Toronto Mike'd: The Official Toronto Mike Podcast - Rae Dawn Chong: Toronto Mike'd #1165

Episode Date: December 5, 2022

In this 1165th episode of Toronto Mike'd, Mike is joined by actress Rae Dawn Chong as they discuss her career from Quest For Fire to Commando and beyond, her father Tommy Chong, Mick Jagger, Ex's and ...Uh-Oh's and so much more. Toronto Mike'd is proudly brought to you by Great Lakes Brewery, Palma Pasta, Yes, We Are Open, The Advantaged Investor, Canna Cabana, StickerYou, Ridley Funeral Home and Electronic Products Recycling Association.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to episode 1165 of Toronto Mic'd. Proudly brought to you by Great Lakes Brewery. Order online for free local home delivery in the GTA. Create custom stickers, labels, tattoos, and decals. Palma Pasta. Fresh, homemade Italian pasta and entreals. Palma Pasta. Fresh, homemade Italian pasta and entrees.
Starting point is 00:00:48 The Yes, We Are Open podcast. A Moneris podcast production. The Advantaged Investor podcast from Raymond James Canada. Committing to our planet's future means
Starting point is 00:01:03 properly recycling our electronics of the past Ridley funeral home pillars of the community since 1921. Canna Cabana, the lowest prices on cannabis guaranteed and Sammy cone real estate. Ask Sammy, any real estate questions at Sammy dot coneone at Joining me today
Starting point is 00:01:28 making her Toronto mic debut is actress Rae Dawn Chong. Welcome. May I call you RDC? You may. And my girlfriend calls me RD like as in the RB. RD is like in that restaurant.
Starting point is 00:01:45 So you can call me Artie C. That's fine. Yes, yes, yes. I would say it's a pleasure to meet you, but we actually did meet once before. Was it good? It was amazing. Was I kind? Well, it was very recently.
Starting point is 00:01:57 It was with our mutual friend, Mary Jo Eustace. Yeah, we did. We did her coitus Interruptus episode. So, okay, this is where I want to begin. So I have like your typical notes and FOTMs,
Starting point is 00:02:12 that means Friends of Toronto Mike, have written in with some great questions they want me to ask you. And I'm excited to talk about your career and some interesting things in your life. But I was just like, I'll be very honest with you, like I just got blindsided by something
Starting point is 00:02:26 that kind of relates to the whole Mary Jo Eustace universe and I'm wondering if I can kind of share this with you now and chat a little bit off the top on this let's do it let's do it let's go there okay so uh I was downtown Toronto recording a corporate podcast. So I was basically offline for like three hours, I'd say. And then it wraps up. It went very well. And I was kind of packing up. And then I turned back on my ringer. And I see I've got a call coming in from our friend, Mary Jo Eustace.
Starting point is 00:03:00 And Mary Jo tells me, basically like to warn me that her son had issued some kind of like statement on Instagram or something about X's and O's which is the show we recorded episode the new episode three of you me and Mary Jo yeah and somewhere in here like I'm tossed under some bus and it says something about how I had betrayed Dean McDermott's trust. I get this information and I'm like, wow, is this how Hollywood does you dirty? You live in LA.
Starting point is 00:03:34 It's a complication when you do something as extraordinarily brave as the idea and concept of X's and O's was, you're bound to have a response, a reaction. I was just reading today about the guy who directed Blonde, the Marilyn Monroe movie,
Starting point is 00:03:52 and he was saying that he's really excited about the fact that people hate him, hate the movie, that it elicited a response. And even though I think he probably isn't that excited about people hating him, I think that there is merit in terms of being self-responsible to a response. So I said to Mary Jo this morning when she called me in an absolute, crushed, betrayed, hurtful place. I don't think she'll be feeling betrayed that I shared this with Toronto.
Starting point is 00:04:22 But I just said to her, you know, this is what happens when we stir up the water. You have to be open to hold. Everybody gets to react. And at this moment, her kids are reacting like they're on team Dean and Dean has got a, you know, he has a team. And I just think it's kind of exciting because, you know, this is what we do. We're human beings and we get to respond, Mike. I mean, it doesn't surprise me that the show X's and O's would elicit such a strong reaction. But are we surprised? I mean, it's a dynamic of family.
Starting point is 00:05:03 It's a divorced. It's a split thing. They're going to take sides. They're going to do what they're going to do. And, you know, Mary Jo is an accomplished, beautiful woman. And I think that that's challenging for a lot of people. And a lot of people, it's like witch burning. A lot of people take the side of the victim. And I think that, I'm just going to say it because I'm on team MJ I think Dean's like an expert victim but that's me so obviously I've taken a side well okay we all bring our biases to the table right and you are friends of MJ so there will be a little bias there but
Starting point is 00:05:35 I actually liked MJ and Dean equally so I feel like yeah for sure like I come up through the middle I legit and you know I'm telling you, I'm going to call you Ray Dawn. I'm like, I don't know, RDC. I don't think, I don't think, I don't think that, I think Dean's reaction is absolutely in line and in vibratory. He's vibrating exactly where you would expect him to vibrate, which is, I don't know that he does a lot of work on himself. And I'm not sure that he even, lot of work on himself and i'm not sure
Starting point is 00:06:05 that he even when he said yes to doing the o-o-x's and o-o's that he really understood the the depth that it was going to go to so i think in a way um i think he's absolutely behaving like you would expect someone like dean to behave but ray dawn it got deep awfully quick. Like episode one got heavy. And we did record 11 episodes over three months. Like this wasn't like, oh. Yeah, you're just, yeah. Like something happened. Also, I think there's a lot of familial pressure. You know, a lot of times the spouses don't really like it when it's jamming.
Starting point is 00:06:40 So, I mean, it's like, let's face it, there's a lot going on there. I think it was too successful. Isn't it funny when something gets to be kind of takes off, everybody else gets greedy? It's like when you win the lotto, your life turns to dirt because everybody sues you. Okay, but so, Radon, just to catch people up to speed here. So, Dean, we dropped two of these episodes. I have 11 in the can, so to speak. And I don't know where this can is, but I have 11 of them and and then i got out again the cloud i got the the word from dean
Starting point is 00:07:11 that you know he's tapping out he's done he's done with x's and uh-ohs and uh to my like little surprise i wasn't sure i kind of when i got this news from dean i thought the project was done like i was kind of sad because I spent three months, 11 episodes, and it was good. If it was a piece of shit, I wouldn't care. Burn it. It's a gig. It was good. Tell me why it was good so that
Starting point is 00:07:36 the audience understands your pain. We had, and again, I only am now getting to know Mary Jo Eustace and Dee McDermott, but it seemed like they were, they had their heart in it where they were Eustace and Dean McDermott, but it seemed like they were true. Like they had their heart in it where they were dealing with things that happened 17 years ago. And it became very clear to me right away that Dean McDermott had never dealt
Starting point is 00:07:54 with these things. Like for 17 years, basically he lived his life. He had, you know, five kids of Tori Spelling, uh, acted, did the reality show. Like he kind of kept going there. And I don't think he ever went back and talked about these specific moments 17 years ago. I mean, there's an episode, I alluded to it in episode three that you were on, but there's
Starting point is 00:08:14 a moment where, for the first time in like 17 years, Dean talks to Mary Jo's mom and dad. And says he's sorry. And says he's sorry. And they cry. And I in toronto with my camera off crying so there's like 11 hours of this kind of content so when mary jo told me mike i'd like to keep going like i'm just thinking like a producer i'm like okay we have to we have to do a few
Starting point is 00:08:42 things like we have to take Dean's name off the title. We have to take his picture, his face off the picture. We have to change that theme song because he told me his friend recorded that cover and his friend didn't want the cover used unless Dean was part of it. So I just did a checklist like a producer, like a guy who's trying to create this content for the universe.
Starting point is 00:09:01 And I just knocked them off new song new title new description new picture and then you and i met mary jo on uh remotely there and we recorded a new episode three but this news today and again i know i'm rambling but i don't come from your universe like you're in la well no no no no no but this is like a this is like a saucy hornet's nest of unexamined, obviously unfinished business within that family. Right. That's the dynamic. Clearly. And, you know, it's kind of tragic, but can I just say something that I think is really true?
Starting point is 00:09:34 Sure. Go. And not to sound like a nutter, but I am, I think, good nuts. Okay. When people, people don't realize something something but everything is a test and i think that you become a bona fide rock star master in your life when you can sustain and survive deep betrayal when you realize that no matter if you have no one on your side whatever your position is you will survive survive it. No matter how rugged
Starting point is 00:10:06 the betrayals are, you will survive it. And it doesn't make the people right. It doesn't make you right. It doesn't make them wrong. It's just that we as human beings in the human condition, we don't honor or respect or even expect to be tested. And this is what I call, I call this a life test. And this is one of the rockiest, most painful life tests, which is when your kids choose the other. When your spouse, you know, chooses your best friend. When your boss fires you for the moron in the, you know, that you, you know what I'm saying? Like when you get dropped, when you lose a job,
Starting point is 00:10:51 when you're, when your film bombs, when you're, you know what I'm saying? Like stuff happens. And this is like, I just want to say to everybody, welcome to living. And now we get to see what what mary jo is made of because how she responds in the next milliseconds and going forward is really what her medal is we're going to see what she's what she's made of and i think that it's it's hard i'm not saying this is an easy thing and i i'm not saying that i'm an expert at this or that I welcome it, but I just want to say, hey, welcome to living. You know, when you stir up the waters, you got to be expecting to be hit by a couple tsunamis.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Wow. I have a scheduled, you know, Zoom with, of all people, I have a scheduled Zoom tomorrow with Mary Jo Eustace and George Straubelopoulos, Straubel himself. know zoom with uh of all people i have a scheduled zoom tomorrow with mary jo eustace and george straubelopolis uh strombo himself and uh i hope mj is okay the way i see it now she's probably not going to be okay but isn't that a good show oh yeah no she brings it like bring your stuff i mean seriously how much do we in a society in our society in 2022 we all and i mean all of us we like it to be nice we like it to be neat and tidy we like to see women fierce and empowered even though we're
Starting point is 00:12:13 hardly fierce and empowered half the time we like to see dudes really like with their shit together and making all the big dough and that's not always the case as we know we like to see you know blah blah blah blah it's just crap that's not real life real life is ugly messy unpredictable so radon ugly messy okay so clearly there's a you know a family that needs to figure things out over in california figuring it out this is part of it right jack needed to choose what he chose right lola jack lola mary jo dean they have a family thing i don't want to tell you this is so not the this is not the end this is not the end and how she responds to them doing this is such a reveal that it's gonna if they if i pray for this is what i I pray for them and for my friend.
Starting point is 00:13:05 I pray that everybody sees what they're made of. I pray that everybody actually sits back and goes, wow, that's interesting. I definitely didn't choose mom. I chose dad. You know what I'm saying? And then she gets to go, huh, how interesting. They didn't choose me. So guess what?
Starting point is 00:13:21 You're free. It's also straight. Okay. No judgment here. I hope they work it out. I feel though like I've been hit with some. So guess what? You're free. It's also straight. Okay. I no judgment here. I hope they work it out. I feel though, like I've been hit with some, that's what we do.
Starting point is 00:13:29 We judge. You can judge. You can judge. We talk like this, this gentleman who, okay, I should just say, I've never met Jack,
Starting point is 00:13:36 never met him like remotely in person. Never had a conversation with him. I don't know. Lovely. I don't know Jack at all. I'm sure he's lovely. I saw him in a Christmas card that I saw. He's gorgeous. He's beautiful. He's smart. He's tender. But don't know Jack at all. I'm sure he's lovely. I saw him in a Christmas card that I saw. He's beautiful.
Starting point is 00:13:46 He's smart. He's tender. But he's also like almost 25 years old. Like I don't, we're not talking about like a 12 year old or a 13 year old. We're talking about an adult male. Right. An adult male,
Starting point is 00:13:57 like almost 25. Okay. I feel like maybe I'm getting hit with like, I'm collateral damage. And maybe there's like some, some shots ricocheting off of targets that are hitting me in the shoulder or whatever. Like,
Starting point is 00:14:10 I just feel like I'm just going to say this to you. I'm just going to say, dude, this is what happens when you do a show called X's and O's. I want to say to you, how are, why are you so shocked? I just,
Starting point is 00:14:23 I feel like you didn't do a show of like kittens and bunny rabbits in a basket. Okay. But it's not my ex-wife doing the show. I guess I feel like... But in a way, isn't their story in a way our story? Like, come on. I mean, families are such a tricky little hornet's nest. Right?
Starting point is 00:14:42 It's always a power struggle. It's always a thing thing. And the always a thing thing and the more money there is the worse it gets well stay tuned ray dawn because this like i literally just learned about this and i'm still processing i know you're so cute i love how you see toronto mike this is how sheltered you are well who's this guy to take shots at me and what mistrust dean who i always liked i i'm incredibly fair to dean mcdermott because i like him and i know he's gonna listen to why do you like dean mcdermott even though i charming guy like i i find him to be charismatic we've had private convos he's he's funny i know
Starting point is 00:15:16 he's kind of a you know kind of a dude i'm not against dean i don't even know him so i right i think you can't hate someone until you know them really well well i thought we were buds to be honest and now i realize I'm not his bud. Like, I only kind of learned that today. No, I think that Dean is just very hardworking not to be homeless. I mean, I actually think that he's probably three inches away from the streets. But, I mean, where do you go if you, you know, if you don't have a lot going on, you have a thousand kids and you're in a volatile situation.
Starting point is 00:15:43 Dean's got a, he's's got a he's got he's he's on eggshells so is he like was he a caged you know uh tigers clawing away i don't know him and i don't know what the story is but just from the outside looking in it strikes me that he's always being tested so i'm so shocked that you guys got 11 episodes well now i am but at the time i thought we were going to get 111 episodes like because he was so into it but well but this is the thing you guys you guys you guys this fell apart because it was successful ray don you bring this uh perspective that i don't have like i'm just sitting in my toronto basement like completely unaware of this hollywood world and it's like i'm like oh it's not just hollywood come on it it happens perspective that I don't have. I'm just sitting in my Toronto basement, completely unaware of this Hollywood world.
Starting point is 00:16:26 It's not just Hollywood. Come on. It happens everywhere. I was thinking about Meghan Markle and her best friend who lives in Toronto. What's the lady's name? She's married to Ben Mulrooney. Jessica Mulrooney. That's not
Starting point is 00:16:42 Hollywood. That was drama. That was spicy. She got outed for being racist, which everybody's Hollywood. That was drama. And that was like spicy. Right. She got outed for being racist, which everybody's racist. That's all I'm going to say. Everybody has a little bit. Are you racist? Probably. You know, I mean, I can be racist against white guys named Toronto Mike. I mean, I don't know. You know, I'm an easy target. Take a number. What? No, I'm saying take a number. You got to take your shots at Toronto Mike. It's an easy target. Take a number. What? Take a number. Take your shots at Toronto Mike. It's an easy target.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Can I just say something though? Let's face it. You represent the colonizer. I'm a person of five different ethnic groups. Can you name them for me? What? Can you name them for me?
Starting point is 00:17:24 Irish. I got that one. Native Canadian. Can you name them for me? What? Can you name them for me? Like these five groups. Okay, I got that one. Native American, Native Canadian. Indigenous. I'm also Polynesian. I'm Southeast Asian, so I'm Cambodian. I'm Chinese. Oh, sorry, I have more.
Starting point is 00:17:41 And I'm African. And I've got like four different tribes in my African bits. And then the rest is Euro. Okay, so you find, go ahead. even though everyone, I've had people accuse me of, you know, being, not wanting to be my ethnicity and that's just painful. And it may have been true when I was younger, but I've since been educated. Okay. We're going to talk, talk about it because I find this fascinating and I will say I've had a guest, I won't name names, but astute listeners can probably guess, but I've absolutely had a guest who I could basically, I'm certain she was triggered by my white skin and
Starting point is 00:18:26 blue eyes. And you can listen back and you'll tell me, in fact, I might send you the link and see if you have a little time to read it. But I'm certain, and this person was really, really mean to me during a conversation. And I was like, why is this woman I'm so like excited to talk to hating me right now? I really didn't understand, but I think. Well, I'll tell you something. I have a friend, I'm really good friends with somebody who is best friends with somebody who was so like offensively racist. And I have had holidays with this particular person and I have been around her when she's been like slam drunk and just, it all comes out. And so how I have dealt with it is that I don't judge my best friend because people
Starting point is 00:19:06 can, you can love someone and have nothing politically in common with them. You can love someone like I have relatives that I, that I grew up with that were completely racist, like N word racist, but they were uncles and aunts. And you know, what do you do? You know, you can't educate the uneducated. You can't educate the uneducated if you're a child. So, you know, everyone's complicated. I try not to be a bigot against bigotry, but we're in such a strange time right now. And with the yay, actually today I tweeted that I think yay may not read. And everyone's like, well, he went to college, but that doesn't mean he reads. Like, I don't think people who.
Starting point is 00:19:52 What are you basing that on? Like, you're just wondering aloud? I'm just thinking he must not be a reader because you can't know all the things about the, you know, about nazis and then sit there and say that hitler was a cool guy i mean i just i don't know that it's humanly possible to see all the information and know all the history and still say the stuff so i think if you're ignorant and you don't read and you don't care about history then you can you know do that and i think that i don't think he reads i think he may not read period what would you say to somebody who said he can't be a Nazi because he is black? I'd say they're fucking morons. Sorry. I mean, that's dumb. You can be a Nazi and a moron and racist and you can be somebody who reads and be racist.
Starting point is 00:20:38 I mean, he's showing us that you can have all the money in the world and not be surrounded by anybody who's on your side. I mean, this is a tragedy. This is a tragedy, not just for the community, the black community who are looking at him going, what's wrong with you? But this is a tragedy, you know, for, I mean, we're in this dark, dirty, ugly, you know, it's the preamble before we see indictments flowing and we're just about to get them so
Starting point is 00:21:05 yeah and that all right let's use that as our starting point here like that was sort of like the uh the the red carpet show the preamble which i love and i love the way you think like i just totally dig dig do you really love the way i think mike because i sometimes wonder no i'm just kidding i don't know i'm already uh on the defensive here so i'm gonna let you know this is our second okay that you were born you know the the majority and well it's not my fault right like i mean well we don't know that it could what do you mean okay i feel like i chose my my i i feel like i my soul said yeah bring me in a female, mixed, make it complicated. Because we like excitement.
Starting point is 00:21:49 Okay, go ahead. I don't think I chose. If I chose, I really didn't. I don't have any memory of this, of course. But that doesn't mean it didn't happen. No, it doesn't mean it didn't happen. So where do we find you today, just to set this up?
Starting point is 00:22:01 You're in California. I'm in Los Angeles. LA. I've heard of that. Okay okay and you're having a good day uh i mean we've talked about you know mj's got some troubles gorgeous i mean the thing is i have my dog on my own my boyfriend's on a little mini tour so i have a hundred pound pit bull who's just like it's like having a dragon and i love him but i find myself doing a lot of outside, which I like. And I'm good. I'm good.
Starting point is 00:22:27 I'm good. I'm going to play a match, a last match, I think, of the season in my tennis team on Friday. Today, Nick Boletari passed, and I really loved Nick Boletari. He's one of the top trainers. He says, I coach 10 top 10. He was just like this cool entity of tennis. He was this icon. And he passed today.
Starting point is 00:22:50 Oh, I'm sorry. I had no idea. My condolences. I had no idea. And then I'm really stoked that Canada won Davis Cup the first time in 109 years. I mean, that's just beyond fantastic because being a tennis head, I love that.
Starting point is 00:23:03 And who would have thought that back in the day we had uh so few you know hopefuls in the solo tennis it's just amazing now we're just busting with talent thank you sheriff what is his name shopper off stop a lot and then how do you say his name shop a lot of oh uh felix alge alassime alassime. Felix Auger Alassime. And he's just gorgeous. And then Chapalov is amazing. His backhand just like freaks me out. I love it so much.
Starting point is 00:23:31 I love that you're a tennis fan. I'm completely obsessed. Okay. I've got tennis freaks, and I didn't know the Davis Cup was happening. And I wonder like how big a deal can this be if I didn't know it happened? Well, right. One hand clapping in the forest. But we were distracted because Canada made its first World Cup of soccer since 1986.
Starting point is 00:23:52 So this whole country was focused on, I never say it right. Qatar? Qatar. Qatar. Yeah, Dave Hodge. I think it's Qatar. Qatar. I don't think it's Qatar.
Starting point is 00:24:01 Okay. So we were focused on Qatar. And meanwhile, there's this Davis Cup happening and we were just sort of distracted. I don't think it's Qatar. Okay. So we were focused on Qatar. And meanwhile, there's this Davis Cup happening, and we were just sort of distracted. I know. It's funny that football gets all the juice of the world. I do like watching football. It's just not as exciting because it's such a slow scoring.
Starting point is 00:24:21 And I know. I like results. Well, Brazil got four goals today. I'm just catching up because I missed all this, but apparently Brazil got four, so that's not too shabby. So you were asking me what else? You're Canadian. I am Canadian.
Starting point is 00:24:36 Are you Canadian and American or just Canadian? Yes, I kept both. My wife is from Edmonton, by the way, but you were born in Edmonton? I was just born there. I wasn't raised there. I think I lived there once when I was 12 for six months during the winter. And it was like, yeah, we've had enough of it. This is good. I was like, this is kind of gross. So where were you raised then? Between Los Angeles and Vancouver and
Starting point is 00:25:02 Vancouver Island. So I had a school year here from the time I was nine, because we went Vancouver. I was born in Edmonton, Vancouver, and then down to Detroit, Michigan, where my dad was signed to Motown. And then we lived there for two years, which was traumatizing. And then we moved to, so from seven to nine, I was in transit and we landed in Los Angeles right as I turned nine years old and we've stayed. So Los Angeles since nine. And then during the school year, we were there. But then in the summers, my parents would ship us up to my grandmother and she lived
Starting point is 00:25:40 in Vancouver. And then we moved to the island of Vancouver and that's where I had my summers and you know you never realized that living in Canada for three months saved our lives because nothing's I mean Canada's fantastic because it's safe mostly and then you had a lot of outside so I have this like fantastic healthy muscle for outside beautiful and let's not uh let's let's name check your father because he's a rather famous dude who's your dad my dad is tommy chong of cheech and chong fame wow i have i mean right there i i mean what's that like uh shout out to canada it's funny what that's like it had its moments when i was growing up where it was just the most crap thing ever because he wasn't dad-like. He was just gone.
Starting point is 00:26:28 He was handsome, charming. He was like a child. I remember when I met him. I met my dad when I was 18 months old because he didn't know I existed, and my grandmother snuck adopted me. And then introduced me to my dad when I was 18 months old. And my dad, I fell downstairs. And I remember this. And I was on my back crying.
Starting point is 00:26:51 And my dad, he was young. He was like 23. He looked over at me. And he laughed. And I remember thinking, you fucking asshole. I was 18 months old. I remember being so annoyed and that's how I met my father.
Starting point is 00:27:09 It's exceptional. He was more like a brother in a way because he was just sort of out of it. Gorgeous, charming, but he was always just like, I always felt like my parents were so young and not quite 100% capable of taking care of us. We grew up feral. Did you ever wish you just had like a normal dad who had like a nine to five banking job?
Starting point is 00:27:31 A plumber. I mean, anybody who was just like there, you know, drinking, cracking a beer in front of the telly. Yeah, I really did. And in fact, I adopted a Jewish family, the Bergmans, when I was 11 onward. And, you know, Bernie was more of a regular dad and Shelly was more of a regular mom. My mom worked. My real mom worked and was gone. And then when she'd come home, she'd be exhausted. So when I found this family, it was like what I considered more of a normal family. So I sort of self-raised myself in that respect.
Starting point is 00:28:02 Wow. That's how I survived Tommy Chong. So I'm sure we'll hear little Tommy Chong sprinkled throughout here, but I have a question from an FOTM. Remember, Ray Dawn, you're now an FOTM, Friend of Toronto Might. I love that.
Starting point is 00:28:15 And another FOTM is a guy named Jim Slotek. He covered media. I think he covered TV and stuff for the Toronto Sun, etc. But he writes in, My first year covering TIFF was the year of Quest for Fire. I met Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau at the gala.
Starting point is 00:28:38 He wants to know, do you remember? And then I need to go back and find out how you got this role. Do you remember this big splash, as Jim Slotek calls it, this Tiff Gallop for Quest for Fire? Yeah, I do, because he was my date. My buddy was Pierre. My girlfriend, oh God, what's her name? She was so sweet.
Starting point is 00:29:01 We used to hang out together at Cherry Beach in Toronto. She loaned me a mink coat for the event, and I was so sweet. We used to hang out together at Cherry Beach in Toronto. She loaned me a mink coat for the event. And I was super pregnant. Okay. I was having my son. And they said, Ray Dawn, you're going to be with Pierre Trudeau. And I was like, well, that works.
Starting point is 00:29:17 And we hung out and became friends. It was the best night ever. Your whole life is kind of surreal, as I see you in the nebula there in your background. It really is. It has been so extraordinary. And I, yes. And it never sort of gets dull. Like I noticed it's getting, it's even more surreal and it's growing if that's possible. Even as I get older, like I just, the other night, a couple of nights ago, I was with Barbara Broccoli, which i thought
Starting point is 00:29:45 was really cool because she's done so much with the bond franchise and i got to hang out with her it wasn't a long time it was like a half hour but we sat together and i got to you know talk to her compliment her because i really like what she's done with the bond uh um thing and I think that they've done such a good job with Bond. James Bond. Yeah, of course. James Bond. It's funny. I have a son whose name sounds like James Bond and he gets a lot of jokes about it. What's his name? James Boone. It's like the Canadian version. It's James Boone. We were taking a train to Montreal like two weekends ago and he was going on the train.
Starting point is 00:30:25 The guy's checking his ticket. And the guy, this young guy starts laughing and he's like, I thought it said James Bond. Like I heard that two weekends ago. So, all right. So Ray Dawn, how did you get this role? Like maybe help me out, understand. Here's what happened.
Starting point is 00:30:39 Give me everything. I was just with Michael Groskopf who was the reason why I ended up doing Quest for Fire. So they needed to find a woman who, a girl, who would take her clothes off and be comfortable with it. Because you're naked the whole movie. And no, like Vanity Six was up for the part. All these hot little numbers were up for the role. But a lot of them were good girls
Starting point is 00:31:05 from good families and they weren't down with being naked. I wanted at the time I was up for fame, but I didn't realize that I had a more talented singer in Irene Cara and she got fame. And she also had a lot of support from Debbie Allen and all these good people who helped push her through. So I was still auditioning for fame and hoping I would get fame because it was a much more dazzling role and instead because I grew up in Canada we would swim naked because growing up with the hippies I learned that you swim in the ocean naked but then you put your bathing suit on afterwards because then it's dry. And I always thought that was so logical, right? So I was very comfortable nude as a child.
Starting point is 00:31:49 And then as I grew up, I still was comfortable because that's what you should be, is comfortable. And so when I went for the audition, I remember it was on the lot of Fox and Michael Greskoff was in the room, Jean-Jacques Hano. A couple of women from the office were in there and they said okay take your shirt off and squalot and I just thought okay so I was 19 and I mean I used to go skating how Michael Grascoff found me Cher and Helena had the skating
Starting point is 00:32:19 party every Monday night in LA and uh you so I would go to this thing. I was in my teens and I would go to this party and I'm a good skater and I had, would wear tights and a leotard. That was my outfit. So you could see everything. So Michael's wife, Aloma Groskoff said, Michael, I've got the girl for you. She's completely confident. She's gorgeous. So when I went into the office at Fox, they said, okay, take your shirt off and squat. And I was like, no problem. I did it. And then I went home and they said, okay, Jean-Jacques is going to go around the world and look for somebody. And you're high on the list. Two years. Oh my God. It was the, no, it was like six months later. They still hadn't found anyone, but Jean-Jacques was not giving me the role. it was like six months later, they still hadn't found anyone.
Starting point is 00:33:06 But Jean-Jacques was not giving me the role. He was like reluctant, but they didn't have a girl. So Michael Groskoff said, Radon, you've got to come to London and do this rehearsing. He goes, but you still apparently don't have the part. So I never got the role in Quest for Fire. I just did the role. And because of that,an-jacques and i were at each other's throat the whole time he was such a dick to me and it almost ruined my whole career because i thought well if this is making movies then i'm out i'm tapping out right
Starting point is 00:33:37 and at one point he was so unbelievably french and horrible that i i think I was going to leave. I think it was in Scotland. I was just going to go home. And Everett McGill, Namir Al-Khadi, and Ron Perlman, they said, if you leave, we will leave. So you can't leave because misery enjoys company. And we're so tortured on this film because Jean--jacques has this really sick sadistic side with his actors um that it was like the group of us had to do this together i know it sounds so it sounds so fucked up like uh so fucked up like we started talking about dysfunction and now there's just
Starting point is 00:34:18 dysfunction everywhere i guess but you had to be so strong to do this movie and at one point for instance to give you an example of how crazy it was, I'm in Africa, we're doing a scene, and I step on a thorn. And I'm barefoot. I mean, the whole time I'm naked. I'm barefoot, and this big thorn goes through my foot, comes out the other side. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:34:37 The crew was so stressed, so overworked. I said, could someone help me take this out? Because it's really hard to un-stab yourself. Right. No one could do it. They were all like, I'm so sorry. That makes me throw up. I mean, it was like and I had to sit down on a stump and pull out this giant. It was like a Christ thorn. And I thought, oh, my God, I'm stuck on this lame ass film with no one capable of helping me. And that's okay about your dog there, because, of course, you mentioned, how many pounds, 100 pounds?
Starting point is 00:35:09 Is that what we're? 100 pounds. 100 pounds, so. Doggy. If the dog needs to be part of the show, let me know, because I'm loving these stories. Anyway, that's what happened. Right, there's another, okay,
Starting point is 00:35:20 so Mike Richards, he's a local radio personality, and he writes, oh, my God, he's a local radio personality, and he writes, Oh my God, he says, I've seen Quest for Fire 50 times. He made a parody of it for the radio called Quest for Fire the Musical. He saw it live in the theater when it came out. He says, this is legendary for me.
Starting point is 00:35:40 So basically, we're all like, and Craig M writes in, what a cool movie, I loved it. Yeah, it's good. Yeah, it's great, but you got a Gemini for this, right? I got the, no, it's called something else. Well, it used to be Gemini, now it's like a screen award. No, it's the Oscar, but is it the Gemini?
Starting point is 00:36:00 Is it the Gemini? No, it's called something else. Yeah, I got the Best Canadian Actor Award. Thank God. I called it a butthead because it looks like a butt on a head. What are these called? The Genie. What did I call it? Oh, Gemini. Gemini.
Starting point is 00:36:14 Okay, Genie. The Genie. That's why they got rid of them. It was too confusing, I think. The Gemini. I mean, the Gemini is for television, I think. Okay, okay. You got a Genie. I got a Genie, and it was really cool to get that. And thank you, Canada. Do you still have it somewhere, like on display?
Starting point is 00:36:31 Yeah, I don't know where it is. When was the last time you saw your genie, Ray Dawn? Come on. Can I just tell you something? Anything. I think it's highly unhealthy to settle in on any award at any level. And I think I don't do acting or, well, certainly not at this point now that I'm a thousand years old, but I think that it's important to do it, to do everything you do for the joy of it. So not for the accolades. So even though I have a bunch
Starting point is 00:37:00 of little funny little things that people have given me over the years and I appreciate it, I also don't live for it. So I don't know where my awards are. I think they're somewhere. I use them for book, book holder. Yeah, that's a good idea.
Starting point is 00:37:12 I mean, I have to tell you, I value my, my, my acting work awards as much as I do my little tennis league awards. Cause I have those two. I'm excited. I know,
Starting point is 00:37:22 you know, I do a show with a gentleman here named Mark Hebbshire called Hebbsy on Sports. I co-host it every Friday. And he's like a diehard tennis guy. I'm just excited when I meet somebody who's passionate about tennis because I just tune in when there's a Canadian in like a Grand Slam final. That's when I watch it. I know, right? Like, what's her name?
Starting point is 00:37:39 Bianca Andreescu. Yeah. And Miloš Ranic. And her mother. And her mother, right. And Miloš Ranic. And her mother. And her mother, right. And Miloš Ranic, he was in a, I think it was a Wimbledon final like several years ago. Yeah, he was good. He's tall.
Starting point is 00:37:52 And speaking of genies, we had Jeannie Bouchard, but she never kind of climbed the mountain and now she seems to be. You know, I think with Jeannie too, I think it may be past, but that had to do, there's an example, there's an example of where everyone around you is saying you're going to be, you're going to be, you're going to be, you're going to be. It gets in your head. You can, you know, it's called the upper limit. There's a whole book about this called The Big Leap. There's a level of mental stability that you need to go to the next level of whatever it is that you do of mastery
Starting point is 00:38:25 and i feel like jeannie bouchard was given a lot of good stuff but then i think that her um support system was was lacking which is why she didn't have the um strength to get through and tell people to shut up and get out of here and leave me alone and let me get to the business of making tennis because one of the knocks i've heard and i don't know how fair this is was that well because genie happens to be very attractive like a marketer's dream if you will she was kind of maybe focused on a lot of peripheral things that maybe had less to do with the actual tennis well that's what i'm saying she needed people around her to say no to a lot of everything. And then just keep the good stuff, you know, and focus on the work and never to let anything go to your head. Right.
Starting point is 00:39:12 Okay. So back to just, this is actually about your dad again, because you mentioned Detroit because you mentioned Motown. And this gentleman named Rock Golf writes in, I got to ask about her dad. But before Cheech and Chong, he was in Bobby Taylor and the Vancouver's, a Motown act. What does she know about Bobby Taylor and the Vancouver's? Well, it was a band that my dad was in and Bobby Taylor, who passed away a couple of years ago in China, which is interesting because he'd always make fun of my dad and pretend to speak Chinese, which he would make up. And then he ended up dying, living forever in China. Isn't that weird? He would always go, don't you ever get that guy, like be really racist and make these funny noises.
Starting point is 00:39:56 And it turned out he ended up being Chinese and dying in China. So what do I know about Bobby Taylor and the Vancouver's? It was a soul band during the time of the 60s when soul bands were the thing and they were good and Barry Gordy signed them and then let's see one of the famous antidotes of that whole era was that my dad and Bobby brought this little band
Starting point is 00:40:18 to Barry Gordy and said you should sign them and it was the Jackson 5. Wow! And it wasn't Diana Ross who found the um the jackson five it was tommy chong and um bobby taylor yeah this is a mind blow a slow down so because yeah the the legend is uh diana ross diana ross did it no she just adopted them when they got there but they were brought to from from um they were in gary and my dad and uh and the band was on tour and i think they opened for them my my the the jackson five opened for bobby taylor in the vancouver's and once bobby saw them
Starting point is 00:40:55 sing he was like you guys have to be signed by motown so he told barry to bring this this band in and they did and they signed they signed him immediately that's incredible wow and so i met him when i was a little girl here's a here's a yeah an antidote i was seven years old maybe eight and i look like a little boy and i we were in bobby taylor's apartment and i said to michael do you want to go outside and play want to come play when i go outside and play and he looked at me and he froze and i said come on let's go outside and play and he just looked at me like he didn't know what to say and i think it was jackie he said we don't play oh is this like a jehovah witness thing dude i just remember looking it was like you know how dogs do that thing of huh sure and they said he said no we don't play and i just sort of walked away
Starting point is 00:41:47 thinking i had no my little girl brain didn't compute not being a child and not playing right so they were never allowed to play i mean the guy was like a task master he was like this evil horrible you know you're talking about Joe Jackson. Yes. And he just made those boys become so incredibly, like they sacrificed their childhood. And I remember that. I looked them in the face and they said, we don't play.
Starting point is 00:42:17 And I remember just thinking that is the saddest thing. So that tells, doesn't that tell you everything? Well, that's an interesting observation because you know he's famous for they talk about you know peter pan and never never never land like he had some kind of repressed childhood like yeah so if you're you know and i'm not the first to make this observation but if he was denied a childhood it may leak out in later years. Not May. It does. Right. The soul needs what it needs. Right. We need to have, let children be children.
Starting point is 00:42:48 Right. So that was one thing. And another, I'll tell you another story that I think is really good. Yeah, I love it. I love it. So I was little and I, because Bobby Taylor lived in this high rise that a lot of famous people lived in and I was obsessed with the Supremes as a little girl would be. Come on.
Starting point is 00:43:05 And I knew Diana Ross lived there. So I was in the the Supremes, as a little girl would be. Come on. And I knew Dinah Ross lived there. So I was in the elevator and the cleaners, I saw this cleaners guy with all the stuff. And I said, where are you going? And he goes, Miss Ross's apartment. So I followed him into Dinah Ross's apartment. And I went all the way to the back bedroom. And she had a mink bedspread wow and i got on to the bed and started swimming in the mink i don't blame you the lady the housekeeper said who are you
Starting point is 00:43:34 and i said i'm ray don chong and she said where do you belong and i'm with bobby i'm with bobby tell her department she's like well you better go home. So I got kicked out. Isn't that funny? See, your life is surreal. Like, this is, it's wild. Okay, so I want to shout out my- And then I sat Diana Ross up on a date with somebody really fabulous, and we talked about that, but she didn't remember. Because I think she came in and actually sent me home.
Starting point is 00:43:59 Okay, okay. Yeah, the Supremes were, I think, next to the Beatles. The Supremes were it. Yeah, the second mostes were, I think, next to the Beatles. The Supremes were it. Yeah, the second most hits, I think. Sure, sure. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, no, absolutely. We just did an episode on girl groups of the 60s, and they were number one of a bullet without a doubt.
Starting point is 00:44:17 Oh, yeah, oh, yeah. Wow. I like a lot of the Ronettes, but nothing beats the Supremes. No, we love her, and I loved her. She was such a cool woman. Yeah, but nothing beats the Supremes. And I loved her. She was such a cool woman. Yeah, Ronnie. Yeah, Ronnie Spector. She was so cool.
Starting point is 00:44:30 So cool. And she survived that horrible man. Oh, my God. Yeah, and then she comes in the, I think in the, well, I think. I know in the mid to late 80s, she has that, she's on that Eddie Money song where she's kind of doing the don't worry baby interloping part. Kind of a little comeback there. It's sort of nice, but you know what?
Starting point is 00:44:48 There's so much misogyny in show business. I mean, in rock and roll particularly. You think about all those background singers. They got paid. You know, they got paid, but they didn't get paid. You know, and it's rare that you see the groups go, let's give some, you know, royalties
Starting point is 00:45:04 to the girls. But you know what I mean? Like it's rare. And they're usually black women and it sucks. No, it sounds shitty. And I mean, let's face it, Phil Spector, literally a murderer. Like this is a fact. He's literally a murderer.
Starting point is 00:45:16 Oh my God. Yeah. Oh God. Yeah, but he did create some great things. See, you can be horrible and wonderful. Without a doubt. I mean, don't worry, baby. I mean, just go ask the Beach Boys.
Starting point is 00:45:31 Go ask Brian Wilson. He was obsessed with that wall of sound. Right, right, right. Yeah. It's funny, and the best directors are usually dicks. I mean, Quest for Fire is one of the best films I've ever done, but it took a strip off me. And you hear about people
Starting point is 00:45:47 working with these guys, these really good directors and usually it's difficult. Can I ask you about one? Steven Spielberg. Please don't tell me he was a dick because I believe him to be a decent dick. No, no, he was lovely. He was very sweet. He was like Peter Pan. Everybody just sort of
Starting point is 00:46:03 flutters around him and he's like the genius. He's like, he was like Peter Pan. Everybody just sort of, you know, flutters around him. And, you know, he's like the genius. He's like the boy genius. And we all, you know, really, I mean, once he wanted me to be knocked into a hole and I didn't really think that was cool. And then I said, you know, I'm not sure I agree with that. And it was like, yeah, Hutton speaks. The whole set got silent they were all waiting like what is she gonna say and he just looked at me and he sort of for a second he held my little opinion and then he said nope we're gonna do it my way and it was like EF Hutton and I remember thinking oh well that was interesting and this is the first didn't go over how did you get the role in
Starting point is 00:46:40 the color purple I had to audition and audition and audition and audition and audition. It was really a nightmare. And then they cut the role. It was like lame. I could have easily missed that party. It did nothing for my career. Nothing. There's a gentleman named... Go ahead. If you had something more to add to the
Starting point is 00:46:59 color purple. Well, I was just going to say, now they're redoing the movie and I'm super excited because I think it's going to be so much better than the original film. And they're using they're they're doing like a hybrid between the film and the play. And it's just going to be so much better. And I think her is playing Squeak and she's going to have a bigger role. It's just so much better. It's going to be so much better.
Starting point is 00:47:20 OK. Brother Bill is a good friend of this program, a fellow FOTM, and he was on the radio in Toronto for many years on CFNY, the Edge, like 102.1, the Edge. I always say Edge 102, but it was 102.1, the Edge. Okay. This is what he writes me. Ray Don Chong is a firecracker. Years ago, she dropped by the Edge at 228 Yonge Street
Starting point is 00:47:42 to inform me that we were incorrect regarding information about her father's arrest. So he remembers you, like you marched right in there, a firecracker, and you corrected the record there. Okay. Shout out to Brother Bill.
Starting point is 00:47:58 It doesn't make for good. You know what? The thing is, I've always been a big mouth, and that's why my sister and I were never molested, you know, because we were always like, we were around a lot of like band members and weirdos. And my dad had three nightclubs. So you can imagine the characters that we grew up around as little girls. And we were, there were six of us, my um cousins my my dad's brothers four kids and myself and robbie and we were little cute little muffin girls and you know sweet little bunnies
Starting point is 00:48:32 and uh we were around three nightclubs and drunks and we used to play this game where the rummies would hold that we remember you called them rummies back in the day right that's a canadianism but um and it's not appropriate now so forgive me but back in the day they were called rummies back in the day. That's a Canadianism, but, and it's not appropriate now. So forgive me. But back in the day they were called rummies and we were little girls and the guys would, the drunk guys or the recovering drunk guys would hold out quarters and we would grab them. And I mean, they could have grabbed us, but that was considered a fun thing for us little girls to do. And now I think about it, it was like, I'm horrified. Wow.
Starting point is 00:49:06 Wow. That rummies expression. I think Dave Thomas, he played a character on The Simpsons, and I think he used the term rummies in that, if I remember correctly. Did he get arrested? Did he get canceled? Dave Thomas is a sweetheart. He gave me like three hours to just pepper him with SCTV questions.
Starting point is 00:49:22 I love that. No, he's a good dude. Yeah. And his brother's great too, Ian Thomas out of The Hammer. Okay. You weren't molested and I'm happy to hear that.
Starting point is 00:49:31 No, we weren't molested but if you think about it, when you're sort of un... I mean, it wasn't like my parents didn't love us or watch but we were kids of the 60s and my dad was my dad and my mom was busy.
Starting point is 00:49:43 So I think we were unsupervised, really. So I think that that's, I'm amazed we're not dead. So I'm just going to say it. I'm glad you're not dead, for what it's worth. You've got to keep on living, okay, to fight another day. Can I ask about your relationship with Mick Jagger? Because you're in the video for, well, you're in a few, but you're in just another night. I just got into so much trouble because, of course, I had my own apartment when I was 15.
Starting point is 00:50:10 I lived in Los Angeles in Beverly Hills. The landlord rented the apartment to me because I was super tall for my, you know, I was old. I was 5'8". I looked like an adult. And obviously the landlord had bad eyesight because he looked me in the eye and said, you can have the apartment. So I got an apartment at 15. I rented myself an apartment at 15 and uh uh yeah so I lived on my own and then I was doing ghost season New York City hanging out with my friend Mackenzie Phillips and I met him and 1970s Mick Jagger was gorgeous it was like Timothy Chalamet he was so pretty with those big fat lips and that
Starting point is 00:50:47 tousley hair. And I looked like a little Moroccan boy. And we hooked up. And so I'm doing a podcast and they asked me how I got the role in Commando. And I mentioned that I was in a Mick Jagger movie. And they said, how do you know Mick Jagger? And I said, oh, I used to fool around with him when I was a a Mick Jagger movie and they said, how do you know Mick Jagger? And I said, oh, I used to, you know, fool around with him when I was a teenager. Well, apparently there's no statute of limitation, which I know now. And I will say that for people, especially young girls that are trafficked, not to be insensitive to their plight.
Starting point is 00:51:20 And I'm not, but not everybody is trafficked and not everybody is traumatized. And so at 15, living on my own, I was one of the most adventurous, sexually advanced girls. And yes, I was underage, but I had my own apartment. And so needless to say, I had discovered this fun thing called sex and got to meet Mick Jagger. And he was fine and gorgeous and yummy. And I was like, yeah, I'm down. I'm down with this experience. I know. I hear you. Like you're basically saying you knew what you were doing. But it wasn't that I knew what I was doing and I won't ever say that. And I was definitely a child, but I was a an emancipated child and I still feel that sex is a super fun thing to do. And I was underage, but I didn't
Starting point is 00:52:10 feel trafficked at all or out of my league. And let's face it, all the men that I slept with that were adults and I was underage, they were all immature. And I have to say, I looked like a little Moroccan boy, so I think they're all gay, too. No comment from yours truly on that, but I will say that... Am I going to get in trouble? Are we going to make... No, I mean... Yes, we are. I just think that...
Starting point is 00:52:34 I don't know what age Mick is at this time, but he might be in his 30s. He's 33. 33. 33-year-old Mick is supposed to know better than to have sex with a 15-year-old. And I don't think he ever asked me how old I was. And I probably would have told him.
Starting point is 00:52:47 But you said you look like a Moroccan boy. Like, like you clearly don't. I did. I look like a little Moroccan boy. So you don't look 25. You know what I mean? No, no, I'm sure. You know what?
Starting point is 00:52:55 But let's face it. When you're a rock star, I'm amazed. You know, I mean, that's what happens. You just you just things are brought to you. You know, things are given to you. It's not you it's not like it's there was no no in that world everything was yeah so what movie what mick jagger movie were you in i did a um i did his first solo video movie it was called just another night big hit
Starting point is 00:53:17 that was a big hit it was his hit and then um we did like this thing called running out of luck which was this julian temple scriptless um thing in brazil and i'm in i'm the girl i play slave girl which is really you know annoying but um there was no script it was just like i don't know what we were doing but it was fun and i got to hang out with him but by then we had been friends for a long time so all that other stuff was was was not happening but but how does this jerry hall was there with us anyway so he had to behave how does this lead to your role in commando because i'm dying to know about commando rotation on um mtv remember mtv there was a little thing we had much music right you had much music and mtv and it was a thing like you you careers were
Starting point is 00:54:03 made when you were now it's's, what do you call that? It's reality television that makes careers. Not as fun. It was MTV and I was in heavy rotation with Just Another Night and so because of that, I got in on the audition for Commando.
Starting point is 00:54:21 Is it true? Yeah. I was going to ask about, I'm kind of prepping and there's some talk that there was a an interracial love scene that they cut out of that movie yeah i think we all agreed that it was stupid because if there's a child's life at risk there's no way you're gonna have an erection if your baby is being held captive come on man that's gross yeah it's like wait a second let me fuck this bitch while I go save my child. I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:54:48 But what was it like working with Arnold Schwarzenegger? Well, I sort of am tired of talking about him because they always ask me about him. It was exactly like you would expect. I was young. I was in a small car with him for a long time. So it was fun. He was a bit handsy, but it was young. I was in a small car with him for a long time. So it was fun. He was a bit handsy, but it was fun. Remember, yeah, you're tired of talking about it.
Starting point is 00:55:11 You've been talking about it for decades, but this is my first chance to talk to you about this. 40 years. Yeah, I now tell people, you pay me $100,000, I'll tell you anything you want to know. Wow. No, I'm just sick of it because I feel like it's a little bit misogynist.
Starting point is 00:55:26 No one ever asks like, you're asking me questions about me, which I really appreciate. But somebody, I think it was Richard Gere once said to me, they always ask you about your father. They never ask you about you. And I was like, he's right. And this is right as I was just getting off the stage from Dick Cavett, who was
Starting point is 00:55:42 just asking me about my father. Right. But he does cast quite the shadow, right? Because, I mean. No, I don't mind talking about my dad because he's my dad. But then now I got to talk about Arnold or I got to talk about Mick Jagger or I got to, why don't you ask me,
Starting point is 00:55:56 what else can I tell you? Am I not that interesting? Okay. Well, no, you're fascinating. The problem is this is all part of your zeitgeist, like your story. I know, it's part of your zeitgeist, like your story. Like, I mean, Mike Rogoski writes in, great guest. She's terrific. Can you ask her what it was like working with Ron Perlman? Well, see, this is, that's interesting because I never get asked
Starting point is 00:56:17 that question. Ron Perlman is one of the best people to work with because he never stops entertaining. He's like always on. So in this particular frame, we were being tortured by this French auteur on a film in very uncomfortable locations. We were either freezing or boiling. Always our feet were hurting. Always we had some kind of pestilence, you know, biting us it was
Starting point is 00:56:47 vital to have a running commentary like those scenes when you see us running in the in in the far distant ron is going taxi taxi like things that would keep us laughing excuse me but my feet are bleeding i mean ron perlman is like a Catskill comedian. And so all I can say is that thank you, God, for Ron Perlman, because there were moments that we thought we just were not going to live. We're not going to survive. We're standing in leech-filled water for five hours, and the leeches are attaching.
Starting point is 00:57:26 And this director, we're not even in frame. Wow. Wow. You had a role on a St. Elsewhere. I know. Isn't that amazing?
Starting point is 00:57:38 I kind of haven't seen it in a long time, but yeah, I've been around for so long. Like, can you see it? Like, I feel like those kinds of shows, they seem to have like they're there while they're happening happening youtube yeah okay youtube because also i was on lou grant and i was so cute and pookie my little tummy because i just had my baby 40 years ago i just
Starting point is 00:57:54 saw and i had this long hair i was so pretty i used to be so pretty well you say that like you're not pretty today like i'm staring at you on Zoom right now and you look amazing. Thank you, sweetheart. But you know, in that kind of 20 year old pretty, there's a whole different kind of pretty. When you're 20, you're sort of flawless. When you're 61, you're kind of like less flawless. That's ageist. Okay, Rae Dawn, you're being ageist here. I'm being ageist against myself. Your friend, it's funny because your friend, Mary Eustace who we talked about off the top, she's 60 and she just took all these photos for exes
Starting point is 00:58:30 and uh-ohs. She's so unbelievably beautiful. With Dean McDermott but she's got the skin of like a 29 year old. Well she takes care of herself as you know everybody does. You have to take care of yourself. I mean I feel like when I go they're going to say, God, she looks good.
Starting point is 00:58:46 Well, hopefully it's not for a long time. But here's my, so, you know, yes, I have more questions. And some of them are going to ask about co-stars and stuff. But I have a question about your hair. When did you decide to let it be its natural tint, if you will? Yeah. Okay. to let it be its natural tint, if you will. Yeah. Okay, so one day I was driving somewhere about six years ago, and the sun was hitting it,
Starting point is 00:59:11 and there was like five different colors of brown. It looked so bad. It looked like, I felt like I looked like one of those, just one of those silent film stars. Oh, like a magician, maybe? Yeah, it was just like the sun hit it and I could see there were like five different colors going on. And I thought, you know, I'm fighting a battle that I'm not going to win
Starting point is 00:59:32 and let me see what it looks like. And so I just chopped it all off. I got rid of the chemicals. And then I also realized that I think dyes, the chemicals we put in our hair, I think they're hormone disruptors. I don't even paint my nails anymore because of it. I think that we ingest and put a lot of really highly toxic stuff in our bodies. And at my age now, I'm post all that hormonal disruption.
Starting point is 01:00:01 It's just nice not to have that battle going on. Like I get worried about, I mean, we're all going to probably get cancer because that seems to be the thing. But I, I just try, I just decided that I'm not going to die anymore. I'm not going to paint my nails. I'm just going to, you know, I just going to take care of my body, try to eat as well as I can, not too much fasting, you know, just try to take care of this carcass because this next this last part of my life this next 30 years I want it to be comfortable like I'm just starting Aikido because I want to add another element to my fitness and I thought Aikido I'm never going to be good at it because I'm too old but I figured I want to be a beginner and I think it'll be good for my tennis
Starting point is 01:00:45 and I think it'll be good for my bar class. Like you have to sort of, I feel like at this point you have to design your future. So that's why I'm gray is because I don't like chemicals on my brain. So you're not going to die because you don't want to die. I'm not going to die because I don't want to have a brain tumor. Like I think they say Jacqueline't want to have a brain tumor like i think they they say jacqueline on ass has died of a brain tumor but she used really powerful toxic black dye for her hair for years and there's a you know there's a theory that it could have been
Starting point is 01:01:16 the dye i mean something's gonna get us for sure but let's not facilitate it plus i think that gray sometimes i look tired but sometimes i look at it plus i think that gray sometimes i look tired but sometimes i look at myself and i think i look amazing well i was going to say there's obviously not with me necessarily but society has this double standard with the gray hair like we had a big kerfuffle here in canada because one of the big news anchors lisa laflam stopped dying her hair during the covid19 pandemic and whenever i mean if pick a guy, like name a newscaster guy, no one cares if they dye their hair. Like, so me, I could go, you know, I got.
Starting point is 01:01:52 No. And you know, that's natural. I'm jealous. I'm jealous of guys get to just like blow up, gray up, triple chin up. And everyone's like, they still look at, you know, dignified. Women have to still look like QP dolls or porn stars. And I say, fuck that. I am sick of it.
Starting point is 01:02:08 And I don't want to go out with somebody who wants me to shave my bush and try to be a 12-year-old. I think that's gross. But you don't want to blow up. You notice I'm leaving that there. But you don't want to blow up because you're a tennis player. You've got to be fit to compete in your tennis tournament. You've got to be fit.
Starting point is 01:02:24 I mean, I was just watching myself in the interview with a vampire, a tennis player like you got to be fit to compete in your tennis you've got to be fit i mean i was just watching myself in the um interview with the vampire and i'm wearing like a lot of clothes and stuff and i'm just i'm actually getting um i believe i just think i look really chunky in that show but i have like 5 000 you know yards of fabric so back in the day the bustle the breast thing you know, and it's like, there's you're damned if you do, if I had to be like, you have to be like rail thin to look thin on television. So I've never been thin except in quest for fire.
Starting point is 01:02:58 And now as I'm older, I'm noticing it's like, I got to be careful with the angles. Like if it's under here and you know, David O. Russell, I was complaining. I said, God, you you know i don't know if i'm gonna act much longer because i feel like i look really old and fat and he goes no radon you've got to control where the where the camera goes and i was like david you can say that to me because you're david o russell but if i go on a set and say excuse me move that camera a little to the left see it sounds it sounds tough. It sounds tough, this Hollywood world that you've chosen. You mean aging, right? Yeah, yeah. Can I tell you something? It is tough, but you know what it really is? It's a world of fear. They're all afraid. Even the top, huge, green, lightable
Starting point is 01:03:42 executives, everyone's afraid of replacement. And I'll tell you something. I recently was with somebody who is the most powerful person in Hollywood. She's a super billionaire. She owns all of the, her name is Mickey Lee and she's Korean and she owns BTS. She is the producer of the best Korean films. She's just this little angel. And she's the
Starting point is 01:04:07 one I found out reading her biography. She financed Katzenberg and Spielberg. She was the first one to make DreamWorks to finance them. But what was my point? She's powerful and she has really good taste. So unless you're an heiress or an heir and can come in with cake, you're always scared of replacement. So Hollywood is really this nest of frightened people trying to stay relevant. By the way, South Korea got hammered by Brazil today, four to one, I think. But they're the prettiest people and they make the best movies. The new movie, Decision to Leave, is extraordinary. It's so good.
Starting point is 01:04:53 And Parasite was one of the best films. These guys are really good filmmakers. They're doing really good stuff. I'm not a BTSer, but one of my godchildren is totally into BTS. She's just like apoplectic in love with every single one of them those who like bts like them a lot yeah it's crazy and um mickey lee's really sweet she gives the best parties if there's a if i get an invite and it's from mickey lee i am there because that woman knows how to put on a bash do you ever find yourself in toronto like when was
Starting point is 01:05:22 the last time you were in tor? It's been a long time. There's nothing here to bring you here I guess. There's nothing. Yeah, it's usually work. My sister lives there, Precious Trump. She's a comedian and she's fantastic. She's doing a record I think. She's doing a live record, comedy record. She's so clever.
Starting point is 01:05:40 Yeah, nothing ever really brings me there unless it's work and I'm always keen. I love Toronto. Toronto's good. It's always been good to me. it's work. And I'm always keen. I love Toronto. Toronto's good. It's always been good to me. You mentioned music there. So I'm going to ask you if, uh, this is from Kevin Bailey, but I listened to the song and now I'm dying to know the answer. Do you know anything at all about the song by Alice in Chains, Love Song?
Starting point is 01:06:00 No. Because your, your reference throughout this, it's not actually, I'm a big Alice in Chains fan. This is not a big Alice in Chains fan. This is not a great Alice in Chains song. But Ray Don Chong is repeated over and over again in this song. It's the name. My name does it. I'm in CrossFit Puzzles.
Starting point is 01:06:15 It's the name. It's like three gongs. No, I've actually not heard that song. I've only heard a little bit of the rap song where the guy talks about murdering me. Right. But I've had a couple songs written about me, which I think is really interesting.
Starting point is 01:06:29 But you see, this is another thing. I don't think it's that healthy to think about that stuff, because it's sort of weird. But it's neat to have songs that reference you. I guess. I don't know. I just think it's really important not to be famous in your brain but how
Starting point is 01:06:47 would you uh support your lifestyle like like you understand that well tell me more about what you exactly mean by that because your fame you're only famous because you've chosen to do work for money that puts you in screens and in people's living rooms and in theaters like that makes you famous yeah but I don't ever I don't ever bank on it i never sit with it i never i never use it i mean it's there are perks and i notice people are a little bit nicer or i'll get pulled over once i was speeding in a really souped up fantastic um m class bmw and it was like 6 30 in the morning and i was on the S-curve of Sunset, and I had Madonna blaring on the radio, and it was my then-boyfriend's car, and I was just going as fast as the car could take me, which was really fast.
Starting point is 01:07:32 And I got pulled over. But I didn't say I wasn't speeding. I just said to the guy, no one's on the road. I'm driving this, and listen to what I got on the radio. You would do the same thing. And you know what he said? You're right. Because you're Radon Chong.
Starting point is 01:07:47 And I think it was because he's a Commando fan. Sometimes it's just like, it's just a fact of life. What do you think you'd be doing with your life if you never got into acting? What would you be doing for a living? Well, why don't you ask me what am I interested
Starting point is 01:08:04 in? What are some of my interests now? What are some of your interests now, Rae Dawn Chong? I'm obsessed with permaculture. I'm obsessed with city planning. I'm obsessed with urban renewal. I'm obsessed with trying to find a solution to our homelessness. I'm obsessed with recycling and making Los Angeles a better water catchment place. Isn't that crazy? So what are you doing? I like farming. Okay. So all of that you just said there sounds amazing.
Starting point is 01:08:32 But even living the life is like the first thing you can do, but it shouldn't be the last thing you do. And I'm just channeling FOTM Diane Sachs, who was the environmental commissioner for Ontario. And she kind of, cause I bike everywhere. I've got a very small carbon footprint, but she's like, that's the first thing you should do, but it better not be the last thing. Like Diane literally ran for city council so she could affect more change.
Starting point is 01:08:56 Like, what are you doing Ray Don Chong to affect change in this climate emergency? So I have an RV, so that's a very big carbon footprint but i try to drive it someplace and park it for a month i don't drive around in it um and i don't take um jets anymore i'm not much of a player so what do i do i try not to drive too much i do i do ride my bike everywhere that i can i love that i have a scooter of. If it's a little further than my bike can take me, or if it's like a meeting, um, what else do I care about? I recycle. I also compost, which is crazy. Um, I'm obsessed with worms. I understand. I love the idea. I would love the idea of Los Angeles
Starting point is 01:09:43 becoming, um, what I would love Los Angeles as a whole city to use composting toilets instead of doing our business in drinking water, which I think is really like the opposite of Dune. And I think that Los Angeles is more like Dune and we live like we live on, like we're in the Pacific Northwest where we have endless amounts of water. Um, yeah. So what am I doing for my, I'm just, I try to support more consciousness and I am desperate, excuse me, to, I'm desperate for us to sort of overcome the violence matrix. What's the, what's, what's your dog's name real quick here and then back to the violence matrix. This is Augie.
Starting point is 01:10:18 Augie's just a really spoiled, Augie, come up and say hi. Come on. Augie. Come on, show him. Shout out to Augie. Can you see him? Oh, now I do. Yes. Wow. Beautiful. Okay. Look, that up and say hi. Come on. Aggie. Come on, show him. Shout out to Aggie. Can you see him? Oh, now I do. Yes.
Starting point is 01:10:25 Wow, beautiful. Okay. Look, that's a big dog. That's a dragon. I like, because you blur, no, you have this background. So it's like, there's, there's Aggie. And then Aggie just like disappears, like into the, the, the. I'm going to go do something.
Starting point is 01:10:38 I'll be right back. Yeah. You go do something here. Cause that gives me a chance to thank some of the sponsors of this program. So I want to say thank you to Great Lakes Beer and Palma Pasta because we had TMLX11 at Palma's Kitchen on Saturday. I saw so many great FOTMs there and we all got to drink Great Lakes, which was delicious. And everyone got a full meal from Palma Pasta. It was actually a magic day. So thank you to everybody who came out. Somebody said there was like 75 people in total
Starting point is 01:11:04 who came out and that's unbelievable. And thank you Elvis for co-hosting with me, but everybody can hear TMLX 11 because I dropped it in the feed Saturday. I just want to say thank you to You go to, upload your image and you can get stickers and decals and temporary tattoos and all this great stuff. And they've been wonderful, wonderful partners of this program. You know, speaking of Tommy Chong and Cheech and Chong, it makes me think of Canna Cabana because Canna Cabana will not be undersold
Starting point is 01:11:34 on cannabis or cannabis accessories. They have over 140 locations across this country. And I want to shout out Ridley Funeral Home, pillars of this community. Since 1921. And Brad Jones was at TMLX11. And he co-hosts.
Starting point is 01:11:52 He's the host. I'm the co-host. Life's Undertaking. So subscribe to Life's Undertaking. And soon I will shout out a couple of other podcasts. You should listen to. Welcome back Ray Don Chong. Thank you. so did you want
Starting point is 01:12:07 to explain that a violence matrix here before i get to a few more questions okay so here's the thing with the patriarchy right in our violence matrix it's been going on for about 10 000 years and um humanity has has industrialized has has gone dominance. It's dominant, it's violent, and we've just crushed each other. And we've treated the planet as if it's this disposable thing. And in order for the species to survive, we have to switch up and go into what would be a healing biotope. We have to begin to live with nature and in a harmonious dance with nature. And then not only does it unleash and allow us to heal
Starting point is 01:12:57 so many of the things that are broken, but it also, I think the flow or the, there's what they call the sacred matrix, which will show us where water is, which will help us grow things and plants. It's like the universal flow. We have been so out of, I think, the chi or the flow of the universe for about 10,000 years. And we've just done it in this kind of, mean patriarchy i'm gonna knock it a bit but it's time for the feminine and i don't mean necessarily female but it's time for the feminine to um be um more prolific and much more in leadership and i think it will heal you know it's like what's his name tucker carlson talks about how the sperm count men is really low and
Starting point is 01:13:42 then we have all these incels and And I think in order for the patriarchy to actually heal, it needs to relinquish control. There's a lot there to digest. I got blindsided by the Dean and Son post and I was processing it. Now I have to kind of digest this, but I will shout out Helen Tansey.
Starting point is 01:14:02 I produce her show and her show is called The Feminine Warrior and she speaks much like you. I think actually she would love to talk to you now that I think about it. Well, I mean, this is the thing. I mean, did you see that piece on the Prime Minister of New Zealand
Starting point is 01:14:15 was asked a sexist question in front of the Prime Minister of Finland who happens to also be a beautiful woman. And I think her name is Jacinda Ardem. And she said, she basically just said, what do prime ministers talk about? We talk about commerce and things that about our countries. The fact that we're women has nothing to do with the fact that we can find things to talk about. It's, it was such a sexist question and it makes you kind of realize again we're talking education yeah i mean that's not a
Starting point is 01:14:46 question a a male leader would uh no and to and to sort of dismantle the the supremacy of patriarchy doesn't mean to destroy patriarchy it doesn't mean to hurt men it means to embrace it means to integrate it means to say how about this how about if we co-lead how about if we cooperate what so so what's as a uh i'm not i'm not just a feminist right i'm um a lover of all things i've talked about it before i love love i think it's important to be kind well as you know i listened i was I was there live, and then I re-listened to that episode three of X's and Uh-Oh's, which you're on, and yeah,
Starting point is 01:15:29 you love love, and love is beautiful, but me as a white guy, a white straight male, cis male, what should I do? I have to provide for my children. I have to keep going. I will be your ally, and I will amplify your messaging.
Starting point is 01:15:45 Yes, please. It's not just men that need to reboot and upgrade. You know that thing that says we're updating your system? Sure. We need a reboot and an update of the whole system. And it's not just men that need to do this. Women actually sustain the patriarchy because it's what they know. And women have a tendency to burn witches.
Starting point is 01:16:08 If you look at the history, when they were burning witches, it was women just as much as the men that were pointing the finger because people don't like change. People are threatened, especially ignorant people. So I say to people who don't know, instead of fighting it or saying it's wrong because they don't know about something, how about this? How about, huh? Huh, that's interesting.
Starting point is 01:16:31 In fact, this is a bad example of it, but I have learned to shut up and listen. And I really do. Or say, I don't know. God, that's interesting. I don't know about that. That's something I can look into. Right. Huh.
Starting point is 01:16:50 Instead of immediately going to the defensive, immediately. I mean, I will say something else too with trauma, especially intra-familial sexual trauma. A lot of times the perpetrator is assisted, enabled by the mother, you know, because the mother's afraid for her core bottom line, which is we won't have a house who's going to take care of us. So I'll look the other way. And so that kind of that kind of wound is huge. So it's not just the patriarchy that needs an upgrade and a reboot. It's the feminine, the damaged female. Now, I know Augie wants your attention, but you still have a little more time just because I don't want to leave these questions. I do. He's just being a dick. And he's really spoiled. I'm just scared of
Starting point is 01:17:30 Augie because he's bigger than I am. He just wants to go outside and kill things. He wants to go kill some squirrels. He's okay. He can ignore them. His mom was in commandos, so okay. By the way, I've got to say, super fun, happy slide. This person's grandmother thought you were absolutely adorable
Starting point is 01:17:49 when Commando came out. Aw, thank you, Grandma. I was adorable. I was cute. Oh, absolutely. And that's a big movie. I mean, that's a huge movie to be on. Phil Sounds, though, has a quick Commando question
Starting point is 01:18:04 since I brought you back to Commando Phil Sounds, that's actually like his handle on Twitter Bill Duke and David Patrick Kelly she has great scenes with both actors in the movie what a great cast overall so do you have any thoughts on Bill Duke and David
Starting point is 01:18:20 Patrick Kelly? They were both amazing, great actors I felt honored, I still have a little connection to them. We're all on Twitter. So we support and like each other's tweets. But yeah, that was just a really fun high moment. I liked it. What's your Twitter handle?
Starting point is 01:18:36 Real Ray Dawn Chong. R-E-A-L Ray Dawn Chong. Okay, I was looking for it and now that I know you're out there, I'm a big Twitter guy. I'm going to follow Real Ray Dawn Chong. Yeah, I love it. I check in every day.
Starting point is 01:18:52 Everyone's leaving because of Elon Musk. I'm going to stay. Yeah, I'm staying too. I really enjoy it and I get a lot. I like it. I like it. I don't get too reveal-y on it, but I definitely, I like the fact that it's a good platform. I,
Starting point is 01:19:06 you know, you get a lot of information. I like it. I like, I actually like social media. But are you sure you're not Ray underscore Dawn underscore Chong? That could be me. Okay.
Starting point is 01:19:15 That's you. Cause I think the real one. The real Ray.Chong is my Instagram. Sorry. I'm following you right now. So this is an exciting moment. I'm now following you. Okay.
Starting point is 01:19:24 Next question. Real underscore. So it's Ray exciting moment. I'm now following you. Okay. Next question. So it's Ray underscore Don underscore Chong. Yeah, because somebody took my regular spelling. Yeah. But this is you. Okay. Because it says, have you ever asked God what can I do for you? Yeah, that's me. That's mine. Yeah, because
Starting point is 01:19:40 everybody always petitions the fourth. But have you ever said to the forest, what can I do? How can I do this? The question. Okay. So Mark writes in,
Starting point is 01:19:54 ask her how much fun. And there's a couple of people who mentioned this. I'm dying to get the story here, but Mark writes, ask her how much fun it was to do celebrity family feud. I know her sister precious, her and Robbie crushed family feud. And just before you answer Gare Joyce, who's actually going to be down here tomorrow,
Starting point is 01:20:11 we're going to film another episode of every spring up parade down Bay street. That's for the listenership. Gare writes three words, celebrity family feud, Chong's versus Lakers. How could the producers find an opposing team who smoke more weed than her father? You know what?
Starting point is 01:20:33 I had never watched it. I didn't know how to play the game, so immediately I messed up. But my sister, we're so competitive. This is the most competitive family. So we couldn't not win. That's just, I'm just going to tell you right now. Spoiler alert.
Starting point is 01:20:48 We had to win. And yeah, it was super fun. And my sister and I are so different that when we did the speedy thing at the end, you have to come up with things. I knew we were going to crush it because like my answer was something like hot dogs. Hers was hamburger. We're hers was hamburger we're so opposite that we would cover up you know we would fill in the blanks amazing yeah it was fun oh shit hold on my door my door you you get your door because i'm actually going to shout out a couple
Starting point is 01:21:17 of podcasts here real quick so when i got this news that i was being done dirty by the McDermott family, I had just finished a recording with Raymond James Canada. Raymond James Canada has a great podcast called The Advantaged Investor. Chris Cooksey is the host. Hey, Cooksey, saw him earlier today. Basically, if you want valuable perspective for Canadian investors who want to remain knowledgeable, informed, and focused on long-term success. You want the Advantage Investor Podcast from Raymond James Canada. Subscribe today. And while you're subscribing to that fine podcast, there's a wonderful podcast from Moneris called Yes, We Are Open. I had the host, Al Grego, at TMLX11. And thank you, Al, because you helped me so much setting up the audio. Al Grego has been to all 11 Toronto Mic listener experiences.
Starting point is 01:22:07 This guy is amazing. He's been telling the stories of Canadian small businesses and their perseverance in the face of overwhelming adversity on this podcast, Yes, We Are Open. And everybody can go to and subscribe to it today. Thank you, Al Grego, for the help. And thank you, Moose Grumpy.
Starting point is 01:22:26 Happy 50th birthday. And thank you to everybody who helped out, from Tyler Campbell to Lieve Fumka to Stephanie Wilkinson. So many good people. YYZ Gordon, Tom, I just want to say thank you for going and getting the beer from my car because we were running out of Great Lakes.
Starting point is 01:22:41 It was so well attended. So, wonderful day, TMLX11. Radon Chong, back. Thank you. I'm back. You're back. Okay, last thing, and then I'm going to kind of do a free-for-all,
Starting point is 01:22:52 like anything in your heart, on your mind. But I want to ask you about some comments you made about Spike Lee, because you mentioned that he was critical that you weren't, like, how do you represent a race when you said you belonged to six of them? Do you think this is worth the game, Stu?
Starting point is 01:23:07 I know, and you know what? At the time that Spike Lee attacked me, I was doing quite well. And if you notice, he always attacks people who at the time are doing well. He's just one of those guys that's really not a team player. And I just, you know, I have such a strange, strained, not a big fan of Spike Lee, although I like his movies. There's another irritation. That's like Phil Spector, right? Yeah. such a strange, strained, not a big fan of Spike Lee, although I like his movies. There's another irritation. That's like Phil Spector, right?
Starting point is 01:23:27 Yeah. He's like a really good filmmaker. He directs beautiful films. He's really good at it. And he's a little weasel. But yeah, he just attacked Soul Man. He never saw Soul Man. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:23:43 I just think people who do that are just like petty little fuckers. He's one of those guys that like would would I'm going to beat you up. Then he talks a big game and then you get him on the schoolyard or whatever. They become like all of a sudden they're running. You can't catch them. He's one of those guys. He's like what I call a he'll cut your hair,
Starting point is 01:23:59 your braid off and then he just bolts. I don't know. He's just not a very brave man. I don't like him. I know he makes good movies. you know he's a great filmmaker sure and I actually you know in some ways I can see what he saw and I can see that I didn't maybe I'm not Kiki Palmer I'm not one of the Dark Sisters but at the end of the day they're all gorgeous and they're all really good and I'm really glad that everybody's here now. It's like, I just happened to be one of the early ones,
Starting point is 01:24:27 you know? But now that there's so many, you know, mixed race couples, you have like, I have two children who are biracial, right? So their,
Starting point is 01:24:34 their mom is a Filipino descent. And then there's me and my honky tonk Irish background. Whatever's going on there. You need to do that just to make it stronger. Your kids must be gorgeous. They are gorgeous, but I always wonder. Nixies always make better babies.
Starting point is 01:24:49 I'm sorry. But you know where it works against you. And I am, of course, I'm a, you know, your love is love. Like I never,
Starting point is 01:24:55 you know, I'm not, you know, love is love. But when you need an organ donation, it can work, it can work against you because you need these matches. There's actually like a lot of stories about somebody who's a mix of filipino and irish or asia sorry uh european background
Starting point is 01:25:09 and we need this liver transplanted trying to find a match it's not as uh easy no it's probably not that it's probably complicated yeah i can imagine but i love knock on wood i hope i never need a transplant oh god no i mean i don't think anybody roots for a transplant like there's no one out there who's like i hope i can get a new heart one day maybe trump is watching that since he has no heart oh my goodness how are things down there before we say goodbye uh and by the way you're in la and it sounds like you're going to stay. But if anyone listening has any real estate questions at all, Sammy.Cone at Cone is K-O-H-N.
Starting point is 01:25:50 He'll take care of any real estate questions you have. But how are things? Like you're a Canadian-American, but you're living in the States. Well, it's really weird. And we did dodge a bullet with the midterms. So we're really excited about that. And we're about to see a lot of excitement with the midterms so we're really excited about that and we're about to see some a lot of um excitement with the new um congress coming in and it's just going to be a raging shit show so it's going to be really exciting so get your bag of popcorn and get ready for the uh
Starting point is 01:26:15 the clampets down here in america are about to put on a big show i think that um you know, America needed this upheaval, and I think that the new leadership in the Democrats with Hakeem Jeffries and the new whip, Susan, I think her name is Clark, I forget her first name, but we've got some good leadership happening, and I'm excited about the progressive
Starting point is 01:26:39 agenda, I think that AOC, and stop, and I just think that it's going to be... Tell Augie you're almost done, like we're in the last two minutes. I'm almost done, Augie, just give me a minute here. And I think that AOC and stop. And I just think that it's going to be. Tell Augie you're almost done. Like we're in the last two minutes. I'm almost done, Augie. Just give me a minute here. And I think it will be really good for the psyche to see the world's biggest, most corrupt human being go to jail. And everyone says, oh, he'll never go to jail.
Starting point is 01:27:01 Well, he'll probably run to Qatar or Saudi Arabia or he will die. But I think that he is there's no way that he's going to escape these espionage charges. I mean, he might get away with the Jan 6 thing, but I think that the the documents, I think this guy and then, you know, they know more about him. And I think this Jack Smith guy is like the anti-Muller in that he's just like, he's gonna, he's, he's, he's badass. I mean, if they don't knock him off, knock him with that, that doesn't happen. Cause I think he's still in the Hague. I think he's still in the Netherlands, but, um, I get nervous about, you know, his travel and his safety. It's like Fannie Willis down in Georgia.
Starting point is 01:27:45 You just know there's just these cracker assassins waiting to do Trump's bidding. And I think that the Stuart Rhodes, the Oath Keepers getting nailed for sedition, I think these are all looking good. I think that I know for me in America, and I think I speak for a lot of people, we are more than ready for these guys to get in trouble. And the Paul Gosars and the MTG, I mean, these people are just disgusting. And then they're exploiting and publicly, socially lynching Kanye West because he's so disabled. And everyone's like, oh, he's not mentally ill.
Starting point is 01:28:22 I think he's not only mentally ill, but I think this is a kind of social lynching that we're watching because it's self. He has no idea. He thinks he's being artistic, but he's really being used. But bipolar does not excuse anti-Semitism. No, no. And he's a hateful little troll. So it's really bad and it's sad. And I don. So it's really bad. And it's sad.
Starting point is 01:28:46 And I don't think it's going to end well. I hope Kim Kardashian has really good security. And yeah, it's going to be really gnarly. I mean, that's not going to end well. But I do think as a country, I would like to think that the DOJ has balls and they're going to take care of this guy. That's misogynist Ray Donchong. They don't need balls to take care of this, okay? Well, there's a lot of men in charge and they happen to have a couple sacks.
Starting point is 01:29:20 So let's just hope that they're made of titanium. Here's my wish. See, a woman like Fannie Willis, she doesn't care. And neither does Letitia James. And it won't probably, you know, they all say that Fannie Willis is going to get him on the election fraud. There's how many, I think there's something like nine heavy duty things that are just on the verge of cracking so you know i know you're all into it you're dropping these names some i know some i don't but i'm just like i'm like uh i guess like charlie brown i don't want to go run at this football least lucy's
Starting point is 01:29:56 holding and kick it because she's just gonna move the football like i'm like somebody ping me when they put cuffs on this guy because i don't believe it. I don't believe it's ever going to happen. Well, they say, a lot of people say, oh, he'll never go. I actually think he's, he'll probably croak. He probably,
Starting point is 01:30:14 like they say, all the little TV psychics say he's going to do a runner. I think he's going to have a heart attack. I mean, the guy's a drug addict. He's a... Adderall? Yeah, he's a snorter of Adderall. There's this comic, Noah Kassler,
Starting point is 01:30:28 who used to work on The Apprentice, a celebrity apprentice. Yeah. He's been on this program giving me some 411 here on Donald J. Trump. I mean, allegedly. You're supposed to say allegedly. Allegedly, that he allegedly shits his pants and is addicted to Adderall. Sniffs like a junkie. I mean, come on.
Starting point is 01:30:44 I mean, I grew up on drugs. Yes. I grew up with drugs, around drugs. And all I can tell you is absolutely there's drugs involved, especially junior. I mean, what does Rick Wilson calls him? What does he call him? It's a Cokie Railsby. Wow.
Starting point is 01:31:01 A lot to unpack here. Here's what I hope. I hope that we do this again. Like, I feel like I have a new friend in California, Ray Dawn Chong. I can't believe I'm friends. I want to hold you and hug you. Well, come to Toronto and hug the shit out of me. I want to hug you and hold you through this McDermott.
Starting point is 01:31:18 You know what, my new, okay, since I've talked to you about it, because remember, I got hit with this just before we started this Zoom. Like, I haven't really even even and I even had a phone call I had a phone call like are you okay like are you okay because and I'm like yeah I like am I not supposed to be okay like I'm kind of pissed off that I was done dirty like this
Starting point is 01:31:35 and it's bullshit and not fair but it's not over just so you know it's not over this is just one this is just one chapter well I'd like it to be over because I really I don't want to be in a family dysfunction in California. It's not my family. I just want to produce good audio content and share it with the world.
Starting point is 01:31:52 This is the best copy. This is like Nora Ephron would say, shut up, this is excellent. I should lean in? What should I be doing here? Lean in! My instinct is to ignore it. But you're telling me to lean in. Lean in. This is so juicy. This is so good. Because my instinct is to ignore it, but you're telling me to lean in. Lean in.
Starting point is 01:32:07 This is so juicy, and this is so instructive. And so I keep telling Mary Jo, as hurt as she is by all of this, this is so good. But that's her son, right? Like it's a whole different, you know, this is some guy I've never met. It's so core and primitive. But let me tell you something. Where is it written that kids are supposed to be loyal and loving and organized?
Starting point is 01:32:29 Well, it's not written, but. Where is it written that your kid is supposed to take your side? But your kid is supposed to respect you. No? Assuming you weren't an asshole. Where is it written? Where is that? Is there a covenant?
Starting point is 01:32:40 Is there a 10 commandment? My son's about to turn 21. And like to me, it's like i would be devastated i would be devastated if he did what this jack did to to mj like i just feel awful for her like i can handle it like come at me what i'm just some podcast producer like obviously i got done dirty and i got hit with some crossfire or whatever but mj's the mother here. I think it's liberating. I think if she's smart, she'll be hurt.
Starting point is 01:33:09 I think if she's smart, she'll sit back and have a tear or ten be hurt. But then I think she should realize I'm liberated. She is now set free. There is no... She's free. There's no... No, but that's what I'm saying. Now she doesn't have to feel guilty when it comes to her, she's free. There's no. But it's her son. No, but that's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:33:26 Now she doesn't have to feel guilty if when it comes to her, which he will for something, she can say, you know, no. It's like he no longer has. It's like when you take a position like this, you're no longer the kid. It's actually very liberating. I hope I never have to find out.. I hope I never have to find out. I just hope I never have to find out. It's a hard lesson and it's really painful,
Starting point is 01:33:50 but I pray for my friend that she can sit back and see the good that it is. Well, I hope we have, and I think we will, I hope we have more Ray Don Chong on X's and Uh-Oh's with Mary Jo Eustace, and I hope she keeps going because I love the show. Have you spoken to my sister Precious? No, I'd love to speak to Precious. Will you please book her and her partner? I forget her friends.
Starting point is 01:34:11 Can you introduce me like via email? I want to because she's so juicy and so smart. What neighborhood? Obviously, you don't need to give me two specifics, but what neighborhood of Toronto? No, she's in town. She lives in the Danforth, I think. Oh, yeah, of course.
Starting point is 01:34:23 East York or Danforth. Yeah, of course. Yeah, she's really, she's so groovy. lives in the Danforth. Oh, yeah. Of course. East York or Danforth. Yeah, of course. Yeah, she's really, she's so groovy. My sister is really amazing. I want to talk to Precious Chong. You should. She's a whole,
Starting point is 01:34:32 she's a whole thing. Well, thank you so much for this. I absolutely love this conversation. I needed it. Well, I give you a big kiss. And I liked our questions and thank you to all the people who wrote in questions.
Starting point is 01:34:43 I feel, I feel fabulous. One more off the people who wrote in questions. I feel fabulous. Oh, one more off the top of my head just before we say goodbye. What is your favorite film role of all time, the role that you're most proud of? Okay, it's a film that hardly anybody saw. It's the first film of Asandra Bullock, but it's called When the Party's Over. I love it when I don't see the answer coming. Okay, When the Party's Over. I'll dig that up.
Starting point is 01:35:04 I'm so good in this movie. It's really good. And what is your, I know you shouted it out earlier, but what is the active acting that we see Ray Dawn Chong in today? So right now I'm in the interview with a vampire. I'm in the first four episodes. I play Louie's mom. And then I'm also in Impeachment,
Starting point is 01:35:24 which was Ryan Murphy's American Crime Story. I did that a's mom. And then I'm also in Impeachment, which was Ryan Murphy's American Crime Story. I did that a year and a half ago. Those are great. And then I do 10 episodes. I play Betty Curry. And then I'm also in a new movie called The Sleeping Negro, which Mubi
Starting point is 01:35:38 is distributing. And I play a really good part in that. And then I'm also in this killer film that is so good, and we just won Los Angeles Film Festival. It's called The Mistress, and it's with Chastin Harmon and John Magero, who was in First Cow, and I play the mom of Chastin, and it's a thriller. It's like a Hitchcockian thriller.
Starting point is 01:36:00 It's not gory, but it's super scary and creepy, and it's called The Mistress, and it's called the mistress and it's directed by greg pritikin um and we just won los angeles film festival as best film jury prize so i'm i'm stoked i've got a bunch of good work coming out and i've got another little thing that i'm in but i forget it's like a edgar allen poe thing but i just show up as a weird nurse but um yeah it's work work is happening then I'm developing a show. What are you doing? Okay, you just got a million likes.
Starting point is 01:36:27 I'm developing a television show for myself, a sitcom that I've written. And I'm waiting to hear from some directors and showrunners. And then I also am writing a book on evil. I hope I'm not in that book. Okay. No, I write about like,
Starting point is 01:36:45 I'm writing about the lower self and about, I think that as a culture, we need to know more about how it functions. All right. I look forward to all this, man. You got me sold. These films being recognized.
Starting point is 01:36:56 I got to go check them out. Your whole, you know, IMDB page full of greatness. And it's, you're, you're fascinating. I really think this is just wild.
Starting point is 01:37:04 Thank you. so thank you Mary Jo Eustace you know what I might actually I might whatsapp call her right now to make sure because I had to I told her I had to pack up my stuff I was on Yonge Street really really really really raw
Starting point is 01:37:21 so yeah take care of her tomorrow with Strombo and I feel bad for her because if I feel like this imagine if it was my son who did this no for sure I feel bad on that level because it is always shocking when people you think should be on your side it's like Shakespearean really the whole thing is very Shakespearean
Starting point is 01:37:37 it's like anyway I gotta talk to her make sure she's okay because I really like her and I don't know what I did to piss off Dean McDermott but but I just got to be mean. Well, I think that's not the case. I think Dean is just looking at somebody who's at home saying, do this or else. I think he has an or else. So you're because you're being cute there.
Starting point is 01:37:57 But why don't you just you just just say it? I think that he was given an ultimatum. By whom? Choose. It's me or her. So somebody. Yeah. I think it's that core and basic.
Starting point is 01:38:16 And if he didn't choose, he was going to be out. He was going to be. He would have the boot. I don't. You know, I'm sorry, but I think that that's, it's as basic as that. It's choose. If you had told me when I started producing podcasts that one day the star of 902 and oh would mess with my career. I would not have believed you,
Starting point is 01:38:35 but here we are. Well, I do think, I actually think there's going to be another chapter to this and you're going to quote me on this and it's, you're going to get to, you're going to get to release all of it because I don't think he has very much going on. So I think that this is just one little tiny little blip in the middle of an ocean of action.
Starting point is 01:38:54 So that's me. All right. Thank you, Radon. Thank you so much. This was amazing. Yes. Bye. And that brings us to the end of our 1,165th show.
Starting point is 01:39:08 You can follow me on Twitter. I'm at Toronto Mike. My DMs are always open. Ray Dawn Chong is at Ray underscore Dawn underscore Chong. Our friends at Great Lakes Brewery are at Great Lakes Beer. Palma Pasta is at Palma Pasta. Sticker U is at Sticker U. Moneris is at Moneris. Raymond James Canada are at Raymond James CDN. Recycle My Electronics are at EPRA underscore Canada. Ridley Funeral Home are at Ridley FH. Canna Cabana are at Canna Cabana underscore.
Starting point is 01:39:49 And Sammy Cone Real Estate is at Sammy Cone. Again, that's K-O-H-N. See you all tomorrow. Thank you. won't go away cause everything is rose and green well you've been under my skin for more than eight years it's been eight years of laughter and eight years of tears and I don't know what the future
Starting point is 01:40:42 can hold or do for me and you But I'm a much better man for having known you Oh, you know that's true because Everything is coming up rosy and gray Yeah, the wind is cold but the smell of snow won't stay today And your smile is fine and it's just like mine And it won't go away
Starting point is 01:41:09 Cause everything is rosy and green Well, I've been told that there's a sucker born every day But I wonder who. But I wonder who. Yeah, I wonder who. Maybe the one who doesn't realize there's a thousand shades of gray. Because I know that's true. Yes, I do. I know it's true.
Starting point is 01:41:40 Yeah. I know it's true. How about you? I've been picking up trash And then putting down roads And they're brokering stocks The class struggle explodes And I'll play this guitar Just the best that I can
Starting point is 01:42:01 Maybe I'm not And maybe I am But who gives a damn Because everything Is coming up Rosy and gray Yeah the wind is cold But the smell of snow
Starting point is 01:42:18 Warms me today And your smile is fine And it's just like mine And it won't go away Cause everything is rosy and green Well I've kissed you in France and I've kissed you in Spain And I've kissed you in places I better not name And I've seen the sun go down on Chaclacour
Starting point is 01:42:48 But I like it much better going down on you Yeah, you know that's true Because everything is coming up Rosy and green Yeah, the wind is cold but the smell of snow warms us today And your smile is fine
Starting point is 01:43:11 and it's just like mine and it won't go away Cause everything is rosy now Everything is rosy Yeah, everything is rosy and gray Yeah, yeah Rosie and everything is Rosie and Grace.

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