Toronto Mike'd: The Official Toronto Mike Podcast - The Best of Toronto Mike'd, Vol. 3

Episode Date: November 21, 2020

Memorable moments from episodes 50-750 of Toronto Mike'd....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to episode 755 of Toronto Mic'd, a weekly podcast about anything and everything. Proudly brought to you by Great Lakes Brewery, a fiercely independent craft brewery who believes in supporting communities, good times and brewing amazing beer. CDN Technologies, your outsourced IT department Joanne Glutish A lifetime member of the National Chairman's Club Awarded to the top 1% of agents At Royal LePage Canada
Starting point is 00:00:58 Create custom stickers, labels, tattoos and decals For your home and your business Ridley Funeral Home Custom stickers, labels, tattoos, and decals for your home and your business. Ridley Funeral Home. This year's Holidays in Hope Candlelight Service of Remembrance is December 2nd at 7pm. And Palma Pasta. Enjoy the taste of fresh homemade Italian pasta and entrees from Palma Pasta in Mississauga and Oakville. I'm Mike. From and joining me this week
Starting point is 00:01:27 to count down the best of episodes 501 through 750 is Al Grego. How are you now? Hey now. Right off the top, just for people who don't know who the hell Al Grego is, lead singer of the Royal Pains. Yes.
Starting point is 00:01:49 And when was the last time Royal Pains performed together? I think it was the weekend before Labor Day. Oh, that's not that long ago. We played a private party up near Horseshoe kind of area. It was a lot of fun with a lot of great friends and people. It was outside and socially distant. It wasn't in like a storage facility. No, no, it
Starting point is 00:02:11 was not. And we had a great time and that was the last time we played a gig. Last time we played together as a band. It was, and like, haven't had a practice either. And everybody's good? I'm thinking of like my buddy Stu. Everyone's good. Shout out the members of Royal Pages. Yeah, Stu on guitar.
Starting point is 00:02:27 He hasn't said hi, but I'm sure he would say hi. He's a big Pearl Jam fan. He's a very big Pearl Jam fan. Actually, he did promise me something in March that never materialized. I won't embarrass him on this recording. Too late. Al Forte on the drums, the other Al. Right.
Starting point is 00:02:43 And Chris Diaz on bass. Which is the one that doesn't like Toronto Mike. There's one of them, right? Oh, no. He doesn't not like you. Okay. He doesn't quite like that. He doesn't like playing gigs for free.
Starting point is 00:02:59 That's his issue. That's his issue. And free beer is not enough to get him to a gig. Okay. I like to do the real talk here. You know that. So you, this is your third time presenting best of Toronto Mike episodes because you
Starting point is 00:03:13 took care of episodes one to two 50, which you probably regret because you didn't realize you'd have to keep doing this. Cause then you took care of the volume two of the best of, which was episodes two 51 to 500. And here you are like sooner than you probably expected. Mike, you've been prolific this year.
Starting point is 00:03:31 I got to say, you know, 36 of those episodes are pandemic Friday episodes. So that's like jukes the stats, as they said on the wire for sure. And those are ineligible tonight, right? Let's get some ground rules.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Absolutely. Yeah. No pandemic Fridays, no 1236, no Retro Ontario, no Elvis sightings. Not that there have been any. He was here once in the backyard. Yeah, he was. I remember that. But you're right.
Starting point is 00:03:54 Early in the pandemic, we did a couple of remotes. But yeah. I miss Elvis, though. His kids are at home. And he says it's hard for him to escape escape the northern Oshawa uh conclave or whatever whatever's going on over there so this so we took out all the pandemic Friday episodes and we took out all the Mark Weisblot appearances and then the couple of Elvis episodes and so really instead of you like going through 250 episodes you were really, I'm guessing you were closer to 200.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Yeah, probably. I mean, basically just normal guests, not your regular guests, but just like, you know, this whole thing started off with you interviewing Toronto media personalities. So I wanted to keep to the spirit of that because there's a lot of really interesting content there. Now you, although you were working in the hood today, but you typically have been working from home, right? Yeah. So that took out like a big ass commute, right? Oh, for sure.
Starting point is 00:04:52 That saves me three hours a day. So it saves you three hours a day, which is great. I end up working longer at home, yeah. But wasn't that, am I wrong in assuming that was three hours of podcast listening time? Like what did you do for that three hours? You're right. And I had a hard time. Like I said, you're prolific.
Starting point is 00:05:09 It was hard to keep up with your podcast and then all the other ones that I listened to. But, you know, I managed to do it. Working at home, you know, had my Bluetooth speaker in my office cranked to Toronto mic. It's like another job. Yeah, exactly. You're the, uh, the official,
Starting point is 00:05:27 uh, charter. But I mean, as a result though, I feel like I didn't, you know, I don't, I didn't,
Starting point is 00:05:32 I don't pay as close attention to these as I did, you know, the first 500 because, you know, in your car, you're, you're, you're focused on the road.
Starting point is 00:05:41 You're listening. You're an attentive listener. Like there's not other things going. I get that completely. Like I, I didn't have a commute, but I've, I've heard from others in the same road. You're listening. You're an attentive listener. Like there's not other things going on. I get that completely. Like I didn't have a commute, but I've heard from others in the same situation. They're like, I was on the road for 90 minutes a day and I listened to podcasts.
Starting point is 00:05:54 And when that disappears, it's like you can still, like you might go for a walk for half an hour or something and listen to a podcast, but that's still your, yeah, it changes the amount of time you have to listen to this podcast. So are you of the opinion, before I knock off the next 250 episodes, are you of the opinion I should slow my roll? Should there be fewer episodes? What's the deal here?
Starting point is 00:06:13 Only if you think you need to, Mike, because it's gold. It's all gold. Oh, you're a good man. Anyways, it's good to see you. Yes, good to see you too. When was the last time you trimmed the beard? Oh, I know, right? It's getting out of hand. There's like birds see you too. When was the last time you trimmed the beard? Oh, I know, right? This is, it's getting out of hand.
Starting point is 00:06:26 There's like birds building nests in it. I need to, this is the COVID beard. I need to put, unfortunately, I can't go to a barber, right? And doing it at home, it's a little hard. But you, maybe not, I think this might be the last day or something, but you could have gone to a barber. Like they're open. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Up where I live, there's only a couple and they're always booked like weeks ahead of time. So I like, you know, I miss the days where I can just walk into a barber shop on the path or something downtown and say. Right. But. Let me tell the listenership here that I don't
Starting point is 00:06:59 know what clips, I mean, I heard a test actually, but I really don't know what clips you're going to play because I've connected your tablet. You want to hold it up for the camera? So you have your own personal tablet that is connected to my board via a TRS cable. And you're going to control what you play. And I opened the channel for you. You're going to play what you want whenever.
Starting point is 00:07:18 So I'm going to like kind of be here listening to hear what was, how many clips? How many clips are we getting tonight so i've got 14 clips it was hard to narrow down but at the same time i was also pressed for time so 14 was a nice number uh and none of them are of my own podcast so okay well okay i'm glad you brought that up here i got a piece of music for this hold on here where's my music? Ah, yes. Let's do this right now. All right. Since you last appeared on Toronto Mic'd,
Starting point is 00:07:56 you have launched a very successful podcast of your own. Am I right? You know, relative. Very is relative. But it's been fun. And we have, yeah, actually, we've been doing pretty well. Now, I am well aware of this podcast, but I don't watch the show yet.
Starting point is 00:08:09 Sure. So I've actually like, I'm going to wait till I watch the show because is there any, like would this be an interesting podcast to someone who does not watch Letterkenny? Probably not. It's a companion podcast. We're listed in the charts as an after show.
Starting point is 00:08:25 So it's meant to, you know, watch the episode and then listen to us talk about the episode. Do you know there's an FOTM who appears regularly in Letter Kenny? Oh, Jonathan Torrance. Is he in there? He is. I had no idea. Okay, that's two. There's two.
Starting point is 00:08:41 He plays an Amish man named Dick. Okay, okay. There's another FOTM who appears in Letter Kenny. I'm trying to think. And I don't know the name of her character, but she's a hockey player, a female hockey player. Oh, right. Salguero. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:08:57 Jess Salguero. Yeah, absolutely. She's in later seasons. We're not there yet. But absolutely, she's in there. And as soon as I saw her, I'm like, is it around the same time that she was on here that i was watching those episodes i'm like oh look mean nannies on letter kenny and on toronto mike awesome and she was in the boys very uh very very briefly but memorable i've only seen the first episode of the boy it's great it's
Starting point is 00:09:20 so good but i her her role like it role, it's so interesting and fleeting, but it's kind of like it kicks things off kind of. Yeah, it does. Okay, so you're a massive Letter Kenny fan. I've become one, yeah. And what's the name of your podcast? The Produce Stand. So if they just search for The Produce Stand,
Starting point is 00:09:36 and do you do it alone? The Produce Stand pod. So I do it with my wife, Tanya, and my friends, Victor and Matt. So the whole premise of it and it's funny let me rewind because i actually owe toronto mike uh like the inspiration for this came from yeah your uh interview with um oh this name's gone okay is it a dude this played 20 questions rock singer um kim mitchell no no no no hold on
Starting point is 00:10:05 colin james stop um i don't know these are rocks and moberg it's gone he was on uh shit oh can you sing a song that he uh this person performed uh it'll come to me anyway okay is it a slow member sloan no he he uh i'm gonna kick myself as soon as it comes he i can't edit this out it's not like your podcast It'll come to me. Anyway. Okay. Is it a member of Sloan? No. I'm going to kick myself as soon as it comes. I can't edit this out. It's not like your podcast. He had a podcast about Three's Company.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Oh. Danko Jones. Danko Jones. Okay. So he was talking about Three's Company. Regal Beagle, I think, was the name of his podcast. Yes. Yes. And he had a buddy who didn't like it or didn't know the show or whatever but he forced them to watch the show and then
Starting point is 00:10:48 the podcast was about him trying to oh amazing yeah so that idea uh fast forward to you know this past summer i'm i'm going through letter kenny watching the episodes they're amazing so funny but tanya would come into the room and she'd be like what the fuck are you listening to this is horrible like she thought it was the most juvenile stuff. And I'm like, no, it's really brilliant. You have to watch it. And I tried to sit her down and watch like an episode and she just did not like it. So, and I've always wanted to do a podcast.
Starting point is 00:11:16 So one day. It's an acquired taste, right? Like it's not, it's not, it's, it's, you either love it a lot or you are like, what, what's this? Well, yeah. Yeah. It is an acquired taste, except if you, once you kind of get used to, or get to know the characters and get to know the story, I know very few people who don't like it, but anyway. So I said, I asked, you know, said to Tanya, I want to start a podcast and there's my idea
Starting point is 00:11:39 and I want you to be on it because I don't want this to be a straight fan podcast. I want there to be kind of some conflict. I want dissension. I want, you know. Right. So I asked my buddy Victor and Matt. Is this the Victor who enjoys Toronto Mike? Yes.
Starting point is 00:11:53 And Matt, I think Matt's been to a TMLX as well. So they're all former colleagues of mine from where I worked. And they were game. And I said, Tanya's going to join us. And they're like, really? Are you sure? So yeah, so we've been doing, we're, you know, into season three, reviewing episodes. And for the most part, it's hilarious. I think it's funny anyway. So do I get to appear on your podcast to count down the best of the produce stand? Sure. If you start listening to it and start watching the show, I'll happily have you on.
Starting point is 00:12:24 We had our first cast member guest this past Monday, actually. Who? His name is Patrick McNeil. He plays one of the skid characters. He doesn't have a speaking role, but he's a very distinctive member of the cast. People would know him who know the show.
Starting point is 00:12:39 He was great. He gave us an hour, and we had a lot of fun with Patrick this past Monday. Do you still have the other band, The Weekends? Right now, Mike, I don't have any bands. We're not playing. To say I have a band, I want to, yes. I mean, I talked to the other guys. I mean, the other band, my brother's in it, so I still have a brother. And one day when we can get together to practice again, I imagine we will.
Starting point is 00:13:03 one day when we can get together to practice again, I imagine we will. Okay, because I'm thinking maybe at some point in 2025 or 2026, whenever we're allowed to, I need one of your bands to play the TMLX event. Absolutely. Just like the good old days. Yes, I can't wait. I can't wait for the good old days.
Starting point is 00:13:18 Speaking of the good old days, there's beer on the table. If you're welcome, if you're cold or from the fridge, it's up to you. You can grab one, enjoy whatever you like. I think I might. Grab one, because then if you're cold or from the fridge, it's up to you. You can grab one, enjoy whatever you like. I think I might. Grab one, because then if you grab one, I'll grab one.
Starting point is 00:13:28 Okay. So, what are you popping open? Oh, a Canuck Parallel. Yes, the Parallel. Okay,
Starting point is 00:13:33 and I'm going to crack open a Burst, the IPA Burst. Okay. Very nice. Thank you, Great Lakes. Thank you,
Starting point is 00:13:42 Great Lakes. You played there at least three times, if my memory is correct. TMLX 1, 2, and 3. You opened for the lowest of the low. That was a thrill. It was a thrill to watch that. It was amazing.
Starting point is 00:13:55 So, awesome. Enjoy. Thank you, Great Lakes. Thank you, Palma Pasta. Palma Pasta sent over a lasagna for you. My family is very excited. They're like, I said, I'm going to be on Toronto Mike. You're bringing home lasagna?
Starting point is 00:14:08 They can't wait. That's why you do these best of episodes. It's the only reason, the beer and the lasagna. The beer and the lasagna. And the stickers. Yeah, well, yeah, I'm going to get you some Toronto Mike stickers. Thank you, for that. Fellow FOTM, Sheila, I've been playing her clip.
Starting point is 00:14:24 I was going to play it one last time, the full clip. She's basically like the FOTM who vouches for Joanne Glutish, who's a full-time Toronto real estate agent, particularly focused in Etobicoke, where she lives, but also the West End and Mississauga
Starting point is 00:14:40 and Oakville. She knows every neighborhood inside out. So here's a few seconds of FOTM Sheila. Actually, I'm going to play the whole thing. So enjoy your beer while you listen to Sheila. Hi, Mike. As a longtime FOTM, I welcome the opportunity to tell you about Joanne Glutish, a sales representative at Royal LePage Real Estate Services. Joanne has built a long and successful career by helping people achieve their real estate goals. Her knowledge of the market, experience in negotiations, and her genuine interest in people's needs are what set her apart. She consistently ranks among
Starting point is 00:15:18 the top producers in sales and service and is a lifetime member of the National Chairman's Club, which is awarded to the top 1% of agents at Royal LePage Canada. So whether you're looking to buy your first home, move up, purchase an income property, help your parents sell the house they've been in for 40 years, or just have your questions answered, visit her at and then give her a call. So thank you, Sheila, for sharing that great info on Joanne Gludish. If you're looking for a real estate agent, forget that 99%. Those guys aren't as good as the 1%. You go to Joanne Gludish, absolutely, and help the show out. Barb Paluskiewicz, if you have any network issues or questions about your computer or network, you got to talk to Barb at 905-542-9759. CDN Technologies are there for you and they're your outsourced IT department.
Starting point is 00:16:19 And last but not least, this year's Holidays in Hope Candlelight Service of Remembrance will be a live online event. You're invited to join the good people at Ridley Funeral Home to receive comforting messages, enjoy live music, and reflect on your loved one's life and legacy. It's happening Wednesday, December 2nd at
Starting point is 00:16:37 7pm. If you'd like to attend, you can RSVP by calling 416- 259-3705 or contact us at Now, Al, before we get the first clip here, you said there's 14 of them. You're going to go, I guess, 14 down to one.
Starting point is 00:16:56 Do you have an order? Sure, yes. Yeah, I think I'm going to end off with a good one. I like countdowns, Al. I like countdowns. And so did you have any help in assembling this list i did uh and and i'll i'll call him out when when uh when we get to it but yeah i i kind of went behind your back or tried to anyway and tried to form a twitter dm group with with some
Starting point is 00:17:17 of the fotms to to get well that is behind my back because i don't know where that's happening if i'm not invited yeah well except uh you you chimed in anyway with a bunch of your own favorites. So I'm like, well, I guess it's not going to be. Well, I was in a different thread, right? Yes, absolutely. Okay, now you're learning how the sausage is made. So Al got some FOTM input when he put together this list, which I think makes it even better. That's fantastic.
Starting point is 00:17:38 So do you want to do, like it's your show now. So your channel's open. You can introduce, play play and then we'll react together but uh you're the boss yeah so the first few i mean i already had them picked from pre pandemic so uh these are all my picks uh and we'll start with with uh the very first one and i like i like watching mike to see you know when he recognizes the voice yeah at what point he knows half the battle who the hell is this? So you've already heard this clip, but here we go again.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Pete's not a type three gambler. He's a type two. Two and three. He gambles hard, but once he gets to a certain area, he can stop or moderate. So that makes him a type two. Okay. What's type one?
Starting point is 00:18:28 Type one is somebody like you who might bet once every four years. Okay. That's me. Okay. Yeah. We call them pussies. So I picked that clip and I titled it, Jim McKinney calls Mike a pussy. The funny thing is reacting to it with a laugh and then hearing myself react to it with a laugh.
Starting point is 00:18:49 So it's like, okay. Yeah. Without a doubt. I remember very well, Jim McKinney and Peter Gross. Love that episode. Jim just was so honest and amazing. And he doesn't realize like who he is. That's what makes him kind of special.
Starting point is 00:19:03 Like Jim McKinney doesn't realize, he doesn't understand why people are. That's what makes him kind of special. Jim McKinney doesn't realize. He doesn't understand why people are interested in him or like him. He doesn't quite get that he's not only a Maple Leaf, but a longtime sports TV fixture on City TV and just an all-around nice guy. Peter Gross' best friend. Great choice. I will never forget that Jim McKinney was in my basement.
Starting point is 00:19:26 And called you a pussy. And called me a pussy because I'm not a... Basically, if I'm reading that right, I'm a pussy because I'm not a degenerate gambler. Exactly. I think that was a sentiment there. That is correct. All right. We're off to a good start here. I love it. That was from October 2nd, 2019. This one here is December 27th, 2019.
Starting point is 00:19:42 is from October 2nd, 2019. This one here is December 27th, 2019. We were getting very good response from audiences, live audiences, because the show did keep getting held over and held over and held over. And CBC actually, I think they paid us $100.
Starting point is 00:19:58 They sent over a sound effects crew to record the audience laughing so they would have the audience laughs so they could put them into the Wayne and Schuster show. So they used our laughs to sweeten the Wayne and Schuster show. And we said... That's amazing.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Yeah. So we said, well, has it occurred to you that maybe the show that's getting the laughs is the one that you should have on the air? But, you know, these things take a long time to happen. All right. Part of the fun is me. Yes, that's Don Ferguson
Starting point is 00:20:28 from the Royal Canadian Air Force. It did take me about like 10 seconds, actually. Like the first 10 seconds, I wasn't quite sure who it was. Yeah, that could have been Brian Mulrooney with that voice. But yes, you know what?
Starting point is 00:20:39 And I have to kind of pinch myself. Like because the pandemic's kind of distorted my thoughts on timelines and what happened when. I, I, because the pandemic's kind of distorted my, like my thoughts on timelines and what happened when. I, you know, it's hard to believe that, yeah, Don Ferguson dropped by before everything changed there back in December.
Starting point is 00:20:54 That was amazing. Yeah. And just the whole thought that Wayne and Schuster, you don't get much, much more iconic television than that. Yeah. But they were using a laugh track
Starting point is 00:21:03 from the Royal Canadian. From the Royal Canadian. Do you know what FOTM has appeared on many Wayne and Schuster episodes? Enlighten me. Stu Stone. On Wayne and Schuster? Really? Every time there's like, they bring in a cute little kid on Wayne and Schuster.
Starting point is 00:21:18 It's him. Yeah. I'm not kidding. I wish I was kidding. But yeah, Stu Stone. Can you believe that man's ineligible tonight? Stu's like Forrest Gump.'s been everywhere i know the other day and i uh i'll forgive you if you're not up to date but we were kicking out uh tv themes and we kicked out the 90210 theme song
Starting point is 00:21:34 and he just kind of me and cam are kind of here he's there and i'm here and we're listening whatever we're talking about 90210 and he's like you know i was on 90210 like it took it's like a moment of like what do you mean you were on 90210 he's like yeah uh i was on 90210 it's like, you know, I was on 90210. It took a moment of like, what do you mean you were on 90210? He's like, yeah, I was on 90210. It's like, holy smokes, what a legend. Tell me about it. All right, this is going great. So we have a couple here.
Starting point is 00:21:54 Thank you. Here's one from January 10th of this year. You're also a Reiki practitioner? Reiki. I don't even know how to say this word. Reiki practitioner. Yeah, energy healing. Yeah, I've got my level one and level two. Okay,'t even know how to say this word. Reiki practitioner. Yeah. Energy healing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:05 I've got my level one and level two. Okay. Level with me since this is all real. I just got, you know, you do know, and I'm not trying to shit on your parade here. Maybe this is one or five.
Starting point is 00:22:12 There's no science that tells you this helps. No. Okay. So what is it? Is it just therapeutic? Like it makes you feel good about things? Um, honestly,
Starting point is 00:22:20 I believe that it works. I've had it done on me. I feel different. Uh, people that have it. Placebo effect? I don't know. Which I've had it done on me. I feel different. People that have it. Placebo effect? I don't know. Which is still something. To each their own, right?
Starting point is 00:22:30 I don't want to judge you. Who knows, right? Actually, I had this conversation with Daryl Spring the other day on Facebook. And yeah, it's, I don't know. I strongly believe that there is power behind energy healing. You can strongly believe anything you want. But if you go to somebody, it would be for somebody who's got, I don't know, backache?
Starting point is 00:22:51 You could for anything. So this is something that would ever alienate you? I'm not saying for going to see your oncologist if you've got cancer for Reiki. Oh no, thank goodness. But I think for just some good healing why not or you can do it alongside any kind of other if you had somebody come to you who was sick and ask you to help them would you say i will help you but you also have to go to a
Starting point is 00:23:18 doctor yeah definitely i gotta make sure even i believe in both i'm not not an anti-vaxxer. You know what I mean? I believe in a little bit of everything. So there's no anti-vaccine talk on the parenting show? No. We avoid certain topics. We don't talk about that. See, I don't think you should avoid that topic.
Starting point is 00:23:40 I think you should tell the parents listening to vaccinate their damn kids. Yeah, there's some things that I just... Same thing with my Facebook group. We don't get into medical stuff. And I'm like, I don't claim to be a doctor. I'm not a doctor. And the only advice that you should get from this stuff is from your doctor. So go see your doctor.
Starting point is 00:23:59 And what does it involve exactly? The Reiki? Is it stones or something? No, Reiki is all like... It's energy that comes from the Reiki? Is it stones or something? No, Reiki is all like, it's energy that comes from the Reiki practitioner and basically you move over their body with your hands. Well, Daryl's right.
Starting point is 00:24:14 That's a crock, Pina. I'm sorry. I like you very much. It is not a crock, but you can actually feel the heat and the energy from the person's hands. So you think your hands on someone's body will heal them? There's a little bit more to it, but... It sounds a little arrogant,
Starting point is 00:24:30 like a cult leader or something. Pina, you're not healing anyone with your hands. It might feel good. People like to be touched. Don't hate it if you've never tried it. Try it first, and then let me know. I've also never tried sticking a needle under my fingernails. I'm not going to. Okay, Pina, look. We've had a great conversation to now.
Starting point is 00:24:47 I don't want to upset you. I am out. I'm out. But it worked. You think it worked for you. So you think it'll work for other people. Hey, you don't know. You can't knock something unless you've tried it.
Starting point is 00:24:57 That's my whole philosophy. I think that philosophy is a load of crock. But me and Daryl are going to talk about you later. So Daryl, expect a call from the 416. I'll hook it up for you guys. So, wow. Okay. That's the strongest line of questioning
Starting point is 00:25:12 I've ever heard from you. Is that right? Because I'm listening to it wondering if I'm being a dick. That's what I'm wondering. Well, you're not being a dick, but you're being very... So, I mean,
Starting point is 00:25:23 let's put it this way. You called Molly Johnson a diva, and that's like the most unheard of episode of Toronto Mike. Here, you called, you straight out said she was arrogant. I said it was arrogant to think your hands are healing, Debo. You straight out called her arrogant. And she was like great about it. She took it like a champ.
Starting point is 00:25:45 Here's a fun fact for you. I am scheduled to appear on her podcast next week. Oh, wow. Pina Crispo. I hope she doesn't listen to this. Well, she was there. I know, but maybe she forgot how hard you were at questioning her. I forgot all that.
Starting point is 00:25:58 You were cross-examining her. You were like a lawyer going after her. Well, I guess it struck a nerve, like this whole idea that you tell people who are sick and need help that you could fix them with bullshit. Like it bothers me. It's like, it's like,
Starting point is 00:26:11 no, what are you going on her podcast for? I like her very much at the party for Marty. She's great. She was so helpful and she's so pleasant, but this, I don't even know how to say it again. Can you say it for me?
Starting point is 00:26:23 Recce? Something. Yeah. I think it was recce. I butchered it twice in that episode uh par for the course i guess but uh it's bullshit and uh anyway uh bless her but i don't know what i don't i was listening to that thinking mike i hope you're not coming across like a dick but i think i was just dancing on the line i think but that's a great selection i remember listening to it going going, oh man, Mike's really going after her. And she's doing, like she's not,
Starting point is 00:26:47 I mean, I think Molly Johnson would have gotten up and walked out. I was very nice to Molly. Credits are her, yeah, you saved that one at the end. Did that make the best of last time? Of course it did. It was the number one. You didn't like it, but everyone else liked it.
Starting point is 00:27:03 I spoke to Humber College this week. I can't remember when it was, but it was earlier this week. And they asked me, the teacher, this guy Dan, he's at Humber College Lakeshore. He said, did you ever have an episode turn on you or go south on you, basically? And all I could think about, the only example I could think about was Molly Johnson. So I just talked about it this week. So it's a memorable episode. Okay, great pick.
Starting point is 00:27:27 Pina, lovely lady. I'm going to be on her show next week. Direct your mail to Mike Pina. Here we go. January 29th, 2020. Your whole world is split between the moment that changed everything, and that was May 11th uh i was in jamaica
Starting point is 00:27:47 doing a broadcast a breakfast broadcast and uh it was about 10 to 6 and rob was called out to the lobby because someone wanted to talk to him and it turned out it was phil's stepmom phil being lauren's husband of just over a year to tell uh to Lauren had died in her sleep. She hadn't awakened. That was Monday. The previous day was Mother's Day, her first and my last. And that day, May 11th, Colin turned seven months old. And that's when the whole world changed. Her heart just stopped in her sleep and the baby was crying and Lauren didn't awaken and Bill couldn't awaken her. She was gone. Yeah. I can imagine that life completely changes forever in that moment. And Rob gets his phone call and then he needs to tell you and you're in Jamaica and you're receiving this news.
Starting point is 00:28:45 Yeah, I went out to the lobby because Rob had been gone about 10 minutes and the show was to start at 6 and he was always my right hand along with our very capable and wonderful producers on site. But he kind of went back into producer role for me because you're missing everything when you're in another country. So I said, where's Rob? And I got up and walked out to the lobby, a dark, quiet lobby where all you could hear were the tree frogs and it was
Starting point is 00:29:10 damp and, and the floors were damp from the overnight dew. And he was sitting in this bench right across from the front desk where there were two people there with their heads down. And our promotions director with us at the time,ie and she's still with roger she's just a gem i love her like a daughter um she had tears streaming down her face and her mouth was open and and i said to rob what is it what is it and he was slumped over and he said it's lauren no and i started naming people i thought might be ill or or something is it my dad is it is it phil's dad he said it's lauren she died in her sleep and um i i i in writing the book i had to ask rob what my reaction was because i couldn't remember right our memories our minds are very good at that and he he says that i shouted out no
Starting point is 00:29:59 and then sat down next to him and put my head down. And so we dried our eyes and walked into the, into the ballroom. And I walked past all these people with their mugs raised and because everybody would come to these live breakfast broadcasts, bless their hearts. And, um, I said to Ian, our producer who had known Lauren, he was at her, he was at her christening and he said, I said, well, Lauren's died. And he told me to F off. He said, don't even kid about something like that. And then I went around the desk and I said to Mike that Lauren's died. And he, he said what everybody else through the day said, which was what? And then I sat down ready to do the show. Wow. I know it's just, it's so insane, but you know what it what it is mike when everything in your world has suddenly
Starting point is 00:30:46 just shattered you hold on to what is is not moving and to me radio was always the place where the world made sense so if i was going to sit down and do the show uh we were going to get through this but of course that was insane because you know everybody said no no we'll we'll figure this out and they brought in uh daryl henry right away to come and do the show from toronto and they said it was technical difficulties which had happened to us before sure on remote so you returned home that same day yeah they got us on west jet right away and they were so kind mike you remember the kindness of people but the kindness of the flight attendant who said you you know, we've got curtains up front here if you want to just come. And we said, no, we just sat there with tears just streaming down our hands and down our elbows, you know, looking out the window and wondering what on earth had happened to our lives.
Starting point is 00:31:40 I'll never forget that episode. Yeah. I picked Erin up at the airport for that episode. You picked her up? Yeah. Oh, yeah. In my late great protege. Mazda.
Starting point is 00:31:52 The legendary Mazda. The legendary Mazda, 21 years old. Anyway, that episode, and I'm glad you played that clip because there's a moment in that episode where, and I can't even say it because I'll cry, but she questions aloud whether was uh still a mother if you're if you're only i remember that yeah and then i don't the way the whole concept because she even said in that clip you played she says my last mother's day yeah and it's just same sentiment i think that's bullshit too like if you're unfortunate enough to lose a your only child that doesn't you're still a mother in my heart, in my mind anyways. But yeah, that was quite the episode. It was powerful.
Starting point is 00:32:31 I mean, in those few words, in those few sentences, she conveyed everything that she felt in those two sentences. And yeah, and imagine getting the news that your child died. I mean, well, her daughter was not a child at the time, but still. Sure. And then going back to work. Yeah, going into autopilot. Moments later, you sit down to do a show, to do a radio.
Starting point is 00:32:53 It's not a job where you're putting widgets together. You're sitting in front of a mic. And you've got to be happy, and people are tuning in to feel good about their day, right? Well, and there's a live audience in this case. They're in Jamaica. It was insane. Great choice. I can't
Starting point is 00:33:11 believe that episode happened in 2020. To me, that's amazing. That was a 2020 episode. It felt like it was a lot longer. Yeah, a long time ago. Because she was here earlier. Yeah, she was here before her daughter passed away. Her and Rob came over. So that was her second appearance. But yeah, Erin Davis, she was great.
Starting point is 00:33:29 Good choice. All right. The next two are the same person, but there's just so much gold in this episode. Is it the same episode? It's the same episode. Same person, same episode. All right.
Starting point is 00:33:40 I'm ready. The first one we'll give away with the second one. But anyway, just February 21st 2020 in case the date gives it away now why am I playing
Starting point is 00:33:50 you need to tell us why am I playing boondocks come on baby well I don't know why you picked this particular piece of joy
Starting point is 00:33:57 boom boom is it possible that you're a co-lead vocalist on this track is that a possibility like is it possible that you're a co-lead vocalist on this track? Is that a possibility?
Starting point is 00:34:07 Like, is it possible? I can tell by your eyes. Yeah. Like, I'm asking because I wasn't there, but you were there. Yeah, but that doesn't mean a damn thing. I'll tell you what. This is 1980-something. 86.
Starting point is 00:34:18 I don't remember that far back. 86. Okay. I believe this is the first time you were billed as Sass Jordan. That's my belief. Is on this this song i believe you're wait it's her voice that's you oh my fucking god that's you I completely forgot this I could tell I could tell you forgot
Starting point is 00:34:55 That's definitely me That's 100% Sass Jordan In fact, that's the first time we heard Sass Jordan And not Sass Turner Like this is the first time Sass Turner That's the there's your line of hand moment right there you're killing me over here i need your research
Starting point is 00:35:10 we're just starting here we're just starting and here's the worst part is you are finding stuff that i don't even i'm worried about you how do you not remember 1986 and how do you not remember your day your first time you're on a real track. I had no... Because, well, take a listen and maybe you'll figure it out. But you sound great on there. It's Roy Falker-Schultz, ain't it? Bless them. And I don't mean anything against these poor people
Starting point is 00:35:38 when I'm saying these terrible things. Boondock. This album, by the way, is called Mauve. I have to Mike I forgot I literally what else are you gonna what else you got in there okay I got a bit more here
Starting point is 00:35:50 since we I want to keep it turn it off it's killing me I'm gonna let it like put something good on great clip that
Starting point is 00:35:58 I remember sitting there because this is early days but this was on video stream like this video of her and I remember thinking like, does she, she,
Starting point is 00:36:07 she really doesn't have any memory. You would think that as soon as she heard herself singing it, that she'd be like, it's bananas. I remember that now. No recollection whatsoever. And she was shocked that she had no memory of this, any of that.
Starting point is 00:36:20 Like, and that's your, that's her first time. And I don't know. It was, and then I did feel, I did feel a little like Brian Linehan. I had this research. When you broke out her name pre-Sass Jordan.
Starting point is 00:36:32 Sass Turner. All I did was my homework, which I always do. And she's like, Sass Turner. She hadn't thought of her. That was her name before Sass Jordan. I can't even fathom that kind of life where you'd completely forget a previous name or even being in a recording studio. But I remember that episode being absolutely bananas, but so much fun. It took a long time just to decompress.
Starting point is 00:36:54 That was too much fun. And you have a second clip from that same episode. I meant to say this before I played the Aaron Davis clip, too. Some of these are edited for time. The Aaron Davis one, I edited because there were certain parts of it that I wanted time. Like the Aaron Davis one I edited because there were certain parts of it that I wanted to make sure. You have to disclose that because I don't edit my shows. I want to make sure because
Starting point is 00:37:11 I don't want Aaron, not that she would listen, but say... She might listen. I didn't say it that way or whatever. I may have cut some stuff out in order to get some very poignant pieces. Same with Sass. Sass was all over the place. So I needed to cut. But that one, of course,
Starting point is 00:37:26 because there's a song in the background, you can't cut. Oh, I did. I did cut. Oh, yeah, I did. I mean, unless you're really listening, you wouldn't know. Okay, because I'm thinking of the song
Starting point is 00:37:34 and I wouldn't have noticed it. Yeah, you had it down pretty low. So Sass used to rehearse at Cherry Beach Sound where my old band used to rehearse too. So every once in a while, I could hear her very distinct voice coming from some of the rooms. She's great and her personality is even better.
Starting point is 00:37:51 She's a great guest. She seemed great. Okay, more sass please. Here's another one from sass. The really weird story is that in 1981, I lived in Montreal and I had a roommate named Martin Milhewish, who's an author, does all kinds of music stuff. Anyways, Marty was my roommate. One night, Marty comes, he used to hang out on Crescent Street.
Starting point is 00:38:18 There was this bar that Thursdays, it was called Thursday, infamous place. Anyways, he comes home and he's got this young kid in tow and he goes and he was British Marty is British this young kid's British and he goes this is Simon and he has
Starting point is 00:38:37 this band called the fucking I don't remember the easy beats or some crap that's not the name wrong the something beats anyways or the crocodile I don't remember, the Easy Beats or some crap. That's not the name. Wrong, wrong, wrong. The Something Beats. Anyways. Or the Crocodile. I don't know, some shit.
Starting point is 00:38:50 And he wants to be a manager and he brought the band over from England and they've run out of money and they got kicked out of the hotel and I said they could stay in the basement. Do you mind? I said, of course I don't mind. I mean, I don't give a shit.
Starting point is 00:39:02 I'm like 20. Anyways. So he got all the kids, all these young British dudes are all sleeping in the basement for the next like two weeks. Anyways, we're great friends. Simon goes back to England, comes back over, hangs out in the basement again, goes back to England, and then gets hired by this huge management company in the UK. And so he, like, three months later, he's a junior manager.
Starting point is 00:39:30 Three months later, the artist that he's brought into this fold has a worldwide hit called 19. The song was Paul Hardcastle. The song was 19. I know the song very well. The average age of the Vietnam soldier was 24 years old, but he was 19.
Starting point is 00:39:48 That was Simon's fucking... I love that song. That was his artist. So all of a sudden, he's like the big kahuna, right? Then he finds the Spice Girls, and then he starts this thing
Starting point is 00:39:59 called Pop Idol in the UK. His name is Simon Fuller, not Simon the other one. Not Cowell. Not Cowell. This is Simon Fuller. Not Simon the other one. Not Cowell. Not Cowell. This is Simon Fuller. That motherfucker had not one cent, lived in our basement,
Starting point is 00:40:10 is now one of the most wealthy people in Europe, and is still the sweetest guy in the world. Anyways, he had nothing to do with me getting hired. That's just a coincidence. It's a coincidence. Isn't that weird? That is wild. That is so weird.
Starting point is 00:40:24 That is wild. She's a great... I like that weird? That is wild. It's so weird. That is wild. She's a great, I like the way she tells the story. It makes it a challenge to keep it a short clip because that whole story came about because you asked her, how did you get on Canadian Idol
Starting point is 00:40:34 as a judge? Right. And I had to cut that part out because it was so far before that because I wanted to get the Simon Cowell story in there. You know, not just anyone can go toe-to-toe
Starting point is 00:40:44 with Sass Jordan for 90 minutes in my basement. Oh man, I miss Sass. I got to get the Simon Cowell story in there. You know, not just anyone can go toe-to-toe with Sass Jordan for 90 minutes in my basement. Oh man, I miss Sass. I gotta get her back with this pandemic. She was great, yes. Alright, here we go. And she's married to the guy from The Grateful... Not The Grateful Dead. The Guess Who. The new lead singer of The Guess Who
Starting point is 00:40:59 is her husband. Oh yeah? Was he here when you guys were interviewing? No, no, no, no. Okay, here we go go this one here is uh my buddy victor will appreciate this one uh july 6 2020 okay so you might have saw a bit of this i saw you chime in on twitter but uh because this song was like used for mothers against drunk drivers uh in the states at least i always i always took this uh because i have a sponsor great lakes brewery and somebody else suggested you use go for a soda because he thought soda was a euphemism for beer. Well, I took it the opposite.
Starting point is 00:41:30 For the record, you tell us what go for a soda is about. Well, first of all, it's go for soda. It's not go for a soda, which I like. I always like to correct people. It's a small point. Right. So it's really insignificant because it does sound like we're saying might as well go for a soda song um the songs in when we wrote the
Starting point is 00:41:52 song the intention was two people in conflict when you listen to the verse it's so you're in one of your blue moods you want to have it your way and i want it mine all this debating going around in a blue moon makes me thirsty for love the second verse is life seems to be a bomb inside your head. Well, the bomb in my head is love. All this debating going around in a blue moon makes me thirsty for love. Might as well go for soda. No, it's better than slander. They're being nasty, two people being nasty to each other, and they're not getting anywhere. And they finally just throw their arms up and go. It's another way of saying, we not getting anywhere let's let's just go have a drink or something but because of the word soda in america they adopted that as an
Starting point is 00:42:35 anti-drinking and driving song and they were always remember the moment of the record company going in the states going yeah mothers against drug this is huge i'm like well the song's not about that he goes don't ever say that you know so so so i didn't um but it made sense to me because i could see their point and music is for for your interpretation so far be it from me. All I can say is our intention writing it was that. But it ended up being about that. So that's okay. So you'll indulge me
Starting point is 00:43:14 to having a clip here that mentions me by name. I had to have it. And having Kim Mitchell actually say that Al's right. Al was right. Mike was wrong. I was wrong. And I love that he corrected me on that name because now I correct people on that all the time. I'm like, you know, it's go. Yeah, Al's correct. Mike was wrong. I was wrong. And I love that he corrected me on that name because now I correct people on that all the time. I'm like, you know, it's go for soda,
Starting point is 00:43:29 not go for a soda. I'm like, oh, yeah, I'm that guy. This is the first clip you've played that was done remotely. Yes. Because that's what I was wondering about because the majority of the last, you know, 250 episodes were, not the majority,
Starting point is 00:43:44 but a good chunk of the last 250 episodes were, not the majority, but a good chunk of the last 250 episodes were done remotely because of COVID. And they never felt as good to me, but I always wondered how they sounded because I did my best, but you know. It was still a good interview. And actually, so just to give her some credit too, I was going to pick it anyway,
Starting point is 00:44:02 but this was an Andy pick. Andy from... Andy was prominently featured last night in the boy band. some credit too uh i was going to pick it anyway but this was an andy pick andy from uh andy was prominently featured last night in the boy band so i'm going to be listening to that on my drive home tonight um but yeah so she so she's all over this boy bit and she was also prominently featured in the pat mastro annie pat mastro e annie i always forget that that was a great one by the way i have really enjoyed that one, yes. Okay, yeah. And it's funny because I did that one, and then now I just booked Lee Aaron.
Starting point is 00:44:29 Yes. And Erica M. is booked on Toronto Mic'd. Say it ain't so. The day after. Finally. So is Erica M. the last? Will you have collected them all? Well, what am I collecting? Much music VJs.
Starting point is 00:44:43 No, Michael Williams has never been on. He hasn't yet? No. I thought you had him, though. I thought you were talkingJs. No, Michael Williams has never been on. He hasn't yet? No. I thought you had him though. I thought you were talking to him. No, I have been talking to him for years. I even, in person, I went to a Spoons concert and had a good face-to-face with the man.
Starting point is 00:44:54 I went to a radio thing that I got invited to by John Donabee and had a face-to-face with him. And he's always into coming on, but getting him to commit to like, what day and time will we do this? No, it dies on the vine. So I've never had Michael Williams on Toronto Mike. Is he the last one then after you've had Eric?
Starting point is 00:45:11 There's actually a lot. I guess you haven't had Rick the Tambon either, have you? No, there's a bunch of VJs I haven't had on actually but Eric M's a big one because she's a big one. She's from that era, right? Do you remember famously, I invited her on five years ago and she's she didn't want to talk about much music yeah and now that's all she talks about so i actually shout out to eric alper who kind of
Starting point is 00:45:34 brokered this thing and then i did see a nice tweet from erica saying uh something to the effect of glad the stars have finally aligned and we can do this thanks for waiting so it's like she seems that she's well aware that we uh you know i we decided not to do it because she wouldn't talk much and now she's coming on so it'll be good to have eric em on but yeah it'll be fun yeah so that's a great that kim mitchell episode was via zoom but i did enjoy it very much he's a he's a legend he's he's so under horribly underrated only because he's a Canadian. Because a man with that kind of chops on guitar
Starting point is 00:46:09 and just even Max Webster, never mind his solo career. That Diamond song is kick-ass. Max Webster was bloody brilliant and should have been way bigger than they were and he should have been way bigger than he was. I feel like Max Webster was,
Starting point is 00:46:25 were they able to headline at Maple Leaf Gardens? I think so. I don't. We're too young. You and I are both too young for that one, but I'm pretty sure they might have been able to do that, which is kind of amazing. But okay, this is great.
Starting point is 00:46:36 Awesome. You're going to give me a heads up when we're in like the final five or whatever. Like where are we at here? This one, let's see, where are we here? This one's number eight of 14. So we're kind of in the, you know. Okay.
Starting point is 00:46:47 Halfway through. Okay, keep rocking. From April 27th, 2020. We've got Glenn Healy talking to Strombo. And Strombo's got the pointed shoes on. He looks like he's just, you know, ready to go to the junior high prom every night. I got to talk about this one.
Starting point is 00:47:02 And at one point, Glenn healy looks at strombo and calls him tinkerbell on the air on hockey night in canada right so in front of that macho male audience he refers to george strombalopolis and georgie knows this if he heard it he hears this he'll know glenn healy called him tinkerbell and i could see the hurt and shock on his face tv really does capture things live you can't hide some stuff on tv right and i said to my wife i i said to her both those guys are gone they're both done and they both were that's uh that's homophobic in my opinion to to it's outrageous well of course because you're using it as a uh a negative he's calling him he's calling him an fag on the it's what he's saying right it's absolutely i didn't know this story that's
Starting point is 00:47:57 what he's calling him and it's uh it was strombo did not do anything to deserve that level of opprobrium and first of all had he irked Healy which I couldn't discover at all I couldn't divine that it certainly doesn't deserve that kind of retort that's outrageous do you think they gave
Starting point is 00:48:20 Strombo enough time in that role no it wasn't happening because it wasn't happening. He wasn't fitting in with them. But look, I think he's a very engaging man, and the reason is that he's really comfortable on camera. That's a great strength
Starting point is 00:48:39 he is. And I think that they should have... In retrospect, I would have liked to see them give him more time correct. That's called a pregnant pause. But the problem is I can't see him. That episode, he was on the phone. It's that pregnant pause when you
Starting point is 00:48:58 can't see somebody. I waited like two heartbeats. Yes. Are you still there? Actually, when I was editing this, I thought I edited that out, but I guess I missed it. Oh, I like it. I'm glad you kept it in. That's one of those episodes similar to Sass Jordan, which I felt was bananas, but where the Sass Jordan one, I had this really good feeling afterwards.
Starting point is 00:49:16 I did not have a good feeling after the Andrew Crystal episode. This was an Andy pick as well. And then I went back to the entry on your blog to see if I had written anything about it. And everyone's, Andy said this as well. It was, other than Molly Johnson, they thought it was the most cringy episode. And then I read my comments.
Starting point is 00:49:37 I'm like, no, I thought I really enjoyed it. I thought he did. It wasn't like Molly at all. No, not at all. No, no, no. But it was, something was, I don't know, something was off about it. I don't know. Well, he was doing a lot of cutting you off.
Starting point is 00:49:49 I remember now. And talking about himself and stuff like that. And that's, you know. He was doing a shtick. Like that's not what Toronto Mike is about, right? Like we converse, but he was doing this thing and he was, these jokes and these shtick. And I couldn't see him, which means it made it very difficult on the phone to interrupt him. So I had to let him kind of go.
Starting point is 00:50:04 Yeah. And some of his jokes were a little dated in terms of you know the sexist content and stuff like that and so it was that and uh but um i thought it was great and i mean i think you know he's a he's a personality and and so that's going to rub some people the wrong way and others the right but there's also a lot of of talk about how he's very right-wing or whatever. But this clip here, to me... No, he's not... Is he right-wing? I didn't even know that, actually. No, I don't think he is.
Starting point is 00:50:31 Okay, yeah, he was progressive. I think he's good at being argumentative on either side, if he needs to be, right? Okay, interesting that that made the cut, because I don't consider it one of the great episodes at all. In fact, I think I tried to forget it happened. I think I liked it because of the story, the Stromalopolis and Healy story.
Starting point is 00:50:49 And did you know that story? Because I didn't know that story. I had no idea, and I'm wondering if there's video of that somewhere because I would be very interested to see that. I'm hoping somebody, you know, hunts that down and posts it here. Okay, I like that choice because I wasn't even considering Andrew Crystal for best of 501 to 750. So, inspired choice.
Starting point is 00:51:07 Next up, October 3rd, 2020. This one's quite recent. Well, I guess if it wasn't risky, we'd all be rich. This is it, right? And if we're all rich, I guess none of us are rich. Is that how it works? You know, that's a very interesting statement. I believe with all the money that the government's put out there over the last year and a half,
Starting point is 00:51:27 I think that we are getting ready for universal basic income. And I'm a big, big proponent of it. I think, you know, why not? We spend enough money as a government. I haven't run the math, but we've got to be getting close. That everybody should be able to get $30 30 grand a year to do what they want. And if you want to work and, you know, if you're motivated by being wealthy, get at her. If you're motivated by being an artist, you know, or, or, or fulfilling other life dreams that are not so commercially oriented, you should have the right
Starting point is 00:52:00 to do that too. It did take me eight seconds, actually. Normally the first syllable, I know who this is, but that did take me eight seconds. But yes, that was a backyard episode. So this is just like Andrew, no, Kim Mitchell and Andrew Crystal were the two examples that came that were actually remote episodes during COVID. This is Bruce Croxon, and
Starting point is 00:52:20 he's a backyard episode. And yeah, I enjoyed Bruce. I thought he was great. This was another Andy pick. This is the Andy? I should have Andy back here. Well, and so we chatted. And I mean, if you want to replace me, she'd be a good candidate, I guess. But she can't grow nearly as cool a beard as you can.
Starting point is 00:52:35 Right now, it's a hive. Anyway, but she brought it up. And honestly, I probably would have picked it too. Because I distinctly remember especially that conversation as standing out. Because here we have somebody who is basically a member of the 1%. I don't know how rich he is, but he's fucking rich. Yeah, he's doing very well for himself. And advocating for universal income.
Starting point is 00:52:58 Right, right. And you don't hear that from too many ultra-rich. And he's basically saying, go ahead, tax me more. Right. Because I need to contribute to people who have universal income so that artists can still make art so that people can see. So there's no poverty anymore. That's amazing coming from somebody in his position.
Starting point is 00:53:23 I agree with you 100%. And what I remember, and I still think about it all the time is he talked about how after he was in my backyard to do the episode, he was going to go visit his sister in Mississauga because that's where his dad was living. And he told me that when the pandemic hit, the first thing they did was get their dad out of the long-term care facility. And I was, I think about it a lot, like,
Starting point is 00:53:44 cause I don't have anyone I love in a long-term care facility. And I think about it a lot, because I don't have anyone I love in a long-term care facility right now, but I was thinking that probably saved his father's life. And I just think about that quite a bit. So it was a very revealing episode for him. To me, he was just somebody from Dragon's Den. I had no kind of opinion on him or anything except that he's just an ultra-rich guy.
Starting point is 00:54:08 For all I know, he could be another Mr. Wonderful. And he turned out to be way better. And so I appreciated that interview very much. He recommended David Chilton come on, and he said, you'd love to talk to David. And then, of course, David's the wealthy barber. He had a big, big book. So I reached out to David.
Starting point is 00:54:25 And I get a message out of David. He's like, can you call me? So I call David. And David, it was the hardest pass. I've never had this on the phone before. This hard pass about how he can do one CBC show and get more awareness and recognition than if he does 100 podcasts.
Starting point is 00:54:42 So he's decided he doesn't do podcasts anymore. Like, thank you. You can put that in the email. Exactly. I had to phone you for that. Yeah. But,
Starting point is 00:54:49 but that's the kind of response I would expect from somebody like that. And Bruce was complete opposite. So I really appreciate it. And Andy's pick, but I totally, yeah. No, good choice.
Starting point is 00:54:59 That was very recent. Yeah, that was great. All right. So we're down to one, two, three, four,
Starting point is 00:55:04 five. So top five. Here we go. Okay. Top five. Number five. April 1st, very recent yeah that was great all right uh so we're down to one two three four five so top five here we go okay top five number five uh april 1st 2020 and here's a big uh a big catch for you okay so real talk though you mentioned it was a bad deal right because i you you used the words i think we took a bad deal like did i mean like i i don't have a great sense of how much uh fame and fortune comes from having canadian hit singles but am i correct in assuming that these songs were not uh were not hits in the united states uh they got played but they weren't hit right um i'll simply sum up the entire thing because what i tell what i tell everybody with one very clear sentence. To say like, oh, you made all this money, you did all this or what happened.
Starting point is 00:55:51 In 2001, so 10 years after the album came out, I received one royalty check for $194. Whoa, wait, okay. But this is obviously after this monster cash up front, right? Like they drove a Brinks truck. There was no monster cash up front. $194. And you said $100. Wow.
Starting point is 00:56:18 It's sinking in there. I can hear it sinking in. Amortized over 10 years. That's not a good per hour rate. No, sir. I just feel terrible because the artists we produce are fantastic. And you're producing work that people like me remember for decades. And we went and bought the CD and we learned the words.
Starting point is 00:56:44 And it sounds criminal to me it uh kind of was without getting into you know some things that would statute of limitations have passed but you know there's probably some people who you know they get a little bit of a hemorrhoidal uh flare-up if i mentioned it well you gotta keep something for the sequel yeah yeah there, there were things were done and the information that was not to flow that was quite honestly actionable because
Starting point is 00:57:11 people had done things in a way that was like, oh, this is kind of messed up. So, yeah, the net amount of money I made off of the album sales was $194. That's incredible. Wow. What do you think of that, Mr. Royal Pains? of the album sales was $194. That's incredible. That's incredible.
Starting point is 00:57:25 Yeah. Wow. What do you think of that, Mr. Royal Paints? You're paying me more than that in this appearance fee. We're not far off. We're not far off. Yeah, the lasagna and the beer. I remember distinctly that when COVID hit,
Starting point is 00:57:40 I said, okay, well, now I might as well pick up some of these out-of-towners that I never would have on because I thought for a long time they should be in my damn basement. And he was the first guy i thought of i'm like oh i can do kish now he's in california and kish was great and that album order from chaos which i paid like i don't know 18 bucks for to think that that's that's a big much music videos there's a degrassi tie-in for andy a Degrassi actress Anais Granovski stars in She's a Flirt, Let's Do It
Starting point is 00:58:10 I don't know if you remember this at all anyway, a big Kish fan it was really fun to talk to him and that's a mind-blowing fact that he made $194 total for Order from Chaos let that sink in, I still don't know what to say no, another Andy pick,
Starting point is 00:58:25 but as soon as she said it, I'm like, yes, I remember that, and for sure had to be on there because I knew how big a fan of KISS you were, and I knew as soon as you announced it how excited you were, and I was excited. I mean, I remember his, you know,
Starting point is 00:58:38 where I grew up. Around the world in 80 days. Yeah, I remember that for sure. Yo, KISS you went to Africa? If that was his only hit, I would still be blown away that all he got was $194 for that whole thing. If he was hitless, I'd be shocked.
Starting point is 00:58:52 He only got $194. I don't even know where to start with $194. That's just how bad it is to be a Canadian artist. Think about the things you do, the things you won't do for only $194. And I know it's 25 years or whatever it only 194 dollars like that's and i know it's 25 years or whatever it is whatever it is and i know inflation and everything but still like 194 dollars back then you're only looking at if you know 300 bucks now like that's well it sounds
Starting point is 00:59:14 like criminal like i said it was criminal and it sounds like it was criminal yeah he got royally screwed by some record exec for sure another inspired choice okay so now we're on to number four by the way if anyone wants to look him up, he's Andrew Cushino. That's his real name, and he's a voiceover actor. But yes, I know him best as Kish. Yes. May 6, 2020? May 6.
Starting point is 00:59:36 May 6. Now, Scott, just to confirm, because I'm going to record this call, is that fit for public consumption, or is that something you wanted to... Well, people know in the business that I've worked with at TSN 1050, like I've had Parkinson's disease for the last five years, and it only got worse in the last... Like it was manageable for four years, and the last year it's gotten worse, but still not enough that I couldn't do a job.
Starting point is 01:00:02 Right. Like they changed my medication. I was told that any medication they give you generally will work and be effective for five years. And then after that, it's time that they have to put you on something else, and hopefully something else has been developed. But this new medication I'm on, I've only been on it for about a month and a half, and it hasn't made a real appreciable difference so far. So I'm just crossing my fingers.
Starting point is 01:00:26 I'm still kind of torn whether to mention it or not. Like I've heard Mike Richards mention his cancer, and I've heard, well, Gareth Wheeler, I don't know if you've had him on, but he's got cancer as well, or is in remission now, but they both admitted it publicly. I'm just not sure because I'm looking for a job, and combined with my age, whether it's a good thing to dwell on that.
Starting point is 01:00:48 Okay. I don't know. It's up to you. If you want to ask me about it, I'll answer you. But I just, I've been a little bit wary of it. I don't want everybody in the business to know necessarily. Okay. I just want to make sure definitively, because I was thinking, although I don't have to do this, I was thinking of actually just dropping this phone call, because it's so fly on the wall, like me catching up with you, Scott, and I was going to drop it.
Starting point is 01:01:14 But if at the end of this call you decide you don't want the Parkinson's information in there, I'll edit it out, like happily. You just have to let me know explicitly. Well, I respect them for coming forward because it inspires other people to hear about people who've had success in the face of dealing with illnesses. And that's why
Starting point is 01:01:33 I've told a lot of people in the business that I know well, but I just worry about everybody knowing it. Ask me, it's okay. Okay, well let me ask you right now off the top. If I change my mind at the end of it, I'll do what you said, ask me, it's okay. Okay, well, let me ask you right now off the top, because...
Starting point is 01:01:46 If I change my mind at the end of it, I'll do what you said and you can edit it out. Okay, for sure, for sure. So he didn't change his mind? No, he didn't change his mind. But that is interesting, right?
Starting point is 01:01:54 Because that's a phone call, again, like Andrew Crystal, where I can't see him. It's a phone, phone call because he couldn't do a Zoom or anything. And he, you know, we're chatting,
Starting point is 01:02:02 but I'm actually recording the episode, but he clearly doesn't know. It feels like, I feel like he thinks that's like a pre-interview maybe. And when he's talking about the Parkinson's, I'm thinking like, obviously I, we're not live anywhere. We weren't live streaming or anything, but I'm thinking like, like I need an explicit yes or no on this because this is your health information. Like you're either consenting to me leaving this in, or you're asking me to take out all mentions of Parkinson's and I will do whatever the heck you want.
Starting point is 01:02:28 But I need you to be clear on this one. It's clear that he's still looking for work and this would greatly impact him getting that. Right. Well, so he was, yeah, at the end of it, he was very like clear that he wanted it in there. So that was quite the conversation actually. And I really
Starting point is 01:02:45 worked hard for many years to try to get Scott Ferguson on the show because I listened to the out of town scoreboard and all this stuff. And Tom and Jerry would do the Blue Jay games and we get Scott Ferguson on 1430 and then 590. You know, Mike Wilner now has the Scott Ferguson role. Well, he had it and now he has the, he has a much better role actually. But yeah, Scott Ferguson, so revealing and a good choice. Good choice. I yeah, Scott Ferguson, so revealing and good choice. Good choice. I'd forgotten about that. It's funny how I forget about the episodes where I don't see the people in my backyard or basement.
Starting point is 01:03:13 That's wild to me. It's understandable. It's wild to me. Yeah. That was a Tyler Campbell pick. Oh, the VP of sales. There you go. So he brought that one up and good pick.
Starting point is 01:03:22 Good pick, Tyler. He liked, the reason he said he picked it was because it started off with Scott not sure whether he wanted to share his story. And Tyler felt that you, not convinced him, but made him feel comfortable. Okay. Made you trust him enough to tell the story. Good choice. And that's a good reason. Thank you, Tyler, and thank you, Al, and thank you, Andy. And we're on number three now?
Starting point is 01:03:49 Number three. And this one's a selection by someone named Mike. Is this Mike? Okay, is that me? There's a lot of Mikes out there, Al. You've got to be explicit here. This one's June 23, 2020. I'm ready.
Starting point is 01:04:03 Which one did I pick? I sat there on the computer. Yeah, I blew out the computer, and I went in the bedroom, and I got in this weird, as my future therapist calls it, kind of upright fetal position. I just put my face down on the pillow, and I hit my ass up in the air on the bed, and I just lost it.
Starting point is 01:04:22 Then I looked at the clock, and it was 2.30, and I missed my 2 o'clock deadline. I called Gail, and I was like, okay, I think you're right. Because she's actually a therapist. Oh, wow. Yeah. And I was like, I think I need to get some help. And I called my boss and I was like, I think I need to get some help. Could you give me the employee crisis hotline?
Starting point is 01:04:40 And that was the beginning. And then I kind of tried to go back to work a little bit later and i had a go i just like it got really really dark and i was like mike i was i was actually like i had a plan to i'm cool with talking about this um it wasn't that detailed and well thought out thank god but i was just it was one morning and the same thing was happening i was like i can't fucking do this anymore i can't write anymore and i was like i'm gonna drink everything i've got in the house take everything i've got in my tickle trunk of hallucinogens because i like hallucinogens sometimes they're around and i was gonna hop the streetcar to marie curtis park at
Starting point is 01:05:17 the end of the launch long bridge it was freezing out i was like i'll just fucking pass out and freeze to death in the park and that was that when I was... My mom was staying with us too. It was Christmas. And I was like, okay, you gotta... This is getting pretty crazy. This is not healthy. I feel like this is not healthy now. And that was the day
Starting point is 01:05:38 I went and talked... I went and met with people and started dealing with it. And yeah, it was pretty bad, man. I'm glad you picked that because he had three visits. Ben Rayner, formerly of the Toronto Star, he had three visits to the backyard this summer.
Starting point is 01:05:56 And that was his first visit. And I pointed over there because the first few guests I had down there. And then I promoted them. So he's down there. And I'm here, of course. And they're down there. And I had a there and then I promoted them so he's down there stage and I'm here of course and they're down there and I had a real power move here but I thought he was so revealing and honest in that first visit it I just and I got a lot of people in the industry who wrote me notes to say like that episode of Ben Rayner was something special so that clip you chose too, that's, that's, that's quite the reveal from Ben Rainer. And, uh, yeah, it was one of the, I think it was one of the best episodes,
Starting point is 01:06:31 well, last 250 episodes. You chose the episode, but I, uh, so I, I found the clip. I mean, the whole mental health thing, uh, you know, resonates with me. So for sure it's funny. So this is the third volume of these that I've done. And I feel like there's been themes. And it's, I mean, it's completely random. But I mean, the first volume, you had a lot of people coming on here talking about their stories of getting fired from their jobs, right? A lot of them.
Starting point is 01:06:58 Right. Second volume, I feel like there was a lot of stories of people losing their children, actually. And I mean, even- I know what you're thinking, because I still remember when you played the clip of David Schultz. I know what you're talking about. I mean, Aaron could have easily been part of that for a second volume as well. But yeah, there was David Schultz. There was, forgive me, but-
Starting point is 01:07:16 Was Joe Tilly in there? I'm trying to remember. But there was- The guy from Detroit. Oh, Ken. Ken. Ken. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:23 Right? So there's that. And I feel like this- Ken Daniels. That's it, Ken Daniels. Ken. Yeah. Right? So there's that. And I feel like this. Ken Daniels. That's it, Ken Daniels. And I feel like. Love that guy. This volume here, and that's the only clip I have.
Starting point is 01:07:32 But I mean, if you think about, what's his name? Did you ever remember the rock star from earlier? We never got that name. Yeah, yeah, Danko Jones. Oh, Danko Jones. We're past that. I'm having old man brain now. But buddy with the suspenders, Frank.
Starting point is 01:07:50 Kevin Frankish. You've had, what's his name from TSN on? Oh, Michael Lansford. Michael Lansford. So I feel like this third volume has a lot of mental health in it. And good because especially in this pandemic time, I feel like this is an epidemic. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:08:09 I mean, I know I don't have clinical depression or clinical anxiety, but I feel it. Yeah. Like environmental. I feel it. So imagine if you had a chemical imbalance, what this time would be doing to you. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:08:20 And we got to talk about it, man, because I think it's a real epidemic out here okay sorry you're on number two now yeah number two uh here we go uh this is from may 31st 2020 when she was growing up uh her dad and i were very aware of letting her know that she has to walk through the world a little bit differently because that's just like the generational thing that we teach our kids. Like you just have to go through the world in a different way. You have to, and a part of it, and what you were explaining earlier, a part of it is making other people feel comfortable. How exhausting is that when your first inclination is, I need to make sure that whoever I'm interacting
Starting point is 01:09:07 with in this shopper's drug mart in Bancroft, Ontario, up in the north, feels comfortable with me in the store. So here I am picking out the nail polish and kind of saying, well, here's the nail polish. I'm looking at it now. I'm very conscious of these things. And that is all, it doesn't have anything to do with, with me. It has everything to do with making whoever I'm in an environment with comfortable, you know, and those things are, I think they're genetically kind of passed on. I don't think I've ever had that real conversation with my daughter, but I think she, she has to see it and feel it and know it. Great choice. context but i i you've had some important episodes you know uh the sports media episode um and this one here especially very timely to donovan bennett and uh garvia uh bailey coming on to talk about being black in toronto and the timing of it couldn't have been better and you
Starting point is 01:10:20 couldn't have picked two better people to talk about it. And the beauty of this episode was you just sat back and let them kind of do it. I did a lot of listening that night. And you're right. I couldn't have picked two better people. And hearing Garvia, it's funny because more recently I had a woman on Dr. Liza in this backyard. And she echoed a lot of those sentiments. And then hearing Garvia talk about, like, it sounds exhausting. Can you imagine?
Starting point is 01:10:44 Because we're two white guys, right? Can you imagine how exhausting it would be just hearing her describe that to me? It's like the things we take for granted, the perspective we lack, which is why I always say, you know, listen to somebody who walks in those shoes before you, you know, you assume you know what it's like because i'm a blue-eyed white guy i don't have no fucking clue yeah what it's like to go to shoppers drug murder as a black woman no idea i thought the episode was eye-opening i i it's funny
Starting point is 01:11:16 at work where i work we have this uh committee called the inclusive workplace council and uh they they've got it you know they share a lot of uh literature and a lot of podcasts that listen to and this this episode here i shared with them i said you should listen to this isn't it this is a really good episode talking about i shared a bunch of other stuff too but for this one like as far as podcasts go uh if you've never heard of toronto mike at least listen to this episode because i think it was really good thank you and if i remember i think maybe it was ad free and everything. Like I,
Starting point is 01:11:46 I just remember thinking that this is too, you know, I'm not, it was very timely right at the time. It was in the middle of like the, right at the beginning of the BLM movement and a lot of stuff going on down there. And yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:58 Absolutely. And those were the two voices on Twitter that really I was following and really, and Donovan Bennett, who's fantastic. He had only made his like Toronto Mike debut like weeks earlier or something like that and he's so he's so good he is very good
Starting point is 01:12:11 and Garvia who I've you know loved forever got really railroaded by a gig she had at Jazz FM by the way but she's just so smart and so in such a great voice as well like and I only invited three people on that show and one declined and then two said yes and then we recorded and it turned out great so i have a lot
Starting point is 01:12:32 of time for donovan bennett i i listen to uh free association and whatever other podcast he's on he's very thoughtful very good uh host uh and and i was trying to look for a clip where he was speaking but that one where Garvey, the story Garvey was sharing was, I thought kind of encapsulated the struggle, like the stuff they have to think about that we don't. Right. It's just exhausting.
Starting point is 01:12:55 Like imagine you wake up every day with that and we take that complete, we don't, we don't have any of that. It's tough enough to get through like regular life. Yes. You know what I mean? I'm struggling with regular life. Having that thrown on every day
Starting point is 01:13:07 of your life. Anyway, you got to listen to appreciate the perspective. That's for sure. Okay, this is number one. Before we do number one, let me do some honorable mentions. Just because there was a lot of great guests this last quarter, if you want to call it that.
Starting point is 01:13:25 But just couldn't find time to pull clips. Or they were just good from beginning to end, and there was no clips to be pulled. So Biff Naked with Mishimi, a lot of fun. That was a surprise to Biff. That was good, yeah. A.J. Andrews, another great episode. Steve Paikin, I mean, I grew up watching him on TV Ontario. Paikin loved that. You played the clip from that Aaron Davis episode. Steve Paikin. I mean, I grew up watching him on TV Ontario.
Starting point is 01:13:47 Paikin loved that. You played the clip from that Aaron Davis episode. And Paikin wrote me this note and tweeted this thing to say that he, I don't want to put words in his mouth, but like was the most compelling piece of audio he had listened to in quite some time was listening to that second appearance by Aaron Davis. But shout out to Paikin. He's a good effort to you. Dave Bedini. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:03 You know, a lot of fun. Humble and Fred. They're always fun. Oh, that was the one where they He's a good FOTO. Dave Bedini. Yeah. You know, a lot of fun. Humble and Fred. They're always fun. Oh, that was the one where they got mad at me at the end. Yeah, exactly. And then out of the ashes of that, they hired me to be their producer. That's so crazy. So that was a bananas episode too.
Starting point is 01:14:13 Fred was so mad at the end of that. I remember that. Yeah, it was so cringy. I should have probably picked that one too. He was so pissed. Anyway, I played, oh, an unnamed FOTM recorded something to play in that episode. I remember now. And she's listening now.
Starting point is 01:14:28 After we finish, I'll remind you who it was. Gord Stelik's return. Gord Stelik's first appearance was so good, and his return was just as good. We got to do a round three. Absolutely. John Gallagher and Peter Gose, whenever they're on together, a lot of fun.
Starting point is 01:14:42 Has anyone spotted Gallagher lately? He's missing in action. I was going to ask you spotted Gallagher lately? He's missing in action. I was going to ask you, what's going on? He's just, he's a different guy. And COVID really affected. Yeah, we haven't done a Gallagher and Gross save the world in forever. Brother Bill?
Starting point is 01:14:56 Oh, yeah. The definitive Brother Bill interview. Don't believe the hype on any other interviews of Brother Bill. Jamie Campbell. He was good, right? He was very good. Yeah, he was good. And one of my favorites, Bob Elliott and Dave Perkins.
Starting point is 01:15:10 I'm shocked it didn't make the top 14. I think we should shut this fucking thing down. I'm sorry. Again, it's just... The boys of summer. Go listen to it beginning to end because there's just... Why would you not? I know. I am a little... Now I don't know what number one is, but I haven't really stopped down and think about it. But I, I'm shocked that, I'm shocked that Bob Elliott and Dave Perkins is not in the top 14.
Starting point is 01:15:32 Or Robert. Michael. Like, well, even though COVID's really fucked that up, but our friend Dave had some health struggles this past summer. So I'm wondering, like, if we, maybe we got that in. Just be, you know, because I don't know if we can get them together. Don't break your streak. Not that.
Starting point is 01:15:55 That streak's a little remarkable. Like, you shouldn't talk about it because it's not, it's what do you call it, gauche? You know, it's not a good topic to talk about. But eight years now, eight plus years of podcasting, and no FOTMs have passed away. So keep that going. Now, what's your final pick? So the final pick, I mean, I picked this because it encompasses the Toronto mic.
Starting point is 01:16:15 What this is about. Everything about it screams what Toronto mic should be about. Okay. A week or so later, Ed calls me and said, you know, I was supposed to do this fundraiser for Second Harvest at Nathan Phillips Square with my cover band, but we broke up. And, you know, do you want to do it with me? And I said, yeah, sure. And he goes, okay, good, because I already told him you would. They called me and said, well, we're really counting on you for this gig. You all ready? And I just said, yeah said yeah yeah we're ready to do this and they said okay what's the name of your band and he said I told them we're called Bare Naked Ladies wow I
Starting point is 01:16:53 said you told them what and he said and then after so we did this thing we were and we were going to rehearse you know there's all these bands playing covers, you know, metal band and new wave band and whatever else. And we kept meaning to get together to rehearse and then just never did. And then so we show up at the gig. I've got my Casio keyboard and he's got his guitar. And we're like huddled in the stairwell. And he's going, do you know Miss You Much by Janet Jackson? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:21 Do you know Psycho Killer? Yeah. Okay, we'll do that. And we just kind of like did some bits and we so we said to the organizers might be better if we don't compete in this it was a battle of the bands right like maybe we shouldn't compete maybe we can just because it's just the two of us we can go out and kind of entertain while other bands are setting up um and they said yeah that's fine and then we ended up winning anyways um
Starting point is 01:17:46 and then uh so one of the prizes was like i think we got like 200 bucks or something and we also got the chance to open for the razorbacks or the horseshoe love the reason yeah they're awesome and we were huge fans of the razorbacks and so we went and that was our prize and so of course we're like well we can't change our name now like if people saw us at either of these gigs and they liked us and we change our name how are they going to find us so we got stuck with that name i love that origin story and if you've ever heard an episode of toronto mike then i won't even put you on the spot and ask if you have but if you had you'd know we're all kind of fascinated with like the City TV Moses era and Speaker's Corner in particular.
Starting point is 01:18:31 And famously, at least in my world, famously, you guys, the first time we see Barenaked Ladies is on Speaker's Corner. Can you give us a little bit of insight into into what made you decide to do it and that whole performance of Yoko Ono on Speaker's Corner in the early days? It just occurred to me that I never edited the end of that clip because I thought the clip was going to end sooner than that. But anyway. That's okay. That might be my favorite of the Zooms possibly, but Stephen Page is so good dripping with toronto nostalgia there's simmons references in there there's speakers corner references in their origin story of a great canadian band it had everything that makes toronto mike
Starting point is 01:19:16 you know oh thank you sir honestly and i if i haven't been clear i gotta thank you for doing this because you know you volunteered to do it after episode 250. I was voluntold to do it. Were you? Yes. I can't remember the origin story. I need to go back to the tapes but you were voluntold to do it because I have such power. Episode after 250 and then of course every 250, I don't know, in my mind
Starting point is 01:19:37 you're gonna do 250 episodes every 5 years in my mind and of course it was much much faster than that and now you've done 3 volumes of this. And I absolutely love it, man. And thank you for doing this. Like, thanks for taking the time, pulling those clips
Starting point is 01:19:51 and coming over and playing them. Thank you to Andy and Tyler for their help too, getting some of those clips. Two of the greatest FOTMs we have. Say hi to your daughter who wrote at TMLX5 at palma palma pasta she made me a nice little note uh i can't remember anymore what it said what is veronica what she said i can't remember it was
Starting point is 01:20:15 very kind and i kept it for a very long time and thank you very much and i know your son is the one who likes to let you know like hey you know you have to do work here like doesn't he tip you off when i'm approaching the 250 mark? He does, yeah, it's hilarious. Because then he listens to these with me. It's fun. I fast forward through the clips because they mean nothing to him.
Starting point is 01:20:32 He just wants to hear you and me talk. Well, I hope you show him the periscope here because here we are under the lights on maybe the last beautiful night of, you know, 2020. And it's good to see you again, man. I can't wait till you're rocking out. I'm trying to think. were playing the Dakota not the Dakota Tavern but my Dakota's here you were
Starting point is 01:20:51 scheduled to play in early April right and then everything shut down in mid March down and my other band was gonna play there I think in October and that got shut down too I fucking can't wait till the shit's gone and we can be normal and have fucking fun I want to I want to watch you rock out buddy so
Starting point is 01:21:04 thanks for doing this. Can't wait till episode 1,000 and we can do this again. Oh, geez. And that brings us to the end of our 755th show. You can follow me on Twitter. I'm at Toronto Mike. Al, what is that handle? And then make sure you tell us about the produce stand.
Starting point is 01:21:24 Sure. So my Twitter feed is at PFTW. PFTW. The bands are at Royal Pains Band and at Weekends 5. And then the podcast is at
Starting point is 01:21:41 So follow him in all four places and show him how much you appreciate him. Our friends at Great Lakes Brewery are at Great Lakes Beer. Thanks for the beer, guys. That's amazing. Palma Pasta is at Palma Pasta. I'm going to give a lasagna to Al right now. Sticker U is at
Starting point is 01:21:55 Sticker U. Fantastic Toronto Mike Stickers. CDN Technologies are at CDN Technologies. That's why this network is running so smooth over here. Joanne Glutish is at J Glutish, G-L-U-D-I-S-H, and Ridley Funeral Home. They're at Ridley F-H.
Starting point is 01:22:14 See you all next week. This podcast has been produced by TMDS There's a sucker born every day. But I wonder who. This podcast has been produced by TMDS and accelerated by Roam Phone. Roam Phone brings you the most reliable virtual phone service to run your business and protect your home number from unwanted calls. Visit to get started.

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