Toronto Mike'd: The Official Toronto Mike Podcast - Mike's Wife: Toronto Mike'd #666

Episode Date: June 14, 2020

For episode 666, Mike chats with his wife....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the beast, for it is a human number. Its number is 666. I'm in Toronto where you wanna get the city love. I'm from Toronto where you wanna get the city love. I'm in Toronto where you wanna get the city love. Welcome to episode 666 of Toronto Mic'd, a weekly podcast about anything and everything. Proudly brought to you by Great Lakes Brewery, a fiercely independent craft brewery who believes in supporting communities, good times, and brewing amazing beer. Palma Pasta.
Starting point is 00:00:57 Enjoy the taste of fresh homemade Italian pasta and entrees from Palma Pasta in Mississauga and Oakville. Garbage Day. Weekly reminders for garbage recycling and yard waste pickup. Visit slash Toronto Mike to sign up now. Create custom stickers, labels, tattoos, and decals for your home and your business. The Keitner Group.
Starting point is 00:01:23 They love helping buyers find their dream home. Text TORONTOMIKE to 59559. And our newest sponsor, CDN Technologies. Your IT and cyber security experts. I'm Mike from and joining me this week Yes, I understand that every life must be end
Starting point is 00:02:08 As we sit alone, I know someday we must go on Oh, I'm a lucky man to count on both hands the ones I love Some folks just have one, yeah, others they got none Stay with me, oh, let's just breathe. Is my wife Monica. Practice on us. Welcome, Monica. Thanks.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Do you know why I'm playing this Pearl Jam song, Just Breathe? Yes, I do. That was our wedding song. First of all, I have to say that was a long intro. That was super long. Okay, well, I got to mention six wonderful... No, I know that part, but then that was a long... You played a lot of that song.
Starting point is 00:03:25 Anyway, I was thinking, is it just a coincidence that it's our anniversary on episode 666, or did you plan that? Okay, so there's so much to unpack here. Firstly, we're recording on... This is Saturday night, so this is the 13th, okay? And our anniversary is Monday, so the 15th. So on June 15th, we will have been married seven years.
Starting point is 00:03:52 Wonderful seven years, right? And this was, just to hit the nail on the head here, this was the song that you came out to. What's that called? What's that called? The Procession? Yes, it's called the procession song, but you are incorrect.
Starting point is 00:04:09 That is not the song that I came out to. What? Okay. Remember, it was Alleluia. Okay, okay. Tell me what this song, okay, the wedding, which by the way.
Starting point is 00:04:20 It was our first dance. This was our first dance? No. No, it wasn't. It wasn't. The Tragically Hip's Long Time it was our first dance this was our first dance no no it wasn't it wasn't it wasn't the tragically hips long time running that was our first dance okay i that was okay i don't know what this was okay oh maybe it was a signing okay how many songs do you have at a wedding like i remember the processional song and that was hallelujah by was Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen or some cover of it anyway. Yes. And then this was when you're signing?
Starting point is 00:04:49 I thought this was played early. I remember this. I was at the front with James or whatever. And then you hadn't even come down the aisle yet. And this is the song that was playing. I don't know what that's called. But I feel like it might not be the procession song. Okay, so maybe that's why I didn't hear it.
Starting point is 00:05:03 But you chose it. I didn't procession song. Okay, so maybe that's why I didn't hear it. But you chose it. I didn't choose this song. Okay, but you submitted the songs to the DJ or whatever. Okay, it was so long ago, and it was just a whirlwind, so I don't remember. It was only seven years ago. Okay, so when I tell people that Pearl Jam's Just Breathe was our wedding song. Okay, I wouldn't. That's not a lie.
Starting point is 00:05:23 It was one of our wedding songs. One of the songs that was played at our wedding. Okay, I wouldn't... That's not a lie. It was one of our wedding songs. One of the songs that was played at our wedding. Okay, so... And you tricked me because you did say it was our wedding song. So I started believing it was, but now I don't even remember when it was played. I probably blogged about the music
Starting point is 00:05:37 and what each song was. Okay, we'll have to look it up. I know you don't listen to Toronto Mic'd very often, but there was a recent Pandemic Friday episode where we did duets and I dedicated a song to you The Moldy Peaches Yes I remember that
Starting point is 00:05:54 Because we sang that song together right How does it go? Anyone but you and we sang that together I can't imagine you singing it in public. I can't imagine either. Because you were so madly in love with me. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:10 And I can hear, like, I guess the two little ones are not asleep yet. Like, I can hear them. I know. I have my, half my headset on because like,
Starting point is 00:06:20 I don't know. You know, we're not live anywhere. I can pause this and you can come back if you want to go and settle them down. It's up to you. I don't want you to like. No, it's fine. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:29 So, Monica, love of my life. So, two things were going on. One was I knew our wedding was on Monday. And also, here, I'll reconfigure the mic. It's been a long time. You want to go check on the kids? Okay, go check on the kids and then we'll pick it up in a moment. Long, long When I'm gone Who you talking to?
Starting point is 00:07:10 She telling you I'm gone So this was our first dance. Okay, I remember this clearly. Yes, this was our first dance. Right away I must have had a great influence over the music at our wedding. this clearly. Yes, this was our first dance. I must have had a great influence over the music at our wedding.
Starting point is 00:07:30 You did, actually. Because I'm not picky about music. You're pretty particular, so I let you choose the music. Because if we had Pearl Jam, Tragically Hip, Leonard Cohen cover. Yeah, sounds like I had a lot of input.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Okay, so a few things converged here. One is that our wedding anniversary is Monday, so that's coming up. And the number 666 might be the most exciting number to me, like of all the numbers. Why? Well, it's the number of the beast. This is the devil's number. So you know that, right? 666 is the devil's number. Yes, I know that, but it's not the most exciting number. Okay, name a more exciting number. I think like 500, 600 would be more exciting than 666.
Starting point is 00:08:20 The hundreds. Because those are more like milestones. Well, they're round numbers too. I like round numbers. Okay. I think 666 is really cool. So just coincidentally, the most recent Pandemic Friday episode was a 665. So if I let the chips fall where they may, then on Monday, Huxley Workman and I are doing an episode. So he could have been 666. Well, someone would have been, right? Like whoever's next. So that's Hksley Workman and I are doing an episode. So he could have been 6666.
Starting point is 00:08:45 Well, someone would have been, right? Like whoever's next. So that's Hawksley Workman. And I mean, I like Hawksley. He's been over here once and we had a great episode. But I was thinking 666. Like, I'd rather give it to you. Like not to suggest you're the Antichrist.
Starting point is 00:09:04 But then I just thought, you come on on a Saturday night and we just shoot the breeze here a little bit and talk about some things. Because even though we've been married seven years Monday, the last three months, in my opinion, you go to the office five days a week. You're working elsewhere with other people. And then you come home for a couple hours of like frenetic chaos with the kids. And then maybe we watch something or whatever. We go to bed. And then you have your weekends, right? Like this is a typical week for a married couple. But three months ago today when you came home
Starting point is 00:09:46 from work and you brought home Jarvis and I got Morgan at daycare, like everything changed, right? Right. But it honestly it hasn't changed too much for me in terms of the time I spend with you because we used
Starting point is 00:10:02 to work together. I was used to seeing you during the work day. That's a long, we haven't worked together in a long time. I don't think it's the same thing. Like, no, it's not the same thing.
Starting point is 00:10:13 How you worked during the day. Okay. But you know, okay. So, but, but now we are literally, except for when I go for a bike ride,
Starting point is 00:10:24 we're pretty much together the entire day. We're spending a lot of time together. We're spending a lot of time together. Yes, we are. That's a fact. It's a tough time together in a sense because we can't just toss
Starting point is 00:10:39 the two little ones at daycare or kindergarten. They're here all the time. Yeah, and that's why I feel like it's not with you because we're either on our own separate calls working or one of us taking care of the kids. So it's not together. We're pretty busy during the day.
Starting point is 00:10:57 It's chaotic. It is chaotic. Are you as annoyed as I am when you hear from people saying, oh, I got all this time on my hands now. I'm going to go read War and Peace or whatever. Like, there's a sentiment out there. Maybe it's the childless people. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:11:11 But there's a sentiment out there that all of a sudden, there's a humongous amount of free time. And I feel it's gone the exact opposite way. Like, I had way more free time before. I hear Morgan yelling. Do you want to go check on Morgan again? You can check on Morgan again. No, she's calling for you.
Starting point is 00:11:29 Okay, well, do you want me to pause it or do you want to freestyle? No, pause it. I just stuck on a Tragically Hip Jam last time. Okay, so we'll pause this and after these messages, we'll be right back. And we're back. So Morgan was really upset because Jarvis told her that on his birthday, she had to give away all of her stuffies. What?
Starting point is 00:11:56 That didn't make sense. And then Jarvis then revealed that he was just kidding. And I told Jarvis, I think I told Jarvis that not to be a jerk. And then Jarvis said, but I like being a jerk. What? Yeah. So that just happened. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:15 So, babe, I guess my point is that regardless of how much time you think we've spent together the last three months, we have been together all the time the last three months. Yeah. together the last three months. We have been together all the time the last three months. And I'm willing to put forward an argument that the last three months are the equivalent of several years of a normal marriage. So I think if you, maybe I should ask this question now. Do you still dig me after the last few months? Yes, it actually hasn't. It hasn't changed. It hasn't got any better. It hasn't got any worse um but yeah i would say it's equivalent to 10 years or whatever length that you said because of the stress the amount of stress during these past three months um i think is equivalent to what a 10 year long
Starting point is 00:13:01 marriage would go through do you want to talk about that stress? Like people who follow me on Twitter, I don't know what percentage of listeners do that, but those people are probably aware that you've been sewing masks during this pandemic. Yeah. But that has nothing to do with the stress that I'm feeling. I enjoy sewing. So I picked up,
Starting point is 00:13:23 I started sewing masks because it was, it was more of a hobby and a, and a relief for me during the day. Um, the stress I'm talking about is the emotional and the physical stress because of the kids. It's like you, there's just no breaks. Um, first thing in the morning you have to take care of them and then you work. And then right after work, I mean, right after work, during work, have to take care of them and then you work and then right after work, I mean, right after work, during work, you're taking care of them
Starting point is 00:13:48 and then you don't get a break until they go to bed. And what time is it now? They're still awake. Yeah, but it is Saturday night. Oh yeah, it is Saturday. But yes, all days feel the same. So physically, it's tough.
Starting point is 00:14:03 Emotionally, I mean, especially in the first month of the pandemic watching the news listening to the news it was so emotionally draining um so yeah oh yeah i wrote about this recently on that the first couple of weeks of this thing so the march break and the week after, like we watched a lot of news, a lot of CBC News Network. And I don't know about you. I think maybe you felt the same,
Starting point is 00:14:31 but I had you check my temperature a couple of times. And both times I was really cool, right? Yeah. You were under the normal body temperature. But that's because I started to think I was getting COVID. I know that was a reason, but that's a direct result of, uh,
Starting point is 00:14:48 consuming constant news. And I think for the first two, three weeks, my chest was hurting. I was having chest pains and I went to the doctor for that. And I think it's, it was anxiety and just listening to the news. Right.
Starting point is 00:15:02 Um, so yeah. And it didn't help like a couple of weeks into this pandemic, I decided to break my. Right. So, yeah. And it didn't help. Like a couple of weeks into this pandemic, I decided to break my wrist. Yeah, that added to the stress. It was like a shit show. And then now that we're three months deep,
Starting point is 00:15:17 how are you feeling now? I feel like it's still chaotic, but not as emotionally draining. Physically, it's been the same. But I think we're in a usual chaotic routine now. Right. We've settled into this new normal. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:38 Right. And it does. I did notice a few things. Back in the day, so pre-COVID, I would wake up at 7 o'clock and then get the two little ones ready and get them to school and daycare. But you were long gone. Yeah, I would wake up at 6, be in the office at my desk by 7.30 and had time to happily drink my coffee in the office.
Starting point is 00:16:03 And the commute in was just relaxing. Um, so I had a break before I started work. Um, there's no break here. It's relentless. Right. And here we are on a Saturday night when you could be relaxing and, you know, watching some TV and stuff and, and, and I'm making you a episode six, six, six. So thank you. Thank you so much for that. you uh episode 666 so thank you thank you so much for that okay so um you you're still working the same like is your work as difficult or as uh time consuming or um pressure filled as it was before covid as as it is now like did your workload change My workload has not changed. It's more difficult to get work done, but the workload is still there. Thankfully, the company is still going strong.
Starting point is 00:16:58 There hasn't been any layoffs, so we're pretty good. And yeah, my work hasn't slowed down. So you didn't qualify for any of the, uh, the Chudo bucks, the, uh, CERB. No, but I, I know nothing about it,
Starting point is 00:17:09 but maybe it's worth it. No, it's only like 2000 a month. Like I think, uh, that would barely, uh, feed the kids,
Starting point is 00:17:16 but yeah. Okay. So you're working harder than ever. I'm trying to keep TMDS going. Uh, TMDS is not quite as busy as it was pre pandemic, but, uh, it's, you know, it's humming along and I'd say 70% capacity is how I put it. And, uh, you know, I'm trying to, uh, keep that going while you're working full time and the two
Starting point is 00:17:40 little kids are here all the time. So a lot, a there. All right. I'm wondering where we should go with this. So any regrets? Like seven years ago, we got married. It was at the Arda Gallery in the Distillery District. We already heard a couple of songs that were played at the ceremony. Seven years in, I need to know. Real talk. Real talk.
Starting point is 00:18:02 Any regrets? Any regrets? No. That was quite the, by the way, I'm not editing out that pause. That was a pregnant pause. Well, I thought it would be more interesting if I had regrets to talk about,
Starting point is 00:18:15 but I don't have any. So that, hence the pause. So you would do it again. You would marry this guy again. Yes. Can I ask you the same question? Oh, yeah. You want to ask me regrets no no no are you kidding me no uh marrying you was uh one of my wiser decisions and again i just like i just ran upstairs to kiss and tuck in uh jarvis and morgan again and those two
Starting point is 00:18:42 angels they don't exist without our love. Like I'm telling you, and I, I'm being very honest here. I did not think I could love kids as much as I loved, as I love James and Michelle. Like I didn't think it was humanly possible. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:18:58 all right, we'll make some babies here. Let Monica have some children of her own. But were you just going to ignore them and just give them to me I didn't think I didn't think too hard on it I'm like oh I don't know I was going to do my best but I was like
Starting point is 00:19:14 well I couldn't possibly love this third kid as much as I love my first two because I've got such mad love for them and look what happened and then I love number three as much as number one and two. And then when number four, I was, obviously, you asked me if I'd do number four. And I was down with it because we did it.
Starting point is 00:19:36 We tried. That happened intentionally. That wasn't a surprise. But I would have been a-okay if we did not, you know, we only kind of agreed on number, having the one kid together. And then we had number, second kid together. It sounds awkward when you talk about them as like numbers. But the fact is I'm madly in love with Morgan. Like, holy smokes.
Starting point is 00:19:55 I cannot imagine life without sweet baby Morgan. She is the greatest. So all this is to say regrets. No way, man. Like, this is the best you know this is i think it worked out okay because we have some lighter fare we need to address shortly uh because you're also my barber and things like that but i mean like like let's let's let's let's let's see you you you cut my hair you make my you made my blue jays mask that i wore today at the no frills you you you can make you can make uh other clothes you're an amazing mother and here's a
Starting point is 00:20:36 compliment and you're you're amazing in many many ways very smart and wonderful and beautiful but you are in my opinion uh the world's greatest stepmother like this is a quality that we should talk about how many stepmothers do you know they're all evil but thank you i only know them from disney uh disney movies and they're all really evil but i i watch the kids are great i mean it's easy to be a good stepmother to them i luckeded out. So you do, like seriously, are you just nice with James and Michelle because it's your obligation to be nice
Starting point is 00:21:09 or is it sincere? it's sincere. They're good people. They're great kids. They deserve a good stepmother. Like do you, so you legit like them? Yes.
Starting point is 00:21:24 And you straight up... There's nothing to not like like them. Yes. And you straight up. There's nothing to not like about them. They are smart. They're very considerate. They're very respectful. Yeah. And so far, Michelle hasn't hit the teenage years, the typical teenage years that I was expecting.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Did you hit them? Yes, of course I did. I think many girls did. Because I, as recently as, so this is a frequent happening. People, I'll be talking to somebody who doesn't know me that well, but they maybe somehow in the conversation,
Starting point is 00:21:59 it comes up that, oh, I have the, sorry if you hear the four and the six-year-old in the background because they're here all the time. And at that point, I don't go into a whole story, like they're only half of my children, like fine, we're just chatting, whatever. So at some point, this happened the other day, I'm trying to, I won't, I can't remember who it was, a client or something. And they just said something like, well, you know, your four-year-old, wait until
Starting point is 00:22:21 she's a teenager. She'll be giving you trouble in about nine years you won't believe what hit you when you have a teenage girl and then i have that moment where i have to let them know well actually i have a my daughter's about to turn 16 and she's a straight up sweetheart yeah there's no there's no wrinkle of like uh she is an angel from heaven michelle i can only hope morgan turns out to be like michelle because the way things are going now, Morgan will give us some trouble. And James, and again, this whole show is not to compliment my children, but James is a sweetheart too. That is a wonderful man.
Starting point is 00:22:58 Yes. So just for the record now, these two kids that are pretty adultish now are wonderful. That's two for two. What do you think of the two that we have together? What do you think of them? They are great. They're my children. They're very smart.
Starting point is 00:23:17 It's tough. I mean, I've always thought I'd be a young mother, but I'm not a young mother. I've always thought I'd be a young mother, but I'm not a young mother. And I feel like I don't have the energy to, enough energy to, I guess, put up with their whining. I just, I don't have the patience, as much patience as I hoped I would with them. Okay, but you know, we talk about, you're admitting now you're not a young mother, but you're in your 30s, right? Yes.
Starting point is 00:23:56 I am in my 30s, but I always, I don't know, since I was young, I wanted to have kids in my 20s. So what happened in your life that this didn't happen? Like, why aren't you here with two teenage children like I am? What's going on? Because I wasn't with the right person. I wasn't just going to have kids just to be a young mother. Okay. How old were you, if you don't mind me asking, this is a private question,
Starting point is 00:24:19 but how old were you when you had your first child? I was 30 30 32 see i feel like that's commonplace nowadays nowadays yes so that's not an old mom no i didn't say old but it's not young it's maybe average well in 2020 it's probably average in 2020 women are uh having their families a little later than they used to back in the day. But I feel like if I was a younger mother, I would be more patient and I would have more energy. I would be less stressed, maybe. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:56 But are you basing that because no one's this last three months doesn't count. No, I'm not talking about. No mom can relate to that. OK, this is unprecedented times. I know. So everybody, and I'm kind of glad you're opening up about this because I think everybody is experiencing heightened anxiety and stress these last, particularly parents of children
Starting point is 00:25:17 who are not completely independent yet. Because we're having an easy time with the teens in the pandemic, like effortless. It's the four and the six year old. So parents who are listening who have like, yeah, kids like that age or even younger. It's really tough. It's really tough. So how do you feel about things kind of opening up now?
Starting point is 00:25:36 Like, are you have any concerns things are opening up too quickly? I think so. I mean, the daycare is opening up. I mean, some daycares are opening up. Ours isn't ready yet. But the fact that they are makes me a bit nervous because the virus is still around. I know we've discussed that we're not going to put the kids in.
Starting point is 00:25:58 And I think we're lucky enough to keep the kids at home. But some people don't have that option. Right. Are we sending them back in September? I don't know what the situation will be like. I don't know. I mean, if it's like how they were handling it in Quebec, maybe not because they're just so young and to have them stand in specific squares and do physical distancing
Starting point is 00:26:26 it's not like a school environment that I would want them to have they can learn at home um socialization is a big thing going to school and if they can't have that then they could probably learn at home crazy times babe crazy times what about my hair? So, uh, you know, I don't know how often I do this, but I do have Hebsey once a week and I probably once or twice a week on my own podcast. I live stream it on Periscope. And then once in a while, like I bumped into Peter Gross the other day and I took a selfie and I took one at Trinity Bellwoods, uh, earlier. So, you know, some people have seen my hair, even though I'm not taking the traditional.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Although we could do that. Like you and I could take the traditional photo by the tree. Because I haven't taken that photo with a guest since you're the first. And that's the other thing. This is the first time I set up the second microphone in this studio since, I guess, since the 13th of, uh, March, like it was kind of neat to, I grabbed the microphone out of the bin there and I set it up like a guest was going to be in the studio. And it's been three months since I've done an episode, uh, in person
Starting point is 00:27:37 of somebody. So we could do the tree, maybe it's dark now, but maybe tomorrow, maybe tomorrow we do the tree photo. But what is your honest opinion because i get these sarcastic remarks like some people like the hair and they're like yeah whatever and then i get a lot of this like get a haircut you look ridiculous like like like what are your you sleep with me every night you're married to me what are your thoughts about your hair about my hair so you i just cut your hair pretty recently and the cut is fine. It's just you never style it. So when it's not styled, it's poofy.
Starting point is 00:28:10 It's like all over the place. Your hair is just so thick. So it looks, I mean, it looks bad. What do you mean style it? If it's not styled. What am I supposed to do with it? Tell me. I supposed to do with it? Tell me. Put some gel or some mousse or some pomade or whatever,
Starting point is 00:28:35 whatever guys use to just make sure their hair goes in one direction or just tame it a bit. Like broil cream? Is that what guys use? I don't know what that is. I don't know what that is. Dapper Dan. What did it do? Dippity do or dep or, but that's gel. That's gel. Even though I know that. All right. So I guess, I don't know if you know this. So your hair normally is fine after a haircut,
Starting point is 00:28:52 but because it's wet, like those, those pictures that you post after your haircut, it's, it's usually just after you take a shower. So it looks fine. But then when it dries up, it's the usual.
Starting point is 00:29:03 It's poofy. Fine. So I'm not, you're right. I'm not really a hair. I'm not really a style. My's poofy. Fine. So I'm not, you're right. I'm not really a hair. I'm not really a style my hair kind of guy. Like I don't think in our marriage we've ever, I've ever styled my hair. So. So if you don't want to style your hair, I think you should just cut it all off.
Starting point is 00:29:16 I can always do that. Right. Right. But how often can I do this? So I feel like let's keep the back and sides shorter. You're my barber. If I haven't disclosed that yet, Monica cuts my hair. Let's keep the back and sides shorter you're my barber if i haven't disclosed that yet monica cuts my hair uh let's keep the back and sides shorter and let the top
Starting point is 00:29:30 kind of see where it goes like i've always remember i kind of started this before the pandemic so i had a head start it's not like i had a haircut and then the pandemic struck and i said let's go i was already kind of giving it a little more weight on top. So let's just see where it goes. But okay. So when? Well, I don't know. But let's just, let's maybe till there's a vaccine or something like.
Starting point is 00:29:53 Oh, you're going to make this a pandemic thing? Yeah. Even though you could get a haircut at any time. Right. Right. On that note, although James can get a haircut from you at any time. And James is also choosing to see where it goes. No, he hasn't got a haircut from me for the past year he switched barbers i don't but i guess but in a pandemic without telling me he could switch back right like it's
Starting point is 00:30:15 a pandemic okay so no but maybe he's just really nice he didn't like the haircut that was giving him i don't think that's true well i'll ask him i think i don't think that's true but he he might if it's if that was true it sounds like j'll ask him. I don't think that's true, but he might. If that was true, it sounds like James, though. He's very nice. What do you think of the white hairs on my chinny chin? I don't like it. I don't like it at all. So you agree with Michelle when she said it's the ugliest thing she's ever seen?
Starting point is 00:30:39 Yes. And your mom and Morgan. Jarvis doesn't mind it. I think Morgan's okay with it. She kisses it. Anyway, I think Morgan's okay with it. She kisses it. Anyway, I think she's okay with it. James likes it. How long are you keeping that?
Starting point is 00:30:50 I was thinking maybe the same deal. Let's let the hair and the goatee, let's let the hair and the goatee, let them go for a bit and just see what happens. Let's see what they look like on Labor Day. If this is all an experiment for you, can we try something? Can we dye it?
Starting point is 00:31:06 My what? Dye my what? Goatee. What color do you want to dye my goatee? I don't dye. I don't do the styling and I don't dye things. The goatee is like something you could just shave off easily. That's true. But why would I... It's for fun. You don't like it white? See what we could do
Starting point is 00:31:22 with it. Well, it's like a blank canvas. You could do anything with it. it's like a blank canvas you could do anything with it well that's actually part of what i meant i did not know it's been a long time since i uh let my facial hair grow beyond five days or whatever and i was surprised when i said hey let's leave uh let's leave the goatee at this this round of shaving and then i saw oh it's all completely white like i actually did not know it was going to be all white. So then once I saw it was all white, I became interested in seeing where it goes. So we'll see.
Starting point is 00:31:49 Okay. So Monica, this is an opportunity here. We are half an hour into this thing. Is there any questions or anything you want to discuss about our marriage? Like anything fit for public consumption you want to throw down right now and we can chat about? I wasn't given enough heads up to come up with some questions.
Starting point is 00:32:15 You know, I'm terrible at this. I don't like thinking on the spot. Clearly. I sucked at debating. Okay. And you used to have your own podcast and i tried yeah i don't know how many episodes that didn't last very long and i tried um toastmasters i don't know if you've ever done toastmasters but they have these table topics where you just pull a
Starting point is 00:32:39 topic out of the hat and you have to speak two minutes on it terrible at that i cannot do that i know give me a topic You're a good speaker. Am I? Is that why I'm the great host of this wonderful podcast? Now, okay. So why don't I ask you a few questions then? Sure.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Why don't you listen to every episode of Toronto Mic'd? I would think... Because I don't know a lot of your guests. But I... Here, just hear me out. If you had a podcast that I had nothing to do with, like I didn't produce it, you just, it would just drop. And then my Android device would say, hey, Monica's podcast just dropped. I'm pretty sure, unless the topic was like completely,
Starting point is 00:33:16 like it's all about sewing and then maybe I'm not going to listen to every episode or whatever. But I believe if it was you talking about different things or different guests and you're interviewing different guests, I believe I would listen to every single episode ASAP. Okay. But you just said you wouldn't listen to it if it was all about something that you're not interested in. So I could see myself talking about sewing or speaking to having guests or interviewing people in the sewing world,
Starting point is 00:33:46 you wouldn't listen to that. If you had the equivalent, Toronto Monica or Edmonton Monica, if you will, if you had the Edmonton Monica podcast and you had different guests and different topics, I would listen to that. But I feel like you don't have different topics. What are you talking about? You interview a lot of media people, Toronto media. You talk about Toronto in the eighties and the nineties. I didn't grow up here.
Starting point is 00:34:10 I don't know the stations. I don't know the people. Um, I just feel like those are most of your guests. Okay. But what about, maybe I'm wrong. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:18 But Monday is Hawksley Workman, for example. I don't know. Well, Friday was, uh, we kicked out 15 protest songs and talked about them.
Starting point is 00:34:26 Like these are nothing like what you're describing. Like you're talking about the Deanie Petty episode or something like that, right? Like, right. It's going to be a deep dive into Deanie Petty.
Starting point is 00:34:34 Although Deanie Petty was a national presence. Like you could have known her in Edmonton. She wasn't just on City. Right. But there's also an age difference. So were we watching
Starting point is 00:34:43 the same shows at the same time? I wasn't watching the Deanie Petty show either, just for the record. But okay. So you're, but you would, is it fair to say you'd listen if I had a guest on that you were like that you were interested in? Yes. I have listened to episodes that I was interested in. I listened to both the Roz and the Mocha episodes.
Starting point is 00:35:04 That's true. That's true. I listened to Roger Mooking the Mocha episodes. That's true. That's true. I listened to Roger Mooking and I actually laughed out loud. I thought that was an entertaining episode. What did you like about it? Do you think Roger was high? What do you think? He was very laid back and laughed at a lot of your jokes.
Starting point is 00:35:20 I think he was high. I think he was high, which is fine. I don't know. I've never actually watched him or I don't know how he is normally on interviews, but he seemed very laid back. So if you're, it takes, so I mean, this is episode 666. You've probably heard about 10 episodes, maybe. Probably. That sounds about right.
Starting point is 00:35:38 All right. See, I find that offensive. Really? You're offended? Yeah, a little bit. Because even though once in a while there'll be some subject matter you have zero interest in okay let's say you could you could like why not try a pandemic friday episode like like like i would think that uh there's a lot of these are interesting
Starting point is 00:35:58 episodes regardless like the fact that you're married to me is just the whole icing on the cake like you should be tuning into the pandemic friday episodes i'll try one out okay i'll try one out i do hear them like a one-sided version of them while you're recording that's true you're upstairs and i'm banging right down here now yeah with stew and cam though you hear one third of the show because and you don't hear the music so yeah you gotta try that out okay uh, what else, what, what do you, what do you think of, uh, when we watch our television at night or we, you know, usually at night we watch something on TV.
Starting point is 00:36:33 We don't watch much TV, but, uh, we usually wind down at the end of the night with something, right? Yeah. It's been pretty good. I mean, we are now subscribed to all the streaming services trying to find something for the kids so I feel like we have a lot of options and so far we've been finding some good shows and we typically we get on the same page quickly like we both enjoyed Rami
Starting point is 00:36:57 yeah that was good and I can't remember what you thought actually maybe I was about to say we both enjoyed Fleabag but I don't know if you liked Fleabag. Did you like Fleabag? I liked season two much better than season one. Okay, but you... I had to, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:11 I had to convince myself to stick with it. Okay, that's what I remember now. We watched the pilot of season one, and you were ready to bail, and I said, what are you talking about? That was amazing. And then I won, and thankfully... You won.
Starting point is 00:37:24 And right now, what are we watching right now? Right now, we're watching the, what's the Incredible Hulk guy? No, I thought you were watching Killing Eve. We're watching both. Because that one's only released once a week. What's his name? Mark Ruffalo. Right. What is it called? This Much I Know Is True? Something like that.
Starting point is 00:37:50 This Much I Know Is True? The Lamb book, yeah. This Much I Know Is True, I think it's called. But that's an HBO miniseries? Is that what that is? Yes. I don't know. What's the difference between miniseries and a series?
Starting point is 00:38:03 Well, a series would have different seasons. Like this is season one, this is season two. a mini series would be uh self-contained like this is six or eight episodes and that's all it is well i don't know maybe there's a season two i don't think so because it's based on the wally wally lamb book which i remember i remember my first wife reading uh anyway yeah i don't read oh yeah so oh i read like can i compare my wives i read a lot of non- wives? I read a lot of nonfiction. I was reading a lot of nonfiction books. And then I switched reading, physical reading, to listening reading. Audiobooks.
Starting point is 00:38:34 Oh, audiobooks. I was going to say, because of my first marriage, as you know, my first wife read like crazy. She always had a book or two on the go. Like she just ate up books like candy. I know. I, at one point I became friends with her on what's the book website where you could follow people?
Starting point is 00:38:57 Good reads. Good reads. Yes. We became friends on good reads and she was like nonstop on that. And I was stuck at one book for years well okay so um you don't read as much as she does but here and you won out in the end right okay so i know it's an awkward conversation i'm gonna move on past it by now uh is there anything uh what are the like like you have three things uh that you would change in this marriage if you could change right away oh i don't know if i should say that okay well just just just be aware because i don't
Starting point is 00:39:32 want to edit anything so just be aware that uh everyone can hear you right now three things i think you could be better around the house with chores. A more equal, equal partnership there. That's for sure. That's my number one. Now I did just, I did just empty the dishwasher and load it up.
Starting point is 00:39:55 And it's funny. Every time you do something, you ask for praise, like for days. Not for days. And a pat on the back. No. I emptied the dishwasher. days and a pad on the back no i empty the dishwasher i uh just am proud of myself i'd like to share with you what i just did so uh that's what i do there uh okay what else so i
Starting point is 00:40:16 should help out more with housework like cleaning the house cleaning cooking planning i feel like no i do pick up so you do i know you do order the groceries online that's i feel like it's more work figuring out what to buy that's way more work than going to pick it up i know i maybe i i don't know except i i am happily like throughout the pandemic and beyond i'm happy to pick up the groceries whenever like happy to and i did it today and we what is it you typically you uh you order pc express and then i pick it up at the the no frills on dixie or whatever and uh i mean yeah i don't know i guess you do make the order though and i appreciate that because then i just have to go pick it up in the trailer or whatever okay anything else um i can't think of any other changes that was the big okay that's pretty good i know i'm actually i mean it's a pretty broad broad statement there's just a lot to do in the
Starting point is 00:41:19 house okay but then let me turn it that's's fine. What about me as a father? Oh, so this parenting, I think we're a bit different there. You're very, I find you're very lenient with things. Okay. Can you elaborate? Go ahead. You were, I think Jarvis was five and he wanted to go on a bike ride with some neighbors to the park. He was five and he just started biking and he said,
Starting point is 00:41:52 yeah, go, go ahead. There were no adults with them. And I was really nervous. The kids were a bit, were older as I remember. They weren't his age.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Like eight or nine. But they were Joe's kids. They were under 10. Okay. But okay. Oh yeah. I think, okay. So you think I'm kids. They were under 10. Okay. But okay. Oh, I think, okay.
Starting point is 00:42:08 So you think I'm lenience, not the word. I think you're thinking I give the kids too long a leash. Okay. I don't know what word that would be. So you wouldn't let your five-year-old bike to the park with his friends, even if they were a couple of years older. Cause that to me, it was big. It's not like I let him go with a couple of years older. Because that to me was big. It's not like I let him go with a bunch of five year olds.
Starting point is 00:42:27 Like I knew the kids he was going with and I knew where he was going and I trusted him. And these kids, I just trusted. But did you trust the kids? Yeah, the Joe's kids. Okay. But they were still pretty young. Okay. So you wish that I had not allowed Jarvis to do that.
Starting point is 00:42:42 You wouldn't, you would have said Jarvis, you're not allowed to go. Yeah. Yeah. Give me some more examples. I'm very curious about this. Because I do give the kids a lot of... You do. I do give... But it's sort of like they get my trust until they prove to me that
Starting point is 00:42:57 they're not worthy of the trust. And because Jarvis is number three and I have 18 years now doing this... Maybe that's why. He's number three and you just stopped caring no no I did the same no that's Taryn I did the same with with with James uh but James I'd give him more leash I'd give him more leash very young age you're right and I and he always proved that he was able to handle it and ready for more so he kept getting more and next thing you know you have a 13 year old who's
Starting point is 00:43:26 really independent and uh responsible like that was the whole design so it worked with him and then it worked with michelle like you know michelle on you know which even at 12 years old like how independent and she could get herself anywhere downtown with her bike and she was totally like on the ttc by herself and all these things. So I'm doing the same thing with Jarvis and so far so good. I'm doing the same thing with Jarvis that I did with Michelle and James because it worked.
Starting point is 00:43:53 So there's a method to the madness. I'm not doing anything crazy. I don't know. I think it depends on the personality. I think James was probably more obedient than Jarvis and Jarvis, he's very, very curious. And he likes to try things out. And he's adventurous.
Starting point is 00:44:12 So I don't think he will listen all the time. That's why I'm a bit afraid when you give him a long leash. But is there any instance where there was anything happen? No, thankfully, it's all been good. But the fact that you do, I feel like there's a risk there. There was another example. I wasn't there, thankfully, because I would have flipped out. He needed to go to the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:44:37 You were out. And he told him to ask the employee to ask if he could use the bathroom by himself. Yeah, like at a grocery store or a shopper's drug mart or something. Yeah. Yeah. I told him to knock on the door. And when the employee answers the door. Four out of five.
Starting point is 00:44:58 Yeah. Ask if he could use the bathroom and to go to the bathroom and come back. And what? You didn't think that? No. Oh, wow. Okay. No. What did? Well well i wanted to see i wanted to see if he could do it like uh it wasn't unsafe i wanted to
Starting point is 00:45:13 see if he had the the confidence to you know ask somebody you know with my permission ask somebody to use their washroom then use the washroom and then come back like i was giving him a lot of uh like a like a lot of like a long leash there that's that's what that's how i roll babe that's how i roll i know that's how you roll and i'm and he you know what he kicked ass he totally was amazing like and even i think how in that example if it's the shoppers what i'm thinking of a little bit later in the shopping experience that lady came up to me to tell me how like mature and, uh, how polite my son was. Like I, that lady actually made a point to find me and tell me how amazing that was. Cause she couldn't believe what this little, cause you're
Starting point is 00:45:57 right. He was like four years old, but anyway, I felt he was ready to do that. And it was a safe place to do it because I was in, it's not like I wasn't there. I was around. You were around. He was not in your line of sight. Babe, I knew exactly where he was going. Okay. Anyway, I haven't lost a kid yet. So I stand by my record. So anything else? I feel like this is good therapy here. Like, is there anything else about my parenting? Because, because you know our youngest is only four so there's so many years left of you know parenting so anything else no i think that's the big thing oh we disagree on is it possible that uh me being so as you said lenient makes you loosen up a little because otherwise you might be lean going too far
Starting point is 00:46:47 the other way like you might be bubble wrapping these kids no or helicopter parenting not even close no i don't think so okay just checking in there okay so we talked about uh it sounds like things are pretty good like seven years years in, like, would you, I joke with you about this, that I think marriages should be like seven years in renewals. Like people should get married for seven years. And then at the seven year mark, they should get together and discuss whether they should renew it or whether they should end it and then have an opportunity to do it with somebody else.
Starting point is 00:47:24 Sort of makes sense. But that could happen at any time. Like, why don't you just always talk about whether or not it's working? Well, I know, but I thought, I mean,
Starting point is 00:47:32 the seven year opt out, like it's like a contract, right? Like it's like at the seven year mark of one of the two parties decides I don't actually want this. And, and, and you know,
Starting point is 00:47:41 you should, we have two kids, so it's not like, I think if you didn't have the kids, it might be more easier to just say, okay, let's part ways, shake hands, part ways, or whatever. But at the seven-year mark, if one of us didn't want this anymore, you could have an amicable split. Like, I've proven to be pretty good at splitting with the mother of two children.
Starting point is 00:48:03 Like, I think I, in a sense, what I mean by that is. What are you suggesting there? What I'm telling you is it sounds like both of us would like to renew. Am I right? Yeah. All right. Now this is a free for all before we wrap up episode 666. And thank you for letting me keep 666 in the family.
Starting point is 00:48:28 I think it's a cool number. So maybe I'll just point out before I do the free for all question period here. Let people know you're drinking some blonde lager. My favorite. From Great Lakes Brewery. And you really do love the blonde lager. I do. Favorite. From Great Lakes Brewery. And you really do love the blonde lager. And I'm now, just because today is Al Grego's birthday.
Starting point is 00:48:51 Oh, happy birthday. And Al is the lead singer of the Royal Pains. So I got a photo of him performing on stage at Great Lakes Brewery. And then I remembered, like, oh, yeah, those first three TMLXs had live music and the Royal Pains played all three of them. Lowest of the low played number three, but the first two were just the Royal Pains. And I realized like right now we should be having a TMLX6. Like the whole plan was to do it on the balcony in June. We were talking about.
Starting point is 00:49:20 Oh yeah. Like I was even talking to like the Watchmen and some different like really cool artists about performing on the patio of Great Lakes. So I got kind of like sad because I don't know when we can do that. Like I don't maybe that's June 2021. Like I don't know. No one knows. Right. You could figure out maybe a virtual TMLX or something.
Starting point is 00:49:44 No, I know I could do a virtual TMLX, but I'm wondering when I can do a... Oh, yeah, in person. In person. Even if we have to cap it, like let's say only 40 people or something. I don't know because we don't have the answers today. But thanks, Great Lakes Brewery.
Starting point is 00:49:58 And as you know, Anthony is a great friend. Anthony from Palma Pasta. And I know you love from Palma Pasta. And I know you love the Palma Pasta lasagna. I do. My favorite lasagna. And I know that, what else do I know you of? You've been making masks for Ridley Funeral Home.
Starting point is 00:50:20 Yes. How many masks in total did you make for Ridley Funeral Home? 40, 40 or 50 maybe. Wow. I think around there. Okay. I didn't know it was that big a number. That's amazing.
Starting point is 00:50:34 Okay. Very cool though. Helping the community out there. So I guess I just want to thank Barb Paluskiewicz. I actually have a phone number here. If anybody has any network issues. So babe, when you're back at work or with your colleagues, if there's any network issues or any computer issues at all, 905-542-9759 gets you Barb Poluskowicz.
Starting point is 00:50:56 I recently did an episode with Barb. People should check it out. It's one of those episodes you don't think it should be that good, but it's actually pretty damn good. What do you mean you don't think it'd be that good but it's actually pretty damn good so you don't think it'd be that good i mean that if somebody said hey we're gonna meet barb from cdn technologies you might you might skip it i think you might skip it you'll be like i'll i'll i'll tune in for michael landsberg and steve pakin and i'll skip the barb paluskiewicz and i think you'd be surprised that barb is not an episode you should skip it's very good and austin keitner you know austin too so keitner group uh text toronto mic to five nine five five nine sticker
Starting point is 00:51:31 you sticker you know i got all these toronto mic stickers behind me and the kids enjoy the toronto mic to temporary tattoos so thanks so much and, did you sign up for garbage I did. I get the emails. Tell us how you signed up and what you get. Like just walk through it real quick here. Um, like you went to garbage slash Toronto Mike.
Starting point is 00:51:57 Yes. I clicked the link and filled out a form and I just get emails reminding me, Oh, you could choose if you want an email or text message and when you want to receive it the day before the day of what did you remind you? Um, the day of. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:13 So I chose a 7 PM the night before. Oh, and I get a text. Oh no, no, you're right. Not the day of, cause it can't be the day of it's morning.
Starting point is 00:52:22 Anyway, there were two options. I can't remember what I chose. You know, my memory has been really bad lately. I feel like there's just... Yeah, that's age, I guess. I don't know. I still have a good memory.
Starting point is 00:52:36 But sometimes I can't put a name to the face. And I'll say, what's that person's name again? And then it will come to me. But it used to be there right away. So I feel like I'm a slip in here. It's either your memory or your hearing that you're losing because we have problems communicating sometimes.
Starting point is 00:52:55 Pardon? Anyway, back to garbage day. Yeah, I signed up and I get notices. Although you usually put out the garbage and recycling so yeah that's my job we we split some duties and i like that one you know i get to put out the yard waste and i get to put out the garbage and recycling so so get off my turf woman i used to do that when you lived with me you know pre-me pre-you there was a pre-me. Pre-you. There was a pre-me. All right, babe. Total like free form opens segment here.
Starting point is 00:53:31 Anything you want to ask about, talk about, or ridicule me for anything. I feel like I'm like just so like roast worthy. I know. I wish I could roast myself. There's a million. Come on. I know. But like I said, I wish I could roast myself. There's a million. Come on. I know. But like I said,
Starting point is 00:53:46 I wish I had like, I wrote this down. I had time to think about it because there's lots I could roast you about. I feel, but on the spot is a bit difficult. Well, just take a deep breath and think I'm not going to rush play off quite yet with the lowest of the low. Just take a moment.
Starting point is 00:54:06 Um, play off quite yet with the lowest of the low. Just take a moment. You could ask me questions and maybe it'll come out that way. I don't know. I suck at this. Yeah. I make a terrible interviewee. Well, it's my freaking show and I can do what I want to do.
Starting point is 00:54:23 And the way I look at it is, it's not like this replaced the Huxley Workman, right. And the way I look at it is, it's not like this replaced the Huxley Workman, right? Like the way I look at it is, this is an additional episode, which people, if they're going to cherry pick an episode, this one I'll probably call it my wife or something like that. And if people have no interest in hearing Toronto Mike talk to his wife, they're not going to play this episode
Starting point is 00:54:41 and they're never going to hear our voices. And then they can just do Huxley Workman or they can do steve pakin and michael landsberg they can do pandemic friday whatever but if somebody says hey i mean i like what toronto mike's up doing we never hear from his wife uh let's give that a spin then hey they're gonna hear that toronto mike's wife uh sucks at improv and can't think well maybe spin it maybe then do this then wait I have a question I thought of a question for you all right go ahead so what would you do what do you think you're doing differently now during this pandemic now that you're not home alone because I see you and you're doing everything the same you're down
Starting point is 00:55:21 here recording you go on your two-hour bike rides you I don't know everything's the same you're down here recording you go on your two-hour bike rides you i don't know everything's the same um because yeah you never have to go in the office so you're at home um most of the time i'm watching the kids is that true yeah so what would, how would it be any different if times were normal? I feel like it'd be different. Like normal times, I got up at seven, got the kids ready, dropped him off. I was home by eight o'clock and I was alone from eight o'clock until you got home at five or whatever. And then I would at 5.15 or something, I'd waltz over to daycare and grab more again or something. So that's eight to five where I was home alone. And I would, you know, there'd be some recordings, sometimes my show, sometimes other clients show. You know, I have a lot of work I do that's actually not
Starting point is 00:56:16 recording. So I'd have all these different things I had to do. And I would do them all till noon. And at noon, I would jump on my bike and do, I don't know, 30K. And then at 1.30, I would kind of make a pizza for lunch. And then I would just read emails and tweets for a little bit while I ate. And then I would crank out more work until 5. I feel like now you'll be like Mike or babe. I've got a call from 9 to 10. And then I have a call from two to four. And then I take a, now I know for that period of time, I'm responsible for the children.
Starting point is 00:56:51 So I, I feel like a lot of my time to get things done. I'm not talking recording time because you're right. When I'm recording, I can't be watching the kids, but all that other stuff I did between recordings is now been compressed into this very little free time I now have. So to me, it feels very different. I know it might not look different, but I've compressed something that I might've done in six hours time. I'm trying to jam it into like a two hour slot. Okay. So I'm trying, it's very different. It's very different. It's going to be different until the kids go to daycare or school or whatever. Musical tastes. You mentioned we talked off the top about the music for the wedding and how I had great input.
Starting point is 00:57:34 I need to know a bit more about your musical taste because I know you like your 90s R&B. Is that what you like? What do you like your 90s R&B. Is that what you like? What do you like? I do, but mostly I like radio hits of any decade. I could listen on Spotify, listening to the top 60s hits, top 70s hits. So I'm pretty all over the place. If it was a hit, I would... You're a top 40 person.
Starting point is 00:58:04 Yeah, I am. Okay, well, I mean, so like Carly Rae Jepsen. I mean, I'm not a fan. I don't like that song, but I don't mind it. Okay, that's a big hit. I don't have strong feelings
Starting point is 00:58:18 towards music, towards certain songs. You've never kicked out the jams. You could just be in the background and it'll be fine. Your son Jarvis has kicked out the jams, but you have never kicked out the jams. You could just be in the background and it'll be fine. Your son Jarvis has kicked out the jams, but you have never kicked out the jams. I have.
Starting point is 00:58:29 You kicked out the jams? Oh no, not a whole episode. No, you kicked out one jam. I had one song. I struggled to find a song that I would kick out. Because I'm... You don't love music? I'm like an even Steven when it comes to music.
Starting point is 00:58:46 Okay, that's... I'm fine with... I'm... Yeah. Okay. I find that interesting. I like music. I don't...
Starting point is 00:58:53 I know someone that doesn't like music, which is weird. I enjoy listening to music, but I'm not particular about what's on. Okay. You think that's weird? Yeah, just that I find it. I don't know how you could be even Steven about music.
Starting point is 00:59:08 Like, because when I like music a lot, I like it a lot. Like this is all consuming. I'm very passionate about it. You're pat. That's how you are. Like you're either really passionate about something or you don't care.
Starting point is 00:59:21 And I'm in the middle. Maybe I'm. Is there anything you're really passionate about? Anything really. Maybe I'm in the middle. Maybe I'm... Is there anything you're really passionate about? Anything really? Maybe I'm realizing the reason that you're willing to renew this marriage and everything is okay is because you're even Steven. It's all good. Are you passionate about anything?
Starting point is 00:59:39 Like really like fucking like, you know, like how I'm sort of of I got this great range. Yeah. Mine comes in phases. Like I would learn about something and I would go all out on it. Like right now it's plants. I'm all about plants. And I'll be obsessed with it for a while.
Starting point is 00:59:59 You're all about plants. Okay. Okay. So you'll be obsessed with plants for a while and then you'll move on to the next thing. All right. But you're not, you don't like, you don't, you don't. And like with artists, I was obsessed with Green Day for a while and I like them now. I wouldn't call them my favorite, but yeah, I go in phases.
Starting point is 01:00:24 I hope I'm not a phase. We'll see how the next seven years goes. Maybe every seven years you'll come on Toronto Mike. Yeah. We'll do a State of the Union address. Phase two. See how things are going. And in seven years, you won't believe how long my goatee is going to be.
Starting point is 01:00:43 It'll be a different color. Oh, when I'm sleeping, you're going to go get like shoe polish or something. Shoe polish? I'm thinking like red or pink or blue. See, I don't know if I think I would do that. Like I don't want to color it any color that could look like I'm trying to make it look like that's a natural color. But I would totally do blue. Okay, let's do that.
Starting point is 01:01:03 Because people know that's fake. Like I'm not trying to trick anybody. It's, you know, all right, babe, you gave me a whole hour here tonight on our Saturday night. And I learned a lot.
Starting point is 01:01:15 Did you? Yeah, I think so. I learned you're even Steven and I learned I need to help out with more housework. And, uh, I didn't know that shoppers jug mart thing about the washroom
Starting point is 01:01:25 bothered you so much. It really bothered me. I think I vented to my co-workers about that the next day. Did any of your co-workers see what I was doing there? Or did they all side with you?
Starting point is 01:01:37 I think they were really proud of Jarvis. Right, but listen to yourself. No, no, no. Being proud of Jarvis and giving Jarvis that moment was only made possible because I trusted him to take that leap. I'm not,
Starting point is 01:01:52 I mean, it turned out for the best. I knew what I was doing, babe. No, no. I always know what I'm doing. It was too risky.
Starting point is 01:01:59 Well, we'll leave with this. You have admitted on this podcast. I recorded it that the 18 year old and the almost 16-year-old are absolutely wonderful people. Yes. Right? Yes. Do you think that's all their mom's doing?
Starting point is 01:02:13 She had some deal with it. I'm not saying it's all my doing. They're different people. They have different personalities. You know I had a lot to do with this, though. I literally right now, and it's early days for the four-year-old and even the six-year-old, but I have a perfect parenting record right now. I'm batting 1,000.
Starting point is 01:02:38 Okay. Let's talk about the pneumonia that you almost... Let's talk about the pneumonia. That you almost... And that brings us to the end of our 666th show. 666. You're not impressed by 666? No. Even Steven.
Starting point is 01:02:58 I bet you Huxley's going to be pissed that he has to be 667 now. I bet you he thought, because he saw on Twitter that he was up to be 6'6", 6'. And I bet you that means a lot to him. Oh, and I took it. You took it. I'm going to tell Huxley you took it. You can follow me on Twitter. I'm at Toronto Mike.
Starting point is 01:03:13 Babe, how can people follow you on Twitter? I'm on Twitter. I don't tweet much, but I'm at Miss Monica Rina. Miss, M-I-S-S, Monica with a C, Rina, R-I-S-S Monica with a C Rina R-I-N-A Our friends at Great Lakes Brewery are at Great Lakes Beer
Starting point is 01:03:32 Palma Pasta is at Palma Pasta Sticker U is at Sticker U The Keitner Group are at The Keitner Group CDN Technologies are at CDN Technologies and Garbage Day are at Garbageytner Group. CDN Technologies are at CDN Technologies. And Garbage Day are at
Starting point is 01:03:48 slash Toronto Mike. Happy anniversary, babe. Happy anniversary. And your smile is fine and it's just like mine and it won't go away. Because everything is rosy and green.
Starting point is 01:04:15 Well, I've kissed you in France, and I've kissed you in Spain. And I've kissed you in places I better not name. And I've seen the sun go down on Chaclacour. But I like it much better going down on you. Yeah, you know that's true because... This podcast has been produced by TMDS and accelerated by Roam Phone. Roam Phone brings you the most reliable virtual phone service to run your business and protect your home number from unwanted calls. Visit to get started.

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