Toronto Mike'd: The Official Toronto Mike Podcast - Disco Jams: Toronto Mike'd #786

Episode Date: January 15, 2021

This 44th Pandemic Friday, Mike kicks out disco jams with Cam Gordon and Stu Stone....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Now, folks, nothing spells fun like rhinestones on a dungaree jacket. Stu, you should buy that. Hey, Disco Stu doesn't advertise. It's time now for Pandemic Fridays. Starring Toronto Mike, Stu Stone, and Cam Gordon. Toronto I'm in Toronto where you wanna get the city love I'm from Toronto where you wanna get the city love I'm a Toronto mic, you wanna get the city love My city love me back, for my city love
Starting point is 00:00:38 I'm in Toronto where you wanna get the city love Welcome to episode 786 of Toronto Mic'd, a weekly podcast about anything and everything. Proudly brought to you by Great Lakes Brewery, a fiercely independent craft brewery who believes in supporting communities, good times, and brewing amazing beer. CDN Technologies, your outsourced IT department. Contact Barb at barb at
Starting point is 00:01:10 Palma Pasta. Enjoy the taste of fresh homemade Italian pasta and entrees from Palma Pasta in Mississauga and Oakville. Create custom stickers, labels, tattoos, and decals for your home and your business. Ridley Funeral Home. Pillars of the community since 1921.
Starting point is 00:01:32 And patrons like you. Visit slash torontomike to become one today. I'm Mike from and joining me for this 44th Pandemic Friday episode of Toronto Miked is Stu Stone. And Cam Gordon. Hello. Hello, Mike. Welcome. Welcome.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Hello, Airhorn. To you, fellow. I was going to say my two fellow Thorne Lee graduates because I know. Hello, Mike. Toronto Michael. Hello, Camberley. Good to see you both. I now feel like I went to Thorne Lee Secondary School.
Starting point is 00:02:17 You were practically there, man. Listen, you were as much there as you know who was there when you know when. So, I mean, mean firstly how are you is everybody okay yeah yeah all good so okay i can cross that off my list of things to do a lot could be good a lot could be worse a lot could be better i appreciate the attempted topical conversation uh the how are you usually uh get some sort of, but I don't have much to give you this week. Other than my impressive impressedness of impressiveness of the Noah Mintz finally appears on the Toronto Mike show, which was, you know, really. Yeah, that's right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:58 So to Ian who just hit the air horn, I appreciate that. I would have to say that that was a pretty epic episode for Cam and myself. You know, we're, you know, the vice president and senior vice president of the head Thorne Lee chapter fan club. So to have, you know, he sounded like a guy that would be our buddy. He sounds like a guy that could fill in a couple of weeks on Pandemic Friday, fill the stories. You barely scratched the surface of head stories. So there's a lot more for guys like us to go an even deeper dive with him on that. And I was impressed that although my name didn't necessarily ring a bell
Starting point is 00:03:32 with him, he did name drop Harv Glazer, who was the co-star of Jack of all trades. So obviously he's aware, he doesn't realize how aware he is. And of course his brother, Billy, who you didn't ask him about it, or he didn't address that question. Of course, Billy is a huge Stu fan you know i'm practically invited over to the mince household for passover dinner uh you know it's just the invitations in the mail so stew why would noah know harv like i they're closer to the same age i would imagine okay how old is harv is he like a couple years he's about three years older than us. Okay. Wow, he looks great.
Starting point is 00:04:05 No, he's probably about five years older than us. Oh, at least, I think. Yeah, actually, five sounds about right. But yeah, we saw them play so many times. Just hearing him sort of tell the stories about Hayden, and it was a really good listen. Very, very cool stuff, man. And I didn't, you know, the new stuff that you had played, like that was my first introduction to some newer things
Starting point is 00:04:24 that he's sort of working on and working with. But yeah, don't let him fool you, man. When we get out of this pandemic and we do Can-Con-Cella or we do Can-Con-a-Palooza or whatever we're going to call it, we got to get Noah Mintz to perform some head jams. Well, at least now he's an FOTM. That was the first step here. I was listening as a guy who did not.
Starting point is 00:04:46 And for the record, I hope I was clear about this. I did not attend Thorne Lee, so I hope I didn't pretend to pass myself off as a Thorne Lear. But I thought it was amazing and compelling. And I kept wondering, what are Cam and Stu going to think? Because there's so much inside baseball from the high school they went to. Well, really, the Gian Gomeshi stuff was the cool stuff to hear his pronunciation obviously he really knows gian gomeshi he's like gian gomeshi like he says his name like someone that
Starting point is 00:05:14 really knows him um and the stories of like painting gomeshi as like sort of the bad guy in like uh noah's like late 80s early 90s uh wonder years i i would love to know what park they uh performed in where they asked for your park thornhill park that's like there's there's actual park called thornhill yeah it's like uh at uh it's a young street just north of steeles you turn into this you know where it is there's a public swimming pool and then there's two baseball oh yeah yeah oh my god i used to play baseball there yeah like or home of thorn hill day camp which was you ever heard of a class action park you know that movie yeah i watched it yeah i watched part of like an unauthorized day camp called thorn hill day camp that ran they didn't have a license and they had like 2 000 campers in this park with no permits and
Starting point is 00:06:01 they just ran this camp simpler time i don't know if you remember stew there also used to be a store there that was a bird store i'm sure paul judson spent a lot of time there but they would sell all different varieties of bird seed and like books about birds and bird feeders and and of course cam's father is an avid bird watcher so cam probably found himself in there on a saturday yeah he's a big grackle guy. Yeah, I remember. I remember. So, I mean, I guess you heard I did shout out DJ Farbsy.
Starting point is 00:06:33 You did, and I mean, it's a matter of time before he becomes a guest on your show. Right, yeah, it's only a matter of time. So, I'm glad to hear you guys enjoyed the Noah Mintz. Oh, we don't know if Cam heard it, but I definitely listened to it. No, I listened to it. One thing, Mike, I wish I did ask, and I alluded to this in a tweet I sent this morning.
Starting point is 00:06:51 Bill Walichka, of much music fame, also went to Thornley. I get the sense Bill is probably even a generation prior to Noah and John. It's just amazing how much talent passed through that school. His name didn't come up but another one, Jose Contreras from By Divine Right. Jose Tornley, a graduate. And Feist was also in his band as was Brendan Canning.
Starting point is 00:07:16 So, you know, it's all talk about a broken social scene. Let's not leave out Anakin Skywalker himself. Hayden Christensen was probably at the school around that time. It's amazing that there were two Haydens there. Both would go on to great fame and fortune. And I think one half of Prozac went down.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Oh, you got a bad disease. Of course, of course. Now, okay, so I thoroughly enjoyed it. He will return because I know for a fact he enjoyed it. Like Noah Mintz thoroughly enjoyed his experience. So he'll be back. He'll be back. What else?
Starting point is 00:07:49 Okay, so I want to just let the listeners know that we're kicking out disco jams. So we've each brought five of our favorite disco jams to the table. I want to preface that actually. Yeah, go ahead, Stuart. You know, I don't know that these are necessarily my five disco favorite songs that I brought to the table here this week I just what are they Stu what are they these are just uh you
Starting point is 00:08:09 know interesting picks that I that I come to the table with because I do feel that there is a quality that does exist in and I hope that you guys made some selections and I saw some banter back and forth on Twitter there are some A-list legendary heavy hitting acts that delved into the disco realm that I could have easily gone with, but I figured it was such, you know, that could be a whole other episode. You know, rockers who disco. Oh, you're talking about like the Rolling Stones. Like the Rolling Stones, Miss You, for example. Yes, good example. Rod Stewart, Do You Think I'm Sexy? These types of things. Right. I focused on actually more a couple of disco hits,
Starting point is 00:08:48 and then I'm also bringing a lot of unique disco to the table. Okay, great to hear. Now, just a yes or no to this, and I know the answer, but I'm going to give you a chance to reiterate it. These are not your favorite. No, these are not my favorite. Okay, and that, and Stu. But they're not my favorite.
Starting point is 00:09:04 And that's why this is not a real kick out the jams. Oh. These are my favorite unique jams. Sorry, not a true kick out the jams. These are my favorite unique jams, yes. I'm kicking out my favorite unique jams. Because your name is Al Grego, as I see on the Zoom. Alan, that's Alan's U government name, please.
Starting point is 00:09:22 You don't know me like that, bro. I'm thoroughly disappointed, though, because you had an opportunity to be called Disco Stew. Well, I dropped the ball there, and obviously you buried the lead regardless with your cold open. But Disco Stew loves disco music. Ah, Disco Stew. Right this way.
Starting point is 00:09:44 But hey, St. Peter, you said like you was full. Oh, yeah. Ah, jeez. Whoa, Frank Sinatra. For me, this is hell. You dig, Pally? Oh, oh, oh, ah, oh, oh, ah. Oh, oh, ah, oh.
Starting point is 00:10:05 Disco Stu loves disco music. What were you going to say, Cam, before I rudely interrupted you with that Disco Stu? No, that's okay. It's a stupid question that I think I answered. It's like a Simpsons character. Oh, you know, I forget. I forget you're anti-comedy.
Starting point is 00:10:20 I always forget that. He's more like Uncle Comedy. What is your real feelings on comedies for the record cam like are you anti-comedy motion and cam does not emote you know he uh that's how he has these long-term relationships well who was it i believe it was our mutual friend 1236 said this is a guy who said he's not really into comedy on a podcast about Spinal Tap. Well, he said you're the only person he's heard admit that in public. So let me ask you this, because Spinal Tap, of course, I just assumed we'd all seen Spinal Tap,
Starting point is 00:10:52 but have you seen the movie Airplane by Zucker Zucker and Abrams? I've definitely seen Airplane, yes. Surely you can't be serious. I'm sort of aware, like Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's in it. Yes, yes. I'm kind of shocked. So you don't gravitate I'm sort of aware, like Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's Yes, yes. I'm kind of shocked. I'm kind of shocked.
Starting point is 00:11:06 So you don't gravitate towards funny. He doesn't like to laugh. He doesn't like to cry. He just is a very by-the-books guy. He's sort of like a robot that does have a heart. Kind of German. Like the Iron Giant. Is he the Iron Giant?
Starting point is 00:11:21 He's sort of the Iron Giant. He is seven feet tall. He's made of metal. Is he the Iron Giant? He's sort of the Iron Giant. He is seven feet tall. He's made of metal. And he rocks hard. So disco's the theme. And I had a fun idea that I thought we'd all love, which was I was actually going to open this episode by playing U2's Disco Tech because David Alter, who's an FOTM...
Starting point is 00:11:39 That's an awful idea. That is an awful idea. Hear me out. Hold on. Hear me out. David Alter was going to join us to defend his choice of Disco Tech idea. That is an awful idea. Hear me out. David Alter was going to join us to defend his choice
Starting point is 00:11:47 of discotheque as his favorite song of all time. So just soak that in. David Alter thinks U2's discotheque is his favorite song of all time. But David got a new job where he covers hockey and he had to go to Ottawa to cover a Sens game or something. So he's going to do this next week. So off the top of next week's
Starting point is 00:12:04 show, David Alter is going to tell us why he thinks discotheque is the best song of all time. Well, I guess in advance, I'll have to tell him that if he can convince me that discotheque is the greatest song of all time, I also am happy to buy some Lakeshore property from him
Starting point is 00:12:19 as well. Well, is he a real estate agent? No, but there's an old expression that I just got wrong there, but I'm sure 1236 was right. Swampland in Florida. Actually, I'll be curious to shame David Alter,
Starting point is 00:12:36 who I know somewhat well, so that's okay. He'll be somewhat... Yeah, you worked with him, right? Briefly. I know, he's a good man. But also, I would like to know, just sort of the stipulations with the NHL, why is he going to Ottawa from Toronto? And he wasn't sure.
Starting point is 00:12:52 You're right. He had to find out last night if he was allowed to with the new restrictions because we're all in this new lockdown. Does it change any of your worlds at all? Is there anything you were doing prior to this lockdown that you no longer are doing because of the lockdown? I'm just naturally here.
Starting point is 00:13:05 Hugging, shaking hands, seeing people. No, that's different. That's before. Going outside. The new restriction that came into play like at midnight. It's pretty much, I don't think it really affects me or Cam any differently. Speaking on behalf of Cam, I know he's not out partying in meat lockers in Toledo. Is he right?
Starting point is 00:13:24 Cam, is he right? Does it affect you at all? Yeah, no, I think Stu nailed it. Yeah, it's pretty much par for the course. Sorry, my lights are flickering here. Oh, yeah, it just adds to the ambiance. The crackdown is really on people that are just being blatantly disrespectful. If you don't respect the pandemic, the pandemic won't respect you type of gimmick.
Starting point is 00:13:42 But listen, if you're out there and you're going out for reasons to go to the store, they're not looking for you. They're looking for the people who are who are having parties. And by looking at the demographics of the cases that I've you know, I'm not Dr. Fauci, but I did look at the cases and I could see that it's like young people that are that are getting the infection. Now it's like sort of flipped, like the older people are sort of playing by the rules and the young people are invincible. And they're the ones that are sort of spreading it to each other and their families. My aunt is in a long-term care facility, Auntie Sandy, Instagram sensation. She's she's in a very scary situation. She contracted COVID. Oh no. She's in a very scary situation.
Starting point is 00:14:23 She contracted COVID. Oh, no. There's 50 cases in her building. Five people have died. It's a fucking crazy mess over there. And it's all because, you know, somebody brought it in. Now, I want to know, Mike, why aren't they testing the health care workers before coming in there? It seems like an avoidable thing. Just do a rapid test and don't let anybody in who's, you know, they're not testing the people coming in.
Starting point is 00:14:45 So why? It just, it's. Well, Stu, if they can test. We might need a lawyer. If they can test. I have a lawyer view. If they can test hockey players every single day, I think the whole NHL. I think it's like healthcare workers should be tested before they go into work.
Starting point is 00:14:59 So a healthcare worker brought COVID into this facility where Aunt Sandy is and Aunt Sandy got COVID. Yes. Auntie Sandy's and aunt Sandy got COVID. Yes. Auntie Sandy's building was fucking Fort Knox. I have not been able to go near her in six months. Right. You know, we're dropping off stuff for her. They, they've run it so properly, except for the healthcare workers coming in and out of there are not being tested before they go to work. And it's look what happened and uh you know at some point you have to kind of think that's avoidable uh but to the young people who are listening because i know your demographic reaches all ages mike uh so i'm probably talking to the young people the only young
Starting point is 00:15:35 people i'm speaking to is that lady who has the van that drives her kids around so maybe they're overhearing this but they gotta fucking step up you know it's your turn young people uh if you're in the back of mom's van you know mask up you know it's too i've case too firstly firstly first and foremost i'm very sorry to hear this about ann sandy a beloved like next thing you know what i'll be hearing bojana got covid like i can't handle this i need to even put that in the atmosphere i mean that's strike two my first time with my boy tim and now you're fucking with bojana that's strike two buddy is have you talked do we have anana. That's strike two, buddy. Do we have an update about Sandy's health today, like how she's feeling?
Starting point is 00:16:10 She's not doing great. I mean, I got to be honest. She's doing great, all things considered. I mean, she's had COVID. She contracted these last week, so she's probably been through the worst of the onset stuff, like fever and stuff. But, you's it's an it's a it's it's caused complications obviously she's an older person she's living in a a a place that requires care and you know things are not looking you know she's lethargic she has no taste still she's not
Starting point is 00:16:38 eating properly like she's not really getting out of bed god forbid god forbid that's all i can say it's like someone like that deserves to, you know, you live 94 years, you deserve to have a proper sendoff and not, and not, uh, uh, uh, you know, I don't want to go there, so I'm not going to, but just everybody needs to fucking, uh, do their part. And if you're acting irresponsibly, stop it. I would like to think 99% of the people listening to the show are not barbecue eaters and they are doing what they got to do and they're you know if you do have to bend the rules
Starting point is 00:17:10 for whatever reason hopefully you're doing it carefully and you're not like bending the rules to go to some wedding or a meat locker party in etobicoke well well said get well and sandy yes keep us posted. Next week, I'll be asking you how she's doing. And here's hoping I get a... Appreciate that. That's my rant. No, you know, when your beloved aunt... I was going to say, we'll turn the table here.
Starting point is 00:17:36 When your beloved aunt contracts COVID in a facility... She's a big disco gal. I got the sense, like when I watched those Instagram videos, I got the sense she was on the dance, like the Studio 54 scene. Big time. Big, big, big time. Okay, so let's –
Starting point is 00:17:51 Go ahead. I got nothing. Okay, let's get to it. So one quick sentence to say that I got a lot of people telling me I was right with the Kermit choice last week. No, you were not right about that. Because Kermit – A lot of people say the earth is flat mike that doesn't
Starting point is 00:18:06 make it flat that's correct it's not flat but uh kermit was first famous for being on sesame street where he wasn't singing and dancing he was like a newscaster guy so he was already that's what made him famous before the muppet show him and i already brought up the argument about him being a news frog and that but he was first sesame street predates muppet show i mean that was part of his skill set and like aussie whoever shared like here's the early kermit the frog irrelevant right not relevant well it's i think it's relevant but okay so i got i did get a lot of support and then finally because if it's not you know we're not depressed enough of the sandy news before i get into the disco we did lose kind of a baseball icon,
Starting point is 00:18:45 especially for us growing up. Uh, Tommy Lasorda, Stu, you're the, you and Cam are the big, uh, memorabilia guys and everything.
Starting point is 00:18:53 But like, I just remember Tommy was like just omnipresent as this, like famous manager of the LA Dodgers. And he was there when Kirk Gibson, uh, you know, walked off on the one leg or whatever, but man,
Starting point is 00:19:07 quite a giant to lose. Uh, last week. I learned two things. I was actually listening to, uh, writer's block on, uh,
Starting point is 00:19:16 five 90 with, uh, Jeff Blair and Richard Deitch. I think Blair's an FOTM. No, he's actually, he blocked me on Twitter. Uh,
Starting point is 00:19:23 he's not an FOTM. So he's the opposite blocked me on Twitter. He's not an FOTM. So he's the opposite. But I did learn two very interesting things listening to that. One, Tommy Lasorda has apparently claimed that he invented the goalie mask. Have we heard this? Because he, I guess, did he coach in Montreal? Like he's a manager of Montreal the Royals and was apparently pretty friendly with Jacques Plante.
Starting point is 00:19:47 Right. And there's apparently, they were talking about a story floating around, Tommy Lursor having a hand in the designing of a goalie mask, sort of in the, oh, you know, Bert Campanella, or Roy, who's that, fuck that catcher for the Brooklyn Dogs? Campanella. Roy Campanella wears a mask and Yogi Berra wears a mask.
Starting point is 00:20:04 You guys should wear a mask. yogi bear wears a mask you guys should wear a mask so there's that and a story i'd never heard and this is pretty awful do you guys know like about him and his son who like passed away oh his son died of aids right yeah like he was sort of in denial the whole time and he would never sort of acknowledge he said he died of cancer like just really oh that's too bad i don't know i just it was interesting to see these stories come out that i'd actually never heard because he was such a big personality and there was so much there with tommy lasorda but uh yeah good bad or otherwise larger than life i would say that tommy lasorda came around at the perfect time for baseball uh you know you had guys like
Starting point is 00:20:40 john madden who were like these over-the-top personalities in football. In wrestling, you had Bobby the Brain Heenan. In hockey, you had Mike Keenan types. Don Cherry. Don Cherry, even better example. Pat Riley. But yeah, Pat Riley. And then you got Tommy Lasorda, larger than life, transcended the game of baseball.
Starting point is 00:21:03 And this is a guy, like I alluded to on my post, that got cut from the Dodgers to make way for Sandy Koufax. His career should have been over that day. But he, you know, he stuck with it and ended up becoming one of the most beloved characters, guys in the game. And I remember him from the Slim Fast commercials. Yes.
Starting point is 00:21:19 As a kid, you know, he had a timeless sort of baseball video game. You know, he was famously offered to send a limousine to pick up Kurt Bavacqua to come take at bats. There's a lot of a lot of fun Tommy Lasorda baseball and pop culture stories from that like 1984 to 1994 sort of time period. And I believe his nephew, I don't know if that was ever proven or not, but his alleged nephew, Mike Piazza, you know, Tommy pushed for Mike Piazza to get signed by the Dodgers. And of course Mike Piazza ended up becoming a Hall of Famer
Starting point is 00:21:54 himself. So there you go. Tommy Lasorda, rest my man. Rest peacefully. Do you remember, you mentioned Slim Fast. Do you remember how when they first aired that commercial, and it aired all the time, at least the channels I was watching, it would say, he said, if I can do it, you can do it. So this was his big thing. I think his words were maybe.
Starting point is 00:22:10 No, no. This is my... This is my point, Cameron. If I can do it, you can do it. And then it was a voice, obviously, what's it called? ADR? Whatever you do it in post. Yes. I'm learning these terms there, Stu. They changed it to, if I can do it, maybe you can do it.
Starting point is 00:22:27 No, you say I can do it, maybe. You say, if I can do it, you can do it. And I'll be the maybe. If I can do it, you... You got to do like a timeless sort of impression. I can't. Okay. If I can do it, you can...
Starting point is 00:22:38 Maybe. Okay. You get the idea. It's hard on Zoom, but... If I can do it, maybe. You can do it. That's my memory of those commercials is the adding that maybe in there for legal reasons, I guess. Iconic.
Starting point is 00:22:51 Uncommittal. It definitely worked for guys like Cam and I who were very weight conscious at the time. And we chowed down on sleep. I was a big fat fuck. I can't even imagine that. But okay, Cam, we're going to kick out your first jam I know Stu likes to say a speech before I kick out his jam but you
Starting point is 00:23:09 don't so just to make sure is there anything you want to say before I kick out your first jam no I'm cracking open a Great Lakes beer, everybody, because I'm going to be doing some dancing tonight. That's why. I mean, you can totally hear, like, elements of disco are in, like, popular, like,
Starting point is 00:23:38 indie hipster rock now, like, so much. All over the place. You're totally right. Even a band like Jamiroquai got disco vibes. Oh, yeah. Did you guys hear that people thought that was Jamiroquai in the
Starting point is 00:23:55 Capitol building? The guy with the headwear and all that. They said, oh, that's Jamiroquai. And he had to make a statement. Anyway, here we go. Everybody dance. Clap your hands. I mean, remember when life was just easy, guys? This will be a good escape episode, like a chance to just escape for a couple of hours.
Starting point is 00:24:29 There's a lot of crap going on in the world. I would like to see Leva Famke and Juan get up and sort of like show us their fucking moves. Juan does the hustle. All right, Cam,
Starting point is 00:24:38 talk to us about this selection. What are we listening to? So I thought it would be a good place to start. Everybody dance. You know, an iconic disco anthem from Chic. I would say as probably top five most well-known, quote unquote, disco bands of all time. I would, oh, bands.
Starting point is 00:24:58 I'll give you that. I'll give you that. Kyle Rogers. Obviously, we've talked about him, but ad nauseum, is that the expression? Yeah. We've talked about him ad at at naz ad nauseum is that the expression yeah we've talked about him ad nauseum and his contributions to music absolutely and i i don't think we need to go too much into his story because i we have talked about him on past episodes and all the artists he ended up working with moberg no he didn't work on moberg actually no the spoons Brigham Old Brig, actually. No. The Spoons. No Amintz, Tall Buildings with John Comesci. All the greats.
Starting point is 00:25:27 This song, April 1978. Stu and I were both sort of in diapers while everyone was getting down. I wasn't born yet, so I don't know what you're talking about. You weren't born yet. Well, you know. You know. Maybe you were conceived of this song. Is that possible, Stu?
Starting point is 00:25:43 No. It doesn't work that way. This song of the five songs that I brought to the table is actually the lowest charting hit. This song actually only went to number 38 in the US, number 45 in Canada. I'm not surprised, Cam. It's not that big a hit.
Starting point is 00:26:04 I'm not a big disco guy and I miss the era and I never really dive into this era, but when I think of Chic, I think of other jams. I don't think of Everybody Dance. Freak Out. That's like my first one and then we might even hear more Chic in this episode, a teaser.
Starting point is 00:26:20 Again, this is as always a bit of a Scattergories exercise. Now, this song, as always, a bit of a categories exercise. Now, this song, which features a couple of people on backing vocals, namely Luther Vandross, is on this track. Sorry, I was going to set that up. I totally botched that. But that's great. Fun fact, man.
Starting point is 00:26:41 That's amazing. Yeah, so it's Luther Vandross and Robin Clark are two of the background vocals. Now, they, a few years earlier, also appeared doing background vocals on a track by David Bowie, namely Young Americans. Love that jam. Yeah, which I don't think I knew that Luther
Starting point is 00:26:57 Vandross was on that album, but it seemed like that was widely known. There was many articles about this. Yeah, I mean, there's, again, I don't think we need to go into the Nile Rodgers story. One fun fact from Nile. Isn't it Nile, right? Nile Rodgers.
Starting point is 00:27:13 Yes. Okay, not Niles? Yeah, I think it's Nile. He claims that this song costs $10. I don't know where he's getting that from. That sounds like a bit of a urban lesson but he said the the session the song was recorded during cost the band ten dollars which went to bribing the elevator engineer not to tell the manager they were recording in there
Starting point is 00:27:36 so this one that when chic was recording their debut album uh self-titled thing called just chic um i'm gonna try to tie this back into a couple of past episodes, including the last one. There's been a few covers of this song, namely by RuPaul, who I sort of took a mulligan on last episode. But RuPaul actually covered that on the same album as Supermodel. You better work. There you go um did you mention uh duran duran the reflex
Starting point is 00:28:09 and uh the nile rogers uh david bowie let's dance we've oh yeah all of it like in excess uh even lady gaga and daft punk later yeah like it's again i just feel like we sort of did the deep dive on all the artists he's worked with um somebody i'm not sure we've talked about a bit of can con here deborah cox has deborah cox ever came up you know not really she had the one huge hit right nobody's supposed to be here that was like a monster monster jam right that's deborah cox am i right that's right yeah so she actually did a a this is not like a really remix or a cover. She had a song called Everybody Dance in Brackets Clap Your Hand
Starting point is 00:28:49 that had a sample of this song. Right. Came out in 2007, so way after sort of the Deborah Cox heyday. Pretty massive dance hit in the US. Went to number 17 on the Billboard dance charts. Yeah, okay. I just don't hear it a lot these days. There are some
Starting point is 00:29:09 disco jams that you seem to kind of pop up periodically. This isn't one of them. And this is not one of them. I feel like this is... DJ Farbs, you would drop the needle on like 11.58 on a Saturday night at a hypothetical event. I thought thematically this would be a good place
Starting point is 00:29:25 to start. Everybody dance. We're shitting all over his first section. I know. This is like a fucking light balloon. This is brutal.
Starting point is 00:29:31 This is the pandemic flaw is that we open with Cam. We should be opening with Stu because Cam always has that one song which isn't quite the right big jam to start us off.
Starting point is 00:29:41 You need that big monster disco hit off the top. in a while once in a while okay so i'm going to get oh any more fun facts okay i'm gonna move on to stew's first hit i'm gonna let stew chat about it but uh and i'm just looking here it ian do you want to say hi to everybody now or is this a good time no uh leave a fumka do you want to say hi to everybody now are you eating over there you eating chocolate what's going on over there yeah do you want to say hi hi everyone i don't i don't even know what more you want me to say you know what it's a woman a
Starting point is 00:30:15 few words and when she uses the words that she uses they they're very impactful and uh how are you leave a famka that's that's the most important thing. I'm very good. That's good. But I have a question for you. For me. Didn't Andy, yeah, I thought she got the vaccine. The crazy timing is that she contracted the coronavirus the day before she got the vaccine. So she was vaccinated having already contracted the disease, unfortunately.
Starting point is 00:30:40 She missed it by like a day. It's quite crazy. But maybe getting the vaccine helped her through it. I'm not sure. I know it's more of a preventative than a cure. But who knows? Hopefully, she'll be able to still get the second shot. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:30:56 It's a really fucking terrible thing. But thank you for your compassion. Yeah. And Stu, keep your mic open there because we want you to introduce your first jam. Yeah, I'll introduce my first jam. Cam played a very big
Starting point is 00:31:14 disco band, one of their lesser known sort of underappreciated jams and I'm going to maybe do the same. There's a band that I'm going to open up with that is probably the quintessential disco act. And this is maybe going to surprise you of how important this song was
Starting point is 00:31:32 to the whole disco revolution in this band in particular. So go ahead and roll the tape. Thank you. My woman take me higher My woman keep me warm What you doing in your bed? What you doing in your bed? You should be dancing, yeah Dancing, yeah Very similar to Kim's choice.
Starting point is 00:32:26 You know, the song encourages you to do what, Mike? It encourages you to dance. Dance. Yeah, dance. You should be dancing. Stop your stressing, Leva Famke, and just dance. You know, you should be dancing. Not crying, not being upset, not worrying about the bullshit in the world.
Starting point is 00:32:42 You should be dancing. And that's a great message that still resonates very deeply with people like us today so uh this is a very interesting fascinating song guys uh it's by a group called the bee gees if you've ever heard of them wow the pgs is a very interesting act because as we've talked about them in the past quite a prolific catalog uh they actually started out as sort of like a folk trio uh uh ended up sort of evolving into this sort of like beatles-esque rockish act and then eventually sort of found their groove uh as disco kings uh you know basically the flag bearers i'm sure maybe
Starting point is 00:33:19 they were influenced by walking to some club and heard something going on but listen they may have not invented disco but they probably did it the most successfully. And of course, synonymous with the film Saturday Night Fever and Staying Alive. Maybe we'll hear some other Bee Gees tracks later on. There's a great documentary I haven't seen yet. That's what I was going to ask you. Have you seen the HBO Doug?
Starting point is 00:33:37 I haven't seen it yet, but I've watched other Bee Gees documentaries in the past. So I'm very familiar with the story. I'm definitely planning on watching it. But listen to this, man. Yeah. This song by the Bee Gees, past so i'm very familiar with the story uh i'm definitely planning on watching it um but listen to this man yeah this uh song uh by the bgs hit number one for one week on the billboard hot 100 and that was number one for seven weeks on the dance chart uh and it is known as the song that launched the bgs into disco how about that this is the song that launched the Bee Gees into disco. How about that?
Starting point is 00:34:07 This is the song that launched them into disco. Wow. Also, and this is going to blow your mind. I'm going to be blowing minds all night long, folks. This is also the only track that the group has ever had that went to number one on the dance chart. Now think about all the classic Bee Gees dance songs you've heard. This is the only one that topped the dance chart. How about the fact that it was also included
Starting point is 00:34:30 on the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack? And how about the fact that this is the first known chart topper in which Barry Gibb uses his now trademark falsetto in a lead vocal? He'd previously only smattered it around in songs. This time he sang it the whole way, and this is groundbreaking because that would become his signature vocal.
Starting point is 00:34:55 This was the song to do it. Here's another mind blow for you. Not only did Barry, Robin, and Maurice, the Gibbs brothers, the Gibb brothers, I should say, are on the track, the Gibbs brothers, the Gibb brothers, I should say, are on the track. But a percussion on the track done by fellow folkster Stephen Stills of Crosby Stills National. Wow.
Starting point is 00:35:15 Friend of Neil Young, of course. Yes. From Buffalo Springfield. So there you have it. That's my first entry. You should be dancing by the Bee Gees. Stu, you really have to see this doc because they do a great job of explaining you know how he discovers he has this falsetto and that transition because you're right everything before that but you don't hear the falsetto and
Starting point is 00:35:35 then everything i'm wondering i'm not sorry about that boy uh i gotta turn over my ham. I will say that it's possible. Now, I don't know my timelines here, but I know Mick Jagger may have been an influence on that. I haven't seen the movie, but I know that Mick Jagger was kind of singing in that falsetto thing, and I don't know if that came after the movies or before, so I'd love to sort of get to the bottom of that. For sure.
Starting point is 00:36:03 Good choice. In fact, it's so good, I'm just going to roll right into mine here. We're kind of cruising along here. Is that song on Saturday Night Fever? It is. Yes, that is. And Saturday Night Fever, of course,
Starting point is 00:36:13 is the biggest selling soundtrack and one of the top five selling albums of all time. Okay, more on that in a moment. Well, there you go. Is this the Wyclef version or... Hold your fire, Stu. I'm not sure what the famous
Starting point is 00:36:37 disco song there is. I think so. My fam would never pick this. Now, again, I was off the top. I mentioned I'm too young to have lived this disco era. I was in diapers, too. I was a toddler. I didn't know what was going on.
Starting point is 00:37:05 I did see Airplane, but that's, yeah, I revisited BJ's as well. Is this in Airplane or Airplane 2? Was there Airplane 2? Yeah, like he has a flashback and it's like a Saturday Night Fever
Starting point is 00:37:16 disco dancing. That is, I think that's two. I think that's two where he has that. Yeah, I think that's two where they do this spoof on Saturday Night Fever.
Starting point is 00:37:22 So, okay, so many things to say. When I think of disco, this is the first song I think of. This is my, oh, that's the big disco song, Stayin' Alive. And so when it came time to kick out our jams, like I come up with my five first. I see what you guys picked, and then I usually have to give one or two away
Starting point is 00:37:41 because we have some dupes or whatever. But I was pleased that I got to keep this one because I think it's the definitive disco jam. I think that's fair. There was like a 90s remix of this. I feel like it was like Entrance was the name of the artist. Possibly. Do you remember this?
Starting point is 00:37:59 I do remember. It was like another rapper, not Wyclef, like a different rapper that had like a rap take on this. Yeah, like sort of a one-hit-wondery version of it. Yes, yes. It was like a CD single that you could buy at LA Music. Stu mentioned that the soundtrack to this, again, well-covered in this HBO doc on the VGs,
Starting point is 00:38:20 which everybody should source out and watch. But the soundtrack included this jam as well. There's a bunch of big hits on it. And this song went to number one on the Billboard Hot 100, and I think it spent four weeks at the number one spot. This is just a monster, like, peak disco. You know, you got that, you mentioned Saturday Night Fever is a big movie. Bee Gees are top of the charts with these disco jams,
Starting point is 00:38:50 and everybody's having a good time and enjoying disco. So it was a big time. The cocaine is everywhere. I'm sure it was. I'm sure it was. Good times for everybody because Bee Gees were Miami scene. That was their scene. There was a lot of coke in the Miami scene and elsewhere.
Starting point is 00:39:05 But I just want to segue quickly before this song ends, before I do a quick, not fun fact, what do we call them? Mind blow. I got to learn that term. But in the doc, they do a great job of covering the Chicago DJ, Steve Dahl, I believe his name was, had this Disco Sucks promotion
Starting point is 00:39:24 between Doubleheader Games at Comiskey Park. Yeah, Disco is dead. There was like a riot. Right, so you bring your... They set fire, they tried to stop the steal. Disco Demolition Night. Right, and the second game was postponed or forfeited or whatever they ended up doing because they couldn't play game two because of this riot after they had the fire. doing because they couldn't play game two because of this riot after they had the fire now the problematic aspect of this of course was that disco was very popular with uh our singer uh black artists and uh homosexual artists and it be this whole i almost think of that group that was storming
Starting point is 00:40:00 the capitol building a couple of weeks back this, this angry white mob kind of burning these disco albums into some of the albums. I don't know. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Let the man finish. I'll mute you.
Starting point is 00:40:13 A lot of the albums that they were waving and burning weren't even disco. They were just black artists. Like it was just a catch all for non white guy music. Yeah. I go ahead, Kim. I was just going to say it wasn't until last summer where I think it was just a catch-all for non-white guy music yeah i i go ahead cam i was just gonna say it wasn't until last summer where i think it was an anniversary of this that i i had never really seen that take on this because obviously disco demolition night is sort of one of those very sort of like you know you see like kind of like the sports illustrated like shitty vhs cassette
Starting point is 00:40:43 of like wacky moments in sports right um and you know there would be that the big bonfire towards second base uh probably like ozzy gijan probably had to flee although it's probably before ozzy's time um but yeah now re-examine through the lens of was this an attack on sort of, you know, kind of a thinly veiled hatred. Right. Because it caught up a lot of R&B acts of the time that weren't disco acts. And it really did seem, it had a tinge, in my humble opinion,
Starting point is 00:41:16 because I saw that doc you're talking about and then they revisited it again in this HBO doc that came out. It definitely has a tinge of homophobia and racism, this whole white guy bonfire of homophobia and racism. This whole white guy bonfire of all the disco albums. Just the way it feels having seen these retrospectives,
Starting point is 00:41:32 too. Yeah, I haven't seen those yet, so I hope maybe my mind will change. I hope that I'm wrong, but that does seem like a bit of a reach without knowing, I guess, that perspective of the story and only having known the Bible that I read. They seem to be more of a playful thing that got out of hand with drunken people in a baseball game and uh you know it's
Starting point is 00:41:50 kind of funny to shit on disco at that point because you know just like you know things passed grunge has its moment in the sun and then it passes and you know the next thing happens and then dubstep and you know there's things that come and go with their moment and disco had out its time and it sort of run its course and people were sort of ready to shit on it. So disco depreciation seems to me more of just like a promotion that went afoul due to people having too much fun. But maybe I'm wrong, and I hope that I'm not wrong because that would be quite disappointing to learn that it was like a racist thing because I never once thought of it like that. So thank you for the education, if that's true. But to me, that's always been taught like, you know, it was more of just like a promotion that got out of hand.
Starting point is 00:42:35 And, you know, drunk people acting silly and stupid and hating disco is kind of a funny sort of thing that turned into a bigger deal. Now, it did effectively, you know, that was around the time that did help and the disco era. So this disco fad, if you will, dissipates. And as you'll learn in this doc, the Bee Gees are the band that seemed to be suffered the most because even though the Bee Gees were a successful hit laden band before they ever, you know, recorded a disco song,
Starting point is 00:43:03 they were so big in the disco era that they got labeled a disco band and they really struggled for years after disco died because they were a disco band. I mean, call it struggling, but these guys made so much fucking money the word struggling is very interesting to use when describing some of the wealthiest
Starting point is 00:43:20 people on planet Earth. Well, struggled relative speaking. Now, a quick mind blow which everybody knows, but I'm just going to play a little mind blow. Looka, looka, looka, looka, looka, looka, looka. We got the refugees, all stars, rubber dubbing in the club. Y-Club, John. John Forte.
Starting point is 00:43:40 Roswell. I mean, the fun's still for that. No, I mean, the streets are getting a little crazy. Give it a little moment. Looka, looka, looka, looka, looka, looka here. Looka shorty got back. So we won't spend too much time on this mind blow, but of course Wyclef John had a big hit. Can I say one other comment about Disco Demolition Night I know it's not the same thing but I was wondering if people would I don't know if you guys know the song
Starting point is 00:44:11 Disco Sucks by DOA the great Canadian punk rock band I know of it and I know of the band but I couldn't I was just wondering if someone would sort of take that band and their notably left're notably left-wing singer joey shithead who's like a a member of parliament or member of provincial parliament in bc uh like burnaby or something it's just like
Starting point is 00:44:37 is that song a problem now i don't know i know it doesn't sort of have the connotations of people throwing all these perhaps michael jackson records, you know, Luther Vandross records. Or Marvin Gaye records. Yeah, but I don't know. Food for thought. Not the same thing. We're going to kick out your jam. I'm going to just, after we kind of talk about this jam, I'm going to bring in Ian to talk about what's coming soon to the live streams.
Starting point is 00:45:01 Only because I look over my right shoulder. about what's coming soon to the live streams, only because I look over my right shoulder. And I think that Wyclef Jean song got us caught by the music police that are policing Facebook Live. So I think they caught us with that one, which is something we're going to rectify. But we'll talk to Ian Service about that in a moment. Here is Cam Gordon's second disco jam. Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Starting point is 00:45:46 Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah Don't leave me this way I can't survive I can't stay alive Without your love. Oh, baby, don't leave me this way. No, I can't exist.
Starting point is 00:46:34 I'll surely miss your tender kiss. Don't leave me this way. Oh, baby, my heart is full of love and desire for you. Don't leave me this way. Baby, my heart is full of love and desire for you. Now come on down and do what you gotta do. You started this fire down in my soul. Now can't you see it's burning out of control? Now that's a jam, Cam.
Starting point is 00:47:05 Yeah, that was a good one. Good build towards that. Sort of iconic chorus. I feel like this is one of those songs, I bet a lot of people hear it, they could hear the first minute and say, I don't know what this is, and then you hear the chorus,
Starting point is 00:47:16 I'm like, that fucking song. I think you're right. I think that's a hard-to-name tune for some of those youngins. I also think, though, that the song is so well-written that it could play well, not even just as a disco song. That could be a ballad.
Starting point is 00:47:26 That could be a rock song. It's got really good chords. It's got really good melody. It's got good lyrics. It's not like a clap and dance song, Kim. I'm going to hop ahead to fun fact number four because it's very related to that. So this song, so this is, of course, Don't leave me this way. The Thelma Houston version. That's who we're hearing here.
Starting point is 00:47:48 So yeah, this song was actually originally released in 1975 by Harold Melvin and the blue notes featuring a young, young ish, Teddy Pendergrass on vocals. So yeah, the, the original version of the song that came out.
Starting point is 00:48:01 I'd love to hear that. Yeah. Well, I'm sure that they'll easy to find, but this, then this song came out. I'd love to hear that. Yeah, well, I'm sure that's easy to find. But then this song came out a year later in December of 1976. Massive hit, went like through the stratosphere. Number one hit in the U.S., number four in Canada, number one in both Belgium and South Africa.
Starting point is 00:48:19 There's a lot of range here. I could be a big Belgium gem. Yeah, for sure. Now, a bit about Thelma from Leland, Mississippi. Now, you know who else grew up in Leland, Mississippi and might have been around the same age. Maybe went to school at Thelma.
Starting point is 00:48:34 Waylon Jennings. Actually, no. This guy was probably older. But someone that was sort of vaguely alluded to earlier, Jim Henson. Wow. So there you go. and the only other famous person i could find from there was johnny winter not really him him too um so yeah massive hit massive disco song also this i think this song is kind of unique because this had a pretty good run in the
Starting point is 00:49:02 1980s and 1990s although perhaps for some unfortunate reasons as this song became a real anthem with the aids uh crisis was a song you'd often see at fundraisers um according to the page yes was that uh i guess tom lasorda was wasn't acknowledging this song he was probably not a fan well i know you know songs like i know my friend bob Ouellette, who you guys might know, he's an FOTM. On Basement, yeah, of course. He used to be a program director for Proud FM. And jams like...
Starting point is 00:49:33 That's a fun station. I've had it on my dime. Yeah, like It's Raining Men, for example, is an anthem. Hallelujah. It's an anthem. It's a gay pride anthem. It's just an anthem. Never mind gay. Who doesn't like when it's raining men? Well, it's also a gay pride anthem. It's a gay pride anthem. It's just an anthem. Never mind gay. Who doesn't like when it's raining men? Well, it's also a gay pride anthem. You know, you
Starting point is 00:49:49 seem to have this weird view of everything, Mike. I seem to live in this other world. I know. I feel like you're living in some dream worlds, too. A gay anthem. It's raining men. Hallelujah. It was just for everybody. That's not to disrespect the song. It's a gay anthem. And it's a great song. I don't know. Is it? Yeah. Well, Cam, you can, I mean, clearly it's song it's a gay anthem and it's a great song yeah well cam
Starting point is 00:50:05 you were ruling you can i mean clearly that's it's raining men is a gay anthem we don't argue with that right i would say it's raining men if a woman goes outside and she's uh feeling a little frisky leave a famka would you not like it if it was raining men yeah remember jerry hallowell did a cover of that and like yep i do she was like literally in the rain. Now, okay, I'm going to do a bit of retention of the past episode here. Now, who was it? I mentioned this in a past episode where we talked about the fine young cannibals.
Starting point is 00:50:35 Somebody sang back up on their cover of Suspicious Minds. Who was that? Oh, I love these trivia questions. Someone actually tweeted about this. It was like Cambrio said, I never knew that.. I forget. Someone actually tweeted about this. It was like Cambrio said, I never knew that. I learned it.
Starting point is 00:50:48 So it was Jimmy Somerville from Bronski B, who after Bronski B broke up, formed the Communards, who by far their biggest hit was a cover of this song. Also went to number one in Belgium, Ireland. Belgium love their fucking disco. They do. They're all fucking disco. That was 1986, the Communards version of the song. Belgium is not neutral about disco.
Starting point is 00:51:12 No. Not at all. Not at all. Waffles and disco. Thelma Houston was not someone who had a lot of other charting hits. Any relation to Whitney or Sam? No, just let me finish here, please Now, the most recent time
Starting point is 00:51:27 Thelma Houston surfaced was actually earlier this year when she sang backup on a song called Bobby Do You Think They Know by Morrissey of all people and this came out on an album that Morrissey released right around a year ago on January 10, 2000
Starting point is 00:51:44 an album I sort of lost track of Morrissey I right around a year ago on January 10, 2000. An album... I've sort of lost track of Morrissey. I'm Not the Dog on a Chain. The most recent Morrissey album featured a track with Thelma Houston singing backup. Interesting. I did not follow
Starting point is 00:51:58 Morrissey close enough. Not as big a hit as... That was worth telling me to stop talking for. That's true. That was a good fun fact. I like it. Stu's feisty tonight. I like it.
Starting point is 00:52:08 I really like Morrissey's new album. No, you don't. You have no idea what album Morrissey has released most recently. Ian Service, we need to talk just briefly here about live video streaming. Ridley Funeral Home. Ridley Funeral Home are pillars of this community and great friends of the program. So Ian, playing Wyclef Jean, what's the formal name of that cover,
Starting point is 00:52:32 that version? I don't know that. Looka, looka, looka. It's got like a long name, like I Be Chillin' Saturday Night. We Try to Stay Alive? Yes, We Be Trying to Stay Alive, I think it's called.
Starting point is 00:52:42 Ian, that song got us blocked on Facebook Live. So the only people... Why don't you stop the stream and restart it again? I don't know. I guess if I cared more, I could. But here's what I'm more interested in. I'm more interested in like a long-term solution because I can't play this.
Starting point is 00:52:57 This is like whack-a-mole. It doesn't work. We're breaking rules and they're punishing us. Ian, what's the update? Is Periscope down already or is Periscope still working? No, once they said we're done in March, dead to me. You could still be using it right now until March. No, and I have no interest.
Starting point is 00:53:14 So my brain has no interest in investing any efforts to a platform that has told us. But until you have a solution, why not stick with what works? To me, this is all part of the finding what works. So we have a, you know, there, there was some of this program that survived and then it was killed or whatever.
Starting point is 00:53:30 Meanwhile, I've had conversations of Ian service as recently as this afternoon, a very exciting, a very exciting update in the mic is yours. What's coming soon to live at, sorry, I gotta get this right. so as soon as we need to do a little bit of testing we've got a minimum viable product
Starting point is 00:53:55 right now uh and uh we can broadcast whatever we want. We've got our own pirate radio stage. Pirate video streaming. You know, come and get us. I feel like the Pirate Bay here. Like, we've got some Russian server or something. I don't know. Don't ask, don't tell is my rule with Ian's service here. So, we're going to do some testing, Ian. And if all goes according to plan, next Thursday, we going live at uh
Starting point is 00:54:27 and the they won't be able to shut us down right ian no i didn't write the code to shut us down so we're good fucking love this guy do you guys is that good news or what guys that's fantastic it's fairly good news so fuck periscopeope. Sorry, Cam, we'll edit this out of the program. Don't worry. But fuck Periscope. Just get that in post. If I can do it, maybe you can do it. I hope they choke on their fleets. That's all I'm going to say on that.
Starting point is 00:54:56 Wow, that's kind of taking it to another level. You might want to suspend his account. That's... Donnie and I will be... Verification. Are you ready for a deep cut? out. That's Donnie and I. He loses that verification. Are you ready for a deep cut? You guys ready for a deep cut? Say yeah. I don't want to be verified. It's more punk to not be verified.
Starting point is 00:55:11 Yeah. Are you ready for a deep cut? Say yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Alright, this is a fucking deep cut. I mean, if you know what this is, then you're going to thank me. And if you don't know what this is, then I'm putting you onto some shit right here. Let's roll the tape. Oh, baby. One thing about disco songs is they have long intros because they want you dancing, right?
Starting point is 00:56:19 So they've got lots of instrumental openings. Staying alive, staying alive. The stars on 35 keep on turning in your mind. Like we can work it out. Remember, twist and shout. You'll still not tell me why. And no reply. All right. This is incredible. Okay, so there's actually like,
Starting point is 00:57:00 usually it goes into like a Jive Bunny and the Master Mixers type of like medley of knockoff singers singing like Beatles songs and ABBA songs and whatnot. But this is actually the single version that was just the song, the Stars on 45 song, which was like the original disco medley cassettes and records that came out back in the day. Stars on 45. You could put that on and you got yourself a party ready to go. You just hit play and it'll fucking just rock your world. You should go out of your way to seek
Starting point is 00:57:29 out the Stars on 45. Such a cool story behind how the Stars on 45 came to be, Mike. It's really interesting. So basically it's a Dutch act. Oh, like Liebe Funke.
Starting point is 00:57:46 Yes. Let's start that. They had like a nice little run where they were very popular in Europe, the United States, Australia, Canada. Stars on 45. This is kind of interesting, guys. Basically, this guy went into the – I want to make sure I'm getting his name right. Hold on here. Stand by.
Starting point is 00:58:09 I just want to make sure I'm getting his name correctly. Yeah, basically it's Jody Piper Hans Vermeulen and Albert West. Basically, this guy named Jap Eggermont. This guy named Jap Eggermont. Basically, this came to be after William Van Kooten, the managing director of the Dutch publishing company, Red Bullet Productions. Are you ready for this?
Starting point is 00:58:40 He visited a record store in Canada, Quebec, Canada. You heard of Quebec? I have. He went into a record store and happened to hear a disco medley being played there. The medley contained original recordings of songs by the Beatles, the Buggles, the Archies, and Madness, as well as Funky Town and Heat Waves, Boogie Nights, etc., etc., etc. The interesting thing was this guy was blown away by it and recognized that it was a bootleg that was being played. Right. Right. Here's the cincher was that, you know, Venus,
Starting point is 00:59:14 which was originally a number one hit by a Dutch band called shocking blue. Right. He himself held the worldwide copyright for that song. He himself held the worldwide copyright for that song. So knowing that neither he nor Red Bull Productions had ever given permission for the song to be used in this medley that he was hearing in the record shop in Quebec, Canada, he decided to bootleg the bootleg. He bought himself a copy. He went back home, hired session musicians to re-record the other songs and just copied the medley that he heard. It's like a photocopy of a photocopy of a photocopy. Like sound-alike musicians basically reproducing the song.
Starting point is 00:59:55 Yes, but sort of ripping off the other person who had put out a very successful bootleg. He just produced his own version of that exact same thing using session players and sound alikes to record the music. And of course, he owned the rights for the Shocking Blues song, so he was able to use that one. And it became a huge, a huge mega success.
Starting point is 01:00:15 They did several versions of Stars on 45. You know, like I said, there's a Beatles one. There's definitely an ABBA one. There's a disco one. There's a pop rock, a rock and roll one. And I would like to think the Jive Bunny and the Master Mixers is sort of like a, you know, what do you call it? An homage? The aftermath of something like this being successful.
Starting point is 01:00:39 An imitator? One, two, three, four, five, six. One, two, three, four, five, six. They put out six total records and they put out a ton of singles in one of them, the Beatles one that reached number one in like 25 countries. So how about that? Stars on 45. I feel like primarily you and I have talked about our mutual love of girl talk. Yes. And how, you know, that was sort of for a lot of folks very relevatory when that came out, the idea of like a mashup, which, you know, sort of the internet expression. When really, I mean, it wasn't really a new thing.
Starting point is 01:01:18 There was this song, there was the aforementioned Jive Bunny. I mean, sort of mushing songs together was not a new concept at all. Right. No, you're right. Not a new concept. I was a big Jive Bunny fan, too. I've always dug this. Come on, everybody! Come on, everybody! Huge fan. Huge fan. I own the CD and I loved it very much. And absolutely. And again, Girl Talk. And again, I think Greg Gillis, that's his real name. He's got, I think, four albums, I think. But the third and fourth particularly were on high rotation for years in fact even here as we speak in 2021 it's it's what some of the rare common ground monica and i have when it comes to music is uh girl talk so it finds a lot of time
Starting point is 01:01:56 here fantastic it's i always wonder i was meant to read if he just stopped making these because of all the copyright i believe i mean that has to be the reason right because he could never sell it obviously so he would give it away yeah i actually have a i actually have a hard copy girl talk cd i think uh night ripper that's one of the right yeah like that one actually have a cd of okay that's yeah so i thought they were just like pirate downloads uh like here's the link and fill your boots. I didn't even know there were any tangible physical media there, but fantastic.
Starting point is 01:02:29 And feed the animals might be my favorite, but there's just, oh my God, girl talk. I could do a whole episode on it. And fun to identify what songs you're hearing. Cause it's so dense and layered. Like it's not just like,
Starting point is 01:02:41 let's string together 10 songs. There's like multi layers where you're like okay there's like 50 songs there like let's try it's a great way to discover new songs oh yeah cam as a fellow fan have you had this experience now because i have it where i might be hearing something like salt and pepper push it i'll hear it in the wilderness and i will then add on like smells like teen spirit to it like i will all those songs in my head belong together now, even though they're songs I loved well before I heard Girl Talk. So yeah, like I just will complete the Girl Talk part,
Starting point is 01:03:12 even though it's a different song. Like Tiny Dancer and Notorious B.I.G. Juicy. Good example. But those, they just belong together. So shout out to Greg Gillis of Girl Talk. Great pick, Stars on 45. That is kind of a little phenomenon, all those mashups. Do you remember those?
Starting point is 01:03:28 You guys, am I the only one that was a Stars on 45 guy? We never had them. I was definitely aware. I feel like this was something you'd buy at a gas station. No, I don't think that's more. Are you sure? Because I thought that I- Eventually, I'm talking about years after it would have been at the gas station.
Starting point is 01:03:41 I heard a podcast. It was a very popular on-vote type thing. Totally. I heard a podcast on this, which very popular on-vote type thing. Totally. I heard a podcast on this, which educated me to this, because I didn't know anything about this, but they kind of explained. In fact, the legal name of these songs,
Starting point is 01:03:52 because they had to credit these artists, is like apparently like the legal name of the song. The world record for the longest song title is the Stars on 45 single, which included all of the titles of the songs in the title of the song. Right. So there's some lawyer made that decision,
Starting point is 01:04:06 but a good choice there. Great choice. And I'm going to follow up my Bee Gees pick with another band. I think belongs on the, the Mount Rushmore of disco. Here we go. I feel like Nile Rodgers also did this. Yeah, this is Sheep.
Starting point is 01:04:34 Oh, okay, yeah. Two BGs, sorry, and two Sheep songs in the same. We're only doing two rounds now. So here, let's, because we already heard. So it's funny that I, to me, it's funny that I played BGs right after you played BGs, Stu. Stop stealing my mind blows. Stop stealing my mind blows. But then this chic, I'm playing this on the heels of Cam Gordon kicking out a chic jam.
Starting point is 01:05:06 So, so far, I haven't had any original material, but that will change. Iron Sheik. Right. So, good times. Now, what you hear is not a test. I'm rapping. Okay, let's get to that then. Fine, whatever. I want to give the people what they want. Woo! Woo! Thank you. What you hear is not a test. I'm rapping to the beat. And me, the groove, and my friends are going to try to move your feet. You see, I am Wonder Mike, and I like to say hello.
Starting point is 01:06:11 Hello. I'm to the black, to the white, the red, and the brown, and the purple, and yellow. But first, I got to bang, bang the boogie to the boogie. Say, I'll jump the boogie to the bang, bang, bang. Wow, okay. This is Shabba Doof, who passed away, I think, last week. I think he used to dance to this song.
Starting point is 01:06:27 For sure, for sure. Sugar Hill Gang, this is Rapper's Delight, built on the backbone of Sheik's Good Times. The two now, just like those Girl Talk mashups, I can't separate these jams anymore. Like, if I hear Good Time somewhere, I'm rapping Rapper's Delight and I'm sure
Starting point is 01:06:46 I'm not alone with that one here. But I'm not kicking out Rapper's Delight. That's actually the mind blow, but it's worth mentioning that Rapper's Delight peaked at,
Starting point is 01:06:57 and I'll give you guys a chance to guess, on the Billboard Hot 100, the US Billboard Hot 100, where do you think Rapper's Delight peaked? It should be number one, but I'm going to guess number 11. What about you, Cameron?
Starting point is 01:07:11 Yeah, I'm going to go with Stu. He's always right. Is he gone? I'm on a different screen. No, no, I'm right here. Stu is usually right about these things. Okay, Levi Fumka, do you have a guess? Where do you think Rapper's Delight? Five. All right. Unbelievable.
Starting point is 01:07:27 That was a pretty good answer, five. But Stu's usually right on these things. You do a good Cam Gordon impression there. 36. I was going to say 36 as well. But remember, this was an early charting rap song. So I think the charts. I would imagine, though, that the lifespan of the song expands its chart placement and in the year that it came out because it's sort of a timeless song that's still
Starting point is 01:07:50 sort of part of the everyday vernacular of pop culture you hear i mean this is a song that aged very well all things considered maybe not lyrically but it's definitely still a slapper you know juan hears it and he starts, you know, there's a little bit of a tingle in his trousers. Yeah, and again, early days of rap. So it's one of those things where, yeah, of course, I think it was suppressed because of this being a fendangled new genre and people trying to figure out what to do with it.
Starting point is 01:08:22 And if I remember correctly, that chart, I'm trying to think, that chart at the time was a combination of radio airplay and sales of the physical sales of the single. I believe, Wisebot will correct me later, I did try to go live on Facebook again, as per your suggestion, Stu, and I got booted again. So it's a lost cause. These episodes of Pandemic Friday episodes.
Starting point is 01:08:41 Why don't you just go on Periscope and just, like, bite the bullet? You have until March. It's like, what the hell, man? You won't get kicked off. Don't be a wimp. Yeah, it's like you have fucking Twitter's head of comms here. I'm okay with it. Where did you go, Cam? You missed out your trivia
Starting point is 01:08:57 question there. I missed snack. Here, okay. So, Cam, do you want anything? Do you want anything? Do you want anything? Do you want anything? I'm going to the store. Can I get you anything? I'm going to McDonald's.
Starting point is 01:09:09 What would you like? I could go for some nachos. Okay, I'm going to kick out your third jam, Mr. Gordon. Do you have anything to say before I press play? I'm curious how this will go over. I'll just say that. Certainly an interesting uh artist stew's already like yeah no go go ahead mike
Starting point is 01:09:30 she's crazy like a fool what about daddy Cool. She's crazy like a fool What about daddy cool? I'm crazy like a fool What about Daddy Cool? Daddy, Daddy Cool Daddy, Daddy Cool Okay, so what we're listening to is the track Daddy Cool by Boney M.
Starting point is 01:10:45 Now, what do you guys know about Boney M. Now, what do you guys know about Boney M? I feel like this is a band that kind of everyone knows and nobody knows anything about. Or is that just me? The big hit, of course, is Rasputin. Sure.
Starting point is 01:11:00 Actually, just before you guys showed up on Zoom, I was chatting with Lieve Fumpke about this band, and I reminded her that at on Zoom, I was chatting with Lieve Fumpke about this band, and I reminded her that at Christmas time, you hear Mary's Boy Child all over the place. It's a big Christmas jam from this band. Yeah, and the Rivers of Babylon was another one of their big hits. For years, I thought Rasputin was ABBA.
Starting point is 01:11:23 Again, am I the only one? I didn't think that, but I can see why you thought that. Boney M was a band on Wikipedia called a Euro-Caribbean vocal group created by German record producer Frank Berrien.
Starting point is 01:11:40 Sold more than 80 million albums worldwide, like a real sort of sensation. And one of those bands, you'd probably not know where they're from. Like you might just say they're European. Well, you hear steel drums in a lot of the Boney M catalog, which makes you think they're from the Caribbean.
Starting point is 01:12:01 Yeah, yeah, but like a very unique sound. This song is interesting because this was a massive hit and I feel like it didn't really have the shelf life of a lot of other disco, like I don't think this is would be in anyone's like, you know, name five disco songs. I don't think Daddy Cool would be in there, even though this is a big hit.
Starting point is 01:12:18 Number one in the following countries. You might want to get comfortable because there's a lot of them. Belgium? Belgium's in there. Austria, France, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, countries you might want to get comfortable because there's a lot of them belgium belgium's in there uh austria france norway spain sweden switzerland went to number six in the u.s number 18 in canada wait six on the billboard hot 100 that's right yeah that's impressive for this song yeah now one fun fact about this song specifically um this song was actually supposed to be a B-side originally, with the A-side being Bonium's cover of Bob Marley's No Woman, No Cry.
Starting point is 01:12:53 Speaking of songs covered by the Fugees, I believe. Or is that Wycliffe's solo? I feel like Fugees did a cover of that. I think it's Fugees. I think it's Fugees. Yeah, but Farianian seeing that his own song was the clear winner when testing both tracks in his discotheque in saint ingber in germany mansion persuade the record company to have it his way they flipped it and daddy cool
Starting point is 01:13:17 shot up the charts in belgium and a bunch of other places with kevin n Nash's favorite song. Wow. Big Daddy Cool. That's right. Now, if you really want to get nerdy with Boney M, this is one of those bands... Do we have an option? No, you don't. Now, I have mentioned
Starting point is 01:13:39 this on a past Toronto Mike episode. I'm not sure if there's a pandemic prior. I was once on a bicycle going past Yonge-Dundas Square in the summertime, and Boney M was playing in Yonge-Dundas Square, and I'm like, that's kind of incredible because I think it was like Rasputin or like
Starting point is 01:13:55 Rivers of Babylon, like one of their big hits. I'm like, what the fuck? The band was playing live at Yonge-Dundas Square. Yeah, and I think it might have been pride weekend. So that's why they were playing there, but I, I didn't realize they,
Starting point is 01:14:09 they still existed. And then when I was doing research for this, this is one of those bands. There's like three different versions of Boney M touring at any one time, all like very litigious and tied up in different naming stuff. Right. You know, sort of one version might have like one nephew of an original member,
Starting point is 01:14:28 like one of the 12 piece. It's kind of a brand at this point that kind of tours the world under different configurations. Right. A lot of this is detailed on the Wikipedia page. It is so confusing. I can't even explain it. But if anyone wants to go deeper with that, go to Wikipedia
Starting point is 01:14:44 and you can read more about the modern day Boney M. Because I thought the guy from Boney M died like 10 years ago, maybe. I don't know. It feels like. Yeah. But it sounds like if you're going to catch when we're all inoculated and able to go see live music again. Buyer beware if you're going to go see this band. You got to make sure you know what
Starting point is 01:15:05 version you're getting well it is an interesting thought about sort of bands as brands like you know why couldn't kiss tour forever just with different people playing it i mean they would not it's kind of just like a thing they are they are doing that they've had like 47 farewell tours yeah no but i'm saying with just different members just keep on replaying. The Trans-Siberian Orchestra. Or like the Four Tops will do this. You'll see the Four Tops are playing
Starting point is 01:15:33 Casino Rama. It's like no original members. And I know when Leva Famke double books herself, she's got another Leva Famke that shows up in the other Zoom, the Bob's Basement. Sound alike. I think it's a good choice. I mean, it's not top of mind when I think
Starting point is 01:15:49 of, in fact, I would think of other music by that exact band maybe first, but this is, it's definitely a disco jam and I don't know. I like that you bring, sometimes you bring the less obvious jams to this. Well, I'll be honest, the Kevin Nash Association was probably part of it subconsciously.
Starting point is 01:16:08 Okay. Well, thank you, Mr. Gordon. I'm now looking over at you, Stu. Yeah, let's talk here. Let's talk turkey here, guys. What would you say is the sort of peak disco era? Whenever Saturday Night Live was in the theaters. i'm looking for like years specific years 77 78 is what i want to say 76 to 78 sure sure sure and it was so popular that like it was hard to find anything that wasn't disco
Starting point is 01:16:39 at that point correct that's correct would that be fair to say yeah and later there'll be mind blows from you that kind of bang that home. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. But before we get to that, this is sort of a precursor to that. You know, Cam, I know you're a big movie guy. Can you think of like what would be, you know, if I gave you three guesses as to, you know, where I'm going with this. But what is the sort of the pop culture film phenomenon that would have been sort of number one on everybody's
Starting point is 01:17:06 brain uh during that same time period oh uh that would be uh you know every which way but loose with an orangutan sure sure clarity ensues all an answer not what i was looking for uh leave a fam could do you have a guess? Saturday Night Live or whatever. Saturday Fever, you mean? Fever, yes. For sure. I think you're getting at Star Wars. I am getting at Star Wars.
Starting point is 01:17:31 The epic space adventure that we all love. Right. Even Star Wars got the disco treatment. Roll the tape. Thank you. Now. That's terrible. That was a very bad camcorder impression. The artist MECO. I don't know whether it's pronounced MECO or MECO, but for the purposes of this, I'll go with MECO,
Starting point is 01:18:42 and I'm sure 1236 will correct me. Am I right? MECO, we'll go with miko and i'm sure 1236 will correct me uh am i right miko he has by the way he has referenced this song on a recent backyard episode of the uh he would know whether i'm saying it wrong but for the sake of this moving forward i'm just gonna go with miko could be meco and if i'm wrong i apologize to mr domineco uh domineco domineco uh monardo Mr. Domenico, Domenico, Domenico, Monardo, the man known as Nico. That's a good that's a good Irish name. That's a good Irish name. He is an American record producer. And this is really funny. His specialty sort of became space disco. He was a huge fan of the film Star Wars, saw it on opening night.
Starting point is 01:19:23 By the time Saturday rolled around, he'd already seen it four times. He was obsessed. He pitched around to the labels, finally landed on the desk of Neil Bogart over at Casablanca Records. Wow. Neil Bogart's son, Evan Bogart, would go on to write such songs as S.O.S. with Rihanna later on in life. But that's Humphrey Bogart's relation, right? Could be. Barry Bogart, Neil's sister, was at one point my agent and manager when I was a child actor living in Los Angeles.
Starting point is 01:19:52 So I've got a little bit of a connection to the Bogarts. But Casablanca Records actually, once Star Wars became a huge hit, they were like, let's do it. They were like, let's do it. He got permission from John Williams to use the Star Wars song and created this Star Wars record called Star Wars and Other Galactic Funk. It did very, very well, so much so that he ended up turning into a career. His second album was Encounters of Every Kind, which he used in Close Encounters of a Third Kind songs. Then The Wizard of Oz.
Starting point is 01:20:23 Then Superman, which I'd love to hear. Then Star Trek, The Black Hole. American Werewolf in London. Ewok Celebration, which may have actually been in Return of the Jedi when they have that celebration song. Wait, these are all disco versions? These are all like disco versions of music. The Empire Strikes Back, he did.
Starting point is 01:20:44 He like really worked the gimmick. He really worked the gimmick. He worked the fucking gimmick. Good for him. But this is the Star Wars disco, which eventually there was a Star Wars Christmas disco special that aired that is synonymously one of the most beautiful, awful things ever made.
Starting point is 01:21:00 With Bea Arthur. And one of the songs in it was, what can you get a Wookiee for Christmas when he already owns a comb? Okay, we're talking about two different things, though, because the one that George Lucas said, we have to burn all copies and never play this again. That's the holiday special with Bea Arthur.
Starting point is 01:21:18 But the one that has that Wookiee, what do you get a Wookiee for Christmas when he already owns a comb? That's actually from a slightly more recent Star Wars Christmas special. It's from 1980. So I don't know what you referred as. There's the famous, the holiday special is infamous,
Starting point is 01:21:33 I suppose is the word I'm looking for because George Lucas wanted like every copy of that damn thing burned. This is from that special because 1980 would have been that special, right? Okay. Only, okay. I am not.
Starting point is 01:21:44 Yeah. You've done your homework. I'm just going to check out – I thought it was – yeah, because Christmas in the Stars in 1980 has what can you get a Wookiee for Christmas when he already owns a comb, and I did not think that was actually from the holiday special. Well, maybe it's not. I don't know. I can tell you, though, that he also did – I mentioned Star Trek.
Starting point is 01:22:04 Also, Raiders of the Lost Ark got the disco treatment. not i don't know i can tell you though that uh he also did uh i mentioned star trek uh also raiders of the lost ark got the disco treatment so this guy has really uh done it all uh when it comes to popular music uh soundtracks and turning them into sort of disco acts cam referenced uh bony goes on the road with uh various incarnations of musicians making up the act. Same thing here with Miko or Meco. I guess we'll find out. At one point, it was a touring act where they just put together three or four different Miko's or Meco's and
Starting point is 01:22:34 did the planetary and world tour. Everyone was none the wiser, I'm sure. Everyone really knew what Miko looked like. Yeah, so there you go. The Star Wars disco. I'm glad you chose this. I'm glad because it's going to brilliantly segue into my jam when you're finished. I bet this guy made like a shitload of money.
Starting point is 01:22:52 Like I bet this is like very, very lucrative. He's got to share that writing credit with John Williams. That's true. Funny thing is that the Star Wars theme and there was also a Creature Cantina band song that was like the B-side. That went to number one on the Billboard Hot 100. Number one.
Starting point is 01:23:08 Wait, what went to number one on the Billboard Hot 100? Star Wars. The song we just played was number one on the Billboard Hot 100. Number one. That's crazy. How about this? We talk about this all the time, but I can't actually prove it at this moment. What a buildup.
Starting point is 01:23:24 What a letdown. That's a lunch bag letdown. I had at one point in my notes how many albums it sold, and I was going to do the old Sloan comparison, but we'll save that for later. Okay, you can come back to that, because I'm going to kick out a jam that really is, it's kind of perfectly timed to come after that Star Wars theme here.
Starting point is 01:23:40 But I am going to pause for a moment to just say that I'm drinking. General Holmes? Well, I'm going to tell people what I'm just say that uh i'm drinking well i'm going to tell people what i'm drinking first if that's okay i just want to let people know i'm drinking burst it's now my go it's now my go-to great lakes uh fresh craft beers so more than hayes mama yeah well the hayes mama i have two of those and i start to feel a little tipsy uh burst i have two and i still feel fine so you know you gotta be very careful with those haze mamas. It's the end of the world as we know it. And I feel fine.
Starting point is 01:24:08 So shout out to Great Legs, wonderful sponsors. Thank you, Noah Mintz loves I learned that on that episode. So that was good. I even had Andrew Witkin from StickerU listen so we could hear that love from Noah Mintz. I want to thank Ridley Funeral Home.
Starting point is 01:24:23 They actually just re-upped for February, which I think is fantastic. They're very good people, Brad Jones especially. He's an FOTM. And Barb Paluskiewicz, I just want people to know that she has a book she's going to give you for free if you ask for it. Just email her, barb at, and she'll send you a copy of her book it scams and i know uh i heard from at least one fotm who took advantage of that offer and more should do it it helps the show and it's and barb loves to share her wisdom with everybody okay i mentioned that the star wars theme uh stew ran off a long list of songs i got the disco treatment. Here's my jam. I don not mistaken. Oh, maybe. Let me check my notes. I don't know if it was on the soundtrack,
Starting point is 01:25:47 but it was in the film, I think. I feel amateurish. It was licensed. It was on the soundtrack, I think. Was it on the soundtrack? I swear I remember it in the movie. At the dance competition, one of the acts danced to this.
Starting point is 01:26:04 What are we listening to? Well, again, just like John Williams got some writing credit for those Star Wars disco jams there. The great, you might have heard of Ludwig von Beethoven? Does that name ring a bell? Ludwig von... Bit of a hack.
Starting point is 01:26:19 He gets a writing credit. So, you know, I think and I'm going to play my mind below later as to what sort of led me to believe this, but I believe this to be the greatest composition in Beethoven's lifetime is his Symphony No. 5. I mean, I'm more of a 4 guy, but I hear you. 4 is not bad, actually.
Starting point is 01:26:41 Coincidentally, I just heard, like, apparently he's just celebrated his 250th birthday. Yeah, I prefer the original trilogy. But, you know, five's pretty good. Yeah, it's like stuff on Matador Records. So shout out. Whatever. IRS Records in shelf number six.
Starting point is 01:26:59 Right. Oh, that was the Ashley Buchholz. I noticed he was a little tougher on the record label than even Noah was. But anyway, back to this. Beethoven, hell of a composer. Did you know, did you guys know he was, for most of his adult life, he was deaf? Did you notice? I mean, you can tell by the shitty music he composes.
Starting point is 01:27:19 No, just kidding. Who's got the drum roll? Okay. So, yeah, imagine not being able to hear your own compositions. I think that's amazing. Imagine not being able to hear your own podcast, Mike. Would you be such a good podcaster?
Starting point is 01:27:34 Facebook won't let me see our podcast. Very Beethoven of them. Shout out to Dale Cadeau, who was pissed off that the man has shut down our live stream. He was really interested. You're like the Donald Trump of podcasts. That's what he said.
Starting point is 01:27:49 He said, damn the man, affecting more than even Trump. He says more than Trump. By the way, do you guys know what the first Morrissey live album was called? I do. What? Morrissey live? No, it was called Beethoven Was Deaf.
Starting point is 01:28:06 Wow, there you go. Comes full circle. But it was like D-E-F, like he was deaf. Like deaf jam, yes. So who made this Fifth Symphony, who made the Fifth Symphony a disco jam that went to number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart?
Starting point is 01:28:24 Went to number one. I think that's incredible. this song went to number one. It is a guy named Walter Murphy. Yeah, of course. Walter Murphy. That is a good Irish name. So Walter Murphy, and for people who have heard this recently, I watched this series on, I don't even remember, FX I think it was on,
Starting point is 01:28:44 but it was called mrs america this is a it was a big uh big mini series with high profile uh actors and actors it was a big deal and this was the theme song to that mini series so i did hear quite a bit of this song which is called by the way a fifth of beethoven that's the name of the song what was that mini series about to have this song as the uh it was it was from the era movement and about a woman named uh patricia uh sheffley patricia was that her first name but sheffley who uh was uh against era and how the republican party used her to motivate your uh suburban moms throughout the country to get them to vote reagan in in 1980 and of course wow so it's quite the uh quite the interesting documentary actually yeah interesting suburban moms throughout the country to get them to vote Reagan in a 1980.
Starting point is 01:29:25 And of course, wow. So it's quite the, uh, quite the interesting documentary actually. Yeah. Interesting choice of a theme song. Yeah. And I've also like,
Starting point is 01:29:33 like Saturday night fever. I heard it pop up in other movies. Whenever you need to have a disco moment, this is a good jam to kind of throw in to give you the flavor of, uh, the 70s. There was a rapper that actually sampled this, a gentleman named A plus, did a rap over that.
Starting point is 01:29:48 Okay, well, here's what I think of when I think of Beethoven's Fifth. Yeah, well, that works too. There you go. Listen, buddy. He's a bit of a... Let your back bone slide. The symphony is in Let your backbone slide Let your backbone slide
Starting point is 01:30:12 Let the rhythm rip while my lyrics leave your lips I could just do that. Okay. Go ahead. Yeah. I know. That's on Symphony in Effect. The debut, the major debut of Maestro Fresh West. Good FOTM. Okay.
Starting point is 01:30:28 So there's another use of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony. Kids, you got to source out Beethoven's Fifth. It's a good one. A little intermission here. I'm just curious how I see Johnny Dovercourt's coming on the show. How did that come along? I know he mentioned, I actually DM'd him after Noah gave him the shout out about his book.
Starting point is 01:30:51 He said, hey, you should listen to this, Johnny. And then he tweeted it. Good question. I assume it all sort of snowballed out of that. Yeah, definitely. That was like a catalyst. But he had been coming up in conversations with ben rainer all summer long so ben made multiple visits to the backyard just like you two gentlemen and simpler times when you
Starting point is 01:31:10 were allowed i would say like multiple is uh not an accurate statement okay well how many visits did you make to the tmds backyard studio about six countless countless sure you think we've only been to your house six times in the backyard i feel like it was am i wrong cam how many times did you come into that 15 20 or what do you mean um i don't think i don't think so like i i'd say like between 9 and 12 okay that many okay so i said about six it might be closer to 10 or so but okay you guys i loved seeing you in my backyard it's not the same without you i my backyard. We'll be back soon. Be back soon.
Starting point is 01:31:46 The minute Doug Ford says you're allowed to come back there, I'm going to get you back there. That's up to Dougie. Again, one year anniversary of Pandemic Friday is coming up. So maybe that will warrant a backyard visit. March, as I recall, it was March 20th? Actually, that's pretty sad, actually. No, March.
Starting point is 01:32:01 March 13th, I think it was March 20th. Am I right? Yeah, that sounds right, like 19th, 20th. Right after March. March 13th, I think it was March 20th. Am I right? Yeah, that sounds right, like 19th, 20th, right after St. Patrick's. Oh, yeah, because you know what? Funnily enough, Pandemic Fridays used to be on Fridays. Yeah, and also, I would say that Rudy Gobert,
Starting point is 01:32:17 that was the same week. That was the 12th, I think. I know that was before. So the last day of school was the 13th, Friday the 13th, and I think Gobert was the 12th, I think. I have to go so the last day of school was the 13th Friday the 13th and I think Gobert was the 12th I think. I have to go back into the archives
Starting point is 01:32:28 but regardless the great Ben Rayner was in my backyard this summer a few times and he would reference Johnny Dovercourt like they must be buds.
Starting point is 01:32:38 So it was a name kind of in my head as a guy I should probably get on the show I was thinking it's time to get this Johnny Dovercourt on the show but he actually thinking it's time to get this Johnny Dover Kurt on the show.
Starting point is 01:32:45 But he actually reached out to me after the episode with Noah Mintz. So I'm like, let's just do this, man. And I haven't read his book yet. Have you read his book, Cam? Yeah, I've got it upstairs. It's on its way to me. He's sending me a copy. Cam showing off with his
Starting point is 01:33:01 multi-level dwelling. Wait, you have more than one floor, Cam? That's pretty la-di-da. I know. It's very bougie. I'm in a basement myself, so I know how you roll. That's that CBC money. Okay, stop it.
Starting point is 01:33:17 Now we won't go there, okay? We won't go there. They work hard for their money. Public service. Like Tina Turner says, work hard for the money. Okay. Is that Tina Turner or the Pointer Sisters? That's the Pointer Sisters.
Starting point is 01:33:28 I'm confusing that with... Careful, careful, mate. I'm confusing that with Private Dancer. I'm not touching that. And Disco Queen, who's Levi Fumka's codename on here, just wants to know why Stu's wearing a mask. Stu, since people can't see us right now, do you want to tell the people why you're wearing a mask?
Starting point is 01:33:46 Yeah, well, my mother is, I live currently with my mother, and out of respect to her, she's now home. So she's returned from her outing to get groceries. And I'm being cautious towards her because I still am working during this pandemic. And I'm leaving, I'm still working. Okay, no, that's very courteous because I would think you'd just become a pod because you live together.
Starting point is 01:34:08 No, because, you know, I am leaving quite regularly to work, as you're aware. So, you know, better to be safe, my friend, especially with the news I shared at the top of the show. Right. You know, it's, you know, better to be safe. Absolutely, Stu Stone. Couldn't have said that better myself. Let's be safe out safe. Absolutely, Stu Stone.
Starting point is 01:34:25 Couldn't have said that better myself. Let's be safe out there. Also, to answer her second question, there's a pandemic, so that's why we're wearing masks. That's not for fashion purposes or some Michael Jackson. Speaking of Michael Jackson, though.
Starting point is 01:34:40 No, because it's Cam's turn. But hold that thought. This better be an Ann Marie Disco song, Cam. It's a big turn. But hold that thought. This better be an Anne-Marie Disco song, Cam. It's a big one. You ready to dance? Yeah. Oh, hell yeah. Am I crazy?
Starting point is 01:35:03 Or is another now Roger's song? Look up there in a second. We'll lay back and relax While I pull away the dishes And you and me can walk about You can ring my bell You can ring my bell ring my bell you can ring my bell okay ring my bell
Starting point is 01:35:53 by uh I always thought I'd call her Anita Bell but that's not her name oh my god Anita Ward Anita Ward massive hit from the year 1979 shout out to the smashing pumpkins number one in many countries usa united states of america canada the united kingdoms spain norway and new zealand uh tbd if it went to number one in and not in belgium the top five in belgium um when i wonder we never really heard much else from anita ward the only other
Starting point is 01:36:35 song she had that charted was the follow-up to this something called don't drop my love that went sort of mid-range in the billboard hot 100 and then kind of fell off the face of the earth with a surface periodically throughout the years wikipedia has a few uh instances of anita ward surfacing namely uh she performed in new year's eve uh new york times square in 2002 uh also in years even to that someone's Someone's going through updating Wikipedia about all the places the Neat Award is performed on New Year's Eve. In New Orleans on Beale Street
Starting point is 01:37:12 on New Year's Eve. She could have a good career with this. If this one song, she could have a pretty good career. Totally. I feel like this song has been in a lot of commercials too, so probably a big publishing hit. This sounds fun. i wish i was at this event um you guys probably remember the the fis uh world cup slalom race in croatia back
Starting point is 01:37:34 in 2006 right of course i watched it yes i watched it live i actually was uh a big uh i lost money on that a big slalom guy i'm a big slalom guy. You had action on it. I had action on it, yeah. As part of that great moment in sports history, right up there with the Kawhi Leonard shot and the Joe Carter walk-up home run, there was a big disco concert as part of that ski race that featured, amongst other artists,
Starting point is 01:37:59 a lot of people we've heard today, Chic, the Village People, Thelma Houston, Rose Royce, I don't know who that is. Car Wash, the Car Wash people. Come on, man. Oh, is that? Okay. Sorry, I take it back. Anyway, Anita Ward was that, that was in 2006.
Starting point is 01:38:16 Yeah, sort of just from what I can tell, largely a civilian, if she's even with us anymore. Anita Ward, but man, you're going to be a one-on-wonder. Why not do a number one smash? And she was very, very young when she did this. On that note,
Starting point is 01:38:28 I did read an article years ago about the guy who wrote Spirit in the Sky, Noah Greenbaum or something like that. Greenbaum, yes. And the article is just about how he had this one hit, one big song,
Starting point is 01:38:39 and how he's managed to basically live off that one song for the rest of his life. Like he lives off of Spirit in the Sky. Anita Ward didn't need to be named Anita another hit. Great. Do you remember if there was a new one? She's still alive, everyone.
Starting point is 01:38:56 We have breaking news. Anita Ward is still with us as of this moment. How old is she? Let's guess. 64? 64. I ruined it. I didn't know you were going to guess.
Starting point is 01:39:05 81. 64. I was going to say, she was a mere child when the song came out. That's a Beatles song as well, right? 64? Yes. Will You Still Need Me? Will You Still... Yeah, whatever. That's a big Beatles song. I can't remember how that goes,
Starting point is 01:39:21 but when I'm 64. Great Choice. That's a popular... That one reminds me of sort of like it's Raining Men. Like I don't, like it's just one of those iconic disco jams that have lasted through the years. And one of those songs, nobody would ever misname what this song is called. Like everyone knows, like it's literally the chorus is just ring my bell. You can ring my bell. You can ring my bell. Also, do you guys know what ring my bell you can ring my bell you can ring my bell um also do you
Starting point is 01:39:45 guys know what ring my bell means i'm gonna guess this has something to do with sex according to the urban dictionary it's to climax a woman to give a woman pleasure and that the little description is there you recommend my bell ring my bell ring my bell ding dong ding ah wow it by baby baby babe on the urban dictionary it's a woman empowerment jam like this to me is a an era jam like oh it's it's great and i also like the song because it gets right in there you know yeah right in there right away you know what this song is and it just it slaps it's a. It's a winner. It's a bop. It's a bop.
Starting point is 01:40:29 Now, Stu, before you realized it was Cam's turn, you were going to tell us a story about MJ. I was. I was. This is going to be really cool, man. But Michael Jackson, of course, the king of music videos. We can agree on that, right? I agree. Of course.
Starting point is 01:40:44 Yeah. Yeah. Leave a thumb cut. just cough once if you agree. That black and white video was something when those faces morphed into each other. Wow. What if I was to tell you boys something very exciting, that Michael Jackson's very first musical video debut took place during the disco era. Oh. Yeah. Would that blow your mind?
Starting point is 01:41:09 That's not, I mean, an actual video, because there's no MTV yet. So where does it air? Well, people made music videos back in the day, and they just aired as short-form music videos. I guess there was maybe video programs. There was still a video countdown. When does Toronto Rocks debut? I'm just curious.
Starting point is 01:41:25 I'm not sure when that debut, but I think they still played music videos. They're just watching the channel that played it 24 hours a day until MTV, right? So there was still a place in the world for music videos, right? Right. Because there were videos that existed before MTV. Right, like Bohemian Rhapsody, for example. Sure. And this would be another example of that.
Starting point is 01:41:41 Let's play it, shall we? My baby's always dancing, it wouldn't be a bad thing, but I don't get no loving, and that's no lie. We spent the night in Frisco, at every kind of disco, from that night I kissed our love goodbye. Moonlight, don't blame it on the good times. Blame it on the boogie. Don't blame it on the sunshine. Don't blame it on the moonlight. Don't blame it on the good times. Blame it on the boogie. That's a jam.
Starting point is 01:42:36 What a great song. Jackson's, you know, of course, they went heavy into the disco after the success of this song. Sort of introduced them into the disco world and a lot of artists were and i think maybe one day we will do a you know a rockers who jumped on the disco train uh but you know the jacksons were certainly an established act pre-disco and sort of managed to surf the disco wave all the way through successfully made it out on the other side michael at least anyway uh you know and this one had, you know, they had Dancing Machine. They had a bunch of them. But Blame It On The Boogie is, you know,
Starting point is 01:43:11 a really big song, a great song that's still to this day. If there was not a pandemic and there was, you know, celebrations, simchas, weddings, Liva Famke had a house party. You could hit play on this song and the party would get going. It's a timeless sort of track that sort of supersedes the death of disco, the night where allegedly racism prevailed and disco died.
Starting point is 01:43:35 And homophobia, don't forget that. Homophobia as well. But apparently that did not affect this song because this song is still beloved by all people. I would argue that all of Michael Jackson is now problematic. Well, yeah, you could say that allegedly, you know, never convicted. I'm not taking that stand. Don't worry.
Starting point is 01:44:00 I'm a reasonable person. But listen, we don't have to hurt the other brothers. They didn't do anything wrong. So shout out to Tito, Randy, Jermaine, Tyler, Frank, Al, the rest of the Jacksons who were involved in the song. But are you ready to have your mind blown, guys? Yes, but first, can we confirm something? Because you keep talking about the Jackson 5.
Starting point is 01:44:20 But am I wrong? Isn't this a Michael Jackson solo song? No, this is the Jacksons. This is like where all six of them came together for a brief period of time. Randy and Jermaine and Tito and Marlon. See, today I learned. I just thought this was a Michael Jackson solo effort.
Starting point is 01:44:36 No, no, no. This is certainly a Jackson 5, Jackson 6 kind of song. The Jacksons also had another album after Michael had his Off the Wall. They released it with Can You Feel It? Can you feel it? All the people in the You know that song?
Starting point is 01:44:58 You don't know Can You Feel It? I don't think so. You know it. Can you feel the love tonight? No, no, no. Mike, maybe while I'm playing my mind blow, you can find Can You Feel It and just fast forward through it just so these guys can know that they know it.
Starting point is 01:45:12 Are you ready to have your mind blown? I actually put this up there with Shad Day was the name of the band type of a mind blow. And I'll tell you why in a second. Spin this mind blow, Mike, and then people are going to get their mind blown. bad thing but i don't get no loving that's no lie spent the night in frisco went to every kind of disco from that night i kissed i love goodbye don't blame it on the sunshine don't blame it on the moonlight don't blame it on the good time blame it on the boogie don't blame it on the
Starting point is 01:46:03 sunshine are you ready to have... First of all, that blows my mind because I didn't even know this existed. But Blame It on the Boogie by the Jacksons was in fact a cover of a song that was released a week or two prior. A week or two prior.
Starting point is 01:46:18 Not a year. A week or two prior. And wait till I tell you the name of the artist. Are you ready for this? Yeah. Now, you guys know this song famously sung by Michael Jackson, right? Mike Jackson? Mike Jackson, yeah. What if I was to
Starting point is 01:46:34 tell you that the original version is recorded and successfully at that it did chart? Are you ready for this? The guy's name is Mick Jackson. Mick? The is Mick Jackson. Mick. The great Mick Jackson. Credited as Michael George Jackson.
Starting point is 01:46:51 That's an amazing coincidence, and that is a mind blow. That's a mind blow. The guy who wrote the song is Michael Jackson, but a different Michael Jackson who went by Mick Jackson, and it's a white guy. That's a hell of a mind blow, but here's something else interesting. Do you know who, because Mick Jackson wrote this this song right did mike did mick mick jacks mick jackson wrote this song i believe so okay yes so mick jackson wrote the song do you know who he
Starting point is 01:47:14 wrote it for stevie wonder correct but stevie didn't take it so he just put it out right and the label was like wow this is a pretty big banger. Michael heard it, and he was like, we could do that. And so they made it more of a disco jam. And even admittedly, you know, Mick Jackson himself said that Blame It on the Boogie, his original version, had 100% of his heart and soul in it, but the Jackson's version had that magic extra 2% that made it incredible. That's a rare take where, like like the original is saying that the cover is better than mine.
Starting point is 01:47:47 You know, and obviously he made a shitload of money off Michael's success with the song. Pretty, pretty crazy guys. So Mick Jagger,
Starting point is 01:47:57 Mick, I almost Mick Jagger. It's almost like a Saturday Night Live sketch. Mick Jackson is the original singer and, and let's face it. That sounds made up. It does, doesn't it? Let's face it. Saturday Night Live sketch. Mick Jackson is the original singer.
Starting point is 01:48:07 That sounds made up. It does, doesn't it? He's only going by Mick Jackson because his name is Michael Jackson. He's had to change it. You can't put out music as Michael Jackson. There is a Michael Jackson. He probably goes by Mick Jackson because Mike and Michael and Mikey, that's all the guy
Starting point is 01:48:22 from the Jackson 5. ABC, 123, all that jazz. So it's kind of wild that the hit is by the Jacksons, which I'm sorry, you're right. Of course, it's the Jacksons. I thought it was Michael Jackson's solo, but it's the Jacksons. Thank you for educating me. This is a mind blow. Yeah, it is a big one. And, you know, I invented the mind blow on this program.
Starting point is 01:48:41 And so I'm expected to continue to blow minds. As I alluded to earlier michael jackson in his 1993 biography uh it states uh that this video like i said marked his video debut uh so the song has a lot of importance much like the bg song that i played sort of helped sort of catapult them change their careers michael jackson was able to sort of see the power of the music video and you know he made a lot of music videos after that. And, you know, they were all pretty incredible. Did you end up finding Can You Feel It by the Jacksons?
Starting point is 01:49:11 I would love to. Well, I didn't look for it, but I'll do it now. I would love for you to find that because I know that these guys have heard the song before. And they just need to be reminded. Right. Okay. I'm pulling it up right now. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:49:23 Let's hear this. Can you feel it? Can you feel it? Can you feel it? Oh, the People's Court theme, of course. I don't know it. I'm with Cam. I'm bringing her down. I don't know this song. Well, maybe a little bit. That seems familiar to me. That whole, can you feel it part. Yeah. You should look up the music video. It's like way ahead of its time. But we'll move on.
Starting point is 01:50:28 That's Michael Jackson or that's... That's the Jacksons. Yeah, that's the Jacksons. Michael does sing. Yes, he's on the track. That's Michael and Mick. Nothing to do with Mick. Randy's on there though. Randy Jackson.
Starting point is 01:50:37 It would be the equivalent of like if Cam Gordon released this really great song only to find out that it was actually originally performed by Kim Gordon. Guys, it's been a lack of... Which did happen. Which did happen. There's been a disappointing lack of controversy tonight. It feels like we've all picked these pretty great disco jams for Disco Night.
Starting point is 01:50:58 Oh, I have a feeling you're about to fuck that up. Well, I'll say this. Like, that track that Stu just picked, I feel like that was the first track by an artist or a series of artists who isn't primarily a disco artist like Bee Gees would probably be the next closest but a lot of sort of when it wonders are strictly
Starting point is 01:51:17 disco artists per se well let me tell you just like with the Yacht Rock episodes so I didn't you, I didn't know a lot of Yacht Rock. So I had to kind of learn the difference between like Yacht Rock and just like a slow jam from like the late 70s or early 80s. Like where is it a Yacht Rock song versus just like a slow rock song or whatever, soft rock. Slow rock. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 01:51:41 Doc Rock. I love a good slow rock. Slow rock. I think like the difference between a disco song and a regular song is that a disco song makes one dance. Well, okay. So here's... One dance is a disco song. I agree with you.
Starting point is 01:51:52 But I was struggling all week with the difference between disco and funk. Okay? Oh, interesting. Yeah. I really struggled with it. There's a big difference. Funk is like James Brown and disco is, is more like cocaine, a nightclub.
Starting point is 01:52:06 Well, it's like ABBA is ABBA disco. Yes. ABBA is a disco. Okay. Well, let me play this jam because I would prior to this week, I would just consider this like a funk song,
Starting point is 01:52:16 but I heard it again through my disco ears. And I think it could be a disco song. So I'm going to play it. So you guys can shit on me for picking a funk song and not disco, and then we can talk about the differences. Here's my penultimate jam. Borderline, but we'll give it to you. Now, yeah, hey
Starting point is 01:52:45 Yeah, once I was a boogie singer The heroine only did not go for only one song tonight, and that's one of Sam's. So let's keep going. I've never had no problems Let's get him to the chorus here first. I'm running down the one-night stands With everything around me Let's get him to the chorus here first. He just said disco, bro. Yeah, they were dancing and singing and moving to the moving.
Starting point is 01:53:28 And just when it hit me, somebody turned around and shouted, play that fucking music, white boy. Play that fucking music right. Play that fucking music Why boy Play down the boogie Okay talk to me Stu Well it has the word boogie in it
Starting point is 01:53:51 And it has the word disco in it So those are two sort of key sort of flags That are good but I think like generally Speaking the era of that Period that we're speaking of there was like Disco techs so to speak Places where people would go to do drugs, dance, and hook up with same-sex partners.
Starting point is 01:54:08 Discotheques. A U2 song. Yeah. And if a song was popular in the discotheques, then it was disco, I would say. And I think any song that sort of gets the dance floor going during that period could be arguably considered disco. So this song would have been a song that, you know, arguably considered disco. So this song
Starting point is 01:54:25 would have been a song that, you know, when I used to go to the discotheque in 76, 77, they would play this song and I would be fucking boogieing, you know? So it is from... It's probably more of a funk song or a soul song or a blue-eyed soul, maybe you want to call it.
Starting point is 01:54:41 Go ahead, Cam. Sorry, this is Casey and the Sunshine Band? No. This is Wild Cherry. So Wild Cherry, they're... Yeah, that's right. This is Don Cherry's other son there. This is a Cleveland-based band,
Starting point is 01:54:57 and this came out in April 1976, and... Sort of before the disco era, maybe, but right kind of in the sweet spot of the overlap. Like it sort of was a hit that stayed throughout disco maybe. And it hit I believe it hit number
Starting point is 01:55:13 four on the... Actually you know what? Sorry. That's my mind blow that hit number four. My apologies. This actually hit number one on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1976. Imagine Jimi Hendrix playing the guitar.
Starting point is 01:55:28 No, he's long gone by here. But I'm going to play the Mind Blow now just to address the gorilla in the room here. Obviously, there's a song we need to play now. Go Ninja, Go Ninja, Go! Alright, Go Ninja, Go Ninja, Go! All the way to Pizza Hut to get one of my picks. Coming out of their shells. Ringing a bell like Anita Ward. Okay, I won't torture everybody too much here,
Starting point is 01:56:14 but here is a... He performed this live at the Trump Mar-a-Lago New Year's party. I believe that because this is his second biggest hit. This is Vanilla Ice's second biggest hit biggest hit of course after a little song called stop that train i want to get out okay well that album is called to the extreme rock a mic like a vandal yeah uh ice ice baby of course we're talking about which is a whole yeah we he changed he changed he changed it okay it was a little different from the David Bowie Queen. Okay, so this version did peak at number four.
Starting point is 01:56:51 I find that amazing that this hit number four. Robert Van Winkle. He was hot in 1990. He was sexy, man. Never mind hot. No one was hotter than Vanilla Ice in 1990. So sexy. He had the dance moves.
Starting point is 01:57:04 He had that cleft chin. He was one of the first artists to headline a concert at the Sky Dome. Though technically co-headlined. He did a joint tour with MC Hammer. I remember this. I remember watching Arsenio Hall because I used to watch a lot of Arsenio
Starting point is 01:57:20 Hall back then and they came on. I can't remember. They might have come on together to promote that tour, I think. But Arsenio wasn't pleasant with Vanilla Ice. He sort of called him out for being a fraud, right? Possibly. I can't remember now, but that wouldn't shock me. Because he pretended he was from the mean streets of Dallas, and then it was revealed, I believe,
Starting point is 01:57:41 that he had a pretty comfortable suburban upbringing. And he was famously dangled over the... I'm going to try this. I'm going to try not to... That's right. Sudge Knight. No! Wow, you got it.
Starting point is 01:57:57 I don't think it's Sudge Knight. It's definitely Sudge Knight. It's not Sooch. I think it normally goes Sooch. No, it is Sooch. You got it right again. It's not Suge. I think I normally go Suge. No, it is Suge. You got it right again. It's not Sudge. It's not Sudge. But I thought you were going to like... Definitely neither of those.
Starting point is 01:58:09 Suge. Suge Knight. Suge Knight. That's right. And it's K'Night. Okay. Everyone knows you pronounce the K in Knight. K'Night.
Starting point is 01:58:17 That's right. So, okay. Suge Knight. Big cover... It's actually pronounced Suge. Like Sade. That's exactly right
Starting point is 01:58:25 anyway this was also a big hit as I mentioned hitting number four number four which is
Starting point is 01:58:32 pretty big fucking deal and yeah I thought it was about time we kicked out some Vanilla Ice I will say
Starting point is 01:58:38 that if we ever kick out what we think might be the worst songs of all time I won't spoil it but there is a song
Starting point is 01:58:44 on To The Extreme which is the album that this is on that I consider to might be the worst songs of all time. I won't spoil it, but there is a song on to the extreme, which is the album that this is on that I considered to be possibly the worst song of ever. So there's a little, what is it? It's called. I love you. I love you too,
Starting point is 01:58:57 but what's the song called? Who's on first. Okay. Final jam time. Are you ready? Cam? Final jam. Cam, are you going to sing?
Starting point is 01:59:07 You want me just to kick it and then you talk about it? Yeah, just kick it. Okay, let's kick it. For a steer, it ran one step ahead, as we followed in the dance. The carpet's part is melting in the dark. All the dinosaurs blowing down Someone left the chaos in the rain
Starting point is 01:59:54 I almost kicked this out last week, but not this version, obviously. I don't think that I can take it Cause it took so long to make it Who did, what celebrity did a version of this? The famous version of this song Is not Donna Summer Which we're listening to right now
Starting point is 02:00:11 It is MacArthur Park It's Who Fuck I should probably know this Because I got Yeah do you have those notes? He's
Starting point is 02:00:19 The actor he's dead But he was the father I believe Of the guy who played The king In the crown So the father, I believe, of the guy who played the king in The Crown. So the father of Queen Elizabeth in The Crown, that guy. He's from Mad Men. Who's the actor in Mad Men? And I won't spoil it, but had a, you know.
Starting point is 02:00:34 Oh. The father of his, an Irish, famous Irish actor. Sean Connery. Richard. Sutherland. I'm going to just Google it Fuck it I'm going to Google it Here it is
Starting point is 02:00:46 But I almost kicked this out As a popular song by a actor Okay Well of course Richard Harris Richard Harris Richard Harris Who is he in Mad Men?
Starting point is 02:00:59 Richard Chang No his son is in Mad Men His son Richard Harris' son So here Let's get these facts right, and then we'll hear your fun facts about this song. Richard Harris' son is Jared Harris.
Starting point is 02:01:12 Jared Harris was fantastic in Mad Men because he played the role of Lane Price. Oh, okay. So Lane Price's dad recorded MacArthur Park and had a hit wow okay that that's a fun fact and lane price i think hung himself oh i was actually purposely not spilling that because i thought it was a spoiler but yeah there's a it's quite that's quite the series by the way if you're out there and you haven't watched mad men it's fucking brilliant you should watch it i'm so that's actually a show i've seen. I'm very familiar with it. Anyway, the name of the song,
Starting point is 02:01:46 MacArthur Park. He's piping in the dark. Yeah, named after Scott MacArthur. September 1978. FOTM Scott MacArthur. Scott Hughes. Shit stains. This version, this is a cover.
Starting point is 02:02:02 Donna Summer, we've talked about on past episodes episodes sort of really when you think of the disco queen i know leaf gay famka has that as your display name um if anyone was gonna take that uh crown or tiara as it were probably would be donna summer i still give it to fam you know what i hear you i agree 100 and i was hoping she wouldn't be hansen because she is the queen of disco. Absolutely. And, you know, similar to my picks from Boney M. You're like Gloria Gaynor, I Will Survive.
Starting point is 02:02:30 Is that a disco jam? Isn't that like sort of? Yeah, but I would say Donna Summer's string of hits in the peak of disco, like it's unprecedented. And I don't think she got the credit she deserved, actually. This was one of many. So this was a massive hit. This covered number one in the U.S., number one in Canada, top ten in the U.K., Ireland, and the Netherlands. Now, who wrote this song?
Starting point is 02:02:53 A guy named Jimmy Webb. Jimmy Webb. But the original recording is Richard Harris. That is correct. Dick Harris, as his friends call him. Good Irishman. There was also a version by Waylon Jennings. Yes, that's the one I'm familiar with.
Starting point is 02:03:07 Who he kicked out because he did the theme song to the Dukes of Hazzard. That's right. Absolutely. Just a good old boy. Meaning no harm. So a lot of range in this song. Problematic game, by the way. Oh, because of the Dixie
Starting point is 02:03:24 flag. Yeah, terrible flag flag Just a good old boy Fuck that flag but that song is great Yeah now Stu Sort of let the rat out of the bag With the I wouldn't call this a mind blow Because I think those of us of a certain age Will remember this 90s interpretation
Starting point is 02:03:41 Of this song Now I'm being chased by some irate velociraptors. Well, believe me, this has been one lousy day. Well done, Cam. I still love this Weird Al parody. Jurassic Park is frightening in the dark.
Starting point is 02:04:03 All the dinosaurs are running wild. Well done. Yeah, so just as a quick fun fact about this, this is Jurassic Park by Weird Al. This song actually went to number five on the Billboard charts. Really? That's not true. Wait, the Billboard Hot 100?
Starting point is 02:04:20 There's no way that's true. Let me strike that. What's your source on this? A notepad on my computer. Fun fact about Jimmy Webb and this song. Jimmy Webb had, Weird Al had the full blessing of Jimmy Webb, who thought it was great, hilarious, fun for the whole family. To the extent that when Weird Al
Starting point is 02:04:45 around the time this came out was playing concerts in both New York and Los Angeles, he actually brought Jimmy Webb out to perform an acoustic version of MacArthur Park who would sort of like come muddle his way through it and flub and then Weird Al would come on stage and they
Starting point is 02:05:01 break into the Jurassic Park version. So there you go. So generations coming together. Love it. Just like David Bowie and White Christmas, Big Crosby Man. Big Crosby. Exactly the same. And I don't know about you guys.
Starting point is 02:05:18 I learned about this song first from Jurassic Park version. I had never heard this song. So 100% true for me as well. I heard the Jurassic Park and then discovered the Richard Harris but I did not hear Richard Harris' first. Okay, yeah. I feel like I probably went to the Jurassic Park. I never knew about Donna Summer until I heard
Starting point is 02:05:35 and I avoided most disco stuff in my defense. Basically, I heard a podcast about the dominance of the queen of disco in this era and I started hearing all the songs and how many great hits she had. And then that's when I learned that she had covered this song. Oh, like a slew. And we've talked about her before.
Starting point is 02:05:51 So similar to Nile Rodgers, I didn't feel like we need to belabor her bio. But a legend. Like a legit legend. Well, do you want to name check? I'll do it if you don't want to do it. But do you want to name check some of the big hits? Like I Feel Love. I Feel Love.
Starting point is 02:06:07 Hot stuff. A lot of stuff she did with Giorgio Moroder, who I don't think we've mentioned. Who produced a lot of disco tracks. No, it's a bit of a blind spot for me, to be quite honest. I'm trying to remember what else she said. She's such a legend.
Starting point is 02:06:23 I Feel Love is a big one. Here, what would be a big one? Love to love you, baby. Love to love you. That was a big one. She was the greatest disco queen ever. She had all the biggest hits. Her songs include I Don't Remember.
Starting point is 02:06:39 No, honestly, she is the queen of disco. I think that's just like we call Michael Jackson the king of pop. Without a doubt, Donna Summer is the queen of disco like i think that's like just like we call uh uh michael jackson the king of pop without a doubt donna summer is the uh king of queen of queen of disco do you guys remember the film what's love got to do with it of course uh with tina turner anime i told you anime i made you i can break you anime you know the movie i'm speaking of are you guys there you guys there? Yeah, we're just... You don't know? You mentioned Last Dance and MacArthur Park, Hot Stuff,
Starting point is 02:07:09 Bad Girls. I don't know. Can you guys hear me? Yeah, go ahead. Sorry. Do you remember there was like a Donna Summer thing in there?
Starting point is 02:07:16 Like Tina Turner was like trying to make her comeback and like Donna Summer was the hot act and they were like, you'll never do it, Tina. You can't. You don't have the hits
Starting point is 02:07:24 like Donna does. Right. And then she did, what's love got to do with it? And blew Donna Summer out of the water. Right. Although I will say Donna Summer was a rare disco artist that also had a lot of big hits in the 80s too. Yeah, she's great. Donna Summer is very, very good.
Starting point is 02:07:40 And I know that, you know, Cam and I have done lots of drugs. She works hard for the money. Yeah. She does. There you go. So well done. We would have had to throw in this disco episode in the garbage if we didn't have any Donna Summer on it.
Starting point is 02:07:56 So thank you so much. I totally agree. But there's another artist I didn't want to get a hand sent in. I think we're going to hear this artist next, but I want to hear Stu's intro. I'm going to just preface this song by saying
Starting point is 02:08:07 freak out freak out oh yeah I hope I have the right version actually I think it might be like a they must have remade it, but it is the song. Maybe it was modernized.
Starting point is 02:08:29 Yeah, you better stop this and get us the real version, Mike, because it's a disgrace. Oh, hold on. Yeah, please turn this off, and I'll go back to my impression. Well, it's going to turn into your song. Hold on. No, it won't. It sounds like a really... a real fuck-up. Okay, I'm fixing it. I'm fixing it. I'm fixing it. Okay sounds like a real fuck up. Okay, I'm fixing it. I'm fixing it. Okay, the 1978 version coming up.
Starting point is 02:08:50 Oh, yeah. Let me tell you something, Elizabeth. All right, here we go. Oh, yeah. Yeah. We love you. We love you. We love you. We love you. We love you. We love you. We love you.
Starting point is 02:09:18 We love you. We love you. We love you. We love you. Are you fucking with us? This is their live version from the MDA telethon in 1979. The morning's go, man, go. Workouts in the health bar, muscles flow. You can best believe that he's a macho man. That he took it down with anyone he can. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
Starting point is 02:09:57 Macho, macho man. Macho man, yeah. I've got to be a macho man. I've got to be a macho man I've got to be a macho, macho man I've got to be a macho All right, what we're listening to here is the Village People. The song is called Randy Savage, the Macho Man. Village People, Macho Man.
Starting point is 02:10:22 I could have gone with YMCA, but I feel like that song sort of got trumped. And Macho Man I could have gone with YMCA but I feel like that song sort of got trumped and Macho Man But this song was trumped too It was, but not as much I mean, trumped as in like this was Trump, you know YMCA was at every MAGA rally Right, but we heard this in the background
Starting point is 02:10:40 while they were storming the Capitol there Sure, sure, sure So this is a shout out to all those Stop you know, Stop the Steal, etc. It's quite the song for Trump, right? Because it's such a proud anthem. It makes no sense. It's like everything about him. It makes nothing.
Starting point is 02:10:53 It makes zero sense for a Village People song to be like a MAGA anthem. But it is. A shout out to Sheila. I want to point out that this was the first song that the village people charted with. A lot of people think YMCA is probably the first song they charted with. No, that's not true. Macho Man, ladies and gentlemen. Wow.
Starting point is 02:11:14 It peaked. It went to number 25 in September of 1978. Funny song about how they wrote the song. The Monday after Thanksgiving in 1977, they signed their record contracts, the Village People did. And Tuesday after that, they were in the studio recording Macho Man with handwritten lyrics that were written the morning of on a napkin. The term, this was written on a napkin, applies to Macho Man. And look at it. Written on a napkin, big stinking hit.
Starting point is 02:11:48 Wow. How about that? How about that? How about that? I have to ask, is the indigenous person member, is that problematic now? No, because I think he was legit. That's why I'm wondering. I didn't know if he was legit or not.
Starting point is 02:12:01 It's like a Jewish guy can't play Santa Claus anymore, right? But you can't play santa claus anymore right but uh you can't is that true i feel like it doesn't work that way it's okay i thought it was like the uh the the non-oppressed can't play an oppressed role well i don't know i think the whole situation of the village people is probably problematic but back then you talk about a gimmick kiss had the makeup the village people had their costumed characters right cop there's the construction worker there's the native american there's the various uh different uh characters uh they sang a lot of anthems that uh uh you would hear uh maybe in pride parades or uh sort of uh you know uh proud fm playlist uh quite maybe stereotypical at this point but uh you know it crossed over to the masses.
Starting point is 02:12:46 I don't think you need to be gay to love the village people. It's a good time. Party anthem type guys, you know, Just say every sports arena across maybe around the world, they'll dance to like YMCA and stuff like it's just, So for years, my, my kids went to like a YMCA before school, after school daycare thing. And they would actually play that every morning.
Starting point is 02:13:08 They would play YMCA by the village people. I mean, it just kind of shows you where Donald Trump's pop culture sort of sweet spot is. Because the music at his rallies include village people songs. And he's dancing to them. And you kind of think maybe that's when he was listening to music like in 78 and he kind of stopped after that. It was like the last album he ever bought. Right. But shout out to Sheila. I will say that.
Starting point is 02:13:35 I don't think she listened. It's very funny. She'll let herself out. I want to mention that this song was a pop culture phenomenon, Cam. Macho man, of course, Randy Savage. If there's no village people, Macho Man, maybe he's not called the Macho Man. That's true. I would say that's true. I think the vernacular was made famous from this song, where Macho Man, I think, is a derivative.
Starting point is 02:13:58 Yeah, and very much so. I mean, listen, people, Leva Femke will tell you, she's looking for a macho man. She found one in one. But, you know, everyone likes MF found a macho man. Cam is a macho guy. MF did find a macho man. And then she started dating Cam.
Starting point is 02:14:17 Well, actually, his name is Macho Cam. I think we should do a sp-off called Macho Macho Cam Briefly the Macho King A Macho Cam I'm talking about Cambrio there not Cam Gorshow Shout out to Cambrio FOSS
Starting point is 02:14:34 Do you remember in the early days when Linda was the only FOSS like that was Linda's domain and now we don't even talk about Linda You know it's like the village people I became this juggernaut where people just can't get enough stew. I mean, some people can.
Starting point is 02:14:52 It's a movement. It's a stone movement, if you will. Let's talk about the macho man and disco as a whole here, Mike, because I'm going to blow your minds all over the place. I hope you're sitting down. We're going to blow some fucking minds here, guys, because I'm going to blow your minds all over the place. I hope you're sitting down. We're going to blow some fucking minds here,
Starting point is 02:15:07 guys. Kids, cover your ears in the back of that minivan. We're about to work blue here. We're about to blow some minds, damn it. The Macho Man is probably the most famous disco song. I'm going to say it right now. Not because
Starting point is 02:15:23 it is number one. Not because it is played at parties still, because it spawned so many other entities to get into the disco realm. And I'm going to show you several examples of that. Let's start with this one. Oh, good evening, Mr. Duck. Hello, Scott. May I get the door for you? Thank you very much. Let's go! He's got style.
Starting point is 02:16:04 He's got flair. He's got two left feet, but he doesn't care Dressed in blue, fit to the fore A lady in love that touches uniform Mess with him and you're out of luck He's a Macho Duck That's me! Macho, Macho Duck. Watch me. Macho, Macho Duck. Oh, he is a manly sensation.
Starting point is 02:16:30 Incredible. Macho, Macho Duck. He's a Macho, Macho Duck. He's Macho Duck from the Disney's Mickey Mouse disco album. Donald Duck on vocals. Calm down, everybody. We'll get there. This is Macho Macho Duck,
Starting point is 02:16:53 which is clearly Macho Macho Man. Now, the success of Macho Macho Duck, definitely, it's sort of like this sort of evolution that starts at Macho Man, and then Macho Macho Duck definitely it's sort of like this sort of evolution that starts at Macho Man and then Macho Macho Duck comes around and then this happens. The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The
Starting point is 02:17:26 The The The The The The The The
Starting point is 02:17:27 The The The The The The The The
Starting point is 02:17:27 The The The The The The The The
Starting point is 02:17:27 The The The The The The The The
Starting point is 02:17:28 The The The The The The The The
Starting point is 02:17:35 The The The The The The The The
Starting point is 02:17:39 The The The The The The The The
Starting point is 02:17:39 The The The The The The The The
Starting point is 02:17:40 The The The The The The The The
Starting point is 02:17:44 The The The How in the world can I keep my seat? All of a sudden I began to change I was on the dance floor acting strange Flapping my arms, I begin to cluck. Look at me. I'm the Disco Dog. Oh, check out, Mama. I'm the Disco Dog. Disco, Disco Dog.
Starting point is 02:18:22 The Disco Dog. Disco, Disco Dog. Oh, check out, Mama. You know, these jams, man, bring you right back. But this jam by Rick Dees, I think, helped kill disco. It was referenced on. I hope so. But Disco Duck, ladies and gentlemen, started as a morning show gag by Nashville radio DJ Rick Dees and actually accidentally became a smash hit. radio DJ Rick Dees, and actually accidentally became a smash hit. Pretty shockingly, this song, ladies and gentlemen,
Starting point is 02:18:52 made the top 20 on the Billboard Hot Soul Singles chart. Do you hear, Stu, when you listen to that song, do you hear the Sanford and Sons theme in there? Well, I actually want to get to something for a second about, not Sanford and Son, but I guess I kind of hear that, but not really. I read the wrong theme. I think I'm thinking the same. The shocking part about Disco Duck, guys, is that it actually became a number one hit on the Billboard Hot 100. October 1976, it was number one on the Billboard Hot 100.
Starting point is 02:19:19 Macho Man by the Village People, I don't think, did that. Disco Duck did. Let's go to the Sloan test. How many copies did Sloan sell of their number one record? Can we do that? 80,000. Yeah. How many copies of Disco Duck do you suppose sold in Canada alone?
Starting point is 02:19:42 In Canada? Yeah. 200,000 copies. 150,000 sold in Canada alone? In Canada? Yeah. 200,000 copies. 150,000 copies in Canada. Two million copies in the United States. So there was obviously some legal battles surrounding this song because, you know, that's not Donald Duck on this track.
Starting point is 02:20:00 That's somebody doing a Donald Duck and maybe Disney actually has a claim here because sort of implying that it could be Donald Duck there, but it's a Donald Duck-esque voice, not actually Donald Duck. Clarence Nash, the original voice of Donald Duck, did not do the voice. However, nationwide hit,
Starting point is 02:20:20 the song was actually banned in Tennessee because theennessee uh because the rival radio station that was rick d's rival wouldn't play it uh and rick d's wasn't allowed to play because it was a conflict of interest because it was his own song right so they were it was banned and then when rick d's would reference the song uh he ended up getting fired from one station. Then the competition, he ends up working for the competition. So Rick D's the weekly top 40 guy, disco duck. Here's a fun fact. When Jamie Kennedy and I were trying to get a record deal with Warner brothers and we were playing, we met with Tom Wally,
Starting point is 02:20:56 the chairman of Warner brothers music at the time, Tom Wally. We're in his office. This is the most intimidating meeting of my life. The chairman of Warner music. We're sitting in there playing him, rolling with Bob Saget. And we finish playing it, and he goes, so why is this funny? And we're like, well, because it's Bob Saget rapping.
Starting point is 02:21:14 He's like, uh, so is this sort of like disco duck or boogieing your butt? And we were like, yeah, yeah, this is just like the disco duck. And he's like, I like it. Yeah. Okay. Now I get it. Disco duck. Let's do it.
Starting point is 02:21:28 That's a great story. Boogieing your butt and disco duck. That's a man with his finger on the pulse of culture. So he was like, oh, I remember we made money with the disco duck. This could be the next thing. The next disco duck could be rolling with Bob Saget. How about that? What were the forecasts?
Starting point is 02:21:45 I know you said they were disappointed with your 300,000 units, but what was the forecast? I think the music business as a whole was just like getting – we were right when the Titanic started sinking, so to speak. Was that Napster time? Napster was alive and well. Actually, we were told that over 3 million illegal downloads of our album took place.
Starting point is 02:22:05 I bet. And at that point, we were actually considering having a press conference as a publicity stunt so that we could get a platinum record for illegal downloads. And the record label wouldn't do it. But I thought it would have been a pretty good stunt at the time. No laughing matter. No laughing matter. So that's the that's the the disco duck, but we're not done here, guys. We weren't just limited to disco ducks, were we, Mike?
Starting point is 02:22:34 No, and you want me to kick this off? Because there's other pond animals we have to talk about. This is my last mind flow here. Just a nail. Stick the nail in the coffin for mic selection last week. Rainbow Connection. In the evening when the sun goes down, folks all hurry to the edge of town.
Starting point is 02:23:14 At the bayou bank they stand and wait, it appears there. Soon the water ripples catch their eye, and the ladies hush and breathe a sigh. On a lily pad all dressed in white He appears there And then he Boogies up and down and shuffles right Slips and splashes in the full moonlight Alligators with their teeth so bright Smile and sway there
Starting point is 02:23:44 And soon the Loons are joining in the jamboree Everybody's happy just like me Watch him dance On that block Oh shit's the disco frog Stewart Yes
Starting point is 02:24:04 You and I have talked in the past How we both had Sesame Street Fever, right? Sesame Street Fever was a great record. Sesame Street Disco album. It's like Grover was on the cover. Grover was on the cover. You know, Leisure 2, doing the whole gimmick. But hearing this song, this song is not from Sesame Street Fever. Oh, yes, it is, Mike.
Starting point is 02:24:31 Okay, I didn't think it was. I don't know what to say. Typically, you are wrong about these things, and this would be no exception. So what is the name of this song? It's called Disco Frog. Okay, because I understand you have the first track, of course, Sesame Street Fever, in which you get Robin Gibb joining the gang from Sesame Street.
Starting point is 02:24:55 Then there's Doin' the Pigeon, and then there's Rubber Ducky, then there's Trash. Again, Robin Gibb comes in for that. The album is called Sesame Disco that this is on. Yeah, that's a different album. Sorry, I didn't know they did two disco albums. But yes, Grover's still on the cover. Same leisure suit here.
Starting point is 02:25:12 It features Me Lost Me Cookie at the Disco by Cookie Monster. The Happiest Street in the World by Big Bird. Disco Frog by Kermit the Frog. Doin' the Trash by Oscar the Grouch. Bein' Green, Kermit, with another entry in there by Kermit the Frog, Doin' the Trash by Oscar the Grouch, Bein' Green, Kermit, with another entry in there by Kermit the Frog. How about this, Mike? This came out years before
Starting point is 02:25:30 your Rainbow Connection, just proving further that Kermit the Frog was already an established song and dance guy long before the Rainbow Connection came around. And this is proof of that
Starting point is 02:25:40 because during the disco craze, Kermit the Frog not only appeared on disc sesame fever but sesame disco two songs and these are all before uh the rainbow connection the guy was an established singing sensation yeah now song you picked okay you made your point there uh that's fine but the sesame street fever which is the one i had so of course the only one that matters is the one i owned, okay? Shockingly, does not have an appearance by
Starting point is 02:26:08 Kermit, as far as I know and as far as I remember. Disco Frog, guys. We've got the Disco Duck. We've got Macho Duck. We've got Disco Frog. We've got Macho Man. We've got Juan. No wonder this fad died. Okay. Now, very good. Thank you, Stu.
Starting point is 02:26:23 Are you guys ready for my final jam? I'm done. I'm done. Mic drop in. That's another victory for Stu. Thank you. Leave a fam cut thumbs up
Starting point is 02:26:28 if you agree. And yeah, double thumbs up. There you go. Let's finish strong. Oh, there she is. Very good. Very good. Very well metronomed sometimes, too. Very good lyrics.
Starting point is 02:27:07 I don't know. Yeah, I know. Lyrical, excellent lyric. I was going to give it a moment. I was really digging it. It holds up, eh? Like, even now, it feels like it's empowering me like i want to bust through this wall over here like what a jam so gloria gainer
Starting point is 02:27:32 uh i will survive is the name of the jam and it like many of the songs we heard uh peaked at number one on the billboard hot 100 the u.s billboard Hot 100. This came out in late, like in October 1978. And it's a banger. And I got a couple of mind blows. So Gloria Gaynor, the original. This is a great, great, great disco song. But guys our age and gals our age might know this particular version. I forgot about this one.
Starting point is 02:28:07 Yeah. What do you, don't tell me. I saw them get pummeled with water bottles at Molson park and Barry once. Yeah. What's this guys? These guys got a few hits. At first I was afraid.
Starting point is 02:28:25 I was petrified. So I'll bring it down so we can hear you. What was your guest do? Cake. Cake, yeah, Cake. Yeah, Cake did have a string of hits on alt-rock stations like CFNY. And this is their cover of I Will Survive, High Rotation. I own this disc, so I used to spin this a lot and uh it's a great cover because it's
Starting point is 02:28:46 it's like it's still the same song with the great lyrics we talked about but completely like reimagined you know this is i feel like cake doesn't get enough uh shaming for being one of the worst band names of all time like it's a pretty bad band name it's a bad seo name like don't forget they weren't thinking thinking of SEO when they named themselves. By the way, you know what's a great SEO name? Linkin Park. Well, let's just say the aforementioned head. Because when I went to search for some head content, it's simple.
Starting point is 02:29:16 Very true. Very true. It's like they were ahead of the curve on that one. Because Linkin Park famously, they did emerge in an era where seo existed and uh therefore their lincoln they changed the spelling of lincoln just so that they could have a unique you know domain name and everything that comes with that so web web savvy voice right okay so cake i'm sure they're web savvy now i will survive uh great cover i was listening to it again last night.
Starting point is 02:29:45 I really dig it. But my daughter was listening to me listening to this. So she kind of was, you know, we played some disco stuff on Spotify as we chatted about this. She's 16 and a half. Shout out to Michelle. But she said, oh, daddy, I know that song. And she played a song for me I'm going to play for you right now. So courtesy of michelle at first i was afraid i was petrified kept thinking i could never live without you by my
Starting point is 02:30:17 side but then i spent so many nights thinking how you did me wrong and i grew strong and i learned how to get along And so you're back Where the hood, where the hood, where the hood at? Had a nigga in the car, where the wood at? All the niggas acting up, where the walls at? You better bust that if you gon' pull that Where the hood, where the hood, where the hood at?
Starting point is 02:30:37 Had a nigga in the car, where the wood at? All the niggas acting up, where the walls at? You better bust that if you gon' pull that Man, cats don't know what it's gon' be Fuckin' with a nigga like me What we have here is a song that's big on TikTok. So Michelle is my TikTok connection. So not a rainbow connection, but a TikTok connection. In that, here, I'll bring it down a bit.
Starting point is 02:31:00 But there are songs that I just don't hear in the world that are very popular amongst kids on TikTok. Do you guys know this? Do you know this, Stu? Are you on TikTok? Stu still there? I'm here. I just don't know it.
Starting point is 02:31:14 No, I just wondered if you had a TikTok account. I don't have a TikTok account. I sent you a link, though, in the chat. Okay, I'll play this now here. So let me come out of this uh tiktok song which i don't even know it's it's i will find the hood is the name of the song by ritzy not gretzky but ritzy so thank you michelle for telling me she knows that song from the tiktok song i just played right there and stew stone is linking me to uh Man. He was in The Wire.
Starting point is 02:31:46 I read the liner notes. It's in there. When I first stepped on the scene Others was petrified Oh, the clean version. Tried it back to the lab Yeah, this is the one they played
Starting point is 02:32:01 on MTV. My rap flow does you right to care And it will never Yeah, this is the one they played on MTV. Right. Oh, censored version version Anyway, very well done This was kicked out You know what I think? I think this is the anniversary of Ryan Walstat who writes for the Toronto Sun
Starting point is 02:32:34 He writes about the Raptors I believe this is the anniversary of his appearance here where he kicked out his favourite 90s hip-hop and we kicked this out on that episode There you go i feel like
Starting point is 02:32:45 you retweeted the photo of yeah this morning yeah so what a coincidence uh how are you guys feeling about the disco episode i think like we've scratched the surface i feel like there's a lot more disco in us so maybe we can revisit this uh down the line with uh more disco yeah a lot a lot of stuff left on the table, for sure. Yeah, well, at the rate that these vaccinations are going out, we might have time to get to part three, part four. We didn't play Make a Little Love, Get Down Tonight. Lots of stuff on the cutting room floor.
Starting point is 02:33:15 And there is a band from Sweden that was completely handsome tonight. ABBA? Yeah. How did no one pick Dancing Queen? I don't know if I consider them a disco band. I don't know. They definitely swim in the same pool. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:33:32 But that's part of the great debate. None of us picked them. But holy shit, guys. Another episode of Pandemic Friday has concluded. That's 44 weeks in a row. I've been here 44 weeks. We gave Cam a week off. Stu needed a couple of weeks off. But we've done this 44 weeks in a row. I forgot been here 44 weeks. We gave Cam a week off. Stu needed a couple weeks off, but
Starting point is 02:33:45 we've done this 44 weeks in a row. There's something I forgot to tell you, Mike. Okay, I'm bringing down Lois and Lodi here. What are you going to say? And that! Are we making t-shirts? Maybe to sell at the end. And that! The TMLX with the reunion of head.
Starting point is 02:34:05 I think that's all going to happen with these and that t-shirts and that brings us to the end of our 786th show. One of our longest shows. I don't know, man. We go about two hours and 15 minutes and I'm looking over here and I see this is, Oh yeah.
Starting point is 02:34:22 234. Holy smokes. If we hit, wow, that is a long episode. Uh, lots of over here and I see this is, Oh yeah. Two 34. Holy smokes. If we hit, wow, that is a long episode. Uh, lots of fun facts and mind blows today. And you can follow me on Twitter.
Starting point is 02:34:32 I'm at Toronto. Mike see Periscope is dead to me, but I still enjoy Twitter. Stu is at Stu stone. Our friends at great lakes brewer. Oh yeah. Cam Gordon. Sorry.
Starting point is 02:34:42 Cam Gordon is at Cam underscore Gordon. That's right. Our friends at Great Lakes Brewery are at Great Lakes Beer. Palma Pasta, they're at Palma Pasta. Sticker U is at Sticker U. CDN Technologies are at CDN Technologies. And Ridley Funeral Home, they're at Ridley FH. See you all next week.
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