Toronto Mike'd: The Official Toronto Mike Podcast - Pandemic Friday Open Zoom Holiday Spectacular: Toronto Mike'd #777

Episode Date: December 24, 2020

FOTMs Zoom-bomb this week's Pandemic Friday with Stu Stone and Cam Gordon....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 No, no, I want an official red-eyed-air-covered-knife-shoot-you-in-a-jail-money-by-the-layer-eyes-phone. You'll shoot your eye out, kid. Merry Christmas. Ho, ho, ho. No! It's time now for Pandemic Fridays, starring Toronto Mike, Stu Stone, and Cam Gordon. I'm from Toronto where you wanna get city love I'm a Toronto mic, you wanna get city love My city love me back, for my city love
Starting point is 00:00:48 Welcome to episode 777 of Toronto Mic'd, a weekly podcast about anything and everything. Proudly brought to you by Great Lakes Brewery, a fiercely independent craft brewery who believes in supporting communities, good times, and brewing amazing beer. CDN Technologies, your outsourced IT department. Palma Pasta, enjoy the taste of fresh homemade Italian pasta and entrees from Palma Pasta in Mississauga and Oakville.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Create custom stickers, labels, tattoos, and decals for your home and your business. Sammy Cohn Real Estate. For a complimentary evaluation of your home, contact Sammy Cohn. And Ridley Funeral Home. Pillars of the community since 1921.
Starting point is 00:01:46 I'm Mike., and joining me for this 41st Pandemic Friday is Cam Gordon and Stu Stone? Stu? Cam, how are you doing, buddy? Stewie, Stewie, Stu, where are you doing buddy Stewie Stewie Stew where are you I'm good yeah happy holidays
Starting point is 00:02:12 Mike and happy holidays to a number of special guests on the zoom call today special shout out to Kevin in Alberta who's doing sort of a Bob Dylan subterranean homesick blues visual with every sponsor you read out he actually held up a sticker because for sticker you and a palma pasta logo it was sort
Starting point is 00:02:33 of a nice visual to go with uh your your live reads there well that's amazing I have to watch this on the replay uh we should address though the uh the gorilla in the room if you will but uh i'm sorry the gorilla who's not in the room cam uh where is stew stone yeah i i have no clue this is this is uh we were talking a bit off this is a shoot this is not a work we don't know where stew is um i hope he's okay yeah so this is this is not... I don't know. I'll speak English. You speak wrestling, so I'll just speak English here.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Not a bit. We've been talking about this for a while. DMs exchanged. He accepted the calendar invite that we'd record at 11 a.m. on Christmas Eve. And he's not on the Zoom, although many FOTMs are, and we'll get to everybody in a bit.
Starting point is 00:03:24 And I even see Barb Paluskiewicz is here as well from CDN Technologies. A lot of great FOTMs. Elvis is in the house, for goodness sakes. Mike, when did you get a theme song for your podcast? I've never heard that before. That's a reference to the fact you don't listen. Have you ever listened to a Pandemic Friday episode, Elvis? No, I assume this was the first one.
Starting point is 00:03:44 And it's a pleasure to be a this was the first one and it's a pleasure to be a guest on the first pandemic friday podcast it were nine months into it though i'm surprised that you waited this long to start it very funny very funny uh but and the story is no this is the first time i think i've appeared on two consecutive episodes uh let alone listen to two consecutive episodes that's probably true and uh you're one of many, I'm looking at the zoom call right now, which is live on Facebook. People want to go back and watch it, but you're one of many quality beards on this episode.
Starting point is 00:04:12 I just want to point out some great beards on this episode. So shout out to Al Grego and shout out to a great beard. Kevin in Alberta is rocking a great beard and you've got a great beard as well. Although apparently some people yesterday thought it should be greater. But back to Stu real quick here, just to make sure we're clear here. We really don't know where he is.
Starting point is 00:04:31 I tried phoning him. It went straight to machine. We've been DMing him, texting him, emailing him. So hopefully during this episode, Stu pops in and gives us like the Christmas miracle that we all deserve in 2020 because uh it's tough to do Pandemic Friday without Stu Stone right Cam well absolutely uh his as he likes to point out he wins every episode so uh yeah we might have a new winner and yeah Stu hope you're
Starting point is 00:04:58 hope you're good pal wherever you are I don't know it's a little worrisome hopefully he just slept in uh sounds like he had a late night. Maybe he just slept in. It's been a long year. So maybe he's just kind of trying to sleep out the rest of 2020. Now, one thing I'll point out is that we have on this Zoom call, like there's many great FOTMs we're going to get to. But there is a gentleman named Cambrio, who we've mentioned many times. Now, Cambrio, who just unmasked himself. Did anybody see that? Do we recognize him? Like, is he somebody we know, or is he just a Cambrio?
Starting point is 00:05:34 Nope. It's just me. Hello. So how you doing? Do you happen to know where Stu Stone is? Right there. You see him? Oh yeah. So the, uh, the zoom background for cambrio uh which is fantastic stew stone and hopefully stew shows up just so we can uh have a meeting of cambrio and stew stone but we'll get back to you later cambrio i have to be clear there's lots of cams on this call but uh thanks for being here thanks to everybody for being here and cam do we kick out stew's jams um why don't we do our jams in order and if you can
Starting point is 00:06:07 sort of mix them up on the fly uh do sort of like a remix of the order why don't why don't we do that okay so here's what we'll do toe-to-toe uh yeah we'll kick out our jams and then we'll kick out a jam talk about it i'll bring it down and then we'll meet a couple two or three or four fotms and we'll just kind of go like that so we sprinkle fotms throughout so if any fotms have to like have to leave in the next 10 or 15 minutes just message me on zoom and i'll make sure i bump you to the front of the line here because i want everybody to have a chance to get on this thing here absolutely and you know what i'm gonna do right now and i always fuck this up off camera. I'm going to do a quick video record and I'll make a little gif for promotional purposes now that you've backstabbed me and taken this whole production to Facebook from Twitter. Who stabbed who?
Starting point is 00:06:58 Well, you know, you know, you know. When is LinkedIn going to launch a live streaming service? Elvis, do you have any idea? Because that's where I belong, I think. I think they have it. It's already there. Yeah? Oh, because I got to look into that.
Starting point is 00:07:15 I think that's where the action is, to be quite honest. That's where the fun's happening on LinkedIn here. No, there's no fun happening there at all. So I'm kicking out your first jam. I got to make sure I don't confuse all the jams. I was really looking, Stu had a mind blow. So if he doesn't show up at all, I'm going to deliver his mind blow at the end. It's going to blow some minds. So let me start with your jam, Cam Gordon, and then I'll bring it down. You can talk about why you chose it. And then we're going to meet some FOTMs on the Zoom call today. And you can all see my holiday lights behind me monica put up some uh some lights
Starting point is 00:07:46 and i just want to make sure that you can all see that see it on the zoom and facebook live absolutely and your boys like sleeping in the corner like old times james is sleeping around the corner like old times so i'm a little emotional here and i think maybe the four-year-old and six-year-old they might they might zoom bomb us later to check in. Nice. I love it. Say hi. But here we go. This is a great jam for them, actually. I'll dedicate this.
Starting point is 00:08:09 I think Jarvis would love this jam. Family friendly. For sure. All right, you chipmunks. Ready to sing your song? I'll say we are. Yeah. Let's sing it now.
Starting point is 00:08:21 Okay, Simon? Okay. Okay, Theodore? Okay. Okay, Alvin? Alvin? Alvin! Okay!
Starting point is 00:08:32 Christmas, Christmas Time is near Time for toys And time for cheer We've been good But we can't last. Hurry Christmas, hurry fast. Want a plane that moves the loo. Me, I want a hula hoop. We can hardly stand the wait Please Christmas, don't be late Okay, Cam Gordon, you've chosen Alvin and the Chipmunks.
Starting point is 00:09:13 Absolutely. So this song, this is one of those songs I don't think I ever really knew the official name of the song. I think most people think the song is Christmas, don't be late. But the official name of this song is actually the Chipmunk song. That's because it's sung by Chipmunks. That's clever. Yeah, which is good.
Starting point is 00:09:33 And then in brackets, Christmas Don't Be Late. This song is actually from 1958. I have a few pretty interesting comments about this. I was shocked to find this was a number one Billboard hit. And not like on the holiday charts, just on the Hot 100. Yeah, this is like harkens to an era where like novelty songs could get to number one on a Billboard Hot 100. Yeah, absolutely. And I bet some of the FOTMs know the guy that the chipmunks lived with and
Starting point is 00:10:07 i never really sort of understood sort of the construct of the whole chipmunk universe like sort of single guy david seville right and like he had these three chipmunks who frankly weren't chipmunks i don't know what the fuck they look more like kind of gophers by the time we we learned about them in the 80s um but if you go back and see like original versions of the cartoon they are actual chipmunks like with the stripe and stuff so it's and now that now you get sort of the cgi version of the chipmunks running around new york city or whatever um so yeah this song, number one hit Back in 1958 The gentleman who wrote this, his name is Ross Bagdasarian
Starting point is 00:10:49 He's an Armenian fella Who wrote this Under the stage name Dave Saville Which is also the character In the show This song was also cleaned up at the Grammy Awards In 1958 This has got to be the first song that ever won this trio of awards.
Starting point is 00:11:06 Best comedy performance, best children's record, and best engineer. Best engineering, the non-classical division. So Ross, the guy who was David Saville, he actually passed away in 1972. And his son, Ross Jr., took over the IP. And basically, him and his wife have been milking this. Warming this over time and again. This song has been re-released many, many times. If you go back to 1994,
Starting point is 00:11:41 there's something called A Very Merry Chipmunk that has a smooth jazz version of this song featuring none other than Kenny G, if you can believe it. And Kenny G you can also now find on Cameo. How much is it for Kenny G? What's he asking for? 50 bones? I feel like he was like $250. Wow. Pretty affordable. Elvis is ordering one right now I think Shout out maybe I'll play his
Starting point is 00:12:07 Alto sax This has nothing to do the holidays But if any of you are into like Trademark infringement and Stuff there's all sorts of like Legal battles about the rights to The chipmunk from like this Ross jr. Fella and
Starting point is 00:12:24 And universal who I guess own the ip after a while um god there's there's so much in the kind of chipmunks universe we touch on this also with the muppet when we're talking about muppet babies yeah with june cleaver that was a in the backyard of about a month ago i think yeah so there was a version of the chipmunks for that called little alvin and the mini monks wow you remember that that came in in 2003 that was a direct-to-video um effort from a tv series that aired in the 80s so again like it's just i i feel like these chipmunks will just outlive all of us it's just it's unbelievable that this song that came out 1958 is still part of the consciousness and again it seems like every five years we get like
Starting point is 00:13:10 a new chipmunks movie and again now we're sort of in the cgi live action era and they're kind of edgy and i think they're like doing raps because that's what the kids are into but uh yeah it you know a lot of this started back in 1958 with a Christmas song. Wow. The Chipmunks song. Went to number one there. Number one Billboard hit. Yeah. Now, I'm being told by our FOTMs that it's $295 for Cameo to get Kenny G. I'm going to bring in an FOTM right away here.
Starting point is 00:13:38 And I'm going to let everybody know who's on deck. So it's like a baseball game here. So Barb Paluskiewicz is on deck. But I want to bring in got to get the right handle 111 111 pound how you doing 111 pound don't forget to unmute yourself i'll be saying that a lot today i think i put that as my username because we i we i originally got zoom Zoom for family members earlier in the pandemic. And so it's just a cute little moniker for both my wife and I.
Starting point is 00:14:11 And would we know you by any other handle? My real name is Brian. And my Twitter handle is Grounded77. And nod to Cam. That is the pavement song. and the year of my birth. And, uh, uh, I think when I've left a couple of comments on the Toronto Mike blog or website, um, it just signs me in as grounded 77 from through Twitter. So if you've seen it there. Oh yeah, for sure. Uh, no,
Starting point is 00:14:43 thank you for being here because I love it. You've never been to a TMLX event. Is that right? I have not. I have not. So I like to see some fresh faces though. That's exciting. I can pass the border.
Starting point is 00:14:56 I am allowed to pass the border, but we are not allowed to pass the border right now. Remind me, where are you in Buffalo? Where are you? I am currently in my house, in my closet on the second floor in Lockport, New York. Oh, wow. Okay. Wow. Which is
Starting point is 00:15:11 kind of northeast of Buffalo by about 25 minutes. I live closer to Buffalo at one point, but my wife is from Niagara County, more towards the lake. And yeah. Shout out to Irv Weininstein how close are you to a tops friendly market uh 10 minutes okay or a webman's he knows have you ever met seleno or
Starting point is 00:15:37 barnes i have not well one is dead now nor have i I met Irv Weinstein. I was going to say Irv Weinstein. Wow. Do you know where your children are? Commander Tom? No. Do you know Linda Pellegrino by chance? Did you ever see her on Channel 7?
Starting point is 00:16:00 No. I ran into her once. Okay. Yeah, it's a big deal. How about Mike Pekkacca did you ever bump into him like in a grocery store oh no that was so funny because that that commercial he did where he like he took a snapshot of a can of tuna into his wife's basket was in the tops down the street from where i used to live i love it i love it this is that's the best story since like hearing that cam gordon bumped into uh elvis stoico returning a is, that's the best story since like hearing that Cam Gordon bumped into Elvis Stoico returning to VCR. That's right. Okay. This is a serious question.
Starting point is 00:16:30 Has the city of Buffalo, and I feel like they have, I think I know the answer. Has the city of Buffalo forgiven Scott Norwood? Yeah. Good one. His name really doesn't come up much anymore. Is it like it's over? Yeah. You know what? I think
Starting point is 00:16:45 there's so many new Bills fans that he's just gone. Do you guys remember when Thurman Thomas forgot his helmet for the Super Bowl game? Thurman Thomas, he runs a casino in Batavia
Starting point is 00:17:01 and was part of it. He's on TV all the time he lives here I mean I think his transgressions with being traded to Miami or signing with Miami or something of long forgotten well here's here's a fun fact and this ties to an FOTM Mike and then we'll go uh Steve Christie and I could be wrong on this I I feel like Steve Christie, Donovan Bailey, and FOTM Gord Depp all went to the same high school. Is that his name? Gord Depp? Yeah. Is this in
Starting point is 00:17:32 Oakville? Gord Depp. Yeah. Like wherever. Or Burlington maybe. Yes. I feel like those three because I one of my roommates in university went to the same high school as Steve Christie and they told me oh yeah also the Spoons went there. Oakville. I'm just reading that. Gregotsky came up with that little nugget.
Starting point is 00:17:48 Yeah, I could be wrong, but... So everybody on the Zoom, and I'm going to figure out how we do this as we go along. Does anyone here have any final words or questions for Brian? Oh, okay. I'm sorry. Oh, what were you saying there, Brian? Oh, no, no. I have a fun fact. Okay, let's hear it. We love fun facts.
Starting point is 00:18:04 You mentioned Etobicoke a lot uh i went to at one time maybe like 20 years ago it was a basement show in kitchener or waterloo or something of the super friends were playing do you remember that yeah sloan they were in the sloan like east coast family there yeah yeah um drew there was a band member drew yamada who was from a he said i'm from etobicoke and that was and he's and he was talking all about channel seven and irv weinstein and fires on tv and all that kind of stuff so yeah i mean no i got i got into the whole toronto mic thing because I was web searching about CFNY. And like, you know, like, what was the first episode I listened to? Alan Pross?
Starting point is 00:18:51 No, no. The woman who does Muffy the Mouse. Oh, my God. Yeah. Nina. Nina Keogh. Yeah. I saw that on Twitter, actually.
Starting point is 00:19:00 And was it Twitter? Or I don't know that that episode was coming up. So shout out to FOTM Nina Keough. I host the YouTube clip for when the butterfly dies on today's special. That's the only thing I host that gets comments. All the time I get
Starting point is 00:19:15 comments from people about how since the death of Mr. Hooper that's the biggest childhood television death that gets referenced. Brian, gotta let you go because a lot of FOTMs to get to. Thank you for popping that is the that's the biggest you know childhood television death that gets referenced but brian gotta let you go because a lot of fotms to get to but uh thank you for popping in it was amazing to finally get to meet you virtually here fun little buffalo corner too that was i enjoyed yeah i love that this is a global global affair officially uh so i'm glad we started with the the american
Starting point is 00:19:42 and everything's okay down there you're hanging in there? America's okay? Yeah. I heard some people chattering beforehand. While it's raining here right now, we're supposed to get like a half an inch of rain all day, and it's going to get cold, and we're going to get like a half a foot of snow tonight for tomorrow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:19:56 The whole thing. I don't know. But the lakes affect us all differently depending on where you are. Yeah. Tonawanda forever. Now, listen. Peace and love to you. I'm going to bring in Barb Paluskiewicz now.
Starting point is 00:20:08 Barb, I know Stu is really excited to meet you, and I'm sorry he's not here. Again, I will update as we go along. I'll give Stu updates. At this moment, there's no word from Stu Stone, so I'll give updates like that periodically here. But how are you doing, Barb? Good.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Stu can be like my Mr. Stuff-a-Luppa guest. Like, you know what? I've never seen him. I've only heard about him, and so on and so forth. But from Brian from One One Pound, as soon as he mentioned Tops, I have that song in my head. Tops never stops saving you more. It's like, okay, I have to get this jingle out of my head.
Starting point is 00:20:40 Earlier today, it was One Night in Bangkok from that guy. You know, that's a sports song. It's fucking sports song it's about chess because hear me out barb that song is about chess is chess a sport yes yeah this is why i like barb paluskiewicz spelled exactly the twitter poll i'm not getting into this again. And Elvis yesterday said that my choice of hero of the day for the Wendell Clark all heart montage on YouTube was a very appropriate and excellent choice. Right Elvis? 100%.
Starting point is 00:21:13 100%. Love this guy. Love this guy. Barb, Merry Christmas to you and thank you for dressing up and again let everybody know who should be reaching out to Barb Paluskwicz, one of the great FOTMs. Oh know who should be reaching out to Barb Poluskiewicz one of the great FOTMs oh who should be reaching out to me like you need to be
Starting point is 00:21:30 responsible for a network what kind of podcast is this Mike well it's no secret Barb's a great supporter of the program what CDN technology does is we do IT service IT support and cyber security for businesses. So usually a
Starting point is 00:21:46 company that outsources their IT and they have anywhere from like 10 and upwards of workstations that need to be support where they're like, sometimes they have an IT person, sometimes they don't, but essentially we do, or an outsourced computer company, we're known as a managed, an MSP, which is called the managed services company, managed service provider. And yeah, I've been doing it since 1989. My first, yeah, it's been a while. In 2000,, that's when things really began to pop. And then recently, as well, like, you know, it's just grown. First, it grew from word of mouth. And then we started advertising
Starting point is 00:22:33 and marketing. And it kind of blossomed from there, so to say. So I do have I do have a little bit of something to share. Oh, sure. It's the 12 computer viruses of Christmas. It's not long, but it's really cute. It's what we sent out as a Christmas card. Okay. I'm ready. Okay. So you guys ready for this? Indeed. Okay. The Noel virus. It renders the L key on your computer completely useless. Oh, there's no sound for you guys. Sorry. I won't introduce my own sound effects either. No, do that. That'd be great. In fact, good, because I want to just tease this. At the conclusion of your 12 Days of Christmas, we might have a special, special guest joining us on the Zoom call. Please continue. Sorry, breaking news. Sorry to interrupt, Barb. I've heard from Stu Stone.
Starting point is 00:23:26 He says he has a power outage. He'll be on momentarily. Yeah, that was my teaser as well. Thank you, Cam, for us. Oh, he's alive. Okay, back to our regular schedule. All right, back to Barb. But Stu is alive and well.
Starting point is 00:23:36 Back to our regular programming. I'd just like to contribute to the chat here, which is very, very good. And that, yes, Die Hard is a Christmas movie. You need to binge watch all of them. The latest and most recent one is all about it and all that shit's true. Okay, so getting back to the viruses, the Santa Claus virus comes in and wipes out all of your cookies. 12 days of viruses. So it's 12 days of spammers spamming. We have the regifter virus,
Starting point is 00:24:08 which keeps trying to return unwanted files into your inbox. We have the office party virus, which penetrates your hard drive during your annual Christmas party, but no meaningful data is exchanged. We have the triple X Christmas virus, which opens endless porn pop-ups for the rest of the holiday season. We have the Christmas in-laws virus, which comes in unannounced,
Starting point is 00:24:37 takes up free space and crashes until the new year. We have the three wise men virus, and that's suddenly your computer makes no frankincense. We have these are all like dad jokes. So the joy to K virus, which makes your computer want to party like it's 1999. And we have the twas the night Before Christmas virus, which is today. And it leaves your computer with no program stirring, not even your mouse. And we have the Jack Frost virus, which nips at your memory and freezes all of your windows. And we have the Elf virus, which starts off as a small virus, then toys with your toolbars and settings.
Starting point is 00:25:27 All right. Very good, Barb. Honestly, you bring in the cheer, you're dressed for the occasion. Now it's your call if you stick around, because I know Stu will want to say hi, and he'll be here momentarily. He had a power outage. It turns out he's now powering everything on. This is a process. He might need some computer assistance, actually. So hang in there. Merry Christmas, Barb.
Starting point is 00:25:42 One more person I'm going to bring in before the next jam, which will be mine, and then we'll get to Stu in a moment. Beck. Beck Hanson, are you on the Zoom call? Hello. Beck, Merry Christmas to you. Merry Christmas, everybody. So nice to see FOTMs and, well, almost person anyway. Do you, whereabouts? do you remind us Whitby
Starting point is 00:26:08 Oshawa I get confused are you in where are you Ajax I'm in South Whitby okay so by the lake yes far away from I have a lake glimpse out my window
Starting point is 00:26:23 see I'm not the only person that adds a geographical reference to where I am in my city. Everyone in Durham region is very, very specific about where they live because there's lots of shitty areas of this country. So they just want to be really. I live in the southeast corner of Whitby, not where the shitty people live, but where I live. Yeah. It's the same thing up here in North Oshawa. Yes.
Starting point is 00:26:51 I actually work in Oshawa there. Beck, you, you, you and Michael Lang, I'm, you were both at the lowest of the low at the Lee's Palace. That was about,
Starting point is 00:27:02 I guess about a bit over a year ago. Am I right? That's right. Yeah. So it's like a year ago. Am I right? That's right. Yeah. So it's like a reunion here. And as someone who grew up in South Oshawa, I can concur with what Elvis is saying. But Beck, you're
Starting point is 00:27:17 much like Michael Lang. You're a massive fan of Canadian alt-rock. What's your favorite band? Well, it goes without saying Tragically Hip, for sure. But definitely Our Lady Peace, 5440, Sloan, all of the great... All the great FOTMs, you're saying. Okay, because Jeremy Taggart, I think he has a little feud going with Stu Stone, so we can find out about that in a moment.
Starting point is 00:27:44 But you got good taste in music back. Thanks. And you hang in there. We're going to kick out another holiday jam, and we got a lot of people we're going to get to here. So I'm going to do mine now since Stu's still powering up his gear. So this is my first Christmas, or holiday, sorry, I've got to say it right.
Starting point is 00:28:00 This is my first holiday jam. I don't care what the neighbors say, Christmas time is near. I don't care what anyone says, Christmas is full of cheer. All I know is Santa's sleigh is making its way to the USA. I wish it was Christmas today. Okay, so this, let me bring it down here, but this is a jam that's actually a cover of a song that debuted on Saturday Night Live. I hear a bell ringing.
Starting point is 00:28:52 I'm going to let this person in, and I'll get back to tell you that what we're hearing is Julian Casablancas. You might know him better as the guy from The Strokes. And this is his very cool cover of that SNL jam. Let me find out who's at the door. Wow. It might be the holiday miracle we've been all hoping and praying and wishing for here today.
Starting point is 00:29:21 The anticipation is building. Oh, there he is. Wow. Let me bring this down and let me give him a proper introduction here. Welcome to your Pandemic Friday, the 41st edition, Stu Stone. Is there a Stu Stone on this Zoom call? Is there a Stu Stone on this Zoom call? Well, he'll be with us.
Starting point is 00:29:51 He's connecting his audio here. Let's bring in somebody else here. I'm here. I'm here. Oh, hello. How are you doing, Stu? It's a Festivus miracle. Tell us where you were, Stu.
Starting point is 00:30:05 It's the miracle of Hanukkah. I had not enough electricity to last, but it suddenly came on. There was no power, I guess, overnight. And nothing was on. Nothing worked. Dead phone, dead everything. We're in a year with no landlines.
Starting point is 00:30:20 Well, I'm just glad you're okay. We couldn't get a hold of you. I know. I was having a massive panic attack a massive attack did you consider did you consider driving to my place i didn't that wasn't an option um but boy look at this there's a whole room of people here so stew let me just bring in some certain people i want to hear an exchange between you and these people so i'm gonna bring in Al Grego. Oh yeah. Okay. I've been waiting to talk to that guy.
Starting point is 00:30:52 Now I'll shut the F up here for a moment and let you speak to Al Grego, who recently put together the best of Toronto Mike. Sure. I would love to do that. Hello, Al. How are you, sir? Okay. How are you, Stu? I mean, sorry. I'm okay. How are you, Stu? Merry Christmas to you, my friend. And happy Hanukkah to you, Stu? I mean, sorry. I'm okay. How are you, Stu? Merry Christmas to you, my friend. And happy Hanukkah to you, Stu. Thank you. Just wondering, you know, I don't know if this was brought up already,
Starting point is 00:31:17 but, you know, is this a Toronto Mike episode? No. Oh, this isn't? No. Although it would be eligible since you hadn't shown up. I was thinking about maybe making it eligible. It's not a kick out the jams, not a true kick out the jams episode because
Starting point is 00:31:33 we're not like James Duffy. Kick out the jams episodes are not eligible either. It's just straight interview episodes. Al, are Elvis episodes eligible for Best Episode? Elvis was not eligible either. I'm just curious.
Starting point is 00:31:47 Because I had been on the Toronto Mike Show before the pandemic several times in an interview capacity. Those didn't count either? And I believe you did get an honorable mention in Volume 2. That's something. You didn't make the list.
Starting point is 00:32:04 Alright, well, I'm just hoping moving forward you know assuming this show has enough content to provide another best of that you will consider myself and uh uh i guess it was elvis that referred to him as the other guy uh cam gordon uh you know i would hope that you would consider us uh to be a part of you know 2021 and beyond best of episodes you know you're so hard be a part of you know 2021 and beyond best of episodes you're so hard done by i know you hardly get any recognition for all the work that you do now you know stew listens to the elvis episodes that's ridiculous what are you doing with yourself stew they're horrible too much time they are awful but it is true i don't think cam's heard
Starting point is 00:32:44 it yet but you did refer to the Pandemic Fridays as Stu Stone and that other guy. Well, because I know Stu, because I don't know why Stu sticks in my head and Cam doesn't, but I probably would be able to pick out Cam from a lineup before I picked out Stu from a lineup. So I don't know what it is.
Starting point is 00:33:00 That's because Cam is a criminal who's been in lineups. Okay, so there's a statute of limitations i just don't know his name but stew you sort of blend in with everybody else okay i'll do better i'll do a much better job of being like unique stupid is this normally how these things go no normally they pile on me, actually, is how it normally goes. Honestly, happy Christmas to you, my friend. Thanks, man. And I'm a big fan of yours, too.
Starting point is 00:33:28 We can be friends. And I think maybe you can consider Cam and myself for future collections. I think Al's a legit fuss. The host breaking in here. The last time a Toronto Mike-related collection service ignored Cam and I was the recycling, the guys. They didn't pick up our garbage. Hopefully, you know, this will go a little bit better.
Starting point is 00:33:51 Okay, before I kick out Stu's first jam, we got to make up some time here. There's somebody on this Zoom right now. I need to witness this moment. Like, I just got to soak this in. Because Stu Stone, I want you to meet. Oh, is it Matt Layton? I wish. It's almost as good as that. Stu Stone,
Starting point is 00:34:07 I want you to meet Cam Brio. Wow. Stu, I'm really, uh, I'm really nervous and excited, uh, that, that, that you're here. I'm kind of beside myself. Is that Cam Brio? Yeah. I'm just, um, and that's you right there. Oh, my goodness. Cambrio. It's a little creepy, to be honest. Like, you've got a picture of Stu on the wall. You're in disguise. Like, is Stu safe?
Starting point is 00:34:34 I'm definitely safe. Cambrio would never do any harm to me. Come on. It's like faking a murderer part two. How are you, sir? Where are you in the country, Cambrio? I'm in Ontario. I'm kind of in Stu land at the moment. You can tell, right? Yes. Where's your signature? Where's your signature glass of Brio? I got to get some. I'm all out. Yeah. Times are tough, you know. That's great.
Starting point is 00:35:00 So Cambrio knows that I won already, even when I wasn't on the show for 40 minutes. He knows that I was winning this episode. Am I right, Cambrio? Absolutely. You know, I remember the contest way back when for Circle Circle Dot Dot, the stop motion contest. Do you remember that? Yeah, of course I do. And a guy from Australia named Blunty won. Do you remember that?
Starting point is 00:35:21 I do, yes. He won a Red Hot Chili Peppers. What do you call those things? An iPod. Wow. Suck. Cambrio, how far back does your love of Stew Stone go? I guess it goes back pretty far for him to name check that. It goes back to that contest where I was a circle, circle, dot, dot guy. You were?
Starting point is 00:35:41 And I was watching Blunty because he did a lot of video game stuff and he was talking months ago about putting together this stop motion thing for your song and then he won and this was when was this what year was that that would have been 2006 or 7 yeah so going back there pretty much wow that's pretty's pretty crazy, man. And here we are. It took Toronto Mike a Toronto Mike miracle. You know, not only is he feeding the community, but he's bringing guys like us together. Shout out to Palma Pasta, feeding the community since 1987 or something. We got to get Cambrio some Palma Pasta.
Starting point is 00:36:20 You know, he's been no more descriptive than he's in Ontario. So at least that means he can get his Great Lakes beer at the LCBO. I'm curious about his face covering. I'm keeping you guys safe here. I'm a little incognito at the moment. Hey, Stu, because we've got to rock off some jams and get to
Starting point is 00:36:36 meet more FOTMs, but everyone's welcome to chime in whenever. Can I mention one thing about that song you just played? Yeah. I saw Julian Casablancas play that song. Oh my gosh, I'm falling apart here. At the seams. Hang in there, big guy.
Starting point is 00:36:56 Hold on. Oh, there we go. So I saw Julian play that song in 2010 at the Cool House, if you can see that right there. What's the name of that song, Mike? the Cool House, if you can see that. What's the name of that song, Mike? I Wish It Was Christmas Today. That's amazing, Cambrio.
Starting point is 00:37:12 Can I throw one fun fact? I'm taking your time here. No, please. On that tour, he had a backing band called The Six Sticks. On drums and percussion and guitar was someone named Danielle Hay hayim are you familiar with who that is i don't does anyone else know that name not like from the band hayim yeah so she's from
Starting point is 00:37:33 the band hayim her first tour was doing backing for julian casablanca's back then wow she must have been like what like 10 years old or something something? And now they're up for a Grammy. The first year that all the female or the rock categories, all females. That's crazy. Woman Who Rock is no longer a special Pandemic Friday theme. It's the norm. Lilith is now fair. Okay, so here's what we're going to do, guys.
Starting point is 00:38:03 Stu, with your permission, I'm swapping your first song with your second song and playing your second song first because I want Elvis and you to discuss this. Is that okay, firstly, if I do that? Okay, so here's Stu Stone. It's really his second jam, but I'm playing it first for Stu Stone. Elvis, you're on standby because you and
Starting point is 00:38:19 Stu are going to chat about this. Let's kick it! about this. Let's kick it. Let's remember how lucky we are. Other people are dying, but we're not. Christmas spirit is alive. Wish ill will on our neighbors because we're Christian and white and good people.
Starting point is 00:38:42 Let's make a song about it. Merry Christmas, everybody. This, of course, is Band-Aid's Do They Know It's Christmas. And we've all heard it many times, probably, although we're not in our malls and shopping centers as often as we were in previous years, so maybe not as often as before. But, Stu, please tell us,
Starting point is 00:39:04 why did you choose this song from band-aid and then uh we'll let elvis retort to your reasoning here uh well you know uh if you weren't aware that it's christmas uh this song sort of reminds you of that right uh and it also reminds people who were unaware of christmas you know people who like uh aren't don't celebrate christmas perhaps you're a young jewish man growing up a couple miles north of cambrio who were unaware of Christmas, you know, people who like don't celebrate Christmas. Perhaps you're a young Jewish man growing up a couple miles north of Cambrio and you were unaware of Christmas.
Starting point is 00:39:31 This is a song that would sort of tell you that it was Christmas. I just find it fascinating because in that golden era of We Are The World and what was the Canadian one? Voices. Northern Lights. Northern Lights.
Starting point is 00:39:45 Northern Lights, that's right. Tears Are Not Enough. Tears Are Not Enough. That's a jam. Tears Are Not Enough. A couple years later, Voices That Care with Michael Bolton. We're all in the same gang.
Starting point is 00:39:55 You remember that? Yeah, yeah. That was a good one. Who did I kick out these jams with? Was it you, Elvis? I kicked out like these charity singles or something. I think it was you, Elvis. It might have been with me.
Starting point is 00:40:04 Yeah, yeah, we did do that. Because that sounds like it should be a Pandemic Friday, but then we'll be repeating ourselves. Sorry, continue, Stu. So, Stu, I guess if you listened to yesterday's episode with Elvis, you've heard... I heard the song. I did, yes.
Starting point is 00:40:17 The song definitely played. I was a little upset that you were burying the lead, but I understand. Some stuff that wasn't covered by just playing the song. You know, how the whole thing sort of came about. I mean, obviously, you know, you're familiar with the Boomtown Rats, right? Bob Geldof. Yeah, I mean, I was like unaware of him having like such a huge presence in,
Starting point is 00:40:39 you know, in my universe. I remember knowing of the Boomtown Rats, In my universe, I remember knowing of the Boomtown Rats, but I don't remember Bob Geldof being this, like, you know, Mick Jagger, John Lennon, Bob Geldof. I know what you're saying. Because of his charity efforts, you'd think he was a much bigger fucking star than just the guy who wrote I Hate Mondays.
Starting point is 00:41:00 Right, but I'm guessing that he's a pretty likable guy because he's a guy that could get everybody on the phone. And, you know, it would be like if Cambrio called everybody to come together. That's sort of like a Bob Geldof kind of thing. Everybody would come and do this. But, you know, there's some pretty impressive personnel on this track. We could go through it if you want. But are you able to, you remember last week we discovered you were on, like, number 18 on your board. Are you able to... Remember last week we discovered you were on number 18 on your board?
Starting point is 00:41:27 Are you able to go to 35? Yes. Hold on. I want you a bit louder. Yeah, stand by. We blame the power outage for this. I guess it must have reset. Hello, is this better?
Starting point is 00:41:42 Yes. Much better? Much better? Yes. Much better? Much better. Okay. I was going to say that it's like a who's who of the scene there. You know, we were not only in the midst of, you know, seeing these songs, including the WWF, the wrestling album even had a song, A Land of a Thousand Dances with like a We Are the World sort of cast of wrestlers. But there was
Starting point is 00:42:07 the midst of a second British invasion going on in popular music at that time. Were you caught up in that, Mike? Duran Duran. Of course. And many others. Rio is the first vinyl album I ever purchased on my own was Rio. Well, there you go.
Starting point is 00:42:23 Seven and the Ragged Tiger. I had a break dancing routine to Reflex. You had a break dancing routine to Reflex? Can we see it? I wish. If I get down there, I might not get back up. That's the problem. You've got members of U2 were in this
Starting point is 00:42:39 song. You've got Phil Collins, Genesis, and as a solo artist, I guess. He's credited twice here. Is Boy George in there? Yeah. You've got Sibian Fahey. Am I saying that right? From Bananarama. Oh, wow. I didn't know her
Starting point is 00:42:55 name. You got Boy George, who was a big get, by the way. I'm skipping through here. You've got the guys from Spando Ballet. True. True. True.
Starting point is 00:43:08 We all have the same joke at the same time. You've got Simon Le Bon and the members of Duran Duran. Wow. You've got George Michael. You've got members of Status Quo. You've got Sting, the WCW former champion. Sting. He's a good digger. Is Lex Luger in there?
Starting point is 00:43:31 No, no. Sting, that's a big get. And you've got a bunch of other jabronis. Paul Young. Paul Young. You remember him? Every time you go away, you take a piece of me with you. Isn't he involved in the Fish Head song?
Starting point is 00:43:48 Or am I having some kind of weird cross wires? I got Paul Young and Krista Berg mixed up. But did Paul Young... Oh, is it Toast? It's Toast. Right? Toast. Isn't that Paul Young? Yeah, Fish Heads was...
Starting point is 00:43:59 Who's the actor? Bill Paxton. Bill Paxton. He's no longer with us. Okay. I would like to correct my own little fun fact. I'm confusing fish heads and toast. Street Band did Toast
Starting point is 00:44:09 and that was, I believe, Paul Young. That is all. Okay, Stu. Amazing. Sorry. There also was a B-side that featured There was a B-side of this single that featured...
Starting point is 00:44:25 Is Barb still on the call? We need some networking. We got a little Wayne here. People just sort of talking that weren't... They were big country. Right. Can you hear me? Yeah, you broke up and now you're back.
Starting point is 00:44:41 You're back. Do you not hear me? For a moment. I guess the power is still finicky, but I was talking about the band Big back. Do you not hear me? I guess the power is still finicky, but I was talking about the band Big Country. Do you remember Big Country? Yeah, in a big country. Their song is named after the band. That's probably one of the only times that a band's
Starting point is 00:44:54 big single is also the name of the band, right? Oh, good. That's a good one. Does anyone on this Zoom call, can they think of another like that? Like their own? Like a one-hit wonder? Somebody's pounding on the door here. Human League had You're Only Human. That's true.
Starting point is 00:45:10 Close, but no cigar, Michael Lang. No cigar. Well, there's like the Who, Who Are You? But I mean, they obviously had many other hits. And that's no cigar either. I think Big Country might be the go-to. Black Sabbath and Iron Maiden both have songs. That's why you're here, Elvis.
Starting point is 00:45:28 Built to Spill, the song Built to Spill. There's a great ACDC song called ACDC, right, Elvis? No, there's not. It sounds like the other ACDC songs. Stu, we have to bring in some people here.
Starting point is 00:45:44 Did you have another big fun fact, or can I bring in some people here. So did you have another big fun fact, or can I bring in a random FOTM here? Sorry about that, guys. The fire department just knocked at the door. Oh, this is exciting, the whole Stu Stone element. I didn't see that coming here. No. Can I just finish up here real quick?
Starting point is 00:45:59 The biggest surprise, the biggest fun fact about Do They Know It's Christmas is that Kool and the Gang is in the song. Oh, wow. Which is a lot of people don't realize that. Is that song Yacht Rock? No, definitely not. I'm still trying to learn what's Yacht Rock.
Starting point is 00:46:18 There are two musicians that we know that are credited for actually playing the song, and that is Phil Collins on drums and John Taylor of Duran Duran on bass. Wow. So that's what we got here. I love it. I love it. I'm going to bring in now, and then I'm randomly doing this, but I want to hear from Quebec Irish boy because we've heard from a New Yorker,
Starting point is 00:46:45 and now I want to hear from Quebec Irish boy, because we've heard from a New Yorker, and now I want to hear from a Quebecer, and then we'll get to a guy in Alberta, and then a guy in BC, and then we'll do a bunch of Ontario. But Quebec Irish boy, how are you doing, buddy? Hey, guys. How's it going? Good. Is that the handle you want to be known as, and it's up to you, but did you want to... My name is Darren, so you can call me Darren. That's my Twitter handle. And I know that Cam really liked it, so I put it back on Zoom. But my name is Darren, so just call me Darren. Okay, Darren, how does a Quebec Irish boy discover Toronto Mic'd? It's a very long story.
Starting point is 00:47:17 Long story short, big Blue Jays fan. Jumped on the bandwagon in 2015, was listening to the fan, all the work. So sometimes I'd read up, like, why is such and such person not on the bandwagon in 2015, was listening to the fan, all the work. So I'd sometimes I'd read up like, why is such and such person not on the show anymore? And there was always this guy Toronto Mike that kept popping up for some reason or another. Right. And I sort of just got onto that,
Starting point is 00:47:33 like, you know, and then, uh, then I discovered humble and Fred, thanks to you actually. So I was actually on the, on the zoom this morning.
Starting point is 00:47:40 So this is a double header for me with Ian slash Tim. Right. Do they know right yeah i saw ian earlier uh and barb was there too did you uh tell humble and fred that it's all due to me that you listen to their program no i'm still afraid actually to name your name after that the last time you had them on your podcast so it was like that was that was that was bad that was almost as bad as what's the name what's the name of that lady again we always make jokes about molly johnson molly johnson that was like the second most awkward one like you know i hear That was bad. That was almost as bad as, what's the name of that lady again we always make jokes about? Molly Johnson.
Starting point is 00:48:05 Molly Johnson. That was like the second most awkward one. Like, you know, I hear Freddie actually threw the camera or something. Okay, so I was recording on my smartphone right over here, for those who are seeing the video, which might be nobody because Facebook doesn't like the music we're playing, but I'll worry about that another day. Ian Service, when we get to him, I'm going to find out if there's any exciting developments in that area.
Starting point is 00:48:24 But basically, he grabbed, at the end, he was really mad. He was turning red. And he grabbed his phone and he said, is that thing on? And I said, it's on until I press the button on the phone. And he picked it up and threw it at me. And I pressed the button and then he yelled at me for 10 minutes. And then the next week, they hired me to produce their show. Wow, that worked out well.
Starting point is 00:48:43 Yeah. So, yeah, welcome. Good to meet somebody from Quebec listening to Toronto Mike. That's awesome. And Merry Christmas to you. Merry Christmas, guys. Anything you want to say to Cam Gordon or Stu Stone before I bring in another FOTM? I love you guys.
Starting point is 00:48:59 Honestly, guys, the pandemic Fridays have been probably the best thing. I was out of work for about nine weeks because of the pandemic and just put my sneakers on. And every Friday, I would just go out and walk a couple of hours. And thanks to you, I dropped about 20-some pounds, guys. So good job for you guys. So it's actually costing me a lot of money in clothing right now. So maybe it's not too much of a good thing.
Starting point is 00:49:19 But no, honestly, guys, you guys rock, and it's all good. Thank you very much. Congratulations on not being out of work anymore. guys you guys are you guys rock and uh it's all good thank you very much congratulations on uh on on not being out of work anymore yeah that was that's for sure so thanks a lot guys i want to i don't want to hog up all the time here but no you're welcome to stick around uh you're welcome darren to stick around but uh stew just to know your volume went down again i'm just giving you a little heads up there i don't know if it went down to 18 again, but it dropped again. Neil Jenkins, unmute yourself,
Starting point is 00:49:48 sir, and tell us how the hell you're doing. Mike, thank you for having me. Stu, Cam, and how many others? 20 others? At least, yeah. 20-odd others here on the Zoom chat? I want to show off my sweatshirt here. Do you guys see that?
Starting point is 00:50:04 Inspector Gadget. Inspector Gadget. You got it. Retro Kid my sweatshirt here. Do you guys see that? Inspector Gadget. We're Inspector Gadget. You got it. Retro Kid. Got to represent here. That's Bugs Bunny. That's like the evil cat that the guy strokes, Dr. Claw or something. Yes.
Starting point is 00:50:15 Evil cat. Don Adams was the voice of Inspector Gadget, right? Don Adams, yes. Was he actually the voice of Inspector Gadget? Really? Yeah. Fun fact. It wasn't like a sound-alike?
Starting point is 00:50:27 It was the real guy? I believe it's the real guy, yeah. He was doing work here. Do you guys remember the... I think it was CTV, but do you remember the sitcom Check It Out? Yes. Vaguely.
Starting point is 00:50:37 Like hilarity in a supermarket? Yeah. Yeah, for sure. So he was one of those American stars we brought up here to do some... Like Lyle Alzado, we brought him up. We did some things. That's what we did.
Starting point is 00:50:50 Jim J. Bullock. Yes, underappreciated star of Too Close for Comfort. Wasn't Dinah Shore also on that show as well? Possibly. I believe so. I think she showed up in the Pee Wee Herman Christmas special. Dinah Shore. Just before. I think she showed up in the Pee Wee Herman Christmas special. Dinah Shore. Just before.
Starting point is 00:51:07 I think cancer took her rather young. Is there any relation to the show TNT with Mr. T? Playing like a cop with some other person with the last name T? I remember that. Yes, that was a great show. That was dynamite. Dude, were you on that? That seems like Stu Stowe must have had a run in at some point.
Starting point is 00:51:24 You know, I wish. These are the days that I wish that I Like that seems like Stu Stowe must've had a run in at some point. No, I wish these are, these are the days that I wish that I was on shows like that, but no, alas, I was not. Oh, Stu, I had a Brent butt on the show last week and maybe it was this week
Starting point is 00:51:34 actually. And I meant, we talked about briefly the raccoons Christmas special, which I know was before your time, but at some point you do appear in the raccoons television series. Yes, that's true. the kid that played uh i think we've talked about this before but the kid who played bentley the raccoon was the same
Starting point is 00:51:51 kid who starred in the canadian movie the outside chance of maximilian glick do you remember maximilian glick absolutely yes so that was the kid and uh he went his name is noam zilberman great guy uh his voice changed so they had to replace him. That's where I kind of snagged in or snuck in there and became the new voice of the raccoons for the final three or four seasons. Love it. Love it. Neil Jenkins, I didn't mean to cut you off there.
Starting point is 00:52:18 We're doing some crazy tangent, which we've never done before. Never. How did you – You and I have – I know I've met you because i met you uh on the humber bay bridge on the humber bay bridge picking up the stickers right yes yes i just purchased my bike and bike to the humber bay bridge and we met got the stickers and we took a selfie on that bridge i remembered yes you know for that contest you may remember of course uh shout out to mimico joe absolutely
Starting point is 00:52:46 i do remember that fantastic yeah and so so the pandemic well not so much the this last few episodes but for all through the summer been able to get on the bike on the weekend uh not to mean to interrupt you but hamilton mike is holding up uh his guitar which has oh my god i made his guitar like that to me that's amazing if you can make somebody's guitar so shout out and we'll get to you in a moment hamilton mike uh sorry what were you saying neil no so just been be able to work through the pandemic on my bike with the uh with toronto mike and stew and and cam and it's been fantastic so thank you um i did want to say, though, as not that we have gone too many tangents here, the I have to give credit to the Yacht Rock episode to the answer to a Jeopardy question. There was a Jeopardy episode last week, I think it was where the category was Yacht Rock.
Starting point is 00:53:38 And the answer was Christopher Cross. And I wouldn't have known that had i not listened to the episode there you go you see that's one of the benefits of listening to pandemic fridays uh yacht rock of course the greatest genre uh absolutely well didn't call it dock rock it wasn't that's that's or or jodakai for that matter yeah cam gordon uh but uh we we i think there's we're gonna set sail on a second Yacht Rock episode very soon, I hope. Is that the official announcement? Yes, we are programming future episodes. I will say Pandemic Friday does need a reprise of Volume 3 of the TV jams. Yes, that was very popular. And I've got to put in a plug for Magnum PI.
Starting point is 00:54:18 We've got to hear that. How did we not do that? That's a great one. That's a deep cookie, Jared. That could be the whole podcast almost like exclusively tv what's the jam that the the guy from the toronto sun said we should have we should have kicked out this the show that was done before we ever uh manix manix okay so take a note i'm gonna start sorry i said you do a whole episode just on mike post themes the amount of oh yeah themes he's written you're absolutely right. We could do that. Did something happen? Did we lose
Starting point is 00:54:45 like half of our audience once I got here? A bunch of people dropped, but I think some are coming and going, which is why if you're on the Zoom and you actually do need to leave in 10 minutes, because I know we all have lives, DM me and I will bump you to the front of the line, because I'm going to start the second jam for Cam Gordon now. And I just want to say, Cam,
Starting point is 00:55:02 it was on my list as well. And then I gave it to you in the spirit of this festive season thank you sir that's too kind and it's a great song it's fucking great here we go nice slow build guitar solo He's gone 2,000 miles It's very far
Starting point is 00:55:59 The Pretenders? Yeah, this is The Pretenders. What a jam. Tell us about 2,000 Miles, Cam Gordon. Yeah, absolutely. This is one of those songs I'm not sure I ever really knew what this song was called. Similar to, you know, sort of my Doc Rock faux pas or Jodakai. I feel like I would have called this like 200 Miles, thinking of the Proclaimers.
Starting point is 00:56:24 I'm going to walk 200 miles or again, 5,000 miles. They walk a thousand miles. It's all numbers. So yeah, 2000 miles, a song written and released by, of course,
Starting point is 00:56:36 the pretenders in 1983. This is from their album, learning to crawl that I think was their second or third album. Monster albums. Yeah. Like certainly probably Christmas song. from their album learning to crawl that i think was their second or third album monster albums yeah like certainly probably is this a christmas song yeah yeah i'd like to hear about it yeah um so this this song was most popular in the uk it peaked at number 15 uh did not chart in north america did go to number 30 in australia course, this is a Christmas. Like, look at the lyrics here. Right?
Starting point is 00:57:07 It's 100% a Christmas song, and it's a great Christmas song. I would have chosen it as well. And we talked about women who rock, but here's a woman who rocks. What a band. Chrissy Hynde, absolutely. I don't know if this is a fun fact, but just as I was doing some digging on this, Chrissy Hynde turns 70 next year. Impossible.
Starting point is 00:57:24 I can't believe it. just as I was doing some digging on this, Chrissy Hine turns 70 next year. Impossible. She's still out there yelling at people for eating meat and touring and all those other things. This song, although ostensibly I agree it is a holiday song, this one was actually written about her bandmate James Honeymoon Scott who famously
Starting point is 00:57:41 passed away from, I believe heroin about a year before this song was released. I don't really have too many other fun facts about this song other than I feel like... It's a great jam. Yeah, I don't know. Like for a Christmas song, it's very... Almost like Tarnished. Sorry? You think it's Tarnished?
Starting point is 00:58:03 No, I didn't want to tarnish it with too much talk. Well, here, let me chime in to say that multiple FOTMs in the zoom made the same joke at the same time. So I just want to say, uh, I knew,
Starting point is 00:58:12 and we won't talk to him now. Cause I think he's actually like driving and listening, but when he's ready, he'll let us know. But, uh, a gentleman, Robbie J entered the zoom and then multiple people wrote technical
Starting point is 00:58:23 production by, because there's a lot of listeners here that like yourself enjoy the ongoing history of new music by Alan Cross and here's one more fun fact that I just learned this yesterday about Chrissy Hines so
Starting point is 00:58:37 I don't want to sort of again bury the lead spoiler alert all that stuff here but the Pogues fairy tale of new york um i think it's somewhat known that the female part was originally written for kate o'reardon who was in the band and married elvis costello and then left and da da da before they brought in uh the late kirsty mccall to sing the female part one of the other people they considered for that was actually chrissy hind which totally
Starting point is 00:59:05 would have made sense i think um i don't know but i almost feel like the pretenders were too famous for her to be in that part because i mean the pogues were you know kind of always i mean they're popular in their own right but certainly not at the scale of the pretenders so i almost wonder if the entire legacy of that song would have been different if that was Chrissy Hine on the Kirstie McCall part. Very interesting. Very interesting. And again, great jam. Great selection. I do want to bring in from Alberta. It's not Matt Layden. I know he's in Alberta. And oh, as I write this, Ian's got his Great Lakes beer going. So Ian doesn't give a damn what time. Oh, actually, now it's afternoon. Go ahead and get hammered there, buddy. And oh,
Starting point is 00:59:44 I see also Michael Lang's got his Great Lakes beer. Oh, actually, now it's afternoon. Go ahead and get hammered there, buddy. And oh, I see. Also, Michael Lang's got his Great Lakes beer. Oh, and Rush Mike. We're going to get to Rush Mike soon. I just want to say hi to Kevin in Alberta. How you doing, Kevin? Good, Mike. How are you?
Starting point is 00:59:56 Feels like there's like an overrepresented Kevin's on this Zoom call. Is it me or maybe just... Well, you know. Kevin's a good Christmasmas name by the way kevin mccallister of course right thank you right uh kevin uh how how's the weather in alberta right now um actually it's not bad we're at a balmy minus four right now expected a high of plus two wow that's good i know it's it's it's weird for christmas where normally it's minus 20.
Starting point is 01:00:24 i never liked that jayays logo you're sporting. That was the one I did not like. Do you want to just show everybody on the Zoom, like stand up for a moment? Never liked it. Yeah, that's that Carlos Delgado. That's the angry beard, the angry bird. I say burning wells.
Starting point is 01:00:40 Kevin, is that a COVID beard or is that your usual? A little bit of 50-50. I kind of let it go just a little bit. Looking good. It's in the holiday spirit for sure. Thank you. Thank you. So, Kevin, let me tell everybody that much like when I met Neil Jenkins on the Humber Bay Bridge,
Starting point is 01:00:59 I met you here in my home because you were visiting. Sure did. You were here to see me and hebsey record hebsey on sports you betcha yep and that was actually the same day that you uh got your white whale is chuck d oh see i i always think of ann romer like oh no oh by the way the other one so i was chatting with ann romer yesterday we're going back where we were chatting a little bit about Brandon Gones, I guess, gave his notice. He's no longer going to be on CP24.
Starting point is 01:01:30 And we were just chatting about various things. And then she said early in 2021, she's going to kick out the jams with me. Oh, I saw that tweet yesterday. Yeah. It gives you time to run out to shoppers to get one of those $25 gift cards because I know she doesn't get out of bed for any less. Kevin, you got a chance to see Micah do his thing in person.
Starting point is 01:01:52 What was it like seeing it in person? Of course, I'm talking about Hebsey's earring. I don't recall. It's been gone a long time. It's gone. Son of a... Yeah, no, it was good. I got Hebsey to sign me a few books
Starting point is 01:02:08 that I gave for Christmas presents for my brother and father and all that good stuff. He's writing a new book. Like, as we Zoom, I think he's writing... Well, that's right. That's why he's on his little sabbatical is because he's writing a book or something.
Starting point is 01:02:20 Yeah, yeah. So who out there misses Hebsey on sports? Who's missing Hebsey on sports? Raise your hands. Me, me, me, me, me. Oh, good, good, good. So who out there misses Hebzion Sports? Who's missing Hebzion Sports? Raise your hands. Me, me, me, me, me. Okay, good. Oh, good, good, good. It's coming back New Year's Eve there.
Starting point is 01:02:30 So again, Kevin, welcome to the Pandemic Friday episode, Holiday Spectacular. Thanks. Lovely to see you again. So we've heard from New York State. We've heard from Ontario, obviously. That's Beck and Elvis. We've heard from Ontario several times. We heard from, where did we hear from? Quebec. And now we've heard from Ontario, obviously. That's Beck and Elvis. We've heard from Ontario several times.
Starting point is 01:02:46 We heard from, where did we hear from? Quebec. And now we've heard from Alberta. Is there anyone on this Zoom call from British Columbia? Well, if you ask my family, they still think I live in Ontario because I wake up at 3.30 in the morning and listen to Toronto Radio and Toronto Mike, so trying to figure me out. So why do you do that to yourself?
Starting point is 01:03:08 You must be going to bed at 8 p.m. to have such a life. Yeah, it's about that time. Yeah. As soon as Pandemic Friday is over, usually I'm ready to hit the sack. It usually takes about eight hours to finish one. Yeah, it's after four hours. Especially today. I think today might drag on to the evening the way we got going here. Well, it's just after four hours especially today i think today might drag on to the evening way we got going here but well it's worthy it's uh nice to be on to see everybody uh again that
Starting point is 01:03:28 i met at uh marie curtis park or at the uh great lake brewery so it's nice to join and see everybody again merry christmas happy hanukkah and look i even got a twitter twitter soccer ball that uh oh cam threw at me at the gray lakes brewerwery one time. Yeah. Did Cam throw that at you? Yeah, he threw it at me. I saved Pepsi from it.
Starting point is 01:03:50 I'm trying to remember we did like a Twitter trivia quiz. Yeah, some trivia, yeah. TMLX 4, I want to say, because
Starting point is 01:03:59 5 was at Palma. 3. It could have been 3. 3 was the one. I always remember 3 as being the lowest of the low one. Yeah, they were there. Okay, It could have been three. Three was the one. I always remember three as being the lowest of the low one.
Starting point is 01:04:06 Yeah, they were there. Okay, Team Lux 3. There's a now famous photo of Mike, Stu, myself, 1236, and Hebsey. Wow. The first NWO Hall and Nash. Yeah, that's going to be in the...
Starting point is 01:04:20 I don't know what we'll call the Hall of Fame or whatever, but it belongs somewhere. Just don't leave Al in charge of that and we'll be okay. Hey, Dale, for a guy who lives in BC, it's amazing how often you make it to the TMLX events. So props to you. And it was great to see you. And again, I'll get to Rush Mike in a moment and James Edgar, but it was great to see you at the Rogue TMLX6 we did in Marie Curtis Park. It's great to see you at the Rogue TMLX6 we did in Marie Curtis Park. He did a fly-in for that?
Starting point is 01:04:50 No, my mom lives out in Durham County there. You've got a few Durham people here. So, yeah, she lives on the old creek there, Wilmot Creek in Bowmanville. So I got to get out and see her usually six times a year. This year has been a little tougher. So it's the first December I'm not actually in Ontario. I thought we better be on the safe side and pass on this Christmas. I know she's struggling a bit this year because it's her first year in Ontario,
Starting point is 01:05:10 not in Florida for the winter season. She really wanted me to come out and see her. A lot of snowbirds lost their wings this year. Yeah. Hopefully, I'll get out there in March. Stu, I just want to give props to the movie. I have to re-watch the beginning because it came on,
Starting point is 01:05:27 and I thought this was like a pre-show or something, so I go and start making dinner, making a drink. I go, God, this is the longest pre-show before the movie actually starts. And then I figured, oh, okay, I got it now. I got it. Let me know when you re-watch it, if it changes your opinion of it after seeing the pre-show. Oh, no, the ending was fantastic. I loved it. I loved the ending.
Starting point is 01:05:48 Thank you, man. I appreciate it. I'm going to start Stu Stone's second jam, which is really his first jam, and then we'll hear a little bit about that, and then I'll share a fun fact that Dale shares with Billy Talent. So here's Stu Stone's second jam. Happy Christmas, Gilgamesh. Happy Christmas, Julie. Happy Christmas, Julie. So this is Christmas.
Starting point is 01:06:09 And what have you done? Another year over. And you won't just be gone. And so this is Christmas. I hope you've had fun. The near and the dear ones. I've got to tell you, Mike, we've all heard these songs, right? So I can start talking about them.
Starting point is 01:06:43 Yeah, we all know these songs. And, you know, I'm the producer with multiple things going on here. But let me bring that down so we can hear Stu Stone. Yeah, I mean, are we all pumped up about that Beatles documentary that's coming? Oh, Peter Jackson's behind this. Peter Jackson, he unloaded some footage on us this year that, like, blew my mind. It was really, really cool footage of it looks like it's probably the last two years of the beatles before they break up he's got all of it yeah he's
Starting point is 01:07:11 got like 60 hours he says no one's ever seen and it looks like it's like 1968 to 69 kind of beatles so like they've already blown up at that point and they're about to implode yeah i'm psyched about it anybody else on the call psyched about it? Yeah. That footage was incredible. As I shoot you. When Mike, sorry,
Starting point is 01:07:32 man, I just want to, when, when, when Paul McCartney starts playing, get back and then he's, you know, then he stops.
Starting point is 01:07:38 You kind of, you're lost. You're sucked in for that. Even for that eight seconds, he starts playing. You're like, oh, and then he stops and you're like, holy shit, this is so cool.
Starting point is 01:07:48 Is that what you're thinking there, Hamilton Mike? Listen, as a massive Beatles head, like at some point you do get a little, not cynical, but it's like there's so much out there. Like what really is there new out there? And this is the first time in a long time I've seen new Beatles footage or anything Beatles. Probably since Anthology, where it's a long time I've seen new Beatles footage or anything Beatles published in a anthology where it's like you thought you've seen everything and this was just like Was this totally out of the blue? Like was this rumored or anything?
Starting point is 01:08:12 I didn't even know about it. Did this footage exist or was it in like an attic somewhere or what's the backstory on this? I haven't really been following this. I don't know anything about it. It just came out of nowhere for me. How about you? You see that preview.
Starting point is 01:08:26 You see all the film cancers he has of all the unreleased footage. You're like, why haven't we seen this yet? Right. It's unbelievable. Like I said, you think you've seen it all. I think, okay, what else could it be? And just like I said, seeing that five-minute film footage, you're like, I cannot wait for this.
Starting point is 01:08:44 I'm pretty sure that we have to thank Michael Jordan for this, because this phenomenon of unearthing this unseen footage, you know, the last dance, Michael Jordan, that's probably going to be the similar kind of storytelling you're going to see moving forward with a lot of sort of iconic artists, acts, athletes, et cetera. Because if this truly is, and I don't know what the plot of the documentary is, but if it truly is about that rooftop performance, which the Simpsons satired,
Starting point is 01:09:14 but it looks like you've got that rooftop concert. So maybe it's like a last dance, like they start with that and kind of bring you to how we got there. Can I say, I think part of it is, just from what I saw on YouTube, I mean we've seen old old beatles footage because of the graininess and whatnot i mean it's of its time but seeing it now the way peter jackson's kind of brought it back and it's such high definition yeah it feels like you're there yeah it's like you you think you look at that stuff with your like a certain lens and now you're like
Starting point is 01:09:41 if you're in the room and it's just it just completely changes i don't know i'm just stunned and i can't wait there's an important question yeah yes it's robbie j here with some thoughts on this the spirit of radio robbie j let's hear it buddy so peter jackson i don't know if you saw the documentary he did a few years ago about world war one excellent the unseen for footage and i'm waiting for the life of me world II. For the life of me, the title has fallen out of my head and I saw it and I was absolutely blown away. Anyhow, I'm sure he's picked... Talk about using lost footage and figuring out a way to make it tell a story.
Starting point is 01:10:18 So I'm sure he learned a lot from that and has applied it to this. What he's going to do with the Beatles documentary. That's all I got. No, I agree. I'm just saying, the guy's been down the road. He knows what to do with lost footage. Film is they shall not grow old.
Starting point is 01:10:32 That's it. The thing about the Beatles is that most of us grew up with the Beatles just being like an audio experience because none of us, I mean, maybe you guys were, but like I never saw them together live ever. They were already broken up by the time I was aware of what life was. And, you know, just seeing them like that in this sort of way sort of humanizes this sort of larger than life act that you don't even,
Starting point is 01:10:58 you know, it's like they're not even humans anymore. They're so above the rest of us that it's really fascinating to see it like this, right? Just seeing John Lennon happy and he has kind of a dour personality in the media. That's what he's been portrayed, all the clips we've seen in the past. You've never seen those little clips where he's a guy in his mid-twenties
Starting point is 01:11:17 just having a blast with his friends in the studio. Like, it just, oh, I can't wait. I need, Levi Fumka, if you may, what's the documentary that you're waiting for that would be in a similar vein? The unseen footage of Stu Stone, you know, a documentary about all his exploits, you know, how easily he gets upset with Cam, with me. That's not lost footage. Everybody's seen that footage. Yeah, there's photos from Thornhill that'll surface someday of the abuse, the emotional abuse.
Starting point is 01:11:56 Oh, DJ Farbsy stuff? Oh, goodness. He's in there. He's in some of them. Oh, I have an announcement that's been confirmed. Noah Mintz is coming on Toronto Mic'd. Wow. That's a big get. It's going to all be Toronto Mic'd. Wow. That's a big get.
Starting point is 01:12:06 It's going to all be about Hayden's take. That's going to be the whole 90 minutes. Can I give you a couple of fun facts about that John Lennon tune that we heard? Yeah, Happy Xmas, War is Over. See, that's the first one. When I looked it up, I looked for So This is Christmas. I know. That's what you messaged me.
Starting point is 01:12:21 You wanted it, and I said, I knew what you meant, but I'm like, that's not the name of this song. The actual name of the song is happy X-mas war is over. I didn't, I guess I'm an idiot. I didn't know that. Well, when we kick out the parenthesis jams or whatever we call that episode,
Starting point is 01:12:34 you could, you could theoretically kick that one out again. Like chip chipmunk song. Also same, same deal. That's a mild line blow. Go ahead. Of course,
Starting point is 01:12:43 this has become a christmas anthem but really it's an anti-war uh anthem is what it set out to be right yeah he uh after two years of peace activism uh john lennon and yoko ono uh they were in the bed there right uh if you remember well john donabee f-o-t-m john donabee uh i'm not saying he got in the bed, but he was in the room with them. He was in the room. Right. Wow. Unlike someone who wasn't there, he was there.
Starting point is 01:13:11 Yeah. You know, and Imagine was such a big commercial success for John that this was a natural sort of follow-up. I don't think it was ever intended to be the juggernaut song that it has become, but John Lennon was the first former member of the Beatles to release a Christmas song. All of the Beatles would follow up with Christmas songs, and I don't know any of them. George Harrison's
Starting point is 01:13:38 Ding Dong Ding Dong. Simply Having a Wonderful Christmas Time is played everywhere all freaking out. Of course, yes. That's Paul McCartney for sure. That I have heard. And then Ringo Starr has one called I Want to Be Santa Claus. Yeah. So there you go for that. For the Ringo fans. And, you know, the song begins with spoken Christmas greetings from Yoko Ono and John Lennon to their children,
Starting point is 01:13:59 where John Lennon whispers, Happy Christmas, Julian. And that's the last known time he ever spoke to Julian. That's not a fun fact. That's not a sad fact. That's just a joke. Oh. A bad one. The song was definitely popular all over planet Earth,
Starting point is 01:14:20 including in the United States, where it is considered the number two Christmas song on holiday airplay, surpassed by someone we may hear today, we may not. If she gets Hanson, we'll have to see. I think I know what you're talking about. And stay tuned to find out. Now, I'm going to put a pause on this because I'm going to start Cam Gordon's third jam, and then we'll bring that down here from Cam.
Starting point is 01:14:44 And then there's a couple more FOTMs I want to bring in. And let's do you have another big mind blow you want to draw. I have no other mind blows other than Merry Christmas. This is the part of the show where Stu rages. Yeah, I'm quite... Is this a Christmas song? Yes! Okay, slow your roll here.
Starting point is 01:15:04 Let's give it a moment because, yes, we all know what it is, but I'm looking forward to the outrage. Why drink the water from my hand? Continue to say you think I am Just took my son to a trip to Maine You can't run it over again Don't scream about it
Starting point is 01:15:41 Don't think aloud Turn your head now, baby. Just spit me out. Cam Gordon, explain yourself. How is this a Christmas song? Is it because they're a Christian rock band? We'll get to that in a second. But they're not, are they?
Starting point is 01:15:54 Are they? They are. Collective Soul? Aren't you thinking of Creed? I think there's a spiritual. Okay, let's hear from Cam. Collective Soul. Name of the song.
Starting point is 01:16:04 So just, you know, what month is christmas in december that is ridiculous that's also the name of this song so the name of the song is that's ridiculous i know i i know i know and none of you are there this is bullshit much like alan cross cross let me speak every christmas growing up my family we would get into our pajamas we'd gather on the christmas tree we would sing collective that's probably shine you were probably singing we sang that first and then we'd sing december like the jerky boys soundtrack uh jill actually i kind of like that that is a a good jam. But can I just... I know Stu's showing great restraint and in a moment hopefully he's unleashed, but this is
Starting point is 01:16:49 not a Christmas song. At all. It's about December. Yeah, it's about the month that Christmas falls in. That doesn't make it a Christmas song. That's ridiculous. I think a lot... I think you're sort of... You need to read between the lines on this one. Have you ever looked at the lyrics of this song?
Starting point is 01:17:05 I've heard it a million times. You're making a mockery of this entire episode, Cam. This is one of those collective soul songs where everyone thinks the lyrics are like... No one really knows the lyrics. There you go. Are you going to tell us about the baby pieces? I'm going to let you all do that. We don don't have time today this is one of the worst rush mike is
Starting point is 01:17:29 giving it two thumbs down everybody's giving look at this everybody in the zoom is giving a thumbs down cam gordon someone should can't wait let's let's capture this mike gregoski gave you a thumb up so okay one second i'm gonna record this because this will be good for posterity. Okay, so let's see. Okay, everyone. Is Collective Soul December a Christmas song? Thumbs up, thumbs down.
Starting point is 01:18:00 We've done 23 ongoing History of New Music Christmas shows. It has never appeared once on an ongoing history of new music Christmas episodes. Because it's not a Christmas song. This is a Christmas song. This is a joke. This is a joke. This is embarrassing, Cam.
Starting point is 01:18:12 Okay, so Christmas is not in December is what you're saying. An authority has spoken. It's a holiday. Technical production by Rob Johnston. Hold on. Is Christmas in December? If you're Orthodox, it's not. Oh.
Starting point is 01:18:24 That's true. That's true. That's true. There's lots of Ukrainians and Greeks and Russians. Well, here's the important part. Collective Soul from Stockbridge, Georgia. Here's some other famous residents. Santa Claus, are you going to tell us? Let's hear this list.
Starting point is 01:18:40 Okay, so we got Kyle Davies. This is sort of a deep cut for Major League Baseball fans. This is sort of a deep cut for Major League Baseball fans. This is interesting. Martin Luther King Sr. from the same hometown as Collective Soul. Very mildly interesting. And then we were talking about football off the start. Bruce Irvin. Does anyone
Starting point is 01:18:58 know or remember Bruce Irvin? Is this a joke? Bruce Irvin is famous because he was the first person to ever get kicked out of a Super Bowl game. And you're about to be the first person to get kicked out of a Christmas Jam countdown. I guess I like to serve that up. Bruce Irvin kicked out of the Super Bowl in 2015 for starting a fight with Rob Gronkowski in the final minutes of that game, if you remember. Anyway, December by Collective Soul, huge hit. Went to number
Starting point is 01:19:25 two in Canada. Number one mainstream rock hit in the US. And again, a great holiday jam. Cam, this is embarrassing. I'm going to save you by going to... Even Cam Brio isn't going to save Cam on this one. Hey, Kev, I can't remember. Kev, did we talk before
Starting point is 01:19:41 I pressed record? You haven't been on the actual recording yet, right? Not Alberta Kev, the other Kev. So can't remember. Kev, did we talk before I pressed record? You haven't been on the actual recording yet, right? Not Alberta Kev, the other Kev. So unmute yourself. This one? Yes. So we did not speak since I pressed record, right? Which was like four hours ago. Okay.
Starting point is 01:19:56 Who the hell are you and how the hell are you doing? First of all, crack the beer. He's been waiting for this intro to crack that beer. Beautiful. Time to go now i'm off work now officially i was actually getting paid before well while waiting so good for you done with that now so how do you know toronto mike and how do you how do you fit into the universe here you know what it's a long story i am i'm really new to toronto mike compared to everybody
Starting point is 01:20:19 else i've only been here since the pandemic. But I have a long time friend who had been egging me to listen to this for literally years. But it just always kind of came up in the background and never got around to doing it. So eventually I have now and that person is a friend of you guys, Andy
Starting point is 01:20:40 Pandy. Andy Pandy gave me the t-shirt I'm wearing right now. Really? He's a ride. He's a good guy. So anyways, if he was on right now, he'd... Wait, wait, wait. That's a different Andy. Slow down.
Starting point is 01:20:51 Because my Andy, I'm thinking of, identifies as a female. So this is another Andy Pandy. Maybe Pandy... Or maybe I know something you don't. Okay, this is important. This is a different Andy. He lives in Etobicoke. I'm not 100% sure which Andy you're referring to
Starting point is 01:21:10 because the Andy Pandy who gave me this T-shirt is definitely... Maybe there's like a crying game kind of twist ending happening here? Could be. All I say is because he said, you know, if you listen to past episodes, you may hear them talk about him. Really? This is a mind blow. Wow. He used hear them talk about me. Really? I've got to know. This is a mind blow. Wow. You used to work at CBC?
Starting point is 01:21:29 What? Is it Andrew Ward? Yeah. Okay. Oh, yeah. Yeah, Andrew Ward is a great... Maybe I took a message he gave me and I flipped it around in my own head in a dyslexic way or something. No, we didn't know he was known as Andy Pandy because I don't think we've ever known him.
Starting point is 01:21:43 We only know him as Andrew Ward. So, okay, now all the pieces are coming together now. He worked at CBC. Maybe I revealed something. Can you reveal your thoughts on Cam Gordon's last pick of Collective Soul, December as a Christmas song? Give him hell, Cam. Definitely not.
Starting point is 01:21:58 No. Definitely not. Collective Soul can... See you later with that one. He's not here, but Andy Pandy, Andrew Ward, I was actually talking to him earlier today, and he said he was hoping you'd hear that because it's his favorite Christmas.
Starting point is 01:22:10 He's not here. That's bullshit. That didn't happen. Come on. No lies. Listening to the vasectomy episode the other day, too, was actually bizarre, too. You had it the exact same place I went to.
Starting point is 01:22:22 Oh, the Ford Drive guy. I'm starting to notice a trend here. You could take a Valium before the procedure. I took nothing. Did you say you were told you could take a Valium? Is that what you said? Totally. I never...
Starting point is 01:22:34 You could get it off beforehand while you're in the office, just sitting there kind of freaking out. I didn't want my blood to get any thinner. I think I had a warning not to take anything that might thin my blood, I think. I think the thing that we've learned the most about the Toronto Mike audience is that there's a huge demographic
Starting point is 01:22:50 of Toronto Mike listeners that have had vasectomies. Yes, we've all been neutered in some way. We've already provided for new audiences to join in. It's preventative, actually. Mike, you need a sponsor. Oh, you know what? Maybe that guy on Ford Drive, I should hit him up.
Starting point is 01:23:06 Maybe he should sponsor this. Who makes that patch that you put on your testicles to numb them? Like whoever that company is. It's an Omla or something. Omla or Omla. Yeah, like J&J Omla patches. Emla, right. E-M-L-A.
Starting point is 01:23:18 Thank you. That's from my kids. That's from Hamilton Mike there. He was wearing one way. I've got to say a. Shout out to Alan Cross. It's kind of interesting because my son's been getting a lot of advice for him in his music burgeoning career.
Starting point is 01:23:31 Let's bring in Robbie J again. Robbie J, unmute yourself there because anyone who listens to the ongoing history of new music, and that's probably most of us, Alan Cross is a great FOTM. You always hear Alan at the end. He says technical production by Rob Johnston. Rob Johnston, he produces the
Starting point is 01:23:47 now I think of it as a podcast, but of course it airs on the radio as well, unlike this particular podcast, which will never air on any radio station. But Robbie J., I guess I want to know, did you listen to Brother Bill on Toronto Mic when he called out Alan Cross for not being there? Oh, you mean the
Starting point is 01:24:04 episode he did on my birthday? Yes, I did listen to that one. What's the reaction in the ongoing? Are they still talking about it in the ongoing? In the ongoing history universe? We haven't stopped talking about it in seven months. Yeah, it's massive. No, I think Alan...
Starting point is 01:24:19 Yeah, I had him on since then and I played the clip for him. Hey, listen, I stay out of the office politics, my friend. I, you know, I stay right clear of that. Considering there's only two of us in the office, it's better that way. Right. I think Alan Cross is a national treasure here in Canada. And, you know, if he says it, I don't care if he was there.
Starting point is 01:24:42 But, you know, I tend to go into my Alan Cross impression every now and then around here. The guy's an icon. Going to it right now. It's funny. When I edit his shows, and we've done 903 of them. And actually, I say this about any things that I edit, any of the podcasts that I edit. It's gone to the point where when I read the sound files, it's like reading the matrix. I know exactly when someone's going to drop and pick up a spot.
Starting point is 01:25:09 It's crazy because you've done so many of them. But, you know, we are very thankful of people who have supported the show over the years and have downloaded the podcast. I think we're over 10 million downloads now of the podcast. 250 episodes are posted up. Well, that's the kind of numbers we're going to get for this episode alone, Robby. Yeah, you know, and it's, you know,
Starting point is 01:25:30 I can't stay long. I'm driving and then I've got a few things I need to attend to, but I wanted to drop in on the Toronto mic and say, you know, happy Christmas to everyone and all that. And I hope in the world of pandemics, people can at least find some way to spend time with family and or friends
Starting point is 01:25:51 because it is kind of crazy. Yes. Merry Christmas to you too, my friend. No, nice to hear from you, Robbie. I'm like, they're banging on my door again. I'll be right back. Okay. Moose Grumpy. Can I hear from Moose Grumpy? I wanted to say something about Robbie Jay, that he has a whole new line of people that know him too. He's from the True Crime Podcast world.
Starting point is 01:26:11 I recognize his name. Yes. Thank you for that. You know, I got to be honest with you. It has really changed my way of thinking and editing. In each show that I do, it's almost like a different radio format where I need to put a different hat on so I can think about how I want to approach it and make it sound and convey the message.
Starting point is 01:26:33 So if you listen to, like, Crime Beat, it has a sound. If you listen to 13 Hours, it has a very different sound, even though it's in a similar structure or history of the 90s, you know. 13 Hours is amazing. And as a frequent podcast listener, Rob, I just have to say your sound editing is phenomenal. They stand far and above a lot of them out there. Well, I appreciate that. And I love the feedback because honestly, sometimes it's like shouting into the ether and you never know what people think.
Starting point is 01:27:03 Sometimes it's like shouting into the ether and you never know what people think. But that show, I really had to think about how I wanted it to come across because there is a lot of that storytelling that you want to just stand on its own. And it is such a crazy, crazy story. I get shivers listening to it. Like, I can't wait now for the fourth for her next episode. That might be COVID-19, so you might want to look into that. Yeah, that too. But yes, anyways, thank you everyone for your support of the work that we do. It is greatly appreciated.
Starting point is 01:27:34 And I think this podcast and things are going to stick around for a while. Technical production by Rob Johnston. Thanks, Robbie J. All right, y'all. Happy Christmas, buddy. Moose Grumpy, I'm pausing you because we have an FOTM who can't stay much longer, and I got to get him in here because he's one of the very few people,
Starting point is 01:27:50 some of whom are on this call, actually, but who have been to every single TMLX event. That's all six. I'm going to get to another guy. It turns out most of the people who have been to every TMLX love the band Rush. This is a fun fact. Rush Mike, how you doing, buddy?
Starting point is 01:28:06 Good. Mike, I don't have this on a guitar, but I did have it on my beer fridge with the magnet, so I did pull it off. And Stu, I have the cards that remain unopened from last year sitting above the beer fridge. Smart, because the market has exploded on baseball cards. So you might have a retirement plan right there. My daughter's going to university in the fall. So I said, right here is the ticket. Wow. There it is. We'll open it right before she accepts. Now, you know who else is sporting that badge you got from TMLX5, I think it was, is Hamilton Mike. And let me just quickly just
Starting point is 01:28:43 shout out StickerU,, because they've been amazing sponsors. And I can't wait for the next like in-person TMLX because StickerU is going to give us something else amazing to remember the event by. But Rush, Mike, we know you love Rush. Have you been enjoying the Pandemic Fridays? Do you listen to those? I know you're on one right now, but. Yeah, no, I've been, and I think I messaged this on the, on the chat that, you know, I had a long commute prior to the pandemic. So I, I was like on, like I was waiting for episodes to drop and, and now it's, I think like many others, I don't have the time to listen, but I run.
Starting point is 01:29:19 So I get into a lot of them. So I'm pretty'm pretty close. But yeah, they're great. I love them every Friday. I guess you missed our episode where we counted down our top 15 Rush jams. No, but I do recall the – oh, I'm going to blank now. But there was a great obscure fun fact. I think it was from you, Stu, on Rush, and it was something I didn't know. So I can't remember what it is. His name was like really Gary and his grandmother called him Gary.
Starting point is 01:29:48 Gary Weinrave. Well, we all know that fact for sure. And if this is too personal, you can tap your nose and I'll get off the topic real quick. But are you related somehow to an influencer in this marketplace, Rush Mike? Again, if this is too personal, just touch your nose. It's fine. No, I Mike. Again, if this is too personal, just touch your nose. It's fine. No, I am. Who and how?
Starting point is 01:30:08 I know Cam Gordon is familiar as well with this woman. Yeah. Mrs. Rush Mike, who if you were watching before, she actually interrupted me to give me the nod, Mike, that I have about 15 minutes left.
Starting point is 01:30:19 Right. And she was very concerned that she didn't want to be on, on camera. So. Why not? Cause I get the same story. Yeah. NF for example, tells me the same thing. Then she won't come on camera. Oh, is it Dana Levinson? Is he married to Dana Levinson? Dana? On the deal.
Starting point is 01:30:39 Okay. So we can't see her face, but do you want to shout out your, your wife? Sure. Jennifer Ettinger. Sure, Jennifer has been to the Twitter Canada headquarters many times for events, has brought some talent through, the cast of the CTV TV show Cardinal. Cardinal. Yeah, for some Q&As in the library where Stu and Mike and I have hung out and maybe some other folks on the call. So, yeah, give my best to Jaffer.
Starting point is 01:31:09 We'll see her in 2021. Yeah, she actually, I don't know if you can see, she was able to. She was at the red carpet for CTV and there's a picture of Geddy and Alex over my shoulder here. They kind of stepped right up for her. And I didn't get it autographed, unfortunately, because it was on her phone. But a really nice picture they offered to do for her. So it hangs in my man cave here along with my... Excellent.
Starting point is 01:31:38 That's some good Achillea right there. Question for Rush Mike. Do you like Rush's cover of summertime blues that was the episode i was i was blanking on actually i like that whole and i hadn't listened to that in a long time i like i like that whole um disc or or uh all those covers it's super fun that whole album and i i think you i don't know like is i'd say i'm like a mild rush fan i like them i've never read any of the albums but i i feel like you saw a different side of them because they did all like the 60s and sort of like the Nuggets type stuff with a lot of that
Starting point is 01:32:11 or Summertime Blues is what, Eddie Cochran? Yeah, Eddie Cochran, yes. Eddie Cochran. Yeah, I feel like he's good, but just like fucking loud as hell too. Like, I just like all the feedback on it. It was just, that was a fun album. Yeah. I have a question for Rush, Mike.
Starting point is 01:32:25 What is your thoughts on Cam Gordon's selection of Collective Soul December as a Christmas jam? I know I'm waiting to get Cam Brio's reaction, but yours is very important to us. Well, I think I put it in the chat. What I'm waiting for is the unseen before footage of the Gordon family singing that song on the Christmas tree. That's a documentary.
Starting point is 01:32:48 Peter Jackson has that footage. Maybe in like 20 years we'll see that. Like Peter Jackson from like The Cigarettes. Him too. Just one last thing, Mike. I know you probably have to move on. I've been digging the Great Lakes Shinny Pants. Yes. One of their latest.
Starting point is 01:33:04 I'm drinking a Great Lakes, but it's not from Great Lakes, Toronto. It's the Cleveland Great Lakes Brewery drinking their Christmas ale. Wow. And yeah, I'm out of the Shinny Pants, but the Christmas ale is my number two. So okay. So I know that our Great Lakes just made a batch of the winter ale. It's in cans now. So it was always in bottles and now it's in cans.
Starting point is 01:33:27 But it's like, grab it now because it doesn't last long. That's for sure. Exactly. Hey, Rush Mike, always a pleasure. And again, you're in an exclusive club. You've been to six TMLX events. I can't wait to see you at number seven. Hopefully, before it gets cold out in 2021,
Starting point is 01:33:44 we're all allowed to kind of collect somewhere and get together. It would be great. That would be great. All right. I'll hang out for a little bit longer. Nice to see everyone. And Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas.
Starting point is 01:33:53 Looking good, man. I'm going to kick out. And again, Rush, that's a, so Rush Mike, soon we'll be hearing from Rush James.
Starting point is 01:34:00 That's coming up after we get started with the third jam from Stu Stone. So let's listen to a bit of this here from Stu and then talk to Moose Grumpy and James. That's coming up after we get started with the third jam from Stu Stone. So let's listen to a bit of this, hear from Stu, and then talk to Moose Grumpy and James. Oh yeah, there's a little skit at the beginning of this. That's right. Hello. You're the new butler? It's been a long time since I've been the new anything.
Starting point is 01:34:22 What's happened to Hudson? I guess he's changing. Yeah, he does that a lot, doesn't he? Oh, I'm David Bowie since I've been the new anything. What's happened to Hudson? I guess he's changing. Yeah, he does that a lot, doesn't he? Oh, I'm David Bowie. I live down the road. Oh. Sir Percival lets me use his piano. Oh, my God, that's great. I'm going to bring it down, though, and we're going to hear it from Stu Stone, because you guys can hear David Bowie and Bing Crosby singing.
Starting point is 01:34:37 I mean, you're just spoiling everything. People were trying to guess what that was. All right, give us some more fun facts beyond the fun fact that that's David Bowie. You're about to hear a little drummer boy, which was like, you know, before Cam and Stu, the original odd couple was probably David Bowie and Bing Crosby.
Starting point is 01:34:53 You never would have expected those two to get together, but you know, it worked out for leave a fam cut and, and one. So, and, and, and Paula Abdul and scat cat,
Starting point is 01:35:04 you know, opposites Abdul and Scat Cat, you know, opposites do attract. In this instance, Bing and David have provided one of the most memorable covers of The Little Drummer Boy, which, you know, isn't as Christmassy as Collective Souls December, but it's up there. It's definitely up there. but it's up there. It's definitely up there. There's been a lot of versions of this little drummer boy song. A lot of covers, I was going to say.
Starting point is 01:35:35 Are you familiar with the Beverly Sisters, Cam? He'll be right back. Sorry about that. I'm familiar with the Beverly Brothers. Yeah, I figured. So there's the Beverly Sisters. Bing Crosby, of course, had his own version of this before. Years later, David Bowie would jump on it. Johnny Cash had a version of this song.
Starting point is 01:35:55 Johnny Mathis, Andy Williams, Joan Baez. Wow. Mancini, Lou Rawls, Kenny Burrell. RuPaul did a version of this. The great Richard Marks did a version of this song. So lots of interesting covers of this song. Little Drummer Boy, which is a popular Christmas song, which is sort of like this choir sort of church sort of anthem, in my opinion. I mean, I wouldn't know just as a young Jewish drummer boy. I would think that that's where this song sort of like this choir sort of church sort of anthem, in my opinion. I mean, I wouldn't know, just as a young Jewish drummer boy.
Starting point is 01:36:27 I would think that that's where this song sort of stems from. Well, it's two songs together, right? Like this is Little Drummer Boy and Peace on Earth, like merged. Yes. They like do like a row, row, row your boat kind of thing. And it's brilliant. Like it's just fantastic. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:40 But this is a pretty, pretty cool Christmas jam. Anybody have any disagreements about this one? No. No, that's because it's a Christmas song. You know, I was actually considering picking the song, which is also a cover, but remember Annie Lennox, Put a Little Love in Your Heart? Yeah, with Al Green. Yeah, I was thinking like that could have been a Christmas song,
Starting point is 01:37:00 but I was worried because maybe it wouldn't be just because it was in Scrooge doesn't mean that it's a Christmas song. And then here Cam is just being so disrespectful. I almost put that on my list. Put a little love in your heart. Yeah, that's from Scrooge. It would be a better place.
Starting point is 01:37:15 Absolutely. Very, very wintry, very Christmassy. Before we lose Rush Mike, Moose Grumpy, is there a question you wanted to ask Rush Mike? I was just wondering if your mother-in-law made it up here from Cleveland for Christmas. She is here now. Oh, good. So she's not by herself. Yay.
Starting point is 01:37:34 Yeah. Yeah. I have third quarantine of the year. Good. I'm glad you guys managed to get her up here. I've been thinking about you since September. Oh, thank you. Thanks.
Starting point is 01:37:42 That's very nice of you. That's the biggest surprise we've had since learning that Stew Stone was alive and well and that it was just a power outage. Yeah, I'm sorry
Starting point is 01:37:51 for giving you guys that scare earlier. Much like Rush Mike's mother-in-law, I am here safely and I appreciate it. How's Aunt Sandy doing this? I know she's Jewish,
Starting point is 01:38:02 so maybe this is not a big deal to her tonight. But she's doing okay? You talked to her a big deal to her tonight but she's she's doing okay you talked to her recently doing okay she's left out some cookies and milk she's hoping santa will come and visit her uh and i'm hoping that he uh he will as well beautiful beautiful so moose grumpy since uh i brought you in to talk to rush mike there uh how is everybody doing i saw you at tmlx6 this uh i guess that was september 2020 but how's everybody holding up uh we're holding up okay we've had a couple um covid scares like scares as in we think we have
Starting point is 01:38:33 it but then you test negative or scares as in like i have covid scares we thought we had it my son's into um background acting now and we had an exposure on a set because I have to be there at chaperone. So we had to test and quarantine for that. And then, you know, getting a, having an exposure on a set is never a good thing. Even pre pandemic. No, no. So, and someday Stu, I need to sit down and talk to you because his heart's desire is to be a voice actor now. Wow. Well, there you go. Well, there's, you know, now Mike is friends with Bugs Bunny. You might want to. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:04 That too. And then actually we had a learning experience with masks that you need to wash them frequently. Otherwise you get strep throat. So we went through that. The kids wearing them in school for two hours and then, you know, the next day he would wear it again and we've learned bacteria builds on it. So that was another round of COVID testing. it turned out to be strep throat so um well i'm glad nobody has tested positive uh that's the good news there uh and sorry about the wait a minute wait a minute there's a show of hands okay kev uh unmute yourself kev you have an announcement to make this is huge i am a covid survivor whoa wow and and trust me since march i have been a hermit and I've not gone anywhere. It was my wife's a public school teacher.
Starting point is 01:39:51 Wasn't her. Thought it would be her. Wasn't. It was my daughter who's 17 and had been keeping with their select group of small people during the early part of the pandemic or whatever. You can't trust those small people. Right around Halloween, they had a party and one of the girls, I guess, had a sore throat and didn't tell anybody.
Starting point is 01:40:09 And it went through and a bunch of them got it. Asymptomatic. None of them had any problems, but they brought it home to everybody. So both my wife, myself, and both my kids ended up having it. Oh my goodness. I actually thought maybe being an
Starting point is 01:40:25 fotm would make you immune to this because i haven't heard of any fotms who have tested yeah and it's kind of bizarre because like everybody talks about how it's like you know it's all over and everywhere all over the place and they haven't heard of anybody who's had it but you know i think there's a ton of people who've gone through it and not quite realized it yet either because i know like my symptoms i had headaches for a couple of days that was it i would never have known otherwise did your whole family contract it like confirmed or i'll test it wow and we got testing really quickly too surprise you know with results like only a day later if the results had taken like a week or two it's pointless yeah you need to know like right away but there's still people that that don't think that covid is real and eat barbecue yeah it's ridiculous well look at all the people who traveled in the
Starting point is 01:41:10 states like for some thanksgiving like it's it's it's like what a million people on planes that crazy yeah not nuts but kev we're glad you're okay and i hope the family healed up okay there and that's what i think that's one good thing if everybody can know like it's you can be the safest person in the world and it can still come and get you so you got to be careful really careful wow okay i'm gonna bring in uh quickly i want to bring in david david are you also in quebec yeah in quebec city also as for a quebec irish boy my best friend so okay so darren is okay so it's all the pieces are coming together now. So is it Darren who said you got to listen to this podcast?
Starting point is 01:41:47 Yeah, exactly. Because when you, I think he talked about it, he lost his job in, I think May for a month. So he started walking and he was already an avid listener of Toronto Mike. So he was always talking about the pandemic jams
Starting point is 01:42:02 and the few guests that you had. So you have to follow this and listen to it. Because you need to, unlike Elvis, you need to be fluent in the language, right? And the only way to speak the language is to actually listen. Exactly so. And, you know, a lot of times I'm surprised when somebody who didn't grow up in the GTA latches onto the program because it's really, like, there's a lot of Toronto. Listen to...
Starting point is 01:42:24 Sometimes we mention Rock Voisin. Yeah, but the thing is I'm used to Toronto because my head office is in Markham. Close enough. Close enough.
Starting point is 01:42:33 So for the last 25 years, I've been in Toronto a couple of times a year and I flew a lot to the Blue Jays game a few couples of times every summer. Did you ever go to Sluggers,
Starting point is 01:42:43 a memorabilia shop? I know, but at the time, in Quebec City, with the Beckett's, we saw the advertisement with the Eric Landros cards. So Sluggers was the place to go, but at the time,
Starting point is 01:42:55 I didn't speak English. I see you're actually at Palma Pasta right now. Yeah, exactly. I was able to break in last night. Say hi to Anthony for us, please. Michael Lange, you've got the real cards. Look at that.
Starting point is 01:43:09 There he is. I think that the paper is better. Quebec Irish boy, is that a real one? That's Gretzky. It's actually tops. It's not El Pichi. But why don't you have it in a plastic case? It is.
Starting point is 01:43:23 I just took it out just to show you because the plastic case over the years has got to be dirty, but it's not really in mint condition. So I don't think I would get much for it. I think you, you know, listen, maybe you could make a swap for the guy who had the Cops pack. Amazing. Now, speaking of swaps, we have a swap here. So Cam Gordon is the song I was going to play. I'm just nixing it here. Saint nixing it.
Starting point is 01:43:49 Ha ha. And I'm going to play this song on YouTube. Yeah. Let me bring it up here. Anyway, Counting Crows, Long December. Is this really happening? Just kidding. Just kidding.
Starting point is 01:43:59 Just kidding. Oh, it's now revealed to me for the first time. And what a great artist this is. So let's listen to a bit of this and hear from Cam Gordon. Old toy trains, little toy tracks, little toy drums coming from a sack. Shout out to Cam Ternesol. Carried by a man dressed in white and red. Okay, let me bring this beautiful jam down.
Starting point is 01:44:27 Let's hear some Cam Gordon. Cam, what are we listening to? Yeah, so this is the great Nana Muscuri. I almost called her Musaka. Nana Muscuri. So I did swap this in last minute. This was actually one of the first songs. You know, maybe i was sort of like
Starting point is 01:44:45 the collective soul thing was a bit of a work but this is a total shoot this was this was legit a big song in the gordon household growing up uh my sister lindsey has gone on record saying this is her least favorite holiday song she fucking hates this song what's it called again little toy trains little toy trains little toy trains talking about sort of santa claus bringing you know Fucking hates this song. What's it called again? Little Toy Trains. Little Toy Trains. Little Toy Trains. Talking about sort of Santa Claus bringing, you know, sort of gifts. Moose Grumpy was singing along. Moose Grumpy, you were singing along to this jam, right?
Starting point is 01:45:13 I think this is a great song. I'm a big Nana guy. And Mike, I always, as you know, like I always like to do callbacks to sort of back episodes. And I've said this before, you know, when we used to hear, what was that song? Camp Ternasol? Yeah, the Sunflower song. Yeah, La Ternasol.
Starting point is 01:45:31 Yeah. I say this like from the bottom of my heart. As soon as I'd start hearing that song in your live reads for Camp Ternasol, I knew summer was not far away. Once we start hearing the dulcet tones of Nana. You know, I miss them this year. They did two years in a row and then covet hit in march right about the time they would start there and then camps we didn't know what was going on it's an awful time to be running a summer camp i think in march 2020 i cannot even imagine what's gonna be like and i
Starting point is 01:45:59 think you know for myself and the fellow parents who have camp-age children, we do hope they're back next year. So, yeah, I changed this a bit on the fly, a bit of inside baseball here. Originally, I had a holiday single from Sloan in this spot. I forget what the name of the song was. Kids Come Back for Christmas, I think, a song they put out about six years ago. And then I remembered, oh, yeah. Kids Come Back again at Christmas. Yeah. So hey,
Starting point is 01:46:27 Lil Toy Train, Zanna Mascuri, and Mike, hoping we hear Turnus Al by next summer, once we get those, once we all kick out the jabs and are hopefully immune for the time being from this virus, we can get back to normal.
Starting point is 01:46:43 Hit me with your best shot. Yeah, exactly. Maybe at the next Toronto from this virus, we can get back to normal. Hit me with your best shot. Yeah, exactly. Maybe at the next Toronto Mike listener experience, we can enjoy some GLBs and rock out to some Nana Muscuri. Well, speaking of TMLX events, I mentioned Rush Mike had been to all of them.
Starting point is 01:46:57 Then he had his, his wife said, we got to go. And Rush Mike has left the zoom here, but James Edgar, James Edgar, the one and only, I know there's been some pandemic
Starting point is 01:47:05 fridays where stew stone uh you know put his name as james edgar that's how popular you are in the fotm community how you doing james i'm good i'm good and i uh i was gonna say a couple things first cam uh really sorry about that no no no don't you dare apologize to him. After his behavior today, he deserves to be blocked by you. We should have done this on Festivus because you aired the airing of the grievances. Yeah, fair enough. You know, yeah, I think I'm all thumbs on my phone tonight. Don't you do it, James. Don't do it. Second of all, a couple, maybe three or four pandemic Fridays ago,
Starting point is 01:47:43 I guess I popped in on Periscope for like three minutes. And the first thing I heard was Stu saying, oh, James Edgar, that son of a bitch. For some reason. I really enjoyed that. I love that. So I actually, unfortunately, he's not there. Al very generously called out my wall of guitars which is
Starting point is 01:48:05 Al Grego oh yeah he's on I see him I just wanted to call out Hamilton Mike's wall of guitars because that is epic yeah what is it with guys and their guitars like that's only part of it it goes on the rest of the wall I got another
Starting point is 01:48:22 four on the other side you need to have have the FOTM super jam at the next listener experience. That would be awesome. Everyone just bring your guitar. James Edgar's little secret is that he doesn't actually play the guitar. Yeah. I do, but not very well.
Starting point is 01:48:37 I just badly play the guitar. That's a little different. You think with this stupid pandemic, I would have been playing more, but i've been struggling the honky tonk man he knew how to play the guitar one way and i was smashing it over the head of his opponents uh maybe you could do that to cam gordon at the next uh absolutely and jake roberts was never the same after that happened he i think he said he became an alcoholic after he got hit in the head with a guitar i think it's true is it not like you're looking forward to becoming an alcoholic after he got hit in the head with a guitar. I think it's true. Is it not like,
Starting point is 01:49:05 are you looking forward to becoming an alcoholic? Is that you want that? No, no, no. Cam already is one. Wait, James,
Starting point is 01:49:10 don't get upset with Cam Gordon again. Okay. Uh, I'm not getting upset with further record, James, though, just before we leave this spicy little topic, you did block Cam.
Starting point is 01:49:19 Yeah. Like just straight up real talk. Yes. That wasn't an accident, right? Like you just had enough of this. Seriously. It was an accident. I don't know. I have no Yes. That wasn't an accident, right? You just had enough of this. No, seriously, it was an accident.
Starting point is 01:49:25 I don't know. I have no idea. I don't know. I have two thumbs or four thumbs or something. I was on my phone probably. I probably looked at something with his name on it and got distracted, walked away, touched something, and boom. I had no idea.
Starting point is 01:49:41 I just said it was Cambrio. I had no idea that you were blocked it completely caught me by surprise I'll just say I spoke to some of our support team in San Francisco and a slightly different story but that's okay Twitter support in San Francisco is actually monitoring every single thing I do
Starting point is 01:50:01 I thought that was my Google Mini thing here. Anyway, really good to see you, buddy. James, it's good to see you, buddy. Again,
Starting point is 01:50:10 you're in that exclusive club, right? Six for six with the TMLX events, right? Yep. And I will be seven for seven if we ever manage to do something. Well, we will have to figure it out.
Starting point is 01:50:19 I'm looking forward to having a toast with you. I cannot wait to have a toast with you over your handling of during the camdemic. The camdemic. I'm going to play... Now, I called an audible where I'm actually going to skip a couple of my Christmas gems. Do you play any songs
Starting point is 01:50:34 on the show? I played one at least. I played I Wish It Was Christmas Today. I'll just read... I won't play them because for time purposes I want to get more FOTMs in
Starting point is 01:50:44 and less gems in. But Merry Christmas, I Don't Want to Fight Tonight. I picked that read that. I won't replay them because for time purposes, I want to get more FOTMs in and less jams in. Merry Christmas, I Don't Want to Fight Tonight. I picked that by the Ramones. That was my second jam. My third jam was a great version of Oh Holy Night by Tipitina's Foundation that I heard on a television show called 60 Sunset. I can't remember the name of that show.
Starting point is 01:51:00 Anyways, I was... Who played Chandler on Friends? Anybody? Matthew Perry. Matthew Perry. Thank you so much. He's in this show anyways, but I'm going to let him.
Starting point is 01:51:12 Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. That's the one. Anyway, it was a great version from the New Orleans jazz artists. They did Oh Holy Night. And then I did, again, I'm not playing these because we're going to save some time. But then I was going to play Santa Claus Go Straight to the Ghetto by James Brown which is a Christmas song I really really really like. This is Stew Stone again these are
Starting point is 01:51:30 holiday jams. This is the fourth holiday jam from Stew Stone. Ironically it's also the fourth Hold on let me bring it down a lot of things going on here. What were you going to say there Stew? This is my fourth jam but ironically it's also the fourth installment of this particular holiday jam.
Starting point is 01:51:48 That's what I was going to say. Speaking of friends, they just said Monica. I'm going to watch Monica to celebrate Hanukkah. Hanukkah is the festival of nights Instead of one day of presents We get a great jam Okay, Adam Sandler's Hanukkah song. Great jam.
Starting point is 01:52:16 Stu, tell us a little more why you chose this holiday jam. Well, I was going to pick this collective soul song but decided to go with this one. You know, I figured like, you know, my people need to be represented a little bit on this show. So I picked this song because Adam Sandler's Hanukkah song is a pretty classic Hanukkah song. That might be the only Hanukkah song that's ever been sort of widely popular. It started out as a skit on Saturday Night Live's Weekend Update and evolved into this Hanukkah worldwide juggernaut that he's now recorded four versions of.
Starting point is 01:52:54 I actually have the list of every Jewish person that he's ever name-checked in one of these songs, Mike. Merry Christmas. Oh, is that me? No. That was you. No, it wasn't. Could it have been? I don't think that was me, but I do know that was the Ramones.
Starting point is 01:53:13 But please, okay, go ahead. You've got David Lee Roth, James Caan, Kirk Douglas, Dinah Shore, Arthur Fonzarelli, Paul Newman, Goldie Hawn, Captain Kirk, William Shatner, Spock, Leonard Nimoy, the O.J. Simpson, Rod Carew, Dear Abby, Ann Landers, Harrison Ford, Ebenezer Scrooge, all three Stooges. Wait, Ebenezer Scrooge is Jewish? Yes. But the character? Well, you'll have to ask.
Starting point is 01:53:42 I just watched it last night. He's all about Merry Christmas. He's described as not Jewish Christmas He's described as not Jewish Part 2 brought us Winona Ryder, Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein Nina Gordon of Veruca Salt The Beastie Boys, Lenny Kravitz Courtney Love, Harvey Keitel
Starting point is 01:54:03 Jennifer Beals, Yasmin Bleif, Dustin Hoffman, Bob Dylan, Tiger Woods is not Jewish. Bruce Springsteen, not Jewish. Part three, you've got Ross and Phoebe from Friends. You've got Squiggy, who just passed away, from Laverne and Shirley, Deborah Messing, Melissa Gilbert, Michael Landon, Jerry Lewis, Ben Stiller, Jack Black, Tom Arnold,
Starting point is 01:54:30 Deuce Bigelow himself, Robbie Schneider, Sarah Hughes, Harry Houdini, David Blaine, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Conley, Lou Reed, Perry Farrell, Beck, Paula Abdul, Joey Ramone, Natalie Portman. And, of course, the version here that you're listening to features Olaf,
Starting point is 01:54:57 Punky Brewster, Soleil Moonfry, Judd Apatow, Scott Rudin, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Stan Lee, Jake Gyllenhaal, Adam Levine, Drake, Seth Rogen, Bill Goldberg, Scarlett Johansson, Geddy Lee. Wait, Scarlett Johansson is Jewish? Yes, she is. I had no idea. Dr. Drew, Princess Leia, Carrie Fisher, David Beckham, Ron Jeremy, Shia LaBeouf, Ben and Jerry, and of course, Jesus. So there you go.
Starting point is 01:55:28 That's the list of the every name ever name checked in at Adam Sandler Hanukkah song. And happy Hanukkah to all who celebrated previously in December. Also the name of a collective soul song. Well, happy Hanukkah to you, Stu. I hope you had a great crazy eight nights. I know that the next version Adam Sandler records should shout you out. And also, what has Mike Rogoski got there? He's got what's known as a dreidel, and that's what he teaches his son there how to gamble.
Starting point is 01:55:53 And you spin the dreidel, and the winner gets a smooch from Levi Famke. I was going to say, I hope the next version with Adam Sandler shouts you out. And The Watchmen, because of course, as Mark Weisblatt once told me it's all four members of the Watchmen are of the Jewish faith and I want to shout out Sammy Cohn if you guys want your free drum lesson you got to go to I played
Starting point is 01:56:16 Little Drummer Boy that was so you could do a segue. Oh I got lots going on here I'm not as sharp as I usually am here but shout out to Sammy Cohn thank you for this month's sponsorship. It's been great working with you. And Stu, I love that jam you picked. Thank you. I love it too.
Starting point is 01:56:32 And I'm going to unmute. Actually, I'm not going to unmute. I'm going to ask Julie to unmute herself. Julie. How are you doing, Julie? Good. How are you? Good. Okay, this is exciting. Don't be mad. I only just learned you exist. I've been listening to you.
Starting point is 01:56:50 And to you. No, seriously. Who are you? I am a long-time listener. First-time caller from Toronto. And who are you in the... So maybe she's upset that you skipped your ramon song uh mike i saw that in the chat as i came in and thought look i'm representing yep so sorry yeah we've been busy we have a i don't know if you can see that this
Starting point is 01:57:18 drugged out cat behind me um so sorry i wasn't able to make it but i'm glad i was able to make it but let's celebrate some of the musical side of yourself there like what is the name what is the name somebody should search if they wanted to listen to you performing excellent music it's so which is kind of weird being here on your holiday uh episode you know I'm that's I was honestly just coming in to say hi. I didn't realize, you know, you're going to really do this. But so my band name is 1977. And it's not, I mean, I consider it punk. I don't know if anybody else considers it punk,
Starting point is 01:57:55 but I do everything myself mostly. And my favorite record came from that year. What's your favorite record? It's the Beach Boys Love You. Wow. Not necessarily a favorite of everyone. No, that's one of John Stamos' favorite. Oh, well, yeah, John.
Starting point is 01:58:16 So, yeah. So that's how people could find me, 1977. And I'll vouch for this. Again, I went to, what's the website is it you spell out 1977 yeah you have to spell it you have to do a little work and spell spell the whole thing out um but it's worth it so yeah and there's like a couple of youtube clips so you can later after this show you go listen excellent stuff like uh it's really well done and i mean i'm just thoroughly impressed with you julie, that you have such time.
Starting point is 01:58:47 1977, of course, a great year. Not only did it have her favorite Beach Boys album, Birth to Toronto, Blue Jays' first season, 1977. Cam Gordon, born 1977. The Swish LA Festive Special, Dark Meat, $19.77. A lot of 1977 connection there. Star Wars. Yeah, I've learned a $19 77 cents. A lot of, a lot of 1977 connection there. Star Wars. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:59:08 I've learned a lot over the years. CN tower. I think isn't that the CN tower opening is 1977. Yes. Yes. That's another one I hear a lot about. Yeah. And of course,
Starting point is 01:59:19 Stu stone, not born in 1977, according to his, according to the internet. Depends on your sources. I think it depends. I definitely in 1977, according to his... According to the internet. Depends on your sources, I think. Definitely, if we're just shooting straight here since it is Christmas, I was alive in 1977. It was a good year to be alive.
Starting point is 01:59:37 Yes. Just barely, though. You're a November baby. Yeah, you were barely born in 1977. I really was around in 1977. So not that anybody was doubting that, of course. But Julie, honestly, glad to have you here. And nice to virtually meet you. And again, because it really is amazing. But you told me in a DM or I can't remember email DM, but your husband you think is a better musician than you are? Oh,
Starting point is 02:00:01 he's a much better musician. Yes, please check him out. If you're going to check any music out from Toronto, please check him out. He's had a couple of different bands in Toronto. He's actually from Kingston originally. But I met him playing in my first band with him. It was a band called Bellevue. And this was about almost 20 years ago now. And he's recently switched it up and his new band is called The Nonsense.
Starting point is 02:00:32 And please check him out. He is a much better musician. What instrument do you play? So I like to try to play as much as I can. Like I'm not, I'm not trained at all. I like to try to figure things out for myself. So I mainly play keyboards, guitar, and I'm my, my biggest challenge right now and that I'm having the most fun.
Starting point is 02:00:58 And it's like, I, what I would love to do actually in a band is play drums. So you need to talk to Sammy Cone. Yeah. If you're interested in, if you want some real estate advice, you call Sammy Cohn and then he'll give you drum lessons for free. Oh. I would love to get out of my house at some point. I think he does it over, he can do it like in a Zoom situation maybe. Amazing.
Starting point is 02:01:18 Yes, and I think my neighbors would appreciate that as well if I got some help. Oh, 1977, I just remembered another fun fact. Who produced your album? I produced it. Oh, why do I think Noah Mintz did it? He mastered it. So I went to Lacquer Channel and Noah Mintz mastered it. Yeah. Gotcha. And it was such a small world. I didn't realize at the time that he was actually best friends with my neighbor at the time where I was living and where I actually recorded. Is your neighbor Hayden? Is that your neighbor?
Starting point is 02:01:48 No, no, no, it wasn't. No, no. It wasn't Hayden. God, that would have been cool. Not that Amanda wasn't, but no. So yeah, it's just a small, strange world, Toronto music. Amazing. And glad you popped on. Yeah, thanks for having me. Ian Service and Lieve Femke coming up very soon. Mike Grogodski, you're up next. I'm going to start Cam Gordon's final jam here.
Starting point is 02:02:15 And then we're going to get to Mike Grogodski. Whoa, that's classy. Classy. Okay, Cam Gordon, this is too classy for me. Tell me what we're listening to here. Yeah, so we're listening to the traditional Yuletide song, Hark the Herald Angels Sing. So this version is by the death metal band, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.
Starting point is 02:03:00 Here's a trivia question. I feel like people get this. What does the Mormon Tabernernacle choir and the band three doors down have in common oh wow kryptonite i have no idea i feel like it's like the only reason three doors down has been oh maybe they played donald trump donald trump's inauguration yes two bands that of the many uh well the many that didn't, but these were two of the few that played the Trump inauguration. Wow. I mean, I have all these fun facts about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,
Starting point is 02:03:32 but maybe people could just, in the interest of time, Google those on their own time. This band, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, which sort of pulled a finger 11 a few years ago and changed their name. Wow. To Rainbow Butt Monkeys. No, I forget. Shoot, where's my fun fact here? Anyway, they're not known as the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. This is sort of like I sort of have a dock rock, yacht rock, because I want to call them the Bourbon Tabernacle Choir.
Starting point is 02:04:07 This band has played in Toronto many times over the years. Last performed at Roy Thompson Hall back in June of 2007. According to Wikipedia, some famous fans of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir include Gladys Knight, Sting, uh the wrestler not the police guy james taylor rick okasik of the cars and the osmonds um all big fans of the mormon tabernacle choir um yeah their new name is that the tabernacle choir of Temple Square. So that's kind of their Rainbow Pop Monkey's Finger Eleven moment right there. So, yeah.
Starting point is 02:04:49 Anyway, I thought we'd end things with a bit of a traditional number. I knew the collective soul that would land like a lead balloon. So I thought we'd sort of end strong on the most traditional. You were certainly right about that. A lot of songs that we didn't get that I was expecting to get.
Starting point is 02:05:06 You know, you had The Wham last Christmas, right? Sure, yeah. Mariah Carey, all the greats. Again, I feel like this is a vast category, like TV theme songs. So it's a bit of a categories thing. You know, Hanson actually did a whole Christmas album. Crossed my mind to put Hanson in it. Wait, don't leave you,
Starting point is 02:05:30 Lieve Femke. Lieve Femke, say hello to us. Did you say you're leaving? Who, me? Her name is Lieve, not that she's leaving. Ian, who's leaving? Ian? No, Al. No, Al. So I disappeared and I came back. Stop leaving. Ian, who's leaving? Ian? No, Al.
Starting point is 02:05:45 No, Al. So I disappeared and I came back. Stop leaving your desk. Honestly. All I see are like, I see Ian and Levi saying goodbye. And I just wanted to get them on before they disappeared. Okay. So Al left.
Starting point is 02:05:57 Okay. I'm back on board now. Sorry. Al didn't leave. He's still there. I still see him. And before Al does leave, I want him to know that we are friends. Al and I. I want you guys. And before Al does leave, I want him to know that we are friends, Al and I.
Starting point is 02:06:08 I want you guys to know Al and I are friends. So don't misconstrue what happened earlier. Yes, yes. We're very close. We're like this. Yes. Al, you're leaving. Yeah, I got to go. Okay.
Starting point is 02:06:19 So Merry Christmas, buddy. And thanks for doing the best ofs. I hope I can't wait for the best of 751 to 1000 Cause it sounds like we already have an early candidate, right? Yes. Is that, is it bugs? It definitely, that was an amazing episode. I loved it. And, and arguably your most famous guest, uh, or guests, all five of them. So Bugs Bunny is more famous than Chuck D is what you're saying? Yeah, I think so. Worldwide I think Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Fawzi Darin. Eugene Levy? Eugene Levy. That was great.
Starting point is 02:06:51 His Eugene Levy was amazing. Alright, buddy. Give my love to the family. I know Veronica once wrote me a nice note so I always think warm thoughts of hers. Merry Christmas, buddy. Merry Christmas, everyone. Wow. Okay. So now I'm going to... Yeah, Mike Rogotsky.
Starting point is 02:07:08 Mike. Hi. How you doing? I'm great. How are you? Did you know I was going to make you sit on this call for two hours before I got to you? That's fine. It's been fun just hearing everything from everyone. The chat has been on fire, so that's good too.
Starting point is 02:07:25 Merry Christmas to you and the family. I guess we can reveal that you and I, you've become a, well, not you, but the company you work for has become a, you've become, what am I trying to say here? A TMDS client. Yes, we have. And we're having a good time.
Starting point is 02:07:39 Not only is he the president, he's also a client. That's right. Yeah, we've had three episodes now, and they've been very well received. They've been a lot of fun. It's been fun working with you guys. The Mapcast. Yeah, that would have been a good name for it, too.
Starting point is 02:07:54 Yeah, Mapcast. And, I mean, Mike, we're familiar with you because you're such a great FOTM, but I like to tell the story of the first time I sort of met you is that I saw myself in the background of photos you were taking of the Etobicoke Lakeshore Santa Claus parade. Yes, that's a tradition which we are missing this year. And we were taking pictures of the floats. And then I was like, look at this, Toronto Mike's in the background across the street.
Starting point is 02:08:21 And I'm like, who's this guy taking photos of me? me but no I was just in the background of these like a Ziprunder type yeah Zapruder film that's right it's back back when Mike had uh had balls that's a few years back yeah well Gorgoski's in that club right you got your I am yes how long ago has it been for you I think it's been three years now and uh under 12 weeks when you got that test they came back and they just said no swimmers is that what they said no i had to uh wait a little longer they still said uh hold on there you've got a you got a few more weeks so come back and we'll uh we'll see how mike's got like uh mike mike's got like santa's pouch down there i mean he's got uh i get a whole
Starting point is 02:09:00 reserve on gifts i was gonna say i'm just waiting for I'm just waiting for Kevin Alberta to hold up a piece of his scrotum and take on it like we're talking about this. When we get to Ian Service, I think he has a little story about his... I don't think his went as well as Greg Otsky's went. Hopefully they left you something
Starting point is 02:09:19 there. We'll find out soon. I guess better to botch a vasectomy than to botch a bris you know you're both dealing with the same sort of sensitive area but you know one is people are learning to swim or not swimming and one is uh could be unsightly oh man a lot of scrotum talk on this episode i love it you know what i had a brother-in-law who had a botched one and it was not good. He swole up four times his size, got infected.
Starting point is 02:09:47 You do not want to have that. I'm trying to land a new sponsor. Wait, which one? Reasonably certain that Mike's not going to have that, but that happened to my brother-in-law. Holy smokes. Guys, I'm trying to land this guy as a sponsor. Remember, I'm going to get a new vasectomy sponsor here.
Starting point is 02:10:03 Wait, his balls blew up four times his size yes the green shoe stole christmas yes i think i speak for all the women here yeah we have no sympathy for anything for any of you that's what my wife said so i was not complaining but i was just saying oh how how tender they were like it was very uncomfortable to move for the first four days and she was explaining that you know she's tried childbirth basically like or yeah anything else we have to live through so right listen i was itching to get my vasectomy oh as soon as our second child was born that it might have been something unrelated very funny but it's like there's been a lot of little people run by hamilton yes after the third after the third oh sorry actually actually I call it my two kids
Starting point is 02:10:45 and my oops my wife's like you're getting you're getting I'm like I know I want it wait how'd you have an oops like you don't know how it works well when a man is excited late in the evening oops in the sense my wife
Starting point is 02:11:01 felt like hey let's roll the dice here wow that's how badly she wanted a piece of Hamilton Mike it's like i'm taking the risks here let's go but hold on the funny thing is in the middle of that you know that third pregnancy we're like you gotta get fixed mike i agree we went to get it all done and the doctor's like well we usually don't like to do it in the middle of pregnancy because if anything happens and i was like no no i'm good right well that's we don't want anything to happen but at the same time it's like no this wasn't planned so we're not we're to happen, but at the same time, it's like, no, this wasn't planned,
Starting point is 02:11:26 so we're okay. Go ahead. I'm like, let's get it over with. Did you say, oh, no, this one was an accident. I guess I'm starting to feel like I'm one of the only men in the Toronto Mike universe
Starting point is 02:11:36 that actually has swimmers swimming around still. So if any ladies out there are listening and need a donor. I don't know. We still have swimmers. It's just the pipes. But no, they're not swimming, right? No, you got the need a donor. We still have swimmers. It's just the pipes have been cut off. But no, they're not swimming, right?
Starting point is 02:11:47 No, you got the juice. You just don't have swimmers. I actually planned to, but I ended up not doing it. Yeah, you don't want to do it after hearing a botch job. Okay, so you can have a James. So if anyone listening wants a Stu Stone or a James Edgar, just let us know, and we can arrange that. I mean, I'm willing just to, like, fill up a cup or cup or something you still got your swimmers they're just not getting to the exit
Starting point is 02:12:08 that's all is that it because i actually haven't looked into this so the swimmers just get stick it they hit like a dead end they can't get out yes that's what they snip right just batting swimmers thank you the vast deference they basically cut the pipe off so they swim they hit a brick wall and your body your body just reabsorbs like the family guys thing where you see the hose kind of cinched or whatever, and now the water can't get out of the hose. I think Steve's done with all those Great Lakes
Starting point is 02:12:32 Brewery empties from his movie. Maybe you could just send those over if you want to save a lot of space in those. Sure. It's tough. You can't celebrate right after. And it's a long wait for that okay day. If you can make that clearance, that's the party.
Starting point is 02:12:49 Can I ask a personal question of everybody who's had a vasectomy? That first time that you, how do I put this? We know what you're saying. Climax. The first time that you empty out post procedure, is it a different result? Does it feel differently? Well, see, this is very fresh
Starting point is 02:13:11 in my mind. It happened last night. It felt the same, to be honest. Oh, boy. You're asking the personal questions, Stu. You have no one to blame but yourself. I'm just wondering, can you feel a difference? No, there's no difference whatsoever How do I segue to this final stew jam?
Starting point is 02:13:27 Does it look the same? Yes You don't want to ride a bike Yeah, I had to take a few days off riding a bike People are bailing on the Zoom chat Too much screw talk about How do I segue to Elmo from this conversation? He had a mastectomy
Starting point is 02:13:43 He doesn't have kids. Grandma got run over by a reindeer Walking home from our house Christmas Eve You can say there's no such thing as Santa But as for me and Grandpa, we believe She'd been drinking too much eggnog Oh, it's a different Elmo, Stewstone. Yeah. Okay, I thought it was, you know, the Elmo from Henson Puppetry. But tell us about this version of Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer.
Starting point is 02:14:23 Reindeer by Elmo and Patsy. Are you familiar with this song? The song? Yes, of course. Of course. But not this particular version. Well, this is the version. Oh, maybe I am.
Starting point is 02:14:35 These are the guys that wrote the, that did the song. Randy Brooks wrote it and Elmo and Patsy were a husband and wife duo that decided to put this song out way back in 1979, two years later than the great 1977. You know, you literally have a song about a grandmother who is celebrating Christmas Eve when while off her medication and drunk on spiked eggnog, she staggers outside into a snowstorm against the pleas of everyone in the room, and she is found
Starting point is 02:15:08 the next day trampled to death by Santa Claus and his rapier. Kind of sad, actually. It's a feel-good story of the year. Yeah, the second and third verse of the song talk about the funeral gathering where all the family's dressed in black to mourn her death, and they wonder if all the Christmas dressed in black to mourn her death.
Starting point is 02:15:27 And they wonder if all the Christmas gifts they bought for her should be returned. The consensus is a firm yes. I'm Alan Cross. Technical production by Rob Johnston. It's interesting because this guy Elmo, you know, he really milked this thing like you were talking about careful
Starting point is 02:15:48 this is a family episode remember after he was divorced from his wife he re-recorded it solo in 92 and again in 2000 then he changed his name to Dr. Elmo did it again in 2002
Starting point is 02:16:03 this is like the Monster Mash guy who just keeps doing the same song over and over again. Then he did another version in 2007. And then Time Life Records released Dr. Elmo's Bluegrass Christmas, which featured another version of the song.
Starting point is 02:16:20 He then recorded a sequel to the song called Grandpa's Gonna Sue the Pants Off of Santa, which Grandpa gets lawyers to fight Santa in court. And Elmo did put that out on his album, Dr. Elmo's Twisted Christmas. You might remember the version of this song as recorded in Canada because the first wide release of the song was actually in Canada in 1982 by a group called the Irish Rovers. Oh, of course. Quebec Irish boy knows those guys.
Starting point is 02:16:55 Their single became a seasonal hit first on country stations, then on top 40, and today remains a seasonal holiday anthem. Some more people probably know the Irish Rovers version of this song. You know, as a kid, I sort of have this memory of like Weird Al Yankovic doing a version of this song, but he never did. So it's sort of like this Mandela effect thing where I remember it being there. It's a Dr. Demento thing. Sometimes you think all the songs you hear on Dr. Demento are like Weird Al jams. I feel like that's...
Starting point is 02:17:26 This was not a Weird Al jam, but there was a version of this song that I do remember. And I don't see any of the FOTMs in here, but I know a few weeks ago we kicked out boy band jams. But there was a particular version that I wanted to play as a mind blow of this song. If you might play it loud, Mike, for all of them to hear. New kids got run over by a reindeer mind blow of this song that if you might play it loud mike uh for for all of them to hear new kids got run over by a reindeer all the little children are in shock no more loud annoying high faults at all now there's no more new kids on the block
Starting point is 02:17:59 they were singing new kids Got Run Over by a Reindeer Cover girls with the right stuff Yeah, the New Kids Got Run Over by a Reindeer was a version of this song that I think was popular amongst Julie and her friends. No, not popular. I figured you wouldn't be a New Kids fan, so you would be cheering for them to be run over by a reindeer. You were a New Kids fan?
Starting point is 02:18:31 You weren't. Shake your head fair enough um but uh yeah new kids got run over by a reindeer was uh one of the many uh parodies uh that uh came from this song another version was uh about uh called shaffer got run over by a reindeerindeer, which was the Maryland governor, William Schaefer. People were upset with him, so they recorded a version of that. There's not much. Did you see Hamilton Mike's message that Osama got run over by a reindeer? Yeah, I see that. Osama got run over by a reindeer. That came out in the 2002 White Trash Christmas album.
Starting point is 02:19:04 Bob Rivers. Yeah, Bob Rivers rivers that's right uh the two live jews recorded a version called moysha got run over by a wheelchair is that true is that true that is true that was like as kosher as they want to be i remember that album like that was a pretty big deal uh featuring the song oi it Oy, It's So Humid. Yes. Oh, my God. I'm so excited about the next fun fact that I can hardly focus on this. New kids got run over by a reindeer. Yeah, well, you know what? It's a little known fact, but it's a little bit of a mind blow.
Starting point is 02:19:36 But I know that Cambrio, is he still here? Because it might blow his mind. Cambrio, are you out there? Maybe he's not, but I know he's a big guy. I see him. I don't know if he's I do see him I know he's a big Jamie Kennedy Stu Stone fan he mentioned circle circle
Starting point is 02:19:52 Dot dot right Well Jamie Kennedy and myself We recorded a Christmas song And I'm not lying we really did So here it is. I'm about to handle my business In the morning I'ma beg for the Lord's forgiveness I'm like a kid on Christmas What kind of medicine is this?
Starting point is 02:20:34 I'm about to handle my business In the morning I'ma beg for the Lord's forgiveness So there you go. Wow. This is Kid on Christmas, which is sort of about these two guys that are given some medicine and they're unfamiliar with what it is that they've taken. And it makes them feel so euphoric. They feel like a kid on Christmas.
Starting point is 02:20:57 Was that the Tiesta remix? No, that was the actual original version of it. The only version of it. I saw you doing Bumka dancing. Well, it's a dance song. It is a dance song. Is it possible Superfan Cambrio has versions of this song you don't know about? It's very possible that he himself has remixed it.
Starting point is 02:21:15 There's a Yesta remix. There's a Bob Saget remix. Yes, there is the Saget remix. Wow. You know, I just want to speak about Christmas in general here, Mike, for all the listeners out there. I grew up next door to a family that sort of made Christmas very important to me. I got to participate in Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. There was always gifts under the tree for us.
Starting point is 02:21:43 And I really, enjoyed christmas so much uh as a youngster and i feel like uh now hanukkah just doesn't give you the same sort of thing you know even though you have presents and eight crazy nights the folklore with the tree and santa claus and eggnog and and and and the presents and the family gathering around in their pajamas, singing collective soul. These are all things that, you know, you might take for granted if you just grew up celebrating Christmas every year. So as somebody who was an outsider who was welcomed in to the Christmas spirit, so to speak, I want to thank all of the Gentile friends that I have that allow me into their world. And I appreciate it.
Starting point is 02:22:26 I don't take it for granted. And I want to say happy birthday to Jesus, the man himself. It is his birthday, right? That's what we're celebrating here. And I hope everybody, you know, this is a very tricky Christmas year, right? Not to be confused with the tricky remix of the Stewstone Christmas song, but this is a tricky year because you're not supposed to really get together with anybody,
Starting point is 02:22:50 right? You're supposed to be sort of doing this solo dolo. I know we're sort of at the point in the pandemic where people are sort of making their own rules and doing what they want, but hopefully people will stay safe this year and still have a chance to maybe speak to their loved ones or Zoom with their loved ones or in some instances maybe see their loved ones.
Starting point is 02:23:10 But I want to say it's been a hell of a year and we're almost out of the woods from this from the shit show of the year. And it's been a really up and down for me this year. But a lot of ups were as a result of being a part of this show. And I want to wish a Merry Christmas to all the people who are listening and all of you who are in the room still. And I hope you all have a very, very good Christmas. And I'm not being like funny or anything like that. I'm being dead serious. I want you guys to have a great Christmas and I'll be eating Chinese food tonight in honor of all of you. Stu, I've spent 41 weeks in a row in your presence. And every week we meet up another mind blow.
Starting point is 02:23:50 And I'm like, I can't believe that song we just heard. You and Jamie Kennedy did that. Look at the background that Dale's got rocking here on the Zoom here. There he is. There you go. Of course, that means he discovered the video. Video is a little bit too hot for Christmas. Of course, that means he discovered the video. Video's a little bit too hot for Christmas.
Starting point is 02:24:11 But, you know, if you've had a vasectomy, I guess it's okay to watch the video. Yeah. It's from the waist up, that photo. Exactly. On that note, vasectomy, there's a gentleman. I mean, all of you FOTMs and Levi Fumka, we're closing with you because you being on a Pandemic Friday episode is not that special. How do I? Is that because you you being on a pandemic Friday episode is not that special. How do I, is that because you've been on a bunch,
Starting point is 02:24:27 but in service, you're the penultimate FOTM I'm bringing in because you've also been on several of these, but I want to thank Ian service because Ian service, he's the backbone that hosts these juicy MP3 files that we all, you know, consume on mass every, I like to say weekly, but let's face it.
Starting point is 02:24:44 It's a million downloads. A bajillion. So, Ian, shout out your professional life and what you're doing there. I want to thank you for hosting. Shout out your professional life and then talk to us about what might be coming soon
Starting point is 02:25:01 from you guys with regards to live streaming of Toronto Mic'd episodes. So, Rome Phone is this thing that we came up with a couple years ago. We haven't quite launched, but yet we've got the bumper at the end of every episode. I play it at the end of every episode. It's fantastic. One day, I'll actually have time to do that. But until then, I'll get distracted by other fun projects like building a live streaming studio for Toronto Mic.
Starting point is 02:25:30 So that's coming. I've got the video functionalities working already. And next up, I've got to work on the chat. Okay, this is needed. You know what? Even during this fun Pandemic Friday spectacular right now i'm getting notices from facebook about the fact i'm playing this music like i don't know if this will even be playable on demand no but so i gotta this is perfect so so the the live stream is actually
Starting point is 02:25:58 going to exist for 30 30 seconds to a minute so even if somebody were to knock on our door saying, hey, you can't do that, it's already gone. So we're not ruining anybody's rules. We can play whatever we want and it's going to evaporate. If you watch it live, it's there and if you don't, then it's going to live on Mike's hard drive.
Starting point is 02:26:19 This system is actually perfect. To make sense of it, you could get Sheila to record her reading how this all works for us. Definitely. Get the Bugs Bunny. Where is Sheila? Yeah, we'll get Bugs to do it. But shout out to Sheila, an FOTM who I think is busy working, couldn't make it.
Starting point is 02:26:34 But Ian, that's amazing. So we'll keep everyone abreast of how this is all going because I don't think this episode will live very long in the Facebook universe. No, exactly. And so can I play one track? Yeah. Oh, I already did anyway. Oops. The first Noel the angels did say
Starting point is 02:26:56 Brad. Was to send for shepherds in fields as they lay Brad Roberts, right? Is that his name? So that's like my ultimate. Has dummies? Every Christmas season, that was like an Edge tune that always struck the chord. The Edge was always notorious for only Christmas Day.
Starting point is 02:27:16 They don't play Christmas songs any other time other than Fairytale in New York. So for me, that one is annual. Gotta crank up. Eve 6, First Noel. Oh, that's that for me, that one is annual. Got to crank up Eve six, first Noel. Oh, that's Eve six. Okay.
Starting point is 02:27:27 I thought it was, I thought it was the crash test dummies. They do a different version of first Noel. That's quite good because he's got that baritone, right? So I can't even imitate it. Bird Noel. But that's Eve six.
Starting point is 02:27:41 Who, who is it that told me to follow them on Twitter? And then, Oh yeah, that guy's going nuts. Yeah. I that told me to follow them on Twitter? And then... Oh, yeah, that guy's going nuts. Yeah. I had to unfollow him very quickly, though, because it's just tweeting at famous people saying,
Starting point is 02:27:51 what do you think of the Heart in a Blender song? Which is the oldest Eve Six song. But yeah, Ian, who Stu affectionately knows as Tim, thanks for being a part of this experience. And we couldn't do it without you, and Merry Christmas to you, buddy, and your calves. His Cleveland calves. Yeah, he must have muted himself.
Starting point is 02:28:14 No, I am. Oh, sorry. There was that silence. Yes, I have large calves. I do too, by the way, but nothing like yours, but I got pretty good calves too because I bike a lot. All right, On that note, speaking of biking a lot,
Starting point is 02:28:26 uh, leave a Fumka. Sorry. Yes. Yes. Uh, you and Juan do a lot of inside biking with that service, right? That,
Starting point is 02:28:35 uh, who's phoning who on my zoom call? Is that aunt Sandy? Oh, okay. Uh, how are you doing? We did have you on last week's episode,
Starting point is 02:28:46 but Merry Christmas to you. Thank you for your support. And I hope to see you at the next TMLX event. As long as you don't book it when my vacation's on. I usually book them on Jewish holidays. That's true. But I actually want to say... Is that Juan laughing?
Starting point is 02:29:04 Was that one's laugh i finally made one laugh oh you make them laugh a lot but i want to say i'm really excited to finally meet cambrio because he sends me love this is huge every single week wow because he thinks yes, that my thumb should come back. Reinstate the judge. Thank you. But she was a lousy judge. Does that matter? She was an okay judge. She wasn't bad. I go back and forth.
Starting point is 02:29:37 Some days I'll give Cam love. Other days I won't. That was like April. That was like old school Friday's controversy. I realized early in these things that there is no winner or loser on a Pandemic
Starting point is 02:29:51 Friday. We're all winners, so I didn't like the idea of judging. No, actually, Stu is the winner. Kim, will you remove that mask and let us see your true identity face? Not this time. It's like the old television program, My Secret Identity.
Starting point is 02:30:08 It almost looks like Stu when Stu was doing his Joe Batista whatever. Jose Batista, please. Oh, God. I'm not a baseball person. I actually can do a really good Cambrio impression if you want me to. Oh, you're going to put on a mask?
Starting point is 02:30:24 I'm just going to put on a mask. I just put on a mask. Okay. So hold on here. So we'll think about reinstating you as a judge. That's a great idea. Yes. Cambrio happy. Is there anybody on the zoom call before I kick out my final jam? I think Hamilton Mike's kid wants to say something. So Hamilton Mike, does your daughter want to say something?
Starting point is 02:30:46 Okay. What's your name? What's your name? No, she's quiet. See, if I had had that vasectomy earlier, she wouldn't be here. So she's the surprise. Oh my goodness. You know, that's a mind blow right now.
Starting point is 02:30:58 And we consider that that human being, that beautiful child. Some things can be old enough to understand what you just said. Talk about real talk. That's why we say surprise instead of accident, right, Hamilton? Exactly. Happy surprise, happy accident, whatever you want to call it. Oh my God. So everybody who did take the time, and I know
Starting point is 02:31:15 some people who said, I promise I'm coming on. I'm thinking of the Stephanie Wilkinsons and the other Andy Pandy. Obviously life got in the way. It's Christmas Eve. How many people could afford to give up a couple hours of their life for this silly Zoom thing? But Merry Christmas to everybody. Happy holidays to those who don't celebrate the holiday.
Starting point is 02:31:34 And just the best wishes to everyone. Thanks for listening to Toronto Mic to everybody. Merry Christmas. My final jam, though. Merry Christmas. I'll play a bit of this and maybe we'll bring it back here. And I won't play too much. Merry Christmas, everyone. my final jam though I'll play a bit of this and maybe we'll do bring it back here but Merry Christmas everyone
Starting point is 02:31:47 you've likely heard this song already this holiday season but just a taste John Bon Jovi has anyone I'll bring it down since we all know I'm kicking out my favorite Christmas song which is the Pogues Fairy Tale of New York has anyone who on this zoom call has heard the Bon Jovi cover
Starting point is 02:32:05 of this song? It is terrible. Oh my god. Horrible. Does anyone like it? It's a travesty. It's not bad. Cam, Cam, Gam Gordon seems to think it's pretty good, right? Sure. Is MF... My family actually gets together
Starting point is 02:32:21 in their pajamas and sings the Bon Jovi version. Once we're done December. Now, just before I play us out, is MF in the home there, Cam, or is she working? Well, Mike, you missed it. She did a run-in earlier. Oh, I did. She's on it.
Starting point is 02:32:35 Okay, yeah, she's here. I think her sister was going to pop by. Okay, because I hear her all the time because my station of choice is CBC Radio 1. It's actually the only radio I listen to. And almost every long-form newscast, I hear MF. So that's how this universe
Starting point is 02:32:52 works. She's on Room Raider on Twitter. She's all over the place. Wow. Right, I saw it. She got a high mark for that because her nephew or something has a picture in the background or something like that. What are you holding up there, Cambrio? So reinstate Lieve Femke.
Starting point is 02:33:08 That's the hashtag. So thank you, Cambrio, for being here. Thank you. Oh, I love this song. Thank you so much. I almost called him Tim, but his name is Ian Service. James Edgar, best of the season to you, my friend. Love seeing that face at events.
Starting point is 02:33:24 Thank you. Going to Alberta now. I want to shout out Kevin in Alberta. Thanks for being here, buddy. Thanks, Mike. You betcha. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas to you. Now we're going to go a little further west. I want to shout out Dale Cadeau in British Columbia. Thanks, Mike.
Starting point is 02:33:39 Happy Christmas to everybody. Happy Christmas. Lieve Fumka, the president of the Broad Squad. Shout out to all the members, the president of the Broad Squad. Shout out to all the members of the FOTM Broad Squad. Give my love to Juan. There he is. Your pants ripped in the crotch area.
Starting point is 02:33:55 I don't know if that's too much information. I wonder if Levi Fumka is going to live her own version of It's a Wonderful Life. A Wonderful Life. That's funny. Moose Grumpy, another member of the Broad Squad. Peace and love to you. Merry Christmas and thank you, all
Starting point is 02:34:11 of you. It's also lovely to chat with you daily. It's something else that's kept my spirits up through this. Not sure what she's talking about. We're keeping your spirits up because that's our job around here. That's what we do. So thank you for being a part of this whole experience. Neil Jenkins, I can't wait to see you again on the Humber Bay Bridge.
Starting point is 02:34:29 Yeah. Merry Christmas, everybody. Cheers. In the spring. Michael Lang. The next time I'm at a CanCon Alt Rock 90s concert, which I hope is sooner rather than later, I'm going to look over my shoulder and see that beautiful face.
Starting point is 02:34:42 Absolutely. Cheers, buddy. And you have a great outdoor rink. That's made me envious. I've got mine set up, but I need some colder weather here. I think here, Hamilton,
Starting point is 02:34:51 Mike, love to you and, the children and the family. And it's always great. Whenever I have a Hamilton guest on, I know Hamilton, Mike's going to be listening closely. You and your family as well.
Starting point is 02:35:01 And, uh, thanks guys. Nice chatting to you. Thanks Cam and Stu. You guys have been thanks, guys. Nice chatting to you. Thanks, Cam and Stu. You guys have been entertaining us for, what, about 41 weeks? 41 weeks.
Starting point is 02:35:09 We're each taking turns playing the heel, apparently. Today it's Cam's turn with that god-awful choice of December. But hey. He's taking the heat off of me. I got it bad last week, I think. But Kev.
Starting point is 02:35:20 Thanks, everybody. All the best, everybody. Love you, Hamilton Mike. Kev, yet another Kev. Nice to meet you. All the best, everybody. Love you, Hamilton Mike. Kev, yet another Kev. Nice to meet you. You're a new member during the pandemic. Can't wait to see you at the next TMOX. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:35:31 And tell Andrew Ward he should have made an appearance. I will. I'll be all over. New FOTM. It was not a new FOTM, but I only learned about her. 1977, I want to call her, but she also goes by the name Julie. Thanks for popping on, Julie. Thanks for having me.
Starting point is 02:35:48 It was nice to have some of your faces. I've been listening for a long time, so now I can match some of those voices to some faces now. And yeah, thanks for having me. I'll try not to be so shy in the future. Hush eye to eye. We might have you play a TMLX event opening for the Royal Pains maybe. Maybe we can kick out the jams.
Starting point is 02:36:12 Oh my God. That'd be great. That'd be great. And last but not least, as I look, I think I caught everybody who stuck around. A lot of people had to go like Al, et cetera, but Cam Gordon, much love to you and the family and FOTMMF. 41 weeks. Amazing. What a pleasure it is to co-host this show with you. Yeah, it's been a blast. And I echo everyone who said this has been a bit of a sanity check
Starting point is 02:36:37 in an otherwise insane year. And I'm sure we'll be back in the backyard soon, freezing off our tuchuses and enjoying the GLB. Possibly as early as next week. I don't know. Let's see. Mike, there's two words that need to be said to close this episode, if I may.
Starting point is 02:36:54 Stew Stone. No, there's two words, very important words, that need to be said right now. Are you ready? I'm ready. And that's... I'm ready. And that's... I was going to close with the last but not least.
Starting point is 02:37:10 I had a moment there where we couldn't get a hold of Stew Stone. There was a moment where I said, what would we do if anything happened to our Stew Stone? God forbid. The screen would go black. I'd shut her down. We're done. And when I got that DM from you that you had a power outage and you were going to make your way in, stone. I was like, the screen would go black. I'd shut her down. We're done. And, uh,
Starting point is 02:37:25 when I got that DM from you that you had a power outage and you were going to make your way in, that was the Christmas miracle I've been waiting for. Thanks for being here. Stu. And that brings us to the end of our 777th show. Seven's a lucky number.
Starting point is 02:37:49 This is 777. You can follow me on Twitter. I'm at Toronto Mike. Stu is at Stu Stone. Cam is at Cam underscore Gordon. Great Lakes Brewery are at Great Lakes Beer. Palma Pasta is at Palma Pasta. Sticker U is at Sticker U.
Starting point is 02:38:07 CDN Technologies are at CDN Technologies. It was great having Barb Paluskiewicz on the show. Sammy Cohn, where the hell was he? He's at Sammy Cohn. And Ridley Funeral Home are at Ridley FH. See you all next week. Thanks, Mike. See you all next week. phone. Roam Phone brings you the most reliable virtual phone service to run your business and protect your home number from unwanted calls. Visit to get started.

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