Toni and Ryan - This episode is... shit

Episode Date: August 13, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the Tony and Ryan podcast. My name is Ryan. This is Dr. Author Tony Lodge. We are calling Tabitha, who's in Brisbane. Brisbane, girls. You call me Tabitha as a nickname a lot. Isn't Tony short for Tabitha? Yes, it is.
Starting point is 00:00:17 Yep. Hello. Tabitha. Hello. How are you doing? It's Tony and Ryan. I'm good. How are you? We're well. Do people also call you Tony for short? I actually do have some friends who call me Tony, but it's for a different reason. What's the reason? Tell me right now.
Starting point is 00:00:45 So I'm a music person and we're on a band camp in Perth. We gave me a boy name so I could go play cards with the boys in one of the boy rooms. And it's just kind of stuck with that group of friends. So, yeah, they still call me Tony. That is so random that you actually had a yes and a story for that. I can't believe it. Did you want to approve the podcast? I'd love to approve
Starting point is 00:01:05 the podcast. Excellent. And on tomorrow's show, Felicia will be joining us. So that's fantastic. Hey, it's Tabitha from Brisbane and I approve this podcast. All right, coming up today, the shittest quiz you've ever heard. Stick around, I guess. And it's as good as it sounds.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Thanks so much for doing that. It's as good as it sounds. And actually, Tony, you're going to be the contestant and I'm going to be the game show host of the Shit Quiz. Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do. Shit quiz. Shit quiz. Shit quiz.
Starting point is 00:01:56 That's coming up. What faux pas or faux pas, as in multiple, not because I don't know how to read PAS, have you witnessed where you just thought, are you fucking serious? Because I think that sometimes, well, like everybody has a different limit or a different tolerance, I guess so, or like self-awareness where you go, you know what, I wouldn't do that, but I understand it. But then you look at stuff and you go, well, I wouldn't do that
Starting point is 00:02:32 because that is obviously ridiculous and no one should be doing that. What's happened? So the last few weekends, the weather has gotten a little bit better because for months in Melbourne it's been cold and not even few weekends, the weather has gotten a little bit better because- It was so cold. For months in Melbourne, it's been cold and not even really rainy, but actually frosty as fuck outside. And it also is like really dark during the day.
Starting point is 00:02:58 And it's just like, it's not nice. It's like perfect stay inside on the couch weather, to be quite honest. And I don't really ever need an excuse for that. What's not good on the couch weather, to be quite honest. And I don't really ever need an excuse for that. What's not good on the couch weather? Exactly. If it's hot outside, you go, yep, sit in front of the air con. If it's cold outside, you go, yep, sit under a blanket. You know, if it's autumn, you go, oh, yep, sit inside
Starting point is 00:03:16 and have an antihistamine. You know, like all weather is good couch weather, and I've always said that. I'm on the record of saying that. Put that on a T-shirt. Put it on a T-shirt. Put it on a T-shirt. And so we've been hibernating a lot on the weekend. And I know that you guys have too because you've got a new baby.
Starting point is 00:03:33 So even though we've been doing the exact same thing, because I've got a baby, I get to call it nesting. Oh. Where you're just sad. Like according to society. Don't're just sad. Oh. Like, according to society. Don't get me wrong. We're both doing what we want to do. But you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:03:52 Like, when you have a baby. That was fucking gnarly, bro. Yeah, sorry. Fucking hell. Sorry, sorry. I need a minute. No, but I get what you mean. Sorry, I didn't mean.
Starting point is 00:04:09 You know, it's like when you're younger, you're like the pressure to like, oh, I can't stay home on the weekend. Like, yeah, sad. Like there's social pressure to go do something. Yeah, and because like we don't have kids, it's like, well, what are you doing? Yeah. Yeah, no, I get that. I'm at that end of like, I'm with you, fuck society.
Starting point is 00:04:26 It didn't feel like it. No, I know it didn't feel like it. I know it didn't feel like it. But, no, I know that we love each other. That's okay. That's okay to say. Hey, I was – Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:04:36 Pre-baby, I was already nesting. Yeah, I'm nesting. I might get pregnant by accident. Yeah. And that could be pre-nest. We've got a daughter. We've got pippa yeah yeah okay now we're okay yeah you're not one of those like sad people well all of a sudden i
Starting point is 00:04:52 thought i was gonna have like a fucking existential crisis about like where my life is at anyway um but so over the last few months we've had a lot on work wise where there's been shit we've been hibernating on the weekend to just try and, like, recoup some energy. Yeah. But we've been trying to get out of the house a bit more the last couple of weekends because the weather's not as shit. Yeah. And I'm like, let's just go get some fucking fresh air and just, like, get out of the house because it's so sad. But on the weekend, we went for a big walk.
Starting point is 00:05:20 So, it was my partner, Torbs, our daughter, Pippa yep um and me and we went for like this massive walk like the first cafe like that's near us was shut um like they just had like a a makeshift closed sign on the front what's happened there yeah so you're like oh okay they've obviously like what run out of milk and And they've gone, well, we can't fucking open with no milk. Yeah, run out of money, gone into administration. Maybe. RIP Fenton & Fenton. I can't afford to shop there, so it's not relatable to me. I'm just a sad woman with no children.
Starting point is 00:05:54 But so instead of kind of doing, like, the short walk, we were like, look, the weather's not too bad. Like, let's really belch it out. Fucking let the horses out the paddock, you know what I mean? Righto. And take a big walk. And we ended up at one of our favourite cafes. We've been there heaps of times, A Thousand Blessings,
Starting point is 00:06:11 near Citizens Park. Yep, great place. And we've been there together a couple of times. And they've recently built this big outdoor gazebo thing. It's like a big deck. Like an outdoor room. Yeah, and there's comfy seats. They've got blankets and, you know, it's like a big um deck like an outdoor room yeah and there's like um comfy seats they've got like blankets and you know it's a really blankets what is this a cinema they're not coming
Starting point is 00:06:31 on them i promise but they might have like a bit of hollandaise or a little bit of egg yolk or something like because if you're eating and no one's ever passed off jizz as hollandaise before both delicious i'd eat both of them by the litre, if you know what I'm saying. Was it this podcast where we went on a fucking worldwide mission to find a jar of hollandaise sauce? Yeah, it was the very specific brand. What do you mean of this podcast? Where else you been, mate?
Starting point is 00:06:57 Where else you been, mate? What have you been talking about? Who have you been talking to? I've been at home by myself on the weekends being sad. And I've been chasing hollandaise on some other podcast. I'm talking to some other bitch about hollandaise elsewhere. Who the fuck is she? What's her name?
Starting point is 00:07:17 Because I'll fucking kill her. Tony, pass me your hand. I'll never search for dome hollandaise with another woman. Thank fuck. It's about time you fucking promised me that. It was such a specific random niche that if it wasn't you... Actually, who else would it be? Who else would it be?
Starting point is 00:07:38 No, you're right. I'm offended by... That's twice today you've offended me. I'm not happy. Sorry. Anyway. But what I was trying to say was, who hasn't jizzed on a blanket and gone, oh, it's holidays. Oh, I bit an egg yolk.
Starting point is 00:07:49 I bet you wouldn't pass off as egg yolk. Came out of my eggs, Ben and Dirk. Oh, my favourite meal. I mean, you know what I'm saying? Fuck. Speaking of podcasts, have we hit record yet today? Oh, maybe recording a different podcast with a different girl. I do that to Torbs
Starting point is 00:08:07 all the time. He goes, oh, was I telling you about that? I'm like, oh, it must have been your other girlfriend. It's a classic. Lands every time. Anyway. So they've got this new big deck and there's comfy cushions and it's like undercover. So I was like, even
Starting point is 00:08:23 if it does start to sprinkle, we'll be covered. And Pippa was with us. And we kind of went up and sat on the thing. And we were right on the edge. So I kind of like scooched over a little bit. We were at a table of two. I scooched over a little bit. And Pippa was sitting next to me on the bench seat.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Oh, so you were the faux pas. No, no, no. I actually asked the woman. Oh, who's she? What's faux pas. No, no, no. I actually asked the woman. Oh, who's she? What's her name? No, no, no. So the owner came up.
Starting point is 00:08:52 Of the world? Yes. Saw Pippa sitting on the ground and goes, no, no, no, no. She's too little for that. You need to pop her up on the chair is what she said. So fuck you. Anyway, so we were sitting there and we were just like, it's actually a really lovely cafe. Yeah was people like reading books and sitting there with their computer and like working and, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:13 lots of groups of people just like chatting, having a lovely time. And it was just like really nice vibe. Okay. Like, you know, when you walk in somewhere and the energy is just perfect and you're just sitting there and enjoying it. Can I describe it like this? Please. Well, actually, I haven't heard yet, so tell me and then I'll say yes.
Starting point is 00:09:32 Exactly. Thank you. A hundred percent. And at the moment, our house is full of house chat. We're looking at houses. We're trying to buy a house. We've been trying for a little while. You've seen every type of floor plan there is.
Starting point is 00:09:48 Yeah, and we kind of go, oh, yeah, that'd be great if it had X and that'd be great if it had Y. So on Saturdays, our Saturdays now are filled with going and looking at houses. And then our Sundays are filled with talking about the houses. That's what we saw on Saturday, yeah. And so we're sitting there having brekkie. Pippa's sitting like next to me on my lap.
Starting point is 00:10:04 And we're just chilling. She was asleep and just having a really nice chat like, oh, that one we saw yesterday. What do you think? And we go, oh, we probably can't really afford it. What about this one though? Needs a bit of work but maybe we can kind of do it up and whatever. And anyway, it's this beautiful, as you put it,
Starting point is 00:10:21 in the area that we're sitting in. And then all of a sudden the is interrupted by these two older people. It's like they look like a couple. There's a man and a woman. And they just fucking stomped on up into the thing, fucked the energy instantly. And they sit down right next to us like on the other side.
Starting point is 00:10:43 So Pippa's like on my right-hand side. They're on the left. And she, like, picks up. She sits down. They both sit down and instantly pick up their phones. And I go, fair enough. At this cafe, you have to QR code to order. Yep, yep, yep.
Starting point is 00:10:55 And so, I was like, whatever. I didn't really think much of it. But literally, they both just, like, start scrolling. And I was like, fucking, who fucking cares, really? She sits down, the woman, she's just scrolling, she puts her glasses on like this. On the end of her nose, looking like a real hoity-toity type. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:13 And the bloke opens his phone, turns on an AFL game, full piss. Oh, yeah, they're fucking, oh, it's a fucking, oh, it's a fucking, oh, mate, did you fucking see that? The commentating, the crowd, everything, just full piss on his phone. So this beautiful, he's interrupted with fucking Dennis Kometi, bloody, I know that he doesn't commentate anymore. Don't threaten me with a good time. Yeah, sorry. I wish it was Dennis Kometi. Probably we would have all been fine with it if it hadn't been Dennis Kometi, bloody, I know that he doesn't commentate anymore. Don't threaten me with a good time. Yeah, sorry. I wish it was Dennis Kometi. Probably we would have all been fine with it if it hadn't been Dennis Kometi.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Okay, can I? I'm Natalie Imbruglia. Okay. Torn. If you had told me this story on Friday, I would have been so fucked off because he's ruined the ambient vibe. Yeah, and it was just this beautiful, lovely, like, everyone was chatting and reading and just, like, it was lovely. He's fucked the ambient vibe. Yeah, and it was just this beautiful, lovely, like, everyone was chatting and reading and just, like, it was lovely.
Starting point is 00:12:07 He's fucked the vibe. Yeah. And on Friday, I would have been 100% with you. I think I see where this is going. Mm-hmm. But what's changed since Friday for me? I watched a soccer game at a wedding. At a wedding.
Starting point is 00:12:24 So this is where I'm torn. I'm leading you down the garden. Whatever I say about this fuckhead. Well, so let it rip. Can also be said to me. But I know there's football every weekend. The Matildas is once every four years. I get it.
Starting point is 00:12:42 Yeah. I get it. Father of the Bride didn't get it. I get it. Yeah. I get it. Father of the Bride didn't get it. I get it. The gym. Fuckhead, though. Absolutely. This is the most annoying thing I've heard since my dad tried to change his phone tune
Starting point is 00:12:53 on a train. Oh, and he was playing out loud all of the themes. All the ringtones. Oh, God. On a packed train. So, we're sitting in this cafe. Did you say something? Well, we're sitting in this cafe, right?
Starting point is 00:13:04 We're halfway through our breakfast. And the woman, the owner, who was lovely about Pippa and stuff, she like- Does the rounds. Yeah. So she walks around and she goes, can I get you guys anything? It's actually a traditional place, this cafe. It's sort of like she's the host of the day. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:18 Like that real front of house, smiling face, making sure everyone's having a good time. And she's fucking lovely. Let's go there after this. And she honestly, I would love to because the food there is so fucking good as well. Those hash browns. But she, do you remember when we got that thing and we didn't realise that it came with like the pork belly and we got treats on the side and then all of a sudden we had like a pit fire roast in front of us.
Starting point is 00:13:40 Do you want some pork belly on the side? Yeah, I will. And then it came with pork belly anyway. Yeah. And so we just had all this pork belly and it was just a delicious mistake. The richest mistake of my life. I have not stopped shitting since. Yeah, it felt worth it.
Starting point is 00:13:52 And you're sitting there shitting going, worth it. Worth it, 100%. Worth it. Oh, and it came with that little sauerkraut thing as well, like that zingy. Anyway, she's so lovely. And even though you order through the QR code, she comes around, she goes, can I get you guys anything, whatever. We are sitting there. We're halfway through our breakfast, halfway through our coffee,
Starting point is 00:14:09 thinking about, you know, ordering another coffee. Yep. And then I'm like, well, what the fuck? Yeah. And I'm kind of, I would never say anything. But, like, so I look over at the guy. I'm just like. Yeah, you kind of.
Starting point is 00:14:22 I did that classic, you know. You need to let him know. Do the breathe. Because is the maitre d', is she too polite? Well, she didn't say anything. at the guy, I'm just like, I did that classic. You need to let him know. Do the breathe. Because is the maitre d', is she too polite? Well, she didn't say anything. But when she said to them, can I get you anything? She kind of did it louder than she said to everybody else.
Starting point is 00:14:38 And I was like, is that? Because she needed to speak over the volume of the fucking stupid football game you're playing on your phone. I don't even think it was live. I think it was just like watching a football game. Like the highlights or something. Like, but he was watching. So the whole time. Yeah, if you're having brunch, there was no game in the morning.
Starting point is 00:14:51 Yeah, so it literally wasn't even like live football. He was like catching up on yesterday's football at the fucking cafe. Catch up in your own house, mate. But it was just the most random thing. And I just thought as if you would ever go anywhere and go, this is fine. It's the same when you're on the train and people are watching TikToks loudly. I'm like, do you have a
Starting point is 00:15:11 fucking problem? Well, the thing they don't have is the AirPods. But like, you can also, every fucking video has subtitles now. You can very easily scroll without volume if you don't have headphones. I don't like this. It was so upsetting, honestly. And I was like, oh, we've actually, like, decided to come out and, like, treat ourselves and have some food and, like, bring people with us, had a big walk.
Starting point is 00:15:34 That was, like, our fun thing for the day. And, like, maybe I've, like, let someone else ruin it. But I was just like. Well, yeah, it seems like you have. No, no, no. But, I mean, like, it's still shit. Oh, fuck yeah. I just thought that was so-
Starting point is 00:15:47 And then I was like, oh, Ryan's probably not going to be on my side here. No, fuck nah, it's bullshit. Because it's reading the room. Yes. If you're at a pub at 6 p.m. and the game starts at 7, and you're watching the game before the main game, well, fucking whatever, sure, whatever, do the fucking one. But it's loud, and no one can hear what you're talking about anyway.
Starting point is 00:16:05 But literally it was like quiet, serene energy. And then the fucking that is going on in the background. It was like the weirdest thing. You know when celebrities do like a profile interview in like a fancy magazine and it's always like my perfect Sunday. Oh, yeah. Do you kind of like embody that vibe like you're the celebrity discussing their perfect sunday oh like i'm the main character of the day yeah yeah yeah and so
Starting point is 00:16:31 you're like my perfect sunday i got up and with my partner and my puppy we walked down the street and we did this and we went to this beautiful spot no one in the magazine goes and some fuckhead was playing live sports and you know what i would actually love to hear yesterday's football game in the background. And I knew it was my perfect Sunday because some fuckhead was watching football highlights on TikTok. I couldn't really understand it. All I could hear was screaming and him grunting. But the Holland Day is 10 out of 10. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:17:01 Nah, I am with you. Thank you. I'm glad. I don't like that. I don't like it either. And I just thought, why would you? Why would you do that? Okay, so last week we heard of a snorer in the cinema.
Starting point is 00:17:16 Yep. This week we're hearing of a football watcher in a cafe. What will happen next? What's it going to take, politely, for Tony to be the kind of person to take action? Or maybe not take action, but suggest action be taken. Okay, do you think, right, if I had leaned over to that guy and gone, hey, mate, do you mind just turning it down a little bit?
Starting point is 00:17:40 Would that be rude? No. If you went, oh, like you can be rude about it but the way you said it but do you think that if i would that be like in play if i did if i said like hey mate sorry do you mind turning it down but like most people though when they're doing the wrong thing they know they're doing the wrong thing if i was in that i've probably been in that situation and not and if someone had to say it to me, this is what I would do. Hey, mate, sorry, do you mind just turning that down?
Starting point is 00:18:09 Oh, yeah, of course. I totally forgot where I was. Yeah, but I don't think that that guy forgot. Like, it seemed like he was just like... Let's do another role play. I'll be the other one. Well, so the thing is, is that when people are doing the wrong thing, they normally know and that makes them defensive.
Starting point is 00:18:24 Oh, because usually if I've done the wrong, like that, I'll be like, oh, fuck, of course. Well, yeah, because you're not a jerk off. Okay, let's do the opposite. You. Hey, mate, I'm so sorry. Do you mind just turning that down? No, the other way around. The other way around.
Starting point is 00:18:34 Yeah. Oh, hey, mate, watching the football. Who's playing? I actually don't give a fuck and neither does anyone else. All right, I'll write that down. That's good advice. Okay, here is a gateway speak up about it. I just worry that people are going to, like, get grumpy with me.
Starting point is 00:18:51 Yeah, no, so here's what you do. This is, like, the way to do it without actually having to do it. Oh. Because you know how the hostess with the mostess is the fucking bestess? Mm-hmm, bestess. You sort of say to her and you go, and you don't complain to her, you kind of go, like, is it normal that people play sport on their phone that's so passive-aggressive no that's worse no that's
Starting point is 00:19:12 curious and you're asking her no that's more rude than just being like bro can you fuck off what no to the girl who works there how is that more rude because then i'm like oh is that normal for people to be be so you're saying like that you're saying like you like it with a curiosity in your voice oh do people normally do that is that what you're asking me to say yeah i don't i think that's and then but it's all but it's asking her a question because then she might be like oh yeah it's sort of normal sometimes or she might go no it's not it's a bit weird isn't it And then it's sort of basically planting the seed in her brain that maybe like that's not cool.
Starting point is 00:19:47 But there was just not a person that was up there that didn't know. Like it was so noticeable that there's no way that anyone wasn't like thinking about it. Or you do this. You text Torbs and you go, hey, Torbs, play a video on your phone. So he just gets the text message, covert, and kind of sees it and goes, okay. Then he starts playing a video and then you say to him, Alex, can you turn that video off?
Starting point is 00:20:09 No one in their right mind would play a video out loud in a cafe. That's what I'll do. That's great. Great plan of action. And he can snore next time as well. Yeah. And come on a blanket. Hey, it's Tabitha from Brisbane, and you're listening to Tony and Ryan.
Starting point is 00:20:40 A massive shout-out to a few of our champion tapions from the Patreon. Hope you all had a great weekend. Hanel. Hanel. Her name's not Hanel. Hanel. Her name's not Hanel. Hanel. Hannah Applequist. Daniel Brown. Shall I start again?
Starting point is 00:20:50 Are you just a bit flapped from the cafe? Oh, I just would never, ever tell anyone to shut up, but I wanted to hit this fucker in the face. I would never tell someone to shut up, but I would commit violence against their person. Producer Cam's on my side. Was that a bit editorial there? No, just abso-fucking-lutely. Oh. I'm. Producer Cam's on my side. Was that a bit editorial there? No, just abso-fucking-lutely.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Yeah. I'm glad that everyone's on my side. Hannah Applequist, thank you so much, Hannah. Daniel Brownrigg, Jane Power. Oh, what a great name. I am Jane Power. You're not going to fuck with her, are you? She would not let someone watch the football next to her in a cafe.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Rebecca and Matt Frew, Fucking love to see it. Thank you so much, guys. Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the world's... What do they say in game show? It's like, it's Australian family's favourite game. Oh, yeah. Like, is there any, like, do you just get to say that? I think so.
Starting point is 00:21:41 Are they qualified statements? Is it not, like, exactly the same as, like, like world's best coffee or like, you know, radio ratings? They just make it up. Everyone's number one. Everyone's number one. Good on them. Number one for 24-year-olds who are left-handed in Eltham. At 3 p.m. on a Friday.
Starting point is 00:22:01 Radio. Fuck, remember that? No. Welcome. This is something they do, though, so we won't get on a high list. Welcome to the shit quiz. So is it a shit quiz because it's a shit quiz? Both.
Starting point is 00:22:15 It's both a shit terrible quiz, but also the answer to every question is shit. Oh. It also shows off the- What does Ryan do 25 times a day? Shit. Well, he doesn't make fun of people with IBS. That's not what he does. So I was in a cafe.
Starting point is 00:22:36 Do you think you'll be good at the quiz? I don't know. Got 10 questions. I might be. Shit. It's just so versatile. It's such a versatile word. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:45 All right, here we go. If you care about something, then you give. A shit. If something is bad, it is. Shit. If something is good, it's the. The shit. If you're begging a thief not to steal your possessions, you say, don't take.
Starting point is 00:23:02 My shit. The type of person who... I'm just saying. I just imagine me being robbed. I'd be like, oh, shit. Oh, shit. Don't take my shit. If you're begging a thief not to steal your possessions,
Starting point is 00:23:22 you say, don't take... My shit. The type of person who would rob you is a piece of... Shit. When you go to the bathroom to do more than pee, you're taking a... Shit. When you've got a busy day ahead, you've got lots of... Shit on.
Starting point is 00:23:38 I would have also accepted shit to do. Oh, yep. If you're teasing someone, you're giving... Them shit. But if you don't let other people tease you, you're not taken. Their shit. If you're from dumb c*** island and they're talking about something they have no idea what they're talking about,
Starting point is 00:23:56 you're probably sitting there thinking they don't... They don't know shit. Yeah. God, I regret hanging shit on radio before. My idea to turn a random meme saying how versatile the word shit is into a quiz was in fact. Shit. Nah, good.
Starting point is 00:24:20 It's not the good quiz though, is it? No, that'll be next week. Is that it? That is it? No, that'll be next week. Is that it? That is it. A traditional non-clapper tone. I'm not a clapper. Good shit. That was the ironic thumbs up clap.
Starting point is 00:24:40 That hurts. I was really proud of that. Were you? No. Oh, interesting. That hurts. I was really proud of that. Were you? No. Oh. Interesting. I've got to get love to say it. R.I.P. shit quiz.
Starting point is 00:24:58 What other things have I done one time? What other things have you done one time? Scam sword. Scam sword. Which ended up being normal or nah. Yeah. Shockingly, we've done who's the fuckhead a few times, even though that is also normal or nah. That's quite different.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Other things you've done once? Had a personality. Oh, I don't think you have. But I do have you love to see it. That's funny. That's funny. That is funny. Sorry, everyone. Go Matildas.
Starting point is 00:25:31 Sophie Kelly Gibson has shared this in our Facebook group. Fuck, this is quite a sweet thing, and I don't know if I can do it. Okay, let me go first then. Okay. I've texted you something. Oh. But first, a man has placed... Sorry.
Starting point is 00:25:49 He's like, you have a dentist appointment in three days. Would you like to cancel it? Well, obviously, yes. A man has placed his microwave on its side. Uh-huh. And according to... Why would you do that? And according to the man, the microwave itself is loving it sick.
Starting point is 00:26:08 Oh, hang on. That's so dangerous. Oh, you did not have to come in today. I'm so sorry. Can you explain that for people who are listening to a podcast? Well, so you know how, like, a microwave has, like, the window? It's kind of shaped like a backwards D, and so when it's up on its side, it's like a smiley face
Starting point is 00:26:37 because the dials are like the eyes. But it looks like it's high. Like, it looks like it's been smoking hella weed because the little dials are like... The big smile makes it looks like it's high. Like it looks like it's been smoking hella weed. Yeah. Because the little dials are like, the big smile makes it like. I would just like everyone to know that I quit my job to do this podcast. Maybe you quit this one as well. Okay. Sophie Kelly Gibson shared this in our Facebook group.
Starting point is 00:27:00 Oh, beautiful story. Sophie says, found the pod about two weeks ago and went all the way back to kind of have a bit of a backlog and understand the inside jokes and stuff like that. Sophie listened up to when Ryan was about to go on paternity leave. So she decided to kind of spoil the surprise for herself and have a look on your Instagram for a baby update. And saw that you had a little girl called Mabel. Certainly do.
Starting point is 00:27:27 She's cute as fuck. She is. Sophie says, I love to see that so much as I also have a little girl called Mabel and took a sign as it was meant to be. Would you say it's a coincidence? Might be. And Sophie says, and I also love to see the belly laughs I experience while I'm doing the dishes at home listening to the podcast.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Isn't that so sweet? That is sweet. Thank you so much for sharing that, Sophie. I thought that was so lovely. Imagine Sophie having that beautiful story and it ends up on this episode. Yeah. I mean, all the you love to sits that I've had that I have are quite nice. So there is, you know, one just had to take a bullet to be on this episode, unfortunately.
Starting point is 00:28:08 All right. Hope it's not your first episode. Fuck, first the cafe, now this. Tomorrow, confessions are back. We've got this confessor has called himself anonymous doggy styler. Rock the microphone. Doggy styler. Love you, bye.
Starting point is 00:28:41 We're going. No, we don't need any chat about the Bomb Funk MCs on this podcast. I just want to know. We can't fucking take that. I just want to know. This episode, call fucking time of death, honestly. This episode cannot take the Bomb Funk MCs. All I want to know is where the guy from the video clip of that song is now.
Starting point is 00:29:01 So cute. Surely. With the dreadlocks. Imagine if he's dead and that would just end like. the video clip of that song is now. So cute. Surely. With the dreadlocks. Oh. Imagine if he's dead and that would just end like. Cam, can you Google it? We can't end on that note. In memoriam.
Starting point is 00:29:14 Tony and Ryan podcast. Guy from the video. Guy from video. August 14, 2023. Marlo Snellman, a Finnish model and musician who later released his own single titled Dust and went on to work as a producer for his own project. Still alive? Sounds like it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Yes, still alive. Great. Don't you love to see that? You love to see that, don't you? Still got the dreads? No. No, he doesn't. There you go.
Starting point is 00:29:37 Don't you like to see that? I'm going home. See you later. All right. See you next week. I'm taking a month off. See you at Christmas for the Christmas special. Love you, bye.
Starting point is 00:29:49 The bomb's back. How do you reckon they came up with their name? I don't know. I know we're the bomb and I know we're funky, but, like, what's a good name? I don't know. Why don't we just... That's a bit like when we were naming this podcast and we thought, fuck, what should we call it?
Starting point is 00:30:19 Let's just write Tony and Ryan and we'll figure it out later. God, my name's Tony and your name's Ryan. Why don't we call it the Spongebob MC's podcast? She's walked away. She's turned the camera off. That's enough for her. It's over. The podcast is done. you

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