Toronto Mike'd: The Official Toronto Mike Podcast - Scott Moore Bonus

Episode Date: October 19, 2018

This brief clip is from the episode of Hebsy on Sports recorded October 19, 2018. It's intended as a companion piece to the Scott Moore episode of Toronto Mike'd....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 all that coming up but first kudos to toronto mike for episode number 385 of his podcast i don't want to take anything away from episode 45 of hebsey on sports but episode 385 of the toronto mike podcast was outstanding because it was about sports yes thank you kind words from a guy whose opinion i have the utmost respect for thank you sir and that's the scott moore episode so scott moore was the is guess, for another few days as of this recording, or a while, he's on his way out, as the guy at Sportsnet, the last remaining, the last man standing from that big NHL deal
Starting point is 00:00:36 for $5.2 billion and a lot of the personnel changes. And you got him on your, how did you get him on your show, first of all, because nobody gets someone like that, especially in a long form interview where he names names, you know, kicks ass and he names names. It's funny when you're in it, you don't realize how, like what a good get it is. Like you don't have that kind of awareness. You just, I had a bunch, I had Moe Berg on the day before and I was just jazzed about Moe Berg being here.
Starting point is 00:01:02 You know what I mean? And then it's like, okay, Scott Moore's coming in and then, you know, doing another one. And it's like, you don't stop and realize that, yeah, that's kind of unique, right? That he would come into some guy's basement and answer all of my questions. Some of them, except for one question, which we'll get to. Yeah. But it was revealing because, you know, I mean, anytime you've ever heard, people have ever heard Scott Moore talk, it's about, you know, whatever the new programming is on the
Starting point is 00:01:24 network or we've hired, Ron McLean is back. It's like a PR, short little PR bit about why, I don't know, ice surfing is going to be the greatest thing since sliced bread. That's what you typically get. Or he'll do something with a Rogers property where they control it.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Yeah. Right. But he's on his way out. He's got one week to go. And on his way out, I guess, and he's got a big trip to Australia planned one week to go and on his way out i guess and he's he's got a big trip to australia planned like i think next friday's is well don't give too much don't get too much away it's episode 385 of toronto mike i'm passing it along because it was and i've probably listened to i'm gonna say i've listened to 150 of your episodes wow i'm gonna say more not not not half but i'd say about 150. Some really, really good ones, so check it out. Because it's about sports,
Starting point is 00:02:07 I'm recommending it. See, I wouldn't recommend you stop this podcast now to go and listen to any of Mike's other ones, but this one happens to be about sports. Except those Hebsey episodes. There's a bunch of good Hebsey episodes, including you kicking out the jams, which people should listen to. But Hebsey,
Starting point is 00:02:23 tell me if this is the right time to, I'm going to ask it anyways. Listen, you ask questions for a living and you're very good at it. So go ahead and ask away. So Scott Moore was here sitting in the same seat. Scott Moore, the outgoing president of Rogers Sportsnet. And NHL Properties.
Starting point is 00:02:40 Oh, and NHL Properties, 5.2 billion over. So he's sitting there and I said to him, I let him know that, and I'm sure he knew, he pretended he didn't know, but for sure he knew. Hebsey on Sports is on episode 44 at the time. And I said, it's great. I said, really, it's great. And I'm not saying that because I'm on it.
Starting point is 00:02:56 When I tell people to listen to an episode of Hebsey on Sports, they subscribe because it's just great. Beautiful. If you care at all about Toronto sports. So did you get them to subscribe? That would's just great. Beautiful. If you care at all about Toronto sports. So did you get him to subscribe? That would have been great. Probably already subscribed, to be honest with you. So he's here.
Starting point is 00:03:12 And I have a question because we talked about Jody Vance. Sure. I worked with her. She even sent in a clip. Yep. And my memory is, and you can tell me now if I'm wrong, but I believe Jody Vance got pushed to, she got moved to the 6 p.m. Sports Central.
Starting point is 00:03:26 What was it called back then? What was it called back then? Oh my God. Connected? Sportsnet News. I think it was. No, it was before Connected. When I was there, it was before Connected.
Starting point is 00:03:35 So many names, but okay. So I remember that I thought maybe that was the reason that Scott Moore pushed the legendary Hebsey out of Sportsnet because you got fired from Sportsnet. Well, what happened was, see, here's the deal. The word fired means is the same as your contract wasn't renewed. Right? The contract is a year. So everybody, as far as I knew when I started there,
Starting point is 00:03:55 everybody was like, you're on a one-year deal. And things go well after a year, like I guess at any other job. You know, unless you screw up royally or something happens, you start with a one-year. But this was a one-year deal. And I won't go into it too much, but after one year, see, this was my job. Scott hired me. I was at Headline Sports,
Starting point is 00:04:14 which is now Sportsnet 360. It was owned by John Levy at the time. And it's the score now. But I mean, it was a television network, right? Headline Sports. That's where Friedman came from. That's right. Friedman came from there. Greg Sansoni, I worked with there. Tim and Sid. Tim and Sid. All those guys. I worked
Starting point is 00:04:30 with all those guys. And what happened was I was working there and Scott Moore approached me and said, look, we really want you to come and anchor the 6 o'clock and 6.30 Sportsnet, no, Sportsnet News, I think it was called. Anyway, they were owned by CTV at the time.
Starting point is 00:04:47 So, uh, you know, I was pretty fairly proficient as an anchor, but what I found out when I got there was he kind of had sold me a bill of goods. First of all, I thought he was going to be my boss, but instead he introduced me to a guy who nobody had heard of you. He had just hired like a couple of weeks earlier who knew really nothing about sports except for English soccer right and it was sort of his job to make sure that we kept up with tsn because tsn was the only sports network up until that big head start huge head start so the idea was let's watch what tsn's doing and then we'll we'll see if we can do it better
Starting point is 00:05:19 when it should have been no no no let tsn do what they're doing let's do something different that's kind of why I was hired. Anyway, long story short, after a year of me doing the 6 o'clock sports for the East, which is Sportsnet East, which is Montreal and all of Eastern Canada, right? The Maritimes. I would do pretty much the same sportscast at 6.30 right afterwards, except just for the Ontario audience. So the lead story would change.
Starting point is 00:05:45 The lead story would be, instead of the Montreal Canadiens or something like that, it would be a Toronto story. That was at 6.30, so half an hour from 6 to 6.30. Then the same show, basically, except for a different lead, from 6.30 to 7. Okay? That's your early evening sportscast, which doesn't exist anymore.
Starting point is 00:06:02 They know. Nobody watches sportscast at 6 o'clock. But back then, that's what they did. Then I would go for dinner with Dave Duvall and Lloyd Robertson virtually every night. Wow. Starting at 7 o'clock, usually about 7.15, right, for about an hour or so.
Starting point is 00:06:17 Then I'd have to go back to the studio and do the 8 at 8.30 p.m., the same sportscast for Sportsnet West. Right. Right? Except a different lead same sportscast for Sportsnet West. Right. Right? Except a different lead story. You know, set up the Flames game. No, no, no, not Canucks. Sorry, sorry.
Starting point is 00:06:31 Pacific. Hey, hey. My apology. This is 8.30. I've already done two versions of the sportscast, the same sportscast, different lead. Now at 8.30, I'm doing one which is 6.30 local time in Edmonton and Calgary. I'm doing one with the Calgary or Edmonton or Regina or Winnipeg base. Same rest of it. And then, and then at nine 30, which is six 30 Pacific time, I'm doing one
Starting point is 00:06:50 for Vancouver and for BC with a lead story, you know, centering around the Vancouver sports teams, same, pretty much the same sports cast. So try doing that for a year. I wanted to seriously, I thought one day I would go in there and just shoot everybody, like gone postal. Because it just became mind-numbing. Because to do a show, like imagine doing your show four times, Mike. Same show, same show, but four times, but just slightly tweaking
Starting point is 00:07:15 the lead story for whatever region you're in. It's like working on an assembly line. And you're not even in that region. I'm living in Toronto. Do I give an F what's going on in Regina? Seriously. Instead I'm coming, hi everybody, Calgary Flames, I've won two of their
Starting point is 00:07:27 last seven games and they've scored 15 goals in 11. And it's, so now, as Scott Moore had mentioned to you, that six o'clock
Starting point is 00:07:35 early evening sportscast is no big deal anymore. You need something more than that. People can get their highlights everywhere. So there's the Scott Moore. So after a year,
Starting point is 00:07:42 they didn't renew my contract. Anything beyond that? I don't know. Do I hold grudges? Of course not. But, but, but, when there's the Scott Moore. So after a year, they didn't renew my contract. Anything beyond that? I don't know. Do I hold grudges? Of course not. But when Scott Moore was talking about this, it's the only time
Starting point is 00:07:51 in our 80 minutes where he said, I'm saving that story for my book. He's not. What story is he saving for his book? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:08:00 Something went down. You have a fist of cups with Scott Moore. No, not at all. Listen, I was there for a year. He was off doing figure skating, baseball, basketball, because he was the super. See, he was in charge of programming.
Starting point is 00:08:15 He was responsible for hiring all the talent, but he had other gigs. He was a producer. He was in the truck with Rod Black doing figure skating in Italy or whatever it was. He wasn't there for the day-to-day operation of it and i was like i'm like scott you know you hired me i gotta deal with this other guy here who doesn't like me see this guy other guy didn't like me either he didn't like the fact
Starting point is 00:08:34 that i had my own parking spot and i drove a big mercedes he didn't like that who's this guy think he is right so right off the bat it was like who's who's this hebrew guy think he is? Right. So right off the bat, it was like, who's this Hempstead guy think he is? Driving a Mercedes with a parking spot next to the door as if that, you know, made me a bad person.

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