Toni and Ryan - Koffee + Plantz

Episode Date: September 17, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the Tony and Ryan podcast. My name is Ryan. This is Tony. Hello. And we are calling Ash. You hit call too early. I'm panicked. Hello. Ash, it's Tony and Ryan. How are you doing? Hi, I'm good. How are you? Yeah, we're well. So it says here you're an accountant. Is that like an actual accountant or is that just like what strippers and OnlyFans models say? I wish it was what strippers and OnlyFans say, but no, I'm actually an accountant. That's okay. So was Ryan. Yeah, I was an accountant as well. So.
Starting point is 00:00:29 Yeah. Fuck, even this conversation's boring. Jesus Christ. I'm tapping out. Fine, fine, fine. Ash, will you approve the podcast? Absolutely. Oh, good on you, Ash.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Good chat. Hey, it's Ash from Melbourne and I approve this podcast. All right, coming up today, I'm actually on Tony's team about the Kardashians. I think there's something that they do that they should be allowed to keep doing, but no one else in the world should be allowed to. First, though, Tony recently bought a house. Tried to. Tried to.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Well, explain why tried to. So, it ended up being like an auction and we won the auction and then after the auction happens, you have to like go in there and give them your bank details and stuff. And I was like, oh, yeah, that should be fine. Gave them the bank details and I was like, oh, what if it doesn't go through though? Like that's literally never happened so I don't know what would happen.
Starting point is 00:01:40 And then I get an email like eight hours later on Sunday and it's like, hey, the money actually hasn't gone through and I get this like thing and it's called a dishonour notice and I was like, oh, my God. Even that word is just. I know. Is there like a better, a worse email that you could ever receive ever? Anyway, and so we got that and I was like, oh, my God, what do I do?
Starting point is 00:01:58 They're like, oh, yeah, just try and like send it through again. And I was like, I have the money. It's just like I ended up sending it from the wrong account. Anyway, it was a whole thing. But so the most embarrassing time, something's declined for me, definitely. So Tarp and Nick said, oh, I heard Tony's story and I had a similar experience, but the exact opposite. So you could buy a house.
Starting point is 00:02:21 Brag about it. My God. Nick said they bought the house. They paid the deposit. They received an email from the real estate agent or whoever like, yep, thanks for your payment. We've officially received it. Here's the receipt of whatever, blah, blah, blah. All good.
Starting point is 00:02:37 And then Nick goes to check her account and the money is still in her account. But they're saying we've already received it. All good. After some more- And do you say something? What would you do? I would because I'd be like, is this a social experiment where they're like-
Starting point is 00:02:55 Ryan's going to come around the corner. Yeah, they're filming me and they're like, oh, Tony's a con artist. You know, like that. Yeah, I would be too worried that that was the case. After more digging, we discovered that the money left our account and then someone deposited the exact same amount back in. So, money had left, but then the same amount had just turned back up and it was a different account.
Starting point is 00:03:14 They didn't know where it came from. What? Yeah. So, it's not just like, oh, it's sitting there and it never left. Like, no, I've paid it and then it's come back from another account. What? The exact same amount. Where did it come back from? I don't know. It just says, no, I've paid it. And then it's come back from another account. What? The exact same amount. Where did it come back from?
Starting point is 00:03:26 I don't know. It just says, like, you know, here's the numbers. And they didn't recognize the account name or whatever. Did they say something about that one? What would you do? Again, I would be so worried that it was like a social experiment. But it's not you stole it. No, but it's still like you know that it's like landed in your account
Starting point is 00:03:45 either by accident or whatever. And you know what? It's a lot of fucking money. Someone's probably looking for it. Like if I'd transferred, do you remember when there was that bank outage and I was transferring $5,000 and it disappeared? It didn't go into your account. It didn't come out of my-
Starting point is 00:04:03 It was in the ether for a few days. It came out of my account but didn't land anywhere for, yeah, I think it was three or four days. And I just didn't know where $5,000 was for a few. And it was terrifying. And you imagine if that was a house deposit. Oh, yeah, there's, you know, $80,000 missing. You would hope that someone returned that to you.
Starting point is 00:04:23 After a few calls to the bank, the bank goes, oh, actually, yep, that's our error. It was just like a technical glitch or something. Thanks so much for coming forward because if you didn't, we would have been none the wiser. You would be pissed off after that. You'd be fucked off. Because if it wasn't affecting a person, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:44 if you think like Julie down the road is missing 80 grand, that's different to the bank going, oh, yeah, we just credited Julie that money. It's just a number on a screen. Yeah, but then- And no one's number, just the bank's. But then does one day the number drop by 80 grand and they go, oh, we found that money from eight years ago.
Starting point is 00:05:01 They said like once it had gone through and it's in your account, like, yeah, that's it. And they said they would never have found it and would never have known. That would piss you off, especially if it was quite a significant amount. Well, it's a house deposit. Yeah, like, why? Fuck, fuck, can you imagine? Just logging in.
Starting point is 00:05:16 So, my thing would be, like, I'm just going to just not, I wouldn't say anything. Yeah. But I wouldn't spend it. Yeah. At least for a very long time. Yeah. So, you'd wait
Starting point is 00:05:25 10 years and then you go a statute of limitations especially if julie from down the street goes oh wrong account i'll go oh knew it was too good to be true here you go and i wouldn't be a dick about it yeah i wouldn't lie about it but i would just like i wouldn't go out of my way to give it back because think of all the times an insurance company accidentally fucks you over or a bank accidentally fucks you over. Oh, it never accidentally fucks them over, does it? So maybe that's just like the great equaliser. Yeah. And a bit of like karma.
Starting point is 00:05:53 You know what I mean? Like you get screwed a little bit, sometimes you have a win, sometimes you have a loss. I think the way that you're saying about it is probably like the fairest way to deal with it without coming forward. Like it's like, oh, if they reached out, you go, oh, yeah, that came through. Wondering what that was.
Starting point is 00:06:09 Yeah, didn't know where it came from. I've been like keeping it safe for you. You keep the interest to yourself. Yeah, yeah, keeping it safe in my savings account. Yeah, in my high interest saver, my term deposit. Can't send it back to you for three months is how long it takes to come out. I'm holding it in my superannuation. I can give it back to you and I'm 65.
Starting point is 00:06:26 My brother was like had a mortgage with like a bank. Like I don't know what bank it was. And he was like paying his mortgage every month and it was coming out of this like specific account where they had like just a heap of like, it was like their buffer account. So they weren't like checking it a lot, but they were like, yep, they deposit however much.
Starting point is 00:06:48 It must have been like an offset account. The mortgage comes out and like all their savings was in there. And one day he's like looking through it and it turned out that he'd been paying somebody else's mortgage and his for like a whole year. And his. So his own had been like coming out as scheduled. And he was just paying someone else.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Well, the other number. And he was sending money to Nick. Yeah. So his was like 785659. Someone else's was 785695. Yeah. And they'd accidentally. Just been chipping away at it. Just all been coming. And the guy whose fucking mortgage my brother was95. Yeah. And they'd accidentally- Just been chipping away at it.
Starting point is 00:07:25 Just all been coming. And the guy whose fucking mortgage my brother was paying- Yeah. Conveniently, like, never said, my mortgage isn't coming out of my account. But it was still being paid. And then, so my brother ended up getting, like, all that money. So, it was like a tax return.
Starting point is 00:07:40 Yeah. Because he was like, I got, like, all this money back. But did it come- So, did the guy who was getting his mortgage paid be like, oh, fuck, you got me, or did he pick up a stink? I don't think they ever, like, had contact. I think, like, Jamie called the bank and then they were like, oh, let's look into that.
Starting point is 00:07:54 But, yeah, the other person, yeah, oh, that's – we just assumed it was coming out. Was that not my account? Yeah, oh, my God. What a shame. A direct debit. I just assumed that was that. But imagine getting the phone call that says, well, you owe us a year's worth of mortgage payments.
Starting point is 00:08:08 And interest, bud. Well, yeah. Like, because I don't think that that person was saving that money. You know, you would have been going like, we've made it sweet here. Some rich guy is paying our mortgage. You know, like. It would be remiss of me. Is that what I'm supposed to say?
Starting point is 00:08:24 Yeah. To not mention the fact that your brother could be paying someone else's mortgage and not notice things going well over there for him. So that was why I was like, it was his like, so they were just putting like all their money in there. And I think it was a few years ago. So, and it's in Perth as well. So a mortgage, it's different to what a mortgage is here and now, you know, like-
Starting point is 00:08:47 Yeah. Because, yeah, I have thought that. I'm like, hang on, if my mortgage costs this much, I definitely can barely pay one. Yeah, I could notice- I definitely could not pay two of those bad boys. Do you remember when you were saying this about yours not going through? You're like, what's more embarrassing, a really high amount or a really small amount? Or a really low amount. Finn, who listens to the podcast, he works at KFC.
Starting point is 00:09:09 Oh, K-Fin-C. Yeah. Finn, who works at KFC, said, I went to buy a raspberry freezie back when they used to be a dollar. Okay. What's a raspberry freezie? Oh, like a frozen Coke. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Oh, yum. But they've got, like, all the different flavours and whatever. As a staff member, I get a 20% discount making the transaction 80 cents. Nice. My card declined in front of all of my own colleagues. So he just finished his shift because, yeah, I got a long walk home. My card declined for an 80 cent purchase. Very humbling.
Starting point is 00:09:45 In front of all your mates from work as well. Yeah. Because there's always like when, you know, when you work at a place like that and there's always someone that you don't, maybe don't get along with or whatever. And I bet it was, you know, the person he had a crush on at work, I bet you they were there. And, you know.
Starting point is 00:09:59 I'll take you out and they go, doesn't look like it. Yeah, I don't think so. Maybe after payday on Thursdays. Yeah. Rianne's message through as well saying, I do park run most Saturday mornings. I'd love to be a park run person. It's such a community. Yeah, it's so good.
Starting point is 00:10:14 And then with their partner, they often go and get a coffee afterwards with all the volunteers. Like a very wholesome, nice way to spend a Saturday morning. My friend said she left her card at home. So, she's like, I can't get a coffee this week, left my card at home. And Rianne goes, hey. I got you. No, I've actually got this. Don't worry about it.
Starting point is 00:10:32 And already, like, don't get cocky. Don't get cocky. I mean, two coffees. Yeah. Is that cocky? Well, they're doing breakfasts. Oh, well, that can be $80 for two people depending on drinks and what they get.
Starting point is 00:10:45 Yeah, but and his partner. So it's Rian, the partner, and the friend, and he's showing off his fancy new running watch. So it's not an Apple watch, but it's like a running, that kind of watch. Yeah. But it's connected to his credit card so he can make all the payments and he's talking up a big game about how awesome his watch is,
Starting point is 00:11:01 blah, blah, blah. As we went to pay pay my magical watch decided to fuck me right over and failed three attempts in a row this other person from the uh park run who i don't know that well who maybe was that similar like not a rival but just like a goes hey all good i'll pay for your coffee and then r said, then I had to tell him it wasn't just coffee. It was breakfast for three other people. So, oh, you'll pick up the coffee. Thanks, mate.
Starting point is 00:11:30 That'll be $100. Yeah. What would you do? Just vomit it back on the plate. Have your eggs back. Oh, I would probably be like, I'll leave my fancy watch here. I'll run home, get the physical, a park run home, get the physical card and then go back there and pay probably.
Starting point is 00:11:48 If I, whilst I would have, as if I was the person working there, I would appreciate the gesture, but I'm like, sorry, ma'am, you've actually proved this watch is worthless. Oh, true. Oh, yeah, really good point. So, I'll leave this collateral. Oh, what does that do? It pays. Oh, does it?
Starting point is 00:12:00 It's a bit of rock from the side of the road that I found. Well, what would you do? No, I think I'm, because I've been in a similar situation with petrol. So, you'd already fuelled your car up? Yeah, or I didn't know if I had it. Like, I'd fuelled it right up and I was like, I don't actually, I've got in there and gone far. I actually don't think I've got enough to cover that.
Starting point is 00:12:18 And I said, I'm like, before I swiped, I'm like, this is going to be touch and go if I've got the money. And I sort of said, if not, I genuinely live around the corner. I'll just like leave my wallet here. Yeah. I think if you leave something that they know you- I mean, again, wallets aren't worth anything. What's in that, mate?
Starting point is 00:12:33 Yeah. You open it, the bugs come out. But that was my- But that like mentally, that's like, that was my go-to. But congratulations. Everyone's worked out, except for Nick, who could have had their house paid off for them, bad luck, bud. Yeah, shouldn't have said anything.
Starting point is 00:12:53 Hey, it's Ash from Melbourne, and you're listening to Tony and Ryan. A massive shout-out to a few of our champions from the Patreon, all of our favourite tapas, tapas, Tony and Ryan podcasters. Emma Koob, thank you so much for listening. Thanks, Koobs. Nathan Kerwood, love you. Chantel, good on you. And Matilda G. Excuse me? D.G.G. Andomenico
Starting point is 00:13:29 Very Italian Thank you D.G. Andomenico There you go Yeah thanks Tilly Tilly Yeah good on you Thanks for getting on board
Starting point is 00:13:37 Hey just a reminder We're heading to the US Late October early November All the details in our Facebook group All the dates are like a save the date We'll work out times and locations as we get a bit closer. It'll all be pretty central and a logical time. And someone asked me the other day, will kids be allowed?
Starting point is 00:13:56 Like, because someone was like, oh, my daughter's 15 and she loves you guys. I was like, yeah, it's not going to be in bars or anything. Like, they'll be in, like, parks or at a big, like, monument or something. Like, it's going to be very open. I think Dallas will be the- Are we thinking that creepy fucking looking eyeball thing? Yeah. So, you know how you sent that eyeball?
Starting point is 00:14:17 Yeah. And I Googled it. And then last night, quite late at night, I was opening my phone and that popped up. It was so- Yeah. It was like a jump scare that popped up it was so sick it's like a jump scare yeah so i think it'll be at that creepiest fuck ball in dallas and then chicago has similar to adelaide like these like mirror shiny ball random thing oh yeah so that's where we'll be in chicago it might be getting a bit fresh in chicago yeah quite cold someone said It's cold. Someone said, why the fuck are you going to Toronto in- Yeah, November. Toronto may need to be indoors-ish.
Starting point is 00:14:50 Yeah. Or maybe in like the foyer of some- Or maybe like a- You know how some places have like an amphitheatre and it's like a bit covered? Sheltered, yeah. Yeah, maybe something like that. If you do have location ideas-
Starting point is 00:15:04 Send them through. Yeah. So, in our Facebook group, there's an events tab and all of the locations will be in there and you can post in the event. And Tony will list them all at rapid fire. Now, go. In order. Texas.
Starting point is 00:15:21 Which town? Dallas, Atlanta. Yep, next one. Indianapolis. Same day, but yes. Wrong order. Kentucky. Yep.
Starting point is 00:15:33 Louisville. Yep. And then- Nashville, Tennessee. And then Nashville, Tennessee, of course, my favourite one. And then we're going to New York. And then we're going to Chicago. And then we'll be going to New York. And then we're going to New York. And then we're going to Chicago. And then we'll be going to New York.
Starting point is 00:15:48 And then we'll be going to Toronto. And then we'll be going to New York. And then we'll be going to Las Vegas, which we're not doing a meet and greet at. And then we're going to LA. Someone said. Oh, fuck. Good work. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:16:04 No, it's good. Someone said. Oh, fuck. Good work. Sorry. No, it's good. Someone said. You can tell who does all the work. Even though you guys aren't doing a meet and greet in Vegas, is it creepy if you guys dropped a bit of a, we're going to have some drinks here if you're in the area? The only thing that worries me about that. No phones.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Yeah. Yeah, I don't know if we want the public seeing us in Vegas. That's a thing. Because, and I think I've asked this before, I said, do many people who live in Vegas listening to the show, or is Vegas one of those like transient towns where just luck of the draw a bunch of people happen to be there on any given weekend and people just might get
Starting point is 00:16:50 lucky like what are the chances we're in but I mean people do live there and work like it's not just the street like it's the whole like yeah that's so there are people that but we won't be doing a mean greet there because we're doing something else really fun there yeah more details which yeah we'll tell you about soon but and by fun Tony means drugs.
Starting point is 00:17:08 Probably. No. That's something fun. We'll share it with you soon. There's something really fun that we're doing in Vegas, so that's why we're not doing a meet and greet. But we'll see where we land. We'll see where we land, which will probably be Tony on her back
Starting point is 00:17:20 by about 9 p.m. Yeah, literally. Like I'm going to eat as much at the buffet as humanly possible. Correct. And then I'm going to FaceTime Torbs and go, you should have seen how much I ate. Like, I'm going to eat as much at the buffet as humanly possible. Correct. And then I'm going to FaceTime Torbs and go, you should have seen how much I ate. And then I'm going to fall asleep. Like, that's literally what's going on.
Starting point is 00:17:31 And he'll be like, should I have seen that? Yeah, yeah. He's like, maybe I won't meet you in Hawaii, maybe. Yeah, all good. All good. Mabel, my beautiful four-month-old daughter. Bridget, my lots more months older wife. And myself.
Starting point is 00:17:44 We were at Noisy Ritual in Brunswick, a wine bar. Have you heard of Noisy Ritual? Yeah, I have heard of it. month old daughter uh bridget my lots more months older wife uh and myself we're at noisy ritual in brunswick a wine bar have you heard of noisy ritual yeah i have heard of it it's like the i think it's like there's actually they make wine there and you can kind of like you and a bunch of friends can like hire it out for an hour and make like your own little batch and then you come back in a few months and they like pop the barrel open and stuff so it's so cool i think it's like called an urban winery which is it's a bit of a, but it's more just like a fun thing. So, it's like an inner city thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:07 Yeah. I love a wine bar. I think it's just the perfect vibe. Great vibe. So, I was there Saturday with the girls and a bunch of friends celebrating Arthur Ryan. You know Arthur Ryan. Yes, I do.
Starting point is 00:18:18 We go to the same eyebrow place. Oh, yeah. I've heard this. At Luna. Yeah. So, it was his birthday. We went and had a few drinks. But after a little bit, it was getting a bit warm
Starting point is 00:18:27 and getting a bit, ironically, in a place called Noisy Ritual, a bit noisy. A bit warm. What do you mean? Just lots of people. Oh, sure. I thought you meant like it was getting into the day and I was like, oh, we're outside.
Starting point is 00:18:38 No, no, no. But it was warm in there and it was getting a bit noisy. A bit overwhelming. Yeah, so Mabel was a bit like getting a bit restless. And because all of our friends love her, you know, come here, give me a cuddle, give me a smile. And, you know, she's been passed around. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:51 And I think she was sort of a bit done. Yep. And so when she gets a bit. And don't we all get a bit done? I mean, I was getting a bit done. You know, like is having a baby just the greatest excuse to leave? Well, we didn't leave like permanently. Oh.
Starting point is 00:19:02 But I was like, Mabel, come with me. Like we'll just go. Have a wander. We'll go outside.'ll just go have a wander we'll go outside we'll go for a wonder and fresh air fresh air and bridget also like obviously she's been pregnant she hasn't been being able to drink or eat any food or see anyone because she hasn't she was like you know having a good chat and i was like well i don't want to drag you away you don't get to get out much i'm like let me take mabel you have another beer or two and you know it turns out that next door to the wine bar is like an indoor plant shop.
Starting point is 00:19:28 And have I told you about Mabel and plants? No. She loves plants. Oh. She loves plants. I don't know if it's like the look of them, but also like, and probably other parents might be able to say, it's like she likes feeling the leaves.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Yeah, because she likes those books with the textures in them. Yeah, but feeling the leaves. And then when she's a bit grisly at home, the textures yeah yeah but feeling the leaves and then when she's a bit grisly at home we go for a walk in the backyard and i'll like get her hand and like pat the tree branch because it's a bit rough and the leaves are a bit rough yeah so i think it's the textures and the colors and stuff and so i walk out and i'm like oh where can i and i see this plant shop and i was like oh bingo how good's this perfect so i walk into the plant store and the this is so annoying because the guys are like the
Starting point is 00:20:05 loveliest people of all time. And you're like, mate. I'm not here to buy. I'm strictly looking. Hey, mate, how can we help? And I said, to be honest, my daughter just loves looking at plants and trees. So, we like, you know, I was like, oh, you're not going to get a sale out of me. And they were like, what time was it? Oh, like three, going to get a sale out of me. And they were like, what? What time was it?
Starting point is 00:20:25 Oh, like two or three in the afternoon. Okay. But they were lovely. And they were just chuffed at like, oh, how cute that a baby loves plants. We love plants. You know how that's like such a beautiful thing. That's nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:34 It is a beautiful thing. And I said, oh, you know, look, do you guys deliver? How far out do you go? And they go, oh, we go out, you know, 20K, 15K, 20K. And I go, well, what's your address? I type it in. They punch it in. And they go, oh.
Starting point is 00:20:49 I go, oh, it might just be a bit on the border, maybe a bit further. And the guy goes, mate, you're like three times the distance we travel. So, we're obviously not going to do that. And so, Mabel and I are just walking around. I thought you were going to say that you're like, oh, unfortunately, a bit too far out. And they go, no, we could do it for you, mate. Like, you're trying to be like, oh, what a shame. We've got the little car today.
Starting point is 00:21:09 I want to buy some plants for inside and I just haven't had the time. And I was like, oh, what a perfect opportunity. Mabel's got the credit card out going nuts. Yeah. I'd love to buy a big like fiddle leaf fig. You know how you buy like an established one and they're way more expensive, but it's more likely you can keep it alive? These had some massive established ones.
Starting point is 00:21:27 That's why I was like, oh, instead of me getting a small one and it dying, why don't I just skip the middleman? Yeah. Yeah. But I've been looking at those and I'm like, oh, yeah, there's a couple of good spots in the new house maybe that would fit. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:39 So I'm chatting to Mabel. She's like pretty much as soon as we walked in there, really quiet. She's looking around, eyes real bright, having a great time. And like I said, the guys were like super lovely and they go, oh, that's so cute that she's into flowers and stuff. And I said, yeah, we're just next door. It's a bit noisy. So we're just taking a breather.
Starting point is 00:21:54 Yeah. And is this the cutest thing ever? The guy goes, do you want to take a photo of some of the plants? Because then when you go back to the bar, like she can look at the pictures of the plants. That is really sweet. Is that sweet? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:10 I mean, it was, like, very thoughtful of them to offer. Yeah, and I went, oh, that's really cute, but it's the texture, you fuckhead. Yeah, I was literally about, yeah. She, like, was touching them. Yeah. And also, what am I going to do? Give my baby a phone in a bar?
Starting point is 00:22:24 Yeah, dad's having another one sweetheart yeah look at those plants on the phone touch them they feel pretty smooth that yeah uh no they were love but i was i kept that one to myself but i was like oh thanks for the offer i literally would i would have been like not what i said like the other day when i said about my coat on the floor how that woman was like yeah um oh you coat's on the floor. I'm like, it's folded. Yeah. And she was like, I'm like, well. She just loves the texture.
Starting point is 00:22:50 You should take a photo. Yeah. Yep. Did you hear what you said? Like, you're the real jerk in that situation. Yeah. But I felt like he obviously missed the touch bit, but I felt like his offer was just like a pretty cute, genuine, wholesome kind of vibe.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Like, very, very thoughtful. So, I'm with Mabel. I can't imagine if he was like, this one's tiny. Take it with you. Like, buy this. Yeah. Take it with you next door. Sit it down.
Starting point is 00:23:14 Just stare at the plant, girl. Yeah. So, Mabel's in a good mood. And she's like getting really like cuddly and huggy now. And she really recognises dad. So, even in a busy room at the bar. Yeah. Like, I went to get some drinks. And when I came back was like that's dad like she can see and you know that's
Starting point is 00:23:28 cute recognize me so we're having a cute day and i'm like nothing can annoy me now because i've been and seen the plants with my beautiful daughter i've been hanging out with my friends nothing could get on my nerves i look across the street and there's a place called Coffee Zone spelt with a K. Okay, now I know how the Kardashians come into this. Unless you're a Kardashian. Yeah. They own the letter K, let's all be honest.
Starting point is 00:24:00 I am cancelling the use of the letter K when it's supposed to be a C. Cancel with a K. Canceling the use of the letter K when it's supposed to be a C. Cancel with a K. I'm cancelling using K when it's supposed to be a C unless you're a Kardashian. Try and say that three times. I couldn't say it one time once. And so I've just walked out and seen Coffee Zone.
Starting point is 00:24:23 Imagine if it was Coffee Club 2Ks. Coffee Club. First of all, if a cafe's got the word zone in it, I'm also coffee zone. Imagine if it was coffee club, two Ks. Yeah, I was like. Coffee club. First of all, if a cafe's got the word zone in it, I'm also not attending. It doesn't make it sound very nice, does it? What's going on in Brunswick? In Brunswick, it used to be the cool place to be. The indoor plant shop was spelt plants with a Z on the end.
Starting point is 00:24:43 Relaxing plants. The plans. Do you agree or disagree about the K? I do agree about the K. You know that copy shop, Quick Copy? Yeah. And it's K-W-I-K? No, I'll get my copies elsewhere.
Starting point is 00:24:57 Yeah. I'll go to Kinko's. Yeah, I'll go to Officeworks. No Ks in sight. No. Not a K around. Officeworks doesn't have an X on the end, though, does it? W-O-R-X.
Starting point is 00:25:13 It's O-F-F-I-Z-W-O-R-X. Now, does it make me a grumpy old man that I kind of wrecked my day? Or is that? I mean, I think that you need to take things with a grain of salt. Yeah. I mean, pick your battles. Yeah, no, but also. Well, I picked one.
Starting point is 00:25:25 I've had the most amazing day. Oh, well, that set me right salt. Yeah. I mean, pick your battles. Yeah, no, but also- Well, I picked one. I've had the most amazing day. Oh, well, that set me right off. Yeah. You know, you can't control that other people have a shit name. You can only control how you react. Yeah. You know? To be fair, my reaction was- Coffee zone?
Starting point is 00:25:37 I mean, I just- Thank you. Like, it's definitely something that you'd find at the airport. Or at a service, at a gas station. Yeah, like when they have the things attached. Because you're filled up, you get a dollar off the coffee zone. I'm like, cool. Yes, that is exactly.
Starting point is 00:25:51 Yeah, a dollar off at the coffee zone. That is what it sounds like. Well, considering the coffee's at 90 cents. What's the thing? Like the Wild Bean Cafe? Oh, IPP. Yeah. They've all got that kind of vibe, don't they, of the name?
Starting point is 00:26:04 Yeah. I mean, I'm already going astound like a snob. We've already named like 80 businesses. And I'm on the record. When I worked at Kiss, I used to have 7-Eleven coffee all the time. I mean, Kiss, K-I-I-S, whole other thing. Don't get me fucking started. Yeah, Kiss 101.1, Melbourne's number one hit music station.
Starting point is 00:26:20 It is. I used to have – there's a 7-Eleven across the road, so I'd often have a 7-Eleven coffee. Yeah. And what's their thing? Like a dollar coffee? And for a dollar, I mean, it gets the job done. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:33 So I'm getting fuel at a different 7-Eleven the other day, and they go, oh, because you've filled up, it's a free coffee. I'm like, oh, good. And the lady's like, it's free. And I'm like, yeah, yeah, all good. And she's just like, was like really a bit like offended. So, are you too good for us? And I was like, well, first of all, kind of.
Starting point is 00:26:51 Oh, my God. I only let myself have a coffee a day. And I'm like, if I'm going to have one. You've had two coffees today already. Yeah. So, normally I'll have like one coffee a day. And I'll be like, well, I'm not going to waste one. Like, I want to, like, if I'm only going to have one, it's going to be a good one.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Yeah. But also getting a coffee, like, regardless of the quality, whether you love it or hate it or not, a coffee in the car is just not it for me. No, neither. Like, the only, I don't like coffee because I like the bars. I don't do it because I, like, need it. I'm not one of those, like, oh, talk to me after my coffee.
Starting point is 00:27:22 Mine is the process. I love making the coffee, like, doing the beans, oh, talk to me after my coffee. Mine is the process. I love making the coffee, like doing the beans, like frothing the milk and stuff. Same. Pushing a button on 7-Eleven, there is no process. But then what? It's in my car. And then do you know what fucks me off so much?
Starting point is 00:27:36 Welcome to the good side. Oh! Like a coffee cup, when you then have a coffee, the cup is in the car. Yeah. K-A-R. And then like there's just a coffee cup in the car. K-K, all of them.
Starting point is 00:27:52 Don't say that. Don't say 3K as far as I know. But it's in the car and like because my car park at my house is in the basement. I don't pass the bin on the way. Yeah. So, I go, oh, I'll get that tomorrow. And then there's a coffee cup in the car and it's just the most frustrating thing to be in the car because if you don't drink the whole thing, there's like an inch of coffee
Starting point is 00:28:15 in the bottom and it's fucking disgusting. I reckon I've had a coffee when I used to have the Yaris when I was in Bunbury. I reckon there was a coffee in my car with about a few centimetres in the bottom for like three weeks and the car fucking stuck. And you drink soy milk as well, which turns pretty quick. But, yeah, the idea of having a coffee cup in my car and like just drinking a hot beverage while I'm driving just is like hot orange juice to me.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Like that's the most random thing I could consider. Yeah, because it's hard to scream road rage and have a warm drink at the same time, isn't it? You just can't enjoy, like a warm drink is like to be sat down and like honoured. Do you know what I mean? Put that on a T-shirt. Like a hot drink is like you sit down, you enjoy it,
Starting point is 00:29:00 you take a moment for yourself. Like a cold drink I think you can have on the go, a smoothie or a juice or something like that. But a hot drink is like for sitting down and like reflecting on like your day or your morning or whatever. Couldn't agree more. And like so having a coffee on the go to me is just like so stressful. I couldn't agree with more, Thea.
Starting point is 00:29:18 I've never agreed more with anything you've said. Thank you. Let me take you back into your own moment. Take a big deep breath. And out. It's a beautiful Saturday morning you're sitting out the back in your new house on that little balcony bit which is gonna be delightful and even though you're not necessarily like a newspaper reader like you've got the newspaper spread by you know what I mean like just spread it out over the thing you're having a little croissant Pippippa's there, you're hanging out.
Starting point is 00:29:46 And you're like, so how was your week? Let's talk about our life. What are our lives and dreams? And Torbs goes, oh, I've got you a coffee from the coffee zone. It was only 90 cents because I fueled up at the same time. Yeah, obviously I'm joking. I can't drive, but they offered it to me for free. There's a server around the corner from your house.
Starting point is 00:30:06 Is it? Yeah. Oh, yeah, you already weighed there. Yeah, I peed there on the way to the auction and then drove to your house, saw that the car park was full and then drove back and parked at the service station. Yeah, lucky you. Two coffees. All right.
Starting point is 00:30:19 What do you love to see, Jenny? Actually, sorry, I've got a coffee you love to see. Sorry, that's really funny. Oh, do you actually? Yeah, I do. Sam Loneran, You love to see it. Sorry, that's really funny. Oh, do you actually? Yeah, I do. Sam Loneran, who is a tarpa. Hi, Sam. He lives in Kalgoorlie.
Starting point is 00:30:30 Oh, really? Yeah, Western Australia. And he said, during COVID, the dome. K, with a K. Oh, so Kalgoorlie starts with a K. Yeah, but it actually does start with a K. Yeah. Kalgoorlie, the dome, shut down during COVID.
Starting point is 00:30:46 Because, you know, everyone locked down and mining. Of course, yeah. And a lot of, tell me if I'm wrong, probably am, would a lot of driving through traffic in Kalgoorlie be people coming from over east? But when they shut the border, there's no people driving through? Well, there'd be, there'd still be, depending on like what transport was happening,
Starting point is 00:31:04 they still do like north-south. So it would have been like transporting things up to like Port Hedland and stuff. Yeah, but'd still be, depending on what transport was happening, they still do north-south. So it would have been transporting things up to Port Hedland and stuff. Yeah, but you know what I mean? Obviously, there's not getting- It would be less, yeah. Less people going. So they closed down the dome in Kalgoorlie. That's so sad.
Starting point is 00:31:15 During COVID. So that was like two years ago. Well, it was sad. But Sam Loneran, our man on the ground in Kalgoorlie, has reported that as of today, the dome in Kalgoorlie has reopened. And to quote Sam, don't you fucking love to see that? You do. Enjoy your eggs, Benny, mate.
Starting point is 00:31:35 Yeah. Yeah. Send us some of that Hollandaise sauce in the jar. Fuck. That's a great you love to see it. Yeah, I thought you'd like that one. I really do love to see that. Thank you for sharing that, Sam.
Starting point is 00:31:44 My love to see is from Will in our Patreon. G'day, Will. Will started the fucking blog. Don't you love to see that? So I started my own non-profit housing organisation and have been recognised globally for my first project. What the fuck? Hang on, this is better than a blog.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Well, yeah, I mean... I mean, like, oh, yeah, I started my little thing. Yeah, but I've started this amazing thing that probably benefits, like, better than a blog. Well, yeah, I mean... I mean, like, oh, yeah, I started my little thing. Yeah, but I've started this amazing thing that probably benefits, like, heaps of people. Yeah, no, he's out of the group because he's making us all look bad. He's better than us. Yeah, exactly. And then Will goes on to say, he says, on top of that...
Starting point is 00:32:16 Oh, I don't know. I really need to cut him off here. Is it Will spelt with a K? Kill? Oh. What? Sorry, sorry. On top of that, I wrote a kid's book to show we can get along better
Starting point is 00:32:28 by building in a way that allows us to connect. This person is like the Nobel fucking Peace Prize or something. Yes. It's called NIMBY THE CLOWN SAVES HIS TOWN. And it just got published on Amazon. Well done, Will. So if you Google Will Johnston Nimi the Clown Saves His Town, it comes up.
Starting point is 00:32:47 I have the link here. Is this a You Love to See it or an ad? No, it's a You Love to See it. I thought this is sweet. We've plugged my book enough. We can plug some of his. Yeah, no, actually, fair call. No, so we'll put the link in.
Starting point is 00:32:57 Or you can just Google it. I mean, save us the time. Cam's busy. Producer Cam's busy. He can't be putting links in shit. No, but yeah, have a google find that um it looks very sweet i'm really happy for you will good on you good on you uh tomorrow we have confessions with a c um and a confession from this is what they've called themselves don't
Starting point is 00:33:19 shoot the messenger tomorrow we have a confession from dick lovingving Dexter You know the one Cam? No Too many dicks in my life He wishes Alright we'll chat to you tomorrow Have a good one Love you bye

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