Toronto Mike'd: The Official Toronto Mike Podcast - #TOAST37: Toronto Mike'd Podcast Episode 1617

Episode Date: January 20, 2025

In this 37th episode of Toast, Mike is joined by Rob Preuss and Bob Willette as they kick out Satan jams. Toronto Mike'd is proudly brought to you by Great Lakes Brewery, Palma Pasta, Ridley Funeral... Home, and If you would like to support the show, we do have partner opportunities available. Please email Toronto Mike at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Did you just write a song? Yeah, maybe. Toast! Featuring Stu Stone, Cam Gordon, and Toronto Mike. Mmm, that's Toast. Sure. Mmm, yeah, just Toast. Now that Bob O'Led is a big radio star, we might want to put his name in that intro. Right? Now that he's a big deal. It'd be a crowd draw, for sure.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Although no one knows his last name. Oh, very sexy. Yeah, very sexy, man, very sexy. Welcome to episode 1617 of Toronto Miked. Proudly brought to you by Great Lakes Brewery. A fiercely independent craft brewery who believes in supporting communities, good times and brewing amazing beer.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Order online for free local home delivery in the GTA. Palma Pasta. Enjoy the taste of fresh, homemade Italian pasta and entrees from Palma Pasta in Mississauga and Oakville. Committing to our planet's future, means properly recycling our electronics of the past. Building Toronto's Skyline, a podcast and book from Nick Aynes, from Fusion Corp, and
Starting point is 00:01:38 Ridley Funeral Home, pillars of the community since 1921. Joining me today, returning for this 37th episode of Toast, it's Rob Bruce and Bob Willett. Ah! Golf club, golf club. Bob, is my, are your headphone volume, is it going up or down right now? It's not doing anything right now. I don't know whose volume you were doing there.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Trying to bring mine down of all things here. I'm just adjusting my headphone. Yeah, now I can't. No, hang on. There we go. That's me. Yes, that's good. No, that's good. So what happened was... You retuned yourself up. I turned myself up and I'm yelling in my head. I'm like, you're too loud. Okay. Let's... We have so much ground to cover off the top and we're going to kick out Satan Jams. But right away I want to do this. For two reasons. Firstly, happy birthday to our very own Bob Willett. Thank you. Yes. Saturday was my birthday. Not quite a decade birthday, but almost there.
Starting point is 00:02:53 And also, I know there's another one, but it's also my dad. If you were alive today's his birthday. No way. Wow. OK, shout out to Ridley Funeral Home. Your father would have been 71 today, who we've discussed many times, was a party DJ. So you had like in your blood, you had this broadcasting gene. I did. I did. Although he did, you know, he did that part time.
Starting point is 00:03:13 He was a lead smelter. That was his job. We're getting a Canada metal company. But yeah, he would have been, he died four years ago. He would have been 71 today. So your father shared a birthday with my first born. So my oldest is 23 years old today. That's insane man. Happy birthday. Yes. Happy birthday, James. Happy birthday, Bob. Thank you. If we're still doing toast a year from now, and I can't imagine why we wouldn't if I haven't replaced you with a new coin dance. I don't know what's going on or Bob gets too busy with his radio job. We'll talk about that in a minute, but
Starting point is 00:03:43 it'll be exciting to record an episode for Bob Willett's 50th. Like that's next year. Yep. That is next year, my 50th birthday. Yes. And your 70 next year, right, Rob? Yes. Well, close. How do you feel about turning 50? Like the last spin around the sun before the five-oh, do you have any thoughts on that? Talking to me? Yeah. You're the one turning 50.
Starting point is 00:04:05 That's true. You know what? You know, last year was a tough year, right? Like last year, 48 wasn't great. So I'm looking forward to see what 49 brings. But yeah, I don't know. I always here's the way I always kind of couch it is like, I don't know what I thought 49 was going to feel like when I was 20,
Starting point is 00:04:25 but I'm pretty sure it doesn't feel the way I thought it did. I'm pretty sure I thought it was a lot older than I feel. And that makes sense for sure. Okay. On the live stream, I need to address my hair, which is I just came out of the shower. So is my hair doing different? Like it's not upright. Cause it's just a little, Nick, it's not up, right? Cause it's just a little, uh, so I just want to let Leslieville, uh, know that I just came out of the shower. Oh, but Rob, do you have a milestone birthday in 2025?
Starting point is 00:04:51 I do. Okay. What is that milestone? 60. Yeah. All right. How do you feel about that? It's fine. See my co-producer moose grumpies letting me know.
Starting point is 00:04:59 I forgot that you also have a milestone birthday coming up. Whenever 60 comes up, I always get the B side of rock lobster stuck in my head. 6060842. Oh, I never thought of that. Yeah, I just, because it was one of the few, one of the 45s I listened to when I was like four all the time. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:14 I don't, I don't really think about it. Like, I don't know. It's weird, but it's fine. Yeah. You know, it's better than like dying. Yes, of course. Sure. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:05:23 Cause you look, you know, you, you seem a very spry. I mean, I don't know what 60 mean anymore. Humble Howard's turn in 60 Howard's turning 65 next week or this weekend. And that blows my mind. I was like, he goes, I said, I gotta need some time to process that one. Him and I were talking. He's like, you need time to process that funny. I would have thought he was a little bit older than that even because 65 is like, my bandmates are like Gordon Sandy yeah and Derek they're all gourd is gonna be like 66 this year I think or something but you think about it like think about when you were 20 yeah could you imagine seeing a 66 year old going out and doing no of course the whole world was different right I always have my memory of like like no concept of ages was when I was in high school and I was about probably 14 and with my friend we were talking about Max Webster where I remember walking home from No concept of ages was when I was in high school and I was about probably 14 and with my friend
Starting point is 00:06:05 We were talking about Max Webster where I remember walking home from school one day. We were like man Kim Mitchell is sold He's like nearly 30. I always remember that like in my mind. I was like man that he's done. Was that your friend Bob Wegener? Nope He wrote the book on that's right. It was not Bob Do you know Bob Wegener is going to be making his Toronto Mike debut? Is he all in January because he lives in Montreal now. It's funny because I mentioned Leslie said what's going on with Mike's hair.
Starting point is 00:06:30 Leslie's on a bus ride to Toronto from Montreal as she listens right now. Show one of those mega buses. I don't know. Let us know what bus you're still around. Yeah, they're the they're the best. They're like they have like two seats on every bus that are only a dollar or something. Really? Yeah. Yeah. It's like that's the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:06:45 You just a dollar to Montreal, but you have to have to get it right away. OK, but to be at least. Yeah. So what was it going to that Leslie? Bob Wagner. Right. So I was posting in the not so secret FOTM group that Bob Wagner is making his Toronto Mike debut in multiple people, I think, including Leslie and including FOTM Hall of Famer, Lieve Fumka thought Bob had been on Toronto mic
Starting point is 00:07:08 because they heard us talking about the episode, but we were talking about Bob being in Bob's basement. So people are conflating our podcast. Can I just, the FOTM group chat, guys are a little obsessed with Blue Jays, just a little much. Jesus Christ guys, take it down a notch. I know.
Starting point is 00:07:26 It's a lot of Blue J talk. I have my notifications. How come there's so much Blue J talk in there and you don't get the equivalent for the Leafs or the- I don't know. Any other teams. Bunch of weirdos you are. I try not, I don't do too much Blue J talk.
Starting point is 00:07:39 I don't know, I just found it last, just over the weekend. It was really busy over the weekend. Right, am I right? Yeah, okay. Well, there was Blue J news. This is very inside baseball. Oh, there was a lot of Blue J news. I just found last just over the weekend. It was really busy over the weekend. Am I right? Yeah. Okay. Well there was Blue Jay News. This is very inside baseball.
Starting point is 00:07:46 There's a lot of Blue Jay News. Cause they were, they did a trade to free up this money for international signings. And we thought we were going for this Japanese phenom. And then he signed with the Dodgers. That's right. Fan five nineties. Okay. Let me ask you guys.
Starting point is 00:07:58 So we have a big updates, big life updates, big updates from Bob Willett. And we're going to check in before we get to the devil jams, the Satan jams, but I need to play this and ask you guys what this means to you. You ready? So let's listen. I see I've got a few seconds of blank space but here it comes. Chocolate on the outside. And it's creamy on the inside. When you get to the center, it's a very special center. It's a cherry special.
Starting point is 00:08:36 In a bunch of chocolate, cold and creamy center. Cherry, cherry blossom. That jingle is my childhood. Yeah, it sounds like your childhood. Yes, it sounds like magic shadows or something, right? It's like early seventies. It's got that. Yeah. And you like the whatever the banana splits. Yeah, whatever. Yeah, it's all that crap.
Starting point is 00:08:50 So Bob, you and I are only a year difference in age. Yeah, this I never heard that before. No, I didn't really know that. But I knew I knew the I was to do the chocolate. I knew the chocolate and I and my mother loved them. And also the round tree ones, the boxes of them. Yeah. So I knew that I knew the chocolate and I'll and my mother loved them and also the round tree ones I don't know. There's the boxes of them. Yeah, so I knew that I knew that they were still being sold
Starting point is 00:09:10 But until now, yeah, but I have a feeling that if you remember that ad which means you need to be like Rob Bruce's a yeah If you remember that and I think you have a different like relationship cherry blossoms because they never meant shit to me No, no, you know what? associate them with? I remember seeing them. Do you remember? Now this may might have been only in my creepy neighborhood, but you could go to the, yeah, obviously there's penny candy. Obviously they had the little like dishes full of different things. Old ladies had them. Yeah. But they also had like these, I think they were in Nielsen or something, just like chocolate squares. No, chocolate squares. the table, like on the like next to the in the open
Starting point is 00:09:48 for like a quarter. OK, yes, yes. And you could just buy them. There were other ones that were called like zero or something like that. And those were wrapped, though. Those were in tinfoil. These are like out in the open. That's what I remember anyway.
Starting point is 00:09:59 And then the cherry blossoms were there, too. And I never saw it. There's a lot of chatter. Again, people a little older than us, Bob, but are really like talking about, oh my God, they're gonna stop making cherry blossoms. I've never had one in my life. I don't even, I guess I saw them and just ignored them. I completely ignored them my whole life.
Starting point is 00:10:15 And maybe it's because I missed that ad. Yeah. Maybe. And also like people were rubbing arms about, oh my God, they're gonna stop making them. When's the last time you bought one? How about that? I buy it every time I come to here from around time. I have one in my backpack in my sister's place. Yesterday I went to $2 Amazon Burlington fucking all
Starting point is 00:10:30 sold out. I'm so disappointed. I think I have maybe one. I saw Larry Fedorik went to a store and bought them out like real hookup of Larry. I should sell you like a premium or something. I thought I was hoarding them so he can resell them. I might drive home along Lakeshore today and stop at Every Dollarama and see if I can get lucky. There's going to be a lot of stops.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Make sure you live tweet that or whatever. I'm a famous guy. I wonder what's going on there. My journey. Okay. So lots of ground to cover, particularly with Bob Ouellette. So I want to start with this for a moment. Say you don't know me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:12 All right, Bob. The mic is yours. I had the pleasure of attending, is it called 25 Shades of Grey? Two thousand twenty-five shades of grey. A Second City graduation show. So firstly, congratulations on graduating from Second City. Thank you. Yeah, it's like you do improv one through five, you do conservatory one through three, and you do grad review one through three. So it's like eleven sessions at about six weeks apiece.
Starting point is 00:11:44 Is it expensive? Yes. Yeah. But I did it in the thought that I might not ever get back into radio and I might use this to start. I might start teaching improv or something. That's so cool. Is there good value there? Like, do you feel it was a good for you? Yeah. Oh no, absolutely. I do like it. It's not cheap. It's probably, you know, I mean, it's like 300 bucks a session, three, three to three to three to 400 bucks a session, depending on which.
Starting point is 00:12:04 I'm doing math in my head right now. Yeah, so there's eleven of them, so... Yeah. Yeah. But it was over the course, like you take it through... Oh, that is expensive. Yeah, it's like sixty bucks a class, but it's a two hour class. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:12:15 Yeah. No, it's a three hour class. Wow. Yeah, it's a three hour class. There's less than fifteen, like the highest I think I ever had was twelve people in a class, and you're working with people who are on the main stage at Second City and they're in every commercial you see on television. I highly, I highly.
Starting point is 00:12:29 That's right. Yeah, they're all there. That's funny. Yeah. So I really like the facility at One York. The new Second City is beautiful. It's so cool. And when you're there, you get 50 percent off the food. And yeah, you know what? I really liked it.
Starting point is 00:12:43 I'm still I still got two more shows. They're both sold out this Friday and next Friday. This particular song is featured in our well that's that's let's explain. Yeah. So why am I playing? We built this city from Starship. Okay. So Bob, I saw him there. I'm not even sure what I'm there for. I mean, I know why. Yeah, you didn't know what kind of show it was gonna be. And it's like a Saturday night live. It's like skits. It's sketches. Yeah. So it's basically like if you go to Second City or if you ever went to the old lump, you know, the firehouse on Lombard or the place on Peter Street next to Wayne Gretzky's, and you saw a show, that's what I did. But I did a smaller, like I did in a 65 seats or a theater.
Starting point is 00:13:18 And it was something that we put together over the course of our from conservatory into graduation over the course of the last three we've been working on it and yeah we last we started on the tenth we've done two shows so far and they're all sold out it's so cool it's me myself and a bunch of people and all these some of these people are actors like some people are some I think two people have acting backgrounds the rest of them are all just have different jobs, like two computer programmers. And yeah, it's been fun. I saw it very funny.
Starting point is 00:13:48 I had laugh out loud moments. I went solo because humble how he got first of all, it was tough to get a ticket. I'm not going to lie. And then they released new tickets. And then I had to record at two o'clock when these tickets were released. So humble Howard was going to get three tickets, one for him, one for his girlfriend, and one for me. Although he told me we couldn't sit together at that time. And then he said he could only get one ticket and he let me go. Thank you, Humble Howard. And I got to say,
Starting point is 00:14:13 I'm playing this song because there's one skit kind of will tell us Bob. Okay. So this is my, so it's my sketch. It was my idea. It could have been what's called a runner. It could have kept coming back. Basically three people sitting at desks and there and an email noise happens and somebody next to me, like he looks at me, he's like, hey, you send me an email. Is it is it urgent? Like I'm like, you better open it. It's very much like Rick rolling. Yeah. So so you I the inspiration for the sketch is definitely very much from the I think you should leave guy Tim whatever the guy Robin Robinson. Yeah, it's very Tim Robinson inspired basically, I
Starting point is 00:14:52 So they open the email and this starts playing and the guys like the girls like what is it? He's like, I don't know. It's some song. I've never heard before right and then I'm like you just got Starship and I lose my mind telling me I was like never used to get rig roll and they're like I'm like yeah you got starship and then somebody's like that's not a thing I'm like oh starship is a thing starship started in 1960s as Jefferson start and then starship yeah and I do the whole thing and I think my favorite line is the girl goes yeah everybody knows the history of starship which they don, which is why I think is the funniest line.
Starting point is 00:15:26 And then they make me sit down and then the blow line or the outline is just go back to work, fine. And then my blow line is 911, what's your emergency? Yeah, yeah. And then they go to black and they have a keyboard, it's a live keyboard. He's so good, Steve's the best. He did a great job.
Starting point is 00:15:41 He's next to Rob Bruce. Yeah, we had four songs in We had four songs in there. Yeah. Yeah. I didn't write any of them, but I sang in three, two of them. I love when Second City incorporates music. Oh, we had some good ones. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:52 We had a, we had one that was basically a takeoff on Mr. Plow, um, which is, uh, you know, just check your phone instead of, you know, one. And uh, yeah, no, I thought, um, I thought I didn't write, I wanted to write some songs, but I couldn't just couldn't find the right inspiration. So so it was very funny. You did a great job. I was happy to be there for coming I really appreciate it. No, I mean because you know, I almost bailed on you. You did you texted me like I'm really tired I'm like man, there's only one ticket, you know, it was kind of it was not that cold It was like I don't know what yeah, but I had done a 50. I did a 50k ride and then I was like
Starting point is 00:16:21 It was like 7 o'clock. I'm like, oh I got a bike to one York Street now That's like a 30k ride back and forth and I was like, it was like seven o'clock and I'm like, Oh, I got a bike to one York street now. And that's like a 30 K ride back and forth. And I was like, I'm sort of wiped. I'm like, I don't know if I can do this. And then Bob said something like, oh, that's a shame or whatever. And then I'm like, I can't let Bob down. I'm like, I got I got on that bike and I got my ass there and I enjoyed it. And then I biked back on the waterfront trail.
Starting point is 00:16:40 And I'm like, it was funny. And some of these people in that troop or whatever you're calling this. Yeah, we're like super talented in that they didn't seem like students. They said they seem like they could be like professionals. Yeah, yeah. I mean, we're like, you know, we're we're now. I mean, anybody can't really. But we like we could audition for main stage now if we wanted to, because or for teaching there or something.
Starting point is 00:17:02 It really is. You could see the different levels of people. Our troupe is very good, I'm going to say. It's really good. I think I'm okay at it. I think I'm a better improviser than I am a sketch comedy guy, but that was the end goal because that's what Second City does. But I really do, I love improvisation. I love improvising.
Starting point is 00:17:22 I watched a really interesting documentary last month on this guy in Chicago named Del Close Del Close. He's like the god. He's the god. Yeah I rented the truth in comedy. It's called. Oh, I rented this documentary and The quotes and like the number of SNL people and Robin Williams everybody all these people, right? He was such an influential guy, but his I didn't realize his history comes from like the 50s Yeah, but comedy stuff as well. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So cool.
Starting point is 00:17:47 So yeah, thanks for coming out, man. And it was, you know what? I hope to continue to figure out where it's all gonna end. Where are the two? Okay, well, let's get to the bigger, I think it's bigger news that we have a exciting announcement here from Bob Willett. So last, we did an early December recording.
Starting point is 00:18:02 Yeah, so I was just, I just announced that I was part-time weekends at Indie88 and doing some fill-ins for the people when they're going on vacation. Right, so what is the exciting update that most of us in the know already know this, because it's already taken effect, but what's new with you and your radio career? As of last Monday, I am now fully, I'm a now full-time employee once again in radio, not a programming position, which I am more than okay with. I'm just the announcer. I'm going to be on the air Monday, Tuesdays, Wednesdays from 6pm to 10pm and on the weekends
Starting point is 00:18:37 and the afternoons. So yeah. Amazing. Okay. Congratulations to Bob O'Lett back on the radio where he belongs. Now I had a drive to East York because my kid was playing soccer at Monarch Park right by my house Yeah, I actually on what is that? What was I on? Whatever Street? I'm on So you is that month I was it was the bubble behind Monarch Park school. Yeah, exactly 100% so I'm on my way there. I actually passed a GLB car and I'm yeah There's Troy birch. Yeah, yeah, he's I think so. Yeah, there's a GLB car out in the East end all the time Do you want to crack open our deal? Okay, so again, it's a morning. Good morning. Rob's off the note here. I mean Bob. Yeah Rob's off the note Bob's gonna join me
Starting point is 00:19:13 Here we go. Okay Sorry, we didn't count down. Sorry. He's shaking it. He's he ruined our sound effect with his ice his iced coffee He's coffee iced coffee when it's minus 10. That's right. Oh, yeah, it's cold out there. Yeah, I make it last. Yeah, so, um, yeah when it's minus 10. That's right. Yeah, it's cold out there. Yeah, I make it last. Anyhow, so yeah, you're on Indy88. So yeah, so I'm driving to East York and I've got like, I noticed in the, I would toggle because that's the only time I listen to radio is in the car and I'm almost never in the car, but I'm toggling my stations. I've got like five stations that I like and one happens to be in Indy88, but I find I'm really just hanging around Indy88 except for when the commercials are airing because I want to hear Bob Willett
Starting point is 00:19:46 Well, thank like Bob. You're like a magnet for me drawn to in the 88. Yeah. Well, thank you That's very kind and I will say the listenership that is there for it They By the way, the fall book the fall ratings in the indie had their greatest book they've ever had just this past fall Yeah Those stars are aligning and then they come in and when I'm coming in with new ownership, the listenership is so great.
Starting point is 00:20:09 They, I've been kind of given kind of free rein to do what I want content wise. Cool. I have to say, I downloaded the great 88 of 2024 the Spotify playlist and it inspired me so much. And I felt like I was getting a real speed, speed dial lesson on like the new music from the last year.
Starting point is 00:20:27 So the music is really interesting right now. It's changing, right? A hundred percent. It is absolutely. I mean, there's no there's no denying that you can't look. Here's the thing. You can be as alternative as you want, but you're just not going to get enough listeners. You got to start playing stuff that the masses like along with the cool stuff. You can play as much.
Starting point is 00:20:43 I look at I'm not programming. I am not a programmer. I am just an announcer. But I as a programmer, I actually really like what they're doing. And I like the sound of the station a lot. OK, one song somebody was pointing out, they were hearing like Bruce Springsteen. Like we wouldn't typically expect in the 88
Starting point is 00:20:59 to play a Springsteen song. So we so much like we'll play Springsteen. We also play Prince every now and then we'll play those are things these are like the spice tracks, right? Sure, and here's the end but here's the deal. They're very well known. They're hit their big hits Look, here's what you do when you own a radio station is what I you know, who's got the biggest piece of the pie? Oh like who's got the biggest listenership in Toronto? What are the two stations that people listen to the most? Is this a commercial station? Yeah, not not not not not not CBC. Okay, I'm gonna say I'm gonna guess CHFI. Yep. And? Hold on, I want to get this. Chum FM? No, not even. They're in the toilet.
Starting point is 00:21:34 Okay. Boom 97.3. So you look at the who's got the two biggest pieces of pie is CHFI and boom. Wow. And people are listening to them. And look, I'm not saying anything that is out of, like I'm not speaking out of turn here anybody in the business knows this you can't just look at the edge and say we want to be the we want to get the the piece that pie is too small you can't just share that piece of the pie so you got to start opening up and also the way people listen music has changed everything we do is changed every songs in your pocket so why why? So yeah,
Starting point is 00:22:05 if you can surprise them every now and you know what? Maybe you don't like maybe, maybe it's weird to hear hungry heart. Okay, fine. Maybe. But what if it was streets of Philadelphia? But your contrast is so good though, with those kinds of old songs, with the new shit. I think so too. I think that's what I really love about it. So guess what? Yeah, we're going to play some stuff that's in your chatter is entertaining. Yeah. And I just to catch up with the live stream. I think I'm pretty good. I'm going to be. Well, it's all that second city training. But Leslie says, yes, it's the megabus that she's on. Oh, cool. So she's on that.
Starting point is 00:22:30 So anyone sees a megabus on the 401 wave at least Moose Grumpy says, sorry, Bob, I love the blue Jays. No, I like the blue Jays, too. I just feel like it's a lot. Yeah, it's a lot considering. Here's my issue here. I'll be honest. You know, there's no rules, like as long as you don't know, it's a lot. It's a lot considering here's my issue here. I'll be honest. You know, there's no rules like as long as you don't any hate speech or whatever.
Starting point is 00:22:47 So basically I just think we have to remember that it's the longest fricking regular season in any sport. There's 162 games. So it's a bit tough sometimes and shout out to Leslie, but like in the sixth inning of a game 43, when I don't know, George Springer hits a homer, Springer dinger, like, you know what I mean? Like let's let's let's slow our roll here Playoffs is one thing pennant race is another not neither of which we'll see in 2025 with this really really bad baseball team
Starting point is 00:23:15 but a long long regular season and It's a lot. How many games? 62 my god crazy And it's a lot. How many games? One hundred sixty two. Oh my God. Crazy. So there's nothing less meaningful in professional sports than a regular season baseball game. That's a good point. That's like a statistically well, no, you know what's less meaningful is a CFL preseason game.
Starting point is 00:23:36 Yeah, but that's OK. All preseason. I want to say hi just on the because I mentioned East York and then I got a little tangent and we're gonna get to Satan jams and we're gonna explain why we're kicking out Satan jams, but East York John is on the live stream So I feel that's a name because this we know we sure I'm not 100% sure I think he came to an event and I met him but he's not in the group, right? So you're like, oh who's East York John East York John?
Starting point is 00:24:01 I believe we met at a tmlx event and it's good to have East York John join Burlington Rob and Toronto Bob? Sure, Toronto Bob. I always forget what side of the damn fourth you're on there. Okay. I'm the South. Don't you worry. I'm South. You're South. Okay, good to know. Good to know. All right. So fun fact, and I don't even have audio for ya.
Starting point is 00:24:21 Congrats on Indy. Congrats on Second City. Rob, are you okay? I know it's been the bog show. Sorry, it's all about me. It's all about you, I don't care. Can I ask you a question? Yep. Not tomorrow, Wednesday, my guest in the basement is Alan Gregg. A-L-L-A-N, Gregg with two Gs, okay? He worked with conservative candidates over the years.
Starting point is 00:24:41 Oh, I know this guy. So, I was going to ask you if you have any recollection of Alan Gregg and the Spoons conservative endorsement of the mid 80s, conservative endorsement. I wouldn't, I have a memory of doing a gig. I wouldn't say it was a conservative endorsement, but I remember getting that we played some kind of a PC like youth rally or something.
Starting point is 00:25:00 How was that not a conservative endorsement? I don't know. We get paid to do it. Yeah, we got paid to do it. I don't think it's like, we were doing so many gigs at that time it was probably in 1985 84 85 so you're like snoop dog if you're paying me money I'll be there I guess I mean our manager was taking the money right um but I do remember like you see any of that money from Alan Gregg in the conservative I don't know who like I don't know I think somebody mentioned
Starting point is 00:25:23 on our whatsapp about Alan and being involved with that game. Wisebott. Oh that's right so I'm not really sure about that but you should ask him because I'd love to know too. Jog my memory. I do remember playing this youth PC gig though and that was about it like I don't know. Okay but you do I mean even at your young age as a teenager you must know if you're playing some kind of a progressive conservative you like you're endorsing this party. I guess I don't know. I'm thinking out there.
Starting point is 00:25:47 Dickie ladies did so many NDP events. Did they really? Members of the party. And that's how we got that. That's when we were at six forty. That's how we got Stephen Page to play the Christmas, the Humbleford Christmas party humble and Fred had to join the NDP party. Fred still talks about it like he still regrets it.
Starting point is 00:26:03 Like he still regrets that he had to sign their cards on the air. It was great. Oh, so funny. That's funny. Uh, fun fact and no audio to accompany this. It's just going to be one sentence to say it was 35 and I got this from FOTM Scott Turner on blue sky 35 years ago today, January 20th, 1990, the Humpty dance was released by Digital Underground. There you go. We should have had that. Actually also over the weekend I saw. Stop what you're doing because I'm about to ruin the image and the style that you're used to. I look funny. But you're making money see. Yo world hope you're ready for me. Now gather around. I'm the new fool in town and my sounds lay down by the underground. I drink up all the Hennessy you got in your shelf. So just let me introduce myself.
Starting point is 00:26:44 My name is Humpty. But now it's all right. That's enough. Okay. Um, I did also celebrated, um, actually January 18th, 1971. The CRTC introduces Cancon rules. Wow. My birthday. Yep. Happy anniversary. Talked about it on the air on the radio actually. Yes. Cause I've been told I can do whatever. Now that you have free rain on indie 88, how about more, uh about more shutouts to Robin Mike on the toast? Listen tonight. Listen tonight. Okay. Yeah. We'll figure it out. All right. We'll figure it out. So somebody record, get your cassette. Be careful about, you know, I, you know, about how I shoot things and all has to make sense.
Starting point is 00:27:15 Right. That's what I said to somebody the other day. Like what I talk about just has to, there has to be a reason. I was hanging out with Rob Pruse and Toronto Mike on toast and we were talking about Satan jams and maybe, you we play Pet Shop Boys maybe we'll play a spoon song. Do you guys I wonder if you ever do? Not yet not yet not right now not since I've been there too much just over two and a half months now and there's no spoon. They play the shit out of us on boom. For sure yeah I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up in in a Canadian gold rotation as they call it. I know
Starting point is 00:27:44 you're playing more rosy and gray. That's obviously trying to know that something that we play quite a bit. We play about three or four different low tracks. Yeah, three, I think. You play Henry needs a new pair of shoes. No, not that I mean, I haven't yet, but doesn't mean it's not in the rotation. That's a good. OK, now I want to talk to Rob quickly about Chuck, the
Starting point is 00:28:04 security guard. So since you guys were last Rob quickly about Chuck the security guard. So, since you guys were last here, Chuck the security guard, real name Chaz Lother. And this is something similar to cherry blossoms. Bob and I missed it. You missed it totally. I was on the leading edge of it. See, that 10 years is important for these things. Like in 1981, Bob and I weren't allowed to stay up all night and watch the CFMT. Right. Were, I was- Were you, Bob?
Starting point is 00:28:26 No, and I would have been because my parents were neglectful, but no, no, I'm 81. I'm like, I'm five. You're six. Yeah, five years old. Come on now. But when we were doing our first Spoons album, I would sleep over at Gord's house because I couldn't drive to the studio. So we would just come back to his place. And that's when I watched the All Night Show and it was the first time I'd ever seen the twilight zone. First time I'd seen the prisoner and like, it was just the
Starting point is 00:28:48 coolest thing. So yeah, I loved listening to your chat. I read your note to, uh, Chad. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. And it was kind of amazing that I didn't know these things like about you sleeping at Gord Depp's house. You're recording with Daniel LanWa. Yeah. On our first album. There's a name for you. You're in, uh, you're in Hamilton, of course, Grant Avenue in Hamilton. That's right. And you're watching the all night show and you're kind of getting this kitschy 50s and 60s stuff. And it must have influenced the Rob Bruce that we really did. And Gord was also really inspired by The Prisoner, this British TV series as well. I heard so many things about The Prisoner.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Yeah. And I the prisoner, I like I don't like it as much as Gord does or did. But it's pretty cool. It's I was much more into the Twilight Zone. Okay, and here, I meant to play this last time we did Toast, but this is a gentleman who passed away fairly recently. ["Iron Side"] So when I hear this, I don't think about Iron Side. I think about Kill Bill, like Tarantino using this in Kill Bill,
Starting point is 00:29:47 but that was a Quincy Jones production. This is a very cool Ironside, the theme from Ironside, a very cool Quincy Jones production. Quincy was amazing. I mean, the variety of work that he did, it's ridiculous. Actually working on something for the station. I'll give you guys a little insight. I got to bring this down. Well, it's basically like, I'll say it, kind of like an ongoing history of new music, but
Starting point is 00:30:13 very Toronto based. Right? Are you going to host it? Yeah, of course. That's amazing. This is how he's dropping this. No, but it's just a feature. It's a feature. It's not a full length show. It's literally like once a week I'll come on. but one of the ones I want to do is Quincy Jones the Definition, of course right because the TV show and because the dream warriors. It's got a double thing. How great is that?
Starting point is 00:30:35 I know so Quincy's got a Toronto connection. Yeah, I watched a movie yesterday with my wife It's called cheese. What's it called? It's got Kieran Culkin. there's us not that's a kind of a bad name no it's not succession he goes to Poland and they visit a concentration camp and Jesse Eisenberg is the director oh yes they're doing promo for that right so and interesting I found it interesting because Jesse Eisenberg of course proud Jewish man, but Kieran Culkin is as Jewish as I am. Is he?
Starting point is 00:31:08 I don't even know if that's a, I asked my wife, is that okay? And she's like, I think so. But it's kind of a very introspective, they go to this concentration camp and Kieran Culkin sees his grandmother survived, was a concentration camp survivor in Poland. Good movie and the name will come to a real a real pain It's called a real pain a real pain kind of a bad title actually but a real pain But in this movie, there's a song they play It's a like a reggae song from the 60s and it's the song that is sampled by the dream warriors for Ludi
Starting point is 00:31:39 Oh cool so it makes it so they play it in the song because he listens to it when he's in the shower and Cool, so it makes it so they play it in the song because he listens to it when he's in the shower And then it comes back for the closing credits and I sang looty over top of it Like it's completely the did I tell you I just got a looty board It's a friend of mine brought me back a looty a looty board from Jamaica you didn't tell me but I'm glad you're telling me now Looty board looty so looties a game they play you have to listen to song lyrics. They tell you how to play It's a game they play and it's it's kind of like trouble. Oh, you know
Starting point is 00:32:09 Yeah, but the pop of the trouble system run Pop-a-matic the pop-a-matic bubble. Oh, yeah, we all played that one. You can me now one more note Since the last time you were in my basement and we are gonna get to Satan jams and it's gonna be amazing and I will Keep my eye on that clock, but I saw wicked in the theater. So the whole family went and I saw Wicked and I honestly didn't, I went in so cold. I know you two are the, I want to bring it up with you two
Starting point is 00:32:32 because you're the musical theater people. I went in so cold knowing absolutely nothing. I had no idea Wicked was a different musical than The Wiz. Yeah. Like I had no idea. Based on The Wizard of Oz too. But I knew The Wiz and I only knew the whiz and I only knew the whiz because on Facts of Life, which I watched in syndication every afternoon after school, Tootie sang part of
Starting point is 00:32:56 Ease On Down the Road. That's right. So I knew this ease on down, ease on down the road. And I knew the whiz from that. And I thought Wicked and the whiz were the same thing Until I'm in this movie. Okay, like what's going on? It's like it's like a prequel and it's totally a prequel. Yes Yeah, so yeah, it's a prequel and then the next one is actually takes place during the actual like it's during the actual movie Part two of part two of it. Yeah. Yeah, you've seen it on
Starting point is 00:33:20 Possible. Isn't that crazy? I know my wife never saw wicked never seen it. And so is your wife in it? No, no but we like we play a lot of songs with some kids that come to? Isn't that crazy? I know my wife never saw wicked, never seen it. And so it was your wife in it. No, no, but we like, we play a lot of the songs with some kids that come to us for lessons and stuff. And I know a lot of the music I've seen like a, like a junior production in a summer camp one, a couple of years ago, but never seen the actual. Wow. So I was blown away.
Starting point is 00:33:37 That's a mind blow. Yeah, that was blown away. You've seen a wicked in Broadway. I know I saw it here in Toronto. Yeah. Okay. It came here. Where was it playing here? I saw it at the, I think it was at the Pantages. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It was here or whatever it's called
Starting point is 00:33:49 And you your daughters have seen with it. Yeah, I took them to it I took both my daughters to it the 14 year old who is like, you know art school and and in drama and all that You know does all that she's actually happened to Joseph. So she got she got she got a pot of her. She's pot of her She's starting rehearsals with I can't remember who the name of the, I always, I gotta, they're actually, it's really neat, they actually advertise on Indie 88. Really? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:10 Oh, I can see it. Yeah, yeah, I'll let you guys know for sure. Sure. Oh, do you wanna see that together? Yeah. My kid. I love it. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Yeah, it is, who is it with? Let me see, it is, I need to say who, cause it is, I always wanna make sure they get, that's the touring one. That's not that um Anyhow um we'll do it. No, okay, so you get back to it you come back to it main stage theater It's called main stage theater, and it's got a bunch of people who've done mervis stuff in there as running them Yeah, so she's as well. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, so she's doing that The movie's good
Starting point is 00:34:42 it was a little much for my nine-year-old at the end to be honest when the not to when the when the yeah They're growing their wings and stuff. She was and she's like this kid She's a big feeler like she just she's very empathetic She just like was not enjoying seeing those those they have that My eight-year-old no, that's right my nine-year-old When that jump scare happened and I was scared too. I didn't expect the jump scare. I saw Wicked in 3D as well. It was even better. Wicked. Okay. So we watched Wicked and really the eight year old loved it the most and she was big
Starting point is 00:35:13 on it. And then I said, okay, let's rewatch the Wizard of Oz again. Cause there's a musical. That's amazing. And we did, but then here's a, yeah. So here is a little tangent before we get to Satan Jams. You might remember, and it might be low in the mix here, but... Right. I love those voices so much. Right. I've got another idea. Do you think it'll be polite dropping in like this?
Starting point is 00:35:44 So this is the castle guards, of course, that scene in the, oh, we, oh, put them up, put them up. Right. So then, of course- If I just went up top, I'm a bad guy. So you know what it's like, something triggers you down the rabbit hole. Now you're like, because in my mind, when I hear that, I from the castle guards of Wizard of Oz, are all over this song. Are they really?
Starting point is 00:36:26 Yeah, you'll hear it in a moment here. But this is a big LL Cool J song. I'm that type of guy. This is pre-Mamacet Nakuotas, the album before that, yeah. That's right. I think it's the same album. Is it not the same as I Need Love? That's even before that.
Starting point is 00:36:39 I can't remember. I'm the type of guy that comes when you leave. I'm doing your girlfriend. That's something you can't believe Cause I'm the type of guy that comes when you leave I'm doing your girlfriend, that's something you can't believe Cause I'm the type of guy that comes when you leave Cause I'm the type of guy that comes when you leave
Starting point is 00:37:04 Games Games, games, games This isn't the remix though. No, it's the original. No more games boys. So what you're saying? A beat to beat this cause Donnie ain't playing. That's right. This is the original. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:17 This is it. Doesn't have the rap in it. Stop playing those games. that doesn't have the rap in it. Give it a moment here. We'll dedicate this to Andy. Here it comes. It's all about thinking what you're trying to put us through. That's Jordan right there. Yeah, Joey couldn't do it anymore. Really? No, his voice changed. He did Please Don't Go Girl on Hangin' Tough and that was it.
Starting point is 00:38:01 Jordan's the best singer in the... He is. He's the only one who can actually sing. Here we go. Hold Here, here we go. Well done, here we go. Oh, that's great. Wizard of Oz sample or whatever. By the way, Rob Bruce?
Starting point is 00:38:13 Yeah. I have a lasagna in my freezer for you to take. So where does lasagna go, back home or to Burlington? I keep it with my sister in Burlington. Okay. And we save it for a special occasion. So, Palmapasta wants you to have it. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:38:24 And also because this gentleman just turned 49 years old. That's right. Bob Willett, I have a lasagna in Burlington. Okay. And we save it for a special edition. So, Palma Pasta wants you to have it. Thank you. And also because this gentleman just turned 49 years old. That's right. Bob Willett, I have a lasagna in my freezer for you. Aw, thank you very much. Okay, pasta. Courtesy of Palma Pasta. Okay, so I'm, you know, I always think of FOTMs all the time, that's all I think about.
Starting point is 00:38:36 So I'm thinking about Bob, I'm thinking of games, and then I'm thinking of Midtown Gourd. ["Midtown Gourd"] Name that artist, Rob. Ken, yet. Ha yet. It's Ken and Tara? Name that guitar tone. But it's yet another same sample from Wizard of Oz. Sounds like it.
Starting point is 00:38:57 It is. That's so cool. Oh, real. This is the Frayed Ends of Sanity by Metallica. Oh, real? This is the Frayed Ends of Sanity by Metallica. Oh, it's Metallica. Oh. What album is this on? Tintediner.
Starting point is 00:39:13 I know that. Yeah, yeah. I love Metallica, though. Oh, I do, too. Those tickets are ridiculously expensive, though. When are they coming? They're coming in the summer. They're playing two nights.
Starting point is 00:39:22 No repeats for two nights. All different. One night, Pantera opens, and one night one night Biscuit opens. Oh my god. I'll never forget seeing them in the summer of 92. I've seen them in concert. Really? I would see them but I wouldn't see them at Skydome. I saw them at Skydome. Yeah I would not do that. Papa Roach, Eminem and Pop Endo. That is of an era. I love that fucking concert. I bet you did. Okay, so one more here,
Starting point is 00:39:46 because it's just interesting to hear. Your tangents are amazing. One more. Yeah. Oh boy, good time. Time! More stay in the motherfucking time! So they changed the speed.
Starting point is 00:39:56 Yeah. But it's the same thing. You know, there's a whole bunch of people online who just make a living doing this, like breaking down samples and stuff. I think I sent you a couple along the way. The guy just like breaks down even songs like Prodigy and yeah. For sure.
Starting point is 00:40:11 Yeah, Prince used to do the OV-OEOs all the time too. And then on the Simpsons, I think it's all we owe, we owe. Oh yeah. Whenever... Oh, sorry. Whenever I think of the time I think of Jay and Silent Bob introducing them. Morris Day in the motherfucking time. That's amazing. Amazing.
Starting point is 00:40:35 What else is amazing? Well, is amazing. That is amazing. Because you guys go right there. I don't know if Rob can do it in New York, but you can do it in Burlington. I see it in Burlington. Yep. There's a store.
Starting point is 00:40:48 You put in your postal code and you get, hey, drop off your old electronics, old cables. Here we'll properly recycle that stuff. There's a store in Burlington called Burlington Camera that's been around for like 50 or 60 years and it's the coolest camera shop. And when I went in there just before Christmas, I saw the sign right on the door, recycle. Well shout out to Ridley Funeral Home, Pillars of the Community since 1921. Subscribe to Life's Undertaking with Brad Jones. It's a great podcast.
Starting point is 00:41:11 You enjoy that still, Rob Bruce? I do. I love it. Good to hear. Good to hear. Another podcast I recommend is called Building Toronto Skyline from Nick Aines from Fusion Corp. And I'm going to have a chat with Nick soon to tell us more about this interesting chap
Starting point is 00:41:24 who did attend a TMLx event at GLB Brew Pub. And Nick has stepped up. I put out a New Year's Eve podcast to say, Hey, we need a new partner over here to keep the real talk going. And Nick's like, Mike, what can I do to keep this amazing show going? His show is called Building Toronto Skyline. Building Toronto Skyline. I'm going to listen to it when I'm driving back to New York today. There you go. He's putting it in right now. Putting it in right now. What a sweetheart. Building Toronto Skyline. I'm going to listen to it when I'm driving back to New York today. There you go. He's putting it in right now.
Starting point is 00:41:46 What a sweetheart. What a sweetheart here. Okay. And another episode that we recorded fairly recently was with Doug Broad. And Doug Broad is an editor at the Toronto Star, an American who came here, I guess he fell in love with a Canadian, I think is what happened here. That gets many Americans to come to Canada. But Doug Broad wrote a book about the founder
Starting point is 00:42:08 of the Church of Satan. And then I learned from that episode, I learned that Rob, Rob Pruce, our very own Rob Pruce, has been very interested in the occult for decades. I went through a phase. Well, you two tell me about your phases, and then we'll kick out our favorite devil jams. Oh, that's right, That's how we got into this
Starting point is 00:42:27 So we're dressed alike today like we're both like we're both yeah, like we're both wearing like this Oh Simon in the land of chalk drawings. You know, my name is Simon Cold my occult thing was really it's been about 30 years I mean since I was in my late 20s, and I sort of had, I wouldn't call it like a spiritual awakening, but I was watching this TV show and it was all about the Tibetan Book of the Dead, and it was a national film board documentary,
Starting point is 00:42:56 and it was narrated by Leonard Cohen. And I was home one afternoon watching this thing on Vision TV. Wow. And this was like the starting point, and there was this like over, this shot of the starting point. And there was this, this like over this shot of the Himalayan mountains and Leonard Cohen's voiceover. And he said, death is real.
Starting point is 00:43:11 It comes without warning and it cannot be escaped. You don't have to grab it. And I was like, what the fuck? And it sort of hit me like a ton of bricks. And I thought I'm gonna die one day. And that sort of then made me curious about the Tibetan Book of the Dead and then I went to Cole's bookstore at the Eaton Center
Starting point is 00:43:29 and they didn't have the Tibetan Book of the Dead but they had a book called the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying which was written by a Tibetan Buddhist monk and I read that and it sort of started this whole interest like for years and years I've been like into this stuff. And so I sort of took some tangents in the beginning to read about Buddhism.
Starting point is 00:43:45 I read about Sufism with Islam and stuff like that as well. I read the Quran. So far I'm not hearing occult though. You read the Quran? I did in the late 90s. But how long did that take you? I don't know. It was an easy read. You don't know, who knows? No, it was an easy read. It was beautiful actually.
Starting point is 00:44:02 All right. But I feel very fortunate that I read it before September 11th 2001. Yeah, fair enough Yeah, you know what? I hate to interrupt this but I just realized we didn't address one thing I need to do it now and get back to the Satan Jams I saw a photo from this past week and Bob will I'd had no beard. Oh, yeah I just looked at it. I'm like, it's kind of coming back now. I'm not upset. I've no one used since 2006. Yes. And I've never seen you without a beard. No, I have no, I have always since like high school, I rocked the goatee in the nineties. Oh, goatee goatee in the long sideburns. That was me. I was
Starting point is 00:44:39 goatee long sideburns, both ears pierced. That's what that was kind of my thing. And uh, and then yeah, eventually it turned into a real beard during the pandemic. I went big beard. Yeah. Yeah. I went nice and big. This. So yeah. So what happened was it was a mistake. It was a total. Tell us what you mean. It's a mistake. Well, I grabbed my beard trimmer and I was going to give it a little, a little trim down. And I guess the set, I guess when I threw it into the basket or whatever, it switched and I just went right. And just went right on and I kiss, you know, I'm like, Oh, I got my safety thing on anyways. And it just gave me one of those. I'm like, well, not fixing that. Like that's done. It was right up on the side, like up, up my, and I was like, well, I guess I'm going to
Starting point is 00:45:16 go. It looks really good. So I went, I think I went Don Johnson. Like there was like five o'clock shadow is what I went to George Michael George Michael or George Michael? Yeah, yeah, George Michael. Both guys I'm nowhere near as good looking, but you know, I did that. My children, my, my, my, I come upstairs from the basement where I was doing my, my, my nine year old. She's like, daddy, what happened? And my, she probably didn't.
Starting point is 00:45:39 It's gonna be weird for me. It's weird for me. And my 14 year old was like, dad, no, no, that's so funny. Yeah. My wife's still on the face. My wife says it's just going to take some time to get used to. I think I was going to ask you how she felt about me. At the end of the day, that might be all that matters. Yeah. She doesn't. Yeah. She doesn't. I feel like a Monica said, Hey, can you grow a beard for me? I'd be like, I'd throw my razors in the garbage. Yeah. Let's go. No. So anyway, so it's the first time since I was like a teenager.
Starting point is 00:46:05 I was I have not had like in like, yeah, 30 years. I have not I've not had some sort of facial hair. And this is beardish now. Yeah, yeah. It's I haven't like I. So this has grown since you did the mistake. Two weeks. Wow. This is two weeks to two weeks. Well, that's why I forgot to bring it up because I look at him now and think he looks at this. Was like, yeah, it was a Friday. It was right before the show.
Starting point is 00:46:24 My show on my people in my show were like, who is this? They had no idea. That's amazing. Anyway, sorry to interrupt. So what are you talking about so far? It's not occult. They're your religions. Well, they're religions, but the interest in the occult came as a sidebar within the religion. So let's say in the Hindu religion. There's a there was a religion An occult philosophy called theosophy that was began in the 1870s Okay, and I realized that what the occult actually the word occult actually just means hidden Okay, is is like a hidden. It's like hidden knowledge So I thought that sounds really cool. That sounds better to me than like saying it's a religion sure so I
Starting point is 00:47:03 Mean it's a philosophy spirituality versus religious. Yeah, yeah, I get that. But the occult stuff, so then when you, Mike, when you had Doug Broad on, I realized that this guy, Anton LeVay, the Church of Satan. Right.
Starting point is 00:47:15 He was like a celebrity in the 70s. He was for sure. And I don't know much about him, but I had listened to an audio book by this. He's an occult writer named Carl Abrahamsen from Sweden. And he had written a whole chapter on Anton that I listened to last summer and I loved it. I was like, I never thought I'd be interested
Starting point is 00:47:32 in this dude from the Church of Satan, but it sounded really, really cool to me. Well, Doug wrote a book about this guy. Doug's got the whole book and I can't wait to read it. Okay, so you're gonna get this book. I gotta let Doug know. But that inspired your idea for the Satan Jams. Yeah, Satan Jams.
Starting point is 00:47:44 And I, when I, yeah, so when I got, mine for the Satan Jams, right? Yeah, so jams and I Mine was more like Ouija boards witchcraft spells those kind of things, you know Dream interpretations a big part of all that shit Yeah, yeah, like when I go to bookstores and I always like to go to the New Age section or the philosophy section Whatever and I think all that stuff is kind of a cult issue. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah So yeah What I would have done I would have, I read a lot of books, uh, like ghost story type books and whatnot,
Starting point is 00:48:09 but can you know, and uh, I, I mean, I, I never, um, you know, I didn't join a cult or anything, but I always liked hearing, I liked hearing about, you know, like the, the purple, the Nike people, the not David crash. She was, I guess he's a cult as well. Um, but yeah, for the people, the people who wore the Nikes and they all drink, of course. Apple white. No, I think it's something Jim Jones, Jim Jones, Jim Jones. But wasn't the Nike guy is named Apple White? It wasn't. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:48:36 Anyways, I'm always fascinated by those stories. That website still online. And I still love one of my one of my favorite sketches. Audio sketches is from Adam Sandler's album. Was like, why won't you join a fucking cult with me? He is like, I went to that movie with you. It's him, he's playing basketball. You're in a cult now, you know that, right?
Starting point is 00:48:53 The TMU is a cult. You are now FOTM. The Toronto Metropolitan University? What? I just want to make sure you realize you are in a cult. Oh, I know it's a cult. These people, they worship you. Well, that's right, and that's the way it should be.
Starting point is 00:49:04 Oh, that's right. Now, I'm just glad I'm on the inside. So I don't have to be outside either Well, let's get to the gems because more chats about our Lord and Savior Satan as we progress But Rob any words to say before I kick out your first Satan. No, this song is fairly new to me Well, that is something we mean. No, you're now giving me I am I am I am But just let it play and just enjoy the quirky weirdness of it. Well, I'll look at you as a conductor when you want me to bring it down. I'm going to just let it keep going. working in spirit you can see him and hear him in this world every day Satan is real working with power he contempt you and lead you astray
Starting point is 00:50:05 I attended service at a church in the country not long ago Sing it brother! A prayer was led by an old country preacher who then raised his hands as everyone stood and sang, My God is real A warm breeze through the open windows brought in the smell of new morn hay in a nearby field And the singing of birds could be heard in the moment of silence as the preacher opened his Bible to read And then a little old man stood up bent with age his hair thin and white and said
Starting point is 00:50:41 preacher Tell them that satan is real, too Preacher, tell them that Satan is real too. You can hear him in songs that give praise to idols and sinful things of this world. You can see him in the destruction of homes torn apart. I know that Satan is real, for once I had a happy home. I was loved and respected by my family. I was looked upon as and respected by my family. I was looked upon as a leader in my community.
Starting point is 00:51:12 And then Satan came into my life. I grew selfish and unneighborly. My friends turned against me. Are you going to play this on indie? Oh, yeah. Tonight we'll do it. My children took their paths into a world of sin. They should let Bob program one song an hour. Sure, I'm working on it. Your choice, I'm working on it. This song is from 1959.
Starting point is 00:51:33 Slippin' Some Louvin' Brothers. Okay, yeah, talk to me about this song. It's the Louvin' Brothers. So this, Bob Brothers, 1959, the album was called Satan is Real. Check out the cover of the album. That's fantastic. Oh my God, that's from when? 1959. 1959? I love it. They had this giant plywood Satan in the back. That's wild. That's beautiful. And I just think it's a funny, like cool, weird, because the album is sort of
Starting point is 00:51:54 gospel-ish, gospel-y, but then they're like talking about the Prince of Darkness as well. And they had those blood harmonies. Yeah. Yeah. It's like the Everly Brothers sort of. By the way, quick, I mentioned Applewhite. I was right. What was the name of the cult Yeah. It's like the Everly Brothers sort of. By the way, quick, I mentioned Applewhite. I was right. What was the name of the cult? So it's called the Heaven's Gate. Heaven's Gate, that's what I meant. So Heaven's Gate in 97, this all happened.
Starting point is 00:52:13 There you go. We all remember. Marshall Applewhite. It was the same as Hale Bopp. Remember they thought that Hale Bopp was going to come and take him away. That's what it was. That's right. So mass suicide in
Starting point is 00:52:31 1997. Yeah, that's the largest mass suicide to occur inside the United States of America. Wow. So there's a not so fun fact for you, but Marshall Applewhite was the guy's name and that there was a turn. Remember now there's a guy who wrote a, did a podcast. God, I'm going to have to get more info and come back to you because I can't remember, but his dad was a country music singer and he wrote a book about George Jones and Tammy Wynette. Yeah. And he had a podcast which the great VP of Sales turned me on to and I kind of enjoyed it and he did a whole deep dive into the Lewin Brothers. Oh really? It was really cool. But he had a book and actually the book publisher sent me a copy because I was gonna get an episode of this guy. And this, I think this guy's a bit of a nutter, man. This thing
Starting point is 00:53:08 never happened, but, uh, Cohen, I'm going to get the name of this guy who did this podcast and it's pretty, pretty good podcast and a lot of info on this, but that's a great start to the Satan is real. All right. Now I right, now I saved this song for Bob. Bob, any words before your first go? I asked for it as soon as we were gonna do it. Yeah, well, it's a Pearl Jam song. That's all. Give her a go.
Starting point is 00:54:07 It's not all business, business and done I've never slept in Satan's bed Although I must admit still business my place Unembodied as you know he don't wait Money I always need to pay Money I always wanna give him Sunday's Fridays Tuesday's Thursdays is the same Sometimes a special guest he don't like to leave We keep it going until the long ever. Who made who made us, made up the myth That we were born to be covered in glass Who set the standard, born to be red Just fine examples, skinny little bitch Model, role model, those are models in blood Get some flesh to stick, so they look like us I shit and I stick, I'm real join the club I stop and talk, but I'm already alone you say so.
Starting point is 00:55:18 Oh, it's a third verse. So what you know is yeah, so this is the vital. It's called Satan's Bed. It's so good. A couple of fun facts about this. This is not the lyrics, near the lyrics nor the tune is written by Eddie Vedder at all. This is a Stone Gossard. Really? Stone wrote the lyrics and yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:39 So this is, and this is so I, if you think that, and the only, and if you've ever, here. I know. ["Same Way to Be Myself"] You know it if I had this shit, don't come on. I'll rise and fall, let me take credit for both. Jump off a cliff, don't need your help, so back off. You're just hearing it. I'll never stop, say just stay.
Starting point is 00:56:01 I can't you see if you don't run around the left. Falling 42, I want all my best. As you yeah, it's a rock song. It's a straight ahead rock song. Yeah. So it's a Stone Gossard track. And if you listen to Stone's stuff, like, you know, on the next album, so this comes out in 94, the next album is No Code, they have Mankind is the first song that's not sung by, Stone Gossard sings it on the album. Yeah, and you can hear, knowing that, you're like, oh, okay, and actually, it's funny,
Starting point is 00:56:34 some of my favorite Pearl Jam songs are Stone songs. Stone's got some really interesting things, and I heard him talking on the satellite, they're at their satellite station talking about, he's got these hard drives just full of riffs that he just keeps and he just goes through it before they get together. So that's Satan's bed. Here's the, here's a little fun fact or another fun fact. How many times do you think Pearl Jam has performed a song like even flow?
Starting point is 00:57:00 Cause they keep, they have their full, they keep, uh, they have all the stats are on the website. I would bet they play that every single time you not almost there not it almost but almost every show they played it like I've seen him they played even even flows like they're like they played that like a thousand times like they've How many times have they played Satan's bed? 1739 no way. Yeah only 39 Pro jam, it's cool song though such a deep catalog. Yeah, like like I'm talking preach into the car here Bob O'Lett, but I mean, I mean. It's a cool song though. Such a deep catalog. Yeah. Like, I'm talking preach into the converted here,
Starting point is 00:57:26 Bob O'Lett, but I mean, I'm actually a huge fan. I actually think they're underappreciated. Oh, that's interesting. I think what happens is they get people- Because they got too big, sort of like, almost like some kind of a corporate rock kind of, I don't know, but they too big and too mainstream. I think people who don't know anything about them
Starting point is 00:57:44 get caught up in the Which then they get caught up in that that his voice at that time it was fired so many yeah It was coffee cats. That's right, right? So I think that's what happens with them and ultimately I mean, I'm going to Pittsburgh to see them in on On a Victoria Day weekend. Are you really? Yeah. How was the new album? It's really good.
Starting point is 00:58:08 Dirk Matter? Yeah, it's really good. I got to listen to it. It's really good, yeah. Yeah, so I put in for tickets there. They're doing a few shows and I got a pair of tickets. So we'll go to the Andy Warhol Museum there. It's amazing.
Starting point is 00:58:19 Yeah, I've been there. And go see them in Pittsburgh. That's so cool. Long may they run. What a fantastic rock band. Yeah. By the way, the guy who has the podcast that Tyler turned me on to,
Starting point is 00:58:28 that I learned a lot about country music from, and there was a great episode with the Leuven Brothers, it's called Cocaine and Rhinestones. Oh, I've listened to that. And the guy who does it is named Tyler Mayen Coe. I went through, I listened to a couple different episodes of people I liked. Right, so he wrote a book and the book is upstairs.
Starting point is 00:58:45 Uh, it was sent to me so I could read it before I interview Tyler Mann Co and that episode of Toronto might never happen, but they, he spent a whole season on, uh, George Jones and Tammy Wynette. I think that's the focus of this book. And I wanted to get that out of the way. And I wanted to tell you Pearl Jam might be underappreciated. What a fucking great band. Yeah. It was so deep. And you can, I don't know't know, like you can have a completely different set list. Well, yeah. You could. I know they keep playing the certain, like they're gonna play even flow. Somewhere on Spotify, I have to find these. I think it was a writer from Spin magazine.
Starting point is 00:59:19 He put together, enjoy Pearl Jam as a prog rock band, enjoy Pearl Jam as a punk rock band enjoy Pearl Jam as a grunge band and and Or as an acoustics band and it's like eight or ten songs and they're all killer. I'm sorry. I did my favorite band Obviously, I'm on the same page as you and it sounds like Rob's a big fan, too I am you know When you were talking about Metallica earlier the summer of 92 I was in Calgary doing the Phantom of the Opera tour Yeah And the day I so I drove to Calgary from Burlington the day I arrived metallic
Starting point is 00:59:46 They were playing at the Saddle Dome and I went to the box office bought a ticket and saw them and I was it was Like sort of like a resurgence for me in rock and roll after being in musical theater for a few years We started remembering my rock and roll so that was a solo tour because the 91 they did they were going around with Guns and roses I don't know for them, but it definitely they were they were But then I remember I was thinking man. I forgot how much the black album like yes So I remember thinking I forgot how much I love rock and roll yeah I went to the HMB in Calgary, and I said to the guy I need something new like what should listen to he handed me Pearl Jam Wow nice. Oh, this is this is nice
Starting point is 01:00:21 It's you know what I mean again they they they can do almost anything kind of sound wise, you know, and that's and I'm sorry, I think Eddie Vedder is probably one of the best lyricists and vocalist. His voice is so great. I know. I'm just a fan. I agree. Yeah, I agree.
Starting point is 01:00:38 Living legend. And again, we're lucky to we still have him. He's like a survivor of that being back on the radio. Me being back on the radio. I'm one that makes me just a little bit closer to actually meeting them. Yeah, that's true. You know? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:49 I almost met them. I know you did. We know your story. I didn't meet them though. Okay, so excellent. We're cooking with gas now. Let me just get into my jam. Okay, so here's my first Satan Jam. Another brand new flow, measure up to equalizer like tic-tac-toe Connect the dots on spots, as I blow up the blocks Be on pionic, like I was hooked on chronic Let's take it to another level, are you a rebel? Have you ever danced with the devil?
Starting point is 01:01:32 Damn, I never lose to many suckers, what's around? I got the beat straight, bumper checks and fools Crowd around, do what you want, feel the fact I got the finger on the trigger if I ever hear some junk Sounds getting wicked when I kick it on the D-all Cause I be hooked on beat, rhymin' on telek, beat to L I got you stuck on my realest I'll bring it back for the end because I like how Mishimi ends it, but this is really Are you a rebel? Have you ever danced with the devil? How should I stop this, chocolate? Don't cost this. I'll bring it back for the end because I like how Mishimi ends it, but this is Raggedeth. Yes.
Starting point is 01:02:12 Raggedeth, they're a Canadian rock band and they would have different vocalists on different tracks, right? So Mishimi was not a full-time member of Raggedeth, but she came on for their two biggest hits, basically. But it's kind of a fusion. I always liked the fusions, but you get a dance hall reggae thing going on. Where are yours from? 95, I want to say. And what's it called?
Starting point is 01:02:33 95, around there. It's called Dance with the Devil by Raggedeth. And again, Raggedeth is just a guy named Stephen Kendall, who's like your DJ drummer producer guy, and a guy named Walter Sobek. I'm gonna butcher that Polish last name, but he's a producer, engineer, bassist, keyboardist, and this is my favorite. Way ahead of its time. Yeah. Because I mean think about 311 comes out after. You know those guys from Omaha. Amber is the color of her energy. They were doing this. they were taking kind of that that
Starting point is 01:03:07 This is a five it's ninety-four Wow ninety-five Yeah, it's like it's got the fucking rock which we all love and then it's got the mission me I already love but I was gonna say I mean you at this at this point you only have Bring the noise and you know face no more. Yeah are the only two bad and then it's Bring the noise and you know face no more. Yeah are the only two bands and then it's Yeah, I'm using the first big one walk this way. Yeah, I don't count that but that's a pop song That's a pop song but that was the first time you got the rock. Yeah and the rap Smash, you know what else you had it in that era. You also had back doing a lot of cool stuff. Yeah Yeah, he started had some stereo MCs. Maybe yes. I just I just played a two
Starting point is 01:03:43 I got two turntables and microphone the other day on the radio and I was like, he really murder cool shit together. Yeah, he did. But it would, but then you come to the late nineties, early 2000s and then, you know, the Lincoln parks and all those guys coming in the incubus and whatnot. Right. Incubus, right? Megalomaniac.
Starting point is 01:04:00 Hey, Meg. I gotta say, I fucking love that. Incubus is great. I saw them live. I saw them with Moby and Outkast at the docks. Okay. Oh, amazing. I'm going to let Mishy wrap this up and then we're going to be a couple more fun facts about Mishy Mee. Who I'm in love with. I want to see this whole album. It's so cool. I got you stuck on my realness. Y'all raise your hands one time if you can feel this. You live your life on that level.
Starting point is 01:04:47 Are you a rebel? Have you ever danced with the devil? I got you stuck on my realness. Y'all raise your hands one time if you can feel this. You live your life on that level. Are you a rebel? Have you ever danced with the devil? I got you stuck on my realness.
Starting point is 01:05:01 Y'all raise your hands one time if you can feel this. You live your life on that level. Are you a rebel? Now you better dance with the devil, bitch. I fucking love it. Not the biggest hit from Ragged Death. Do you want to know what the biggest hit from Ragged Death was? What's the biggest? Love the life you live and live the life you love. Afterlife is death. Ragged Death. death. Raggedeth. You know, I know there's raggedeth songs about Mishimi, but nah, just give me the Mishimi. Just fucking amazing. And Mishimi, I said enough about Mishimi on Toronto Mic, but a little more, which is that there's an underappreciated artist. This is Canada's first lady of hip hop and she's a true OG, you know, out there before Maestro. This is a true OG, lovely woman, been here several times.
Starting point is 01:05:52 Cam Gordon, who used to host this very program. Do you know that? I don't know who you're talking about. Sorry, what? I heard the name. He's in the intro. I think Peter Gross drops his name. But Cam Gordon and I went to the Art Gallery of Ontario recently. Bob, do you know anyone who works there? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I might know somebody. Yeah, besides Jim Shedden.
Starting point is 01:06:08 Yeah, yes, yes, my lovely wife. The hip hop show is great. Yeah, right. And then Missy Mee was there performing live and we went to see her perform live. Fucking amazing, underappreciated, just the greatest. And I won't play too much One Life, but I'm going to take you back. This is kind of your intro to Missy Mee. We're going way back here, okay?
Starting point is 01:06:29 Let's go back in time, gentlemen. Do you get paid for Mishimi? No, she knows how I feel about her. And that's KRS-1. As you say, is that KRS-1? KRS-1 plays a big role in this story. And at 69, his tumpy nose will take a rib. My nose is big. I'm not ashamed. It's big like a pickle. So Boogie Down Productions, they saw Mishimi in 85.
Starting point is 01:07:17 I'm sure DJ Ron Nelson plays a role in this story, but basically they get Mishimi and LA Love. This is the duo that they featured in the song 87. So Shout Out to Ridley Funeral Home when it comes to Scott LaRock. But KRS1 and Scott LaRock of Boogie Down Productions play a massive role in Mishimi's origin story. This is Elements of Style and it's like the first time I think a Canadian hip hop artist was signed to a US record deal it predates maestro by a little bit and So she's the she's the one and this is the song but there's other big ones
Starting point is 01:07:55 You'll know from the time like victory is calling which has MC light on it And it's just great time for hip hop and missy me is the og hip hop and Missy Me is the OG lover. Okay. So this is just realized that I was looking up that band Ragged Death. Yeah. I'm friends with that Walter dude on Facebook. Walter plays a role in this era of Missy Me.
Starting point is 01:08:15 Well, I'm going to reach out to him and say, Holy shit. I love your music. And I didn't really realize that he was engineering the early Missy Me like we're listening to right now. Ellie love. That's so cool. He was engineering that amazing. And that's why several years later,, with Ellie Love, he was engineering that. Amazing. And that's why several years later,
Starting point is 01:08:26 when he's got the Ragged Death project, you know what, I wanna talk to this guy. Get him on the mic. I'll send him a message. I'll hook you up. Thanks, Brian. That's really cool. Okay, I pass the mic to you, Rob Bruce.
Starting point is 01:08:36 Okay, my Satan Jam number two. Wait, you wanna just play it? Actually, you know what? Can you play, so I got two extras to go with this one, right? Yep. Can you play number two before you begin number one? The one from the band we've already heard? Yes, play that.
Starting point is 01:08:54 I used to like tremble in fear when I hear the first few notes of that because it reminded me of the movie. Seriously, I would hear that and I would get a chill. The feeling that I get when I listen to that is like reality breaking down into total insanity. Okay, now play the song.
Starting point is 01:09:13 That was Kirk Hammett. Who I think is of Filipino descent. Agreed. I know all the Filipino people. So It's good headphone music. Without a doubt. Move over Brian Eno. He's been replaced. Well this is Tubular Bells, Mike Oldfield. Theme for The Exorcist.
Starting point is 01:10:28 Also so similar to a Halloween theme. Yeah. This is the original. This is the OG. Yeah. They all copy in it. This is 1973. So he released the album in early 73.
Starting point is 01:10:37 Then at the end of the year, they decided to use it in the film as well. In The Exorcist. And it went up the charts. The next year, it was in the top 10 in North America. So was this getting played on the radio next to like the stampeters and stuff? Yep. Wow. The chart action, it reached number three on the billboard, 200 number one in Canada. Wow. Bob's going to play it on indie tonight. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:00 He just plays songs from toast. That's it. Yep. But this was actually like the first, actually this song and the next one were the first two that came into my head as far as Satan Jams because it just evokes. I was a little bit obsessed with the Exorcist when it came out. I was only eight years old. Oh, I think that was you see it. No, no. You just heard about it.
Starting point is 01:11:18 Yeah. So that was sort of the beginning of my occult fascination because I was like, holy fuck, this girl is possessed by the devil. Yeah. And at the time- Oh, and the press around it was so crazy. The press around it was unbelievable. They would not, like there were no magazines that would show any pictures of her possessed.
Starting point is 01:11:33 They're like, it's too terrifying for anybody to see. And they're gonna give people barf bags in the movie theater, all this jazz, right? My mother-in-law, she had to leave the theater. She was gonna faint. Yeah, so I had the paperback when I was like eight years old. My mom, I got the book. My mom let me have the book.
Starting point is 01:11:48 I don't think I ever actually read it, but I loved seeing it on my shelf. It used to scare me. So this music is like the beginnings of my school stuff. Yeah. It's pretty creepy. It is really. It really is. Mike, the other little clip I want to play is just an old radio commercial. All right, we're gonna let Mike Oldfield roll us into this ad.
Starting point is 01:12:13 And then after the break, I'll share an interesting observation from Moose Grumpy on the live stream. I'm on the radio now too, Bob. Somewhere between science and superstition there is another world, a world of darkness. Nobody expected it. Nobody believed it. And nothing could stop it. The one hope. The only hope. The Exorcist. Warner Brothers presents William Peter Blatty's The Exorcist.
Starting point is 01:13:04 The Exorcist. Direct Exorcist, directed by William Friedkin. The Exorcist. This commercial was on the radio when I was a kid. Under 17, not admitted without parent. I always have this memory of being in my bedroom doing homework and I had my radio, my clock radio playing, and this Exorcist ad came on like CKOC, and I freaked out, like I jumped across the room
Starting point is 01:13:23 to turn it off, because I was so scared. was I was excited and terrified of the whole thing but yeah I just I love those weird ads because they were so vague they kind of just sounded scary but they don't give you any information you know and that's scary voice yeah I'm scared right now I know me too moose grumpy points out something an interesting observation which is uh she says speaking of Satan remember who's the Buffalo Saber, Miroslav Satan? Miroslav Shatan, yes. Right, so there you go. There is some irony that Satan jams are recording at the same time as the inauguration. What's
Starting point is 01:13:56 that? I don't know what that is. Any words, Bob, before your second jam? No, this, I love this song, this was the first song that came to mind for me. Well, let's dedicate this to Elvis, our buddy from the Festivus episodes. Here we go. You look like an angel, walk like an angel, talk like an angel, but I got wise You're the devil in disguise Oh yes you are, devil in disguise You fool me with your kisses You cheated and you skimmed Heaven knows how you lied to me
Starting point is 01:14:47 You're not the way you seem You look like an angel Walk like an angel Talk like an angel But I got white You're the devil in disguise. Oh yes you are. Devil in disguise. I thought that I was in heaven but I was sure surprised. 1963 1963 Elvis Presley's You're the Devil in Disguise. I thought this or you know, Devil went down to Georgia, you know, obviously came to came to mind, but I went I went to this one because I think this is on the
Starting point is 01:15:38 Elvis number ones. I think it is CD compilation. Yeah. And I love that compilation. If ever I want to like if you want to put the Beatles, number ones, the Elvis number ones, just throw that on. It's nice. So what's interesting, a couple of interesting things about this song. So this is a 1963. So it is, um, uh, so in some places you find it, it's Elvis Presley and the Jordan airs who are the Jordan airs are like a gospel.
Starting point is 01:16:03 Yeah. So it's actually listed in some places as Elvis Presley and the Jordan airs Yeah They were fighting for credit with him. Yeah, I think so that is back. So this is 63, right? I just want have you watched the documentary on Netflix about the comeback special? No. Oh, no, no, no It's really good, but it's really concentrates on from the time that he distant. He goes to the And people will forget when he went to the army. He was not cool But he had done all those shitty movies Yeah, and one of the things here that I didn't know this in June of 1963
Starting point is 01:16:37 The song was debuted on the BBC television show jukebox jury and the celebrity guest judge John Lennon voted it amiss and said that he's become Bing Crosby and that bothered the hell out of Elvis he hated so the interesting part was you know like Elvis Elvis appeared on with Frank Sinatra on one of Frank's specials and it was like this like welcoming him in and he but he was no he wasn't dangerous anymore, right? Yeah, and this and then you know after they did soul bossa nova like he wasn't he wasn't rock and roll He was a possible especially in 63 the Beatles were taken off. Yes, right? Yeah, right. So
Starting point is 01:17:16 But this song I mean written by the guys who write all his songs. I don't have to go into that installer It is yeah, who, no, no, this is Bill Giant, Bernie Baum, and Florence K, actually. They've written a whole lot. I could go, I could get into it. It's like, there's a whole bunch of them. But yeah, so it's a huge song, but watch the, if you have a chance, watch the doc, it's on Netflix right now.
Starting point is 01:17:40 It's all about the six, about how nervous he was with the 69 comeback. With the black leather. With the black leather. And they, there's, there's all kinds of footage that we've never seen. Right. Sixty nine. I think is there a sixty eight sixty eight come back special. Yeah, you're right. Sorry. It's amazing. And just given when you listen to his, you know, his catalog, you hear how cheesy it got. And then if you watch the movies, they're just horrible. And I mean, there's the movie, there's the, you know, the movie with the good looking kid who played him. Priscilla. No, no, not.
Starting point is 01:18:07 Oh, the other one. The one that Boz Lerman did, the Elvis movie. Oh yeah, yeah. You know, where the, you know, I mean, really, then Tom Hanks plays Colonel, right? Like Colonel was a fucking prick. Let's be honest, like he ruined the guy. He was Dutch.
Starting point is 01:18:17 Yeah. Was he the damn dirty Dutch, was that? He was a damn dirty Dutch, and he didn't want to leave the country. So he kept Elvis from leaving the United States on tour Like he only played in America, he was afraid he couldn't get back in the country because he had faked some Yeah, but he also so let's let's play the My my this is let's play this my mind blown. We'll talk about it in a second So Yeah!
Starting point is 01:19:09 So... This is a 1971 hit by a Finnish band whose name I don't have right in front of me right now. It was a cover from Finland. Contra? Yeah, that's it, Contra. With a K. Yeah, that's it, Contra with a K. So there you go. I was going to say there is a Canadian connection with the... Oh, it was with the Colonel. He was managing Hank Snow before he managed Elvis. Yes. I don't think I knew that. Well, that's in the movie. That's in the Baz Luhrmann movie.
Starting point is 01:19:38 Yeah. So he was doing that. I saw that in the documentary. I actually haven't seen the Baz Luhrmann movie yet. But yeah, so there was and then obviously the only the only place outside of the United States that Elvis ever played was Toronto. Yeah. And I think he did an Ottawa show. Okay. I think but like he's only ever played Canada. That's it. He only ever played. That was it. So yeah, Devil in Disguise. Great song. Elvis will always be cool to me. Always.
Starting point is 01:20:02 You know, Elvis was a hero to most. He was. He had a shit to me. That's really know Elvis was a hero to most. He was. He didn't make shit to me. That's right. Really? Well that's the- I'm coding public enemy. Public enemy.
Starting point is 01:20:09 Okay. Racist the sucker was simple and plain. I'll fuck him and John Wayne. Anyway, I won't keep going there. But okay, excellent, excellent, excellent. I'm gonna- You're the devil. There's an album in the mid to late 80s
Starting point is 01:20:25 that I owned on cassette and I played it over and over and over again, but I don't know if it's ever come up on toast or pandemic Friday. Like it's sort of a weird, like how come this never has come up because I mean, for a good couple of years this was my go-to personal favorite cassette. And I don't think we've ever played a song from this band. I could be wrong.
Starting point is 01:20:46 You guys ready? Ready. Oh yeah. Yeah. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Speaking of underappreciated, okay. Yeah. Here come the woman with a look in her eye. Where's my leather with flesh on the line? Wives of weapons, sharpened knives
Starting point is 01:21:29 Makes one other other half die Other half die Makes one other underwonder You come a man, with a look in his eye It's fair or nothing, but full of pride Look at them go, look at them kick Makes you wonder how the other half lives Devil inside, the devil inside
Starting point is 01:22:17 Every single one of us, the devil inside Devil inside, the devil inside Every single one of us, the devil inside Devil Inside, Devil Inside, Devil Inside, Devil Inside, Devil Inside, Devil Inside, Devil Inside, Devil Inside, Devil Inside, Devil Inside, Devil Inside, Devil Inside, Devil Inside, Devil Inside, Devil Inside, Devil Inside, Devil Inside, Devil Inside, Devil Inside, Devil Inside, Devil Inside, Devil Inside, Devil Inside, Devil Inside, Devil Inside, Devil Inside, Devil Inside, Devil Inside, Devil Inside, Devil Inside, Huge. Yeah. I mean, they had hits before. I remember that one about Dream on White Boy. That's original Sin.
Starting point is 01:22:47 Original Sin. Yeah. So they had songs like I knew, but then Kick was just hit laden, hit laden. Massive. And I remember back then, like you might, Bob, you and I are one year different. So like when you had the album that was a playthrough, it was a big deal. Like you didn't have to skip songs. Did you get the album from the Columbia House?
Starting point is 01:23:03 Not in 87. Not in 87, no. No, I probably went to the Sam the Record Man and Jane and Blur. Yeah. This album was massive. I mean, there's probably like four hits off this album at least. Four. I'm going to tell you right now. So the first single you remember, because I still remember like recording this song off of 680 CFTR onto cassette, the number one single from this album was Need You Tonight. Yeah, there you go. And that comes out in 1987.
Starting point is 01:23:30 And then New Sensation. There it is. All right, Rob Pruce says that album is amazing. So that's two singles deep. Then you get Devil Inside. Now you're in 1988. So what I found was interesting. So we talked about that first single, Need You Tonight, coming out in September 87.
Starting point is 01:23:46 Yep. Then you get New Sensation, Devil Inside comes out in 88. Then you get what might be the best song in the album, Never Tear Us Apart. I play that on that keyboard every time. Every time I get to like a string. Anytime I hear a string sound on a keyboard, it's the first thing I do. Did you ever cross paths with him? Yeah, well, I met Michael Hutchins one time at the Juno Awards actually.
Starting point is 01:24:09 He was at the Junos, I believe in early 89. And it was the weirdest thing because I was sitting behind him. I was there with Honeymoon Suite. And he was sitting in front of me with his model girlfriend. Of course. And I was like, oh, say hi to him. And I said, hey, I'm with this band Honeymoon Suite.. Um, and I used to be in a band that now Roger's produced. He's like, oh, spoons. Nice. He knew spoons. Nice. Because he, they, Niall produced original sin for them just after he'd
Starting point is 01:24:36 done our album. We were just talking about original sin. Yeah. That's like such a great song. Maybe the first song I ever heard from Nick. Yeah, for sure. That was their first real big hit and Niall produced that right after he worked with us. Yeah that's amazing. I know it's so good. What an amazing time for you to have been working with him like and the stuff that he did. Yeah crazy. And well I'm just curious with you guys all in Honeymoon Suite all sitting together could the people behind you see behind your hair? Yes maybe, maybe I don't know. All right so us Canadians it's because of course in excess, Australian band, no one in Australia before they had international hits. If you had to guess what Kick, do you think Kick would be the second album,
Starting point is 01:25:14 the third album? What's your guess? What we're in the sequence of things Kick is in the InXS catalog. It's going to be somewhere way more than what we're saying. So Kick is their sixth album. Sixth! Oh my God. That's crazy. But it's like, oh, okay, they had a whole whack album in Australia that we didn't really care about. By the way, one more single. So Never Tear Us Apart is not the last single released from Kick,
Starting point is 01:25:34 because then they released Mystify. Oh, right. Mystify you. Like I said, playthrough. A lot of great songs that weren't released as singles. It's a bit of an in excess. There's a, there's an FOTM connection with an excess. Don't think about it. Think about it. Well, Michael Hutchins in excess. Oh, Stu Stone dated. No, no. The new lead singers. No, Tara Sloan was on that show. It was on the show and didn't end up.
Starting point is 01:26:06 She became was a finalist to become the lead singer of an excess rock star in excess. And actually, J. J. D. J. D. J. D. Fortune, also Canadian, was the guy who was the lead singer for I think Stu dated Fortune's ex or something like a porno. But I'm telling you, look, you didn't even realize that I'm giving you your own lore. Okay, so interesting quote from cash box about that particular song. He says that I'll play the song and then we'll read the cash box. So with regards to Devil Inside, Cashbox said that the band uses a day tripper-like guitar sound and riff under a sultry, breathy voice to get the point across. Really?
Starting point is 01:27:03 I thought I'd just play a little Beatles on our way out. But yeah, NXS, I don't think we give them enough love on this show. No, you're right. He actually is not one of the bands that really resonates out loud, but they're a phenomenal band. I think you talked at one point, well, last year you talked about Kick Inside, I mean about that album as well. And like what a great album it was. I don't remember. Maybe because I mean it was such a big part of my life when I was like 12, 13.
Starting point is 01:27:26 Yeah, sure. 13, 14. And so many good songs on it. And I will say Custom, whose real name is Dwayne LaVold and he's no longer with us, shout out to Ridley Funeral Home, but he directed a movie starring Michael Hutchins just before Michael Hutchins died.
Starting point is 01:27:41 And this movie is called Limp. And I think he might be, I don't think it ever got a proper release there was some like legal issues or something but I did have many conversations with custom about the the state of mind that Michael Hutchins was in when he was filming limp really but Hutchins kind of got a little bit of like that that frontman charisma that jagger esque swagger very handsome a lot of charisma kind of a perfect front man for in excess for sure all right who's up next Robbie Proust yeah
Starting point is 01:28:19 you want to say anything before I play um this was the second this this song and the exorcist theme were the two that jumped into my head immediately. Alright, let's a nice one. That's a nice one. That's a nice one. Crystal ball on the table, showing the future the past. Same cat with them evil eyes, and I knew it was a spell she cast. She's just a devil woman with evil on her mind. Beware the devil woman, she's gonna get you. She's just a devil woman with evil on her mind. Beware the devil woman. She's gonna get you from behind.
Starting point is 01:29:44 Rob, did you ever date a devil woman? No. Did you marry one? No. They might be listening. That's right. Um, this is Cliff Richard, 1976, devil woman. Big hit, right? Yeah, it was a huge hit. And it was written by this guy, Terry Britton, who also wrote the song for Tina Turner. What's love got to do with it? Which is crazy. Wow. Um, but for cliff in, in 76, he was already like 36 years old. He, you know, he had a hit since the fifties. So this was a bit of a comeback. Okay. Mind you in England, he's like, what do they call it? He's like the, the top selling British, he's the top selling artist behind Elvis and the Beatles. Wow. Really? Yeah. Wow. In
Starting point is 01:30:20 England, I see the name everywhere. I know. I couldn't tell you a Clifford. Just like, yeah, yeah. Yeah. I'm a Bob. Yeah. Yeah. I was thinking as I'm playing this because you know, you just sent me a link and I make an MP3 and I look it up, but I'm listening. I'm like, who sings this again? Yeah, I see the name all the time. And I'm like, I know. Would you say that in the movie, um, uh, the, the Christmas movie, um, the British one with, oh my God. Oh yeah, with Keira Knightley. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Love Actually. Love Actually.
Starting point is 01:30:48 Would you say that the rock star is kind of based on Cliff Richard? Oh, I don't know actually. That's a good idea. I kind of thought that before, because I thought he's coming back and trying to, He seems more like a Rod Stewart kind of guy. I don't even know what Cliff Richard looks like.
Starting point is 01:31:02 Like, can you picture, Bob, right now, can you picture Cliff Richard? No, no, I'm looking at his phone. Because I'm now closing my eyes to picture Cliff Richard looks like. Like can you picture Bob right now? No, no, I'm looking at his phone. Because I'm now closing my eyes to picture Cliff Richard. Yeah. And I get, for some reason, I get, who's the guy that died from Metallica? Isn't he a Cliff? Yes, Cliff Burton. Cliff Burton. I get Cliff Burton in my head when I hear Cliff Richard.
Starting point is 01:31:18 That's so funny. I get Keith Richards in my head. I'm an idiot. I get Cliff Huxable. There you go. I'm an idiot. I get clip-huxable. There you go. I want to talk to you with the viz and the viz
Starting point is 01:31:27 and the jello and the viz and the viz and the viz and the Spanish fly. Sorry. Ahem. Hip to pit pit in the bop, brinin. All right, Cliff Richard. There you go. Yep.
Starting point is 01:31:37 All my good one. I play. Yeah, it's a good one. I don't know a lot of his other songs. Yeah. I only read this. It's so weird and so huge. But here, it's like the tragically hip of, you know, like massive here. This song reminds me of the hip song. Yeah, it's so weird and so huge. But here it's like the tragically hip of,
Starting point is 01:31:45 you know, like this song reminds me of the hip song. That's funny. This might have been his only. I heard you say that. Because if I start it again here. The drumming, because it's so basic, because Johnny Faye's a really good, but Johnny Faye's just like, I like Johnny Faye's drumming, but it's very, you know, meat and potatoes. I'm starting it again. OK, and I'm trying to figure out why I thought it was a song in my head right away. I don't hear a hip yet. Kirkland. No, but that that's right. And the drums.
Starting point is 01:32:20 Is it springtime in Vienna? What is it? It's reminding me of. I've had nothing but bad luck. I'll have to get back to you. OK, but OK, so Devil Woman by Cliff Richard. Is it springtime in Vienna? What is it? It's reminding me of. I'll have to get back to you. Okay. So Devil Woman by Cliff Richard. There you go. Well done. Nice. Now, Bob, this next song, you sent me a link and again, I converted it and then I saw it. Why is it taking so long? Cause it's 22 minutes. It's a compilation of the whole thing. So just play it. We'll just talk. It's what I think it's going to be. I don't think it is. What do you think it's going to be? I'm not going to say, no, say it. No, say it. Sympathy for the devil. No, no, no. But that was in my shortlist. Sympathy for the
Starting point is 01:32:50 devil. And we all Hanson devil went down to Georgia. I was like, not too obvious. I know. I actually had wrote down four songs and sympathy for the devil. Yeah. It comes out. It's a nice version of it. Actually. Nice. Would you call that nice? On the spaghetti incident? I don't know. Didn't they cover a speaking of Satan? Who's who's the swastika on the forehead guy? Charles Manson did it did on the spaghetti. I think a bonus track is like
Starting point is 01:33:19 some to the beach boys. Yeah. So we can. This is just this is from the soundtrack. This weight, what is a much, much maligned movie, I would say. I think some people like it. Some people my favorite sin vanity.
Starting point is 01:33:37 This is the devil's advocate with Keanu Reeves and Al Pacino. This is the music. This is the music by James Newton Howard. No way. Yes. So James Newton Howard, also known for some pretty amazing, he did the score for Pretty Woman. He did the score for The Fugitive, The Dark Knight, Batman Begins. You can hear Dark Knight in this. Yeah. Oh yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 01:33:59 He also played Keyboard Thrallton John. Yes. In 1976. So he has been nominated, I don't think he's actually, he's never won the Academy Award for Best Scoria. He's been nominated for Prince of Tides, the Fugitive, Junior, One Fine Day, My Best Friend's Wedding, The Village, Michael Clayton, Defiance and News of the World, and Not One Once. John Williams just taking them all. John Williams is cock blocking him. Yep. John Williams and uh... Who's the guy who did Titanic? James Horner. Horner. Yeah. He's cock blocking him too. Yeah. And what's the guy who does Forrest Gump? Right. He does Six Feet Under too, I think. Oh, who did the... It's a combination. Anyways, this movie came out in 1997.
Starting point is 01:34:45 Big year for me. Ninety seven. Yeah, I'd like to see it again. So this is what I was going to get. Alan Silvestri. Oh, OK. He's the Forrest Gump guy. But the guy I'm thinking of is the guy who did the song from Danny
Starting point is 01:34:57 six feet under Danny Elfman. Danny Elfman also does work. So yes, being the sentence. But hold on. I want to get to turn that down a little bit, actually. So here's so yeah. So Thomas Newman. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 01:35:10 Not to be mixed up with Randy in the family. Same family, though. Yes. So this was one of the first dates my wife and my current wife and I are my current wife. That's a bad sign. No, I mean, she was my girlfriend at the time. She's my wife now is what I meant.
Starting point is 01:35:27 My first wife. This I loved this movie when it came out. Oh my God. I was obsessed with this movie. I think we saw it more than once in the theater. I liked it too. I thought it was great. And so I haven't gone back to watch it yet, but I did go back.
Starting point is 01:35:42 I was going to give you an example of how I think it might go. The other night I was up, I couldn't sleep, and I was like, you know what? I kind of want to watch. I've been thinking a lot about John Woo, the filmmaker who, you know, the killer is this big one, Chow Yun Fat. And he had Hard Target with Van Dam, he had Broken Arrow with Travolta and Slater, and he had Face Off with Nick Cage and Travolta. So I thought, you know what, I'm going to throw, and I loved Face Off, and I loved everything
Starting point is 01:36:12 that he did. I turned it on and I made myself watch it all. It was a piece of garbage. Oh my God, how dumb was I to love that movie? Like I just thought it was the greatest thing ever. And now I'm almost afraid to go back and watch this movie Some movies don't age well, I can't in your mind you feel they're going to yeah. No, I'm a little worried about this one I just Kevin Lomax. He's like he's from Georgia. Yeah, he's the good judge and he's gonna
Starting point is 01:36:37 He's good. He wants to get the but he wants to get the pedophile off at the beginning and anyways, I Loved this movie. Yeah, I loved this movie. I loved this movie. I don't know if I will still love it. And this is the music. This was the soundtrack. That's really cool. That's a cool choice. And maybe it's a little too on the nose.
Starting point is 01:36:54 I feel like- Oh, it's very on the nose. Yes. Although you do get to see Charlie's throw naked. Yeah. Well, so there's that. Honestly, you had me at hello. The best is in Arrested Development when she plays a challenged woman or whatever.
Starting point is 01:37:07 Oh my gosh, she's unbelievable. She's so good. I think that was such a brilliant show, especially those first three seasons. I thought Arrested Development was just so smart and funny. But that storyline involves an FOTM because Dave Thomas. Oh yeah, that's right. As her handler or whatever. She's like, as her handler, whatever, the whatever told British eyes. She's like at the mind of a 13 year old. Yeah. So Michael
Starting point is 01:37:29 Bluth played, played by Jason Bateman, uh, falling for her cause she's dropped it gorgeous, but doesn't realize that like, I didn't realize by speaking of Jason Bateman, I didn't realize that smart lists is no longer a good podcast. Thank you. Uh, wise. But, Oh, it's not, Oh, even,, even Freddie P told me he can't listen anymore. I used to, I loved, I loved the movie. Like when they did the documentary, I thought it was great. I haven't seen it. I haven't seen it. Oh, it's good. But they get like, I always joke that they'll get like Eddie Vedder on smart lists and I'll get Bob Ouellette. Like that's the big difference. I think. Well, I mean, but why did, like, I don't know. I just always thought it was
Starting point is 01:38:02 just for fun. Listen, I don't know. Well thing to knock on it, which I actually can understand is that it's very safe Yeah, oh, yeah, yeah, so they don't get into the typically they don't get any danger zone You know the danger which means you don't get into anything particularly interesting. They were in a bit of a danger zone at Christmas They did a short episode with Conan O'Brien and Conan sort of ran over them in a way which was much more entertaining Yes, yeah, like if you like Conan and you can put up over them in a way, which was much more entertaining. Yeah. Yeah. Like if you like Conan and you can put up with him, it was only like a 20 minute. I love Conan.
Starting point is 01:38:29 I do too. It was like a 20 minute episode and it was really fun. Yeah. So that's Conan Conan. I love Conan's podcast too. Yeah. It doesn't get dangerous, but it gets deeper. Do you know who asked the questions that I'm surprised? Honestly, Stern, Stern, Stern asked questions now that I'm surprised that he does.
Starting point is 01:38:45 And people have forgiven him for all the shit he did before. He wrote that book. Stern asked questions that are like, like you do, Mike. You ask questions that people, I could never sit across from somebody and ask them that question. But you do. I remember loving Howard Stern the first time he did a deep dive with Billy Joel. Yes. And because Billy's such a great conversationalist anyways, but him and Howard together for like 90 minutes, just talking about his songs. Because you need 90 minutes to get the good stuff from Billy
Starting point is 01:39:10 Joel and he doesn't give anyone 90 minutes. That's right. He'll give Howard 90 minutes and then you get something special. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. All right. So let's have a movie night. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:19 I haven't seen Devil's Advocate. I don't think I've seen it. No, no, I'm in mid-sentence. Oh, sorry. I haven't seen Devil's Advocate since the 90s, I want to it. You've never seen it? No, no, I'm in mid-sentence. Oh, sorry. I haven't seen Devil's Advocate since the 90s, I wanna say. What year does this come out? 97. Yeah, it's okay.
Starting point is 01:39:29 And I remembered liking it a lot. Like, I liked it a lot. And I think I saw it multiple times, but I don't think I've seen it since the 90s. So I don't know how it would hold up. I know, I know. We should all watch it. We should watch it.
Starting point is 01:39:39 We'll compare notes. And we'll live stream our thoughts on it. Oh, there we go. Yeah, couldn't we start a watch party or something? Can't you do that now? Look at all these Gen Zers are like, dude, you're so old. Okay. Amazing. So I'm Jen's ears that listen to this podcast. That's right. Yeah. I'm popular
Starting point is 01:39:54 with them. Okay. So you're the big Tik Tok. I wanted to ask you, Bob. So I guess Tik Tok's fine now. Yeah, it's fine. It was fine in Canada all along. Yeah. But then, so now there's all kinds of conspiracy theorists because now all of a sudden it's come back. So it was shut down for like half a day in the States and now it's come back. Donald Trump says he wants to buy half of it off of the Chinese government and a couple things are disappeared from it, including some LGBTQ settings and stuff.
Starting point is 01:40:18 Those are gone as well as, you know, Metta has taken a whole bunch of stuff off as well. It's not a good, today's not a good day. I'll be honest. I don't think, I don't think I don't know. I think on that front He's gonna. I think one of his executive orders will be we only have two genders in this kind of yes We're gonna what did he say we're gonna clean up this transgender mess or something Started here, but no I know I know and then again you can always say oh, yeah Well, not my problem like it's Rob's problem. He's down there, but then he's all this rhetoric.
Starting point is 01:40:48 And I had a pretty good chat last week with Charlie Angus. I loved your chat with Charlie so much. Smart guy. Yeah. Yeah. And he's, he's a cool cat. And he came down here and I only Sunday afternoon, I wrote him and he's in Timmons, James Bay. Like that's a long way. And I wrote him Sunday afternoon.
Starting point is 01:41:03 I'm like, I need to talk to you. Yeah. Yeah. And I want to do it in I'm like, I need to talk to you. And I want to do it in person. He's like, well, how's tomorrow morning? What? He drove down? He drove down. I think he did TVO.
Starting point is 01:41:13 So he was doing stuff here anyway. Oh, he was already, oh, it's funny. He did Payken Show like the next day or something. But he's like, yeah, I could be there Monday morning. That's awesome. He's coming for that or something or whatever. But yeah, cool cat, very interesting episode. Got a lot of traction.
Starting point is 01:41:25 Like a lot of people kind of, cause he talked about Wayne Gretzky and Pierre Poliev. Did you guys watch a Kearney on the daily show? Yes. He was really good. Yep. Well, there you go. Christina Freeland and there's like a bunch of hermlinton MP. Karina, Karina, Karina gold. So those are the three runners. But there's more than that in it. Yeah. Yeah. There's a bunch of them. I like Karina. Karina, Karina Gold. So those are the three front runners. But there's more than that in it, isn't there? Yeah, there's a bunch of them.
Starting point is 01:41:46 I like Karina. I mean, I don't know what the political situation is as far as like- Why be the next one? I know. Because you're not going to win. It's sort of like Kamala Harris taking over for Biden. Yeah, you're not going to win.
Starting point is 01:41:57 As much as I would like, I think we all know our stripes here. But until election night, I thought she was going to win. Like I'm saying, I thought she was going to win. But you, I mean, you heard Stewart, Jon mean you heard Stewart Jones towards it. Don't do it Don't do it run because you're doing it. You saw that he's don't run run, you know run away. Yeah, Karin wait to the next time Yeah, we live in interesting times. Okay, man last jam from me and I got a few obvious bonuses around this but Well I beg your pardon Walk the straight and narrow track If you walk with Jesus He's gonna save your soul You gotta keep the devil Way down in the hole He's got the fire and the fury
Starting point is 01:43:08 At His command Well you don't have to worry If you hold on to Jesus' hand We'll all be saved from Satan when the thunder rolls We just gotta keep the devil way down in the hole This, of course, is Tom Waits. Who else could that be? Tom Waits, Way Down in the Hole, which was on his 1987 album, Frank's Wild Years. It is probably best known as the theme song to my favorite television show of all time. This is the theme song to The Wire. Tom Waits, Way Down in the Hole. There is a song that was influenced, so this song with the same tune now, Way Down in the Hole by Tom Waits, heavily influences another
Starting point is 01:44:16 song you might know. And I'm going to play that for you right now and then I'm going to hit you with a few more, you know, fun facts. It doesn't really sound like Tom Waits to me actually. I guess I can hear that it's him. It's a little higher in the air. It's not quite as gravelly. Yeah, that's what it is. But I don't know any other singer this could be.
Starting point is 01:44:33 I thought maybe it was like an old black- I thought like a 20s blues guy or something. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. That's what I thought. All right, here's a song heavily influenced by this very jam Down in the hole Yo, you had it so sound like the bass almost continued to true
Starting point is 01:44:58 Yeah, that's right You can walk to the edge of town and go across the track Where the viaduct looms like a bird of doom As it shifts and cracks Where secrets lie Across the square, across the bridge, Across the mills, across the stacks On a gathering storm comes a tall handsome man In a dusty black coat with a red right hand And hold Way down in the hole Name that artist, Rob Bruce. Nick Cave. Nick Cave in the Bad Seeds.
Starting point is 01:45:47 Absolutely. Red Right Hand from 1994. Wow. Super cool. So you go. No, uh, also a little inspired by Jim Morrison. Just a touch. Just a touch. He's just got that sound. It's amazing. Like when you've got the sound and you sort of can't help it, right? That's what you do. There's a lot of Chopin's music in this movie I watched yesterday, A Real Pain. And fun fact, the same cemetery where you can find Jim Morrison's grave in Paris, my wife and I went to see that.
Starting point is 01:46:16 We also saw many other greats in that same cemetery, including Chopin. I was there too. I've been there. Yeah. Okay, Yep. Okay. Parochais. There's actually like and then like some some pretty interesting artists to impression a couple impressionists in there like yeah. Edith Piaf is in there. Yes. I found the grave of George Méliès who was a French
Starting point is 01:46:39 filmmaker in the like late 1890s, 1900s like he used to do like really cool short films with a lot of special effects and stuff. Really, really interesting. But I found his grave, I was super excited. Yeah, that cemetery's really interesting to walk in. Well, you know Oscar Wilde is in there. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 01:46:58 Yeah, that's crazy. Yeah, Oscar born in Dublin. And yeah, okay. Shout out to Ridley Funeral Home. Shout out to Ridley Funeral Home. Absolutely. So a couple of quick hits here has anyone on this toast recording seen the wire I watched the I've told you this before I want to love it I watched the very first episode and it was a piece of dog shit and the first
Starting point is 01:47:16 episode was so bad well here's the opening of the first episode it's horrible this America man And I have been told it gets better but the first step Most people say the pilots are't good. They're wrong. Okay. This is the Blind Boys of Alabama covering Way Down in the Hole by Tom Waits, which was the theme to the first season. So you get the Blind Boys of Alabama doing season one, then there's five seasons. And then season two is the Tom Waits original. So you get blind boys of Alabama season one. Tom Waits is season two. I'm going to play season three
Starting point is 01:48:12 and you're going to tell me who the artist is. You guys ready? Here we go. I'm gonna go get some water. This is the Neville brothers. Wow. Like a bird. Free. Like a bird on a wire. That's the Neville Bros. Okay, so that's season three. And then season four is not famous as artists.
Starting point is 01:49:11 So we're gonna just play it here. Season four, of course, is all about the education system. of course is all about the education system. So these are Baltimore teenagers that arranged and recorded this version for season four, so no famous artists on this one. I think they went by the name Do-Meiji, but season five, the final season of The Wire, did get another cover of an artist artist and this artist appears in the show So we'll close with his voice What sound was that one like my I got a little tickle in my throat I've been trying to fight I can't like a dog
Starting point is 01:50:03 I've been trying to fight. I can't sound like a dog. You sound different to Rob. I had a little thing a couple days ago. We all have it now. Yeah, I just got over it. But two weeks ago, I remember you. Oh my God. So bad. What did you have two weeks ago? I lost my voice. Yeah. Like literally lost when you got the indie job. That's pretty much I put a whole thing out on my Instagram of me like, it was like, I sounded like I was going through puberty.
Starting point is 01:50:29 It was amazing. It was horrible. Peter Brady. Yeah. And it was just like, I had a chest cold, went into my throat. It was crazy. We should record it outside. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:50:36 Oh, yeah. Mine is too late now. It's great. Two hours later. OK. So do you want to try to guess what artist this is? You can listen and try to guess. Give a hint.
Starting point is 01:50:50 He's in the show. He plays Waylon on the show. He's very good at the show. What's the show called? He had a big hit with a song called, the show's called The Wire. The Wire. He had a big hit with a song called Copperhead Road. Steve Earl.
Starting point is 01:51:04 This is Steve Earlle singing the... Steve Earle acts in this show? Yeah. He's a great character named Waylon who works with Bubs and other people in recovery. He's a recovering alcoholic and fantastic, fantastic fucking show. And it's called The Wire. Yeah. You want to borrow my DVD box set? No, it's okay. I think it's streaming. You'd have to have a DVD player. It's I don't know what they do in the state.
Starting point is 01:51:28 Oh, yeah. HBO. HBO. We have a crave up here. And that's what we do up here. But gentlemen, that's our our devil jam. Very efficient devil made us do it. Well, because I know it's good. Didn't want you to miss you.
Starting point is 01:51:41 I appreciate I got to take my kid to an appointment. Yeah. Amazing. I appreciate it. And then I go all the air. That's amazing. I can't believe you can miss you. I appreciate I got to take my kid to an appointment. Yeah. Amazing. I appreciate it. And then I got all the air. That's amazing. I can't believe I can't be on real radio. Well, six tonight, six p.m. I'll be listening every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, six p.m.
Starting point is 01:51:52 after Atlanta Gay. Amazing. Yep. Who's after you? Nobody. Music. Robin, I can have a show. Yeah, sure. You're willing to do it for free like you do. Welcome to radio. If you're willing to do it for free like you do, I'm a practically welcome to radio, but you're happy. Somebody was asking me what's going on. Oh, it was a Anthony Petrucci from
Starting point is 01:52:12 Palma Foss. It says what's going on above? Well, that's nice. Yeah. And I said, I don't think he's ever been happier. I'm so happy doing it on air shift. So happy. And I just, I, the way I look at it is I got like five breaks an hour. So I can talk as long as I want. I usually talk for anywhere between one and two minutes, maybe a little bit more. So five breaks an hour, four hour show, 20. That's 20 occasions for me to try to entertain people.
Starting point is 01:52:36 And every time I turn on the mic, that's all I'm trying to do, make people either laugh or think or something. I just, it's so good. But you're not trying to make them cry. No, sometimes. You are sometimes? Well, I'm not. You guys don't play. But you're not trying to make them cry. No, sometimes. You are sometimes? Well, I'm not, I'm not.
Starting point is 01:52:47 You guys don't play sad songs. How about this, make them feel. Feel. Feel is good. I just want an emotional reaction to what I'm saying. Yeah. And if I do something and you get no reaction, then I'm not doing my job.
Starting point is 01:52:57 Yeah. Six to six to 10? Six to 10, one day Tuesdays, Wednesdays. Is that Eastern time, Bob? Eastern time zone, yes. I'm putting it in my calendar. You guys are gonna watch a royal pain, a real, a real pain on the movie we're talking about. Yeah. It's streaming some Disney.
Starting point is 01:53:10 I thought we were going to watch. I know you can see both. It's only 90 minutes. Hey, what do we do it next time? February. Did you want to do a romantic Valentine's Day jam? It depends when we record. Oh, right. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. That's up to Robert. Well, that Nick Cave song. I just realized cause I saw Jeremy Hopkins writing about it,
Starting point is 01:53:29 but that's actually used as the theme song to peaky blinders. Oh yeah. Somebody mentioned that. Right. I've never seen peaky blinders. Now peaky blinders. That's a show. I heard it's really good. My wife's so good. All right. Look, some people are peaky blinders people. Some are the wire. I will watch them. I gotta watch them probably hate both I will I'll try to watch it. I want to I like it. It's fun. It's a it's a great show I mean, you know, the Sopranos is a great show six feet under is a great show and these are all great HBO shows Aren't you glad I gave you a long verse in this? Yeah, I need it today. So you can keep talking I need it today. Good, right? Everybody had a good time in the live. Was this you doing this? Oh, nice.
Starting point is 01:54:06 This goes on and on. It's very good. This is an instrumental version. Oh, nice. And then does he hit you? Do you hit the full version at some point to or what are you doing? I don't know. I always play the whole thing. And then there's Easter eggs in a moment, but I got to talk really fast to tell you that this and what do I say? Oh, yeah. And that and that. And this and that. This and that. You. And that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, this and that. You can deal with this or you can deal with that. And that brings us to the end of
Starting point is 01:54:29 our 1,617th show. Go to for all your Toronto Mike needs. Go follow me on Blue Sky and at Much love to those who made this possible. That's Great Lakes Brewery, Palma Pasta,, Building Toronto Skyline, and Ridley Funeral Home. See you all tomorrow when Karen Bliss... There's a name for you. Karen Bliss makes her Toronto mic'd debut. Shadow to Elfie's Apacosta. If you're going to get pizza, get it at Palma Pasta. Not from these guys.
Starting point is 01:55:12 Who wrote this song? I'm going to comment on all these strings. Romantic traffic. I'm crushing your head. I'm the chicken lady Fucking love that. Oh I was at the John Candy Theatre to see Bob The newest book from Paul Myers. Oh, yeah, you wrote the book on kids in the hall junkies on John Candy. Yes

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