Toronto Mike'd: The Official Toronto Mike Podcast - Ontario Jams That Aren't Toronto Jams: Toronto Mike'd #824

Episode Date: March 26, 2021

This 54th Pandemic Friday, Mike kicks out Ontario jams that aren't Toronto jams with Cam Gordon and Stu Stone....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Start at the dawn of a new day Exploring the wide open road Follow the trail where it's leading you And discover Ontario You'll see the mist on the water And feel the sun shining strong You'll find the smile of a friendly face That says this is where you belong
Starting point is 00:00:33 In Ontario So get on the nose See Ontario There's nothing to know Cause it's yours to discover And you're gonna love it so So come on everybody Get up and discover
Starting point is 00:00:53 You're Ontario It's time now for Pandemic Fridays Starring Toronto Mike, Stu Stone, and Cam Gordon. Welcome to episode 824 of Toronto Mic'd, a weekly podcast about anything and everything. Proudly brought to you by Great Lakes Brewery, a fiercely independent craft brewery who believes in supporting communities, good times, and brewing amazing beer. CDN Technologies, your outsourced IT department. Contact Barb. She's at Palma Pasta. Enjoy the taste of fresh homemade Italian pasta and entrees from Palma Pasta in Mississauga and Oakville. Create custom stickers, labels, tattoos, and decals
Starting point is 00:02:12 for your home and your business. Ridley Funeral Home. Pillars of the community since 1921. And Mike Majewski, or as I call him, Mimico Mike. He's the real estate agent who's ripping up the Mimico real estate scene. Learn more at I'm Mike from and joining me for this 54th Pandemic Friday, it's Cam Gordon and Stu Stone.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Yeah. How's everybody doing today? And the crowd goes mild. How is everybody doing? That's a funky background you got there, Stu. I guess you haven't figured out how to undo that, but it looks cool to me. I mean, I can undo it, but I just want it to look cool. Like the way that Cam, I'm just jealous of Cam.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Very rare. Wow. It's happened, finally. After 40 some odd years, I'm finally jealous of Cam. And Cam, you're rocking the Ontario backdrop there, and that's, of course, in honor of today's very special Pandemic Friday.
Starting point is 00:03:22 Yeah, it is. I apologize in advance. My Wi-Fi is complete garbage today, so if I drop off, it's on personal. Oh, it is. I apologize to advance. My Wi-Fi is complete garbage today, so if I drop off... Who's your provider? I'm not going to say. Oh, that's private.
Starting point is 00:03:35 They might be a Twitter Canada client. Okay, understood. But who isn't? Okay, so a couple of notes off the very top and one is there was a nice note at we're at we're live at and moose grumpy wrote something very nice and i'm going to try to find it uh just wanted to tell you stew how how wonderful your words were last week about sheila yes, I just read that as well.
Starting point is 00:04:05 Thank you. You can't really plan for those types of things. I spoke from the heart, and I think I represented all of us. Sheila, we're still missing her a week later, and the news is still just as shocking. It's crazy. It's just crazy. I did hear from her husband, Sheila's husband, Eric, wrote me a note, a lovely note.
Starting point is 00:04:29 And he said that he listened to our tribute to Sheila last week and he says he cried. So I let him know we're all there for him and I wrote him a nice note back. But it kind of feels good to, I don't know, it feels good is right word, but it's nice that Eric was able to find some, you know, tearful solace in our words last week. Yeah. Sheila had a lot of fans in the FOTM universe and beyond.
Starting point is 00:04:56 So yeah, that was, that was a very, I know you mentioned that to us prior and yeah, it was really, God, he liked it. I don't know like there are no words cam yeah there are no words you know your daytime job you're in communications well at times like this sometimes it's impossible to communicate effectively yes there's no uh press release that express one's feelings when something like this happens so right yeah we're of course we've also we've also we've also been talking about internally behind the scenes uh about potentially having the sheila
Starting point is 00:05:30 awards at the end of the year maybe in honor of sheila you name like an fotm of the year or something like that and they win like the sheila award we've been talking about it internally anyway there's been meetings there's a few things on the table you know we're always uh who's up like who's up for the Sheilas this year? Let's find out. Okay, so I was thinking the Sheilas might be like an FOTM Hall of Fame, almost. Like, who's an FOTM who's gone above and beyond? Like somebody like, for example.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Yeah, so that's the person that's up for the Sheilas. Like those are the nominees. Yeah, I'm down, man. We're continuing these discussions as we polish this idea and we dot the I's and then we cross T's and we're getting something cooking here. Awesome. Right off the bat, whose phone is that?
Starting point is 00:06:16 Is it yours, Stu? It's got to be Cam. He's very popular. It's an iPhone, right? I don't have an iPhone. I switched rooms because my Wi-Fi was so shitty in the office. Right. Understood.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Okay. We hope you can hang in there. This episode needs Cam. Stu, you've never sounded better. It's funny that when you rise in the acoustics, Cam equally plummets. You two are like a seesaw. In a good way? Well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:43 You can't both be awesome at the same time. That's our dynamic. I'm kind of the straight man, the voice of reason. Arguably. There's been rumors as to whether he's the straight man. The ne'er-do-well, the brat. There's anything wrong with that. Enfin
Starting point is 00:06:59 terrible. Let me introduce the topic off the top and play a jam. You know that guy, that French-Canadian I'm sure we've talked about this before. That French-Canadian chalk guy that's like, he was on the Great Space Coaster but he's also like
Starting point is 00:07:15 and he's just like and he gets mad at the guy and you're like, I'm that guy. Simon? His name's not Simon. No, Simon's the chalk guy. Yeah, that's a different chalk guy. That's the land of chalk drawings or whatever. Yeah, yeah, chalk talk.
Starting point is 00:07:31 Well, you know, my name is Simon. Yeah. So anyway. Yeah, go ahead. What's that guy's name, that cartoon character? Ganu? Gary Ganu? No, but it's something like that. But that's all I remember.
Starting point is 00:07:44 I don't even know how to Google that. It's like Great Space Coaster guy. Like Chalk Interlude. Ask the FOTMs who are watching this live. Maybe the VP of sales can jump on this. I see he's in there.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Helps to get the name of this guy from the Great Space Coaster. Where's Andrew Ward at? Sorry about that. Shout out to Beck. Beck's watching us live and there's a particular band. I should just right now, I should just announce the topic because I haven't done that yet.
Starting point is 00:08:16 We're kicking out jams from Ontario bands, but they aren't, they can't be from Toronto. So Ontario bands that aren't from Toronto. And there's one particular band that Beck is basically, But they can't be from Toronto. So Ontario bands that aren't from Toronto. And there's one particular band that Becca's basically, I think she's going to quit the FOTM society or club or community or whatever if one of us fails to kick out a particular band. Okay, here's a question for you guys.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Now, I don't think we're too specific. So there's Toronto and then there's the GTA I'll be curious to see what band is from outside of Toronto I didn't touch the GTA we did not discuss this though so I feel if you kick out for example
Starting point is 00:08:57 a Streetsville band you know that would be okay because we just said no Toronto bands what about a Thornhill band? That's okay. City-city limits? Right.
Starting point is 00:09:09 I think the way I interpreted this rule, it's like if you're not a 416 band, then you're fair game. Yeah. Have you ever heard the song, I think it's called Sick of Toronto by Party Next Door? Do you know that jam?
Starting point is 00:09:25 No, no. Sounds like Maestro's next jam, but more of that in a moment. I feel like he's from Mississauga or Oakville or something. So it shows them leaving Toronto and going home to Mississauga and having a party in a condo near Square One or something. Can I kick out the first jam uh ontario jam that's not from toronto that introduces the topic and basically this is really the uh the catalyst if you will the impetus for this topic so this is the jam we wanted to kick out this week uh let me did i load right here.
Starting point is 00:10:24 I'll talk over it a little bit, but I might have to turn it up in a moment here. I actually legit love this song. How about the fact that it's the second time we've kicked out Spring on this show? But we never kicked out Spring Jams. We kicked out this song. We did this whole shtick like last okay yes that is a bit fucked up that like we were more than a year beyond uh and repeating or repeating ourselves already that is fucked up but like oh we'll be back in the office at six no no this is like the annual
Starting point is 00:10:54 pandemic friday gendarme right and this song of course is uh the first day of spring and here let spring. And here, let me turn this part up. I love this. Do you guys know where the Gandharvas are from? I think they're from the Porno for Pyros fan club. Do you know, Cam? I think they're from London. Are they not? Guelph? Hold on. Let me Google it.
Starting point is 00:11:42 Hold on. Okay. Doesn't it sound like if you had to guess what that was and you weren't from Canada, you would think that that's Perry Farrell, right? Yeah, definitely. Yeah, like a B-side or something. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:11:53 Totally. Definitely here. So, Mike should have done... Yeah, London. So, what do I know? So, yeah. So, this is a London, Ontario band band and they would totally be appropriate for tonight's jam kicking. They would also be appropriate for
Starting point is 00:12:07 the episode that you refused to allow me to do, which is Mistaken Identity, because this would have played well in that episode. Well, those are strong words, Stu. There's lots of time left in this pandemic because we're doing Pandemic Fridays until the last of us receives our final jab. That's the pledge we've made to the
Starting point is 00:12:23 FOTM. So, I don't know, you Cam, on this side of the border, my mom was supposed to get her shot Friday, and she got the notice that they're out of stock. Oh shit. Where's your mom? Is she... Toronto. So, she had an appointment
Starting point is 00:12:39 for Friday to get the first shot, and they're like, don't come, we don't have any. So, I think it's going to be a while for us, Cam. Yeah, and I don't know. I know they're saying with these sanctions allegedly coming out of the EU will not affect the Canadian
Starting point is 00:12:56 supply, but I don't know. I'll sort of believe it when I see it with any of this stuff because it just, I mean, it's the most demand product in the history of the planet. But you know who did you know who did get a jab who carol pope she did yeah so mike it seemed like you you were like vibrating after that episode and i i've already listened to it so um how'd that go it's good to see she wasn't napping this time first and foremost but you really steered the ship on that one because uh you know like a lot of i feel like
Starting point is 00:13:32 guests of a certain generation you know you've seen this before they're not quite what to expect even within the first few minutes of the toronto miked podcast but uh how are you feeling after uh after the episode yeah those episodes so what's happening now that we're 824 episodes into this uh project is now it's kind of it's becoming a bit of a I won't say routine because you never know what's going to happen in the conversation but I don't get nervous about them they happen I do my best I enjoy them they're done and then i don't think a lot about them and when something different happens like when there's something like happened yesterday it sort of like does recharge me like i get it it's very i find it very exciting like
Starting point is 00:14:17 it's uh a bit like all of a sudden i have this massive live challenge and can I fix this? Like similar to Molly Johnson, except where Molly was kind of mean to me. I wouldn't say Carol was mean to me. Like she was never mean to me. But I could tell early on we were going to have troubles like technical problems and a clear desire for her not to talk about the seventies and eighties. When of course I had my list in front of me, it was like, you know, jam packed with questions about the 70s and 80s. When of course I had my list in front of me. It was like you know jam packed with questions. About the 70s and 80s. So I personally found it like quite the. Like thrilling challenge.
Starting point is 00:14:53 To see can I. Can I create something from this. Zoom call that I'm having with Carol Pope. Who's in New York City. Like it's just kind of bananas. I think the two most Memorable parts of it were Spoiler about 50 minutes In where she just sort of put like
Starting point is 00:15:09 A pregnant pause and then says Sorry are we ever going to get around to talk about My new single I enjoyed that and Credit to you Mike and I DM this to you too but Third Times a charm asking about
Starting point is 00:15:25 Northern Lights where she claimed she had no memories and then went into some great memories about it. Like she had some very specific memories about being there. That was for you and I, I think were the target audience for that one. But I could tell she had warmed up to a point where I felt this like courage.
Starting point is 00:15:42 Like I can go back to that well and see. Courage, by the way. Courage is a word we may hear later. Well, that would prevent Beck from leaving the fraternity here if Courage gets played because that is the band
Starting point is 00:15:55 she is apparently would be heartbroken if we didn't play that particular Ontario band that's not from Toronto. I don't think they get any love around here, so it's going to be tough. They could get Hanson. Anyway, Mike, a final thought about carol yeah please we've done so many of these episodes that i i can tell exactly where your brain's at because i see today you randomly tweeted out does anyone know buffy saint ryan because you want to have that exact same conversation with Buffy
Starting point is 00:16:25 let her up for 30 minutes and then hit her this is the hammer Buffy why weren't you in Northern Lights and also if you know Buffy why wasn't Leonard Cohen there you know you can totally know exactly like where my mind's at like and I get this like
Starting point is 00:16:41 like this obsession like where the fuck is Buffy St. Marie and how do I get her on fat like this obsession like where the fuck is buffy saint marie and how do i get her on a zoom call with me like this is the kind of thing i never dare dream about these things you know as a you know 15 years ago but now i'm in a place where it's like and i chatted with eric alper who has some connect to buffy saint marie and eric's like no man she gets 100 fucking requests a week and she doesn't do any of them. Although I saw she did Apple podcast with Apple show with Strombo, but that's another story.
Starting point is 00:17:08 Like she just really cherry picks and she's not going to do your show. Like this is Alper giving me the real talk. And still I got to find like a back door. Somebody listening knows Buffy and can say, hey, Buffy, Zoom with this idiot in Toronto. A good podcast in that sphere
Starting point is 00:17:24 would be a 10-part serialized podcast of the 10 most glaring omissions from Northern Lights. Let's do two and a half hours on that. Yeah, and then do like the big buildup and then sort of in the big sort of reveal, you finally get, you know, whether it's someone from Leonard Cohen's estate
Starting point is 00:17:43 or it's one of the artists themselves why were you not there cam do you think we lose stew and we go down these these rabbit holes i don't know what the fuck you guys are even talking about anymore can you guys save this for your like sidebar podcast that you do without me the one that you weren't invited to let's park it that one but let me just say if anyone wants to do a 2.5 hour deep dive into my episode of carol pope i'm game i'm just looking for a good co-host for that one i'd rather take a two and a half hour deep dive into a public swimming pool in the middle of august such activity in the the uh chat room i just want to
Starting point is 00:18:24 say hi to some people because there's a name I don't even recognize. Marco Alex. He's chimed in and I'm seeing the brother is there. He's a big Chalk Circle fan. Well, yeah, we'll get into that. And of course, Andrew Ward has arrived. So rest assured, Andrew Ward is in the house.
Starting point is 00:18:43 Atta boy. Do you want to get right into it so we can just banter more about these great tunes and just do it? arrived so rest assured Andrew Ward is in the house do you want to get right into it so we can just banter more about these great tunes and just do it okay let's just do it so the first jam belongs to you Cam Gordon anything to say or should I just click play
Starting point is 00:18:57 oh you don't know I changed is it clear that what we're doing here well Ontario bands that aren't from toronto these are songs these are on well ontario bands and artists well there is one artist one of us picked one artist but otherwise it's all bands yeah well i felt like you had to do it i felt like it had to happen right so spoiler it's me that broke that rule now cameron uh i changed your order because i'm playing a little god here.
Starting point is 00:19:27 So you probably don't even know. I'm just going to play your jam because you're not sure which one it's going to be. Go for it. I'm ready for all four of my picks, so let her rip. Was it chance when I looked upon you? Was it fate that no one can explain? Oh, I hesitate to get to know you
Starting point is 00:20:06 I'm not sure how to play this game Should I lead or maybe should I follow Let me know if it's all by the way If I could, I'd be talking right to you Don't you know what I'm trying to say I want wanted to hear Hold Me Now. Okay, one to one. Sorry, I've got like two things playing. What else do you have playing?
Starting point is 00:20:46 Are you with us here? I've got this on. I'm going to have to mute this. Sorry. So what's the other source of your music, Cam? Because I'm only playing one thing. Maybe just check the Zoom chat. Okay, let's hold on here.
Starting point is 00:21:09 Oh, okay. okay well hold on here oh okay well i mean you screwed this up royally what what have you done mike no i didn't screw this up because i told cam i was changing his order and that will be clear as to why i know but he's got to go first in that other scenario. No, it's going to be, I know. Okay, so it's going to be you then him. No, no, it can't. It can't. You have to flip me around somewhere else.
Starting point is 00:21:34 All right, well, I can, I can, I can. Now, what's going on? What's going on with Cam and the music? Cam is not here, so here's some fun facts. Cam is a fucking goon. He is a cyber bully. Cam, what's going on buddy connect your audio what's going on i i've got break from toronto playing in my headphones i can't figure out where it's from i was gonna drop it in the chat window it's so mysterious um i'm just gonna try to power through this so
Starting point is 00:22:06 yeah so one to one um that's a good place to start if you're talking about outside of toronto and ontario because one to one is from do you guys know ottawa ottawa do you remember this song this is not the first time we've heard one to One on Pandemic. No, but it definitely has this production to it that is for sure of an era. Like 1986 to 1989 kind of era. It's got the candy in the backbeat style. Yeah, very macho. And you guys are pretty bang on with the period. That song's from 1988.
Starting point is 00:22:42 So, oh my God, I still like Party Next Door in my headphones. Why don't you open up other windows and see if my plan is another browser? Cam, it's Troubleshooting 101. Find the source of the music and stop it. You don't need to be Barb Paluskiewicz to figure this one out. Oh, shout out to Barb. If anybody out there is looking to outsource
Starting point is 00:23:00 their IT, I strongly consider a conversation with the CEO of CDN Technologies, Barb Paluskiewicz. You can reach her via email. It's barb at Hell yeah. And she'll send you a copy of her book, IT Scams.
Starting point is 00:23:17 Anyway, do you guys remember any of the fun facts? They are like a party next door crooning. One-to-one is notable for a few reasons one because their singer and her name was louise renny louise renny louise renny so i may have to reboot my computer i can't deal with this Cam is there a tab in your web browser That's playing this No there's not
Starting point is 00:23:49 I keep looking at all my tabs I've closed all my browsers Have you closed your browsers I think you do need CDN technologies I think I do I'm having an IT issue Ian Service are you listening What's the number for Barham
Starting point is 00:24:04 Like I closed Spotify What about turning off You need the Bluetooth I think I do. I'm having an IT issue. Ian Service, are you listening? What's the number for Barham? I closed Spotify. What about turning off? You need the Bluetooth? Why don't you just reboot? I'm sure Mike and I can find something. I'm going to do that. I'll be back in three minutes. Then we can plan this pivot I'm going to make. Goodbye to Cam Gordon.
Starting point is 00:24:22 It was nice to talk to you. Stu, I had the luxury. Why don't we tag Brother Bill in? Brother Bill's in the waiting room just hoping somebody fucks up so he can come in. He loves it. He loves it. Cam, why are you still here? Cam, get the fuck out of here, man.
Starting point is 00:24:37 Get the fuck out of here. This is my Zoom. I'm the admin of this Zoom. I can boot you. He's searching for the source of that fucking song. Yeah, this is called a pregnant pause, but it's going to be like a nine-month pregnancy. We're going to see the full... Faking a murder news.
Starting point is 00:24:55 There's some faking a murder news. Okay, talk to me. We got accepted into the Los Angeles Comedy Festival, the LA Comedy Festival. Yeah, it's really cool. That's exciting. So that's really good. And I think that's going to probably lead
Starting point is 00:25:09 to an international release of the film coming this year now. Wow. Yeah. So that means you'll be, the next Oscars are when you get your nomination. Best foreign film. We are going to be in America. We're going to be in New Zealand. We're going to be in America.
Starting point is 00:25:25 We're going to be in New Zealand. We're going to be in Australia. And we're going to be in the United Kingdom so far. But Faking a Murderer is getting picked up all over the place. Wow. I booked a guest who was in Faking a Murderer. You did? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:39 What's the network again where we watched it? Hollywood Suite. Yeah. Who's the guy who runs that show who runs hollywood sweet yeah he was in your movie too david kines yes he's been booked that's amazing yeah well i'm here to tell you better uh if you don't put me over mike i swear to god well you have to tell me what you want me to say it's gotta be like stew's the best he's a genius okay well it turns out oh my God, my audience loves Stu.
Starting point is 00:26:07 And you guys should do more with him. The audience demands more Stu. Like when I do episodes with Carol Pope, they're like, why isn't Stu on that episode? This guy who I can't wait to talk to, what's his name again? David Kine. David Kine.
Starting point is 00:26:20 He's a listener of Toronto Mike. Like he's an FOTM himself. Oh, well, hopefully he can hear this right now. This is me plotting to have you really realize the impact that Stu Stone brings to the table, especially at the Toronto Mike show. I'll pump your fucking tires. I'll do a whole thing. The Toronto Mike show.
Starting point is 00:26:38 What was it before Stu got here? It was, he was, it was very enjoyable. And then it changed. It was, it was like a regional broadcast i took it worldwide oh man no the pandemic fridays have been a wonderful treat and uh yeah i'll i'll
Starting point is 00:26:51 pump your fucking tires with this guy but no but faking murder is doing very well and david kines is the guy he's the reason why i was able to even make that movie well that's why i booked him i gotta ask him what's wrong with him no no i haven't i this is uh this is a new development yeah he's in the calendar i don't i gotta check what day but he's in the calendar and we're gonna how did you find him mark wise blot said uh saw one of his tweets and said he's my kind of guy or something and then i uh i sent a note you know he has like a huge history with much music right right well I sent him I linked I sent him a LinkedIn message and he made all these inside
Starting point is 00:27:31 jokes like telling me he's a huge FOTM and like he was just waiting for the invitation yeah he's great he's a legend well it's gonna be good here Cam did that song disappear because Canada Kev just wanted you to turn off your phone he thought that might work yeah yeah it's gone i because it was weird like i dropped it into the pirate ship whatever the live at toronto mic and like a pop-up window came out with like the youtube link and then i couldn't anyway it's not worth it anyway it's ian service's fault like a faulty design yeah i feel like that link might be floating around somewhere like live at Toronto Mic. I'd be curious if Ian Service sees it.
Starting point is 00:28:10 Anyway, it's all good. I'm back. Okay, good to have you back. Do you want to drop some fun facts on us real quick here? Because that was your jam. Yeah, my notes. I feel like there wasn't really that many fun facts about one to one that we didn't
Starting point is 00:28:27 we didn't talk about last time where we heard you guys the other song we heard on pandemic Fridays was angel in my pocket see that one's more obscure than one to one like I mean hold me now hold me now is a big radio jam but I the angel in my pocket I have to hear it to remember
Starting point is 00:28:44 it yeah i will can you sing can you sing a little bit sing a bar i've got an angel in my pocket it's like it's the album before this amazingly one to one actually had 10 charting singles in canada fun fact it's Cam's earnest singing voice that won him the MF lottery. Oh, I got a quick thing. So, I actually had the pleasure of seeing Cam Gordon in the
Starting point is 00:29:14 flesh. Oh, wow. He was nude? He was in a park. And we had park beers. Socially distant park beers. Very safe. And I just was mentioning to cam that uh we i kicked out with bob willett bingo bob willett like can con jams that are by non-canadians and one of them of course was a lot of love by nicolette larson and uh i think the song you
Starting point is 00:29:39 were singing because you you thought all those songs are the same was angel of the morning is that right angel of the morning yeah not not to was Angel of the Morning. Is that right? Angel of the Morning, yeah. Not to be confused with Angel in my pocket. Right, that's what made me think of it because you just sing Angel songs. That's your thing. I can sing Angel is a Centerfold. Right.
Starting point is 00:29:57 Well, here's one final... Jay Giles Band. One final fun fact and then we'll move on. What does the band... Well, wait a minute. You can't really have a final fun fact when there has not been a fun fact yet. We're still searching for the first fun fact. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:30:11 I got something in my pocket for you. It's called that. Hey now. There you go. Oh, hey now, by the way. What does the band One to One out of Ottawa, they have something in common with James B. That nobody's heard of them?
Starting point is 00:30:28 They neither are famous. Besides that. Some punk band. It's something we've talked about before. They were part of the swinger boom. The boom that came out of swingers with the swinger music.
Starting point is 00:30:45 You're getting there. It's close. They both played the side stage of the original Lollapalooza tour on a very short list of Canadian bands who did so. Not that close. This is when One to One had morphed into a band called Artificial Joy Club. I remember that band. Yeah, they had a cup of coffee on CFNY.
Starting point is 00:31:03 Not to be confused with Joy Drop, which had a cup of coffee on cf and y not to be confused with joy drop which uh has a song about uh dean blundell same vintage uh any more fun facts uh and and just so you know i'm gonna be creative uh director here and i am gonna do a little shuffling of the deck because uh stew gave me a spanking when you're off and uh i screwed something up so i'm'm going to have to fix it. I can fix it though, Stu. But any more fun facts about One to One before I kick out my question?
Starting point is 00:31:30 Don't even give him the opportunity. Just give him the next song. All right. Here's my first Ontario jam from a non-Toronto band. Thank you. Caught in this feeling Falling for this romance Life's all around us Won't you take a chance Now our desire is out of mind
Starting point is 00:32:31 Waiting for a second chance A second time Don't walk on paths Don't walk on paths Don't walk on paths Don't walk on paths Don't break this heart Do you guys know this band? Yes, Duran Duran.
Starting point is 00:33:02 Duran Duran. Do you know this band yes uh duran duran do you know this band cam um i i think it's blue peter is it not that's correct this is blue peter the song is called don't walk past by blue peter and stew called me out the other day for not doing my homework so i did my fucking homework this week okay stew so irish band they're an irish band from l, England. No, okay. So Blue Peter, let me just bring down the jam and then I'll tell you some fun facts. Of course, it couldn't be Blue Rodeo
Starting point is 00:33:32 because they're from Toronto. Right? Actually, what I found doing this exercise is a lot of bands are from Toronto. Like, I was all set to do 13 Engines and I had all these bands lined up and I'm like, oh, they're from Toronto too. Like, a lot of Ontario bands are, of course,
Starting point is 00:33:46 from the center of the universe here. So Blue Peter were founded in 1978 in, I'm waiting for you guys to get mad at me saying it's too close to Toronto, in Markham, Ontario. It's a Markham band. I hope that's okay. So the two guys that founded the band.
Starting point is 00:34:04 A little close. It's a little close. I mean, how north of Steeles are we talking? Markham. Are we talking Framingham Drive? Are we talking John Street? Is Markham even, is that GTA? Is Markham GTA?
Starting point is 00:34:16 To me, that's a Toronto band. Like if you ask them where they're from, they would say Toronto. Are they talking to a Toronto media place or a like London, England? If someone's like, hey, where are you from? Justin Bieber would say Stratford. If you ask these guys, they would say Toronto.
Starting point is 00:34:31 No, I say they say Markham. It depends who they're talking to, of course. Who the hell says Markham? Have you ever met anyone in your life that says they're from Markham? Yeah, we're from there, we don't even say. Who says I'm from Markham? Tell me one person. These guys do.
Starting point is 00:34:44 So Chris Wardman and Paul Humphrey are Blue Peter. like who says I'm from Markham? Like tell me one person. These guys do. So Chris Wardman and Paul Humphrey are Blue Peter. And they won a Casby Award back in 1982 for single of the year. And back then, of course, it wasn't even a Casby yet. They were known as the... You Knows. The You Knows. Thank you, Cam. Yeah, the You Knows. They hadn't even been rebranded yet
Starting point is 00:35:06 as a canadian artist selected by you now uh let me just tell you a little bit about blue peter they opened for bands including the boomtown rats they did that at the elma combo they opened for the jam at the concert hall they opened for Simple Minds at Massey Hall. Massey Hall. Yeah, and... Big room. Ready for this one? This is a kind of a
Starting point is 00:35:32 Toronto Mike special here. They opened for The Police. Like the actual police at the police picnic? Or like the real, like the band? At the police picnic in 1983. Wow.
Starting point is 00:35:48 Oh, wait. It really was the police picnic? Yeah, it was the police picnic in 1983 wow oh wait it really was the police picnic yeah it was the police picnic yes oh wait so it wasn't really like the police the band you were being wait did i bury the lead on that there's there's there's the police picnic that was like a big package festival but then there's the actual police picnic where like actual police officers are like doing time out time the fuck out is Stu thinking about like actual cops having like uh uh food on a like a on a yeah I thought it's like a like
Starting point is 00:36:16 the police get together they bring their family tug of war they have tug of war like uh egg the egg like that's not what that is? The police picnic was like an actual police tour? Yeah. The band had a picnic? Do you not listen to the Gary's episodes?
Starting point is 00:36:31 Come on. Come on, Stu. You got some catching up to do. The police had a picnic where? It was in Oakville, I think. Was it not? Was it just a one-off event? Well, this just came up.
Starting point is 00:36:43 Like when did we? Didn't this just? Yeah, we talked about the police picnic, and then I went into the chin picnic from there. I thought it just a one-off event well this just came up like when did we didn't this yeah we talked about the police picnic and then i i went into the chin picnic from there i thought it was a picnic was it brother i feel like brother bill brought this up yeah because uh he's a little older than us so he could attend these things like i was like nine years old like i wasn't it was an annual event there was more than one right but the police the band was the headliner yeah the the g Garys put this on, right? This is a Garys thing, right?
Starting point is 00:37:07 I feel like this is fucking like who's on first. This is like a gimmick. You know what? I tweeted today about all the Garys that have been on Toronto Mike because apparently every Gary in the NBA, and there's three of them, every Gary in the NBA was traded today. That's true. And Gary Trent
Starting point is 00:37:23 like is dead in the sun. Yeah, that's's true. And Gary Trent, like, his dad and the son. Yeah, that's amazing, right? And they were both traded from the same team to the same team, which is Gary Lehman, Gary Roberts, Gary Gnu. I'll tell you who wasn't traded today. Yeah, Kyle Lowry.
Starting point is 00:37:40 Kyle Lowry. But Norm Powell was traded today, so sadly we got to... By the way, you know, I just learned this yesterday. Who else is from Markham? Soon to be likely Blue Jays closer Jordan Romano. Wow. I had no idea he was Canadian. No, I didn't know that either.
Starting point is 00:37:58 And that's not the guy from... The Kirby Apes has blown his arm. That's not the guy from my so-called life, right? That's Jordan. Oh, that's Jordan Catalano. My apologies. Frank Catalano. Don't want to mess up, right? The cat, of course. Anyway, this is surprising that Blue Peter's from
Starting point is 00:38:14 Markham because also Jason Schneiderman was in the band. It was Sam Schneiderman's son. Okay, well, and I want you to remember the name. That's a fun fact. Can you guys remember the name Chris Wardman when I get to my second jam? Just remember the name Chris Wardman.
Starting point is 00:38:29 I can tell you that I listened to your guys' Tears Are Not Enough episode long enough to know that Cam had suggested that Sam Snyderman maybe be a member of the Northern Lights. Of course. So that just proves that I made it to like
Starting point is 00:38:45 two hours and 70 minutes into it. I appreciate it. It was a good lesson. So here's what we're going to do. We're going to do a stew jam. Wait, wait. Can you like DM me?
Starting point is 00:38:54 Like what? I don't even know what song you're about to play. Yeah. Can you just... Oh, the one that's not a band. The one that's solo. Okay.
Starting point is 00:39:01 All right. Good. This is a good time to play this. Excuse me. This is going to be a good time to play this excuse me this is going to be a good time to play this for those watching uh strategically this works out because cam and uh mike both gave such weak offerings that it sort of sets the table for a dominant win in round one even if it's not a band i'm not this is a non-band and it's still gonna win um you know a year ago at this time
Starting point is 00:39:23 maybe would have been problematic to celebrate this individual. But you know what? I got to say, the music speaks for itself. And this is an artist that was probably at one point the biggest Canadian artist. I didn't know Bill Cosby was Canadian. It's not Bill Cosby.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Close. But this is a legend's legend that I refuse to do an episode celebrating Ontario musicians without playing this She says her love for me could never die That I'd change if she ever found out about you and I Oh, but her love was cold Would it hurt her if she didn't know? Cause when it gets too much
Starting point is 00:40:36 I need to feel your touch I'm gonna run to you I'm gonna run to you Wow. Yeah, so a lot of people don't realize Brian Adams, as alluded in the chat, that is the band name. The singer of the band, his name is actually Chad Schwartz.
Starting point is 00:41:08 Oh, like Lee Aaron. I get it. Yes. Listen. That was good. I think that Brian Adams is a terrific guy. And listen,
Starting point is 00:41:16 this may be the only time that Kingston, Ontario is represented in today's episode. Well, I guess we'll find out. But, you know, if you're going to talk about the best musician
Starting point is 00:41:23 to come out of Kingston, there's an argument to be made hugh dylan this man and i'm not talking about the man formerly known as crush i'm talking about brian adams the singer cam i was gonna get there the singer uh did you know that run to you this is a i mean he had cuts like a knife and a couple other hits prior. But this album, Reckless, this was the one that sort of catapulted him into a different level. And he was sort of in the Corey Hart lane of success. And then Reckless came out and he sort of left Corey in the dust. Poor Corey. He ramped up, ramped up.
Starting point is 00:42:01 But this was the lead single. This was the song that led the charge on that album with all those hits. Yes. So really cool stuff from Kingston. He had a great summer in 1969 that he told us all about. He was like six years old, I think. I don't know how the math works on that. Fun fact, this song, most people think of this as like,
Starting point is 00:42:20 you know, what's this song about, Mike and Cam? It sounds like it's like a love song, right? Yeah, he's going to run to somebody. somebody that he loves the song is actually fun fact and don't get any ideas here gentlemen you're both spoken for this is a song about infidelity whoa whoa mind blow mind blow the song is about infidelity and the fact that he doesn't want to stay with his monogamous partner he's tempted by by the woman, the temptress, and he wants to run to her. He can't hold back his desires. His unbridled passion.
Starting point is 00:42:54 He needs to feel her touch. He wants to run to her. So he's cheating. He's a son of a bitch, and we should have known it from the beginning. But he needs somebody somebody like you um that i think it's generally known that that the chorus this song is so similar to tom petty refugee oh yeah you know what i that's one of those uh i forget about that thing until somebody reminds me and then i didn't think of it until you just reminded me but i can't be mad at brian he was in kingston did he think the song was going to be... And remember, the first album
Starting point is 00:43:27 from Brian Adams is like a disco album, right? It's like a late 70s disco. That would blow my mind. I didn't know that. Yeah, that was how he started. Fucking great choice. Here's my fun fact. Did you know Brian Adams sings on Tears Are Not Enough?
Starting point is 00:43:43 I did know that. But also, we also know that Bryan Adams teamed up with another Markham band. If I'm mistaken, unless I'm mistaken, but Glass Tiger. Barry Darcelle. No, didn't he sing on Don't Forget Me When I'm Gone? Yes, he did. He did background vocals on that. Yes.
Starting point is 00:44:04 Yeah. He's the one that says, my heart would break. He was to that song as Michael Jackson was to Rockwell's Somebody's Watching Me. And then Glass Tiger returned the favor for Rod Stewart.
Starting point is 00:44:20 And by the way, Mike, that track that Bob Ouellette featured on that episode you just did, I almost chose that on the St. Patrick's Day show. Wow. And I forgot that Rod Stewart's Scott. Shout out to Bob. He did a great job. He brought 10 big jams that are not by Canadians but that qualify as CanCon when it comes to these regulations.
Starting point is 00:44:41 And a few of them, yeah, we knew from Pandemic Fridays, but there's a whole stuff i didn't know i hadn't i didn't know the omi song was canadian for example uh yeah is it cheerleader just two of them and they sound the same to me i get them very confused but uh yeah i had no idea key learning on that episode was that joni mitchell sang back up on that indio album well here definitely she sings back up on the indio album but i feel it's inconclusive like i'm not sure she's on that track hard sun yeah i mean either way because i mean that was like a one and done yeah fair that was only a hit in canada he's a toronto guy by the way so you can't kick him out tonight i think he's a toronto guy yeah yeah well i think he's from dundas ontario is i thought okay well you can kick kick him out then. DM me if you want to switch it up.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Sorry, go ahead, Cam. I don't like that stuff. You don't like it? Why not? I just don't. Not my cup of tea. Do you like the Eddie Vedder version? No. Which one's better, Indio or Eddie Vedder?
Starting point is 00:45:38 Indio. Ooh, that's controversial, man. Yeah, I do not care for the Eddie solo stuff. Sorry. Guys, I need to crack open a Great Lakes beer. We can't even proceed. It's a little bit of a rocky start, but we're going to right the ship here.
Starting point is 00:45:53 Sorry for disappearing. No, it was probably the best part of the show so far. So don't worry about it. Yeah, I'm curious if the link will show up at some point, though. It's really strange. Because I remember I fucked up the chat window before. Oh, if you go really wide, it can stretch things out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:12 Anyway. Oh, see, mine, I thought nobody was chatting. Like, I just thought they got bored of us. And then I refreshed the page, and I realized that, no, there's a whole bunch of shit that was happening. I just missed it all. Yeah, no, there's also, by the way uh kevin alberta he he doesn't seem to be a fan of the uh blue road or sorry the blue peter pick he said it's got to be where the band cut their teeth i do wonder if blue peter that's my favorite blue peter song that's a great great it was a big cfny song like so cfny played the shit out of that song
Starting point is 00:46:43 and uh it's you, even listening to it now although it ties in nicely with my second jam. So I just want to let you know I'm going to change the order. So firstly I'm drinking a Great Lakes beer and it's delicious and fresh and I urge everybody to buy local and buy Great Lakes beer because they
Starting point is 00:46:59 brew right here in Ontario, for Ontario even though our FOTMs from Quebec are crossing the border and picking it up. That's okay, too. Shout out to Great Lakes. Thank you for supporting the program. Excellent. The brother Neil agrees the Indio version is tops.
Starting point is 00:47:16 Tops never stops. Right. Ian Service is drinking the same beer I'm drinking, which is the Burst from Great Lakes. So shout out to Ian Service. Great job with this live chat. Okay, so here's what we're doing.
Starting point is 00:47:31 Now we're into round two. I'm kicking out a cam jam, but then we're going to kick out a stew jam. Why? Why? You don't have to do that. You can make me third. Just make me third. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:47:42 But it's more fun if you go second because it's going to be top of mind. I get it, but I'll still make it work. I know, but it's easy for me to just for one round, we change the order. Nobody gives a fuck. Stu, it's his show, baby. Disco Stu doesn't advertise. Okay, Cam, you ready
Starting point is 00:48:01 for your second jam? Yeah. Glass Tigers, New Market, by the way. I've been to Tokyo Police Club. They're a new market. I love that. Yeah, I do like Tokyo Police Club. And while this jam gets kicking, maybe Brian's really an Ottawa guy,
Starting point is 00:48:41 even though he was born in Kingston. So we have to look into that. If you would just be sensible You'd find me indispensable I've played deep, damn, and destiny That places you with me Is this the right song? I don't recommend it. Oh, maybe. Okay, yeah, yeah. It's the right song? I don't recommend it. Oh, maybe.
Starting point is 00:49:07 Okay, yeah, yeah. It's the right song. Hang in there. This heart would never mend To feel it again I know it is the living dead So this is Feel It Again by Honeymoon Suite. Honeymoon Suite, of course, from Niagara Falls, Ontario, where there's plenty of actual honeymoon suites. I think it's wild that people from all over the world come to Niagara Falls for their honeymoon. I don it's wild that people from all over the world come to Niagara
Starting point is 00:49:46 Falls for their honeymoon. I don't know if they still do, but I'm sure we've all spent a lot, all of us spent a lot of time in Niagara Falls. Superman did too, right? Superman married Lois Lane or whatever. Didn't they also went to Niagara Falls? Yeah, like he rested. Didn't she like fall over like Gene Hackman fell over or something?
Starting point is 00:50:02 Yes. Oh no, he was Lex Luthor. I know the guy that fell over or something yes oh no he was lex luthe lex lex luther i know the guy that fell over niagara falls hadley k i could like get him on your show you could have him as a guest well what do you mean the guy because many people have fallen over like the kid that superman saves oh in the movie oh shit yeah that's like my boy yeah what wow how many boys you got holy smoke the kid that the kid that fell over the railing and then Christopher Reeves flies up holding him. Yeah. That's my boy.
Starting point is 00:50:27 Cam. Hadley Kay. Cam, you want to do 2.5 hours with this kid? He's actually got a legendary... He actually has a legendary career. And he was the original child star before Stu Stone came around. He was the original Stu Stone. Your market corrected him.
Starting point is 00:50:42 Right out of the industry. Wait, what's his name again? His name is Hadley Kay. He's got like a huge resume. Wow, I got to check out his IMDB. You know who else had a huge resume back in the 80s was Honeymoon Suite. Okay, talk to us about Honeymoon Suite.
Starting point is 00:50:56 Love this band. Come on. Yeah, I mean, this was a staple of rock radio. Really like a multi-format institution in in 80s canadian radio would you agree that when you go back and look at all their hits and this was amongst their biggest feel it again these guys were all over the place um that their lead singer johnny d he was certainly on the list of glaring omissions from the northern Lights. But they were really, really... Wait, wait, before you go down that path too far. They were just starting out
Starting point is 00:51:29 when they put that roster together for Tears Are Not Enough, right? Yeah, you're right. I know we've both given this a ton of consideration. It is true. Because I thought about that like you did, and then I do the math, and I realized, like, no. Tears Are Not Enough,
Starting point is 00:51:44 six degrees of Tears Are Not enough is like Cam's Toto. I mean, yeah. I still feel like Johnny D and like Gowan in terms of like the timing. They were probably just a bit early. What made you choose this jam? Because I feel like the go-to might be New Girl Now. Maybe. this jam because i feel like the go-to might be new new girl now maybe like because new girl now is like the big monster first honeymoon suite we all hear yeah but i mean that this song was this was a big hit too this went to number 16 in canada and i don't think i ever realized but
Starting point is 00:52:18 i think it makes sense because they sort of have a bit of that neutered like van halen song that these guys had a bunch of hits that charted in the US. The song went to number 34 in the US which is a pretty pretty decent showing for the 80s for a Canadian act. It's from the album from 1986, The Big Prize.
Starting point is 00:52:38 What does that mean? Yeah, they won a wasn't that like a Seinfeld episode where like George was mistaken as like a white supremacist who like wrote a book called The Big Prize I think I've seen every Seinfeld 10 times
Starting point is 00:52:54 and I'm trying to remember I don't remember this one they're in the back of a limo with Jerry you remember this anyway other charting hits that in the US New Girl now you mentioned feel it again what does it take which is if i could go high you remember that one yeah yeah that sounds like broken wings by mr mister
Starting point is 00:53:17 yeah it's like if i did have wings that was a big that was a big that was a big hit for them that was a big jam and then. That was a big jam. And then a song I kind of forgot about, but I kind of like Love Changes Everything. That was like a later hit for Honeymoon Suite, right? Yeah, that was like 1988 or so. And of course, the best video for Young Mike was Wave Babies. I really liked that video.
Starting point is 00:53:44 Yeah, well, fun fact and a bit of inside info here. Wave Babies was my original choice that I sent Toronto Mike. But then I called an audible and slid a little feel it again into his DMs. So I mentioned we're switching it up this round because I'm the fucking boss. And Stu, do you want to say anything before I kick out yours? Yeah, I do. And I think I'd really like to shout out Cambrio, who will really appreciate the chess that I'm playing this week. You know, playing my first round, I got a victory not even using a band. That's why you're disqualified.
Starting point is 00:54:15 And now in the second round, I'm going to do this move right here because Cam is no Devon White. He drops the ball when it comes to this round here. And, you know, I'm more of a Kevin Pillar, a Jewish guy that comes in and takes the big catch. Yeah. And he uses a few slurs while you're at it, too. Yes.
Starting point is 00:54:39 So speaking of slurs, the fact that you picked Honeymoon Suite and chose that song, that's a slur. So go ahead, Mike. Here's my entry for round two. Did I say to you, did you see me do That made you turn to stone overnight I thought I played it right Loving you deep in the night You turn to stone overnight What better way to write
Starting point is 00:55:25 Than loving your dream in the night The chain of love is broken Now I can't restart again Cause my heart won't mend She said no, let me go And I break down I am still a lonely man burning in love I am still a lonely man burning in love I mean, if the category was songs you'd hear at a Canadian strip club, I'd probably win that too.
Starting point is 00:56:12 I will say, you know, April Wine might have something to say about that, but listen. There was a couple other Honeymoon Suite songs that were pretty good too. I felt though that the one that cam chose was their most like generic 80s rock sounding song that just sounded like it could be one of any song on like the rocky four soundtrack type of sound whereas this one so is this one showed honeymoon suite a little more edgy you know sort of competing in that like i'm not going to say directly but sort of living a little bit closer to that, like, Motley Crue, T. Young, The Fall in Love kind of lane. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:56:50 They were bad boys. This is more like they're bad boys smoking cigs. Southern Ontario bad boys. Niagara Falls-ing it. Hanging out on Clifton Hill, you know, other side of the ground. I feel like this music video is actually in, was shot in Niagara Falls as well. Like, it showcases the falls,
Starting point is 00:57:04 and there's a whole storyline running around. Did they sing a song that's like... Am I crazy or imagining this? Does Honeymoon Suite sing... One in a million girls... I can't sing that. I think they did, yes. I know the one you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:57:22 That's the song that I think Cam and I both should have picked, is the one that I'm humming.'s the song that I think, like, Cam and I both should have picked is the one that I'm humming. Do you know what I'm talking about, Cam? Yeah, there's some schmaltz later in the catalog. That's a big jam that we both missed there. Can I just chime in to say there's great controversy in the chat right now. Huge controversy. There's talk that you should be disqualified, Stew Stone. Where should I begin?
Starting point is 00:57:44 Well, you know what? I've got the receipts, Mike, because I spoke to you and Cam on direct message saying, is it okay to pick an artist or band? No, they're not upset about that. They're not upset about that. Both of you guys were like, oh, cool, cool, cool. They're not upset about that.
Starting point is 00:57:56 What are they upset about? So, I'll just quote Canada Kev here. He says that... Where is it here? Canada Kev says, Brian Adams is a Kingston musician as much as Neil Young is an act from, uh, Oma me.
Starting point is 00:58:09 I can never say that. Oma me. So there's some, apparently he was born in Kingston, but then he, uh, flew the coop pretty young. Okay.
Starting point is 00:58:16 Well, listen, uh, is Jonathan Bailey Canadian? That's different. I don't know. That's where I went with this. That's different.
Starting point is 00:58:24 I, I, I, I think it's going to take place. I think it's creative. I don't know that's where I went with this that's different I think it's a good take by Sue I'll defend him I don't think that's a hot take at all from Canada Kev I think that's a freezing cold take by him because you know listen
Starting point is 00:58:36 Kingston Ontario is known for great musicians and you can't how are you not going to talk about him and he says you should be disqualified when he puts? And he says you should be, yeah, he says you should be disqualified. When he puts question marks, he says so, huh? Definitely within the rules. Within the rules.
Starting point is 00:58:51 And I won the round anyway, so what's he talking about? But that song, One in a Million, is that what it's called, Pam, One in a Million? Yeah, that sounds right. Mike, you should find that song. That's a better song. YYZ Gord, and that's how you say it. YYZ Gord.
Starting point is 00:59:06 He's discovered what Seinfeld episode we're talking about. It's season three, episode 19, The Line. And The Big Game is the book that he was supposed to be the author of. Yeah, that's actually a very underrated episode. I think the conceit was there's a very high concept episode is they were trying to get like a quick ride to Madison Square Gardens or something. And there was like a Lincoln town car, like a limo that they pretended they were somebody else. And that turns out they were going to like some demonstration, but they were mistaken identity. And George had to play a white supremacist and hilarity ensued.
Starting point is 00:59:47 Okay. Awesome. Uh, can I kick out my second jam? Wait, so we're just going to be done with honeymoon. So we don't pretend like we don't want to, do you have more? No, I, I have one more. I have two more fun facts about that. I'll go really quick. Yeah. Uh, they're both about the singer Johnny D He actually put out a solo album Called Songs in D In 2004
Starting point is 01:00:10 And guess who guessed it on it FOTM Kim Mitchell And then Johnny D actually turned 60 This year And he actually shares a birthday with an FOTM Guess who Eric M Cam Gordon I have the same birthday as And he actually shares a birthday with an FOTM. Guess who? Erica M.
Starting point is 01:00:25 Cam Gordon. Cam Gordon. I have the same birthday as Johnny D. As well as Keith Hernandez. Who's speaking of Seinfeld. Yeah, exactly. Help Jerry move. The second spitter theory.
Starting point is 01:00:38 My favorite episode. Real quick, just to close the book on that song, Burning in Love by Honeymoon Suite. That's like one of their more recognizable hits, right? Yeah. That's a big one. Sure.
Starting point is 01:00:49 Where do you, where did that chart in the United States? I'm going to say 47. You are right. It's 47. Whoa. How can that be? Whoa.
Starting point is 01:00:59 It was exactly number 47. That's amazing. Wow. Yeah. That's pretty. Hold on. Yeah. Someone recording this like, yeah, that's,. Wait, stop the... Hold on. Yeah, someone recording this?
Starting point is 01:01:06 Like, that's... Wow. Stop the music! Stop the rock and roll! Are you kidding me? Like, of all... Yeah, stop the music. Stop the rock and roll.
Starting point is 01:01:15 It's like fucking Crescent over here. If you could do this twice, Mike, what was the chart position in Canada? Six. 75. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:01:27 Their most recognizable hit didn't even crack the top 30, nor did it even crack the top 74 in Canada. There you go. That's a fun fact. Andrew Ward is loving the honeymoon suite conversation.
Starting point is 01:01:42 Beck, I guess we Hanson'd One in a million girls! I guess she suggested at some point we kick out Stripper Jams and we vetoed it, I guess. No, I never vetoed that. I think I did.
Starting point is 01:01:57 I think Cam vetoed it. Final, final, final fun fact about Honeymoon Suite. Do you know what their last studio album was called? Mike, you seem 47. 42. I don't know. How did you pull out 47?
Starting point is 01:02:12 I was so wrong on the second guess. I'm just glad I had that first one. No, but that was an incredible moment in this program. Is it Tyler that keeps track of these things? Tyler Campbell, the VP of sales. If only he paid attention to this program, that would have been a best of moment. That would be like a hit, like that drop.
Starting point is 01:02:29 I would be telling everyone. I haven't been this excited since I completed my conversation with Carol Poe. You might get laid tonight with that energy. There you go. Anyway, last Honeymoon Suite album was actually called Clifton Hill. Oh my God. And you know, obviously they're named after their whole band anyway last Honeymoon Sweet album was actually called Clifton Hill oh my god and you know obviously they're named after their whole band and their whole gimmick is like
Starting point is 01:02:49 embracing the Niagara Fallsnessness of it all are you listening to the program totally that's what Cam started with are you even paying attention no no no did you guys know that Superman 2 was shot there and there was a whole scene where this kid falls over the thing
Starting point is 01:03:04 the kid that fell over the railing, here's a fun fact. A young Gene Hackman. Bradley Kaye, who fell over the railing and Superman saves him, is also the kid from the Zoodles commercial. Zoodles are animal noodles. Zebras, giraffes, Zoodles are animal.
Starting point is 01:03:20 Tell all your friends. Tell the whole bunch. Have you ever gone hunting? Yeah. With a bowl and spoon? Well, you can with Libby Zoodles. Absolutely wonderful fun fact. But I'm laughing out loud. There's a very funny line just dropped into the...
Starting point is 01:03:34 He may have been in a couple of Scarios commercials too, but that's unconfirmed. Okay. Well, James Bond Hawk, just when I said 47 and I was correct, he's saying,
Starting point is 01:03:45 yeah, that's the guy who's chatting us up live. Toronto, He says, when I said 47, that was future. Mike came back and dropped that.
Starting point is 01:03:52 Yeah. Yeah. Because, because I like that name. Any relation to James Bond jr. It's probably Paul Hawk yard. I feel like there's a, maybe it's Hoxley workman.
Starting point is 01:04:04 Who's on the show Monday. Um, but that's a Hockyard. Maybe it's Huxley Workman who's on the show Monday. But that's, that's, that Carol Pope episode was the first episode to have two appearances
Starting point is 01:04:12 by Future Mike who rarely appears in a Toronto Mike episode. What's, sorry, what's Future Mike? Did you listen to the Carol?
Starting point is 01:04:21 That's Time Traveling Mike. Did you listen to the, I did listen to it. so the two times where I came in, Future Mike drops in early on. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:31 Future Mike means post Mike pops in to kind of give some context. I did... Yeah, he's like, hey, this is Future Mike. Yes, right. So Future Mike showed up to set the stage for Molly Johnson. And I don't think he's been seen since then or heard since then and he popped in twice
Starting point is 01:04:48 with Carol Pope. Only on those Alper clients. That's right. They're always problematic because I don't get to talk directly to the artist and tell them what the fuck they can expect. So, remember the name I wanted you to remember? Who was the founder of Blue Peter I wanted you to remember? Len
Starting point is 01:05:03 Barker. Chris Wardman. Chris Wardman. you to remember who was the founder of blue peter i wanted you to remember len barker chris chris wardman chris chris wardman okay remember that name any relation to andrew ward man because remember that name and uh what day is today today's uh almost passover is this i thought we were playing i thought we were going to kick out Passover jams. You got to suggest it before we start recording. It's day 400 of the pandemic. I'm all for it. I have a rabbi.
Starting point is 01:05:31 In fact, Ralph Ben-Murgy will join me when Hawksley Workman kicks out the jams on Monday. Does Ralph want to do a special Passover deep dive with me? He would love to. Did you know he's now doing a podcast with Mark Weisblot's Canadian Jewish News outlet? Yeah, it's a seven-hour show. I don't think Weisblot's on it. I think it's just It's just
Starting point is 01:05:57 There's actually a Joy Division song called Passover I believe. I would kick out the Passover jams. I'm so in favor of that. We'll talk offline about that. Like songs about the desert, songs about carbs. I'd have to go to Wiki and learn what it was about Passover, and then I could probably do this. It's like Moses in like Part of the Red
Starting point is 01:06:14 Sea, that whole gimmick. 40 Days and 40 Nights? Sure. Okay. All right. My second jam is being kicked out right now. guitar solo See yourself In a brand new way My open arms Through your troubled days
Starting point is 01:07:19 Wish for your smiling You hear it though, right? Sure, yes. It's totally you, too. Well, that's not entirely fair to say that about the first band I ever saw live in concert. Romantic Traffic? Chalk Circle. Chalk Circle.
Starting point is 01:07:59 This is Chalk Circle. That's really good. And it's a little early because This song is called April Fool So we're about a week early But obviously I'll be sharing it on the Twitter machine On April 1st Because I do that every year Put it on
Starting point is 01:08:15 Chalk Circle, April Fool The best Chalk Circle jam In my humble opinion Now, Chalk Circle is an Ontario band That's not from Toronto Do either of you know where they're from? Ireland Now, Chalk Circle is an Ontario band that's not from Toronto. Do either of you know where they're from? Ireland.
Starting point is 01:08:32 I want to say they're from Newcastle. 47. He nailed it. I just know that because one of my best friends, Joe, is from Newcastle. Wow. So anytime there's someone from Newcastle. Wait, did he say his best friend, Joe? One of my best
Starting point is 01:08:47 friends. One. He said he did qualify it. He said one of his best friends. You're in the mix. Top five.
Starting point is 01:08:52 You're in the mix. If you were in the city, you would have been invited to the park beer, right? Yeah. Yeah. If you'd actually be
Starting point is 01:08:59 in the country. Right. Are you ever coming back, Stu? The people want to know. What's the rush? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:08 I don't blame you. All right. And is Aunt Sandy doing well? She's doing okay, all things considered. You know what? Incredibly, she was a big Chalk Circle fan. But incredibly, she beat COVID. Then she beat pneumonia that she got after COVID.
Starting point is 01:09:30 But she's just stuck in the fucking place. That's the next thing that needs to happen. She needs to be allowed to leave the place. Right. No, it's like being in jail. You're right. We got a free Aunt Sandy. I'm going to start that hashtag on Twitter.
Starting point is 01:09:43 We should. You know what? I'd get behind that. We should meet in the parking lot behind like center street delhi once once we're able to crack i guess it's not really fair to compare these every single song you've chosen so far mike to like a much like a much more brand name counterpart like you know chalk circle right stew like this is the big song. Cam is more of an inner circle guy. But I will say, though, you know, looking at it through like a lens,
Starting point is 01:10:12 like a more cynical lens, you can totally hear that the record producer or whoever is putting him in the studio trying to be like capitalized on U2's popularity or something like that. I don't know if that adds up for this Chalk Circle, but the last song definitely could pass as a Duran Duran demo. Okay, so who is Chalk Circle? Okay, so Chris Tate, he's your lead singer and guitarist, and you got bassist.
Starting point is 01:10:36 He's great. Yeah, Brad Hopkins, keyboardist Tad Winklars, and drummer Derek Murphy, okay? Now, here's a fun fact about the name. They actually were originally known as The Casualties. So this is back in 1982. That's back when Auntie Sandy liked them. In 82, they were known as The Casualties,
Starting point is 01:10:57 and then they changed their name to The Reactors, and then to New Edition, New Addition, not Edition. And that is 1984. Let's see what they did there. And then finally, they settled on the name Chalk Circle. And it worked. There's a play by Bertolt Brecht. I hope I said his name right.
Starting point is 01:11:17 Good German guy. His book is called The Caucasian Chalk Circle. And that's where they took that from. They won a Casby Award. Stu was actually the lead in that back at Thornley. Well, I audition's where they took that from. They won a Casby Award, so all my... Stu was actually the lead in that back at Thornley. Fine production. The Casby Awards in 85, the most promising
Starting point is 01:11:32 non-recording group went to Chalk Circle. And here's the fun fact. I said, remember that name from Blue Peter. The name I wanted you to remember was Chris Wardman. Why, did he produce this? He produced this. See? I mean, it sounds like the same fucking guy did it. this he produced this that's it see i mean it sounds like the same fucking guy did it you ready for this gonna blow your mind with a few i i know
Starting point is 01:11:50 it's coming up because i i know chris wardman so chris wardman who has been booked and will be on toronto mic uh next month so chris will be on the talk about all this here cool chris has a connection with the great fotm molly johnson oh wow so chris was in after uh blue peter did they date chris was in a band called breeding ground so you guys know breeding ground and molly was the uh would join them for the live shows so she would join the philosophy but here's a couple of artists that chris wardman also uh produced and this is a bunch of FOTMs in here. Did you know Chris Wardman produced McLaren
Starting point is 01:12:29 Furnace Room? From The Watchmen? Oh, wow. I did know that. Wow, that's amazing. That's amazing. He should get free drum lessons just for that. We're going to dive deep into that when I have Chris Wardman on.
Starting point is 01:12:46 That's really cool. Can you ask him about that last song that you played and ask him if there was a directive to capitalize on a sound or anything like that? Yeah. I would love to know the inside baseball and coming up with that sound. Do you want to know another Chris Wardman fun fact?
Starting point is 01:13:00 Just one more last thing before you do that, just to tell you that also produces all the M. Griner stuff. He's tight with M. Griner. Wow. Great FOTM and Griner. In fact, I saw on HBO Canada, whatever, they were playing One Week and I just watched it again.
Starting point is 01:13:18 I don't know. It's not even a good movie. Barenaked Lady song? Is it One Week? Yeah, it's called One Week but it's not the bernie lady song but it's the guy pacey from uh from uh dawson's creek pacey but there's cameos from artists like so i only i don't even the movie's not that good but i like the cameos so you'll have uh joel plaskett will be like a busker and gore down he makes an appearance in this film and uh that'll make beck happy but m grinder is in this movie he's like it's he's like driving his motorcycle across
Starting point is 01:13:50 canada that's exactly he's got cancer so i remember that he's got cancer a spoiler it's not a spoiler so he's sort of like trying to find himself in all this jazz and he goes across canada so it's the same guy who made that movie made a much better movie called St. Ralph. Not to be confused with King Ralph. St. Ralph is what gives us the Gordone Hallelujah. Also, not to be confused with Rotten Ralph, which is a great book.
Starting point is 01:14:16 I've got to pick that up for my almost seven-year-old here. Last fun fact for me before Cam gives us fun facts about Chris Wardman is that I just want to say that the Casby Award for most promised... Oh, I already gave that fun fact. You before Cam gives us fun facts about Chris Wardman is that I just want to say that the Casby award for most promised. Oh, I already gave that fun fact.
Starting point is 01:14:28 So you go ahead, Cam. Cam, do you have any fun facts on Robert Munch? Oh, I do. He's problematic. Is he?
Starting point is 01:14:36 Cause he's, well, actually he, he might not be problematic. Is that him? I love you forever. I think the paper bag princess yeah i think he just had some addiction issues maybe he's not oh i just heard him do a reading from that i will love
Starting point is 01:14:50 you forever and it practically brought me to tears like apparently he wrote that when he was having trouble having children with his wife like subsequently they've had children why don't you book him on the show i would love it honestly i fucking love that guy he's he's from like tri-city areas i feel like he's from like Kitchen or something. Anyway, Chris Wardman... My boy is in this house right now for the first time in a long time. He's back from Waterloo, speaking of Tri-Cities.
Starting point is 01:15:14 You can get him to go knock on Robert Munch's door. Good idea. Go ahead, Cam. Anyway, Chris Wardman was also I believe led the team that built the first ever website for BMG Records in Canada. That is a sort of fun fact. That's a deep cut, which I only know because, Mike, I think I told you about a project I'm working on.
Starting point is 01:15:36 So I was doing some digging and I learned that about Chris Wardman a few weeks ago. Well, bring me all your questions for Chris Wardman because he's promised to come on Toronto Mike. Excellent. We have lots to talk about. That's a good guy. Like, underrated guy in the industry. And I've loved April Fool forever
Starting point is 01:15:52 because that was the first band I ever saw live. I saw them at the rotating stage that was the Ontario Place Forum. It sounds really well produced. Absolutely. Chris Wardman did a great job. So now we're going to get the order back. So it's going to go now. It's going to go
Starting point is 01:16:11 Cam, Mike, and then Stu. Cam, you want to set up your third jam? Yeah, this is the part of the show where Stu has a little meltdown because I don't think he knows this band or has heard of them. So yeah, let's see.
Starting point is 01:16:26 Licking his chops here, rubbing his hands maniacally. Let's hear it. We live in the light The constant light Family of ours Talk about common sense Hard feelings. Yeah, so this is, I feel like we might have heard the Constantines before on Pandemic Fridays, didn't we? Only if you kicked it out.
Starting point is 01:17:37 Okay, maybe it was on a different episode of Toronto Mike. Do you know where the Constantines got together? At a strip club. I'm going to say Tri-Cities area, I'm going to say. Like Kitchener. Good guess. And Guelph. Guelph, yes.
Starting point is 01:17:58 I've now heard this twice. So we're now calling that the Tri-Cities area? It's a long time it's been called that. I think Guelph is not one of the Tri-Cities. I think it's Kitchener-Waterloo in Cambridge. Yes, I agree with you. That is correct, yes. But I mean, Guelph's like right there.
Starting point is 01:18:13 Have you ever been to Elora? Elora Gorge? Elora Quarry swimming there? Well, I know of it. I don't think I've actually been there. It's so fucking good. I can't recommend it enough if you have have kids they swim in a big quarry andrew ward wants you to know something very important cam gordon he wants you to know that this song is terrible oh my god wow so this is the name of
Starting point is 01:18:37 this song allure is beautiful there you go guelph uh it's hard feelings constantine's the pride of uh pride of guelph and i i'd say one of the most beloved sort of canadian indie bands of the early 2000s without a deal like it's going going well in the uh chat room but everyone can go fuck themselves frankly i'm in no mood tonight i've got it issues party next door yeah um anyway rather than fun facts about constantines because i feel like that we've talked about them before i'm going to talk about some other acts that are from well well don't forget your squeaker oh did we ever sell it's in the basement did we ever propose to mike ragotsky that his company Esri sponsored the geography segments. We should do that.
Starting point is 01:19:28 Yeah, that'd be great. We'd be splitting that. I'd be taking a rip off that. I love it. I call it Stu Paywall Stone. I love it. I love it. King Cobb Steely. You remember them? I thought about picking them tonight.
Starting point is 01:19:43 Guelph band. A band that could have been on our scott episode because they dabble in scott band called flashlight brown don't know them at all they were sort of remember we mentioned the planet smashers yeah band sort of in that pocket do you remember encyclopedia brown oh my god yes of course yeah required reading i i was a big fan. The band Royal City. Not to be confused with Royal Pains.
Starting point is 01:20:10 That's right. Let's try to tell Greco. Royal City was another band of the vintage of the Constantine's in the early 2000s, led by Jim Guthrie. Not Jim Gaffigan. Not Jim Guthrie. Okay. Good one for Stu here. The Bar Mitzvah Brothers.
Starting point is 01:20:24 Oh! Oh, Sheehan and Paige? We can kick them out for Passover, the Passover episode. There you go. Well, they're led by someone named Jenny Omnicord, who's also a solo artist. And then this is a total swerve from, well,
Starting point is 01:20:38 the band Razor. Remember Razor? They were like an 80s heavy metal band. Razor? They were part of the Anvil. Like, they would play shows with Anvil and Killer Dwarves. Did Razor ever open for the Ramones? They probably shared a stage.
Starting point is 01:20:54 Get it, Razor Ramone? I get it. I even get that fucking joke. Okay, we're going to peel it back. Do you remember Razor Ruddick versus the Mike Tyson fights? Yeah, twice. Yeah, twice. Those were appointment. That was a big deal with me and my buddies watching Tyson fights. Yeah, twice. Those were appointment. That was a big deal with me and my buddies
Starting point is 01:21:07 watching those fights. I remember those were the days when the heavyweight battles were everything. I don't know what's happened to this division. Yeah, I don't know anything about boxing. Name a heavyweight fighter. Who's the champ? The two Russian guys, remember?
Starting point is 01:21:23 Aren't they Polish? Glugotsky or something? Glugotsky or something? Gregotsky? A few more famous folks from Guelph, okay? So we got Tim Kingsbury Do you know Tim Kingsbury? He's another musician in the Arcade Fire
Starting point is 01:21:39 Lots of people in there I know Bob Tewksbury Or Mark Tewksburybury won the gold medal for canada somebody i thought was from guelph but is actually from toronto but went to school in guelph jane sibery they were chatting about her earlier wondering what happened to her because she was going to be a much bigger deal than she well i i feel like a few things happened to her. I feel like she got market corrected by almost like Katie Lang in one lane and Mary Margaret O'Hara in another lane. And then Jane Cypriot eventually pulled a prince and changed her name for a few years.
Starting point is 01:22:16 I feel like she became like Isha. You're right. You're absolutely right. She did totally do that. But I need to fix something quick. I said the heavyweight champs, those brothers were from Poland. They're going to cause a global, international crisis here, if I don't correct it. They're actually from the Ukraine.
Starting point is 01:22:34 And as we know from Seinfeld, the Ukraine is not weak. A few more famous names from Guelph. I didn't know this. Nev Campbell. Guelph? Really? I first this. Nev Campbell. Guelph? Really? I first saw her in a Kids in the Hall skit. Yeah, and she was
Starting point is 01:22:49 Catwalk and then... Yeah, Catwalk and then of course Party of Five. Party of Five. One of Stu's favorite columnists of the 80s, or he might have been a cartoonist, Slinger. You remember Slinger? He was like a cartoonist for the Toronto... Oh, yes. Like Starphone would talk about. Joey Slinger. You remember Slinger? He was like a cartoonist for the Toronto...
Starting point is 01:23:05 Like Starphone would talk about. Joey Slinger. Not to be confused with Skinner. No, I was on Starphone. I was listening to Jolt and Joe and Norm DaCosta mostly. Okay, I'll only got three more here. It's not the Ukraine. I feel so silly. It's just Ukraine.
Starting point is 01:23:21 Why do we put the in there? This is just Ukraine. Well, no. Why are you saying we? You're the one that did that. People do it. I hear it. Okay. De Seinfeld did it, I think. Guys, Mike Schreiner.
Starting point is 01:23:33 Yes. Speaking of Ralph Ben-Murgy. Has Mike Schreiner been on? Mike Scheinfeld? Ben-Murgy was working on his campaign. Okay. Or Schreiner. Schreiner.
Starting point is 01:23:44 Was it that? Sorry. Go ahead. No, you go campaign. Okay. Shriner. Sorry, go ahead. No, you go ahead. Okay. I got pissed, a little pissed, because my own boy, my boy, Ben Murgey, is working with the Green Party guy. Meanwhile, the Liberal Party are actually saying,
Starting point is 01:23:58 can you please put our leader on your show? We would love our leader to be in your backyard chatting with you. But my own boy doesn't put his leader on my show. We would love our leader to be in your backyard chatting with you, but my own boy doesn't put his leader on my show. What's that about? Meanwhile, Kathleen Wynne showing up to your house. Not even dressed! My wife was in a robe!
Starting point is 01:24:15 And where the fuck is Schreiner? I don't know. Anyway, Mike Schreiner, for listeners who don't know, the leader of the Green Party of Ontario. A couple more names for you. I don't think you guys are gonna know who john rogers is but this is actually an event that stew stone has appeared on stage at i believe john this is actually really interesting john rogers was the longtime president of comic-con in san diego from 1986 to 2008 when he actually passed away of cancer. John Rogers, but was actually from Guelph originally,
Starting point is 01:24:49 which is kind of an interesting fun fact. And then one more name similar to Jane Sibri, who I thought was from Guelph, but actually just went to school in Guelph, Roberta Bondart. Oh my God, yes. Yes, she's actually from Sault Ste. Marie. Okay, listen, these can only continue
Starting point is 01:25:05 if they get sponsored do you understand this I know there's so much stuff here a lot of great Gregodski if you're listening and you know like there's a pizza place in Guelph
Starting point is 01:25:13 pizza pizza and there's also like a convenience store Frank's like Frank's they got a great great veterinarian
Starting point is 01:25:20 in forestry studies at the University of Guelph as well and if a really good drive-thru if you're looking for a taco. Mr. Gwiegowski, we're speaking to you. Esri needs to sponsor the Geography Corner with Cam Gordon on Pandemic Fridays.
Starting point is 01:25:36 By the way, someone in the chat just mentioned Norm DaCosta. Cam and I both do impressions of Norm DaCosta. I could go first if you want. Do the honors, pal. Hello, Slick fans. This is Norm DaCosta I can go first if you want Do the honors pal Hello Sting fans this is Norma DaCosta here With your Wednesday's report Big Van Vader Responsible for the rib injury to Sting
Starting point is 01:25:53 Is that okay? Is this okay to do that right? Okay this is an aside This is not something we're proud of But like myself, Stu, the Big Rybowski Shonski Back in the day we actually used to phone in fake wrestling rumors. And occasionally, he'd actually read them. He'd report our fake stories.
Starting point is 01:26:16 That's amazing. Namely, that Paul Orndorff, I think, was coming back as the lion. That's amazing. Okay. I hate to interrupt your amazingness because you guys are fucking amazing. But just like Esri is going to sponsor the geography segments, Ridley Funeral Home first stepped up to sponsor the memorial section of the Mark Weisblot 1236 episodes of Toronto Mic'd.
Starting point is 01:26:47 He's going to be in my backyard next week, Mr. Weisblot. And I just want to give much love to the pillars of our community, Ridley Funeral Home. And you can chat with Brad. Ask my buddy Joe. My buddy Joe reached out to Brad. Joe tells me Brad and the people at Ridley were absolutely amazing. I still need a favor from those guys. He actually mentioned that to Brad. Joe tells me Brad and the people at Ridley were absolutely amazing. I still
Starting point is 01:27:06 need a favor from those guys. He actually mentioned that to me. He wants to keep that going there, buddy, because Brad Jones will take care of you. I mean this. He's just a sweetheart of a man. I just want to make sure that Cam and I can be next to each other. Stu, can I ask a question?
Starting point is 01:27:22 Pardon my ignorance. Will you be in a a special jewish uh cemetery like whoa whoa is that is that what did i say i'm curious because on curb your enthusiasm right uh we learned that uh you know where i'm going with this the the mother on curb your enthusiasm uh had a tattoo and she got this tattoo. And then she was told, he was told, Larry David was told that his mother couldn't be buried in the Jewish cemetery because of this tattoo. So then I learned there were special Jewish cemeteries.
Starting point is 01:27:56 So my question is, can you be buried next to Cam Gordon? Well, Cam, you know, marries me. Cam, is that a controversial question? nothing cam is that a controversial question cam is that a controversial question no i was just kidding by the way it's not controversial in the sense that like it's like if you're a member of a church you probably go get buried like wherever that church has their like plots if you're a member of like a blue star lodge or some shriners or some other everybody's got their is that right so there's like okay i i don't know i'm a lapsed catholic and i don't know the rules or anything there's obviously a catholic cemetery okay so there's cemeteries for catholics only of course
Starting point is 01:28:33 yeah so that would be the same thing no that would be the same thing i know nothing about as far as the tattoo goes i mean i'm sure it goes back like you're not supposed to like quote desecrate your skin but i think that you know if we're going to get serious here for a second, I think like the real sort of modern recognition of that would be just because of what happened with World War Two with the tattoos that were involved in that whole thing. And so you're not supposed to get, you know, tattoos. That's all. OK. Yeah. Sorry to go there. But no, that's real talk stew that's real talk that shit happened like we should talk about my grandparents both had tattoos and they weren't of their tattoo wasn't like a heart that said like mom it was a number it was a number both of them
Starting point is 01:29:16 had it oh my god we need to talk about this shit because if we don't fucking talk about it there are people they're awful deniers and people who are just wanting those people are fucking assholes yeah my grandmother had to walk her whole life with like a serial number on her holy fuck yeah i remember i saw stewart's great your granddad his i remember you i was at your house and he showed us and he was also like did did he like try to hurt me like we're like arm wrestling or something well he like because there's a like strong as an ox is like this guy like oh like stew heart like stew heart yeah a little bit yeah he stretched me yeah he did well he had a he had a move that he could like yeah like it like a and i was like whoa yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i remember oh you know just before we play the next jam we learned this
Starting point is 01:30:03 week and i oh now is this off the record or not i don't think it's off the record i've just made a decision so cam we learned why you hate movies so much are you willing to share the story of why you hate movies oh i i'm happy to share i just i don't know like in the interest of time i don't know if it's that interesting is it well you would have been done by now if you just told the fucking story Yeah anyway short version is When I was a kid my grandmother Took me and my sister to see Look Who's Talking
Starting point is 01:30:30 At the Whatever the Hollywood cinema which is at like Young and St. Clair Within like 30 seconds she like stormed out With me and my sister in tow Because the opening scene was like Animated sperm Swimming down like I guess like a vaginal canal To what like Beach Boys out with me and my sister in tow because the opening scene was like animated sperm swimming down like i guess like a vaginal canal to right but like beach boys i get around and she said it
Starting point is 01:30:51 was pornography and then yelled at the the poor cinema manager saying this is filth and how dare you but with this like again very matronly british accent uh like me and my sister are like what the yeah okay so how old were you? Eight years old. So Stu Stone, Cam Gordon at eight years old has his experience going to see Look Who's Talking and being taken by his grandmother out after like ten seconds of this thing
Starting point is 01:31:16 because it was pornography. No wonder Cam Gordon doesn't like movies. This is textbook, right? It also explains why he only likes pornographic movies. Pathological. All right. I'm glad we made time for that.
Starting point is 01:31:35 I think it explains so much. Okay. Actually, I kind of respect Cam for coming clean about that because there's been several movies that I've gone with Cam to the movies and he does, Storms Out. And I always wondered why. I thought he just wasn't a fan of Wesley Snipes movies.
Starting point is 01:31:52 No, it's all he knows. It's all the man knows. Sort of a Pavlovian thing. He's a product of his environment. Are you guys ready for my third jam? Yeah! Hell yeah. And the sign said, long-haired freaky people need not apply. So I took my hair up under my hat and I went in to ask him why. He said, you look like a fine, understanding young man. I actually didn't even know this was Canadian.
Starting point is 01:32:47 Let me educate you. Let me bring it down. We all know the song Signs. So this is, of course, by... Tesla! Yes, okay. I'll get to that. But this is Five Man Electrical Band.
Starting point is 01:32:59 Now, they're from the Ontario city of... Any guesses? Um... Now, they're from the Ontario city of... Any guesses? Where are they from? I'm going to go with Oshawa. Good guess, but wrong. What about you, Cam? Any guess? Ajax.
Starting point is 01:33:16 I feel like they're in Ottawa, Ben. They're in Ottawa? Look at you. Holy smokes. I said Oshawa. That is like pretty much Ottawa. And you had an O. Big O. It's like pretty much Ottawa. And you had an O. Big O.
Starting point is 01:33:27 It's like when I called Johnny Dovercourt, I called him Johnny Davenport. Same kind of deal. Okay, so the original name of this band was the Staccatos. And they were the Staccatos for five years. And they had some radio hits in this country. But then they changed their name to Five Man Electrical Band. And that's when they recorded
Starting point is 01:33:45 this song signs big hit in 1971 like this is an international hit this is like a counterculture anthem really in some ways yeah uh oh you know what i had a mind blow and it wasn't tesla but i'll get to this in a minute i have it's in my email i have to get it so i just want to say that this was actually a two you know singles used to have an a side and a b side back in the day right so the single was hello melinda goodbye that was the first side a you guys okay and then side b was signs and djs just played they was they flipped it over basically and played the b side Signs. And it just caught on. The public immediately took to Signs. Les Emerson wrote this song for Five Man Electrical Band.
Starting point is 01:34:32 It reached number four in Canada. And it went all the way to number three on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100. But it went to number one in Australia. And it stayed there for like two months. It sold over a million copies. Sorry, Mike, what year? 1971. Wow. I didn't realize this wasn't a 60s
Starting point is 01:34:52 I assumed this was like a 60s song. Just came in on the other side of the decade there but you guys I think that the song I think it holds up. Well, a lot of guys our age kind of discovered this song. You might have been aware of it. I remember a PSA
Starting point is 01:35:09 that would air on television to this song with road signs. I just have a memory of road signs and this was the song and that's the first time I heard this song. It was like a safety thing? Yeah, safety thing or something. And then in 1990
Starting point is 01:35:23 there was a live recording by a band named tesla and the album was called five man acoustical jam which of course is a play on the name five man electrical band and this this song was another hit like it was all over q107 and everything and it went to number eight on the pop charts and uh they uh, they changed a couple of lyrics. You ready for this? So there's a line, uh, blocking. Are you going to play it for us? No,
Starting point is 01:35:49 that's not my mind blow because it's too easy. Like everybody knows the Tesla version of shine signs, but the lyric, uh, blocking out the scenery, they changed it to fucking up the scenery. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:36:00 Cause, cause, cause Tesla worked blue on this and then made up my old, my made up my own little sign. They changed that then made up my own little sign. They changed that to made up my own fucking sign. There you go. So I do have a mind blow, but I'm not prepared because I overly booked myself.
Starting point is 01:36:15 So let me see if I have it. Here it is. Give me a second here to download this song. I'll vamp for 10 seconds here. Load this in. This is my mind blow. Because what the hell? Why not do a little mind blow here? Here's a song you might know. Hang in there
Starting point is 01:36:45 And the science said Long-haired freaky people Need not apply And the science said Long-haired freaky people Need not apply And the science said Long-haired freaky people You ever heard of a guy named Norman Cook? Hell yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:16 So this is Fatboy Slim. And like literally the whole fucking song is this line that they keep cutting up. This line from... It's a good line. It's a good line. So Fatboy Slim uses this sample directly from the original, the five-man electrical band. And this song, by the way, is called Don't Let the Man Get You Down. And it's from Fatboy Slim's Palookaville album.
Starting point is 01:37:43 I feel like this was ahead. I feel like I've heard this before. You know, I'm surprised we haven't kicked out any Fatboy Slim's Palookaville album. I feel like this was a hit. I feel like I've heard this before. You know, I'm surprised we haven't kicked out any Fatboy Slim yet because they're just all around and a lot of good shit. You know, when I think of the Tesla version of Signs, you know what I also think of in the same breath?
Starting point is 01:37:58 Because it was right around the same time. Let me guess. More than words by Extreme. Close. Let me go again. Mr. Big. You're inching to the goal line. Little cold. Okay, hold on.
Starting point is 01:38:15 So let me think of that scene. Bad English. Well, it's sort of like Think the Tesla. What is that? That's like a 90s or like late 80s kind of hair metal band oh i know i know what you're gonna say i know you're gonna ugly kid joe yes yes okay very good in the cradle same same fucking thing you're right like a one-off from some hair metal thing that just kind of covers a classic let's take a big step back for a second the fact you get 47 like that that was
Starting point is 01:38:44 fucking science fiction but the fact you also 47, that was fucking science fiction. But the fact you also got this was impressive. Well, it was my fourth guess though. It was my fourth guess. Still, you got there. You got there though. These are songs people haven't talked about in like 30 years. But I think about them every night. So, okay.
Starting point is 01:38:59 That's my third jam. Ottawa Band, five-man electrical jam. And Stu, do you want to say anything before I kick out your third jam? I do. Actually, I do. I really hope that there's a few people paying attention to this in the live room here. One of them, I guess, was it Kev that said I should be disqualified? Yes.
Starting point is 01:39:21 A few times. Yeah. So Kev needs to understand that, again, and Cambrio already understands this. I'm playing chess. These idiots are playing checkers. It's all a little work, brother. I wanted to choose an artist named Beck.
Starting point is 01:39:45 He's from California. Oh, wait a minute. I didn't want to choose an artist named Beck. He's from California. Oh, wait a minute. I didn't want to choose an artist named Beck. I wanted to choose an FOTM named Beck. Oh. And I wanted that FOTM to know that how would I screw this up? How could I come on this show
Starting point is 01:39:59 and screw this up? This is a layup. A layup. A layup. Kingston, Ontario. The greatest Canadian rock band of them all. The Tragically Hip.
Starting point is 01:40:22 I want to dedicate this one to Sheila. There you go. Does your mother tell you things Long, long When I'm gone Who you're talking to She's telling you
Starting point is 01:40:41 I'm gone It's a great mistake I'm wide awake Driving's rained out Weatherman With fingers in the sky Pokes it out Purses it in
Starting point is 01:41:15 Don't know Why Same mistake It's been a long time running It's been a long time coming It's been a long
Starting point is 01:41:44 It's been a long time coming. It's well worth the wait. Wow. What a jam. I feel like it's sort of like an underappreciated, tragically hip song due to the fact of the popularity of their harder, sort of more traditional, kind of tragically hip rock songs. Until, of the popularity of their harder sort of more traditional kind of tragically hip rock song Until of course that movie came out long time running where like, you know, maybe people
Starting point is 01:42:13 Rediscovered this gem of a tune that kind of really strips everything back production wise and you sort of just hear Gord and Sort of the band's truce like it's almost like you you're at a quiet blues bar and this is them sort of blowing away the audience with like you know a goosebumps sort of performance really really great song great band uh what do i have to say about the tragically hip other than uh other than what you know mike is already we know how he feels about the Tragically Hip. If he wasn't with Monica, he'd be with the Tragically Hip. He loves them.
Starting point is 01:42:52 And why not? I would say that some fun facts about this particular song and album is that this was off their second album. Third. Well, okay, there's an EP before up to here. Second official. Second full album, yeah. Called Road Apples.
Starting point is 01:43:07 But that was their first album to reach number one. So their first album didn't go to number one, even though it has all those classic jams. This one did. The album has actually been certified diamond in Canada, which, by the way, for the first time in a long time, we can say with confidence that the Tragically Hip has sold more records than Stu Stone.
Starting point is 01:43:28 Oh, that's a rare feat. It's a rare feat, but they pulled it off. And although I may have sold more in Los Angeles, but that's another argument. You know, in just looking up the hip, I kind of they have this sort of forgotten and I guess it's not forgotten by us. But it's sort of forgotten moment where Lorne Michaels like put them on saturday night live this is the anniversary today is the anniversary yeah yeah and they crushed it i thought that the second song was better than the first song but like gourd's like super like andy coffin weird and well they did grace too and they did nautical disaster yeah yeah it's a captivating performance and i think it left
Starting point is 01:44:03 some people scratching their heads but it was such a prideful moment. I know for us in Canada, we were watching that like, you know, it was like a victory for all of us seeing them on that stage. I think FOTM Jake Gold did say they got a little sales bump after that appearance. Is that accurate? Because they obviously didn't like break them in the US. Why do I remember the opposite, that they didn't get a sales bump? Hold on. I feel like it was like a one or two week thing.
Starting point is 01:44:30 I could be wrong, but I feel like he's found the record of saying they did see a little blip, at least. I mean, for a younger generation, I guess that's like a little bit younger than us, the Tragically Hip have so many songs that you don't realize that, you know,
Starting point is 01:44:45 like they have transcended Canadian pop culture on a level like no other artists. And it's in this unique way that like, it's really only in this vacuum in Canada where it's like this, but it's like trying to find a tragically hip song and you're like, no, all of them. It's like, you know, at least from like a certain era of up until a certain point, maybe, I don't know where, when people, you know what I'm trying to say?
Starting point is 01:45:07 I know, you know, at some point, maybe the first three, four or five albums. It's just like there's so it's not just about singles like we knew all the songs like the album cuts. Yeah, like you'd go to the concert and get just as excited for songs that weren't sort of quote singles. excited for songs that weren't sort of quote singles but you know i know that in high school with the grunge movement that was going on to see the tragically hip sort of rise above all that even with a head by a century in that era or gift shop or any of these kind of songs they were right there just as popular like maple leaf gardens sold the fuck out if they played a show at they could they could fill an arena anytime they want with like no notice and we would just go yeah and uh you know i was i was lucky enough to be at one of
Starting point is 01:45:52 those final performances the one in toronto the last toronto show i went with my sister dina and uh it was an emotional night it was really really a spectacle like like other. It was sad. It was bittersweet. It was happy. It was sad again. But yeah, you can't do really a non-Toronto band. You got to have the Tragically Hip on there. Here's a question because I know both you guys were, because Mike, you were at
Starting point is 01:46:18 one of those shows. I was at the second show. Originally, it was the last show and then they added the Sunday show. So you guys are leaving the Arcana Center. Are people not weeping, but is it almost like a somber mood as people are walking out of the stadium and going on the subway and stuff? Yeah. I went alone to the show because I could only get one ticket, actually.
Starting point is 01:46:42 I wanted to bring my boy James. Shout out to James, who's upstairs right now. But I could only get one ticket, actually. I wanted to bring my boy James. Shout out to James who's upstairs right now. But I could only get one ticket. So I remember I biked to the ACC. I took it in. It was fucking bittersweet is the right word for it because they were great. Like Gord was on that night.
Starting point is 01:46:56 They sounded amazing. But you knew you were never going to see them again and it's your favorite band. You're never going to see them again. So it's really emotional. I remember that night, the person i was dating at the time it wasn't spoiler wasn't mf uh a few years because it was like what five years ago now but we were like riding bikes almost doing like a bar crawl that and like every bar had it on and it was like oh that's the kingston show yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:47:21 that's august 20 in kensington market and we were on college street and just every bar had people just standing on the sidewalk looking it was almost like it was game seven dude i openly wept with michelle shout out to michelle i openly wept uh during that fucking even if i think about some of the moments from grace grace too and some of the moments where i just i just bawled like a baby with my final final show i think i shared this before the i guess this might actually no this was that because that was in what august august 20 yeah 2016 i remember that that fall for the winter concert my daughter's school and she was like in grade three at the time like her junior choir which is like all these little kids did ahead by a century and oh my god like every fucking parent
Starting point is 01:48:09 was like crying in the audience and like all the kids like i don't think quite got it and now it's a fucking bank commercial yeah well yeah so there's that so i guess jake gold's back in the back in the fold hitching the dude fun fact for stew stone that song you just kicked out a long time running uh was monica that was our first dance song at my wedding back in the fall, hedging the catalog. Fun fact for Stu Stone, that song you just kicked out, Long Time Running, was Monica, that was our first dance song at my wedding. And look at you guys,
Starting point is 01:48:31 Long Time Running. Right. I want to thank the hip for all the great memories and I especially want to thank them for impacting my life personally because if it wasn't for them and that song,
Starting point is 01:48:44 I wouldn't have won this round of Pandemic Friday so you know Cam and I went first we picked our jams and neither of us shockingly neither of us picked a hip jam and that's what I do around here I thought they were going to be Hanson's and I was hoping you would kick one out
Starting point is 01:49:00 I would never Hanson the hip and I wouldn't do that to one of my best friends Beck we came this close to losing Beck so I would never Hanson the hip. I wouldn't do that to one of my best friends, Beck. We came this close to losing Beck. Thankfully, we avoided disaster. Not on my watch. I want to thank Palma Pasta. If you guys are hungry...
Starting point is 01:49:19 Do you want to know why I want to thank them? Go ahead. I want to thank them. Future Stu wants to thank them for the lasagnas he hasn't gotten in the last eight months. Oh, I owe you like 50 lasagnas is what you're telling me. Oh, Stu, by the way, when Mike and I enjoyed park beers, he actually gave me some retroactive beers. Yeah, I brought some. I've settled up with our employer here.
Starting point is 01:49:43 We do need the paywall just so that we can make amends here. But yeah, I do owe you a lasagna. And as soon as you guys are back, well, Stu, you're never coming back to the fucking country. No, I am. Beck and I have been speaking
Starting point is 01:49:54 about some sort of arrangement. Your reintegration plan. Beck is an Ontario person who's not in Toronto. Because she's in, I want to say Ajax, but I'm going to say Whitby instead. I'm going to say Whitby.
Starting point is 01:50:09 It's worth the drive to Acton. You remember who was from Ajax? Yeah, Sum 41. Also Nigel Wilson. Remember him? The number one pick in the 1993 expansion draft. Oh my God, yes. Florida Marlins.
Starting point is 01:50:25 I remember it very well. Absolutely. Whatever happened to him? Not much. Never did much. So before we kick out the last round of jams here, I do want to say thanks. So is where you go for authentic Italian food.
Starting point is 01:50:40 Wonderful partners. And Mimico Mike, I mentioned off the top, he's ripping up the... He's tearing it up. He's ripping it up. He's ripping up the Mimico real estate scene he sold the vp of sales his house okay if he's in the know in mimico and you can go to to learn more and uh stickery what does hulk what does hulk hogan in his shirt have in common with mike mimico mike and the real estate scene in new Toronto.
Starting point is 01:51:06 You know, your joke is going to be so obvious. I'm going to use this opportunity to say, you said Hogan, Mike Hogan, Mike Hogan kicked out the jams this week and he kicked out a song from that EP that came out before up to here by the tragically hip because Mike Hogan went to high school.
Starting point is 01:51:23 Well, not Johnny. I think Johnny was younger or something, but everyone else in the band went to this high school with Mike Hogan went to high school. Well, not Johnny. I think Johnny was younger or something, but everyone else in the band went to this high school with Mike Hogan. Is the drummer married to Kathleen? They're no longer together. But they were
Starting point is 01:51:35 together. I think they adopted a couple of kids together. Whatever happened to her? Do we know? She stepped down to raise her two children. I think they're twins. Her and Mark Daly together were great. Catherine Humphreys did T-Ball Tuesday. So when James, James again, was playing T-Ball at High Park,
Starting point is 01:51:57 Catherine Humphreys dropped by one Tuesday or whatever to take footage. Yeah, it was a big moment. I was a big fan. Oh, she's very good. Who is it who told me that they lost their job because she was so good? Oh, no, it was Jim McKinney. Jim McKinney basically said he was done because katherine humphries was so fucking good like that's that's that's seems about right shout out to uh all these city tv people lauren honickman peter gross they're all very close to my heart uh okay so sticker i just want to make
Starting point is 01:52:21 sure people know that's where you go to get your decals, your stickers, your temporary tattoos. Do it up. They're good people. It's Liberty Village Company. And if you order in the GTA, you might just have it delivered by FOTM Barry Witkin, founder of the Purple Onion. And maybe Barry could put me in touch with
Starting point is 01:52:39 Buffy St. Marie because I'm desperately wanting to talk to Buffy. Anything you want to say before we kick out your final jam, Mr. Gordon? No, on a serious St. Marie because I'm desperately wanting to talk to Buffy. Anything you want to say before we kick out your final jam, Mr. Gordon? On a serious note, Mike, you remember the purple onion? There's those plaques
Starting point is 01:52:53 that are around, right? There's a plaque. Stu and I and some other folks who went to high school actually just learned that a much beloved teacher from Thornley Secondary School just passed away derrick bowles who was like media and like media studies teacher and i know it's like very formative for a lot of folks who took his class and then later end up working the media and stuff but i was just reading his obituary and apparently like i still want to
Starting point is 01:53:19 call mr bowles derrick bowles who's a teacher at our school was involved in, I guess, like the heritage committee that actually installed some of those plaques. I, which I never knew he was into that sort of stuff. So anyway, it's, it's an aside. Well, rest in peace, Mr. Bowles. Honestly, and I'm not just saying this, this guy was the best teacher. He was like, I took his class and like, I was a bad student, but in his and like i was a bad student but in his class i was a good student was he ever like he was uh really influential on my tastes now as an as an adult he like taught us everything like david lynch films like we would watch like scorsese movies in his class like wow and and we would watch you know he would he had such good taste
Starting point is 01:54:03 that he taught us all this good shit. It was great. Yeah, he was a real taste maker. And he like hated, he hated, he broke a lot of balls. He was like the type of teacher that like, like if you didn't come prepared, he would like destroy you in front of the class. So I remember I did a project on wrestling
Starting point is 01:54:26 and just showed like this highlight video of like wrestlemania or something like that and he accused me of just like putting new voiceover uh over like a pre-existing edited clip uh which is true but he didn't he he failed to acknowledge that i put the jurassic park theme underneath it as well so that you know let's get kind of an early mashup well yeah do also would there used to be this thing the invention convention and stew claims he invented a new body wash all it was was like johnson's baby and baby shampoo what the fuck that shit's called? With a squirt of lemon. He's like, I invented body wash. I think we call that No More Tears. I think that's what it's called.
Starting point is 01:55:10 Or a moisturizer. Here's a mind blow. Are you ready for this? Yeah. Everybody's sitting down. This is like in the same vein as like Sade is the band. This is a big one. Whoa.
Starting point is 01:55:23 Originally, the Johnson and johnson shampoo was being pushed as no more tears like in your hair people just people just read it wrong and they just went with it let me kick out your jam okay cam can i let it rip actually can i can i give a brief intro yeah to this sure so a classic a classic Toronto Mike trope, and I say that not in a pejorative sense, is if somebody gets on the program, you'll play a song sometimes by the first name of that artist. I'm trying to think.
Starting point is 01:55:57 Like Dirty Diana for Diana Swain. Dirty Diana from Diana Swain. You know, I'm trying to think. There's a million examples. You know when it felt like a lead balloon? When Greg Brady made his first appearance and played the Brady Bunch theme. For some reason, it just sunk like a lead balloon.
Starting point is 01:56:12 To not connect the dots. Well, the all-time example. Much like the story of when Cam ran into Anne Murray at Ambrosia. We've heard that story about Greg Brady. I was going to say, we played some Ambrosia. Well, it's relevant to this particular conversation, Mr. Stone. Anyway, this track we're about to hear
Starting point is 01:56:30 I would say is the all-time example of a lead balloon intro because this person from what I recall and amazingly she's now a client. I know, now she's a very excellent, wonderful client. I had no fucking clue what this song was, but you're so charming that you actually got her on the payroll.
Starting point is 01:56:46 So God bless you. And I also love this client of yours too. So this goes out to Toronto Mike and this person, but this song is not named after. We'll see you next time. She's not telling I walk in on angels Over the mountain Made out of bones She don't care She don't care She don't care
Starting point is 01:57:30 At all Woo! Dana! This one's like This one's heavier than I remember Like it rocks pretty It rocks pretty good there. Actually, one of the rare episodes that I've listened to cover to cover was when Mike interviewed the proprietor of this jam.
Starting point is 01:57:55 Mike Treblecock. Yes. Problematic name. I got to say, always loved Dana, and I'm not just talking about the sweet Dana Levinson, but this jam, it's a great fucking jam. Yeah, Killjoys, again, very underappreciated band in their time.
Starting point is 01:58:12 I mean, they certainly had a niche and would show up a lot of Edgfest, but I find their stuff holds up, and just good guys. I mean, Troublecock seemed like just an awesome guy. Oh, wonderful. I actually had some interactions with Shelly, their bassist. He came in to do a guest lecture at McMaster University
Starting point is 01:58:30 in the popular music course. So I got to meet Shelly during that, which was... Shelly Long? Is this Shelly Long? Yeah, it was Shelly Long. Andrew Ward, by the way, says that the Diana Swain, Dirty Diana thing, he says that the the diana swain dirty diana thing he says it was uh that was worse than the brady one i don't remember it as bad as that but apparently that was
Starting point is 01:58:50 it didn't work out but as andrew ward writes here so eloquently she liked you either way mike so thank you andrew um these are really fun talks about killjoys, but just a few points about Killjoys. Mike, I feel like you mentioned this when Treblecock came on, how their SEO has really suffered because there's a TV show called Killjoys. Yeah, their SEO sucks, yeah. Now, there's also a number of other bands called Killjoys,
Starting point is 01:59:17 which I guess when Hamilton, Ontario's own Killjoys formed, maybe they wouldn't have known about these, but there's two bands that came prior to these Killjoys formed. Maybe they wouldn't have known about these, but there's two bands that came prior to these Killjoys that seemed like they would have been somewhat well-known because one was an old UK punk band that was actually led by Kevin Rowland, who was the singer for Dexys Midnight Runners. Wow, come on, Eileen.
Starting point is 01:59:40 Yeah, which is a monster jam. They had a song called Johnny Won't Get to Heaven, which I do remember was on a lot of punk compilations. Okay. Kind of that second tier, Sham 69 and The Exploited and Slaughter and the Dogs, kind of these second tier. And not to be confused with Red Hot Chili Peppers'
Starting point is 01:59:59 Johnny Kick a Hole in the Sky from Mother's Milk, which I always loved. Or Fine Young cannibals. Johnny come on. We're worried. Won't you come on? Yeah. Or hippie.
Starting point is 02:00:09 Was that a angry Johnny? Oh, who's Johnny by Ed DeBarge. Who's Johnny? Who's Johnny? Was that on the short circuit? I love DeBarge. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:00:20 Was that on the short circuit soundtrack? It was. Right. Johnny five, right? Yes. Wow. Fisher Stevens.
Starting point is 02:00:28 Who did Problematic. Problematic. All right. Hey, Stu, did you audition? Were there any kids in that movie or no? No, there was no kids in Short Circuit. I actually auditioned for Batteries Not Included. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 02:00:40 No, I didn't really. Oh. Fisher Stevens was the star. But Short Circuit 2 was shot in Toronto, I feel like. Yeah, Short Circuit 2 was Toronto. Fisher Stevens was like Steve Goodenberg and then Fisher Stevens. But Fisher Stevens, he was
Starting point is 02:00:53 dating Michelle Pfeiffer. I think that was his claim to fame. Oh, wow. If I remember correctly. Anyway, there's seven different bands called the Killjoys. Whoa! Currently on Spotify. Yeah, we heard the episode. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:01:07 We talked about the UK one, and who else? Anyway, I'm going to move on. See, Stu can never say that sentence, like, we heard the episode. That's the only episode he can say that. No, no, no. There's a few. There's a few. The Northern Lights.
Starting point is 02:01:21 Listen to the Carol Pope one and let me know. I will. Now that I know about Future Mike. It's a few. The Northern Lights. Listen to the Carol Pope one and let me know. I will. Now that I know about Future Mike. It's a good listen. Anyway, Stu's mentioned this before that Killjoys had a song on the Boys Club soundtrack. I didn't mention that, but I think Mike mentioned it to him in the interview and he didn't remember. Maybe that's what it was. He didn't remember.
Starting point is 02:01:38 Anyway, other things Trouble Talk is written music for. These are some great names. This is from his LinkedIn page page if you can believe it something called wet bum which is a movie i guess i mean you know you mean mike treblecock because yeah he does uh horror movie like songs for horror movies yeah that's like a some kind of shock horror movie porno porno thing uh cam would like it um all what stew would like this one all one word wrestle massacre oh yeah i like that yeah i've seen it twice and then uh like and like cam mature anyway he's done a lot of movies for horror movies and then interestingly i noticed i have
Starting point is 02:02:21 one shared connection with my Treblecock on LinkedIn. It's an FOTM. It's not Michael Boone. Okay, let me see. Can I think for a second on this? I want to get this. Hamilton. Hamilton Steve.
Starting point is 02:02:34 Tom Wilson. Good guess. Think who is the ultimate connective tissue for every single person involved in Canadian music. Over the age of 30. Bernie Finkielstein. Good guess. Karen Bliss. Oh, that's a good guess. How do you know Karen Bliss?
Starting point is 02:02:51 We used to date. Really? No. It's going to be Alan Cross. Close. Eric Alper. Of course. Freaked him out when he was a kid. Shout out to Eric. Apparently, I don't know what Eric told Carol Pope,
Starting point is 02:03:10 but Carol thought it was five minutes on her latest single with Church of Trees. And it turned out to be a much longer thing. I just don't do that. And Eric knows what I do because he was in the room when Colin James was on. He knows what I do. He said he'd be a guest on the show was on. He knows what I do. And he sent Gino over. Eric's like a guest on the show.
Starting point is 02:03:26 Like, you should... Twice. He kicked out the jams. I'll say as a fellow PR practitioner that he's not preparing his clients for what they're going to interview. He sent Gino Vanelli here blind, okay? And his brother. His cackling brother. Oh, those were the days, eh?
Starting point is 02:03:44 Okay. Killjoys, I'm so glad you kicked out some FOTM jams shout out to Dana Levinson and you know what what a podcast and yeah she's in my living room often because she's in those Capital Direct ads I see a lot of Dana there you go
Starting point is 02:03:59 that's yay she's so good in those what does she do? Does she sing that song? You've never, you, oh, you've been in LA too long.
Starting point is 02:04:09 Um, she does the, like the capital direct ads here in Toronto anyways. And, uh, she just like says stuff like if you want to borrow money, you can borrow money. This is how, and then she does,
Starting point is 02:04:19 uh, I don't think she does it. Then the voiceover person goes capital direct. That's yay. That's not her. That's her. Is that her? I think it is her.
Starting point is 02:04:30 Oh, that's a, I got to charge her more. That's a lucrative gig she's got there. But great choice, Dana by the Killjoys. I love Dana, the song and the person. Well, Dana loves you guys. Like Dana would love to join us on a pandemic Friday. That would be something. But she only likes Madonna.
Starting point is 02:04:48 Are we going to do a Madonna episode or something? We could do a Girl Power episode. That was the big takeaway from the Carol Pope episode. It's all about Carol Pope. But the whole Madonna stole the crotch grab for me type thing was pretty cool. Okay. I got my last
Starting point is 02:05:04 jam here. Oh, by the way, the fact REM opened for Rough Trade. Yeah. Was that at the police barbecue? It was a picnic. It was a fucking police picnic. We were too young for it though.
Starting point is 02:05:19 So I know why Stu's all confused because we're not going to... I thought it was like the chin picnic. We're not going to police picnic. I thought you were joking though. We don't go to police... Calm down, Johnny Lombardi. We're not going to police picnic. I thought you were joking, though. We don't go to police... Calm down, Johnny Lombardi. We were like nine years old. Okay, you guys were younger.
Starting point is 02:05:29 Okay, here's my final jam, and I love it. Here we go. I'll get you. I'm getting pretty bored And I wanna get out I'm getting pretty angry, man And it's no good to shout Will I catch a bus or will I catch a train? I need help now baby, cause I'm going insane Cause I'm going insane I wanna go to New York City Cause they tell me it's a place to be
Starting point is 02:06:54 I wanna go to New York City I just know that it's a place for me We should do a Canadian punk episode. That'd be good. I think it would be good. Okay, so, Stu, do you know this jam? No. This is like one of those, like, whenever you're, when you're learning about music,
Starting point is 02:07:17 like, early on, you learn about all this fucking Canadian punk rock band that came out of London, Ontario. The Demics. Oh, yeah, they're from London. They are definitely from London, Ontario. So they were formed in 1977. What are they called? The Demics. D-E-M-I-C-E.
Starting point is 02:07:37 That's your number one pick. Yeah, actually, and it's funny. I had to negotiate with Cam for this fucker because we both had it. I had it too. I loved it. Yeah, this was always going to be number one for me. So this is like one of those quintessential Canadian. I think Stu's anti-punk.
Starting point is 02:07:52 I'm not. No, no. I'm uncle punk. I like it. So let me tell you just a bit more about them. So you got Keith Whitaker. He's the vocalist. Rob Brent.
Starting point is 02:08:03 By the way, a lot of these band members passed away far before their time, and very few are still with us. But this was the Canadian punk song in the late 70s, and this was all over CFNY too. So they eventually, by the way, like many big punk great bands in Ontario that aren't from Toronto, they did end up moving to Toronto like in 1978 or something like that, but they were formed in
Starting point is 02:08:29 London, like I said. New York City, this is their big hit. CFNY played the fuck out of it in 1979. And I think it holds up. Cam, I think you agree with me because you picked it, but it still sounds great, right? In the cans.
Starting point is 02:08:44 Yeah, absolutely. And I remember this song was still, seemed to be of me because you picked it but it still sounds great right in the uh in the cans yeah absolutely and i remember this song was still seemed to be in some level of rotation in cfny in the 90s you hear it on the albert kress breakfast also i remember like martin streak loved this song like he'd play it quite often like in the sort of within the first half hour like the club nights before people were dancing and stuff you know when i would hear it all the time whenever they would do something like 102 modern rock songs of all time or something like whenever they would do one of their like big lists this always this is one of those songs you know before our time that would rise to the top and you're like okay this is like the dawn of like alt rock in this province yeah but also like when you think of bands like the Headstones or even
Starting point is 02:09:26 Junkhouse, I mean, you definitely see the connective tissue there. And Keith Whitaker died in the 90s. 96 or something like that. Who were, during the peak 90s grunge years, when they used to do that 102 song countdown, who was number one? I remember
Starting point is 02:09:42 R.E.M. was number one or something, and it was controversial. Am I imagining that which because which era the like in 1990 they did it and it was how soon is now was number one this would have been in like 91 92 93 like in the height of sort of grunge i feel like i feel like you might be misremembering because i yeah i feel like i was working at the x we uh. We talked about this recently when we were listening to World Party's Ship of Fools. Because remember,
Starting point is 02:10:12 I'm sure you clearly remember this. Because that song actually somehow jumped in the rankings between 1991 and 1999, like the top 100. I feel like Smells Like Teen Spirit might have been the latter list and number one but i think you're right i think how soon is now might have been the
Starting point is 02:10:30 pre-grunge when they did this big thing because i remember that one how soon is now was number one and then you had like joy division was top 10 at least with uh level tears apart and all like so tainted love and right right right i feel feel like that's on your blog, right? Yeah, yeah. I'm the archivist for that shit. You're right. Totally, totally. By the way, did anyone listen to the 90-minute scope of CFNY in 1990?
Starting point is 02:10:58 It's okay to say no. I actually listened to a bit of it. Was Brother Bill on it? No, because it's before his time. He wasn't there yet. I heard the Felt song and the Beautiful South song. It is interesting. Sure, you start with TMDS, Clines, Humble, and Fred,
Starting point is 02:11:14 but then you got Mary Ellen Benninger, who's married to Alan Cross now. Then you got Alan Cross. Deadly Headly shows up. At some point, Scott Turner and May Potts are there. There's Chris Shepard, of course. He's in the mix there. shows up and then you got at some point scott turner and may potts are there there's uh uh chris shepherd of course has a he's in the mix there uh don burns who was really good like don burns was really really strong as like an afternoon drive guy like and danny elwell shows up like it's
Starting point is 02:11:38 really quite the roster yeah a lot of uh by the way the the learning this week that uh headley jones is doing boudoir photo shoots. Right. Of his wife. Yeah. Or is that something we'll perhaps do at some point? The Pandemic Fridays crew? Well, I'll have to talk to MF if she's interested or whatever.
Starting point is 02:11:57 Probably not. You know, Monica's an amateur photographer. She could make that happen. Interesting. Maybe the ladies should talk. They'll be tasteful. We're not talking about what you saw at the beginning
Starting point is 02:12:07 of Look Who's Talking. Of course. Anyway, this was a great choice, Mike. Thank you. Not surprising that you and I both picked it. Well, I think I said to you, I said, you can have it. I had it on my list.
Starting point is 02:12:20 I do my list first. Then Cam does his list. And I said, hey, Cam, you got one of my jams. And I was going to let you have it. But then you were so generous to give it because you knew it was important to me and then about you know five about four days later we get stew's jams well i'll say this here's a well not an easter egg a bonus a little bonus material for the fo team still listening um constantines were something of a last minute addition originally
Starting point is 02:12:45 i had helix rock you right um at a kitchener and i feel like helix played that park near you am i imagining yeah no i was there yeah 100 yeah like just like sass jordan and the spoons and glass tiger and kim mitchell like these are the bands that I could walk, a five-minute walk, and get front row seats to these bands and enjoy how it's going. That was the fire department picnic? Shout out to the fire department, absolutely. And my buddy Pete Evans across the street. How about those Blue Jays sets
Starting point is 02:13:16 you used to be able to get at the fire station right around now? Oh, yeah. Those were cool. I have a lot of sealed ones. Do you? Yeah, with the sealed Campisano? He was the Rule 5 guy, right?
Starting point is 02:13:28 Sealed Campisano. I feel like he was a Rule 5 guy. Like, we had to keep him on the roster all year or we'd lose him. So we did, if I'm remembering correctly. This is, like, during the greatest outfield ever, Mosby, Bell, and Burfield years. Am I right? I think we lost Cam. Oh, I just was waiting.
Starting point is 02:13:45 I thought it was a pregnant pause. Look at that pose. Oh, he's back. So you're back? Good. So let's finish this off. Set up your final jam, Stu. Yeah, I want to set it up. I think one thing you guys have learned tonight, this is a master class on how to win an episode. I crafted this thing like
Starting point is 02:14:01 a craft beer from Great Lakes. I crafted this thing like a craft beer from Great Lakes. I crafted this whole thing. You got to know your audience, guys. And this one goes out to Cambrio specifically. I mean, it's like I don't know what to say. His mind's going to be blown by my last pick. Does that mean play?
Starting point is 02:14:25 Okay. Yeah. Here it is. Restless tonight Restless tonight Cause I wasted the light Between both these times I drew a really thin line It's nothing I planned And not that I can
Starting point is 02:15:09 But you should be mine Across that line If I traded it all If I gave it all away For one thing Just for one thing, just for one thing. If I sorted it out, if I knew all about this one thing, wouldn't that be something? I promise I might not walk on by
Starting point is 02:15:47 maybe next time Well done, Stu. Finger Eleven from Burlington, Ontario. Here's a fucking crazy fact for you here. And there's a wrestling connection here, so Cambrio, sit the fuck down and listen up. This song has a wrestling
Starting point is 02:16:11 connection to it that is a problematic connection. This song was licensed by the WWE for a June the 25th 2007 edition of Monday Night Raw. The night after Chris Benoit was found dead. This was a Chris Benoit tribute episode.
Starting point is 02:16:34 And this was the song that was used as the montage memorializing Chris Benoit and his family. Of course, this is before WWE had learned what actually happened in the Chris Benoit case. And we've never seen the finger 11 tribute video on WWE programming. Again, that episode would be weird if it was after they learned what happened. Right. So,
Starting point is 02:16:57 uh, yeah, this was like the Chris Benoit song. So tragic. How about that? So tragic. And before we get too crazy here, let's just do the not-so-mind-blow. Because Cambrio, this is for him.
Starting point is 02:17:11 You know, I'm future Stu here. So here's a mind-blow that's not really a mind-blow, but Finger Eleven, this wasn't their first barbecue. Hey. then you broke down and cried you're still there confused i actually always liked this song. Martin Shrink. I mean, that's a jam. That's a good song. I mean, that's really cool that they had a hit, like at least maybe it wasn't like a huge smash hit, but certainly among like suburban teens that were like bumping this style of
Starting point is 02:18:21 music that was on, everybody had this song on their mixtape uh the rainbow butt butt monkeys uh they uh you know kind of silly names rainbow butt monkeys bare naked ladies you know people coming up with sort of fun names to get the attention uh and then rainbow butt monkeys rebrand as uh finger 11 as we know what that means. For Cam, it's more like finger 11 and a half. Yeah. It's like penis, right? Yes. Whoa. Your 11th finger, Cam.
Starting point is 02:18:54 Hey, we should kick out one day, Bam. But I will say this real quick. I apologize for stepping on your toes there, buddy. No, go ahead. I would never want to do that. Step on your finger 11. Yes. Never mind.
Starting point is 02:19:02 I would never want to do that. Step on your finger 11. Yes. I will say that had Cameron Gordon's granny taken him and his sister to see a Rainbow Buttmonkey's concert, probably would have had similar results to the look who's talking. Oh, really? She probably would have stormed out and accused them of being perverts or something like that. Kind of a Tipper Gore gimmick. Yes, so there you go.
Starting point is 02:19:28 That's the show. Nothing really to say. Who cares? I want to talk about Finger Eleven. Hold on. I want to speak about Finger Eleven for a moment. I feel like I saw that band a hundred times without ever going to intentionally see that band.
Starting point is 02:19:43 That's a band where i saw they kept they were at everything and they were fine i enjoyed them but i never once said i'm gonna go see finger 11 by the way the finger 11 song they have like a bunch of hits paralyzer was a big hit for them but uh that one thing song that i played that actually charted it like a top 20 hit on the mainstream uh charts in the states so they blew the fuck up on that but i feel like and i could be wrong but you know that song uh that rehab show on uh a and e uh intervention sure i feel like that song is in that show every week or maybe it's a song that just sounds like it like a sound alike yeah it's like at the end of every episode they like play like a
Starting point is 02:20:25 finger 11 sounding song i i think the finger 11 one thing and huba stank the reason i think of sort of similar to tesla and ugly kid joe sort of in the same as this now i don't i don't know you're going with this because they're weak ass they're weak ass songs they're weak ass songs from bands that can actually rock wait a minute one thing is not a weak ass song. They're weak ass songs from bands that can actually rock. Wait a minute. One Thing is not a weak ass song. It is a bit. It's a bit of a sellout ballad thing. One Thing is a great song.
Starting point is 02:20:54 That's a great song. Really? You were shitting on New York City by the Demics. Go back and listen to the four dreck songs you played. One Thing is not a weak song. That's a beautiful song. So screw you, man. New York City sucks.
Starting point is 02:21:09 Shitty song. Yeah. Who's conference guy? Like, Stuart is genuine. Yeah. Lois is a lower from Toronto, so we couldn't kick them out
Starting point is 02:21:25 don't go snarling should we do should we kick out spring jams do you want to kick out spring jams like right now yeah okay quickly come up with your five no like only
Starting point is 02:21:41 because we did if you remember we did summer jams and we did autumn jams and we did summer jams. And we did autumn jams. And we did winter jams. And I feel like we need to do, if not next week, the week after, we need to do spring jams. Yeah, we could do that. I'd be down for some spring jams. I actually have two thoughts on that. And that.
Starting point is 02:22:03 And that. and that and that brings us to the end of our 824th show you can follow me on twitter I'm at Toronto Mike Stu is at Stu Stone Cam is at Cam underscore Gordon our friends at Great Lakes Brewery
Starting point is 02:22:21 are at Great Lakes Beer Palma Pasta is at Palma Pasta. Sticker U is at Sticker U. CDN Technologies are at CDN Technologies. Ridley Funeral Home, they're at Ridley FH. And Mimico Mike, he's on Instagram. Majeski Group Homes. See you all next week.
Starting point is 02:22:43 I love you. see you all next week this podcast has been produced by tmds and accelerated by roam phone roam phone brings you the most reliable virtual phone service to run your business and protect your home number from unwanted calls. Visit to get started.

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