Toronto Mike'd: The Official Toronto Mike Podcast - Jon Harvey from Monster Truck: Toronto Mike'd #1121

Episode Date: September 30, 2022

In this 1121st episode of Toronto Mike'd, Mike is joined by Jon Harvey from Monster Truck as they discuss the origin of the band, having their song by the Leafs goal song for a spell, and whether he any regrets about their collaboration with Kid Rock on "Don't Tell Me How to Live". Toronto Mike'd is proudly brought to you by Great Lakes Brewery, Palma Pasta, Canna Cabana, StickerYou, Ridley Funeral Home and Electronic Products Recycling Association.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to episode 1121 of Toronto Mic'd. Proudly brought to you by Great Lakes Brewery. A fiercely independent craft brewery who believes in supporting communities, good times, and brewing amazing beer. Order online for free local home delivery in the GTA. Create custom stickers, labels, tattoos, and decals for your home and your business. Palma Pasta. Enjoy the taste of fresh, homemade Italian pasta and entrees from Palma Pasta in Mississauga and Oakville.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Electronic Products Recycling Association. Committing to our planet's future means properly recycling our electronics of the past. Ridley Funeral Homes. Pillars of the community since 1921. And Canna Cabana. The lowest prices on cannabis. Guaranteed.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Over 100 stores across the country. Learn more at Today, making his Toronto Mike debut is John Harvey from Monster Truck. John, welcome to Toronto Mike. Hey, thanks. Good to be here. Now, listen, I'm a Mike. I was born a Michael, and then I became a Mike.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Were you born a Jonathan? Yes. Okay. That's my name. Okay, you're going to help me here, because I've actually wondered this my whole life, and this is the first time I'm going to get an answer. So I've never Googled this or anything, but I'm just naturally curious. How do you decide if you're a John J-O-H-N or a John J-O-N?
Starting point is 00:02:12 How does that get determined? I think because Jonathan was J-O-N-A-T-H-A-N, I was like, well, I'll just go with J-O-N. It's fine. I don't need the H. He needs an H. It's silent anyways. Yeah, it's simpler. Why is there an H in there like there never should be an h in there fancies bunch of fancies i wondered like if that's like your parents decided that or if you decided that on your own that you're just gonna
Starting point is 00:02:37 be john j-o-n i did i like i remember i remember i think it was in grade 4 or 5. I was like, Mom, I think I'm just going to be John. She's like, okay. That's how it changed. Yeah, it changed all my school stuff and things like that. Then I went to high school and they changed it all back to Jonathan. By then, I didn't care. But when I'm in grade 4 or 5, I'm like, well, I got an identity now, Mom. Figure it out.
Starting point is 00:03:06 Your brand, your personal brand demanded that you be a John. And are you really a Harvey? Because that sounds very... John Harvey sounds like a... I think that's a rock star's name. Sounds like a country singer. Like I made it up. That's my real name.
Starting point is 00:03:21 John Harvey. All right, John. I have English heritage. Well Harvey. All right, John. Welcome to... Can you tell I have English heritage or what? Well, welcome to Toronto Mic'd. Are you in the Hammer right now? Are you in Hamilton? I am, yeah. All right, let's do a special shout-out to the Hammer.
Starting point is 00:03:36 It turns out, like, this is called Toronto Mic'd, but so many listeners from Hamilton, they love it when we talk about the Hammer. So let me just say this on the record. Oskiwiwi. Okay. You want me to finish it? Yeah, because I don't know the rest.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Actually, did the cat... Okay, this is how bad of a Hamiltonian I am. I had a rehearsal yesterday, and I drove by the game twice, and I don't even know who won. Well, again, we're normally... This is a little how the cake is baked, but normally like I drop episodes right away. There's no holding on episodes. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:04:12 But you're referring to the Labor Day classic. And if I look back to about a month ago when this took place, Argo's won that handedly. I think we took you out. Well, that's how it goes, I guess. So, you're born and raised in the Hammer. Yes. Yep. Spent 41 years here so far.
Starting point is 00:04:34 How often do you bump into Tom Wilson? Is he just wandering the streets? Tom Wilson from Junk House. Yeah, he's always around. Well, I used to see him a lot more. He's a Lockstreet regular, that guy. You don't miss him either, right? Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:04:48 You could bump into him from 40 feet away. He might be the most... Just the profile of that man. He's a mountain of a man and he's got the hair and it's like, is there anyone more identifiable in this country than Tom Wilson? Probably not. He's like our very own... just he's a giant, man.
Starting point is 00:05:06 Every time I see him, it's a good conversation. He's always been a great fellow to me. And he's a sweetheart, which is important. Like he's a mountain of a man. You know, he's been recently, you know, basically exploring his Mohawk roots that he only learned about super recently, right? He tells me, like, he always thought he was this big, sweaty Irish guy.
Starting point is 00:05:32 And then he discovered he's actually, like, he's a big, sweaty Mohawk man. So he's... There you go. And a great singer, too, as are you guys. So we're going to dive into this. But I do need to shout out, you're like, are we going to talk about music, Mike? Well, hold on, need to shout out. You're like, are we going to talk about music, Mike? Well, hold on.
Starting point is 00:05:45 We'll get there. But I want to shout out FOTM, Bob Willett, because Bob Willett, I helped produce his podcast, Bob's Basement. And Bob and his radio career, he's played an awful lot of monster truck in his days.
Starting point is 00:05:59 And I learned from Bob that you work, maybe you worked, you'll tell me right now, John, but you worked in the steel industry. Is that right? Yeah. Well, I did a stint during COVID because we were home doing nothing. So I went back to the mill.
Starting point is 00:06:14 It's just like, it's what you do when you're not, you know, when you're not making money playing shows and stuff like that. Everyone knows bills don't stop. And, you know, after, I don't know, the CERB thing was, was fine. It still wasn't, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:30 like, what are you going to do? You're not going to progress collecting CERB. And you want to, you want to do, I would think that's cool. Like I'm, I'm of the opinion now I've been doing this,
Starting point is 00:06:39 this is episode 1000 or whatever, but like I, I'm into normalizing the fact that, yeah, our Canadian rock stars will work other jobs occasionally to make some cash like i feel like this needs to be normalized like did you see that anvil documentary oh yeah well that's that's the whole thing i mean if you want to do what you love you do what you love whether you make money at or not i mean that's kind of how she goes i mean we had we you. There's been periods in my career where I didn't
Starting point is 00:07:06 make money and there's periods in my career where I did. So that's just like, that was one of those times where I wasn't because we weren't allowed to. That must have sucked. I mean, it sucked for everybody to be honest. It's not just for musicians but particularly, I think about my friends in the restaurant industry but you guys
Starting point is 00:07:21 who perform live in front of fans like having that shut down for, I don't know how long it was shut down for, but you know, off and on for a couple of years. Uh, like what do you do? You go back to the steel mill and then what you start,
Starting point is 00:07:33 do you write? Like, what do you do, man? What did you do to get through COVID? I wrote a lot. I, I wrote a record,
Starting point is 00:07:41 actually wrote and recorded a record with my friend, Mike in Hamilton. Uh, it will be coming out probably end of this year or around then. I don't know. Now I don't care. But like we did a record together. I did a bunch of art things. I released a print.
Starting point is 00:07:57 I did his kid's book. Just do what you got to do. So this Mike character, does he have a last name or is it like Hamiltonilton mike oh mike here mike here he works in threshold studio but yeah he hit me up and he's like let's do something and i said i got some songs so he went in and recorded two of them and he's like you want to keep going and i said yeah so i just kept writing and i wrote the album as i went like song by song kind of like okay we need another one all right cool so i go home and then two days later i'd be like let's record this like okay so we got eight songs out of that and I don't know I love it but uh yeah I just trying to trying to stay focused on something
Starting point is 00:08:33 you know I have to remain creative or just not serving myself you know I feel like I'm robbing myself of something if I'm if I'm not creating. Do you have a name for this side project with Mike? Oh yeah, it's called Vicious Beast. He's actually not even in the band. He's like, I'll play drums on it but I don't want to be in the band. I said, totally cool. I have a few of my friends
Starting point is 00:08:57 playing in the band now so we're going to start playing shows soon but it's been a process and it's funny. It's weird to have something else to build now. After spending all that time building a truck, it's like, here we go. Let's try it again. Well, let me ask you this.
Starting point is 00:09:15 So it's Vicious Beast? That's the name of this new side project? Yeah. Okay. Is it anything like, I don't know, having City and Color and Alexis on fire? Is it anything like that? Well, you know, that'd be great. But yeah, it's a different thing.
Starting point is 00:09:33 I'm playing music that is totally different than Monster Truck, so it's going to be a little bit of a quest. I don't think the Buddy from Monster Truck vibe is going to stretch very far. Well, I was going to say, do you ever write a song for Vicious Beast? buddy from monster truck uh vibe is gonna it's gonna stretch very far well i was gonna say like like do you ever write a song for vicious beast and then i don't know like uh jeremy or something somebody is like hey that that should be a monster truck jam like you haven't had any uh any issues like that not really it's pretty decisive now but uh it used to happen before i mean i remember
Starting point is 00:10:01 jam with my friend and uh we we came with this riff, and it was awesome. He's like, all right, sick, let's do something, and then they became a monster song. But that used to happen a lot more when it was, I don't know, less defined lines. I think now when I write for either project, I have a clear idea of which way it's going to go before I even go for it. It's pretty easy. If it sounds like a twangy country, Southern rock song, monster truck.
Starting point is 00:10:29 If it sounds like, you know, a New York in the seventies, vicious beast. And that's kind of how it goes. Yeah. The sheep dogs have a couple of them are brothers, right? And they have bros and it's like,
Starting point is 00:10:38 they were in my backyard and like, you're listening to bros. It's sort of like yacht rock. Like this is not a sheep dog vibe. This is like yacht rock. I think you have to do something different sometimes i mean especially for bands like them and ours like we pretty much you know started coming up together they took us on our first canadian tour you know
Starting point is 00:10:55 and it's like uh at a certain point it's like how many more how many more fucking monster truck songs can i write? It's just you're putting yourself in a box and it has to sound like Monster Truck because it's Monster Truck. When bands try to do something different most of the time, it's not because they feel like they need to
Starting point is 00:11:17 travel this new world. They're just bored of being themselves and they want to try something else. And the fan base hates it, right? Oh, yeah. Oh, man. We put out an album called True Rockers and no one liked it. And I'm super glad that Warriors we just did is something that
Starting point is 00:11:33 is way more up our alley. But yeah, I mean, you have to try. You've got to try things to make it exciting for yourself. And you have to try to just try in general. You can put a million things in that blank. And you have to try to just try in general. You can put a million things in that blank. If you don't effort put forth, I mean, how do you grow?
Starting point is 00:11:52 Yeah, I mean, at the end of the day, John, you're an artist, right? And artists need to art. Yeah, I would say so. I wouldn't necessarily call monster truck art. Monster truck is monster truck art. It's more like yeah, you know, it's it's Define our you know But it's it's fun and it did what it did man Or it is what it is and it does what it does and that's that's the whole purpose of the band
Starting point is 00:12:17 I mean we've made it to be this kind of like ironic bar Country who got a kind of bad composter. What do you think? But we did that on purpose out of irony because all of us are like city dudes, right? So it was kind of our interpretation of that country hick vibe. It's a
Starting point is 00:12:35 hard thing to get out of. It's a hard thing not to get vision-full in that realm. Fascinating. Okay, so I just learned Vicious Beast existed, so I'm excited to hear that. And this ep will focus on Monster Truck, so we're kind of going to dive deep into Monster Truck, but I have one more. When I announced you were
Starting point is 00:12:52 coming on Toronto, Mike, Sean Palmerston, he sent me a quick note. I'm going to just read it because it's very inside. I want to hear about this, but he's like, ask him when the next Four Sticks and Hoosier Poet reunion is and if he still celebrates Metallica Fridays every week. Metallica Fridays got killed because I think it just became too busy.
Starting point is 00:13:14 A few of my friends, we used to just listen to Metallica. We used to get together every Friday to do it. And then it just became a thing where we just did it. And I'm glad I remember that. I'm glad you reminded me of that because that was a very fun time. But, yeah, I had a band called Hoosier Poet. We were, like, weird. The name alone was like, oh, my God, what were we thinking?
Starting point is 00:13:35 But it was like Hoosier, like Indiana, too. It was, like, the most confusing name. But we thought it was artsy. And then we played songs that were just absolutely mental, like 20 riffs in a song and no parts repeat and all that great shit. And then, yeah, yeah, lots of parts. Sean used to work at Sonic Onion and I spent the majority of my maturing
Starting point is 00:14:07 I would say as a guy in a band I don't want to call myself a musician because I don't know how to read music but I'm a guy in a band who's professional at it and that's where I started coming up you know what I mean so that's kind of the way it was neat
Starting point is 00:14:21 to hear that because man I spent years in that basement oh my god weird nights and they probably have so many stories that are embarrassing for me but here we are maybe i'll get sean on the podcast like after this drops it's the real no you probably got a few that's it we we i mean that band we were in our our phase where we like you know we were we were starting to do psychedelic drugs and like you know we were listening to all sorts of crazy shit like maha vishnu and expanding our minds because we were like you know early 20s and that's where we were at we were we were we were into jazz you know what i mean and uh and and
Starting point is 00:15:02 that was the vibe and it was there's definitely some funny stories from that basement all right my friend let's get this uh I need just the definitive I'm sure you've told this story a hundred times but you've never told it on Toronto Mike so we need the monster truck origin story oh it's quite simple. We were just hanging out at a party, and Jerry was in this band called The Reasoning. He just turned to me and said, hey, you want to do a band called Monster Truck? I said, yep.
Starting point is 00:15:33 He's like, do you want to do Classic Rock? I said, yep. And I go, we need to get an organ player. He said, okay. And then he's like, I know this guy who plays organ, and that was Brandon. And then he looks across the room and saw the guy. He was in a band with him, Steve, and said, hey, you want to play drums?
Starting point is 00:15:50 He said, yep. And then we just practiced like the next week. We started writing songs. Okay, amazing. You know, you never know. It's like we're in this band, we added this guy, and then we find, yeah. That's a very simple origin story. Okay, so you guys were just uh buds
Starting point is 00:16:05 and you decided you'll start like a classic rock band so who decided and you gave us a hint a moment ago uh better name than hoosiers of course uh by the way the movie hoosiers very good very underrated i thoroughly enjoyed hoosiers the film so i've seen it a few times i've seen it because people would put it on and be like you guys guys like this movie, right? Like, no, I don't like it. But like, that's the movie where you realize, oh yeah, man, like you need to learn, not that you listen to this advice, because, you know, it sounds like you still can't read music, but like, you got to learn the fundamentals.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Like they would practice without the ball, right? Everybody wants the ball, but no, we got to practice without the ball and then we'll work our way with the fundamentals. Then you can get the ball. I'm still without the ball and then we'll work our way with the fundamentals then you can get the ball i'm still without the ball i guess you just said i don't need the ball okay so uh who did decide on that name monster truck it was jerry our guitar player he's like let's call it this but okay that's all good was there any like i don't know how i don't know how there was no other band called that, but
Starting point is 00:17:05 there you go. What year are we in here when you start Monster Truck? 2011? 2009, actually. 2009. Here's the case. I'm just going to shout out the guitarist, Jeremy
Starting point is 00:17:22 Weiderman. That's how you say it, right? Weiderman. Then the the keyboardist Brandon Bliss. Just give him some last names there for archival purposes when your great-great-great-grandchildren are listening to this. Okay, so the name Monster Truck. The problem is, and you're in 2009, which means the internet has matured to a point where you've got to... The name is so difficult for search engine optimization.
Starting point is 00:17:44 I guess you realize this now, but very difficult to kind of Google a band named Monster Truck. Yeah, it was a lot more confusing than we had intended, but also, you know, it kind of suits. What if a Monster Truck fan that doesn't even know about the band is like, oh, cool, there's this thing. We were like, I don't know if the... I don't know.
Starting point is 00:18:07 I think it was fine to kind of loop ourselves in with that guy. That was the goal. The goal was to be in with that. We approached Monster Jam a million times when we first started and they didn't want anything to do with us. Yeah, the search engine thing was always annoying just for
Starting point is 00:18:23 YouTube. Or like people tagging you in their like truck photos and shit. Yeah, they pose with a grave digger and they tag you guys, right? Right. Hey, I don't know if you'll have this answer. Maybe because you've been exposed to so much monster truck stuff. But when I was a kid, and I'm a bit older than you, but when I was a kid, Bigfoot was the guy, like the the guy, the truck, okay? It's not a guy, the truck. So Bigfoot was like your Hulk Hogan of monster trucks. And then when I, I have a 20-year-old, when I would, I took him to the dome
Starting point is 00:18:55 to see monster trucks. Bigfoot, no one's talking about Bigfoot. It's all about Gravedigger. Like, Gravedigger is the Hulk Hogan. So what happened? Any idea? What happened? Did Bigfoot just decided to retire and then Monster Truck just filled the void? Monster Truck, that's you guys. Did Gravedigger fill the void? Any idea? You know, I got to be honest with you. I used to watch Monster Trucks every day after work
Starting point is 00:19:19 when we first started the band because I was like, I got to know about this. And it was kind of entertaining. After a while, I was like, this is stupid. and it was kind of entertaining after after a while i was like this is stupid what am i doing but there's still a bigfoot a bigfoot there's like it's like bigfoot six now or something like that and it's like son of or it's called like son of bigfoot okay uh yeah there's one called son of it's still he still rolls but like yeah it's a it's it's i think i don't know the grave digger's cool okay it's not gonna like that it's like the undertaker, the rest of the thing.
Starting point is 00:19:46 No, you're absolutely right. And then maybe one of those teams will be searching for Gravedigger videos and will stumble upon some sweet, sweet hammer rock from Monster Truck. So what music were you guys listening to back in 2009? I know that the Brown EP comes out in 2011, but what are the jams that you guys are listening to that are inspiring you? Is it like Metallica Fridays?
Starting point is 00:20:11 What are we listening to? Really, it was a lot of like... We lived together for the first four or five years of the band in the same house. So we used to jam in the basement. So we just had parties. Every Thursday I knew that I was going to get no sleep
Starting point is 00:20:28 for work because everyone else was off on Friday and they were going to rage. I would get up at 5 while everyone was going to bed. We just listened to a lot of free and classic rock.
Starting point is 00:20:43 Not a lot of metal at all we were just like really having a hippie hippie few years i was gonna say hippie summer but it was longer than the summer but we spent a few we spent a few years having a good time and like you know we'd always be there and uh people would always be around you know and people just come to the house and hang out it was a good vibe so we have like uh mostly just like trying to be the best classic rock mostly trying to be a better classic rock band you know what i love that i've now had the pleasure of chatting with you know the founding members from both bands and generally decent like and it's early we'll judge you again
Starting point is 00:21:22 in a half an hour uh john but But so far as advertised, and I did hear you with Bob's Basement and you seem like a genuine down-to-earth cool guy. So no airs about you guys. I love it. Yeah. Well, I mean, it was a cool little period for Canada that we got to have that
Starting point is 00:21:40 little classic rock resurgence and the fact that we got to get on that wave with them was awesome. It started us being able to do this for a career. of that little classic rock research. And that fact that we got to get on that wave with them was, uh, was awesome. And it started us being able to do this for a career and not have to work at the fastball. Well, listen,
Starting point is 00:21:54 dream come true. How many, how many bands in their basement would one day like to actually monetize that? Like the fact that you can monetize your art is, uh, like that's 1% land. That's amazing.
Starting point is 00:22:06 Yeah, we're lucky. I don't think you take any of this for granted. I mean, but I don't know what else I would do. I mean, really, what are you going to do with it? Well, okay, so we're going back, and then we're going to talk about what's next here. But the Brown EP, I'd mention that. But is Seven Seas Blues,
Starting point is 00:22:22 is that the first time you hear a monster truck song on the radio? I've been waiting by the seaside For my ship to come in I've been waiting such a long time Never thought I'd see you again Now I'm moving on Through the wind and the waves All the terrors and the dark boys Are all waiting there for me
Starting point is 00:23:18 I got the same ones in black Got the same ones in black Got the same ones in blue Got the same ones in black Oh my girl, if I could hold you Through the wind and the wave This trip would be much shorter I got some tricks you'd be amazed Baby, I got myself to go now
Starting point is 00:23:53 You think if I move on Stay with me, my pretty darling I'll be home when I'm alone I got the same old thing now Got the same old thing too Got the same old thing there Oh Oh yeah
Starting point is 00:24:25 Oh, oh Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, Got the 17 blue Got the 17 blue I got the 17 blue Oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh Edge 102 used to play us. Who played you? Sorry? Edge 102 used to play us. That was the first radio station that got on board. They basically started the little wave of ads for that song. That song got into the top ten, which was pretty crazy for us.
Starting point is 00:25:57 But once Edge 102 gets on board, we're sailing. But now it's a little softer, so I don't think they play us. They can play Soundgarden. Okay, I think, okay, I've been following that station forever, and you'll find episode 1021, and I'll have David Marsden and Alan Cross and all these, Ivor Hamilton and Scott Turner and stuff,
Starting point is 00:26:19 and we're just talking about the origin of the station, and we try to take it up to modern times, but you're right. It seemed to have a more aggressive, rockier, heavier sound for this period. And then I don't know if we blame I don't know if you blame who's the band of the banjos?
Starting point is 00:26:36 Mumford and Sons. Is it Mumford and Sons and maybe Lumineers and stuff? And then the sound sort of softens. I remember the sound just sort of mellowing out a little bit. It was no longer like that aggressive, like monster truck rock. Well,
Starting point is 00:26:51 that was the whole thing. It wasn't really like, we weren't really made for that. We were, we were writing songs, like the songs we liked from the nineties and like the seventies and like, you know, adding some punk shit that we liked when we were kids.
Starting point is 00:27:03 And it was like, it didn't really mesh, so we're lucky that we snuck that in and got that from what it was. But we still don't really belong so much to radio. When you hear us on the radio, it's distinctly obvious that it's us. Was there any hiccup? I love hearing how the sausage is made, if you will. Okay, so Furiosity is on Dying Alone records. At this time, Josie dies on 102.1.
Starting point is 00:27:31 Is there any aid in that regard? I'm sure there was, but I don't know how much. I mean, it's nice. Joel is a dude. Our manager at that time was Josie's husband. And he is a dude. He gets in there and he knows everybody and everybody loves him.
Starting point is 00:27:50 Which is a sign with him. It was a great move for us because he just we wouldn't be anywhere where we are if he didn't push us at the beginning and actually give us opportunities and work hard pretty much like
Starting point is 00:28:05 i mean work hard for them because uh you know it's a hard thing to get now and i think at the time maybe but i think our vibe was right i think because the sheepdogs won that rolling stone i think it was like a perfect storm for marzichat he just kind of snuck in and uh you know it was great it was it was a good period of rock is back in Canada. Rock became a thing again. Then it became indie. That was the way it was supposed to go. Then the Edge 102 became Sea Shanties and electronic music.
Starting point is 00:28:39 Do you remember the show? I will never hear one of my songs. I don't have any songs. That's part of the problem, I suppose. But I'll never hear one of my songs on CFNY 102.1. But when you hear it for the first time, do you remember what show? Who was the DJ at the time? Do you remember any of the detail?
Starting point is 00:28:56 Or you just know, I heard it on 102.1. I have no idea. I don't even remember where I was, which is a crazy thing. That's probably one of those moments you should remember. It's like the moment, I remember hearing it a few times and seeing it written on the thing. But by that point, we were already like, I think we were already getting geared up to hit tours and things like that.
Starting point is 00:29:18 So it was already, you know, a little bit of a whirlwind between, you know, being dudes and having fun and playing shows. I paid a lot less attention to radio at that point. I think two years from then was when I was really like, oh my god, we're chair position over here, which is just so lame. What a way to occupy your day. You're not far from the White House of Rock there
Starting point is 00:29:40 and St. Catharines there. You got hits. They always had a heavier sound than Edge. And then you also, and where Bob used to work there at The Rock in Oshawa, same thing. Always had a harder, kind of more monster truck sound.
Starting point is 00:29:55 So, yeah. So if it's okay with you, as we bring ourselves up to current time here, like I'm going to just like cherry pick a couple of monster truck songs for you to maybe give us a little more detail about the writing process and everything. Can you start with Seven Seas Blues?
Starting point is 00:30:09 Great jam. What do you remember about the creation, the birth of Seven Seas Blues? I was in my apartment. I had an upstairs attic apartment. And I wrote that riff. And then I wrote the rest of the song in, like, I think hours. And then I recorded it the next day.
Starting point is 00:30:34 And it was a big chunk that we took out. And that was it. I recorded it really quiet, singing, like, an octave down. And then we took it and did it with the full band and i sang it an octave up and uh boom boom boom you charted with a jam on an ep and i had a couple of eps and then we mentioned of course curiosity on dynalone records there and that comes out i guess 2013 so i'm gonna ask you if you uh what do you remember about Sweet Mountain River I'm gonna bring you my home Because you fill me with that sweet, sweet joy And I never wanna leave you alone
Starting point is 00:31:29 I haven't been home In this city For so long For so long, yeah For so long, yeah For so long, yeah Sweet mountain woman I'm gonna take you with me I'm gonna give you everything you want
Starting point is 00:31:56 And you're never gonna wanna leave, no Sweet mountain woman I'm gonna show you my way I'm gonna see you at the break of dawn I'm gonna see you when the light goes away I haven't felt home In this city For so long
Starting point is 00:32:22 No, I haven't been home In this city For so long Oh, yeah guitar solo I haven't been home in this city for so long No, I haven't been home in this city for so long I haven't been home In this city For so long
Starting point is 00:33:34 I haven't been home In this city For so long That song, we wrote that song forever before we recorded that. We had that when we recorded the Brownie piece. We were holding on to it because it was, in our opinion, it was a big tune. And it turned out to be our biggest tune in Canada. So it's, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:34:16 I remember I wrote the riff for it. And we were driving home from recording our first EP. And we were driving through Pennsylvania. our first dp and uh we were driving through pennsylvania and there was a nice round stream like well that's a sweet mountain river and uh like we should write a song called that it's like yeah we should make it a song called that make it sound like mountain like like mississippi queen they're like yeah we should do that so that's what we did we literally just went home and and uh jerry had this chorus from some other song,
Starting point is 00:34:45 which ended up being Sweet My River Chorus. We countryed it up a little bit, and then we had it for a long time, and it was okay. And then we met this guy, Kevin Agunis, who we flew to Sound City to record Furiosity. And, you know, yeah, Sound City in California. We went there, and he owned the studio at that point.
Starting point is 00:35:06 And he made a couple of arrangement differences that turned it into what it is. And then, yeah, we came back and recorded the whole record again with Rats and none of this is history. All right, what about The Lion? Lion was, I remember, Jerry was Jared's riff we wrote it uh in the basement
Starting point is 00:35:27 of our of our old house that we lived in together he had that riff and then I wrote the bridge part and the outro part which is the same part and
Starting point is 00:35:39 yeah we just put it together and uh I wrote the lyrics I forget I forget why I wrote the lyrics like that but i just wanted them to be inspirational like to avoid i think i was bored of writing about women and beer and weed so i was like i'm gonna write this inspirational tune that you know my mom will like it sure enough she loves it but uh but yeah i just wanted to be positive. And I think that song just came out of a really good spot.
Starting point is 00:36:07 It's a good groove. And the lyrics are really like, you know, I'm tired of it. Let's go. I'm low, low, low, baby I'm low, low, low, baby, I'm ready for rest I haven't been down, rules and answers And I just ain't looking my best I'm down, but I'm not defeated So long, I've been feeling this way
Starting point is 00:37:07 I'm down But I'm not done breathing No, no A new life Starts today Oh yeah Not today Gonna rise up Above the band It's gonna keep my soul free
Starting point is 00:37:40 On the ground Ain't gonna back down A rubber cover Gonna turn all this bullshit around I'm down, but I'm not defeated So long, I've been feeling this way I'm down, but I'm not defeated And I've been way under But I'm not defeated, no, no A new life starts today We'll be right back. I'm down Well, I'm not too pretty
Starting point is 00:39:01 So long I've been feeling this way I've done Well, I'm not defeated No, no A new life Starts today Don't forget Not that there's anything wrong with beer and weed. No, no, but I mean, at that point,
Starting point is 00:40:11 we were still like a party band, and that was like our foray into more serious territory, which I don't even know why we really did in hindsight, but we should have just stayed party. But the vlog, I mean, you know, it was more of the ilk. It was more of what you would expect from, say, a monster truck. We were going off-brand with all these songs about stay positive. You got it.
Starting point is 00:40:31 But, like, you know, that's how we felt at the time. And I feel like, you know, I'm glad we did it. That song was great. I think that song did pretty good too. Well, there's a reason I cherry-picked. I'm basically cherry- my favorite Monster Truck Jams but I want to ask you so very recently
Starting point is 00:40:48 well actually firstly let me ask you because you actually win the Juno for Breakthrough Group of the Year where is your Juno right now? my mom's got it okay at least you know where it is sometimes I'm talking to somebody I'm not sure it's in a box somewhere
Starting point is 00:41:04 alright so your mom's got the you know i gave it to my mom yeah yeah she can hold it i said do you want to hold on to this she said all right all right well congrats um you know i know the most recent uh uh winners are also fotm so by the way fotm i know you're wondering what why does mike keep saying equity you're you are now an an FOTM, John. You're a friend of Toronto Mike'd, so welcome to the club. Here I am. Did it. Top of the world, Ma. Okay, now, other
Starting point is 00:41:33 FOTMs, Jimmy Holmstrom and Mike Ross. These are two guys you'll find at every Leafs game at Scotiabank Arena. Jimmy's on Oregon, so he's the guy playing Oregon during the Leafs games. And Mike Ross is the PA announcer. So he's the one, you know,
Starting point is 00:41:48 goal scorer by number 34, Austin Matthews and whatnot. So they just recently dropped by and basically buried me in info on how the game ops works. Like it's a real goal horn and all these things. Like I was buried with info. One thing they were very clear about was that they had zero to do with the goal song they said someone else tells them what the goal song is and that's what they hit or whatever but for a period
Starting point is 00:42:10 of time i want to ask you about the enforcer because for a period of time that was the goal song for the leafs uh right yep it was great i think it was two seasons it was awesome it's a dream come true as a kid. There's a lot of stuff that went around that. Wow, it was interesting. It was an interesting thing. We never really were acknowledged as the goal song. It's literally our song on the radio.
Starting point is 00:42:37 They edited it themselves. That was fun. They added the goalie's goal. They added a chant. Yeah, they added the chant into the recording and stuff. I'm just like, okay, that's fun. Oh, you mean they, they added the go, leave, go. They added like a chant. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They added the chant into the recording and stuff.
Starting point is 00:42:47 And I'm just like, okay, that's interesting. And then, uh, yeah, we were never, we were never credited.
Starting point is 00:42:52 They never acknowledged us on any kind of socials or anything like that. So it was awesome. And the reason why I didn't complain about it then was because I was like, if I complain, they're going to stop using it. I was like, I want to keep using it. Cause I'm a diehard Leafs fan.
Starting point is 00:43:04 I was like, this is the greatest moment ever. We went, me and Jerry actually went to a few games and we were there when they played the to stop using it. I was like, I want to keep using it because I'm a diehard Leafs fan. I was like, this is the greatest moment ever. Me and Jerry actually went to a few games, and we were there when they played the song on Discord. I'm just like, this is fucking amazing. But, yeah, it was kind of soured by that. Like, I wish they at least said, hey, how's it going? Because they usually were in a habit of doing that.
Starting point is 00:43:18 And then, like, even in the video games, like, the video games were giving us credit for their goal song. But it was kind of, it just made it, it was like, cool. Okay. Well,
Starting point is 00:43:28 thanks guys. You know, we're from down the road, but whatever. It's bizarre. I don't like, that's bizarre to me because I mean, it was just like,
Starting point is 00:43:35 I didn't really understand because like, we know people in the organization, everything else. I'm just like, man, can you just like say, yeah, I just wanted them to say,
Starting point is 00:43:42 Hey, here's our goal song. It's monster truck. And they never said it. They had a video of it on YouTube, but didn't mention the band. It just said Maple Leafs goal song. I was like, how is this even happening?
Starting point is 00:43:55 But I guess that's how it goes. Well, yeah, but that's a dick move. Especially, they're printing money over there at MLSE. Listen, I loved it for what it was. I could complain all my life, but I was the Maple Leafs goal song for like two years.
Starting point is 00:44:10 So whatever. Thank you. so so okay and you were my voice every time your instincts are exactly correct but if you did complain they would just okay we're going to haul the notes now because they they're not complaining or whatever my whole thing is like you know what yeah? Yeah, I sounded a little sour there, but all in all it was amazing. I would never want them to erase that. They can't, because it happened. It happened, and now that we're talking about it on Toronto Mike, now the universe is aware
Starting point is 00:45:36 of the Enforcer by Monster Truck was the goal song for a couple of seasons. A Maple Leaf goal song. Everybody knew it. It was fun. The funny thing was, the one little tiny thing would have been so sweet just to be acknowledged. Especially because I was such a
Starting point is 00:45:52 ridiculous Leafs fan. Jerry, our guitar player, said, I don't give a shit. I like Montreal. But I'm like, man, I just want them to be like, thanks, guys, or anything. I'm like, wow. I don't know. I don't think it helped, obviously, because they changed it to that fucking hollow. But it's just one of those like, wow. I don't know. I don't think it helped obviously because they changed it to that fucking Hollywood song.
Starting point is 00:46:08 It's just one of those things, man. It was incredible. I got to sit there in a playoff game and hear my song. But only for one round, unfortunately. Yeah, only for one round and I paid for the ticket. Oh, man. Now I'm
Starting point is 00:46:23 pissed. That was not cheap. All right, so now that I've got that bitter taste in your mouth, now I have a question about this song, but I want to talk about your release in 2015. Can you tell me about writing, like Don't Tell Me How to Live coming out in 2015? Like these details are important for obvious reasons. We'll talk about it in a moment.
Starting point is 00:46:42 But what was the spirit behind Don't Tell Me How to Live? Ain't nobody gonna tell me how to live. I'm a gentleman. I do what I please. I got respect for all that's around me and expect the same from me. So go ahead, do what you want, whatever you're released. I'm just looking for a little quiet in my own kind of peace. Ain't nobody gonna tell me how to live Oh, from the start Like an eagle
Starting point is 00:47:55 My wings will carry me away I got the and people to love I like to find our stage light And it was fine to me I got music and people to love And shoulders to my knees Yeah, I'm starting out strong With my favorite song And a little bit of weed Ain't nobody gonna tell me how to live
Starting point is 00:48:42 Ain't nobody gonna tell me how to live Ain't nobody gonna tell me how to live Oh, I'm gonna die like an eagle My wings will carry me away I've got the heart of a lion And I can soar to every day Hey, it's Future Mike here. I'll be brief to get us back to John from Monster Truck. Fresh craft beer.
Starting point is 00:49:25 Delicious fresh craft beer. Great Lakes Brewery. Free delivery in the GTA. Shout out to GLB. Delicious authentic Italian food. That's Palma Pasta. Go to Quality stickers, decals, temporary tattoos, you name it.
Starting point is 00:49:44 You want Canna Cabana will not be undersold on cannabis or cannabis accessories. Over 100 locations across the country. Go to EPRA, more information soon when cliff hacking drops by next month in the meantime let me close with a huge shout out to Ridley Funeral Home I'm gonna do it right Oh yeah Oh
Starting point is 00:50:31 Oh Oh Oh Oh Ain't nobody gonna tell me how to live I wrote that song because a former girlfriend of mine was giving me shit about playing guitar, smoking weed all day. And I was like, well, it's kind of my job. And then I was writing this song, which happened to be that song. And she said something.
Starting point is 00:51:27 I said, don't tell me I don't live. And that was it. And it was kind of like a joke at the time. And I was like, that's fucking, that's super funny. And then like this crazy grammar in that song. But like, on purpose. But like, it's just, it was supposed to be one of those tongue in cheeks, like, don't tell me what to do, kind of things. And then it was just, everyone's like, it's, it's just, it was supposed to be one of those tongue in cheeks, like don't tell me what to do kind of things.
Starting point is 00:51:45 And, uh, and then, and then it was just, everyone's like, this is sick. All right, let's do it.
Starting point is 00:51:51 Well, a lot of radio play. I mean, don't tell me how to live all over a Canadian rock radio. And, uh, okay. So before I ask you about the,
Starting point is 00:52:02 uh, I guess we'll call it a re-recording, but I want to ask you about the re-recording of Don't Tell Me How To Live. But earlier you were mentioning like, oh, this was a big, you know, our biggest hit in Canada. And at this point, I'm curious, what traction Monster Truck has received, you know, south of the border in the big United States?
Starting point is 00:52:21 I mean, there's no doubt you musicians, I talked to Canadian musicians and they're like, well, you know, there's more people in California than in all of Canada. And it's much easier to tour the US for obvious reasons. You know, it's difficult to tour this country, as you know, because of how spread out it all is. But what, like what, I speak from a Toronto perspective.
Starting point is 00:52:39 I have no idea. What kind of traction has Monster Truck received in the United States? I don't know. We haven't been. So I have no idea. Maybe, I don't know, I guess we're bigger probably. I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:52:53 I haven't really heard anything about that or had any, like, I don't know. We haven't been down. I haven't been to Nashville since, like, I don't know, a year and a bit. So I'm thinking about going down there in the next year or end of this year and seeing what's happening. But I'm just going to go to America again. Okay, so let's talk about Kid Rock's Don't Tell Me How To Live.
Starting point is 00:53:14 Did Kid Rock approach you guys? Tell me what you can because I will say when I said you're coming on the show, I'm like, I'm excited to do a Monster Truck episode with John Harvey. And almost every single suggested question revolves around this song because this song as you know uh was was talked about you know all over the place in november 2021 the kid rock re-recording of don't tell me how to live so how did it come to be? I'm dying to know the origin story.
Starting point is 00:53:48 Fuck all you hoes! Detroit till I die, motherfucker! Talking all that bullshit! Ain't nobody gonna tell me how to live I'm a moonshine sipping straight Slipping in the darkness Far from heartless
Starting point is 00:54:12 I'm more like the sharpest Tool in the shed No, I've never been the smartest But make no mistake I hit the fucking hardest Stabber without a cause You heard me screaming And 20 years later
Starting point is 00:54:25 Bitch, I still fuckin' mean it Fuck a fucker You ain't never met a motherfucker like this Kiss my ass Then you can suck a dick Sideways My way On the highway
Starting point is 00:54:36 Listen up Ain't nothin' changed Here I still don't give a fuck So what the fuck's up With all the backlash You snowflakes Here's a newsflash. Ain't nobody gonna tell me how to live.
Starting point is 00:54:52 Years ago, we all thought it was a joke. See, that every kid got a motherfucking trophy. But yo, homie, here's the situation. A nation of pussies is our next generation. And these minions and their agendas. Every opinion has a millennial offended. Well, disamendment won, it rings true. And if you don't dissent, bitch, this scene number two.
Starting point is 00:55:18 Ain't nothing new, right, church, wrong, pew. Get a clue, accrue, your fake news and views. Can't all get the bottom of my motherfucking shoe I'm the last of a few Still screaming fuck you Ain't nobody gonna tell me how to live Ain't nobody gonna tell me how to live Oh, I'm gonna soar
Starting point is 00:55:45 Like an eagle My wings will carry me away I got the heart of a lion And I get stronger every day You never tell me shit You you'll never flip my script Because I'm more outrageous than the Vegas Strip You're like Mary Berry, bitch, I'm hard and crisp High risk, kill Billy, but I'm filthy rich You're like Milli Vanilli, kinda silly as shit
Starting point is 00:56:59 I'm like Shotgun Willie, smoking fillies and shit I'm like Reverend Ron, or Damon Lee Roth Like Springsteen, bitch, I'm the motherf willies, fuckin' fillies and shit I'm like Reverend Ron or Damon Lee Roth Like Springsteen, bitch, I'm the motherfuckin' boss James Dean's shit, I'm more like Brad Pitt A little less pretty, but I slang more dick I twang more riffs, I slide through grass I rip more lines than a ten-pound bass Pass the mic, I'm like slow gin fizz
Starting point is 00:57:25 It ain't nobody, it ain't nobody Ain't nobody gonna tell me how to live He contacted us, called me on the phone. It was like in like 2014 or no, no. It was, it must've been like 2008, 18 or 19. We were on with Deep Purple and Europe's. I remember getting the call cause I was in like, it was like the last show. We were going to fly home and my manager's like,
Starting point is 00:58:05 Keter Rock wants to call you. He wants to cover Don't Tell Me How to Live. I go, okay, that sounds crazy. Sure. My number. So he called me up, and we had a chat. He's like, yeah, I want to use it, man. I want to write a song around this.
Starting point is 00:58:18 He's like, I think it's pretty cool. I'm like, wow, man, that's killer. In my head, i'm going well that only happens for like metallica and stuff you know like like who's he who's music does he take i was feeling pretty goddamn good about myself but i sure lynyrd skynyrd and lynyrd skynyrd and yeah you're in good company like that so yeah so he just gave us a call and said you know he's in i said okay cool and i didn't hear from for like two years. So, but you, you, are you re-recording your Don't Tell Me How To Live chorus there
Starting point is 00:58:52 for the re-recording of the song by Kid Rock? Like, like, like, because that's a collaboration essentially, right? All of the recordings are the stems from the original Don't Tell Me How To Live recording. We didn't re-record anything. The solo's the same. Everything in it, he basically just took our stems and made his own song out of it.
Starting point is 00:59:12 Wrapped on it. We were like, okay, cool. You're sitting down. You're comfortable. I think you're a great artist. Great jams. I love it. I'm curious if there's any regrets at all about what the reaction was like the reaction to the kid rock version because it seemed to come into a spirit of like
Starting point is 00:59:33 and i'm gonna ask you whether this wasn't at all it sounds like it's about your girlfriend telling you to stop smoking weed shout out to canada cabana and stop playing guitar or whatever so the fact that kid rock it sort of became an anthem for like, I want to say like an anti-lockdown COVID spirit, maybe a Novavax thing. It really did kind of get, that message got completely corrupted. Any regrets in hindsight? No. Why?
Starting point is 01:00:02 What's the point? You could sit here and say a million things where you know i don't regret anything i think it was an experience to do something with someone who's eons ahead of me in my field and i think to not take advantage of that would have been a deprive of myself of something an experience that normal people would never get to experience. So why would I do that? All right. So mad respect. Absolutely. You know, and I mean, you're right.
Starting point is 01:00:29 Kid Rock's a big fucking deal. And if Kid Rock wanted to cover my song, I'd be like, that's amazing. Yeah. Okay. So Gilles LeBlanc, he writes in, still don't think it was a good look for them to team up with Kid Rock. Hope he paid them well for essentially covering their song and then Dan H chimes in with you should ask Monster Truck
Starting point is 01:00:48 why they made that song of Kid Rock that song stinks like I think there's a lot of Kid Rock hate that's bleeding and like the fact that they sampled your jam or whatever and I won't read the rest because it's all in the same spirit but I just wondered whether at this point does that become a
Starting point is 01:01:04 negative or is it just a, any awareness is good. You're a fucking rock band from Hamilton trying to make, literally make noise. And this got a lot of attention. Yeah. I mean, only in Canada.
Starting point is 01:01:16 I mean, no one else I've done interviews all over the world. No one gives a shit, but like here they do. And, uh, it's, it's kind of one of those things where it's just like,
Starting point is 01:01:24 uh, whatever. Cool. People are mad about something? Great. What are they going to be mad about next week? Come on. No one keeps this shit anymore.
Starting point is 01:01:39 It's one of those things where it's like, man, people are so aware that they can bitch, so they just bitch, and it's great. Go for it. I don't read any of that stuff. I think it's great. Like, go for it. I don't read any of that stuff. I think it's hilarious. You know, I'd rather people go back to posting their fucking dinner. But, I mean, it doesn't bother me, man. People can say anything they want about me. I know who I am.
Starting point is 01:01:57 Have you heard from Kid Rock since this thing dropped in November 2021? Yeah. A couple times here and there. Just like, you know, whatever. Shoot me a text. Shoot me a picture of him and Wayne Gretz know whatever shoot me a text shot me shoot me a text of a picture of him and Wayne Gretzky just like funny things like that like you know he's just I don't know people get so heated over things that don't even like matter it's such a funny thing and uh strange question but uh did you know it was going to be I don't know co-opted into some
Starting point is 01:02:22 kind of like a an anti-k, anti-lockdown, anti-vax kind of message or no, because it's all these conversations happened pre-COVID, it sounds like 2018, 2019. Yeah, I don't know. I don't think it's about that at all. I think a lot of people made it kind of like that, but whatever it is, I mean, you know, buddy doesn't want you to tell him how to do things. there you go i mean i don't know i don't know any human being alive that wants that so like it's one of those things where it's like uh you know it's what wherever your selective beliefs lie is where you feel about this so that's cool don't worry john only only two more hours about this kid rock collaboration okay just
Starting point is 01:03:00 fucking i don't care it's only seriously it's only the canadian people that care i got like two other i got one question from someone in germany they said uh there's a lot of guns we don't really have guns here and i said yeah we don't really have guns in canada either so don't worry we're on the same page and that was one comment and then i had one other comment but it had nothing to do with anything like the questions i get in Canada where people are just like it's so funny it's like who cares but you know I respect it and people do want to hear about it but it's like you know what I mean it's one of those points where you're just like yeah alright
Starting point is 01:03:35 well I think people want to know if this is a Kid Rock thing or if it's like a Kid Rock and Monster Truck thing I think that people want to know like is Monster Truck like endorsing the kid rock messaging, or are they simply sampled on the song that's doing so?
Starting point is 01:03:50 Listen, I don't endorse anyone's messaging. I'm anti-religious and apolitical. I have no allegiance to anyone. I live in, like, almost a nihilistic kind of mindset, and my own positivity is my own, and that's it. And that's the whole thing. That's where I live. so anyone that
Starting point is 01:04:05 wants to put me in a pigeonhole and says i'm something or other i'm fucking mad at me man i don't believe in it so it's it's really easy for me to dismiss criticism because it doesn't actually reflect me because it's got nothing to do well said my friend okay well said so let's talk about warriors but before we talk about warriors uh i did read, of course, that Steve's no longer drumming for you guys. Do you have anything you can share about that split, that departure? Yeah, he just decided that it wasn't really for him. So he wanted to do something a little bit less. I think he's not really an aggressive guy.
Starting point is 01:04:41 He's a little more chilled out dude. So I think he's playing a new band called Golden Feather. They're kind of like deadhead jam band kind of vibe. And that's more his ilk. So I think it was just a time. It was a time for all of us to kind of just be like, okay, listen, are we happy? Because that's what happened after COVID. I mean, we got back together and played some shows,
Starting point is 01:05:00 and all of us at the end are just like, okay, do we really want to keep doing this? Do we hide warriors in the bag? Do we really want to continue being in a band and work so hard and it's just like why you know at some points and then at other points like yeah i really want him so we played like five shows and then you know it kind of got to the point where he's just like listen i'm not gonna do this so that's where we lie. Is that where you, as we speak right now, John, is that where you're at now? Because I mean, I want to hear about Warriors, but will
Starting point is 01:05:31 there be an album after Warriors? Warriors out now, by the way. Streaming everywhere. I want to ask you about streaming in a minute, but this is your fourth full-length album, and we're going to talk about that, but will there be a fifth? Sure, I hope so. I wrote a bunch of songs for it, so we're going to talk about that. But will there be a fifth? Sure, I hope so. I wrote a bunch of songs for it, so we'll see what happens.
Starting point is 01:05:50 I mean, no one ever knows. The world is such a different place than it even was five years ago that we're sitting in this almost vortex of content where we can put out five records, and maybe one of them gets listened to. That's how this works. And it depends how much focus you want to put into something it's a uh it's a very weird place to be alive
Starting point is 01:06:11 especially being someone who's making non-digital content which is what i consider music or like painting and things like that it's it's so hard to keep up so because so everyone else is just pounding the marketplace so i don't know i will we'll see what happens but i i hope so but you you know we're all we're all 40 41 actually all right so okay i want to ask about uh i'm going to ask about some singles here and about uh the new album which is out now everybody but you know we tell people to stream us people are going to go to like spotify and they're going to say they're going to play warriors by monster truck and they're going to be you know digging it but i gotta say uh like there must be a better way like if you love monster truck there's got to be a better way to support you financially and consume your art like if you were king for a day and you could tell all monster truck
Starting point is 01:07:06 your art like if you were king for a day and you could tell all monster truck fans like how to get warriors how would you like them to get warriors oh whatever way you don't care you don't care like to make money and okay here's the thing you're talking to a band our first two eps were free online until we signed our contract with diamond like the album they were going to put out was also available free online simultaneously for a short period of time because we know we knew back then that if you give it away for free online people are going to listen to it and it worked for us and it got us a little bit but of course dynamite helped way more with that and we'd have to take it down and everything but we still own the rights to our first dp and we still like it was online for free until i i'd
Starting point is 01:07:46 say five years ago so the whole thing about music is music should be in our opinion when it shifted we could see what was gonna come and we're like holy crap we should just like get this out here and uh the shift was and music now is more so like an advertisement for your live show you know what i mean it's more of like uh i mean there's special albums and things like that but like you're putting things out so you can do it like that's how working musicians do it now like any band who's not you know selling a roger center or ace or even their canada center people like they you look at those tours those dates are close together you know what i mean and they're doing it because they're like oh lady gaga's on the chromatica tour she does like 10 days
Starting point is 01:08:28 and does her whole tour cycle in like you know half a year and then there's another band it's like oh i'm on this cycle i got 30 i only have these markets for this amount of time you know what i mean and it's it's turned into more of like just uh you release two songs going then it gives you reason to tour and you can release four then you go on tour again then two go on tour and it's turned into more of like just a, you release two songs, then it gives you reason to tour. Then you can release four, then you go on tour again. Then two, go on tour.
Starting point is 01:08:48 And it's turned into like a totally different, a totally different world now. So in the beginning, we were looking at it, I was like, oh man, people are going to get ripped off. Lars Ulrich is not an Abster thing.
Starting point is 01:08:57 And this was recent. Like, I love Lars, it's like 2006, 2007 with that Abster shit. So it was pretty recent to when we were starting giving it away. And we were like still downloading Torrents like crazy.
Starting point is 01:09:06 I still did. Why wouldn't you? I'm not paying for HBO. But the funny thing is the downloading thing had already kind of started. So we were just like, give it away. And I take that on now. I love to create the thing,
Starting point is 01:09:22 but you're not creating this piece of art with the same intention of mass marketing it and selling it to you know people don't line up for your record outside the record store i remember lining up for albums coming out yeah absolutely and it's like people like you got into it you know you went to that store the first day everyone buying the same thing and that doesn't happen anymore so it's it's it's it's kind of changed the landscape especially the mentality for me where it's like i want to make this record so i can go play these songs for people so if you want to support your band monster truck buy a fucking ticket and then buy a
Starting point is 01:09:59 some swag or something get a get a t-shirt or whatever right yeah long story short come to the show you know have some fun even shirts and stuff like that whatever we'd rather have just the crowd having a good time because that's what i like those are those are the good stuff you know that's the best dopamine you can get well do you want to uh before i ask you a little about the music before we say goodbye but do you want to since the live show is where it's at in monster truck great fucking live band great straight up rock you know riff riff centered rock like bring it on man hook it to my veins when like you want to share any concert details uh keeping in mind that this thing's dropping around the time of uh warriors like the 30th of september well we're well we're in the UK uh from the 30th September until uh until October 18th
Starting point is 01:10:48 and then we're home uh yeah for our Warriors UK headline then we're home and we're gonna do doing some Ontario dates that we're just sorting out right now uh or Ontario dates that will probably be posted by now and uh we're uh we're just trying to keep it work and keep the work the workflow a little bit more relaxed. I mean, when we first started going, we were touring all the time. We were saying yes to everything. We were like, you know, throwing money out the window, doing all sorts of crazy stuff. You know, renting buses for too long, the whole deal.
Starting point is 01:11:15 And now we're just kind of like, okay, let's think about this. We're older, we're wiser. You know, we don't party as hard at all or at all. And then it's just one of those things where it's like just just take it take it easy so i we're we're gonna we're gonna get to everywhere it's just be patient you're in the uk right now i see here yeah so by the way the website which you can go and see all the tours that are announced is you can also you can uh on you got some youtube videos for the the news like
Starting point is 01:11:45 get my things and go and golden woman some of these these new new jams from the new album warriors which of course came out september is out september 30th 2022 so go to for all your monster truck needs unless you're looking for grave digger shit and you know big foot eight or whatever that's a whole different site but man that's cool that you're touring that that's cool that like i'm seeing here's switzerland and uk like that's fucking cool man your art is taking you to europe that's amazing yeah our funny our funny ironic backwoods uh interpretation is taking me all over the place yeah we're super lucky man we've We've got to do so much in Europe. We've been to Australia.
Starting point is 01:12:30 It's been a hell of a ride. It's just an experience that keeps giving. Lucky me. Everybody, pick up Warriors. Buy a fucking ticket to Monster Truck. Homegrown. I love the fucking Hammer. Everybody I've met, all these artists from the Hammer I've met
Starting point is 01:12:44 seem like sweethearts. So man, just, just good luck with all of it. And dude, what a pleasure. It's been, uh,
Starting point is 01:12:51 chatting you up about all this stuff. And, you were a good sport about the kid rock stuff. I had six hours, more questions about kid fucking rock, but, uh, you were,
Starting point is 01:13:00 you were great. Oh, thanks buddy. Yeah. It's definitely one of those weird topics where I'm just like, I wish you could just be like, nah, let's cut that. But it's like, whatever. Who cares? It happened. It was fun. By the way, I was fully prepared
Starting point is 01:13:12 for that. I wasn't sure. I'm like, I can't have you on and not ask about the Kid Rock Jam. If I do that... I don't mind. It's also nice to tell people that I don't believe in all that stuff. I don't believe in anything, really. Take it easy don't worry this isn't coming from a malicious place and i'll bet because you're going to tour all these countries and stuff i bet you you're
Starting point is 01:13:34 fully vaxxed for no other reason than so you could uh hell yeah i believe in science man like science has nothing to do with any of that stuff you don't have to believe in science they're facts so it's like you know that's that's kind of my thing about that situation. Science is apolitical and it's unbiased. It just is what it is. It's just that these are the things that happen. It's like math. Oh, you're wrong.
Starting point is 01:13:57 That math is wrong. Well, no, they're numbers. You're good. John, thanks so much, buddy, for spending time on Toronto Mic'd. You're now an FOTM friend of Toronto Mic'd, and I'm going to get myself some tickets. When you guys play in Ontario, I'm going to get some monster truck tickets
Starting point is 01:14:11 and just rock out with my cock out. Is that okay? Yeah, it's totally fine. You might get in some trouble with security, but hey. All right, thanks, buddy. Take care. Cheers, man. Thanks, Mike.
Starting point is 01:14:22 Take it easy. buddy. Take care. Cheers. Thanks. And that brings us to the end of our 1,000, 100 and 20 first show. You can follow me on Twitter.
Starting point is 01:14:40 I'm at Toronto. Mike, John Harvey. Well, his band monster trucker on Twitter. They're at monster Mike. John Harvey, well, his band Monster Truck are on Twitter. They're at monster underscore truck underscore.
Starting point is 01:14:53 Our friends at Great Lakes Brewery, they're at Great Lakes Beer. Palma Pasta is at Palma Pasta. Sticker U is at Sticker U. Electronic Products Recycling Association
Starting point is 01:15:06 are at EPRA underscore Canada. Ridley Funeral Home, they're at Ridley FH. And Canada Cabana are at Canada Cabana underscore. See you all next week. I don't know what the future can look like. It's been eight years of laughter and eight years of tears And I don't know what the future can hold or do for me and you
Starting point is 01:15:53 But I'm a much better man for having known you Oh, you know that's true because Everything is coming up rosy and gray Yeah, the wind is cold But the smell of snow Won't speed the day And your smile is fine And it's just like mine And it won't go away
Starting point is 01:16:17 Cause everything is Rosy and gray Well, I've been told That there's a sucker born every day But I wonder who Yeah, I wonder who Maybe the one who doesn't realize There's a thousand shades of grey Cause I know that's true
Starting point is 01:16:44 Yes, I do I know that's true Yes I do I know it's true Yeah I know it's true How about you? While they're picking up trash And they're putting down roads And they're brokering stocks
Starting point is 01:17:00 The class struggle explodes And I'll play this guitar Just the best that I can Maybe I'm not And maybe I am But who gives a damn Because everything Is coming up
Starting point is 01:17:20 Rosy and gray Yeah, the wind is cold But the smell of snow Warms me today And your smile is fine And it's just like mine And it won't go away Cause everything is
Starting point is 01:17:36 Rosie and Gray Well I've kissed you in France And I've kissed you in Spain And I've kissed you in France and I've kissed you in Spain And I've kissed you in places I better not name And I've seen the sun go down on Chaclacour But I like it much better going down on you Yeah, you know that's true Because everything is coming up much better going down on you. Yeah, you know that's true because everything
Starting point is 01:18:06 is coming up rosy and green. Yeah, the wind is cold, but the smell of snow warms us today. And your smile is fine, and it's just like mine, and it won't go away
Starting point is 01:18:22 because everything is rosy now. everything is rosy now Everything is rosy Yeah, everything is rosy and gray Yeah, yeah Thank you.

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