Toronto Mike'd: The Official Toronto Mike Podcast - Cancon Jams by Non-Canadian Artists: Toronto Mike'd #820

Episode Date: March 19, 2021

Mike and Bob Willette kick out the biggest Cancon jams performed by non-Canadians....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to episode 820 of Toronto Mic'd, a weekly podcast about anything and everything. Proudly brought to you by Great Lakes Brewery, a fiercely independent craft brewery who believes in supporting communities, good times and brewing amazing beer. CDN Technologies, your outsourced IT department. Contact Barb, she's Barb, at Palma Pasta. Enjoy the taste of fresh homemade Italian pasta and entrees from Palma Pasta in Mississauga and Oakville.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Create custom stickers, labels, tattoos, and decals for your home and your business. Ridley funeral home pillars of the community since 1921. And Mike Majeski, or as I call him, Mimico Mike. He's the real estate agent. Who's ripping up the Mimico real estate scene. Learn more at real estate. Love's ripping up the Mimico real estate scene. Learn more at
Starting point is 00:01:28 I'm Mike from and joining me this week to kick out the best CanCon from non-Canadian artists is Bob Ouellette. Good afternoon, sir. How are you? Don't call me, sir, Bob. This podcast is over. How are you? Where do I want to start? I want to start by saying I love your new podcast, Bob's Basement. Thank you. Yeah, we just, well, thank you. You're very much involved in it. You are the exec producer, I i guess i'm not sure exactly exactly as much as you think it does um no you're you helped me get this off the ground you've uh
Starting point is 00:02:14 you lent me some uh equipment um i had a i had some help with some other friends in the in the in the business is very lucky last september when my contract ended uh with my day job at bell media um well we knew why i didn't get a new job because what if you look at what happened there right um so yeah i came up with this idea i wanted to like every guy who's out of work in radio want to do a podcast i came up with the angle of uh making it about change so that we uh every episode everything we speak about is kind of under the umbrella of change and, uh, 21 episodes in it's, uh, it's, it's pretty good, man. We've cracked the top 100 of the personal journals chart a few times.
Starting point is 00:02:54 It makes me feel good. Listen, it's got the momentum of a runaway freight train. That's very nice, but it's been, it's been pretty great, man. I gotta say, you know, I'm very lucky that i was able to call some friends in the music industry and the in the broadcast industry who helped me out early on and now it's like it's yeah it's got some of its own legs you know it's at that point now where people are starting to seek me out a little bit and ask if they can come on which is kind of cool oh no i think it's great and uh because this episode is about canCon, I just want to establish you.
Starting point is 00:03:25 I know I called you on Twitter. I called you an expert. And you're like, I don't know if I'm an expert. But you've been working in Canadian radio for like 100 years. Is that right? Yeah, about that. It's around 100 years or so. Yeah, I've been 20, 22 years or so, something like that. No longer than that. 23 years, I guess. Started in 98, I guess. So is it fair to say that you are fluent in CanCon? You need to know whether
Starting point is 00:03:53 a song qualifies as CanCon or not. Yeah, I do know that. I've been in the programming for quite some time so that you know what does count as CanCon because most radio stations have a minimum requirement of 35% of Canadian content on their radio station, music-based radio stations. Some have more, some have 40%. So when I got involved in programming, I definitely became very familiar
Starting point is 00:04:19 with what is called the Maple system and all the little tricks that, you know, labels and different people do to get stuff to count as CanCon. Okay. So we're kicking out the, and I say the best, obviously the best is not really the right term here, but we're kicking out 10 notable CanCon songs or hits, I think we could say. Yeah, I think they're all relative hits. And they're performed by non-Canadians.
Starting point is 00:04:44 I think some people who don't work in radio and are less familiar with this maple system, which I'm going to drill you about in a moment, will be surprised to learn that you can have a CanCon hit in this country that qualifies as CanCon, and you can be somebody who has never
Starting point is 00:05:00 had Canadian citizenship or even lived here or anything like that. And conversely, you can be Canadian and have a song that's a hit. And it'll never count as CanCon. There was years ago, Brian Adams, I think the biggest example. Everything I do, I do it for you
Starting point is 00:05:16 from the Robin Hood soundtrack does not count as CanCon for a bunch of reasons. Well, hey, before you give us those reasons, because this might be a good opportunity. Sure. How well, like, are you able to explain Maple to us lay people? Yeah, sure, of course. So pre-1972, a song just had to either be written or performed by
Starting point is 00:05:39 or produced by a Canadian to count as a Canadian song. Now, they also didn't have those rules and regulations in which that they... Radio was very regimented, but in different ways. They had spoken word needs, and they had a bunch of information-based stuff, surveillance needs. They dropped that along the way with AM and FM,
Starting point is 00:06:02 and basically they stuck with what is called the Maple system. And so for a song to count as CanCon, as a Canadian song on the radio, and I think the same goes for much music, not that they play music very much anymore. But basically, you have to fulfill what they call, of course, the Maple. So Maple stands for music, artist, production, and lyrics. If you fulfill two of those four, you count as CanCon. Okay, repeat those four again. So let's take a song, any song. Let's do a Brian Adams.
Starting point is 00:06:39 Let's use Brian Adams as the example. Let's use Brian Adams. Everything I do, I do it for you. The music was not written by a Canadian. The artist is Brian Adams as the example. Let's use Brian Adams. Everything I do, I do it for you. The music was not written by a Canadian. The artist is Brian Adams. He's Canadian. So there's one. Ding, ding, ding. The song was produced in the United States by an American. Not. The lyrics were written by an American, not a Canadian. Therefore, that song does not count as CanCon.
Starting point is 00:07:03 So they don't weight it where you you think the actual performer like Brian Adams would carry some weight to it where that might be sufficient. But you're telling me no. It's four equal parts. There's no weighting at all. It's four equal parts. And it's, I mean, I don't know if you know this history, but I know that the Juno Awards are named after the guy who, Juno. It's a French dude, I guess. And I don't know. Like this Junot guy.
Starting point is 00:07:28 I guess he was in cabinet or whatever and helped get this legislation passed. This whole CanCon rule set. Right. You're telling me this kicks in in 1972? Pre-72, you only need to have one. There's a couple songs
Starting point is 00:07:43 on this list that you can... Some of them are... There's a couple songs on this list that you can uh there some of them are you there's a couple songs on the list it's a little sketch but you can still if you when you do your so can report which is the society canadian artists and blah blah blah it's basically the songwriters uh union uh they have ascap in the states and whatnot uh if you you put this song down now to be fair not a lot of music being played on the radio pre 72. Generally speaking, you know, you get your you know, you have your classic rock and your classic hit station. But even then, they're not playing stuff that stuff's 50 plus years old now. So you're not getting a lot of that. But there are a couple of selections on this list.
Starting point is 00:08:17 I just I actually went to my friend John Terminese, who was the program or the music director at Proud FM with me. Terminesi who was the program or the music director at Proud FM with me and I learned so much from this guy this guy used to work in the Chum FM music library back in late 70s early 80s he worked for Easy Rock 97.3 before it was Boom he worked for Chum FM Chum AM he is like the he knows more about music than anybody I know. So I already had a list together. And then I went to him and said, Hey, John, tell me, what are your favorite, what are your ones that are kind of like your favorite songs that count as CanCon that nobody might think that they're CanCon?
Starting point is 00:08:54 And he sent me a list within five minutes of about 100 songs. So this is the top 10 from his list and my list. Well, this is like, I'm so excited. So when we do this countdown here, basically I'll do it just like we're kicking out the jams. Like, I'll play a good 45 seconds or something. Then I'll fade it down. And then we'll talk about, like, basically
Starting point is 00:09:14 why does it qualify as CanCon? Because we can already say before I kick out any of these jams, none of the, what's the M again? Musician? What is M in Maple? Yeah, the music the music okay so the music artist lyrics okay okay so none of the a's will be canadian so we can already tell you that before we begin the a's are canadian on that list no that is correct okay this is this is super
Starting point is 00:09:37 exciting so we're i'm gonna is it super exciting i think to me it is i'm a little bit of a like a geek on this but i because i think this. Can you hear me, Bob? Sorry, because you said hello. I thought we lost you. I've had half a beer so far. By the way, one of your former clients gave me the glass. Isn't that one of your... Brian Gerstein?
Starting point is 00:10:03 There you go. Shout out to... I've got to be careful because I'm going to talk about Mimstein? There you go. Yeah, that's him. Yeah, so shout out to... Although I got to be careful because I'm going to talk about Mimico Mike in a moment. Right, I shouldn't do that. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:10:10 You can do that. It's former, right? I should... I'm seeing how something's being nice by putting the beer in. But he's still a good FOTM. Like he...
Starting point is 00:10:15 I saw him... Like I do the live stream of Hebsey every Friday morning. I know. I've commented on a few things. Hebsey stuff.
Starting point is 00:10:23 Well, we can talk about that later. Okay, we'll do it quickly now. You and I are similar vintage. Yes. But he's got 20 on us, I think. No, maybe 15. He's not 65.
Starting point is 00:10:35 Yes, he is. Is he past 65? He just turned 65. Wow, so he's got 20 years on me. Yeah, I think New Year's Day, I believe he turned 65. Oh, wow. I love him. He's a legend. Hebsy's a legend. But man, some of his takes are so old and dusty.
Starting point is 00:10:49 I love him. I do. I think he's smart and he did so much. And he was so far ahead of the curve doing the show with Taddy. So good. But some of his takes right now, I'm just like, dude, you are living on another planet. And he literally is. I think that's why we're a good team only because i sit here and i mean it is hebsy on sports so i let him do his thing and
Starting point is 00:11:10 then i'm like i can't go with him on these things like he went on this you know you know he you know we did a whole thing today on uh how to make women's sports more uh like appetizing or whatever and that was one of the things he was going off on Tim for doing a woman's panel on Woman's Day. Get over it to want to talk about dead Walter Gretzky. I know. Well, Hepz doesn't want a woman to even get that one day. No, exactly. What about Men's Day?
Starting point is 00:11:37 Anyway. I know. He's one of the good ones. He's a legend. And he's entertaining. Even when you disagree with him, it's fun to consume his stuff. Okay. All right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:46 So all this is to say I saw Brian Gerstein engaging in real time during this morning's recording. I'm drinking out of his pint glass. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:55 So enjoy. I hope you're drinking Great Lakes. So let me do this really quickly before I kick out jam number one. Bob, if you were in
Starting point is 00:12:02 my backyard and I hope for the tragically hip episode. We will do that for sure. What were we doing? Bare Naked Ladies or Tragically Hip? I thought we kicked out the top 10 Pearl Jam jams, but not necessarily their biggest hits,
Starting point is 00:12:16 just stuff that resonates and why. And we had kind of decided that we could do either Bare Naked Ladies, but I could only do Bare Naked Ladies until Stephen left. After Stephen leaves, I have to admit admit i couldn't pick songs from them i was a fan till steven left and i like the guys i mean i think tyler's a great guy and ed's a great guy all of them cregan they're great but i'm not i don't know their music but the tragically hip however i was actually just speaking with jake gold one of the guys who's been on my Bob's Basement.
Starting point is 00:12:45 Never heard of him. I guess as well. And my Spotify year end, I am in the top 0.5% of Tragically Hip listeners in Canada. Like I listen to that much Tragically Hip through Spotify. Already, because we're live at and already Canada Kev agrees with you on Barenaked Ladies, so there's at least
Starting point is 00:13:08 you're not alone in that thought there. So let's, when in the summer when you're in the backyard and we're kicking out the Tragically Hip because that's what I've decided I want to do here. You're getting some fresh craft beer from Great Lakes Brewery. I hear they're opening something east.
Starting point is 00:13:24 Yeah, like I think that's like not as far east as me, but east. But east of Yonge, which is like, I think it's like, is it Sherbourne and Lakeshore or Jarvis and Lakeshore? Well, if you live in Toronto, you call it Sherbourne, but that's fine. Not Sherbourne. Oh, I called
Starting point is 00:13:39 number 21 on the Maple Leafs. I called him Borge Salman the other day and I got it really bad. Oh, you did that for sure. What, are you new? I don't know. Like, I actually watched a lot of his career and for some reason... I know, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:51 Did you just forget that he's Borja? I don't know why. I just went with Borj. I don't know. Okay, so Sherbourne. Sherbourne? Sherbourne. Not Sherbourne.
Starting point is 00:14:00 Okay. It's Toronto, not Toronto. It's Sherbourne. How do you say that street Jarvis? Jarvis. You'd say it like a pirate. Well, you know, I have a son named Jarvis. That was my little joke there.
Starting point is 00:14:14 So, I'll get you the beer. It's delicious. I'll get you a lasagna from Palma Pasta. My family loved that last pasta you sent. The last time I was in the backyard, it was terrific. Oh, Beck on the live stream says she's in full support of the Tragically Hip session that we're going to do.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Oh, it's going to be great. I'm looking forward to it. I was lucky enough to have Rob Baker on Bob's Basement. And that was one of those amazing moments where I'm like, I can't believe I'm having Rob, Robbie Baker. And just yesterday I was watching a thing that Dave Bedini, uh, did with, um, with Paul Langlois and M Griner and Tara Sloan, all people who've been on your show. stories from the tour bus and it was called Brushes with Fame. I watched the whole thing. I tweeted Paul Langlois and he tweeted me back and started following me. So
Starting point is 00:15:10 I'm fingers crossed now. I want Paul Langlois on Bob's Basement so much. I'm such a huge hip fan. Stop rubbing it in, Bob. And how come you were on that with Bedini's thing yesterday instead of being on our Pandemic Friday episode of Brother Bill? There's been 50, how many
Starting point is 00:15:25 Pandemic Fridays? 53. There was one stories from the tour bus. I'm deleting your podcast right now. It was Sophie's choice, but I had to make it. Alright, I'm going to get you, I don't know how many I've given you in the past,
Starting point is 00:15:41 but I'm going to get you the awesome Toronto Mike stickers. I actually don't think I have any. What? I don't think I many I've given you in the past, but I'm going to get you the awesome sticker. Toronto Mike stickers. I actually don't think I have any. What? I don't think I have any, although I was, I'm totally going to take us off topic here, but I know you don't mind.
Starting point is 00:15:53 I don't mind. I was, uh, I was going through some old stuff the other day. Check this out from night 2004. Oh, wow. It's a beastie boy sticker from check,
Starting point is 00:16:02 check, check, check, check it out. Right. Of course. Yeah. From the five boroughs or whatever. Yeah. And I have like a whole bunch of them. it's a beastie boys sticker from check check check check it out right of course from the five boroughs or whatever yeah and i have like a whole bunch of them i will give you one if you'd like okay give me one i have a few speaking of sticker you and the beastie boys is uh they made
Starting point is 00:16:15 a nice check your head sticker for me because you know pre-pandemic guests came down here and hit their head every time so next time you're in the basement, whenever that can be. Yeah. I'm going to have to get a Bob's Basement sticker made up for it. Oh, yeah. No. These decals are from StickerU. They're high quality. They're good. I'm going to get something for my backdrop here. Absolutely. As Bob's Basement takes off and you quit your day job because it's a monster success. Speaking of monster successes, Bob, I know you're east of young. I wish you were a Mimico boy. You'd be much closer to me. And if you ever do want to move the family to Mimico, Mimico Mike is your man.
Starting point is 00:16:52 He's ripping up the Mimico real estate scene. As I said, you can learn more. And I urge people to go to And if you reach out to Mimico Mike, tell him Toronto Mike sent you. And Ridley Funeral Home, not Mimico Mike tell them Toronto Mike sent ya and Ridley Funeral Home not Mimico but New Toronto and I want to just thank them for their tremendous support
Starting point is 00:17:11 they're in for all of 2021 which is awesome and they've been pillars of the communities in 1921 and that doesn't mean Doug's been around since 1921 but he's about our age. But just solid people, you know?
Starting point is 00:17:28 Good family-run business, and they're just solid citizens. And I really like being in business with them. And last but not least, if anyone listening is considering outsourcing their IT, I urge you to speak to Barb Paluskiewicz from CDN Technologies. Barb can be reached via email. She's barb at or go to Just let her know that Toronto Mike sent you and she will take care of you. Bob, do you want me to just jump into jam number one or do you have any more to set the table here?
Starting point is 00:18:05 So we know what qualifies. We talked about Maple, M-A-P-L. This will come up again 10 more times. But these are all jams that qualify as CanCon, which means two of the four requirements are met. But none of those requirements are the A in Maple because none of these artists are Canadian. None of them are. I did that list on purpose to make sure that none of these artists are Canadian. None of them are. I made that,
Starting point is 00:18:25 I did that list on purpose to make sure that none of the artists are Canadian. However, I can explain why each of these songs count. And it'll be as we proceed, and again, I told you, I warned you, I was excited about this and I really am. But as we proceed, this will probably explain to a lot of people, like
Starting point is 00:18:42 why do they keep hearing these songs? You know what I mean? Like, I feel like people are gonna be gonna be like oh is that why q107 plays the hell out of that song there i'm one of the earliest guests on my uh i mean not to get sidetracked quickly one of the earliest guests i had on my podcast on bob's basement was a gentleman by the name of leon harrison and leon is australian and he is the lead singer of a band called the Lazy's and the Lazy's are this phenomenal rock band they are very reminiscent of an ACDC and other Aussie bands they got a big silver chair influence he's a huge silver chair fan and they came to CMW as a band they decided any long story short they ended up becoming friends with Ian DeSalle of Billy Talent and Brown Sound.
Starting point is 00:19:28 And he has now, he co-writes and produces all of their music. So their music counts as CanCon. Wow. See, you're bringing the fun facts here. Amazing. You know what song I really like from Silverchair? I still like it. It's Pure Massacre.
Starting point is 00:19:45 Great. I love Silverchair. I think they're one of those bands that's post... I can remember listening to The Edge before I got into radio and listening to Alan Cross on the ongoing History of New Music talk about Silverchair
Starting point is 00:19:55 and talk about that era of bands that will come out that listened to Nirvana and how important that would be and what kind of influence they would have. And Daniel Johns and Silverchair definitely embody that.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Their cool band was Nirvana. Right. And for the record, Silverchair is not CanCon. Nope. They did not get a Canadian to produce their album for them. Alright. Bob, you ready to kick out the jams here yeah and I got all my research here in front of me
Starting point is 00:20:29 I'm ready to go I can't wait to kick out this first jam here we go Oh Hey Roller skates, thin lines Hot sun and clear blue skies The waves were crashing die And when she passed me by And gave a wink and smile
Starting point is 00:21:02 And I was a cloud nine, love the way you move your hips and lick your lips the way you dip you got me up so high and girls you got that body with them curls like a bugatti i just wanna drive oh and girl you know round and round your love winds me up like a hula hula hula hula hula. Oh, round and round your love winds me up like a hula hula hula hula hula. Oh, round and round your love winds me up like a hula hula hula hula hula. People hate this song so much. You know, it sounds a lot like his other hit, Cheerleader. Yeah, you think?
Starting point is 00:21:51 Like it's the same fucking song. Well, no, it's not because it's written by a Canuckian. Okay, so walk us through this. So, of course, this is Omi. Is that how you say it? Omi? Omi is his name, yeah. So, actually, this song comes out in August of 2015. I had just
Starting point is 00:22:05 left Proud FM and Evanov Radio Group, and I became the music director at Virgin Radio Toronto. And this was one of the first songs that I I mean, we were playing this song 120 times a week. Like, a lot. Like, 10 times a day we were
Starting point is 00:22:21 playing this song, essentially. And it was counted as CanCon. It's a you call it, you know, it's a deep we were playing the song essentially and it was counted as cancon it's a you call it you know it's a deep house tropical house song um basically what happened is omi hooked up with this guy jensen vaughn and jensen vaughn is a canadian singer songwriter but he's basically a behind the scenes guy and he has uh worked and the other guy guy who also co-wrote it was Carl Wolf. He's another guy who was a member of Africa. Remember the member? Toto?
Starting point is 00:22:50 Yeah. Of course. There's a cover by this guy, Carl Wolf. Oh. No, I only know the Weezer cover. No, there's a before that. So somewhere between Toto releasing Africa. Oh, is this a hard rock version?
Starting point is 00:23:05 Like a really hard rock version? No, no, no, no. Super light, super, super dancey. Anyhow. So this song was produced in Canada. It was the Carl Wolf and Jensen Vaughn are Canadian. They wrote the lyrics and they wrote the music together with a couple other guys who were not. So here's where it gets really interesting.
Starting point is 00:23:24 The pie gets split. This particular song gets full production the song was produced in canada okay so it gets the full m or the full p it gets half and uh lyrics and half a music so it gets like half of a quarter and half of a quarter, which makes half. And that's why that counts as CanCon. Because there's other writers on it as well. Wow. The other writers, this guy Matt James and this Frank Bulis, I don't know. They're not, to my knowledge, they're not Canadian. But because there's two Canadian writers that count for both the music and the lyrics,
Starting point is 00:24:00 and it was produced in Canada, it is a Canadian, this is a Canadian hit. Well, fun fact then, already off the bat, that Omi's Hula. It is a Canadian. This is a Canadian hit. Well, fun fact then already off the bat that Omi's hula hoop is CanCon, but Cheerleader is not CanCon. No, Cheerleader actually, Omi, like that has a huge, a way longer history with Omi. He was an artist in Jamaica and he'd been working that song since like the early 2000s. It's a very different song.
Starting point is 00:24:22 I got to catch up on my Omi, the ongoing history of Omi. I got to catch up, but let's kick out the second, you know, big, what are we calling it? CanCon hits by non-Canadians. Here's number two. You got the video going?
Starting point is 00:24:52 Is this the YouTube? Oh, yeah, I took it from whatever, yeah. There's music coming in here. It's coming. Good patient. Good patient. so do i have the right jam here yeah yeah fast forward a little bit fast forward a bit here okay this is awkward but here we go there you go okay i wanna know Here, I'll bring her down. Let's hear you talk about it.
Starting point is 00:25:49 All right. So this is the Angry Kids versus Bob Marley. So technically, a Bob Marley song counts as CanCon. So there's a whole thing that happens in the music industry and the radio broadcast industry. I don't even know. I could get in trouble for saying this, but basically what happens is there are certain labels that are very good at manipulating the rules so that to get something to sound that,
Starting point is 00:26:17 that could be Canadian to count as Canadian. In this particular case, the angry kids are a, as a guy, it might even be two, I think it's two guys from the West Coast. They're remixers. They're DJs.
Starting point is 00:26:28 They're like Deadmau5, say. They took this Bob Marley song, Mr. Brown, which if you know Bob Marley, it's a song that Bob Marley did. They remixed it, and it's called the Angry Kids versus Bob Marley. They have remixed it to the point where the label. Which I believe was Sony Music at the time. The label actually wrote. To the CRTC. And said. Here's the song.
Starting point is 00:26:54 The artist. Is only half Bob Marley. Because we're just taking the vocals. So we get half artist. Because the angry kids are the artist. So you've split the artist in half. So the lyrics are 100% Bob Marley.
Starting point is 00:27:12 They are not. However, the music, they are saying that they changed it enough that it counts. They changed the music enough that it would count as Canadian. They rewrote the music was their argument. So they get a half music, and then they get
Starting point is 00:27:28 full production. They'll get half production because the vocals were produced elsewhere. No matter what, it's over two. It's over half of the maple. So they're getting half for artist. Yep. So this is the exception to our rule that we said none of these get any points for artist, but this
Starting point is 00:27:44 one actually gets half a point for artist. They could half but but you don't yeah so they get half artist they get half production well they get full production because they're saying they pre they produce the whole thing right which you can get sketchy because they didn't record bob marley doing those doing the vocals and then they get half they but no but they get full music right because they rewrote the music enough wow wow okay firstly when that is serviced so what happens is music it's not like it used to be on tuesdays you'd have your record rep you'd have your guy come to your radio station and bring you all the new music here you know here's the new record that you should play now it gets serviced to you through these different services so when this
Starting point is 00:28:21 song gets got serviced to music directors across canada it was serviced on the service that gives it with a letter from the crtc confirming that it counts as canadian content does this show my ignorance that i actually don't know the angry kids like should i know the angry kids they had a moment um they had a moment i'm not i'm not particularly surprised that you don't know i compared them to dead mouse they probably wished they were dead mouse you know more than anything but they for me this this was something because i was at proud fm and evanov radio group who both play you know like z103 is a dance station they would have played this as can con i played this as can con wow okay so it's
Starting point is 00:29:01 kind of amazing that you can you can do win a bar bet or something by saying a Bob Marley jam is CanCon. It counts as CanCon. Wow. Okay. Bob, you mentioned that you were in my backyard this past summer and we were kicking out the Pearl Jam. So let's kick out this third jam. When I walk beside her I am the better man When I look to leave her I always stagger back again
Starting point is 00:29:42 Once I built an ivory tower So I could worship from above When I climbed down to be set free She took me in again There's a big, a big hard sun Beating on the big people In a big hard world When she comes to greet me
Starting point is 00:30:13 She is mercy at my feet Great jam, Bobby. If you've never seen Eddie Vedder live, he will often close with that song. It is from the end of the Wild soundtrack and it is his cover of Big Hard Sun, which is
Starting point is 00:30:30 a Canadian song. So it was written by a guy in a band called Indio, and Indio was a band out of the West Coast. Actually, the guy says, apparently he's from Toronto. I also don't think it's a band. I think it's just him. Yeah, it's just him.
Starting point is 00:30:47 This guy, Gordon Peterson, his name. And in 89, he released an album called Big Harvest. Now, if you know the Into the Wild soundtrack, Eddie actually scored that soundtrack. And he wrote this. He took this song and used it. And I've only seen Eddie's solo once. I saw him at Massey Hall.
Starting point is 00:31:06 And he closed with Big Hard Son, which is from the 2007 movie. What was interesting about this is that Gordon, Mr. Peterson, actually sued Eddie Vedder about changing the lyrics of his song. It's not that he used it. He had permission to use it. He changed the
Starting point is 00:31:26 lyrics. It's like only one or two lyrics, but he sued Eddie for basically ruining the spirit of the song over one line. I actually don't know. I imagine they settled out of court and it never went to action. I think you're absolutely right. I think they settled out of court,
Starting point is 00:31:43 but that's wild. you'd think he would love the fact he's getting some new paychecks out of this. Get some resids. Every artist's dream. This is what Sokan is all... This is what Maple is based on. It's about follow the money.
Starting point is 00:31:59 There's a reason why they want to make sure that the people who wrote the music get recognized right and in this case this is a a great case of a of a guy who wrote a really great song uh let's face it eddie better made it better and turned it into the hit that it is right um but yeah he actually sued him i think it was settled out of court. I couldn't find anything too detailed on that case. Everything
Starting point is 00:32:29 was behind a paywall, so I couldn't go too deep, and I only found so much on it. But yeah, Eddie Vedder counts as CanCon, and that is why you hear that on Boom 97.3 all the time. That explains everything, and I just want to say I distinctly remember when the Indio version was on the radio,
Starting point is 00:32:47 and I liked it then, so I just want to throw that out there. It's a good song. It's a good song, and you're right. We're a little biased, though, because we're Eddie Vedder fanatics. Yeah, but I mean, it was the only song off that album that even got a sniff on radio, really. And, you know, in 89, what, I'm like 13 years old. You're so right, yeah. No one can name a second Indio song. Yeah, and you know, in 89, what I'm like 13 years old. You're so right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:05 No one can name a second Indio song. Yeah, exactly. No one can name a first. You hear that? Do you know how many people actually, it's funny you say that I've spoken to so many people talking about this particular song,
Starting point is 00:33:16 this particular kick out the jams that we're doing. Uh, and people, most people who I've spoken to had no idea that big heart song wasn't an Eddie Vedder song. Interesting. Interesting. Do you know who's doing background on the Eddie Vedder version? There's a woman in the background.
Starting point is 00:33:34 Do you know who it is? I would wager a guess that maybe it was one of the girls from Sleater-Kinney. Only because they have a great relationship. Do you know? No, I know. Actually, like i should be i'll google it during the next jam uh take a look yeah i don't know off the top of my head because also i think i feel like the indio version had a famous person doing background vocals and uh i should google that as well like
Starting point is 00:33:58 somebody i believe a name we'd know is doing background vocals on the indio version i think uh oh uh joni mitchell yeah okay there's a name for you holy shit okay background uh so yeah so is doing background vocals on the Indio version, I think. Oh, Joni Mitchell. Yeah, okay, there's a name for you. Holy shit, okay. Background, so yeah, so Big Harvest, it took two months. It was recorded in Hamilton. And Brenda Russell and Joni Mitchell did some background vocals on the album,
Starting point is 00:34:20 not necessarily the song. We don't know for sure, but on the album, Joni Mitchell did. Okay don't know for sure, but on the album, Joni Mitchell did. While I kick out this next big jam, number four, try to find out who's singing, if it's somebody we know who's doing the Eddie Vedder version on the background there. That's your homework,
Starting point is 00:34:36 but here is your fourth jam. We'll be right back. Wow. Big Monster Jam. Huge. away Wow. Big monster jam. Huge. Huge song. Pat Benatar. Come on. Pat Benatar. Really an interesting story with Pat Benatar.
Starting point is 00:35:39 I just lost it. I had it all up here. What did I do with it? Hit me with best shot is canadian yes why come on mike you've said well it's a cover of a canadian is it the arrows i'm trying to remember now i don't know if it was actually eddie schwartz eddie schwartz yeah okay so you know we've done a pandemic friday which was um like american songs covering americans covering songs by canadian artists we did that for Pandemic Friday, like early in the pandemic.
Starting point is 00:36:06 And I kicked this one out. Oh, nice. Like this version. Yeah, because this is an American covering a Canadian song. Yes. So this is Pat Benatar. Top 10 song. This guy also wrote Don't Shed a Tear by Paul Carrick. Don't shed
Starting point is 00:36:22 a tear for me. That's a pretty good song. And The Doctor by the Doobie Brothers, which I can't sing. Music is the doctor. Make you feel like you want. Yeah, that was a good jam back in the late 80s or something. This dude was born in Toronto. He went to York University.
Starting point is 00:36:40 Graduated the year I was born, 1976. He had an album in 1979 called Schwartz. Maybe not. May the Schwartz be with you. May the Schwartz be with you. And so, yeah, like, he has definitely made more money on the music he wrote
Starting point is 00:36:54 than the music he performed. Well, think about all the sports usages. Like, hit me if you're best shot. It must have been used in a million sports montages. Dude's a member of the order of canada wow probably just for writing this song just for this song alone just just for hit me with your best shot which i don't think actually he ever recorded at least looking at like again this is wikipedia so you never know. But I don't think he ever actually recorded it. His biggest hit in Canada was a song called Special Girl in 1984.
Starting point is 00:37:31 It peaked at number 20 on the Canadian Adult Contemporary Chart. So we go back to the maple thing here. The music and the lyrics are by a Canadian. So that's the two points, and that's all you need. It doesn't matter where it was produced. It doesn't matter who did it. He wrote the music and lyrics. It's Canadian. Interesting. Okay, that's the two points and that's all you need. It doesn't matter where it was produced. It doesn't matter who did it. He wrote the music and lyrics. It's Canadian.
Starting point is 00:37:47 Interesting. Okay, that's a big jam. And the fun fact for everybody is it qualifies as CanCon. So if the mighty... I love the fun facts, right? That's what I do. That's your thing. I always joke with you online.
Starting point is 00:37:59 I'm like, yeah, your version of what a fun fact is different than mine. Sometimes my fun fact involves like terrible deaths and stuff. No, exactly. Fun fact. Somebody was decapitated. He was murdered. So, yeah, if I ever hear any fun facts on Bob's Basement, that's it for you, buddy. You're ready.
Starting point is 00:38:17 For sure. No, yeah, I don't know about fun facts. My fun facts might actually be fun. All right, let's see now. Four great jams so far, although I didn't know the, I didn't know that Andrew angry kids versus Bob Marley. So,
Starting point is 00:38:30 uh, so far I only was, yeah, I wouldn't necessarily call it a hit, you know, like I've come on now at least once or twice. Have I come on talking about, um,
Starting point is 00:38:39 forgotten hits? I was once, I like early in the pandemic. You did it. Yeah. Yeah. Talking about songs that were hits that nobody plays anymore, that don't have a spot anymore.
Starting point is 00:38:50 Right. That'll be my next one, but that'll be after the hip one. We'll do another hits that everybody's just abandoned. Well, you need me to feed the family, so keep coming over for that Palma Pasta. There you go. You love your Fresh Craft beer, so I'll take care of you. I'll take that too.
Starting point is 00:39:06 Yeah, yeah, for sure. All right, man. Number five. Bear with me. There's a little white space here. I'll have to clean it up in post. Here we go. That's good for life.
Starting point is 00:39:19 As if I do that. No, I mean, there we go. People are talking, talking about people. I hear them whisper. You won't believe it. They think we're loving. Kept under cover. I'll just ignore it. But they keep saying we laugh just a little too loud. A little too loud.
Starting point is 00:40:02 We stand just a little too loud. A little too loud. We stand just a little too close. We stand just a little too long. Maybe they're seeing something we don't, darling. Let's give them something to talk about. Something to talk about. Let's give them something to talk about. Something to talk about. Let's give them something to talk about How about love I feel so good
Starting point is 00:40:38 Get out of here. How can a Bonnie Raitt jam be can-con? So first of all, I'll give you my personal take on the Bonnie rate. Something to talk about. I can remember in the grants, this one song, one of the best grants. So like she cleaned up at the Grammys the year this came out. Right.
Starting point is 00:40:52 And I can remember being just old enough to remember watching the Grammys. And she won for best female pop vocal performance at the Grammys in 1992. I think she was up against people like Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston. And I can remember thinking, because I was in love with Mariah Carey in 1992. Who wasn't? I was obsessed with Vision of Love. Come on!
Starting point is 00:41:16 Mariah Carey was just ridiculous. I loved Mariah Carey. I had that CD. That's the only Mariah Carey CD I ever owned was the one with Vision of Love on it. I think another commonality between you and me. I remember having it and being in love. I remember
Starting point is 00:41:31 watching and I was so angry that Bonnie Raitt won for Best Female Pop Vocal Performance over Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston. Amy Grant was in there too for Baby Baby, if you remember that. Of course. She was the gospel singer who turned
Starting point is 00:41:48 pop. She was. So this particular song, what's interesting about it and what makes it Canadian is it's written by a lovely woman by the name of Shirley Eichardt. And Shirley Eichardt is a Canadian singer-songwriter, a country artist,
Starting point is 00:42:04 who has won two Junos in 1973. She won for Best Country Female Artist. In 1974, she won for Best Country Female Artist. And she wrote that song and gave it to Bonnie Raitt. And therefore, we have now, we have music and lyrics by a Canadian. It's easy.
Starting point is 00:42:22 Simple, that one. She wrote the song, gave it to her. Yeah, I think with the Pat Benatar example in this one, those are your shortest routes to... I don't know how much...
Starting point is 00:42:31 I don't know what incentive there is for an American to be CanCon. I guess it's because Canada's smaller than California, but population-wise. But that's like the... You'd be surprised,
Starting point is 00:42:41 actually, though. You know what? I mean, yeah, there's as many people in Canada as there is in California. However, we are, you know... There are... I surprised, actually, though. You know what? I mean, yeah, there's as many people in Canada as there is in California. However, we are, you know, there are, I mean, look, think about the example I gave about my buddies in the Lazy's. It's easier. There's something about coming here and getting airplay and turning that into something.
Starting point is 00:42:58 Now the Lazy's go, they're huge in Germany for some reason as well. Just like David Hasselhoff, I know. I was going to say. I knew you were. So yeah, you're right. It doesn't matter to Bonnie Raitt that she counts as CanCon, but it didn't hurt.
Starting point is 00:43:12 That's for sure. I was going to say, Bob, fun fact. Germans love David Hasselhoff. Thank you, Norm MacDonald. And he's CanCon, right? Yes, he is. He's the great, I love him. Oh yeah, no, there's another commonality.
Starting point is 00:43:24 I can't get enough of norm mcdonald norm mcdonald it was the greatest host of weekend update i too i i think the last time i was on your podcast i gave uh i gave a norm mcdonald uh line you know it's the uh kenny g has a new christmas album happy birthday, Jesus. I hope you like crap. Sorry. I was just watching, just the other night on Netflix, there was like Norm Macdonald has a talk show
Starting point is 00:43:51 and it only lasted one season because Norm's got some issues, I think. For sure, for sure. Gambling and drinking and some other things. And I was just watching it. He's just so good. Anyhow. I mean, I was a big,
Starting point is 00:44:03 maybe this is another commonality and maybe we've already talked about this, but I went through a period mean i i was a big maybe this is another commonality and maybe we've already talked about this but i went through a period the the because i was a big simpsons guy and when conan o'brien started his night late night talk show like i was every night i'd watch it live like every night like i loved conan's show and uh the best i think the best ever appearance by anybody ever on any talk show i've ever seen. George Gordon Smith? Yes. Chairman of the board. Yeah. And he goes, top down.
Starting point is 00:44:29 Yeah. Board is board spilled. B-O-R-E-D. Honestly, Bob, I lost my shit. I think I watched my brother Steve. It's one of the greatest lines ever. It's one of the greatest lines ever. Norm Macdonald.
Starting point is 00:44:40 I actually have some friends who've worked with Norm. And they just say, like mean he does have some he has some issues but everybody i know talks about how first of all what a great guy he is and how legitimately funny he is he's the kind of guy that's funny he's comedian funny like comedians find him funny right right but the same the thing about that is the the comics comic i hear referenced by stand-up comics like be it ralph ben murgy or humble howard glassman or whoever we know who was a stand-up they always talk about mike mcdonald but i i never like i don't i'm just a common lay person i really didn't get the mike mcdonald thing but the nor mcdonald thing i get that like i think it's so much more than than McDonald. No offense to Mike McDonald.
Starting point is 00:45:25 Right. He's the late great Mike McDonald. He's passed away now, hasn't he? Yeah, he's gone, sadly. Brought to you by Ridley Funeral Home. You ready for jam number six? Wow. I'm very anxious to kick out this jam
Starting point is 00:45:41 because I want to hear you tell the story behind it because I know a lot about it. And I think this is something people. I don't know enough about it. You can probably tell me. I can only know what I've read about. I know it's Hancon. You go ahead.
Starting point is 00:45:51 OK, so let's kick it. Let's hear it. guitar solo Buckle up, Bobby. Here we go! Here we go! We may still have time We might still get by Every time I think about it I want to cry With bombs in the deal And the kids keep coming
Starting point is 00:47:02 Don't wait to breathe easy No time to be young But I tell myself that I was doing all right There's nothing left to do at night Let's go crazy on you Crazy on you Let me go crazy, crazy on you So fucking good, Bobby. I love it.
Starting point is 00:47:41 I love that jam. It's a, you know, I got to admit, Heart is one of those bands that has been a slow build for me i i grew up in the like mike reno and ann wilson of heart doing uh almost paradise but on the footloose soundtrack sure my you know how i know of heart um i also have if i ever do speaking of stand-up and maybe one day I'll do it on your podcast or on mine, I actually have an entire stand-up
Starting point is 00:48:10 bit, I have an 8 minute bit on all I want to do is make love to you by heart and you need the video, like I need visuals, but at least the audio, where I if you break down the lyrics to that song,
Starting point is 00:48:25 it's one of the creepiest songs ever written. But that being said, that's my personal take. Heart is interesting. And I will give full credit to our mutual friend, Alan Cross, for the breakdown on this. Because he, a few years ago, actually has an article out there on his Journal of Music things
Starting point is 00:48:46 about songs that count as CanCon that you didn't know were. And he talks about how Mike Fisher is the guy who was involved with one of the girls in Heart. Mike Fisher was in the band, right? He did not... Was he in the band? He didn't want to was in the band right like he did not was he in the band he didn't want to he was a draft dodger he was definitely definitely a draft dodger like that's
Starting point is 00:49:10 how he got to canada like so many of our great artists but yeah so he came here as a draft right yeah and and fell in love with mike and they moved up to vancouver and they lived up in vancouver a lot and they ended up actually at Mushroom Studios. And Mushroom Studios is really interesting as a label because they had some pretty amazing stuff. Mushroom Studios is different than Mushroom Labels, is it not?
Starting point is 00:49:36 Am I wrong there? Are they connected? I got to plead ignorance here, Bobby. Yeah, okay. All right. As usual. So, Crazy on You was basically produced in Canada. And I think that if you go and you look deep into it,
Starting point is 00:49:55 you can find out that it counts as CanCon. It's not post-72. So what's interesting is Anne Wilson and Nancy Wilson count as the singer-songwriters. Mike Flicker counts as the producer who's American, but if it was produced in Canada,
Starting point is 00:50:21 it would get the P. Right. Yes. So you tell me what you know about why it would count. It would get the P. Right. Yes. So you tell me what you know about why it would count, why it would fulfill the other one. No, the only story, no, the story I heard, of course, is that because a lot of people think harder Canadian because they were in Seattle. They basically, they rode the border. Right. But it's all, you're right. It was love. Like they, they just, I don't know if I think it was Ann Wilson. I think she fell in love with a draft Dodger who was in Canada because that's where draft Dodgers go.
Starting point is 00:50:51 And so that basically pulls them North, you know, into our fine country for several years at this point. And that's why the production and everything happened in Canada, I guess. And, and I think it's one of the, And I think it's one of these, I feel like it's one of these things where we've kind of turned a blind eye to it, even though they were born. I think it's the idea of,
Starting point is 00:51:12 like they were born in the United States. They are Americans, but because they were up here so long, it's like dual citizenship. It's like how a player in the CFL can count, can come from America and count as part of the Canadian content on a Canadian team at a certain point
Starting point is 00:51:31 after staying so long here. I don't know if you know that that actually exists until the XFL takes over the CFL. But right now, if there's an American, like a guy by the end of his career, Pinball Clemens. Good example. According to the new rules, not new, quote unquote new.
Starting point is 00:51:50 It's a hundred year old league. According to the new rules, Pinball Clemens would have counted as a non-import because of how long he spent in Canada. So I think it's the same thing with Hart. And I have to admit, like, this is where, when you tweeted earlier about me being an expert, I am an expert to a certain point. But there is there's some ambiguity with heart that I don't entirely understand how it worked.
Starting point is 00:52:18 But we get the point for production like that one's a slam dunk. But it's the artist, the lyrics and the and the music that I don't necessarily get. Look, and I'm a program director of a classic hits radio station. All I know is when I put in Crazy On You, I put it down as CanCon and SoCan, and the CRTC say, okay, that's all I know. Is it possible they're getting half a point for music, half a point for lyrics?
Starting point is 00:52:42 Yep, maybe. Because I would do it. But Ann and Nancy Wilson, I don't think ever had dual point for lyrics? Yep, maybe. Because I would do it. But Anne and Nancy Wilson I don't think ever had dual citizenship. Right, right, right. Okay, so interesting. There's some ambiguity there. That's all I'll say. And I'll just say, like, I've seen
Starting point is 00:52:55 Hard in Concert because I saw them open for Def Leppard at some point at the Molson Amphitheater. How was that? And I'm trying to think think who did i take to that show i'm gonna is that down at the amphitheater yeah it was at the amphitheater like an amphitheater show and no i didn't pay for these tickets i should point that out like i didn't go buy these things online but i was i was given these tickets and i actually got to say i i thoroughly enjoyed
Starting point is 00:53:18 the show like heart was amazing i enjoyed seeing right when you do that when you go to a show and you have no expectations and you're like you know what that was really good because we forget all those big fucking 70s hits from heart like like be it like dreamboat annie or like these are big fucking songs like that was a band oh absolutely no no I agree but it's such a great surprise you're like all right I'll go to this show and you're like and and how how privileged do you feel that you're giving free tickets you're like all right I guess I'll go. And then you go, you know what? I'll be honest.
Starting point is 00:53:47 You know what, for me, what that was? Roger Waters. Like, Pink Floyd does not resonate with me in my life ever. I'm sorry to all the classical rockers out there. I'm too young. I'm sorry. It never meant a thing to me. Pink Floyd never meant anything.
Starting point is 00:54:03 I don't have an older sibling who introduced me to Pink Floyd. My parents didn't list a pink floyd my mom was a country fan my dad was a pop music fan right so but i got tickets to see roger waters i took my father-in-law who was a pink floyd fan and i gotta say it was one of the best concerts i've ever been to it blew me away how good it was it was it feels so good to go to those shows be like wow that was really good well the example one of the uh an example of a concert i got a free ticket to and attended with like very low uh expectations and thoroughly thoroughly enjoyed myself bob is the mighty kid rock oh you know what i would have agree. I bought tickets to see Aerosmith with Run DMC and Kid Rock
Starting point is 00:54:48 at the amphitheater. It was one of the last, one of the last, the last tour before Run DMC had their unfortunate accident. Well, it was a murder. Murder. And it,
Starting point is 00:55:00 and Kid Rock blew the whole, it blew everybody away. Kid Rock was amazing. Was Joe, is this when Joe C. was alive? Yeah, it would have been. Was he there? Yeah, I think so.
Starting point is 00:55:12 My name is Kid. I could be wrong. I don't know. I might be mixing up a couple things. I know I've seen Aerosmith a couple times. Not that I'm a big Aerosmith fan. But I saw them with Johnny Lang opening once. Do you remember Johnny Lang? He was a 16-year-old blues
Starting point is 00:55:28 kid. Oh, is that Derek Trucks? I don't know who that is at all. Okay, go on. I remember a 16-year-old. I think he played with the Allman Brothers. Derek Trucks. No, no, no. This kid was Johnny Lang. He had a song called Lie to Me
Starting point is 00:55:42 that actually charted on the rock charts. But was Josie still alive when I saw Kid Rock with Run DMC and Aerosmith? I have to say I don't recall. Okay, okay. Because I saw Kid Rock shortly after Josie passed. And for his parts, Kid Rock, they had a video screen which had Josie doing his part. And it's like, uh, Kid Rock, they had a video screen, which had, uh,
Starting point is 00:56:05 Jossie doing his part. And it's like, you just see Kid Rock kind of solemnly kind of looking at the screen while Jossie delivers his part, like from beyond the grave. It was quite something. And then, well,
Starting point is 00:56:15 maybe they'll have a Jossie hologram now, like they do Tupac. Right. Right. So, uh, before everybody kind of, and I gotta say,
Starting point is 00:56:24 I have a, a history of enjoying like crappy music live, I'd say, because I thoroughly enjoyed Kid Rock, but I also really loved seeing Limp Bizkit in 2000. We had a conversation on one of these private FOTM sites the other day, the Friend of the Toronto Mic. We've got a little Twitter conversation going. Not so private when you tell everyone about it, but please continue. No, it's not. I don't hate the Limp Bizkit. I DJed at the Zen Lounge when Limp Bizkit was massive, and I have fond memories of how massive they were. And I mean, that whole thing started with,
Starting point is 00:56:57 if you could choose, what was it? I think it was a shout out to Cooksy. I think he basically said, if you have, you had to choose Creed, Nickelback, or Limp Bizkit. And I actually said Nickelback, think he basically said, if you have, you had to choose Creed, Nickelback, or Limp Bizkit. And I actually said Nickelback because guess what? I'm over the Nickelback hate.
Starting point is 00:57:09 They write great pop tunes. I never hated them. I, well, I admit I did. I probably did. I probably was one of those assholes. I'll admit it.
Starting point is 00:57:16 Were you at the Edge Fest when they headlined? No. Okay, because I was there. I was there. And I enjoyed that too. What's that?
Starting point is 00:57:23 Where was that? Like 2000? Yeah, around that i think uh no i 97 was like uh my wife and i's first date and that was uh that was the first time it's funny i've actually talked to rain that was the first time that our lady peace closed over tea party before that tea party closed over like they that was when our lady peace sir pat it was almost all canadian except for during the day I think Collective Soul was there honorary Canadians
Starting point is 00:57:47 yeah but not CanCon no no no there's stuff to CanCon but I talked to Ed Rowland too he's actually a really interesting guy to talk to but I didn't make it I might have been at the Nickelback one but I had to leave because I was producing Martin Streak's live
Starting point is 00:58:03 day or club gig that night. Martin and I drove home and together went and got sushi and then went and did the Phoenix Club 102. I was almost positive that was that year. You've lived a life, man. That's crazy rock star
Starting point is 00:58:20 life you've been living. I didn't like it at the time. So Limp Bizkit's not CanCon. There are no Limp Bizkit songs that I'm aware of that count as CanCon. No. And even though I think Stu Stone's buddies with DJ Lethal.
Starting point is 00:58:36 But okay, so what was I going to say really quickly? Stu Stone on Bob's Basement. I haven't talked to Stu ever. He's too big for you, man. He's too big oh are we've uh he's too big for you man he's too big well he's too big for me yeah it's his wrestling angle that i like because i've got a got a wrestling angle well he's like literally a character in some wrestling that's what i mean i have friends who uh i have a friend of a friend who's now like you know who trained a friend who's now signed with this aew and uh
Starting point is 00:59:05 the cody rhodes uh promotion and anyways i wouldn't mind talking to stew you're right he might be too big for me you're right he's a big fucking deal and he just got his uh covid shot this is the big stew stone because he's in california so right he didn't jump any lines to get that but uh okay final thought on the Bizkit before we kick out another CanCon is I just want to say a few songs, one particular I think rearranged and In Together Now are two fantastic songs. As a
Starting point is 00:59:33 DJ, can I tell you what In Together Now mixes into perfectly? Please. Butterfly by Crazy Town. Perfect! Which is built on a Red Hot Chili Pepper song. And if you actually listen, I've actually done some sets on twitch uh if you go to uh my mix cloud dj my dj bingo bob mix cloud i think there is a an example of me mixing in together now into crazy town butterfly love it yeah yeah that that
Starting point is 01:00:00 butterfly song then you put that into red hot Chili Peppers, and then Bob's your uncle. Okay, awesome. You ready for another Cam Con Jam by a non-Canadian? Of course. Two, one, two, three, four. Thank you. Baggism. Okay, John Lennon. Well, this is pre-'72. 1972 is when all the rules changed. However, if you own a radio station in Canada
Starting point is 01:01:08 and you want to play John Lennon and the Plastic Ono Band, give Peace a Chance. It counts as a full Canadian selection. Okay, so let me just work this through with you because I know it was recorded in, is it Montreal? It was in Montreal, The Queen Elizabeth Hotel. I know John Donabee went to visit John Lennon. You can rent the room.
Starting point is 01:01:30 They have the room separate. So it's a Fairmont. Same people own the Royal York in Toronto. You can rent the room that John Lennon did his bed in. So help me out though because the artist is clearly not Canadian. This is 372.
Starting point is 01:01:46 Maple didn't exist. Oh, I see. Okay. I see. All you needed. That's the catch. What year was this, by the way? He recorded in 69. Okay. Fascinating to learn about this, because I was just listening to like,
Starting point is 01:02:01 who's Riley? Who does the Under the Influence? Terry O'Reilly. His name's Terry O'Reilly. Okay, he does this podcast, this show. Oh, right, yes. Oh, I love it. It's CBC.
Starting point is 01:02:13 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, there was a recent one where they talked about, they talked about like, when airplanes make the letters with the smoke. What's that called? Skywriting? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:25 Holy shit, Bob. Okay. It's Friday. I need a break here. Okay. Have a drink. So there's some, he was just discussing
Starting point is 01:02:32 using skywriting for writing for marketing. And I guess John Lennon paid to have some phrase put in the sky like when he was in his bed in Montreal. And then it was bad weather.
Starting point is 01:02:43 So it actually didn't happen until after he had left. So he never got to see it, but he did pay for it to happen. That's crazy. Yeah, skywriting. You know some of the people who are in that room that aren't necessarily Canadian,
Starting point is 01:02:56 but this song counts. If you play this on the radio, you play this song. So there's rules too, by the way, when it comes to CanCon. You have to play the song in its entirety as it was produced. You can't change it.
Starting point is 01:03:06 You can't take a song and play only a part of it and say, hey, that's my CanCon selection. You have to play the entire song in its entirety as it was produced. So this counts. But you need to make sure that you play it. And then this particular one, do you know the people singing along in this in 1969? The people who were in that room? Uh,
Starting point is 01:03:26 could I take some guesses here? Can I do? Was Eric Clapton in there? No, sir. Was, did George Harrison show up? No.
Starting point is 01:03:34 Okay. Ronnie Hawkins for sure. No, Ronnie was not there. No, I feel like he did drop by. Maybe he didn't stick around. Well,
Starting point is 01:03:40 maybe he did, but there was people like, okay, help me out here. Okay. Petula clerk downtown downtown was in that room uh tommy smothers of the smothers brothers is playing guitar on that song well that is a lefty outfit as i understand uh awesome i love those guys yeah timothy leary the
Starting point is 01:03:58 uh the uh lsd guy the wars yeah it was like just crazy uh yeah some interesting people in that room but it counts as CanCon because it was recorded in Toronto on some little like four track recorder or not in Toronto in Montreal close enough Toronto's way more important let's be honest he should have done it here
Starting point is 01:04:19 what was why was he doing it should have been the Royal York it shouldn't have been John fine hotels and if they ever want to sponsor my podcast Why was he doing it then? It should have been the Royal York. It shouldn't have been the Quigley. What the fuck, John? Both fine hotels, and if they ever want to sponsor my podcast, I will work for rooms. Yeah, this is the famous bed-in and the whole bag-ism thing. Yeah, for sure. It was recorded on the 1st of June, 1969.
Starting point is 01:04:42 They released it like a month later in July. Okay, let's roll right into your next jam here. I'm going to go. Across the street, the river runs. Down in the gutter, life is slipping away. Let me still exist in another place. Running on the clump of a helicopter blade. Flames are getting higher in average. Burning down the bridges Of my memory Love may still be alive
Starting point is 01:05:51 Somewhere, someway Whether down in only dear A hundred steel towns away Oh, the rhythm of my heart Is beating like a drum With the words I love you Rolling off my tongue I can't wait for this explanation. How, my friend, is Rod Stewart's Rhythm of My Heart Can Con? Well, this fine Scottish-sounding song was written by...
Starting point is 01:06:32 Can I guess? Can I guess? Sure. Alan Frew. No, that would make sense. This doesn't make sense. Do you know who Mark Jordan is? I literally talked to him on the phone like a month ago. To get him on the show?
Starting point is 01:06:46 No, he's building like a podcast studio and he had some questions. He lives in Midtown. He wrote the songs. Wow. Mark Jordan wrote Rhythm of My Heart. He's married to Amy Sky. Yes, I was about to tell you. He's married to Amy fucking Sky.
Starting point is 01:07:00 Yes. And so he is. guy yes and so he is uh it's so i got it's this lovely scottish sounding song was written by this very talented jewish songwriter uh who's written some amazing songs along the way um including um i mean i'm just looking through some of the songs that he's written it's crazy some of the stuff he's done he's worked with uh he's worked with people like, well, he's worked with Bubbly there. He worked with our friend Bubbly. Marina Del Rey
Starting point is 01:07:31 is one of the songs that he wrote. And yeah, these are huge, huge songs this guy wrote. He has been a mainstay as a singer, as a songwriter. He's worked with Murray McLaughlin.
Starting point is 01:07:50 You mean FOTM Murray McLaughlin. Right. Oh, actually, I don't know if I could have told you that I knew that Murray McLaughlin had been on the show. Just by being on the show, did you become a friend? Right. Yeah. Like every guest of Toronto Mic'd is now an FOTM. Like would our friend... I know what you're going to say.
Starting point is 01:08:08 You're going to say Molly, right? Is Molly an FOTM? Molly is an FOTM. All right. You know, I worked with Molly at Proud FM when I was... How did that go? It was fine. She didn't hate me the way she hated you.
Starting point is 01:08:21 You didn't trigger her the way I triggered her. Oh, exactly. Yeah, so Mark Jordan wrote it. Mark Jordan has written some amazing songs. He's got writing credits on songs by people like Sean Colvin, Molly Johnson, Josh Groban. Sonny Came Home? Did he do that one? That's the only Sean Colvin I know.
Starting point is 01:08:38 Sonny Came Home? I don't know if he wrote that or not. That's a big fucking jam. He's written songs for Olivia Newton-John. He's written songs for Tiffany, apparently. Wow. Yeah. But that one counts as CanCon
Starting point is 01:08:48 because he wrote the lyrics and the music. Honestly, that's great because when I was trying to guess who would have written that, Alan Frew was the only guy I could think of.
Starting point is 01:08:59 Alan Frew would have made sense because it's got that Scottish vibe to it, right? It sounds like an Alan Frew. It sounds like It does! a Glass Tiger song. It sounds like a Glass Tiger song. It sounds like a Glass Tiger song. Is it Someday?
Starting point is 01:09:09 What's the song I'm thinking of? Someday? No. There's a very Scottish sound in Glass Tiger song. Yeah, maybe it's after that. But I'll maybe Google it to remind myself what it is. But it does remind me of that song. Yes. Don't Forget me when I'm gone?
Starting point is 01:09:28 No. No, come on. That's the one of Brian Adams on background vocals. That's true. And I think Jim Valens has a role in writing that one. My town. Rod Stewart's actually a vocalist on it. That's the one I'm thinking of. My town, yes. Come on, connect these
Starting point is 01:09:44 fucking dots. I think they root for the same song. You're the host. I had to connect it for you. You're the fucking CanCon expert, Bob. Okay. You call me the expert. I would never call myself an expert in anything. Although I do have to say my buddy Keith Grief who is a singer-songwriter,
Starting point is 01:09:59 producer, guy. He was like he tweeted after I questioned you calling me an expert. He's like, he's like the guy who just had Caitlin from Degrassi on his podcast says he's not an expert in can con. Did I tell you I'm jealous? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:14 We talked about it off the air. Like I didn't tell you since we started recording because that's my girl, Caitlin. And what are you doing? Stealing my girl? Uh, I gotta say Matt Cundall, whose podcast I've been on. I love that. He loved my my my hashtag you fucked tessa campanelli
Starting point is 01:10:31 like that's the greatest hashtag ever no i have i have had joey jeremiah on the pod you did have joey but i had the conversation i actually got to ask stacy mystician um how it feels to stephen borgen who he actually said fuck before she did on Schools Out. Yeah, Schools Out, of course. He said, let's recap, shall we? Joey Jeremiah spends the summer dating Caitlyn and fucking Tessa Campanelli, in which she walks in and she's like,
Starting point is 01:10:56 you fucked Tessa Campanelli. And she gets all this credit, Stacey Mystician does, the character Caitlyn, for being like, you fucked Tessa Campanelli. However, Stefan said it first. Snake said it first. Snake, he dropped the F-bomb first. He did, he did.
Starting point is 01:11:10 Hey, would you, I need to know, because you're an FOTM of similar taste that I have, would you watch a live stream of people like myself and Cam Gordon and Stu Stone, and hell, maybe you could even be there, so that's kind of hard to watch yourself, but let say you're there would you think people would want to watch us watch schools out and comment on it in real time so i don't know how i feel about in general not about you guys in general about like you're talking about what would have been like like okay so you
Starting point is 01:11:44 know like an old dvd it would be been like, like, okay. So, you know, like an old DVD, it would be called like, it would be called like the director's like commentary. Right. Sure. You'd have a secondary audio. Right. Right.
Starting point is 01:11:53 I have to admit, I don't know if I've ever watched one that I truly enjoyed, but I, I hear they're hilarious. Well here. So like, like, you know how right now we're live on live.
Starting point is 01:12:02 Toronto, Right. I could, the movie would be there with our like boxes of our heads on the side. And the audio would obviously be like the movie would be quieter. And then we would be talking over it. Because we'd come armed with the fun.
Starting point is 01:12:16 In fact, I just did two and a half hours on Tears Are Not Enough. Right. So I might need two days to do schools out. I was going to say, so here, My honest to God reaction was, I don't think I could watch it because I would want to be in it. Because I would want to be on it because of this.
Starting point is 01:12:33 I am such a Degrassi fan. I showed this to... This is my Stacey Mystician 30-year-old autograph. I couldn't just watch it. I'm with you brother we're in the same boat here I was a massive fucking Degrassi fan listen so we would
Starting point is 01:12:49 assemble we would assemble the Avengers of schools out and it would I think I know for sure it would be Cam Gordon because he's like really deep into what music is playing and all like like like so you me and Cam Gordon that's three of us we like we add a couple more.
Starting point is 01:13:07 I would participate in it for sure. Because Degrassi is one of those most... I can remember 8.30 Monday nights, watching it with my mom and watching through the kid with AIDS and he punches him in the bathroom. All that stuff. Daryl? Was that his name? Daryl?
Starting point is 01:13:23 Yeah, it was Daryl. He was a heavier set guy. I can remember why. bathroom like all that stuff daryl was that his name daryl yeah yes yeah it was daryl and you know he was like a heavier set guy like i can remember why and my blood my dad worked shift work and so my mom and i every monday night would watch degrassi at 8 30 and no matter what so like no matter how awkward it was we would watch it together so i have these fond memories of the show and so i knew you had pat on and i knew i had reached out to stacy before uh to be on the show so i just i kind of reached out to her again how long do i have to wait before i'm allowed to get stacy on toronto mike like what is the statute of limitations i think she's good to go she's well she's trying to know i mean
Starting point is 01:14:00 like because you just had her like i feel like there needs to be some code of conduct you know what i mean that's the problem like i'll be like there needs to be some code of conduct. You know what? I mean, that's the problem. Like, I'll be honest. I said to you, like, one of my problems, not problems. It's hard. You have such a prolific background of people. It is so hard to have people who've never been on your podcast. Not that our podcasts are the same.
Starting point is 01:14:19 Yours is kind of a general. It's wonderful. A general kind of just like, hey, let's just shoot the shit. And mine is like, let's shoot the shit. but let's shoot the shit talking about how change affected like i i have that like yeah but both our shows both of our shows are gonna ask the big questions that fans want asked like so like if there's that i had to yeah you know so if dave hodge comes on bob's basement you want to you want to dive deep into the pen flip. Yep, for sure. I want to know how that felt. Because that's change, right?
Starting point is 01:14:47 And so the things that are the most the things that are the most kind of iconic, I guess. You're right. Involve change, which is why I probably made my podcast about what it's about, right? So, yeah. So you might be on my turf here.
Starting point is 01:15:04 Go ahead. Have her on. No, I'm thinking I should delete your fucking your fucking feed you might be on my turf buddy I'm just fucking with you Bob I'm trying to get people who haven't been on your show I'm goofing on you can do that I'm jealous of the Stacey Metician thing this is my pettiness coming
Starting point is 01:15:22 out that there's somebody I tried very hard but I wanted her to come in my backyard. I insisted on it and that's why it ended up dying on the vine because she had kids and she was an Ajax or whatever.
Starting point is 01:15:32 So this is my bad. I just wondering like what's an appropriate, it's like if I wanted to date your wife, like let's say your wife leaves the same thing. Like if I die?
Starting point is 01:15:41 No, like let's say I'm single. So this in this scenario, I'm single and your beautiful wife leaves you. How long until I die no like let's say I'm single so this in this scenario I'm single and your beautiful wife leaves you how long until I can ask her out and you want to be remain friend I want to stay but friends with Bob yeah am I ever can I never ask
Starting point is 01:15:57 her out do I know not with me no no I'm not that guy so how long should I wait respectfully I'm gonna move on it's like can I call her the day after she dumps you? Okay, let me ask you the same question. Same question. Oh, you can't do that. Yes, I can.
Starting point is 01:16:11 For sure I can. This is Toronto Mike, not Bob's basement. How long before I can, if Monica leaves you, how long before I can date her? And we remain friends. Six weeks? You ready for the penultimate jam, Bobby? Here we go.
Starting point is 01:16:25 We got two. We got two left. I love that. Yeah. Do you not know the penultimate jam, Bobby? Here we go. We got two. We got two left. I love that. Yeah. Do you not know what penultimate means? Uh, no, I thought it meant like the most ultimate.
Starting point is 01:16:33 No. Penultimate is the second last. I did not know that. Yeah. I guess I could tell by your reaction. Cause you're like, no, it's not the penultimate jam.
Starting point is 01:16:41 I thought penultimate meant like the most ultimate. No, that's the ultimate. So, all right. Well, I guess I'm an idiot. This is the, you've, I finally taught you something. Here's the penultimate jam. I thought penultimate meant like the most ultimate. No, that's the ultimate. So, all right, well, I guess I'm an idiot.
Starting point is 01:16:46 This is the, I finally taught you something. Here's the penultimate jam. Love this jam. Here we go. What version is this? This is not the version I suggested. No, I pulled that from... This has happened many times
Starting point is 01:17:13 and I need to learn my lesson. I... Yeah, hold on. I pulled that from my... I pulled that from my personal... You know where I think that's from? Borrowed Tunes. Remember the compilation of a certain Canadian rock stars songs.
Starting point is 01:17:30 so we won't name that rock star yet because that's part of the fun here. And I will just play it from YouTube, but that's funny, man. I've done that before. Like I pulled the song from my personal collection and then I, so here's the version I meant to play. My apologies.
Starting point is 01:17:44 Here we go to YouTube It's gonna take a lot of love To change the way things are It's gonna take a lot of love And we won't get too far So if you look in my direction And we don't see eye to eye My heart needs protection
Starting point is 01:18:33 And so do I Yes, I wanted Nicolette Larson. There you go. 1978, Nicolette Larson. There you go. 1978, Nicolette Larson. Song went to 10, I think, number one on the easy listening charts, whatever that would have been in 78. A little candlelight and wine action.
Starting point is 01:18:59 And Nicolette Larson actually did this song, which was originally recorded and written. She actually did the backup vocals on a version by our boy, Uncle Neil. Neil Young. Neil fucking Young. And I think that song I played was Borrowed Tunes, which was like an homage or a tribute to Neil Young, I believe. That's from there. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:20 So this is like originally Linda Ronstadt was involved in this particular song. And Neil Young Crazy Horse recorded this in 76 to be on there on the Neil Young album, which was Comes a Time in 78. And Nicolette Larson was actually involved in the background vocals, but never made the final cut. involved in the background vocals but it never made the final cut uh however what's interesting about this is that uh this particular um uh this is like he so obviously he knew of her right like he was she was a backup singer right and she ended up like these songs were released around the same time which you don't get it it's happened a few times over the years where you get a song that's released at the same time like two different versions i can remember like all for love in the late 80s early 90s i guess it was was like there was like a country version and a and a rmb version and that's happened a few times so this song came out right around the same
Starting point is 01:20:15 time and uh but this one was the more successful of the two i would say and nicolette larson's song was the number one hit uh by Neil Young, both artists, but not artists, both music and lyrics. That'll do it. And I know Nicolette died way too young. Are you 45 yet? I turned 45 in January.
Starting point is 01:20:37 Well, she died at 45. Thanks. That's great. I thought I didn't say fun fact. Thanks. Thanks for making that comparison. I appreciate that.
Starting point is 01:20:44 That's to show how damn young she was. Let me go take my high blood pressure pills and we'll talk about it. I just wanted to bang home how gosh darn young that is. Only Bob's age and she's gone. So we lost, I think it was like in the late 90s
Starting point is 01:20:57 she passed away. But yeah, this song was all over Canadian. I remember it as a kid being all over Canadian radio. And there's been like dance remixes. There's been a whole bunch of different versions and they all count as can con because they have both lyric and music of Mr.
Starting point is 01:21:12 AKA uncle Neil, Neil Young, uncle Neil. Okay. Last one. This is the one we got to end on, right? Come on.
Starting point is 01:21:19 This is the ultimate. This is the finale. A big fucking jam. Let's kick it out and talk about it and now the end is near and so i face the final curtain, my friend, I'll say it clear. I'll state my case, of which I'm certain. I've lived a life that's full I traveled each and every highway and more
Starting point is 01:22:10 much more than this I did it my way Regrets I've had a few But then again, too few to mention
Starting point is 01:22:32 I did what I had to do Saw it through without exemption. I planned each charted course, each careful step along the byway. And more, much more than this, I did it my way. Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew, when I bit off more than I could chew But through it all When there was doubt I ate it up
Starting point is 01:23:32 And spit it out I faced it all And I stood tall And did it my way. Wow. Wow. Yeah. My way is CanCon, baby.
Starting point is 01:23:57 I knew that, but let's explain to everybody listening, why is Frank Sinatra's My Way CanCon? Well, any version of My Way is CanCon. It could be done by anybody. Sex Pistols. Including the guy who wrote the lyrics, who is Canadian. The guy who wrote the lyrics is one Paul Anka. Paul Anka wrote the lyrics to My Way, and he gave them to Frank.
Starting point is 01:24:22 Like Frank was talking about quitting the business. Story goes, Paul Anka heard, so this song was originally a song called As Usual, which was a French song in France called Comme d'habitude. And if you listen to it, you can look it up. You can look it up. You can hear it on YouTube. You can hear the original Comme d'habitude by a guy named claude francois paul anka heard it in france he said i need the right lyrics to that long story short
Starting point is 01:24:51 he wrote lyrics to it and uh frank was uh frank took it and turned it into what it is today and that's why it's cancon 372 right so like so it's all 69 67 with the song was written originally and performed and by the time he gave it to uh to frank it was released in march of 69 and uh that is why this counts as can con because maple didn't exist all you needed was one here's the here we go we wrote the he wrote wrote the lyrics to it. So Paul Anka gets some dough in his pocket every time somebody plays it. And I guess so does Claude Francois. And every time that Frank plays it, he gets some money too.
Starting point is 01:25:35 Wow, wow. Of course, you know this, but it's a fun fact, of course, that Paul Anka wrote the Tonight Show theme. Paul Anka wrote so much more than we know. Like, Paul Anka was amazing. But think about how, I don't know what the residuals are on that, but like the Tonight Show,
Starting point is 01:25:51 I mean, I don't think they use the theme anymore, but when Johnny Carson was hosting, they sure damn used it. And yeah, wild. Yeah, yeah, he wrote a lot of, you know, Cam Gordon and I, we did the 2.5 hours on Tears Are Not Enough and we were trying to figure out
Starting point is 01:26:04 why Paul Anka was not on that jam. Interesting. I mean, it's a different point in his career. I think another guy you could do something like that with is Barry Manilow. If you could talk about the jams that Barry Manilow was involved
Starting point is 01:26:19 in, because he wrote so many jingles, right? And the theme to American Bandstand. He's another guy from that. I think you can draw a direct line between Paul Anka and Barry Manilow. But Barry Manilow's not CanCon. No, but he's amazing.
Starting point is 01:26:38 Bob, you're fucking amazing. Listen, these were ten... Ah, it's been fun. Okay, nine of these ten were big in my mind. I have to learn more about the Angry Kids, but let's assume. That's fine. Yeah, so let's pretend I'm just ignorant and that's another one. No, no, it was fine. I thought it was interesting. It's not about it being big. Yeah, it's about a Bob Marley
Starting point is 01:26:53 song being CanCon. A Bob Marley song would count as CanCon. That was my point. So, awesome. We learned firstly, a lot of people probably on this episode learned what the hell is CanCon, the Maple System post-72. We learned about a whole bunch of songs performed by non- Firstly, a lot of people probably on this episode learned what the hell is CanCon, the Maple System, Post 72. We learned about a whole bunch of songs performed by non-Canadians that qualify as CanCon. This was fucking awesome, Bob.
Starting point is 01:27:16 I can't wait to get you in the backyard for that tragically hip episode. That'll be fun. Let's go have dinner with our families now. They're all waiting for us. I know. That's right. And that brings us to the end of our 820th show. You can follow me on Twitter. I'm at Toronto Mike.
Starting point is 01:27:29 Bob is at Bob Willett. Our friends at Great Lakes Brewery are at Great Lakes Beer. Palma Pasta is at Palma Pasta. Sticker U is at Sticker U. CDN Technologies is at CDN Technologies. Ridley Funeral Home, they're at Ridley FH. And Mimico Mike,
Starting point is 01:27:43 he's on Instagram at MajeskiGroupHomes. See you all next week. This podcast has been produced by TMDS and accelerated by Roam Phone. Roam Phone brings you the most reliable virtual phone service to run your business and protect your home number from unwanted calls. Visit to get started.

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