Toronto Mike'd: The Official Toronto Mike Podcast - Toast 2: Toronto Mike'd #1005

Episode Date: February 25, 2022

In this 2nd episode of Toast, Mike is joined by Stu Stone and Cam Gordon as they catch up and kick out food jams. Toronto Mike'd is proudly brought to you by Great Lakes Brewery, Palma Pasta, Canna Ca...bana, StickerYou, Ridley Funeral Home and Patrons like you.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Or the power button. I would do anything. Oh, that's a good one. That's good. Anything for you. Shh. A little piece of toast. Because there's so much to choose from.
Starting point is 00:00:17 There's brown bread, white bread, all sorts of wholemeal bread. It comes in funny packages. We're writing on the side. But it doesn't matter which one you have. It's when you cut the crust off, have it with marmalade Or butter, cheese, tomatoes, beans, banana Or chocolate, if it's strange, it doesn't really matter Oh no, it all goes with toast
Starting point is 00:00:34 Just toast After a long and dreary five-month absence The Pandemic Friday crew of Toronto Mike dreary five-month absence. The Pandemic Friday crew of Toronto Mike, Stu Stone, and Cam Gordon Be afraid. Be very afraid. are back. FOTMs rejoice.
Starting point is 00:00:58 This is Toast. Okay, scrape that toast boys that's toast yeah that's toast my Toronto Welcome to episode 1005 of Toronto Mic'd. Proudly brought to you by Great Lakes Brewery. A fiercely independent craft brewery who believes in supporting communities, good times, and brewing amazing beer.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Order online for free local home delivery in the GTA. Create custom stickers, labels, tattoos, and decals for your home and your business. Palma Pasta. Enjoy the taste of fresh, homemade Italian pasta and entrees from Palma Pasta. Enjoy the taste of fresh, homemade Italian pasta and entrees from Palma Pasta in Mississauga and Oakville.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Ridley Funeral Home. Oh, yes! Pillars of the community since 1921. And Canna Cabana. The lowest prices on cannabis. Guaranteed. Over 100 stores across the country. Learn more at
Starting point is 00:02:57 Joining me this week, the second installment of Toast, is Cam Gordon. And Stu Stone. Hello. Welcome back, guys. Man, you know what? It's good to be back. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, they say, Mike.
Starting point is 00:03:16 And I'm quite fond of you. And I find myself even more fond that we've, you know, we don't, seeing each other every week was so routine. And now it's like like I can't wait to come back yeah some of the spark is back maybe in the past we took this for granted and now that we have this now that we have a little you went camping but that's
Starting point is 00:03:35 I was exhausted you're exhausted you're famously exhausted by the end of it as you stated wise plot was hate hate listening it was just it was falling apart he wasn't the only one we'll discuss further uh somebody else time for change like trudeau in 2015 but good to see you guys uh i'm a little not flustered but i uh just came from my mind again perspective is everything there is uh literally like our hearts are with the good people of uh
Starting point is 00:04:02 the ukraine and sorry it's not even the ukraine do you know it's just ukraine just ukraine yes who got us staying the ukraine where did that i don't know if it's a sign felt like i i hope people are ukraine is not weak yeah like i really hope people aren't like whipping out clips i just did no but that was within context right right but in all seriousness it's awful and the footage we're seeing and stuff and then you have this moment of like is it appropriate for us to have like fun kicking out jams on toast? It's never stopped you before. I would say that maybe a little, you know, escape a little bit.
Starting point is 00:04:36 Like a chance to just, you know, laugh and have a good time with your buddies. That's not so bad, right guys? Yeah, I think it's fine. Well, listen, how about this? How about this? bad right guys yeah i i think it's fine well listen how about this how about this all of the nonsense that has been going on in this country where people are talking about their freedoms and all this other stuff i mean cam he was in ottawa i'm saying i was visiting a family look at what happens in the rest of the world like look how you got it pretty good here guys right
Starting point is 00:05:03 i have people that write me and they send me these political freaking messages, you know, hating on this or that or the other thing. I said, how bad is your life? How like you're this upset? You you have your life is fine. Your kids, they go to school. You're fine. If you're sick, you go to the doctor. What is the problem?
Starting point is 00:05:21 Why are you so riled up? Real talk. Are we talking about DJ Farbsy? He might be one of them. He might be one of them. Is he being radicalized? Lonnie Schwartz. I'm just saying, it's just like, why are you so angry, guys?
Starting point is 00:05:37 Look at how life could be. And not that I'm saying the grass is greener, but it's certainly not green over there. They don't have Bojana fixing their grass over there. It's terrible what's happening over there. And, you know, I can't even believe it's like we're so desensitized now almost. The fact that we can just do this podcast and laugh while a potential world war is going on. It's because over the last two years since we've been doing these shows together look at all of these crazy things that have been going
Starting point is 00:06:08 on it's almost surreal that all of these one after another after another these crazy surreal larger than life incidents are taking place we are living in a period of time where craziness is the norm. Well said, Stu. But now to radically change the topic, can I just express that I have a bone to pick with you? Can I just pick this bone right off the top? With me? Yeah. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:06:35 Okay. Is this about Humble and Fred? No, no. You were great on Humble and Fred. Thank you. My mom really liked it. It was my honor to put you on that show, and I knew it would be great.
Starting point is 00:06:47 You always take good care of me, Mike. You phone me up and say, I need to promote Faking a Murder. And guess what Adam told me after we were done? He had a great time too. He's like, we didn't even talk about the movie. It was in the notes, but you guys sort of didn't really do it. Faking a Murder is out now. Not that I promote my stuff here. Do it now. No, I don't want to because
Starting point is 00:07:03 the FOTMs accused me of like, I need to come here to promote no because i have a quote from leave a fumka this was after the original the first uh episode of toast oh there's like uh listener feedback yeah leave a fumka wrote sure okay the judge has made her ruling oh dot dot dot okay it's a little pompous stew stone Stone, you won me back. Thank God. I actually am happy to hear that. I thought Stew was back in her good graces. Like she canceled him at some point, but then welcomed him back before. We covered this last host. There were some FOTMs, very important FOTMs.
Starting point is 00:07:38 That thought that I was taking them for a ride. Right, because you disappeared. Yeah, it was an act. Oh, yeah. That was a shoot. That was real. They were shooting, but I was working. Right, because you disappeared. It was an act. That was a shoot. They were shooting, but I was working. But you're back now in their good graces. As I should be. And you know what?
Starting point is 00:07:52 Leave it, Famke. It's good to be back in your good graces, but I'll tell you what, sweetheart. Me and Juan were already good. He was texting me on the side. You guys, you're like, you rent a cabin this summer. Before we leave
Starting point is 00:08:06 your Humble and Fred appearance, YYZ Gord is on the live stream at and he was listening and said there was no toast promotion at all. Like, nobody mentioned that you'd be live
Starting point is 00:08:17 on Toronto Mike. But I feel like, it's okay. It feels like that happens on Humble and Fred a lot, Mike. Explain. It's like we the few times that I've gone, it's like
Starting point is 00:08:28 Like they don't want to acknowledge you're on this show like literally almost a hundred times? I don't know. You didn't. I didn't. I didn't what? You gave me only 8% credit. I listen. What are you talking about? Of your thousand episodes, you gave me an 8%.
Starting point is 00:08:44 You said I only was on 80-something times. Yeah, it's probably only 80-something times. How many times do you think it's been? 76 PFs. This is the second toast. That's 78. Because Stu and I, I feel like... But I've been on three times prior to that.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Yeah, okay, now you're at 81. Okay, so that's more than 80. What did I say, 80? Yeah. Well, this is the 81st. It's happening now. Fair. Oh, my goodness's more than 80. What did I say? 80? Yeah. This is the 81st! It's happening now! Oh my goodness, I did the math. It's this handsome devil that gets on more often.
Starting point is 00:09:11 It's a big number. Before you get into the rest of the feedback, I'm assuming there is more. Well, you finish that thought and then I want to give a muzzle to an FOTM who has some exciting news. And then I want to pick the bone. I want to pick your bone.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Well, I guess I can pause what I was going to say. But I did have a good time on Humble and Fred. And I know that these guys are polarizing guys to a lot of people. I don't see it because I don't live with these guys. They pay their invoice every month. I don't see it. And I know that there's – because I even got some direct messages from some old friends of ours from high school that was like
Starting point is 00:09:46 hey I don't like Humble and Fred anymore but I saw you run and I listened and I thought it was great and I'm like awesome. Carolyn Gupta. Yes actually so I don't know what the deal is with those guys as far as why they're so polarizing to people but I enjoy it and I think that
Starting point is 00:10:01 being on with them it's still very special it feels special to be just talking to Humble and Fred. How and I think that being on with them, it's still very special. It feels special to be just talking to Humble and Fred. How do you feel about being on Toronto Mic right now? I feel great. Toast. Okay, so here's my beef. Not Humble and Fred. I'll do the beef, and then I'll give the muzzle top to the FOTM.
Starting point is 00:10:16 The beef is you were on a Dean Blundell podcast. Oh, is that a no-go? No, I don't know if it's a no-go or not. Maybe Cam and I need to have a quick chat about it. But you didn't even give us a heads up or a little courtesy. I actually didn't even know it was a Dean Blundell podcast until you just. Was it Dean Blundell or was it one of the other ones on the. It's why I think it had to.
Starting point is 00:10:36 I've never spoken to Dean in my life, so it had to have been someone else. I would buy that. Like, if you don't know you're on a Dean Blundell podcast, I can hardly like. Well, maybe I did know and I didn't realize what it is, but you're on a Dean Blundell podcast, I can heartily fault you. Well, maybe I did know, and I didn't realize what it is,
Starting point is 00:10:47 but I wasn't on Dean Blundell's show. You weren't talking to Dean Blundell. I've never spoken to him in my life. The phone just rang. No, you know, the truth of that matter is, and now that I'm putting two and two together to make four, I will say that the father, remember that show, The Illusionist,
Starting point is 00:11:05 the kid's magic show? I heard you talk about that in Humble and Friend. Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah, so one of the kids that was the lead on the show, his dad is one of those podcasters who called and said,
Starting point is 00:11:16 hey, I want to have you, and Adam, come on. What am I going to do, say no to him? No, because you're trying to promote faking a murderer, which is available on demand. His dad, who I know.
Starting point is 00:11:24 No, I know. You know, I'm pulling. Can I retract my bone picking? It seems to happen a lot to me around here. How many podcasts are there in the Blundell? There's quite a few. You're asking the wrong guy. I feel like there's like 10 or something.
Starting point is 00:11:35 That's like when you're a fucking professional podcaster. All I saw was a tweet that Stu Stone was on a podcast and it said Dean Blundell podcast in the hashtag or something. Well, shout out to Dino. Because I think that would be like
Starting point is 00:11:47 a third rail if you went on Dean's podcast. Like maybe being on his network is okay. So is this you telling me right now that I cannot... This is your last episode
Starting point is 00:11:56 of Toast. He's expressing... Adam Rodness is replacing you. Well, you might have more fun with him. I'll tell you what.
Starting point is 00:12:03 Are you telling me now so this can be recorded in history by Toronto Mike enthusiasts and historians, that if I ever were to be offered an opportunity to go on to Dean Blundell's podcast himself, I am to say no? Correct. Okay. Why? Cam, what do you think? I would say, I mean, I'm going to advocate for my old friend here. Sorry, Mike.
Starting point is 00:12:26 But this is what Stu does for a living. He makes films. And part of that job, the job description is promoting films. Is there going to be some intersection between the Dean Blundell audience and the Toronto Mike audience? Yes, but I do think it's two separate crowds.
Starting point is 00:12:42 Let me ask you this. Let me ask you this. I side with Stu on this. If Monica leaves me tonight and says I'm done with this bozo, am I allowed to date MF? What?
Starting point is 00:12:50 How does that work? How does that work? She's with... That's a terrible analogy. Okay, here's a good question. Mike, were you... That sounds like... We might want to dig
Starting point is 00:13:00 a little deeper into that comment. Again, we have an understanding. I'm having drinks of MF tomorrow night. Yeah, I know you are. Is that true? That's true.
Starting point is 00:13:08 That is true. Those are shoot drinks. Just the two of them? I didn't say that. I'll be like in a chair in the corner. I didn't say that. Okay, this is a better parallel, Mike. Remember, and sorry,
Starting point is 00:13:23 this is going to sound like a humble brag. MF is in here, and she's hearing what you just asked, Mike. MF was on episode 1,000. We're going to get to that in a minute. There's a lot to go to cover better parallel, Mike. Remember, and sorry, this is going to sound like a humble brag. MF is in here and she's hearing what you just asked. MF was on episode 1,000. We're going to get to that in a minute. There's a lot of good recovery. Anyway, were you upset when I went on the Daily Derringer? No. I guess he never insulted you.
Starting point is 00:13:35 I have no beef with John Derringer. That's different. Did Dean Blundell do something specifically to you that would make me upset? You said he's obsessed with him. You need to listen to when Dean Blundell attacks. This is where it falls apart, Mike. You need to listen.
Starting point is 00:13:51 I've heard you say stuff before, but can you just give me the CliffsNotes, ColesNotes version? I don't have time, except I recorded my succinct thoughts on this. I'll share it with you. He is a liar. I have some serious issues. It's personal. This is nothing like the John Derringer thing. I have no beef with John Derringer.
Starting point is 00:14:08 He's welcome to be in my studio. See, I always think it was Blundell who called you the turd in the basement. No, that was Stafford. Stafford. I was going to say John Oakley, but Stafford. Shout out to Mike Stafford, FOTM Mike Stafford. Can I quickly congratulate Brian Dunn? Brian Dunn is a fantastic FOTTM on the birth of his daughter.
Starting point is 00:14:27 So mazel tov. Congratulations. He had a daughter. He had a daughter. I think he already had one. I think he has another daughter. This is his second daughter? I know there was a child at TMLX5.
Starting point is 00:14:39 Look at that. Brian getting it done. There you go. Good on you, Brian. Yeah. I see what you did there. Congratulations, my man. That's why he's the creative one. Yeah. It's a good one. Getting it done in his last go. Good on you, Brian. Yeah, I see what you did there. Congratulations, my man. That's why he's the creative one.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Yeah, it's a good line. Getting it done and his last name is Dunn. Yeah, good line. That's fucking good. Well done. Blair Packham, after the first episode of Toast,
Starting point is 00:14:54 Blair Packham sent in a note. He wrote, fun, because he listened. Oh, good. What's up, Blair? He's the lead singer of the Jitters. Oh, that's great.
Starting point is 00:15:02 I've been a fool, played it dumb, should have played it smart and uh he wrote by the way okay the guy who wrote soul to souls back to life right is simon law yeah who is an old friend and who lives in riverdale whoa that was like me yeah this is a mind blow so what we learn here everybody just to make sure you don't miss it. The guy who wrote Back to Life, Soul to Souls, Back to Life,
Starting point is 00:15:26 lives in Riverdale. That is a neighborhood in Toronto. You can like go trick-or-treating at his house. Totally. Like that's amazing.
Starting point is 00:15:33 Also, he says, can you guys ever just say song instead of jam just once? I would say song. That's a Mike thing. I like jam.
Starting point is 00:15:41 I just, the guy, Chris Partlow said it in The Wire and then I just switched. Mike, could we use this as a segue to your thousandth episode? I think there's more feedback. Isn't there more feedback?
Starting point is 00:15:51 Are you done with the feedback? Pretty much. I'm going to crack open a beer. Thank you, Great Lakes, for sending over fresh craft beer. This is Burst IPA. Remind me once in a while, because I don't have a second screen, to check in on the live chat.
Starting point is 00:16:06 I don't want to miss anything. Talk to me, Cam. Okay. Two things. Belated congratulations, Mike, on a thousand episodes. I did bring you a gift on behalf of Twitter Canada.
Starting point is 00:16:16 Whoa. There's a water bottle. Wow. For you. That's really nice. Thank you, Cam. And there's one more item. It's a really small... Okay. It looks like a tape. Can I have appreciation? Yeah. Can you, Cam. There's one more item. It's a really small...
Starting point is 00:16:25 Can I have appreciation? Yeah, and this, I got one for Stu as well. It's got some heft. You'll be happy when you see this. This is great. This is like an unboxing video. We're opening for those just listening.
Starting point is 00:16:40 This is... What is it? Is it a phone battery? It's got a USB. Is this a Bluetooth speaker? It's like a brick, like a recharger. Get out of here. Wow, and it's got a thing in there.
Starting point is 00:16:55 Look at that. Those are very handy. Wow. Congratulations. Thank you so much, Kim. I brought something for you guys as well. Okay, I got something for you guys. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:17:04 Actually, I'm going to grab one of these. You do that. Okay, while he does that, can I just make a comment about the 1000? I actually was going to bring up Blair Packham's comment where he said, you know, you talked a lot about the song that I wrote
Starting point is 00:17:20 30 years ago. I've done all these other things. He was like, why are you hyper focused on this jitter song I wrote 30 years ago? That've done all these other things. He was like, why are you hyper-focused on this jitter song I wrote 30 years ago? So that comment to me reminded me a lot of Gino Vannelli, when we get stopped,
Starting point is 00:17:32 you know, Carol Pope, when we get talked about the new album, Terry TDM. Stop talking about me creaming my jeans. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:38 We need a term for that. I was thinking like something like a mic drop moment. Yeah, that's a good one. Mic drop. Can I say it again? Or like they just say, why we talk about this stuff that happened 35 years ago. I was thinking like something like a mic drop moment a mic drop they just say why we talk about this stuff that happened 35 years ago
Starting point is 00:17:49 pop that on the mic go ahead not bad better than I normally I confess I'm self aware that an artist can do a million great things but like even with Tom Wilson who's done a lot right Blackie and the Rodeo kings and he's done so much great work totally i'm like can we talk more about
Starting point is 00:18:10 junk house yeah like there's certain parts of a person's career that resonate with me and i kind of just want to talk about that like i had mike cooper here dog on a bone i could have done like 90 minutes on the 5 10 stupid joke of the day oh yeah i used to love that right we all did we all did and meanwhile i realize he's done a million things since then i can't do that but i would like to 510 yeah every day at 510 i would be going to auditions as a youngster and my mom would be driving me and we would be listening for the stupid joke of the day and is your mom uh listening now i don't i guess you'll have to text me to let me know if she is. Okay, so Trudy, I'm glad you're listening, but later in this program, before we kick out our jams,
Starting point is 00:18:49 I'm going to be playing some clips that might trigger you. I just want to give you a warning. I'm going to play some clips. That might trigger my mom? Yeah, possibly. Oh. From TMLX8, I'm going to play a couple of clips. I thought it was songs about food.
Starting point is 00:19:02 Are you hungry? Trudy, If you're hungry, get yourself something to eat. And if you're dirty, then go take a bath. That's the late, great Humpty Hump there. Okay, Shaak Chi. Shout out to Shaak Chi. Lots of ground to cover, but can we get serious for a moment?
Starting point is 00:19:18 And this is... Wait, don't you want my present? Oh my god, yeah. I didn't know you weren't done. For Mike, I got some new headphones for you. Really? Oh, from here? Oh, I thought it was a napkin. This is from your flight?
Starting point is 00:19:32 Yes. And Cam, I got you a Halls. Thank you. It's got mentholictus in it. How'd you know? How'd you know I wanted these? Those are good, right? Well, I think my...
Starting point is 00:19:42 I'm going to hold it off to the camera here. You know, even if I... Congratulations to hold it off to the camera here. Congratulations on 1,000, bud. My 7-year-old will enjoy it at least. That's great. Thank you. Cam, we've got a show to get to here. This feels like the holiday season. What is this?
Starting point is 00:19:57 This is actually for Stewstone. It's from Canna Cabana. I actually don't know what's in this bag. It was hand-delivered by Andy Palalis at Canna Cabana. And I actually don't know what's in this bag. It was hand-delivered by Andy Palalis at Canna Cabana. And I got... Holy smokes. I want to see what you get. I have the smokes.
Starting point is 00:20:10 Because then I got to make sure I get something for Cam here. But what do you got there? A toque? We got a toque. Okay. Unbeatable. That's because they have unbeatable prices on cannabis. Do you like me to wear it now?
Starting point is 00:20:19 Sure. Out of appreciation? Yeah. So that's courtesy of... They know that you're a fan of their product. You told them? I told them. Here's a koozie.
Starting point is 00:20:29 Okay, okay. And there's one for your camera. I'll put it on my closet. I'll take the ashtray for you, too. I'll take the ashtray. Well, let's see what else is in the bag. What else is in the bag? Here's the koozie, though.
Starting point is 00:20:38 I can use it. I may use the koozie here. For those that are not joining us live on, you should be doing it because you're missing out on seeing this koozie. There's so much shit on the table. Is this like a pure track? Let me just find out what's... You know what that's from?
Starting point is 00:20:56 James B. He's got music. You want that? This is music. Do you want to hear the music? Yeah, can I have that? Oh, that's a pipe. Afterglow.
Starting point is 00:21:02 It's a pipe. This is a pipe. From Canna Cabana. What's this? Can I have this? No, that's a pipe. The Afterglow. It's a pipe. This is a pipe. From Canna Cabana. What's this? Can I have this? No, that's my camera. No, can I seriously have this? Yeah, you can seriously have it.
Starting point is 00:21:09 This is great radio, guys. Well, wow. Look at this. Describe it. This is actually really awesome. Whoa. Describe it. I'm opening up a box, and now it's got like a nice high-end sort of like if you were to
Starting point is 00:21:19 buy a pair of Gucci shoes or something. No, no. Like a satchel. Like a satchel page. Yeah, exactly. Wow, look at joke. Like a satchel. Like a satchel page. Yeah, exactly. Wow, look at this. Whoa. A glass pipe.
Starting point is 00:21:29 So, yeah. It says Cabana on it. Because, you know, you get bongs, pipes, vapes, dab rigs, grinders, anything else a smoker could want. That's really cool. Thank you, guys.
Starting point is 00:21:39 There's more in here. Oh, what's that? Is that... What's that? Is that like a bobblehead? Oh, this is a bong. Is Trudy okay with that? I think it is.
Starting point is 00:21:50 It's like a skeleton bong. Any product to put in these things? Any residue? I'm kind of curious what else is in the bag. Did they send any flour? That's a nice satchel, too. Look at this. These guys know how to do it.
Starting point is 00:22:06 Okay, so you got a bong. So you got yeah okay so you got a bong so you got a pipe you got a bong this seems like where you put your bathing suit in wow look at this look at this okay wow
Starting point is 00:22:13 is that an empty bag now because then while you unwrap that bong or whatever okay I'll tell you what I had a thing like this that was in high school
Starting point is 00:22:22 something like this and my mom found it. And I told her that it was like a science project. Which it was. Which it was. She's listening right now. So she was cool with it, right? And then all of a sudden,
Starting point is 00:22:35 she accidentally like hit it. We left it in the garage, and she hit it with her car. And she came inside, and she said, I'm so sorry I broke your science project. I feel like Kuchar. He did some of the sweet talking.
Starting point is 00:22:49 There's an ashtray, there's a lighter, there's a grinder. There's a whole kit. These guys hooked it up big time. Thank you so much and I'd like to extend my sincere thank you. This is really great. Sir Satchel. Thank you, Canna Cabana. Stu will report back next coast on how it all goes.
Starting point is 00:23:05 So do they just sell accessories or they actually sell... No, they sell weed. You know, various formats, if you will, not just flour. Happy to review some of that for them. Flour, they have it in beverages, they have edibles. I'm going to wear their hat now for the rest of the program. And you said they have like
Starting point is 00:23:21 200 stores? 110, I think, across the country. Well, they're really awesome. So thank you, Canna Cabana. Thank you, I appreciate it. I'm going to use all of the program. And you said they have like 200 stores? 110, I think, across the country. Well, they're really awesome. So thank you, Kanaka Band. Thank you. I appreciate it. I'm going to use all of this stuff. I'm hoping Cam will speak to this, but the music community here in this city
Starting point is 00:23:34 lost one of the greats recently. Let's just pay homage, if you don't mind. And you say you've seen this band i have yes with my mom actually I was really bummed out about that. Of course, we're listening to the Sadies out of Toronto. Because earlier this, I guess it was this week, like on Monday, we lost, like, totally out of the blue. Dallas Good, dead at 48. Like, totally out of the blue, Dallas Good, dead at 48. Like, shocking. Like, I don't, I'm not really one of those, like, get super upset by celebrity death guys.
Starting point is 00:24:31 But I feel like someone like that where he, you know, he's a real Toronto guy with, like, deep roots in the scene and a real... He was almost like Gord Downie because he played with so many artists. Like, he played with Neil Young and he played with, well, the he played with neil young and he played with well the aforementioned gordonny and the band and blue rodeo but also played with like fucked up too like he was like a real punk guy and i i discovered actually when i was doing some reading and this was in johnny dovercourt's book there's actually a thornley connection to the sadies which uh their basis i i want to say his name is Mike Dean. He was in a band called Flag Camp. Do you know this band? P-H-L-E-G.
Starting point is 00:25:11 Yeah, and he went to Thornley and apparently played Sway, the talent shows at Thornley, with a band called Entangled. Which was an early band featuring FOTM, Noah Mintz, as well as Hayden. Future FOTM Hayden.
Starting point is 00:25:26 That's wild. So anyway, small Sadie's tie-in, but yeah, RIP Dallas Good. Should we say a few words about Mark Lanigan? Yeah, of course. What do you want to start? I can just tell you that I was a huge fanatic of the single soundtrack. I actually
Starting point is 00:25:42 wrote about this in front of my... Wait, he died? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, like two days ago. Just quickly back to Dallas Good, though, because 48... Wait, that's the Screaming Trees? Yeah. I nearly lost you. Oh, I know, I know. That's wild. I just want to sing, okay? I feel like they were an inspiration for a lot of those bands, too.
Starting point is 00:25:59 Yeah, they were like early grunge. Like Pearl Jam's favorite band was Screaming Trees type of thing. They had like four albums before, like, they broke even. Wow, that's too band was Screaming Trees type of thing. They had like four albums before. They broke even. Wow. That's too bad. And he did a lot of stuff with Queens of the Stone Age. As well, Anthony Bourdain too. He did the theme song and there's an episode of, I don't know if it was Parts Unknown
Starting point is 00:26:17 or one of the Bourdain shows. It's the two of them. Like a really troubled guy, but I don't know. It's just sad. Like these are people of our generation and they're just we're losing people
Starting point is 00:26:29 like all those baseball players. I want to talk about like Jim Corsi and like Gerald Ice Williams. Why don't you why are you trying to steal 1236's gimmick? Let him talk about
Starting point is 00:26:37 the dead people. I bet you Mark from 1236 was not going to talk about Jim Corsi. But like Jeremy Giambi like dead died by like suicide. Like it's just What's going on?
Starting point is 00:26:47 What's going on, Mike? To quote Marvin Gaye. Look, yeah. Shout out to Ridley Funeral Home. Yeah, way too many. I showed great restraint earlier today, so I had Mike Cooper here and we were talking about how he lost his wife around the same time that Aaron Davis lost her daughter.
Starting point is 00:27:03 And it got really heavy in here when we were talking about this. And is that Trudy? No. And I can't tell you how many times I wanted to shout out Ridley Funeral Home, but like I had that like instinct, like Mike, this is not the right time. This is actually heavy. When Stu and Cam are here. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Save it for Stu and Cam. I'll tell you what, you know what, Mike and everybody else? It's very easy to be sad. And if being happy was easy, everybody would do it. So, you know, you got to fight the fight every day, you know, and there's people that are in the fight a lot deeper than others. And it's really sad to hear that, you know, some people lose the fight. But try to stay happy, and that's why Kanagabana and GLB will help you with that. And Palma Pasta.
Starting point is 00:27:52 And Palma Pasta. And sticker you. You can make a yellow happy face sticker. Whatever your vice is. But, you know, I'm being serious. It's hard. It's very hard. It's very hard to be happy.
Starting point is 00:28:03 That's what she said. It's very difficult to be happy.'s what she said it's very difficult to be happy it's not that easy so what's your secret are you happy Stu I mean am I happy
Starting point is 00:28:11 I don't know who the hell's happy it's a song by Head though can I be happy that's right yeah like they ask the eternal question can I be happy
Starting point is 00:28:19 it all comes back by the way Life's a Journey not a Destination it was Take that was sung by Noah, even though Hayden took it. I've got to get my stories right. Entangled. You know, when I learned that,
Starting point is 00:28:29 and I was late to that party, possibly, but that was a mind blow. These are mind blows. I'm really unhappy. Can you get comfy? Getting together with my buddies and talking to the members of the FOSS universe, that makes me happy. Yeah. Is there still a thriving FOSS
Starting point is 00:28:46 community? There is. You've won them all back. Good, good, good. Because these people will be listening because we're going to dive into something very serious, but I do have one more comment here. Trudy did write me, by the way. She is listening. Okay, good. And she said that she's not interested in having me use any of these
Starting point is 00:29:01 gifts that I got in her home. Now I feel bad. As long as she doesn't run over them with the car. Yes. They're therapeutic. She meant dot, dot, dot without her. Liam Savage sent in a note. Dammit, Camet, I love you.
Starting point is 00:29:17 Dammit, Camet. Yeah, that's for you. Why? And maybe that's, now that I think about it, Dammit, Camet, which is a spin on Dammit, Janet. That was a movie that featured meatloaf and we did lose meatloaf since the last time we
Starting point is 00:29:29 recorded. Do you not know the Rocky Horror Picture Show? No, I never saw it. Oh, I'm shocked. Okay. Uh,
Starting point is 00:29:36 I haven't seen Top Gun, so that's my, uh, there you go. Does Ridley Funeral Home specific, like, you know how Kanika Band just sent me all these nice things? Does Ridley Funeral Home send,
Starting point is 00:29:44 uh, Mark stuff for his episodes? He has like an umbrella. He's like Dr. Death. Yeah. Shout out to Steve Williams. Who's dead? He's dead in Kevorkian.
Starting point is 00:29:56 Okay, shout out to Ridley Funeral Home. Look at all this plunder. What's that? This is measuring. Did any of you measure? Oh, you know Cam and I went into the bathroom and used these. Who's bigger? Well, Cam, you measure? Oh, you know, Cam and I went into the bathroom and used these. Who's bigger? Well, Cam,
Starting point is 00:30:06 you'd be surprised, actually. It's not who you think. Okay. We'll let MF judge. We're going to get serious, guys.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Your girth is underrated. I'm going to play a snippet of a few jams, and you have to tell me what they have in common, okay? You guys ready?
Starting point is 00:30:20 This is like a little fun contest. This is fun. Okay, let's do it. Mini quiz. Do either of you recognize this yet? Sounds familiar. Is this summertime summertime?
Starting point is 00:30:47 Is Dalton Pompei's father dancing to this? I don't think this is a Chef Pettibone remix. I couldn't find the Chef Pettibone remix. Is this like Con Cam? Nope. It's me again, yes. How did you guess? Cause last time You were really impressed
Starting point is 00:31:06 And I'm older Cause it's cold getting colder And at the very same time You're at the bottom So I'm gonna put my mouth up And I'm gonna put my mouth up And I'm gonna put my mouth up And I'm gonna put my mouth up
Starting point is 00:31:14 And I'm gonna put my mouth up And I'm gonna put my mouth up I'm doing the do With Betty Boo And we are through And I'm gonna put my mouth up And I'm gonna put my mouth up And I'm gonna put my mouth up And I'm gonna put my mouth up That was actually kind of a hit. Yeah. I heard it all over the place. Yeah. They totally wanted this to be a thing,
Starting point is 00:31:32 and I don't think it quite got there. It was a pretty big deal. So that's Doin' the Do. Okay, you only sniffed one time. Shout out to the big Rybowski. He knew Betty Boo. There you go. Yeah, keep your eyes on that, okay?
Starting point is 00:31:45 I don't even know if you'll know this jam. I'll be curious to know if you know this jam or if anyone at knows this. Is this Three Dog Night? Yeah. I think it was Humble Howard. He listened to this too, right? Yeah, but he kicked out the cover,
Starting point is 00:32:08 the Randy Newman cover. There's also a Lord Nero version of this too. Oh, yeah. You're forgiven if you don't know it. Oh, yeah. You're forgiven if you don't know it. Oh, I know it. Okay, do you? Good. So, sorry, what is this game? You're going to tell me what these three songs have in common.
Starting point is 00:32:36 So this is the second of three, okay? All right. So that's Eli's Coming, and we did the Do and the Do of Betty Boo. By Betty Boo is the album? Oh, there you go. Black Betty. Yep. Ram Jam. Yep.
Starting point is 00:32:53 Ladies and gentlemen, coming to the stage from New Toronto, he has already podcasted once today with Coop. He's had three tall boys, and he has handed out a lot of gifts, including a tape measure. Please welcome to the stage, gentlemen, gentlemen, gentlemen, Toronto Mike. All right, so we all know this jam. I don't need to actually get to it. Have you seen the music video for this song? It's a real trip.
Starting point is 00:33:22 They're like in the backyard. Yeah, like wearing overalls. It's a good trip. They're like in the backyard. Yeah, like we're in the overalls. It's a good one. Hey. Hey. Oh. So what do these songs have in common?
Starting point is 00:33:36 It should be kind of... Betty is... Yeah, so okay, so two of them have Betty in the title. The other is Eli. Okay, according to my extensive research,
Starting point is 00:33:44 these following are nicknames for a different woman's name, okay? Bess, Bet, Betty, Betsy, Bessie, Betta,
Starting point is 00:33:55 Eli, Ellie, Elise, Elisa, Eliza maybe, Elsa, Babette, Bettina,
Starting point is 00:34:04 Liz, Lizzy Lisa these are all nicknames what a long journey it's like you took the 401 West got off in Halton yeah like drove in like rush hour just to get to this
Starting point is 00:34:19 what a what a sometimes they say the journey is about the journey Not in this case I missed dinner The journey is not worth the destination Did you listen to episode a thousand? I did All of it?
Starting point is 00:34:32 I mean I heard what I heard It's five hours and forty minutes I heard it Did you just hear your part? No I'm not that type of person So you can quiz me on some things Tell me
Starting point is 00:34:39 Okay I know you cried like a baby Name ten voices you heard Sure Do you really want me to do that? Sure Liz, Lizzy, Bessie, Bess Well, first off
Starting point is 00:34:50 Listen, it was a real who's who I'll tell you who I did I'll tell you All the big names He's got no fucking clue He just found out from Tyler, VP of Sales What time is my clip? He went straight there
Starting point is 00:35:03 That's not true Listen to his clip and then what I said. I can show you my podcast app. It's all the way to the end. He skipped ahead. How does he end this fucking thing? Where's the mayor? No.
Starting point is 00:35:13 He flicked it. Cam, did you listen to all five? The fourth hour really delivered. I listened to 90 minutes at regular speed, and then I kind of flicked through a lot of the rest of it. You kind of have to do that, right? It was a lot. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:23 It was a lot. But it was good. It's nice to see fucking Garvia Bailey actually in which I did like a good place. She showed up early. I gave her her time. I'll tell you what, Mike. It was a five hour handjob of how great Toronto Mike is.
Starting point is 00:35:38 So I'm sure you've listened to it like seven times since. Whenever I feel down, I just stick that on. I like their scene. Peter Mansbridge was just four hours in. I would have him first. I remember, and you brought up Cynthia Dale there, right? Went to my high school.
Starting point is 00:35:54 Yeah, and then you said you wanted to do a deep dive, a Heavenly Bodies deep dive you mentioned. That is true. That's another show that I just did. Okay, so I heard that. Is Judy going to listen to all 540 or only if you're on? She only listens to 540. No, she's a listener.
Starting point is 00:36:08 And with the, who's Broccoli? Oh, Brock. He's wearing the t-shirt right now. I'm wearing it right now. Broccoli didn't take it off. You did sort of subtweet to Stu Stone's botch of wishes. Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:19 I think I mentioned Stu every 25 minutes or something. Congratulating them on their Juno win. Of course, that was Splashin' Boots. What did you think of MF's Toronto Mike debut? I thought it was like, she's a pro. Like one of the greats. I loved it. Is she watching right now?
Starting point is 00:36:34 She is. I think so, yeah. And I think she listened to it. Do you want to go have drinks with me? You guys can do what you want. I paid for it too. I picked up your drinks yesterday. I do think that it's really impressive, that you that you've done a thousand episodes i would say that being here
Starting point is 00:36:50 with you live and in person it's hard to believe that you've done a thousand because what a wreck you are but but honest to god it is really pretty wild man it's pretty cool and it's not easy to do a thousand of anything so to do a thousand and you're talking at least an hour or two hours, sometimes three hours. It's a lot of time. It's a lot of time talking and a lot of people listening. And you're still charting all these years later. I'm actually 12 right now.
Starting point is 00:37:16 I don't know if that's a CBC radio bump. I can't, but I'm number 12 right now. Mike, can I ask you a serious question? Yeah. Okay, this is a two-parter. I'm in the Toronto Star Sunday. Who were you most surprised? Really? It's a big week for you. I know. Okay. I know. a serious question? Yeah. Okay, this is a two-parter. I'm in the Toronto Star Sunday. Who were you most surprised? Really?
Starting point is 00:37:25 It's a big week for you. I know. Okay. I know. Let's try that again. Who were you most surprised gave you a clip, and who were you most disappointed did not give you a clip? I'm very disappointed that why wouldn't a Ron McClain
Starting point is 00:37:39 spend two minutes? Where's the Strombo clip, right? Yes. I think instead of focusing on the snubs, I think you got quite the turnout okay so those are two good answers who were you surprised gave you a clip Jerry Howarth
Starting point is 00:37:51 I heard that Dan Schulman I heard that I'm not surprised by Mike Willner Willner is great and Willner even dropped Mazel Tov in his spiel I might have missed it how How did the John Tory thing?
Starting point is 00:38:06 That was cool, too. Okay, we'll get just one more snub, which is interesting. I don't know. How hard is it for a Damien Cox to record something? He's been here five times. Yeah. Like five. Who else has been here that often and didn't submit a clip?
Starting point is 00:38:19 I like even you had Marty York in there and Steve Simmons, even the more polarizing people. Fred. You know what else? Where the fuck was Mark Weisblatt's clip? Okay. you had Marty York in there and Steve Simmons, even the more polarizing people, Fred, you know what else? Where the fuck was Mark? Wise blots clip. Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:35 He's here for three hours a month and the guy couldn't take 60 seconds. Are you surprised? Like really? It is on brand for him. It is on brand for him. Okay. John Tory. Here's a story on John Tory.
Starting point is 00:38:43 Swear to you. This is this real story. Okay. Did Don Pete set this up? I went to the official Mayor of Toronto website, and there's a section where you fill in a form if you want the mayor to recognize something or show up at your event. And I filled in the form as a citizen of Toronto
Starting point is 00:38:59 and just said, Toronto Mike, 1,000th episode, would love a recording from the mayor. And then next thing you know, I have in my inbox is a wonderful video of John Tory. You need to give me that thing. I'm going to abuse that.
Starting point is 00:39:15 I'm going to abuse that. So I did that. Oh yeah. It's like a cameo. I did it because Humble and Fred had their 10 year anniversary. And I put together their similar, it wasn't five hours and 40 minutes,
Starting point is 00:39:25 but I did the request for that. And he came through the same way for that. So, and they thought it was like, oh, cause John remembers them from his 10, 10 days. And he's friendly with them. But meanwhile, I got the same fucking thing. Okay. I have a 10, 10 days.
Starting point is 00:39:36 You're a big number in this town as you know. Well, I think any citizen of Toronto can make the request. And I think maybe he's got, I assume he's got like people who go, make sure he's not like a white nationalist or this isn't some anti-vax podcast like a shout out to pat king like you know like fuck that guy would not work although also not a toronto native yeah and alan cross was great and it's always great to hear from brother bill and uh well a few names i'd forgot like oh my god like mark wigmore was on your show like just just some great names mark
Starting point is 00:40:04 wigmore he was a great fun listen great f.o.t.m okay so why did i play all those why did i play that game about the woman's name that elizabeth because i'm going to play clips of liz brio from tmlx8 all right this was i have the date here it was august 27 2021 we were all gathered we were all gathered on the brewery of Great Lakes Brewery on the patio. That was like, we all concurred. That was a magic, wonderful night, right? One of the best nights of the year. Amazing.
Starting point is 00:40:34 And we were saying goodbye to what do we call it? Pandemic Fridays. Euthanized Pandemic Fridays. What do you call it? Well, we were euthanizing Pandemic Fridays. Remember, I was you call it? Well, we were euthanizing Pandemic Fridays. Remember, I was in a cold parking lot until half an hour ago. Is that my beep or yours?
Starting point is 00:40:49 That's yours. Might be mine. Okay, that was yours. Okay. But what I'm going to do now is I'm going to play a clip of Liz from TMLX8, and then we're going to hear from Stu Stone, and you and I, Cam, are going to ask questions about... We want to get some real talk from Stu on what he was thinking at the time,
Starting point is 00:41:06 et cetera, et cetera. Sure. So I broke this down. It's like six months in the middle. Yeah. Yeah, I've waited six months for this moment. If I can even remember. If anyone's still with us, here we go.
Starting point is 00:41:15 So listen, this is about, oh, it's almost, it's a little over one minute. By the way, if people can make it to the end of this episode, I have a request. Okay. Here's the first Liz clip that you're going to
Starting point is 00:41:26 respond to liz brio get on this microphone is that cambrio's wife it's five dollars shape no it's a different spelling well cambrio's a fake name you know that this is a real name what liz brio hi liz has been in the toronto mic universe there's the mic you can put on the headphones to hear when you're on it uh it's up to you I'm Liz Brio. Liz Brio, everybody. Where do I begin of Liz Brio? Wow. What do you think of Stu Stone? That's how you opened it.
Starting point is 00:41:52 I think he's a bit of an asshole. Yeah. Trudy? Oh, look at Trudy's face. Trudy, would you mind covering your ears for like two minutes? Listen, dude. I mean, I'm just gauging my response on your input. And I know that was sort of a bit of a ferocious when I attempted,
Starting point is 00:42:13 because I kept anecdotally hearing that there was this pandemic Friday thing. And, you know, I mean, I save lives for a living. So I thought, well, I'll dumb it down and listen to this bullshit. We're here to help. Yeah. So I thought, who the fuck is this dude? He needs a punch in the fucking face. And I'm so delighted to meet you.
Starting point is 00:42:41 Stu, at the time this is going down, what are your thoughts at that point? Like you think, oh, this person's's kidding around what are you thinking in real time well I'm thinking like Mike set me up Mike brought this woman on because he knew that she was going to attack me I put her on because I put everybody on right right right everyone got on
Starting point is 00:43:00 no I was thinking that this was in good I thought this was like good natured at the time. Well, you laughed at that, but that's an awkward moment where you naturally, I find I would naturally laugh in an awkward moment like that when somebody says. I know that I'm not an asshole, Mike. So, somebody calls me an asshole, they must be joking.
Starting point is 00:43:18 Right? And Cam, you know because you made the comment, you know this is all going down with Trudy like six feet away. Yeah, like this is definitely seemed like I thought this was a work at the start and then halfway through it's like holy shit this is a shoot and i only really the only reason i open up that question is because i and i think i bring it up later but i remember a pandemic friday we were on the deck and liz entered the chat to listen and then went off on you, Stu, because she hated what she heard. So that's
Starting point is 00:43:48 why I opened with that question. I didn't realize what I was... Well, what did she say? She wants to hit him in the face or something? Yeah, she wants to punch you in the face, which is unacceptable. Which is quite opposite of how the night ended. Well, okay. No, save that, because we're going to listen to a few more clips, get more reaction, and then we're going to find out what happened in the park afterwards.
Starting point is 00:44:04 I've seen the Pulitzer Prize winning photo. So let's hear this clip. But wait, wait, wait. Liz, if I remember correctly, didn't you have the same reaction to Elvis? She hated Elvis. That was more a substantive engagement about Blundstones. Oh, no way. Oh, the sandals.
Starting point is 00:44:22 Yeah. Yeah, so there was a Blundstones issue, and I don't even know the origin story about that. Okay, so you're a Toronto Mike fan. I have been. Mike, how long have we been together? It's got to be 12. Yeah, because I was speaking with your lovely bride. I'm like, I know your man longer than you do.
Starting point is 00:44:45 That is true. And I'm the asshole. We didn't ask to hear from you, so you might want to put your shit down. Uh-oh. Wow. Security, security. Yeah, so I work also. It's probably fair to kind of say that I work with people with extreme mental health.
Starting point is 00:45:06 Wow, there you go. And addiction and such, and I have resources, so we're going to ask you to step out of this one. Or participate, whatever makes sense. I remember way before there was a podcast, I remember Liz Brio, Stephanie Wilkinson, who hopefully we say hi to soon, Rick C. in Oakville. These are the OGs of this universe, totally. And you've been there for so long. And the podcast, you enjoy the podcast. And then you tuned into a Pandemic Friday to sample.
Starting point is 00:45:36 What is this, Pandemic Friday? Yeah, and I really hated it and stepped out. Yeah, you hated it and you never went back. I really did. But what is it about Stu you didn't like? I really tried. Stu, talk to me. Talk to me, baby.
Starting point is 00:45:46 Talk to me. You don't want me to. Show me on the door while it hurts. What is it about Stu that turned you off? Just these nonsensical... Just...
Starting point is 00:46:01 What the fuck are you talking? Wait, can I interject? Okay. Cam, that's a good time to start. I'm wondering if Cam did, I forget whether you came to my rescue. I have it on the next clip. I think so.
Starting point is 00:46:11 I have it on the next clip. In my own way. Well, hearing it back again, Stu, I just want you to know that no one agrees with Liz on this. Listen, I just. Nobody agrees with her on this. It takes courage to do what Liz did. Well, that's one word for it.
Starting point is 00:46:27 Chutzpah. We were there to celebrate Pandemic Friday, and it's fine. I'm okay with this, by the way. It's totally fine. It could have gotten bad if she came in swinging on me or something like that. But this is just her. I don't actually want to punch Dean Blundell. So this man is not my cup of tea.
Starting point is 00:46:48 He said some things that upset me. But I actually don't want to punch him in the face. I don't have any interest in punching Dean Blundell in the face. But Liz wants to punch him in the fucking face. I think it's because she's protective of you, Mike. And so there's a lot of people that come into your... There's a lot of turds that come in your basement. And they are very nice to you.
Starting point is 00:47:07 And so I come here and I'm real with you, man. I'll break your balls here, there, everywhere. And she probably doesn't like that. But she also didn't like Elvis and Elvis breaks my balls. So that's what it is. She's protecting you. Cam's going to stand up for you.
Starting point is 00:47:22 She's protecting you, I think. So I can appreciate that. Okay, let's try one more clip here. Please. Oh, you're going to have to. No, I'll say this. So Liz hates Pandemic Fridays. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:47:34 Okay, why do you hate Stu? Wrong framing. Wrong framing. I'm going to suggest that. You hate Cam too, right? No, I love him. Oh, okay. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:47:42 No, no, I know. I think your energy is just, if it were a little more authentic and not trying to be something you're not. That's so crazy. Oh, shit. A little sticky. Wow. How can I be someone that I'm not? You have tremendous value. I'll take it. Oh, yeah. Can you hear that in the background?
Starting point is 00:47:58 That's Stephanie Wilkinson. That's my girl, Steph. This is not about you. Steph was right. My mom says I've needed to talk to someone for years, so here we go. Mom, it's happening. So let's stick to the script. Stu's not for everybody. Will you accept the skip? Those who like
Starting point is 00:48:14 Stu like him a lot. Polarizing. So Mike, I'm going to circumvent your show. I'm going to offer why I've stayed I'm going to I'm going to offer why I've stayed with the value of
Starting point is 00:48:30 the Toronto Mike podcast and the Toronto Mike blogs which I you know many many many years ago Mike would say to me well I get no let me let me reframe this so I'll I'll pull it back this way. Okay, we're pausing there.
Starting point is 00:48:49 What are you doing right now? Well, no, because we waited six months to find out what you were thinking in real time. Yeah, I mean, listen, man. Like I said, it's like... I'm fine with this. She's... I don't look...
Starting point is 00:49:02 Like, she's on here calling me an asshole. I don't look like an asshole here. You know what I mean? No, no, no, no. You don't look like she's on here calling me an asshole. I don't look like an asshole here. No, no, no, you don't look like an asshole. I'm saying even in the situation that she's creating like she's herself looking she's looking like the heel. She sounds angry. She sounds angry. I don't listen. I have strong opinions of people that I've
Starting point is 00:49:20 never met before. Do I get to go and see them in person and say what I really think to them? So she got to do that. That's very cool do that that's very cool board fest to let everybody know what you think of exactly so we know this going in that this was gonna that she had an axe to grind i didn't know she was gonna be there and then i like i said everyone who was there had an opportunity to go on the mic i didn't envision this issue like this is i'm fine with it. I'll say that if someone is just listening to us banter and they're just joining us
Starting point is 00:49:49 for the first time or out of context or maybe they're just listening right now and just hear a lot of inside mic trotter mic jokes. You mean the people who discovered us
Starting point is 00:49:55 through the CBC radio here and now. That could be and they're listening to this and they're like, I don't understand any of this. Like what's going on?
Starting point is 00:50:02 They may never tune in to another episode of Toast again. Last clip and then we're going to conclude and then never tune in to another episode of Toast again. Last clip. That was actually Liz. Then we're going to conclude, and then we're going to talk about that park. Okay? I once had a different life where I would participate meaningfully in Toronto Mike's blog.
Starting point is 00:50:14 And you would just know me as Liz if you've been a legacy person. And then I made some life changes. Oh, good. And this is the power of the community that we built. I asked to speak to Mike. He actually called me on the phone. Whoa. The phone.
Starting point is 00:50:34 And I said, are your kids okay? Are you okay? And then I went ahead with making a very big life decision to leave my husband, my wonderful, beautiful husband after 24 years. I forgot about that. 26 years together. She left him.
Starting point is 00:50:48 Lucky guy. And Mike's been a sort of steward of helpfulness for me through that. Steward. Not that I really need it a lot because once I make a decision, but the support and the touch points in terms of all of the mics that i love you're the number one mic has been has been immeasurably invaluable and plus this dude can really do i i mean i've discovered media people that i don't have time to, through his 95,000 episodes and his 44,000 kids. I mean, this dude makes things happen.
Starting point is 00:51:30 So, Mike, heartfelt thanks for our relationship. I mean, this sounds like a woman that's been through a lot. Dude, you are crushing chunks of some shit. It doesn't bother me. And plus, your wife is super smoking hot. That's true. We can both agree on that one. Ow!
Starting point is 00:51:46 Okay. This is too funny to the end. Yeah. Final thoughts from you and then just tell us what the hell happened at the park. Again, it's like Liz is totally cool. She's cool with me. I mean, are we going to go to the pickle barrel for some matzo ball soup? Probably not.
Starting point is 00:52:00 But if she asks, maybe. I mean. What happened at the park? We saw you guys talking talking she was all over me so it's like but what do you mean all over you like still hating on you or apologizing because she made an ass of herself I think she figured out that
Starting point is 00:52:14 this is me who I am and how I talk and this is not I'm not putting on an act this is how I wake up in the morning unfortunately so just the way that she has to wake up in the morning and be like she is, I'm like how I am. So if she just tuned in out of
Starting point is 00:52:29 context, as I was trying to say before, maybe you hear my voice and you don't like it. My pet monster is not for everybody. So don't listen. But it takes guts. Like I said, there's things that I don't listen but but you know it takes guts like listen like i said there's things that i don't like and if i got a chance to go up and say it i don't know if i'd have the
Starting point is 00:52:49 balls to do what she did she did it but then once we got to the park afterwards you know she got to start talking to me and she got to see that i'm actually you know not what she thought she was and she's like talking to me and then she wants plans and she wants my mom's phone number and she wants to go. What do you mean? She wants. Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:53:09 Just new information. Yeah. She wants to go for a walk. She wants to. With you. Yeah. She, you know, she went from hating me to loving me very quickly. I had no idea.
Starting point is 00:53:21 I'm so glad we're talking about that. I had no idea. That's important. Did you know this? No. But I will say had no idea. I'm so glad we're talking about that. I had no idea. Did you know this? No. But I will say I will say that
Starting point is 00:53:27 there was a few FOSS FOTMs that kind of saw what was going on but I was really there to celebrate Pandemic Friday and I spent a good portion
Starting point is 00:53:37 of my park time with Liz and not fraternizing Can you explain to people what that is? So after TMLX8 we had to leave the patio of Great Lakes
Starting point is 00:53:46 because they had a licensing issue. They had to get the booze out of there by nine, I think. And we decided to have an after party at a local park. So we brought our Great Lakes beer to a park. Like we were teenagers. Backpacks and bicycles. It was a good time.
Starting point is 00:53:58 So there's another party at the park after TMLX8. Look at the good times us FOTMs had together. And yes, I've seen a photo of Liz and Stu having a confrontation. The body language is palpable. Well, she started out real angry. It's like that 80s movie. You clip
Starting point is 00:54:15 the blue wire, you clip the red wire, and then the bomb doesn't go off. But I'm just saying, I spent a lot of time diffusing that bomb when I really was trying to give everybody some time. Yeah. But, you know, in 1236, look, he's talking shit right now. Well, 1236.
Starting point is 00:54:31 So my point is, is that it's okay. Agreed with Liz, right? Yeah, so I'm saying that it's okay to be like that. There's two of them. It's okay. I'm cool with him and I'm cool with her. It's my fucking show. If I want to make it the Stu Stone show, that's what I'm going to do.
Starting point is 00:54:44 Well, Mike, I think let's tie a bow in this. It's my fucking show. If I want to make it the Stu Stone show, that's what I'm going to do. I'm cool with Mark. Let's tie a bow in this. I think that's how you got through a thousand episodes. There's something for everyone. Although Mike says I can't be on the Dean Blundell show. Yeah, but you can be on his network. Much like I defended Stu from Liz, I'm going to defend Stu from you, Mike.
Starting point is 00:55:00 Stu's got movies and content to promote. Stu, look, you have my blessing. Go on the fucking Dean Blundell show. I'll say that Liz is A-OK in my books. She was a little wild that night. It wasn't what I was expecting, but I dealt with it. Did Trudy say anything
Starting point is 00:55:15 to you afterwards about that? She said that Liz was asking her for her phone number and she wants to go for plans and she loves Trudy. Plans? What do you mean go for plans? Let's go have plans. You like to knit. You like to knit. I like to knit. Let's go out. You bake cookies.
Starting point is 00:55:28 Is that how you say it? Go meet at Yorkdale or something? Yeah, like let's go to a movie. I heard that there's a new Kevin Costner show out. Cheesecake Factory. Yeah. She wanted plans with Trudy and I don't know if they ever made the plans, but I'll say I'm fine with all of this. It is a bit of, the annoying part, and to use that word,
Starting point is 00:55:52 I don't want to poke the situation anymore because I defused that bomb. The annoying part was that I wish that I had more time to fraternize with the other FOTMs that were there, and that's my regret. But you know what? More Moose Grumpy, more Levi Fumka, more Stephanie Wilkinson, less Liz. A bit more Foss. Okay.
Starting point is 00:56:11 A bit more Foss. We have jams to kick out. The topic today, we haven't even fucking said this yet. Food jams. Songs about food. We're kicking out food jams. Okay? Were you hoping that I was going to cut a promo on her?
Starting point is 00:56:21 Is that what this was? I don't even speak wrestling. Liz! As I told Jill Deacon on CBC Radio 1, I don't do shtick. The oldest ride in the park, still the longest line. That's what she wanted.
Starting point is 00:56:37 Cam, any words before your first jam? I'm ready to hear some fucking jams. No, let's just get right into it. God, that's a lot. Let's do it. MF wants jams. Wait, is this a jam? You're not going to introduce the topic? Food jam.
Starting point is 00:56:52 Food jam. Jams are my food. I just had like six tall boys today. Woo! inebriated mic. I kind of like him. I need Jerry's file. Oh yeah, I love it.
Starting point is 00:57:17 I think my mic's off. Like, I'm serious. Is it on? Yeah, do you not hear any music? One, two, three. Maybe it's the headphones got unplugged. Anyway. One, two, three. Maybe it's the headphones got unplugged. Anyway. One, two.
Starting point is 00:57:30 Okay, I guess it's okay. Warrant, Cherry Pie. That's a food jam, right? 100%. Although, what is Cherry Pie in this case? Cherry Pie is a food. That's 100% a food jam. Okay, this is probably Warrant's biggest hit. Yeah, this and that. That's 100% a food jam. Okay. This is probably Warren's biggest hit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:47 This and that. What's that picture one? Yeah. There's a picture one. That's a big hit. They did something to believe in. There's some like power bells. No.
Starting point is 00:57:56 Something to believe in was poison. Was that poison? Yeah. That was poison. Oh, heaven. Was that them? Heaven isn't too far away. That's a good jam.
Starting point is 00:58:04 Would you believe Cherry Pie was a top ten hit in the US? I believe that. This was a big fucking hit. It was number ten. Jenny Lane, the singer of Warrant. We lost him. Shout out to Ridley Funeral Home.
Starting point is 00:58:18 Yeah, it died in 2011. That seems like it was yesterday. Didn't the Cherry Pie video girl also pass on? That's Whitesnake. Well, I think she was also in this one. Oh, it was not Tawny Katane, but we're going to get to the girl in a second. Before we do,
Starting point is 00:58:34 Johnny Lane was from Akron, Ohio. Janie Lane. Janie Lane? Yeah, it's definitely not Johnny. And that's where LeBron James is from. Come on, man. Yeah, and some other musicians. Is this the Esri?
Starting point is 00:58:46 This is the Esri Geography Corner. So here we go. It's definitely Janie Lane, right? Yes, it's Janie Lane. I think you're right. Okay, from Akron Musicians, we got Devo. Whippaker. Okay, we got the Black Keys.
Starting point is 00:58:58 Wow. We've got Lux Interior from the Cramps. We've got someone whose name I think comes up a lot in your music Chrissy Hine from the pretenders I love the pretenders that's why and last but not least this is more stew speed James Ingram oh I do like James you perked up Jimmy Ingram
Starting point is 00:59:15 speaking of perked up where you promised me those like that's a different sponsor so heaven was on Dirty Rod and Filthy Stinking Rich Stinking Rich
Starting point is 00:59:29 yeah that was the 89 album but Heaven isn't too far away that's not Warrant though isn't that I think that is Warrant
Starting point is 00:59:34 that's 100% Warrant remember who was in Bad English it was like a super group that's when I see John Waite John Waite yeah yeah but just
Starting point is 00:59:42 for the record Heaven is the biggest hit of this band's career. This one we're listening to now is second. Here's a fun fact. This ties into songs about food. The lyrics for this song were actually scrawled on a pizza box when they wrote it.
Starting point is 00:59:55 Sounds like it. That pizza box you can find in the Hard Rock Cafe in Destin, Florida, home of Emeril Lagasse. Wow. The chef, so a lot of food talk. Wow. Now, a couple more things about this. This is why people tune into Toast.
Starting point is 01:00:10 This is good shit. After you finish, guys, there's a special. An FOTM personally visited my home to deliver a gift for the Toast trio. That's a teaser. Finish your thought there, Mr. Gordon. I'll leave a famka saying goodnight. Tell her to hold on. Tell her that there's a big...
Starting point is 01:00:29 Tell her to hold on. Leave a famka. Tell Juan you'll be there in a minute because after Cam finishes his thought, I'm going to make a presentation. This is going to tie back to a Pandemic Fridays episode. There's a line in the song,
Starting point is 01:00:40 swinging to the left, swinging to the right. I'm thinking about baseball. I'll swing all night. Is this a baseball song? Well, they said baseball. I think it is. I think you could make an argument for it.
Starting point is 01:00:51 Is it as much a sports song as a food song? One Night in Bangkok? Let's circle back to that. By Murray Head. Anyway, the girl in the video, her name was Bobby Brown. Oh, B-O-B-B-I. Yeah, exactly. And sorry, what's the guy's name jen jenny jenny lane so they met on the video set later got married wow she was also in the video for uh once bitten
Starting point is 01:01:14 twice shy my my my once bitten twice shy great way she she married jenny lane they broke up later she was engaged to tommy Wow. Okay. Take a number. Yeah. Round, round, get around. Do you ever see Flight of the Navigator? Yeah, I watch it with Liz. Flight of the Navigator used that song in it. That's where I kind of fell in love with that song,
Starting point is 01:01:37 your Beach Boys song you're talking about. But in Flight of the Navigator was Howard Hessman, who passed away since our last episode. Too much stuff. Dr. Johnny Fever, shout out to Ridley Funeral. Shout out to 1236. I mean, you guys are just
Starting point is 01:01:50 stepping all over his toes. His beautiful toes. I feel like we did, Howard. I think it was last month. But anyways, please. So here's what I want to just give you. So I want to shout out the wonderful FOTM, Moose Grumpy.
Starting point is 01:02:02 Oh, yeah. I like her. Who made the pilgrimage to South Etobicoke here, the TMDS studio. She's amazing. South Etobicoke. Every time I'm here, there's a new name for this studio. South Etobicoke, New Toronto, Mimico.
Starting point is 01:02:13 New Toronto is a neighborhood. Okay. South Etobicoke is just describing the geography. Shout out to Esri. I'm going to show you the new Toast mascot that's going to live in the studio. You ready? Okay. Drum roll, please.
Starting point is 01:02:27 Oh, look at that. It's an actual stuffed Toast. Wow. Where's that from? This is courtesy of Moose Grumpy for the, not just for me, but for the, actually, Morgan wanted it. And I had to tell my five-year-old, sorry, that's daddy's. Looks like a dog toy.
Starting point is 01:02:46 This is not a dog toy. It's a beautiful plush toast. It's a slice of toast. I like it. And it's going to live in the studio. Where did she get that? Moose Grumpy, let us know in the chat where you got this lovely mask.
Starting point is 01:02:56 We'll take a group photo of that later. Thank you, Moose. Can I give it a hug? Yeah, here you go. Don't slobber on it. A little toasty. I wish this was moose here. I would...
Starting point is 01:03:07 Thank you. Pretend that's moose and give her a big hug. I just did. Here, Stu, you post it. I'll post it. This will be a DM exclusive. MF says that's adorable toast. It's so adorable.
Starting point is 01:03:16 It's so soft, too. Oh, lots of people think it's adorable. Steph Wilkinson thinks it's adorable. I'll tell you what. This is not one of those cheap stuffies. This is a high-quality. Andy says it's cute, but I think that might be for you, Stu. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 01:03:30 But VP of Sales loves it. Oh, my goodness. All these great episodes. And Levi Funka did stay up late enough. Is this like a Gund or something? Canada Cab says. It's very high-quality plush. Toasty McToastface. It's a jelly cab.
Starting point is 01:03:40 That's awesome. Thank you, Mr. C. Okay, so much love to everybody who's joining us live at Love you. That is so nice. We're focused now. C. Much love to everybody who's joining us live at We're focused now. Kevin in Alberta is back. You know what? He disappeared for a long time, and I wondered what happened to Kevin in Alberta. He had a serious COVID battle.
Starting point is 01:03:55 Oh, no. That's not good. Shout out to Ridley Fierholm. I thought he had it before. Kevin? That's Canada Kevin. That's Canada Kevin. Don't get your Kevins confused. I used to confuse my gourds, and now I got them figured out. But they all live in Midtown.
Starting point is 01:04:10 And Joe Carew is with us. Toast is with the mostest. I bet you she saw that, and she was like, oh, I got to get that. Yeah, Kevin Alberta, it's his first bout with COVID. Not COVID. I'm talking about the toast. The stuffed toast. So shout out to Moose Grumpy.
Starting point is 01:04:22 Shout out to Toast. That's awesome. I'm going to kick out a jam now. Kevin, I'm glad you're feeling better, pal. By the way, thank you for kicking out Cherry Pie. Food jams. One of the first jams I thought of was Cherry Pie by Warren. Good food song.
Starting point is 01:04:34 Okay. I'm going to do something a little different. This is the genre that booted that genre out of the charts. Sounds like Nirvana. Sure you are One of mine It's Nirvana? This is Nirvana. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:32 So this is early Nirvana. This is... Like before he kind of figured out his vocals. Bleach, yeah. So this is before Dave Grohl joins the band. So on... Can you guys name the drummer before Dave Grohl? Anybody?
Starting point is 01:05:44 I cannot. Was it Dale Kroger? Or Chad? Chad Channing. Who's Dale Kroger? Dale Cadeau. Dale Cadeau, shout out from Vancouver. Dale Murphy.
Starting point is 01:05:58 The song is called Big Cheese. Originally it was the B-side of Love Buzz, which is sort of a better-known Bleach track. But I like this little exchange between Chris Novoselic and Chad Channing, who was the band's drummer from 1988 to 1990, so pre-Dave Grohl. Pre them blowing up. The former...
Starting point is 01:06:21 Right, because Nevermind is when they blow the fuck up. But the former bandmates reminis never mind is when they blow the fuck up but the former bandmates reminisced over this bleach track and novel chalix said how you say it novel selic i don't want to butcher his last name but yeah i think one of the best songs you and i worked together on was big cheese this is him talking with chad the drummer kurt came up with that two note riff off the verses you and i took off for that instrumental bridge. I went up high on the neck of the bass, and you did that
Starting point is 01:06:50 great double kick. And did they get writing credit on the song, or is it like the Beatles, where only two of them get the credit? I do know that this band has that interesting history where at some point, I believe it's in utero, like after the success of Nevermind, Kurt wanted higher percentage of the
Starting point is 01:07:05 whole because he was doing all the writing and stuff right so they were splitting it equally and then he like levered he is somehow he got like I don't know what percentage he got but he got a much higher percentage because he felt he was doing all that like Courtney Love was in like court with like Grohl and Nova Selleck for years they have a smaller percentage than Courtney would have right now because she's got Kurt's. This is almost like Grunge by Numbers, this song. Like this is kind of all the things you think of.
Starting point is 01:07:30 I mean, we've talked about Nirvana ad nauseum. Is that how you say it? Ad nauseum? Yeah. We've talked about them ad nauseum, but it's hard not to mention it again and again and again. This is a culture changing group. This is one of, you know, if you were
Starting point is 01:07:47 of a certain elk, Nirvana changed your life. Agreed. You know, you heard Nevermind It took Warren off and said, Warren, get the fuck out of the way. No more cherry pie. It was raw. It bit hard. It hit hard.
Starting point is 01:08:04 Yes. And it made you feel like you were a part of something. And hip-hop is very much like that, too. And that's why grunge and hip-hop in the early 90s, they were able to coexist. You were able to do both. Because they both... Judgment night! You know? But it's hard not to mention Nirvana as one of the most prolific acts of all time.
Starting point is 01:08:23 Oh, my God. Yeah. And you're preaching to the choir here. Absolutely. And if you ask Kurt, what was he doing with Nirvana? He'd always say, I'm trying to write a Pixies song.
Starting point is 01:08:33 So Pixies was the template for that. And what did we all love? It was slow and then it was fast. Or quiet, quiet, quiet, loud, loud, loud. What's that grunge song? The Radio Free Vestibule. Yeah, literally called Grunge Song. Which I quiet, quiet. Like, what's that grunge song? But what's that? The Radio Free Vestibule. Yeah, literally called Grunge Song. Which I actually like that parody
Starting point is 01:08:47 because I like it when the songs, you know, like, Rape Me, Nice and Slow, and then you got the Mosh Pit part. We used to mosh all the time. And then the song, like, yes, really. This is the part that gets really slow.
Starting point is 01:09:00 Obligatory shot of the old man with the shirt off. That's a Pixies template. Totally. And Nirvana blew up with it. You're right. There's that moment in 91,
Starting point is 01:09:07 the greatest year for the release of music when Michael Jackson... Chili Peppers, same day, by the way, I believe. Nirvana, Nevermind, and Chili Peppers,
Starting point is 01:09:14 Blood Sugar, same day. Right, and not long thereafter was Pearl Jam's 10 is in that year too. And not that it's grunge, but Octogbabies that year and Low End Theory by Tribe Called Quest.
Starting point is 01:09:27 Okay, what a year. There's an episode of Trotter Mike's in the archive. Shout out to 1991. You can learn how great, and I won that. Like we had Beck
Starting point is 01:09:34 as the judge and she was like. Oh, you got Beck? I'm a loser, baby. What were the other candidates for like the best year? Oh, I can't remember the people. I can't remember the years so well.
Starting point is 01:09:45 But Michael Lang had a year, and Tyler Campbell had a year, and Moose Grumpy had a year, and Stephanie Wilkinson, and YYZ Gord. That's fun. A lot of good people there. All right. Stu, are you ready for your first jam? I forgot what I was here to do. Let me tell you now.
Starting point is 01:10:01 I had this on my list, and I took it off my list because, you know what? I love you, man. Shout out to Liz. This is for her. I'm not sure why. Oh, wow. This is my first food jam. CFNY.
Starting point is 01:10:13 Fucking love this song. Every rotation. Love it. I'm just letting you know I already won this episode. Cambria, I'll tell you that. I'm already 1-0 on the new Toast series. Sing it if you know it, folks. Is this a grunge song?
Starting point is 01:10:29 Kind of. No. I think it is. There's no soul as I look here. Let's take a dive. Peaches come from a can They were put there by a man In a factory downtown And if I had my little way I'd eat peaches every day
Starting point is 01:10:57 Sun-soaking bulges in the shade This is Peaches by the presidents of the United States of America. Seattle band. Did you know that? Did I know that? I don't think I knew that was a Seattle band. Because at one point, after their popularity sort of waned a little bit, I remember them having a project where they teamed up with Sir Mix-a-Lot.
Starting point is 01:11:22 He was like part of the outfit for a while. But anyway, this is Peaches. Third single from them. Can you name the other two singles? Lump. Lump is one of them. Lump was the second single. What was the first single? Was it a cover? No.
Starting point is 01:11:37 Kitty is the answer. Kitty in my foot and a bad intention. Lump was the one that broke them. Lump was everywhere. A lump, she's lump, she's in my head. I like this part. Hold on.
Starting point is 01:11:48 Oh yeah. The break's good. Good groove. Millions of peaches. Peaches for me. Like this could be a pavement song. Like this part.
Starting point is 01:12:03 The band members have acknowledged that Peaches borrows riffs from bad companies. I feel like making love. I feel like making love. I don't hear it, though. That's like finding out that Nirvana took, like, a riff from More Than a Feeling. Boston's More Than a Feeling for Smoke Like Teen Spirit.
Starting point is 01:12:20 Yeah. No. Wait. I don't hear it. Song was nominated for a Grammy Award. Was don't know. Wait. I don't hear it. The song was nominated for a Grammy Award. Was there... God. Yeah, but why not?
Starting point is 01:12:31 How did the song come to be? The lead singer, Chris, is his name, overheard a homeless man mutter, I'm moving to the country, I'm going to eat a lot of peaches under his breath, repeatedly while waiting at a bus stop, and the phrase stuck with him. That's like how R.E.M. named it.
Starting point is 01:12:44 He also said... What's a frequency count. That's right. As far as the song structure goes, is this song grunge? Well, maybe this will answer your question, Michael. It's not, but let's hear it. Chris says he was trying to, quote, emulate Nirvana in the verses by trying to sound gnarly and growly.
Starting point is 01:12:59 He said the verses were based off of a time when he took hallucinogenic drugs and went to the house of a girl he had a crush on, intending to tell her his feelings. While tripping, quote unquote, he sat under a peach tree in her yard waiting for her, and he smashed peaches in his fist, watching the juice dribble and watched ants crawl. As the lyrics state, she never came, so he never got to tell her. That's intense I don't know there's two different stories there which is it buddy I thought it was a homeless guy
Starting point is 01:13:30 yeah where is there a homeless thing they're hedging their bets so let's talk charts real quick this song's big hit right Canada number one on the rock alternative on the Canada top singles chart number it's all the Canada Top Singles chart,
Starting point is 01:13:45 number? It's all singles? 20, 26. I'm going to say 42. 15. Wow. 15. US mainstream chart. You guys like the chart stuff.
Starting point is 01:13:56 I only find it interesting when it's Billboard 100. The US Top 40 Billboard. Is this a Top 40 hit? No, it's not a Top 40 Billboard hit. I don't think so. I don't think so. Okay, Cam is correct. What is it? It's a Top 30 hit. Wait, it's not a top 40 Billboard hit. I don't think so. Cam is correct. What is it?
Starting point is 01:14:06 Top 30 hit. I already said no to top 40. The line has changed. It's not a top 30. It's not a top 30. Say yes. It's like 32. Is it a top 20 hit?
Starting point is 01:14:22 Are you talking Billboard Hot 100? I'm wrong again. No. Number 29 on the Hot 100. Number 23 on the mainstream top 40. That's for sure a hit, though. Song did go to number one in Iceland. They got good taste over there.
Starting point is 01:14:38 So there you go. They got the sugar cube. That's a food ban. There you go. Sugar cubes. So congratulations to the presidents of the United States of America who are now putting sanctions on other countries. Great job.
Starting point is 01:14:50 These are all bonafide food jams. And I just want to give some props to this next jam I'm going to play, which Cam Gordon picked because much like Peaches, this was on my original list. Fun fact. According to the VP of sales, Kitty was the third jam ever played on Pandemic Fridays. I don't remember it.
Starting point is 01:15:08 What was the topic? Oh, Lost Jams, right? Yeah. I'm sure that's a Cam Gordon special. Songs that Cam likes. I wouldn't have picked it. Because it was that phone booth song was the first ever song. Oh, then it can't be you.
Starting point is 01:15:19 Maybe it was you, Stu? It wouldn't be me. So VP, let us know who kicked it out. He would know. If he knows. Okay. Here is Cam Gordon's second food jam.
Starting point is 01:15:29 I love this song. Is this Cam's? This is Cam's. I love the cinnamon and sugar. Cinnamon and sugar. Doesn't he say that? Incense and peppermint. Doesn't he say that?
Starting point is 01:15:44 Incense and peppermint. Oh, head to toe, I'm a loser, baby. Cam likes these kind of rap songs. Yeah, it's like that broken phone booth in my fucking hands or whatever. But I like these too. Hey. Hey. Hey. Come on now.
Starting point is 01:16:12 It's like their only hit, though. Let's have it. Kind of like that butthole surfer. Yeah. That's who it is. Sorry, is this on? Maybe it's the headphones. Oh, is this on?
Starting point is 01:16:32 Can I try them? Okay. This is butthole surfers? Yeah. Wow. I think it's okay. Do you want to? Yeah, I don't know. So what's the name of the song?
Starting point is 01:16:42 I forget. The name of the song is Pepper. Pepper, right. Yeah, which Pepper's a type of dude, right? What was the other? Did they have another song? I don't really think they had another hit. Oh, I'm thinking about, oh, yes, there's Rainbow Butt Monkeys.
Starting point is 01:16:58 That's a different group. That's Finger Lovers. Yeah. Do they seem okay? They sound fine to me. Yeah. Oh, you turned it up now. I did turn it up one notch.
Starting point is 01:17:06 This was a top 40 hit. According to my friend Tim, pepper is not a food. Is it like a pepper, like a vegetable, like a red pepper? Oh, that's a good point. It's not just a spice. We'll never know. According to Canada Kev, pepper and sugar are ingredients. No, but pepper is a vegetable.
Starting point is 01:17:24 I think this is a food song. I think this is a food song. I think it's a food song. You said you had it. I had this and peaches and then... The song went to number 38. Okay. Top 40 hit. Now...
Starting point is 01:17:33 They're only top 100 hit, right? I can't even think of it. What's the second song by these guys? They had this song, Who Was In My Room Last Night. Who Was In My Room Last... Where Did You Sleep Last Night? That's on the Nirvana Unplugged.
Starting point is 01:17:45 Question songs. Where Did You Sleep Last night? That's on the Nirvana Unplugged. Question songs. Where did you sleep last night? Hey, we should do question jam. This is a fun fact. This is also a bit of an Esri geography corner. So Gibby Haynes, the singer, and Paul Leary from the band Men at Trinity University in San Antonio.
Starting point is 01:17:59 Some other famous graduates. He loves his shit. Esri's got to cut a fucking check. This is good. So we got Bob West. I am. Stu, do you know Bob West is kind of your industry?
Starting point is 01:18:11 Umpire. That's true. Joe West. Bob West was the voice of Barney the dinosaur. really? Yes. Legend. Hated that show.
Starting point is 01:18:20 Yeah. A couple of other names here. We've got a Davey Johnson. Who is a manager. Great, great Mets manager in the Orioles. For sure, for sure. And, oh God, I forgot to write down this guy's first name. Oh, here it is.
Starting point is 01:18:34 Marvin Upshaw. Oh, Marv. Played in the NFL. Related to Willie. Cousins with Willie Upshaw as well as Gene Upshaw. Gene, who is the commissioner, right? Jesse and Gene Upshaw. I think he was president. They were on thepshaw. I think he was president.
Starting point is 01:18:45 They were on the 1000. I think he did listen. I told you I did. One thing I'm not is a liar. I think he's pretending not to listen. Do you listen to every episode? Every single one. You're like Elvis.
Starting point is 01:18:57 He's like, he doesn't want me to know it. He's probably listening to every fucking episode. Okay, this is a fun fact. No wonder Liz hates you. So this album was recorded at... I'll tell you, Ryan's wife, Liz, doesn't hate me. That's a different Liz. That's a fun fact. No wonder Liz hates you. So this album was recorded at... I'll tell you, Ryan's wife, Liz, doesn't hate me. That's a different Liz. That's a different Liz.
Starting point is 01:19:09 But she likes me. Okay. Bearsville Studio. Do you know what else was recorded at the same studio as this? Jesus Built My Hot Rod by Ministry. No, but Bad Out of Hell by Meatloaf. Wow, close. The late great, who's also food.
Starting point is 01:19:22 Meatloaf. Meatloaf, yes. Well, that would be food artists, maybe. That's a different episode. And this is a question for Mike. Did you ever see the video for this? I don't remember. It's not like much would play it, right?
Starting point is 01:19:33 No. But apparently Eric Estrada's in the video. Oh, is he? From Chips. From Chips. Of course. Which Chips are food. Chips are fucking food.
Starting point is 01:19:41 There you go. Just fucking food ever. We got meatloaf. We got chips. We got pepper oh my god what was Eric Estrada's
Starting point is 01:19:47 partner's name cause he's like no one remembers Eric Estrada's partner it's a white dude what was his name Punch I thought that was
Starting point is 01:19:54 Eric Estrada's that's what I'm saying we used Punch right you know what Chip stood for California Highway Patrol something I don't know
Starting point is 01:20:01 the I was small like it didn't really count police service it was like California Highway Patrol I think Highway Insurance Patrol no. I don't know. The I was small. It didn't really count. Police service. It was like California Highway Patrol, I think. Highway Insurance Patrol. No, the I was like they made it really small. It didn't count.
Starting point is 01:20:11 Okay. Industry. Which is a cheat, right? Like chips. It's like a fucking cheat. Anyway, Butthole Surfers Pepper. They're only hit from 1996. I guess Butthole is a food, depending on who you ask.
Starting point is 01:20:24 It's a quiet taste. You know, to each his own. You know, consenting adults and all that. Okay. Larry Wilcox says John on chips. Larry Wilcox. Who gave you that info? I got sources.
Starting point is 01:20:38 VP of sales. He's on the ball, VP. Can we have a moment just to recognize how important VP of sales is? Moose Grumpy also knew that. Do you know what VP of Sales did after episode 1,000 dropped? Cried. He took a Google sheet and it's on the Kick Out the Jam spreadsheet.
Starting point is 01:20:52 Everyone who you hear, there's 200 unique voices and he gives you the timestamp of each voice. That's so cool. Think about that. This guy's the man. Because Hevzy's girlfriend wanted to know, what time are you on, Mark? And then I gave this info to Mark
Starting point is 01:21:05 because VPSL's had it and then Mark said oh no she started listening she's two hours in and she's loving it how long does that take which
Starting point is 01:21:13 I don't know ask VPSL two hours in and loving it you better be careful you may someone may steal him yeah Dean Blundell
Starting point is 01:21:20 totally he's really that's a valuable asset to have somebody that passionate VPSL does everything except sell. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:21:26 I think he's got the wrong fucking nickname. Okay, I'm going to kick out a food jam. You guys ready? Yeah. Oh, wow. I feel like this riff
Starting point is 01:21:42 has been used in some sort of variation in so many songs. Well, it's in a lot of trailers and stuff, but I think it's stolen from here, I think. Do you guys know the name of this song? Not yet. I know the name of this song. There's no words in this, so if you're waiting for lyrics...
Starting point is 01:21:59 I'm not waiting for lyrics. I think we've played this on instrumental jams. Yeah, you know, we have a clean slate with Toad. This was one of those songs that charted, that had no words in it. Right? There are no words. So this one, this one will get your video taken down on YouTube. That's what Ian Service says.
Starting point is 01:22:25 But we're not on YouTube. We're only on the Ian Service Pirate Stream. This is Stevie Ray's brother. That's right. So this song... Five times. What's the name of the song? It's called Green Onions. Correctamundo. Green Onions. That's definitely a food.
Starting point is 01:22:42 Have you ever had Korean fried chicken before? Of course, yes. They have like fried green onions are like on top of the chicken with the sauce.
Starting point is 01:22:52 Boy, that's delicious stuff. I feel like it's on all Korean food. It's really delicious. So this is one of those jams that came around. It just came together jamming.
Starting point is 01:23:02 Like Booker T. Jones, he was like a keyboard player for this, the house band of Stax Records. And Al Jackson was on drums. And Louis Steinberg was on bass. And Steve Cropper was on guitar. And they're just grooving one day. And then they came up with this jam
Starting point is 01:23:19 and this song called Behave Yourself. But when they were going to release Behave Yourself, they needed a B-side. And they basically took a 12-bar blues bass line that Jones had, and they cooked up green onions. Like, literally, green onions, it's a food. You can cook it up. Well, I don't think you, like, serve green onions on their own. Well, you can eat them, right?
Starting point is 01:23:43 I think they're more of like a, aren't they like more of a, what do you call that? Like a topping. What, like kale? It's like parsley. Like parsley? But you can eat parsley. Does anyone eat parsley?
Starting point is 01:23:55 So, all instrumental. Tim had the Korean fried chicken for lunch today, by the way. He enjoyed it. Really? Yeah. Where do you guys, and I'm talking Billboard Hot 100 to be clear. Garnish.
Starting point is 01:24:07 Yeah, Moose Grumpy. Garnish. Is Moose Grumpy suggesting this is not a food jam? This is a garnish jam. This is a garnish jam. This is like whenever one of us needs a hug. This is a garnish jam.
Starting point is 01:24:23 This is a garnish jam. Where do you think this peaked on the Billboard Hot hug. This is a garnish jam. And Cam had also a sort of a spice jam. Where do you think this peaked on the Billboard Hot 100? Cam had a spice jam. You had a garnish jam. Back in August 1962, this jam song in 1962. Where did this peak on the Billboard Hot
Starting point is 01:24:37 100? I'm going to go with number three. It went to number six, man. I can't fucking believe that Stew Stone nailed it! Holy smokes! I listened to the episode that Stew Stone nailed it. Holy smokes. I listened to the episode that we did when we covered this song. Nailed it. Nailed it.
Starting point is 01:24:52 Okay. You ready for your... Wait, wait, wait. Can I say two things about Booker T? Like the musician one? And the MGs. The name of the band is actually Booker T and the MGs. Booker T, before you say that,
Starting point is 01:25:01 Toronto Connection. Okay. Like the wrestler. The main event. I was there. Of WrestleMania, people think was Hulk Hogan versus The Rock, right? Oh, like the second WrestleMania. The second Toronto WrestleMania.
Starting point is 01:25:14 Oh, Toronto. But in reality, wasn't Booker T in the main event? Or no? That's a different WrestleMania. What number was this? This is like where Hogan, like he was a bad guy. I'm trying to remember whether it was Chris Jericho against Triple H or Booker T versus Triple H.
Starting point is 01:25:27 But one of the WrestleManias, Booker T fought Triple H and didn't win. Were you there at the second one? Yeah. I went with Dina and Harv. Yeah, I came in and I flew in and blah, blah, blah. Go ahead. Okay, can I say two things about Booker T? Was Doodoo the Clown at this WrestleMania?
Starting point is 01:25:39 No, but did Doodoo the Clown, that's a voice that I missed on your 1000th episode. I was going to say, yeah. I actually meant to ask you that. Did you reach out to him? Yeah. Here's how it worked. When I had this idea, which came on a bike ride, because people kept saying, who's your guest for 1000?
Starting point is 01:25:52 And I'm like, no name. What name am I going to give him? So I said, okay, I'm going to do this. And I decided I'd do this. And then I sent an email to everyone who was a guest that I knew the email address. One email saying, here's what I'm doing. If you want to be on it, send me a clip. Because he would have done it.
Starting point is 01:26:06 Well, I need to check my, I don't know. Let me check. Dudu's a great guy. He doesn't miss out on things like this. Unbelievable. I also tweeted it. It's possible I never had an email address for the poor guy. I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt.
Starting point is 01:26:20 It's possible Dudu the Cloud didn't catch wind. Because if he doesn't listen and he doesn't follow me on social. He's been on the road too. I made a lot of noise on social about it. But it's very possible that people missed the email or maybe I didn't even get an email. I'm going to give him the benefit because he would have sent a video. You know, and again, I know people are busy and it's easy to miss.
Starting point is 01:26:41 And I did get a few people who were like, okay, here's a good example. You got the fucking mayor. Right. Why? But where was Jeff Woods? Big omission. You know, that's the funny thing,
Starting point is 01:26:50 Mike, there's a psychology there. Like you have a party, right? Yeah. And you're wondering who's not there. And you always, instead of,
Starting point is 01:26:55 instead of enjoying the people who are there, you always remember who didn't come. Like Rod Black gave all. You check Facebook and it's your birthday and there's 200 messages. And the only thing you're thinking about is who didn't leave the message. Was Dana Levinson on it? Yeah, she was on it. Was she ever?
Starting point is 01:27:12 Dana was on it. She's like often in my living room. She happens to be watching. If CP24 is on or whatever. Come on, come on. Mike, serious question. Were you at the Neil Young concert with Pearl Jam and Soundgarden? Were you at that? Yeah. I was not at that
Starting point is 01:27:27 concert. I don't know if you did, but we jumped over the... The floor got rushed. Well, if you remember Neil Young's backing band for that tour. Was the MGs? Booker T and the MGs. Wow. Yeah. Keep the fun facts coming. That's why people tune in to jokes. And also, can I say one more thing about Booker T? Yeah, then I'm going to kick out
Starting point is 01:27:44 the second jam by Stu. Wait, I want to set mine up. Come on. My daughter Kate's first concert was actually seeing Booker T. That's a mind blow. Because we were in a hotel in Kitchener. It was like the Kitchener Jazz Festival and it was like a free concert in the park and the headliner was Booker T. Did they just play that one
Starting point is 01:28:00 jam over and over again? They did play it twice. I'm not kidding. Yeah. It was him and his son. Have you ever been to a concert where a band played the same song twice? Because I have never been to one. But I've heard about them. Teenage Head would play Let's Shake twice. There's bands that do their big hit twice.
Starting point is 01:28:16 What a cheesy move. Speaking of food. No, because people love it. When I saw Thrusherment, Thrusherment reunited two years ago. They opened up with From the Back of the Film, if you remember that song. When I saw Thresher... You get it once. Yeah. Thresher reunited two years ago. Yeah. They played... They opened up with From the Back of the Film, if you remember that song.
Starting point is 01:28:28 And then they did the From the Back of the Film reprise at the end of the first set. So is that playing the first song? Like, it was just like a minute. Did they play the Shep Pettibone remix? Thought they didn't. Stinger!
Starting point is 01:28:40 Okay, Stu, set up your second jam. All right. I want to dedicate this next jam to my mother, Trudy. Oh, I love you. Is she listening right now, Mom? Can you text if you're listening? This goes out to my mother.
Starting point is 01:28:51 Blink once. Because this next band, believe it or not, is personal friends of Trudy. Okay. Oh, it's the gang. The gang. That's good. Does your mom know they smoke weed? I'm just winning.
Starting point is 01:29:15 I'm just winning toast. Do you know this guy was in The Wire? Do you know who that is rapping? Rick Kwan. Rick Kwan. Ray Kwan. That's Ghostface Killer. Ghostface Killer.
Starting point is 01:29:35 Okay. I always had trouble listening. Now, if you like the Wu-Tang Gang, folks, press one in the chat if you're a fan of the Wu-Tang Gang. If you call them the Wu-Tang Gang moving forward in life, you can also hit one. Just taking a little survey here.
Starting point is 01:29:57 I feel like we need a bit more Wu-Tang Gang and a bit less Buffy Bale, to be honest. So this is actually a song credited to Raekwon the chef we just got Buffy Bale that was just gifted to us I know I'm not saying we I dropped it on CBC Radio I heard
Starting point is 01:30:11 I heard this is the third single remember Peaches the first song I played was the third single this was Raekwon's third single
Starting point is 01:30:19 I didn't it's crazy the third single seemed to be the big ones for these artists this one has Method Man and it has Raekwon and it has Capadonna It's crazy The third single Seemed to be the big ones For these artists The big ones This one has Method Man And it has Raekwon
Starting point is 01:30:28 And it has Capadonna I think one of the first times We hear Capadonna on a song Ice Cream is the name of the song From the album Only Built for Cuban Links My mom is asking If I'm making fun of her
Starting point is 01:30:40 I am not She just texted Are you making fun of me? She's been speaking to Liz too much I'm not making fun of you Wu I am not. She just texted, are you making fun of me? She's been speaking to Liz too much. I'm not making fun of you. Wu-Tang gang. Everybody's into it. I will say that it's nice to hear some Wu-Tang clan on this show.
Starting point is 01:30:56 The last episode with 1236 featured some Wu-Tang gang. Now, I want to... At least a reference. Here's a little trivia for you guys. I'd like you two to go back and forth. It's a drinking game. You guys both have your great legs. So someone will have to drink
Starting point is 01:31:10 when they can't get it right. Let's name the members of the Wu-Tang Clan. I won't be very good at it. We'll start with Cam. I'm going to do the obvious method. Okay, Method Men. Old Dirty Bastard. Old Dirty Bastard. J Okay. Method men. Old dirty bastard. Old dirty bastard.
Starting point is 01:31:26 Um, jizza. Jizza. That's correct. Ghost face killer. Ghost face killer. Uh, Capadonna. Capadonna. Raquan.
Starting point is 01:31:36 Raquan. We'll take it. Um, was golden arms. Was that an official? No. That's like an AKA. Uh, an official member? No. Or was that someone's nickname? That's like an AKA. Can I cheat? No.
Starting point is 01:31:49 I wouldn't do that. God, I'm just picturing. Take a drink in five, four, three. We love you, Raquel. Well, Redman wasn't a member. No, take a drink, Ken. Take a drink. Mike?
Starting point is 01:32:02 Rakim? Well. Oh, we love you, Rakim. You said Raekwon. I'm not going to give that to you. Take a drink. Mike? Rakim? Well. Oh, we love you, Rakim. You said Raekwon. I'm not going to give that to you. Take a drink. Here's the members you missed. Okay.
Starting point is 01:32:12 The RZA. How did you miss RZA? Oh, Inspector Deck. Inspector Deck. Okay. You God. You God. I was never a big Wu-Tang guy.
Starting point is 01:32:18 And the Master Killer. If I were a Wu-Tang guy, I'm more well-versed in the- I think you missed out on something very cool. But they had like associate members too. I feel like Wu-Tang Clan is as important to the hip-hop movement with their rawness and realness as Nirvana was to rock. No, you know what? I think I was such a big Public Enemy guy
Starting point is 01:32:38 that I just couldn't make that change. Can I ask you a question, Mike? Yeah. Public Enemy, do you consider you a question, Mike? Public Enemy, are they do you consider them a 90s band? Not a band of the 90s, but do you think of the 90s? Because they were like 80s. Late 80s. Because I think A Fear of a Black
Starting point is 01:32:53 Planet is like 88. I want to say. And then I love that 1236 is a Wu-Tang Gang fan. Andy's giving me a hard time because I said I wasn't a Wu-Tang Gang. I think she's handing in her FOTM badge as we speak. I think I lost her. But you know, to each his own.
Starting point is 01:33:10 To each his own. Okay, good jam. Ice cream, by the way. That's a food. Definitely a food. That's 100% a food. Very tasty. Absolutely. Now, gentlemen, already we're at our final jam. See, we're cooking with gas here.
Starting point is 01:33:26 What was your second one, Mike? I already forgot. For years. It was a... Booker T and the Envy. Oh, right, right. It was green fucking onions. Okay.
Starting point is 01:33:35 Of course. Go ahead. I forget. Well, here, okay. So, Cam, do you want to say anything before we kick out your first jam? This is another instrumental song, right, about food. Oh, I remember what I was going to say. For years I said, oh, this is a good one.
Starting point is 01:33:56 This is double food. For years I was saying, now you're cooking with oil. And I was corrected that it's gas, not oil. Now, that's something that 1236 could have been upset with me. Everybody knows that. Like me, that's something that I should be ridiculed for. Okay, Cam does not have the obvious mind blow, so I'll cue it up for when you're ready.
Starting point is 01:34:18 Okay. Remember the show? I do have the fun. I think I have a fun. There was a Dig Dug. Remember that video game, Dig Dug? Dig Dug? Dig Dug.
Starting point is 01:34:29 I feel like... Okay, here's a quiz for Stu Stone. Yes. Name the song and name the artist. Well, Popcorn. Popcorn is the song. Who's the artist? The artist is going to be tough for me.
Starting point is 01:34:40 Yeah. I'll give you a clue. It's also a food. Oh, really? Yeah. Hmm. I don't know. It's hot butter. Oh, hot butter. That's right. Yeah. Hot'll give you a clue. It's also a food. Oh, really? Yeah. Hmm. I don't know. It's hot butter.
Starting point is 01:34:47 Oh, hot butter. That's right. Yeah. Hot butter. That makes sense. Big number one hit in Germany.
Starting point is 01:34:52 Sounds like it. And France. Yes. Netherlands. And Australia. Went to number nine in the US. Number 15 in Canada.
Starting point is 01:35:01 Needless to say, hot butter, classic one hit wonder. Well, I think the band, it's like Hot Butter Popcorn. I mean, there's clearly... They were only designed for this one release. Yeah, it's like the Blue Jays band. And they did subsequent releases of this
Starting point is 01:35:14 and remixes and stuff. Yeah, you can remix the fuck out of it. There's a Shep Pettibone remix out there somewhere. Yeah, the main guy in Hot Butter was a guy named Stan Free. He was like a session musician in the 60s. Oh, F-R-E-I? Yeah, and he played with the Four Seasons and the Monkees. but there was a guy named Stan Free. He was like a session musician. F-R-E-I. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:25 And he played with the Four Seasons and the Monkees. We just lost Mike Naismith. Yeah, the guy whose mom invented white paper. Canada Kev. Liquid paper. Listen, this chat room is lit tonight, guys. They're really, I love this. They're doing the heavy lifting.
Starting point is 01:35:38 We're slow today. It wasn't Dig Dug. It was Pango that used this. It's a video game. That's a video game. Yeah. Okay. Wow. So this song was written by a German guy named Gershon Kingsley.
Starting point is 01:35:50 In 1969, it originally appeared on the album Music to Moog by. So like one of the first albums of Moog synthesizer. In dedication to backup goaltender Andy Moog. Shout out to the starter at some point.
Starting point is 01:36:06 But Grant Fear was in the way in Edmonton. I think he went to Boston. He got traded for Bill Ranford. Did he not? Who then led them to the Stanley Cup in 1990. The Persian Hebrew name. Get on cams. I think me and 1236 just became stepbrothers. We just became
Starting point is 01:36:21 best friends. Did we just become best friends? You did not queue up the mind blow. I was going to get there. We just became best friends. Did we just become best friends? Yes. I like Boccia pronunciation. You did not cue up the mind blow. I was going to get there. I know it's coming, but let's let it rip, Mike. There we go. It's practically the Toronto Mike Jameson. Lunar!
Starting point is 01:36:38 Oh, my God. I mean, where was her recording for episode 1,000? Mike, we've talked about this at length. Showing up to Tears Are Not Enough, wearing a full-length fur coat. Oh, yeah. Talk about ostentatious. I know she's an FOTM, but Leona Boyd.
Starting point is 01:36:53 You can shit on her. So is Lou Skies. So is Michelle Storino. I know. So is Mike Stafford. Here's a band. Here's a Canadian band I don't think we've ever talked about. Feels like Luba should be singing the vocals over this. The Boom Tang Boys. Do you remember this? here's a band here's a Canadian band I don't think we've ever talked about
Starting point is 01:37:05 feels like Luba should be singing the vocals over this the Boomtang Boys you remember this? I do remember this band we like to party anyway they did a version of Popcorn that was a top 10 hit in Canada at least on the dance charts in 1999
Starting point is 01:37:20 Boomtang Boys also famously remixed the song Spaceman. This sounds to me like something you could... Yeah, Biff Naked's Spaceman remix. Love it. This sounds like something you would hear if you were dining at a Greek or Mediterranean restaurant. Absolutely. Pretty much, yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:38 Fun video, too. I see it. Yeah, she's wonderful here. Let me just do this real quick. She kind of looks like Liz. She made love to the Prime Minister. Oh, she's wonderful here. But here, let me just do this. She kind of looks like Liz. She made love to the Prime Minister. Oh, the Boomtang Boys. Is this the Boomtang Gang?
Starting point is 01:37:49 Okay. We'll do the Mind Blows for you, Ken. No worries. I also need to hear Crazy Frog. We're going to get that up next. And now it's time to meet the Bar Mitzvah boy. I learned from Humble and Fred that the brother-in-law of Stu Stone, Adam Rodness, used to DJ Bar Mitzvahs. He did.
Starting point is 01:38:15 I could see that. So did he take money out of like Brian Master's pocket? He did. Pretty much. Wow. And did you know this, Cam? A lot more money probably. So Adam is DJing a bar mitzvah
Starting point is 01:38:27 and fellow Hebrew, Howard Glassman, As Jews do. Bumps into him and they get conversing. Commencing. And then Howard says to Adam something to the effect of,
Starting point is 01:38:38 hey, we like unpaid interns. Do you want to come and be an unpaid intern? Whoa. And Adam spends a couple of months interning for Humble and Fred When was this? At Mix 99.9. 2004-5.5 holy shit and that's i think this let me get the story right and then stew correct me but adam says to humble and fred i can get jamie kennedy on the show yeah because
Starting point is 01:38:56 adam's fucking of course brother-in-law is doing rap with jamie but at the time you're not my brother-in-law but almost yeah future brother-in-law. But almost. Yeah, yeah. Future brother-in-law. And then Stu and Jamie Kennedy. So this actually happened. Yeah, at the mix. Oh, my God. Stu and Jamie Kennedy come on Humble and Fred's show. And Adam got to read the weather as a result. Because of that, Adam agreed.
Starting point is 01:39:14 So think about it. You were like on the floor when you heard this. Like, this is a bullseye. Well, here's why I'm pissed. Wow. The bone needs to be picked one more time. I didn't. I'm going to do real talk here for a minute.
Starting point is 01:39:26 Stu, don't get upset. I get a phone call. I'm sitting on my couch doing some work. I get a phone call. It's Stu Stone. Of course, I answer the fucking phone. I always answer Stu's calls. You do.
Starting point is 01:39:34 I love this story like popcorn. I've got Stu and Adam Rodness on the phone. And they're like, Mike, we need to promote the on-demand availability. Are these like two phones? It's one phone. I don't know. Are we on the same phone? No.
Starting point is 01:39:47 It was a conference call. Oh, conference call. So they're both on the line. They're like, Mike. Sort of like Bruce Allen phoning like a guard. Totally. Mike, Mike. We need to promote.
Starting point is 01:39:56 TDM lurking. Thinking a murderer. It's on demand. Baby. We need that. Baby. Baby. We need to promote it.
Starting point is 01:40:00 So I said, okay, guys, I can do two things for you. I can put you both on Toronto, Mike, and I can put you on Humble and Fred. It just so happened Humble and Fred was booked first. Adam was very fucking happy with that. I don't have it in my calendar for them to come on my show. You were supposed to drop those fucking bombs on Toronto Mike, Stu. You dropped them on... Now I don't even want
Starting point is 01:40:18 you guys on Toronto Mike because you just fucking blew it. Now, did they remember Adam? No. Okay. I mean, eventually, you know, as one does. No, they didn't. They don't remember the mix years. If he was an intern at 102.1, they'd remember him. It was a paycheck.
Starting point is 01:40:33 We were some crazy frog before we'd leave popcorn. How funny is this? I hate to tie this story, but it all kind of adds up here. When we were trying to get a record deal, Jamie and I, they were like, oh, you gotta get it on the radio first. So they were like, no, we can't sign you. Get it on the radio.
Starting point is 01:40:51 So we get it on Humble and Fred. And then we go to them and say, hey, we got it on the radio. And they're like, hmm, you ever heard of Crazy Frog? You need to do something that's bigger than Crazy Frog. Is that what they said? Are you fucking kidding me right now?
Starting point is 01:41:05 On a Calgary radio station. That's it. I'm signing off. I'm going home. And there goes Cam. Isn't that crazy? It's Crazy Frog, yes. You mean the Crazy Frog we're listening to right now. With a penis. Remember when I had a penis? Here's the crazy part about this.
Starting point is 01:41:21 So we got the song on a Calgary radio station and it was a Battle of the Beats kind of segment where it was Crazy Frog versus Rollin' with Saget. And Rollin' with Saget won, and then we sent that to the record company and said, look at this, we beat Crazy Frog. Is this enough?
Starting point is 01:41:36 And they were like, no, you need a TV show. We got the TV show. They still, it's like, it's such a crazy business, guys. Sick business. Crazy Frog. Anyway, number one hit in france the french love can we just say it i hope no one of french descent is listening please don't don't but tabernacle careful french love shit right they love crappy stuff cheese is the word louis cheese is the word oh sorry Crazy French. They're passionate. They're passionate. I'm a quarter French.
Starting point is 01:42:05 Do you remember a song from, that was like, francophone, anglophone. It's like, it was like a song that they played in like French class. It's like, c'est l'Halloween.
Starting point is 01:42:19 Yeah, like that kind of thing. Like Tournesol? Francophone, francophone. It's like, we're not so different. Yeah. Okay. Kind of an Ebony and Ivany. That type of thing like turn us all frank it's like we're not so different yeah okay kind of an ebony ebony and i've been that type of thing okay are you ready for my final jam yes hey Is this sukiyaki?
Starting point is 01:42:49 Wow. Sukiyaki is delicious. Remember there was like an English translation sort of hit-ish version in the 90s? Slow your fucking roll, Stewstone. I'm doing something here. Didn't this go to number 10? You guys
Starting point is 01:43:06 have nuts. Now we're being obnoxious. No, I'm going to tell you. You ready for me to blow your mind? Yes. So you're listening to a Japanese song. Sukiyaki. Released in 1961 in Japan. The crooner singing this is
Starting point is 01:43:20 Kayu Sakamoto. Love him. Creator of Bitcoin. Wrote the white Bitcoin. This fucking jam sold over 13 million copies. You want to know where it peaked on the Billboard Hot 100? 71. 70 fucking 1.
Starting point is 01:43:37 You're 70 spots off. It went to number 1. This is the first ever song in a non-English language to go to number 1 on the Billboard Hot 100. Wow. This sounds like Jay and the Americans. Well, Kayu Sakamoto, sadly, was on Japan Airlines Flight 123. So, Japan Airlines Flight 123.
Starting point is 01:44:00 Him and 519 others. Okay, that's 520 people were on this flight August 12, 1985. This is like right during the drive of 85. Right. The plane crashes and everybody dies. Whoa. Wow. Shout out to Ridley Funeral Home.
Starting point is 01:44:18 There's nothing funny about that. All 500. It's one of the greatest mass deaths on an airplane. 520 people. This was like a trans going across the Pacific or something. And Caillou Sakamoto
Starting point is 01:44:33 was on that flight. I'm confused with Caillou. And of course, Sukiyaki, which is the name that we give to this jam, is a Japanese hot pot dish with cooked beef. Delicious. I would totally go for some of this. I thought that like sukiyaki
Starting point is 01:44:50 bimbab is like a Korean thing. I think bimbab has like a fried egg and stuff. It's delicious like the rice is like burnt to the side of the bowl. Yeah with that stone bowl. Delicious. Piping hot. Sukiyaki bimbab. So first Japanese song to go to number one.
Starting point is 01:45:07 Big jam, but nobody really knew what he was saying because... You took your love away from me. Great song, though. Love it. It's all because of you. I'm feeling sad and blue. This is not the version that I'm familiar with. Slow down.
Starting point is 01:45:28 Is this like a 70s version? Yeah. Hey. Is this like the equivalent of like when Barry Manilow covered the Australian hit Mandy and changed it to Mandy, remember? It was originally called like Mindy or something else. Right. Or Wendy.
Starting point is 01:45:58 Sounds like a 10-year-old song. Apparently I butchered that poor guy's first name and it was more like Q Sakamoto. I apologize to him. I do think the Bitcoin guy was like Sakamoto. Yeah. Like Kairi or something? Yatoshi Sakamoto.
Starting point is 01:46:18 So what are we listening to right now, boys? This is A Taste of Honey. A Taste of Honey. And these lyrics, this is also the same name they gave it, but this is... Double Food. They just made up lyrics that have nothing to do with the original Japanese song. Like, they just made up their own words.
Starting point is 01:46:36 Sounds like a karaoke. Well, here's the thing. So, the first time I heard this fucking song, it was not the taste of... By the way, honey's also a food. That's why I said Double Food. Oh, sorry. I should pay more attention to you. Yeah, that's okay. So, I'm going to start playing another song. It was not the taste of... By the way, honey's also a food. That's why I said double food. Oh, sorry. I should pay more attention to you. Yeah, that's okay.
Starting point is 01:46:47 So I'm going to start playing another song. Okay. Oh, this is cool. Look, you're taking us on a journey here. Yes, it's the original human beatbox.
Starting point is 01:46:59 Doug. I have always loved this, of course. The Grand Wizard MC. I've always loved this, of course. Head of his time. This is for 1985? 1985. Okay, potty people in the house.
Starting point is 01:47:26 Hit it. That's from in the house. Hit it. That's from here, too. Hit it. This is a great podcast. You can get past all the Liz stuff to get to this. Hey, hey, hey, hey. Throw your hands in the air. Lottie.
Starting point is 01:47:45 Oh, yeah. And shout out to Snoop Dogg who interpolated this later. You know what? Lottie, Lottie. We like to party. Lottie, Lottie. Lottie. Lottie.
Starting point is 01:48:00 You know what? Your peep is Lottie, Lottie. We like to party. We don't cause trouble and we don't bother nobody. We're just some men that's on the mic. And when we rock up on the mic, we rock the mic. Right. For all of y'all, keep it going. It's good to see you smile and enjoy yourself.
Starting point is 01:48:15 Tupac used that. Yeah. We should do two and a half hours on this song and what it inspired. Because this type of shit that happens every day, that's also been used by maybe Snoop also. It's coming. I know it's coming. Just hang in there.
Starting point is 01:48:38 On the wall. Rumble. Ready? It's coming soon. Rumble. There you go. Hey. This new social media app that the Republicans love is called Rumble. And it pisses me off every time because I think of Our Rumble Based in Toronto The guys from Toronto I guess
Starting point is 01:49:10 It's coming That's also been used in other stuff Hey of stuff. Hey. Hey. There you go. Shout out to Slow Jam Cam. I'm feeling sad and blue You went away And now I'm through with rainy days And I love you so How much you'll never know Cause you took your love away from me
Starting point is 01:49:56 So what is that? Is that a sample or a cover? What would you call that? That is a good question. Interpretation? Let me get Jeremy Taggart on the line here. I would say that's an interpolation. Interpolation, yeah.
Starting point is 01:50:09 Interpolation. In fact, I was, so, you know, there's a new, crap, what is her name? She's a big fucking pop singer right now out of the UK, and she's got a song with Elton John. Dua Lipa? Yes, Dua Lipa, yes. And she interpolates Rocketman while he sings another song by Elton John. Dua Lipa? Dua Lipa, yes. And she interpolates Rocketman
Starting point is 01:50:26 while he sings another song by Elton John. They play that song like eight times a day on that Today FM. Yeah, okay. What do you think of Today FM? You and Wise Blower are the only two listening. It seems like it's like 97.3, but with a bit of like Edge 102
Starting point is 01:50:42 and a bit of Q107. I'm kind of into it. I like it. Moose Grumpy wants to know what your thoughts were on the Super Bowl halftime show. Well, I enjoyed it. It's like, how many songs did this song spawn?
Starting point is 01:50:59 Maybe we do that one day. Would you do that? I would do that, where we go through the song, we pause, and we play the songs that sample it. Maybe we should bring in me and Like, would you do that? I would do that where we go through the song, we pause, and we play the songs that sample it. Maybe we should bring in me and Wise Blot and do a, you know,
Starting point is 01:51:10 a spin-off, like, I'll do a show with him. Sure. Slick Rick, just a quick note, I had this album called Rap Tracks.
Starting point is 01:51:18 Yeah? Oh, yeah, yeah. And it had Children's Story by Slick Rick on it, and I was obsessed with that whole story, you know. It's like, it's like, it's like, story by Slick Rick on it, and I was obsessed with that whole story. It's like everything this guy says.
Starting point is 01:51:31 All your hip-hop jams came out of Doug E. Fresh and Slick Rick. This is the short version. It's over now. It's the show. There's even a documentary called The Show. Unbelievable. So that's Doug E. Fresh and Slick Rick. Lottie Dottie. So many big songs you know and love.
Starting point is 01:51:45 I enjoyed the halftime show. What did you guys think? I just love fucking hearing those guys go again. It was great. It was very theatrical, for sure. You know what? It's kind of funny in like a Toy Story 3 kind of way. When you watch Toy Story 3 and you get to the ending
Starting point is 01:52:01 and you're like feeling sad because you're like, holy crap, has it been 20 years since that first one? Time flies by. Andy's grown up. He's giving away his toys. These songs are 20 years old.
Starting point is 01:52:13 It's like they still hold up. But I'm trying to think of myself when I was like 14, 15 and they had a halftime show and I'm like, oh, the Oak Ridge boys. What the hell is this?
Starting point is 01:52:23 Even though that's not the real stuff. I said to Monica, this is the Gen X. It's show and I'm like, oh, the Oak Ridge boys, what the hell is this? Even though that's not a real stuff. I said to Monica, this is the Gen X. It's like now I'm at that age where they're catering to me. Right. And it's like,
Starting point is 01:52:31 should I be happy about that, sad about that, or just embrace it? You know what I found weird though? Like I totally get because of Dre and whatnot. It was incredible by the way. But like Eminem being in,
Starting point is 01:52:41 it was like a celebration of LA hip hop. Like why is Eminem in there? Right, right, right. Well, it's the Dre thing. Yeah, Dr. Dre is... I thought he was from LA. Eminem is from Detroit, but he blew up in LA.
Starting point is 01:52:55 Is that true? Yeah, because the Rap Olympic and all that shit, that was in LA. And Dr. Dre is in LA. Yeah, I get it. He's so associated with Detroit. Yeah, of course. I'm associated with Thornhill. Me too.
Starting point is 01:53:09 Forever. Stu, any words before I kick out your final jam? Yeah, I mean, this is a show about food jams, right? I want the people who are listening and watching in the chat room, shout out to Slow Jam Cam and others that are not in the chat because they can't figure out how to get in. But we'll have to do a tutorial on that someday. Slow Cam out to Slow Jam Cam and others that are not in the chat because they can't figure out how to get in, but we'll have to do a tutorial on that someday. Who's Slow Cam Jam?
Starting point is 01:53:27 Slow Jam Cam. Well, we've got to get Ian to hook him up for this next... By the way, Toast is the third Thursday of every month. I just want to be clear. Even though this is not the third Thursday. And I'm sure other months will go like that as well. It's going to be like two more weeks. Yeah, which is good. I get an itch. I'm going for drinks with
Starting point is 01:53:43 MF and I will mention it to her. I'll see you there, buddy. I want to say... I'd like to say, for the people who are joining us in the chat, today was very entertaining to have all of these people contributing. So if you're listening to this and you want to get the full experience, you do want to mark that calendar or
Starting point is 01:54:00 follow Mike's Twitter to get reminded. But you want to really try to be a part of the live experience because it's a lot of fun. Now, if you're ready for me to really... I've already won the show. But if you really are ready for me to win the show with a layup,
Starting point is 01:54:16 with a blindfolded dunk, press 1 in the chat if you're ready. Because I'm going to wait before I hit start. We got to wait 15 seconds here. I'm going to wait. There's a little delay. We've got to wait 15 seconds here. I'm going to wait. It's a layup. This is a layup.
Starting point is 01:54:28 YYZ did not enjoy the halftime show. Like taking candy from a baby. Okay, there's action here. There's activity here. Wow, let's see here. YYZ has put down a one. Yeah, Andy, she's... Oh, MF says, it's not my fault you had to delay this a one. Yeah, Andy, she's... Oh, MF says,
Starting point is 01:54:45 it's not my fault you had to delay this a week. It is. I've been told it's your fault, MF, that this had to be delayed a week. But Andy, Moose Grumpy, VP of Sales. Shout out to MF for listening. VP of No... He changed it to VP of No Sales
Starting point is 01:55:00 because there's no current clients on it. More appropriate. More appropriate. All right, well, listen. I'm ready to win. Wait, Steve has got a one? 12.36? And since I'm so predictable, 12.36.
Starting point is 01:55:11 Oh, sorry. I misread. I need to pause. I'm predicting a victory on this layup. This is a layup. This is a stick right here. If you don't, if you have a Food Jams episode and you don't play this song, you are doing it wrong. And we do things right here on Toast 2.
Starting point is 01:55:34 About food. It's absolutely about food. All I just realized Yeah that part's funny It's like farting Fart noises or whatever Like a whoopee cushion Yeah
Starting point is 01:55:50 I want this guy on Toronto White I think he's coming Like in the summer He'd love it here I think Starving in Japan Hey He'd love it here, I think. Starving in Japan. Hey. Made in Japan.
Starting point is 01:56:26 Huh. clean off your plate, so eat it. Don't you tell me you're full, just eat it. Eat it. Get yourself an egg and beat it. Have some more chicken, have some more pie. It doesn't matter if it's boiled or fried, just eat it. Just eat it. Just eat it.
Starting point is 01:56:41 This is unbelievable. I can remember this At one point This was as big as Beat It Because it was just like It was so funny You know if you were a kid Or whatever
Starting point is 01:56:55 You're an adult All ages Kind of fun Fun fun fun Weird Al Yankovic Very wholesome Like fun for the whole family This song came out in 1984.
Starting point is 01:57:05 Are you allowed to have fun in your family? No. 1984, guys. And it also won Weird Al Yankovic a Grammy Award. Best comedy album? This song even charted in the United States. A top 40 hit. Number 12, guys.
Starting point is 01:57:21 Wow. Shout out to Dr. D'Avanzo. Huge. And in Australia, it went to number one. They have a good sense of humor down there. Are you ready for a fun fact? Yeah, folks. You know what song didn't go to number one in Australia?
Starting point is 01:57:33 Beat It. Beat It. Beat It. Okay. Eat It. Charted higher than Beat It. That's a fun fact. That's unbelievable.
Starting point is 01:57:40 12.36 is suggesting that all the new CBC listeners Who came in for no schtick Because I said there's no schtick on Toronto Mike They're not coming back apparently So I'm subscribing See you guys Farewell CBC listeners We've talked about Jackal before
Starting point is 01:57:55 Now listen, turn up this guitar solo Now you know who did the solo in the Michael version, right? Of course. Eddie Van Halen. Well, who's that? That's also Eddie Van Halen. No. Steve Vine.
Starting point is 01:58:10 The producer of the song, ladies and gentlemen. Oh, Toto. Also played the guitar riff that you just heard. Okay. And his name, he also happens... Can we get a clue? Don't give us the name yet. Give us a clue.
Starting point is 01:58:22 I'll give you a clue. He also has a big wrestling connection. What's it like? Jimmy Hart. Rick Derringer. Rick Derringer. Wow. The man who wrote such hits as I Am A Real American and Demolition.
Starting point is 01:58:37 Sure. Here comes the Axe and the Smash. Rick Derringer. Listen, this guy really reinvented himself in the oddball music category, doing the wrestling album, doing weirdo Yankovic songs. He produced it. Yeah, that's Rick Derringer. He did rock and roll Hoochie Coo.
Starting point is 01:58:55 That was him too. Yeah, because in the wrestling album, Jesse the Body makes a joke about that rock and roll Hoochie Coo. And remember, this was for, what was the name of the tag team this was written for? Originally, this was for the US Express, Mike Rotundo and Barry Windham. Barry Windham, sure. Interestingly enough,
Starting point is 01:59:14 Back to Eat It, while you play this, this is fun. Later became IRS, the wrestling account. Weird Al Yankovic got permission from MJ to do this song because Mike loved it.
Starting point is 01:59:23 But now, if you see Weird Al in concert, he doesn't play Fat or Eat It anymore due to the controversy. Maybe he'll reconsider. Well, no, because, I mean, maybe, but the Stark Raving Dad, which is an excellent episode of The Simpsons, is not available
Starting point is 01:59:39 on Disney Plus for the same reasons. Because Michael does a voice in that episode of The Simpsons. I will tell you what though, folks. He doesn't perform that because of Michael Jackson's problematic? Like fat chamber?
Starting point is 01:59:54 No, Michael Jackson. Do you know what the next single from Weird Al was after this? Like a Surgeon. King of Suede. King of Suede? I am the King of Suede. King of Suede. Missed that one. I am the King of Suede. I am the King of Suede. Was that an original?
Starting point is 02:00:08 It wasn't. La, la, la, la, la, la. No, actually, I think I'm saying it wrong. King of Suede had to be King of Pain like the police. King of Suede. I'll always be King of Suede. That was Like a Surgeon. I feel like that's around then.
Starting point is 02:00:21 Or I Lost on Jeopardy. Yes, and that's before Alex Trebek was the host. They used to play that at the Skydome a lot. They put trivia on. Interestingly enough, the third on the Thriller album, which is the greatest selling album of all time, I think it still
Starting point is 02:00:37 is. It's right up there. Maybe it's the biggest one. The first single on the Thriller album, do you know what the first single was? Pretty Young Thing? No. The Girl is Mine. The Girl Is Mine. The Girl Is Mine. Second single from... That one is Billie Jean.
Starting point is 02:00:51 Billie Jean. Right. And the third single, which we're about to do in my Mind Blow of the Week, which is, it may not blow your mind, but Weird Al, you know, it's a parody. Wait, wait, so let me set this up. Everybody, you just heard Eat It by Weird Al Yankovic. Yes. It's going to blow your fucking mind.
Starting point is 02:01:06 It's going to blow your mind. To find out what song Eat It was parodying. Are you ready for this? Yes. The CBC listeners even know the answer. This is huge. Huge. Whoa!
Starting point is 02:01:18 Problematic gems. I never put those two songs together. Did you, Cam? I remember the music video for Michael Jackson being so cool. He's confused. I'm confused. We're having fun at the fact that it's so fucking obvious. Of course. Right. Okay.
Starting point is 02:01:33 Hey. He doesn't do fart songs in this version. He's a tough guy. Yeah. He was really tough. Here's a fun fact. Who's playing this guitar riff? Oh, I know. That's Steve Lukather.
Starting point is 02:01:48 Who's playing this? Who's playing the drums and the guitar? No, no. Let's start with the guitar. Who's playing the guitar in this song? Cam's got it right. Steve Lukather of Toto. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:02:01 There's a lot of Toto on Thriller. Here's a fun fact. Who's playing the bass on this song? Yeah, same guy. Steve Lukather. Doobie Brothers. Steve Lukather is playing
Starting point is 02:02:11 the guitar and the bass. There's a whack of Toto guys on this Thriller album. Who's playing the drums? Not Steve Lukather, but the drummer, Jeff Baccaro. Is Michael Jackson
Starting point is 02:02:20 Yacht Rock? Yes or no? Oh, some of his songs are. Jeff Baccaro on the drums, the drummer of Toto. The synthesizer, Steve Baccaro's brother from Toto. If we do a Yacht Rock, yes or no? Some of his songs are. Jeff Beccaro on the drums, the drummer of Toto. The synthesizer, Steve Beccaro, his brother from Toto. If we do a Yacht Rock episode, will you kick out some MJ? Sure.
Starting point is 02:02:31 I would play Human Nature, written by Toto. You're listening to Beat It by Michael Jackson. It's essentially Toto playing Michael as the lead singer. Serious question for Stu Stone. Are you going to go see Ringo Starr's all-star band? Well, Steve plays with them. Yes. Coming to Casinorama in June or something. If he's going to be with them, I will.
Starting point is 02:02:52 He is going to be there. Then I'll go. Do you want to go? No. I'll go. Do you know the guy from Men at Work is usually with them too? Yeah, Colin Hayes. I think he's with it. Vegemite sandwiches food. I feel like Richard Marks maybe. Oh, that'd be great. Wow.
Starting point is 02:03:06 I will say that also Toto's going on tour as well. Can you eat Toto? You can. So we got our first, it took two episodes of Toast, but we got our first Toto reference on episode two of Toast. Ian Service will go. I'm willing to do a Toto or Ringo Starr and friends meetup. Which one?
Starting point is 02:03:28 Give us one. Either of them. Whichever one happens first. Okay, I'm going to list out who's here. So we got Steve Lukather. We got Colin Hayes. Yes. We have Warren Hamm, who I think was Badfinger.
Starting point is 02:03:39 Am I wrong? Warren Hamm or Warren? Yeah. Okay. Not Corey Hamm. Hammish Stewart. Hamish? Hamish? Yep. Okay. Not Corey Ham. Hamish Stewart. Hamish? Hamish?
Starting point is 02:03:46 Yep. Greg Bissonnette. Ah. And that's a big name. Edgar Winter. Is that Nasty Biz or Biz Nasty? Paul Bissonnette. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:03:54 Who are these guys? Who's Warren Ham? I hope they have ID at the door or it's going to be tough. Okay. Anyway, some big names there. Yeah. May 28th. 27th and 28th at Casino Ram.
Starting point is 02:04:05 I'll go to that. Do we make this a TMLX event? We could probably get free tickets to this. Yeah, you could probably get... Like a live podcast. You could probably give away some tickets on your show. Like if you promote the show, Casino Ram... I'd be having trouble selling it out.
Starting point is 02:04:16 VP of sales probably has to get on the horn. Hey, VP of sales, you got calls to make. Call Casino Ram and say, hey, Toronto Mike will give away Casino Ram concert tickets and make a contest of it. Toronto Mike-o-rama. I have a new sponsor for the next episode of Toad. Warren Hammond is the sax player.
Starting point is 02:04:32 I know who these people are. Greg Bissonnette used to be with David Lee Roth. Really? Yes. Crazy from the heat? BP of Sales says he's on it. If you can get me a meet and greet I'd love to meet Steve Lukather I'm going to get in the basement
Starting point is 02:04:47 Is he working with Eric Alper? Because he drives people to my home I really want to meet Steve I think he did do PR for Ringo Starr Did you guys hear Alper was on episode 1000? Yes I'd be down to go to that show You know where Eric Alper is tonight?
Starting point is 02:05:03 He's posting a question on Twitter. No, he's at a movie premiere with Ryan Reynolds in Toronto. Wow, you just... This wasn't a request. This is just a bonus jam. I just feel like we need a moment to recognize that Toast is back. Yeah. I fucking love hanging with you guys.
Starting point is 02:05:24 It's a good episode. Yeah. I just love it with you guys. It's a good episode. Yeah. I just love it. Like, I love it. You kind of just don't want it to end because it's just so much fun. Because now that it's once a month it's like, I'm gonna miss you guys. Yeah. I wanted to put out an offer to Mike and to the people who are listening. I know a lot of
Starting point is 02:05:40 artists are on this show. I am currently editing the film Vandits and if some artists out there have Christmas music or songs that they want to put in my movie and that will let me just use it. Dude, you know I'm friendly with Ron fucking Hawkins.
Starting point is 02:05:56 Yeah, so you should ask. I'm going to see him tomorrow. Ask him if he's got any Christmas jokes. I'm looking for some Christmas songs. Moe Berg is on episode 1,000. Or not Christmas songs. Just songs in general. I'm looking to build a cool soundtrack.
Starting point is 02:06:10 So if anybody wants to get on that soundtrack. We should just get FOTMs. Like Rusty should put a fucking song in that soundtrack. I would love that. We could do all this shit. Acid Test. I would love that. 90s.
Starting point is 02:06:21 Acid Test is all over. The Highway 61 revisited. A new soundtrack shout out to Bruce should I save my my announcement of what I was speaking
Starting point is 02:06:29 to you about on the phone the other day for another time it's your call because I can't remember what it was it was about another podcast oh
Starting point is 02:06:36 I mentioned to you that I was offered another podcast oh go do it now let's do it now we got hold the line in the background that's the stew stone anthem
Starting point is 02:06:44 do the real talk right now before we shut this down. Let's go. So just like Mike and Cam have all like a cheat on me and they do these other things. It's a free country. We can do whatever we want.
Starting point is 02:06:54 Listen, I don't know for sure if this is happening or not, but I have been offered. I just remembered what it was. This is fucking huge. I've been offered to co-host a podcast.
Starting point is 02:07:03 Whoa. Okay, but don't give the name yet. Okay. I'll just tell you when he told me this fucking name. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:07:11 My brain blew up, man. Joe Rogan. Somebody reached out. They want me to co-host a podcast with this gentleman. And his name is...
Starting point is 02:07:24 I thought there was going to be like a music drop. I don't have a music drop for this except with this gentleman. And his name is... I thought there was going to be like a music drop. I don't have a music drop for this, except give his nickname. Okay, I'll give you a clue. He has... His nickname is sort of like members of the Bee Gees.
Starting point is 02:07:43 I like that. That's a good fucking clue. Gibby. Oh, I know this. I like that. That's a good fucking clue. Gibby. Ah! Oh, I know this. I know this. Sean Gibbons, former manager
Starting point is 02:07:50 of the Toronto Blue Jays. That's huge. And Stu Stone, a podcast about baseball with me and John Gibbons. Are you leaving toast to do this? I'm not leaving toast.
Starting point is 02:08:00 Yeah. And I haven't even committed to doing that show yet. And this is not some kind of like is Stu going to Kingston type of bit so you admit that was a bit he admits it it wasn't a bit because
Starting point is 02:08:11 had it worked out the van was stolen if I could film a television show about that experience in Kingston I would already be there let me hear this right another bomb should have
Starting point is 02:08:26 dropped on Toronto Mike, but it did just fucking drop on Toronto Mike. And people should know people should know that I was the biggest critic of John Gibbons for the Gibby years. Anybody who followed me on social media, he wasn't a good manager. Hashtag Fire Gibbons was like my thing. So it's like
Starting point is 02:08:42 for me to host a show with this guy is like me going to Pickle Barrel with Liz. So it's like, you know, it's like for me to host a show with this guy is like me going to pickle barrel with Liz. So it's like, you know, it's pretty cool. It's sides coming together. Yes.
Starting point is 02:08:51 So why the fuck do you give us a hard time for PPM? If you're going to go to that, to me, at least PPM is in the family because I, yeah, a family that like left their family member on the side of the street and didn't invite them to dinner. So yes,
Starting point is 02:09:04 that's correct. Cool. Can we ask who offered this? Who's putting this together? There's no jokes on PPFM. It's just him. I've been, me and Gibby are boys now. That I knew. He wants to do a podcast with me.
Starting point is 02:09:16 Yeah. I feel like he played me a voicemail. He calls me Stewie. He calls me like a son. And he also loves that, you loves that politically we're different. Very. Because he's Texas. I use my left hand.
Starting point is 02:09:31 He uses his right hand. He loves that about me also. That's good though. Also, I call him on his stuff. So if his Liz listens, she's not going to be happy with me. Anyway, that's the news there. Thank you. And you'll update us.
Starting point is 02:09:43 I'd like to do a show with 1236. I think if he and I got together, I think we would end up kissing on the mouth after. You never know. Good question coming in the live stream right now. Shouldn't TMDS be producing this podcast? I offered that to Mike, but he declined. That's not true, everybody. Shout out to
Starting point is 02:10:00 Shea Hillebrand, who's going to be producing. I only work with champions like Donovan fucking Bailey. That's who I work with. That's a big name. Garvia Bailey. I should put Garvia and Donovan together. Shout out to all the listeners.
Starting point is 02:10:12 Thanks for having us again. Toast to... Thanks to Canna Cabana. Palma Pasta. Sticker you. Let's not leave out Ridley Funeral Home. Great Lakes Beer.
Starting point is 02:10:22 What a fucking delicious beer. I said that already. There's a new sponsor. Who's ripping? What's the third Thursday of this next month? Hold on here. So it's eight. Okay.
Starting point is 02:10:38 Shout out to MF. She hanging. Okay. The 17th. March 17th is our next toast. There will be an exciting new sponsor I'll be telling you about on March 17th. By the way, that's also St. Patrick's Day. Perfect.
Starting point is 02:10:54 We should do... Can we kick out St. Patrick's Day jams? We already did that. The Pogues, that famous Irish band. Why don't we just do songs about drinking or drunk songs? That would be fun. We could do that. Let's get a theme, theme though that ties in somehow
Starting point is 02:11:07 drinking songs I did it with Troy Bird oh that's what it was beer jams drinking songs doesn't have to be beer okay drinking songs yeah
Starting point is 02:11:17 toast songs toast drinking anything to do with celebrating by consuming beverages you know what I'll even crack open
Starting point is 02:11:24 a GLB. Wow. And I don't even drink. That's big. And that. And that. Luger! And that.
Starting point is 02:11:34 And that. And that. Brings us to the end of our 1,005th show. 1,005. Stu. 1,005. Stu's 81st appearance. Just last week, I dropped episode 1,000. You did. It was a good show.
Starting point is 02:11:52 Feels like it's still on right now. Five hours and 40 minutes later. Longest handjob of your life. You can follow me on Twitter. I'm at Toronto Mike. And that! Stu is at Stu Stone. Faking a murder is at on demand.
Starting point is 02:12:07 Yeah. Good. Get everybody should see it again. Oh, real quick. We're going to be doing a faking a murder screening in Toronto. Mike, you can,
Starting point is 02:12:15 you can even be a part of it. Maybe you can host some sort of thing. I'll let you know. Everybody's invited. Fucking feels like this pandemic's over. I love it. Stu, you're at Stu Stone. Cam, you're at Cam underscore Gordon.
Starting point is 02:12:28 I'm going to see you tomorrow night as this gentleman. Where are you guys going for drinks? We're going to the only cafe. More things you don't invite me to. Oh, come on. Would you want to see Ron Hawkins at the only cafe? Is that what's happening? Yeah, I'm going to see Ron Hawkins tomorrow night.
Starting point is 02:12:40 Oh, that's kind of cool. Is that where you're going to, Cam? Yeah. Are we cheating on Stu? No, that's not cheating on me she's okay you guys you guys by the way
Starting point is 02:12:48 after TMLX8 I saw pictures of you two at a patio and I felt shitty yeah because it's like why wasn't I invited to the fucking
Starting point is 02:12:55 I'd bike to the fucking patio you should've been we can have our own independent lives Palma Pasta's at Palma Pasta Sticker U is at Sticker U Ridley Funeral Home is at Ridley FH. And Canna Cabana, they're at Canna Cabana underscore.
Starting point is 02:13:11 Let the sponsors know you listen. Let them know you care. Send them out some product that can be lit on fire. Flour. That's a food. Ask them for that. Flour is a food. Yeah, F-L-O-U-R.
Starting point is 02:13:22 Yeah. Nice stuff. See you all. Next month. Nice stuff. See you all next month. Next week. And I've seen the sun go down on Chaclacour. But I like it much better going down on you
Starting point is 02:13:45 Yeah, you know that's true Because everything is coming up Rosy and green Yeah, the wind is cold But the smell of snow Warms us today And your smile is fine And it's just like mine
Starting point is 02:14:03 And it won't go away Because everything is rosy now. Everything is rosy and everything is rosy and gray. Thank you.

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