Toronto Mike'd: The Official Toronto Mike Podcast - Stacey Thompson: Toronto Mike'd #417

Episode Date: January 3, 2019

Mike chats with radio host Stacey Thompson about being the last voice on 1050 CHUM, working at Flow, The Move and Boom, whether the Breeze is coming and so much more....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to episode 417 of Toronto Mic'd, a weekly podcast about anything and everything. Proudly brought to you by Great Lakes Brewery,, Paytm Canada, Palma Pasta, Fast Time Watch and Jewel. And census design and build. I'm Mike from and joining me is Boom Radio host, Stacey Thompson. I don't even know where to go from here. That's it. Thanks for coming. Yay! So, this is your first appearance
Starting point is 00:01:06 on Toronto Mike, but it's your third visit to my home, which sounds like salacious, but your wife knows everything's good, right? Why does Mike, I get some people would write me and be like, why do you keep taking selfies of Stacey?
Starting point is 00:01:21 And then there's never like a Stacey episode that drops. drops like where is this episode I think the first time we got together maybe should have been an episode because I think we talked for hours and um then by the second time we're kicking around you know we have mutual friends and everything so it's just well the second time it's like I always say this because I meet a lot of people for the first time when they come to the door and you got to build a rapport quickly but the second visit somebody like even people where they were kind of prickly the first time and you know there's a few of those guys out there yeah the second time
Starting point is 00:01:52 it's like that rapport exists already so you're like 10 times more comfortable you know like their personality like how they talk and the rhythm and stuff and you can just slide right in the second time I got to meet your mom. That's like a big thing. I forgot that. Yeah, she's adorable. So, okay, remind me, my bike broke? No, my pet, yeah. Yeah, you were taking your bike.
Starting point is 00:02:13 I don't know what happened with it, but you're like, I have to go drop it off at my mom's place. Do you want to go for a ride? Because I showed up late. I forget why even I came the second time, just to kind of hang out and chat about other things. Yeah. And so I hopped in your car and off we went to see your mom i remember now she was so cute we had to pick up my bike
Starting point is 00:02:29 from my mom's because i i had to leave it there because the the crank arm broke i remember now and we yeah you drove with me to my mom's to pick up my bike to get my bike back here so i could get it fixed uh that was very kind of you to do that so it was fun well what i liked about that drive was we were just discussing some of the things that we remembered growing up in our neighborhoods so i know this encompasses toronto uh you know the entire like gta but you and i grew up in similar sections we're west end people like you're a silverthorne girl i am and i was a power guy yes and they're pretty close they are pretty. And when my sisters and I were growing up, one sister had a lot of friends at power.
Starting point is 00:03:08 And so when we were driving around, I was like, remember this place? Or remember Apache Burger? Or remember, you know, we're dropping all these restaurants and hangout spots that we had that were probably common. Apache Burger, that's an institution.
Starting point is 00:03:19 That's a... I got to wonder though, if you and I ever ran into each other in high school years and didn't know. I'm at least eight years older than you, 10 years older than you. Okay. I'll go with that. See, now that we have a rapport, I'm going to do that. I'll take it.
Starting point is 00:03:33 So this is, yeah. So your third visit, this time for the first time ever, I'm going to record. Is that okay if I record this conversation? It's good. Too late. Too late. I'm recording. So everything, and and remember I don't edit so when you say something it's going to go to the masses so you've been fairly warned watch the language I'm going to
Starting point is 00:03:53 if my mother listens I raised you better than that that's your call some guests drop F-bombs right off the bat just because they can and it's all up to you. I try not to gratuitously swear, but I find if my guest swears, I join in. And if my guest does not swear, I don't.
Starting point is 00:04:13 Like, I just mimic the... It's all the vibe of whatever the discussion is, right? And then I figure if you're not swearing, maybe you have a sensitivity towards it. But if you do swear, like, I'll join in. I so don't. I really don't. I really don't. It's just sitting here and being in front of a mic. It's not like I'm uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:04:32 You're trained. Yes, that's exactly it. Since day one in college, you always have to assume a mic is hot, and if that ever happens during a job, that means you could lose your job. It's just something... I have no problems with it,
Starting point is 00:04:44 and if I was in the street and I stubbed my toe, something might come out that's not nice. But at this point, yeah. And this is going to tie together nicely. Okay. So Brother Bill, who's not a Bill at all, he's a Neil Morrison, but he was on The Edge and he sent me audio because when Pete Fowler was on this show, he told a story about co-hosting the Thursday 30 with Martin Streak and Streak dropped a big F-bomb live on the air. So I know. That's a trailblazer right there. So he got, well, there's a big memo.
Starting point is 00:05:21 I guess Stu Myers was the PD and then he sent out a sent out a memo about how you don't swear on the air. And I don't know if there's any more repercussions or whatever, but the audio exists and I have shared it before and I'm sure it's on somewhere. But this all comes together to say that you are also friendly with Pete Fowler. Pete Fowler and I actually go way back to when I was beginning and I was just a part-time kid in radio and I was working at the Guelph stations and so I did promotions and some part-time on air and everything and he showed up when he was working at the Edge to a thing called Hillside Festival which was like a you know just sort of a hippie free-for-all music
Starting point is 00:06:02 you know everyone brought their drums and um so he came in and I knew who he was since I had grown up here even though I was out in Guelph it's not that far so he was so uh kind and accommodating and like here's my business card because this is before internet or we didn't have email or anything so he drops me his he had a little triangle business card which were I thought was so cool and um yeah just he was kind enough to offer advice and stuff and then uh you know he disappeared and again this is before any social media and stuff so yeah you can't go to facebook and see where's pete no he's just not on the radio he just wasn't there and and oh well like you know and i moved off to sudbury and barry and all these places and
Starting point is 00:06:41 so you know fast forward 20 ish years, and I'm back here. And somebody said, Yeah, you remember Pete Fowler? I said, Oh, sure, of course I do. Well, he's a, you know, sergeant with the OPP in Burlington. I went, No way. So I just thought, what a crazy career change. And we reconnected. And, you know, he still does his radio work as well. So he sort of has, I'm going to say the best of both worlds but you know he's got a solid job because you know let's be honest not everyone gets into radio to be millionaires um so he left and got something that was just a little bit more um secure and but on the flip side you know he he still got that radio bug so he's able to sort of do both
Starting point is 00:07:20 he gets to scratch the itch yeah with the uh lost City. Yes. And I now feel bad I'm not wearing a Lost Indie City t-shirt. You do every time, though. We've had a couple of pictures where we've both worn our different shirts and he loves that. I could change before our picture. I feel like Pete will be disappointed. If you're doing it right now, I'll give a play by play. At least I'm wearing
Starting point is 00:07:40 a Terry Fox shirt, so if I'm going to diss Pete Fowler in the Lost Indie City, at least it's for the man, the legend, Terry Fox shirt. So if I'm going to diss Pete Fowler in the Lost Indie City, at least it's for the man, the legend, Terry Fox. I actually decided not to wear a logo shirt,
Starting point is 00:07:50 which is another rarity for, you know what I mean? Like in the beginning of radio, the whole standing joke was if you didn't get station t-shirts, you had nothing to wear
Starting point is 00:07:57 because we just didn't make any money in the beginning. Can you wear, like you know how bands aren't supposed to wear their own shirts? They're supposed to wear
Starting point is 00:08:04 other bands' shirts, you know what I mean? Like because it's uncool. Is there anything like an equivalent there with radio stations? Like, do you have to wear another radio station shirt? I have a collection. It's in a drawer. And what I've done over the years is every single radio station I've worked at, I've taken a t-shirt and kept it and I put it away that I've never worn. And so that includes, you know, being at a station and they flip formats and then I grab a new t-shirt and that sort of thing. So I don't know what to do with those.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Like, I mean, I... You got to wear them, I think. Like, what's the point of not wearing them? I can't wear them because these are untouched, right? Or they're special. They only have value to you. So you should wear them, I think. Like, what's the point of not wearing them? I can't wear them because these are untouched, right? Or they're special. They only have value to you, so you should wear them. No, I think my whole thing that I thought of doing is, you know, once I'm old and retired, I would probably make a quilt or something out of those.
Starting point is 00:08:58 Oh, wow. Which is, you know, and I would put it, make sure it's in chronological order of the stations. The only problem is I have a couple of stations that I've worked at, you know, more than once. I think though I would give it the honor of, well, the first time I was there. So it goes in this order. You can set the ground rules for your passion project there.
Starting point is 00:09:17 And this is very cool. I always remember the Simpsons when, yeah, Lisa was learning how to do the quilt and Marge was teaching her. You have to, about how you have to build like a callus. Yeah, so I don't know anything about quilting. The only time I would wear a t-shirt with a different logo at this point in time would be if it's a station that no longer exists.
Starting point is 00:09:35 So I have a couple of, like I have a sweatshirt that I've, it's just, it's in such great condition still and it has patches on the shoulders and both those stations no longer exist throughout Kitchener. What were those stations? They were Cool FM, 105.3 Cool FM,
Starting point is 00:09:50 and Old East 1090. And so out in the smaller markets, you're often on both stations or, you know what I mean? So I was on both. But they have the same owner? Same owner. They are now Virgin 105.3 in Kitchener
Starting point is 00:10:03 and KFUN, which is the FM station, is celebrating its 10th anniversary this weekend. So now that they don't, you know, cool and oldies 1090 don't exist, if I wear that, nobody even knows what that is. Who do I know? Is Scott Turner still out there? Like, is that his hood? Yes. Oh, I love Scott. Yeah, he, so Scott, I worked for him a couple of times. um yeah he so scott i worked for him a couple of times um after i left cool fm and k fun i went over to work with him for um the chorus stations there which are dave rocks 107.5 and the beat um so he picked me up and hired me over there and then i left there and came here to toronto i was working actually at boom 97.3 the same time i was with them. And then I switched from Boom to our sister station,
Starting point is 00:10:46 93.5 The Move. And Scott Turner came to Toronto and became the PD there for a little while. Right, right, right, right. That was because of the throwbacks, right? Yes, exactly. They wanted him to sort of bring the old energy radio vibes and see how that worked.
Starting point is 00:11:00 By the way, this is all like a teaser because we'll dive deeper into this very shortly. I know. I so feel like I'm jumping all over the place. If anyone's confused, I apologize. We said hi to Pete. That's our mutual friend. I want to say hi to Scott Turner because now he's back in KW.
Starting point is 00:11:17 He is the program director of K-Fun. He works a little bit with the Virgin Radio stuff. He's got someone else that's doing more of the work for that. So, Karen Steele has her hands there and in Toronto. So, Scott's back out in KW. Miss him. Well, I have a song for Pete I meant to play here. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:11:38 Nice. Aw, that's so sweet. Pete, later, I don't want to steal the thunder i know what brian's no from brian not from you from you i'll steal the thunder okay okay but not from brian who's got a question i was gonna tell a little story of the last time i saw pete but i'll save it so it's for pete fowler pete's not the only guest i've had who went from radio to the police because the name uh do you know bob callahan the callahan i do but what's his real
Starting point is 00:12:05 i don't know i always never say it because i have i know it because i have his business card but i don't know if he wants it out there because of his line of work or whatever but he works for tps that's simple yes yeah feel free to drop a rhyme my last guest actually there's another officer who's out in peterborough and he does he's a staff sergeant so i'm not sure if people are familiar with the different positions. Like if you are a constable, you're out in the road and you've got shift work and everything. Once you've reached the level of staff sergeant, you can sort of have an office nine to five ish kind of job. And so he goes on the weekends to the Peterborough station. So he's
Starting point is 00:12:37 got his radio gig, which was his first one. He still has police work so i love that and actually pete fowler was just over at boom 97 3 on christmas eve i had an interview with him and we were looking at just maybe some side projects that i could do as civilian work uh in policing just because i've been a huge supporter of first responders my dad earlier on was a an officer here in toronto a 22 division. So I've just sort of always supported first responders. But why didn't you become a police officer? Well, um... And is it too late? I don't know, to be honest.
Starting point is 00:13:13 It's funny because now they are hiring older people. And I actually almost applied years ago. My father has since passed away. But when he was alive, I asked him about that. And he just said, you know, I mean, when he was alive i asked him about that and he just said you know i mean when he was in he was younger and the times were different uh police was a force not a service now they are much more of a public service and he just said to me it's it's not all sunshine and roses uh you you see things and you deal with things that most humans don't have to even consider
Starting point is 00:13:42 and then you have to go home to your family and hey how was your day your day? And sit and have your dinner and everything. So he just said, I want you to think carefully about that. And he said, if you want to go, I will support you and help you as best I can. But he said, are you, I was in radio at this point, I think maybe 10 years, 12 years. And my dad said, are you unhappy with radio? I said, not at all. And I love it. And he said, well, then think long and hard before you walk away from something that you love. That's good advice. Yeah. So I had actually started the paperwork and then I went, no, I'm not done with radio. And then there was a second time I actually looked at applying to be a 911 dispatcher. Oh yeah. And at this point I was not working full-time and radio was only part-time. So I thought maybe I can do both, but you can't.
Starting point is 00:14:24 And the radio work came back, and so I thought, okay, I'm not done with radio. And so each time I think I'm going to veer out of it, I come back. That's the Godfather 3. Come on. Yeah, of course, of course. Yeah, so.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Well, I'm glad you're still on radio. You sound great. And I wanted to ask you, since we're only a couple days removed, what do you do on New Year's Eve? Like is New Year's Eve a day where you got to wait till midnight and then party? I worked. I worked the whole.
Starting point is 00:14:51 I was, I had Christmas Day off and I had, I think that's about it. I just, you know, there's other projects besides Here I Am on the Air on Boom and Then You're Done. I have other work that needs to be picked up. So I did work, for example, Christmas Eve till 6. I was on Boxing Day at 6 a.m. So Christmas Day was pretty, like there was no dinner, none of that. I was in bed by 8. It's like Ben Folds 5, The Brick.
Starting point is 00:15:16 You remember this song? Yeah, totally. 6 a.m. day after Christmas. Right? I didn't even think of that. Did you play that? No. Come on, Stace.
Starting point is 00:15:23 I gave you the consultant. Well, I don't have control. I got to talk to Wayne Webster. He's the master of that, right? So yeah, New Year's was the same. I worked during the day. I filled in for May Potts. So I was done relatively early. I'm going to say 2, 3 o'clock. I had more work to do after that. But 7 a.m. New Year's Day, I'm back in. So you did not stay up late. No, I think I was in bed by about 10. That was my countdown.
Starting point is 00:15:47 I've had New Year's in the past, and there will be others. But I can remember, like, remember when 2000, I can't believe it's been 18 years ago, but I remember, oh, man, I'm going to be at Times Square, and I'm going to, no, stop it. Where were you? I'll tell you where I was, and then you can tell me where you were. I was at the Air Canada Center watching The Tragically Hip on New Year's Eve, 1999. They did a really long show and uh we counted down together and then they
Starting point is 00:16:10 played ahead by a century and it was pretty perfect uh where were you on uh you're gonna laugh so i wasn't here in toronto i was um i think i was living up in sudbury at the time so i was in for my new years i went to North Bay and in that city, they have a townhouse complex that used to be an old base up there. And so I was hanging out there and we had bonfires outside. It was about minus 30. So it was pretty, it was very cold, but it was a still cold, right? And so we just had fires everywhere. And I just felt, I almost felt like I was camping or something. It was like, and I remember remember thinking this is so not where I thought I was going to be I thought I was going to be in some big city to be honest that's a that's better it's much better where you were
Starting point is 00:16:52 as opposed to being in you don't want to be a time square I I can't imagine a worse place to be but that was my thought when I was a teenager right I was like oh I'm just gonna be all everywhere and and honestly this radio job has had me move a lot. And so I just, you know, I didn't even plan on moving to Sudbury. What happened was I was working at a station in North Bay and we got bought out by another company. And they let go a bunch of people and said, well, we want to keep you,
Starting point is 00:17:16 but we want to transfer you to Sudbury. Are you cool with that? And I was like, I guess. And so off I go. So here's the good news. The good news is we're keeping you. The bad news is you got to work in Siberia. Well, again, North Bay was equally as cold.
Starting point is 00:17:27 Oh, that's true. I remember like that was my first time, you know, especially growing up here. I didn't even know that cars needed block heaters and you had to plug it in in the winter. And so thankfully, whatever car I had at the time had a block heater. And I remember on my birthday getting an extension cord. So I could, that was my present. So I could plug in the car and I when I was up there um it's it's funny the the uh the girl who's the program director now for chorus in Toronto Tammy Cole I worked with her up in
Starting point is 00:17:55 Sudbury and she's a Calgary native and I was whining about how cold it was and you know blah blah blah plugging in the car and she said you know we like Sudbury, blah, plug it in the car. And she said, you know, we like Sudbury is a parallel to the Southern points of all the rest of this country. So where you grew up is not necessarily indicative of this country's weather. So quit your whining. Right. And I thought, okay. And I just looked at it as an experience. And I remember saying, I don't ever want to plug in my car again. And that leaves me to go to Vancouver or back to Toronto. And so I thought, well, I'm hitting Southern Ontario and I came back and that's back to Toronto. And so I thought, well, I'm hitting Southern Ontario. And I came back.
Starting point is 00:18:26 And that's the nice thing. Like, you know, Toronto didn't go anywhere. And so even though I moved all around, I knew I could come back one day. Remember, Stacey, there's no bad weather, just bad clothing. Like you can dress for any weather. I don't mind. I bike in this cold because I dress appropriately and it ends up, I end up feeling very warm. My biggest challenge is
Starting point is 00:18:45 getting the sweat off my body in the cold so it's like just having the right layers that breathe and and can get the water off your body I want to backtrack for a second because Scott Turner is a huge cyclist have you guys ever like hooked up and gone biking no no I don't think I could bike with him because he's first of all he does like really long rides like my i don't typically ride more than like 60k at a time oh and he i think he'd laugh at that uh i think he's he's a hardcore he's very hardcore but i thought you were too so but i but i bike i'm more of a i bike every day and typically they're 30k rides whereas those guys are like they're like weekend warriors like they wake up early on a sunday and then they go for a 200K ride. Like that's a different kind of style.
Starting point is 00:19:25 I still wouldn't do 30. Like I just can't even. Well, you don't start at 30. In the winter. Are you crazy? Oh, yeah. In the winter. Although I did, I brought it down to 25K yesterday because my toes will get numb.
Starting point is 00:19:35 But if you do the right layering and I have a balaclava and good gloves and you wear boots, honestly, you can go easily. You can be out there for at least an hour in very cold windy conditions it's true and if it's not windy it's even better it can be very cold and crunchy and everything but like you said if you're bundled up it's alright
Starting point is 00:19:54 alright let me give you some gifts because you've come all this way and there's a couple of things in front of you first of all local craft beer from Great Lakes Bre brewery look at these a fiercely independent craft brewery located right here in etobicoke it's super fresh it all stays in ontario 99 of that beer remains here in ontario can i read the one that i just picked up of course pompous ass english ale so i haven't had this what's your take on this particular flavor there
Starting point is 00:20:24 are i have guests who will tell me straight up that's their favorite beer in the world, Pompous. And that's my favorite beer. Octopus wants to fight IPA. These are great. Oh my god. Should I have one now? Well, yeah. It's your call. I can't
Starting point is 00:20:41 make that call for you. Some people have bread for breakfast. Okay, what time is it? First of all... It's actually almost lunch, isn't it? Of course. After 11 o'clock, you can drink. You can drink anytime. Come on.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Just you're a shift worker, right? What's the difference? All right. Let me see what else. I've had morning show hosts come in and pop one open at like 9 a.m. because they're like, I've been up since 3 a.m. It all depends. Some morning show hosts pop it on while they're working.
Starting point is 00:21:03 I heard. Or used to once upon a time. And I always envisioned because... Not that I would working. I heard. Or used to once upon a time. And I always envisioned, because not that I would know, I've never worked in your industry, but I always envisioned lines of Coke back in the day. We never had that, but I can remember when I was working up in Barrie,
Starting point is 00:21:16 and we all used to smoke back then, which is just gross anyway, but we had the ashtray right in the control room, and it was just going, and the rule to us was, okay, well, you can smoke in there, but you got to stop at 830 because by nine o'clock the office is open. So it's horrible to think of that now. It is.
Starting point is 00:21:33 And at the time, yeah, it was just normal. So no lines. But we did, once in a while, we'd bring a Bailey's or something because we'd have our coffees. So we weren't getting ripped or anything, but it was probably a no no but you so feel free to crack one open i uh all right they're they're not warm but they're not from the fridge okay and you got a canuck pale ale okay well that's the staple okay that's the staple that guy's name is gordy levec okay well i'll open him okay do it on the mic though oh there we go stacyacey, enjoy your Canuck.
Starting point is 00:22:05 Thank you so much. Cheers. I'm going to cheers. Thank you, Great Lakes Brewery. Now, not that you could eat this now because it's frozen. Okay.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Palma Pasta is giving you a large meat lasagna. Oh, man. Wait, I don't want to open it. Okay, it's frozen. Well, you know, there's a tray inside.
Starting point is 00:22:23 It's beautiful. It's a beautiful box. I hate to say it's beautiful, but it is. Oh, my gosh. That's going to feed me for like a it. Okay, it's frozen. There's a tray inside. It's beautiful. It's a beautiful box. I hate to say it's beautiful, but it is. Oh my gosh, that's going to feed me for like a week. Okay, so you got to let that thaw in the fridge for 24 hours. So you can't have that tonight. But take it home. Whenever, 24 hours before you want to make it, you put it in the fridge.
Starting point is 00:22:38 And then the directions are on there, but I've been making these and they're fantastic. So I can tell you, it's like you put the oven at 375 and then it's like 45 minutes to 50 minutes. Honestly, yeah, it'll feed you for a week and it's the tastiest damn lasagna you'll ever have. Do you know what I'm going to have this, I'll probably cook it tomorrow and then what I'll do is
Starting point is 00:22:57 because I work so early on the weekends, I'll have something like this for my breakfast. Which is weird to some, but if I'm getting up at 4 in the morning. It's like cold pizza. You wake up and you have cold pizza. Well, I'll heat it up at work, but I'll have something like this for my breakfast, which is weird to some, but if I'm getting up at four in the morning... It's like cold pizza. You wake up and you have cold pizza. Well, I'll heat it up at work, but I'll cut this.
Starting point is 00:23:10 And since I'm up at four, by the time I have this at eight o'clock, I've been up for a few hours. And so that ties me over till noon. Well, let me tell you. I can tell you, because I'm a family of six. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:20 So when I serve... And everyone is full at the end of the meal. Like there's not a lot of leftovers, I'll be honest. But six of us are full. Well, there's no six for Okay. So when I serve and everyone is full at the end of the meal, like there's not a lot of leftovers, I'll be honest, but six of us are full. Well, there's no six for me. And that includes teenage James who can eat, you know, can eat a horse. So, uh, enjoy. Thank you so much. Thank you very much for everything. That's from Palma's Pasta. Okay. You know what? They're Palma Pasta, but they have, they call that new retail store. They have an apostrophe. Yeah. They call it Palma's Kitchen. So now my brain is accidentally calling them Palma's Pasta.
Starting point is 00:23:46 But they are Palma Pasta. Go to to find a store near you. They have four locations in Mississauga and Oakville. And the newest location, well, the new awesome new location is near Burnhamthorpe and Mavis. Oh, you can't go wrong with that. Palma's Kitchen. Okay. Thank you very much.
Starting point is 00:24:05 I'm enjoying the beverage. I will enjoy this straight up. I'm going to have it for breakfast on Saturday morning on Boom. Enjoy. And let's hear from Brian Gerstein. Hi, Stacey.
Starting point is 00:24:21 Brian Gerstein here, sales representative with PSR Brokerage and proud sponsor of Toronto Might. 2019 is here, so call or text me at 416-873-0292 if you are looking at getting your home on the market. You typically get more for your home by listing earlier and before March break, with eager buyers who are willing to pay more on the lookout. Stacey, Boom Radio is one of my go-to stations, so thank you for your contributions to my listening
Starting point is 00:24:44 pleasure. I happened to see Steve Fall of Acetest perform at the Garrison and had a chance to advise Steve on his own real estate needs. He even recorded a testimonial for me, which was very cool. I saw on your Facebook page from a few months ago that Steve is teaching you how to play. Can you give us all an update on how that's going? Wow. That's cool and weird. He does his homework, but you did put that on social. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:09 Fair game. I know. As a matter of fact, I'm going to see Steve tomorrow. And that's funny. I saw that performance with Acid Test that he was talking about. I did go to see that show. And it was neat to see. By the way, I was there, too.
Starting point is 00:25:22 I was there. Did I see you? I didn't see you. I didn't know you then. You know what, though? Here's the other thing, though. Also, because I work so early, I went in and left. I couldn't stay and hang out and do whatever.
Starting point is 00:25:34 And I felt it was kind of funny. So Pete Fowler, who we already mentioned, was DJing that event. Yes. And yeah, I was there for sure. I saw Brian and his wife there. He didn't even get a t-shirt when he was there. Acetest t-shirt. I got a t-shirt. Yeah. Well, I didn't, you know, right. And he didn't. However, I also brought him, I saw Pete Fowler a couple of times recently cause he was doing some, uh, blood drive work and everything. And I brought him a vinyl. So Acetest, even though it's their latest one, um, the vinyl can be played on a turntable or it has an MP3 compatible way to play this.
Starting point is 00:26:08 So I just, I love that. People have been giving me vinyl lately. I have nothing in this house that plays vinyl, but like I'm just pointing to a few things. Like James B just brought me a couple of great pieces of vinyl from the Look People. Tom Wilson gave me his new album on vinyl. And I love it.
Starting point is 00:26:24 And I have my own vinyl when I could play it. I'm pointing to it. No one can see this but you. But Maestro Fresh West, who was just here, kicking out the jams for episode 416. I keep that around for nostalgia purposes. But it's interesting how vinyl's like, it's become like a souvenir almost. You pay
Starting point is 00:26:40 to have the vinyl, but not necessarily to play it, but to have it. We play it at Boom, though, because we have Turntable Tuesdays. And so every Tuesday, we get to spin vinyl, and it's kind of fun. It's amazing how... I remember putting up a story on Instagram about a song, and the first time I played it, I was so excited. I was dancing in the control room, and I made the record skip. And so it was like, well, at least the listeners know.
Starting point is 00:27:05 I didn't want to skip it on purpose, but they know that we're legit playing vinyl. And then my friend's daughter's like, what does it mean by skipping? And you forget that they don't know. Like the kids have never dropped a needle and had to, you know what I mean? So, and nevermind a 45 or if you look at the Boom t-shirts, the logo that we have in the front is that little, the little spindle thing that we have in the front is that little the little spindle thing that you put in the middle of the 45s i call it an adapter an adapter or a spider yes exactly so and that's the the lost indie city uses it too yes they do because this is i've
Starting point is 00:27:34 decided this is not the stacy thompson episode but this is the pete fowler episode since he's come up i think 18 times by now but to answer brian's question though uh how is your guitar lessons going how are they going? They're going all right. If I'm going to be honest, if Steve's listening, I'm really sorry. I don't practice as much as I should, and I know I should practice. It's something that what I need to do with it is make that my time. It's like when you go to the gym.
Starting point is 00:27:58 Some people think it's a drag or whatever, but it's about your health and well-being, and this should be my time to relax. So it's going all right. I've actually learned a couple of songs, which I thought was pretty cool. Have you learned, and don't name the song, because I'm going to play it at the end of our episode here today. But did you yet learn your favorite song of all time?
Starting point is 00:28:18 No, not yet. And that's a little, I think you could probably get the beginning of it, but the second, you know, anytime there's a guitar solo or the riff that comes in you're like okay forget it I'm so done so no I have not but I'll I'm going to see Steve tomorrow so maybe I'll have him at least teach me the beginning of it and see where that goes cool so
Starting point is 00:28:36 hi to Steve if you're listening Steve Fall who's been on the show a couple of times from Acid Test now you tweeted something about a show I just watched with my well I watched it with my wife and my teenagers. Yes. Bandersnatch. Yes, I just caught that the other day. I can't believe how many
Starting point is 00:28:51 people don't like it. Well, okay, so I want to hear, before I taint the, before I pollute the ecosystem, I want to hear your thoughts on Bandersnatch. Well, I didn't go into it. First of all, I loved the Black Mirror series. I really loved Dark series. And actually,
Starting point is 00:29:07 those ones, I was binge watching it and I had to take a couple of days off because I just found it to be so intense. And this is not nearly as intense
Starting point is 00:29:15 as the first series, I thought. But I'm also, like when I was a kid growing up, I loved the Choose Your Own Adventure books. Me too.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Right? Me too. Loved them. So I thought, okay, what a neat way. And the story itself, I don't want to give it books. Me too. Right? Me too. Loved them. So I thought, okay, what a neat way. And the story itself, I don't want to give it away, but it does take place in 1984. So those of us that were there are like, I totally remember that time. And so I wanted to watch it for nostalgic reasons.
Starting point is 00:29:37 But you should watch it anyway. You should watch it because we've never experienced that before. I don't remember watching a show where i could influence the what happens the outcome of this yeah a choose your own adventure type tv show like just the the fact that you can do it like give if you have netflix well that's you know what you have to be careful because i went on to just regular netflix on my tv oh you can't do that and they said oh you don't have the and so i had to log in through um i think it was google chrome or something like that i went on my laptop anyway, and then played that on TV. That's where you have the options.
Starting point is 00:30:07 That's what I had to do too. Yeah, you have to have a, yes, exactly. So you have to be a bit of a, I don't want to say a nerd, but I'm an old gaming nerd. You and I were chatting about that earlier. And so I kind of have these toys where a grown woman maybe doesn't always have them. But yeah, so I was able to- But everyone has a laptop. That's true. That's true. But not everyone's savvy enough to watch TV. Oh, to know how to Chromecast it on the TV. Well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:28 I mean, you know, sure, people check their email or the Facebook or whatever. But I mean, I use that as gaming and that was just another sort of a link to put in. Okay. But so what did you... Like, what is your final Siskel and Ebert review of this? I liked it. That being said, though, first of all,
Starting point is 00:30:47 I was a geek enough to check, like I went and searched the charts. You can go online and look for all the outcomes, which is sort of a cheat, right? I didn't want to follow it, but there were a few things that I knew going in, you know, decisions that you had to make
Starting point is 00:30:58 or you just wreck the story. So I feel bad that I knew that. That being said, after, I think there's five main endings and then there's a bunch of others, but after three, I was like, okay, I knew that. Um, that being said, after, I think there's five main endings and then there's a bunch of others, but after three, I was like, okay,
Starting point is 00:31:07 I'm done. Um, so I, I watched three and I think that's enough binge watching for one sitting. Um, and then, uh, so I don't know if I'll,
Starting point is 00:31:16 I have the desire to watch the other two or not. I'm like, okay, I get the gist of it. And, um, you know, I'm rooting for the main character and all that sort of stuff.
Starting point is 00:31:23 You need a cheat code or whatever. Just give me the endings. Well, that's the, that's the thing. Like I said, unfortunately I, I main character and all that sort of stuff. You need a cheat code or whatever. Just give me the endings. Well, that's the thing. Like I said, unfortunately, I went ahead and found that and I was like, oh man, I don't know if I ruined it for myself, but I sent it to somebody else
Starting point is 00:31:34 because this guy's like, I'm making all the wrong decisions. And I private messaged him like, check this. So some people don't like it because it's a spoiler, but others like to know which way they should go. I still remember when I got, I learned the Konami cheat code for Contra.
Starting point is 00:31:51 That was the game I was playing on Nintendo, the 8-bit Nintendo. I didn't play that one, but I know what you're talking about. Yeah, and you have three lives in Contra and you try to get through this and it's really tough. But then this cheat code gave you, I think it was like 99 lives or something. It was a game changer. And yeah, it's exciting at first because it's like, I can do this now. But then it's like, well, I'm cheating. Now I'm invincible.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Yeah, I did the same with Diablo. They had this thing where you could be duping or duplicating stuff. Right. And you'd, whatever, hold and right click. And next thing you know, you've got a bajillion money or anything that you wanted. And then I was like, well, then that's not fair. Because how are you challenging yourself if you could just make these things happen it's sort of like an e-bike like i see sometimes i see uh like on bike paths and stuff uh guys are
Starting point is 00:32:33 motoring like they're not pedaling but they're on e-bikes and i'm thinking like that's cheating that's a big the purpose is to get you out of the car which i like but uh i'm like try this try pedaling like it has additional benefits that you might enjoy. But who am I to judge? But Bandersnatch, my review is this. I thought it was cool that you could do it. Like, it was a good proof of concept, and I'm kind of glad I checked it out.
Starting point is 00:32:55 But at the end of the day, like, a story is only as strong as its substance. Like, at the end of the day, I felt it a little bit underwhelming and a little bit empty, and I've already forgot most of it. But I thought it was a cool, I thought it was more like
Starting point is 00:33:08 showing off the cool new toys you have. But this isn't the best application. I would say that the, maybe. But since it's the first, you never know where it can go from here. Maybe, maybe somebody,
Starting point is 00:33:21 you know, down the road can make a better storyline. Like, you know what, if Stephen King got a hold of this, oh my, can you even imagine what kind of crazy stuff would happen? maybe somebody you know down the road can can make a better storyline like you know what if Stephen King got a hold of this oh my can you even imagine what kind of crazy stuff would happen but it was cool definitely cool for sure by the way uh when you arrived I warned you like you
Starting point is 00:33:33 might smell some uh burning in here because uh yesterday uh I was afraid you're gonna say you hotbox this room and I was like I don't you know I got nothing against that but but I don't partake so I didn't want to walk no smoking in this home okay just take it outside it's all good in the backyard so where what did you do okay so uh my wife just put clothes into the dryer as we have a hundred million times and then was drying the clothes and one second after she pressed start uh she heard i wasn't home when this happened uh but there was a bang and then the power went away. No more power to the device.
Starting point is 00:34:10 So I get home and she's like, babe, got bad news. Something happened. When I walk in the house, I can smell burning. Like it smells, I smell like a electronic burning or something. Yes, like a little bit of rubber in there, like an electrical burning thing. We had a fire at our high school when I was a kid at Silverthorne Coll collegiate and it was in the computer wing and that's like they clear
Starting point is 00:34:29 yeah it's not horrible an electrical burning smell what are you gonna do with six people you got like kids like oh well okay well i have to fix it so good luck uh anyway so i do my uh you know my exploration like troubleshooting like what's going. So I see there is power coming to this dryer, but of course the power won't turn on. But the little light inside is coming on. There's power getting there, so it's nothing to do with that fuse. But I get my electrician friend to come over. This is last night. Because he knows this stuff.
Starting point is 00:34:58 We cracked it open. We looked at everything. Yeah, this power board is fried. I don't know what triggered it but it fried like it's now i'm googling like the price of just this little board is 400 bucks okay plus tax right so i know you get a used one like i don't know here's my dishwasher but my dishwasher was 10 years or 15 years and it didn't owe me anything at that point like right yeah so you but here's the thing okay so you see how uh that space for the dryer fits like the dryer,
Starting point is 00:35:26 then you got maybe an inch extra, but there's like no room for error. Okay, because the stairs are behind that. Like that's why. So the new modern dryers apparently are like two inches taller than this one. And finding a dryer that like other than like those little tiny closet condo ones right because it's a family of six people finding a dryer that will fit that space is a challenge i think i gotta fix it just because it fits right like there's nowhere else to put that no and you can't cut anymore like you said because you have the stairs right i can't cut anymore because the stairs are there
Starting point is 00:35:59 there's no more room to cut so you want to come to my house and do some laundry while you're waiting yeah where is that exactly i need to know not in etobicoke so you're to come to my house and do some laundry while you're waiting? Yeah, where is that exactly? I need to know. Not in Etobicoke, so you're going to have to make a bit of a drive. Actually, no joke. So we had all this, you know, these kids need their clothes. It's all wet, and Monica can't, we can't dry it because the dryer doesn't work. And she jumped in the car and took it to someone, took it
Starting point is 00:36:18 to my mom's house, I believe, and used her dryer yesterday. So there you go. So anyway, that was my dryer story. There were a few deaths yesterday. I just want to acknowledge here. In fact, I even brought out my... This cuts from the wrestling album, which I love. This is me and Gene
Starting point is 00:36:37 Okerlund. That's right. So did you enjoy WWF wrestling in the 80s? No, I remember it. Like, I remember the classic guys, but I would be that one, you know, if I'm hanging with my friends, and I was a girl that hung with the boys. I was just that. So I'd go and have a beer or whatever
Starting point is 00:36:54 while they're, well, maybe I didn't have a beer. I think it was underage. Whatever. However, the guys would be watching it, and I'd be like, yeah, you just go ahead, and I don't know what I did to kill time, but I still remember. Who were the two brothers that were the Bumblebee ones do you remember them of course the killer bees and i saw them live at uh hulkamania which was the main event on at the exhibition stadium
Starting point is 00:37:17 in 1987 well i i have a fear of bees anyway which i shouldn't but my sister would always bug me by sending me like here's your birthday card. And she'd send me those bee guys. And I was like, stop it. So I have, I can appreciate it. And that's before WWE.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Like you said, it was. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Right. So, you know,
Starting point is 00:37:35 and I remember, um, all the, you remember like Andre the Giant and Hulk Hogan and Macho Man, Randy Savage, Junkyard Dog and King Kong Bundy. These, this is, these are my people. So, uh, yeah. Mean Gene was a key guy cause he was, uh, Hulk Hogan and Macho Man Randy Savage, Junkyard Dog and King Kong Bundy. These are my people.
Starting point is 00:37:48 So yeah, Mean Gene was a key guy because he was the interviewer and here he is singing on the wrestling album and he was 76, okay? So he's a 76-year-old guy with a nickname that I watched throughout the 80s, okay? I find that interesting because then we learned that Super Dave Osborne... Also 76. Was also a 76
Starting point is 00:38:08 year old guy who I used to watch in the 80s because I used to watch him on Bizarre. Yeah. He was... John Biner. That's right. And he was just a great, crazy... I don't know. I just always remember him getting shot out of cannons. He would do a crazy... This is the premise for every single bit. He would do a crazy stunt, like
Starting point is 00:38:24 jumping off the CN Tower or something and it would, he would, it would fail miserably and he would, you know, he should be dead but he of course survives.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Every single time. Same thing every time. Hold on here, let's just. I'll tell you what, Mean Gene, you and Little Richard got almost nothing in common.
Starting point is 00:38:41 Oh, it's about the hair. Don't say it. In any event, Hillbilly Jim doesn't have much in common with you, Jesse. Wait, wait, just a minute.
Starting point is 00:38:47 You told me this was a rock and roll album. That's why I participated in it. What's Hillbilly Jim got to do with rock and roll? Wait a minute, Jesse. I think it's important you have a little soul, even though it be a country soul. And perhaps you best take heed of the title of this next cut by Hillbilly Jim.
Starting point is 00:39:03 Don't go messing with a country boy. All right. So that was, of course, that was Jesse the Body Ventura, future governor, you know. Yeah. And the guy, it turned out he owned the place, but I don't think we knew it at the time, Vince McMahon. Oh, really? Yeah, that was Vince McMahon. I didn't.
Starting point is 00:39:21 He used to do the, yeah, he was, you don't hear him, but I'm surprised there was no Gorilla Monsoon on there. But yeah, I love that album. But you were saying, I'm sorry, you were talking about Bob Einstein. So that's Super Dave's real name is Bob Einstein. His brother is Albert Brooks. Albert Brooks changed his name because otherwise he would be Albert Einstein. No way. Of course, you never think about stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:39:42 So that's all I think about, Stacey. That's all I think about. Um, yeah, Bob Einstein was great. He was on Curb Your Enthusiasm and he was on Arrested Development and Super Dave was great character and he passed away at 76. But then, okay,
Starting point is 00:39:53 fine. Are we done with the guys with nicknames that died at 76 yesterday? Not quite. I'm so glad you chose this song. Did you get to play this on Boom? No. We have it, and you know what? If it was requested, I would guess that when the captain passed away,
Starting point is 00:40:26 that it was probably played a couple of days ago when that happened. But it's a gorgeous song. All happened yesterday. Yeah, so another captain died. Yeah, 76. So Mean Gene, Super Dave, and Captain. All nicknamed guys from 70s and 80s.
Starting point is 00:40:41 Terrible. And all the same age, if I'm not mistaken. All 76. They're all 76. What's happening we have some sister stations out on the west coast that would play this i'm gonna ask you about them later okay because again i did my homework so now basically now we'll begin uh let's begin the episode shall we actually not yet i want to ask you about a
Starting point is 00:41:00 recent toronto radio change that just was like today was the first day. Today is the first day that Adam Wilde was the morning show guy at Virgin 99.9. That's correct. It was the worst kept radio secret in Toronto. We knew it was coming. Initially, when so, okay, so again, I'm not in
Starting point is 00:41:19 the industry, but I look at, watch your industry. So, when it was, when Adam Wilde quit the gig at 92.5 so he said i'm out peace yeah the the reflex my reflex guess if you will speculation was that he was going to join the uh 104.5 booth with his mom so that they could say goodbye to roger at the end of the year this was my initial i'm pretty pretty sure I tweeted it. Like this is what I thought in my head. Right, right. And then as I pondered it, I realized actually he was a better fit at Virgin.
Starting point is 00:41:50 Tucker in the morning was still there. Yes. And then Tucker gets turfed and then it was obvious. But tell me as not only a person in the industry, but as a person who also watches the industry, what do you think of this big changes at Virgin? You know what? It happens everywhere, and it's a cyclical thing that happens
Starting point is 00:42:10 from one station to another to another. So all I get to do is sit back and watch with everybody else. I worked with Bell Media, Chum, then CTV, then Bell Media for a good 14 years. Wow. So I don't know Adam Wilde
Starting point is 00:42:25 personally. I think it's a small enough industry that everybody sort of knows who everybody is even if we haven't met face to face, especially with social media and stuff. So I wish him well and you know what, I think it is a good fit where he's at. We'll see how he does with his co-host. A co-host of mine, Blake Carter, who's over
Starting point is 00:42:42 at 93.5 The Move. She's been on this show. Well, yeah. And so she and Adam were co-host of mine, Blake Carter, who's over at 93.5 The Move. She's been on the show. Well, yeah. And so she and Adam were co-hosts on Kiss Afternoons before she came to The Move. She was poached. I use the word poached, but yeah. I guess you have a non... Do you typically, when you have a full-time gig at a radio, you typically have a non-compete? You do.
Starting point is 00:43:00 And especially in a market like Toronto or the larger markets, Vancouver and everything. Smaller markets, not so much. I think if I was still in Kitchener and I said, see you later. And I went down the street, like in between my time with Bell Media and Chorus and Kitchener, I think it was a month maybe. And really that was just me. I was ready to leave radio. I was like, okay, I'm done. See you later. And then I got sucked back in. So at that case, that was also different too. It depends on whether or not you quit or you are relieved of your duties. That being said, Toronto, it's pretty standard
Starting point is 00:43:34 in the large markets that you have a non-compete time for a little while. Because both of those people you mentioned, Blake Carter and Adam Wilde, they both quit their gigs and then had to go quiet for a while. Yes. And then at some point that non-compete expires, I guess, and then they pop up at a competitor station. And you reemerge, yes, at a new station.
Starting point is 00:43:53 So that's just kind of standard for how this industry works. And that being said, it's within the city. So let's say Blake left and decided to go back to Vancouver. She wouldn't have had to wait that time because that's a whole other market. But, but yeah, within the city, you just sort of lay low for a little bit, chill, you know, and I look at it as kind of a vacation. Take that vacation time or, or take the time to get to know where you're going, you know, listen, study, know your coworkers, that kind of thing. So even though she wasn't on the air, um, and same with Adam Wilde, I saw pictures of him at the iHeart. So you, you, that's where you, again, you kind of know where he's going and
Starting point is 00:44:29 he could have very well have been a guest of his mom, but, but I don't, that wasn't really the case. I don't think. Well, they work down the hall from each other now, I guess. They do. And Marilyn's wonderful. She was so, I worked at a 1050 chum before it flipped to sports and she was so kind and helpful to me. And I remember, like, again, I was in Kitchener and I would drive in from time to time to work in Toronto. And she was like, you know, I want to meet this kid who's driving in two hours.
Starting point is 00:44:54 That's at least two hours, right? It was because during rush hour, well, it was two and a half during rush hour. And I remember driving into Toronto to do whatever for 10.50. And I'm like, okay, I got to go because I have to be back on the air at noon in Kitchener. So it was such a quick thing, but she was so lovely. You know, Roger Ashby was great. They were just, they were so good to me. And even at that point, you think, wow, I got 10 years under my belt. That's nothing, right? There's always somebody else who's got more experience who can help you or offer advice. And both Marilyn and Roger were just very wonderful for that for me. And I think it starts Monday. I think it's Monday, but the Brother Sister Morning Show on 102.1. I think that's such an interesting concept. They've done the couples thing, right? I don't have brothers. I have all sisters. And I have no idea, straight
Starting point is 00:45:42 up, I have no idea how it would work if if I was to co-host with one of them because we are so different all four of us there was a period of time when uh Bill Hayes was co-hosting the Derringer show that I know so there's that's the only other realize though that they were only a savvy people Stace it's only us that know we know everything just like we know uh that Albert Brooks was an einstein so uh probably still is i'm sure but um okay so there that's the big change is that virgin uh now i want to tell everybody listening how they can get ten dollars right now and this is no joke i do this i did this to get the 10 bucks because i'm no fool but i use paytm to manage all of my bills
Starting point is 00:46:23 and i pay all my bills using Paytm. Because it lets me pay all my bills with my MasterCard that gets me points, that gets me free groceries. And Paytm is rewarding me for using their app to pay the bills. So it costs me nothing. I'm double dipping to get rewarded. And if you use the promo code TorontoMike when you make your first bill payment with Paytm. They'll give you $10 in Paytm cash, which is like amazing. There's no catches there, no hidden fees, no surcharges. You just get $10.
Starting point is 00:46:52 So use the promo code Toronto Mike when you make your first bill payment with Paytm. If you have any questions, hit me up. These guys are great. They've been sponsoring for over a year now. And again, straight up legit, I can prove it to you. I use that app to pay all of my bills. So thank you, Paytm. And Stacey, you tweeted something I want to refer to before we talk about your career. I'm afraid to find out. No, it's all good. Well, would you tweet something you wouldn't want me like? Here's a good question. You probably have
Starting point is 00:47:21 a very sophisticated, savvy filter that when you click tweet... I deleted a tweet yesterday and I thought to myself, have I ever done that before? I can't remember ever doing it. I've tweeted 63,000 tweets. Really? I deleted my first one yesterday. But you tweeted about...
Starting point is 00:47:40 Let me read your tweet so I'm not misquoting. People who ghost during convos hurt me. If you have to leave, how about ending with something simple like, sorry, GTG. That's got to go, right? Chat later or oops, gotta bounce. Peace
Starting point is 00:47:56 out or FML, kid shit the bed. You didn't say shit. I think I got to tell people that. That's how good you are at not say shit. I think I got to tell people that. That's how good you are, not swearing. It's not a difficult thing to do. And then you have like hashtags
Starting point is 00:48:09 like ghosting and etiquette and texting. So why are you so, where does this passion come from? Well, I know. Because texting is not like a phone call. No, no, no, it's not. And of course there's different reasons for it. But the thing is,
Starting point is 00:48:23 I come from a pretty, a relatively strict upbringing, which I'm grateful for. My mom was meticulous with, you know, you say your manners or whatever. When we were kids and we were fighting, not fist fight, but you know, you get in an argument or something. Her friends commented on how politely we argued because one of the one of us would say something sassy and the other one would say i beg your pardon and you know what i mean like i dare you it's like there's etiquette there yeah so no i know and and there are different uh texts it's just that um
Starting point is 00:48:54 sometimes you know you're in the middle of a conversation and then it's it's about something important and the person ghosts and i do are they ghosting after you texted a question yes yes so you'll be like uh what time should I be there tomorrow? And that's when they ghost? Well, and it's not usually that casual. They're pretty normal with that. But it's like they'll text in, hey, you know, blah, blah, blah. Like, you know, can we meet up for this?
Starting point is 00:49:17 And I'll say, sure. And then I'll just be like, yeah, same thing. Like, do you want me to bring this? And then you don't hear anything. Okay. You know what? You're right. So in that situation, I'm with you. yeah same thing like um do you want me to bring this and then you don't hear anything okay you know what you're right so in that situation i'm with you if it's something like that yeah and i would quickly do a brb and that's what i would i would text back exactly i'm like just to let them
Starting point is 00:49:33 know to answer like yeah i'll get back to you i don't need to know what's going down but yeah sorry i can't chat right now and that and we're all we all have that stuff comes up right um but the other thing is you know you have a friend friend that you really want to reach out to, and I get it, they're busy, but all of a sudden they have time to ask for money for a donation or they have time to, and I'm thinking to myself, just a minute here. Like if we're pals or we're, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:49:56 There's other conversations we could be having and yet you're so quick to whatever. So I just felt it was just something that had gone down that road. You needed to get that off your chest. I did. And you know what? Now that I'm hearing it, I feel like I'm so whiny. Like that's a tweet I'm probably going to have to delete.
Starting point is 00:50:12 But everybody has their triggers, right? Like my daughter, my 14-year-old daughter, she'll crack her knuckles. She'll crack her knuckles. And it actually, to me, in fact, she knows this, not to do it around me because it really bugs me like and i'm i'm no one is the easygoing guy like nothing bugs me but the sound really strikes a nerve with me that i really don't like it so well if she's 14
Starting point is 00:50:36 she's doing it on purpose right she says she says she says she's not but but she said she she also said she's gonna stop cracking her knuckles but i have you ready for this i need to stop eating my clementines around her because she is disgusted by the uh odor i guess it's the odor i love the smell of orange of course most normal people do are you kidding me i'll bathe in that damn that's amazing i love it and i love orange and everything for that it's perfect so she has some i don't know what it is, but her reaction to, not just all citruses, not lemons or limes, but orange citrus,
Starting point is 00:51:11 clementines, tangerines, oranges, you know the drill. She can't be around them when they're being like peeled or eaten or whatever. It like disgusts her somehow. So anyway, everybody's got their triggers
Starting point is 00:51:22 is what I'm saying. Well, again, as you repeated that, like I think back to it, and it was just sort is what I'm saying. As you repeated that, I think back to when it was just sort of a quick off-the-cuff thing, but now I feel terrible. I feel terrible. Stacey, remember the time. On this day in 1993,
Starting point is 00:51:47 Gasworks Tavern closes after 25 years. You're too young. You never went to Gasworks. I remember Gasworks. I would have been of age to go just before it closed. How's that? Maybe we're the same age, Stacy. I got to do some math on this.
Starting point is 00:52:04 When we're done i'm gonna find out but uh of course it was referenced in wayne's world because wayne used to wayne wayne his name's not wayne right no mike myers used to go there and he give pays homage to gasworks in wayne's world yes in fact wayne's world pays homage to some another song which we're gonna play later but okay um look at all these teases. I should be in radio. But what else? Many bands like Rush and Max Webster and Gato and Triumph.
Starting point is 00:52:33 These are the Gasworks bands. But that was 25 years. It happened in 93. This day in 93, the Gasworks closed. Did you manage to go? Never. But I'm in a similar state to you, I think that I was just legal when it closed. That's why I think we might be the same age.
Starting point is 00:52:48 So we're both in our 20s or 30s. Yes, that's right. We're both in our 20s. Let's get that going. I've aged terribly. Where's the pigmentation in my hair? I don't have six kids. No, I mean I don't have four kids or whatever. A house full of six. That's what sometimes makes a difference.
Starting point is 00:53:04 The boy turns 17 in two weeks and i'm like 17 like i felt really old at 17 like that's old right 17 no i guess it all depends 17 but i it's sometimes you're like you still feel 17 and you're like where did the time go how did that even it's that whole like you know inside every old person is a young person wondering what the hell happened right like you still you feel that way until you're hanging out with them and they're like yeah you know what no i'm not that kid anymore i'm playing kim mitchell well it's max webster this is kim mitchell singing and uh he was uh afternoon drive on q107 for a long time did you uh ever cross his paths in your radio the only time i crossed paths with him was as a
Starting point is 00:53:43 musician so I do remember him being there and I remember when he first started he grew to become really talented with it. It's not a skill that everyone can just walk in and do. And speaking of OPP I played Naughty by Nature at the beginning. I could have played Patio Lanterns
Starting point is 00:54:00 because in the video for Patio Lanterns he's wearing the OPP hat. But doesn't he have a smoke hanging out of his mouth? I remember that. I remember the dart hanging out of his mouth in an album. So, no. Yeah, anytime I ran into him, it was all him as a performer.
Starting point is 00:54:15 So, I worked up in Barrie for a while and there would be, you know, you had the dart and the key to Bala and there would be Edgefest and everything. So, lots of great, great performances that I got to see up in cottage country. It was like. Molson Park had the best,
Starting point is 00:54:30 best concerts. My favorite concerts were at Molson Park. It was wonderful. So it was kind of neat to live there. In fact, when I moved there, I was a little uncertain and they said, you know what?
Starting point is 00:54:39 Everyone from Toronto comes here to play. So it's almost an extension of the city. And I thought I get to live where everyone plays. And I did mornings up there. So when I was off the air at whatever time on a Friday, one o'clock in the afternoon, I'd be at somebody's cottage, right? In the Muskokas with a nice cold beverage.
Starting point is 00:54:56 And I was like, I get to live where everyone has to drive two hours to play. So it was a sweet little time. It was good times. Sounds like good times. Sounds like good times. Remember, the time is brought to you by Fast Time Watch and Jewelry Repair. They've been doing quality watch and jewelry repairs for over 30 years.
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Starting point is 00:55:51 location near you. They just opened up a new one in Richmond Hill. So go to Fast Time Watch and Jewelry Repair. So did you start your radio life in London?on no um where did you start i'm trying to track it all you've been everywhere yeah i actually never worked in london i almost did but um so okay let me see i left toronto when i was 19 and i started my first job in guelph well uh the two stations are still there now and uh so see joy and Magic. And I started off as the cruiser kid. I used to call it a promotions, whatever. And we drive the vehicle around and we did interviews and and got to go to all sorts of fun events. And I actually got that job first before I decided to go to college because I never wanted radio when I was growing up. I just kind of it was it was an accident, but a great, convenient, wonderful accident. So, yeah, so I started there, and then while I was working there,
Starting point is 00:56:50 I came back and went to Humber College, the Rexdale campus up there, North Campus. Of course. And then I left for Wingham, which is a tiny town. It's about an hour due north of London. Maybe that's why we're thinking that.
Starting point is 00:57:04 So it's just up Highway 2? No, it's more like, I totally kitchener guelph wingham i can't tell they're all london to me i don't know why that's just my ignorance i apologize well okay you know what it's funny like i'm gonna backtrack for a second when i first left toronto i was devastated because again i was 19 and you know here i am finally legal to go to all these clubs and see you later. My mother decides to move us to Fergus. And I'd not heard of Fergus when I moved there, never heard of it. And then the name sort of rang a bell when it dawned on me that Larry Silver, who was still at the time working at 680, he had moved to Fergus. And I grew up with his two sons, his boys and I all went to high school together. So I go to this town, Fergus was 8,000 people and thankfully the Silvers are there, you know? So, um, when I
Starting point is 00:57:52 did that and when I was coming back here for college again, leaving Toronto was hard, but the best thing was that I kept coming back and I'm like, the city's not going anywhere. So even if I move and I'm homesick, I can always come back and visit or I can always whatever. So, yeah, Guelph was first for about two, two and a half years. Then Wingham, which was the town just north of London, I was there for a year. That town was 2,400 people. Wow. And, yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:18 But they all listened to you. Well, it was a funny little thing. The guy who had invented that station, he built it in his basement. That station just turned 90-something years old old it's about 92 or 93 years so it's one of the oldest in Canada it's not the oldest that's CFCF in Montreal but it is one of the top five oldest in the country so after Wingham I went to Barrie for two years then I went up to North Bay for a year then I went to Sudbury for a year. And then I came back, I went to Waterloo. So that was six moves in about eight years.
Starting point is 00:58:50 Wow. And then I only expected to be there for a year because I just kept like the WKRP life. Oh, go, go, go. But next thing you know, yeah, it's so true though. It really is. I never left the province to grab a job. I've always stayed in Ontario for now.
Starting point is 00:59:10 And, you know, I was in KW. And while I was there, that's when I also worked at Chum for a while so I could commute. And the same thing happened when I was at Boom. Okay, so can I pause you on the Chum thing? Sure. I don't want to, now that we're back in Toronto here, I need to, okay, so am I right that you're like one of the last DJs on 1050 Chum? Yes. I believe...
Starting point is 00:59:33 I can't remember. I think I was the second last. I have a feeling Amber Paye was the last one. Because we used to do a night show where you just sort of had, you know, all these soothing songs, you know, from 10 to midnight, that kind of thing. And I just, she's,
Starting point is 00:59:47 uh, I'm seeing her doing some work on Metro morning. Yes. She's been sort of a little bit everywhere. So she's doing Metro morning and there was another one. I want to see the region or something like that, um, that she's been doing here.
Starting point is 00:59:59 So, so I believe Amber pay was the last and I think I was the second last. Well, that's kind of double check. That's kind of neat. Like you should find out. I should actually double check that. That's kind of neat. Like you should find out because if you're the last, that's kind of neat because that is the station. If people older than us, I would point out.
Starting point is 01:00:13 But when you ask certain people, baby boomers, for example, like what station did you listen to? It's 1050 Chum. That's the answer. That's who my mom listened to when she was growing up. Speaking of Roger Ashby, so you being, because it turned and it went to
Starting point is 01:00:28 after 1050 Chum, that's when it went to TSN, right? Yeah, it went back to sports. So they had left, done sports for a bit, came back, and then after that second time, like I remember Brad Jones, he was the program director at the time, and he phoned me to let me know that I was no longer working for Chum, and that was the first time I sort of and he phoned me to let me know that I was no longer
Starting point is 01:00:45 working for Chum and that was the first time I sort of got fired I thought right right and and I was you know still working within the company I was I was full-time at the Chum stations in Waterloo so it wasn't like I couldn't pay my bills but um it was the first time I had to say goodbye to something that was beyond my control and And, you know, a format change happens and, and they have to let people go. And that's just the nature of the business. So, yeah. And correct me if I'm wrong, but like we, we've mentioned Roger Ashby a few times, but his son was making a go of it at 1050 Chum. Am I right? He was. And he was also working with us out in Waterloo. His name was Regan Ashby or is, he's still around. He's not doing the radio thing anymore.
Starting point is 01:01:27 And Regan was a good kid. I can't remember how old he is now. This is a little while back now, because Chum's been gone for 10 years. They gave him a shot. I think it wasn't quite for him. Last time I saw Roger, I saw him before his retirement.
Starting point is 01:01:44 We had a reunion, and I asked him how Regan was doing and he's all right. He's got his own shop and whatever. So he's not in the media industry. So he didn't follow his father's footsteps. It's not for everybody. That's for sure. No. But interesting.
Starting point is 01:01:59 Okay. So then, sorry, you mentioned that they flip format. So 1050, but you were still doing some work for other Bell Media properties outside of Toronto? I was. So that's where I was for 14 years. 1053, which is now Virgin, and KFun, which is still out there, and they're celebrating their 10 years. So I was with those guys for about 14 years or so. And again, a format change came and
Starting point is 01:02:25 they let six of us go. Um, so Larry Silver was working with me there. Uh, there was me, Larry, another fellow, Brian Burke, who'd been with them for 25 odd years. And there were some other people in promotions and that kind of stuff. So, and then how do you get back? How do you get back to Toronto? Well, when 1050 flipped to sports, Troy McCallum actually called me back then to work on Boom. And he said, you know, I know that you are working for another company in another market, but we don't have a company out there. So it's not competition for us. And, you know, Chum or Bell at the time said, no, we're not comfortable with you working for two separate companies. Cause again, the channels are going to get into the other cities and all that sort of stuff. So when I did get let go from, um,
Starting point is 01:03:16 Bell Media, Troy reached out and said, okay, well, how about now? And it had been a few years. And I said, sure. Again, I thought I was done with radio. I was ready to walk away and I was working at it. I was a personal trainer at a gym and I was like, look at me, you know, venturing off from radio and I got sucked back in. So I was only off. It was Troy's fault. Well, no, it was Scott Turner's fault first. So Scott Turner was the first one that called me. And, um, so I worked for him in Kitchener and I worked for Troy in Toronto at the same time. So that two separate company thing, they kind of quietly let me do that. And, um,
Starting point is 01:03:49 Back in the day that was more commonplace, but today it feels, you know, I always wonder how he gets away with it, but I know it's in his contract or whatever, but Roz Weston, okay. He's like one of the last guys I can think of who's, who's working for, you know, he's not, one's radio, one's TV. Yes. But there are two, he does, uh, of, one's radio, one's TV. Yes. But there are two, he does, of course,
Starting point is 01:04:06 he's on the radio for Rogers. Yep. And then he's on TV for Chorus, now that they've gobbled up. Which is global, yeah. Gobbled up, Canwest Global,
Starting point is 01:04:13 whatever. However that works. But that's two competitor media companies that he's employed with, and that's a rarity these days. It is a rarity, and that's where, again,
Starting point is 01:04:23 I don't know how I got away with it. It probably wouldn't happen again if I asked. But that's where, again, I don't know how I got away with it. It probably wouldn't happen again if I asked. But that's why Marilyn switched. She used to have her show on... Was it on Rogers? No, I know. City TV. It was on City TV, which is then when Rogers ended up... Yeah, so now they ended up
Starting point is 01:04:37 bringing her show. So she's got both shows, but same company. It's a little tricky to do that. And if people can, can get it more power to you. So raw is his last man standing. I think I want to know if anyone has any other examples, let me know. That's all I had it a couple of years ago and I probably won't be able to do that again. And not counting the freelancers. Cause you can have somebody who shows up on, you know, CBC one day and 10 50 the next and this and that, because they're not
Starting point is 01:05:03 actually a permanent full-time employees or whatever. Right, right. That doesn't count. No, it's not the same. Right. So Troy brings you back to work on Boom. Yes.
Starting point is 01:05:13 To work on Boom. So that's the first stint at Boom. Yeah, that was my first stint. And so I was just there originally one day a week and fill in whenever necessary. And so I was working there. And then Scott Turner had the same thing with me in whenever necessary. And, uh, so I was working there and then Scott Turner had the same thing with me in Kitchener. So I'd have Sundays and whenever, and then sometimes it would end up, you know, people are taking vacations and I would end
Starting point is 01:05:34 up working double shifts. So I would be, let's say in Kitchener from eight until two and I'd drive to Toronto and be on the air from six until midnight. Um, and, and somewhere in there, I ended up going back to Guelph for a little bit, my very first station. And so they wanted to hire me full time. But I knew that things were coming in Toronto. And I thought, no, I want to get back. I've already... The goal is to work here, right? I'm not even discrediting, you can have a great radio career in Guelph, but it just numbers like population numbers. There's such night and day, the, uh, audience that you could attract in Toronto. That's true. I mean, you know, Toronto's the fourth largest market in all of North America, right? And it's the largest in
Starting point is 01:06:12 Canada. And so when, when I first started and I was in college, yeah, that's my big dream. And I want to work in Toronto and I this, and sure, along the way, you know, sometimes you make a life outside of this market. You, you meet the person of your dreams and you build a family. And you're like, you know, I found a house that I can afford or whatever. Well, there's an example I talked about with Mark Weisblot recently from 1236 where he talked about the guy who left the afternoon spot at 102.1 for a morning show gig in Sudbury. Like that just happened. Like that never ever used to happen. Yep. That just happened. Yeah. And, uh, and that's, I lived in Sudbury as well. It can be, it's gorgeous in the summer, but yeah. But most people want to work, uh, in the biggest
Starting point is 01:06:56 market. It all depends, I guess, on what ends up becoming your, your drive. You know, when I got into radio, um, I remember thinking back then, first of all, there weren't very many females, uh, in the industry still. And so I knew that I wanted to have radio and I, and I wanted to have a family, but you couldn't do both at the same time. And I had to make a decision. Do I concentrate on my career or do I look at a family? And so I, I chose the career to concentrate on. And I actually... So this was a conscious, like you actually had that whole like...
Starting point is 01:07:28 I had that whole thought to myself. And I remember thinking... That's terrible that you had to make that choice. Well, and it's different now. I mean, now they have a lot of work-life balance. That wasn't a thing back then. As a matter of fact, they used to have a saying that said, for example, like we weren't allowed to take sick days. And so the running joke was, if you're sick, bring a bucket. If you're
Starting point is 01:07:51 dead, bring a note. Meaning there's no snow days. You show up and you do your job. And it sounds like a sweatshop. I don't like that. I don't, I can't, I mean, I'm a guy. I never had to have this thought. But the whole idea of like, do I choose my career or having a family? Like that whole choice should not exist for anybody even then. No, it shouldn't. And I don't think it does as much now, thankfully. But back then, that was the risk that you took. If you took a maternity leave and somebody came in and filled in, they may prefer that
Starting point is 01:08:22 person's sound or they may decide, you know what, we don't want to hire you back or we're going to demote you or we're going to, you know, so your career was always at risk if you took time off to have and raise a family. So I chose career for such a long, long time. And that's even still, it's so ingrained in my head. If, if somebody calls up and says, Hey, we need you, they're sick. Yep. And I don't even think about what am I doing that day or, you know, who that always comes first. And, uh, whether that's right or not, it's just something that's. But is that for money or is that because of this, uh, training that you are? So not money. Not at all. Um, what it is, is, is for me, that's my comfort place. That's where I am. Um, I just, I feel happy and, you know, I'm in my comfort zone.
Starting point is 01:09:08 I don't even, I'm not saying I don't have to think. You certainly have to be prepared to do a show or, you know, you want to make sure you know what you're talking about, whatever. But there's just some sort of a comfort zone in that element. And just even if it's for six hours or whatever that little time is just that's what i know and that's been my first love and and it's you sound like somebody who uh should start her own podcast that's what you sound like i know you and i've chatted about that i'm so on the fence about it anyway we'll talk about that offline but uh i it's it's just i'm just fascinated because uh
Starting point is 01:09:42 again i'm not in your industry so but I talk to lots of people in your industry. And the whole, like, need for a live mic or whatever, like, that drives you. Like, and that, you know, if somebody said, hey, we need you. I don't know. I'm going to make this up. But we need you on this station Christmas Eve from, like, noon to six or whatever. You don't stop and think about, like, how affect your life work life balance you say yes because you've you've got a you've got a switch in your head that tells you you say yes to such opportunities that always comes first and and
Starting point is 01:10:14 again um it's not the most uh popular choice especially now i think most people go you know you know what i want to be at home with my kids or I want to, you know, I've, I've already made plans to go see my mother or whatever, whatever. And my family knows that I've, I've always sort of put that first because I always think, well, that's okay. I'll still see at six or I'll see you tomorrow or I'll whatever. It's not like I'm never going to see you again. Um, and, and they're cool enough to realize that that's, I've been doing this for longer than half my life. And, and so there's been all these times where I keep thinking I'm going to leave and I'm going to do this or I'm going to, and then I just get sucked back in because this is, this is where I feel most comfortable. Well, okay. Well, if this
Starting point is 01:10:55 is what makes you happy, then you're in the right place. But I would point out to you as somebody who I think is maybe exactly your age, that you're not nearly as old as you think you are. Like you could theoretically, theoretically, now radio makes you happy. So please do radio because happiness is everything. But like if there was something else, like and I'll make, let's say you wanted to be a yoga instructor
Starting point is 01:11:17 or something like that. Like it's definitely not, like I mentioned earlier, like becoming a police officer. Like if you found in your heart that, because your dad was a police officer. If you found in your heart that, because your dad was a police officer, and if you found in your heart that you wanted to join, be a police officer as well,
Starting point is 01:11:31 and it was in your heart, I don't think it's too late at all. There's a huge chunk, a massive chunk of productive quality life in front of you. Oh, I agree. I'm far from any retirement age. And yeah, there's still a time to switch careers. What would be nice, let's say I decide to do something else, it would be nice to find another career. Like I said, Pete Fowler and I were discussing, you know, maybe because
Starting point is 01:11:57 I'm not an officer, so there's plenty of civilian work that can be done. So what if I were to choose that, let's say, and i still have the chance to go on boom on the weekends or you know or to scratch the itch like you guys have lost indy you know or for yeah exactly like or or for that matter you know be on call or you know so i i never say never i'm not locked into this forever at this point in time you know i'm only working part-time well let's get you know what let's do that let's get you to current day here so you you're doing the boom stuff Working part-time. Well, let's get, you know what, let's do that.
Starting point is 01:12:23 Let's get you to current day here. So you're doing the Boom stuff. And, but at some point, and Boom, this is back when NuCap was owner of Boom. And then they also owned Flow. Yes. So how do you end up on Flow? Well, I, and this is funny,
Starting point is 01:12:43 like as much as sometimes we think things are the worst kept secret, I didn't, I did not see the flip changing. I did not know that we were going to be a 93, five, the move didn't have a clue, even though I was right in that building. So, you know,
Starting point is 01:12:56 I knew, I know you knew we discussed that. Okay. So you got some connections, but no, I didn't, I was completely blindsided by that. And I was actually on the air on Boom.
Starting point is 01:13:06 And so Steve Parsons, who's the operations manager, said, hey, did you want to give this a go? And I thought, sure, why not? Like, I'm already doing all these other stations. What's, you know, here's 93.5. And also, you've been preconditioned to say yes to these opportunities. Well, that's the thing. Why would you say no? Especially, you know, this is more more it's more money in toronto and it's you know the bigger market and whatever and more mic time so yeah and so i was able to i was actually i can't
Starting point is 01:13:35 remember if i was doing both though i think by the time i flipped over to 93.5 and it wasn't like here you're hired they said do you want to come over and give this a shot? And, um, I think when that happened, that's when I had to be taken off of boom, just because again, it's sort of a conflict of interest in the same city. And, but this, even though it's the same owner,
Starting point is 01:13:53 yeah, it's not a conflict of interest. Maybe it was a branding decision. Like maybe one's a rock. I was only on one day a week at that point, like aside from the fill in stuff. So it was just as easy to get somebody else to come in on one day a week for that. And, you know, even when I went to the move, um, yeah, I wasn't guaranteed. It was a tryout. And so I think I did it for about a month or so before
Starting point is 01:14:15 they decided to hire me on. And that's when we were, had switched from flow to, uh, we would, we were doing the throwbacks. So, um, they put me on middays there and, and I was there for a couple of years. And even while I was there every once in a while, sure. If they got stuck on boom, yeah, I could go back because I had, I knew the format and it was just, it was very easy and very comfortable. And, and, um, okay. Let's say, now here's a tough question for you, but did you feel more comfortable on boom or flow or like, like, like for you, what is there a difference there? Yeah, there's a difference in 100%. I'd say I'm, I'm in my element, uh, on boom. It is a format that I grew up listening to and, um, you know,
Starting point is 01:14:58 and I worked it in so many other, uh, markets and things like that. So that is, that's a format that speaks to me. And I've done lots of different ones. Like when I worked country, for example, I didn't know it when I started, I had to learn it. And so the move, although I knew it because it was throwbacks, it was still nineties and whatever. I had done a, a throwback or an old school Sunday with Scott Turner. So had he not hired me at the beat, I think the move would have been tricky for me. But no, it was easy. Like, you know, who doesn't know Salt-N-Pepa? Who doesn't know TLC?
Starting point is 01:15:29 Sugar Jones? Did you know Sugar Jones? I do. Because you know what? Billie Holiday worked with us for a little while. And she actually was on that. I believe the show was called Pop Stars. Is that correct?
Starting point is 01:15:39 That's correct. So she was on the show, right? And Billie is a sweetheart. I haven't seen her in a while. And now I have to text her that we're talking about her. She's been on the show, right? And Billy is a sweetheart. I haven't seen her in a while, and now I have to text her that we're talking about her. She's been on the show. Yeah, she was fun. Yeah, she's a good...
Starting point is 01:15:51 Actually, she and I went to college together. I think we were a year apart. I didn't hang out with her back then, because when I was in college, I wasn't there to go to the pubs and everything. I had already lived on my own for a year, I was sort of focused on this is a stepping stone of my career so I'm not here to play around but anyway but did you ever consider a fake name like Billie Holiday did like uh did you ever have a moment of like I had to have a fake name in one market once so and that's only because the program director was convinced like there was some girl
Starting point is 01:16:20 there was a girl that worked there Kay Thompson that wasn't her name but they said well if you come here as Stacey Thompson they're gonna be confused i'm like they are so not we didn't sound the same but whatever so he made he made me change my name and i was going to go with stacy lords okay like exactly because our the radio station was next door to an adult video store and so i said to him what do you think of this like hell no you're that's you're not two eyes at the end of whatever i was gonna you know and they said no so i ended up going by uh this is up at uh up in sudbury i had to go by stacy tyler like as in stephen tyler right because it was a rock station and i hated it because that's not who i was i didn't want to change my name i wrote i had
Starting point is 01:16:59 to write it down in front of me you could have just done done like Stacy T? That wasn't cool back then. Do you know what I mean? It was like you had to have the full name. And yeah, because that's what somebody else said. And I was like. Well, that could have been your flow name. Like at flow or slash the move, you could have been Stacy T.
Starting point is 01:17:15 And then when you're on boom, you could have been Stacy Thompson. Like you could have done that. But even at that point, it wasn't like, it's now back to being an urban station, right? And hip hop and everything. But at the time it wasn't quite that. So, okay's okay so when when blake was over here it was at the time that they were they were dropping that throwbacks thing that they were doing which was great fun for guys
Starting point is 01:17:35 like me but yeah and then they were gonna go you're right more kendrick lamar and of course it's now toronto's hip-hop is what they're called so right yeah right right right and the weekend and all that uh now did that and you you were you were cool with this new uh you were okay dropping like uh selling like a Kendrick Lamar track and all that like this this was still cool oh yeah well I had no issue with it it's just um again it's it's at that point you know you are there to talk about a song or talk about whatever's going on. And really as much as it is about the music, a lot of the things I talked about on the air was let's make it Toronto centric. So sure. They want to know their pop culture, but they also really want to know what's happening right here. So it, it wasn't a difficult
Starting point is 01:18:20 for me. And, but that being said, like when you'd asked with one format or the other, um, where I'm at now to come back to Boom, uh, is a little bit more like coming home. And so. Okay. So, so yeah. So you, then you leave again, it's all the same company. So it's kind of like, but you leave Flow to come back to Boom. Yes. And you're at Boom now. So yeah, I'm back at Boom. What I did was, I think I had about a month off when I left 93.5, because, yeah, I just, I sort of took a break, another break. Like this isn't the first time I'd left a station,
Starting point is 01:18:57 and you know, I wasn't starving. I was able to pay my bills, and I wasn't in panic mode. So I thought, I'm just going to take a month to myself, because last time I was panicking. I'd never lost a job. I'd never, and I was so afraid that I wasn't going to pay my bills. So I was, it was a rush to get back like that. That's, well, I had another job on the side, but, um, at this point I went, no, I'm just, I'm just want to breathe for a second. And I know that everything's going to be okay. Um, to be okay. To leave one station and come back,
Starting point is 01:19:26 the company likes my work and I love the people there. It sounds like Troy enjoyed working with you and wanted to do it again. Well, and you know what? Even when I was on 93.5, because the two stations are down the hall from each other, right? So Mae Potts and I used to work the same shift and we would run in and out and, Hey, how are you doing? And I'm having this salad for lunch. And how's your week? You know, to me, it was all one big family and Troy
Starting point is 01:19:53 would pop in sometimes. And even though at that point, Scott Turner was my PD. I had my two, I don't want to call them best friends because you know, there's still a work relationship, but there's an interesting work slash friendship. And, and I w I had the best of both worlds with both Scott and Troy. Um, but, but I always kept that, that, that friendship, that rapport. And I would go to him sometimes with questions. He's a wonderful coach. Um, so, so there's no, it's funny. Like we just, there's a, there are boundaries, but, but it fits perfectly with everything if I ever need to close the door even when I wasn't working for him so yeah he called me all like almost right away after leaving 93.5 to say we still want you here and I was like okay cool but I just I just wanted I just wanted to breathe so all that like maybe it was the worst kept secret I don't know but
Starting point is 01:20:42 like when I came back in the halls a month later, it just felt like I'd been on a long vacation. That's all. Which is good. Very good. Now let's just chat a bit about Boom. So Boom doing very well from what I understand. They do pretty well in these ratings.
Starting point is 01:20:57 I don't think, I mean, now I've only been with them four years. I mean, and they've just done very well every single time i've it's always been within the top three and you know whenever we have our ratings they'll let us know how our times like our shows did and everything so well it it looks like in the uh the demo uh the q107 demo that you guys have caught and surpassed Q in that demo? We have a lot of people that come over and say, hey, I used to listen to and now I'm listening to you. And so what's nice about Boom is, yeah, we get to play some of the classic rock, but you know, it's nice to have the guilty pleasures mixed in there as well. And when
Starting point is 01:21:38 we were growing up, I don't know about you, but remember there'd be the classes of people, like you were a rocker or you were a preppy or you were a, what, what else was there? Gino's, Gina's, like there was all those different. And so, so when we were growing up, you only listened to this music to your, to the friend's faces. But when you go home, like my sisters and I all completely different, did some different music. So. Oh yeah. So at school you might not be talking about how you're going to go home and listen to like True Blue by Madonna. But then when you get home, you're going to, you know. I actually, yeah, but that would be it.
Starting point is 01:22:09 So I had like, I was the rocker sister. My other sister would listen to all the popular music. CFTR and the Top 40 stuff. Well, sort of, but I can't even, I'm trying to remember if it was TR or, it depends too on the time. Because I started listening to TR. I did switch to Q for a while, but I had another sister that she used to listen to all the underground stuff. And so she would have all these like raw cassettes that like,
Starting point is 01:22:34 you know, where did you get this kind of thing? So we each secretly listened to each other's music, the three of us. And we were at home, but when we go with our friends, like, you know,
Starting point is 01:22:42 they would never say, Oh yeah, I was listening to my sister's Led Zeppelin. So we, we just, but now like boom just goes, yeah, you know, they would never say, oh, yeah, I was listening to my sister's Led Zeppelin. So we just, but now like Boom just goes, yeah, of course you listen to that. Yes, you listen to Eurasia. Yes, you listen to disco, whatever. What's the official thing? Is it 70s, 80s and 90s?
Starting point is 01:22:56 70s, 80s, 90s. And every once in a while we'll sneak in, like sometimes, you know, you can't knock great 60s tunes. So every once in a while, you'll sneak something in, like Sly and the Family Stone, Thank You for Let Me Be Myself Again, or Roy Orbison or something. And same thing, maybe in an early 2000s,
Starting point is 01:23:13 there's still some great music. So every once in a while, we'll push the boundaries for that. But yeah, our chorus, 70s, 80s, 90s. It's awesome. And you mentioned Mae Potts, who's there. Yes. And like, Stu Jeffries is a great guy stew all of them kj's wonderful jeff spindell um drew ferrero and i we tend to hang out a lot just because we both
Starting point is 01:23:33 work at like he comes in after my show on the weekends so we chill for a bit matt's story is his sweetheart jeff chalmers is wonderful and it's funny because i used to listen to jeff right right i was gonna say speaking of and then and then to work alongside him and same thing with kj like again you know when i did listen to tr and i grew up with larry silver's kids but kj was there um i got to meet tom rivers before he passed mike cooper so there's all those legends that it's funny we just talked about bill hayes yeah he was there yeah john derring, all those guys. And for that matter, again, Pete Fowler, but he was in it right as I was starting. So I still felt like such a kid. I still feel like a kid, even though it's been 20, I think it's been 25 or 26 years. I think 26. Isn't that terrible? what's your opinion uh the controversial uh thought i have about kj right so he was i grew up with him as chris james yep chris james chris james chris james later in life i learned there's this guy kj on a station i didn't listen to but there's this kj and then kj and then i took a long
Starting point is 01:24:39 time i'm embarrassed to say how long it took for me to realize kj was chris. Like, what do you think about changing your name in the middle of a career? But it's not a change, right? But it is a change. It's still KJ stands for Chris James. No, I know. You know, it's just a matter, you know, and some people know and some people don't, right? But I always knew that KJ stood for Chris James. I just sort of put that together.
Starting point is 01:25:02 But you're inside. Like, the listeners aren't going to always connect these dots. But I was a listener too, right? Right. Okay. So you're savvy. I think it's maybe it's me. I felt like I did not know KJ was Chris James.
Starting point is 01:25:13 Oh, did you feel duped? No, I felt like, how did I not know that? But then I thought, well, why the hell did he change his name? Because he already had a, he was already Toronto Radio famous. Like it's a lot of work to get there. You invest all that time and energy and luck and all that comes together. Now you're Toronto Radio famous. Don't blow that up and start again.
Starting point is 01:25:33 Just my controversial opinion. I don't know. See, I didn't even look at it as a name change. I just thought of it as initials. Not that I'd go on as ST, but I wouldn't do that. ST on the move and then you're ST Thompson. Yeah, now it's even like, sure, sometimes I'll give my full name, but I'm just going to go with ST, because at this point, we're buddies.
Starting point is 01:25:53 And with all the social media attachment to it, you can find out my full name if you want. I mean, every time we turn around, we're sharing that on Facebook. That is a new trend, too. You brought it up there. Or maybe it was in my head, and you didn't bring it up yet but the new trend of uh radio dj is going by just their first name like this is all it is relatively new and i'm i'm quite all right with that it doesn't matter to me whether you know my last name's thompson or whatever i just i just figure it's like this right now we're sitting here and we're chatting so if i
Starting point is 01:26:23 walked into a room i would i would not introduce myself as hi i'm stacy thompson it's so formal okay you say hi i'm stacy oh yeah and but then but but then if you're building your brand and then you want to be able to take that brand to other places for money that like you basically by by only going by first name i'm not too sure like unless it's a unique i do both though so and and it's yeah it's obviously she's not unique at all but uh every once in a while I'll I'll give the full name but the other thing is again we have connections through social media so um while I'm chatting on as a matter of fact what I used to get was um you know I'd run into somebody in the store and they'd say oh you're so-and-so, I recognize your voice. Now I get phone calls from the station saying, hi, I follow you on Instagram
Starting point is 01:27:08 or I follow you on Twitter. And so it's a weird, you know, blend of medias, but the trend sometimes is that. It's not even about, I know you from your radio career, which is much longer. It's, I follow you here. Now we just talked about the new Virgin Morning Show being Adam Wilde, but it's actually Adam Wilde and TJ. And this gentleman, this young man is going by TJ. That's it. He's TJ. I actually found out only through like a press release thing that he's like a TJ O'Halloran, but he doesn't use that on air. He's just TJ, TJ, TJ. Kind of confusing. We just had a TJ. Oh, TJ Connors. I know he's in Winnipeg now, but I mean, TJ doesn't seem unique enough
Starting point is 01:27:51 that you could just, you're now TJ. But again, what do I know? I get a unique name and stick with it. How's that for an old school controversial opinion? But listen, I'm all over the place. KJ, who am I to tell kj what the name call yourself what you like kj you're you're great at what you do yeah he's great at what he does what do i know um let me ask a little bit uh like an ownership question so uh you work for new cap that's uh the
Starting point is 01:28:17 move and boom are new cap stations and then a new cap was, I believe that's the terminology, by Stingray. Yes. And now you work for Stingray. Yes, we do. Has anything changed from your perspective? Not yet. I'm excited to see what kind of changes can happen. It's still pretty new.
Starting point is 01:28:40 I think the official takeover happened in, I'm going to say, October. So it's really only been a couple of months. Like even right now, my email is still the same so not even that has changed but I know they're looking at opening things up because Stingray does a lot for music and I'm really excited to see where we can go with those sorts of venues because now the company you work for owns a lot more stations across the country is that right yes and I like this song that you just chose. It's beautiful. But yes, no,
Starting point is 01:29:06 they, they bought, they purchased the stations coast to coast. And so there, there will be format changes. There are format changes. There are some tweaks that are coming. So I'm excited. You feel that summer breeze?
Starting point is 01:29:28 It's the wrong day for a summer breeze. I do. I almost want to sing this, but I don't want to wreck this song. I'm singing it quietly. Feel free to wreck this song. No, it's a beautiful song. It's funny, I played Captain and Tennille earlier, and now I'm playing Seals and Croft.
Starting point is 01:29:41 Yep. Because that's how we roll on Toronto Mic'd. I love this music because you know what? When we chat about favorite music and all this sort of stuff, I know that most people
Starting point is 01:29:51 have a chord demo or type that they like, but I'm such a sucker for this music. It's so beautiful and I was young when it came out, but it just reminds me of
Starting point is 01:30:00 this is what my mom listened to, you know what I mean? Yeah, you get warm fuzzies from it. I'm in my mom's old Buick. It's a ragtop and we're listening to this driving listened to you know what i mean and so yeah you get warm fuzzies from it it's like you know there's a reason my mom's old buick it's a rag top and we're listening to this driving along you know to the boulevard club nostalgia is a potent drug and you had to have some money to afford the boulevard well no we were social members we didn't have a yacht or anything i bike by it every day and think they won't let me in there i feel like i'm gonna sing uh in the
Starting point is 01:30:23 sign says you gotta have a membership card. You do. I curled there when I was a kid. We went there for curling, which they don't have the curling rinks there anymore. I think they've moved the bowling ones there. I'm not sure. I haven't been in a long time, but that's what this reminds me of. So why, Stacey, why am I playing this song, Summer Breeze?
Starting point is 01:30:40 You're playing this because Stingray just launched two new stations out west called The Breeze. You're playing this because Stingray just launched two new stations out west called The Breeze. So we've got one in Vancouver and we have one in Edmonton. And they're brand new. They just launched on Boxing Day. Wow, that's fresh. Yeah, just barely a week old. That's a fresh breeze. It is. And actually we played this song
Starting point is 01:31:00 over there. That's when I heard this I was like, oh. Because it's this kind of easy listening vibe, right? It really is. It's easy listening. It's all about just feeling relaxed. And I mean, everyone's got stresses in their day, whether it's the dryer breaking and you've got six people's house to do the clothes, or you're worried about politics, or sometimes bills are tight when you want to own a home. And so just for a moment, the breeze gives you a chance to relax. And some of the songs are beautiful guilty pleasure tunes like this one for me. So Edmonton and Vancouver have breezes. Yes, they do.
Starting point is 01:31:36 Have you done any work for these stations? I have, yes. While they are brand new, they may be looking to get some new people in there. But in the meantime, they just went, okay, well, we can reach out and we have people
Starting point is 01:31:50 within the company who know the format and who fit this. So I don't know how long I'll be helping out on the breeze. As a matter of fact, my coworker,
Starting point is 01:31:58 Drew Ferreira, they're flying him out to do mornings. Vancouver or Edmonton, it's a big difference. Sorry, it'll be Edmonton. Oh, I might put... Okay, because it would be better to get Vancouver, right? No.
Starting point is 01:32:10 Well, okay, if all you're concerned about is market. But again, they're both... I'm only concerned about biking. Okay, no, see, but the Edmonton one is in the West Edmonton Mall. And so I've never been there. I would love to just look out the window of the station and be like, I want to go down that water slide or whatever. So I think it's exciting. It's interesting. I went to Edmonton once. Yes. I've, I've never, I've still never been to that mall. I'm going to say
Starting point is 01:32:34 that was September or something like that. Yeah, it was still nice out and I did not get to the mall. I just didn't get, I didn't, I didn't have it high on my list of things. And it wasn't, didn't seem to be near the downtown. It seemed to be far away. And I'm like, I don't need to go see a mall. Well, pretty city, but Vancouver is also gorgeous. And I'm ashamed to say this. I have not well traveled in Canada. I've lived a lot in this province. Because it's expensive.
Starting point is 01:32:57 It is very expensive. It was much cheaper to get a flight to Vegas, let's say, than it is to go to Vancouver, which is sad. Because I would much rather see... We have a gorgeous country. I have a sister who is in the film and television industry, and
Starting point is 01:33:11 she's shot all over the world. And when she went to Vancouver, she had considered moving there, but said, no, you know what? Toronto is just as gorgeous, dare I say, more. Not knocking Vancouver. We've got those ravines. But that's the thing. It's like we've got the lake,
Starting point is 01:33:27 and if you want the mountains, you drive an hour away or whatever. Like, I mean, everything's here. Who needs the mountain states? Some people do if you're boarding and skiing and stuff, you know. What have you got? Okay, so I played Seals, because I have some more breeze questions.
Starting point is 01:33:41 I played Seals and Croft Summer Breeze. Yes. And I thought, well, that's good for the easy listeners out there, but I just thought I'd play a tiny bit of Lynyrd Skynyrd. This is the Call Me the Breeze. Yep. But they don't play this on the breeze. I haven't heard it yet.
Starting point is 01:34:02 And not all the music there is easy listening. Some of it's a little bit rock. There's some yacht rock in there. There'll be a little bit in there. A little bit of rock, a little bit of pop, a little bit of whatever. Okay, so would you accept if you were given a full-time position at The Breeze in Edmonton or Vancouver, would you accept it? Wow, that's a loaded question. No one said it would be easy.
Starting point is 01:34:23 This is real talk. No, I know. And you know what? So as much as I have said that career comes first for me, which it really does, I'm sure, well, and you and I have chatted about this, I have some family stuff as well. Like my mom needs care at the moment. And so that's the thing.
Starting point is 01:34:41 It's like, geez, do I go and jump and continue with what I love? I mean, because I love it here in Toronto as well. And this is where I grew up and everything. It's a tough call. I wish I had an answer for you. You're putting me on the spot. I ask the tough questions on Toronto Mike's. You do.
Starting point is 01:34:59 Okay, but can you do a show? Because this is happening all across this country. Yeah. As you know, people are doing shows from out of market. Yes. That Meredith, who's just moved here, she's going to do Afternoons on 102.1. She was in, I think, four, at least four different markets. Getty's.
Starting point is 01:35:16 Meredith Getty's was in Vancouver recording for four different markets, including Toronto. Yes. So, would you do a show in Van City from the T-Dot? Oh, in a heartbeat. And as a matter of fact, I'll let you in on a little secret. When I was working at 1050 Chum, I was able to do a lot of my shows from KW. I had this little Chum booth. It was the little room that attached to Toronto. And so if I couldn't drive to the city, I could get into that booth and do that. And of course the nice thing is I grew up here and I knew it so I could talk about it like I was here. I felt a little guilty. And I remember somebody emailing saying, oh,
Starting point is 01:35:55 we can totally tell when, when, um, people are on in Toronto when they're not. And I'm glad to hear you here. So this guy thought I was live every single time here in the GTA and I wasn't. I felt a little guilty. But, you know what, I was here enough to warrant every once in a while. You were just ahead of the curve. Now it's commonplace. That's the thing. I mean, you know, now you could do it from your
Starting point is 01:36:17 living room, really, if you have the money to buy the equipment. Well, look at me sitting here. Also, Maureen Holloway, she was on cue all the time from her home office. This was a setup for years. She would jump on Derringer's show. Yeah, but was that when she would... I mean, because I know she had health issues for a while.
Starting point is 01:36:36 Well, I don't know. I don't pry for the exact reasons, but she was able to do multiple markets from her home base. You can do it from anywhere in the world. That's the thing. So, you know, would I work in Vancouver from Toronto? Absolutely. But there's a little part of me going, I feel like I'm taking away from somebody who's living there who could be like, you know what?
Starting point is 01:36:57 Yeah, but that part gets trumped by your desire to be on the air. I suppose. I just don't want to eat someone else's lunch. You know what I mean? But you got to eat. Yes, I know. I know. Can't just live on to eat someone else's lunch. You know what I mean? But you got to eat. Yes, I know. I know. I know. Can't just live on the palm of pasta lasagna. No, although that's going to feed me for a good week, I think.
Starting point is 01:37:10 Four meals, I think. Plus the beverages. I'm fine for, I'm good for beer. So I would say yes. And would I move out there? Why not? I mean, I don't, like I said, I do. You have some familial obligations. Yeah. That's the only, that's the only thing right now. And so if I didn't have that, and,
Starting point is 01:37:33 and, you know, I have sisters and everything. It's not like I'd be leaving everybody high and dry, but there's a part of me thinking I would want to help and do as much as I can with my family. So. I'll say no more. These are all tough, tough decisions.
Starting point is 01:37:47 Now, here's something. You won't be involved in this decision because I'm going to guess it's above your pay grade. But Stingray has launched these two new Breeze stations in Edmonton and Vancouver. As you said, any chance of a Breeze station launching in Toronto? I have no idea. No, I know. That's why it's fun to find out what you think on this one.
Starting point is 01:38:07 Because I don't, I mean, would it sound, I like it personally, but it's not about what Stacey Thompson wants to hear, right? It's about what Toronto wants to hear. Can I ask, are you, is it true? I believe this is true. In Toronto, for example, the CRTC lets a station own four,
Starting point is 01:38:22 but do they have to be two FM and two AM max? Like, so for example, what I'm saying here is that like Bell Media can own Virgin Radio and can own Chum. Yes. But no more. But of course they have the AM stations,
Starting point is 01:38:34 right? But they can own. Yeah. But I think it's like you can own four total, but no more than two per band. So I guess where I'm going with this is that St stingray owns two fm stations in toronto the move and boom so there's not a third unless you're going to flip one of those now boom is doing very well uh there's i'm gonna guess there's no discussions about flipping that right now it's
Starting point is 01:38:55 going great and i don't know maybe the boom boom the boom the move maybe uh this is all speculation because we don't know but there could be a flip to the breeze well i you know what they're still so new coming back to hip-hop so i can't see a knee-jerk reaction and um you know blake and peter are an awesome morning team and uh but you work for the company what are you gonna say they're terrible i'm just kidding no You're in some trouble here. Come on. No, of course. No, but you know what? That was the neat thing. Like, again, I felt it didn't matter really which station I was on.
Starting point is 01:39:31 Like, I'm running in the halls with the same people anyway, right? Whether you're on air or not. So we're all one big family. And like I said, even when I was on the move, you know, Troy was always so awesome to talk to me. No, you don't want it to happen, but now I'm just thinking aloud. Yeah, I honestly don't know, because remember,
Starting point is 01:39:50 I didn't see the flip coming for 93.5 in the first place, so I really don't, I can't even have an answer. It's not like I'm holding this big secret back. And that flip was mild, really kind of mild, because a lot of the playlists kind of could stay, and then they just went more harder
Starting point is 01:40:05 rap, if you will, and lost less throwbacks. It's kind of a mild switch. Like your audience is not blowing up and starting again there. But you flip from the move, Kendrick Lamar, and then you go to Seals and Croft. That's a whole different ballgame. Yeah, that would be a very
Starting point is 01:40:22 big change. That would be a very big change. And you know, very big change. I, and you know, I mean, keep in mind that, um, boom was easy rock before it flipped to boom. So I, I,
Starting point is 01:40:31 I don't think boom is going anywhere. You know, we got a good solid team and, well, that would be dumb. I would say that it would be dumb to switch boom at this point. Yeah. And I,
Starting point is 01:40:39 like I said, I, I don't know their, their mild format flip, as you had mentioned, it's still pretty new. It's not even a year. It's only been whatever months. So I honestly don't have any insight into that. As a matter of fact, I didn't know about the Breeze ones until maybe days before.
Starting point is 01:40:56 So that was a complete surprise to me as well. So I don't always keep up with what's happening in Edmonton or Vancouver or our other stations in Montreal, East Coast, any of that stuff. Okay, we're going to kick out a jam in a moment. But I need to follow up on something you said earlier, which I need to know if there's any regrets about this decision you made to choose radio over family. Like this decision that you consciously made, do you have any regrets? I guess so. You know, where I am right now any regrets? I, I guess so. Um, you know, I, where I am right now is not where I thought I would be. You know, you have these thoughts when you're younger and I'm going to grow up and have, you know, 2.2 children and this and that. Um,
Starting point is 01:41:36 I thought I could have it all. And, um, you know, that being said, it wasn't because of the career that I don't have the family that I want. It was a it was a big one because also when I was younger, I assumed, oh, you have to be married by this age or else you're old. And so, you know, the fact that I was almost 30 when I got married, I thought, oh, my gosh, I can't believe I waited so long. Like, I'm just ancient. And, you know, my when I did get married, I married someone who was in the industry. And what was nice about that was I didn't have to explain myself. I didn't like people who don't work it. They don't understand when you say, sorry, I got to go to a concert. And they, you know, they think you're putting them on the back burner and it's like, this isn't, I'm doing this for work. And so when you were, are with somebody who's in the industry, you don't have to explain that. So that was a really nice thing.
Starting point is 01:42:27 But on the flip side, you know, he is a cancer survivor. And as a result of that, we were unable to have children. So, you know, the decisions that I made now, you can't go back. It is what it is. So I don't know what would have happened if I had focused on wanting a family. If I did, I don't know that I would be here in Toronto now. And I almost came to Toronto in the 90s to work here and I didn't. I ended up putting it off, but I'm here now and that's so, you know, that's awesome. So yeah, like I second guess, but I just look at it and think this is where I am and this is what
Starting point is 01:43:06 I know. And I love what I do. And so I had, the only thing I can do is go forward from here and see what's out there. I have so much time still to play. You got lots of time, lots of time, but we're going to go back in time for your jam here. Uh-oh. Oh, I'm in high school. Okay, not in high school when this song came out. In fact, I don't think we were born when this song came out. It came out in 1972, right? 71 or 72? Okay, the untitled album.
Starting point is 01:43:38 Early 70s. All I know is I remember retweeting something that Led Zeppelin's first album was 50 years old now, which is way, I know, crazy because we are not. And also we never think of Zeppelin as a 60s band because they're a 70s band, but they started in the 60s.
Starting point is 01:43:54 But their first four albums came out before I was born for sure. So, and this is so funny. Like people roll their eyes at this song because it really is probably overplayed however I don't know about you but every single high school dance I went to
Starting point is 01:44:12 this was always always the last song do you think they don't still do that right I think high school dances now are strictly like hip hop and R&B
Starting point is 01:44:21 well that's the most popular format for young people right so like when we were growing up you know and R&B. Well, that's the most popular format for young people, right? So, like, when we were growing up, you know, I remember when Robert Palmer, or excuse me, Robert Plant came out with his
Starting point is 01:44:34 Now and Zen album, okay? And so I liked him because, well, he's Led Zeppelin. I didn't know about the Honey Drippers or any of that sort of stuff. Yeah, Sea of Love, yeah. But no, I had, and I probably still have, every single album that Led Zeppelin came out with, including Coda, which is my least favorite.
Starting point is 01:44:51 But if you've got to have them, you have to have them all. And so I know this is such a cliche song. Last one on the untitled fourth album, but it's probably going to be my all-time favorite forever. This better get played at my funeral or whatever's going on. This has got to be that last one. So this was when we talked about Gasworks. And that was all coincidence, but we're talking about Gasworks
Starting point is 01:45:13 and the Mike Myers shout-out to Gasworks in Wayne's World. But there's also the scene where the guy's at the guitar shop or whatever, the music store, and he picks up the guitar and he starts playing this song. And then they point to the sign and it says, no stairway to heaven. Like they have a sign in the music store where you're not allowed because I guess everybody comes in there and starts playing stairway on the guitar.
Starting point is 01:45:35 So I was wondering if Steve Fall had tried to teach you at least the first part. No, we've discussed this because he said to me, he's asked me, what songs do you want to learn? And, you know, we're both huge fans of metal um you know like i went to see metallica i like iron maiden i grew up with dio and and you know lex apple is not metal it's probably early metal or it's it's rock anyway right hard rock though hard rock i suppose it's not now though when you listen to this and if you listen to like brauniar stomp or any of that, that's not hard metal. But Black Dog and stuff like that,
Starting point is 01:46:06 it's kind of hard rock. That's true. It might not be Sabbath, but it's... Yeah, a whole lot of love, sure. Anyway, he asked me what I wanted. He said, we can learn any metal song.
Starting point is 01:46:15 And I said, no, I want to, because I'm playing acoustic as well. So not that you can't play rock on acoustic, but there's a part of me, like the one that I first learned was America, Horse No Name. I've done some...
Starting point is 01:46:28 Which is like a Neil Young impersonation. Yeah, and I've done Neil Young. That's the other one. But the other one that I wanted to learn on guitar... By the way, Neil Young's a longtime wife. They're not together now, but Peggy Young passed away today. What?
Starting point is 01:46:40 Yeah, so Peggy Young died today. I believe she succumbed to cancer. Shoot. Not a great start to 2019. You mentioned Neil. I had to drop that, but I'm sorry. No, that's okay. The one that I'm just trying to remember what the song was that I wanted to do. Okay.
Starting point is 01:46:56 It'll come to me because I know that this artist does Ebony Eyes, and that one was a little too hard, so it wasn't that one. I don't know that song, Ebony Eyes. Oh, you don't? No, I don't think so. I know Ebony and Ivory. That's the song I know. No, so the person that does Ebony Eyes actually used to be with Fleetwood Mac
Starting point is 01:47:13 before he went off to be solo, Bob Welch. Okay. Okay, so the one that I was going to learn from him was Sentimental Lady, which I haven't played on the breeze yet. I haven't heard it on the breeze, but I think it would be a perfect fit, and I just find it to be a soothing, while I haven't played on the Breeze yet. I haven't heard it on the Breeze, but I think it would be a perfect fit. And I just find it to be a soothing, while I'm doing acoustic, a soothing, relaxing song to
Starting point is 01:47:30 learn. So I don't know if that's the next one Steve's going to give for me, but maybe I should. By the way, do you have any scheduled shifts on the Breeze? Like you know of right now? Well, like I said, it's very early, so as we're filling in, you can catch me on the Breeze in Edmonton, actually Monday to Friday, it's very early. So as we're filling in, you can catch me on The Breeze in Edmonton,
Starting point is 01:47:45 actually Monday to Friday, 7 p.m. till midnight. And in Vancouver, noon to six. That's a lot. That's a lot. How many hours in a week can you hear Stacey in this country? That's amazing. I'm doing the math. Plus the boom ones.
Starting point is 01:48:00 But like I said, this is just early. And so, you know, they'll be looking to... I'm honored to fill in. But whether, you know, any moves... But it would be helpful to your bank account if you could... Why not keep them all? Like, why not do a boom shift on weekends and then whatever, voice track the Edmonton and the Vancouver and you could be in three markets?
Starting point is 01:48:21 If Geddes can do it, if she could do could do it you can do it i'll never say never but you know what i always i i'd have no problems with uh a voice track show a recorded show versus live you can still deliver the same story the same um energy right and the same rapport with the people because as they're listening you know we're still interacting on social media and everything so that's fine but there's something kind of cool about just sitting in there and doing it live. Like when we get to do turntable Tuesdays, that's sweet, right? So for that moment, I get to drop the needle, I get to cue up a song. And so, you know, maybe they'll incorporate turntable Tuesdays over the breeze. I don't know. That would be neat. I'm just I'm just enjoying the ride right now. It's a brand
Starting point is 01:49:03 new year. And I have no idea what's going to happen. And I'm okay with that, I'm just, I'm just enjoying the ride right now. It's a brand new year and I have no idea what's going to happen. And I'm okay with that. I'm learning as much as I'm a person who craves structure. I'm learning that it's okay to just fly with it and see what happens. So. There's only one word for this song. Ready for the word? Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:22 We'll bring it up after. I'll say epic. It is epic. This is the part I wouldn yeah, we'll bring it up after. I'll say epic. It is epic. This is the part I wouldn't be able to play on guitar. Here, we'll crank it for a moment here. Get the drums. And as we wind on down the road Our shadows tone and the lights are old
Starting point is 01:50:15 There walks a lady we all know Who shines white light and wants to show How everything still turns to stone And if you listen very hard The tune will come under your heart Now I want it, what is mine To be your rock and not a rock And she's buying a stairway to heaven Thank you.
Starting point is 01:51:22 Boom 97.7, that was... Boom 97.3. Oh my God. Thank goodness we're not on that station. I'm okay to screw up. No, but we play that on Boom all the time. And you know what? This is going to be a little bit rude,
Starting point is 01:51:37 but when people call in during that song, I put them on hold because I'm like, I can't talk to you while this song is on. Growing up, I had the full door length poster of the Stairway to Heaven as well, where it's Jimmy Page who's climbing the mountain and then he gets to the top and it's him. But now I need to ask you, since I screwed up, I gave them the hits 97.7. I screwed up. That's how many times I heard Led Zeppelin on hits 97.7.
Starting point is 01:52:04 You are on many, many stations. Do you ever say the wrong call letters or say the wrong frequency? I don't. I'm not going to say I have never in my career. And you know what? When we talked about the swearing thing, I will tell you that there was a time where I swore on the air and I didn't get fired. Because nobody complained. Well, no. My boss was cool. But I'll tell that story later. But no. So when I was working in Kitchener and Guelph and Toronto, I mixed up the Kitchener-Guelph ones because they were owned by the same company.
Starting point is 01:52:41 And the funny thing was, again, because they're in such close proximity. You know how you think it's all blended into London, right? It's just one big blob of Ontario. So yeah, when I was at the Kitchener one, I think I said the Guelph name and somebody called me on it. They called me, ha ha ha, you said this. And so in Toronto,
Starting point is 01:52:54 I've never messed it up. And what was nice is for the most part, each station I worked at, it was a different format. So it's not like I would mix that up. And what I was doing when I worked at all the different stations, as I'd be driving into the station, I would make sure that's the like I would mix that up and what I was doing when I worked at all the different stations as I'd be driving into the station
Starting point is 01:53:07 I would make sure that's the one I'm listening to and I'd get in that vibe I guess since you're on one station one day and another station the other day you could almost write it down and just put it in front of you and read it every time no joke I still have a calendar
Starting point is 01:53:21 like a book calendar and that's how I keep track of where I am, which, whatever. And I write it all out. It's so old school, but, um, that, and that's how, for the last couple of years, especially when I was hopping between cities, you know, two cities in the same day, you know, I had to know that I was at this time here. And, and so, yeah, nine times out of 10, as I'm driving in and I'm listening, then I'm going, okay, this is who, this is who I'm working for today. So I don't have that issue now.
Starting point is 01:53:47 So that's why I've never worked in radio. I failed that audition there with my boom 97.7 nonsense. You're fired before you even get fired. Way to go. If Troy's listening, he's not even considering me to fill in on a weekend. He's like, this guy just said boom 97.7. Yeah. See ya. Stacey, I recorded this conversation a third time's a charm.
Starting point is 01:54:08 That was great fun. Yeah, I had a really good time. Thank you so much for inviting me to finally be on one of your podcasts. It was like a tease every time. Hey, come on over. You're not on the podcast yet. Yes, and now when we get our selfie together, I'm now just debating
Starting point is 01:54:23 whether I stick on one of my Lost Indie City shirts or not, but I might keep it Terry. Whatever you do, I would put a jacket on, though. It is kind of chilly outside. No, I won't. I refuse. You rebel. I won't.
Starting point is 01:54:33 Okay. And that brings us to the end of our 417th show. You can follow me on Twitter. I'm at Toronto Mike. And Stacey, you're at Radio Stace? Correct. R-A-D-I-O-S-T-A-C-E. That's for Instagram and Twitter. I'm at Toronto Mike and Stacey, you're at Radio Stace. Correct. R-A-D-I-O-S-T-A-C-E. That's for Instagram and Twitter. Awesome. Our friends at Great Lakes Brewery are at Great Lakes
Starting point is 01:54:51 Beer. is at Raptors Devotee. Palma Pasta is at Palma Pasta. Fast Time Watch and Jewelry Repair is at Fast Time WJR. And PayTM is at PayTM Canada. See you all next week. And it won't go away Cause everything is Rosy and green Well you've been under my skin For more than eight years It's been eight years of laughter And eight years of tears And I don't know what the future
Starting point is 01:55:43 Can hold or do For me and you But I'm a much better man for having known you Oh, you know that's true because everything is coming up

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