle, okay? We take a 5% fee from everybody, or whatever their fee is.
Starting point is 00:53:55 And honestly, you could do this with a thriving business on a one-per- once. I mean, this is what Apple should have gotten 100% right and they have failed to do it. Like, their... It's their own fault. I Like, they're on fault. They're, I mean, they should basically have said, you're going to subscribe.
Starting point is 00:54:09 Like, you know that, you know, I signed up, I actually signed up for a service and I used, I used Apple as the, for the payment, iTunes or whatever the fuck it's called now, the App Store. And they're like, do you want to use, create like an Apple login for this? Like, you don't have to use a login or whatever. And I'm like, yeah, that seems great.
Starting point is 00:54:27 Like, let me try that. What they actually do is Apple makes a fake email address for you, okay? Did you know this? Yeah. They make a fake email address and then they like hold that email address and funnel stuff through it, right? And then, so I was like, okay, cool.
Starting point is 00:54:45 Then I went to like log in on the internet for this thing. And it's like, you don't actually have a log in. Like I thought it was like app. I thought it would be associated. I thought it would have been associated with my Apple email address. It is associated with my account, right? No, but it's not. It's associated with some abstract email address
Starting point is 00:55:03 that's like a made up one that's a string of numbers. And and like that's like the sum of the shittiest hackiest stuff in the world, right? I mean, Apple should have been really good at this getting like, okay, like I will say this. I use my Google login all the time for stuff where I'm like, I don't want to mess with this. And it works seamlessly. Like Google auth for services and stores works very well. I just feel like there's this huge missing link. You know, but then of course you go to an Apple TV and you can't do that. You know, there is no Shopify for your subscriptions.
Starting point is 00:55:39 There is no shop app to track your subscriptions and your, you know, sort of digital. There are things that there's like little startups that will scan your bank account record and tell you what your subscriptions are. That's a thing. The idea of giving an app access to my bank statements, so they can tell me what I've subscribed to. By the way, not doing that.
Starting point is 00:56:00 I have subscriptions across multiple cards. It's not like, oh, I use that one card to subscribe to everything. And now, so as long as you look at that statement, I literally would have to give that app access to every credit card. Yeah, it's like, I don't know that that's exactly what I want to do. What I want to do is have it in an intermediary say, hey, at the final, at the last mile of this transaction, we'll step in and handle it. And then we'll keep a record of that and you have access to that
Starting point is 00:56:32 and you can get into the process. I want someone to be like, I'm not gonna be an asshole about this. At some point in the chain of custody from creating a television show to letting me watch it. And everyone's being an asshole right now. Yeah, I mean, I'm just gonna do a search here. Managed digital subscriptions.
Starting point is 00:56:49 Let's see what's out there. I don't want, not Amazon, just, let's see. I want a tool, PCMag has an article on how to track and manage your paid subscriptions. It's like, okay, I'm sure this is like, get a Google Doc. I need it, I want a fucking, yeah, I don't have to put all of my credit card information
Starting point is 00:57:13 into and all of my bank statement information into, to really just have it just like be the middle man there. It's crazy. Oh, this is a guy, this is very cute. It's like, oh, here's how to do it on iOS and Android. It's like, that's great for like one vector. It's like one track. I know.
Starting point is 00:57:36 And I want like one password, but for my subscriptions. Yeah. In any event. Is it Bobby? Is it Bobby? I'm looking right now. Subby. I don't remember that. There's one called Sub bobby i'm looking right now subby i don't remember this one called
Starting point is 00:57:45 subby i'm looking and right out requires you to enter recurring page descriptions manually that sounds like a lot of fun oh my god no nobody has this track my subs track my subs i mean is this i think for sex stuff yeah that's not i don't think it's all right anything else that we should talk about It's been kind of a slow week. Oh, we had the gocker party and my voice is still shot from it We had a party I had a good time. I have trouble having fun at parties because I'm usually worried it to I'm very worried if to you know If other people are having a good time, so I Don't do a lot of Yeah, I had a good time.
Starting point is 00:58:25 I drank. You know how I have been drinking, right? Yeah. Well, I wasn't gonna drink and then I didn't have a drink for most of the night and then I decided to have a drink and... Yeah, you came up to me and you said, I feel phenomenal. Oh, it's great. The first drink is so good.
Starting point is 00:58:43 The first drink is the best. I don't think I'm gonna drink anymore. That's my feeling. That's my feeling. After having multiple drinks the other night, having not been drinking for several weeks, like almost a month probably, I have to say I felt really, really bad,
Starting point is 00:59:02 really bad the next day. And now I was drinking on an empty stomach like an idiot, but I have to say it was a wake up call for me. I'm a special occasions guy now. I had one drink at the gocker thing because I was like, I'm gonna walk around with this and it'll match my outfit. And then I finished it and I said, I don't feel good.
Starting point is 00:59:23 And so I had a Coca-Cola and then I sat down and I was kinda dizzy and I was like, you know, I just don't think, I think if I had not had that drink, I would have been fine and I was like, I just, this is ruining my night. And now I think I'm just like, hot toddy guy at Christmas. You know what I mean? I'm not gonna be like keeping whiskey
Starting point is 00:59:41 in my house guy anymore. Right. Yeah, I mean. It's tough because I really thought I saw myself aging into a lush. I mean, for sure, I definitely, yeah. I mean, I, especially occasions drinking perhaps. I think it's interesting though. I mean, I think it took not drinking for a while
Starting point is 00:59:59 and then having drinks to kind of get a gauge how to feel, you know, to see how it feels when you have. When you don't imbibe poison every day, your organs do feel better. Yeah, it's weird, it's weird about that. Yeah, no, I don't, it wasn't improvement. I was kind of like at the end of it, I was like, was I doing this a lot
Starting point is 01:00:19 because this feels crazy to me, like really very unhealthy. And yeah, anyhow. So, let's wrap up. What's your last thing for the week? That's right. Oh wow. Do you miss Michael K Williams?
Starting point is 01:00:33 Well, that, I mean, we didn't even talk about, I mean, what can you really say? I mean, Michael K Williams, an amazing, amazing actor, died. Was it this week? Last week? Was it last like the Sunday or Friday or something? I mean, I guess he's most famous
Starting point is 01:00:49 for playing Omar in the wire, but I mean, he's in a ton of stuff. He's in like, he's just such a great, he's such a great, he was such a great, he was also a great choreographer and dancer before he was an actor. I mean, amazing actor, he's in so much good stuff. And like, I have to say, he was a young,
Starting point is 01:01:04 he was like 54 I want to say. He died of I think it looks like a drug overdose. I mean I was saying I said I said to I was talking to a friend of mine. I was like, you know, it's it's truly the great equalizer in life. It doesn't matter if you're rich and famous or or poor and unknown, like addiction is like it flattens just completely across demographics. Like it kills a lot, but people die, I mean people die in positions like his,
Starting point is 01:01:38 which where he's like an unbelievable career in talent. I mean, like Phil Pseymour Hoffman, same thing. You know, it's like unbelievable career in talent. I mean, like Phil Pseymour Hoffman, same thing. You know, it's like unbelievable career in talent. Like, it just fucked up. I mean, I really just made me think like, if you know anybody, if you, if you, is anybody in your world who is, who is dealing with addiction of any type,
Starting point is 01:01:57 it's like you got to, you got to help, you got to reach out. I, I felt, I mean, I sort of like in, in keeping with my, and not that I'm like, not that I haven't been drinking because I was like, oh, I'm worried I'm addicted to drinking or, you know, I'm an alcoholist or anything like that. I do enjoy it.
Starting point is 01:02:15 To me, it was very sort of accidental that I stopped for a bit and have now, I will continue to be stopped, I think. But like, that kind of thing is like, oh yeah, yeah, probably better to not, to be as sober as I can be as how I felt like, you know, I was thinking about it. And it was like, I don't know, it's really sad.
Starting point is 01:02:36 I mean, it's no question he was, you know, died in his prime for no reason, for no reason. It's not like he was sick, you know, it's like anyhow, it's just, it's fucking depressing. Yeah, for, for, and, and in his honor, I would, I would request if you've never seen it to go watch Crystal Waters 100% pure love performances. Is he in, is he in choreographed it? Oh, did he really? The backup dancer for her. And it is. Oh, I didn't know that. It's really, really, really good. And it's really, really impressive.
Starting point is 01:03:06 And I have to say, of course, it's a perfect song. But when he passed, I was looking up a bunch of stuff about him. But because I was like, oh God, let me just like, I love him, let me just like, when you start reminiscing. And I did not know he had such a history as a choreographer in a dancer. And he's worked for Madonna Madonna Michael Michael Jackson Janet Jackson A variety of people, but that was the one that got me because I was like
Starting point is 01:03:30 I remember being impressed by this dance before I even know it was him and I looked it up and I was like damn God some people are just so talented and I can't get my shit together on blog posts. Yeah Yeah, I mean yeah, no, I mean, there was a video that was, yeah, it was doing the rounds of him dancing like in like in a park, like in New York, right? And just like, just just just having a good time. And just just looking effortless and joyous. That's how I'm going to remember. Yeah, I don't know. I mean, it's just yeah, it's crazy. It's I've dealt with a lot of death this year and I will say, and I'm still dealing
Starting point is 01:04:07 with people who are dying. And it is, for me, the easiest way to handle it is to revel in all the good stuff you got from the president and all the stuff that they've left for you. I mean, I think, I think, why is a great gift to leave us? You know what I mean? I mean, there's a lot, he did a lot of,
Starting point is 01:04:25 he's in so much stuff that's great. I forgot he was in Borbock Empire. He's so good in that. But he's in so many movies and so many TV shows. And like, I'll say this, I mean, it is, I don't get, I mean, look, people die. It happens, you know? And like, it's, we certainly have had
Starting point is 01:04:41 an enormous amount of death in the world in the last couple of years. But this one was like, there's just some people you just, it's like, you know, the thing about it is, like you never really know, you never really know what people are going through, like you never know. This is a guy that I would never have guessed in a million years. I mean, I know that he had problems with drugs or whatever, but he just seemed to be on such a...
Starting point is 01:05:11 He just seemed to be so... In a different place. Yeah. Yeah. And especially lately, he's been in a ton of stuff like really, really acclaimed and like, look, I don't know, whatever. It's addiction is nasty shit and you can't just because you get famous
Starting point is 01:05:28 and you're really talented, doesn't mean you can escape it necessarily. But yeah, this one hit me pretty hard. I was like, you know, kind of took the wind out of me when I saw the news. Like, I think, I don't know, maybe because he's younger, maybe because he's closer and age to us, maybe because he seems so, yeah, anyhow.
Starting point is 01:05:49 I don't know, yeah, my nice thing is go watch, go watch anything that Michael K Williams is in because he's fucking amazing and pretty much everything. But yeah, I don't know, I don't have a good nice thing this week. I guess maybe that'll be it. It's like dude, dude had an amazing talent and it's very sad. Please go.
Starting point is 01:06:07 Yeah. My nice thing is go watch the 100% pure love video and and bliss out for five minutes. Why not? Or do like I did. Let's do it all day long. That's like hours listening to the answer. The free Nexus.
Starting point is 01:06:23 I guess you have to go watch it. I had no idea. I didn't know that I didn't know. Put it on for free, Nexus. I guess you'll have to go watch it. I had no idea. I didn't know that he was involved in that at all. It's very interesting. All right, on this very somber note, let's get the fuck out of here. All right, let's go enjoy the life that we have. You know, while we've got it, Ryan.
Starting point is 01:06:41 Bye. Bye. it Ryan bye bye Well that is our show for this week, we'll be back next week with more tomorrow. And as always, I wish you and your family the very best, though I've just been told that your family's subscription has expired, and it cannot be renewed. you

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