Too Scary; Didn't Watch - SUNSHINE

Episode Date: March 5, 2025

brb throwing myself fully into the center of the sunMovie Intro @ 16:38Trivia @ 22:31Recap starts @ 28:43TrailerFollow the show: @TSDWpodcast on Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram....Check out our Patreon for bonus episodes and additional content!Rate Too Scary; Didn’t Watch 5 Stars on Spotify and Apple Podcasts and leave a review for Emily, Henley, and Sammy.Advertise on Too Scary; Didn't Watch via Gumball.fmSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:01:53 I'm Emily and I am too scared to watch scary movies. I'm Henley and I'm also too scared to watch scary movies. I'm Sammie and I love watching scary movies. And so I watch them so that you don't have to or do like because for the past couple of weeks, you guys have been really taking the reins. And I can't forget wait for today's episode. Me too. I don't even know what we're looking at, but Emily has a background that's a little scary, scaring me on an existential level, I'd say.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Yeah, I think we are, we might be getting some of that. We might be getting some of that. I took this. And we don't get enough of that in our regular lives. I know, I really need it. I really need it. No, we'll see, we'll see. But before we freaking get into that,
Starting point is 00:02:45 did anything scary happen to you guys this week? Oh, well, I need to tell you guys that something died in our walls. Oh no. And you can tell by the smell? Oh God, the smell. Even in winter. The smell.
Starting point is 00:03:00 So I actually had someone over for dinner with her two kids on Thursday night. And she has a six-year-old and the six-year-old, they're like Silas and May and her two kids like made a pillow pile in our living room and they were like jumping around. And the six-year-old girl kind of kept being like, like acting like something smelled bad. What a little bitch. I was like, I thought you, I thought you were going to say the six-year-old girl like kept being just like such a little bitch.
Starting point is 00:03:28 Like she's just such a bitch. No, no. No, no. I could tell that she was like, she was like something, I could tell she was smelling something. And so I- Well, they like are more sensitive. They're senses, right? Little kids?
Starting point is 00:03:41 Yeah, I was like, I was like, is there like a dirty diaper of maize that like is under the couch? Like, is there something? Cause I was also kind of, oh, that would be terrible, but also could happen. I mean, it's like, who knows? So I was like looking, cause I could also kind of smell something bad and basically talked it up to like, I don't
Starting point is 00:04:00 know what it is. And then cleaned on Friday. Cause I was like, that smell is still here. And then it hit me like partway through Friday. I was like, fuck, that is a dead something. That's the smell of death, yeah. And so the person who Jack, who's amazing, who's like the groundskeeper here, he came over and-
Starting point is 00:04:19 Shout out Jack. Jack has saved my life a gazillion times, continues to do so every day. Groundskeeper at a spooky haunted church and graveyard is quite a job. I know, he's holding the ghosts back one-handed, keeping us all protected. Thank you, Jack.
Starting point is 00:04:34 Thank you, Jack. He came over and he figured out that it was probably in the chimney, but then couldn't find anything in the chimney, so then he just sealed off the fireplace even more, which doesn't work, but he sealed it off. And then he tried to look on the chimney, but then couldn't find anything in the chimney, so then he just like sealed off the fireplace even more, which doesn't work, but like he like sealed it off, and then he tried to look on the roof, and he tried to look in the basement,
Starting point is 00:04:50 and basically couldn't find anything, and he told us, he was like, the reality is, is that if it's just like in the wall, because like I can't find it anywhere, you just have to like wait it out. Let it decompose. You just gotta wait. Let it fully decompose.
Starting point is 00:05:04 Yeah, and it's, that was devastating news, like wait it out. Let it decompose. You just gotta wait. Let it fully decompose. Yeah. And it's, that was devastating news. Cause it smells horrible. It smells so bad. How long does something take to decompose in winter time? I don't know. I haven't even like, I've been scared to look it up. The only thing I Googled was whether it's like a health concern.
Starting point is 00:05:21 Cause I got worried if it's bad to like inhale those fumes and basically it's fine. Death fumes. Death fumes are fine, especially because it's probably just like a little mouse. I mean, if it was, it would be unbearable. We wouldn't even be able to be in the house if it was like bigger than the mouse probably. But anyway, so I gotta live with the smell of death
Starting point is 00:05:42 in my house. Oh, wow. I live with the smell of death in my house. Oh, wow. Yeah, things just keep getting better. Smell of death in the morning. That's tough and I'm sorry. And I'm sorry. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:57 I don't like that. Do you think something dead in the walls is better in winter or summer? Or I mean better. Which one do you think is worse? Well, probably. That's the best? It would probably decompose faster if it was hot, but it might be hot in the walls because
Starting point is 00:06:12 of the heat. So who knows? Oh, true. Interesting. Yep. Who can say? Who can say? But I'm pretty embarrassed that I also had someone over who I want to be friends with and her daughter is like,
Starting point is 00:06:26 that lady's house smells bad for good reason. For good reason. I mean, she was right. And she was 100% fucking right. Even if she was being a huge bitch about it. She was kind of a bitch about it. She was kind of a huge bitch about it. She was not being a bitch.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Anyway, so yeah, hopefully it's fast. Hopefully it's fast. Hopefully it's fast. Praying for you. Thank you, so gross. Love and blessings to you and yours. Yeah. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Love and light only. What about you guys? Well, speaking of walls. Oh, I have one that's speaking of death. Beautiful. Oh, good. This is a scary thing that has been happening this week and every week for quite a long time.
Starting point is 00:07:15 You guys probably both know this already, but I share walls with three separate sets of neighbors. It's absolutely too many. It's too many. There's one in the front, one to the side, and one above me. And it's like as if they coordinate when two of them are gonna be quiet,
Starting point is 00:07:35 the other one's like, okay, I'll take this shift. My turn, my turn. And being extremely loud. And you know, I'm actually pretty used to it. And so it's not, it's not, I mean, it's very unpleasant, but I've like somehow evolved to sleep through a lot more than I should sleep through. I'm kind of impressed this is the first time
Starting point is 00:07:55 you're really talking about this. I know. Because like, you've been dealing with it for a long time. It's because I have a new neighbor on the side who I actually really, really like. He's great, but he's usually quite quiet. But the other night he was having sex. Our headboards are essentially next to each other.
Starting point is 00:08:18 And yes, good for him, except that he had sex until three in the morning for like just hours long sex again, headboard to headboard feels like I'm basically in the bed with them. Yeah, that's really tough. That's a really long time. Then started back up at six in the morning.
Starting point is 00:08:37 Really not okay. That is not enough sleep. That is not enough sleep. And hey, I sounded like they're having a great time and I'm all about people having sex, good for them. I love to know that he's having a good time, but it's also just- You don't wanna know quite so intimately.
Starting point is 00:08:56 I can't. What do you do? Like also do you write a note and you're like, hey man, if you're gonna have sex, like please keep it down. I don't think I can do anything. Please keep it within business hours. I like can't, I sometimes wish I was that type of person, but I just bottle it all up.
Starting point is 00:09:14 I am like actively looking for places to move to LA's, pretty tough right now and always, but I'm just holding onto that thought, I guess, in the depths of my darkest times. I'll be like, I gotta get out of here. I'm gonna get out of here. I'm like- I'm gonna move to a sexless neighborhood.
Starting point is 00:09:33 I'm like Sam Rockwell in Moon, where he's like, three more days, three more days. And I'm like back home, which is a joke that I could tell before I started making it that probably neither of you would get. Yeah, I don't know what you're trying to say. But I can imagine.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Wait, no, I've seen Moon. Oh yeah? I saw Moon a long time ago, like when it first came out. So I basically have no memories of it except that I really liked it. Fuck, Sammy, that sucks. My upstairs neighbor wakes up at 5 a.m. every weekday, stomps, stomps, stomps around getting ready. His bedroom is
Starting point is 00:10:06 right above mine. And so he's like getting ready for work and just sounds like slamming drawers and cabinets open and closed as he's getting ready. And then on the weekends somehow stays up till like three in the morning, partying, blasting music. And also, actually the biggest thing that gets my goat, is that he smokes like way too close to our houses. And so every once in a while, I'll just all of a sudden, my whole apartment will reek of cigarettes. And my cats have asthma.
Starting point is 00:10:42 So it's really not good. Make him do the little aspirate. What do you call that thing? The inhaler. Inhaler. If you're going to smoke near my cats, you have to give my cat his inhaler. Yeah, fair trade. So, yeah, it's a bummer that I'm not the type of person that can, like, casually and calmly ask, like, hey, man, do you think you could, like, not do that there?
Starting point is 00:11:03 I just for some reason, I just can't do that. I know, I know. It's really hard. It's it's like and it's also I get really, hey man, do you think you could like not do that there? I just, for some reason, I just can't do that. I know, I know. It's really hard. It's like, and it's also, I get really, you know, we live in a, we live in community with people and particularly if you live in a city, it's like we all live too close to each other. It's really hard to know like what you're allowed and not allowed to ask of your immediate people. But that's something that like anything that is infringing upon their quality of life does feel like it's like, you can be loud, but only so much. You can't smoke so that smoke is getting
Starting point is 00:11:33 into other people's homes. Yeah. No, that's not okay. You can have sex. Within business hours. Within business hours. You could do it a little late, but like, not- Just be quiet about it.
Starting point is 00:11:43 Basically the whole night. That's crazy. You can't wake back up and do it. And if you're gonna,, not basically the whole night. That's crazy. You can't wake back up and do it. And if you're gonna, you gotta take it somewhere else. That's just all you gotta do. You just gotta take it somewhere else. Go to the living room, go to a chair, you know? Just be aware of the banging.
Starting point is 00:11:53 Get on the floor. Get on the floor. Like just stop banging as much. Keep banging, but stop banging. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Have a bangless bang. This reminds me, which is like something I'm sure I've talked about on the pod before,
Starting point is 00:12:04 but my first apartment in LA when it devolved into pure chaos and insanity, because this family like a lot of apartments in Los Angeles, we were in like a back house that was next to another back house with a front house in front of it. And there were like people living on like the bottom floor, then the top floor, and we were all sharing this tiny little driveway. And one family had been there forever for like generations. And they would have these like full blowout family fiestas
Starting point is 00:12:37 like with like a bouncy castle taking up our entire driveway with like blasting music. And just the needle in the haystack And just the needle in the haystack, not the needle in the haystack, the straw that broke the camel's back. There we go, there we go. I got that straw. Nail in the coffin.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Nail in the coffin. Was when one of my neighbors, Jackie, she started hosting a punk rock night on Tuesday nights. And the stage was- Oh, Tuesday? The stage was quite literally like a foot away from my bed. It was my window and then the stage to this quote unquote punk rock night.
Starting point is 00:13:12 Did she ask permission of any of you? Of course not, no, of course not. Jackie. And part of what happened is that there had been a woman living in the complex who kept a tight rope on everyone. She was the enforcer. She would not let shit like this go down. And then she left.
Starting point is 00:13:28 And then when she left, there was a power vacuum and like all hell broke loose. And so Jackie started these punk rock nights, which were insane. As insane as you can imagine an amateur punk rock night. Like, can you imagine how bad that is? Literally someone just screaming into a microphone. Screaming into a microphone. Yeah, worst case scenario.
Starting point is 00:13:46 The only thing I like less than music is amateur music. Yeah. And then like a week before Tim and I moved out. Amateur ska would have been worse. True. No, punk rock is the worst. I guess it's like screaming. Because you're screaming words,
Starting point is 00:13:59 like you're not even singing. I don't know, I still think ska would have been worse. Oh. Look, they're both bad, they're both bad. They're both bad. It would have been so funny if it was ska. That's so specific. So Tim and I are about to leave.
Starting point is 00:14:12 Like we're about to move out. And so like other people are coming by to look at the apartment because you know, it's been listed. And that happened to coincide with one of these fiestas where they, we like drove back home and there was a huge truck in front of our house. you know, it's been listed. Porta Potty, Porta Potty, like right next to it. And we had to like show people around the apartment and be like, the Porta Potty isn't usually here, but it's kind of a good signal for what you're in for. Cause like, this is the vibe all the time.
Starting point is 00:14:54 Yeah, it would suck to sign the paperwork. And then that happens like the next day. Yeah. Actually, you know what? That was the worst part is that someone had signed the paperwork and then they came and then we had to show them around Oh, well, I wish them the best.
Starting point is 00:15:08 The porta-potti was there. Yeah, and it was a lot like Kazan's daughter. What's her name? Zoe? Zoe? Not Zoe the other one. It was her sister and I didn't know she was famous until afterwards Okay, so she's doing fine. She's totally fine. She'll be fine. Of course.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Yeah, I'm not worried about her actually. Okay, sorry for that tangent. I just need to remind everyone about the port-a-potty. It can be rough. Now let's talk about some more death, Emily. Well, so speaking of death, this is really, we don't even need to go into it because I honestly don't even want to.
Starting point is 00:15:42 Just briefly, just briefly, I'm reading a book right now that I'm really loving and I'm like really, one of the main storylines is just like really resonating with me and it's like so beautiful and I love these people. Then they went and gave one of them cancer and they're young, they're young and I am now,
Starting point is 00:16:05 I'm now really scared of death. It like, I have spent all week being just like, absolutely terrified of death and- Wait, which book is this? Well, I don't really wanna spoil it in case- Oh, okay, fair. Cause this happens like, this is late. I'm almost done with the book and I could tell you,
Starting point is 00:16:22 I bet I know what's gonna be the end of the book. Fucking no now. And it's really hard to be scared of death because it is coming for us and we can't know when and we can't know how. And it's really, death is really scary when you really, really love somebody. And kind of like exactly what they're fucking doing to me
Starting point is 00:16:44 in this book, which is like, wow, look at this like beautiful love. Wouldn't it suck if one of them died too young? That is mean. So I'm having a heart, I'm just having a heart. And I also like love this book, but I'm scared to read it. Like I won't pick it up anymore. I'm so close to the finish line,
Starting point is 00:16:59 but I can't read it before bed anymore because it makes me too scared and sad. Yeah, I don't like it when that happens. I look over at Joel and I'm like, don't close your eyes, don't go to sleep, don't die on me. I will lose my mind. Oh. I'm sure there will be some sort of beautiful triumph
Starting point is 00:17:13 in something, whatever, whatever, but like I'm scared. You feel betrayed by the book. I feel betrayed by existence. That too. You know? That too, it's a bad feeling. It's scary, it's really. Yeah. I'm not usually afraid of death, You know? That too. It's a bad feeling. It's scary. It's really...
Starting point is 00:17:26 Yeah. I'm not usually afraid of death, you know? But you can't control it. It doesn't happen on our terms and that's what's really tough. Yeah. And it's the one thing that's certain in life, unfortunately. Yep. Which like, again, I'm fine with that.
Starting point is 00:17:41 I'm fine with that on my terms. Yeah, my terms. Are you listening, Death? Oh God, I hope, and see, I'm not ready to joke with it yet. I'm not ready to talk to it. Fair, fair, fair. But probably it's good that then I watched this week's movie, which is pretty existential. So this week's movie is sunshine.
Starting point is 00:18:06 Henley, are you familiar with sunshine at all? Okay, great. I've never heard of this before. I had heard of it. It's been one that I've like often thought I could maybe do if I had to do one for the podcast. I'm excited to talk about it. I was not wrong.
Starting point is 00:18:22 I was not wrong. Okay. It's not, it's one of those movies that like, it depends what you're scared of, whether it's gonna be too scary for you. For me, there is one moment that really rattled me and I will tell you about it. I can imagine for some people,
Starting point is 00:18:40 this would be really hard to watch and for some people it wouldn't be scary at all. It's one of those. Interesting. Right. Okay, interesting. It's like a sci-fi thriller more than a horror movie, but it's set in space, there's a lot of freaky shit, so it really just kind of depends on what gets ya.
Starting point is 00:18:58 Okay. But that's why we're here, to talk about it. Okay. And to keep everybody informed. I have seen this movie, but it's been a long time. All I remember is the ending. Yeah. And I... It's memorable.
Starting point is 00:19:13 I really can't wait to hear about it because it feels like that perfect length of time since I last saw it that like was going to feel all new again. It's sci-fi and it's really like sciency at times and really existential and so I was like oh it's an hour 45 it's not that scary like I can totally do this I wanted to watch it for a while Joel had also not seen it for a while I was really excited to watch it again we watched it and I I was like I like literally could not put words to anything that just happened. I feel like you've been getting the like extra hard recap with that it's what's inside.
Starting point is 00:19:55 I honestly think this is going to be harder for me than it's way. So then I watched it a second time and I truly also I was like, well, I'll watch it again and I'll put subtitles on. So I'll like really make sure I'm getting the content. And Bezos, if you're listening, the captions were unavailable for this film. The subtitles were unavailable for this film, which I was very upset about. Oh no. That's surprising, that almost never happens.
Starting point is 00:20:19 Yeah, uh-huh. So I truly paused this movie and I rewatched like every 20 seconds. So I really, I think my notes are gonna be okay. But I did a combo of pausing it, writing down notes, turning to Joel and being like, okay, so I think what just happened was this. And it'd be like, yeah, yeah, yeah,
Starting point is 00:20:34 that's what just happened. So you know what? We're just gonna see what happens, but it's a great movie and I'm excited to talk about it. It came out in 2007. Sunshine was directed by Danny Boyle, written by Alex Garland, starring freaking get ready,
Starting point is 00:20:50 Killian Murphy, Rose Byrne, Chris Evans, Michelle Yeoh, Hiroyuki Sonata, Benedict Wong, Cliff Curtis, Troy Gerrity, and Mark Strong. It is a- What? Incredible. Stacked fucking cast. Crazy.
Starting point is 00:21:05 Wait, this... Oh, 2007? I've never fucking heard of this movie before in my life. How is that possible? Well, it was kind of a flop. It didn't do great at the box office. And the ending is nuts and was like controversial at the time. And I think still there are people who are like, sun train's great, except for the ending.
Starting point is 00:21:26 I disagree. I liked the end. I remember being like- I think that it's like, I love the choice. Yeah. They fly straight into the sun at the end. Well, I can't like just, I don't know that, I don't know that you're gonna be able-
Starting point is 00:21:37 Can you take that out if that's right? No, no, I don't know that you're gonna be able to predict where this goes, but maybe you are because you're really good at that. Yeah, she is really good. Okay. I'll try not to. No, if you can, I would love to hear it.
Starting point is 00:21:50 Okay. Sunshine has a 76% on Rotten Tomatoes, a 64% on Metacritic, and a 7.2 on IMDB. Really high for IMDB. IMDB being, yeah, the flop. What a champion for Sunshine. Yeah, to 7.2, I'm confused. I know, it had a budget of 40 million
Starting point is 00:22:07 and it made 34.8, so it lost money. This was the third collaboration between Alex Garland and Danny Boyle, the first being The Beach. I forgot about The Beach. I don't think Alex Garland wrote the screenplay, but he wrote the novel. That's right, yep.
Starting point is 00:22:24 And then 28 Days Later, being the second. How old is Alex Garland wrote the screenplay, but he wrote the novel. That's right. Yep. And then 28 days later being the second. How old is Alex Garland? I think about Alex Garland as being like- He's like in his 50s. Gosh, for some reason I think of him as being- Same. Almost-
Starting point is 00:22:35 Like our age. It almost feels like he needs to be older than 50s to have done all this stuff. He's a genius. He did start young, yeah. He, yeah, he started young and he's a genius. So that's just- There you go there's just is what it is. I was gonna say, I didn't even put this together,
Starting point is 00:22:50 but when you said that there was a scene in this that like really, really got you, the other thing that jumped into my mind was the bear scene from Annihilation, which is also Alex Garland. Nobody knows how to scare me like Alex Garland. There is something about what he finds scary or like what he is interested in exploring
Starting point is 00:23:10 that is so fucking bone chilling to me. Although I think the moment that I will get to, it might've been Danny Boyle because it's like a visual choice. So, you know, time will tell. But yeah, they make great collaborators, them and Killian, because also 28 Days Later franchise. Oh, and Rose Byrne.
Starting point is 00:23:32 And let's just say 28 years later coming out this year, again, Danny Boyle and Alex Garland, they're saying that Killian Murphy's not in it, but I'm, I don't know, still holding out hope. I would love for him to be in it. I would. I won't be seeing it, but I still want to know that he's in it.
Starting point is 00:23:51 Ooh, I'm so excited. Yeah, I hope that's a surprise. Okay, so some trivia for the movie. So at the beginning of the film, the characters had been together for 16 months. So Boyle desired to capture a sense of togetherness among the actors by assigning them to live together. The one exception was Killing was allowed to go home at night
Starting point is 00:24:10 because his wife was pregnant. So he was allowed to like go sleep at home with his wife, which is very cute. But, uh, Dan Boyle also enrolled the cast members in space training and scuba diving, made them watch films together, took them on a tour of a nuclear submarine to comprehend claustrophobic living conditions. He had them experience a zero G environment. They operated a Boeing 747 flight simulator. They were introduced to future ologist Richard Seymour. They had to read a book that was a collection of accounts of all the men who walked on the moon. Anyway, he just really like made them do all the men. Well, maybe not all the men who walked on the moon. Anyway, he just really like made them do. All the men?
Starting point is 00:24:46 Well, maybe not all the men, but like. Are there a lot? The first men? Maybe all the men. I mean, I don't know how many men that have done it. I feel like, isn't there only the two? There's not that many. I don't know exactly how many.
Starting point is 00:24:56 Nobody's done it since? That's a good question. Or has nobody done it at all? I mean, well, that's the main thing we should be talking about. I mean, I feel like if they were the only men who had done it at all. I mean, well, that's the main thing we should be talking about. I feel like if they were the only men who had done it, wouldn't we say the only men to walk on the moon and not the first men to walk on the moon?
Starting point is 00:25:14 Seems like something I should know, and yet. Same, the way that you posed the question, I was like, oh, I'm so stupid for not knowing this. Okay, here we go. Then I realized that none of us know, and we're all stupid, we're not. I'm gonna stop saying that. These girls have our, what was our review?
Starting point is 00:25:27 Oh my God. These girls don't know anything and have never heard of anything. Oh, it's true. It's true, I don't know anything and I've never heard of anything. That is actually 100% accurate description of me and my brain.
Starting point is 00:25:39 Okay, I need you guys to know that there are 12 men. Men. Only men. And I don't know whether you know this, but it's only men because only men are good enough to walk on the moon. That's why it's only men. They're better at walking on the moon than women.
Starting point is 00:25:53 They're just fucking good at walking on the moon. You need the weight balance of a penis. You need a penis. You need a penis to balance you out. Because otherwise you'd fly around too much. You'd fly right off. You'd just fly straight into the air. So, I'll clarify that it doesn't need to be only men, but you do need to have a penis. because otherwise you'd fly around too much. You'd fly right off. You'd just fly straight into the air.
Starting point is 00:26:05 You know, I'll clarify that it doesn't need to be only men, but you do need to have a penis. Well, this is great. You do need to have a penis. It's very grounded to have a penis. This is like Mandela effect type moment for me. Like I truly never thought anybody else ever walked on the moon except for Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.
Starting point is 00:26:20 And it says here, that Apollo 12, just one mission later later someone else walked on the moon. Why is that the one with where that Ryan Gosling played him or is that he played Neil Armstrong? I think he played Neil Armstrong. The other crazy thing is that the last time we walked on the moon was 1972. That's a really long time ago. There was so much walking on the moon between 1969 and 1972 and then we were like. They were just freaking. They were like, been there, done that. We don't need to do it ever again.
Starting point is 00:26:49 Clomping over that moon and then just left it be. You guys saw the article that was titled, Jeff Bezos Announces He's Launching Katy Perry to Space. Katy Perry and his fiance. Oh, God. What a world. What a cycle. Katy Perry and his fiance into space. Oh God, what a world. What a cycle. Things are stupid, but sometimes they're also really funny. Okay, so we cleared that right up.
Starting point is 00:27:16 And everybody I think listening thinks more highly of us than they did before. For sure, for sure. I do this podcast to make myself look really, really good. We're here to learn, we're here to learn together. Cause we don't know anything and we haven't heard of anything so there's a lot to learn. There's a lot to learn.
Starting point is 00:27:35 Okay, Danny Boyle was so impressed with Michelle Yeoh's audition that he told her she could choose any part in the script and he would give it to her. Well, yeah, it's Michelle Yeoh. It's Michelle Yeoh. She chose the part of the biologist, which, you know, we'll get to.
Starting point is 00:27:50 One of the biggest challenges facing the visual effects team was to create the sun itself. This was done with CGI and turned out to be the longest CGI sequencing ever done by a London production house, certainly at the time. This movie was in post-production for like over a year. It's a long time. Danny Boyle in fact found working on a sci-fi project so exhausting he vowed to never make another one again. Oscar Isaac auditioned for the film and although he didn't get a part, he raved
Starting point is 00:28:16 about Alex Garland's script calling it one of the best he's ever read and he did go on of course to work with Garland in his directorial debut Ex Ex Machina, and later Annihilation. And then in 2019, when promoting Annihilation, Alex Garland revealed that the character of Harvey, one of the characters in this movie, was actually named after Harvey Weinstein due to his often rude and snappy attitude to the other crew members and arrogant superiority complex.
Starting point is 00:28:40 And mind you, this is pre-Me Too. Yeah. That he named this character Harvey, purely because he was like, this guy's kind of a dick, right? Let pre-Me Too. Yeah, that he named this character Harvey, purely because he was like, this guy's kind of a dick, right? Let's name him Harvey. And this was because Harvey Weinstein had been difficult with the handling of the US release of Trainspotting,
Starting point is 00:28:54 trying to cut out a bunch of scenes. And anyway, worse than Danny Boyle thought. Exactly, I was gonna say, little did you know. Turns out it was worse. We are gonna watch the trailer at the end because it is incredibly spoilery. It's just also like, sorry, a bad trailer. But I mean, the visuals of this movie are so incredible
Starting point is 00:29:19 that I really did want to find a way for you to see some of them before we get into it. But the trailer just wasn't doing it, so too bad. We'll watch it at the end. But just keep in mind that the visuals in this movie are nuts and they are going to be hard to describe. So I'm gonna do my best, but I won't do great. No, you're gonna don't, no, that's enough, that's enough.
Starting point is 00:29:42 You're already doing way above average. Way above average? Way above average. Yeah, I'm looking at the stats. The average person who describes the plot of sunshine, it does worse at this than me. Yes. I'm watching real time stats come in as you're talking
Starting point is 00:29:55 and you're trying to be way above average. As we tend to. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, great. Great. Well, in that case, I'm going to do it and I'm going to do it really well. Hell yeah.
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Starting point is 00:31:23 2scary for free shipping on your order and 365 day returns. That's QU slash too scary to get free shipping and 365 day returns. slash too scary. Every time sals and I go into the grocery store, it was a fight. It was a negotiation. What treats can he have? What treats can he not have? What are we buying today?
Starting point is 00:31:46 Let me tell you that has stopped because now I use Thrive Market. Let's be honest, raising a family today feels like navigating a maze of unhealthy options between hidden sugars, artificial ingredients, and misleading labels. It's hard to know what's actually good for our kids. And that's why I love Thrive Market. It's like having a personal guide to healthier living
Starting point is 00:32:04 for my entire family. Thrive Market. It's like having a personal guide to healthier living for my entire family. Thrive Market is a website where you can find trusted, family-friendly brands that can be delivered straight to your door. From snacks, to school lunches, to pantry staples, everything they offer is 100% non-GMO. And their on-site filters you can shop based on what matters most to your family. Low sugar, gluten-free, organic, high protein options, everything's just a click away. They also have
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Starting point is 00:32:58 We have made some very important swaps, including two Yum Earth lollipops. Those are Silas's favorite and a big treat he gets to have. Little does he know that these lollipops are actually kind of good for you. So haha I win. Ready for a junk-free start to 2025? Head to slash to scary and get 30% off your first order plus a free $60 gift. That's t-h-r-i-v-e slash too scary. Thrive slash too scary. Okay, we begin.
Starting point is 00:33:37 We get our searchlight logo, you know, that's like the, searchlights. Yeah, the searchlights. The lights, the lights. Don't know anything, never heard of anything. Those searchlights reveal, you like pan out and you have like a LA skyline, right? So we have the sun and the imagery
Starting point is 00:34:01 of the searchlight logo fades away and we're left with just a ball of light, the sun in the center of the screen, which is just a fun little reveal. We get VO from Killian Murphy. Our sun is dying. Mankind faces extinction. Seven years ago, the Icarus Project sent a mission
Starting point is 00:34:18 to restart the sun, but that mission was lost before it reached the star. 16 months ago, I, Robert Capa and a crew of seven, left Earth frozen in a solar winter. Our payload, a stellar bomb with a mass equivalent to Manhattan Island, our purpose, to create a star within a star. And we zoom into the sun, it's big and bright
Starting point is 00:34:39 and covers the whole screen, get the title, sunshine. The, oh God, this one's gonna be so hard to describe. We get this really bright big ball, the title, sunshine. The, God, this is gonna be so hard to describe. We get this really bright big ball, the circle, it looks like the sun. And it like slowly turns to reveal what we're actually looking at is the shield of this ship. It's a big gold dome, basically. Just like reflecting sun away from the ship that is behind this big.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Right. Because they're super client to us because they're flying towards the sun. Yes. Wait, and their job is to get a star within a star. Yeah. So the voiceover continues eight astronauts strapped to the back of a bomb. My bomb. Welcome to Icarus two.
Starting point is 00:35:24 Yeah. So they're basically flying a spaceship that is attached to a bomb. My bomb. Welcome to Icarus 2. Yeah, so they're basically flying a spaceship that is attached to a bomb. They're going to drop this bomb into the sun to create a new sun within the dying sun. Like relighting. And they're supposed to be able to just like go home afterwards. Yeah, we'll get to like what the planet is. It's not a suicide mission. It's not. Okay, okay. Also, I just found fascinating that in this movie, he plays a physicist who's the only person who can activate this bomb. Oh yeah. Right.
Starting point is 00:35:53 Setting him up for future roles. Oscar win. I'm sure that's why he was cast. They were like, we saw you in Sunshine. I mean, he is great in it. We were convinced. He's such a good actor. He's so good. But okay, another reason why I really wanted captions
Starting point is 00:36:07 for this movie and why it was difficult to take notes is it's also, they're saying a bunch of sciencey shit and also like nobody is speaking in their regular accent or voice. So like, it's just, it was a little tricky sometimes to be like, wait, what was that word? Because it like, the cadence is just ever so slightly off. And also everyone's cadence is slightly different, right?
Starting point is 00:36:28 There's like a guy from New Zealand speaking American accent, Ireland speaking an American accent, Australia speaking an American accent. Then there's Haruki Snodda and Michelle Yote speaking with their accents, speaking English. It's all just like, can be, it's a little, just bear with me, okay you guys? Okay, okay, okay, you're can be, it's a little, just bear with me, okay, you guys?
Starting point is 00:36:45 Okay, okay, okay, you're doing great, it's great. So, we got title screen sunshine, the letters burn away to reveal the actual sun from within an observation room, which is, Henley can see it because she can see my background, you guys can't, sorry. But on- Picture the sun.
Starting point is 00:37:02 Picture the sun, as if you're like looking at the sun on like an IMAX screen. Yeah. There's this room in the ship that has like a bench, just one big room with, and it's a window essentially out of the ships. They can look out to space, but they're looking, they're flying towards the sun. So the sun basically takes up the whole window.
Starting point is 00:37:19 Whoa. So that's what's literally in front of them. That's not like a- That's what's literally in front of them. It's not a projection. That is like, yeah, the space observation room. And because they are flying towards the sun, they're looking right at the sun. Wow.
Starting point is 00:37:31 And so we are in the observation room with Dr. Cyril and he is looking at the sun and he asks, there's a, so the computer system on this ship, similar to Hal in Space Odyssey, her name is Icarus. She is like sort of an Alexa like thing where they can like talk to her and ask her to do things. He asks Icarus, turn the filter down. And so we see, we're on his face and we see it get
Starting point is 00:38:02 a lot brighter. Cause like the base, I guess the base level when you walk into this room is there's like a very, very, very, very heavy filter on this window. Obviously it's the sun, it's incredibly bright. And so like the default mode is you're looking at the sun, but it's, you can look at it. So he says, turn the, turn the filter down.
Starting point is 00:38:19 We see on his face how much brighter it gets. And he's sort of like squinting, but amazed. And he asks Icarus, how close to full brightness is this? And she says, at this distance of 36 million miles, you are observing the sun at 2% of full brightness. He's amazed that it's only 2%. He's like, holy shit. Icarus, turn it up to 4%.
Starting point is 00:38:43 She says, that would result in irreparable damage to your retinas. You could, however, observe at 3.1% for less than 30 seconds. As he says, okay, Icarus, do that. We're again on his face. She sets the filter to 3.1% and we see him just get absolutely blasted with sunlight. The way that they show intense sunlight in this movie
Starting point is 00:39:07 is almost like you're getting hit by a fire hose. It's just so bright and it truly forces you back how intense it is to look at that much sunlight. Does he have a sunburn? Not yet. He puts sunglasses on for this 3.1 brightness, but it's still like it is so bright. It is truly like, yeah, like the force of it is like forcing him backwards with the music. It's really intense in this moment.
Starting point is 00:39:38 And 30 seconds after that happens, the filter goes back up and it goes back to like how the room looked when we first saw it. And he takes his sunglasses off and like blinks his eyes and it's just, it's clearly like very profound, this experience for him. Like he's just in total awe. We then the screen is filled up by a Christmas photo of this group of astronauts. It's like, you know, when you see photos of astronauts, whether it's like the cameras like from above them. So it's all their face, like looking up and smiling. And they're all holding, they're holding a sign that says they're going 29,000 kilometers an hour. I did the math on this, which I don't think I needed to do,
Starting point is 00:40:16 but I was like, okay, they're going 29,000 kilometers an hour. So they'll be at the sun, which I don't think this is actually right, given how long they've been away for 16 months, but they say they're 55 million miles from earth. I don't know, whatever. We'll be at the sun soon. And we've been away for 16 months.
Starting point is 00:40:34 That's such a fancy math you're trying to do. I'm so impressed you're trying to do that math problem. I did. I was like, at first I was Googling, I was like 29,000 kilometers into miles. And then I did that and I was like, okay, great. 36 million miles divided by, and then I was like, okay, great. 36 million miles divided by, and then I was like, and then time, divide that by, I don't know what I did,
Starting point is 00:40:48 but I tried to figure out how long it was gonna take them to get to the sun. No, it's a great question. I have the same question, because I wanna know too. We're like much closer to the sun than we are from our destination, right? Like we're like more than halfway to our destination.
Starting point is 00:41:02 Yep. So we're in like a mess hall of sorts. It's very like, it reminds me of Alien, which was, Danny Boyle was inspired by Alien for this movie. But so it's like, we're like all eating around a table, sort of a common area. And we have our whole crew here. So again, this is Dr. Cyril, who we just saw.
Starting point is 00:41:20 And then honestly, everybody else, I'm basically gonna call by their actor names because otherwise it's too confusing. So we have Michelle Yeoh, Hiroyuki Sonata, Kaleid Murphy, Rose Byrne, Chris Evans, Benedict Wong, and this actor's name is Troy Garrity, but I am gonna call him Harvey. So then Harvey.
Starting point is 00:41:38 Dr. Cyril, I'm calling Cyril, and Harvey, I'm calling Harvey. Everybody else, I'm calling by their actor names. It's fine, don't worry about it. Cyril is explaining to the rest of them like what it's like to see that much sunlight. He's like still like reverent about it and he's like, it's like taking a shower in sunlight. And Michelle Yeoh is like, oh yeah,
Starting point is 00:41:58 so it's like a sensory deprivation tank and he's like, no, no, no, it's not because darkness is the absence of something. Light envelops you, it's not because darkness is the absence of something. Light envelops you. It's almost like it becomes you. He's just like really obsessed with the experience of like looking at that much sun. And Chris Evans' character, who's like kind of a grump,
Starting point is 00:42:19 he says to him like, you know, what's interesting is you're the psych officer on this ship and you really sound like you're losing it as a joke. Ha ha. But that's how we learned that Dr. is you're the psych officer on the ship and you really sound like you're losing it. As a joke, ha ha. But that's how we learned that Dr. Cyril is the psych officer. Uh oh. Mm-hmm. Also, it's already set up that like the computer
Starting point is 00:42:33 is gonna keep them safe. It's like, is the computer reliable? It's interesting, there are so many like pulled elements from other sci-fi movies in such a brilliant way that the whole time you're like, what's it gonna be? Like, it could be the computer, it could be the rogue psych officer, it could be how far away we are from home.
Starting point is 00:42:50 Like, we do not know, we just know that like- It could be the power of the sun. Seems like the sun is- It could be the power of the sun. It's not good to be here. It's not good to be here. No, space is bad. Space is bad.
Starting point is 00:43:04 And so yeah, we're cutting between inside the ship and out of the ship. We're seeing the ship is yet this huge dome, gold dome that's the shield and behind the shield in the shadow is this like very long tunnel like ship. The captain, which is here, Yuki Sanada, tells all of them, the solar winds here are higher than we anticipated. It's gonna interfere with our ability to send messages back to Earth.
Starting point is 00:43:32 They knew this was coming, that they were gonna hit a dead zone as they got close to the sun, but it's happening sooner than they thought, about seven days sooner. So he tells everybody, go ahead and record your final messages out if you have them, because this is gonna be our last chance for a while
Starting point is 00:43:47 So we see Killian Murphy goes into the comms room records a little message He's recording it to his family and he says by the time you get this message I'll be in the dead zone So I won't be able to get any message that you send back But just remember it takes eight minutes for light to travel from the Sun to Earth So you'll know if we succeeded about eight minutes after we deliver the payload. So if you wake up one morning and it's a particularly beautiful day, you'll know that we've made it.
Starting point is 00:44:13 Wow. Then he signs off and says, all right, see you in a couple of years and ends the video. Wow. Sad. Meanwhile, we see Michelle Yeoh. She is in their oxygen garden, and it's basically like a greenhouse on the ship. It's so beautiful. There's plants everywhere.
Starting point is 00:44:31 They have like fake rain, like not fake, but like, you know, rainwater going. And it's like truly an oasis. It's the only place on a spaceship I would wanna be. She's like a harvester. She pulls like carrots out of the ground. They're like growing their own food. Really amazing stuff.
Starting point is 00:44:47 She scooters, the way they get down across the ship is on like little, like lime scooter like things, which is really fun. Um, so she scoots down the hallway and she goes into the observation room where we see the captain here, Yuki Sonata sitting also with, he's got the sunlight up pretty bright, not as bright as three point one percent But we see that Michelle you walks in and is like whoa It has to like put her hand in front of her face Asked sick risk to bring the filter up. She sits down next to him and
Starting point is 00:45:13 He asked her for her report. She tells him our oxygen levels are really good We already have enough reserves are like overproduction We have enough reserves to make it all the way to deliver the payload and a quarter of the way back And she says it's gonna be harder to produce oxygen as we get closer to the sun, but we're still like, everything's looking good. He's quiet. And she says, you're thinking about Icarus one. He's, you know, sort of because nobody knows why Icarus one failed. This is the second attempt to do this. And she tells him whatever it was that tripped them up, I don't think it was a lack of oxygen.
Starting point is 00:45:50 Cut to back in the comms area, all of a sudden, Killian Murphy and Chris Evans are fighting, like physically fighting. Benedict Wong and Harvey break them up, and Chris Evans is mad at Killian Murphy because they have now hit the dead zone, and Chris Evans can't send his message out, they have now hit the dead zone and Chris Evans can't send his message out and he's saying that Killing Murphy was taking too
Starting point is 00:46:08 long with his messages and so he's pissed at him. Cut to Chris Evans is now sitting down with Dr. Cyril, the psych officer, because of his outburst and Chris Evans is basically like, I'm sorry, I know I was in the wrong. Like I just got, I got heated. It's just the time. It's like being away this long and everything is, you know, every day is the same. It just like messes with your everything.
Starting point is 00:46:32 He's like, it won't happen again. Cyril tells him, he's got this really funny, like stringy long hair. And we look at an image of him on his like, in the computer system that Dr. Cyril has with all of his information, the picture of him is like with like a buzz cut. So Cyril's like, of his information, the picture of him is like a buzz cut. So Cyril's like, first things first, cut your hair.
Starting point is 00:46:48 That will make you feel better. And I prescribe you two hours in the Earth Room. So he goes into the Earth Room and the Earth Room is basically like, sometimes you go to an art museum, a room where they're like projecting on all four walls and it's like you're in some space. But-
Starting point is 00:47:04 Yeah, like an immersive experience. Yeah, it's like you're in some space. But- Yeah, like an immersive experience. Yeah, it's like that. It's like a little cube room, but they can project on all the walls. And also, I remember you have Smart House. You guys remember Smart House? Uh-huh. I never saw Smart House.
Starting point is 00:47:15 For real? Yeah, for real. Honestly, we should cover Smart House because it scared me when I was a kid. Okay. But yeah, it just makes you feel like you're on earth. Like you can change the environment. And the first one he's in the room,
Starting point is 00:47:27 it's like he's on the deck of a ship and waves are crashing over the side. And it's like kind of intense. And so Dr. Cyril changes it to him being like in the middle of a rainforest. And he's like, no, no, bring it back to the waves. Like I want to see the waves. And Icarus says, Dr. Cyril has prescribed
Starting point is 00:47:43 a calming environment. And he's like, the waves are calming for me. So she changes it back. He smiles. She's in this Earth room. He goes to apologize to Cillian Murphy. It's funny. He's like, they both try to speak first.
Starting point is 00:47:56 And he's like, no, I'm trying to apologize. And Cillian Murphy was like, OK. And then he doesn't say anything. And Cillian Murphy goes, was that the apology? And he's like, yeah. Okay, great. So they, you know, there's not a lot of love there, but you know, they're making it work.
Starting point is 00:48:14 Later that night, we see Hiroyuki Sonata is watching back old Captain's Log videos from the Captain of Icarus one. Clearly just trying to understand, figure out, he's the captain of the ship, he is nervous, presumably about them completing their mission. So he's just watching, trying to see if he can learn anything.
Starting point is 00:48:35 We see Chris Evans is in the coolant room. There's a lot of places on this ship that I'm like, I don't really know what those are, but it's like towers of, okay, okay. You know in like a computer room where it'm like, I don't really know what this is. But it's like towers of, okay, okay. You know in like a computer room where it's like shelves basically of like equipment with blinking lights. They're cooling.
Starting point is 00:48:54 Yeah, so it's like towers of those in like a coolant, like in like, but basically like freezing pools. Yes. To like, yeah, keep the ship from overheating. And so I guess we learned that Chris Evans is the person who maintains this part of the ship. Everybody has a very specific job here, as you probably would on a spaceship.
Starting point is 00:49:14 Makes sense, yeah. This guy's kinda here just for whatever, we don't know, he doesn't have a real job. He's just kinda. He's just sorta tinkering with things. But so he's just making sure that, I don't know, the ship, all the coolant stuff is- Doesn't get too hot as they get to the sun.
Starting point is 00:49:29 Seems important if you're flying towards the sun. Really important. From the flight deck, Rose Byrne is like looking at the monitor and sees them approaching something and gets really excited and like, you know, they can all speak to each other through. So Icarus is their system and they can all speak to Icarus via, they're all wearing like basically like necklaces that have a little mini Icarus device that they can speak to
Starting point is 00:49:54 each other with. They can speak to Icarus. It's just sort of like their communications and command system. So she calls everybody else and she's like, you guys have to come see this. She's really excited. So everyone gathers in the observation room to see their passing Mercury. So they can all see Mercury for the first time.
Starting point is 00:50:11 And so they all watch. It's like the music's really beautiful and reverent. They all sit gathered around as they watch like little tiny ball passing in front of the giant sun. Whoa. It's like really special. Later from the flight deck, Harvey is like checking on the, doing like a routine check of the comms system.
Starting point is 00:50:28 And we see him like hear a sound that is, he hasn't heard it before. A clock that he is concerned about what he's just heard. So he gathers everybody and he tells them that what he heard was a distress signal from the Icarus one. Oh no. And that when they passed by Mercury,
Starting point is 00:50:50 it must've given them enough iron that a signal was able to pass through, like the proximity to a planet passed this signal through. They're all like, this is impossible, it's been seven years, there's no way anybody's alive on that ship. But they talk about it more and they all like, this is impossible. It's been seven years. Like there's no way anybody's alive on that ship, but they talk about it more and they're like, it is possible.
Starting point is 00:51:10 Perhaps not all of them are alive, but they would have enough food and oxygen for if some of them survived to like still be there. They look at a map and realize they are very close to the Icarus one. They would have to adjust their trajectory slightly, but it's not, wouldn't be crazy, right? Like it's like-
Starting point is 00:51:28 Don't do it. Yeah. Also Icarus one has just been, it's just floating there. Like it's just hanging out. And it's also basically, it's like almost exactly, I think where they need to be to deliver the payload. Like it's not far at all. But yeah, it is sort of like, well.
Starting point is 00:51:44 Have they seen Event Horizon? Yeah. Or any other movie where they have to... All of us movie watchers are like, don't go there, don't go there, don't go there. Which Chris Evans says, right? Like Chris Evans says, well, it doesn't matter if they're alive or not, like we're not going there.
Starting point is 00:52:02 There is nothing more important than completing our mission. We'll get it, like we could get them on the way back if anything. Oh, I agree with that. You got to do the mission first. Cause I mean, you're trying to save humanity, right? You gotta prioritize humanity over. Yes Chris Evans basically says that he's like,
Starting point is 00:52:17 there is literally nothing more important than us completing our mission. And therefore, we need to do that. Correct. Dr. Cyril is like, I can I offer like a counterpoint? No. Chris Evans is like, no. But the captain's like, speak, say what you gotta say.
Starting point is 00:52:34 And he's like, you're right. The lives of that crew are meaningless. That is like- Well, that's not what we said. He says, but that ship has another, it was the same ship as ours, meaning that ship has another, it was the same ship as ours, meaning it also has a bomb. So. You had two chances.
Starting point is 00:52:51 If we get another bomb, we have another chance for this mission to succeed. And like, and he says, there are no more materials on earth to do this a third time. Like this is it. If this doesn't work, everyone's gonna die. Like everyone, all of humanity gone. So we need to do sort of a cost benefit analysis.
Starting point is 00:53:11 Is the risk of diverting us slightly to get to this other ship a greater risk than perhaps not getting this second bomb? Where are you going to put the bomb? Like how are you going to, you're just going to put it in a pocket and bring it into the, I mean That seems complicated to me, but that's you know, I'm getting the weeds. I don't need to get Yeah, I also am like I don't you know, whatever but you know fine. Okay fair argument. I suppose so they are like yeah, does the does the rescue detour outweigh the benefits of an extra bomb basically and
Starting point is 00:53:42 Hiroyuki Sanada says well the only person who can accurately assess that is our physicist, which is Killian Murphy, who's sitting off to the side. He just goes, shit. So cut to Killian Murphy. He is asking Icarus to run a projection of basically what the plan is, like, which is also just so we could be like, what are we talking about here? So the bomb is attached to the ship. The plan is, and she's running this whole projection on a screen for him. They will detach the bomb from the ship. It will start falling and flying towards the sun. That's as soon as they detach the bomb, it starts a four minute timer of the ship being able to get away from the bomb. So they will go the opposite direction,
Starting point is 00:54:27 which should be enough time for the bomb to then fly into the sun and deploy. They can deploy it from the ship when they're far enough away. This is the plan. Oh, oh, cause what happens, no, here's what happens. There's a four minute timer where the bomb will just sort of hang and spit.
Starting point is 00:54:45 Like it'll be like they'll detach from it and fly away. The bomb will stay here because of, I don't know, space logic where it can just like float. Right. Like it's not good. It's not going to go anywhere if you just like leave it there. So they fly away. Then after the four minute timer, the bomb has its own engines that will kick on and push it towards the sun. So that basically after four minutes, and push it towards the sun. So that basically after four minutes, it starts heading into the sun. Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:09 Okay. And this acres is telling him once the bomb approaches the sun, that she it's like doing a whole projection model. It's like showing him everything. And then the model starts like glitching and the screen starts freaking out and like it can't predict anything anymore. And she says, once it approaches the sun, the projection model can no longer accurately predict a success rate. It she says variables infinite accuracy unknown. And at this point here, Yuki's nada has come into the room and killing Murphy's like telling him, see, this is the problem between the boosters and the gravity of the sun, the velocity of the payload will become unknown.
Starting point is 00:55:42 between the boosters and the gravity of the sun, the velocity of the payload will become unknown. Space and time will become smeared together and distort. Everything will be unquantifiable. Basically, that's tough. Once you're like that close to the center of the sun, the laws of physics are like broken, basically. Including time, which is interesting. Well, time is impacted by gravity. Yeah, so it's just like, they. Including time, which is interesting. Well, time is impacted by gravity.
Starting point is 00:56:06 Yeah, so it's just like, they basically are like, there is just literally no way to know what's good. How could we know that? It's our best guess, but I don't fucking know. And so he's like, and Kirik, he's like, we need you to make a call. And he's like, it's like asking me to flip a coin and pick heads or tails.
Starting point is 00:56:24 And he's like, okay, so heads or tails. And Killy Murphy says, look, if this bomb is our last hope, two last hopes are better than one. And here he says like, great, sounds good, that's the call. Sounds really good. Such a good, such a good choice. We're all feeling really good. I feel good. Such a good, just a good choice. We're all feeling really good. I feel good.
Starting point is 00:56:46 Cut two, we see Cyril in the observation room again. This time he's standing right up against that window, just like really, really, really, really looking out at the sun with sun just blasted on his face. It's really right in there. We also see that, yeah, he's starting to get a little bit sunburned. Underwear drawers are like the Wild West of wardrobes.
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Starting point is 00:57:41 to fun expressive prints. Me Undies has a look for everyone. Plus they come in sizes XS through 4XL, guaranteeing a comfortable cut for everybody and Me Undies isn't just about underwear, explore the lounge collection featuring comfy joggers, hoodies, onesies, and more. And their Move Me activewear collection is the softest activewear on the market. I don't work from home one day a week, which means at least one day a week, I'm not wearing regular pants and their loungewear is so comfortable and softest, active wear on the market. I now work from home one day a week, which means at least one day a week, I'm not wearing regular pants and their loungewear is so comfortable and doesn't make me feel like I'm being a slob at home.
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Starting point is 00:59:05 And don't forget the fries and a drink. Sound good? Ba-da-ba-ba-ba. I'm participating in restaurants for a limited time. We cut to, we see Killian Murphy in his regular clothes, regular body, falling into the sun, screaming. We're hearing screaming, fire blaring.
Starting point is 00:59:23 He wakes up, obviously it was a nightmare. Roseburn is sitting next to him and she says, Did you have a nightmare about falling into the surface of the sun? She's like, I see that literally every time I close my eyes. But she wants to tell him, I think you made the right decision, just so you know. And he says, you know, I don't think basically Chris Evans and Harvey, I don't think they agree.
Starting point is 00:59:46 And she's like, Yeah, but I do. I just want you to know that. And just at that moment, we hear an alarm going for the whole system. Everybody runs into the control room to be like, what's going on? And we see Benedict Wong, absolutely, just the face of someone who's never felt worse in his whole life. Oh no. Oh no.
Starting point is 01:00:12 Saying, it's my fault, it's my fault. He says, I had to manually override Icarus, the system, in order to reset their course to go towards Icarus one. He's like, I did the math, I set all the coordinates, I double checked, I triple checked, everything was right. But I forgot to reset the shield positions for our new path. And this new path changes our trajectory
Starting point is 01:00:41 towards the sun by 1.1%. But because the shields weren't adjusted, the alarm went off because some part of the ship somewhere got too close to the sun. Like their angle was like ever so slightly off. And what happened was part of the shield itself, I think burned in a way it wasn't supposed to because it wasn't like,
Starting point is 01:01:01 it needs to be just like facing right at the sun and it was ever so slightly tilted that just like 1.1%. And Benadig Wong's performance here, he's like, he just keeps being like, I fucked up, I fucked up, okay, like it happens, people fuck up, people don't even stay. Like he's just like so sad, it is like way too much of a burden to be on one person.
Starting point is 01:01:23 Yeah. But it happened. And they have no way of knowing the extent of the damage without somebody going out into space. Oh. And taking a look at it for real. Oh no. Things are escalating too quickly.
Starting point is 01:01:40 Because the manual override like also overrode the sensors. So they have to like get eyes on it basically to fix what's broken. It's gonna be so hot out there It's gonna be so hot out there. They really should have I mean did they go through the steps? Sorry, they really should have gone through the steps together as a team But it's two-person job and so captain here he's not as like I'm gonna go and But it's two person job. And so captain, here he's not as like, I'm gonna go. And Harvey tries to volunteer, but here he's like, you're second in command.
Starting point is 01:02:10 So like, you have to stay on the ship. And Chris Evans says, I volunteer. I volunteer Kappa, who's killing Murphy, who I will only refer to as killing Murphy. But basically, cause he's like, this is your fucking fault. Like you're the reason we're diverting. So this is your fault. It's not Benedict Wong's fault.
Starting point is 01:02:26 You go out there and you try to fix it. Right. So they suit up and their spaces in this movie are like golden shiny. Yeah. And they have the tiniest little rectangle of which to look at everything from, because again, it's like so bright and intense out there
Starting point is 01:02:42 that it's like, they do such a good job of making it look so hot and so bright. They get in their suits and the suits have like a little, you know, headset in them so they can talk to everybody on the ship. Cassie. Oh, that's Roseburn. Sorry. Sometimes I have it on my nose is Cassie. Roseburn takes command of the ship.
Starting point is 01:03:00 She's in the control room. She tells Icarus, Icarus, I'm going to do a manual override because she's going to adjust the part of the ship that they're working on as far away from the sun as they can just for this moment. She's like wants to put them in as much shadow as they can so they can fix these shields without getting burnt up. That seems good. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:03:22 This is so stressful. It's so stressful. This is so stressful. They realized so stressful. This is so stressful. They realized that doing this, Harvey tells them like, well, if you do that, what you're gonna face towards the sun is one of our comms towers and it's gonna get burned up and it's gonna destroy the comms tower.
Starting point is 01:03:35 And she's like, well, fucking what's better them burning or the comms tower? Like, gotta do it. And they're like, okay, yep. So, Hiroyuki and Killian, they exit the airlock and they go up to the shields. They have a little maintenance kit and they get ready to go fix it.
Starting point is 01:03:53 Cassie, Roseburn, she starts the rotation to get them into shadow a little bit. And we hear the whole ship starts really creaking and making crazy unsettling noises. But they're like, this is just the metal like cooling and heating because. Space is so cold and the sun is so hot that it's all like expanding and shrinking and like creaking and it's very scary sounding. But that's just like, well, this is what it is.
Starting point is 01:04:22 We see the comms tower like immediately sparks and lights on fire cause it's just so fucking hot close to the sun. So that happens. They're like, yep, well, there it is. Here, Yuki and Killian, they get to the place they have to fix. They're fixing it.
Starting point is 01:04:35 It's going well. They are sweating like profusely. They're wearing like sweat bands under their suit. They're getting all sweaty. It's like so, they're so clear, like so fucking hot out there. So it's really stressful, but they do it. They get it fixed, they get what, you know,
Starting point is 01:04:49 there's two things they have to fix. First one is done, they do it. Everybody inside the ship cheers. They're like, woo, we did it, they're hugging. We're good, we're good, we're good. Just then, because again, of this like slightly new tilt they had to do to get them into shadow, a ray of sunshine gets into the ship
Starting point is 01:05:10 directly into the oxygen room. No. Oh no. And. That's the last place you want it. All the plants start bursting into flames. But they, in the front, they don't realize this yet. Oh no.
Starting point is 01:05:24 But they learn when Icarus comes online and she says, like taking back control of the ship and she starts turning it, which is gonna put Hiroyuki and Killian into danger zone. So they're all like, no, no, no, Icarus stop. Don't take, like give us manual control. And she's like, negative. They're like, why?
Starting point is 01:05:42 She says, fire in the oxygen garden. So she's trying to like write the course to get this fire out. They're like, but that's gonna fucking burn these guys up. Ah, really bad. Oh, I hate this. And so Michelle Yeo like runs to the oxygen garden. She's like, these are her babies. So she runs the oxygen garden.
Starting point is 01:06:04 Roseburn is like, Icarus babies. So she runs the oxygen garden. Rose Byrne is like, Icarus, I'm gonna take manual control back anyway. But because of the stakes of this, it like requires a second person to like also confirm. Icarus needs like two people to be like, yes, this is what we want to do. And Chris Evans is like, no.
Starting point is 01:06:25 Whoa, yeah, here we go. And he says to the captain over the speaker, he's like, back me up on this. And here he's like, Chris Evans is right. Like the safety of the ship and of the payload are more important than us. So we're gonna stay out here and try to fix it. And, you know, whatever happens, happens basically.
Starting point is 01:06:51 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So Icarus starts moving the ship back to its original rotation. It is putting Killian and Hiroki like closer to the sun. Meanwhile, the fire in the oxygen garden is getting too big to contain. I mean, it's like contained within the room, but the fire is going to just burn through everything.
Starting point is 01:07:11 Icarus says 60% chance of fire getting beyond containment, 70% chance of loss to life basically, if they let this fire keep going. And so they make the call that they need to flood the Oxygen Garden with O2 to smother the fire. It will kill everything in the Oxygen Garden, but they basically have no other choice. Michelle Yeoh is absolutely devastated, like sobbing.
Starting point is 01:07:38 But they do it. So their whole garden is gone. Wow. Carrie Kisenada orders Killian Murphy to get back to the ship and he's gonna stay out and finish fixing the other part. So Killing Murphy heads back to the airlock because there's also like a chance that Kiryu Kusanada will be able to come back. He's just like, you go back first and then like,
Starting point is 01:08:00 and then I will fix this and try to get back. But you better believe he stays out there. And it's really interesting because he stays out there to fix it. And it looks like maybe he could try to get back into the ship. Killing Murphy is calling to him like, Captain, Captain, come on, come on, come on. And he stays and he turns towards the sun and we see sunlight just absolutely engulf him. And we see on his face, he's like sweating,
Starting point is 01:08:36 his eyes are wide in awe, he's just like staring at the sun and he burns up and dies. Whoa, fuck. So you said Harvey second in command. So Harvey second in command. Now we've got Harvey Weinstein in power and that's never good. Oh, and as this is happening, as the captain is dying,
Starting point is 01:08:54 is getting like killed by sunlight, Cyril, I mean, everyone knows this is happening and is crying, devastated, Cyril on comms is like, Captain, what do you see? What are you seeing? What are you seeing? What are you seeing? He's like entranced by what is happening. So Cyril has a death wish.
Starting point is 01:09:12 We meanwhile do see that he's very sunburned by now. Cyril is like fully like peeling. So do we think the captain sacrificed himself like for the good of everyone else? Do we think that's why? Yes. Probably because of the oxygen supply dwindling now too. So it's like.
Starting point is 01:09:31 I think it's a combo of he sacrificed himself and was too entranced by the experience of what was happening. Okay. It feels like he maybe could have tried to survive. He's still, like he knew he was willingly and actively sacrificing himself for everybody else. And also perhaps tempted by this experience.
Starting point is 01:09:58 Got it, okay. It's a little unclear, but it does feel like there is something about, like he seemed- It's a little drawn to it it does feel like there is something about, like he seemed- It's a little drawn to it. Reverent at the end there. Well, if the laws of physics are turned on its head, I would imagine whatever's going on
Starting point is 01:10:12 in our little puny human brains is probably- I mean, it's the literal sun. Also capable of, yeah. Yeah. Fucking us up. But, you know, everybody is obviously very, very sad about this. No one more so than Benedict Wong,
Starting point is 01:10:28 who we look at his face and you've just never seen anybody feel more guilty and devastated. Oh, that's so sad. Short time later, we're back in the sort of common mess hall area and Harvey is giving a sort of status report He's telling them, you know now as the captain Here's a report on where things stand Benedict Wong has been sedated by dr. Cyril deemed a suicide risk
Starting point is 01:10:58 The shields thanks to killing Murphy and here you kiss nada the shields and the payload are intact But the oxygen garden is totally destroyed. As it stands now, we do not have enough oxygen reserves to get to the delivery, let alone to get back. So they now have no choice but to continue on to Icarus 1 in hopes that they can now pilot that ship and have enough oxygen on that ship to continue their mission. Things went south so quickly. Oh, they really did. This is why you never, never, never divert from the plan.
Starting point is 01:11:33 You stick to the plan. You don't divert from the plan. You stick to the plan. Michelle Yeoh later in the hallway has pulled Chris Evans and Rose Byrne aside, and she tells them like, so the report wasn't entirely accurate. We would have enough oxygen to make it
Starting point is 01:11:47 to the payload delivery if there were fewer people alive on the ship. And according to their math, three people would have to die. Four people could still make it. And Chris Evans does say like three out of seven, that's a lot of short straws. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:08 And she's not like happy to deliver this. Like she's, it's not like, we're not like suspicious of her, she's just like, here's actually the deal. Here's all the information. Yeah, here's actually what's up. Yeah. Killing Murphy is in the sort of bomb part of the ship. The bomb is, it's like a massive cube So, Killing Murphy is in the sort of bomb part of the ship.
Starting point is 01:12:28 The bomb is, it's like a massive cube within a sphere, kind of. Right, right, okay. And there is a control room where the actual detonation can happen, presumably. So, Killing Murphy's in there sort of just like making sure it all is still looking good. That's his job on the ship. He's the physicist. And he runs like a, you know, a sample projection of what it will look like if the bomb goes off. Roseburn comes in there to talk to him and she says, you know, it's different being afraid that
Starting point is 01:12:58 you won't make it home and knowing that you won't. She asked him if he's scared. And he says, when the cellar bomb is triggered, very little will happen at first. One spark will float in the air, then it'll split into two, then they'll split over and over and over again. And we're like watching this as it's happening, as he's describing it.
Starting point is 01:13:18 And it looks like just like a bunch of little tiny fireworks all of a sudden breaking out all around. It's beautiful. He says, it'll be a big bang on a small scale, a new star born into a dying one. I think it'll be beautiful. No, I'm not scared. From the observation room,
Starting point is 01:13:40 Killian and Dr. Searle are both in there, and they're watching now as we approach Icarus one. So we're seeing, we're like, we're getting there. Again, I pointed out in my notes that Cyril is just like a fully sunburned man. Like rubbing aloe vera gel. Like his skin is like peeling in places, you know? It's like, it's just like,
Starting point is 01:14:00 and his lips are like all dry and chapped. It's just like absolutely too much sun. Michelle Yeoh and Rose Byrne, so they dock on the Icarus one. So they're sort of docked airlock to airlock, basically, and end to end when you see dragonflies fucking. I was gonna say ass to ass. They're ass to ass.
Starting point is 01:14:21 And Michelle Yeoh and Rose Byrne are gonna stay on board the Icarus 2. And they can see them through computers, little screens. They all have basically GoPros and communications. They can talk to them. But they're staying on to man the Icarus 2 while Killian Murphy, Chris Evans, Dr. Cyril and Harvey all go on to the Icarus 1. And because they're airlocked to airlock, they're not in spacesuits or anything.
Starting point is 01:14:44 They can just walk onto that ship like they were on theirs. So now the door opens onto the Icarus one. It's of course pitch black. So scary. Imagine how scary this would be. For one second. I don't want to be in the dark in my home. Yeah, I don't want to be in the dark way out in space and abandoned spaceship that no one's been on for seven years. And this is where to me the scariest part of the entire movie happens that it's really hard to accurately describe and make you like feel the power of how fucking scary this is. And I tried to, I will make you watch it because I am going to record it.
Starting point is 01:15:19 I tried to find it on YouTube, couldn't find it. I am going to just record it on my TV and send it at you as a clip, but I couldn't because it's still so bright outside here that you could like only see the reflection of my window when I tried to do this earlier. But they're walking under the ship. They've got flashlights. It's also, it's like full of like layers of dust. Like the whole ship was like caked in layers of dust, which Dr. Cyril points out is like human skin. He's like 80% of dust is human skin, which is... What? Did you not know that? That's real.
Starting point is 01:15:50 No. Oh yeah. Dust is human skin? Oh yeah, baby. I had no idea. I remember when I learned that and being really fucking grossed out by it. So gross.
Starting point is 01:16:00 So the power obviously doesn't work, they can't turn the lights on, but they're just like walking around, like trying to move through dust and darkness with their flashlights. And Danny Boyle, you motherfucker. The quickest little flash, really close up on a picture of a smiling face.
Starting point is 01:16:22 Flash. Full screen? Full screen. Wait, is it what they're seeing or what? We don't know what the fuck it is. Walking through darkness, flash. Walking through darkness, walking through darkness. And like, this is just for us,
Starting point is 01:16:36 they're obviously not seeing it. It's so, so fast that you like truly almost miss it, but it is so unnerving in a way that I actually don't know how to accurately describe. It is so fucking scary. Wait, okay, describe the face a little bit more. So it's a smiling man or? You can't see it because it's just a flash.
Starting point is 01:16:57 But yeah, it's really close up. It fills the whole screen, just like a picture of somebody smiling for the camera. It's really dark and gray tones, like where they are. And so also the picture is like full color vibrant. So it's just like, it's, it like truly, it's so scary. It is so fucking scary. Cause you're also like, why, like why is this happening?
Starting point is 01:17:21 Like what is, and it's also, it's really irregular. It's not like flash two, three, four, it's like flash, 30 seconds pass, flash, five seconds, flash, fat. It's like, it's so, you like don't, you cannot calm down. It's so fucking scary. And it happens like four times
Starting point is 01:17:38 and it just really was very, very, very upsetting to me. That's when I texted you, Sammy. I was so scared. Okay, so that's happening. That's when I texted you, Sammy. I was so scared. Oh, OK. So that's happening. It's fucking scary. Yeah. I mean, I think that I think the why is this happening is the real. Yeah. Scary. Yeah. They decide they have to split up.
Starting point is 01:17:54 Of course. Uh huh. Somebody does make the point of like, that feels like a bad idea. And Chris Evans says, like, why are you worried we're going to like get split up and the alien is going to get us Like joking about, you know, obviously we're fine. But they make the good point that it's a big ship, like we can't just huddle together, we have to split up, fine. Harvey goes to the oxygen garden,
Starting point is 01:18:17 find that it is absolutely flourishing. It's like a full forest, it is so overgrown, trees shooting up to the top of the shit, it's like as if he's in a rainforest and he's calling to them,. It's so overgrown, trees shooting up to the top of the shit. Like it's like, it's as if he's in a rain forest and he's like calling to them, you guys, this is amazing. There's so much oxygen here that ever, like this is incredible. Cyril goes to the mess hall room, turns on the sink.
Starting point is 01:18:38 It's like water works. Like that's not the problem. It's been a little while, but we get another fucking flash. We get like four in a row. Face, face, face, face, face, face, face, face. And Cyril wipes away some dust on the wall and it's a photo of that crew, of the Icarus one. The same kind of all smiling up to the camera.
Starting point is 01:18:58 Those were the faces we were seeing. Those were the flashes. Is these crew members. Oh God, okay. And so yeah, Cyril's like, he also discovers that there's food in the fridge. He's like, whatever it was, it wasn't lack of water, lack of food. Chris Evans goes to the comms room, like the flight deck, and he flips some fucking switches and he's like, everything's fine. Like they don't see any indication of like what this should be up and running.
Starting point is 01:19:27 He is able to get a message to play, like one of the captain's logs to play on the screen. And we've seen him before, the captain of Icarus One, a normal looking guy. But in this video, this is a man who, it looks like an image in like a science book But in this video, this is a man who, it looks like an image in a science book of a body without skin. Burnt to a crisp.
Starting point is 01:19:50 Oh yeah. But yeah, what if all your skin was burned? Burnt to a crisp, fuck. And he is like, the video is he's way up close in camera and he's like, we need, his name is Pinbacker, which feels really close to pinhead to me. I was gonna say this is like the little hell raiser vibes. But he's like, we need to return to dust.
Starting point is 01:20:12 He's also British. It is not our place to challenge God. Which like also fair. I mean, we can't even give ourselves universal healthcare. Like we're gonna save the sun. I don't think so. Like we don't have it in us, sorry. So Chris Evans sees this, the rest of them hear it
Starting point is 01:20:31 and they're like, what the fuck? And he says, this message was from six and a half years ago, which is around the time they should have delivered their payload. Kelly Murphy checks the payload. It's also so funny that they call it the payload. We just keep saying payload over and over again. That's so funny.
Starting point is 01:20:47 Killian checks it and he's like, it's fully operational, the bomb is good. They're like, great, that's at least, thank God, that's like what we came here for. Chris Evans says, Chris Evans goes to the coolant room, that's his room, and he says that they've drained it all. So he's like, this ship can't fly like that.
Starting point is 01:21:05 Otherwise the ship is completely fine, but somebody sabotaged this ship by draining the coolant and it's basically useless to us. So do we think that the crew has like disintegrated completely? Well, just floating around like dust. Well, we see when Chris Evans is delivering this message, Rose Vernon and Michelle, you're hearing it in the comms room. And we see in the background, spooky Benedict Wong standing
Starting point is 01:21:31 in the doorway, hearing this, that like, this isn't going to save us. We're still fucked. Cyril makes his way to the observation room at the Icarus one. And he's like, Oh, I found the crew. And we see, it looks like an image from Pompeii, like charred bodies huddled together. So they got burned, burned to death basically in the observation room. And he tells them that that's what he's found. But just then huge noise, everything gets jostled, the ship moves. We see Icarus one, something has happened to the airlock,
Starting point is 01:22:11 the butt to butt, and they've gotten blown off of each other. So the airlock of Icarus one is fucked. Icarus two is fine, but it is floating free from Icarus 1. It is no longer attached. It's not going far because they're not, the engines aren't on, but like they're not connected anymore. Rosebird and Michelle Yeoh are in there, right?
Starting point is 01:22:37 Rosebird and Michelle Yeoh are in there, but I don't think they can like fly. They can't dock again, basically. They can get like as close as they could get without docking, but they can't reattach because the airlock is fucked so they tell them this they're like guys here's what's up oh and they also say they're like we can also see from where we're sitting that there's a whole breach on Icarus one as well so like you guys have to like you can't stay
Starting point is 01:23:03 there either basically Basically they're going to lose oxygen on that ship. The airlock is fucked. They have to find a way to get back to Icarus too. So in the room, like before the airlock room, there's like the, you know, the airlock room, then the beginning of the ship, basically. So they're all in the room that's at the beginning of the ship. They find just one space suit. Damn. And so they're like, okay, well, only one of us can get back. Chris Evans gives it to Killain Murphy and Harvey little bitch is like, why does he get it? Like I'm the captain. I should get it.
Starting point is 01:23:38 And Chris Evans is like, because he's the only one who can operate the bomb, which is the most important thing. Like, sorry, it has to be him. And Harvey's like, as captain, like, I'm your, this is an order, like, I'm captain. Just tell me how to do it, just write it down. He's like, I'll go back to the Icarus too, and I'll like, I'll save you guys, and I'm a captain, like, I'm pulling rank.
Starting point is 01:24:01 And nobody listens to him, cause they are like, mm. We don't have time for that. Yeah. We don't have time for that. Yeah, we don't have time for that. That's silly. Chris Evans then a little light bulb goes off and he's like, okay, tell Icarus to line it up as close as you can to Icarus one.
Starting point is 01:24:16 He's like, when we open the airlock door, the force of like space air basically is going to suck us out. So if you put the Icarus 2 as close as you can, we should. Get sucked on right in. Right up to Icarus 2. Raw dog, they're raw dog in space. They're raw dog in space.
Starting point is 01:24:36 And they're like, in theory, yeah, except you don't have space suits. Yeah, we're doing it loose. And we're flying loose. They're like, it's gonna be, you're gonna have to cover 20 meters in negative 273 degrees Celsius and Chris Evans is like does anybody have a better idea They're like I guess not we gotta give it a try
Starting point is 01:24:55 And so he starts pulling insulation off the walls and like they're just wrapping themselves I mean killing movies in a spacesuit But the rest of them are like wrapping themselves in insulation and they're like, we're just gonna have to fucking try. Like, I don't know. We're dead here, we're dead there. Okay. Hard to argue with that.
Starting point is 01:25:11 Sure. Yeah. Cyril does say there's just one problem because this ship Icarus is down, like the system is down. Someone's gonna have to manually open the door. So like one person has to stay behind. Yeah. And Harvey's like, oh, I get it.
Starting point is 01:25:29 You always want it to be me. And Cyril's like, no, I'm gonna do it. So they suit up. I gotta take a water break. I know, no, I'm like, just why would we ever wanna go to space? Earth is so great. Let's ask Katy Perry. I mean, in this situation, I'm like, just why would we ever wanna go to space? Earth is so great. Let's ask Katy Perry.
Starting point is 01:25:47 I mean, in this situation, I understand. The sun's dying, but like, we just don't, it's just, the earth is amazing. It is crazy that sometimes space missions are just for exploring. It's insane. It's insane to just do it for exploring, it really is. So, they wrap themselves in insulation,
Starting point is 01:26:11 Cyrus manually opens the door and they shoot out. Kaleid Murphy manages to grab hold of the Icarus II and they're fucking flying everywhere, but he manages, he reaches out his hand and he grabs Chris Evans and is able to keep him with him. But uh-oh, Harvey, he's too far. He's floating away. Bye, Harvey.
Starting point is 01:26:34 He's floating away. What can you do? Yeah. What can you do? No space suit on, he's Denso Bunso. It would be quick. It'd be quick. We do see, we like got a close one in his face
Starting point is 01:26:43 that's just like absolutely cracking and like turning to ice. His arm hits a piece of mechanical whatever and flies, turns to space dust instantly. He's just like glass shards. Wow. Sorry, Harvey, you're done. The door to Icarus II opens, killing him or feet,
Starting point is 01:27:00 and Chris Evans are in, airlock door is shut, Michelle Yeo and Rose Byrne run in, like they have blankets, or like immediately like throwing shit over Chris Evans. He's fine. His hand, one of his hands is like all fucked up and like frozen and like turning black. It's nasty.
Starting point is 01:27:16 And he's like, like shivering, but he's okay. They made it. They're okay. Wow. Really didn't think that was gonna work. No, that seemed like it wouldn't. And then for Icarus one, we see Cyril go into the observation room as Roseburn calls to him from Icarus two.
Starting point is 01:27:35 We love you, Cyril. We're so sorry we have to go now. And he manually turns that filter off, blasts himself with sunlight, and dies. Yeah. Yeah, that's how it, he wanted that. He kinda wanted it. Back in the mess hall zone, we've got Chris Evans, Michelle, yo, Rose Byrne and Killian Murphy,
Starting point is 01:27:54 and they're sitting at the table, and Chris Evans pulls, he's like, I pulled Icarus's activity file, nothing went wrong, like she didn't fuck up the airlock, the system didn't do it, somebody fucked it up manually. Like somebody made this happen. And the only possibility is that it was Benedict Wong. Like the rest of them are like, obviously we didn't do it.
Starting point is 01:28:15 Is that the only possibility? Killian Murphy's like, he's been sedated, like there's no way. Michelle Yeoh says, look, it honestly doesn't even matter if he betrayed us sedated, like there's no way. Michelle Yeoh says, look, honestly, it doesn't even matter if he betrayed us or not, because here's the deal. If he dies, if one more person dies, we're gonna have enough oxygen. And so they realize we kinda gotta kill him anyway.
Starting point is 01:28:40 Chris Evans is like, I'll do it. I'm not gonna pass the buck to anybody else, but we should take a vote. Obviously, this is a big deal pass the buck to anybody else, but we should take a vote. Obviously this is a big deal. We're gonna kill somebody. So we'll take a vote. You know where I stand. Michelle yells like, me too.
Starting point is 01:28:52 Killian Murphy says, what are you asking? We weigh the life of one against the future of mankind. Kill him. Go to Rose Byrne. She's crying. She says, I know you need my vote, but you can't have it. Okay, well. Chris Evans stands up, they share this look,
Starting point is 01:29:09 and he's like, I'm sorry. Yeah. He gets up, he gets a very scary scalpel that like vibrates. They're freaky, they remind me of like the weapons in Dune, how when you like, they go like, when you go to like, because of the shields, it's kind of like that.
Starting point is 01:29:23 She tells him like, make it easy for him. He nods like he's not happy about this, but it's like, sorry, like it has to happen. Yeah. He goes to Cyril's office where Trey Benedict Wong was sedated and finds the beds empty. He's not there. Notices the movement happening in the earth room, like the screen, like birds are flying on the screens, he goes in there and he finds that Ben-Egiduang has slit his wrist, he's already dead. Oh wow, okay.
Starting point is 01:29:54 Calls everybody in, they're devastated. Chris Evans is like, he took responsibility for all of it, all these deaths, but it wasn't his fault, it was yours. And he looks at killing Murphy. Cameron was like, what do you want me to say? And Chris Evans, like, get some blood on his hands from Benedict one goes, I just want you to know that this is on your hands. And he smears Benedict Wong's blood on killing Murphy's hands. Kill a Murphy lunges for him. They start physically fighting, but pretty quickly they have to stop
Starting point is 01:30:25 because they're both like so low on oxygen that they don't even have the strength to fight. Later on, we see Kelly Murphy is in the bomb room and he is asking Icarus to, he says, can you run biometric signs on all crew and check remaining oxygen levels. And she says, you are dying. All crew are dying.
Starting point is 01:30:49 He's like, yeah, I know, it's fine. As long as we live long enough to deliver the payload. And she says, you will not. And he says, Icarus, clarify. She says, 12 hours before the crew will no longer be able to perform complex tasks. 14 hours before the crew will no longer be able to perform complex tasks. 14 hours before the crew will no longer be able to perform basic tasks. 16 hours until death.
Starting point is 01:31:09 Time until destination of payload delivery. 19 hours. And he's like, that's impossible. Michelle Yeoh was certain, Michelle Yeoh, the actress, was certain that we would have enough oxygen with four crew members. And she says, affirmative for crew could survive. And he says, Trey is dead. So there are only four crew members. She says negative.
Starting point is 01:31:34 He says, affirmative for crew, Michelle, yo Roseburn, Chris Evans, and me, Killian Murphy, the actor. She says five crew members. Icarus, who is the fifth crew member? Flash of someone standing in front of the sun. Unknown, flash of someone standing in front of the sun. Where is the fifth crew member? In the observation room.
Starting point is 01:32:03 What? It's so nuts. The scene is so nuts. And the like panic on his face where he's just like, ooh, what? Just being like, correct. Four people could survive. There are only four.
Starting point is 01:32:17 No, there are not. Yes, there are these four. There's fifth. Who's the fifth? I don't know. It's just like, ah! Icarus read the It's just like,
Starting point is 01:32:28 Icarus read the fucking room. Yeah. Who's the fifth person? So, Killian Murphy goes into the observation room and he's just being absolutely blasted with sunlight. Like he walks in, he can't see shit. It's so fucking bright in there. But he does see a figure in there and he's like hanging from his face trying to be like, what's going on? And the figure says, are you an angel? Has the time come? I've been waiting so long. Okay. At the end of time, a moment will come
Starting point is 01:32:54 when just one man remains. Then the moment will pass. Man will be gone. There will be nothing to show that we were ever here, but stardust. The last man alone with God. Am I that man? Kylian is getting closer.
Starting point is 01:33:12 His eyes are slowly adjusting. And for us as well, cause it's just been so bright in there. The man slowly comes into focus. He's truly just like 100% covered in third degree burns. Just like a full, fully burned body. Achillean realizes he goes, my God, pinbacker? And he says, not your God, mine.
Starting point is 01:33:35 Stabs him in the stomach. What, it's a pinbacker, you sweezly little devil. Achillean Murphy falls to the ground, his Icarus necklace comes off, is able to like stumble out of the room. He gets ahead of Pinbacker. He tells Icarus as he's leaving the room, Icarus, full sunlight! The room gets so much brighter.
Starting point is 01:33:55 Pinbacker's like, bah! And so Killian's like getting away, stumbling ahead of him. He manages to get out and away and into the airlock. Locks the door on his side, right? stumbling ahead of him, he manages to get out and away and into the airlock, locks the door on his side, right? So like Pinbacker is locked out of the airlocker, but they're like staring at each other like through the window face to face. And we see Pinbacker see the lock on his side of the door and lock it.
Starting point is 01:34:20 Oh brother. Yeah. Killian Murphy. So he's safely in the airlock, but he also, his Icarus came off. So he can't like communicate with anybody anymore. And he's like bleeding from his stomach. And he's bleeding from his stomach. And at this point, so the editing becomes insane from here on out and it only gets more and more crazy. But like visually things trying to get distorted. Everything's kind of like doing it. The best thing I can think of to describe it
Starting point is 01:34:45 is like the shields in Dune that like make things like fuzzy and also go like a buzzy like, like that's happening visually. Like basically every time Pinbacker is near somebody that's like happening, I think he's, he like is fucked up and we're close to the sun and like things are, yeah, things are getting weird and bad. Pinbacker we see he goes to the coolant room and he starts
Starting point is 01:35:10 draining that coolant just like he did on the Icarus one to render the ship non-functional Michelle Yeoh is sitting alone in the oxygen room mourning her little plants being gone and she sees the tiniest little shrub amongst the ashes she sees like a tiny like the emoji of like the two little leaves and she like comes up to it and she's so excited. She's like, oh my god, oh my god, and she's so excited by it. She doesn't hear somebody coming in the room behind her and she gets stabbed in the back by Pinbacker. Jesus. Okay, so Pinbacker. More like Stabbacker.
Starting point is 01:35:43 Stabbacker. There you go. So do we think that he killed everyone on the ship or? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. All right. Meanwhile, Killian has found like a vest
Starting point is 01:35:56 in the airlock room that he puts on as like a bit of a tourniquet. So he's like, okay, for now from his wound, but he realizes that he's locked in. He like tries the door and he can't unlock it and he tries calling for help, but he can't. And just then the power on the whole ship starts going out because of the coolant draining. We see Rose burn.
Starting point is 01:36:18 She has been like in her bed crying over what things have gotten so much worse than what she thought. She thought we were just killing Benedict Wong, but like, oh, things are so much worse than that. So she's crying and the power goes out. She looks up and she like calls to the others. No, you know, it graces down. She sees pinbacker down one of the hallways and is me like, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
Starting point is 01:36:41 And so she's trying to get away from him. He is noticing her. They're like trying to evade each other in the hallways. Chris Evans goes to the control room and manages to get some of the system back up manually, but he can't call, he can't like communicate with anybody, but he gets the basically like security system online so you can see cameras into all the other parts of the ship.
Starting point is 01:37:00 And so he sees Killy Murphy in the airlock and he's like, what the fuck? He can call to him on like the regular speaker, like how, you know, like a loudspeaker intercoms work basically. Yeah. So he's, he entered one way. Yeah. And into the airlock room with killing Murphy and he's like, what's going on? Why is the ship down? Like what the fuck? And he sees that killing Murphy doesn't have, yo,
Starting point is 01:37:23 there's a space suit in that airlock room. And he's like, put on the headset in the airlock room so we can talk. And so he puts the headset on and he tells Chris Evans, he's like, pinbackers on board. He's trying to sabotage the mission, pinbackers here. And Chris Evans is like, fuck, runs to the coolant room, sees that the coolant is starting to drain,
Starting point is 01:37:43 but he's the coolant guy. So. He's the perfect man for the job. He realizes he has to manually fix the coolant things and that unfortunately involves jumping into those ice cold coolant pools and like doing some like wrenching of stuff. I don't know what he's doing, but that's what he has to do.
Starting point is 01:38:05 Excellent design. So he goes down there and he's doing some ice cold wrenching. Wim Hof method. Yeah. Like me at Wiespa. Yeah, it's just like actually kind of nice afterwards he's going to feel really great and alive. So good.
Starting point is 01:38:22 Is there a jacuzzi for him to jump into? I mean, there's the sun. There's just the straight up sun. he's gonna feel really great and alive. So good. Is there a jacuzzi for him to jump in to? You can go back and forth. I mean, there's the sun. There's just the straight up sun. Meanwhile, we've got a little cat and mouse situation of Roseburn and Pinbacker are like very close to each other, but she's like kind of hiding from him. They're in the earth room.
Starting point is 01:38:39 They're near the earth room. And so she sees the knife on the ground that Benedict Wong used to kill himself. She picks it up, manages to get around the room before Pembroke can see her and she stabs him a couple of times. So she's stabbed him, not mortally, but has like stabbed him and is able to get away.
Starting point is 01:38:57 Chris Evans fixes part of it. So some of the system comes back online, but it's not enough to get everything back up. And so he calls to Killian Murphy and he's like, the only way to deliver the payload is you're gonna have to drop the bomb manually. Killian Murphy's like, I'm trapped in the airlock room. How am I gonna do that?
Starting point is 01:39:17 And Chris Evans is like, I don't know, but fucking figure it out. Oh boy. And they actually have like a moment of like real camarradery here. We're killing Murphy just says, he like sort of nods and just goes like, copy. Like whether or not he's gonna be able to do it,
Starting point is 01:39:32 he knows that Chris Evans needs to hear that he's gonna do it because, you know. It's the only choice. Shit is rough right now. Chris Evans dives back into that tank to do more wrenching. He is like, ooh, he is doing such a good job of acting out being really, really, really cold. He is like-
Starting point is 01:39:52 That was probably his whole audition because he's had to do it in a couple times. His voice is like shaking when he's like, just get to the bomb. Like he's like, and his like hand is all cramping up. He's like, looks so, so, so, so cold. But he dives back in to fix another thing. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:40:10 And so what happens is it's like these coolant tubs that the equipment is in, and by draining the coolant, the towers move out of the coolant, and so he's fixing it so the towers move back down, like an elevator, into the coolant pool. And he's able to do it, but that means the tower, as it's coming down, like locks on his leg, pinning him in place.
Starting point is 01:40:35 And we can see from under the pool, just like blood filling the pool. But it also means he's like stuck in this frozen pool. He gets his head out, but he's like, he's gonna die there. He's already like basically almost dead. There's like ice like hanging off every part of his body and his hand is like frozen.
Starting point is 01:40:51 That's a brutal way to go. And he calls to Killian Riven. He's like, I'm not gonna make it out. You gotta do it. You gotta get yourself out of the airlock. You gotta fucking do it. Killian puts on that space suit. He's got a blow torch and he blows a tiny,
Starting point is 01:41:07 he like burns a tiny hole through the inner airlock door, the one that leads to the ship. Then he finds like a strap in the airlock room. He wraps himself up, he like ties himself to the wall, holds on real fucking tight, hits the button to open the outer airlock door. And the force of the air is so intense coming through that tiny hole in the inner airlock door
Starting point is 01:41:33 that it sucks that door off its hinges out into space. Gail and Remy's really holding on for dear life, trying to also not get sucked out into space. We see Michelle Yeoh's body fling past him, knocking into things, really sad. But it works. The door got blown open, you know, after the initial like push of air,
Starting point is 01:41:53 he's able to then get into the ship. So he's back in the ship. This is good. Great. He's moving through the ship. He sees, he walks past Chris Evans' dead, frozen body. Sad about that. Is the whole ship like, we gotta be in a space suit now?
Starting point is 01:42:09 Yeah. Or is he able to close the door? No, no, the whole ship, cause it blew off. Yeah, so the whole ship is not airlock safe. But we saw earlier Rose Byrne fleeing Pinbacker into the like bomb part of the ship, which is also like sealed off. So she and presumably Pinbacker are in the bomb room.
Starting point is 01:42:29 So we see Killian Murphy walking that way, just again, long hallways. He, in the control room, starts the four-minute timer that, in another world, would be where they would get away, but obviously that's not gonna happen. But what it does is it detaches the bomb from the ship. Okay. would be where they would get away, but obviously that's not gonna happen. But what it does is it detaches the bomb from the ship. Okay.
Starting point is 01:42:50 So the bomb has been separated from the ship, but it's just kind of hanging there. And Killing Murphy has to make his way through the ship to get to the bomb. And he's such a good actor. We are really seeing that the music in this movie is incredible. The like main song that they play,
Starting point is 01:43:04 you've heard it in other things. It's like so powerful. I remember that. So this music is like swelling. It's feeling like such an important moment. He's trying so hard to make to the end of the ship. He's so low on oxygen that at one point he like falls over and he's in this big cumbersome space suit and he watched him from inside the suit, like, like fuck,
Starting point is 01:43:23 fuck, get up, get up. Just like trying so hard just to like get himself up using every last reserve of strength and oxygen he has, and he does it, and he gets himself up, and this music is swelling and it's so powerful, and he has to, once again, basically jump from the ship to the bomb because it has separated from the ship. And it's really beautiful.
Starting point is 01:43:50 Music's playing. We zoom out. We see his tiny little body in space across from the ship to the bomb. We see the big bright sun behind him illuminating everything. The music is swelling. He makes it, he makes it to the bomb and he gets in the bomb room. He can take a suit off now because that room is sealed, but the bomb is, it has not yet begun to hurdle towards space because it will when that four minute timer stops. We're getting close. We're getting real close. He kind of
Starting point is 01:44:23 gets into the bomb just in time. So step one is done. He's in the bomb room, but he has to detonate it. Because the system is down. Like, presumably, if things had worked according to plan, they would have separated, flown away, detonated the bomb. But he's got to do it all from the bomb itself. Sir! He's in the bomb. it all from the bomb itself. Sir.
Starting point is 01:44:46 He's in the bomb. He's in the bomb. And he finds Rose Byrne. She's there. And now the bomb has started moving towards the sun. So, what is also happening from here on out is space and time are smearing together. And the editing is crazy.
Starting point is 01:45:05 It keeps like, it's really so impressive. Like things will sort of like freeze as if like when you were watching a DVD and you'd hit a scratch and they freeze and then sort of like jump forward. Like that's happening. Things are like motion is kind of like blurring and getting like, it's really, so that's also like
Starting point is 01:45:24 hard to even see what's really happening so that's also like hard to even see what's really happening sometimes. It's like they're having a hard time like moving because sometimes gravity is in one way and not in another way. It's really fascinating. But he makes it to Roseburn and he finds her and he's like, we have to detonate the bomb.
Starting point is 01:45:42 Jess then pinbacker grabs him. Now I will remind you that the bomb is a big cube. So it's like sharp edges leading to steep drop-offs. It's like they're standing on a platform that leads to, yeah, nothing, but it's a cube. So Pinbacker grabs Killian Murphy, holds him out over the edge of this one side of the cube to kill him, to keep him from detonating the bomb, basically.
Starting point is 01:46:15 He says, for seven years I spoke with God. He told me to take us all to heaven. So he's trying to keep Killian from detonating the bomb so that all of mankind will die because he's gone sun crazy. Wow, it's great that that doesn't happen to everyone. I assumed everyone would get a little sun crazy. I want to talk about this when we get to the end
Starting point is 01:46:36 of the movie because I have thoughts. Okay. But so he's holding Killian Murphy like over this basically cliff drop to his death. Roseburn gets to him. Okay, he's holding his arm out. Roseburn grabs his arm, peels all the skin off of his arm because it's all just like slow roasted, you know? It's like why you slow roast meat
Starting point is 01:47:01 so that the flesh will just like fall off the bone. That's enough, Emily, absolutely that's enough. Sorry, but that's what it is. Falling off the bone. That's enough. I'm like, absolutely. That's what it is. Falling off the bone. Just like absolutely pulled pork. His whole body is pulled pork. Oh my fucking God. Wait, the thing that's crazy about this is it's like, we literally don't need a villain.
Starting point is 01:47:17 Like this movie is so stressful. This movie is so stressful. The sun is scary enough. I like do not need a human villain. It's why people were so upset about this third act because they were like, wait, what the fuck? Now there's like a sun ghoul. Like where did this come from? But I think it's actually very fucking cool.
Starting point is 01:47:37 But yeah, pulls the skin off. So he, you know, he drops Killian Murphy, but now Killian Murphy and Rose Byrne are like plunging down the side of this cliff cube. But gravity and time and space are weird and it like we're falling towards space and it turns so that the cliff they're falling down actually becomes the ground. So they're sort of like righted and they're okay.
Starting point is 01:48:02 So they're okay, but we see, we look cut from like outside and we are like, I mean, we are like in the sun. We are getting so, so, so close to being just like fully at the sun. So Kelly Murphy, he makes it to that control room. He gets in there and he flips the little switches. He turns the little thing and he looks up and he just goes, please, please, please, please, he turns the little thing. He looks up and he just goes, please, please, please, please, please, please, please.
Starting point is 01:48:30 Watching to see if it works. Cause he didn't, you didn't know if it was going to work. And we see just as he described earlier, one spark, three sparks, eight sparks, 20, like all, and there's just like, it's really like, it's gorgeous. All of a sudden, like sparks are filling the sky all around him, like a bunch of fireworks going off. And it leads to like, all of a sudden, like fire and like a whole wall of basically like fire and sunlight
Starting point is 01:48:58 just coming right at him. And he stands and he's staring right at it and his eyes are wide and the music is swelling and it's gorgeous and he is enraptured and also just like it worked like he did it. It happened and he reaches his hand out, it's getting burned to hell to like touch this sun that he made as sunlight and fire engulf him. Ah! And the whole screen gets bright.
Starting point is 01:49:31 Ah! Then we see from space, the planet Earth. And we zoom in. And we see a snow, absolutely snow covered land. A woman watching a video of Killian Murphy, her brother saying, hey sis, by the time you get this, we'll be in the dead zone. Same message we saw him recording earlier. And he says, so, she, her kids were like building a snowman.
Starting point is 01:50:01 She calls him over to her, she's like, kids, kids, come here. They go out to this hillside. We see in the distance the Sydney Opera House. What, but it's snowing. And we watch them watch for presumably the first time in many, many, many years, the sun rise and illuminate the whole landscape while the voiceover of Killian Murphy plays and says,
Starting point is 01:50:27 so if one day you wake up and it's a particularly beautiful day, you'll know that we succeeded. The end. Wow. When I heard that in the beginning, I was like, this is gonna have a happy ending. That's how it's gonna end.
Starting point is 01:50:44 I was like, that's it, that's it, that's it. Wow, really cool. I'm surprised, it seems like a good movie. I'm surprised it was a bomb. I think it wasn't marketed great. A bomb. I think it wasn't marketed great. I saw a thing that someone was like,
Starting point is 01:51:01 it came out in July and people didn't wanna watch something about being close to the surface of the sun. It's too hot. It's too hot. Which is really funny. And the ending, yeah, really threw people. I think people were like, people felt like there was a massive tonal shift that like, why all of a sudden
Starting point is 01:51:16 is there this monster? Sun ghoul, sun ghoul. But what's interesting, I was talking about this with Joel afterwards, that like, I think they really set it up that this would have happened to them, one of them would have become the sun ghoul, I think. Like, there is something about being that close to the sun and being like in that proximity to something so powerful.
Starting point is 01:51:42 We saw it happening to Cyril, we saw it could have been happening to Hiroki Sonata. That like almost, I think if they hadn't gone to get the Icarus too, they would have sabotaged the same way and they wouldn't have made it. That like only by going there and having this other, like having to die along with the bomb and like, I just think it was like the only way they could have succeeded.
Starting point is 01:52:09 Everything happens for a reason. Well, and everything happens for a reason, which is a philosophy I really, really stand by. Really believe. OK, so this is interesting because I remember when I saw it in college, taking it literally and believing that God did want humanity to die. I didn't perceive it as he was crazy. I was like, he's like, God is actually angry at humanity
Starting point is 01:52:35 and wants them to die. And they have thwarted God. Yeah, interesting. Well, God wins usually. So I bet that that one nice day, let's see how many more of those you get. That's interesting, I think that there's, yeah, there's definitely an argument for like that to be true.
Starting point is 01:52:53 I could see either way for sure. I just thought it was so interesting to be like, you can't be that close to the sun without. Well, it's Icarus, I mean, it's kind of, you're writing the story for yourself by calling's Icarus. I mean, it's kind of, you're writing the story for yourself by calling it Icarus. It's like, guys, pick a different name. But yeah, truly just like,
Starting point is 01:53:11 we are not meant to get that close to the sun. And so if you try, you will fail because we are not meant to do it. Right. Yep. Yeah. Wow. So that's sunshine. There it is. Wow. Yeah. Wow. So that's sunshine. There it is. Wow.
Starting point is 01:53:27 I love it. That was fun. That was fun. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. Space is so scary. Space is so scary. Why would anybody? Katy Perry, what are you doing?
Starting point is 01:53:40 I mean, Katy Perry. Oh, Katy Perry. Literally, what are you doing? Literally what? What? And like Orlando, how, literally what are you doing? Literally what? What? And like Orlando, how do you feel about all this? Jeff Bezos' fiance, obviously you're not well. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:53 But Katy. But Katy. I think the main problem is that now we've entered a new phase of space exploration, which is like in bad faith. Like I do not trust Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk. It shouldn't be. Cause it's not for all mankind anymore. No, it's like for tourist trip.
Starting point is 01:54:14 It's like the fucking Titan submersible. It's like we shouldn't be doing this. Also like, do you trust these spaceships? I mean, you're gonna fucking get exploded and die like immediately, like there's no way they're actually safe. We can't even trust planes anymore. I mean. Planes are still the safest way to travel.
Starting point is 01:54:33 They are, I'm sorry, I'm scared of death right now. So just, I have to fly on a plane. Don't listen to me, don't trust me. No, you're fine. You'll be fine. I have to fly on a plane next week and I have been like, nervous, like getting scared about it for the first time So many planes fly Yeah, it's very it's very safe. Yeah, and who are we to test God?
Starting point is 01:54:51 Maybe not safer than space travel. I guess I don't think that one's factored into that. No, I don't I would Because again, we should not be calling space travel travel. This is something different. Yeah, it's, I mean, that's definitely more dangerous. Right, well, then it's also like, that's not travel. That shouldn't be travel. No. That's science, it's science, it's not travel. Well, you know what it is, you know what it is? It's a denial of reality. That's what it is.
Starting point is 01:55:14 Like that's what Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos, all their stupid fucking like dick measuring contest of like getting into space is it's like. Who can inseminate the most women? It's just a full denial of reality of like, no one wants to go to like, no one wants to like live on Mars. Like that's not a thing anyone wants. People just want like, to be able to like, buy eggs at the grocery store. That's what we all just really love eggs and eggs are so good.
Starting point is 01:55:44 And we want to be safe and kind to each other It's true people just want eggs and friends eggs and friends and to get a good night's sleep That is literally all I want. That's literally all we want. Yeah, it's like Mars doesn't factor into that at all Like I like don't want Mars. I want eggs friends Like a donut every now and again. Yeah. Cats.
Starting point is 01:56:09 We can talk about Mars once everyone is well fed on this planet and in a safe place. Yeah. But until then, I have no interest. Mars should not be on anyone's mind. No, there's a lot to do here. There's a lot to do here. Ah, it makes me so mad.
Starting point is 01:56:26 It makes me so mad. Yeah, it's hard to not circle back to that with every horror movie. It is really hard. It is really hard. I'm really sorry. It is really hard not to. I will say, like, this was a great movie, a great time.
Starting point is 01:56:39 It's wild to see all of these actors that I'm so familiar with in their current, I mean, all of them are like so famous now. Yeah. So famous now. I didn't know who basically any of these people were when I saw this movie. I know, it's completely insane.
Starting point is 01:56:54 They're like some of like Michelle Yeoh Oscar winner, Hiryuki Sonata, Star of Shogun, I mean, and many other things, I love him so much, but like fucking Captain America, Rose Byrne, Gillian Murphy, Oscar winner. It's just like, they're so famous and seeing them all 20 years ago was really fascinating. They all look like such babies in a way that is nuts.
Starting point is 01:57:16 Yeah. Wow. Oh, it was good. Thank you. Yeah, Emily, you did great. Thank you so much. I was really very glad for an opportunity to finally see it. I really did like it.
Starting point is 01:57:27 It makes me wanna rewatch it. I feel like the way you were describing the editing and the time jumps and stuff, I don't remember that at all. And that sounds really cool. The filmmaking is like very, very impressive and does a lot of things I hadn't seen before. Those like, yeah, those flashes of the fucking faces
Starting point is 01:57:42 and the way they do the whole third act is like, it's really, there's so much, it's just visual and I could not have described in a storytelling capacity. So if you're at all intrigued, I do recommend giving it a watch. And just a reminder, you are testing above average in the retelling. Oh my God, the polls have come back.
Starting point is 01:58:03 The polls have come back and you're off the charts. It's finalized. I'm off the charts with the polls. The polls are- Completely incomparable. Yeah, I can't even see, like the line is just going straight off the graph. Oh my God, the polls, the graph, the charts,
Starting point is 01:58:16 I'm off of all of them. Off of every single one. It's true, it's true. Wow. Wow. Wow. Oh goodness, I love you guys too much. Love you guys too much. It's true. Wow. Wow. Wow. Oh goodness.
Starting point is 01:58:26 I love you guys too much. I love you guys too much. I love you guys so much. Let's never go to space. Let's never go to space. Pinky promise. Yeah, no thanks. I'm dying here.
Starting point is 01:58:35 I'm dying with the sun. I'm a sun ghoul. And what's the sun ghoul's voice like? Well, I wasn't doing it, but I think he is British. Sun Ghoul says what? Sun Ghoul says what? He's British and he's like,
Starting point is 01:58:50 I've been communicating with God for seven years. Okay. Perfect. From all of us here at Too Scary Didn't Watch. Goodbye. Goodbye. We did it. We made it. Thank you all for listening to another episode of Too Scary Didn't Watch.
Starting point is 01:59:13 If you enjoy the show, please remember to subscribe and rate us on Spotify and Apple podcasts. Five stars only or we will haunt you. And if you simply can't get enough of us, we have good news for you. We have lots of bonus content available on our Patreon at slash TSTW podcast. You'll get access to video trailer reactions, two bonus episodes a month, the power to vote for upcoming episodes, and more. And last but not least, you can follow us on social media at TSTW podcast. We'll be back next week with a new episode.
Starting point is 01:59:44 We love you.

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