Toni and Ryan - Wide Slots and Thick Cuts

Episode Date: January 22, 2025

I, TONI LODGE, HAVE A GREAT STORY ABOUT A TOASTER!!! love ya xoxoxCheck out our Patreon at, and make sure you join our Facebook Group! Find #ToniAndRyan on Instagram @toni...lodge and @ryan.jon OR on TikTok @toniandryanpodcast Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Whether you're in your running era, Pilates era, or yoga era, dive into Peloton workouts that work with you. From meditating at your kid's game to mastering a strength program, they've got everything you need to keep knocking down your goals. No pressure to be who you're not. Just workouts and classes to strengthen who you are. So no matter your era, make it your best with Peloton. Find your push.
Starting point is 00:00:23 Find your power. Peloton. Visit Peloton at Find your power. Peloton. Visit Peloton at Bonjour Canada, I had a no hair. We're here to talk about our friends Oxio. Oxio is an internet service provider that launched with the mission of being the first ISP that people actually like. And they've gone above and beyond because I don't like Oxxio. I love Oxxio.
Starting point is 00:00:51 I was going to say. I'm ready. Oh my god. I'm ready. And they have fixed prices that actually stay the same, no term contracts and a risk-free trial period of 60 days. Imagine if all relationships had that kind of guarantee. Yeah, just a second date would be fine.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Or even food. I guarantee you'll love what you're about to eat. You know, how good would that be? Should we open a restaurant and do that? Because not many people can guarantee stuff. I like that. Oh, let's do it. Now, this is rare here in Australia. So you please respect this.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Fast Internet speeds of up to one gig per second. Oh, pure luxury. Our Internet is like rolling a rock on the floor. That's a really great example. It actually like it's like pushing. Well, you know something exciting about Australia is that I can be watching my sports team on cable and then go on Twitter and find out who won. The internet is that slow when I'm trying to watch the game. Let's move to Canada. I'm moving there.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Yup. Visit for internet from a provider that won't ever raise your prices like ever and use the promo code at checkout tarp. That's and use code TARP at checkout to get your first month free. Au revoir. Welcome to the Tony first month free. Au revoir. Me ha mea. Welcome to the Tony and Ryan podcast.
Starting point is 00:02:07 I'm Ryan, this is Dr. Arthur Tony Lodge. This is Tony and Ryan. We're calling Louisville and this is Jeannie. I've been to Louisville. You have. I have. That's when we first saw our first squirrel. Squirrel.
Starting point is 00:02:21 Yeah, it was so cute. It was a beautiful moment together. It rained. Squirrel. Squirrel. Yeah, it was fun. It was a beautiful moment together. It rhymed. Blip blop.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Bum bum bum. Blip dip. Bum bum. Bum bum. Blip blop. Beep bum bum. Blip blop. Beep beep beep.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Blup blup. Hello? Jenny! It's Jenny, I think. Oh. Jenny! Sorry, Jenny. I think I've been calling you Jenny.
Starting point is 00:02:42 I'm here. How do you say your name? It's not even that hard. Ryan, come on, get it together. It's Jeannie. There's no A. Yeah. So just for those playing at home, Ryan just said, how do you pronounce that? It's J E N N I E. There's no need to be rude about it.
Starting point is 00:03:02 Quite a simple one. Oh, Kat, how do you use that? How do you say that? I do get it all the time. No, you don't, Jenny. Don't make it feel better. Yeah, no, I get it all the time as well, Jenny. All good.
Starting point is 00:03:15 So cool, you're Jenny. I figured you guys were gonna go with, is your real name Jennifer? And the answer is no. Oh, you're just a straight up Jenny. I am just a Jenny. I like that. You're not just a Jenny.
Starting point is 00:03:28 You're not just Ken, you're not just Jenny, you are Jenny. Yeah, it is hard being named a nickname though, cause I get that a lot as well. Like people always think I'm called like Antoinette or Antonia or something like that. Like I get asked that very often. Really?
Starting point is 00:03:43 Yeah, like all the time. Right. And sometimes if I'm feeling in like an official form, people are like, oh, no nicknames. Like that has, that literally happens to me. Isn't that wild? It's my fucking name. Fuck you. I have known people for years and years
Starting point is 00:03:58 and they're like, is he your real name, Jennifer? And I'm like, absolutely not. I'm just a Jenny. Okay. No, I love Jenny. Now we're just looking a photo of you in your, in your tarp t-shirt. and I'm like, absolutely not. I'm just in Jenny. No, I love Jenny. Now we're just looking a photo of you in your tarp t-shirt and it's been snowing in Louisville.
Starting point is 00:04:11 And I believe you've said, I got 11 inches at home. Yes. Well, that's what Tony said to me this morning. Am I right? Am I right? The official totals are, we got, we got 10 and a half and we're expected another three to six. Trust me.
Starting point is 00:04:31 It's a big day for you, Jenny. Yeah. So. I often go, oh, I'm expecting some more inches later today. And I go, okay, sure bud. Jenny, Jeannie, Junah, will you approve this podcast? Yes, I approve this podcast. Legend. Thanks, Jenny. Hi, I approve this podcast. Legend.
Starting point is 00:04:45 Thanks, Jenny. Hi, it's Jenny from Louisville. I approve this podcast. All right, you listen to this podcast, you Tony Lodge, what is the thing you are most loyal to in this world? Oh, maybe it's a family member. Maybe it's your football team. Immediately I thought Torbz.
Starting point is 00:05:19 But is that what you mean? Yeah, I mean, maybe it doesn't have to be one. There'd be many things. But for me, like, you couldn't sit me down and convince me to barrack for another team other than Hawthorne. Like I am loyal to that. There is no who's right and who's wrong. It's just like, well, I don't care who you go for, but I go for the Hawks and there's no, there's no discussion about that. That's nice.
Starting point is 00:05:38 So I want you to think- They'd be happy to hear that. Well, I think that's the same for any sports fan though. But you know, you get a, oh yeah, I just go for pick someone on the day or, you know. Now I don't spend too much of my life brouhaha-ing about this fight, but you know how there's often like a Melbourne versus Sydney sort of like, whatever. Like I can't be fucked being in that fight, but I'm always going to choose Melbourne. You know what I mean? Cause I'm loyal to my city. I love going to Sydney. I don't hate Sydney, but I'm loyal to Melbourne.
Starting point is 00:06:07 Yeah. Yeah, I agree. Tony Lodge is loyal to channel seven. I am. True? That is actually 1000% true, yeah. A free to wear station in Australia in the year 2020 thrive. Tony is loyal to channel seven, but you will not see someone who's.
Starting point is 00:06:27 And I go into bat for them at every opportunity as well. Yeah, Tony, there's only really two main big channels in Australia. There's channel seven and there's channel nine. And ten. There's two and a half. And the ABC. Two and two halves. Jim. SBS. And the ABC? Two and two halves. Gem?
Starting point is 00:06:46 SBS? SBS. Two and two halves and one quarter. SBS is better than fucking eight plus one. There's always like a seven versus nine kind of energy in the ratings battle. When they come out in the press, they're always like trying to bag the album. Yeah. So for two weeks a year, Tony is a mess because channel seven is where her heart lies,
Starting point is 00:07:13 but the tennis is on channel nine. Yeah. And it's like, I can see the confusion in your persona. Yeah. And every time I say I've been watching the test, I go, I know it's on channel nine know it's like, I have a little disclaimer of like where I'm watching it. But like growing up, it was always on seven. And then they're like, the tennis is going to nine a few years ago. And I was like, but it's on seven. I don't understand. Like it was. It's better on seven. Just saying. I'm not being paid to say this by the way. I just am through and through a channel seven girl. Yeah. And why is that?
Starting point is 00:07:49 I just don't like, you're about to hear a wild chat. I've had this chat before and it's my favorite chat. The colors of channel nine are off. It's just off. Wow. What's wrong with it? What's the main color of channel seven? Red it? What's the main color of channel seven? Red.
Starting point is 00:08:07 And what's the main color of channel nine? Blue. You don't like the blue. I like blue. I wear denim all the time. You're wearing it right now. I think that I, I think the vibe is just off. And so I was actually talking to my sister about this yesterday.
Starting point is 00:08:21 This is so, we, I didn't plan this. We were talking to my sister about this yesterday, right is so, I didn't plan this. We were talking to my sister about this yesterday, right? And cause I was like, we've been watching the tennis and I was like, oh, even though as you know, and she goes, I know you don't like Channel 9. And then I said, I just think the coloring is off. And she said, I think I know why that is.
Starting point is 00:08:41 And she said that when we were kids, we had really bad TV reception at our house. Right. And so channel seven was like crystal clear. It was like a good one. And channel nine was like dark and snowy. My fuzzy and grimy. And like a bit fuzzy and like the contrast
Starting point is 00:08:58 was obviously all off and whatever. And so obviously whenever we tried to watch channel nine, I was like, I don't like it. The colors are all off. So you've been incepted by the poor reception in the Rollystone. Yeah. At my mum's house. And it's stuck with you all this time. It's just stuck with me and I just cannot get past it.
Starting point is 00:09:17 And now whenever we watch channel nine, I'm like, oh, it's all off. I just hate it. Yeah. And when I was at uni, we had to go and do like a, a unit about like TV and we got to go to channel nine and see how they make like live TV. And I remember walking in there and being like, probably not as nice as channel seven. Like I remember like thinking.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Was that channel nine's new building or was that before then? Oh, it was, oh, I was at uni like 10 years ago. No, it was a long time ago. Because when I was in Perth, I did Channel nine once a week on the Pulse thing. Yes. And it's actually the most beautiful building in Perth. I think it was like, it was a long time ago.
Starting point is 00:09:57 The old school one, yeah, right, right. Yeah. Cause I was going to say like, I dare someone to go to Channel nine Perth and turn their nose up at architectural wonder. I'm sure it was really nice when I was there as well, but I was just like, I'd much rather be at channel nine, seven. They've got to you, man. Does that mean as a channel seven girl growing up, you were a fan of Dupa dog? No, that is only on, um, like GWN N which is a combination of seven and nine. No, it's not.
Starting point is 00:10:27 Win is nine and 10. Fuck that off. So there's G W N which is seven, but then Tony not know what she was talking about. I don't think anyone else does either. Everyone will know what I'm talking about. Everyone in W A will know what I'm talking about. Anyway, let's do normal or not. We're fired Tony about channel seven and nine and she's angry. I like that song.
Starting point is 00:10:52 They'd put that on channel nine. They would. Brandon's from New York. Hi, Brandon. When I get anxious about all the money I've spent online shopping, the anxiety like physically won't let me check my banking app to see how much money I've got left. I just can't see, I just don't want to know how little money is left in my account.
Starting point is 00:11:16 Ignorance is bliss. Yep. But that same force and anxiety won't stop me to keep spending. Yeah. yep. The force is actually pro-purchase says Brandon. Is this normal or nah? Oh, fuck. I think that you might need to talk to a medical professional. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:39 I don't know if we can weigh in on this. I do get though when the websites, they get you and like, oh, this sale ends now. You know what really kills me? Is that when you see something and they go, only one left or four people have this in their cart. Well, now I'm going to miss out. Yeah. FOMO.
Starting point is 00:11:56 You know, yeah, you get the FOMO. And also you're living in New York. You got to fit in. There's so much going on. There is so much going on. So my thing is that like, I want to be good at running. Sure. But the thing I don't like about that is going for a run.
Starting point is 00:12:09 Sure. What I do like though, is going to websites such as Under Armour and Nike. And buying the running stuff. Yeah, and looking, going, oh yeah. So I'd be the type of runner who would wear those types of socks with those types of shoes? And what app would I need to connect to those socks?
Starting point is 00:12:27 So we're all in sync. I've already decided that as a runner, I wouldn't use gels, but I would just use candy because they're basically the same, but tastes way better. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Never had a gel, but I watch a lot of, you know, I get a lot of Instagram reels about running marathons and. And so I'll get really jazzed up about all this stuff.
Starting point is 00:12:45 And then it'll be the morning. It's a beautiful day. You can see my runners there. Do you want to go for a run? Fuck no. I'm having a coffee and hanging out with Mabel. But the thing is, is that if you don't want to do it, that is your decision. No, I don't want to pick something else.
Starting point is 00:12:59 I don't want to run, but I do want to be a runner. But like, who cares? Pick something you actually want. What's something that you want to do? I I do want to be a runner. But like, who cares? Pick something you actually want. What's something that you want to do? But I actually do want to be a runner. I just don't like running. No, but you know what I'm saying? No.
Starting point is 00:13:14 You know what I'm saying? Brandon doesn't want to be broke, but he does like spending. Yeah. I think though that, you know what I mean? But imagine being a runner. Okay, this is how I feel about- See, I actually get what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:13:26 This is how I feel about swimming. I actually like swimming, but I love the feeling of having swum. Yes. I don't like running, but if I've been for a run in the morning, I'm actually better than you. And I feel fantastic because I've been for a run,
Starting point is 00:13:41 I've got the endorphins. I love having ran. Yes, totally. Running, not for me. But if you, so you just said, I like swimming and I like the feeling after I swim. No, no, I love having swim. Sorry. I like swimming.
Starting point is 00:13:54 Yeah. But I love having swim. But already you're way up on not liking running. Yeah. So why don't you just go swimming instead and buy fancy earplugs? Because- Instead of fancy shoes. 4 a.m. last July, Andy and I made some agreements and I have signed up to do the Great Ocean Road running festival.
Starting point is 00:14:12 Yeah. How long is it? He's doing 45 kilometres. I think I'm down for a 26er. 26? Yeah, because it's longer than a full and a longer than a half or maybe it's the fifth. Longer than a full and longer than a half Like the marathons a bit longer like for some just the shape of the track along the Great Ocean Road, right? It's a bit longer than a regular marathon. Hence the half of that is longer than a regular. Oh, sorry
Starting point is 00:14:35 I see either way whatever distance it is. It's that much more than what I'm doing now Yeah, and you can't swim it. So if it's for any classroom, so we have to commit to our own after I've done this, we went for a run together. I want to take that back. I literally like delete that. Yeah, don't cut that out of the podcast. Cut that from everyone's memory. That was an empty offer. Do you want to run maybe we'll just do the 14 kilometer together. Okay. When is it? It's in May.
Starting point is 00:15:08 What is it now? Jan, January, February, March, April, April. So the further away it is, so we did this when we were gonna walk from the top of New York to the bottom of New York. When it was a year away, it was the easiest thing ever. Because you go, oh, if I just do X every day, it'll be fine. And then two weeks before we both realized we hadn't done anything.
Starting point is 00:15:27 And we're like, well, obviously not. So what I'm saying is, even if it was the elements of that as well. But what I'm saying is, even if the 14k was five years away, it wouldn't be any easier than if it was tomorrow. Because we're both not going to do anything anyway. It's actually so true. I can barely walk right now. Very good point.
Starting point is 00:15:43 Another part of it. So on the soles of your feet, not conducive to 14. I reckon we walk right now. Very good point. It's another part of it. So, I'm just on the soles of your feet, not conducive to 14, I reckon we should do it. Okay. Can you run? No, I'll do it in my Crocs. They're the only shoes I can wear right now. I'm in if you're in, not for the Crocs bit, but for the distance.
Starting point is 00:16:02 Anyway, the reason I want to run is cause I committed and paid the fee. Yeah. How much was it? Enough to keep you honest. What if I came and cheered you on? What if I got a little buggy and I was behind you and I could give you little like twiggy sticks, keep you going and stuff.
Starting point is 00:16:19 You could cruise along in your electric bike. Yes. Which I assume is still being used. Yes. It's still at my house. It's still in my house. It's still very much so at my house. I might need a little bit of charge. That's all.
Starting point is 00:16:33 Sure. Cause I've been using it. So it's almost flat. Catherine is from South Africa. Hi Catherine. My mom's auntie is her gynecologist. Hang on. My mom's auntie is her gynaecologist. Hang on. My mum's auntie.
Starting point is 00:16:50 Is my mum's gynaecologist. So my great auntie. Her mum's sister. No, no, no, no, no, my mum's auntie. So her grandma's sister. Let's put ourselves in the position of the mum. It's her mum's sister. Let's put ourselves in the position of the mom. It's her mom's sister. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:17:10 She just said my mom's auntie. Yeah, so we're in the position of the mom. That's who we are now. We are the mom. Yeah. Her mother's sister. No, it's her mom's... Oh, I'm the mom.
Starting point is 00:17:25 Yeah. Oh my God. So true. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So her mom's sister. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Yes. So it's her mom's mom's auntie. Wait. Her mom's mom's sister. Her. Yeah. Her mom's mom's sister. You should have just said that. Yep.
Starting point is 00:17:43 So who's the gynecologist? Me. Is the sister. I'm the gynecologist. No. Because I'm the mum. Her mum's sister is up and around in her bits and she even helped during my birth.
Starting point is 00:17:55 Well, that's going to test us. That's going to test us. So my... Okay, let me put this into your world. Okay, so Liz. Yeah. Rest in peace. Her mum. Okay, so Liz, rest in peace. Her mum. Yeah, Molly.
Starting point is 00:18:07 And did Molly have a sister? No, I don't think so. Okay, so if Molly had a sister, that would be the gyno. So, mum, yep. And so Molly's sister helped Liz. Birthed me. Yeah, give birth to you. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:18:21 Yeah, see, that's the feeling. Yep. That's the story. So then what? I know we're supposed to be adults and it's normal and biology and man, man, man, but it's just a little bit too close to me. I says Catherine. Yeah. Catherine asked your auntie being your gyno and seeing your gyno, normal or not. So it's her auntie. Not the concept of an auntie. Because it's her mum's auntie.
Starting point is 00:18:52 Because it's her mum's mum's sister. So what does it have to do with Catherine? She's asking the Tony and Ryan podcast. So she's just saying that's a bit off. Yeah. Okay. Well, yeah, I mean, if I probably wouldn't let my Aunty Karen look at my vagina. That's what we're asking. If only I knew about the existence of Karen five minutes ago. Well Aunty Karen, I've told you about Aunty Karen.
Starting point is 00:19:14 I've never heard you have an Aunty Karen. Yes you have. Because everyone's got an Aunty Karen. Yeah, but that's just like a thing you say. I didn't know you actually had an Aunty Karen. No, I've got an Aunty Karen. Because when you said I've got an Aunty Karen, I go, oh yeah, I know you. But I didn't realize you actually had an auntie Karen. No, I've got an auntie Karen. Cause when you said, I've got an auntie Karen, I go, oh yeah. Like, oh yeah. But I didn't realize you actually had an auntie Karen. So it's my mum's brother's wife. No, that's an aunt in law.
Starting point is 00:19:35 Isn't it? No, no, no, that's not how that works. It's your mum's brother in law sister. So my aunt in law would be if Torbz's aunt, that would be my aunt-in-law. Even if your aunt meets someone, do they just automatically become your uncle or that like your uncle-in-law? No, your uncle-in-law would be if you married into a family, they would become your in-law. Gotcha. But not if they marry into, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:19:57 Okay. Alright. Should we do one more or we just need a break? No, I got it. No, no. Tony's stalling because she's got an awesome story about a toaster coming up. Don't be nasty. I'm not nasty about things you say.
Starting point is 00:20:20 You're nasty about things I say for 30 minutes every weekday for 800. Well, how many episodes have we done? What are we up to? Um, we'll Google that on Friday. Oh, okay. Let's go to Sarah. Who's in Sydney. Hi, Sarah in Sydney.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Oh, I like that. So she lives in like Western Sydney and has to like catch the bus into the city for work every day. Yup. So this is her normal on that. You're sitting next to a stranger on a packed bus. But window or aisle, do we know? No, but they're in tight because it's peak hour. Everyone's going to work.
Starting point is 00:20:56 But as they like get to the city, stop by stop people getting off to go to their work totally. Um, and all of a sudden there's spare seats everywhere, but you're still awkwardly sitting right up close to this strange, like your legs are touching because the buses they're cramped. Yep. Is it more awkward to keep sitting next to a stranger
Starting point is 00:21:16 on a now fairly empty bus, or is it more awkward to move away from someone just to sit on the aisle? I'd move. If someone just moved away from me, I'd be like, what the fuck? Do I smell something? Like what you're trying to get away from me, Doug?
Starting point is 00:21:30 Oh, see, I'd get that. But also you'd be like, thank God they've gone. Like, so if I was on the window, I'd be like, surely they'll get up. Yeah, so if you're on the aisle, you'd like just shuffle over. But you've got to do it straight away. Right, so as soon as someone leaves, you got to take the spot straight away. You kind of go, oh, I'll just shuffle over. But you've got to do it straight away. Right. So as soon as someone leaves,
Starting point is 00:21:45 you got to take the spot straight away. You kind of go, oh, I'll just hop up. But if you're sitting there and it's quite empty and then all of a sudden you go, I might move. I'd be, that's not okay. The timing's important, I think. What if just the foot, you're like, maybe I should move, should I move, should I move?
Starting point is 00:22:03 And then their tummy grumbles. Oh. And because then if should move, should I move, should I move? And then their tummy grumbles. Oh. And because then if you move, it's like. Yeah. Like, is this guy gonna shit himself? And then he's like, oh my god, my tummy grumbled and this bitch just fucked up. And he's just like, mm mm.
Starting point is 00:22:16 Yeah, no, again, the timing's very important. Yeah, okay. Hi, it's Shinny from Lowellville and you're listening to Tony and Ryan. Whether you're in your running era, Pilates era, or yoga era, dive into Peloton workouts that work with you. From meditating at your kid's game to mastering a strength program, they've got everything you need to keep knocking down your goals.
Starting point is 00:22:40 No pressure to be who you're not. Just workouts and classes to strengthen who you are. So no matter your era, make it your best with Peloton. Find your push. Find your power. Peloton. Visit Peloton at OnePeloton. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:05 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:12 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Bridget burns. Yeah. Too soon. That's not on purpose.
Starting point is 00:23:27 On Monday night, my dear wife was in the hospital, Bridget after burning herself. And that was not a joke. I'm really sorry. Are you sure that wasn't a joke? I know I 100% I promise. Yeah. Terry, good on you, Terry. It's too close to home, mate.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Evelyn, I love your EBS and Amanda Disha and Erica Devry. Thank you very much for being part of Patreon. Love to say it. After we got back from the hospital, we then went to eat the meal that Bridget burned herself cooking and Bridget like didn't like it. Oh, so just like add insult to injury, really rub salt in the wound. It was barramundi. And then she eats some of the barramundi and goes, barramundi is like a muddy
Starting point is 00:24:10 water fish, I can taste the mud. Oh. I was like, you burnt your hand for that fish. And she's like, I can't like barramundi. Same. And I went, oh, same. We should get hungry with Jax. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:21 I'll be honest after the hospital, surely that's, that's, that's perfect time to get Mac is on the way home. Yeah. But mom was looking after Mabel. So yeah, you get her a double quarter pounder as well. We have to go home and pretend to be healthy. And then mom left and I was like, should I go get a hungry Jacks? Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:24:39 See, I reckon if you just came home with three double quarter pounder meals, your mom would have been like, fuck yeah. Yeah, true. That is true. You know, people like that. So the other- Thanks, Bridget Burns. All good, mate. Yeah. Love you, Bridget.
Starting point is 00:24:50 Both of you. The other day, I came into work with very exciting news and Ryan went, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Five episodes a week, mate. We do five episodes a week. Save the gold for the show. Don't gatekeep this shit from the tarpas. Cause if you've got a cracking story, I reckon we all want to hear it.
Starting point is 00:25:08 I reckon everyone wants to hear it and everyone wants to be part of the excitement. Like, you know, when someone's really excited about something, it is. And even if you don't really get it, you're like, I don't really get it, but I love that you're pumped for it. I love that you love it. Exactly. get it, you're like, I don't really get it, but I love that you're pumped for it. I love that you love it. Exactly. Or a bit like what you were saying about Hawthorn. Yep.
Starting point is 00:25:30 You kind of go, I don't mind what you're doing, but I just love this. Yep. And people go, I respect it. So what do you love? I got a new toaster. The toaster that we had was like, just like, I think it was like $12 from Kmart. We bought it when we moved to Sydney. So we'd been cranking this toaster for literally like six years.
Starting point is 00:25:56 You would have spent more money transporting that toaster than the toaster was worth. Spot on. Yes. So hang on. We know that you drive an Audi. Yeah, we know that you've bought a house in the last few years. We're hearing that you're now better than a $12 Kmart toaster. This girl's moving on up. How crazy did we get?
Starting point is 00:26:23 Well, what does it do? Does it fly? Does it break its own bread? So this is the thing, right? Toasters these days, bloody, holy manoli. They can do some shit. There's a toaster and I did not buy this one. I don't even think it was available, but it popped up on Amazon and it's a smart toaster. And literally you're like this brand of bread. It's got a touch screen on the side, all this stuff. Charles is saying, yes, you know what I'm talking about. I know exactly what you're talking about. I did look at this when I was buying a toaster.
Starting point is 00:26:50 It's like kind of went a bit viral and people like super into this toaster. And then- The viral toaster of 2025. But like kind of, it just had that energy about it. Imagine if the influencers promoting it were like, oh, by the way, TikTok downck down. I never used that. I never used that.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Toaster. I hate box. I gave it to my mom or something, you know, anyway. So there's like a lot you can do. And I thought, well, we don't need anything really fancy, but what I would love is that the Kmart toaster that we had, like just made the bread hard and hot. It didn't actually toast it. It like sucked the moisture out of it.
Starting point is 00:27:28 What is toast if not hard and hot bread? I'm so glad you asked. So when you use a good- Are we all gonna be glad I asked? Well, when you use a good toaster, the outside is, I mean, depending on how done you like it, the outside is crunchy, but the inside's still fluffy. You know when you like have a really good piece of toast and it's kind you like it. The outside is crunchy, but the inside still fluffy. You know, when you like have a really good piece of toast and it's kind of like that.
Starting point is 00:27:49 It needs to be thick. I feel like when they cut the bread too thin, you just like toast it and fucking cardboard. Yeah. But like we had this toaster and it just made everything like rock solid and hot. And then you would break into it and the bread would like crumble in your mouth. Like you're eating a Dorito. It was disgusting. Like it was awful. Anyway. So I was like, look, our toast is fucking finally bit in the dust. Like here's our chance to get a nice one. It's not super fancy, but it is a nice one. It's a Breville one. It matches our coffee machine. Like it's the same brushed steel.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Very aesthetic. Because I do have a KitchenAid and I was like, do I get a KitchenAid toaster? I read loads of reviews, apparently not worth the money. Oh. Not worth the money. The Breville one was much cheaper. But let me tell you about the one feature I did splurge for. This toaster has wide slots, so a piece of sourdough fits in full.
Starting point is 00:28:44 Everyone, please. Don't you fucking love to see that? And I also love the maturity of all four of us not to comment on the wide slots. Huge slot. Yeah. There's actually a lot to be said for that. But I'm glad no one went there. So because I've been like making sourdough for a while
Starting point is 00:29:05 since your wife, Bridget, taught me how to make it. Don't bring my wife into your white slots. I'm just saying that I, now I, we eat a lot of sourdough at home cause I often have like a loaf on the go. And you, are you doing like thick cuts? So I'm doing a thick cut. And you cut, thick cut. I'm doing a thick cut, but then you've got to cut it in half to fit in the thing also thought the length as well as the land
Starting point is 00:29:30 Oh, I thought you just talking about the no no no so it's actually instead of it being like four like this It's two like this so I get now because I've been putting them down like diagonal and fucking I know through flinging them around I know middle is cooked twice, but the outsides are still fucking bread. Come on over. Would love to. Would love to come on your big wide slot.
Starting point is 00:29:51 My big cuts. So they are wide. No one went there and then I feel like I did. They are wide and wide. Yeah, gotcha. Wide and deep. Toaster, gotcha. Wide and deep. Right. Toaster, hardly no arms. But, so you don't have to then cut the piece,
Starting point is 00:30:15 like the long piece in half to fit in. It fits in in one bit. I think we're gonna need a toaster tour on Patreon. Say no more. Done. Absolutely done. We've got a live stream tomorrow. Nah, we were going to be singing songs now.
Starting point is 00:30:33 No, no, no, no, no. I think this is better than that. What do you mean? So we're going to do both. I'm doing both. You can come over if you want. I'm happy to do it solo. We'll get raunchy.
Starting point is 00:30:42 Let me tell you. It will get hot. Wow. Cause me tell you. He will get hot. Wow. Cause a toaster. I take back everything I implied about look out. Tony's got a story about a toaster. This is wild. I really appreciate that.
Starting point is 00:30:57 This is wild. I just looked at so many and then I saw this one and I was like, that one really suits my lifestyle. It was a big investment. It was really expensive. It's like $200. For a toaster? Think about the $5 rule though. How many times $5 going to $200?
Starting point is 00:31:16 That's clothing. Yeah. You don't pay $5 for one toasting. Okay, right. Cost per wear. 200 times to use it for it to cost a dollar. I think that's pretty good. Considering the bread is free
Starting point is 00:31:26 because I make it from scratch. Do you make the flour from scratch? Yes. I've also bought a meal. Yeah. No, that is huge news. That's good, isn't it? Should we put it in our Amazon storefront?
Starting point is 00:31:43 Yep. Is it on Amazon? Yeah, I'll be able to buy it on Amazon. I would like everyone to know that since Tony and Ryan launched the Tony and Ryan Amazon storefront. You won't believe this. It's a little bit braggy. You sure?
Starting point is 00:31:55 It is. Sophie, can you please give us a drum roll? Sorry, Sophie. Were you about to clap instead of? I saw you go. I was actually about to hit the microphone. Yeah, no, were you about to clap instead of... Yeah. I saw you go, oh no. I was actually about to hit the microphone.
Starting point is 00:32:08 Oh, yeah. No, good job. No, do that again though. And I was, am I saying the total commissions we've made or the amount of sales? I don't, oh fair chat. I don't know. Is it a bit wanky to do this? I feel like 2020 thrive, live your best life, transparency.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Drum roll please. One sale, 67 cents commission. It's paying for my toaster. And I think it was us when we tried it to see from work. So I think it was when Sophie bought us Holland days for Christmas. You know, maybe that wasn't it. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, I've got a story about the Holland day sauce. I need to show you a photo. Oh, no. I had mine, Sophie, and it was absolutely delightful.
Starting point is 00:32:51 No, no. There was nothing wrong with the Hollandaise sauce. What? OK. OK. I don't know if I want to look at white cream on your phone. I'll be honest. OK.
Starting point is 00:33:00 What is this a picture of? And what's it in front of? No! No, no, no. it's not what you think just yet. So it's the carton of Hollandaise sauce, same shape as a UHT milk in front of the coffee machine. What color is the carton of Hollandaise sauce? Green. Now, what do you see?
Starting point is 00:33:21 The almond milk, also a green carton, the exact same shape. That would be pretty good, I reckon. OK, here's what I'll say. Here's what I'll say. Was it a bit like eggnog? Here's what I'll say. OK. It's surprisingly. Not that bad. What is bad is when you're not expecting it.
Starting point is 00:33:45 I totally get it. Yes. When you go to sip an almond milk latte and it's a hollandaise sauce latte, your body is not ready. Did you? I don't even know if I want the answer to this. You don't because you've had coffee in that machine since. No, no, no, no. So you've you frothed, you frothed the Holland days. I need Charles and Soph to see this.
Starting point is 00:34:09 You frothed the Holland days. So that's the Holland days. Can you see that in the coffee machine? And then that's my almond milk. We'll post these on the episode thread today. They look, hang on. And just for those playing along at home, there's a side by side. Yeah. Yeah, same.
Starting point is 00:34:27 So did you froth it? I'm actually not taking it. Or did it just go a pour in? I'm actually not taking any further questions. Cause I'll say, if you tried to froth that, that's your fault. Cause you would have noticed right away that that would have been all wrong.
Starting point is 00:34:42 Got a, you love to see it here from Reese Holyoke. Hi, Reese. This, it's not a great, you love to see it, as in like, it's not a great thing that Reese has been through, but I think we can agree that like, it's a good outcome. Okay. Reese is a tarpa, listens to the podcast,
Starting point is 00:35:00 and during high school, he, in his own words, says, I was relentlessly bullied. Reese. And it fucking sucks. Fuck high school. Yeah, high school, he in his own words said, I was relentlessly bullied. Rees. And it fucking sucks. Fuck high school. Yeah, high school sucks dude. So what Rees did is he's like, well, I don't have a heap of friends here.
Starting point is 00:35:14 I'm not really enjoying myself. What I can do is put my head down and just like stick to the books, study really hard. He studied so hard, he finished high school a year earlier because he just like got it done. Whoa. Which is like, again, it's not a nice situation to be in. But you go, if I can get the fuck out of here
Starting point is 00:35:34 and just stick to what I wanna do. So because he studied hard, not only did he get out of there a year earlier, his grades are so good, he got into his dream course at his dream college and he sort of like, just like there was a light at the end of the tunnel and he's found it and then he goes and because I'm in this course that's quite specific, there's other people who are into this and we've all got similar hobbies and interests and I've found my people and I've
Starting point is 00:35:56 come out the other side and 2020 thrive, here I fucking go. Rees! Oh my god, that is amazing! Huge Rees, good on you. And meeting people at uni, you don't really know that there's other people that think like you until you, when you go to uni and you meet people that are all interested in doing the same kind of thing. I was the kind of weirdo who wanted to do this weird course and so is everyone else here. Yeah, like, I mean, I met my boyfriend at uni for that same reason that we were like, oh, we got the same kind of interests and whatever.
Starting point is 00:36:25 So I hope you find your taubs. I hope everybody finds their taubs. I'm the luckiest girl in the world. Well, now that you've got that toaster, what else is there? Literally put a fork in my hand. Not in the toaster, though, obviously very dangerous. So currently we are doing our year of wins. So if you win, we want to win a thousand things this year.
Starting point is 00:36:46 So we need all of the type of help. So if you win something that's like a bit kooky, a bit strange or whatever, you can submit it at our website, pop a photo of you like holding it or whatever. But part of it is because we said that if you see an Instagram competition and you don't really have anyone to tag,
Starting point is 00:37:05 so Reis maybe is perfect, you tag us and we'll be your solitude of like, we won't tell anyone. So many. Every time I see them, I try and like it. I reply, I say, let's get it. Yeah, nice. But Jocelyn Brown messaged us on Patreon.
Starting point is 00:37:21 Josaby. Josaby, yes, we're always calling her that. Jossabe said, you'll be seeing lots of tags from me this year because I don't really have anyone to tag. But just letting you know, you and Ryan are welcome to tag me as well. Don't you love to see that? Yeah, you know he's gonna hate that. Jossabe. Jossabe, you're about to get destroyed.
Starting point is 00:37:46 Jocelyn is going to get a few tags from us, I reckon. Also me being like, can you comment recipe on this and then send me the thing? Yeah. I said, I don't like that. Jocelyn, you're going to be tagging for me. So then I can get the recipe on the other end. Jocelyn, be prepared to be drowned in recipes.
Starting point is 00:38:00 Yeah. And weekends away, digital downloads. Yes, everything. But I just thought that was really sweet. Chat GPT prompts. Yeah, no, that is sweet, Jocelyn. Thank you, Jocelyn. A few people have reached out with similar things saying we can tag them as well, but I just thought that was really sweet. In a week or so, we will have a winners update. Yes. January winners. Yeah. And- But we're doing it for the year. Oh, yeah. So we'll be touching in on it. But we can't- What did you call me? Similar to us running and not doing any preparation. Oh yeah. So we'll be touching in on it. But we can't.
Starting point is 00:38:25 What'd you call me? Similar to us running and not doing any preparation. So true. We can't in mid December go, guys, we need another 986 wins. You know what I mean? Do we only have 24? No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:38:35 14. I'm just saying. I'm just saying we need like. I was really close. We just like, it's a, it's the year, we're off. It started, let's keep going. We're going to, what my mum used to always say, start as you mean to go on.
Starting point is 00:38:49 Isn't that beautiful? Yeah, so that's what I try and think about. Yeah. Yeah, so with the wins, we're gonna, we're starting strong and steady. Strong and steady. Yeah. Smoker Jozza B, strong and steady.
Starting point is 00:39:03 Well, thank you very much for being so supportive about my toaster. I actually really, really appreciate that. We'll pop the link to the toaster in our Amazon store. So you too can live the dream. It's just a picture of me holding the toaster like this. Like an influencer. That someone is going to stumble across our storefront
Starting point is 00:39:21 and go, there's a book, there's some Hollandaise sauce and a toaster. And the orgasm-a-tron. And the orgasm-a-tron. The perfect evening. That might be my dream day. If anyone's wondering what I might be doing for Valentine's Day. Tony and Ryan.
Starting point is 00:39:40 Is it what? Just slash Tony and Ryan. I have no idea. But it's in our link tree on our Instagram. Yeah. I added it because people kept asking for it. It's in our link tree. Hey, you're not Googling something, are you? No, I'm going to the slash Tony and Ryan.
Starting point is 00:39:57 Sorry, that page cannot be found. There's a cute picture of a dog though. Okay. That doesn't work. Don't type that in. Just go to our link tree. But we'll be back tomorrow. Tomorrow's a video show. So you can listen wherever you want to, but you can also watch on YouTube. So I'm looking for Amazon store. Okay. Do we have an Amazon store? Yes, we do. But it's
Starting point is 00:40:14 Do you slash shops slash Tony and Ryan slash? So it could just, it just could not be easier to remember. Basically it could not be simpler. Oh, you can listen to this podcast on audible. Yeah. I just typed in Tony and Ryan on Amazon and it's like, listen here on Audible. Who's the personality higher now? Oh, our feed's called One Trick Tony. We'll get that renamed. Anyway, okay. And do you want to add anything else?
Starting point is 00:40:42 Um. Because we're just doing a podcast at the moment. Oh! Are we still on? Yep. Tomorrow, video show. As Tony said. As Tony said. As Tony said.
Starting point is 00:40:54 Tomorrow, oh, hmm. Tomorrow on the show. We'll be live Googling. We'll be live Googling and we will be sharing, if you're not from Australia, we will be sharing with you. Pop on your cork hat and get ready. The most harrowing thing about Australian summer.
Starting point is 00:41:09 And it's got nothing to do with Joslyn or the heat. Or my toaster. Cause that is a positive. See you tomorrow. Love you, bye.

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