Toronto Mike'd: The Official Toronto Mike Podcast - 27 Club Jams: Toronto Mike'd #807

Episode Date: February 26, 2021

This 50th Pandemic Friday, Mike kicks out 27 Club jams Cam Gordon and Stu Stone....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Slipped dogs after dinner close their eyes on the howling waves. Kurt Cobain reincarnated size and licks his face. It's time now for Pandemic Fridays, starring Toronto Mike, Stu Stone, and Cam Gordon. Welcome to episode 807 of Toronto Mic'd, a weekly podcast about anything and everything. Proudly brought to you by Great Lakes Brewery, a fiercely independent craft brewery who believes in supporting communities, good times, and brewing amazing beer. CDN Technologies, your outsourced IT department. Contact Barb, she's Barb, at Palma Pasta, enjoy the taste of fresh homemade Italian pasta and entrees from Palma Pasta in Mississauga and Oakville.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Create custom stickers, labels, tattoos and decals for your home and your business. Ridley Funeral Home Pillars of the community since 1921. And Mike Majewski Or as I call him, Mimico Mike. of the community since 1921. And Mike Majeski, or as I call him, Mimico Mike. He's the real estate agent who's ripping up the Mimico real estate scene.
Starting point is 00:01:54 Learn more at Hi, Mike, from Yes. And joining me for this 50th Pandemic Friday is Cam Gordon. Hello. And Stu Stone. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. All right, you don't have your sound effects.
Starting point is 00:02:15 Hey, Mike, have you always played the song with lyrics when you read your ads? Am I crazy? Is this the first time I'm noticing that there's... I've always done it exactly that way since only the last 800 episodes. Yeah, it's very... You're not doing anybody any favors with that. No, you're hearing it through Zoom.
Starting point is 00:02:35 It's a little different how you hear it. I heard it differently then. Yeah, Zoom changes the way the audio is heard, but the way I record... I'll tell you what, though. What I did hear was a new sponsor. So I guess in my absence, there has been a new sponsor for the show. So can you just fill me in?
Starting point is 00:02:52 Okay. Well, Mimico Mike. Mimico Mike? Yeah. He literally sold VP of Sales, Tyler, his home in Mimico. And no joke, I say ripping up up the mimico real estate scene but when i do like i do a bike ride where i go through all the old streets of mimico he's all over the place this guy's kicking ass taking names in mimico and it's uh great to be partnered with
Starting point is 00:03:15 the guy mimico mike wow is he fiercely independent too or is that just Trouble and Fred and Great GLB? Is he offering guitar lessons, singing lessons, piano lessons? Dude will find you a great home in Mimico and take care of you. is where everybody goes. Let Mimico Mike know that
Starting point is 00:03:39 Toronto Mike sent you. I will. Stu Stone. Who's their, Stu? It looks like somebody. I just had some coffee delivered. Oh. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Classy. Hopefully the internet. Contactless delivery. There you go. So, Stu, how the hell has it been going? Give us an update on what you've been up to the last few weeks. Yeah, it's been really, really crazy. It's a crazy mixed-up world, crazy. It's a crazy mixed up world, guys.
Starting point is 00:04:06 It's a doggy dog world. There's a nice photo of me just winning in the chat room there. What have you been up to? I have been shooting. I've been working on the show Dark Side of the Ring for Vice season three. And it's been a dream gig for me. I've been traveling across the country of the United States of America during a pandemic. But getting the chance to spend three, four, five, six hours with some of the legends of the professional wrestling industry,
Starting point is 00:04:38 getting their stories, getting their insights and helping to put together what will be season three's episode so it's been a very exciting gig and uh traveling and uh seeing the different ways that people are taking uh the pandemic i guess it's very telling depending on which state you go in everybody's every state is is different yeah um florida being the most um relaxed i'll put it what no but uh i will say that i uh you know i'm safe we get tested every three days and you know it's the new normal for me is just like this type of work you know we wear a mask the whole day when we're working and you're constantly you know you gotta you gotta you got to keep avoiding it, right? But it's really wild, man. Florida's crazy.
Starting point is 00:05:28 Hey, Stu, when you wear a mask in Florida, let's say you're going into, I don't know, a Denny's or something, and you mask up to go in. Like, do people give you evil looks? Like, do they kind of like... There are more people wearing masks than not wearing masks inside the stores. That's for sure. In Florida? In Florida, yes. Okay. You have to
Starting point is 00:05:45 work. I think along with the new president came this mandate that, you know, to wear these masks and they do enforce it, but there are people that aren't wearing masks and there's definitely like bars and restaurants are like not wearing masks. Not that I would ever step foot into one, but it's just like, you wouldn't even even know but there are certain companies like aew takes it very seriously and uh you know we had had to get a covid test just to walk through the door of that place right they did a very unique like blood test like you go there they like prick your thumb you wait 10 minutes and it tells you whether you have covid or if you've ever had covid wow wow pretty pretty crazy um so they're on top of it. So kudos to them. It'd be funny if AEW like hit you with a barbed wire bat.
Starting point is 00:06:29 Yeah, that would be, that'd be a way more appropriate way to do it. As far as I see someone asking if I got the vaccine. Yeah. I was going to say the brother is asking. Yeah. I have not gotten the vaccine. I will say that like most people I know in California have gotten the vaccine uh i will say that like most people i know in california have gotten the vaccine i had didn't really hear any talk of it in florida or any other i guess in philadelphia i was in philadelphia the people were talking about the vaccine but uh no i mean i guess i could technically try and get it while i'm here but where are these people in california like i assume these aren't
Starting point is 00:07:03 like 85 year olds you know i think it like people that are just getting the vaccine here. I guess what it is is if they don't use the vaccine for one of them, they have to throw it out if they don't use it. So if you sign up on this sort of waiting list, if someone doesn't show up for their thing, you're in. Rather than throw it out they let they stick yeah mf's uh friend who lives in arizona just was on the recipient of her first job via something like this and again that's a few states over but yeah this is all making making me in uh these
Starting point is 00:07:38 canadian i will say though that like um you know in the end canada is going to have the last laugh okay yeah i will say that first of all this johnson and johnson one that just came it's about to hit the market that's only one shot and i'm kind of down for that one one shot deal it's a one shot deal you don't have to go again and it's a one shot deal so i'm hoping that that's the one that we end up stocked up with but i'm told from the people that i have spoken with and of course i have who am i you're stew fucking stone yeah you're at stew stone but i have spoken to a few people that are in the know and you know they seem to think like despite the slow it's not about how you start the race is how you finish the race type of thing and i think like the people i'm speaking
Starting point is 00:08:20 with are gonna say that like when we look back at the end of this thing, Canada will have done a good job. Again, like starting the race out the gate would be great to get a nice lead, but it's all about who wins the race at the end. And I'm pretty confident that it will work out if, if it all works out the way that I'm told, you know, by September, October, anybody that has that wants a vaccination will have had one in the country of Canada. It's like Justin Trudeau.
Starting point is 00:08:46 I love it. So if that's the case, the United States isn't even going to be half done by the time we're completely done. Okay, I love it. This is very inspirational. But Stu, everybody wants to know, did you listen to any of the Pandemic Fridays that featured Brother Bill? I'm going to turn down the volume
Starting point is 00:09:06 because he's going to raid. I got to say, Mike, I'm really disappointed in you. I'm trying to be very optimistic. As I just said about the vaccine rollout, I'm trying to remain optimistic. Obviously, much like the vaccine
Starting point is 00:09:22 rollout in Canada, and last week specifically, pandemic Friday, very botched. Both of them out of the starting gate. I would say you botched all of the episodes due to the fact that I always intended to send these to finish the program as cam clearly cam saw what I was going for there, but you chose to open the episodes with my request, which puts a lot of pressure on the new kid, Brother Bill. You know, how's he going to follow that? That being said, he did a great job following that.
Starting point is 00:09:56 And he brought a whole different vibe and energy to the program. He definitely knows his shit when, especially when it comes to music, he's, he's, you know, he's, he's an encyclopedia. So having a guy that is a fountain information like him uh is always good to keep guys like you and cam who are chronic bullshitters in check um last week's show though mike i gotta say i'm very disappointed to the point where i almost would say that i was very angry when i heard it um due to the fact that you set up my pick to fail right out the gate you declared it to be ineligible before it was declared ineligible by any listeners then before you played it you declared it ineligible again at which point cam and bill both said it was eligible and they did declare it and then you would not let it go kept pushing and pushing and pushing right just to do anything to discredit my
Starting point is 00:10:42 entry and by the way, say what you want. I'm so happy you did that episode without me. I can't even imagine that fucking music. If I had to like pick four songs of that, I would fucking, I would be on this fucking list of today's topic. It is really, really tragic the way you handled my offering. It is punk rock and it is hardcore. And maybe like later on, they became a little bit more radio friendly,
Starting point is 00:11:11 but at some point that's what they're going for, right? If I just may, now I did a lot of, as you know, I did a lot of homework because I knew that Cam and Brother Bill were far more knowledgeable in the topic of American hardcore. So I spent a week, like I went, you know, getting books out of the library, going through the microfiche, like I was educating myself, what is American hardcore. So I spent a week, like I went, you know, getting books out of the library, going through the microfiche.
Starting point is 00:11:26 Like I was educating myself. What is American hardcore? So I started to understand it similar to the way you understand Yacht Rock. So when you kicked out Rancid, to me, you might as well have just kicked out Blink-182.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Like this is not... Oh, that's just like disgusting for you to even suggest that. You know, Rancid is not a pop act. They're not like, yes, punk went mainstream when green day got popular and some of these other acts like got on because of that but rancid never came out the gate like it wasn't they weren't making songs for the radio well i i will say
Starting point is 00:11:56 this to defend stew and it's a band we didn't mention but a band that's definitely a hardcore punk act is uh operation ivy that was some of the guys from rancid that evolved so there's there's certainly the lineage there i i think stew's pick was okay um i didn't love it and i mean stew and i and our friends used to mosh to that album let's go great album back and i mean there was pushing there was shoving um I know what I saw. Like, I was there. And yeah, I don't... Again, I don't think it's a great pick, but I think it qualifies. It clears the bar.
Starting point is 00:12:30 I won't... You know, I'm not the expert here, so I must be wrong, as usual. But I think there's a difference between a punk song and the actual subgenre American hardcore. That's all. This Rancid track is way too late in the game uh to be under
Starting point is 00:12:46 the umbrella of american hardcore this is all i'm saying this is all yeah this is this is a tough one because like i don't i see where you're coming from mike i i see both sides of this so um always down the middle mr gordon always playing it down the middle i'm in pr just i'm very wishy-washy so still say that I wasn't a big fan of Of the music And I'm just being honest I could see why there would be I respect the success of any genre And so anybody who
Starting point is 00:13:14 You know I could see there's some Masculinity to listening to that And drinking beer and punching each other in the face And smoking cigs But it just didn't It just didn't touch me in, in, in the, you know, like a steely Dan does. It touched me and it touched me in an inappropriate way. Oh, okay. So shout out to brother Bill though,
Starting point is 00:13:36 who did a kick-ass job for three weeks. He's the man, he's the man. And I think that he should come back and he'll, he'll definitely be called upon again. Oh yeah, no doubt. No doubt. I can't wait to get rid of that Cam guy and have just the Stu brother Bill and Mike. The real talent. Right. He chose that topic because he loves it. And Cam knew a whole shitload about it as well.
Starting point is 00:13:55 Can you believe, Stu, that was fucking amazing. I think it's because Cam and Brother Bill really brought it. That's almost the ultimate compliment we could have, I feel, in some ways, where, you know, I don't care for the music but i was shocked that i was shocked that i was shocked that songs that are like 30 seconds long the episode went three and a half hours right i know you had just finished giving me a lecture that our shows were going too long agreed prior to me taking my sabbatical so i was expecting short show short show and you broke the records uh no doubt i was shocked as well when i looked up at that clock and saw we were like three hours deep i'm like how is that possible because i was gunning for like two hours so we missed it by 90 minutes that tells you what i'm yeah brother bill is is
Starting point is 00:14:53 great he was great he is great i i follow him on twitter well we're glad to have you back stew because this is like the original trio this is how we first started and it was 50 weeks ago yeah that's insane man 50 weeks we're two weeks away from one year of this pandemic who would have thought who would have and we haven't missed a week like i think that's fucking amazing like uh i know we had a few times where we subbed in for one of you two guys but the fact we did this 52 no sorry 50 weeks in a row like i'm gonna just pat ourselves on the back here because that's quite a feat. That's a mind blow right there.
Starting point is 00:15:26 It really is. Today's topic, gentlemen, is the 27 Club Jams. In a nutshell, the 27 Club is the name given to the extraordinary number of artists, including many musicians, who sadly passed away far too young at the age of 27. So we're each going to kick out
Starting point is 00:15:50 four jams. There's some mind blows in there. But I will say that there's no duplicates in this episode. So we're kicking out, what's three times four? Okay, that's 12. 12 unique bands or artists that are in the 27 club. And here's a fun fact. So here's your first fun fact of the day. Two unique bands or artists that are in the 27 Club.
Starting point is 00:16:06 And here's a fun fact. So here's your first fun fact of the day. Two people are celebrating their 27th birthday today. I'm sure more than two people, but two I know. Really? Yeah. Ready for this? Oh, I know one of them. I know one of them. Okay, who is it? Stedrico Frederico. Yep.
Starting point is 00:16:22 Fred Van Vliet is 27 years old today. And he's alive. And I should preface this by saying, we all hope that none of these people enter the 27 Club. We're not happy that anyone died so young. That's far too young. So we don't want people to be in this club.
Starting point is 00:16:37 But Fred is 27 years old today. And Jeannie Bouchard is 27 years old today. Jeannie. Wow. I once met her. A lovely young lady. Bob Buffett. You can actually tweet at her and get a date with her, I think.
Starting point is 00:16:53 I think that's how it works. Yeah, a couple of times. Well, I am single, but I'm not going to be tweeting at her for a date. That's her loss, if you ask me. Very matter of fact. Some sad recollections. So those are two happy things. Happy 27th, Freddie and Jeannie.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Maybe they should hook up. I do want to say my condolences, our condolences, to FOTM Robbie J., who lost his mother this past week. Oh, man, that sucks. And so we're with you, Robbie. I know Robbie listened to the Brother Bill. I know he also listens to the Stu Stone episodes of Pandemic Friday, but he, of course, worked with Brother Bill
Starting point is 00:17:27 for years and years at CFNY, so they're former colleagues. And just let Robbie Jay know we're thinking of you, buddy. Yeah, that's terrible, man. Condolences. Yeah, saw the tweets, so think of you, buddy. Mike, just before we start, too, I just want to give you a shout-out for your
Starting point is 00:17:43 John Paul episode. Yes. Again, that to me is sort of like the people who listen to American Hardcore and didn't know the music, but really enjoyed it. Because I actually didn't know who John Paul was, but I found that a real eye opener of an episode. And I mean, talk about real talk. He really brought it. And, you know, as someone who's a media nerd, as the listeners know, yeah, really real hard-hitting,
Starting point is 00:18:10 but not all that surprising stuff. A lot of the stuff he shared, sadly, about bell layoffs and whatnot. It's good that Cam started listening to the show again. It's true. Yeah, shout out to John Pohl, who really brought it. Like, I have to admit, I don't know a lot about John Pohl either,
Starting point is 00:18:24 but I had some chats with fellow FOTMs like Mark Weisblatt about John and he says yeah like he's got this interesting worked for Bell Media as a radio talent but also owned a whole bunch of radio stations in smaller markets so that's kind of unique like this guy
Starting point is 00:18:40 owns radio stations but he's on a you know a couple of stations he's paid so he came on delivered the real talk with regards to the Bell Media layoffs, and he's a great communicator. So it was a really, really interesting presentation. Thanks so much. I have to play something for you, Cam, and you can comment or not comment. But first, I want to play a little song. Can I ask you a question real quick? Yeah, of course. Do these Bell layoffs and all these media layoffs, does that affect you?
Starting point is 00:19:09 Well, sometimes it delivers me new clients. Yeah, that's what I was going to say. Like, doesn't this just mean like a hundred more podcasts are about to pop up? Well, no joke. I mean, if you look a lot of, yeah, I haven't, like nobody from these layoffs has actually contacted me to chat about it, but sometimes they need a little time or, you know, to think on things.
Starting point is 00:19:27 And usually, you know, a few months later, a couple of people will reach out and just have a conversation with me. And sometimes they turn into happy clients and sometimes they go do something else, but you're right. Well,
Starting point is 00:19:38 Jim, Jim, Jim is a great example. And we reported this at the time, but Jim's show got canceled and he was basically given an opportunity to have an overnight show on the iHeartMedia network. And he took a long time to sort of, I guess, ponder it whether he wanted to do that.
Starting point is 00:19:53 But the good news for Jim and for people who like Jim Richards on 1010 is that this show is happening. So he's going to get an overnight show that's on the iHeartMedia, iHeartRadio network. This is happening. Did 1236 know this or just predict it?
Starting point is 00:20:10 Oh, great question. I don't know. I have him on the show next week. I'll find out. But I'll find out for you if he knew it or if he predicted it. But yeah, he nailed that one. Yeah. And Tom.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Yeah. Just so many. Tom Brown and one night. Yeah, for sure. For sure. Hey, here's a little music. And I know Zoom fucks with the way you guys hear the music. Just know on the recording
Starting point is 00:20:34 it's much better. one more time okay i'll bring it down so i can hear your voices, but Daft Punk is calling it quits. No more, yeah. I mean, Big Law is a band, one of the few bands of the modern era that were able to sort of have a degree of success with a degree of mystery. history um where i mean it's not like there weren't photos with these guys without the the two masks but i mean still it's you know they very much were those two robots and really did not put out that much music either which was kind of i always kind of liked you know they put an album every like seven years or something but just i'm sure these guys were just living their life in france and pretty low-key but yeah like real sort of legends in that genre and really unique, uh, big loss. What say you Stu Stone about the breakup of Daft Punk?
Starting point is 00:21:52 You know, uh, groundbreaking musicians, uh, who really put their own spin on music and sort of created their own lane that everybody sort of followed behind them they led the way they were definitely not followers they were leaders uh when it came to this electronic sort of the acceptance of electronic music like the way that they they did it better than anybody uh with great success uh both on and off the charts both in and out of the clubs from movie soundtracks to uh you know the soundtracks of our lives uh daft punk uh was very much a part of it um sad to see them break up but i predict you know like a 2030 coachella main stage reunion will probably happen next um right you know eventually the money will be on the table for
Starting point is 00:22:39 them to come back but i feel like it's a gimmick that they could just like blue man group it and have someone else just take over it like Like Trans-Siberian Orchestra. Right. You know, but... Or Chicago. It's a hell of a run. And great musicians, great stuff. I mean, the stuff they did with The Weeknd put them on the map.
Starting point is 00:22:58 I think I've shared this before, but I mean, I'm going to be careful with this because we're technically not supposed to disclose the address, but Daft Punk actually played a concert in the same building where the TwitterCant office is. Wow. In a previous iteration, and folks can sort of do the math about where our office actually is. What a mystery. Yeah, because I feel like they played there and then they played at the Arrow Hall. Do you remember this venue? I watched, I saw Weezer there once.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Okay, yeah, they played at Arrow Hall, which I think only hosted shows, yeah, exactly, for a few years. But yeah, I know everyone who's at that show. It's just, you know, best concert ever. And I feel like when they played Coachella last time which i feel like it was like 2008 or so it was just one of those like legendary shows i feel like helped up level the whole coachella experience um into a different era but um yeah and we haven't even talked about their videos i think of them as one of the videos
Starting point is 00:24:01 masterpieces the videos are great and the video. Masterpieces. The videos are great. And the collaborations, they always chose to work with sort of people who were on the cusp of cool, like Kanye West. And, you know, at that time anyway, it wasn't so controversial. But, you know, like I said, The Weeknd and Pharrell. And, you know, they always sort of picked and chose kind of the cool kids to get down with whenever they did that mainstream. I did a song with Julian Casablancas, too,
Starting point is 00:24:26 that was quite good. When they did Get Lucky, honestly, I didn't care for that song. Me neither. The rest of the album I quite liked. Great album, titled, too, Random Access Memories. So, shout out. I want to shout out a few FOTMs who are watching us live.
Starting point is 00:24:43 I wonder what happened to make them break up. I don't know. We got to, maybe one of them wanted to submit a rancid song as a punk song. And the other one was like, nah, it doesn't qualify. Maybe wise block can get the dirt on that and we can find out for,
Starting point is 00:24:58 for, for next week here. One of them through the other, through the barbershop window. Yeah. So which one is the, which one is the Gennetti?
Starting point is 00:25:06 Daft or Punk? I'm going to shout out some FOTMs who are watching this live. Yeah, all you wrestling comments here. Okay, so we're on So Ian Service says that this song slaps. I think that's a good thing. He says,
Starting point is 00:25:21 one more time, we're going to celebrate. Joku Roru says, Rip more time, we're going to celebrate. Jokuroru says, RIP Daft Punk brings back memories. This is a good comment I like from Andrew Ward. Sorry, do you usually read RIP as RIP? Is that like a shit? Okay, what's the difference? RIP.
Starting point is 00:25:40 Okay. It's a gimmick. You can do it either or. Andrew Ward says welcome back Stu no one dropped the ball while you were gone but you were missed well Mike was playing hot potato with it but he's a Wiggles fan so
Starting point is 00:25:54 Steve says the world needs more podcasts and then Opran says that John Pohl episode was extraordinary agreed and what else we got Midtown Gord who says this is a great topic And Opran says, that John Pohl episode was extraordinary. Agreed. And what else we got? Midtown Gord, who says, this is a great topic because the 21 Club has a lot of great artists in it.
Starting point is 00:26:14 And finally, what will I say here? Well, Steve says, Daft Stew is what Steve says. So shout out. Steve knows what's up. And the brother's wondering if there was a Madonna versus Daft Punk remix. I don't know if you know, Cam. Not a fan. That sounds about right. Sounds familiar.
Starting point is 00:26:30 Yeah, probably. How's that? And I'm going to play like a two-second clip, Cam, and you can comment or not. It's up to you. You're a good friend. You don't have to. So this is like one second long. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:26:40 Cameron Gordon. Cameron Gordon. Oh, okay. Do you know what that is? I'll do it one more time. Cameron Gordon Cameron Gordon Oh okay Do you know what that is? I'll do it one more time Cameron Gordon Okay so that is It sounds like cake like the song The Distance It's going the distance Yeah right that is
Starting point is 00:26:57 Jesse Brown saying your name On a recent episode of I don't know if it was Canada Land or one of the others I think it was Canada Land Yeah it was him Chat or one of the others. I think it was Canada Land. Yeah, it was him chatting with Andre Picard of all folks. Cameron Gordon. Yeah, who does great work, by the way.
Starting point is 00:27:13 What would you like to say about Do you want to say anything about this? Yeah, not much. The context of that, they were talking about a journalist out of Montreal who was... Named Cameron Gordon. Not named Cameron Gordon, who lost her Twitter privileges for a few days, and she's back now.
Starting point is 00:27:34 But just the whole backstory of that. And yeah, I feel like I've been mentioned on Candleland before. I've certainly been on their website. If you Google my name in Candleland, you can see my past appearances. Wow. I can't wait to do that. It's Friday night.
Starting point is 00:27:51 I'm just representing my organization. You know, Wiseblood has been on a couple of times. Cameron Gordon. I've listened to those, yeah. Cameron Gordon has not been on. Stoose, do you know who Jesse Brown is? Jesse Brown. Is that a wrestler?
Starting point is 00:28:09 In his own way. I mean, he likes to grapple with some of the Canadian media. He's got that money. He's got that Bitstrips money. Oh, yeah. Jesse's doing all right. I don't know why he's hogging all the Patreon money. I could use some of that money.
Starting point is 00:28:23 I'm working hard in my basement. Jesse does good work. I like what he he does i'm glad he does what he does you do good work mike stew's work is you know slightly above average well we have to see this he's nothing without the rivers i get that reference that's a full house reference okay jesse the body now uh we're going to get into this this is the 27 club we're going to get into this this is the 27 Club we're actually going to do something for the first time ever if you guys have been paying attention
Starting point is 00:28:50 I always start with Cam hot rumor by the way after we hit 52 episodes there's going to have to be a best of sort of a pandemic Friday best of is going to be after the last of us three gets the final vaccination.
Starting point is 00:29:06 We'll do a best of, I think. And then we'll do a farewell episode. But I do want to tell listeners that episode 52 is going to be an open Zoom. So any FOTMs or FOSSs or FOCGs who want to jump on the Zoom for episode 52, I'll give you the damn link. Just send me an email or dm me on twitter and i'll do that i uh what was i gonna say uh we're gonna do something special today we're gonna let stew stew you've been gone i i don't want to start no you're gonna close can
Starting point is 00:29:35 you let me finish i'm in the middle of the fucking sentence so you like barked at you cam is gonna start i was gonna do a kind gesture and have you close. I'll go in the middle. Why? I don't trust you. I don't trust you. Mike's a lucky Pierre today. Yeah, I don't trust you.
Starting point is 00:29:54 There's something, there's some kind of like, you wouldn't just offer me your last spot if there's not a catch. What's the catch? The catch is this is to welcome you back after three weeks in the wilderness here. So this is just like a kind gesture? There's no other ulterior motive? What can I do? You're on Zoom.
Starting point is 00:30:08 I can't even reach out and grab you. What can I do? I am going to crack open a Burst. It's an IPA. It's an Abracadabra. I'm going to reach out and grab you. Yeah, that's Steve Miller Band. Steve Miller Band.
Starting point is 00:30:21 I'm going to crack this open. Thank you, Great Lakes Brewery, for years of wonderful partnership. Atta boy. Cameron Gordon. I should just play that as a soundbite. I'm dedicating my first sip to the great MF. So this is for MF. Why?
Starting point is 00:30:37 For her. What the hell did she do? They have their own thing going. First of all, she's lovely. But secondly, she tolerates our good friend Cam. I think that's worthy of a toast. He's a tolerable guy. Cam puts the tall in tolerable.
Starting point is 00:30:53 I'm pretty low maintenance, I think. Andrew Ward saying Mike's going to get inebriated tonight. Is that true? That's every night, Andrew. And Andrew, I still have your Ridley Funeral Home cap. Please, do it now. Send me, I still have your Ridley Funeral Home cap. Please do it now. Send me an email now with your address
Starting point is 00:31:07 and I'm going to drop off the Ridley Funeral Home toque that the great people at Ridley Funeral Home have given me to give to you. So that's going to happen. This in-person episode is, so this is in two weeks.
Starting point is 00:31:18 Just to be clear. March 11. I'm just wondering, does it make sense to Stu and I to head down to, I don't know, like we could see how the weather, I mean, certainly if the weather's like it was yesterday. Don't tease me. Oh, you won't even be there. He's in quarantine anyways for 14 days or something.
Starting point is 00:31:34 Yeah, disregard. Disregard. You can come, though, and we'll just zoom in, Stu. Redact it. Redact that. But we will have to talk about what time that episode is. We might have to move it to prime time because, you know, all these people want to join in. What time is love?
Starting point is 00:31:47 What time is love? That's a KLF. KLF. Right. Okay. So I also, we talked about Mimico Mike. Thank you, Ridley Funeral Home. Thank you, Great Lakes.
Starting point is 00:31:57 Thank you, Palma Pasta. The good people at Sticker U who give me the fantastic, I got a variety of sizes and Toronto Mike stickers. And if people DM me, I'm still dropping off Toronto Mike StickerU, who give me the fantastic, I get a variety of sizes and Toronto Mike stickers. And if people DM me, I'm still dropping off Toronto Mike StickerU stickers. I'm dropping them off in people's mailboxes, etc. Just let me know if you want one, if I can bike to you. Isn't that like a franchise in the 90s? Mailboxes, etc.? Yeah, I think so. I think that was a franchise.
Starting point is 00:32:23 They're the best envelopes. Yeah, I think so. I think that was a franchise. They had the best envelopes. And last but not least, I want to give some love to Barb Paluskiewicz. I co-hosted a webinar with her earlier today.
Starting point is 00:32:36 She wasn't Elvira, but it was pretty damn good. She dressed up as this time. I dream of Jeannie. Right, yes. Jeannie never showed her belly button. I don't know if you saw that. They thought that was too risque.
Starting point is 00:32:52 I think you got that from our fun facts on Pandemic Friday. I think I knew it for years. I think I knew it for years. Okay, you're talking to a guy who literally earlier today I found an extra 10 minutes to watch an old Gilligan's Island reunion on this old Fox late night show from like the late 80s and I watched this Gilligan's Island reunion on this old Fox late night show from like the late eighties. And I watched this Gilligan's Island reunion. How'd that go? It was, it was great. And now they're all like, almost all of them are dead now. So, uh, it was too sad.
Starting point is 00:33:14 So we will begin with Cam. Cam, uh, is there anything you want to say before I kick out your first 27 club? Um, no beyond, I mean, there's, there's all the obvious names that we know who are in this tragic tragic club and uh a few names that i learned uh i i thought we could subtitle this episode i hear dead people too you're so you're so fucking good at titles cam honestly like this is your thing so i'm in community communications um but no let's hear it and uh yeah be some good tunes tonight all i can ever be to you is the darkness that we know and this regret i gotta question too
Starting point is 00:33:53 once you walked the ride when we were at our hide waiting for you in the hotel at night i knew i had him at my match but every moment we get snatched I don't know why I got so attached it's my responsibility and you don't owe nothing to me but to walk away I have no progress or take
Starting point is 00:34:17 he walks away the sun goes down he takes the day but I'm grown And in your way In this blue shade My tears dry on their own I don't understand
Starting point is 00:34:35 Why do I stress the man? Good start, Cam. Come in hot. Amy Winehouse, Tears Dry On Their Own. I don't know about you guys, this is probably my favorite Amy Winehouse song. dry on their own. I don't know about you guys. This is probably my favorite Amy Winehouse song. I love this song. I love how it's a real hard open.
Starting point is 00:34:52 It just gets right into it. Yeah, it died July 23, 2011. So this year will mark the 10-year anniversary of Amy Winehouse's passing. You know how old she was? Yes, she's 27 years old. 27. Good.
Starting point is 00:35:12 So we're still on topic. Quite the sort of litany of, you know, issues that Amy Winehouse had. Reportedly a history of drugs, alcohol, self-harm, depression, and eating disorders. Her death ruled accidental alcohol poisoning when Winehouse's bodyguard said that he arrived at her residence three days before her death and thought that she had been somewhat intoxicated. He observed moderate drinking over the next few days and said she'd begun laughing, listening to music and watching TV at 2 a.m. on the day of her death. At 10 a.m. BST on the 23rd of July, 2011, he observed her lying in her bed, tried to unsuccessfully arouse her. And he was unsuccessful because she had passed away.
Starting point is 00:36:00 What do you guys think? You like Amy Winehouse? Your fans? Cameron Gordon. Dude, do you want to go first or do you want me to jump in and you close it?
Starting point is 00:36:10 I mean, listen, yeah, Amy Winehouse is a powerhouse. She burst on the scene with that rehab, no, no, no. Everybody loved it. It actually ended up
Starting point is 00:36:17 sending a bunch of people to rehab. She made it kind of like cool to go to rehab, which is fine. But, style, everybody, you know, she brought that Motown sound back. I know she teamed up with Mark Ronson. Yeah, Mark Ronson.
Starting point is 00:36:33 And he's incredible, obviously. The two of them together, magical. I don't know if you can make that successful career without the two of them. You know, it's sort of like a Hulk Hogan, Vince McMahon kind of thing. You need a little bit of both to make that magic happen. I question the whole 27 thing because couldn't you just pick any age?
Starting point is 00:36:53 A lot of people died at 36. A lot of people died at 47. There's an extraordinary large number of people. A mythical amount of people. Did Jesus die at 27? Is that the reason why? No, no. Yes, of course,
Starting point is 00:37:09 there are some artists who died at 35, but the number of great artists, and there was a span of time in the late 60s, early 70s, where it was like, bam, bam, bam, bam. Like it was just, that's where it kind of.
Starting point is 00:37:20 No, I mean, listen, Amy Winehouse changed the game. And I think you're going to get, at least from me, Jesus was 33, according to Steve there. Fun fact, he was a carpenter too. Yes. And a hell of a guy.
Starting point is 00:37:31 Yeah. But back to Amy Winehouse, powerhouse, like I said, and you're going to hear from me, everybody on my list changed, or the group that they were involved in changed the game. And she was a game changer in a lot of ways i mean yes she did bring back a sound that had already existed before in the form of this motown sound but she did it in a way that made it really relevant and cool again and she's great and a super talented girl who should still be alive she would be i think she was also like a
Starting point is 00:38:01 multi-format hit like would just fit everywhere you you know, in the top 40 sort of, you know, you could see her on stage in Glastonbury or you could see her doing duets with, what was that duet? Tony Bennett. Tony Bennett, but also with Nas, like, you know, did some stuff with the guys from the specials and Scottbased tracks. One fun fact about this specific track, and I never knew this, and I think this is in the chorus. It actually samples the Marvin Gaye song, Ain't No Mountain High Enough. Oh.
Starting point is 00:38:34 The chorus. Which you think, I'm like, oh, yeah, that is what that is. For all the times I heard that, I didn't clue in. Cam, I will say, I think you're darn right that this is amy's best song the other one i really like that was back to black i really like but uh and i think like also uh what's his name mark ronson he was uh it was a special moment in time for him too when that came out i mean the narls barclay stuff was hitting big and uh you know amy's stuff was hitting big and then he everybody wanted to work with him and he's been picky kind of in a daft punk kind of way he's been sort of picky and choosy about who he works with right sure i remember
Starting point is 00:39:09 his sister um samantha ronson was dating uh lindsey lohan when when i worked in high road communications um microsoft was a client they once actually hired samantha ronson to dj a party for like windows 2007 or whatever um i want to say this was at the mod club wow you know it's basically a pr event but they actually flew in samantha ronson if i'm remembering this right i think this happened amazing but she was i mean that was a big deal lindsey lohan dating samantha ronson Real tabloid fodder Social media Age One more thing about this song it's not really A fun fact but there's also A more somber
Starting point is 00:39:53 I wouldn't say it's unplugged just an alternate Version just called Tears Dry That's really really good too That I recommend everyone Check out if you haven't heard that Also great sounds quite different than this one, but also a great song. It plays many different ways. Well, great start to the 27 Club Jam episode.
Starting point is 00:40:13 Amy Winehouse passed away way too early at 27. Great, great singer. And that was a great song by her. Much love to FOTM Beck, who's joining us at And Beck says, love Amy. And the brother also, I know Stu doesn't like it when I say this, but I'm going to say it anyways.
Starting point is 00:40:31 The brother wrote, rip Amy, sorry, rip Amy, R-I-P Amy, rest in peace Amy, whichever you prefer. And there's a little debate going on, I see, as to how old Jesus was when he died. So we'll move on again. This is my jam because we're switching up the order.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Stu's closing the festivities. So here's my first... I don't trust... I just still don't trust you. I still don't even know what my ulterior motive could be here, but you'll let me know. I don't know. You're setting me up for some sort of... I don't know. You're giving me too much credit. Here we go! I am
Starting point is 00:41:04 the girl you know can't look you in the eye. I am the girl you know so sick I cannot try. I am the one you want can't look you in the eye I am the girl you know I lie and lie and lie I miss worlds I'm still a huge fan of this whole album, by the way. Live Through This. You're still a fan of the W-H-O-L-E, the whole album. Like the entire album.
Starting point is 00:42:12 Right. Exactly. So this is Miss World. And don't worry, Courtney Love is still with us, at least as of this moment. But this is because of the band member Kristen Pfaff. I hope I'm saying that. The P is silent, just like in Pterodactyl.
Starting point is 00:42:30 So Kristen, she was the bassist for Janitor Joe. Cam, are you familiar with Janitor Joe? Only in the context of someone who was in Hole, who played in that band past away. I know Gypsy Joe. Do you know Gypsy Joe, Stu? Got the shit kicked out of him by New Jack? Season 3, baby.
Starting point is 00:42:52 Season 3. Spoiler alert. Oh no, that episode aired. Season 2. What a mess. R.E.P. Gypsy Joe. The band members of Hole.I.P. Gypsy Joe. The band members will tell you, the band members of Hole will say
Starting point is 00:43:07 that the band starts really taking off when they add Kristen. Like, here's a quote from... That's when we took off. All of a sudden, we became a real band. So, Hole, this is like 1993 when they add Kristen, Faf. So it had nothing to do with Michael Stipe
Starting point is 00:43:23 or Billy Corgan? No, nothing to do with them. Or Evan Dando? Weren't those guys writing the songs? They're not credited on any of the Live Through This stuff, I don't think so. I don't think they're credited on any of the albums. So they had basically a whole new rhythm section here. But the rumor is anyways that she was totally high when they recorded Miss World, which is the jam we're listening to right now.
Starting point is 00:43:52 And in 1994, June 94, just before Hole was scheduled to embark on an international tour to support the album Live Through This, which I still love, Kristen was found dead in her Seattle apartment of a heroin overdose. They postponed the tour and guess who? There's nothing fun about anyone passing away at the age of 27, but here
Starting point is 00:44:15 is a fun fact surrounding this tragedy. Who takes over for Kristen Pfaff in the band Hole? Eddie Lee. Who's her? Patti Schmell? I feel like Dave Grohl
Starting point is 00:44:31 filled in. It's a Canadian. Darcy Redsky? No. Mary Darso. Melissa Oftermar. From Drums? No, Bassist.
Starting point is 00:44:43 Oh, this is the... Oh my God, yes. So she's from Montreal, of course. And she joins Hole and takes over for Kristen. So, yes, Andrew Ward is now sharing the fun fact. They're on delay, so they don't know. I just said that, Andrew. Okay, so now we kick out the first jam from Stu,
Starting point is 00:45:01 but he's going to say something first. Right? Two good picks. Two good picks. Cam, solid entry to open up the jam. Thank you. Mike, it's a good song. It's a good song. It definitely ties into my song, your song, indirectly.
Starting point is 00:45:23 I will say that my plan today is to list off four of these generational sort of talents that i was uh alluding to early and i guess the first one that i'll start is pretty obvious one but uh it's also this was during my generational sort of this is the one that affected me the most i guess uh because it was right in the heart of my uh uh what do you call those years cam when you're learning how to be a man salad days formative years my formative years during my formative years during my refractory period uh you know i don't mean to uh uh uh use use any chicanery here. This is an act of generational talent, generational act,
Starting point is 00:46:12 died at 27 tragically and rocked our world when it happened. guitar solo Said all the kids were fooled Sell kids for food Where the change is moose Sting's here again Rip the dark glass Hey, there's the one who likes All our pretty songs And he likes to sing along And he likes to shoot his gun
Starting point is 00:47:16 But he don't know what it means Don't know what it means And I said he's the one who likes Fucking love this album too, Stu. Nicely done. I mean, it's easy to look good when you have a category that you can insert a Nirvana song in. Sadly, it's this category where people are dead.
Starting point is 00:47:40 But, you know, there is some, you know, Kurt Cobain may be dead, but Nirvana is forever. Really, just, I can't say enough about Nirvana. And I guess it's because I was like of the appropriate age when it all sort of went down. You know, it's like, I would say like my parents were like teenagers when the Beatles came out. So it's like, I can only say that this was like our Beatles. Like, it didn't matter what Nirvana, you know, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, there was a whole scene because of these guys.
Starting point is 00:48:09 But anything Nirvana put their name on became instantly successful. You know, that album, Nevermind, front to back, like you could put on any song on the album and you'll know it. You know, there's not too many records, especially nowadays, where you can say that you know it's almost a flawless record in the sense of how it is produced how it is recorded the magic the lightning in a bottle that was captured at the studio to make it the magic that is created uh by only three guys it's such a big sound that wasn't a studio manufactured sound
Starting point is 00:48:42 they were able to show up live and make it a little bit i'm saying in the sense that like when they played live when they played live it's fucking big is my point i know but but double up the double up the kurt you know what i mean like no i know that they definitely double up and i was going to get into that that they had to trick kurt into recording like that because he didn't like it um but i'm saying my point is that they make a lot of noise for a for a three for a three piece and you know i would say i can't think of that many others that are like i mean maybe rush i guess it's green day green day that's a trio yeah green day um you know the holly cole trio blink 182 blink 182, yeah. So maybe there's a few of them. This is a very, very incredible phenomenon.
Starting point is 00:49:33 And, you know, I see kids ironically wearing Nirvana shirts. And I wish that they would, you know, I hope that they're into it. Is it ironic? Do you think? I don't know. Like, my nephew, like, wears a Nirvana shirt. I don't think he could tell me. Does he even know what it is? He knows it's a band.
Starting point is 00:49:44 I would say it's probably like the kids we went to high school with that wore Led Zeppelin shirts without really knowing what the band was. It was just cool to wear the shirt. All the Ramones t-shirts you see everywhere, too. Sure. In Bloom was a song that was written and played by Mr. Kurt Cobain, who was 27 when he died due to a suspicious, depending on which documentary
Starting point is 00:50:07 you watch, either he killed himself or he was killed. Depends which channel you watch. The QAnon conspiracy theory is that he was murdered. Whether that's true. Who knows?
Starting point is 00:50:23 Fun fact about this song,'s like there's actually two versions of it both released you know both had music videos one was recorded on sub pop records before they got their their shit together and was sort of the song that like got them their deal like this was the song that was on their demo that like sort of got them noticed um and of course there was another version recorded that we now just listened to and it had a really cool music video also where uh they were on sort of like the uh ed sullivan show or something like that right and uh it just kind of showed their personality in a whole different way than you know our other offerings which was i guess at that point come as you are
Starting point is 00:50:59 and uh uh smells like teen spirit so this was sort of like a funnier kind of side of them. I feel like this was originally supposed to be the lead single. No, I think Come As You Are was supposed to be the lead single. Oh, was it Come As You Are? Okay. But you're right. They thought that would be the big hit on the album, was Come As You Are. Originally, when Kurt brought this song to the band,
Starting point is 00:51:20 Chris Nowaselec, if I'm saying that right. Well done. He said that he complained that the song sounded too much like a bad brain song. Hey. Told Kurt to slow it down. And Kurt went home and reworked it and reworked it and reworked it. He came back.
Starting point is 00:51:38 Originally the song, when they recorded it, had a bridge that we'll never know about because it was cut out. And the way that it was cut out of the song was actually with a physical razor blade because they like recorded to tape so to cut out the the bridge of the song was quite a to-do but it was seamless edit that we didn't notice shout out to butch big for that wow and uh yeah i mean there's a documentary on the recording called classic albums nirvana never mind which i highly. It's got this just it's pretty incredible. It just kind of shows it has Butch going in the studio with all the separated sort of audio and kind of tells you the stories behind how stuff was recorded.
Starting point is 00:52:14 The last time this song was performed was on March the 1st, 1994 in Munich, Germany, which was Nirvana's last show. Cam and I were supposed to see them at Lollapalooza just a few weeks later, but it would not happen because Kurt was dead. Wow. Well, firstly, I'm glad that, I mean, if you didn't do it, I was going to do it, but I wasn't going to let Nirvana get, I wasn't going to let Kurt Cobain get Hanson on this episode. Like this is the 27 Club.
Starting point is 00:52:42 I'm glad we heard Amy Winehouse already and we were for damn sure we were going to hear some Kurt tonight. Someone needs to keep an eye on Bieber. How old is he? And Fred Van Vliet. And Jeannie Bouchard. Oh my goodness. Yes, we got to protect them all. Steve mentions here about
Starting point is 00:52:59 Courtney Loves Dad selling this book saying that Courtney was involved. And again, I feel like I'm just repeating all my stories at this point. I was very into this and open to everything, but there's a really compelling book by Charles Cross. Oh, yeah. And I mean, it's called,
Starting point is 00:53:16 I can't remember what it's called now, actually. I think it's called Heavier Than Heaven. Heavier Than Heaven. That's exactly what it's called. Thank you. It's great. And it really is convincing that this is, sadly, this is Kurt Cobain taking a gun and putting a bullet in his own brain like this
Starting point is 00:53:29 really does look like suicide here uh go ahead when i was at mcmaster in the late 90s hank harrison actually came on campus and did a guest lecture that you could pay money to go hear him stand at a lectern and wax about how uh was involved in the murder of Kurt Cobain. Like this is a ticketed event, which is kind of in hindsight, kind of amazing. I feel like that wouldn't fly these days. But in the 90s, I guess university campuses were open to this kind of programming. You mentioned Steve brought that great point up. He's on
Starting point is 00:54:03 But he also asks me a question, so I'll just address it here. He says, do Pearl Jam fans have a small part of them that doesn't like Nirvana? I've actually brought this up many times, including when Bingo Bob Ouellette was over this summer to kick out the Pearl Jam. There are, or I definitely know of Pearl Jam fans
Starting point is 00:54:19 who thought they had to pick a side. You're either Nirvana or Pearl Jam, and you picked a side, which means you didn't like the other side. I personally never had a moment where I felt I had to pick the side. Like they, you're either Nirvana or Pearl Jam and you pick the side, which means you didn't like the other side. I personally never had a moment where I felt I had to pick the side. I absolutely adored both bands and consumed. I think they're uniquely different too. I mean, Pearl Jam's are like a lot more of a musical act and Pearl Jam's just more
Starting point is 00:54:37 edgy and hard hitting. Sure. But at the time when it was just 10, right? Like, so 10 was more of like a, I guess we'd call it a grungier kind of album. And now we have so much Pearl Jam material,
Starting point is 00:54:49 and they've evolved so much into this big stadium band. I was definitely a Pearl Jam fan as much as I was a Nirvana fan. At that point, they were the Beatles and the Stones. Me too. Do we know, did they ever play a concert together? Yes. It sounds crazy. I assume they must have.
Starting point is 00:55:03 They played a Lollapalooza together i want to say no no but but maybe like in california was it always the same lineup like i feel like i have a poster of like a red hot chili peppers nirvana and pearl jam playing together like i have that poster somewhere but it was at the cow palace maybe okay yeah i don't know i think they did play together but in californ California I don't think they ever played did you get that at the flea market is it a legit poster I think it's a legit poster did I read that the Pickering flea market
Starting point is 00:55:31 closed down forever maybe I think I read that we'll do an episode about it I just did my Cloverdale mall deep dive I'll do a by the way Mike would you be open to an episode Stu Stone and I walk you through the malls of Thornhill? You had me at hello.
Starting point is 00:55:48 Okay, maybe we'll plan that for the second year of Pandemic Fridays or we can weave it in somewhere. That could be a special episode. So I like that we played Nirvana right after Hole. I feel there's some nice synergy there. So yeah, Kurt Cobain, 27 years young when he took his own life. What could have been there? Holy smokes.
Starting point is 00:56:08 Cam, anything you want to say before your second jam? I'm going to just freewheel on this one because I didn't have a lot of prep time. Oh, I know why. We'll discuss that because I intervened. Here we go. It's all good. I got some good stuff here. Well, good, bad stuff because the guy's dead.
Starting point is 00:56:24 Go ahead. Right. Up on the roof. Up on the roof. When this old world starts getting me down and people are just too much for me to face. Up on the roof. Just too much for me to face I climb way up to the top of the stairs And all my cares just drift right into space On the roof, it's peaceful as can be And there the world's below can't bother me
Starting point is 00:57:11 Let me tell you now when I come home feeling tired and weak The Drifters! Yeah, so Mike, here's a question. Have the Drifters ever been on anyone's list for Kick Out the Jam? Not yet, no. I feel like this is probably a first that the Drifters have been playing. Yeah, I'm surprised Under the Boardwalk never slipped in or something, but no. Yeah, and I think everyone knows the song Up on the Roof.
Starting point is 00:57:38 This song came out in 1962. It was a top five hit. 1962 was a top five hit. I guess a semi-early Gotham and King composition, that being, of course, Jerry Gotham and Carole King, the songwriting powerhouse Drifters up to you.
Starting point is 00:57:58 Yeah, exactly. So a little bit about the Drifters from Philadelphia. You know, early-ish R&B band. I mean, you know, kind of right before everything got into all the hippie stuff in the 60s, where you'd still hear music like this. I kind of like this song. I always liked this song. It's just like a real kind of gentle, something like you would hear on 1050 Chum.
Starting point is 00:58:22 Sure. I feel like back in the day. I'll intervene here cam real quick just to tell the listenership and stew know that uh i actually reached out to you via twitter dm earlier today and said would you mind changing this band to any other member of the 27 club because i saw stew stone was going to kick out a jam from that other band and i thought it would be cool if we played 12 unique artists so thank you for making a last minute change yeah no no worries this song was actually on my original list so it was very easy to pivot over uh to the drifters so uh the anyway the the gentleman who died who
Starting point is 00:58:56 who is the reason we're playing this song is somebody named rudy lewis uh died May the 20th, 1964 at the age of 27. Yeah. So I think I'm going to just retire that joke. Really funny the first time. Cause again, we're talking about dead people. So on, on that date or I guess it was a day before when the group was due to record the aforementioned under the boardwalk that had been written specifically for Lewiswis by goffin and king which is interesting um he was found dead as harlem hotel room from the previous night um they actually brought in the drifters a former vocalist named johnny moore to perform
Starting point is 00:59:36 lead vocals so they didn't even like wait around like the body was barely cold and they brought in you know let's go see what johnny moore is up to right and uh had a massive hit under the boardwalk i mean perhaps the signature uh song by this band uh the autopsy was obviously he was never performed authorities ruled his death was a probable drug overdose however close friends and family believed he died from a mixture of a drug overdose asphyxiation and a heart attack heart attack yes you talk about like a power trio um that's a thiever that's pretty bad now one one sort of weird fact i mean this certainly is not fun but there's somebody years later who suggested lewis was a closeted homosexual addicted to heroin and suffered from binge eating disorder which
Starting point is 01:00:26 interesting that's almost like some of the spectrum we just heard about amy winehouse you know who it was who suggested this i'm just gonna tell you because there's no way you'll guess was billy vera oh yeah yes from family ties fame yeah who we have heard, I think, music from TV shows. Billy Vera. Stu kicked it in. This was in the liner notes for a Drifter's Box set that came out in 1996. So Billy Vera was a songwriter for many years before he had his one and only hit with Alex P. Keaton. But these are quite bombshells to appear 30 years after someone's death. That's wild. But do you have in your tickle trunk of fun facts,
Starting point is 01:01:12 do you have, there's another famous singer who was in the Drifters and would sometimes do lead vocals, like in the 60s. I don't know if you came across that. Well, yeah, I mean, they had a few folks pass through. Charles, was it Charlie Thomas? No, a bigger name than that. Oh, Benny King. Benny King. Benny King, yes. folks pass through charles was it charlie thomas a bigger name than that uh it was benny king ben
Starting point is 01:01:25 e king ben e king yes right uh from stand by me fame stand by me yeah i mean when you look at wikipedia the past members i mean there's there's all sorts i mean everyone from uh ray lewis i mean not the football player but doc green was in this of athletes, do you remember Benny Santiago? Of course, Benito. Of course, yeah. Benito Santiago. Yeah, I remember he had like 0-9 on his back because he wanted to start up. Yeah, he was a great player. I liked the way
Starting point is 01:01:56 he played the game. Yeah, former Blue Jay too. Yes. Wow. Yeah, I kind of forget that sometimes. Somebody, I don't even remember who i was talking to but don beaupre came up uh who am i talking to anyway it's like 10 minutes ago 10 minutes ago you know what this has been a very long day and i knew i had that conversation at some point today but i had no idea it was actually like during this segment of the day so i apologize okay i like
Starting point is 01:02:22 the don beaupre and mike liu that's right on the capitals he's great hartford whaler uh wasn't he louis was a hartford whaler for years right yeah yeah okay so uh that is a cam jam uh the drifters up uh on the roof and a little bit of a surprise because it's not what you think of i think in your top 12 of uh artists in the 27 club so i like that you did that because it's a big band. I'm now kicking out my jam. I got to make sure I get the right order. So here is my second 27 club jam. guitar solo Musica ¶¶
Starting point is 01:04:03 With a little girl in a Hollywood bungalow. Are you a lucky little lady in the city of life? Or did you not lost in your city of night? City of night. City of night. City of night. Woo! Go!
Starting point is 01:04:27 L.A. Woman Later covered by the great Billy Idol But this is the OG This is The Doors And I don't think you can do a 27 Club Jams episode without shouting out Yeah, somebody's making the comment already In the chat about the tea party. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:47 This is the original tea party, The Doors. And Jim Morrison. Jim Morrison. And here's an interesting fact. I'll call it an interesting fact. It'll segue nicely into a future jam we hear. But Jim Morrison died exactly to the day, two years after Rolling Stones guitarist Brian Jones died at the same age.
Starting point is 01:05:10 And what age is that, guys? He was 27, I believe. 27. And approximately nine months after the deaths of some other 27 club members, Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin, all of whom, of course, are in the club. That's kind of why that 27 club came to be,
Starting point is 01:05:27 because it was like bang, bang, bang, bang. Mike just dropping spoilers all over the place, burying the lead left, right, and center with his backup, just did more harm than help. But go ahead. Well, Ian Service is suggesting maybe Jim Morrison's not dead. So you guys can take that offline there. I want to just say that when Monica and I, uh,
Starting point is 01:05:47 spent some time in Paris, France, I'm going to say that was before we had children. So I'm going to say that was seven or so years ago. Uh, we definitely took the stroll and, uh, to the, to the cemetery and visited Jim Morrison's grave because jim morrison is uh buried in paris wait what do you guys think of the doors are you fans like do you look do you like their music do you go first and then i'll come in at the end there i mean i like some of their music i mean i i you know it's the doors you know i respect them and uh you know i've worn leather pants time or two in my day uh you know val kilmer the movie you know this song
Starting point is 01:06:34 slaps like this fucking song they have a they have a bunch of good songs i mean they're not my favorite band but uh i like them like i like them enough to be like, oh, that's The Doors. I don't have any Doors albums in my collection, but I respect The Doors. Not even a greatest hits collection, maybe, when you were a teenager? I know, like, maybe, like, when the movie came out, like, Break On Through to the Other Side or something like that.
Starting point is 01:06:57 No, it's called The Doors, I think. Yeah. I mean, I respect them. Val Kilmer. The Tea Party. Jeff Martin. I mean, Jim respect him. Val Kilmer. The Tea Party. Jeff Martin. I mean, Jim Morrison's fine, but Jeff Martin, I mean, man. Have you ever had those guys on the show?
Starting point is 01:07:14 No, I haven't. You know what? And if I hesitate, I notice Bingo Bob will pick them up before I get to them, so I sort of have to be more proactive on these things. You've got to pounce on them. I've got to pounce. He's been picking up some people. But Mojo Rising is happening.
Starting point is 01:07:27 I always love that part of the song. I do like the song, but I actually straight up really actually sincerely did like, and I was kind of young and dumb, but I really did like the Billy Idol cover of LA Woman. So I don't know what that says about me. Do you guys remember the Doors of the 21st Century? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:43 Remember who subbed in? Can I get, yeah, the guy from the cult. That's right. Ian Asbury. Right, who has some kind of GTA connection. Grew up partially in Hamilton. That's it! It's like playing a musical instrument.
Starting point is 01:07:56 You know exactly what notes are coming. There you go. I just dropped in the chat window, too. I just remember seeing this cover of a magazine do you guys know circus magazine yep so this this was a magazine cover that was like from february 1970 it said these people it's you know music magazine these people are approaching 30 well they survived the 70s why does it have a picture of 37 year old johnny cash Cash and 35-year-old Elvis Presley? Well, you know, I think just magazine editing.
Starting point is 01:08:27 Well, some of these students remind me of some of the old wrestling magazines. Like, look at John Mile. Could they not figure a wrestling eye magazine? Could they not find a better photo of him? But it's sort of interesting or like Pete Townsend looks like he's
Starting point is 01:08:43 on the toilet or something. But it's kind of interesting. Or like Pete Townsend looks like he's on the toilet or something. But it's kind of interesting slash tragic to see some 27 club members, some people who are no longer with us. It's sort of amazing. A lot of these people are still around. I mean, it's like 50 years later and some of them are still live and kicking. A lot of them are, actually, if you go through the list. Maybe I'll share this on Twitter because it's's i don't know share that on twitter we're gonna uh i'm gonna
Starting point is 01:09:08 just a couple more uh doors facts because i do recognize they are probably overrated like i think that's why some people say are they any good because they were so i feel they were overrated that's just how i feel but i do like a lot of their jams including this la woman jam and i will say there were many nights i would be flipping through city TV late at night and I'd find they were playing Apocalypse Now and I would
Starting point is 01:09:29 always stop it was always like Laurence Fishburne on that boat and the end by the doors every time I hear it now
Starting point is 01:09:39 I kind of think of Apocalypse Now and it just all really works well together and I always like that song and I just want to shout out fotm uh fuck what's the uh jeff healy band drummer's name tom stevens uh because they're in roadhouse blues of course we know good friend of uh stew stone uh is in that as well and uh of course uh they play roadhouse blues in that Jeff Healy plays that Doors jam
Starting point is 01:10:06 and that fucking song can go 20-30 minutes and I love it so I feel like the Doors in some ways gets some credit or at least being an influence on what became like gothic music because Nico from the Velvet Underground and Nico was I think
Starting point is 01:10:21 either involved with Jim Morrison or maybe she was just like a big fan or something and also uh ian curtis from joy division i feel like was a big doors guy someone please correct me if i'm wrong on this stuff but i feel like that was the case and certainly some of their songs were pretty kind of like creepy for that era in a way that a lot of music wasn't uh what do you mean by that like charles mansonish yeah well like even the end i mean it's a very sort of menacing kind of song that soldier song what is it the uh the unknown soldier uh like buffy's prayer for the unknown that's actually she just turned 80 i think it was a big 80 but she just had a legend i really liked her because i was raised
Starting point is 01:11:03 on sesame street and she was a big deal when I was watching. You know what I like for me? Tell me if you agree with me, Kim. Or anyone who's listening or chatting along. Midtown Gord. I like the doors but you know what I like
Starting point is 01:11:19 better than the doors? Windows. Is the polka dot doors. Right. Big bear guy. Big marigold guy. Humpty Dumpty. I love them all. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:31 Yeah. Absolutely. Dennis. Cambrio says Jim Morrison was on trial for exposing himself. Well, anyways, he died at 27, of course, in Paris. But now. Like Shannon Hoon in Toronto, I feel like. Oh, right. Kind of flaunted his. And he's in the 28 Club, I believe, Shannon Hoon in Toronto I feel like oh right
Starting point is 01:11:45 kind of flaunted his and he's in the 28 club I believe Shannon Hoon yeah he just he should have just left a little early could have been kicked out tonight all right Stu anything you want to say before your second jam yeah kind of an interesting song here because it's about
Starting point is 01:12:01 someone else who died too so like one of the band's most famous songs is about a real life person who maybe I'll blow someone's mind. But yeah, let's get high, man. Diving that train High on cocaine
Starting point is 01:12:27 Casey Jones, you better Watch your speed Trouble ahead Trouble behind And you know the notion Just crossed my mind This old engine Makes it on time
Starting point is 01:12:52 Leaves Central Station About a quarter to nine It's River Junction At seventeen-two At a quarter to ten You know it's traveling again. Driving that train, I'm cocaine. Case is chosen, watch your speed.
Starting point is 01:13:17 Travel ahead, travel behind. And know that notion just crossed my mind Well, there you go. That is The Grateful Dead. Casey Jones, not to be confused with Ninja Turtles bad guy or good guy
Starting point is 01:13:38 I guess. Yeah, good guy. Casey Bones. Elias Kotea, shout out, great Canadian actor. But Casey Jones, I didn't know this until I did the research on the song, but a gentleman named John Luther Casey Jones was a real-life American railroader who was killed when his passenger train collided with a stalled freight train in Mississippi because he was high on cocaine. Spired by true events.
Starting point is 01:14:04 There was actually a very popular sort of folk song called the ballad of casey jones which this is not that song uh that has been covered and played over the years by many uh acclaimed artists maybe johnny cash or might be misspeaking there but a lot of people uh known for covering the ballad of casey jones which also tells the same story. Of course, the Grateful Dead are the ones that added the cocaine element to the tale. You might be wondering who's dead at 27 in The Grateful Dead. Well, we know Jerry Garcia passed away,
Starting point is 01:14:34 but that was much later. We know Phil Lesh is still around. We know Bob Weir is, I think he's, is he still around? He definitely did. He is, and think he's, is he still around? He definitely is. He is. And he's like fit as a fiddle. Like he's really into like cross training.
Starting point is 01:14:50 Yeah. But we're talking about a gentleman by the name of Ronald Charles McKiernan, who was known to music fans as Pigpen, the founding member of the Grateful Dead. as Pigpen, the founding member of the Grateful Dead. This was his band that he assembled with everybody. And he was out at first, he was the lead singer. The front man of the band was Pigpen. And as it were, the other members of the Dead, Jerry Garcia and Phil and the rest of the gang sort of started becoming really great songwriters in their own right.
Starting point is 01:15:28 And that may have been due to their experimentation with psychedelic drugs, which caused a rift in the band because Pigpen was a drinker and wasn't into acid and other sort of hallucinogens that you may have taken in San Francisco in that era. And it caused a big riff in the band to the point where they, he ended up leaving the band after contributing to, well, basically starting the band and contributing to songs like, like the one we just heard right there, one of the most famous sort of signature songs. But he died. That much I do know know how old was he when he died uh he was actually 27 years old when he died interestingly enough uh he died of alcohol like alcohol related death um which is kind of crazy because like he chose booze, they chose drugs and then he died because of booze.
Starting point is 01:16:27 We're noticing a trend, right? A lot of our 27 club members, it's drugs and alcohol. Yeah. Stu, did you ever tag along with DJ Farbsy to go see the dead? I never did see the dead live.
Starting point is 01:16:41 My sister, Carrie got to see them. Of course, the Grateful Dead's only number one or, or, you know, can I guess, I mean, go ahead. Touch of gray. Yeah. That's like their only song that ever sort of went to the radio in a
Starting point is 01:16:57 mainstream kind of way. And that was like, right, right when we were sort of going into high school ourselves. So we got exposed to the dead. They had a whole other run because of that. It was the the only only grateful dead song i knew for years was that one it was a mainstay on the video hits uh halloween episode right because it was spooky with all these skeletons right the guy the one guy it was it i think it was phil lesh who had the uh boston celtics jacket on and obviously bill waltonton was a big Deadhead back in the day. I would say that, you know, the Grateful Dead,
Starting point is 01:17:30 outside of maybe Kiss and another band we'll get to later, but whose branding is cooler than the Grateful Dead? Like, even if you don't like the music, you've got to respect the T-shirts and the design and the logos and the whole vibe of it. I mean, there's no cooler T-shirt than a Grateful Dead T-shirt. Just Black Flag. Maybe Black Flag. I saw, there's no cooler T-shirt than a Grateful Dead T-shirt. Just Black Flag. Maybe Black Flag.
Starting point is 01:17:47 I saw Black Flag sticker on a Cadillac. Yeah. I was trying to think what the rest of the lyrics are. Don't look back, but you can never look back. This note's for you. Okay, one little note there, though. You mentioned the ballad of Casey Jones, and then you mentioned Johnny Cash.
Starting point is 01:18:03 And I'm just, as a guy who has... I may have been wrong. I believe the big... I think, and I could be wrong too, but the big ballad song by Johnny Cash is The Ballad of Ira Hayes. Ah. I feel like that's it.
Starting point is 01:18:13 And one more thing, which goes back to The Doors, is that I remember this and I put it in the chat, but just to share it for the podcast listeners, is that famously, The Doors were booked on Ed Sullivan and they were,
Starting point is 01:18:26 they wanted to play their big hit light my fire. Speaking of overplayed songs. And they, they said they didn't like that lyric girl. We couldn't get much higher. That was too risque for television back then in the sixties. So they said, you got to change that to,
Starting point is 01:18:40 I can't remember something like an innocuous or whatever. Anyway, Jim Morrison refused to change the lyrics. He sang it as it was written and they were never invited back. So famously, the Rolling Stones were asked to change the lyric for
Starting point is 01:18:55 Let's Spend the Night Together and they did. Mick Jagger was happy to sing Let's Spend Some Time Together and they of course went on to become the Rolling Stones very lame that's I'm on cross that's called Mr. Economy Major
Starting point is 01:19:14 Mick Jagger making a big decision for his wallet and Jim Morrison just giving the finger to the whole notion remember that album She's the Boss that's a solo mcjagger of course i do yeah yeah that's that's dumb uh great choice grateful dead uh not a band i know a lot about actually that's one of those bands that i think i like the idea of them more
Starting point is 01:19:37 than i like them oh they're good i mean i i used to be like you and when you do a little bit of deep digging there's like a lot of songs of songs that you don't realize you know. Fire on the Mountain, Shakedown Street, Casey Jones. You know them. Truckin'. You've heard them in movies. You've heard them all over the place. Truckin', I know.
Starting point is 01:19:58 I do know Truckin'. There's a few I have. You're right. There's a few I have. Good Lovin'. They do a famous cover of Good Love. Cool. Anything you want to say, Mr. Gordon, before your third jam is kicked out? there's a few I have good love and they do a famous cover of good love yeah cool uh anything you want to say Mr. Gordon before your third jam is kick Cameron Cameron Cameron yeah pull on a
Starting point is 01:20:11 hammer here one more time Cameron Gordon Cameron Gordon thank you Cameron Gordon this is good I mean you know I have Hebsey and I have uh Jesse Brown saying my name that's now you can you can you can join the 27 club. I was going to say I could die happy but let's not do that. Yeah. No, let's go ahead. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:20:32 Third jam for Cam Gordon. Don't seem right Laughing strung out here all night I've been waiting for the tapes You said you'd bring them to me Sounds like Cam singing along This is Cain Bay Where the Cubans still live
Starting point is 01:21:04 Sleep all day I'm searching for the song Cameron Gordon Cameron Gordon And match my surprise When I saw you Are you with me, Dr. Wu? Are you really just a shadow Of the man that I once knew? It sounds like Jesse Brown. Are you crazy? I'm sorry. Are you high? Are you just an ordinary guy?
Starting point is 01:21:41 Is that part of the song? Yeah. This mix is tripping me out because it sounds like the song in UCAM, or maybe it's Jesse Brown, speaking over top of the mix. Like it just. Yeah. Well, you know who that voice is.
Starting point is 01:21:53 That voice is, I believe it's Mike Watt's voice. Because what we're hearing here is the Minutemen. Wow. Now, Minutemen have a lot of great tunes that we're going to talk about uh i don't know if there's any relation mike uh d boone but who came up last week yeah for sure and and stew do you know this song no no because it's it's a it's a cover of a band that was one of your favorites i thought then we can unpack that a bit so this is a cover of a Steely Dan song, Dr. Woo. Oh, I didn't recognize it.
Starting point is 01:22:27 It's a deep cut. It's a very deep cut. Yeah, well, it's from their album that came in 1975, Katie Lied, which is actually a lyric from this song, Dr. Woo. Sorry, I have a frog in my throat. Now, Mike, sorry, small aside, Lisa Bowes wrote a children's book. What was that called? That is called Lucy Tries Sports.
Starting point is 01:22:52 Okay, because I saw that in the DM, and Lucy Tries, I just thought of Katie Lied. When I read that, I had to do a bit of a double take i'm like whoa well she's sending a couple of lucy tries hockey books to a young morgan and a young jarvis so very nice of the lisa bows to do that and also fun fact like just beloved like again like universal approval rating for lisa bows right and and then we found out early in that episode that lisa is an elizabeth and i didn't realize that lisa came out of of Elizabeth. So that was a fun fact right off the top. Well, there you go. Anyway, let's, let's, let's focus here. So the Minutemen, why are they here? Why are they in the 27 Club?
Starting point is 01:23:35 We talked about it last week. Dee Boone, their, their lead singer, tragically passed away in 1985. Mike, you kind of told the story last week during our hardcore episode. He was lying in the back of a van while they were on tour in Arizona. Car crash, broke his neck dead instantly. And Dee Boone was a larger fellow.
Starting point is 01:24:00 So I imagine it was probably sort of not, just not a good scene, you know, great guitarist in 27 years, just kind of finding his groove with the minute men and yeah, just far too soon. Like everyone else in this club. And I couldn't remember if Cliff, Cliff, uh, burden was in this club too. Cause I know we said D Boone and Cliff burden died right around the same
Starting point is 01:24:23 time, both. I don't, he, he's not in the 27 club club i'll find out his age while you keep talking there yeah so uh anyway we'll come back to d boone in the minimum in a second let's go to the geography segment of the show you love this segment though this is always a fun aside from all the death and mayhem and car crashes uh miniman famously from san pedro not far from where stew is to that tonight in los angeles some famous residents which in my mind these are always like athletes or musicians because i and like the odd actor because i don't really know anyone else right artists and no one in comedies because you wouldn't know them if they were in comedies yeah 24 club for Cliff Burden Wow That's brutal
Starting point is 01:25:06 Anyway a bunch of baseball players From San Pedro We got former Blue Jay player and broadcaster Alan Ashby Oh yeah I remember this guy This guy was always annoying to play against He played against the Blue Jays in the 91 ALCS
Starting point is 01:25:22 Brian Harper Yep Was good Rob Nen Blue Jays in the 91 ALCS. Brian Harper. Yep. Yeah, it was good. Rob Nen. Rob Nen, who's last named famously a palindrome, too. Nine-inch Nels. Right.
Starting point is 01:25:37 Exactly. So let's go to the hardcourt, in the parquet hardcourt specifically, because we're going to talk about Dennisis johnson wow dj dj played with uh larry bird and all the greats then a few musicians here we got uh i don't know if his name came up he came up last week because he did some time in flipper chris novoselic he came up last week you're right um he came up earlier today okay and uh this gentleman serving roundabout way came about because he played in hole two week. You're right. He came up earlier today. Okay. And
Starting point is 01:26:05 this gentleman serving around about way came about because he played in whole to Eric Erlandson. Oh, yeah. That's his quote, by the way, that I was reading earlier about how the band came together when Eric Albert. I feel like he's from Rexdale. Do you miss that? We played some Eric
Starting point is 01:26:21 Alper last week on the program. Yeah. The last but not least, I think this band we played on the Yacht Rock episode, Ambrosia. Oh yes, we did. I love Ambrosia. One other person died in San Pedro. He was well
Starting point is 01:26:38 beyond 27. He was 62. Tony Scott. Oh, director. Brother of the other Scott director. Ridley Scott. Tony Scott. Oh, director. Brother of the other Scott director. Ridley Scott. Ridley Scott, right. Tony Scott did Top Gun, Beverly Hills Cop 2,
Starting point is 01:26:49 Days of Thunder, True Romance, Crimson Tide, et cetera, et cetera. All movies that Cam Gordon hasn't seen. I've seen True Romance. I like True Romance, but remember,
Starting point is 01:27:01 I'm the guy who has never seen Top Gun. Yeah, I did go on Days of Thunder the Ride. It doesn't count. I do remember it, yeah. I remember when Tony Scott died. I don't recall that he committed suicide. He actually jumped off a bridge in San Pedro, the Vincent Thomas Bridge, which is a real landmark. One other sort of musical note there.
Starting point is 01:27:24 Do you remember a song by jessica simpson i think i'm in love with you it's sampled uh jack and diane yeah exactly john cougar mill okay then i do remember that yes i do remember that anyway that video was filmed on the bridge where tony scott jumped to his death in san pedro so a lot of musical ties and death and mayhem and well also some great music and some shitty stuff too do you remember do you remember uh tom vu on the yacht like a self-help guru or get rich something like that i know he's i think he did some time in jail actually for some kind of fraud or whatever but yeah he had those infomercials late at night uh and he had the yacht with all the hot uh young woman in bikinis yeah you know who did an interview with tom vu that uh was a
Starting point is 01:28:11 tape trader classic back in the 90s was actually nard war the human serviette okay okay good for me we also interviewed kurt cobain and jello biafra and a bunch of people and drake yeah yeah and and like every hip-hop artist but yeah i remember a video of uh nardwar talking to tom vu and sort of grilling him about his self-help or get rich correct remember ben rayner told the story in my backyard this last summer that uh drake wanted to give this big interview to the toronto star and then the star i don't know there was a bunch of like rules they put on it and he ended up just talking to Nardwar instead. That was the Ben Rayner exclusive this past
Starting point is 01:28:50 summer, which was kind of mind-blowing. Nardwar's top of the list if you're in hip-hop and want to get some eyeballs. I mean, Nardwar's kind of it. Oh, no doubt, no doubt. Sorry, one more. I love D. Boone. Who is live, direct, that guy?
Starting point is 01:29:07 What's his name again? I can picture his face. He's a brunette guy. Yeah. Steven Bronstein. I feel like 1236 is mentioned. Yes, the Prince of Love. Sort of a Bill Alfonso character.
Starting point is 01:29:21 I think he was referenced on, I feel like he inspired some early simpsons reference or something because a lot of things i learned that i missed i actually would learn because i'd try to find out what was the what are they making fun of on the simpsons like that question like what are they spoofing here and you're like oh that's what they're spoofing and then you go back and say okay now i gotta watch citizen here girl talk uh yeah sample thing a little bit absolutely absolutely anyway r.i. Anyway, RIP D. Boone, no relation to our host Toronto
Starting point is 01:29:47 Mike Boone. Well, not that I know of, but I have no idea. Possibly. I think it's spelled differently. I think D. Boone is like with one, sorry, with no E. Yeah, but that's me too. What? Yeah, that's me too. Are you serious? I always thought you were like Bob Boone, Aaron Boone.
Starting point is 01:30:03 It depends where your source is. It's all over the place. Wow. Okay. I thought I knew you. I'm going to kick out my third jam. You guys ready? The 27 Club.
Starting point is 01:30:16 This is not your fourth? No, it's my third. Who's driving this bus, Mr. Stone? I'm used to riding the magic school bus, not this bus. Here's my third, my penultimate, if you will, my penultimate jam. Busted flat in Baton Rouge, waiting for a train. And I was feeling near, faded as magic. I thought you weren't a fan of hers. No, I love her.
Starting point is 01:30:50 That's not me. I'm going to break the mood. I've always been a big fan. Is it a cam that's not the band? We'll find out in 30 seconds. It's okay. I kick her out a lot, actually, so... I knew it was one of you two that said that didn't like it when we played that.
Starting point is 01:31:20 I like this song. I don't even want to turn it down. What a jam. Okay, so that is Janis Joplin, and I've always been a fan, so it must be Cam who's not the fan. Is that true, Mr. Gordon? I wouldn't say I dislike her, just not one of my favorites of the year,
Starting point is 01:32:01 but yeah, she's cool. No, I remember. We kicked her out, but Cam was like, eh, she's cool. No, I remember. We kicked her out. The camera's like, eh, she's no good. Maybe I've come around. Maybe I sold them. I definitely kicked out Janice before because any opportunity. Shout out to FOTM Bill King who used to play piano for Janice Joplin.
Starting point is 01:32:17 So we're almost connected there. So this song, though, of course, this song is a Chris Christopherson song. It's called Me and Bobby McGee. And in a moment, I'll do a mini mind blow about where I play the first person who recorded this song. But this is, of course, the version that everybody remembers. What I find to be a very fun fact under very unfun circumstances is that they released this song posthumously. So the version we're hearing now came out after Janis Joplin died in 1971 at the age of?
Starting point is 01:32:52 27. 27. So this song went to number one, and it's only the second time in the history of the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 that a song went to number one posthumously. Do you guys know the first song to go to number one posthumously?
Starting point is 01:33:11 Prior to this? I think I've dropped this fun fact a few times. Otis Redding. Correct. Oh, of course. That was a lucky guess, by the way. Sitting on the dock of the bay. And how old was he? He was younger, I think. I feel he he was younger i think i feel like he was like 26 or i'm gonna yeah something like 20 i almost think maybe even younger like maybe
Starting point is 01:33:31 24 25 but i'll google that in a minute when you guys can do it but hey somebody put in the chat how old oldest reading was when he died definitely in his 20s um i forget there's a little delay we have to wait for them to hear me say that. Okay, so it can't be instant. Oh, fuck, she's good, man. This is why I don't know how you don't like this vocalist. There's no one who sounds like Janis Joplin. But let me bring it up, and then I'm going to bring in the original.
Starting point is 01:33:59 Actually, no, we'll fade it down. And I'll kick out just a mini mind blow. Very short bit of this. Twisted, flattened Baton Rouge Heading for the trains Feeling nearly faded as my jeans Bobby thumbed a diesel down Just before it rained
Starting point is 01:34:27 Took us all away to New Orleans So you get the idea, but this is Roger Miller. So Roger Miller took Chris Christopherson's... That's a cool cat, Chris Christopherson. I hope he lives forever. But Roger Miller took Chris Christopherson's me and Bobby McGee and recorded it. And then of course,
Starting point is 01:34:47 uh, as you can hear, he doesn't sound like Janis Joplin. She blew it out of the fucking park, went to number one with it posthumously. Uh, the answer to the great question, how old was Otis Redding when he passed away?
Starting point is 01:34:58 Here's Roger doing this part. I'll take Janice please but uh Roger Miller was king of the road guy right I think so I think so of course rest in peace
Starting point is 01:35:20 super Dave Mike do you remember why Chris Christopherson came up on one of the Brother Bill episodes? Okay, let me think on this one. I don't know. Remind me. It was a famous hug. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 01:35:38 Sinead O'Connor. Yes. He was there to console. I brought that up. That's a fun fact. Of course. That's right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:44 Which was the what? Bob Dylan, like 50th. God, it was there to console. I brought that up, that fun fact, of course. That's right. Yeah, which was the, what, Bob Dylan, like, 50th. God, it was probably like Bob, I think it was Bob Dylan's, like, 50th birthday or something. Not long ago. Like, now we're almost that old. Right. I know. Totally. And they were booing her because she had ripped up that picture of the Pope.
Starting point is 01:35:58 And they were booing her. And then Chris Christopherson just came on stage and held her. And it was really sweet. And I think he's a cool cat, Chris Christopherson. That's a great song, me and Bobby McGee. I feel like he's almost underrated. Did a lot of cool stuff. Like Sunday Morning Coming Down, that's him, right?
Starting point is 01:36:14 I know John Cash has a big hit with that. Yeah, and he had that role with Barbra Streisand in the not the original, but one of the remakes of A Star is Born. I think it's been remade a few times now. Awesome. By the way, 26 years old.
Starting point is 01:36:28 That's how old Otis Redding was when he died, in case I forgot to get to that. That sucks. It sucks. It sucks. It sucks. All these people dying in their 20s sucks. Stu Stone.
Starting point is 01:36:37 There are people dying. They care enough for living. Where's Jarvis Cocker? Where's Jarvis Cocker when you need him to storm the stage? And when you're going out and I don't do the thing. All right, well. That was an Earth song.
Starting point is 01:36:53 No, but it was Michael Jackson. That was We Are the World. It was Michael. We talked about Nirvana earlier and Pearl Jam. And I guess if Pearl Jam, as far as like pearl jam and nirvana which one would have been the beatles i guess pearl jam yeah because of uh oh but wait a minute let me think on it for a moment the the harder edged one was the stones so i would say nirvana
Starting point is 01:37:19 is the stones yes and pearl jam is the beatles wasn't looking for all of that mike just wanted to know what was pearl jam the beatles because i was going to set up can we take that back again you can fix it in post it's the same in post program is the beatles pearl jam is the beatles let's fix it in post mike would you say that pearl jam or nirvana which one is the beatles of that pearl jam pearl jam was the beatles Right. And I picked Nirvana earlier. And I guess it's only fitting for the area of music I'm about to cover. This band was the Stones. She would never say where she came from.
Starting point is 01:38:02 Yesterday don't matter if it's gone While the sun is bright Or in the darkest night No one knows She comes and goes Goodbye, Ruby Tuesday Who could hang her name on you? When you change with every new day
Starting point is 01:38:44 Still I'm gonna miss you Nilly, binnally, girl, I'm gonna miss you Don't question why she needs to be seen Here they are, the Rolling Stones. The Rolling Stones, of course, were the Rolling Stones of the Beatles and the Stones. Correct. You know, a lot of people would say that the Rolling Stones are overrated, whereas I'm going to say that they're underrated.
Starting point is 01:39:11 Whoa. I feel like they were like, you know, living in the shadow of the Beatles in their incredible run is not easy for anybody to accomplish. But like the Stones were easily, you know, they kept up for the most part and are still going strong to this very day somehow unbelievable um you know they a lot of people would suggest
Starting point is 01:39:33 that they were just like sort of a blues ripoff of a you know blues act but i feel like they evolved musically you know in a different way than the beatles did and it worked for them there was something sort of rough around the edges, but still very musical and very emotional. This isn't a very cool, this isn't like a fuck song. This is a very beautiful song. Yeah. And they have a lot of them.
Starting point is 01:39:55 Yeah. Especially in this era of the Stones, where they started sort of getting away from like, you know, the three chord blues kind of jams, which is ironic because the gentleman that we're going to be talking about who passed away too soon, you mentioned his name already earlier on. Would you like to mention it again? Jones, right? Is it Brian Jones?
Starting point is 01:40:20 That's right. Brian Jones. You know how I had mentioned Pig pen earlier of the grateful dead. Yeah. Did you know that Brian Jones is actually the founder of the Rolling Stones? I did not know that. Mind blow. It was his band.
Starting point is 01:40:39 And he actually put an ad in the, uh, local, uh, newsletter or whatever. Look, any saver, deacon musicians. And that's where Mick Jagger showed up. he actually put an ad in the local newsletter or whatever. Penny saver. Deaking musicians.
Starting point is 01:40:48 And that's where Mick Jagger showed up. And Mick brought along one of his pals from school, Keith Richards. And they became the Rolling Stones when, after booking their first gig, Jones was on the phone with the club and they were like, well, what's the name of your band? They didn't have a band name. in a scene straight out of a movie. He looked down and noticed a Chuck Berry record that Keith Richards had brought along with a Rolling Stone was the title of the song. And he said, we're called the Rolling Stones.
Starting point is 01:41:27 R-O-L-L-I-N apostrophe stones they eventually would add the g and become the rolling stones uh but it was uh this man it was his band and just like the grateful dead story you know richards and jaggers started writing some songs and heading in a different direction jones wanted to keep it bluesy They wanted to write originals so that they could capitalize and make money. And one of the sort of ironic things is that, you know, when you look at a Rolling Stones song, it usually says written by Jagger Richards, you know, much like Lennon McCarthy or McCartney, I should say, for the Beatles. Joe McCarthy. Even though other people may have contributed to writing the song.
Starting point is 01:42:07 And that's why I picked Ruby Tuesday because famously, this is a sort of the Hail Mary that Jones was throwing to sort of stay relevant with the stones. He's the one who brought this song in and he doesn't have a writing credit on it. For some reason, there's been lawsuits over that. A lot of people claim that he did write it,
Starting point is 01:42:27 but that's not the way that the pie was split up at that point uh anyway disagreement with the band jones gets fired from the band that he created and uh within a few weeks he was found dead at the bottom of his swimming pool uh interestingly enough the toxicology or sorry the uh what do you call that the uh interestingly enough the toxicology or sorry the uh what do you call that the uh coroner report or autopsy report uh listed that uh the coroner's report stated death by misadventure which uh where have you ever seen someone death by misadventure that should be the name of the movie death by misadventure michael hutchin but uh you know shockingly someone should do a documentary about this
Starting point is 01:43:06 that's not me but someone else who has the time who else could we count on to do that Hank Harrison not only do a lot of people
Starting point is 01:43:13 think he was murdered but the case actually was reopened for many years really I didn't know this and basically a construction guy
Starting point is 01:43:21 that was hired to do construction work on his house allegedly according to one theory wow Jones stiffed him a construction guy that was hired to do construction work on his house allegedly according to one theory uh jones stiffed him on a bill and uh he this guy killed him and threw him in the pool with the body uh and there's actually been like journalists you can google this for your own reference but there's a whole wormhole of like was jones murdered and um so much so that the case was reopened, but no other charges were ever laid.
Starting point is 01:43:47 And as far as we know, this is where we stand with his death. Ironically, an instrument that he brought to the table for Ruby Tuesday is an instrument that Cam Gordon was very good at playing. Of course, you don't realize that Cam actually does have musical talent. You know, he didn't play the guitar, not much of a drummer, tall enough to be a bass player, but never played bass. Cam wasn't a tambourine man. He wasn't a harmonicist. He didn't play the triangle, the banjo.
Starting point is 01:44:17 He didn't play the steel drum. Cam didn't play the keyboard. I'm going to get comfy. But I'll tell you what Cam did play very well from grade three to grade six. The recorder. Right. He could play
Starting point is 01:44:32 Mary Had a Little Lamb like the best of them. Alley Cat? Yes. There's actually a recorder solo in Ruby Tuesday. Best recorder solo since the Friendly Giant theme song, I think. What a fucking recorder solo.
Starting point is 01:44:51 And that's Jones playing the recorder. Wow. So in a lot of ways, Cam and Jones have something in common. They both play the recorder well. And the thing they don't have in common is that Cam is alive. Well, I have a T-shirt with his face his face too that i feel like i've worn on past episodes because his his the brian jonestown massacre right like brian jones face in the middle he's dude you probably saw this in your research like i didn't realize he seemed like
Starting point is 01:45:16 kind of an asshole like a lot of like fathered a lot of children where he wasn't sort of in their lives and just a lot of sort of like bad treatment of people around them. I'll just say kind of the big bucket of that. I'm in this 27 years. Are you saying Cam, you're glad he died at 27? Is that what you're saying? I did not say that. I'm just saying, it was like, wow. Cold hearted. No, just kidding. All right. Interesting. I know. Interesting. See what Wikipedia told me.
Starting point is 01:45:44 A couple of funnies though. I want to acknowledge in the chat. I like the Rolling Stones by the way, just kidding. All right. Interesting. I know. Interesting. It's the same way Wikipedia told me. A couple of funnies I want to acknowledge in the chat. I like the Rolling Stones, by the way, a lot. Well, we'll get to that in a moment because I want to get back to that. But Ian Service says, Death by Misadventure, The Florida Man Story. So he likes that. But Cambrio thinks a better name is Stew Stone's Faking a Brian Jones Murderer. Ah, that could be good. That's clever. Stu Stone's Faking a Brian Jones Murderer. That could be good. He also made another funny, I'll give him credit,
Starting point is 01:46:08 because he said that Garth Brooks' Chris Gaines should have died at 27. Well, not Garth, but his persona should have died. His alter ego. Cambrio is a fucking legend. He's a Foss, that's for sure. So many things. I want to just... The Stones,
Starting point is 01:46:24 I told the story a million times, but I had the Hot Rocks double album. Everybody who had a Columbia House account had it. So it was 64 to 71. So as far as I'm concerned, that is the Rolling Stones. Everything after that I'm just less familiar with until you get to the Steels Wheel stuff. Oh, how about this?
Starting point is 01:46:43 Here's a fun fact for you. All right, go, because I got more. yeah they stopped they stopped playing the song when he died and didn't play it again until 1989 on the steel wheels tour oh that is a fun fact and uh i was outside the cne grandstand listening to the steel wheels uh tour at the cne in 1989 because i was working the cne that that would have been at uh That would have been at... You're not thinking of the right thing. Steel Wheels was definitely at the Sky Dome. No, I was there. You might want to look that up because I was there too.
Starting point is 01:47:13 No, honestly, I was there. You may be thinking of a different tour or unless they played two nights. Did they do one night at the Dome, one night at the C&E? No, respectfully. Do you want to go out by the dumpster and settle this like that? I had somebody cover my shift at the Dome, one night at the C&E. No, respectfully. Respectfully. Do you want to go out by the dumpster and settle this like that? I had somebody cover my shift at the Papa Ball game so I could stand beside the C&E grandstand and listen to the Steelers.
Starting point is 01:47:32 I can't think Mike's right. I feel like living color open. I was there. I was at the show. Are you not listening to me? I was there. Oh, this is good. This is good.
Starting point is 01:47:41 I never worked at the C&E. That's shocking to me. I never worked at the Sky Dome. I worked at the skydome i worked at you know you know wait wait wait wait wait wait wait yeah it was but shut shut up shut your face sometimes i was gonna say sometimes in that era they would play multiple shows at multiple venues there's been bands that played the skydome plus maple leaf gardens or roger center could one of the the bosses or the whoever the fuck you are i'm looking it up right now oh they did
Starting point is 01:48:04 play the sky Dome. They did. December 3rd and December 4th. Two shows at the Sky Dome. Fine, but this was during the C&E, which means it happened in August or early September. During the 20 days of the X, because I took I left my shift and walked
Starting point is 01:48:20 to the C&E grandstand for the Steel Wheels Tour. Sorry, mixed emotion Steel Wheel. Between a rock and a hard place. 1989. They played two shows at the CNE on the tour and two shows at the Sky Dome, so we're both right! Fine. I just can't believe
Starting point is 01:48:36 this audacity that I have vivid memories of it. Well, it's just because I had the memory at the Dome and I was right too! We were both fucking right! We were both right stews can you change it you've got like a fucking halo like above your head it's like it's really distracting save it for the photo okay so now that we that controversy is over oh my god you know come on brother bill never once called me a liar in three episodes okay this this prima donna, you know, this LA...
Starting point is 01:49:05 That's right! It was during the C&E, which means it's before the school starts. Pre-COVID. Do you remember their big comeback single? Button your lips, baby!
Starting point is 01:49:22 Mixed emotions, of course. Imagine this. In 1989, we thought the Rolling Stones were celebrating their 25th anniversary or something. That was the tour, right? They felt like they were so old. They're still going. Not to mention that at this point,
Starting point is 01:49:38 the Foo Fighters have been around longer than the Stones were around at the point of Steel Wheels Tour. That's a mind blow. Do you remember the Steel Wheelchairs Tour? That's what we were calling it. Meanwhile, they're 50 years later, whatever. They're still going. They're still going.
Starting point is 01:49:51 What were you going to say, Cam? And then I'm going to just pick up one final fun fact. I was going to say, I don't think they would be younger than we are now, but I almost don't even want to look it up because I don't want to look it up. I'm going to look it up. I'm doing it. Don't. I'm doing it, goddammit.
Starting point is 01:50:05 They're probably younger than I am and maybe about your age, actually. I'm older than you guys. Okay, so two more things. He was 46 years old in 89. See, I'm 46 right now. So there you go. We nailed that. Okay, that's wild.
Starting point is 01:50:21 You're the same age as Mick Jagger was at Steel Wheels. And I'm going to get a steel wheelchair any minute now. I just want to say the first hit... We all around your basement. The first hit the Steel Wheels, the first hit the Stones had was called It's All Over Now. Do you guys want to guess who wrote that song? I just think he's an
Starting point is 01:50:37 underrated artist and he's no longer with us. But we have kicked out... I think we've kicked him out before. Bo Diddley? Good guess. Beck. Muddy Water. It's Bobby Womack. Oh, put on that Bobby Womack. So Bobby Womack wrote that song. And then the final thing, this is it because I loved Hot Rocks, but
Starting point is 01:50:53 at the time, my favorite song was always Painted Black. That was my favorite. That's a good one. But as time goes on, I realize the fucking best song they ever did is that fucking Gimme Shelter. Nothing beats Gimme Shelter. That's been immortalized by Martin Scorsese.
Starting point is 01:51:09 Mary Clayton's backup vocals when her voice hitches when she talks about rape and murder. Holy fuck. We talked about she was pregnant. This is all best of material. Has anybody seen my baby?
Starting point is 01:51:27 With a little rap interlude? Yeah. The Dust Brothers did that? Speak it back. Right. A steaming pile of shit. Cameron Gordon. Okay, let's get the thing back in.
Starting point is 01:51:40 Whoever's hitting their mic. Play my music. Stop hitting your mic. So yeah, let's play your music. So this is the final jam. This is K by Mortgage. Hold on, did we do you yes we did okay so cam gordon's final jam can i click play yes here we go we were both right you know i think we've had the same fight on a previous Pandemic Friday,
Starting point is 01:52:05 like the exact same argument. Well, I can't forget this evening and your face. Wow, is this Mariah Carey? Shush! But I guess that's just the way the story goes. The demo. You always smile, but in your eyes you're so sure. Mike, mute him.
Starting point is 01:52:26 Mute him. That shit. He's at the end of his rope. L.A. Stew sucks. Yeah. Well, I can't forget tomorrow when I think of all my sorrow. I had you there,
Starting point is 01:52:44 then I let you go and now it's only fair that I should let you know what you should know I can't live if living is without you if we were all in my backyard we'd be singing along right now
Starting point is 01:53:14 bars is very different like it's very abrupt abrupt okay cam talk to us about bad fingers without yeah so uh bad finger uh led by pete ham a member of the there's another version of that song too right oh we're gonna get to that stewart eisenstein um yeah so pete ham lead singer of bad Finger. Gold Finger. Not Gold Finger. Bad Motor Finger. Oh, my God. Finger 11. Finger. Finger 11.
Starting point is 01:53:52 Yeah. Butterfinger. Anything else? Come on. I'm just going to sit back, you know. Finger. Do you know what the 11th finger is? Do you know what that is?
Starting point is 01:54:02 A penis. Cam doesn't. Rainbow Butt Monkeys. I know what that is uh cam doesn't i rainbow butt monkeys i know what it is all right cam cam i'm gonna mute mute stew and myself for both okay thank you no this is a great song without you um written by pete ham who has a really interesting backstory um with the beatles specifically because badfinger were signed to apple records god there's a whole i almost don't even want to say this because there's so much in this backstory i'd recommend everyone go see the story of pete ham his relationship with apple records how that led to the breakup of badfinger and really how that ended up uh to the end of pete ham's life it's really quite a sad story
Starting point is 01:54:46 um so i'm just looking at my notes here yeah like a lot of like legal issues with this guy do you guys remember the biggest uh other bad finger hit come and get it the finger four right leg lock not the finger four leg lock you know not Indian death lock either. So let's focus here. Do you know Mike? Come and get it if you want it. Yes, of course. Come and get it. But you better think.
Starting point is 01:55:15 If you want it, here it is. Come and get it. Yeah, that's it. So I'm not going to try to go into this. I'll talk a little bit how he passed away. But you talk about the rolling stones they looked at an old chuck berry record and saw the song rolling stone all of a sudden they're the rolling stones well a bit of a similar situation with bad finger it's in reference to bad finger boogie now do you guys know what Badfinger Boogie is? It's a song. No.
Starting point is 01:55:45 Any relation to Woogie? No, it's not the Boogie Woogie man, Jimmy Valiant. No. Are you speaking to him on this tour? No, I don't think he's alive. Is he still with us? I don't know. 27 Club.
Starting point is 01:55:59 Like the 87 Club. Anyway, Badfinger Boogie is actually the early working title of with a little help from my friends the beatles track ah there you go fun fact yeah i'll just say like this this is actually really fucking sad so again bad finger broke up amid all sorts of issues with their manager songwriting credits royalties all sorts of crap um it's mainly their guy is stan paulie no relation to sarah paulie who's their manager um who sarah paulie was their manager no no how do you know there's no relation did you do some did you do some kind of dna analysis maybe there is anyway i'm just saying a guy named Stan Pauly was their manager.
Starting point is 01:56:46 He fucked them. Pete Ham left the band penniless. Like he had sex with them? Oh, my God. I don't know if I can do this. I'm trying to talk about a person committing suicide. I keep getting interrupted by Stu Stone. Let's respect this tragedy.
Starting point is 01:57:03 Just let me finish this. So believing his finances had been wiped out, Pete Ham hung himself in his garage three days before his 28th birthday. So just under the wire, remember that. If he would have waited four days, he wouldn't be on this episode. Right.
Starting point is 01:57:18 With Shannon Hu, and he'd be in a different episode. That's terrible. Honestly, that's terrible. Well, it's going to get worse. okay so stew if you want to interrupt me when to go talk a suicide note go right ahead uh so pete ham left a note telling his pregnant girlfriend his son that he loved them oh and it read i will not be allowed to love and trust everybody this is better pete p.s stan paulie is a soulless bastard i will take him with me wow so i mean some strong words in the suicide note of pete ham but strong words gang yeah it's a horrible story um i'll be honest i didn't realize i always assumed that
Starting point is 01:58:02 harry nielsen wrote this. Same, same-sies. The original most famous version and then later covered by Mariah Carey. And both Harry Nilsson and Mariah Carey took the song to the top of the charts. Harry Nilsson's version from 1971 was number one in the US, UK, Australia, Canada, other countries. Mariah Carey's version went to number one in the UK, Germany. Her version from 1994 went to number one in the uk germany that her version from 1994 uh went to number one in the uk germany ireland number three are we gonna hear any of those uh no we're not we're already our two-hour target but please continue yeah so there's
Starting point is 01:58:38 actually another member of bad finger who committed suicide as well, Tom Evans. Any note there? No, I've got a note that you'll enjoy here. There was another surviving member of Badfinger, a guy named Jason Moland. And he left a note. Well, he maybe left a note on his 2019 tour where he played in a band with Todd Rundgren. Wow.
Starting point is 01:59:04 Jason Sheff, there you go. I thought Stuart would like that. Mickey Dolenz. Oh, Mickey. And Christopher Cross. What a fucking lineup. This was an ensemble that toured
Starting point is 01:59:17 in celebration of the Beatles' self-titled double album 50th anniversary. Is Mickey still with us? No. Two of them are with us i think he is with us actually he's one of the survivors yeah and so did davy jones of course yeah so the name of this tour was it was 50 years ago today dash a tribute to the beatles white album with that fearsome five the big-name performers, including a former member of Badfinger and some of Sue's favorite. Do you guys remember Mickey's daughter being a pretty attractive actress
Starting point is 01:59:53 in some comedy I saw? I think her name is Amy Dolenz. Does this ring a bell of anyone else? Yeah, I think so. So Cam, who's never watched any television show, all of a sudden remembers Mickey Dolenz's daughter in some random. Yeah, I just remember... So Cam, who's never watched any television show, all of a sudden remembers Mickey Dolan's daughter in some random... Yeah, I just remember crushing on her during this film.
Starting point is 02:00:09 That's all I recall. I just remember him having a daughter. Yeah, I think he had like an attractive blonde... Lone, less, less. Breakfast table. Amy. Amy Dolan's, I think, is her name. Amy Winehouse.
Starting point is 02:00:24 But she was in a comedy. I feel like maybe, who's the French actor, the famous... Rock Vizine. Gerard Depardieu. Yes, there's a movie with Gerard Depardieu playing the father of this young... The father of the hero.
Starting point is 02:00:39 Yes! So this exists, right? Yeah, he was just charged with some not good stuff. I feel like he was just accused of rape or sexual assault. He was also in Green Card, as I remember, as well. He was in a bunch of English movies because he was
Starting point is 02:00:56 a big French star. Now he's in a bunch of trouble. He's in a bunch of trouble. That was a bad finger. I like how Cam went off. Happy birthday to Ric Flair, by the way, speaking of fingers. Wow. 72 years old today. Wow.
Starting point is 02:01:09 The opposite of 27. Yes. Right? The inversion. Very well done. Transmission. The inversion. I like that.
Starting point is 02:01:16 I feel like I should just hang up. Yeah. Just like George Costanza. You got to leave on that high. Amy Kurtz, or sorry, what's her name? Amy Dolenz. Amy Dolenz was in Saved by the Bell the college years. She honestly,
Starting point is 02:01:28 I don't know. I just remember she was attractive. Can't buy me love. With Patrick Dempsey. Yeah. Wow. Yeah, she was in a few things. In a few things. Wow. It was a straight to video flick. Wow. It went straight to video flicks? Alright,
Starting point is 02:01:44 guys, that was Cam's final jam. It was straight to video flicks? All right, guys. That was Cam's final jam. It was a good one. I am now going to kick out my final jam, and then there's a little mind blow, and then we close up today's episode with Stu Stone. So, you ready? We were both right.
Starting point is 02:02:00 Let's go to... I'm sure we had that exact same argument before. Let's go to Woodstock. We're done. Are we done? Listen to that voice. This is canned heat. They played Woodstock, you know. Everybody knows that song, and they also know Going to the country, gotta get on. The Going to the Country song. I feel like that's been in a lot of commercials, like car commercials.
Starting point is 02:03:21 Oh, yeah, and trailers, too. I feel like that's, yeah, I agree with you. I think it's used a lot. But let's talk about the guy who died at the tragically young age of 27. His name was Alan Blind Owl Wilson. So they called him Blind Owl,
Starting point is 02:03:38 but he was Alan Wilson. And it was September 3rd, 1970. He was found dead on a hillside behind bandmates Bob Heights Topanga Canyon home. He was only 27, of course. That's how he got into the 27 Club. An autopsy identified his manner and cause of death as an accidental acute barbiturate intoxication. A lot of accidents. A lot of accidents happening here.
Starting point is 02:04:05 So that was Can Heat. Now, who the hell was Blind Owl to Can Heat, this band we know today for those two monster hits and for playing Woodstock? Well, he was a big part of this band. He was the guitarist and the harmonica player. He is also this falsetto vocal that we associate with canned heat that uh i mean we've all i'm sure we've all tried to sing like uh alan wilson from
Starting point is 02:04:33 canned heat especially this on the road again so this is uh this is him this is he big big part of this band it's interesting because i feel like when you look at all the bands that played Woodstock, a band like Can't Heat, I feel like they would be completely remembered in a different way if they weren't in that movie. Not that, to your point, where they had these two quite large hits. But I feel like that's probably the first thing most people think of when they think of Can't Heat. Like, oh, they played Woodstock. Also Jamiroquai.
Starting point is 02:05:04 He played Woodstock as well he was very young though he was on no but didn't they have like a canned heat isn't that one of their songs oh you might be right i didn't even like the song from uh from uh napoleon dynamite isn't it called canned heat maybe i don't know i can't say definitively but i'm sure you're right because you have a good memory you were right about the Stones so this by the way was the first ever canned heat song to top the charts it went to number one on the road again it's probably
Starting point is 02:05:33 this and again going to the country are the two best known canned heat singles but I said I had a little mind blow it's a short one here but this song was you ready for this this was a cover did you know that yes on the road again is a song from 1953 But this song was, are you ready for this? This was a cover. Oh, no. Did you know that? Yes.
Starting point is 02:05:49 On the Road Again is a song from 1953. And the musician was a Chicago blues musician named Floyd Jones. And we're just going to hear a little bit of the original On the Road Again. Just a little bit here. So you can hear it's very different. Right? So rather different. I'll bring it down to tell you that this was... Sorry, who is this artist? Okay, so this is Floyd Jones. It's called On the Road Again.
Starting point is 02:06:34 But this was actually a remake of a 1951 song called Dark Road. And that and On the Road Again are both based on a 1928 song by Mississippi Delta bluesman Tommy Johnson, which was called Big Road Blues. In fact, this is how important Delta bluesman Tommy Johnson was to Canned Heat.
Starting point is 02:07:02 They took the name of their band from a 1928 Tommy Johnson song called canned heat blues. Wow. So this really is the Xerox of a Xerox of a Xerox type of song. And then homogenized for the masses. Technical production by Rob Johnston. I'm Alan Cross.
Starting point is 02:07:23 Who's booked on Toronto mics for early March. Who Rob Johnson or. I'm Alan Cross. Who's booked on Toronto Mike's for early March? Who, Rob Johnston or Alan Cross? Alan Cross. Awesome. When is Mark Saltzman coming on? Not in the calendar, actually. Can you tell Al I say hello? I will. In fact, if you want, you can record
Starting point is 02:07:39 a special greeting and I can play it. I know Brother Bill's going to record something. Here's a question for you, Toronto Mike. Yes, sir because i i think of those two can't eat songs as amongst like if you just you know gun to your head name a hippie anthem right what song do you think of yes what song would you would be the first song that comes to mind uh i like the the joni mitchell penned uh going to woodstock that uh crosby stills and ash recorded that's good yeah i i could i could see that by the time we go to woodstock like i sort of think of ccr but like i i don't know i find their music pretty timeless but also
Starting point is 02:08:20 like my mind also like you can talk about Woodstock hippie stuff, but if my brain switches it to Vietnam movies, now I've got Fortunate Son in there. I've got Jimi Hendrix. Got White Rabbit. All Along the Watchtower. Yeah, there's certain, yes, good one there, too, as well. Spoilers galore. We got to get out of this place.
Starting point is 02:08:38 Yes, there's certain Vietnam songs. Yeah, that's good. Also known as Vietnam. Vietnam. Vietnam. Vietnam. How do you say it, Cam? I say Vietnam, but you know who had a song called Vietnam? Two words?
Starting point is 02:08:56 No, no, no, 19? No, that's Paul Hardcastle. The Minutemen. D. Boone. Same album as their Dr. Woo cover. Mike Watt. Fucking amazing. It all comes full circle. Dr. Woo. Hey! Dr. Woo cover Mike Watt, fucking amazing it all comes full circle
Starting point is 02:09:05 Dr. Woo Dr. Woo of course Sha Na Na played Woodstock Bowser is the origin I think that's why they named the Mario Brothers character Bowser I believe and Bowser of course named in the Adam Sandler Hanukkah song as being Jewish
Starting point is 02:09:21 wow and tonight I want to say this to you, I And tonight, I want to say this to you. I want to be the first to say this to you, Stu. Happy Purim. Wow. You must have studied since you last wished me a happy Purim. Purim. Oh, it's Purim, not Purim?
Starting point is 02:09:35 Purim is like Jewish Halloween. Okay, but not Purim. It's Purim. It is Purim. Okay, I got it right. Like a cat, Purim. And it's like everyone dresses up in costumes and goes and takes advantage of sales. Like 25%.
Starting point is 02:09:52 I don't even know if we're allowed to laugh at that. I don't know what we're talking about. I just know that this is a happy holiday. Is it happy? Who told you that it was happy? Because I said it to Ralph Ben-Murray earlier today. I said happy Purim, and he seemed very, he said something but upside down, and he was very kind of excited I said that to him.-Murray earlier today. I said, happy Purim. And he seemed very, he said something but upside down.
Starting point is 02:10:05 And he was very kind of excited I said that to him. Oh, well, there you go. Well, Ralph knows. He's not that kind of rabbi. Yeah. He's had a little frolic. All right. So we are about to kick out Stu's final jam.
Starting point is 02:10:19 Stu, what would you like to say? Cam, are you familiar with a gentleman by the name of greg swindell oh yes like for a long time rumors for years that the jays were going to get him and they finally got a tom candy oddy instead but yeah and what was like the thing that greg swindell was uh you know what was the signature sort of thing about him that made him sort of a special sort of pitcher. He's left-handed? Yes. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 02:10:49 Much like the final artist. The final artist is the Greg Swindell of rock and roll. Nailed it. I said where you going with that You gotta go ahead I'm going down to shoot my old lady You know I caught her messing around with another man I'm going down to shoot my old lady You know I caught her mess around with another man That ain't too cool Hey Joe
Starting point is 02:11:54 For the second time, Hey Joe gets kicked out on a pandemic Friday. Hey Joe, Jimi Hendrix, our final jam kicker. gets kicked out on a pandemic Friday. Hey, Joe. Jimmy Hendrix, our final jam kicker outer. And I told you, you know, I was going to just go with generational game-changing talent, and I did not disappoint this week,
Starting point is 02:12:17 earning another victory in my return. You had Nirvana. That's groundbreaking. You had the Grateful Dead, very prominent, culturally important sort of band in their own right. The Rolling Stones. And now Jimi Hendrix, the Southpaw guitarist who put the Stratocaster white guitar on the map. Left-handed. So if you were to buy a Jimi Hendrix guitar that is right-handed, it is a Fugazi. Like the one hanging in Cam's man cave.
Starting point is 02:12:48 That's not a real one. There are a lot of tie-ins between Jimi and the other acts. Namely, let's see if I can sort of put this together. He's from Seattle. That checks off Nirvana. Though they're from Aberdeen yeah close enough close enough greater seattle area i knew you were gonna say that too because i was debating saying it and i thought mike don't be so pedantic they won't be that guy i'm just gonna skip the formality because
Starting point is 02:13:17 it's been a long show but the funnest fact of them all is the connection to the rolling stones um did you guys know that uh j Hendrix, at one point, he was just struggling. You know, nobody wanted him. No one understood him. He was barely making any money. And it is when he did a performance at a place called the Cheetah Club,
Starting point is 02:13:38 not to be confused with the Cheetah Club that Cam visits when he goes to Las Vegas. Oh, stop it. Will you stop? He played at the Cheetah club that Cam visits when he goes to Las Vegas. Oh, stop it. Will you stop? He played at the cheetah club, and during a performance, Linda Keith discovered him. Linda Keith, of course, the girlfriend of Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards. Linda brought Jimmy to Keith Richards and said,
Starting point is 02:14:04 you got to check this guy out. Keith was blown away. They took him to the Stones manager, Andrew Oldham and producer Seymour Stein, the legend that he was. And they failed to see Hendrix music potential and rejected him. Keith did not give up there, though. No, she did not. She referred him to a gentleman that was by the name of Chaz Chandler, who was leaving the group, The Animals. And he was interested in managing and producing artists. He saw Hendrix play and was blown away and decided, hey, why don't you cover the song, Hey Joe?
Starting point is 02:14:37 I'm Alan Cross, and I'll be on Toronto Mike in a few weeks. There you go. You talk about a life-changing decision. That's one of them. Decides to record Hey Joe. And, of course, we'll listen to the other versions of Hey Joe or a few of the versions for our mind blow. But you'll notice lyrically Jimmy changed it up
Starting point is 02:14:56 because he's talking about, Hey Joe, where are you going with that gun in your hand? And you'll notice all the other versions don't refer to that gun. Well, let's play The Birds, Hey Joe. Sure. Hey, Joe. Sure. Hey, Joe, where you going with that money in your hand? Hey, Joe, where you going with that money in your hand? Oh.
Starting point is 02:15:18 One more John. Dude, there's some debate in the chat about whether he played a left-handed guitar. Maybe he didn't. Yeah, we might have to... Maybe it's inconclusive on this end before we get in trouble later for being out to lunch on this. If I'm wrong, then you can blame the website in which I got my information from. No, he's definitely left-handed, but he might have been playing a right-handed guitar. Oh, at some point,
Starting point is 02:15:46 he definitely switched to a left-handed guitar because that's the famous one that's in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Well, okay, so Canada Kev says that Jimmy did not play a left-handed guitar. Who's Canada Kev? Canada Kev. Oh, like with a K.
Starting point is 02:16:03 Yeah, lots of Ks in there. I guess to go with Kevin there. AKK. So there's some excitement. And also, Andrew Ward says he thinks he, that the instrument
Starting point is 02:16:12 was not re-strung. Okay, well, then I'll tell you what. I was, I was, I was, well, no, he's definitely left-handed.
Starting point is 02:16:20 Yeah, that's, that's, that's undebatable. Like Greg Swindell. He was left-handed. So I guess he played like upside-down guitar? Canada so i guess he played like upside down guitar canada kev says he played a right-handed guitar backwards oh that's crazy that
Starting point is 02:16:31 just shows you even more how talented this guy was if that's the case wow so if anything so if anything it made my case even stronger that he's the greg swindell of music because no one spun a a breaking ball like Greg Swindell. Wow. What a talent, though. I was today years old when I knew that he was playing a right-handed guitar backwards.
Starting point is 02:16:51 What a fucking talent, Stu. Jimi Hendrix. What a fucking talent. That's pretty wild if that's true. Did your mic go out or something? Because you went all quiet. Hello? Oh, you're back.
Starting point is 02:17:02 You're back. You're back. I said I was today years old when i learned that if that's true that's shocking and it's incredible just like shows you how crazy he was a bit of a canadian uh angle here uh there were some drug charges in canada for jimmy hendrix not unlike the rolling stones and keith richards uh he was passing through customs at toronto pearson international airport may 3rd, 1969,
Starting point is 02:17:26 when authorities found a small amount of heroin and hashish in his luggage. Four hours later, he was formally charged with drug possession and released on bail. He was required to return on May 5th for an arraignment. The incident proved stressful for Hendricks and awaited heavily on his mind during the seven months that he awaited trial. But, Cam and Mike, what do you think happened at that trial?
Starting point is 02:17:46 Was he found guilty or was he let off? I feel like he was let off. I feel he was let off as well. He was let off. He claimed that the drugs had been planted in his bag without his knowledge. And that defense held up. Yeah, because that happens all the time. Happens all the time.
Starting point is 02:18:05 Traits amounts of heroin. I do that every time I leave Mike's backyard. I just leave him all dead. Official cause of death, asphyxiation, apparently choked on his own vomit. Oh, yeah. There's also some people that say he was killed, but who the hell knows?
Starting point is 02:18:20 Anytime a famous person dies, they say that. The Byrds, by the way, who we heard recording that weird version of hey joe which came before hendrix uh you know who's the lead singer of the birds right uh david crosby yeah that was kind of a fun fact um i think that's generally no yeah i think yeah well maybe for people who are living under a rock or roger mcguinn i think yeah does anybody want to play the other Hey Joe or do we care this is Bill Roberts and this is a tape of folk songs
Starting point is 02:18:51 of various and sundry categories from America dedicated to a friend of mine named Barry Friedman this is a little song of mine that I just call Hey Joe. Cameron Gordon.
Starting point is 02:19:19 Billy Roberts. Hey Joe, where you going with your money in your hand? Money in your hand again. Hey, Joel, where you going with your money in your hand? It's funny how some songs can be recorded over and over again.
Starting point is 02:19:37 Oh, I'm in the wrong one. Hold on here. Sometimes I lose focus on my file. Okay, it's funny how some songs get recorded over and over again. Oh, okay, fine. You just go ahead, Stu.. Okay. It's funny how some songs get recorded over and over again. Oh, okay. Fine. You just go ahead, Stu. Fuck it.
Starting point is 02:19:48 What's happening here? Go ahead. I don't know. I just want this to be over. It's over when you're done. Finish your five tracks. I just did some research because I don't like to be shown up by assholes. And it turns out that Jimi Hendrix did play re-strung and played a right-handed guitar
Starting point is 02:20:07 re-strung left-handed. I knew that that was impossible for him to be playing it upside down as was suggested in the chat room by whoever the fuck put that there. And Angie Ward. Jimi took right-handed guitars and re-strung them for playing left-handed. That is directly from the Encyclopedia Britannica. He's strung them for playing left-handed. All right, Kevin.
Starting point is 02:20:25 That is directly from the Encyclopedia Britannica. He's cranky. Canadian Kev, you've got like three minutes left in the show if you want to chime in and either apologize or double down. Stu's still out to lunch. You know what the key thing I think we're missing here? You mentioned Jimi Hendrix, and some of these restrung guitars are in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
Starting point is 02:20:49 Now, where is that located? Is that not in Cleveland? Cleveland, which was where we first met Greg Swindell. So it all comes together. And that's... Stu, how did it feel to be back in the fold back on pandemic it felt good listen I'm sure you guys are hoping
Starting point is 02:21:10 brother Bill's back next week but you're stuck with me now brother Bill is better than me I guess we now know that now we have a schedule about when we're going to get our jabs well the start of a schedule I don't think it's going to be anytime soon at our
Starting point is 02:21:25 young age. Look, all I know is Aunt Sandy got her jabs and that's most important, I think. Yeah, it was really good to be back, Mike. I'm sorry for interrupting you always, but you've had three weeks without it, so, you know. I missed it. I needed it. I needed it.
Starting point is 02:21:41 Yeah, and you know, I want to say thank you to you and to Mimico Mike as well, who's tearing it up. Mike it. Yeah. It keeps me chapped. And, you know, I want to say thank you to you. And to Mimico Mike as well, who's tearing it up. Mike Majeski. Andrew Ward's stew was awesome tonight. Jesus Christ. Yeah, Andrew, he doesn't need to be his ego in place. No, stew knows. Andrew Ward knows that stew was awesome because stew won yet again.
Starting point is 02:21:59 So we kicked out all the big ones. Okay, guys, we did all the big ones. But I think if I had to pick somebody, and I'm not saying they were handsome in any regard, but I was hoping somebody would kick out some Echo and the Bunnymen, but there are a lot of great musicians. I feel like we've played that song so many times.
Starting point is 02:22:14 I was going to pick their cover of People Are Strange by The Doors from the Lost Boys soundtrack, because then it would all come together. Well, maybe when we do the sequel to the 27 Club, I think we missed about 12 more artists there. These folks in the chat room can't wait
Starting point is 02:22:31 for the big outro. I know, a lot of pressure on me. Ready? A lot of A's, a lot of ands. I would like to say Mike, in conclusion, and that and that brings us to the end of our 807th show you can follow me on twitter i'm at toronto mike stew is at stew stone cam gordon he's at cam underscore gordon our at jesse brown our friends at great lakes brewery are at great lakes beer palma pasta is at Great Lakes Brewery are at Great Lakes Beer.
Starting point is 02:23:06 Palma Pasta is at Palma Pasta. Sticker U is at Sticker U. CDN Technologies are at CDN Technologies. Ridley Funeral Home, they're at Ridley FH. And Mimico Mike, well, sorry Cam, he's not on Twitter. He's on Instagram
Starting point is 02:23:21 as Majeski Group Homes. I'm back tomorrow for 808 He's on Instagram as Majeski Group Holmes. I'm back tomorrow for 808 with the Sports Media Roundtable with Mark Hebbshire and Milan Telsania, and there's a shitload to cover. So join me then. Peace and love. Is that new?
Starting point is 02:23:43 Yeah, I'm just trying something different yeah this podcast has been produced by TMDS and accelerated by Rome Phone
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