Toronto Mike'd: The Official Toronto Mike Podcast - Cliff Hacking: Toronto Mike'd #1130

Episode Date: October 17, 2022

In this 1130th episode of Toronto Mike'd, Mike kicks out the electronics jams with Cliff Hacking from Recycle My Electronics. Toronto Mike'd is proudly brought to you by Great Lakes Brewery, Palma Pas...ta, Yes, We Are Open, The Advantaged Investor, Canna Cabana, StickerYou, Ridley Funeral Home and Electronic Products Recycling Association.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to episode 1130 of Toronto Mic'd. Proudly brought to you by Great Lakes Brewery. Order online for free local home delivery in the GTA. Create custom stickers, labels, tattoos, and decals. Palma Pasta. Fresh, homemade Italian pasta and decals. Palma Pasta, fresh, homemade Italian pasta and entrees.
Starting point is 00:00:51 The Yes, We Are Open podcast, a Moneris podcast production. The Advantage Investor podcast from Raymond James Canada. EPRA, committing to our planet's future means properly recycling our electronics of the past. Ridley Funeral Home. Pillars of the community since 1921.
Starting point is 00:01:14 And Canna Cabana. The lowest prices on cannabis guaranteed. Joining me today, returning to Toronto Mic'd, is E.P.R.ARA President and CEO, Cliff Hacking. Welcome back, Cliff. Great to be here, Mike. It's good to see you again. This is just a fabulous venue and I'm really looking forward to today.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Happy Waste Management. No, let me get this right. I've been practicing all week. Happy Waste Reduction Week. It is Waste Reduction Week. And one of the things we take very seriously, I've got a number of interviews throughout this week, but I'm kicking it off with you and there's no better way to start. On that note, so you were here approximately one year ago.
Starting point is 00:01:58 It was almost exactly a year ago. We were kicking out some jams. And for all those who want to go back and listen to Cliff Hacking's Toronto Mike debut, and you should, because it was a great one, episode 940. But you told me that was your first podcast, and now you're like a salty podcast veteran at this point.
Starting point is 00:02:17 Well, you inspired me, frankly. We decided that we would do some of our own. So we do something called, and it's a very cool tagline for us. We started with Mark Saltzman, and we did three episodes with him. And then we've done two further ones, one of which released last week. The other one is coming out this week. And we love it. We really just love it.
Starting point is 00:02:41 And I inspired that. You did. I'm honored. That's amazing. Okay, I love it. I want inspired that. You did. I'm honored. That's amazing. Okay, I love it. I want to teach the world a podcast. Okay. The podcast is called A Welcome Diversion.
Starting point is 00:02:51 I'll play on the word diversion because you're trying to divert your electronics from landfills and make sure they get recycled. So A Welcome Diversion. A Welcome Diversion. And this episode with you where you're kicking out. Now, I want to ask you how you came to these jams so i've got uh some some sweet electronics jams loaded up but tell me like the process like how did you come up with these jams well last time i used all of my own so it was just i thought okay what do i know and what
Starting point is 00:03:19 comes to me quickly and songs that i love so i did did that. This time, we decided we'd take a different approach, and we canvassed not only just family, but the entire organization, and said, put in your suggestions, and we'll create a little contest. We gave away a little prize, a couple little prizes, an Amazon gift card, make people have some fun with it. And so the result of that was we came up with this list,
Starting point is 00:03:43 some of the songs I know quite well, others, you know, I had to listen to them a couple of times to make sure that i knew where they were coming from and you can see there are different genres as well amazing amazing so this is a true uh communal effort there and so how many people work at epra about 100 wow okay and mississauga is your hq is that right correct right by the airport uh just on Explorer Drive, literally right off the 401. And just before I press record, I asked you, because you were here a year ago, I asked you if you received a lasagna last time, and you told me you didn't leave of a lasagna, and that's on me. I let you down, Cliff, so I'm glad you're back. And you mentioned Mississauga. That's where the
Starting point is 00:04:20 HQ is for Palma's Kitchen. That's the name of their HQ. But Palma Pasta is in Mississauga and Oakville. So you're not leaving here today without a large meat lasagna from Palma Pasta. That's fantastic. And I'll thank the folks at Palma as well. And I mean, we're going to kind of remind everybody exactly what EPRA are all about and what's going on at EPRA and catch up with you here. But now that I mentioned Palmas Kitchen, I just need to tell the world that TMLX11 is taking place
Starting point is 00:04:49 the first Saturday of December. I think that's December 3rd. But the first Saturday of December at noon at Palmas Kitchen is the 11th Toronto Mic Listener Experience. And Cliff, here's an idea I have, and just I'm going to run it by you. Maybe I should not be blindsiding you with this, but I like to live dangerously.
Starting point is 00:05:05 Like what if we told FOTMs coming out that they could bring their old tech to the event and we collect this old tech to safely and properly like divert it from our landfill and illegal export? Like, is that a good idea? Or is that like, Mike, we need to talk about this. I think it's a great idea. We need to look at the location
Starting point is 00:05:24 and make sure that it can handle whatever volume might be coming in, that there's room for people to drop things. But we would love it and easy for us to do. Okay, we're going to do that. Then assuming all those logistical things line up here. So in a nutshell, just remind the FOTMs listening. And it's funny, I just got a nice note
Starting point is 00:05:39 from Ian Hanomansing. Do you know Ian Hanomansing? I don't know him personally, but I've seen him on television. I was going to say, you're not hanging out with Ian Hanomansing. Anyway, know Ian Hanomansing? I don't know him personally, but I've seen him on television. I was going to say, you're not hanging out with Ian Hanomansing. Anyway, he sent me the most lovely note about how he discovered Toronto Mic'd and
Starting point is 00:05:52 how he's binging the episodes and absolutely loves what he hears. So for Ian Hanomansing and everyone else listening to this episode is we're going to kick out some electronics jams as chosen by people who work at EPRA and family members and loved ones of those who are working hard at EPRA. Tell us, remind us, what is EPRA? Electronic Products Recycling
Starting point is 00:06:13 Association is across this country in every province. And what we do is we recycle end of life electronics. We will take back almost anything that falls into that genre. We make sure that the stuff is recycled responsibly. There is no charge to return it. It's free to bring it back to a number of different places, municipalities, all kinds of locations, and a couple of retailers, including Best Buy and Staples. And you can drop your electronics off for free. We make sure that they're responsibly recycled. They turn back into elements that can then go back into the environment, so whether it's metals or plastics.
Starting point is 00:06:49 And when I was talking to you about the podcast that I've done, one of them is on plastics and how plastics are being recycled these days and how there's a regeneration of that industry here in Canada as a result of some of the things that have gone on in the world these days. Okay, firstly, good on you. I am the producer of Green Economy Heroes by Diane Sachs, and I can
Starting point is 00:07:09 tell you, you have my stamp of approval. I love what you're doing at EPRA, but I have a question. Sometimes I refer to you as EPRA, sometimes Recycle My Electronics. Do you have a preference here? Is that like a Russian dolls type situation? It kind of is, and we really love It gets you to the website. You can type in your postal code on the very front page and it'll tell you the closest location where you can drop things off. We just love that. Okay. Why don't I just start calling you recycle my electronics? Do you have any objections to that, Mr. Hacking? I do not. I may change my name as a result of it. I always thought your name was appropriate for
Starting point is 00:07:44 the electronics because you're a hacker. You're hacking, right? You're in there. You're hacking into the process and improving it. It's kind of a neat name. Is it a fake name? Is that a real name?
Starting point is 00:07:55 It's a real name. Now, I'm going to ask you this in code because I don't want any spoilers here. I had received your list. It went from like, it went 10 down to one okay that's how the list went so i won't say the names of these jams that it was 10 9 8 7 exactly one now no actually sorry opposite i'm like you got it wrong the way i received the list of jams was 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 do i play that in reverse order like do i end with number one like i feel
Starting point is 00:08:23 like i need to end with number one even though that's the first one on the list. I think number one, if I remember correctly, is probably a song that my daughter picked. Okay, so is the first name of this individual, does it start with H? It does. Okay, so I'm going to close with that. And she went to her very first concert with the guy whose name starts with H. Okay, so now we're on the same page here. Look, this is all the important stuff I should have talked to you about before I pressed record. But again, I like to live dangerously.
Starting point is 00:08:49 But here, so I'm going to close. I'm going to go 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. And we're going to close with that jam and you're going to give us that full and complete story just to embarrass your daughter. Good. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:01 And again, I'll have questions for you throughout, but I'm kind of keen to get to these jams, and then I'll fade them down, we'll talk about them, and then I'll pepper you with some more hard-hitting questions here. Are you ready for your first jam, Cliff? Let's go. Here we go. Swinging in the backyard Pull up in your fast car
Starting point is 00:09:40 Whistling my name Open up a beer And you say get over here And play a video game I'm in his favorite sundress Watching me get undressed Take our party downtown I say you're the bestest
Starting point is 00:10:01 Leaning forward, big kiss Put his favorite perfume on Go play a video game It's you, it's you It's all for you Everything I do I tell you all the time Heaven is a place on earth for you
Starting point is 00:10:23 Tell me all the things you wanna do I heard that you like the bad girls, honey Is that true? It's better than I ever even knew They say that the world was built for two Only worth living if somebody keeps loving you. Maybe now you do.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Some Lana Del Rey video games. Now, Cliff, do you happen to know the name of the person who wanted this jam? Are you armed with such knowledge? I am. I believe this one was Taylor Hyatt. Shout out to Taylor Hyatt. I actually have us on the pirate stream I mentioned to you earlier,, and I'm popping in, and there's quite the conversation.
Starting point is 00:11:20 And Ian Service is there, and he says he's saving things so Cliff could remind him where he should take them. And he's actually got pictures here of all this old tech that he's saving up. So on that note, since Ian Service is watching this live and wondering, what would you say to Ian? And then tell us like why, like why we should be recycling our electronics through Recycle My Electronics. That's you guys. I no longer call you EPRA instead of somewhere else. Well, will get you to the closest location to where you live.
Starting point is 00:11:57 All you do is type in your postal code, and it'll tell you where to go. But you probably heard just earlier that we were talking about doing an event at Palma, and it would be a great thing to do to bring those electronics to an event where we're doing that collection. And that way we get a twofer. Well, Ian's going to be there for sure. Although he's not batting 1,000. He's been to almost every single Toronto Mic listener experience. And I see here Moose Grumpy's there.
Starting point is 00:12:19 She's 9 for 10. So I'm sure she's going 10 for 11. So Moose Grumpy. And they're funny. They're talking about your name and they're discussing like people whose names describe what they do right like so you're uh you're Cliff Hacking you work in tech but if your name was like Mr. Bun you might be a baker or Dr. White could be a dentist uh you know anyway this is the conversations that erupt
Starting point is 00:12:43 on the live stream you You've inspired this clip. I love it. I'm glad I'm not a golfer, though, because that would be real trouble. Right, that's right. Good one. And when you mountain climb, avoid any cliffs, I think. Good tip. Good tip there.
Starting point is 00:13:00 I'm curious, are you familiar with this song, or did you learn about it when Taylor suggested it? I had heard it because my daughter quite likes this artist as well. Yeah, it's kind of a hauntingly kind of pretty song. Like when I saw it on the list and I listened to it again for the first time, I was reminded that it's quite lovely, like kind of haunts you a little bit. It's a pretty good jam. It's got a great feel to it.
Starting point is 00:13:25 As you say, maybe a bit of Halloween with Halloween coming up because you got some of that in there. But she does have a lovely voice. Absolutely. Shout out to Lana Del Rey if you're listening here. So, okay, so we know what Ian's going to do. He's going to bring his electronics to TMLX11 the first Saturday of December. And did we address the key question, which is, okay,
Starting point is 00:13:47 so you can recycle your electronics maybe elsewhere, but why should FOTMs in the listenership be recycling their electronics with Recycle My Electronics? Well, there's a couple of reasons. First of all, we guarantee that product is destroyed. So you don't have to worry about any kind of identity theft. It goes into a shredder, ends up turning back into base elements,
Starting point is 00:14:09 which go back into the environment. So you'll end up getting ferrous and non-ferrous metals. There's gold and copper and silver in there. So that kind of stuff can be harvested and reused again. You can take the plastics and they're reused as well. As I was saying, we've just done a podcast, which we released just today on plastics, talking about the fact that that whole industry is re-energized here in Canada and in North
Starting point is 00:14:30 America, for that matter, over the last really couple of years as a result of some of the problems with where it was being sent in the past overseas. You know, when you say plastics, I actually think about The Graduate. Or are we dating ourselves? Well, just a little. All right, let's cook up jam number two. Sorry, I cannot hear you, I'm kinda busy I'm kinda busy, I'm kinda busy Sorry, I cannot hear you, I'm kinda busy Just a second, it's my favorite song they're gonna play And I cannot text you with a drink in my hand
Starting point is 00:15:18 You should've made some plans with me, I knew that I was free And now you won't stop calling me, I'm kinda busy Stop calling, stop calling, I don't wanna think anymore I got my phone on the phone on the phone Stop calling, stop calling, I don't wanna talk anymore I got my phone on the phone on the phone Stop calling for the minute I lift my head and my phone on the planet's floor. I'm telephone-ing.
Starting point is 00:15:55 I'm telephone-ing. You know, it's kind of a mind blow to me, Cliff, that we're kicking out Telephone here, which is actually not only Lady Gaga, but it's got Beyonce on this jam. But, you know, that's a teaser because you know what song Lady Gaga took her handle from? Maybe you don't. I don't. We're going to kick it out later. Okay. It's on the list.
Starting point is 00:16:20 Like, I don't know if that's intentional or not. But, yeah, Lady Gaga took her handle from a song we're going to kick out later in this session. But tell me, who chose Telephone with Lady Gaga and Beyonce? This one's Pierre Prim. All right, Pierre. I noticed both the jams are kind of from that same era. I think this one comes from 2009, but I think Video Games was like 2011, but that, you know, just a little over a decade ago.
Starting point is 00:16:48 Cool jam. I remember the video was pretty epic. Have you tuned into this video? I have. Okay, you're with it. You know what? I'm going to tell you. I did my research. Do you have any fun facts about this jam, Mr. Research? No, I don't think I have any fun facts, but I like what's coming in terms of
Starting point is 00:17:04 how Lady Gaga got her name. Yeah, I know. Listen, we're only kicking out the 10 jams. Now, Cliff, you were here a year ago, and I should have done this off the top, but I figured we'll fade down one of these great jams and catch up. How are you doing? How has this past year been for you?
Starting point is 00:17:18 Last year when you were here, it was like we're in the thick of the pandemic, and I know it's still happening. I just booked my bivalent shot for tomorrow, which is, I think, the fifth time I've got a COVID vaccination. Yay! How's it going in your world, Cliff? It's actually going well.
Starting point is 00:17:35 I got my fifth shot two weeks ago, and the bivalent, as you say, ended up now feeling fine after it too, by the way. No adverse reactions at all. You know, I think we're seeing an evolution in terms of the way people are reacting to this. And I know that I've heard lots of people talking about what's going on. I still, you know, wear my mask when I go to grocery stores. We're actually going to a play on Wednesday night. I'll be wearing my mask in the theater.
Starting point is 00:18:02 I just, you know, it's still out there and we need to be careful. And I am fortunate not to have caught it. I know a lot of people that have and I don't want it. I'm with you 100% on everything you just said. And that I, far as I know, I haven't caught it yet. And I don't know, I've been lucky, I guess, because I'm kind of out there living life. But when I go to a grocery store, I throw on my mask. It's such a mild inconvenience.
Starting point is 00:18:22 Like, why not, right? It is. It's easy to do. Easy to do. And I mean, we're so blessed that we, you inconvenience. Like, why not, right? It is. It's easy to do. Easy to do. And I mean, we're so blessed that we, you know, we have, you know, science has our back here, if you will, that I, here I am, I'm going to get my bivalent shot. And the best part is that I book in the shot and they said, oh, do you want your flu shot at the same time?
Starting point is 00:18:37 So I guess the flu shot's arriving now or it's here and it just got here. But like, I'm getting a twofer here. Like, I'm getting a flu shot or a bivalent. Like, we're just swimming in science. You're giving me all kinds of information. I didn't think the flu shots were available until the 1st of November. Okay, well, you might know. Listen, this is a prompt, and I was booking through,
Starting point is 00:18:53 where am I at, a shopper's drug mart. And it just said, do you want your flu shot? And I said, yes, you're right. I don't actually believe they have it yet. So I'm sure they'll tell me that it's, you know, we don't have it yet. But it's coming. I mean, you can do the twofer as soon as they have it yet. So I'm sure they'll tell me that it's, you know, we don't have it yet. But it's coming. I mean, you can do the twofer as soon as they have supply. So maybe I'll, I might leave with one shot,
Starting point is 00:19:12 but this website thinks I'm getting two. I'll be listening to your next episodes and I'll find out what the update is. I have registered as well for the flu shot. I get one every year and I've registered. They said they'd contact me when it was in. Yeah, I think you're right about November 1st. I think the website is
Starting point is 00:19:27 erroneous, you know, not like what we expect from you guys. By the way, quick note from Ian Service here. He's got some big tech. So let's say he's like he thinks he needs his pickup truck to drive it somewhere.
Starting point is 00:19:43 So he just goes to tell us again the website he can go to. So Ian,, stick in your postal code and you can find out where you can haul, because it sounds like some of his tech he can bring to Palmer's Kitchen, but it sounds like some of his tech, he says he might need a forklift. So I don't know if we're going to be able to accommodate that one, but yeah, go to
Starting point is 00:20:08 the website and find out exactly where you can bring that Mr. Service. Okay. And the Disco Road location in terms of, you know, Toronto, I don't think we call them dumps anymore, but the collection facility they have there certainly will take it as well.
Starting point is 00:20:24 That's in Etobicoke, right? Yes. Okay, shout out to well. That's in Etobicoke, right? Yes. Okay, shout out to, and you live in Etobicoke, right? I do. I just had Matt Dusk on the program. Do you know the name Matt Dusk? I don't.
Starting point is 00:20:32 So he's like, he always jokes that his living now is that people can no longer go and see Frank Sinatra live, so they go and see Matt Dusk live. He's a crooner. He's got a great voice, and he does these great standards,
Starting point is 00:20:44 and he does a lot of Sinatra and he's recorded a couple of Sinatra albums of songs Sinatra did. Anyway, he lives in the Kingsway area and he's got, he just like, I think there's a whole Globe and Mail article about it, but he retro fit his basement
Starting point is 00:21:00 to have this cool bar where he'll make you a martini. He's living the life in Etobicoke there. So maybe we can get you a martini. Like he's, you know, he's living the life in Etobicoke there. So maybe we can get you a martini at Matt Dusk's home bar. He's a neighbor of mine then. I'll have to check that out. I have a friend, a very good friend, who went through a difficult divorce
Starting point is 00:21:17 and was not alone for a while. And there was a Frank Sinatra kind of themed event at what was the O'Keeffe Center at the time. And I took him down to that. And I know he remembers it to this day. I mean, we are both big Frank Sinatra fans. Okay, you and Steve Paikin. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:33 And by the way, I don't know, do you still tune into the odd Toronto Mike episode? I do. Okay, there's a Steve Paikin versus Bruce Dobigin. And it's for fun, obviously, because both artists are great. But it's like a Sinatra versus Tony Bennett episode that you need to check out. There's so much great Sinatra in there. I'm all over it.
Starting point is 00:21:52 And since you're a Tobacco guy, all over things at Tobacco. By the way, another neighbor of yours is the great jazz musician, Heather Bambrick. Okay. Because if she's Matt Dusk's neighbor, she's your neighbor too. But you know what's brewed in Southern Etobicoke? It's Great Lakes beer. So in addition to that Palma Pasta I gave you,
Starting point is 00:22:10 you're leaving here with some fresh craft beer from Great Lakes. Awesome. Enjoy responsibly. And let's enjoy this third jam. Yeah. Boys! Yeah. I'm going to guess to Electric Avenue and then we'll take it higher. Working so hard like a soldier. I'm going to guess. Now, listen, this is a complete guess,
Starting point is 00:23:11 but I'm feeling like this jam was chosen by somebody who was part of the Generation X. One of the younger ones, that's for sure. Oh, no, okay. Younger for you, yeah, but I'm thinking those first two jams are like millennial jams, and now this is a Gen X jam.
Starting point is 00:23:25 Yeah. I love this song. Who chose this song by Eddie Grant? This one came, actually it's funny because I've got two that came from
Starting point is 00:23:35 our Quebec office. This one wasn't Annie Mason. She did one of the other ones, but this one came from Dominique Levesque. Dominique. Amazing. And, man, I just remember we used to change the words
Starting point is 00:23:50 in primary school. I guess it's actually not. It's a fit for public consumption. I suppose we're going to walk right through six tons of camel poo or something like that. This was the big jam here, so maybe I've ruined the song now for everybody, but it's a good one.
Starting point is 00:24:08 It's a very, very good one. All right, Cliff, so we recycle our electronics safely and properly because we go to and we put in our postal code and we go there. Tell me, where then, what happens to our electronics after we recycle them with one of your programs?
Starting point is 00:24:27 Well, what happens is that we transport them to a processor, and the processor will start with manual disassembly. So batteries, as an example, need to come out so that they can be separated. There are several manual steps that are involved in this. The batteries are particularly of concern because you don't want to cause any fires and you don't want to have any leakage if they're nickel, cadmium, whatever they may be. So they remove those.
Starting point is 00:24:51 And then for the most part, the materials go into a shredder. And that is a huge industrial piece of equipment. There are several of them here in the city, one in Mississauga, as it happens, with a company called eCycle. And they turn that material back into a number of different elements. They have systems that cause them to do this.
Starting point is 00:25:13 So there are sometimes some vibration boards that allow things to be separated so that you can tell what's coming out the other end. And so the result of all of that is then it ends up being turned back into whether it's metals, ferrous, non-ferrous, plastic, and separated into various streams. And from there, it goes back to being manufactured again into new products. Almost as impressive as the COVID shots I'm getting. Amazing. Okay. Fun fact here, just so we know exactly what Eddie Grant is singing about here. There's an electric avenue in London, England. Did you know that? And Eddie Grant is singing about here. There's an electric avenue in London, England.
Starting point is 00:25:46 Did you know that? And the song is about that street. I didn't know that. And there was a riot, a Brixton riot in 1981. So it's very specifically, Eddie's singing about the, yeah, the Brixton riot of 1981 that was on Electric Avenue in London, England.
Starting point is 00:26:06 Very cool. Always love that jam. That's a good one. All right. We're cooking with gas here. Let's see. Number four. It's all about the pendants, baby.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Uh-huh. Oh, oh, yeah. Oh, oh, yeah. Oh, oh, yeah. Oh, oh, yeah. Yeah! What you wanna do? Wanna be hackers, code crackers, slackers, wasting time with all the chat booyackers,
Starting point is 00:26:51 9 to 5 chilling at Unipackers, working at a desk with a dumb little flacker. Yeah, paying the bills with my math programming skills, defragging my hard drive for thrills. I got me 100 gigabytes of RAM. I never feed trolls and I don't read spam. Install the two online in my house. Always at my PC, double clicking on my mizouse. I don't read spam. You've got to be the dumbest newbie I've ever seen. You've got white out all over your screen. You think your Commodore 64 is really neato. What kind of chip you got in there?
Starting point is 00:27:30 A Dorito? I had a Commodore 64. Did you ever own a Commodore 64? I did not. I did not. And I had a button that said, I adore my 64. This is like my introduction to computers, actually, was the Commodore 64. Shouted out by Weird Al Yankovic in All About the Pentiums. Who chose this?
Starting point is 00:27:48 I picked this one. Okay, I love it. I picked two songs on this list, and this one, it hits so many different things. He talks about mice. He talks about chips and computers. He hits it all. Tech support.
Starting point is 00:27:59 And he's a funny guy. He's fantastic. I mean, he's never really gone away, actually. But I used to listen to Dr. Demento on Chum FM, the Dr. Demento show. I did as well. Loved it, you know. And it's funny. I think it might have been right after the Sunday Night Funnies with Rick Hodge.
Starting point is 00:28:19 That sounds right. Sounds right. And I've had Rick on this show to kind of talk to him about those days. But okay, so the Dr. Demento show, you would hear a lot of great stuff, you know,
Starting point is 00:28:29 stepped in a pile of shaving cream. It has. And do you remember like a, oh my goodness, like a glass toilet? There was a song about,
Starting point is 00:28:39 anyways, these songs, I used to love them and Weird Al was a staple. Fantastic. And he's been around, it seems like he's been around forever. And we had Roger, Rick, and Marilyn in the mornings.
Starting point is 00:28:49 Absolutely, Roger, Rick, and Marilyn in the mornings. And Marilyn's still there. I think she's last person standing from those days of Toronto Morning Radio. By far the longest serving morning radio host in this market. But do you know, Cliff Hacking, what song is Weird Al parodying here? I don't. Okay, I'm here to educate you. It's All About the Benjamins by Puff Daddy.
Starting point is 00:29:13 Okay. So it's All About the Benjamins, baby. All About the Pentiums, baby. Thank you for kicking out the Weird Al. Funnily enough, tonight, it's like 7.30 p.m. I have a gentleman coming over named Brian Dunn. It's actually his birthday tomorrow, so happy birthday, Brian. And he's going to be coming over.
Starting point is 00:29:33 He's kind of an interesting cat, and he's got mad passion for two artists, Barenaked Ladies and Weird Al Yankovic. So those are his two sweet spots. So we're going to be talking about Weird Al again tonight. I like them both. Oh man, great job there. And there's a Weird Al biopic out. Are you going to check this out? I will.
Starting point is 00:29:54 You got to check it out. I think it's the guy from the guy. Who is it? Who's Harry Potter? I'm putting you on the spot here. Daniel Radcliffe. I think he's playing Weird Al in the biopic which will be pretty quick alright let's kick out another jam
Starting point is 00:30:08 hey It's too wide. Maybe I should buy some old tab collars. Welcome back to the age of jive. Where have you been hiding out lately, honey? You can't dress in trash until you spend a lot of money. Everybody's talking about the new sound. Funny, but it's still rockin' old to me. What's the matter with the car I'm driving? Can't you tell that it's out of style?
Starting point is 00:30:51 Should I get a set of white wall tires? Are you going to cruise the miracle mile? Nowadays you can't be too sentimental. You're messing with some true baby blue continental. Hot fuck, cool fuck. Is it because he refers to old junk? He, a little later on, talks about new speakers. Okay. Old sneakers, new speakers.
Starting point is 00:31:20 And you can recycle your speakers at recycle my okay you know that was part of the fun was figuring out uh how it's an electronics jam but talks about old speakers okay so you can recycle old speakers but what other uh types of electronics can you recycle at recycle my really just about everything with a battery and a plug these days um there isn't much of a limitation uh there are a couple of provinces where we even do drones. So, you know, you think about what it is and we recycle it, whether it's, you know, old CDs, DVDs, Betamax players, whatever you got, we pretty much will take it back. Wow.
Starting point is 00:31:59 Okay. Amazing. Now, are you a Billy Joel fan? Maybe first I should find out who suggested this jam uh this came from craig weishart in vancouver bc you're all over the place here we got quebec we got bc amazing say that name one more time craig weishart okay is he a wise uh wise person he is okay just uh because you, we talked about these names matching the person.
Starting point is 00:32:27 So, okay. So he's also, he's got a wise heart. Okay. Shout out to Craig. Now, we've kind of covered this,
Starting point is 00:32:33 but maybe in more detail, please tell us why, like, it sounds like a dumb question, but maybe not for everybody. Like, why is it important? Like,
Starting point is 00:32:43 first of all, I guess what's better than recycling is reusing, actually, I guess. So maybe talk about why it's important to reuse before we recycle. Well, as you indicated at the outset, this is Waste Reduction Week. And so what you want to do is if things have a second or a third life, you want to make sure they get in the hands of somebody that can use them. And that could be a cell phone. It could be a computer. It doesn't matter what it is. It could be a television. I
Starting point is 00:33:08 know that I've given away in the past a television that, you know, we wanted something that was a little larger. It still worked. There was a woman who was a nanny who needed something, had nothing in her home. And it was one of those old CRT televisions. It was a 26 inch Zenith. Probably weighed a ton. It did weigh a ton. It did, much like your guestT televisions. It was a 26-inch Zenith. Probably weighed a ton. It did weigh a ton. Much like your guest earlier with needing help on a forklift to move it. That's Ian Service, yeah. There were two of us that had to lift it and get it to her place
Starting point is 00:33:35 in the back of a truck. But the result is it worked for years, and she was very appreciative, and she had a television that kept running. So that works for everything you can think of. Okay, that's it. Yeah, it's funny ian service himself has a name that kind of applies to his care he's a very he services people he's a very uh guy you can call on when you need some help so uh okay so you're you're a billy joe fan yourself okay here's my so i i also like billy joe i mean i think pound for pound he might be the artist with
Starting point is 00:34:05 the most like hits to to releases ratio am i saying that properly so the greatest percentage of his single releases become top 40 hits like he's just just pound for pound might be the biggest hit maker in the history of uh modern pop music but he's he's sort of a genre bender like i find like there's kind of that's kind of like he's got a bunch of jams that sound like they're cut from like the 50s. He's got some, he's all over the place. I think he's just able
Starting point is 00:34:31 to go into Atlanta, any style, any genre and generate a hit. And ballads as well. I mean, as you say, everything. Everything. So what, honestly, and I think at some point
Starting point is 00:34:43 he just retired from writing new music, which I think he did point he just retired from writing new music, which I think he did that. Do you remember, you have a guy in Major League Baseball, maybe he's batting like 299, 995 or something on the last day of the year, and he's not going to play that day because he wants to preserve his 300 average. Yes. I won't name names, but I remember one player doing that.
Starting point is 00:35:04 I won't name his name. But this Billy Joel retiring, no longer making new music, just kind of performing live is, I think, to keep his record intact, that he's got such a high percentage of hits on him. So good on him. All right. And I have more questions about reduce, reuse, recycle in a moment. But let's start this next jam. No good two-timing lies coming out of your mouth
Starting point is 00:35:47 Cheating, mistreating games that you played brought you down But my heart tore it apart, look who's got the last laugh now Don't you come crawling back Beggin' please on your knees Baby, if you're missin' me Well, you can hear me on the radio You wanna turn me on, turn on your stereo You can sing along while they're playin' our song
Starting point is 00:36:23 Now you've done me wrong. Better crank it up until your brother's speaker's out your Chevy truck. So listen, Romeo, when you're feeling kind of low, let me tell you where to go. Turn on the radio. You know, we needed some, we don't play enough country on this program. I'm glad you brought this jam with you. Who wants to hear Reba McEntire?
Starting point is 00:36:47 Well, this one was nominated by Kathleen Bertrand. Kathleen runs our finance and accounting area, and she had a long list of country songs, and they were the only country songs that anybody suggested, so I thought, I have to put one of these in. Well, you know what they say, those who love country love it a lot. Yes. I always wondered,
Starting point is 00:37:06 where is our Toronto country music station? We had Kiss. My mom was a big fan when it was C-I-S-S, not K-I-S-S. But my mom had the mug because they were big
Starting point is 00:37:15 on their Kiss 92.5 mugs. And my mom would listen. That was like the heyday of like Garth Brooks. And then I guess a little, and a little later shania twain but the garth brooks era of kiss 92.5 was a big time for like new country in this market and now there's no there's no country music station in toronto no there isn't and
Starting point is 00:37:35 garth brooks was huge talk about a hit maker absolutely here so i did i didn't know i had to plead a little ignorance i had to look this up so this So this is, of course, it's Reba McEntire, but this is actually from her 34th album. So she's prolific. This came out in 2010. So who knows what number she's at right now, but that's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:37:59 Pretty good. Nice choice there. Okay, now we said off the top, I greeted you in the proper fashion of the day i said uh happy waste reduction week where did this week this is like where did this come from is this just have we been celebrating waste reduction week for a while or is this a relatively new uh a new event in our calendar it's it's a relatively new event um we've uh you know we started with earth day back in the spring and uh that's obviously something that for a particular day, we talk about turning off the lights for periods of time, trying to save energy, doing everything you can to be conscious of Earth Day.
Starting point is 00:38:44 an energy issue. It's also a waste issue. And you think about what's going on in the environment and how we can be more conscious and be better stewards of the planet that we live on. And it evolved to this. And so certainly electronics is what I'm here for. But, you know, all really products are looking at what they can do from a waste reduction perspective. So I'm a big recycler. That's why I'm so glad you're here and love the work you're doing. Love the work you're doing. So, but you know, there's the three R's we talk about, like there's reduce, there's reuse and recycle. And I always, it's been pounded into my brain, like in terms of the ideally reduce, that's
Starting point is 00:39:17 the biggest, most important thing you do is reduce. So it's like, that's like a cascading order. It's like reduce best you can. So it's like, that's like a cascading order. It's like, what manufacturers have done, they've actually done a very good job of reducing the form factor in terms of the weight and the materials that go into things these days. And they've reduced the things
Starting point is 00:39:54 that are more hazardous or of concern to the environment. You think about the old CRTs that had leaded glass in the front of them. They haven't been made since 2009 or 10. None of those are out there anymore. So, I mean, we still get some back, but in the front of them. They haven't been made since 2009 or 10. None of those are out there anymore. So, I mean, we still get some back, but they're not making them.
Starting point is 00:40:08 And so there's been a big reduction. You think about, we were talking about television that weighs, you know, a couple of hundred pounds in some cases versus a flat panel that is, you know, twice as, three times as wide and you can pick it up with one hand. Yeah, big, big, big change there. I had like a 27-inch Sony Trinitron TV I got.
Starting point is 00:40:26 I got somebody to take off my hands if you want. I still remember like breaking my back, carrying it to the car. It literally, like to get it up the stairs right here, I'm pointing to, like this thing did weigh a ton. Like I say that, but I don't even know how to explain to my kids how heavy a 27-inch TV used to be. This Trinitron almost broke my back here.
Starting point is 00:40:46 All right, we're going to kick out another jam. One of the big questions that's come in on the live stream is whether there's any fees or charges tied to having these electronics recycled. So we go to We find the drop-off location. We bring our electronics that have reached the end of their life, we bring it to that location. Now
Starting point is 00:41:07 do we have to pay a fee? It's free. Anywhere you drop off the electronics with EPRA, it is absolutely free. The revenue to pay for all of this comes from the purchase of new products and that can be done. There are a couple of different revenue streams. One of them is at the point of sale where sometimes there's a charge with respect that we call an environmental handling fee, but it's a fee per unit. There's another scheme where the manufacturers actually, or the retailers pay directly on a cost basis for it. But no, when you take your electronics back, there is no charge whatsoever. You simply bring it back and it is free. Cliff, you had me at free.
Starting point is 00:42:01 I don't want to talk right now I just wanna watch TV I'll stay in the pool and drown watch you leave I put on Survivor just to watch somebody suffer Maybe I should get some sleep Sinking in the sofa wall
Starting point is 00:42:41 They all betray each other What's the point of anything In the sofa wall, they all betray each other. What's the point of anything? Not exactly the most uplifting jam we've heard today, Cliff, but this song is about my 27-inch Sony Trinitron TV, I think. It's by Billie Eilish. Yeah, great artist. Really not one of my favorites, but I have to respect what she does
Starting point is 00:43:05 she's got a fantastic voice I'm with you I totally get why the kids are digging Billie Eilish just don't confuse Billie Eilish like I did at the beginning with Billie Idol that's a completely different artist a white wedding you know what
Starting point is 00:43:19 when I first got into music it was actually like 1950s music because I had these cassettes from gas stations that had golden oldies on it or whatever like I still remember my first favorite songs were like Chantilly Lace by Big Bopper and stuff like that and then the next stage in my whole like awakening there was I still remember I discovered Stray Cats because it sounded like that 50s music but it was on CFTR like I could hear on the radio radio and i loved the stray cats and i went and got built for speed but then my buddy at school i think grade seven i want to say uh frank ellia introduced me to billy idol and that was it like i was madly in love with billy idol for a very long time he's a great artist love it there's my
Starting point is 00:43:59 long boring story about billy idol who suggested this uh this wonderful uh and it's a meaningful jam i made a joke about it being about my sony trinitron but Who suggested this wonderful, and it's a meaningful jam. I made a joke about it being about my Sony Trinitron, but I'll actually tell you what it's about in a moment. But who recommended this song for our jam kicking today? This is the second one from my daughter. So the very one at the top of the list is from her as well, but this one's from her.
Starting point is 00:44:18 She's a huge fan. What's your daughter's name? Sarah. Sarah, Sarah. Okay. That's a great Hall & Oates song, right? Sarah Smile. It is.
Starting point is 00:44:28 Okay. Did you name her after that? We did not. Okay. I'm just fishing there. Okay. In a very serious tip. There's a Fleetwood Mac song too.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Well, it's funny because when you showed up here, I had Fleetwood Mac going on the live stream. But not Sarah. No. I had to.
Starting point is 00:44:44 You know, there's a Flight of the Conchords. You ever watch this show had to. You know, there's Flight of the Concords. You ever watch this show? Yes. Okay. So I love Flight of the Concords. And I think they're talking about how Murray's talking to the guys, Brit and Jermaine, about how they can't have like a love triangle because it'll interfere with the band.
Starting point is 00:44:59 And then Murray makes the point, well, look what happened with Fleetwood Mack. And he goes, well, that was like a love square because it was four of them. And he goes, well, actually, they did create some excellent music during that period. And then Britt turns to Murray and goes, rumors? And then Murray goes, no, it's all true. I just think it's a great, great line from a great, great show. But on a serious tip, because we get serious on this show,
Starting point is 00:45:24 and recycling electronics a serious tip, because we get serious on this show, and recycling electronics is serious business, but this song is actually about the overturning of Roe versus Wade, so there's a very powerful message in this song, but the song is about TV and very appropriate for electronics
Starting point is 00:45:40 jams, without a doubt. Good choice, Sarah. Alright, the, what happens next? Okay. So I've dropped off my electronics. I went to recycle my I found a location. I got to drop all my electronics off that event reached the end of their life. I dropped them off for free. The price was right. Love it. What happens next? I know you went through this earlier, but like, this is the, the, the, this is the shredding, basically. You take the batteries out and you're shredding. And then, then what? Like what happens after that process?
Starting point is 00:46:12 Well, then the materials themselves get sent to remanufacturing sites. So that Trinitron TV you were talking about had a copper yoke on the back of it. It's quite a large copper yoke. And the result of that was that copper will be taken off and it'll be sent to a sm yoke on the back of it. It's quite a large copper yoke. And the result of that was that copper will be taken off and it'll be sent to a smelter and turned back into copper that can be reused, whether it's pipes for your house in terms of plumbing or whatever it may be. And all of those elements go back. And we have a recycling rate that is in the high 90s. Again, depending upon jurisdiction and some of the rules that are in place.
Starting point is 00:46:44 But it is in the in the high 90s in terms of what comes back to us is actually able to be reused in some fashion or other and we talked about speakers earlier it's probably one of the examples of the thing that we have the most difficulty with in terms of recycling because the fiber board which gets moisture in it whatever else really isn't much good for recycling. But all the pieces that are inside there, whether it's the magnets or the metal or the plastic itself, those things can be reused. But there's very little that isn't reused these days. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:47:16 And speaking of reuse, real quick, you talked earlier, like maybe there's somebody you know who needs a TV and try to reuse, you know, before you recycle. So it's reduce first and then reuse, then recycle. That's where you guys come in. I just want to shout out a great organization actually in our neck of the woods here in Etobicoke called Furniture Bank. So I actually got a tour of Furniture Bank. They invited me over and I checked it out.
Starting point is 00:47:38 And I will say that if you have functional electronics to talk to the people at Furniture Bank, because they help new Canadians who literally come with nothing. And now we're here to outfit their home, be it with a couch, with a TV, with just all the things you see in your home. They have it at the Furniture Bank. And it's quite a beautiful, beautiful thing and a wonderful organization, charity organization going on right in our own backyard. So you can always reach out at if you have anything, even non-electronics
Starting point is 00:48:10 obviously, but you can let them know what you have and then they'll tell you if you should be dropping it off at their local location. So shout out to the Furniture Bank. We endorse a particular reuse entity as well. Certainly Furniture Bank's a great place,
Starting point is 00:48:29 but Computers for Schools, which is a federally run program, we refer, so anybody who brings any quantity of computers back, we refer them to them. And Computers for Schools does a great job across the country of doing exactly what you said, putting computers in the hands of, in many cases, new entrants into Canada who don't know what to do. You think about the big influx of Syrians that we had. They did a great job in making sure that they had computers
Starting point is 00:48:51 and were online and could get up and running. Awesome. Glad you mentioned that. Absolutely. And earlier I mentioned that Lady Gaga took her handle from a song, and we're going to kick it out right now. You ready, Cliff? I'm ready. Teksting av Nicolai Winther I'd sit alone and watch your light My only friend through teenage nights Is everything I had to know My only friend through teenage nights And everything I had to know
Starting point is 00:50:09 I heard it on my radio You gave them all, those old time stars Through wars and wars, they made it by Mars You made them laugh, you made him cry You made us feel like he could fly So don't become some background noise A band of boys, girls and boys Who just don't know or just don't care
Starting point is 00:50:47 And just complain, when you're not there You've had your time, you've had your time You've yet to have, your finest hour Radio All we hear is, Radio Kaka Radio Gaga Radio, what's new? Radio, some new news. Radio Gaga by Queen, and that is the song that inspired, I think her name is Stephanie, Stephanie Germotta, I think, if I'm remembering correctly, inspired her to become Lady Gaga.
Starting point is 00:51:41 It's awesome. It really is. And it's amazing it's on your list. Like, what are the odds, right? Well, this was put on the list by two people. Chris Milowitz in Saskatoon and Craig Weishardt again from Vancouver. So they both, and in many cases some of these songs were nominated by a number of different
Starting point is 00:51:58 people. Oh, sure. No, and I love that this is a group effort. I love it. Like, I'm hoping you come back next October. I feel like we need a group effort. I love it. Like, I'm hoping you come back next October. Like, I feel like we need a cliffhacking jam kicking every single October. I love it. I'm happy to be here. Okay, we're going to do it.
Starting point is 00:52:14 And I love that you've got the participation going on there. So I'm going to give you some electronics, and hopefully you'll enjoy this electronics. So I'm going to give you a Bluetooth speaker. That's courtesy of Moneris. So Moneris is sent over. give you a Bluetooth speaker. That's courtesy of Moneris. So Moneris is sent over a wireless speaker. It's Bluetooth, obviously. And they're hoping you'll use that speaker to listen to their podcast. So remind me, what's the name of the Recycle My Electronics podcast
Starting point is 00:52:39 that we should all subscribe to right now? A Welcome Diversion. So your podcast, which I'm going to subscribe to today, is called A Welcome Diversion. A welcome diversion. go. Season three just launched. So you can now start listening to episodes on season three and you can hear new episodes on Absolutely. I'm posting all the new episodes. So you can listen to that podcast. And if you're looking for some good advice regarding investing, listening to professionals talk about the importance of investing, you can listen to the Advantage Investor Podcast podcast that is courtesy of raymond james canada and that's hosted by chris cooksey it features insights from leading professionals
Starting point is 00:53:30 valuable perspective for canadian investors who want to remain knowledgeable informed and focused on long-term success and while we hear the dulcet tones the sweet sweet voice of freddie mercury in the background sticker has a Toronto Mike sticker for you, Cliff. That's for you, buddy. Thank you. And last but not least, there's a flashlight here. Actually, here, you got to pull that out. There you go.
Starting point is 00:53:55 So that'll keep you safe in the dark. That's courtesy of Ridley Funeral Home, who have been pillars of this community since 1921. Thank you very much to Ridley, to Moneris. This is awesome. Ridley, Moneris, Raymond, James, we took care of you. We gave you some beer. We give you some lasagna. You're a lucky guy here. I'm doing well, that's for sure. And I don't know if you knew this or not, but I heard this just the other day. There is a new release of a song by Queen that is, it's one song that had never been released before
Starting point is 00:54:25 and it was recorded right after Freddie Mercury was diagnosed with AIDS. I did not hear that, but I need to hear that song. I haven't heard it yet either, but I heard that it was coming out, so. Awesome. And this jam, I can't wait to kick this jam out to find out how it got chosen. And I just want to say this band
Starting point is 00:54:41 is from Buffalo and are you an NFL fan, Cliff? I am. Are you an nfl fan cliff i am are you a bills fan i my brother is a huge bills fan i gotta say you know i like brady okay all right you get the one year left i know they lost yesterday but i gotta say the bills and i'm only i only casually watch regular season but i watched uh yesterday actually because they were playing the kansas city chiefs and i will the Bills look scary good this year. And dare I say, this is, I believe, the best Bills team of all time ever.
Starting point is 00:55:11 And I would not be surprised in the least that this Bills team, and I know I'm jinxing them by saying this, but win the Super Bowl finally. They got Von Miller. They're looking good. And that quarterback, he did this hurdle on this key play late in the fourth quarter.
Starting point is 00:55:25 It was ridiculous. Okay, so speaking of Buffalo. And even though the moment passed me by I still can't turn away I saw the dreams you never thought you'd lose Tossed along the way Letters that you never meant to send Lost or blown away And now we're grown up orphans I never knew their names
Starting point is 00:56:37 We don't belong to no one That's a shame You could hide beside me to no one that's the same. You could hide beside me maybe for a while and I won't tell no one your name. And I won't tell them your name. So let me get this straight. You kick out some Lady Gaga, then we kick out some Radio Gaga,
Starting point is 00:57:07 and you said, hey, let's get some Goo Goo Dolls in there. I love the Goo Goo Dolls. And they have a tired song playing on a tired radio coming up. That's it. That's it. Okay, always find the Easter egg. Greg. I know that line, the tired radio. Yes. Okay. Beautiful jam.
Starting point is 00:58:00 Now, who chose this song? This one was all me. All you. Okay. You're the Goo Goo Dolls fan. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Now, here's a kind of a very important question that people are wondering.
Starting point is 00:58:11 Okay, so we, again, to recap, we have electronics. They've reached the end of their life. Okay, we need to recycle these properly, safely. We go to, put in our post-it code. Find out like a drop-off location or a return to retail location. We drop it off in the appropriate location. You got like 2,500 of these locations across the country. 2,500. So you'll find one near you.
Starting point is 00:58:34 You do that. How do we know? Like how can we be sure that these electronics don't get shipped overseas and become like someone else's problem? I still remember the Philippines refusing like, we're not taking your garbage, Canada. How do we make sure that doesn't happen? Well, we're very proud of our record as far as that's concerned.
Starting point is 00:58:53 And the ethics of this is something that matters to us. Our founding organizations are manufacturers and retailers. So you think about Hewlett Packard and Dell and Lenovo and think about Best Buy and Staples and Canadian Tire and you go down the list. None of those people would want to be associated with anything that went overseas. And we take it very, very seriously to the point where we have people who go out and actually inspect. I've got auditors who go out and inspect what is going on through this entire process, whether it's the collection site itself. And I can tell you that, you know, take New Brunswick as an example right now. Karen Omanis, who runs that program there,
Starting point is 00:59:32 visits every one of her collection sites every year to make sure that they're handling things responsibly, that they're putting things in a place where they're protected and not as close to the elements where they can't be stolen and there's no identity theft. And from there, we also send auditors out to the manufacturing and processing sites themselves to make sure that as they're being deconstructed and where they go after that, we do something called mass balancing, which means we know the end result of where everything's going.
Starting point is 00:59:59 We know which manufacturing it's going to. We know where the plastics are going. We know when things have been reduced back down to core elements, and we track it. So essentially, like, your recyclers are prohibited. Like, they're prohibited from exporting these electronics to such countries. Like, and there's also, I just learned this, there's a national electronics recycling standard,
Starting point is 01:00:24 and they have to be verified like under this standard to meet the end of life electronics recycling requirements. Like this is very serious business and you're all over it. Two pieces to that. First of all, we also belong to the Basel Convention and there's a ban on export to any non-OECD countries. And that's not to say that there aren't unethical organizations, one of which has been caught trying to ship things to those kinds of places, but we are very careful about all of that. And then on top
Starting point is 01:00:55 of that, when you look at that audit standard, we have elements on top of the standard. So the standard is the minimum table stakes. And then beyond that, we make sure that as we send our auditors out, that they are doing everything that should be done both from an environmental perspective and from a health and safety perspective for their workers. Love it. How old is Sarah? She's 14. Okay. 14. Okay. Is Sarah your only child? No, I have a, I have an older boy you got an older boy alright I relate to all this now I'm going to kick out this jam for Sarah I can't wait to get to it
Starting point is 01:01:29 we said we'd close with this person this gentleman whose name starts with H here we go You got a new life Am I bothering you? Do you wanna talk? We share the last line Then we drink the water We wanna talk We drink the water. We want to talk.
Starting point is 01:02:30 I go around and around. Satellite. Spinning. I'm waiting for you to pull me in. I can see you're lonely down there. Don't you know that I am right here? I'm waiting for you to pull me in. I can see you're lonely down there.
Starting point is 01:03:04 Don't you know that I am not here You may be the one I am for you I'm in an L.A. mood Don't wanna talk to you Harry Styles, Satellite. I can see you lonely down there Nice. Nice choice, Sarah. Will Sarah listen to this episode?
Starting point is 01:03:29 She will, she will How come I can't get my kids to listen to my Well every once in a while there will be an episode And my daughter will let me know Oh I listen to so and so or so and so And I'm like well then you should listen to this one, this one, this one What's going on here? Just tell them you embarrassed them And that way they'll want to listen to see how badly they've been embarrassed okay that would work actually
Starting point is 01:03:49 what's not embarrassing and i think something you should be very proud of is a fun fact i just uh just discovered that over 1 million tons of electronics have been diverted from canadian landfill in illegal export thanks to uh thanks to you guys yeah we're up to 1.2 million right now in tracking, and we will stay at it. It's a life passion for us, and we want to make sure that we're doing the right thing with these end-of-life electronics. It's sort of like McDonald's used to keep that up to date
Starting point is 01:04:19 on their front sign. It would be like over 1 million burgers served or whatever, and then they'd update it periodically. And then at some point they said, enough of this. Billions and billions served. They can't keep track anymore. They can't keep track anymore. So you need a ticker.
Starting point is 01:04:35 Sort of like the doomsday clock, but the opposite. Something to give us all hope and everything. Well, Cliff, I'll tell you right now, I'm just honored, tickled pink, that Recycle My Electronics is helping to fuel the real talk here on Toronto Mike we have a big week coming up
Starting point is 01:04:52 and it's all possible thank you Ian Thomas is on the show this week Brian Good from the Good Brothers is on the show this week we have another episode of Toast that's Cam Gordon and Stu Stone who visit every uh month we're kicking out songs from the the 1960s girl groups which uh i can't wait to do a lot of great
Starting point is 01:05:11 music there but uh thanks to you guys and uh continued uh success and uh keep it up i can't wait till you come back to kick out more jams next october it'll be awesome recycle my electronics dot ca and we can't wait to come back mike and happy waste reduction week everybody i blew that line off the top you know it's one of those things i practice and practice happy waste reduction week and uh celebrate uh safely and responsibly and that brings us to the end of our 1130th show. You can follow me. I'm on Twitter. I'm on Toronto Mike at Twitter.
Starting point is 01:05:54 Follow me at Toronto Mike. Recycle my electronics are on Twitter as a at E P R a underscore Canada, but you know know to go to for everything you'd like to learn about them, including drop-off locations for your end-of-life electronics.
Starting point is 01:06:14 Our friends at Great Lakes Brewery. Cliff's got his beer here. They're at Great Lakes Beer. Palma Pasta. Make sure I go to the freezer and get you that lasagna. They're at Palma Pasta. Sticker U is at Sticker U.
Starting point is 01:06:27 You've got your Toronto Mike sticker. Moneris is at Moneris. You've got your Bluetooth speaker. Raymond James Canada, they're at Raymond James CDN. Ridley Funeral Home are at Ridley FH. You've got your flashlight there. And Canna Cabana are at Canna Cabana. You've got your flashlight there. And Canna Cabana are at Canna Cabana underscore.
Starting point is 01:06:48 This is exciting. We're going to have a special Canna Cabana episode in the backyard next week. And Mark Hebbshire will be here in person in the backyard to celebrate with Andy Palalas
Starting point is 01:07:00 and Canada Kev, whose birthday is tomorrow. Happy birthday, Kev. See you all tonight when Brian Dunn makes his Toronto Mike debut. You know that's true because everything is coming up rosy and gray. Yeah, the wind is cold, but the smell of snow won't stay today. And your smile is fine, and it's just like mine, and it won't go away. Because everything is rosy and gray. Everything is rosy and green Well, I've been told
Starting point is 01:07:47 That there's a sucker born every day But I wonder who Yeah, I wonder who Maybe the one who doesn't realize There's a thousand shades of green Cause I know that's true Yes, grey Cause I know that's true Yes I do I know it's true
Starting point is 01:08:09 Yeah I know it's true How about you? I've been picking up trash And then putting down ropes And they're broken in stocks The class struggle explodes And I'll play this guitar just the best that I can
Starting point is 01:08:30 Maybe I'm not and maybe I am But who gives a damn because Everything is coming up rosy and gray Yeah, the wind is cold but the smell of snow warms me today And your smile is fine and it's just like mine
Starting point is 01:08:53 and it won't go away Cause everything is rosy and gray Well, I've kissed you in France and I've kissed you in France and I've kissed you in Spain And I've kissed you in places I better not name And I've seen the sun go down on Chaclacour But I like it much better going down on you
Starting point is 01:09:24 Yeah you know that's true Because everything is coming up Rosy and green Yeah, the wind is cold But the smell of snow Warms us today And your smile is fine And it's just like mine
Starting point is 01:09:42 And it won't go away Because everything is rosy now Everything is rosy, yeah Everything is rosy and gray Thank you.

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