Toronto Mike'd: The Official Toronto Mike Podcast - Stacie Mistysyn: Toronto Mike'd #835

Episode Date: April 14, 2021

Mike chats with Stacie Mistysyn about her years on The Kids of Degrassi Street, playing Caitlin Ryan on Degrassi Junior High, Degrassi High, School's Out and Degrassi: The Next Generation, what she wa...s up to post-School's Out and her journey to discover what makes her happy.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Tessa Campanelli? You were fucking Tessa Campanelli? Welcome to episode 835 of Toronto Mic'd, a weekly podcast about anything and everything. Proudly brought to you by Great Lakes Brewery, a fiercely independent craft brewery who believes in supporting communities, good times, and brewing amazing beer. Order online for free local home delivery in the GTA. Create custom stickers, labels, tattoos, and decals for your home and your business. Palma Pasta. Enjoy the taste of fresh homemade Italian pasta and entrees from Palma Pasta in Mississauga and Oakville. CDN Technologies, your outsourced IT department. Ridley Funeral Home, pillars of the community since 1921. And Mike Majeski, or as I call him,
Starting point is 00:01:22 Mimico Mike. He's the real estate agent who's ripping up the Mimico real estate scene. Learn more at I'm Mike from and joining me this week is Stacey Metician, or as I might accidentally refer to her as, Caitlin Ryan from Degrassi. Welcome, Stacey. Hi, Mike. Yay! I'm here! I am just delighted to find...
Starting point is 00:01:51 I don't know. Is this meeting you? Can I now say I met Stacey? Does this count? Yeah, it's the new norm, right? It counts. Okay, because I've been wrestling with this since the pandemic struck. We'll talk about this off the pandemic struck and like we'll talk
Starting point is 00:02:05 about this off the top but you and i have been corresponding uh like one through one channel or another be it facebook or whatever for a long long time but i used to be like a stickler for my guests physically being here and you're on like the other end of the city and it just we never could put it together you had young kids and everything. And here we are now, I'm doing Zoom episodes. And I'm excited about this conversation. And I'm delighted to finally have Stacey Matician on Toronto Mike's. But I always wonder, is that the same thing?
Starting point is 00:02:36 Like, is it the same thing? It counts. I mean, I know it's not the same as, I guess it's not the same as actually being in the same room, but, um, I'm becoming so familiar with it. Right. Um, as you are too, I'm sure like, this is kind of like, it's becoming the new thing. And I think we have to get used to it, unfortunately. And really, uh, I'd rather have Stacey Metician on via Zoom than not have Stacey
Starting point is 00:03:06 Metician. Say it again. Mestician. Oh my, do you know I've been mispronouncing that for decades? I had to jump in. I had to jump in. No, you should. Like, I kind of, I work really hard on pronouncing my guests' names correctly. And I just always had, it's like a little dyslexia. I've always read it as, it's mystician. Okay, my apologies. That's okay. It's a hard one. I mean, it's nothing like what it looks like.
Starting point is 00:03:36 It's, think magician, mystician. And it's not that hard, really. It's just, I need to figure out how to read, I think. Mystician. Okay. Now, you're here after years and years of chatting and do you know why we reconnected now to make this happen do you know what the spark was that has brought us together finally well well for me it's the fact that now
Starting point is 00:03:58 i know what i'm doing more or less well i want to give some love to my good friend, Bob Willett. Cause Bob, Bob's basement, his podcast is in the, the TMDS family. So I helped produce that with Bob and I sent Bob had Stacy mystician on not myth tissue.
Starting point is 00:04:20 This Stacy mystician was his special guest. And I had that moment of like, like some kind of, I don't know what to describe it as, but it's the first time I was ever like jealous of another podcaster because of all those years we had corresponded and here Bob swooped in and had a conversation with you. And I was so jealous. And then you reached out to me via Instagram to just to, to let you know you hadn't forgotten about me and now here we are today
Starting point is 00:04:45 well it's funny because yeah I saw that you were affiliated with him and I was like and even even before I saw that though Mike seriously I'd been like I had just started doing all these podcasts again and I was like I have to reach out to Mike because you were the first person to reach out to me no thank you. So again, it's all my fault that it never happened because you're on, let's say, your east end of this world and I'm on the west end of this world. And by world, I mean, you know, GTA.
Starting point is 00:05:15 And I really didn't do Zooms until COVID. Like COVID and really like it's given me an opportunity to have some conversations that weren't happening because of my, you know, rule that, you know, we need to be together to do the proper real talk. So my fault, it didn't happen. Thank you for not forgetting about me. And thank you for making time today for me. You are absolutely welcome. And I mean, like when you first reached out to me, though, I didn't really feel like I had anything to talk about.
Starting point is 00:05:44 Really? first reached out to me though i didn't really feel like i had anything to talk about really because uh since then i you know i've had pat on the show fairly recently like during the covid anyway and uh we talked about you know degrassi palooza and all the stuff so it seems like there's been maybe maybe you share this with pat but in the last few years you've come possibly come to embrace the the potent nostalgia value of the fact you were Caitlin Ryan on Degrassi. Like, at least for, you know, people of a certain vintage, like this has some great weight to it. Maybe you've come around to embrace that possibly. Yeah, that's a really good way to put it.
Starting point is 00:06:18 That's exactly, we've learned to embrace the shadow of our past. Sort of like if you were like a rock band that had a, let's say in 1991, you had this massive alt rock hit. Okay. And forever, you know, you're writing new material and you're making great new music, but you go on tour and you're like, damn, the crowd wants you to play that hit. And there's a point where you're like, I don't feel like playing that hit. Like, listen to all my other great stuff. All you want to hear is that damn hit. That must be what it's like to be you, because you basically, idiots like me,
Starting point is 00:06:50 probably see you and say, hi, Caitlin. We don't say, hi, Stacey. The thing is, that's all okay, but you're right, I had to learn to embrace that. But it's a lot easier to embrace when you have something new that you're passionate about. And it took me a while to figure out what I wanted to do beyond the Degrassi realm. And so now once I've kind of got a much better handle on that, then it's a lot easier to be able to embrace and respect the past.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Amazing. And we're going to talk all about, I've been watching your YouTube videos, for example. Like, you're inspiring me. I do bike a lot, but that's like all I do. Like, I feel like, okay, Mike, it's great you bike. Like that gives you, you know, some cardio and you get to work the legs or whatever. But I feel like you've inspired me,
Starting point is 00:07:40 but we'll get to that very shortly. I have a great note from a listener named Rock Golf. And this is is kind of neat i like where this goes because it brings in a fellow celebrity but rock golf says here's something not a lot of people know ken jennings of jeopardy so ken jennings one of the great champions of jeopardy uh named his daughter after clyn on Degrassi. And he says, yes, I'm serious. But so what we did was, Rock Golf wanted to make sure this was true because he knew I'd tell you this story. So we got to make sure.
Starting point is 00:08:12 So via Twitter, he tagged Ken Jennings and asked Ken, is this true? And Ken replied, and I kept the receipts. It's all live on Ken Jennings confirms, yes, he named his daughter Cait Caitlin after your character. No way. That is really cool.
Starting point is 00:08:30 That's amazing. I didn't even know that. Well, thank you, Rockgolf, for the tip. And then thank you, Ken, for actually. What a world we live in, Stacey, where, like, in the olden days, okay, back in the 90s, for example. Like, how would we ever confirm with Ken Jennings this fact? Like, would we write a letter to his like management team and hope he replied in six months or something? Like the fact that we can have kind of an instant connection
Starting point is 00:08:56 with the real Ken Jennings to confirm this fact is a very 2011, 2021, what did I say, 2011? It's a very 2021 thing that we should not take for granted. Very interesting fact for you. Very, very true. And yeah, everything would take a lot longer without social media that we have today. Steve Leggett, another listener of Toronto Mic, says
Starting point is 00:09:18 Caitlin Brie, this is a fact you do know, but Caitlin Brie in Kevin Smith's classic Clerks is named after Degrassi's Caitlin Ryan. But it's fair to say you knew that one. I knew that one. And the jacket was worn as well. It was a Degrassi jacket.
Starting point is 00:09:35 And I will go out of order a little bit, but we mentioned Kevin Smith here. So is there a story around you having a, like, were you supposed to have a role in, is it Chasing Amy? Which show, were you supposed to have a role? No, it was, the first one was Mallrats. Mallrats. So he had approached me to play a character, one of the lead females in Mallrats. And I did audition for it, but they'd actually wanted me to fly to la and this was back when i was still living in canada and was pretty broke and so i just did um a video audition and sent it
Starting point is 00:10:14 in and uh i never heard back so i mean i i ran into him plenty of times after that um but because he because he's a uh he's probably the the the most famous of the uh you know after me of course of the big degrassi fanatics out there kevin smith he's the he's carrying the flag yeah he uh he made it pretty well known to the to the public that he was a big degrassi and caitlin which was very flattering, but nothing came of it. Well, get in line, Kevin, come on. But on that note, so they won't, and I don't know how this cake is baked,
Starting point is 00:10:52 but they won't pay for you to go to LA for an audition. Like that's on your dime. Like you got to pay for that flight and hotel and all that. Yeah, unless they like are pretty sure. This is when he was still, you know, I guess in a new working relationship with universal and as i as i feel and what i think i i've read um because it's all kind of a blur to me now but i'm pretty sure universal would have preferred to go with a bigger name because they
Starting point is 00:11:22 don't really care about Canadian content in the States. No. At least most of them didn't back then. And is it PBS that was carrying your show? So is it like the Kevin Smiths and the Ken Jennings who fell in love with Degrassi? That was because it aired on PBS, right? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:39 PBS was our American flagship company. As you know, I almost I almost did it so I had a little side bet how many times would I accident because I did call Pat Joey a few times by accident but I have this like I'm going to call you Stacy every time because that of course is your name you are not Caitlin and it must piss you off I think it would kind of piss me off no no i mean i there might have been a time when it annoyed me but i'm okay you've grown you've uh matured to a point where you can appreciate it i know i'm not caitlin so i'm okay with it and i know you're not caitlin you're you're stacy mystician and i like that i now know it's mystician okay now by the, by the way, after Pat was on my program,
Starting point is 00:12:26 I heard from Kevin Smith's people about him coming on and I was very excited about it, but that also, uh, I also got ghosted on that one. Like, so I know how you feel. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:35 Cause like not a, Oh, sorry. We're taking a pass. Like they approached me. I didn't even approach Kevin, but I had this whole exchange with his people, but him coming on after the Pat episode
Starting point is 00:12:46 and Pat Master Annie, by the way. And anyway, that seems to have died on the vine as well. So, but regardless, let's get into this. You mentioned, you know, going to LA to audition and that wasn't in the budget at that time for you. And I think it's a fun fact that you're actually born in LA uh the budget at that time for you and i think it's a fun fact that you're actually born in la like you're a you're american by birth yeah my uh my family my parents were both american and they immigrated uh to to canada when i was a baby so i grew up in canada
Starting point is 00:13:22 i did eventually move to la after that whole audition thing and I stayed there I lived there for about 11 years before moving back to Canada did you bump into a fellow Torontonian aspiring actor Stu Stone in your LA years does that name mean anything to you Stu Stone why is it familiar I'm not oh just curious only because he actually appears on my uh podcast every week for what we call pandemic fridays we've been doing it through the pandemic and at that time you're in la he's also in la he he was in donnie darko and he had some success doing things with like jamie kennedy uh they would i know that name yeah well jamie kennedy yeah they they put his on the album they released which sold 300 000 copies by the way they put the jamie kennedy the font size for jamie kennedy is about
Starting point is 00:14:09 twice as the size of the font size for stew stone so that's how that works but i'm going to play a little jingle it's only 15 seconds long and we're going to talk about this little show here we go Okay, name that tune, Stacey. Oh my gosh, that takes me way back. That's the kids. Kids of Degrassi. You know, I think we're about the same age. And in my class, my primary school, we used to do a field trip to the, I still remember, the Runnymede Library. And they would
Starting point is 00:14:50 stick us all in a room in the Runnymede Library. And they would bring out like the old VCR and TV combo thing. And we would watch, on VHS, we'd watch episodes of Kids of Degrassi Street, like in school. Oh, a lot of people were forced to watch the show in school. I've heard that. I do apologize. Now, you don't, there's like, you played Lisa, so you're not playing Caitlin Ryan on Kids of Degrassi Street, but how, like, do you just audition?
Starting point is 00:15:17 Like, what caused you to, like, how did you get the role on Kids of Degrassi Street? So I was taking some enriched classes. It was like a summer school thing. You could do extracurricular stuff. And I was taking some dance classes. And they had the company, Playing With Time, which was this new little fledgling company,
Starting point is 00:15:41 had put flyers out at some of these schools saying kids wanted to audition. And I saw the flyers as I was walking out of the school. And instinctively, I just kind of I grabbed one and it looked exciting. And my parents allowed me to and this was back when it was snail mail. So you had to you had to cut off, you had to fill out the form, cut it off and stick it in the mail and wait to hear back. And I heard that went into their office, their little office at Queen and Queen and Carla auditioned. We auditioned, and from that, they selected, I guess, about five finalists for each character that they were thinking of. And then we had to do a series of workshops.
Starting point is 00:16:46 And through these workshops, where we did various improv exercises, all kinds of acting exercises, they got to kind of know us, and they chose who they ultimately wanted for each part so you got it that's how it all happens yeah okay and you're very young right like a do you remember how old you were when this started yeah i was uh i would say i was about nine or ten wow and like i know this is going way back, but like, you know, a lot of people sort of get introduced to you probably on Degrassi junior high, but there are a few of us OGs who were on the kids of Degrassi. I think I was the right age for the show. Cause you guys were all my age and I totally like could relate to the characters. Like, you know what it's like when a show kind of, you grow with a show and they're exactly your age. Like that's kind of a neat thing there. So do you, what,
Starting point is 00:17:25 what do you remember from kids of Degrassi street and whom like, this is a tough one for you, but like who from kids of Degrassi street were brought on to a Degrassi junior high. Okay. So this is, uh, this may be interesting.
Starting point is 00:17:41 What happened is they actually took some of the main characters from kids before they knew they were going to do Degrassi Junior High and Degrassi High. And they asked us, they said, would you, if you had a choice, would you like to keep your same characters or would you be interested in auditioning for new characters? And if you kept the old character, I don't think it was guaranteed that you're going to be on the new show. Either way, we were going to have to like, re go through the process. All of us except one, John Iowanu, who played Pete, wanted to try new characters. So ultimately, that's what we did. So auditioned for a cup well for a different character a
Starting point is 00:18:27 completely different character not even caitlin because they didn't have caitlin when i first auditioned they hadn't uh created her yet interesting yeah so never had when you have these fun facts and you're not sure if they're interesting just assume i'll find them interesting and just you know what i mean because Because that's the part of my French, but that's the shit I'm looking for, Stacey. Okay, I appreciate that. And now I'm going to bring up one of your colleagues on Kids of Degrassi Street
Starting point is 00:18:55 who did change characters and moved on. And this will be a change of tone actually, because this is rather sad and tragic here. But I remember Kids of Degrassi Street. I remember the character Griff. Do you remember who played Griff? Of course I remember. Of course, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:10 So he was like a brother to me. We started on kids and yeah, we lived together for a while just as, you know, as friends. So we could like share the rent. Neil Hope. Neil Hope. And Neil Hope, he might be better known for playing Wheels,
Starting point is 00:19:27 the third member of the zit remedy, which I did play. If you guys, if anybody wants to go back and hear more about the zit remedy, go back and find the Pat Mastroianni episode of Toronto Mic'd because I played a lot of zit. I actually wish, and this is a sidebar before we get back to Neil, a very sensitive subject, but we're all very interested in what you have to say about Neil. But the zit remedy,
Starting point is 00:19:49 I always feel there should have been a studio quality audio recording of Everybody Wants Something, because all we have is this sketchy ripped from like, you know, the DVD or the TV program. Like there should have been a proper studio version of Everybody Wants Something by the zit remedy. Right. I feel it would have been a proper studio version of everybody wants something by the zit remedy right i feel it would have been a hit i think six all hits cftr would be playing okay back to neil though neil played wheels last i saw neil he did make an appearance on degrassi the next generation which we'll get to because your character also had appearances on degrassi the next generation and the tragedy of course of neil is that he passed away far too young
Starting point is 00:20:31 and almost a tragedy on the tragedy in my opinion as a fan of neil's is that we don't learn about neil's passing for i think five years like this is so please speak which please remember Neil for me and fans of the program who miss Neil Hope. Sure. So Neil, really, really great guy. I mean, I loved him like a brother. We had our moments like any brother and sister sort of relationship too, because we lived together for a while in a tiny condo apartment. So my ears are too small for these earbuds, because I have tiny baby ears. So bear with me. No, I understand. But he struggled. He struggled with depression, with drinking, and, you know, there's only so much you can try to help somebody. And I feel like I tried to help him. And he was there for me. Like, we did support each other.
Starting point is 00:21:39 But ultimately, he kind of went off and he did his own thing after, you know, we weren't living together anymore. And everybody kind of lost touch with him. And then he showed up. I guess the producers tracked him down for Degrassi Junior High. Sorry, not Degrassi Junior High. For Degrassi Next Generation. This is like skipping far ahead now and um i didn't even see him on that set and i wasn't even sure i wanted to because we hadn't really
Starting point is 00:22:14 talked in a long time um there was some awkwardness between him and some of the cast unfortunately um and i think after we heard about his passing, um, it brought a lot of us actually together because a lot of us hadn't really talked and we were all kind of remembering him and, um, talking to some of his family as well about how, what's the best way to approach this. Cause I was getting asked left, right, and center talk about Neil talk about Neil and I didn't want to right I didn't want to I just felt like it was exploitative at that time and I just felt like people just want sound bites and I was still processing right and um I didn't want to just you know be on tv or whatever well Stacy what people have to remember especially people like myself,
Starting point is 00:23:07 is that this isn't just a colleague who was on the same program as you, but as you remarked there, he lived with, this is a friend. Like this is a friend you grew up with. And as a mere fan of the program, I remember being devastated when I read that Neil Hope had passed away. And then again, to learn it was five years ago.
Starting point is 00:23:23 And I can't imagine what it's like for a friend. So my condolences to you. Thank you. Yeah, it took, it was a different processing situation because it was a weird, weird situation and very unfortunate. I actually, I don't know of another famous person that,
Starting point is 00:23:45 you know, there was a five-year lag between death and announcement of death to the public. Like it's, it's just such a bizarre circumstance. And I always found it interesting how the, the character, so let's leave Neil aside for a moment and talk about wheels,
Starting point is 00:24:00 but the character of wheels. And again, a lot of guys might be, we watched every episode, like this was sort of like, we, you know, and we'll get it.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Well, don't worry. You heard the clip off the top. We'll get into schools out. Okay, please. I want to do with my friend, Cam Gordon and the aforementioned Stu stone.
Starting point is 00:24:15 I literally want to do a three hour deep dive into schools out. Like this is something I'm actively working on, but the character wheels was such a tragic character. Like the whole arc, like what happened to his parents, what happened in schools out, which no joke, two episodes ago,
Starting point is 00:24:32 I had Cam Woolley. He's a former OPP guy and who works at CP24 and he's retiring this week and he came to my backyard. I'm not trying to make you feel guilty, Stacey. I saw the picture. So he,
Starting point is 00:24:44 and he was telling me about, this is a quick sidebar. We'll get, I don't know why I went on this quick tangent, but I'm going to come back to wheels. But he was driving, he's a cop, right? He's an OPP officer. And he saw another OPP car driving. It was not up to code.
Starting point is 00:24:58 And it turned out that was for the filming of that scene on Degrassi's School's Out. The scene where the scene where, uh, the character wheels, uh, it was drinking and drove and got in the car accident. Okay. And such a tragic,
Starting point is 00:25:13 such a tragic happening to that character of wheels. And then, you know, we know he goes to jail for that, uh, crime. And then to see him return to, uh,
Starting point is 00:25:23 the next generation and the wheels character, you know, had just come out of jail. And it was see him return to the next generation and the wheels character, you know, had just come out of jail. And it was just sort of interesting that that character has such a tragic history on the show. And then to learn that the real life actor had a tragic happening as well. So, yeah, it's a lot of, you're, you're absolutely right. A lot of his character life mirrored tragedy in his own life in a way. And yeah, out of all the characters on the show,
Starting point is 00:25:55 he had like the most tragic, I think, of anybody. I think for sure, for sure. And I'm just glad to know Lucy got her sight back. Okay. I'm just appreciative to learn that. At least in one eye. Is that right? Am I misremembering? for sure. And I'm just glad to know Lucy got her sight back. Okay. I'm just appreciative to learn that. So, uh, At least in one eye. Yeah. Is that right? Am I misremembering? I had her like,
Starting point is 00:26:12 I just remember that in the movie, I have to do this. And I, I, I would always make fun of myself the way I do. And it's like, and she's, she's got the sight back in one eye or something like that. And I like point to the eyes. I can't even remember the line now. Do you remember rapper, uh, Kish? Yes, yes, yes. And she was in his video i totally know that yeah uh she's a flirt let's do it is the name of that song and i had kish maybe i've never met her i've never the pledge although i read a lot about her she seems like a very interesting person anaya skr granovsky am i saying that right no you're such a big fan but you need to go to a name school i know can you please say that name for me i feel like i've disrespected her here what is her name it's it's a it's another hard
Starting point is 00:26:58 one it's anais granovsky i kind of was close no and i. No? You know what it is? Because we don't hear these names ever. We only ever read them. I get it. So it's like you decide how that's said. I've read that name a hundred times. Thank you for correcting me. I'm not making fun of you real quick because I do that with words all the time. I was an avid reader as a kid and still to this day I'll mispronounce words because I never heard them okay well i blew somebody's mind the other way by saying the word posthumous and they were telling me they have read that word for decades of course and they thought it was posthumous
Starting point is 00:27:34 and posthumous so there are words where you just decide this is how it's said and you don't ever hear it in the wild if you will and then you're surprised yeah yeah so ananias uh not an ananias i got that for next i thought it was ethereal for the longest time see that's a good example right right and i thought it was mistician and it turns out it's mystician so i've learned so much today all right so shout out to lucy i was going to point out that the uh this whole pandemic has brought one good thing which is the fact do Zoom, so I can talk to people like you, Stacey. Another person I finally got to talk to was Kish. So Kish lives in California.
Starting point is 00:28:10 He's a voiceover actor in California. Andrew Kishino. And yes, in that episode, I definitely talked to Kish about the fact that Lucy was in the video for She's a Flirt, Let's Do It. Okay. On that note, another 30-second song here
Starting point is 00:28:26 while I introduce our next little show here. Wake up in the morning Feeling shy and lonely Gee, I gotta go to school I don't think I can make it Don't think I can take it I wonder what I'm gonna do But when I look around I see
Starting point is 00:28:45 That someone is smiling right at me Wait, that someone's talking to me Hey, I've got a new friend Everybody can succeed All you need is to believe Be honest with yourself Forget your fears and doubts Come on, you've got to try
Starting point is 00:29:04 And congrats, you must try. Degrassi Junior High. All the way with Stephanie Kaye. Okay. So, that's Degrassi Junior High. Now, is it just simply you're already on Kids of Degrassi Street, so the same people playing with time, they're doing this new show called Degrassi Junior High, and obviously they decide you're somebody that would be a good fit for the
Starting point is 00:29:26 show. And you said you wanted to change. You didn't want to be Lisa anymore. And they, I guess they wrote Caitlin for you. Is that how that, that goes down? Well,
Starting point is 00:29:35 I wanted to be the bad girl. I wanted, I wanted to really change it up because I played this, you know, I loved Lisa, but I really wanted like more of a challenge, like as an actress. And I thought it'd be so much played this, you know, I loved Lisa, but I really wanted like more of a challenge, like as an actress. And I thought it'd be so much more fun, you know, to play the, you know, the, you know, the bad egg in the school.
Starting point is 00:29:54 So they had me read for, there was a character originally, and she only stuck around for a few episodes at the beginning. Her name was Annie. And she was kind of like the more of a wild uh try new things kind of person okay so they took elements of that character and gave them to caitlin they created caitlin um but they also kept a lot of the lisa and caitlin as well well i was gonna say because the the reason that you're uh the fuck that you drop in schools which we will get to shortly uh that was so that packed a strong punch because your
Starting point is 00:30:32 character seems so pretty darn squeaky clean like i mean we clearly you were uh you know i'll get into schools out shortly but that i mean if that the F-bomb packs a bigger punch when it's from somebody who you wouldn't expect to hear an F-bomb from. Yeah, this is something that it's a bit contentious with Stefan who played Snake because he's actually the first person to swear. I have the tape. Okay, so let's, okay, fine.
Starting point is 00:31:00 I'm happy to change this up because school's out. So obviously you do Degrassi Junior High. We heard the theme. You guys are out of junior high. By the way, I never had a junior. Did you have a junior high? Like, did you attend? Yeah, yeah, no, I did.
Starting point is 00:31:14 It was like just grade seven and eight. It was a separate school. I did not know junior highs existed until Degrassi Junior High because in my neighborhood, you went to grade eight in your primary school and then you went to your high school, which was nine to, we had OACs, of course, I'm your age. So, which is like 13 for my wife's from Alberta. And she still makes fun of me that I had these five years of high school. Like what's wrong with you, Ontario people. But
Starting point is 00:31:39 anyway. Yeah. And I tried to fast track and then anyway, well, it's gone now because I've got teenagers and there's no more grade 13 in this province no it's all different it's all different now okay so yeah so Degrassi they did change the theme song though of course they had to change up that theme song a little bit I didn't pull the Degrassi high theme but it's the same
Starting point is 00:31:59 two in different words and then when all said and done there's this a movie I guess a like a a movie i guess it's a tv movie that aired on cbc to tie everything together and it was called schools out appointment viewing for me but it turns out i'm only one of like i don't know 2.3 million people who actually tuned in to watch this thing and apparently that's you know a lot higher than your average degrassi High episode would get.
Starting point is 00:32:26 This was a big deal. Now, I'm going to play the clip because you're going to talk about Stefan who played Snake. Let me play this. What do we got here? This is about a minute, but it's worth it.
Starting point is 00:32:36 Here we go. You're just so full of yourself. Joey Jeremiah, what a studly guy. Let's recap the Jeremiah summer, shall we? See what a swell and decent human being you've been. You have to listen to this. No, you're gonna listen to me. Joey Jeremiah spends his summer dating Caitlyn.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Shut up. And fucking Tessa. Oh, Wyatt Ethics, Wyatt Hero, let's have a great big hand, shall we? Big round of applause, eh? Yes, all right! Snake's got a really weird sense of humor. Tessa Campanelli? You were fucking Tessa Campanelli? No.
Starting point is 00:33:35 Don't lie to me, Joey. Caitlin, it's not what you think. Then what is it? Okay, so tell us now that we've heard that one minute of schools out. Why is Stefan upset? Well, upset is a strong word. He likes to point out. He likes to make sure he gets credit for being the first person.
Starting point is 00:34:01 And rightfully so. Rightfully so. I think it gets overshadowed that he is actually the first person to swear on primetime tv it's just people remember the caitlin moment more because that was like when shit hit the fan you know he has a right to be i'll use your terminal i want to say he's upset because it's more fun to think about the fact he's still carrying this. It's just more fun to think about. I like to razz him a bit.
Starting point is 00:34:29 So not to bury the lead there, but that clip we just heard, that is the very first time the word fuck was heard on Canadian broadcast television, which is, that's mind-blowing in its own self. But you're right. The first time the f word is dropped is not you with that infamous line uh about fucking tessa campanella it is you're right snake says it just a few seconds before he says uh the f word first he gets credit in the guinness book of world records or whatever when they talk about the first f bomb but i always joke for years
Starting point is 00:35:01 i've been joking that's the f and i always forgot about it. I'll be honest, I forgot about the snake F bomb. So that's why he's pissed, I think. But I always remember. And I swear twice. And it's just, again, I feel like snake swearing doesn't seem out of character. And you swearing, for some reason, it feels like you just heard a nun swear or something.
Starting point is 00:35:19 It just seems really shocking or something. But that's, I always call that the F bomb heard across the country. Like that's i always call that the f-bomb heard across the country like that's kind of a again i'm a guy in my mid-40s here so if in my world that was a big fucking moment when you dropped your f-bomb on cbc and and then i say bastard as well yeah that's where i really like embraced it well good for you uh now again uh i shouted out bob at the beginning so i felt always felt weird about scheduling this with you only because this is the first time i think i've had a guest on who was first on bob's podcast so i'm like oh my goodness like so much love to bob in bob's basement I'm just doing my thing, but I learned listening to Bob talk to you.
Starting point is 00:36:07 I learned that they made you, I guess they filmed you doing a clean version. Yes, yes. We had an alternate. So screwing instead of fucking and broomhead instead of bastard because they're so close right they're like you can just feel the passion and the other one broomhead is like yeah but how i guess i'm curious i mean i watch i know that this is i think it aired at 8 p.m i think school's out it was like
Starting point is 00:36:40 an 8 p.m thing i forget what the actual i mean it was i don't know if it was it maybe had to be that the rule was you could only swear right after 8 p.m or whatever the time was it was eight or nine and that's why it was allowed so the movie started before it was allowed but at that point in the movie it was allowed but it was like at that time when the swearing happened. Because really, I wish I could just, that's why I want to do the three-hour deep dive into schools. Because, you know, at that point, that great one minute we just heard, but like shit starts going down quick. Like, I mean, that whole, you know, the wheels thing and just it all kind of, you know, Joey's caught here. of you know joey's caught here uh fucking by the way what's your relationship like uh because i do see a lot of like uh degrassi palooza like uh photos and stuff with you and pat and remind me
Starting point is 00:37:31 what's the name of the actress who plays tessa kirsten kirsten bourne another name for me to butcher okay so don't call her kristin it's kirsten kirsten now so you guys kind of uh again i we talked off the top but it's fair to say you've totally embraced this one minute I just played because you know how that resonates with people of a certain vintage. Absolutely. I just, it's funny, I just posted about it today on Instagram, literally that moment. Sure, lean in, right. That's what they say. Just lean in, like give the people, lean in,
Starting point is 00:38:07 give the people what you want. And while they're like immersed in that moment that happened, you know, back in the, what year was that? Do you remember 90? Do you remember what year that was? 93,
Starting point is 00:38:16 93, maybe early 92 or 93, I think. So while, while people are like in there to hear you talk about saying fuck on CBC, then they can learn, they can get stronger with Stacey Mystician. Like really, this is, this is, this is the marketing, right? You, you got the carrot, you're drawn in with the, you know, fucking Tessa Campanelli. And then, hey, dude, you should be stronger and I can help you get
Starting point is 00:38:41 stronger. And then you get, you know, and then we're in, but we'll get to that shortly because I've been, I've, like I said, I've been watching these videos here, but, uh, this is this, I mean, there is the next generation and you do appear on the next generation. I actually had a guest on last week, uh, Jake Goldsby, who, yeah, Jake was on last week and he of course was on the next generation. Um, when I had Pat on, okay, I'm trying to think of like, I don't want to skip straight to Next Generation because there's a lot of life you live before that. But tell us maybe, tell us, Stacey, following schools out, this is what you believe to be the end of the Degrassi universe.
Starting point is 00:39:17 Like this is your, at the time you think this is the end, right? Oh, yeah. Yeah. This was like, it was tying up all the loose ends and just that was it everyone goes off in different directions um and for us yeah as actors we're kind of like we knew i we knew it was going to end eventually um and it took a while though to really i think sink in after the fact that we didn't have this regular job anymore um so i think at first there was a lot of excitement to try and do new things and then it was kind of
Starting point is 00:39:51 like reality hit too and it's kind of like oh my gosh there's just so many what do i do there's so many different directions i could go in right now and before we get too far removed from degrassi and the the junior high and the high and then schools out the movie that kind of concludes things, as I discussed with Pat, you know, who, you know, you can't you can't pay your rent on your Degrassi money. Right. This is not like like like let's do some real talk here, because, you know, one of the things Pat said is that, you know, it was, I guess, a non-union non-union shop when you guys were doing it. the things pat said is that you know it was a i guess a non-union non-union shop when you guys were doing it and then when you're on the next generation set which we'll get to shortly suddenly this is a big you know bill media union production and it's completely different but like what was that like uh being growing up on the tv set of degrassi and what like what kind of scratch were they giving you guys it sounds like it sounds like you guys were being exploited.
Starting point is 00:40:49 Well, so, I mean, we went into it. In all fairness, we went into this knowing. I mean, there was transparency. We knew it was non-union. In our minds at that time, we weren't getting paid what you would get paid for most TV shows by a long shot. getting paid what you would get paid for most TV shows by a long shot. But we were getting paid more than I would have gotten paid for working in a retail shop, for example, or working at McDonald's, you know, like this is, this was a good job. And we enjoyed it. So in that, in that In that respect, there were no complaints. Knowing what I know now about the life of a union set, they really had no reason not to make it a union show after they started getting very successful.
Starting point is 00:41:38 Right. And that's the key, right? We talked about 2.3 million eyeballs. That's a Leafs a that's a that's a Leafs versus Habs Saturday night uh like not even a right not any actually I don't think they get that many that many viewers anymore for a regular season game but that that's a big deal 2.3 million Canadians tuning in like it feels like there's some pretty serious ad revenue in there for you know for the production company and CBC.
Starting point is 00:42:13 And it sounds because, like, can you share with us, like, what jobs you would be doing to pay your rent during this period of your life? Oh, sure. Well, that was really our main job because we didn't have time to have another job. It demanded, we were still in school, don't forget. So we're doing school and then we're working on the show. And so that, but once the show ended, I took all kinds of jobs. I mean, you name it.
Starting point is 00:42:38 I worked such a weird variety of different jobs just to try and stay afloat. I still remember like I reading somewhere, this is before the internet, but I was reading, you know, Pat delivers pizzas. And I still remember like I reading somewhere this is before the internet but I was reading oh you know Pat delivers pizzas and I still remember having that aha moment where you're like oh because I you know you I don't think I don't think um Luke Perry was delivering pizzas when uh 902 and oh is on Fox like you know what I mean no you would not have had to and and i did actually have um a newspaper route at one point early on in the in the show so there is that which paper which paper uh beach metro
Starting point is 00:43:14 okay because i lived in the outer beaches area of course of course the the local community paper cool cool yeah so you know just we did start off the top talking about Kevin Smith and it, I can just share, since I already mentioned Luke Perry, I feel obligated to let people know who got the role that Kevin Smith wanted you for in Mallrats. So do you want to say the name or should I? Oh, I don't have a problem saying it. I actually met her, but I can't remember if it was the Clara Forlani, but I think, yeah, it was probably the Shannon Doherty role.
Starting point is 00:43:47 So Shannon Doherty ended up with the role of Renee, and that was the role Kevin Smith wanted to do for him. Do you ever have this sliding doors alternative thoughts of what would have happened if you got that role? Do you ever have those thoughts, or is that a waste of your energy? Yeah, it's a waste of my energy now i mean there's more to this story i feel like if i really wanted the role there were things i could have done and i just didn't want to
Starting point is 00:44:17 do that so do you think that's a bit of a self-sabotage like uh do you think you uh subconsciously... Or maybe not. Sorry, maybe not that role in particular, because I wasn't even there, and it was Universal's probably largest decision. But sorry, what were you going to ask me? Oh, no, I'm just wondering if there was any part of you
Starting point is 00:44:38 that was, like, suppressing, not suppressing, suppressing your fame on any level. Like, how comfortable were you uh being a famous tv star like because you you i believe you to be uh and i believe i'm quoting yourself on this but you're sort of an introvert yes yeah no it's it's very true so i was um i didn't know how to handle the umoration, if you will, from Kevin. And it was, I wanted to get to know him. But at the same time, I just was so terrified of people being in love with my character and putting me on a pedestal as Caitlin.
Starting point is 00:45:22 And just having them find out I'm a big disappointment or that I'm just like, I'm not that person. Right. So yeah, that's, that's a lot of where I was coming from. It's almost like you don't want to be a member of a club that would have you as a member. Am I doing, is this too, tell me if it's too much armchair psychiatrist? No, no, no, it's good. I mean, I had to do a lot of this myself just to figure out like, what do I really want? But meanwhile, Stacey, you you've chosen to be this profession. I mean, you're an act. You're choosing to be an actress because after Degrassi, you don't decide you're going to be something else. You continue to pursue the art. So on some level, you're looking for, you know, acting gigs, but possibly you're also on a subconscious level, almost self-sabotaging these efforts because you don't feel you're, you feel like a fraud almost. It sounds like you almost have imposter syndrome.
Starting point is 00:46:26 imposter syndrome. Yeah, I did. I actually did a lot of self sabotage for a while in Canada, to the point where I think people would stop bringing me in because I knew I was also seeing I had a boyfriend, I remember for a time right after schools out ended. And I was like, and I turned stuff down. I was invited to go on kids in the Hall as a guest spot. And I can't believe that I turned that down. But I also had this growing anxiety after the show ended. And I hadn't really come to terms with that yet. So it led to sabotaging my auditions. It led to not doing auditions. It led to a lot of self-sabotage. And it was all i knew how to do at that point uh was the acting i i i felt like i was really lost for a while trying to figure out i had so many interests and i just couldn't figure out where exactly i wanted to to put them or what to do well it's all
Starting point is 00:47:21 part of your journey right like to yeah and i, and I'm, I don't know you. So I won't pretend I know you. But here we are having a chat. We're, you know, 45 minutes deep into a conversation. And you really do feel like somebody who finally knows who they are. Like, you just seem comfortable in your own skin. Like you're you've kind of you know who you are, you know what you want to do. And all that journey that's been taking place a lot it all kind of ironed itself out to be the Stacey I'm talking to right now thank you I really do feel like that and so I just want everyone to know it's okay if you're almost 50 before you figure it out it's okay it can take a long time to really find your passion and find what, you know, makes you happy.
Starting point is 00:48:06 And we're going to get to that passion and what makes you happy. But you mentioned you moved to L.A. So after this whole Mallrats experience, at some point, I don't know how many years later, you'll tell me, but maybe mid-90s, you end up in L.A. So here you are clearly fighting yourself. Like there's like two of you. and one is trying to have a career as an actress and the other is like uh stop it you phony like like who do you you know people will discover who you really like you're that you are and that you're not that like it just seems like you have this serious conflict going on but you're in la and do you can you share anything
Starting point is 00:48:43 about your la years with regards to like like were you able to to feed yourself and pay the rent with gigs you could get in la yeah it was very up and down so i would get gigs i would get uh every now and then um i remember like one point i finally cut off my hair and um i got a whole bunch of roles after that and I got like an independent film because I had this new look it kind of set me apart a little bit um so I I had moments of success I had moments of being able to work and and I loved those moments and that's what kept me going um and then I overcame another big fear of mine was getting back to do stage work, like theater, because that's really putting yourself out there. And I loved it. It was
Starting point is 00:49:36 just some community theater to start with. And that even led to some hosting, then back hosting some stage award shows back in Canada. So that, it's funny, I have this anxiety, but when I'm able to really like, put myself in a role, and really commit to it, there's a really good rush. Like it's hard to describe, but it's, it just makes you feel good. And then you can feel really good that you did it. So. And Stacey, that's why you pursued it so long for that, for that, that rush. Yeah, totally. It's like a drug. It's almost like, it's like they always, you know, that old saying, like it's not, it's not the destination, it's the journey. It's almost like you got to switch it up for you. Like the whole, you know, journey to the role doesn't really jive with you. But once you have it and you accomplish it,
Starting point is 00:50:29 you get that rush. And that's sort of the hit that you seek possibly. Absolutely. And along the way though, it's just what I really was not good about was because I'll admit I'm a very sensitive person and you need a really thick skin in this business because you're getting a lot more often than not.
Starting point is 00:50:48 You're dealing with rejection. You're dealing with, you know, putting yourself out there. And you have to just leave it then because you're more often than not, not going to hear back. And imagine what it would be like to be Caitlin Ryan in the time of, you know, Twitter. Like just some i just cannot i can't i mean not that you're on twitter because i can't find you over there but you're a
Starting point is 00:51:10 big go ahead it's the one i have not joined so it's the only one i enjoy it's funny how people like different things like i i simply don't enjoy instagram and Facebook and the rest, but I actually dig Twitter. I'm not saying I enjoy any of them. To me, it's a lot of work, but I just never bothered with Twitter. And I just, I'm not going to add it at this point, I guess. If you're, if you're not missing it, don't, don't, uh, don't, don't sweat it here.
Starting point is 00:51:49 All right. So, uh, tell me when it was that you realized your purpose and what you wanted to do with your life. And again, you know, you can say you're pushing 50, I'm pushing 50 as well. It's, it really truly is. And you said this, I'm just going to repeat it because it's worth repeating. It's never too late to pursue your passion and to do what makes you happy. There is no rule that says you have to figure that out in your 20s. I think that's just some
Starting point is 00:52:16 social construct and you can flush that. If it happens to you in your late 40s or mid 40s or mid 50s or mid 60s, the key is that it happens like before it's too late. And here you are still young, still feeling great. Tell me what this new this passion is that you discovered and how you discovered it. So I think I always had it. I mean, I did always have it. But again, I had this lack of confidence and fear of happiness, I think. I really didn't think I deserved to be happy, I guess. And I just was always afraid to take those steps to really be that person. I worked for other companies as a fitness trainer back in L.A. even.
Starting point is 00:53:03 And I learned a lot. And I enjoyed doing it, but I was never really happy working under the people I was working under. And, but finally, and again, I guess I'm the kind of person that really needs other people to believe in me and push me. And I have a really good friend, Jen Schlumberger, who works with me on Stronger with Stacey. It was kind of her idea because she saw I started putting, I started my own business, my Moana Misfit coaching. And she saw that I was putting stuff out on Instagram, like I'd put like mini workouts out there or ideas for people of, you know, how they can keep moving and how to stay fit. And she said to me one day, she's like, you know, you should start a YouTube channel.
Starting point is 00:53:55 I'm like more social media. But she's like, but I will help you because she's really good at the editing side. She's a producer. She works at CBC and she's she's really good at the editing side. She's a producer. She works at CBC and she's, she's really good at what she does. And she believed in me. And that's really what it, you know, it took for me to really get behind this.
Starting point is 00:54:17 And cause I loved the idea of, of I loved the idea. I just didn't love the idea of what work was involved in having to do it by myself. Well, it sounds like you guys complement each other's skill sets nicely. So, you know, you're the, and I'm going to quote, this is yourself I'm quoting here. So, you're a, I'm going to read it verbatim here so I don't miss anything here, but you're a personal training specialist, health and wellness coach. Of course, we know you're also an award winning act. What award did you win? Junos, not Junos, uh, Gemini's. Yes. I won. I was nominated three times and I won, uh, in 1989. Where is that Gemini right now?
Starting point is 00:55:02 That's a good question. I think it's collecting dust in our uh on our in our bookshelf bookcase you could put it on display there behind you there's a you could stick it on there i think it'd be like a cool little uh addition to the backdrop oh actually wait i don't know if you can see this i see there's like a hallway there and there's a door on the other okay so i'll let people stacy is oh there's i can see there's pictures there are those what are those pictures those are my nomination plaques are my uh from from the academy those are if i'm blocking it okay no cool i guess you can can't take one off the wall and show it to me. Here she's, okay.
Starting point is 00:55:47 So Stacey, for those listening to the podcast, awesome. Okay. They're okay. Cool. That's okay. And you do, and somewhere collecting dust is the actual Gemini trophy. This, this actually has a slash through it. Cause I got in a fight with my boyfriend at the time and it smashed. So the glass is like, oh, a little trivia for you. That's a not so fun fact. All right. That's awesome. Okay. So I'll continue reading this while Stacey gets herself back in
Starting point is 00:56:17 play here, but there's lots here. Award-winning actress. It's okay. Mom, of course you're a mother, a proud mother of two children. Yes, I have a six-year-old and an eight-year-old. Awesome. I know what that's like. That's crazy. Mental health advocate. And now, and of course, you're also now a YouTuber.
Starting point is 00:56:34 So if you were going to direct somebody where to find your videos on YouTube, I was checking them out. Is it just search for Stronger with Stacey Mystician? I just say Stronger with Stacey. But yeah, the full thing is Stronger with Stacey Mistician? I just say Stronger with Stacey, but yeah, the full thing is Stronger with Stacey Mistician. And that was just to help people find the right person. That's an SEO thing. I hope it comes up just Stronger with Stacey so you don't have to say the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:56:59 And is it every Saturday that you share these at-home workouts that burn fat and build strength with modifications and progressions to accommodate all levels? Well done. So yes, every Saturday, we launch a new workout and they stay up there. So there's a growing library of workouts to choose from. And we try to mix it up. I try to do a mix of cardio, hits, hurts, so resistance training, strength training, some yoga, some bar, Pilates. Sometimes it's a combination of all of it. And I always want to try and work the full body as much as possible. Okay. On that note, if there's a guy, let's say there's some guy in his mid forties who literally the, you know,
Starting point is 00:57:49 he walks a lot, but he bikes a lot. Like he bikes like 30 kilometers a day on the streets and stuff. Not on a stationary bike or whatever. Is that like, tell that guy, if I were going to talk to that guy later, like, would you tell him, dude, got to get stronger. You got to do this, that, the other. What would you tell that guy if all he's doing is biking? Listen, I think the main, if you're okay with that, it's a question of how you're feeling. Really? It's about how you feel. If you're not feeling energetic enough, or you feel like you're
Starting point is 00:58:23 not healthy, then you want to try and get moving and challenging yourself. If you're feeling good, then I'd say you're, you're, you're doing it. Great. Okay. Cause I'm going to talk to this guy right after this episode. I think he's feeling really good. Like he feels really good. Good. And it's like, yeah, it really comes down to just making sure you're, you're eating well. You're. I'm just hoping people, I want people to feel good about themselves mentally and physically too. And for me, working out is largely a mental
Starting point is 00:58:56 component. I feel like I'm in a good place physically. So now mostly I'm working out just to kind of help regulate my anxiety you sound like my good friend and client uh Dana Levinson who I talked to I talked to her yesterday because I produced her podcast and uh she she tells me that about the mental benefits of her workout and she shows me her weights and what she does and she like yourself actually because i'm showing my wife one of your videos you and her have great pipes so kudos to you but i appreciate that thank you just just to make me feel even worse but uh so whether what are the plans for you stacy post covid because i'm going to assume that covid was this great interrupter and disruptor as they say but what do you plan to do with your stronger uh stronger enterprise what do we call the stronger project the stronger what's the plan post pandemic um
Starting point is 00:59:53 it's kind of funny because covid is actually what launched all of this for me because i was just getting started um it was the kick in the pants to start my website and to start the coaching in general. I was just, I had just gotten recertified in Canada to teach when COVID hit. So yeah, instead of doing it in person, I had to adjust everything virtually, but I kind of, it's working really well. And it's hard to say what our new norm is really going to be. So I'm kind of liking where things are. Like, can people hire you to, so somebody could reach out to you and they could hire you to be their coach there. I have a client in Australia. Right. Cause yeah. So for an app.
Starting point is 01:00:45 So to be very specific, obviously, we know on YouTube, there's a stronger with Stacy and you can subscribe, etc. But if somebody wanted to literally like listening to us right now wants to send an email or a message to you and correspond with you on this topic, what's the best way to do that? On my website. So it's on my website so it's there is um a place to subscribe to my new letter newsletters there's a place to contact me write me a message and there's a place that shows all the information about my coaching my why it tells you like it's full transparency you can see what my my um my is, my accreditations. Your Gemini Awards? Aside from the Gemini Awards, that won't really help with the coaching.
Starting point is 01:01:33 I can vouch. I can vouch. Even before the Stronger with Stacey, I can vouch for the fact that you do reply to strangers who reach out to you. I'm one of those guys. I can tell you. Stacey replied to me several years ago when I was trying to get her to New Toronto here. So Stacey, thank you for sharing all that news about your new passion. It seems to be making you very happy and you even
Starting point is 01:01:55 have a client in Australia, so you can probably handle a client here in New Toronto. In the world of Degrassi, because I, you know, as I mentioned, I spoke to Pat Mastroianni recently, and he talked about a lot of stuff was put on hold with the COVID with regards to what I call the nostalgia merchant tours. So what is the plan? Is there a plan, for example, for 2022 and maybe if things open up? What is the plan with the nostalgia, the grassy nostalgia tour? I'm not sure we're going to do another Palooza because that was a lot of work for Pat and that was kind of like a one-off.
Starting point is 01:02:34 Right. But we would love to, I know Pat and I were really, we had plans to keep traveling around across country, making appearances at various conventions, and doing our theater appearances where we answer questions and sign autographs and actually talk to our fans, which we love doing. So I hope, I really, really hope we'll be able to start doing that again
Starting point is 01:03:03 because it's such a great feeling no doubt no doubt uh and i didn't ask you this at the time because we kind of brushed by it very quickly but when you were asked to come back for uh the next generation and for those who don't know because there's been several iterations i found out from jay goldsby i got confused i didn't know that there were more after the next generation i'm'm like, I'm out of the loop here. But this is the one, basically, I always say this is the one with Drake. That's what I always say.
Starting point is 01:03:35 So they just basically asked you to reprise your role. And you said, yes. Is it as simple as that? How did you end up back in the franchise, The Next Generation? Yeah, they reached out to some of us and said we're considering um this is what we're doing they'd already you know had plans for the for the new show um would you like to reprise your character if we have and it started just as like
Starting point is 01:03:58 um a bit of a reunion episode so we didn't really know how and that's the one with wheels so that's the one neil hope was a part of this like reunion episode is that right uh't really know how... And that's the one with wheels. So that's the one Neil Hope was a part of, this reunion episode. Is that right? I don't think he was. I don't know. He came in... I don't even know. I'm awful. I don't know. Fans will have to answer that one. For those who don't know, the premise
Starting point is 01:04:17 I suppose of The Next Generation is that Spike, who had that baby with Shane, and of course Shane dropped the acid and thought he could fly. I can't remember if he fell off a bridge or something. He fell off a bridge. He jumped off. I believe he jumped off a bridge.
Starting point is 01:04:31 And then I noticed that when you had like a, there's another movie that came out and then Jonathan Torrens assumed the role of Shane. I thought that was interesting. Like, did the original actor say no? Do you have any insight into the original Shane? I forget now the details of what happened. But yeah, I think they're just the negotiations didn't work out. And and Jono stepped in and Jono stepped in. And I think it had more to do with how the role was going to be played i think it was
Starting point is 01:05:07 more like um a creative dispute than it wasn't a money thing as far as i know it was more like how to bring the character back right and he actually played shane you're friends with him right he's a yeah billy bill parrot yeah and he. And he's a realtor now. Okay. My buddy Alex Pitino and I had a fight a long time ago, like about a decade ago, because there was a CIBC commercial that would air, and my buddy Alex swore that was the actor who played Shane, and I swore it was not.
Starting point is 01:05:38 And we had this big fight about it, and you don't know if he ever did a CIBC commercial. I don't. It's very possible. Okay, let me know, because I might owe an apology to my buddy Patino. I wish I could confirm that for you. So I guess where I'm going with the next generation is, did you enjoy your time on the next generation?
Starting point is 01:05:55 I did. It was weird at first because we were really like the odd ones out, the older generation now, Right. Um, yeah. And it's like night and day, like the sets, the money, the like, we're kind of like, Oh my God, these kids are spoiled. And the tutoring, right? Like it sounds like your tutor was more of a babysitter and that's what Pat was suggesting. And then it sounds like.
Starting point is 01:06:21 She was a babysitter. She was a babysitter. And we washed dishes on set and we carried sandbags wow um that's like you know you you didn't like me using the word exploited earlier but i mean when you you know if you look back sure it was better than working at mcdonald's which is the way that seems to be your big uh your line in the sand well this beats mcdonald's but no offense to mcdonald McDonald's. I didn't have a problem with the word exploited. I just wanted to, you know, this is where we were coming from. And yeah, it took me a while after I did feel exploited. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:55 In all fairness. And then when you see how the next generation was being filmed and then you could see the Delta, like the differences. Now, Joey, I almost called him Joey there. Pat remarked that it was um so radically different but he seemed to suggest that it lost its fun like he seemed to think your degrassi experience was actually a lot of fun and that the next generation experience seemed more businessy and corporatey and less fun for sure i mean, we kind of formed a camaraderie community amongst ourselves, hanging out.
Starting point is 01:07:29 I mean, not to say that they didn't, but I do think, I mean, they had a lot more, you know, they had their private rooms they could go to, you know, between working. They had their tutors. Okay, and I know it's lunchtime for your kids and i i want to set you free i know so the obvious question i want to ask you is was there any any inkling of anything that you saw that made you think hey this aubrey guy might end up a big fucking deal i was like who is this kid no you know what i i say this Aubrey impressed me from day one because he was one of the few of the the next generation that made a point of coming up to me and shaking my hand and saying hey nice to meet you whether he really watched the original show or not I don't
Starting point is 01:08:20 know but I thought it was a very classy act so i always i liked him he was he was a good one in my books from from that day one i sound so old i sound like a mom well shout out to uh drizzy as i call him shout out to drake and stacy anything else you want to share here this is like the seconds i got lowest of the low in the background i'm about to wrap this up but is there anything you feel you left on the table you wish I asked you or anything you want to share with us quickly here? No, well, except that we do offer, Jen and I are offering beginner fitness programs. And that's one of the things I do love and I'm passionate about now. And you can find the information for that, again, on my website. If you want to sign up, we have great teams. It's a lot of fun. And I'll help people with the spelling here real quick here.
Starting point is 01:09:10 Why did I think I even wrote it out, Metician? Like, that's how bad I am here. But help us out. So Stacey, obviously, is S-T-A-C-I-E. And spell Mestician for everybody really quickly here. This will make it easy. Misty, M-I-S-T-Y-S-Y-N. So think Misty Sin, but with a Y.
Starting point is 01:09:32 And that brings us to the end of our 835th show. You can... Milestone almost. You can follow me on Twitter. I'm at Toronto Mike. Stacey doesn't like Twitter, but she has a great Instagram account. Stacey, tell us how we follow me on Twitter. I'm at Toronto Mike. Stacey doesn't like Twitter, but she has a great Instagram account. Stacey, tell us how we follow you on Instagram.
Starting point is 01:09:50 It's Stacey Mystician, at Stacey Mystician. Okay, follow Stacey. She's great pics. I'm doing it. You should do it too. Our friends at Great Lakes Brewery, they're at Great Lakes Beer.
Starting point is 01:10:00 By the way, Stacey, if I ever do get to meet you in person, I have fresh craft beer for you from Great Lakes. I gave some to Cam Woolley. I'd love to give you some. I have also, I have a frozen lasagna for you from Palma Pasta. And they're on Twitter at Palma Pasta. And I have a Toronto Mike sticker
Starting point is 01:10:15 from Sticker U. They're at Sticker U. CDN Technologies, they're at CDN Technologies. Ridley Funeral Home, they're at Ridley FH. And Mimico Mike, he, like you, Stacey, is on Instagram at Majeski Group Homes to follow Mimico Mike. See you all next week.
Starting point is 01:10:43 This podcast has been produced by TMDS and accelerated by Rome Phone. Rome Phone brings you the most reliable virtual phone service to run your business and protect your home number from unwanted calls. Visit to get started.

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