Too Scary; Didn't Watch - TERRIFIER 3 (LIVE!)

Episode Date: October 30, 2024

We're laughing all the way to HELL in this LIVE episode featuring One Mosquito, One Frank T.J. Mackey, and One Priest!!! Thank the lord we recorded this episode because otherwise absolutely N...ONE of us would remember anything that happened during these two hours!!!!!!!! Listen if you want to restore your faith in *god*The video episode can be found on our Patreon.Movie Intro @ 11:42Trivia @ 14:18Recap starts @ 23:29TrailerFollow the show: @TSDWpodcast on Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram.Check out our Patreon for bonus episodes and additional content!Rate Too Scary; Didn’t Watch 5 Stars on Spotify and Apple Podcasts and leave a review for Emily, Henley, and Sammy.Advertise on Too Scary; Didn't Watch via Gumball.fmSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a HeadGum Podcast. I think being an adult is actually pretty great. You get to watch whatever you want on TV, choose when and how long you hang out with all your friends, buy as much candy as you want at the grocery store, but it's not all fun. You also have to do your taxes, go to the DMV and make doctor's appointments. And for that one, there is ZocDoc, the healthcare app that makes the hard parts
Starting point is 00:00:28 of being an adult that much easier. ZocDoc is a free app and website where you can search and compare high quality in-network doctors, choose the right one for your needs and click to instantly book an appointment. We're talking about in-network appointments with more than 100,000 healthcare providers across every specialty from mental health to dental health, eye care to skin
Starting point is 00:00:50 care and much more. Plus, ZocDoc appointments happen fast, typically within just 24 to 72 hours of booking. You can even score same day appointments. I have used ZocDoc to find doctors before. It is so, so helpful to have a resource where you can see exactly who is covered by your network, who is well rated, who is available. It's truly made my life so much easier on multiple occasions. So stop putting off those doctor's appointments and go to slash too scary to find and instantly book a top rated doctor today. This is Emily, Henley, and Sammy, and you're listening to Too Scary, Didn't Watch. Hi everyone.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Welcome to Too Scary, Didn't Watch, the horror movie recap podcast for those too scared to watch for themselves. I'm Emily and I'm too scared to watch scary movies. I'm Henley and I'm also too scared to watch scary movies. I'm Sammy and I love watching scary movies and so I watch them so that you don't have to and we are coming to you live, our special Halloween episode and for those of you who can't see us, I think we should just all say what we are. We should probably say.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Sammy, you go first. I'll go first. I'm a mosquito, the scariest thing alive, responsible for the most deaths of any other creature, should be extinct, let's get them off this planet. They're the worst. They're the worst, let's get them off. I am Frank T.J. Mackie, otherwise known as the founder of Seduce and Destroy, a program that will
Starting point is 00:02:42 help you respect the cock and tame the cunt. And Sweet Mama, give me some of that cherry pie. Sweet Mama baby. Sweet Mama baby. So many people are Googling right now, cunt, cherry pie. Don't Google cunt, cherry pie. Don't Google cunt, cherry pie. But that's not gonna get you where you're trying to go.
Starting point is 00:03:07 And I am a priest slash Bishop of Connecticut. Bishop of Connecticut. In a real Bishop's hat. There it is. There we go. There we go. We got some confetti. Incredible, incredible stuff.
Starting point is 00:03:24 So at full transparency, my initial plan was to dress up like Timmy Chalamet from Dune. So I had like a whole idea of doing that, but I was foiled in some ways and I wasn't able to access some of the parts of the costume that would have made it work. So in my time of need, I turned to my husband and I said, what do I do?
Starting point is 00:03:47 Incredible. What do I do? And he said, you know what to do. Obviously you dress up like a priest. You know what to do. Obviously that's what you do. So he gathered all of these things for me today, including this hat, which he had to search for.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Incredible stuff. What a guy. Yeah, we are grateful. We are grateful to the other Timmy in my life. Yes. Timmy Hamlin, my husband. Full transparency, I was going to be a tornado from Twister. Oh, that would have been so good.
Starting point is 00:04:15 But guys, I landed back in the States so recently and I was like, I can't craft, I can't craft. Emily's back. I'm back and then I realized, wow, I know what I can be. Look at my hair. Okay, so Emily, can you tell us about your trip? Sometimes? Yeah, we're just gonna do that.
Starting point is 00:04:36 Yeah, yeah, that can be our little check-in. Can we do it now, right now? Check-in can be me talking about my trip. I would love that. Check-in can be me talking about my trip. Please. It was great. It was fabulous, it was wonderful. It was the time of my life.
Starting point is 00:04:50 I'm fully, yeah, committed to learning French and spending a large portion of my life in France. Okay. Because I love it so much. It's perfect, it's a perfect place of wonder and beauty and everywhere you go is amazing food and amazing bread and amazing butter and it's absolutely fucking perfect.
Starting point is 00:05:16 It was great, it was a great trip. We had a fabulous time. It was really long. It's a really long time to be away. In an ideal world, I could just, we were just talking about this pop back and forth, you know, just pop back and forth. Yeah, that'd be the best.
Starting point is 00:05:29 That'd be the best. I start to miss my cats really quickly. Missed my cats, they really missed us. It's nice to be back home with them. It was a dream, you guys, honeymoons are really cool. They're really, it's really a cool thing to do. Highly recommend, really big fan. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:49 What was the worst part? Yeah, tell us the worst part. Okay, you know what? You know what? I'm gonna be, okay, I'm gonna be honest. Thank you, Sammy, for saying what we were all thinking. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I'm gonna be honest and people might get mad at me.
Starting point is 00:06:02 I'm already mad. I don't think you will be actually, Hen mad. I don't think you will be actually, Henley. I don't think you will be. The worst part of the honeymoon was the Louvre. Ooh, shit. I feel you. Oh no, did I pry you to hate it though? You heard it, you're first.
Starting point is 00:06:19 Emily hates the Louvre. I hate the Louvre. The Louvre's just awesome, don't go. Okay, okay, okay. Obviously it's incredible and it's very important and I saw amazing things there, but I hated being there. I hated being there. I was so overwhelmed.
Starting point is 00:06:35 There were so many people. The fact that we were there in the off season, I'm like literally, how is this possible? There are so many fucking people here. It all was just like, it was so overwhelming. I hit a point too where it's like, it takes so long to get out. The map doesn't make sense.
Starting point is 00:06:51 The layout doesn't make sense. And I hit a point where we were ready to go and it took so long from us deciding to go to being outside in fresh air. And I was like, if I don't get outside of the fucking Louvre, I'm gonna lose my mind. Yeah, I had a full blown panic attack in the Louvre. I understand why.
Starting point is 00:07:11 I was, and it's what I said earlier, it still sticks. Like, it was too much art and it made me sick. It's too much art. It's absolutely sickening. It made me sick. It's also just, it's like, if I could be alone in the Louvre, I think I would love the Louvre. See, I think that would still, I would still fuck me up. I need to see like be in one room,
Starting point is 00:07:31 just one room in the Louvre. It's so much, and I'm going to take it one step further, you guys, and say, I realize on this trip, I don't think I like art museums. Oh, that's fine. I think that this is something we should talk about more. I think we should all talk about this more. I like art. I think it's important. And I loved some of the things I saw. We also went to the pompadou, which did really rule the other like the modern
Starting point is 00:07:53 art museum in Paris. It was very cool. But like, I don't know, man, my brain stops being able to process what's happening pretty quickly. And then I'm really contending with like, am I stupid? Should I be reading all these things? Oh, mm-hmm. And like doing that like performatively, but then every now and again being like, wow, this actually is amazing, but then like, why isn't that one amazing?
Starting point is 00:08:18 And also it's like, you're on your feet a lot and it takes so long. And I like, I love gardens, I love architecture. I realize I think I need three dimensions, which obviously some art is in three dimensions and the whole world is in three dimensions, you get what I'm saying. I just stop being able to take it in
Starting point is 00:08:35 and I just am like, I think it's not for me. I completely agree. Give me one exhibit. I just want an exhibit where it's like, I can read the stuff about the exhibit, I go through the exhibit where it's like, I can read the stuff about the exhibit. I go through the exhibit. I learn something about one artist or one theme, something that makes sense cohesively.
Starting point is 00:08:51 When I'm wandering around the Met, panic attack for me. Like it's like immediate. I'm just like, there's so much, there's so much to take in. And like there are too many connections to make that I'm trying to make. And sometimes I make it, sometimes I don't. And sometimes it doesn't mean anything and that makes me feel soulless and dead inside.
Starting point is 00:09:09 We decide certain things mean more. And sometimes you look at something and you're like, this has meaning to me. I don't know why and I get it and it's amazing. And sometimes it's like, I was so much more fascinated by the people, by everyone in the Mona Lisa room than the Mona Lisa. We stayed so far away because I was like,
Starting point is 00:09:24 I don't actually need to see the Mona Lisa. I was like, who cares? It's like a thousand people deep. You have to, it's like a rock concert. You have to elbow your way to the front. This is the biggest fucking art museum, the most important art museum in the world probably. And there's so much other stuff here,
Starting point is 00:09:36 but it's like, this is the room where everybody's in. And I get that that means something. But I just find myself being like, what are we all? How did we decide what's meaningful and what's not? And the second you go macro panic attack. I mean, it's happening. Well, you know that this happened to me. I almost had a panic attack when we arrived in Paris just because I was like, Oh my God, it's Paris.
Starting point is 00:09:56 Like what you felt with the Louvre, I felt with Paris where I was like, this is Paris. Like this is fucking Paris. And I better. This is like you're going to. Everyone says you're going to love it. Like you better fucking love it. Oh, it's so much. And I better, this is like, you're gonna, everyone says you're gonna love it, like you better fucking love it, like take it all in, be present. Right, so it's pressure.
Starting point is 00:10:09 I also had a cold and I like can't enjoy anything when I'm even like the tiniest bit sick. It's fine, I was fine, I recovered. I do love Paris, I'm obsessed with it, it's perfect. But guys, it's just a lot. It's a lot. It's just a lot. It's a lot, it's a lot. It's the worst part of my honeymoon was the loop. And I stand by it. And I stand by it.
Starting point is 00:10:28 And the best part of my honeymoon other than Joel was food. Every most memorable moment was something I ate. Tell us your favorite thing. Do you have a favorite thing? Top three? I could give you a top three. Okay. Okay. In no particular order. We had a ham and ham and cheese croissant in Paris that was like, what the fuck? Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:10:58 Oh my God. This croissant. They know what they're doing. Had a velouté, AKA pumpkin soup, which fucking changed my life. Brought me and Joel both back from the brink, this pumpkin soup. It was like exactly what we needed.
Starting point is 00:11:14 And then this is another reason why France, I could spend the rest of my life in France. I had a bowl of pasta there that was just so good. It was so good. that was just so good. It was so good. Pasta's so good. Pasta is so good. I'm tired, but I just nearly lost myself in the memory of that bowl of pasta.
Starting point is 00:11:38 I mean, me too. Me too, just looking at you, having the memory. It was so, it was so good you guys. I gotta come back, I gotta come back. Come back. It was really good. But the worst part of my honeymoon was actually being away from you guys. Oh, we missed you so much.
Starting point is 00:11:58 Us too. Missed you. I loved listening to the episodes that I missed, but it's hard to miss them, and I'm very glad to be back. We're happy to have you back. We missed you. Thank God you're here for me.
Starting point is 00:12:09 I mean, like Emily, you are my support system. You left me here all alone. I'm so sorry, I am so sorry to have done that to you. You did great. I was all fucking alone with this goddamn mosquito over here, this fucking skeeter trying to that to you. You did great. I was all fucking alone with this guy, the mosquito over here. This fucking mosquito trying to take me out. Take me out.
Starting point is 00:12:28 We did practical magic as a treat, as a little Halloween treat. The spooky treat. That's fine. That was a nice treat. We also did Speak No Evil. True. We did, but I, you know, did find that healing.
Starting point is 00:12:42 Yeah, it was healing. We healed a bit there. I didn't find the substance healing, but. Yeah, the substance was also a pretty tough go. It was a tough one. A pretty tough go without you. You got through it. I'm really proud of you and you're really strong and brave.
Starting point is 00:12:53 And I'm so glad we have each other for what's coming because I think it's gonna be pretty bad. Yeah, I was. I just keep seeing hot dog style over and over in the comments. So I'm preparing myself for that. Yeah, yeah, you will need your support system today because today we are recapping,
Starting point is 00:13:12 Terrifier 3 written and directed by Damien Leone starring Lauren Lavera, Antonella Rose, Elliot Fulman, Samantha Scaffidi, and David Howard Thornton. It is in theaters now. And you guys, I hate to tell you, I think this is my favorite of the three. Oh, whoa, okay.
Starting point is 00:13:34 Which is not saying a lot. The bar was extremely low. I hate them. I still, and I still have hated my heart for this one, but I can't help but respect a lot of the things that are happening. Wow, okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Okay, there's respect. Like we spoke of last time. Well, also I think if you'll recall, I watched Terrifier one and two back to back, which was just a horrible, horrible thing to do. Really bad. And so having to only watch one this time already is a better experience. Yeah. And. Yeah, I just top tier gore. I think David Howard Thornton is truly amazing at being Art the Clown,
Starting point is 00:14:21 and he really makes me laugh. I heard someone describe these movies as like itchy and scratchy movies and I feel like that might help. Oh, I've had help that helps. That doesn't help me. I don't like them. I don't like them. I don't like them because they're too gross.
Starting point is 00:14:39 Yeah, it's just gross. That was my childhood was itchy and scratchy. I really don't like them either. So that doesn't help me. Also I don, it was the itchy and scratchy show. I really don't like them either, so that doesn't help me. Also, I don't like the words itchy and scratchy. Generally, it's not fair. Okay, well, we're gonna find something else for you to like, Emily.
Starting point is 00:14:50 I feel like that's the goal in this episode. I'm just gonna think about that bowl of pasta whenever I'm sad. Think about the pasta. It was so good, it was like a balsamic cream sauce. That's surprising. With a big, the big, like a baseball- sized ball of burrata right in the middle. Damn.
Starting point is 00:15:10 Oh my God, that was good. I have to take the glasses off. And you'll see that I have a mouth full of blood. Oh, I forgot about the blood. Oh, it's so good, it's so good. Oh wow, it's so good. You're so beautiful, even in a fucking mosquito costume. You're so beautiful. Your beauty shines right through the screen.
Starting point is 00:15:27 It's unbelievable. Thank you. It's amazing. Okay, okay. Okay, and this movie is Christmasy? Yeah, it's a Christmas. Is that true? This is a Christmas one, yep.
Starting point is 00:15:37 Okay. That I'm excited about. I'll be honest. Well, that's something for us to go off of. It's something. Christmas. It is something. Something. Christmas. It is something. Something.
Starting point is 00:15:46 Yes. This movie has a 76% on Rotten Tomatoes, a 61 on Metacritic, and a 6.8 on IMDB. Pretty even. They didn't even give us that. Yes. One more. One more freaking. One more point.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Everybody go rate it 10 stars right now on IMDB. We gotta get to 6.9. I feel like, yeah, these movies are, the first movie, the budget was 35,000 and it made 420,000. The second movie- What, it was $35,000? That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Yeah. That's nothing. Yeah. Second movie, the budget was 250,000, that's crazy, that's nothing. Yeah, second movie, the budget was $250,000 and it made $15.7 million. And then this movie, the budget was $2 million and so far it's made $51.8 million. Holy shit, people love this movie. Already I just, I just feel like I respect it.
Starting point is 00:16:42 He like M. Night Shyamalan independently finances this. I don't know if it's specifically like his own money. He did, I know some like crowdfunding for one of the earlier movies, but he just doesn't wanna have studio involvement so that he can do the most depraved shit you've ever seen in your fucking lives. But like it actually is the most depraved shit you've ever seen in your fucking lives. But like, it actually is the most depraved shit
Starting point is 00:17:05 you've ever seen in your fucking lives. And the fact that this movie is playing in theaters across America, and nobody's like protesting in the streets is really fascinating to me. That's metaphorical for so much going on in our country. Yeah, we're like, there's so much shit happening, who cares about Art the Clown?
Starting point is 00:17:26 But if this had been, yeah, like 20 years ago, there would be... Riots. Riots. Riots. Wow. Satanic panic, who's heard of it? No one gives a shit.
Starting point is 00:17:39 Everyone's like, hail Satan, hell yes. Hail Satan, hell yes. Is this? Yes. Is this the most depraved of all three? I don't know. I mean, they all have some pretty fucked up shit. I feel like we can talk about it at the end.
Starting point is 00:17:52 We can rank them. I don't think so. I think it would be certain scenes you would rank and... Right, right, right. I think the scene in Terrifier 2, spoiler for Terrifier 2, he like cuts the woman's skin off and pours like salt all over her body.
Starting point is 00:18:11 I think that one is- I literally forgot. I had forgotten that happened. I forgot everything. I've not- I think that's the worst one. I really, I don't remember a single thing for those movies except for the hot dog.
Starting point is 00:18:19 No, I literally don't remember, I don't think. Yeah, that was- And that one's not even number one, that's crazy. No, I think that is number one for me. That would be the most depraved but like I would be I would have to like rank certain more kills because there's You know not to spoil but Henley did already already mention another addition to the hotdog style cannon in this movie I think two of the top three best hot dog style kills that I've seen.
Starting point is 00:18:46 So the James Cameron of hot dog style. Okay. That's amazing. That's kind of, that's impressive. So, yeah, I won't say that I liked, I won't say that I liked this movie, but there's just, there's something to respect about it. Yeah. And I hated it the to respect about it. Yeah. And I hated it the least.
Starting point is 00:19:08 All right. Okay. Okay. I hope, here's my prayer to you, dear Lord. And if you're there. And right now Henley's speaking directly to the Lord. Yep. Let me not remember a single thing.
Starting point is 00:19:23 Just like how I not remembered a single thing. And I think the Lord is gonna love, love this from you. I think the Lord is gonna really respect anything you ask. He supports me in everything I do. He supports me in everything I do, I'm not worried. She's got a personal connection, so she's VIP. Yeah. Not everybody has access to that kind of hat.
Starting point is 00:19:49 Also, this movie is two hours and five minutes. Terrified 2 is two hours and 20 minutes, which is way too long. So this one is still too long, but a little less. And the only other trivia I wrote down is that the wild robot saw a bump in the box office because they think teenagers were buying tickets to that and sneaking into this movie. I thought that was pretty funny. That's funny. Remember sneaking into movies.
Starting point is 00:20:19 I don't think I've ever done it. That's true. I guess you guys were not interested in the R rated movies. No, I don't think I ever really did it. That's true, I guess you guys were not interested in the R-rated movies. No, no. I don't think I ever really did. Yeah, I snuck into some movies. Yeah, I guess I- That's pretty fucking cool, that's cool. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:33 Yeah, that was pretty cool. And you guys, I'm so sorry to say that there is a Red Band trailer for this movie. No. That honestly isn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be because like I said, some really bad things happen and I feel like whoever like checks the trailers was still like, no, you can't show that
Starting point is 00:20:50 even if it's Red Band. So. Jesus. Honestly, better now than at the end. I would rather like get it done. Let's be done with this. That's a good opportunity for me to bless this holy wine. Oh my gosh, you're drinking wine.
Starting point is 00:21:11 I'm drinking vermouth because we went to Europe and now we drink vermouth. Oh yeah, yeah, in Spain I drink a lot of vermouth as well and I love it. So much vermouth. Oh my God, it's so good. So much vermouth drinking in Spain. It's really just very nice to do. I think it's too sweet, but I know you got to get the right kind much vermouth drinking in Spain. It's really just very nice to do. I think it's too sweet,
Starting point is 00:21:26 but I know you gotta get the right kind of vermouth. Yeah, you gotta get like nice. I never really liked vermouth and Joel went out and got like a good vermouth the other day. And I like it. And it feels like I'm like, this is basically medicinal. Yeah. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 00:21:42 Is it? I drank so much wine on our trip that my heartburn is just like out of control. Yeah. Right. Is it? I drank so much wine on our trip that my heartburn is just like out of control. Wine. But vermouth I feel like is not as bad. Wine and so much champagne. Yeah. Champagne is so good you guys.
Starting point is 00:21:55 Is it? The French just fucking know what's up. No, that's true. When I visited my brother in Luxembourg, we went to the like capital of champagne. Damn it. Now I can't remember. And it really hooked me on champagne. Damn it, now I can't remember. And it really hooked me on champagne.
Starting point is 00:22:07 Not champagne, obviously everyone's saying champagne. That's where you went. That's not where we went. We went somewhere else that I can't remember now. Can't remember the name. God, I wish I had more to say about that, but I don't. Okay, hold on, let me try this again. I downloaded a different one.
Starting point is 00:22:23 Let's see if this works. What the fuck? Wow, you guys are gonna be so lucky. The Lord works in mysterious ways. Wait, it's just really not working at all. That's weird. It's just really not working at all. I could maybe share my screen, but what if there's something bad on here?
Starting point is 00:22:45 Hold on. Close all your windows, Suvi. Close all your windows. So much Googling of cunt cherry pie in the background. If anybody hasn't seen Magnolia, you should really watch it. I know it's long. Trust me. I was you once. It's really, really long, but it's really good. And it's, it might be Tom's very best performance. It's really good. It's true. I think this it's really worth the watch. My work. So sorry. Everybody is so embarrassing. I really don't want to.
Starting point is 00:23:26 I understand. But I just. Maybe God heard your prayer. That's what I was saying earlier. Oh my God, this is. That's what I was saying. That's what I was saying. Okay, I'm going to try this one more time
Starting point is 00:23:39 and then I'm going to share my screen. Yeah, I don't know why it would work. It has to be there. Can you even believe this? Okay, if anyone- Fool me twice, fool me, can't give me food again. If anyone has questioned their faith,
Starting point is 00:23:54 what more proof do you need than this? Is this? Oh boy. So far so good. It's working? Wait, can I do full screen? What does that look like? I can't see now.
Starting point is 00:24:04 Is it full screen? Nope. Nope. Okay, I can't see now. Is it full screen? Nope. Nope. Okay, well then fuck it. I don't know how to pass. Yeah, no, I think we got to call it. Sorry everybody, we tried. Sorry everybody, we tried.
Starting point is 00:24:16 Wow. God is real, you guys. Wow, God is real. I think we just proved that. So I know that, yeah, maybe this was, you didn't love watching the technical difficulties, but you did just witness in your wishes that we proved that God is real.
Starting point is 00:24:31 Yeah, I know you guys didn't sign up for a spiritual awakening tonight, but if that didn't provide one. God works in mysterious ways. You don't always know when it's gonna happen. Tim is gonna love this. All right, I guess let's just get into it then. He spent the whole rest of the recap pouting.
Starting point is 00:24:56 It's so sad. Are you guys using Rocket Money? Because I am, I have been for a couple of years. I've had a premium account with Rocket Money and Rocket Money has saved me so much money. It has pointed out a few subscriptions that I thought that I cancelled that it ends up I hadn't cancelled so thank you. It pointed out one time when a company way overcharged me for something that I like somehow missed. I just, I am very grateful for Rocket Money.
Starting point is 00:25:27 I mean, can you name every single subscription that you have? I know I can't and I'm not alone. I just learned that over 74% of people have subscriptions they've forgotten about. So with Rocket Money, I don't have to remember every subscription or worry about forgetting any
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Starting point is 00:26:28 Okay. So yeah, trigger warning for each of you. A lot of limbs removed and a lot of children die a lot more than I was expecting. So let's just, I like did not see that coming for some reason. Call on God again. Call on God again. I don't think I think it's too late, it's too late. You only get one. It's too late. You only get one miracle.
Starting point is 00:26:48 Darn it. Okay, we begin in, it's Christmas time, we're in a family home, the tree is up, the lights are beautiful. Motherfucker. It's the middle of the night, we hear some noises, and a little girl, it goes into her parents' room,
Starting point is 00:27:09 wakes up her mom and says, mommy, I heard something on the roof. Someone's on the roof. Jesus fucking Christ. Mom sleepy says, no, there's nobody on the roof. It was probably just the house settling, which is what my landlord said to me when I pointed out a huge crack in the wall.
Starting point is 00:27:26 Really triggering for me. Again, the house should be settled. It should be settled. If we're living in it, it should be settled. It's been here a while. Yeah, what's the logical endpoint of settling, like completely on the ground? Where does it end?
Starting point is 00:27:39 Yeah, where it needs to stop settling at some point. But she gets up to put her back to bed, but the little girl's still pretty stressed, being adamant, know somebody, I heard something. She's shushing her, saying, you'll wake up your brother, so we know there's another child in the house. And as she tucks her daughter back in, she comes up with a story, says,
Starting point is 00:28:04 it's probably just the elves doing their little check before Santa comes in a couple days. They have to make sure everything's safe for Santa and that the chimney is big enough and this puts little girls mind at ease. She's like, okay, that makes a lot of sense, but can we put out some milk and cookies for the elves? And she says, of course, we'll do that. So she puts her daughter back to bed. She goes downstairs, puts out some milk and cookies, and then goes back up to bed.
Starting point is 00:28:34 And we see the little girl hearing noises again. She's hearing more unusual sounds. And she wakes up and she tries to wake up her brother and she goes into his room shakes him and is like, Timmy or whatever. Sorry, that was a triggering choice of name. And he's like too sleepy and he's like, Oh, leave me alone. Leave me alone. Get out of here. So she goes by herself, tiptoes downstairs. We see some shadows movement down there. And then a Santa Claus figure comes out.
Starting point is 00:29:15 We only see him from the back. And we see his hands have little white gloves on them, fingerless white gloves, just like Art the Clown wears. And she's looking pretty excited, like, oh my god, Santa's here, I'm seeing Santa. And she's kind of crouched down in the staircase watching when he reaches into his sack and she's like, oh my god, he's going to reach, he's going to get some presents. And he pulls out a huge ax and she looks scared, kind of retreats back into this open door
Starting point is 00:29:54 so she's hiding in a downstairs room. As he passes by her, he turns around, we see it is, of course, Art the Clown dressed in full Santa gear. No tiny hat. Oh, my God. Unbelievable. It's a Santa hat. There's a Santa hat. Is it normal size? Normal size, not even miniature.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Ay-ay-ay. That's... All right. They're not even throwing us one bone. This is bullshit. And with his axe, he walks upstairs. We see him go into little Timmy's room and we don't see what is happening, but we hear off screen Timmy saying, I told you to leave me alone, I'm sleeping.
Starting point is 00:30:35 And then we just hear, whop, whop, whop, chop, chop, chop, really loud axe chopping. Ah! And... No. Then he comes out covered in blood, goes into the parents' room,
Starting point is 00:30:51 starts chop, chop, chopping the dad. Oh my God, he just really goes for it. It's so loud, the sound design on the chopping is like... Wait. Unbelievable, it's too loud. Can we, because I forgot literally, quite literally everything about the first two movies. Is there lore about Arthur Clown?
Starting point is 00:31:08 I'll get into it as we need to know it. All right, okay. Let's just luxuriate in this scene without the lore. We'll get there. Because yes, there is lore and it's all very. Important and relevant. Yes, exactly. Exactly what I was gonna say.
Starting point is 00:31:27 So he's killing the dad when the mom wakes up and she turns to see her husband's head being chopped off, blood is spraying everywhere, she starts screaming and screaming. Art, if you'll remember, is very silly. And so as he notices her screaming, he's giggling and he does a mime thing. He doesn't speak.
Starting point is 00:31:50 So he's going. Oh God, that's excellent acting. I can tell already. It's very funny. And she gets up and runs out of the room. She's screaming for her children, obviously. She runs into her daughter's room, which is empty because her daughter is hiding downstairs.
Starting point is 00:32:09 And then she runs to her son's room. And now we do get a look at his little steaming pile of intestines and little arms and legs scattered across the room. I hate this. God damn it, I hate this. Why do I do this? Why? I do this? Why?
Starting point is 00:32:26 I don't know. And she runs downstairs, runs for the front door, but it's locked and she's struggling with the lock. And I think he axes her in the back here first. I'm gonna say there is so, such an unbelievable amount of violence in this movie that it kind of blends together, so I may get some things wrong, because it's kind of nonstop murder and chopping
Starting point is 00:32:52 and slashing and so... Who gives a shit about that? Yeah. But he does, like, stop her from leaving the house. She falls to the ground in front of the Christmas tree, and he chops her left arm off, chops her right arm off. As she's screaming and screaming,
Starting point is 00:33:11 we see her arms fall to the ground, and then he finally chops her in the head, and she dies. Then he goes to the kitchen, sits down, kicks his feet up, starts eating some milk and cookies, left out for the little elves. Then he does his dishes. He cleans the cup and the plate. It's really
Starting point is 00:33:34 not so bad. Oh, so we're on his side now. So he's good. Okay, we're building empathy. What he is is tidy. We'll start there. Yeah. And at this point, I thought there was a stray finger in his beard. There's like a bloody flesh thing in his beard. And I'm just calling that out to... We'll put a pin in that. We'll come back to that later.
Starting point is 00:33:57 Okay. And then as he's about to leave, he hears a noise. He hears something moving in a little kitchen cabinet, opens it. we see the little girl so afraid and I'm pretty sure but again don't fully remember. I think that he does kill her with the axe but it's kind of just like and then you get the main title. Terrified Three. Wee! Oh, gooo! Fun cold open, I loved it. Okay, so now we have our quick little recap
Starting point is 00:34:27 of relevant info from Terrifier 1 and 2. Great. Terrifier 1, the only thing we need to remember is that the final victim in it was a woman named Vicky who survived after he was eating her face, so she's like very disfigured and was on a talk show and kind of lost her mind and became violent as well, attacked the talk show host.
Starting point is 00:34:55 And so she got- It's coming back to me, unfortunately. It's not coming back to me at all. I kind of didn't really remember it either, but, and I saw it. So it's, yeah, I had to go back and kind of do a little refresh. So she was institutionalized.
Starting point is 00:35:10 She's Vicky is in a mental institution. Terrifier two, our protagonist is Sienna. Her dad was a comic book artist that drew photos of art. And there's kind of a, some sort of supernatural premonition aspect to it where he, her dad gives her this sword that is prophesized to be able to kill art. This is why I hated number two the most. There was a lot of, my rankings three, one, two, just so everybody knows. I think two is garbage, but some great kills.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Sienna also has a brother named Jonathan. And at the climax of Terrifier 2, Art kidnaps Jonathan. There's like a big long fight where they're all trying to kill each other. Art gets killed multiple times and we find out he's immortal. He just like reanimates each time. And then he kills Sienna, but then Sienna reanimates or like comes back to life through magic and with the sword and uses the magical sword to decapitate Art. So her and Jonathan are able to escape. But then we see a final scene where Vicky,
Starting point is 00:36:27 in the mental institution, gives birth to a decapitated art head that is still alive and talking. Whoa. I don't remember that at all. That is so insane to hear a thing that you think one would remember, which is a woman giving birth to a talking to capotated head. You'd think that would stick with you. I've got nothing.
Starting point is 00:36:51 Nothing. No recall from that. Not at all. You'd think that you'd remember that. I also didn't really remember it. I was like, what the fuck is going on? Didn't remember that at all. So Sienna and Jonathan lived. Yes. They lived.
Starting point is 00:37:02 Yes. And Vicki's alive. You can't kill art. At all. Can't kill art. Seemingly no, because I think she did that with the magic sword, which was supposed to work. And so he's just kind of like, just like an entity, just like an evil entity who kills because he wants to and he thinks it's fun and funny and that's just his deal. Yeah, they get a little bit more into it in this movie, but it doesn't really matter.
Starting point is 00:37:23 Yeah, he's just like an evil demon entity guy. That's just... And Sienna's dad was making comic books, like, for fun. Like, everyone knows about Arthur Clown. He's just like a everyday, like, household name. Yeah, what's his deal? Like, everyone's like, you know, I just want to know, like, Arthur Clown in this universe.
Starting point is 00:37:40 I think he was on the news after the first movie, I think his, like the news after the first movie, I think his like killing spree because he was captured, but then he came back to life in the morgue, if you'll remember and killed everybody and escaped. I certainly don't remember. And so I think it's from that, but honestly it's all pretty confusing.
Starting point is 00:38:02 Her dad, there's like mention of him being abusive, but there's like flashback scenes that I feel like are made to seem like he's a perfect dad. And I don't know, there might be stuff that I'm missing. We'll talk a little bit about it, but it feels like it doesn't really matter all that much. How much money did this movie make? 50 million? Yeah, 51 million so far. How much money did this movie make? 50 million?
Starting point is 00:38:25 Yeah, 51 million so far. And it just came out, right? Wow. I'm just thinking about Practical Magic and it only made 65 million. On a $70 million budget, which is so crazy. And in 1998, when everyone was going to movie theater. It's really crazy.
Starting point is 00:38:43 It must have been above the line. Yeah, it was the house. It was the house. I mean that house. Anyway, it just makes me sad. That's a $70 million house for sure. Sorry, 65. No, 70.
Starting point is 00:38:57 Anyway. I'm just, I'm praying on it. We're not talking about practical magic anymore. I know that, I know that. But what if we did? But we can try to bring it up as much as we can. So we'll work on that. Well, and now I can't also let us relive the conversation
Starting point is 00:39:11 that you guys had with Avital about memory because now I am sort of like, I don't know a single thing that happened in any of these movies that is making me feel completely insane. We do recap a lot of them. So I feel like we gotta give ourselves some grace. We got, and the thing is, we got to give ourselves some grace. We got, and the thing is,
Starting point is 00:39:26 we've got to give ourselves some grace. It's hard to keep them straight sometimes. Great, okay, so, okay, great. So, cool. Cool. Awesome, ready for more. Title, and now we go back to the ending of Terrifier 2, pick up right where we left off
Starting point is 00:39:44 with Art's decapitated body and a cop like being called to the crime scene and showing up and Art's body reanimating yet again, killing this cop and taking his head. He goes on a little subway ride. There's a woman riding the subway, sits right across from her with the cops head on, with the big smile, I think, on the cop's face. No, maybe not, but he's just silly and goofy, and he's like wearing a temporary head until he can be reunited with his actual head.
Starting point is 00:40:17 And we go to the psychiatric facility that Vicki is in, and we hear some commotion happening. psychiatric facility that Vicky is in and we hear some commotion happening. One of the orderlies runs to Vicky's room and we see the other half of the ending of Terrifier 2, which is her having just given birth to Art's head, which has like the spinal cord attached to it, or maybe it's an umbilical cord. It's like a spinal umbilical cord combo.
Starting point is 00:40:47 And Art's body arrives at the same time, this orderly and another nurse are screaming and they're both killed. A whole big male's full-sized male head would be really hard to give birth to. Yeah, maybe not that different from a baby. I don't know, I can't tell. Really?
Starting point is 00:41:06 Yeah, because the baby's not necessarily the worst thing that happens to her vagina in this movie. Oh, good, okay. Thank you for the warning. Oh my God. Was he born with the clown makeup and the tiny hat? Oh, good question. Ooh, was the hat on the head?
Starting point is 00:41:24 That I don't remember. I don't think it was. The makeup was the tiny hat. Oh, good question. Ooh, was the hat on the head? That I don't remember. I don't think it was. The makeup. The makeup was on, yes. The makeup is never not on. Okay, I'm just like. But the hat might have gotten lost in the birth process. What are they doing with not putting
Starting point is 00:41:36 this fucking hat on him all the time? That was our lifeline. Like what are they fucking doing? That was literally all we had to hold on to. Yeah. Okay, well. It isn't part of the movie, but it's not, maybe it comes back right now.
Starting point is 00:41:48 So his body comes back in, they kill the nurse and the orderly, I can't remember how, but probably very violently. Sure. And Art's head and body kind of go back together, I guess. Amazing. It's really incredible. That's so good.
Starting point is 00:42:05 It's like such a beautiful metaphor for how his mind and body are so deeply connected. Exactly. It's amazing. Yeah. And Vicki and Art now go to an abandoned building, set up shop. They start pulling out weapons. I don't know. They're just getting ready to wreak some havoc.
Starting point is 00:42:24 Got it. And Vicky is very enthusiastic. She seems to be annoying Art, which I thought was a little funny. She's just like, she can talk, Art can't talk. And so she's kind of chirping away, like, so excited to go kill some people. And he's kind of like, making these faces like, shut up. I've been doing this a lot longer than you.
Starting point is 00:42:52 And... I mean, that's pretty funny. It is funny. It is funny. That's what, like, the itchy and scratchy thing helps because, like, the tone of these movies is not, like, despair. Despair? It's comedy. And it's really fucked up comedy, it's comedy. And it's really fucked up comedy and it's disgusting.
Starting point is 00:43:08 And it's doesn't feel, we're not feeling good, but there is a constant comedic undercurrent to the whole thing. Okay. Vicky is in a bathroom. She looks at herself in the mirror. She's looking at her face. She's missing an eye.
Starting point is 00:43:29 Art was eating her face, so her face is like very fucked up. But she has one eye so she can see herself and she's basically lamenting like, Vicki, you used to be so hot. Now no one's gonna wanna fuck you. And then she starts smashing her face into the mirror. Some shards of glass fall down. She picks one up.
Starting point is 00:43:50 She gets into the bathtub of this bathroom. No, great. And she slits her wrists, which is not what she thought I was gonna say. No, it's not. I'm so relieved, but I'm not relieved yet because you said you did say something moments ago. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. But she slits her wrists and art goes up to the attic of this abandoned
Starting point is 00:44:15 home that they're in and sits in a little rocking chair facing the window. And according to Wikipedia, they lie dormant for the next five years. What? It's just a little title card that says, I think, five years later. So they just kind of sit there for five years. Pretty funny. That's hilarious. Oh, that's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:44:43 Just taking some time off. They need a little R and R. Interesting. Okay, sure. Unless I'm not understanding, but that's what Wikipedia says and Wikipedia is never wrong. Never wrong. Never wrong.
Starting point is 00:44:58 So five years later, we see Sienna being released from a psychiatric facility. She's obviously still extremely traumatized, has been in and out of psychiatric facilities over the past five years dealing with the after effects of Art the Clown killing a lot of her friends and her mom. And you know. It'd be bad.
Starting point is 00:45:20 It'd be pretty bad. She is picked up by her uncle Greg, and he tells her that her cousin, Gabby is very excited to see her. Gabby is like 12-ish. We see Gabby and she's like obsessed with Sienna. Sienna's like 25 or something, she's mid-20s, and so just the way a little like preteen girl
Starting point is 00:45:45 would be like, oh, my like older cousin. She just is like so excited to see her and it's unclear how much she knows about what has happened. I think she knows like something bad has happened, but not the details, one would hope. Oh, daddy, tell me about that, Killian. Tell me exactly what happened. How much salt did he pour on her skin body?
Starting point is 00:46:13 Then when they get back to her uncle's house, her aunt is there. Her aunt's name is Jess. She looks a lot like Selma Blair. It was really throwing me off like a cruel intentions era Selma Blair. Wow, cool for her. Looks, yeah, looks a lot like her. And it's also clear that it's been, it's become like pretty infamous.
Starting point is 00:46:34 Like this is like a true crime thing that Art the Clown has had these two killing sprees and people like know about it. They're very like tiptoeing around Sienna, like, are you okay? Clearly pretty worried about her. We jumped to see Jonathan, her brother, who is now in college,
Starting point is 00:46:50 and his college roommate is named Cole. Cole is hooking up with his girlfriend Mia, seems like the kind of roommate to not be respectful of a shared space. And Jonathan's about to excuse himself and be like, oh, sorry, I didn't mean to walk in on this. When his girlfriend Mia was like, no, no, no, no, wait, you're Jonathan, right?
Starting point is 00:47:14 Whatever his last name is. I'm like such a huge fan of the art to clown case. And like, I have a podcast. Oh God. A true crime podcast. And we would like love you to be a guest and like hear your side of the story, hashtag not all podcasters.
Starting point is 00:47:32 Yeah, like I hate how podcasters are portrayed in horror movies. We would never. There's like not an, there's an unfair representation of podcasters in the media I have to say between Halloween 2018. We are normal. Halloween 2018. It's fucked up.
Starting point is 00:47:47 It's honestly fucked up. It's really fucked up. We're three regular ladies. Who are good at keeping a calendar. Who are not weird. Totally normal, not weird at all. Normal. Just three normal gals.
Starting point is 00:47:57 Maybe we're not fucking weird. Wait, is someone saying we're weird? They better not be. Nobody could ever say that. Who would say I'm weird? So, Jonathan is obviously very uncomfortable with this, politely says no, but it's clear that Mia is, I don't know, just overly interested in his life.
Starting point is 00:48:18 Now we cut back to the house where Art and Vicky are lying dormant. No further- They're just like covered in dust. They are covered in dust and cobwebs. Yes. Okay, that's funny. No explanation given there. So they were lying dormant.
Starting point is 00:48:36 And none needed. So she survived? Yeah. No, none needed. They've been through a lot. And also it speaks to what all of us want. All of us want to just sit somewhere for five years. Just five years off to lay down.
Starting point is 00:48:47 Just to lay down. To just sit in a rocking chair. Completely still, not rocking. Get covered in dust and cobwebs. Amazing, sure. And I think they're about to tear the house down or something, some construction workers are arriving and they're having to clear the house out
Starting point is 00:49:04 and so they go in and find a really horrible scene. It's not what you're expecting to find. They split up. There's two construction workers and they basically one's like, I'll go look at the attic. And one of them's like, I'll look in this bathroom. So one of them finds Vicky who is in a bathtub filled with blood, but the color is all very brown. Looks like she's in a bathtub of shit. It's so gross and nasty.
Starting point is 00:49:32 This bathroom is absolutely filthy. And he's like getting in her face looking at her like, what the fuck? I think he's calling for help. Somebody down here. When she comes back to life, she still has that shard of glass in her hand, whips it out and stabs him through the throat with it. Kills him. We see Art upstairs in his rocking chair.
Starting point is 00:49:58 The other construction workers really freaked out approaching him because it's a man in a clown costume. It looks very much like a man in a clown costume. It looks very much like a man in a clown costume. And he's calling to his other guy, come up here, his other guy we know is dead. And Art wakes up, grabs him, throws him to the ground as Vicki arrives upstairs to watch the show. She's cheering and cheering. And Art, I can't remember, I think he has a knife at this point. He finds a knife, chops off all this construction worker's fingers, pierces his hand to the ground with one of the knives, peels his scalp off. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:42 And then while this is happening, you guessed it. No, no. Vicki starts masturbating with that shard of glass and we're seeing blood dripping down onto the floor and she's going faster and faster. And of course, at the moment that art kills this construction worker, she climaxes. Of course she does. Okay, she's having a good time. You know what? To each his own. To climaxes, of course she does.
Starting point is 00:51:06 Okay, she's having a good time. You know what? To each his own. To each his own. Oh, Henley, no. Each his own. Hold on. There's no kink shaming here. No kink shaming here.
Starting point is 00:51:18 If you want to masturbate with a shard of glass. I don't think you should. Even if you want to, I don't think you should. You should not. You should not, but to each his own. No! No! Not right now.
Starting point is 00:51:31 Not with this. To each, not this. Not this for anybody, unfortunately. Yeah, of course, of course. I agree. I'm just trying to see the good in this movie and I'm gonna do that the whole time. I'm gonna do that the whole time. I'm gonna do that the whole time.
Starting point is 00:51:46 Ah. So now they, there's like a lot of abandoned buildings in these movies, so it's hard to tell really where they are. Where do they take place? Does it matter? I can't remember and no. All right. They find another abandoned building
Starting point is 00:52:07 to set up a little workshop in with mallets and chainsaws. Art finds a can of liquid nitrogen, like almost like a fire extinguisher type thing filled with liquid nitrogen. There's rats everywhere. They're adorable. Oh, the cutest rats you've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:52:24 About to like make some quick ice cream out of just regular milk. Cause yeah, we're gonna use the liquid nitrogen for, he's gonna be a little shed. It's not gonna be anything bad. Wait, is that the part, same way that you had heard about that you hated? Yes.
Starting point is 00:52:36 Okay. But there is a part that rivals it. Great. Emily, you look like, you look so much like Tom Cruise in Magnolia right now to me. Thank you so much. Like, I keep looking at you and being like, holy shit, how is it she looks more and more like him?
Starting point is 00:52:52 Thank you so much. It's amazing. You really do. You really do. Thank you. Not anyone could pull that off. Not anyone. Not anyone.
Starting point is 00:53:00 I was really trying to think about- Not a single person. Like, how I could find a way to, like like make my teeth be off center in the same way. Oh, interesting. You didn't want to like give them a little knock. Yeah, just move them around a little bit. Just really commit. You get like Invisalign to do the opposite thing.
Starting point is 00:53:18 Yeah. Nine months in advance to really commit to the bit. Shift all my teeth. Just offset like a couple centimeters. It's a big commitment. Anyway, thank you so much, Henley. I just wanted to point that out. So while Art is playing with his liquid nitrogen, Vicki is sewing herself a costume to match Art's,
Starting point is 00:53:38 it's the black and white clown costume. She wants to match her man, little couple's costume, and he's messing around with the liquid nitrogen, sprays one of the rats, freezes it, and so in a way it kind of does make a little popsicle. He holds the rat by the tail and smashes it on the table. It's now frozen solid, and this is pretty nasty. It's like a little meat popsicle, and so the outside starts chipping out, and you just, it's like a little meat popsicle. And so the outside starts, starts chipping out and you just see it's kind of frozen insides. Again, all this stuff looks really good.
Starting point is 00:54:12 So they're preparing to do some, some cool stuff over there. We cut back to Sienna at the family's house, having a little family dinner. And in the middle of dinner, she starts hallucinating one of her dead friends, Brooke, who was killed by Art the Clown, who in her hallucination is sitting next to Gabby,
Starting point is 00:54:36 screaming at her to pass the rice. And she's like ignoring it, not responding to it. And the hallucination of Brooke is basically saying like, it's your fault, we're all dead. The least you could do is pass the fucking rice and like banging. And it's clear that this has been going on for a while with Sienna. She's like doing her best not to react to it because she knows she will look crazy. If she does, she like knows it's not real, but it's still scary. And her aunt and uncle do kind of notice
Starting point is 00:55:09 that she seems really uneasy all of a sudden and she's just freezing up and they're asking her if everything's okay. And she's like, yeah, everything's fine. Everything's fine. And eventually she excuses herself from the table. Very traumatized, very traumatized. Yeah, that's so sad.
Starting point is 00:55:27 We see now a mall Santa at bar, the end of the night. Bartender, mall Santa and one other guy just having a drink, having a laugh. I'm going to need more wine for whatever is happening next. Mall Santa is immediately spiking sadness within my heart. Yeah. Aw. Art arrives and...
Starting point is 00:55:56 He's gonna put everyone out of their misery. He's so excited to see Santa and he's jumping up and down going, oh, oh, but silently, obviously he can't make noises. He's just like, so to see Santa and the two, the bartender and the other guy are like, what the fuck? And the mall Santa for some reason is like, yeah, it happens a lot. Like guys, these people get pretty excited to see me. He's got to get the full sense. There's a totally regular occurrence for me. Every part of it. We got to see, oh, come over here, Mr. Clown.
Starting point is 00:56:25 Like, what can I do for you today? And art is just acting like he's seeing a celebrity. He sits on his lap and he tugs on his beard a little bit, but it's a real beard. And he's like, this is real. And the artist is just bowled over by this, just like, oh my God, this is real. And he's like, oh, I'm so excited.
Starting point is 00:56:44 I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. He sits on his lap and he tugs on his beard a little bit, but it's a real beard and he's like, this is real. And the artist is just bowled over by this, just like, oh my God, this is the real Santa. And the mall Santa is very charmed by art and says, I wanna buy a round of drinks. I wanna buy a round of drinks for everybody. Let's get this clown a drink complimentary in a nice way.
Starting point is 00:57:03 everybody, let's get this clown a drink, complimentary in a nice way. So they get a round of shots and art takes the shot and immediately spits it like spit takes it in Santa's face. Like I don't think he's had alcohol before, so he's like disgusted by it. It's kind of the vibe. And so now, now the interaction sours, obviously, while Santa gets mad and is yelling at him. And then art doesn't move and instead starts urinating and peas on Santa's lap. Santa eventually gets up, what the fuck, what the fuck is wrong with you, man? Art gets big eyes like, oh, what did I do?
Starting point is 00:57:49 Runs to his little, he, in the previous films, instead of having like a red velvet Santa sack, he has been carrying around just a black garbage bag for the first two movies that he carries all his weapons and shit in. And so he runs over to his garbage bag for the first two movies that he carries all his weapons and shit in. And so he runs over to his garbage bag. And as Santa's coming up to him to fight him presumably, cause he just peed on him.
Starting point is 00:58:14 And the bartender is running over to try to deescalate the situation. Clearly things are getting a little bit out of hand and Art pulls out a gun from the sack, shoots the bartender, shoots the other patron at the bar, and leaves Maul Santa alive, who puts his hands up, and is like, hey man, hey man, we can figure something out, you don't need to do that, you don't need to kill me.
Starting point is 00:58:38 And then I think Art knocks him out, and he wakes up tied to a chair, you hate to see it. He cannot move. And Art pulls out that can of liquid nitrogen. He sprays him on a leg. God damn it. And it looks so painful. It's freezing a leg. God damn it.
Starting point is 00:59:07 And it looks so painful. It's freezing his leg. He's screaming in pain. Ow. And then he pulls out a hammer and just starts hammering the leg. So it's like breaking apart like ice. Oh no, this is a whole new- Chunks of blood ice.
Starting point is 00:59:22 It's, ooh, it's so nasty. This is a whole new way Chunks of blood ice. It's, ooh, it's so nasty. This is a whole new way to remove a limb for Emily. Which is what you've gotta appreciate and respect. Yeah. It is, I do, you know, anytime someone dies... It's impressive. A new way, you gotta just take a little moment to be like, oh.
Starting point is 00:59:42 Oh. I haven't seen that before. This should be in the Louvre. This should be in the Louvre. This should be in the Louvre. Fuck the Louvre. Yeah. What terrifying three being in the Louvre have turned it around for you?
Starting point is 00:59:52 Yeah. Yeah. He then sprays his hands, same thing, we're just seeing various body parts being frozen and then smashed away like broken glass as he's screaming in pain. And finally, he sprays him in the face and then grabs his beard and rips it off his face and rips off a lot of his face with it. And we see his eye still darting back and forth, but his face is completely frozen still.
Starting point is 01:00:29 So it's like a skinless face with these eyes darting back and forth. And this is why I bookmarked the finger in the beard earlier is because it's not a finger in the beard, it's skin from this man's face. He's wearing another man's beard. Oh, oh, so that... Okay. Interesting. I mean, I think realistically,
Starting point is 01:00:50 you would be passed out from shock at this point. You don't think you would be conscious through this amount of physical trauma. I would truly hope so. But I also hope no one will ever know the answer. I hope that as well. Yeah. Oh, boy. OK, so this is all before he goes to see the family. Yeah, I think the family thing happens like now ish. So, yeah, the opening scene is actually takes place in the middle of the movie.
Starting point is 01:01:18 OK. All right. We cut back to Sienna, who is going to visit Jonathan in college. And they meet in like the cafeteria. Jonathan and Sienna are sitting together. Sienna's, it's clear that their relationship is strained. He's trying to move on with his life, but he was there for all of it. So he's like the only person that believes her. I think a lot of people don't fully believe her because she said she like decapitated a guy and then his body was never found and she was the only one at all of the crime scenes. And so there's some suspicion on her and Jonathan is the only one that knows for sure what happened
Starting point is 01:02:02 because he was there for it, but he's still trying to kind of put it behind him, but he's sympathetic to her. So they're having this emotional reunion and then Mia comes out of the woodwork to be like, Oh my God, Sienna, is that you? Like you, both of you have to come on the podcast. People are dying to know how you've been coping. Not great, Mia. Sienna loses her shit and says how I've been coping. Like I hallucinate all my dead friends. Like a lot of people don't believe me
Starting point is 01:02:37 and just screams at her and says, you guys are all leeches, you're leeches. Cause the big scene, understandably, but she's the one that ends up looking crazy in it. And everyone's like, oh, what's this girl's deal? But Cole, Mia's boyfriend is kind of like, Mia, what the fuck? That was a little much.
Starting point is 01:03:03 So Jonathan and Sienna have another, she runs off and he follows her, I think. And she's still really struggling, obviously. And he's like, I can't do this. I can't have this be my life still. We need to move on. And she does a little turn where she's like, oh boy, genius, you're too fucking good for me now.
Starting point is 01:03:23 Oh no. You're in college, you're too fucking good for me now. Oh no. You're in college and you're too fucking good. And he's immediately like, he's like, I felt that in my bones. I felt that in my bones. He's like, what? And she's like, I'm sorry, that was really mean. Like I'm really proud of you. It was a very funny little moment. And so he's trying to encourage her that they need to move on with their lives and put the past behind them. They're still, I think, under the impression that Art is dead, at least Jonathan is,
Starting point is 01:03:54 maybe Sienna is having some feelings that he might still be around some paranoia, but neither of them obviously saw Vicky giving birth to Art's head. Right, sure. And so in their minds, he would be dead. That said, Sienna brings up that Jonathan, a couple years following that incident, the decapitating Art, Jonathan sent her letters doing more research into his dad's comic books and theories about Art the Clown.
Starting point is 01:04:25 And this is where we get a little bit more of the lore, where he's like, demons can re-enter the world through vessels, like Vicky. But it's never really, it's like, it's confusing and we don't really need it. But basically the purpose of the scene is for Sienna to say to Jonathan,
Starting point is 01:04:45 I know that you know something is still up and Jonathan is reluctant to admit, but it's obviously something they're both nervous about. So Arthur Clown is for sure a demon that came from another dimension. For sure. He's not like... For sure. Yeah, I mean... He's not like... For sure. Yeah, I mean, I mean...
Starting point is 01:05:05 He's not like a human that's just really fucked up and had some kind of curse put on them or something. No, he's a demon from another dimension. Okay. Yeah, he's a demon. But that's all we really get. For sure he's a demon. Yeah, he's for sure a demon.
Starting point is 01:05:19 For sure? 100%. 100%. It's for sure. He's 100% a demon. He's It's for sure. It's 100% demon. It is a demon for sure. And because they still have this lingering fear about art returning, Sienna says, I have to go back to the terrifier. Terrifier is a ride. The finale in terrifier two takes place in a carnival The finale in Terrifier 2 takes place in a carnival,
Starting point is 01:05:49 and the sword was left at the ride the Terrifier. Okay. Okay. So she goes back to retrieve it, off camera, comes back to her aunt and uncle's house with the sword wrapped as a gift, and she puts it under the Christmas tree. Oh, beautiful. Gabby walks in and sees it at this moment,
Starting point is 01:06:09 says that for me, Gabby, they've been kind of showing us that she's a little bit of a snoop. She's trying to read Sienna's diary a lot, which she doesn't- Gabby, you don't wanna look in there. You don't wanna do that. Gabby, that is the least fun diary you could read.
Starting point is 01:06:26 You're not gonna be okay about that, Gabby. Put it down. But she's spying on this president of the tree. She's getting very excited. Oh my God, what is that? Some sort of magical sword. I might get some of this stuff out of order. I can't remember, but I think the next day
Starting point is 01:06:43 they go to the mall to do some Christmas shopping, Sienna and Gabby, she's gonna take her out. Aunt Jess and Uncle Gary are a little, or Greg are a little stressed about it, but she's been taking her meds, so she'll be okay. So they're at the mall shopping when Sienna sees someone in a Santa costume kind of covered in blood They're at the mall shopping when Sienna sees someone
Starting point is 01:07:09 in a Santa costume kind of covered in blood wearing fingerless gloves underneath. And she starts immediately having a panic attack. I think he's wearing a Santa mask. So you can't see that art's face, but she knows in her bones this is art. And he turns to her, maybe he takes off the mask, I can't remember, but waves at her. She panics, says, we gotta go, we gotta get out of here.
Starting point is 01:07:31 Gabby, like ring up your purchases. Gabby, ring up your purchases. And they leave the mall. We see the mall Santa at this mall, different mall Santa, obviously, taking a break saying, okay, we got to pause for a bit. I'm gonna take my break.
Starting point is 01:07:47 So we put the little red velvet rope up. Kids will be back in 10. He leaves. Oh boy. Art the Clown in his newly stolen Santa costume. More kids. Gets in that Santa throne and starts beckoning towards the children.
Starting point is 01:08:09 Come on up kids, I'm Santa now, I'm Descenta now. And they all got that reference, the kids included. They're huge Captain Phillips fans. It's his only line in the movie that he speaks aloud. It's crazy, he never says anything except, Did you guys hear the Santa? He's doing Captain Phillips. It's so funny. We love it when he does that.
Starting point is 01:08:33 Who doesn't love Tom Hanks? All these kids love Tom Hanks. Obviously, they've seen this entire filmography. Tom Hanks, Santa, Jesus Christ. They're all the same person. Exactly. Santa, Jesus Christ, they're all the same person. Exactly. So Art is calling kids up to sit on his lap and the first kid comes up, he reaches into his bag, which I think is now the red velvet Santa bag,
Starting point is 01:08:54 a little more welcoming. And he reaches in and he pulls out a doll, a little American girl looking doll, hands it to this little girl. We're shocked. He has some dolls in there too. She runs off happy. Oh my God, Santa's so great.
Starting point is 01:09:10 By the way, he's not wearing the Santa mask anymore in this moment. He's Art the Clown in the face and Santa in the body. Oh my God. It's terrifying. Yeah. Terrifier. Does he still have a dead man's beard on his face?
Starting point is 01:09:23 Yes, he does. With skin in it? Yes, he does. With skin in it? Yes, and blood. And there's like blood. Ew. Every part of the Santa outfit that's white has like blood stains on it. And the parents are like, yeah, go sit on his lap. No, the parents are like, what is happening?
Starting point is 01:09:35 They are calling security. But the kids are just so excited for Santa that they're all running for him, grabbing gifts out of the Santa bag. Not true. That's not true. Kids hate strangers and they hate being put on a stranger's lap even if they look like Santa. Especially a scary...
Starting point is 01:09:49 It would never happen. ...scary stranger Santa who's covered in blood. And so, security's being called. They realize, obviously, this is not the mall Santa. A security guy goes and escorts him out and he silently is throwing a little tantrum, being like, oh. You guys, this is audio medium obviously,
Starting point is 01:10:14 so you can't see Sammy's acting, but it's so good. It's really good. She's good at being Arthur. David Howard Thornton is honestly undeniably incredible in this role. For me, it's like Freddy Krueger level silliness and just embodying this character 100%. He's just giving it everything. And again, I respect it. I respect the hell out of it.
Starting point is 01:10:37 Yeah. Sure, sure. Me too. So he's escorted away. Some of the parents are still like calling out for their kids, Timmy, another Timmy. And we see little Timmy with a little present and he's so excited and he's unwrapping it. It's like a shoebox size thing and he lifts the top off. What do you guys think it is? Is it like the forearm of the Santa
Starting point is 01:11:11 that he liquid nitrogened off? No, okay. I think it's, I want it to be a Jack in the box that when it comes out, it's like a huge knife that knives through the face. Oh, that's a good idea. That could also be it. I thought it was gonna be a limb of some sort, for sure I thought like a hand.
Starting point is 01:11:35 It's a bomb, it explodes and kills so many children. We've all seen it before, a bomb. A bomb. I really wasn't expecting it. That's funny. And explodes and they all die. Oh, yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:11:51 Oh, yeah. Lots of kids in the vicinity. Oh, great. Wait, I just wanted to, I looked this up real fast. I need to show you guys and I don't care if you don't care. I'm showing you anyway. It's a picture of me on the lap of a Santa Claus, looking so excited, but you can't really tell.
Starting point is 01:12:09 That's really cute. The eyes of the Santa Claus, he's so stoned and drunk out of his mind. And also you'll see me, I'm 10 years younger than my sister and seven years younger than my brother who have been forced to sit on Santa's lap as well. Those look like 17 year olds to sit on Santa's lap as well. 17 year old sitting adults on Santa's lap.
Starting point is 01:12:28 Full adults, but I'm forced to do it. Oh wait, you really can't tell, but he's the picture of the Santa Claus. His eyes are bright red and he literally looks like this. Incredible. Anyway, so that's how I think about Moll Santas. Me living my best goddamn life, biggest bow in my hair you've ever seen.
Starting point is 01:12:51 Better than art, glad it wasn't art. Glad it wasn't art. I mean, the only reason I can talk to you today is because it wasn't art. That's true, thank God. A lot to be thankful for. It was a lot to be thankful for. That is a doornail.
Starting point is 01:13:03 So back at Sienna's aunt and uncle's house, she realizes that Gabby has read her diary and is like, Gabby, I told you not to do that. Gabby's so upset. Like, oh my God, did all those horrible things really happen? And she says, I don't know. Sometimes I can't tell what's real and what's not,
Starting point is 01:13:23 but don't worry about any of that. And that's why you shouldn't read things I tell you not to read. Sienna is like, really cares about Gabby as we are shown that she's like a very, she's trying to be very protective of Gabby and Gabby just keeps getting into things. Well, Gabby, you might learn your lesson.
Starting point is 01:13:45 You might. Yeah, she will. She's not long for this world. She might. She might. Okay. So they're downstairs and breaking news, mall explosion, lots of kids killed,
Starting point is 01:14:02 a clown man dressed up as Santa was on the scene. And now we don't know where he is, et cetera, et cetera. Sienna freaks out. She's, I knew it was him, I knew it was him. Jess and Greg are immediately like, no, sorry, you're just crazy actually. Like you need to calm down. Maybe it's time for you to go back to the mental hospital.
Starting point is 01:14:28 That was just a regular mall explosion. Yeah. And a regular clown killing kids. You're being pretty dramatic about all the kids that are just like. Really being dramatic about the clown seen at the explosion at the mall. So many clowns are killing people these days, you know.
Starting point is 01:14:43 Who gives a shit. It's probably not the same clown. It was honestly not even that big of a deal. Not that big of a deal. But she does not stop screaming and she says, Jonathan's not safe. We need to go get Jonathan. If you're not gonna let me go get him,
Starting point is 01:14:56 like you go get him. Jonathan needs to be here. We need to all be together so that we can take care of each other. And eventually they agree and say, okay, okay, if like that's what you want, Greg, her uncle is like, I'll go get Jonathan. She's like, okay, thank you.
Starting point is 01:15:13 Meanwhile, we see Art arriving at Jonathan's college. Oh, man. Wait, where is Vicki, by the way? Where is she? She's like with Art sometimes. Okay, who cares? I don't care. I don't care.
Starting point is 01:15:29 I'll call her out when she's there, you know? Otherwise I don't know what she's doing. Resting? She's lying dormant maybe? She's lying dormant. She's just. Great. We see Cole and Mia in Jonathan's room having an argument.
Starting point is 01:15:43 Bye Mia. About what a bitch Mia was being earlier. And Mia's like, sorry, it's just like so crazy. It would be so, I just wanna know what it would be like to look into Art the Clown's eyes and see that kind of evil. Oh, you wanna know? Like, what does that feel like? Be careful what you wish for, girl.
Starting point is 01:16:02 We see Art in the hallway. God is always listening. He was dropping. Or Art girl. We see art in the hallway. God is always listening. Or the clown. One in the same. And he's like feeling very flattered by this intrigue with him. And he's like, oh man, she wants to see me. And Cole says like, sounds like you want to fuck him.
Starting point is 01:16:21 She's like, I don't want to fuck him. And then we see art be like, oh, she doesn't want to fuck me. Like's like, I don't want to fuck him. And then we see Art be like, oh, she doesn't want to fuck me? Like. Humor. It's so funny. And. It's nonstop comedy.
Starting point is 01:16:31 Cole and Mia go to have sex in the dorm room showers and Art the Clown enters the bathroom with a chainsaw clown enters the bathroom with the chainsaw and smashes through the glass shower door with the chainsaw, attacks them both, again, slicing some fingers off of Cole's hands as he's putting his hands up defensively trying to protect himself, just getting hands sliced with chainsaw. And then Art slices one of his legs off, basically at the knee. And so he falls and then is kind of trying to crawl away. Art focuses his attention now on Mia, who is screaming,
Starting point is 01:17:19 but also a little bit like, oh, I can't believe this is happening to me. This is actually Art. Mia, you fucking loser. little bit like, Oh, I can't believe this is happening to me. This is actually art. And art, uh, I think like slashes her a few, few, few times with the chainsaw, which you don't want to get slashed a few times with the chainsaw. Even once is too many times to get slashed with the chainsaw. So she's looking pretty fucked up, but not dead. And he, up until this point, had been wearing decorative Christmas tree glasses that were covering his eyes.
Starting point is 01:17:51 And at this moment, he takes the glasses off, gives her a big smile and stares into her eyes, just like she wanted. And then he cuts her in half hamburger style. Oh, hamburger style. Hamburger style. Interesting. Okay.
Starting point is 01:18:08 Then. That's making me realize we haven't had a hot dog. Not yet. So, Cole is crawling away. He's missing a leg, he's missing most of his fingers, trail of blood behind him, Art comes up with the chainsaw, shoves it between his legs.
Starting point is 01:18:30 He's ass up now. And so we see this chainsaw like cutting through his butt cheeks, going up, up, up. And then I think at some point, Cole flips over again to defend himself. Cole buddy. It's still alive.
Starting point is 01:18:47 It's still alive. It's over dude. It's so over. You're so done. It's so over. But this, and I appreciate it, we see Dick get chopped in half. Now we see the front side of this chainsaw
Starting point is 01:19:01 just slicing through his penis. And then obviously he dies eventually as it moves up his torso. So not a full split through the head. He doesn't like split in half, but I'd say he's split from like dick to throat. Right. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 01:19:23 You know? What's it called when you like open up a spatchcock? Spatchcock or chicken? I was thinking the same thing. He got spatchcocks. It's a good spatchcocky. That's a spatchcock salchil. Spatchcock salchil. Not hot dog. It's a spatchcock.
Starting point is 01:19:40 Whoa. Oh, God. Poor Cole. He was innocent in this whole situation. No one else was. But Cole was. Yeah, another one for the hot dog style Hall of Fame. I mean, Terrifier 1. Smashcock. I'd say it's. Smashcock Hall of Fame.
Starting point is 01:19:57 Yeah, okay, yeah, maybe it's a different list. It's close to hot dog. I'd call Dick to throw it hot dog. It's the Simbone Tomahawk for me and Terrifier 1. I mean, it's close to hot dog. I'd call Dick to throw it hot dog. It's the Simbontamahawk for me and Terrifier 1. Those are the ones, but. So it's really, it's about starting at the crotch that is what does it for you.
Starting point is 01:20:15 I think for me, for me it's better that way. And I can see why. It's more torture. Cause if you start with the head, they died immediately. Yeah. And it's also like. You say that so confidently with blood all around your mouth. It does.
Starting point is 01:20:33 As with the spatchcocking, it's a natural split point. Yeah. The head is just one thing. Oh, right, right, right. You wanna start where the, yes. That's a great point. More of a natural line to follow.
Starting point is 01:20:47 Mm-hmm. Yeah. So, anyway, I guess I'm not so worried right now because I now feel confident that in, I don't know, minutes, days, weeks, I will forget literally every single thing about this movie. Maybe. There's more, isn't there?
Starting point is 01:21:06 There's more. She's saying that as a fucking gauntlet thrown. So whatever's coming next, we'll remember on our deathbeds. Oh God, I really hope not. But maybe. All right. We cut to Greg now,
Starting point is 01:21:22 the street outside of Jonathan's dorms, calling him saying, Jonathan, I'm here where you said to meet you. And we hear Jonathan's voice saying, you are? What? I can't even, I can't see you. Where are you? And this is something that also happened in previous Terrifier films that Art the Clown can impersonate voices over the phone.
Starting point is 01:21:47 And so we know some things up here. We cut back to Sienna at home taking a nap. Sure. Oh, God, I love when people can just nap in these horror movies. It's amazing how they can do that. Just going from the most freaked out she's ever been in her life. Well, you know, honestly, it makes sense. I think it's like she She might've worn herself out.
Starting point is 01:22:05 Yeah, I think she just like expended so much energy being like, we're all gonna die, you didn't get out of here right now. I could see passing out after that and just being like, I'm so tired. So I'm back on board. And in her sleep, she's having like dreams of the sword being crafted in the depths of hell
Starting point is 01:22:28 by demons and also Jesus-type figures and other religious iconography, and she's seeing her dad drawing pictures of her as this warrior princess with the sword and also like huge tits. Which is where I'm like, a little inappropriate because this is when, I think like 10 at the time that her dad gives her this drawing. And someday my girl, you'll have huge tits. Well, also didn't they say he was abusive?
Starting point is 01:23:13 So like he's not a good guy, right? Someone for sure did say that offhand, but I don't, and I could be forgetting it. Maybe it's more explored in number two. I don't remember any scene where we explicitly see anything happen, but they do say it, and so it must, but yeah, I can't remember. So I think it's a borderline abusive
Starting point is 01:23:34 to draw your daughter with huge tits and give it to her. That's for sure, it's weird. I think that's not okay. It's incredibly, incredibly bad to do that. So he doesn't seem... I'll come out and say, I think that's not okay. It's incredibly, incredibly bad to do that. So he doesn't seem... I'll come out and say, I think it's weird whenever men free-form draw women with your shit.
Starting point is 01:23:52 Yeah, you're right, at all. I think it's weird. No, you're right. I think it's all... At all. It's always weird. It's always weird. No, you're so right.
Starting point is 01:24:04 That's why, no, that's why men love. A really prominent part of your drawing is huge tits. It's like, right? The only people allowed to draw huge tits are me in second grade in my self-portrait. Sammy, it was fine when you did it. This is what goes unsaid about people who loves comic books or graphic novels.
Starting point is 01:24:24 It's like really what you're just saying. Like what you were actually saying is you just love drawing women with big tits. That's all that is. If I'm noticing the tits in your drawing first, they're too big. You've done something weird and bad. You just have. You just have. Yeah, yeah. And you don't want that person to be your dad, for sure. You really don't. You really, really don't.
Starting point is 01:24:50 That's the worst of all. That's the worst of all. So he's not a great dad. We can feel that for sure. But he does seem to be having some sort of premonitions about this sword, that there's some validity to, that they are trying to explore further, but it's pretty weird and loose. I mean, I think it's a little bit of a shame that he's not a great dad.
Starting point is 01:25:03 I mean, I think it's a little bit of sword, that there's some validity to, that they are trying to explore further, but it's pretty weird and loose. She wakes up from her nap, and because there's noises downstairs, she goes to investigate, and it is Art and Vicky. Oh no. Back together again. Back together again.
Starting point is 01:25:23 I think Art is still in his Santa costume, but I can't quite remember. Vicki is in her Art costume, and Greg, Uncle Greg's headless body is pinned to the wall with his stomach slashed open, and intestines pouring out, blood written on the wall, ho ho ho. Oh right, it's a Christmas movie. It's a Christmas movie, it's Christmas time.
Starting point is 01:25:48 And Art sees Sienna coming down the stairs and I think pretty quickly knocks her out with a mallet, itchy and scratchy style, like a big comically big wooden mallet. She wakes up tied up. Across from her Aunt Jess, who's also tied up across from her aunt Jess, who is also tied up. They both have duct tape over their mouths. They're tied to chairs.
Starting point is 01:26:11 Where's Jonathan? We don't know. There's something in between them. There's a little table between them with a wrapped something size of a globe. Not a gun, a gun. No, a little bigger, a big globe sized bomb. A globe sized something. And now Vicky is able to, well, I guess she's always been able to talk, but she's now acting
Starting point is 01:26:40 as Art's mouthpiece. They do this effect on her voice that's kind of her voice plus a man's voice, kind of demonic sounding. So clearly she's channeling Art at this point and she's taunting Jess and Sienna who are screaming. And I think she takes off their duct tape and basically says like, if you keep screaming, I'm gonna kill you, so shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 01:27:09 So they're all quiet, crying. If you stop screaming, I'm gonna kill you. Yeah, they're gonna kill you. Yeah. That's really the only way I see this ending. Yep. We see Art going to Greg's body, pulling intestines out by the fistful
Starting point is 01:27:26 and running over to the Christmas tree, wrapping them around the Christmas tree. And the tree topper is Greg's decapitated head. Gorgeous, that would be too heavy for the top of the tree. Very sturdy. Immediately, I've taken out of the movie, immediately. That wouldn't happen. I don't know, I buy art's ingenuity
Starting point is 01:27:48 that he'd be able to make it work. Maybe he hollered it out. Yeah. As he's kind of wrapping the intestines around, he slaps Sienna with the intestines a few times. And. Just you say that so calmly. Then he slaps her a few times. And just you say that so calmly. Benny slaps her a few times. Yep. And Jess now says to Sienna, I'm so sorry. I love you. And I think she's kind of realizing that she's going to die, obviously.
Starting point is 01:28:25 And so she says to Sienna, who is also completely tied up, kill them both and make them both suffer. And Vicky says, you first, and unwraps the globe sized gift in between them. unwraps the globe sized gift in between them. It is a bird cage type thing with a skull inside of it being eaten by rats, like freshly eaten. So it just has like mostly just skin and rats around it. I mean, it's too much.
Starting point is 01:28:59 And she's of course like, it's Gabby, you, your daughter. This is her. Oh. So Jess is screaming and screaming and screaming. That sucks. Art comes in with a plastic, a clear plastic tube that's about four to five inches in diameter. Okay, why did she say that so specifically?
Starting point is 01:29:29 Possibly up to six inches and it's a couple feet long and they press Jess's mouth open and shove this plastic tube in it and use that huge mallet to hammer it into her mouth, breaking her like teeth and jaw so that it's stabbed into her lower half of her face. This is literally awful. I just want you guys to know right now,
Starting point is 01:29:59 I want you guys to know right now, I'm opting out of the trailer. It's not happening. Well, it's probably not in the trailer. Don't worry. I don't care, I'm out of the trailer. It's not happening. I'm not watching it. Don't worry. I don't care. I'm not seeing the trailer. Okay.
Starting point is 01:30:09 Not a second of it. All right. Okay. So then it gets worse. They put the rats in the tube. Yeah, they do. And light a torch at the end. Yeah, yeah they do. And light a torch at the end, so it's hot at one end. So the rats have to run into Jess's mouth
Starting point is 01:30:33 to escape the fire. We're seeing them crawling down her throat, her throat bulging. Oh my God. I just fucked up my microphone. I'm like so not okay with this. This is bad. This is really bad.
Starting point is 01:30:49 This is crazy. For some reason involving live animals is somehow making it like so much worse than any other kind of weapon. Yeah, it's not good. This is the part that I was, I think most like, is really hard to watch. And then they eventually slit her throat
Starting point is 01:31:11 so that the rats all tumble out covered in blood. But thankfully she's at least dead now. Sienna, of course, has been watching all of this. She's seated right across from her. She's screaming. They take off her duct tape. Vicki is getting in her face saying, you're no savior.
Starting point is 01:31:35 Because there's also some of the mythology is that Sienna is like the angel to art's demon because of the sword. And her big tits. Her and her big tits and her big sword. Big tits. Vicky takes a crown of thorns and puts it on Sienna's head, really bangs it on there good.
Starting point is 01:31:54 So it's all stabbing into her head and bleeding, pouring blood down and... I didn't realize this is gonna have so much religious imagery. Feeling a little uncomfortable now. And then Vicki says we have a little confession to make. That's not Gabby. Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:32:18 And then art comes out with Jonathan's glasses and puts Jonathan's glasses on the little skull and it's Jonathan, which I feel like... Oh, that's sad. Really fucked up. I mean, obviously it's fucked up if it's Gabby too, but Jonathan just... That's really sad. Oh, well also how do we trust them?
Starting point is 01:32:40 You know, we don't know. Well, they have the glasses and I feel like... Yeah, I'm just glasses and I feel like. Yeah. I'm just trying to find the song. Yeah, I mean, yeah, maybe, maybe it's not, but they do walk in with Gabby. So Art is holding Gabby hostage now. So we see that Gabby is alive and they're about to kill her when Gabby,
Starting point is 01:33:06 Quick Thinker says, wait, Sienna hasn't opened her present yet. And Vicky says, well, that hardly seems fair. But I think by the way that they had been kind of opening all the presents in a very theatrical way of like, oh, present time Christmas. And so now little trick, we're gonna let Sienna open her gift.
Starting point is 01:33:28 And so Gabby says, it's the one behind the tree, the long skinny one. That's Sienna's gift. You should let her open it. You should let her open it. So this is where the snooping has really come in handy. Exactly. So it's actually a positive story of Snooping.
Starting point is 01:33:45 And so Vicky grabs the present, brings it to Sienna. I'm thinking, are they about to undo Sienna's binding? That seems very silly, because obviously she's gonna fight back. So silly me for thinking that they would be so silly. So silly me for thinking that they would be so silly. Art takes this huge mallet and smashes each of her hands to the point that she can pull it out of the bindings. Like they're like, all the bones are broken.
Starting point is 01:34:15 And so now she can pull them out. Soupy little hands. Soupy little hands. Oh, soupy. And so she's obviously in excruciating pain, but she's trying to open the gift and opening them with her soupy little hands, like trying to open wrapping paper
Starting point is 01:34:31 with like no bones in your hands. Soupy hands? Oh, it looks really tough. And... And then how are you gonna grab a sword? Well, with, you're an angel. Well, with you're an angel. Oh, with you're an angel. With you're an angel.
Starting point is 01:34:50 Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. And- Silly me, with you're an angel. She opens it, grabs that sword. It doesn't look like a tight grip, but she does what she's gotta do. With soup? tight grip, but she does what she's gotta do. With soup.
Starting point is 01:35:04 And she stabs Vicky and I believe decapitates her. Amazing. Vicky dies. Wow. Gabi, I think runs and hides as now Art and Sienna are facing off. Art grabs his chainsaw again. She's fighting back with her sword.
Starting point is 01:35:28 They're doing chainsaw to sword, which I think also happens in Mandy, which something else also happens in Mandy, kind of a crown of thorns type thing. There's also, they kind of mentioned that Gabi is the reason that Sienna is still has hope. Like the reason they can't fully defeat her yet is cause Gabby's still alive.
Starting point is 01:35:48 So there's still something like keeping her going. So they have to kill Gabby. So Sienna is fighting to protect Gabby. And they're in the dining room where Greg's body is hung on the wall with his intestines spilling out. And there's a moment where Art, I think they both dropped their weapons at some point. So now they're kind of doing hand to hand, soupy hand to soupy hand combat. And Art grabs the back of Sienna's head and shoves her face into the slit open stomach of her uncle. It's basically rubbing her face in his intestines.
Starting point is 01:36:27 Then as she like pushes him back, he pulls out some of Greg's intestines, starts strangling her with it. And then she chews through it. Oh God. Oh my God, the will to live, the will to live. The will to live. She's able to grab her sword again and she stabs Art,
Starting point is 01:36:50 pins him to the wall. Maybe she grabs a different knife because her sword is there later. Or maybe she just stabs him and he falls. But we've seen that while this fight was going on, Victoria's blood has been burning through the floor. Victoria. Victoria now.
Starting point is 01:37:07 Vicky. It's Vicky's. I know, when did that happen? Very formal and death. Vicky, Vicky, Vicky. She goes by both. It's either one works. And her blood has been burning through the floor
Starting point is 01:37:22 and her body eventually falls through the floor, opening up a portal to hell, we see red smoke and flames coming. Hell's right there. Hell's right there. Remember that, it's just right there. It's right there. It's literally right there.
Starting point is 01:37:39 Literally right below your floorboards. It's literally right there. It's literally right there. And, oh, there was one moment that I thought was funny. When you laugh, your wings go like this. Your little fucking devil wings. There's a moment when Sienna and Art are fighting that Gabby, I'm sorry that I think this is funny.
Starting point is 01:38:03 It's an itchy and scratchy type way. Gabby goes up to her mom Jess, who has a huge plastic tube down her throat and her throat slit and is like shaking her being like, mom, mom, she's the most dead anybody has ever been. Sorry, it's not. I think her dad is arguably more dead. That's true, that's true. Yeah, they're both extremely dead though.
Starting point is 01:38:23 They're both, I mean, you know, what's the point of comparing? They're both just as dead as one can be. And you're right, you're right, it's so funny. It's a little funny. So, but when this portal to hell opens, Gappy falls into it, is holding onto the edge of the floorboards, screaming for Sienna's help.
Starting point is 01:38:48 Sienna runs over, was trying to grab her to pull her up, but can't get her, can't get her. And was like, I know, grab the end of my sword. I'll grab the blade part of my sword and pull you up that way. Okay. With a blade slicing in through my hands, which is just like, they're not like in the middle of no, they're in a house, there's like lots of other stuff around.
Starting point is 01:39:16 You know what, try it all. Just the craziest thing to lower down, to try to lift her back up, just a sword and I'll grab the sword part and you grab the handle part. So she wants her hands to be soupy too. Her hands are already soupy. She's using her soupy hands on the sword blade. You're right, Tara.
Starting point is 01:39:35 I think Gabby was holding that. These hands are fucked up. Sienna's holding the soupy. These hands are soupy. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Sure. Yeah. So it doesn't work, if you can believe it.
Starting point is 01:39:54 And the sword and Gabi both fall into hell. Oh. Oh. And then the portal closes up. Sienna. Damn, dude. Fucking sucks, man. That fucking sucks for Sienna. It totally blows. This is like exactly what she didn't want to happen.
Starting point is 01:40:10 Yeah. And it happened. In every way. And it happened. And she's crying and in despair. And she looks down at her hands and they start magically healing. Suppy hands become hands. Wow.
Starting point is 01:40:30 Regular hands. This is a beautiful story of regeneration. Because the sword was returned to hell? I'm not sure, you know? It's really hard to know. Okay. Why anything really. She goes back to where she left Art.
Starting point is 01:40:47 He is of course gone with just a little bloody puddle left behind where she stabbed him. The window is open so it's clear he has escaped. We see him sitting at a bus stop nearby presumably waiting for the bus. Okay. Real public transportation guy taking subways, buses. Doesn't have a car.
Starting point is 01:41:12 We see a woman on the bus reading a book titled The Ninth Circle, which is a callback, I believe, to the first Art the Clown short film. It started as a short film that I think, I don't think it was called the Ninth Circle, maybe it was, but there's some reference there happening and Art gets on the bus, sits right across from her, smiles a big smile, and I think that's the end of the movie
Starting point is 01:41:42 or maybe he kills her and the bus driver, it's hard to say because of the amount of death, but I think he doesn't. I think he just looks at them really menacingly because he needs him to drive the bus still. He doesn't know how to drive, obviously. Obviously he has places to be. Yeah, wow.
Starting point is 01:41:58 Wow, I loved it so much. It was definitely the best terrifying film I've heard of. If I was to give my rankings, it would also be 312, 100%. Loved every second of it. There are no notes and I hope they keep making them and I hope people keep going and I hope that, I hope it keeps on, I hope so.
Starting point is 01:42:20 I think that it will. I think that it will. That being said, I won't see the trailer and I don't wanna talk about it will. I think that it will. That being said, I won't see the trailer and I don't want to talk about it anymore. I respect it. You know, I think because there's no real story to cling to. There's no story whatsoever. I think that's why they disappear from my brain.
Starting point is 01:42:48 Right. Because it's like, I don't know. It's just a collection of kill scenes. Just a collection of kills. And they did sound really bad. Yeah. But at the same time, what were they? Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:43:00 There's not a lot of- Oh, I already don't remember. There's not a lot of emotion attached to them because we don't care about these characters. Yeah. Do we care about Art the Clown either? Not really. I guess some of us think he's funny.
Starting point is 01:43:13 He's funny. And I like to see him having a good time. We love to see somebody love what they're doing. I love to see a clown specifically who loves what they do and they're having a lot of fun. Sure. Pennywise and art. I think. I like Pennywise better.
Starting point is 01:43:33 Yeah, Pennywise is really fun and really cool and really hot. Pennywise is cool. And hot, he's really fucking hot. Art is not hot. I'll come out and say that. Thank God I'm not attracted to art. I think he's funny, but I'm not attracted to art.
Starting point is 01:43:45 I think he's funny, but I'm not attracted to him. Are there any hot dads in this movie? I mean, Greg is kind of hot. Okay. I think that's it. All right. Yeah. Oh, God.
Starting point is 01:43:58 Yeah. I don't know what to say. Yeah, it's weird. Isn't it crazy that this is playing in theaters across America and making a lot of money and people are going to see it, teenagers sneaking into it instead of Wild Robot. Or they're going to go see Wild Robot.
Starting point is 01:44:15 We don't know for a fact which one they're seeing. That's true, that's true. It's just interesting. And again, there is a mosquito in my house. It's two on the nose. Everything is two on the nose. Oh no. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 01:44:35 I've had so many people ask me recently, like, why horror movies? That comes up a lot, especially amongst older generation of people who are so deeply unfamiliar with the idea of horror movies being popular. And I've had a lot of older people ask me recently when I have been forced to give up the fact that I do a horror podcast in a social situation that I would not have to,
Starting point is 01:45:05 wanna have to explain that to in other situations. Anyway, and it is interesting trying to explain it to people, because it's just a fact that people fucking love horror. They love Terrifier 3. I mean, it's what's making the box office survive. Yeah, it's a very fascinating snapshot of where we're at. Like we're just absolutely depraved little monsters
Starting point is 01:45:29 that are like, yeah, give me a terrifying thing. Give me more, give me more, give me more. But we also have always been depraved little monsters. Like it's like, it's, and it's, and it's for that reason that shit's having to get this crazy. Cause like we have to keep, humans will always keep innovating, you know? We're not going, we can't go backwards.
Starting point is 01:45:49 So if we are going to continue loving horror, we gotta come up with some new kills. So it has to keep getting more and more intense. Otherwise it's like, yeah, fucking seen that in Texas Chainsaw in the 70s, you know? Yeah. Yeah. We're freaks, man. The thing that I usually, not me,
Starting point is 01:46:09 the thing that I usually say that actually lands amongst this demographic, which is, I'm not saying the answer, but the one that lands normally, is that people need a controlled scenario to feel fear and that people feel fear all the time. This is the controlled scenario to feel it. And people have, like, a release from that. It's a release, and we've talked about the relationship
Starting point is 01:46:30 between horror and comedy, where there is just a moment of whether it's laughing or screaming. Like, they're both moments of release of, like, oh, I can put that emotion out there. Now it's not in me anymore. I also think too, like we will never get sick of love stories, right? Like every movie is either a horror movie
Starting point is 01:46:57 or a love story, right? Like there's, so I think it's something about like, we just are so curious about every part of the human experience. Yeah. Why do I, why, why when a horror movie happens, am I like, but like what happens though? Because I'd hate it, but I do need to know. And it's, we just need to... We need to know.
Starting point is 01:47:18 Be, we're just curious. And we're fuck, we're freaks, we're demented. Being alive is disgusting. So... We're freaks, we're demented, being alive is disgusting. Also, Sammy, you fucking, you just are so good at recapping movies. I was riveted that whole time. I was riveted. I was watching your bloody little mosquito mouth and tell me everything there was to know. And I loved every second of it, thank you.
Starting point is 01:47:41 You are welcome. And if anybody is listening after the fact on the main feed, the video will remain viewable on our Patreon. You might want to take a look. You might want to take a look. We look really, really good. We look really, really good.
Starting point is 01:47:58 We look extremely hot. Yes, hot, mostly. Yeah, it's important for you to know. Continue. How hot we look. Continue for you to know how hot we look. Continue to go viral for how hot we are. Oh my God, these girls are going viral again for being hot again. For being so fucking hot.
Starting point is 01:48:14 Yeah, you've already seen the video, obviously, because it's so hugely viral. But if you want to check it out, you know, back to its roots on the Patreon, you can, but obviously you've seen it by now. It's the biggest thing on the internet. I love you guys so much. I love you guys so much. I love you listeners so much.
Starting point is 01:48:42 I'm so thrilled. I hate mosquitoes. I'm so thrilled. I hate mosquitoes. I'm so thrilled. I hate mosquitoes. I hate the Louvre. I hate drawing cartoon drawings of women with big tits, but I love you guys. I love France.
Starting point is 01:48:56 I love pasta. Pasta. I love Halloween. I love Halloween. I love Tom Cruise. So, you know, there's a lot to love. Yeah, it's, there's. I'm really tired.
Starting point is 01:49:13 Life is full of ups and downs. Life is full of ups and downs. I, the thing about jet lag is. What time is it in Paris right now? Who knows? The thing about jet lag is like, on the one hand, I feel completely normal. And on the other hand.
Starting point is 01:49:32 Yep. Not so much. Not so much. It's like hard to entirely identify like why and how, except that I know it's true. Do you know what I mean? Yes. I'm speaking as if it's 3 a.m.
Starting point is 01:49:50 and I have had a big old night out, but I think it's worse than that, maybe worse. Oh, okay. Sammy's putting her glasses back on. Here we go. Close it out. Close it out. Close it out. I hit that so many times. Close it out, close it out. I hit that so many times. Close it out.
Starting point is 01:50:07 I mean, not a lot of voices in this one, but I mean, art kind of characteristically does not speak at all. So maybe I'll just say from all of us here at Too Scary to Watch. say from all of us here at Too Scary Didn't Watch. We did it. We made it. Thank you all for listening to another episode of Too Scary Didn't Watch. If you enjoy the show, please remember to subscribe and rate us on Spotify and Apple podcasts. Five stars only or we will haunt you.
Starting point is 01:50:45 And if you simply can't get enough of us, we have good news for you. We have lots of bonus content available on our Patreon at slash TSTW podcast. You'll get access to video trailer reactions, two bonus episodes a month, the power to vote for upcoming episodes and more. And last but not least, you can follow us on social media at TSTW Podcast. We'll be back next week with a new episode. We love you.

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