Toronto Mike'd: The Official Toronto Mike Podcast - Toronto Mike'd #144

Episode Date: November 25, 2015

Mike and Elvis are joined by the guy who hosts the Toronto Mike'd podcast and many important issues of the day are discussed. There's talk of calendar invitation etiquette, the incoming methadone clin...ic in the neighbourhood, Elvis's appearance on Cash Cab, a review of recent guests and much, much more.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to episode 144 of Toronto Mic'd, a weekly podcast about anything and everything, often with a distinctly Toronto flavour. I'm Mike from and joining me this week is Starbucks fan Elvis. Welcome Elvis. Finally you have a decent guest on your show. I haven't introduced him yet. Let's wait for his turn. Burn. Nice.
Starting point is 00:00:52 You feel the burn. How's it going? A long time no see. It has been a long time. So do you want to get comfy on that mic or are you going to keep doing that? No, I'm going to probably keep doing that. It's going to break your back. I just because I feel like I when the bozo to my right speaks, No, I'm going to probably keep doing that. It's going to break your back. Because I feel like when the bozo to the Marriott speaks,
Starting point is 00:01:07 I need to be able to look at him. So I can't be right up on the mic. Okay, I'm going to introduce that bozo in a minute. Andrew Stokely says I should get the swing mic things, like you screw them in. Yes. Yeah. They're going to cost me over $100 each or whatever.
Starting point is 00:01:22 I'm just saying why I haven't done it. There's cost issues. But when I have those, that means you can lean back. That would be a nice addition. You know, so I met Stokely. You met Stokely? I did.
Starting point is 00:01:35 I met Stokely, and he was producing Shitty Sound for the Canadian Curling Championships in Oshawa. And I went in his truck and saw where the magic happens. I was in his truck at the Skydome. He couldn't get, he broke the phone line a few times.
Starting point is 00:01:53 There was no dial tone. I'm not really sure he knows what he's doing. I was afraid of that because he did orchestrate this setup here. Right. And these are pretty shitty microphones because, you know, everyone comes in and then they always talk around over here and you can't hear them. But when they're on the mic, it's magic. Right.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Like my fantastic guest last night who knew how to stay on that mic and sounded great. Well, you know what the interesting part is, is that you tell people and then they still don't do it. I guess it's just a habit. No one hears this, and I will very soon introduce the handsome guy to you, right? But we have a talk before I record. Every single episode, we have a talk. You've got to be right on it.
Starting point is 00:02:37 If you come off, it's no good. You've got to be right on it. In every episode, I have to remind them on the mic. You know what? It's probably just a habit of them actually using real mics. Do you know? Did I ever tell you what these mics cost? You have.
Starting point is 00:02:51 You tell many of your guests on the air how much they cost. You do. You're very proud of your microphones. How much one microphone? Not the stand. Okay? Not the cabling. All right.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Fine. Just the microphone. What do you think it costs me for one microphone? Just throw me a number. No one is saying they're not good microphones. What I'm saying is that they're not the same microphones that are in the radio station. Norm Wilner records his whole podcast with like a $125 thing he sticks on the table. Each of these mics are $330.
Starting point is 00:03:17 Oh my goodness. Think about that. Digest that. All right. Do you know that even though I can create this audio myself and I can write my XML on my website and share this to iTunes and everywhere myself, there's a part of the podcasting puzzle I need help with. Do you know this MP3 file has to be hosted somewhere on the World Wide Web? Sure. You know what, Elvis?
Starting point is 00:03:45 I'm so excited. The company that hosts this MP3 file is owned? Is it owned? He's nodding. Wow. I went straight to the top. I want to introduce Ian Service. That's me, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:03 And if you were like the guy on 90210, Steve Sanders. Who played Steve Sanders on 90210? Ian Zering. If he was Ian Service, you could have the slogan, Ian Service, I am at your service. That could be your line. Holy moly. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:04:21 A little reachy. Why is this happening? Why did I even bother coming back? I needed a coffee. I in service. I am at your service. Holy moly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:33 This is gold. I got to get a card printed. This is gold, people. Ian, it's a pleasure to have you. We've been trying to get you on for a long time. A long time, yeah. On an Elvis episode when no one's listening. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Exactly. I'm not even E-list. I'm like, you know. Wow very long time, yeah. On an Elvis episode when no one's listening. Yeah, right. Exactly. Right, exactly. I'm not even E-List. I'm like, you know. Wow. You dust this place really well. J-List.
Starting point is 00:04:51 But you're important to me because, and so quickly, what do you own and what do you guys do in the lovely, snowy town of Guelph? So we have a-
Starting point is 00:04:59 You drove in from Guelph for this bullshit? I sure did, yeah. Holy moly. Mr. North Osh, it's probably the same. I know, but I'm just going to work.
Starting point is 00:05:06 He like, okay. Judging by that mustache, you're filming your porno next door. Hey, how much have you raised for a good car? $36, I think. Very nice. That is respectable. Ian, please continue. So we have a cluster of servers and a ton of storage,
Starting point is 00:05:23 and we're hosting some podcasts for some local individuals and or we also do like mom and pop hosting so we uh like instead of the amazon model where you get your server and you got to know what you're doing and run with it we we try and like hold your hand a little bit and get you all set up and you know like a lot of small businesses if i needed to talk to the guy who owns amazon that's a pain in the ass to get him on the phone. But if I need to talk to you, I invite you to my home. Here you are. That's right.
Starting point is 00:05:49 Schedule a podcast. Are these servers in your home, like Mike's podcast studio? We're in a data center. They're in a bunker? We've got redundant power, redundant air conditioners, everything. It's fantastic. Yeah, you haven't lost an episode yet.
Starting point is 00:06:02 No, never. They're all still there. No. Heaven forbid we would lose a fucking episode of this. I actually have an issue, and it's not an I in service. I've now decided you should be I in service. Oh, great. It's not an I in service issue. It's a Chrome.
Starting point is 00:06:13 I have an issue of Chrome on older episodes when only in Chrome, I know the file URL is correct, and I know it's there, and it's fat, and it's got, I don't know, two hours to it. It'll play like two seconds of it if I stream it from the website in Chrome. Really? Yeah. And I've noticed it for a long time and now I've been digging. No, it's not new. Have you tried lately? Because I upgraded some stuff. Yeah, I did try yesterday.
Starting point is 00:06:35 As recently as yesterday. Any other browser it's fine. In newer episodes it doesn't seem to happen for some reason. That's weird. Yeah, there's some weird strange bug and it's because I use HTML5 for the player. It's the simplest thing ever. And it should just work, right? Yep.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Now, if it's a long... And it's not just long episodes. Sometimes my Blue Jay songs, my old Blue Jay songs will do the same thing. They're like four minutes. Interesting. So what I've built for the podcast service, I've got a caching system set up in front.
Starting point is 00:07:02 So that way you can have millions upon millions of clicks and i do per per hour per second and uh it can serve out that data no problem because we have tons you're really fucking selling here you can have millions of clicks mike huh millions of clicks per minute how many times is mary gonna fucking click on your podcast to get up to no mary oh my mom i Come on. Yes, Mary. I thought you were going to take another shot at Liz, since that seems to be your gear. No, I don't take shit. One time I did. You're on your shit list.
Starting point is 00:07:33 She favorites some things I tweet. Okay, she's warming up to it. I don't have a problem with Liz. She just thought I was making fun of her for her fucking boots. So I have a... That's right. The boots I wore today. That's right.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Because I don't have to tie them up. That's my favorite part of them. They're the best boot. I don't... That's right. The boots I wore today. That's right. Because I don't have to tie them up. That's my favorite part of them. It's convenient. I don't care what she said. I walked to daycare with Ian today. That's very sweet. So you held Jarvis' hand and then... I pushed him in a stroller and I held Ian's hand.
Starting point is 00:07:58 Gotcha. So thank you, Ian, for coming. And so like if somebody out there... I have people listening who have their own podcast. If they're struggling with this hosting thing what website should they go to this is called a plug oh a plug okay go to and then uh click on the contact form and fill it out and we'll get back to you what is the ts stand for uh my original company name back in the day was tweaked solutions and so the problem is you say tweaked solutions to someone from China when they're trying to create your account
Starting point is 00:08:26 with their vendor, and they're like, tweak, tweak. What is this? Like, they don't even know the word. So now it's just TS2. Everyone can spell three letters. Okay, so your company name is TS2.
Starting point is 00:08:38 And is TS2 the number two or the spelling of two? It actually was like TS to the power of two, but that's too complicated for most people. You've lost me, man. Give me your phone number, man. You're fucking marketing 101 over here. This is amazing. So TS the number two.
Starting point is 00:08:56 Correct. Dot CA. Can I attack Elvis now? So this particular recording, Elvis sends me a calendar invite. To your own home? To my personal Gmail address. So it automatically goes into Google Calendar, and I swear by Google Calendar.
Starting point is 00:09:14 I see it there. But before he had sent the calendar invite, I had already created an entry in my Google Calendar about this episode. So I have this entry for early morning, whatever this is, Wednesday. And now his comes in. i just i don't do i don't click no i delete his entry in google calendar okay you guys all with me i'm on the same so i only have one when i created fine then yes google decides to because they're smart they're like hey you invited someone to a meeting. They chose not to respond in the affirmative or the negative or the tentative, but they took one step further and just said,
Starting point is 00:09:51 fuck you, and deleted the calendar invite. So they're actually telling you that. Yeah. Very nice. So I get an email saying, Mike Boone says, fuck you. Cool. That's a paraphrase. So then I'm like, okay,
Starting point is 00:10:01 we're obviously not recording on Wednesday. So he doesn't text me or all the many channels to communicate with me. He doesn't go, oh, we're off for Wednesday? No. That automatic email from Google becomes his gospel. This podcast has been canceled. He makes other plans. So you're coming in.
Starting point is 00:10:19 So I'm like, hey. I never made other plans. Okay, but your plan was not to come here. Correct. All right. That's what I mean. So then Ian's coming in. So I just give him a courtesy heads up. FYI, there's a stinky guy who's going to be on the microphone with you.
Starting point is 00:10:31 You're going to have to smell a new odor. And he's like, well, I'm not coming because you said no. And I'm like, well, I didn't say no. So here we are. So Ian, since you're a technically savvy guy, you own companies that can't be pronounced in China, I need you to tell me, where in the world would a calendar deletion system
Starting point is 00:10:51 trump human-to-human communication? It's ridiculous. I think that's why Google canceled the calendar social network. They got rid of that as a battle plan. I saw the movie. Google Plus. So it's ridiculous that he would cancel it based on that well you're on my side is what you're saying i don't think this i don't think this has anything to do with technology i just think this has maybe this
Starting point is 00:11:14 is more of an etiquette right it's like hey you deleted a calendar invite for something that we had but you got a system email no one's gonna blow you up like we had arranged verbally okay we're doing it this time done Done. Done deal. See you there. No, it's not. Yeah, well, it was done human to human. Then the system sends the rejection email. It actually was done via Google. That system email never trumps, okay, the system never trumps
Starting point is 00:11:36 the human to human communication. Always does. You need to follow up and say, so we're off? And then I'll say, yep, we're off, buddy, and I blew you off through the system. That's how little I care about you. The follow-up is you deleted the calendar invite. That's the calendar invite.
Starting point is 00:11:49 That's the follow-up. You're as wrong about this as you were about the Pan Am Games. So in the future. Yeah, because we're still talking about how amazing those Pan Am Games were. Well, the Blue Jay thing, we had so many fevers in a row.
Starting point is 00:11:58 Sure, yeah. You can only handle so many fevers in a row before you die. Yeah, okay. You get the chills. Sure. All right, Charlie.
Starting point is 00:12:04 What would you do for getting Price here? Come on, you'd give him a back rub. You'd give him a big kiss on the chills. Sure. All right, Charlie. What would you do for getting price here? Come on, you'd give him a back rub, you'd give him a big kiss on the lips. I saw you on that website. What? You know the website, what people will do to get price here? Like my mom will make them lasagna. Anyway, enough of that.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Okay, so you're with me. Thank you. So in the future, to avoid any of this kind of backlash, I guess you're going to have to accept his calendar item, delete your own, rename it maybe. No, I've learned a valuable lesson to this experience. I'm a better man. I know that you're an asshole and I have to treat you like a robot. It makes sense to me that we have a mutual electronic connection via our calendars that we're both going to show up. And so what you could have done, if you don't want to have multiple,
Starting point is 00:12:48 is that because your calendar invite was just sitting there as a placeholder that wasn't connected to anyone else's system, you would delete yours and not the one that... Yeah, in the future, I will delete mine. I didn't realize it was going to send you a rejection letter. Crazy motherfucker. Look, I'm not starting the show again. Don't get scared. Because I need to talk quickly about this guy, really quickly.
Starting point is 00:13:04 I've mentioned the composer of this song, Ian Service. I'm just kidding. What? Ill Vibe. Ill Vibe, who's a local rapper, producer, videographer, whatever. He does lots of cool things like that. This is his work. I use it for every episode.
Starting point is 00:13:18 It's my theme. When I walk into restaurants or parties, this plays like the Imperial March. Okay? I just wanted to say that uh although i know you weren't watching because you're normal people canada's smartest person had their finale on sunday night at eight o'clock on cbc did you know this pretend you knew it okay this guy ill vibe was a finalist as one of the smartest people in canada correct wow guy, yeah, this guy was a finalist for Canada's Smartest. But he didn't win.
Starting point is 00:13:47 He did not win. Who won? A chick. I don't remember her name. A chick. Nice. Memorable. But this guy, his real name is Anthony.
Starting point is 00:13:54 Anthony's his first name. Are you allowed to say that out loud? Was he on the show? I went to the website and his face had Anthony under it. Gotcha. So he's definitely Bill D'Atena. So you're not noting him. But in the bio it says he's known as Ill Vibe.
Starting point is 00:14:05 So this is mainly just to say that, hey, this amazing theme song was by a guy who was a finalist in Canada's Smartest People. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:14:12 So he's smart in books as well as music. I never watched the show. I don't know. I don't know. I've never seen a minute of this
Starting point is 00:14:18 fucking show. Have you? I see the promos once in a while because I watch a lot of CPC, but I see it during the hockey game or
Starting point is 00:14:23 something. I've never seen a minute of Canada's Smartest Person, and I have no desire to watch a minute, even with a friend in it. Wow. And this is a good segue. That says a lot. What? Cash cab. Why are you touching me?
Starting point is 00:14:35 Cash cab. Because you've never sat there where I could touch you before. Don't touch me. Live it up. Ian, do you ever see this cash cab? I've heard of it, but I have never watched it. You've never stumbled upon it? I don't have live TV anymore.
Starting point is 00:14:47 It seems as though people watch a lot of Cash Cab. Because I was on it many, many years ago. Cool. And even to this day. So I've been married to Mrs. Elvis for, let's say, seven years. And I think it was like three days before my wedding that we filmed it. And I still get people today texting me and emailing me when the episode's on. Wow.
Starting point is 00:15:09 Like the same people? It was actually on Air Canada at one point in time. Really? The in-flight entertainment system. Wow. And that episode. So like I was on there with a friend of mine and both of us will get messages saying, hey, I just saw you on Cash Cab.
Starting point is 00:15:23 I'm like, yeah, that's a long time ago. Very cool. Horrible. Do you get residuals? Nothing. We won nothing. They kicked us out of the fuckable cabin in Chinatown. We had to get our own cab back to work.
Starting point is 00:15:33 Do you have any ill words? That's my new word, ill. Do you have any ill words for Adam Groh, host of Cash Cab? He was nice. You know what? That is a really tough job for him because the way that the show looks on TV, it seems as though he asks you a question and then you answer the question. Very, very seamless. But he is actually driving that cab. You know what the show looks like?
Starting point is 00:15:54 Yeah, I know. I've heard an interview with him. He's actually had to get a cab license. Yeah, so he had to get a cab license. We talked to him about that. But he's actually driving, so he can't read a script. a cab license we talked to him about that but he's actually driving so he can't like you know read a script so he's got a near piece in and the producers are following in another car and they're telling him what to say but he's also trying to drive so it's not like okay here's the question and they give you the entire question you actually get the question in piecemeal like a few words at a time and then they go ahead and stitch it together in editing wow so they'll give you the the question and then they also give it to you, you know, in real time or like off the air kind of thing so that you can actually understand it. It's a very, very difficult job, I would imagine, for him because he's doing all sorts of things at the same time.
Starting point is 00:16:38 And so it's really, really just and then the phone a friend like that's like, you know, it appears as though it happens right away. It doesn't. The ask someone on the street for help. It took us probably a good 15 minutes to find someone that would actually do it and sign paperwork to be on TV. Like it was just a really long process to film. I sent like there's two games in a half an hour. So what? Like it's maybe total airtime of 11 minutes or something.
Starting point is 00:17:03 Wow. It's an elaborate gig for him. So I've got mad respect. Mad. Listen to me. I've got ill respect. I've got ill respect for the host. What's his name? Adam Groh. Yeah, he was a nice guy.
Starting point is 00:17:17 Do you know why I'm bringing this up? He's going to be on the show. He's coming in Saturday. Right on. There you go. Big time guest for Toronto Mike. You can tell him. I was on the first season, I think, of the Canadian Cash Cab, and we got dick all. So they picked us up at Young & Bloor and drove us around, and we lost, and they kicked us out in Chinatown, and that was it. Oh, that's funny.
Starting point is 00:17:39 Not a fucking... They don't even do kick you out, though. Wow. Yeah, nothing. So we had to get our own cab to go back to fucking work. Not even like a gift card for a free meal? Nothing. Wow.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Not a punch in the face? That's amazing that you got nothing. Nothing. Do they have like a cash Uber? That would be a novelty. As a sponsor. There's an Uber system that actually requires you to only pay cash. That could be a sponsor.
Starting point is 00:18:05 I'll talk to him. No credit cards. No app, no credit card. All right, cool. So I wanted to hear about your experience before I talk to Adam. He's a nice guy. He's going to quiz me on Saturday. He'll be like Elliot Freeman, though.
Starting point is 00:18:14 He won't remember me. I'm going to just say this. There's an ugly guy in your first season. He's going to go, oh, I remember that guy. My buddy was wearing this bright yellow t-shirt and a black leather vest. It looked like he was totally working Remingtons that night. It was pretty awesome.
Starting point is 00:18:32 My favorite part of my Elvis podcast is coming up. I'm going to run down the episodes you missed, and you'll do a quick... And you can each do a quick like... Do you listen to the shitty show? Occasionally, yeah. Got to make sure it's streaming properly. Elvis? Do you listen to this shitty show? Occasionally, yeah. Got to make sure it's streaming properly. That's right.
Starting point is 00:18:48 Do you use Chrome? Got to make sure my company is still online. Numeric 2. Have you ever gone offline? Oh, no. No? So do you say that you have 99.999% uptime?
Starting point is 00:19:01 Or do you just say 100%? I don't even bring it up. It's not even relevant. They don't ask, I'm not going to tell. If you need to ask how much this car costs, you can't afford it. It's like gay people in the military. Don't ask, I'm not going to tell.
Starting point is 00:19:16 I'm going to just run down in the order. So the last episode you were on was David Alter's episode. How would I tell you the ones that I would, that I want to listen to? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go through them, I'll tell you. So Ian, would want to listen to? Go through them. Ian, did you hear the David Alter episode? No, I did not.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Great episode. That's the last time I used three microphones. What episode was that? I don't have the numbers. We're at 144 now, right? 143. 144 is Mike Toth, who I thought was going to call Mike Toth.
Starting point is 00:19:44 You know why? The guy who played, remember Law and Order? Who's Mr. Big? Yes. Yes. Yes. His name is Chris Noth.
Starting point is 00:19:52 Noth. Noth. Noth. Mike Toth. Is Mike Toth like Noth? It's Toth, isn't it? I think it's Noth. Mike Toth?
Starting point is 00:20:01 Toth. I don't fucking know. Does Wikipedia have his pronunciation on his entry there? I mean, I've seen him on TSN a million times. I have no idea how he pronounced his last name. Because he was on CFRB, right? That's where he just got let go from?
Starting point is 00:20:11 We're supposed to call it News Dog 1010. The brand new police are here. Whatever. CFRB. The Mighty 1010. Call letters. He was part of the Bell Media. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:20:19 Real quick. Bell Media did a bunch of cuts over the last couple of weeks. Like, big time cuts. Friend of the show Bingo Bob was one victim. I don't know what number his episode was but it was thrilling. You should go back and listen to it. And there were lots of interesting people cut.
Starting point is 00:20:36 A lot of people in Ottawa and out of market but we had a few big names from... It was mostly behind the scenes guys and gals unfortunately, right? Unfortunately, yeah. We will never know their names but they probably worked really hard and did a good job. And that's sad because the guys and gals on the air have name recognition, right, to the general public and probably makes it a little bit easier to find something new. Certainly, you know, guys like Stokely, who are well-known behind the scenes, probably have as, you know, well-known within the industry.
Starting point is 00:21:04 He's too smart to work for like one of the big conglomerates. But at the same time, it's probably still difficult, right? They're not making the big TV movies. I know Bob will do pretty well. He was running Pride FM for a while there. Yeah, but he worked for Evanoff Group. But for less money than you
Starting point is 00:21:20 pay your Filipino programmers. Do you have servers in Guelph? They're in Milton. We have some in Toronto. Spread the load. All in Canada? That's the other thing we can boast that other people can't.
Starting point is 00:21:35 If you're a government organization, you can't host your stuff on Amazon, then you can come to us. Can the NSA listen to my podcasts? No, they can't. They wouldn't want to. They can go to your website and listen Can the NSA listen to my podcasts? No, they can't. Well, I mean, they can. They wouldn't want to. They can go to your website and listen. Why would they?
Starting point is 00:21:47 No one else does. Do you think Sunil Joshi can find another job? I feel like at that age, you're kind of screwed. Like Sunil Joshi's a veteran. He's probably, I don't know, in his 50s. There's probably a home for him in a radio market somewhere. Yeah, maybe in Thunder Bay. Wow.
Starting point is 00:22:01 And Dan Matheson, that guy was there forever. This guy, this Dan Matheson, I've been seeing on TV forever. If I showed you his face... I think a lot of those guys go into consulting. They work with companies to help them figure out what their media strategy should be. As you know from LinkedIn, which you should check out,
Starting point is 00:22:18 it's a very good social media thing. I've heard. In LinkedIn, I know that when somebody's between gigs, like unemployed, they're a consultant. Have you noticed that? No, I hadn't picked up on that. It's code gigs, like unemployed, they're a consultant. Have you noticed that? No, I hadn't picked up on that. It's code. You don't want to say, I'm out of work.
Starting point is 00:22:30 I need a gig. You are a consultant between gigs. I think there's a lot of value to say that you're out of work. I need a gig. You can tell, though, because they're freshly updating their LinkedIn profile. That's right. Although that's a misnomer. Anyway, we don't need to get into social media.
Starting point is 00:22:45 Do you recommend you actually say, I'm out of work. I need a gig. Hire me. I would recommend, as somebody who doesn't know anything about social media strategy, but I know someone very well who does. Does he have a mustache? And I would just say exactly what you're looking for.
Starting point is 00:22:59 Anyway, go through your fucking list of... That'll be another episode of social media strategy. See celebrities. All right, all right. Roger Lajoie. I really want to listen to this oh i like roger a lot and i'm fascinated to hear how it is that he could possibly have as long of a career as he has had without ever being a full-time employee it seems like never he's never been a master of that that's right and that's why the he's been around forever it's him and and And David talked about him in the fact that he is sort of a jack of all trades.
Starting point is 00:23:29 You want him to call a baseball game, a football game, a hockey game. Dude, he scores baseball games. Anything. It's an official score for MLB. Cool. Yeah. He's amazing. Very cool.
Starting point is 00:23:41 Ian, what are your thoughts on Roger Lajoie? I don't know who he is. Okay. I like the honesty over there. You know what? But that's it. I will take that as, if I'm Roger, I would take that as a compliment because he is a broadcaster.
Starting point is 00:23:54 He's one of those actors where you don't know his name. You probably would never be able to pick him out of a lineup, but you see him in a movie and you're like, hey, I remember that guy. That guy's really fucking good. So if you heard him, I bet you would know who he was. I got a good year for that, actually. Like, if it's somebody I've heard do anything, I'm like, that guy's that guy. Well, actually, to be more accurate, you hear him and you're like,
Starting point is 00:24:11 I don't hate this guy. It's like, I don't hate this guy. And you're probably also like, I've heard that. There's no way that you couldn't have heard this guy before if you like sports. Wait, do you like sports? I'm not a huge sports guy. That's probably why. That explains everything. Why is he here? I don't know. That's probably why. That explains everything. Why is he here? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:24:27 He's hosting the fucking show, Elvis. Come on. To drop it. We're this close to being Toronto Mike brought to you by T2. What did it say to him? T2. He's got it. I know him as like a goat guy.
Starting point is 00:24:37 Yeah, Credible Goat. Can I call you Credible Goat? Sure. What? Yeah. Credible Goat. When I email him, I sometimes. Yeah. That's how I know I'm Credible Goat guy. I love Credible Goat. All when I email him I sometimes yeah that's how I know I'm Credible Goat guy
Starting point is 00:24:45 I love Credible Goat alright Roger Lishwa by the way for a guy who really wants to hear Roger Lishwa's episode it's been freely available to you for over a month it's on my phone
Starting point is 00:24:54 it's on my phone it's ready to go fucking iPhones Eric Smith remind me to tell you why I haven't listened to it tell me now because I have a
Starting point is 00:25:03 no but go through the fucking list okay fine Eric Smith why listen to it Mr. No Sports has Because I have a... No, but go through the fucking list. Okay, fine. Eric Smith. Why listen to it? Mr. No Sports has to ignore these. All right.
Starting point is 00:25:08 Do you know who Eric Smith is? No. Oh. Sorry. I really like Eric Smith. I'm a big fan and it's on my phone to listen to.
Starting point is 00:25:15 Is that a big guest? Because you were criticizing my guest. Big guest. That is a huge guest. He's a play-by-play guy for the Toronto Raptors. Oh, I know.
Starting point is 00:25:21 Big guest. He was in a Roots ad with me on Father's Day. Oh, fuck. It's a true story. Which I wouldn't do for free. They had to buy me these pants. Oh, I know. Big guest. He was in a Roots ad with me on Father's Day. It's a true story, which I wouldn't do for free. They had to buy me these pants.
Starting point is 00:25:29 True story. So Eric Smith, you're two for two in episodes you're going to listen to. Yep. Now, I'm worried about this one because it was very time sensitive. During the height of Blue Jays fever, Mike Wilner came in.
Starting point is 00:25:40 Of course, yeah. I like Mike. We had a great chat. It was really of the moment. I miss that. I miss not being able to listen to a great chat. It was really of the moment. I miss that. I miss not being able to listen to that one live. I was looking forward to that one. It would have fueled your fever.
Starting point is 00:25:50 For fuck's sake. It would have. So you will listen. You're three for three. And he's O for three. Three for three. He's not a sports guy. Do you know who Mike Willner is?
Starting point is 00:25:59 I've heard the name. All right. There we go. There we go. One for three. I'm fascinated by your lack of sports knowledge. The fact that he knows Mike Willner. But he is from Guelph. Do they get Toronto Radio in Guelph? Mike Willner. All right. There we go. There we go. One for three. I'm fascinated by your lack of support. The fact that he knows Mike Wilmer. But he is from Guelph.
Starting point is 00:26:06 Do they get Toronto Radio in Guelph? Mike Wilmer. Fuck you. I've been there once. He said this about Oshawa too. I drove. No, Oshawa. Yeah, well, they got The Rock in Oshawa.
Starting point is 00:26:15 They got everything in Oshawa. And The Rock. And Laurie Ann. Yeah, 94.9. And the program director at The Rock gave me his Wii, which sounds dirty, but it's not. Seriously. 34.9. And the program director at The Rock gave me his Wii, which sounds dirty, but it's not. Seriously, the program director at The Rock dropped by my house and dropped off his old Wii so my daughter and I could play Mario Kart. Very nice.
Starting point is 00:26:33 That's a true story. Come on. Doug Elliott, I believe, is his name. Kelly Catrera came on after Wilner. I think that's a good guest. Not interested, myself personally. What about Handsome One over here? I think that's a good guest.
Starting point is 00:26:42 Not interested, myself, personally. What about handsome one over here? So Kelly, for me, is like, she was a guest on the Humble and Fred show for like a year, almost, I think. And I would definitely listen. But it's one of those things, like, as soon as she was like, stepped out, she didn't want anything to do with them. That was kind of weird. She thought it was, she's older than me.
Starting point is 00:27:03 That's not the question. She is very attractive. All right. Yeah. She's like, she. That's not the question. She is very attractive. She has a hot name. When I hear the name you know how you group people up quickly? You're the good looking people, you're the ugly people and you're the regular people. I put her in the good looking group. Alright, perfect.
Starting point is 00:27:17 From what I've heard, she has a good looking group as well. She talks about her friends and their fantastical ladies nights and what not. This is Toronto Mike's new world order, apparently. The grouping of people going to the good looking people. You don't do that in a subway? You don't walk in a subway and group people up? The normal looking people.
Starting point is 00:27:30 Those are the three camps. There's going to be three continents. We're just crazy. And all three groups are represented on these microphones right now. All right. Next one. Now, you're a bit old for this. But Adam from 102.1 The Edge, he hosts a show every day on 102.1.
Starting point is 00:27:52 But they skew younger. I would be surprised if you know Adam. Adam Ricard. Honestly, I can't remember the last time I've listened to The Edge. CFNY, sorry. Both are acceptable. It's not on a push button in my car. I never listened at all
Starting point is 00:28:10 when Dean was there either. Really? Yeah, not a fan of CFNY. No, I'm a big fan of Adam's actually. Did you hear the Adam episode? I haven't heard the Adam episode, but I will listen. You guys suck. His full name is Adam Ricard. Does he go by
Starting point is 00:28:25 Adam Ricard? He goes by Adam. He's got a midday. Is he middays? I think he's midday. He's got like a four hour shift every day. I think he did mornings for a little bit in there. After they canned the Blundell show, he went in. Before Fearless Fred went in. And then they brought in the Josie Dye
Starting point is 00:28:41 Diamond and Dye experience. Diamond and Dye, which didn't work. And then they brought back Fearless Fred and Mel. Who's doing the morning show now? Fred. Fred? Okay. Are you still feuding with Fred?
Starting point is 00:28:53 Well, feuding, it was a pretty short feud, but we have it made up because I invited him on and he ignored me. Yeah, there's a feud. Okay, next. I love the guy. I wish him nothing but success. That's not what you said before.
Starting point is 00:29:04 After Adam on 102, no, I love the guy. I wish him nothing but success. But that's not what you said before. After Adam on 102... No, I always said that. After Adam on 102, Christina Walkinshaw, who is a... She's a comedian who might be better known for her Tinder blog, where she goes on Tinder dates and writes all about it, warts and all. Oh, do I know this woman? I don't know if you do. Can you talk about her one time?
Starting point is 00:29:22 But she's had a CTV comedy special. I think I might have talked about her with colleagues at work. So she came on. But that's the episode of all my episodes, 143. That's the one I would like. It wasn't horrible. I listened back. It wasn't bad, but I'm not... You want it back. I want it back because I was so
Starting point is 00:29:37 out of my gourd crazy when I recorded it. And now clearly you haven't heard. Now I want to listen to it. Well, you know that tweet you got from someone wanting your take on the hot legs thing oh yeah yeah the hot legs thing happened just before this recording i don't know what hot legs is yeah i know that i could that's why i didn't respond i didn't know what they were talking about all right let's go through the
Starting point is 00:29:58 maybe later hot legs will come up so uh oh yeah so after Christina Walkinshaw, who is lovely and going to LA to become a big star, Jeff Lumby, who is from the Red Green Show, does a lot of voice stuff. Actually, a fantastic guest with fantastic voice. He does a great Don Cherry. Sounds like a great guest. He was a great guest. He was very entertaining. Did you listen? Okay, so this is the first
Starting point is 00:30:19 time one of you two guys have actually heard an episode of Toronto Mic that we're talking about. Oh, okay, that we're talking about. I was like, I've listened to many. What did you think of Lumbee? He was great, yeah. He's a very genuine person. Great guy.
Starting point is 00:30:31 Yeah, met him at the 25th anniversary of Humble and Fred last year. Yeah, he used to be on the air with Howard in Montreal. They did a morning show there? Well, yeah, they were going to be the Humble and Fred, except Jeff turned it down, and then they decided to make it Humble and Fred. Yeah. So Humble and Fred was almost Humble and Lumbee, whatever they would have called it.
Starting point is 00:30:48 Humble and Jeff. Yeah. After Lumbee, this is going to mean nothing to Mr. No Sports Radio, but Nelson Millman. Top of my list, probably, of all the people you've listed. I don't know how forthcoming he was. I would want to listen to be able to comment to see whether or not it was good. But it's the most intriguing guest.
Starting point is 00:31:09 Very forthcoming a minute after I stopped recording. That's what I would have figured. I got to say, because I had this experience yesterday. The best stuff comes right after you stop recording. Yep. And then they say, here's what I wanted to say when you asked me X. It's not on the record. After Nelson Millman, which got rave
Starting point is 00:31:29 reviews from sports radio fans. Like a history of Toronto sports radio. You really should listen if you care about Toronto sports radio like Ian does. Totally. Norm Willner. So after a Nelson Millman, I did a Norm Willner. Not a Mike Willner. A Norm Willner.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Is this the one you were criticizing earlier? Nope. Casually interested Nelson Millman, I did a Norm Wilner. Not a Mike Wilner, a Norm Wilner. I guess casually interested. Is this the one you were criticizing earlier? Nope, nope. Casually interested only to hear him, no offense to Norm, because I'm a brother and I hate to be compared to my brother, but just to see how similar or different they may be. Very different.
Starting point is 00:32:00 They're actually very different. I would imagine so. But I have brothers and we're all very different too, all of us. You are very different, all of you so. But I have brothers and we're all very different too. All of us. You are very different. All of you. You all have an equal sort of zaniness amongst all three of you. You think Steve has a zaniness? Oh, yeah. Not that zany.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Yeah, there's zaniness in all of you. I call him even Steven. Is his name Steven? Yeah. Is it really? Yeah. His name is Steven. Why can't I remember any of your brothers' names?
Starting point is 00:32:24 The youngest one is Steve. What's the middle one? Ryan. His name is Stephen. Why can't I remember any of your brothers' names? The youngest one is Steve. What's the middle one? Ryan. Oh, my God. I feel like... Ask me who the oldest one is. I've met these guys a million times and I can't remember their names. That's okay.
Starting point is 00:32:34 All right. That's fine. I don't remember your brother's name. I call him Jerry. One of them has... That's right. Most people... My brother looks like Jerry Seinfeld.
Starting point is 00:32:40 Oh, okay. But I also call you Elvis, so I don't know... Stephen is the one who's married to the lovely... Vanessa. Right. I didn't know if we were... Steve is married to Vanessa. She's a lovely woman.
Starting point is 00:32:51 Why is that a secret? Come hunt her down. She's married to my brother. Find me a Vanessa who is lovely. Now. She's lovely. Yeah. You have to say that because you're a survivor.
Starting point is 00:33:02 And we're friends on Instagram. I wouldn't want to lose another follower. You're still cancer-free. I saw it on Facebook. Every year you're cancer-free. I am. Six years now. Thank goodness you got the good cancer. Fuck you. Looking forward to the cake on Christmas Eve.
Starting point is 00:33:16 Stop strangling me. There are no good cancers for the record. Thank you. But some are better than others. Next name, asshole. After Norm Wilner, and I got only one criticism that I spent the first 15 minutes talking about his brother. Only one person, one complaint.
Starting point is 00:33:30 Like, why did you waste 15 minutes talking about Mike? All right. Well, of course I'm going to talk about him. Uh, if I have Jerry on this podcast, I'm going to open the show talking about your brother.
Starting point is 00:33:38 Yeah. Well, please. I talk about what I'm very interested in. Now here's the most recent guest. He, it was only yesterday. I've never recorded back to back like this. Now, here's the most recent guest. It was only yesterday. I've never recorded back-to-back like this.
Starting point is 00:33:47 This is quite a unique thing. Yesterday, I sat down with Ed, also known as Edward Keenan, of the Toronto Star. Is that the one you want to criticize? Let's hear it. Go. This is real talk.
Starting point is 00:34:00 I don't know who that is. Okay. Because you don't care about Toronto City politics or the Rob Ford stuff. Why would you say that? Because you would know Ed Keenan if you did. He was a very strong voice during this. He used to work for iWeekly slash The Grid for a long time. And then when Toronto Star
Starting point is 00:34:16 bought The Grid and closed The Grid, they brought him over to The Star. He's a prominent Toronto journalist covering Toronto stuff. Doesn't mean I have to know who he is. Mr. Guelph, do you know Ed Keenan? I know the name. I know he's involved in that whole thing. You know Mike Keenan?
Starting point is 00:34:29 No. That's who you know. Because Mike actually told us before the show started that he interviewed Mike Keenan. He doesn't even know who this fucking guest is. That episode hasn't aired yet.
Starting point is 00:34:37 He doesn't even know who Mike Keenan is. Mike Keenan coached the U of T Blues to a championship one. Right. Good. Great. Did you interview him or Ed?
Starting point is 00:34:48 I've interviewed two Eds. One was a sock and one was Ed Keenan yesterday. Ed Keenan, a little interesting anecdote is so, and I can't remember how much of this you can pick up by listening, but we're talking about something and we have a great discussion. He reveals a bunch of stuff about something. And then he says, he's sitting where Ian is right now. And he goes, oh crap. He goes, we could be in big trouble right now. He goes like, we could go to jail. And he says,
Starting point is 00:35:14 we have to take all of that out. There's a publication ban and this is very serious, like very serious. So I go, okay, of course. So after the recording of this episode i'm like editing like mad to extract all of this detail that he shared that would put us uh in jail wow so you censored the podcast well yeah but how many times have you censored shit i've said then never asshole uh but i was come on you would censor too and as i told uh ian before we started it's not the first time uh another guest who i won't reveal the name but did say things on the podcast and then thought that would compromise her severance and asked me to remove it. And I went in and removed it for her. That's a clue.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Can you imagine going to jail for a free podcast? You know what? That's called publicity. There's no such thing as bad publicity. That would be amazing. My iTunes ranking would fucking fly. I'd be right there with American Life. It would probably be okay if they said in the paper,
Starting point is 00:36:12 as they were the picture of you being let out of the house in cuffs, you would be happy as long as they got the name of your podcast correct and they said that you're in New Toronto. Excuse me. Those are the two things that you'd be happy with. No, I don't need you to say New Toronto. Just don't say Mimico. That's the thing. I don't want you to call this Mimico because it's not Mimico. in New Toronto. Excuse me. Those are the two things that you'd be happy with. No, I don't need you to say New Toronto. Just don't say Mimico. That's the thing.
Starting point is 00:36:26 I don't want you to call this Mimico because it's not Mimico. Just say Toronto. It's Toronto. You can call it Toronto. It's Toronto. No, you're the one
Starting point is 00:36:32 who emphasizes that you're in New Toronto all the time. Only when they say I'm in Mimico. You are not paying attention, Elvis. Yeah, and you're the one who also points out
Starting point is 00:36:39 that Mimico doesn't exist anymore. My mayor is John Tory. I know where I live. I know where my taxes go. I pay two land transfer taxes, okay? No one knows better than me that I'm in Toronto. Mimico doesn't exist anymore. My mayor is John Tory. I know where I live. I know where my taxes go. I pay two land transfer taxes, okay? No one knows better than me that I'm in Toronto. Do they have two land transfer taxes in Guelph? No.
Starting point is 00:36:52 In Oshawa? They're looking at getting it. But they don't, and they have it here. I just paid it two years ago. So I'm in Toronto, but when you say I'm in Mimico, then I come in and say, by the way, here's where Mimico ends. I'm actually in New Toronto. That's what it shows on Google Maps.
Starting point is 00:37:05 I'm just getting my way here. Mimico? No, no, New Toronto. Oh, I was going to mute your microphone. So you think Edward Keenan was a weak guest? I never said weak. Weaker than you two? I don't know who he is.
Starting point is 00:37:17 I don't know. He writes for the Toronto Star. You know what? That's a good question. Do two of us equal, two shitty guests equal one shitty guest? I don't know. I'm not sure. We'll have to listen.
Starting point is 00:37:28 Although, can we listen to the whole thing unedited? No. We'd have to sign a nondisclosure agreement. Damn it. He doesn't have a lawyer to draft on. Even I could still go to jail. If we heard it. The only people who could know what happened in that courtroom were people in that courtroom.
Starting point is 00:37:41 Well, Ian knows because the file is on his. I am not your servant. The file is on his... I am not your servant! The file is on his servers. That are all in Canada, by the way. The NSA can't get them. The file doesn't go to his server until after the end. We're not on his servers right now? No. That's why when you said, I wish I was listening to that
Starting point is 00:37:58 one live. There's no live. Hanson, let me do this real quick. It's here. I edit here. Then I use an FTP client to put it on. So we're not me do this real quick. It's here live. It's here. I edit here. Then I use an FTP client to put it on. So we're not going right to the cloud.
Starting point is 00:38:08 No. That's bullshit. No, because that keeps us out of jail, son. Edward and I would be behind bars right now if that went straight to the fucking right.
Starting point is 00:38:17 Do they have a jail in New Toronto? They have a big one. Is it in Toronto? It's near where the Leafs practice. It's in New Toronto. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:24 That's the one we're having all the problems, right? Harper built this massive castle. Yeah, but you wouldn't go to that fucking jail. Why not? It's close. I want to be close to my children. You're not going to a big area.
Starting point is 00:38:33 You're not going to a federal penitentiary. I picture when they visit whatever. I'm watching Ray Donovan right now. Are you watching? Have you ever seen this? I've heard it's good. I quite like it. But I'm just picturing when they go visit Terry in jail, like Bunchy's there or whatever.
Starting point is 00:38:47 So can I tell you why I haven't listened in a while? Yeah, that's what we're doing. We're shooting the shit. So I can't remember what the occasion was, but as you know, I listen to Howard Stern daily. I think he has like nine shows left under contract before his contract is technically up. So sort of unknown as to whether or not he'll be back next year. So sell my serious shares? Pretty much, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:11 The serious shares that are $4 right now. Wait, they're still up. Anyway, but what they did is they produced a 10-episode history of the Howard Stern show. The history of Howard Stern. Not even the Howard Stern show. Or the history of Howard Stern. Not even the Howard Stern show.
Starting point is 00:39:27 Just the history of Howard Stern. And each episode is something like four or five hours long. Like it is a huge endeavor. Multiple interviews, multiple show clips. And it takes you through the evolution of Howard and the show and how he's got to where he is now. And I'm on episode six, slowly getting through it because I listen to the show and how he's got to where he is now. And I'm on episode six, slowly getting through it because I, I listened to the show live and then I,
Starting point is 00:39:50 you know, when the show, when I finished listening to the real show, then I listened to the, to the history show and it is outstanding. I want to hear this. The production value, the,
Starting point is 00:40:00 the narrative, the, just everything about it is remarkable. And as somebody who's been, you know, for different parts in his career, really, really a huge listener, and then other times just not knowing anything because, you know, we didn't have him here or I was too young or whatever the case may be, it is just a phenomenal production. And so if you have a subscription to Sirius, just go onto the app
Starting point is 00:40:24 or go onto the desktop and listen to it on demand. And if you don't have a subscription, then I'm sure you can find it on YouTube somewhere. But look for The History of Howard Stern, and it is just a phenomenal thing. I'm sold. So that's why I haven't listened to your podcast in a while. It's a good reason. I've been spending a ton of hours. He's almost better than me, potentially.
Starting point is 00:40:42 So if it's 10 episodes at five hours each, say, we'll say conservatively four hours each, my math tells me that's of hours. He's almost better than me, potentially. So if it's 10 episodes at five hours each, say, well, say conservatively four hours each, my math tells me that's 40 hours. That's a lot of hours. So it's taken me a while to get through. Roger Lajoie has to wait until you're done with Howard. Yes, sorry, Roger. Is that what you're saying? The Roger. Sorry, Roger. That's a good reason. Hey, do you know that
Starting point is 00:40:59 we're popular? Our episodes, so typically I notice, and I don't look anymore, although Ian has access to these numbers because we're hosted on his server. He could tell us. He could tell. He could have come in with numbers as to how many downloads. At
Starting point is 00:41:11 Yeah, he knows this shit, but he's signed a non-disclosure agreement. But I can tell you that I just assume, and I haven't checked on a lot of it, but I just assume the Elvis episodes will get less ears than some of them. You'd figure. I mean, like, when you have a guy like... It's not really Elvis.
Starting point is 00:41:24 When you have a guy like Ed Keenan on, I mean, like, really. You know, you put that down, but just, and that's fine. That's cool. I actually, those are the... I know, I know. But those episodes are important to me
Starting point is 00:41:34 because to me, he's a part of Trotter's fabric. I'm trying to do more than just Roger Lishwater. Yeah, you've definitely established yourself. And I don't want to be just the radio guy. Like, I'm not the... Well, I think you've... That's why I did Norm Willner and... You've done that.
Starting point is 00:41:45 You've become that, I think. But I don't want to be that. Because you're starting to get just the radio guy. Like, I'm not the radio guy. That's why I did Norm Wilner. You've done that. You've become that, I think. But I don't want to be that. Because you're starting to get tweets, I see, or you're starting to get tweets from people in the industry crediting you for making breaking news announcements about the Bell layoffs, which I found interesting. Given that it was in a lot of places, but people were crediting you as, you know, breaking the news.
Starting point is 00:42:03 I broke the Bingo Bob news, maybe, because I found it on his Facebook feed. That's right. So no one is like, hey, Bingo Bob got laid off. I'm going to tweet this, except for you. And so then you suddenly become the... I had it locked in. That's right. Scooped. Like when I had Rince on my blog tell you that Rob Ford was using crack.
Starting point is 00:42:20 That's right. It's another scoop. Jesus. The fact is Elvis our episodes seem very popular in a certain part of India yes
Starting point is 00:42:29 one listener in India perhaps there's a guy on Ian you'll be impressed with this but there's a guy in India loves the Elvis episodes
Starting point is 00:42:37 loves your laugh could you do it for him or is it you have to be organic it's organic yeah there was a couple earlier I think he of my show.
Starting point is 00:42:45 He'll be happy. He'll be happy. His name, we can give him a shout out. This will make his day, I'm sure. What else could be there to make him happy? Roshan. We love you, man. Roshan, keep listening.
Starting point is 00:42:54 Try a non-Elvis episode, though. Come on. You can't just live on the Elvis episode. So this guy, it's interesting because he has a blog. I'm not sure how often he updates it anymore. I don't visit it as often as I used to. He's an Indian guy living in India. And all he, not all, but one of his big topics is Canadian stuff.
Starting point is 00:43:16 Like he follows hockey and Canadian, just general Canadiana. It's really interesting that someone who's never been here and doesn't seemingly have any connection with this country seems to be in love with Canada. And he loves this podcast because it, like, introduces them to Canadian culture, eh? Right. Very cool. Yeah, and there's another person, not in India, this guy's in Canada, I believe, but who has discovered via a tweet of mine, has discovered
Starting point is 00:43:46 we had another podcast. That's right. I've been following this guy, which is interesting. We used to have an even shittier podcast than this one called Oh, yeah, right. Called Your Blog Sucks. And now, it's time
Starting point is 00:44:02 for Your Blog Sucks. Remember this? Right. You can talk over it. I've got it. Great tip. And so then, yeah, so this guy found this podcast and we did 10 episodes it was? 10 episodes.
Starting point is 00:44:19 And it was more scripted. We didn't have a script, but we definitely had sort of like... It was definitely structured. It was more structured. Highly structured. And this guy went through and listened to all 10 episodes. I don't even think I've listened to all 10 episodes.
Starting point is 00:44:34 I have. And yeah, there was... And he loved it. He loved it. He was calling me up for things that I said. Apparently, I said that, what did I say about you and your daughter? It was something about your daughter
Starting point is 00:44:43 is smarter than you or something. I can't remember what it was. Which I would agree with. Right. But I burned him, and he brought up this burn from his random podcast. It is weird when people listen to you and live tweet things
Starting point is 00:44:54 that you recorded two years ago. It is a strange dynamic. I also wonder how many people know that Mike and I know each other well in person and off the air and wonder if me calling him an asshole is actually interpreted as me thinking he's an asshole.
Starting point is 00:45:10 I think both listeners think that. Your blog sucks was a great idea. I'm still waiting to like somebody to option it for like some kind of a TV series or something. Yeah, everything was great about it. There was a consistency issue, you know, in terms of my availability, your availability. We both have jobs and lives and families.
Starting point is 00:45:28 Sure, but it could be like a monthly thing. Bottom line is I killed it after 10 episodes because it was like cannibalizing this. Right. I put all my eggs in the one basket because, you know, I'm a busy man. You were like, your blog sucks was the iPad to the iPhone. Right. Right? That the iPhone. Right. Right? That makes sense.
Starting point is 00:45:49 It's a typical Apple bigot analogy, but yeah, it makes sense. Why am I a bigot? We were talking before we started, we were talking about our Android devices. Oh, right. I warned him about it. Are you a fanboy of Android? No, I'm not a fanboy.
Starting point is 00:45:59 I've always owned a... Are you a fanboy of Android? No. What does that mean, fanboy? Like you're in clubs and stuff? No, it means that you believe that it is the best regardless of whatever happens. So automatically the next iteration of whatever Android happens to be just is the best. Oh, I know.
Starting point is 00:46:18 First of all, I'm not even on the most current model of my phone. I don't have an LG G4, for example. I have an LG G3. So, like, being a fan of the, you know, it's almost like it's an irrational thing. Yeah, whatever this, whatever Sam's, you're saying, like, whatever this company does is the best regardless.
Starting point is 00:46:33 It's like when you're a conservative, and no matter what, Harper decides that is the greatest thing. So, like, I need a new phone, and it's, I have two choices at work, and I told the IT guy that I wanted an iPhone. And he said, oh, well, you're like, you need an Android. Android's way better.
Starting point is 00:46:53 And I'm like, look, I really don't fucking care as long as it does what I need it to do. However, my house is all Apple. I have Apple TVs. I have iPads. I have three young kids. They know how to use the Apple TV. They know how to use the iPads. Everything just works together. I have Mac TVs, I have iPads, I have three young kids. They know how to use the Apple TV. They know how to use the iPads. Everything just works together. I have Macs at home. I'm just going to stick with an Apple phone because everything works and that's what we have.
Starting point is 00:47:13 It doesn't make a difference if the other one is better at this point in time because I'm so invested. So maybe it is better. Maybe it's not. Maybe mine sucks. Maybe it is the best. I really don't care. I just know what works for me right now. But I would be open to changing in the future. However, not right now. They've built up the infrastructure with me to the point where it's really difficult for me to shift at the moment. So I have Apple TV. I use a Mac all the time, but I still carry an Android device.
Starting point is 00:47:40 There you go. It's possible. I'm not saying it's not, but for me, it just makes me feel more comfortable. That's good. That's what you want. So that would be the difference, I think, between being a fanboy and not being a fanboy. Yeah, like I don't belittle the Apple users. Like I feel Apple users are happy.
Starting point is 00:47:56 Well, you just call me a bigot. That's a little bit belittling, I would say. Nah, not on this show. Not on this show. So a recent happening this show. Not on this show. Fair enough. So I reached it happening to me. We all have children. How many children does I in service and you have?
Starting point is 00:48:13 Five-year-old. Wait, time out. I thought you were counting your kids, didn't you? Yeah, I did. It was a lot. I could screw that up maybe. I got three. No, I got four now.
Starting point is 00:48:21 We'll shake. You have one five-year-old. I have a five-year-old and I have a three-year-old. Oh, so you have two. Yeah. I have a six-year-old, a three-year-old, and one five-year-old. I have a five-year-old and I have a three-year-old. Oh, so you have two. Yeah. I have a six-year-old, a three-year-old, and a one-year-old. Wow. I have an almost 14-year-old, an 11-year-old, and a one-and-a-half-year-old.
Starting point is 00:48:36 So 13-and-a-half. I don't know. His birthday is in January, so I guess he's 13-and-a-half. Right. I rounded up. I always give him the extra year because he's a big guy. Well, that's not fair. It's done.
Starting point is 00:48:46 You can't do that. He's going to turn 15 now. Wow. Okay, so we all have kids. Yep. Where the hell was I going with that? We all have kids. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:53 So I'm in a weird situation. You guys are not there yet based on the ages of your kids, but I'm in this strange position where about a week ago, maybe two weeks ago, my oldest son handed down two sweaters that don't fit him anymore to me so this is this is the first thing and i'm wearing one of them by the way because uh so he had three sweaters they don't fit him in the shoulder like he's got brought way broader shoulders than me which is kind of sad right uh and they don't fit him here it's way too tight so he he handed down these three sweaters and i tried them on they They all fit perfectly. I love them. This one is so comfortable and warm.
Starting point is 00:49:26 Is he, okay, I mean no disrespect here, but so bear with me. That's a first. Is he, well, I'll disrespect you. You can't disrespect the children. I'm going to talk, no, I'm going to talk about your ex-wife here for a second. Go ahead. Is he more like your body, because you're like
Starting point is 00:49:42 you're a very slim gentleman. Is your ex-wife more... Nope. Is she also slender and slight? What about her lineage? Oh, yeah. Does she have a big dad or mom? Her dad is very skinny, but very tall.
Starting point is 00:49:58 He's long, I'd say, like one of those long guys. So he's like 6'4", but he's super skinny. What are we talking about here? Come on. All because you got the portal stash. Your ex-father-in-law's penis? Is that what we're talking about?
Starting point is 00:50:11 I have not. I have not seen his penis. I have, and it's wonderful. He's a big fan of this Ottawa CFL team. I saw something. The Red Blacks? Is that what they're called?
Starting point is 00:50:17 Red Blacks! Because it has to be in all caps. Did you know that? I didn't know that. The team name is Red Blacks all in caps. Like that was... So you must yell it. Red Blacks, all in caps. Like that was... So you must yell it.
Starting point is 00:50:26 Red Blacks! My ex-father-in-law is a big fan of that. And my current father-in-law lives in Edmonton. And I believe it's an Edmonton, Ottawa Grey Cup. I think you're right. Because you know who's going to come in and talk about it? See this wonderful segue to a promotion? The next guest after Mike Toth,
Starting point is 00:50:41 no, after Adam Groh, is Arash Madani. Oh, wow. Is that a big guest? Is that bigger than Ed Keenan? Yes. Alright, I digress. So two things. One is I'm not so bad. I don't buy myself anything
Starting point is 00:50:56 and it's nice to have new sweaters as the winter is coming and I really like this particular one. Although my daughter told me I could not wear this because it says Amber Crobby and Fitch and apparently old guys can't wear Amber, Krabby, and Fitch. It's for young people. Yeah, they're not a good socially responsible company, are they? Am I getting that right?
Starting point is 00:51:12 Don't they hate some sort of group of people? Do they hate homosexuals? I don't know. I think they only sell their clothes to homosexuals. I'm not sure. I think there's another. Oh, it's true because my wife bought it for me. I think there's another thing about that.
Starting point is 00:51:23 I don't know. Sweatshirts or something? I think it's like American Eagle or something like that. It's American Eagle? Are they the same company? It's one of those shops that I don't know. I think it's like American Eagle or something like that. Is it American Eagle? Are they the same company? It's one of those shops that I don't know. It's different. One of those is going out of business too or something, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:51:33 I think so, yeah. So I love this sweater. It's comfortable. I don't know. I don't want to bump you into the same age category. You got to get it by the way. But three close to 40 guys talking about Abercrombie and Fitts. Probably not a good idea.
Starting point is 00:51:44 So my daughter says I'm not cool enough. So I'm fucking going to wear it by the way. But three close to 40 guys talking about Abercrombie and Fitts. Probably not a good idea. So my daughter says I'm not cool enough. So I'm fucking going to wear it as often as possible because she told me I can't wear that sweater. Let's eye in for your sake. Let's say all of us are closer to 40 than we are. How old are you? We can ask. Come on. We can ask a guy.
Starting point is 00:51:57 So I'll be 35 in January. What a puppy. It's fine. It's fine. But you don't remember the 70s. Because my wife is at age... Born in 81. Yeah, my wife... Born in 81.
Starting point is 00:52:08 Wow. My brother was born in 80. My wife was born in 79. Wow. My wife was born in 81. Really? Do you know his wife? No, I don't.
Starting point is 00:52:16 No. Miss Philippines. Miss Philippines, Canada. No. She went to Manila. My cousin was Miss Italia, Canada. But you're Irish. Right. Yes. No. She went to Manila. My cousin was Miss Italia Canada. But you're Irish. Right.
Starting point is 00:52:28 Yes. Okay. So not so bad getting the hand-me-downs, but insulting that your son's shoulders are broader than yours. Right? Yeah, well, hey. And mine aren't getting any broader because I don't lift anything. It's all that cow's milk you fed him as a child.
Starting point is 00:52:41 I did. And I know I'm not supposed to. We're only supposed to drink human milk until you're of an age where you stop drinking dairy altogether. Correct. Ideally. I dropped the ball on that one big time. Boo.
Starting point is 00:52:51 I still drink cow milk myself. That's how horrible I am. You're a bad person. I am. Do you eat dairy? Not a lot lately, but I cut the milk out of my coffee in the spring. And since then, I haven't looked back. I'm good.
Starting point is 00:53:06 What's your coffee of choice? Starbucks Bold with Venti Bold Black. Look at you. I do that. Real coffee. He only does it when I buy it. I do French press every morning. Except this one.
Starting point is 00:53:17 But what's your coffee of choice when you buy it? Oh, I'll get a McDonald's coffee. McDonald's coffee, right. You're going to fit right in when you're 75 years old, I'll get a McDonald's coffee. McDonald's coffee, right. You're going to fit right in when you're 75 years old hanging out at a McDonald's No, they're down the street. We got a coffee time down the street.
Starting point is 00:53:31 That's where they are. They only accept cash there, though. There's a handwritten sign on the door of the coffee time in this neighborhood that says cash only. Wow. Not to...
Starting point is 00:53:44 I got to go to work, but not to bring up another subject. But I haven't even, we were just warming up. Your wife is more or less worried about a meth clinic or the coffee time down the street. Because I think the coffee time. The first sign of
Starting point is 00:53:59 gentrification is when that coffee time becomes a Starbucks and then all of our property values double. Or anything, really. Any normal, legitimate business. She's changed her views on this since the original moment, but this is a really quick discussion. Very close to here, they're opening a methadone clinic.
Starting point is 00:54:15 It's like, I'm going to say 40 meters, but it's on Lakeshore, so this is a retail, busy street. And then down the street, there's a school that you were at today. You walked me to daycare that's right for those who don't know we're filming this in the school gym yeah so the facebook there's a facebook group for lakeshore moms and my wife is a member of this group they
Starting point is 00:54:35 were up in arms over the fact that methadone clinic was going to be put in the neighborhood so close to a school and i was up in arms that they were up in arms because to me, it's all about their property values and ridiculous nimbyism. And I, as far as I know, a methadone clinic is doctors treating addicts. What are you afraid of? The addict comes in for treatment and goes down the street and picks up like a three-year-old and takes them home.
Starting point is 00:55:00 Like, is that the fear? What are these? What would bother you about a methadone clinic? I think there's a couple of things happening here. One is, yes, you're probably right that they're overemphasizing how much this, the fact that, and nimbyism is in general not the greatest thing. However, you're also living under a rock if you think that that's exactly what's happening. Because generally what happens in these circumstances is that someone will go and
Starting point is 00:55:23 get their methadone and then walk out of the clinic and sell the methadone to get heroin. So there are, you know, yes, altruistically and probably a great number of people who are going to these clinics are people who are getting assistance and are, you know, on the road to becoming a healthier, better person. But there is a certain element that is going to be drawn to this particular area because of what this brings. So you have to weigh that. But this particular area already has those people in it. Right. So the question is, is how much more do you want, right? And if you want to have a cleaner neighborhood, is this where you want to go? Is this, you know, so I can see both sides, but I think, and I think both of you are probably overemphasizing what you think is going to happen.
Starting point is 00:56:05 She has reversed, for the record, she has reversed her feelings about the methadone clinic. I won her over. All right, I would just say, if you think that people are going to go and get treated by a doctor, end of story. I don't think they're going down the side street to go to the schoolyard to sell stuff to those kids. Which I can't imagine would be the fear. I guess that's the fear? Selling drugs to the schoolyard to sell stuff to those kids, which I can't imagine would be the fear. I guess that's the fear. The fear is just happening close by because then if you have drug trafficking in the area,
Starting point is 00:56:31 then that leads to a whole bunch of other things that you probably don't want to have your kids near either. I might open a methadone clinic in this basement. Forget about them selling to the kids. There could be all sorts of things that can happen, but you have to weigh that as to whether or not you need how needed this is in this area and the social good that it does and blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:56:50 So I would say it's not as cut and dry as you want it to be. All right, but for some reason, it still doesn't bother me. Does it bother Ian's service? I don't know. Good answer. Thank you for coming. You have more people milling about,
Starting point is 00:57:02 but will they bother the kids? Probably not. It's different hours. I'm going to keep my eye on this. I'll have more people milling about, but will they bother the kids? Probably not. It's different hours. I'm going to keep my eye on this. I'll let you know if I notice any. Because that street, this street we're talking about, I love where I live, for the record.
Starting point is 00:57:12 I love it. I'm going to die here. Hopefully not too soon, but I'm going to die here. But I'm south of Lakeshore. I'm south of Lakeshore. I walk that Lakeshore all the time, okay? And I love the character of Lakeshore,
Starting point is 00:57:21 but that's a sketchy fucking street. It is. Not only is the coffee time there, which is pretty sketchy, but there's a strip club across the street. There's a swingers club and a sex club, a sex shop above it. It used to be a nice coffee shop called Sense Appeal. Now it's a sex shop.
Starting point is 00:57:35 Same name. So here's the point of the Lakeshore mobs, is that they're probably against having any of those things here. You're like, oh yeah, this is in the wrong direction. If we bring another thing in, then it's even harder to get all this other stuff. A lot of dollar stores, a lot of pawn shops.
Starting point is 00:57:50 There's a Byway. A rogue Byway. It is, it's a Byway. Wow, it's rogue. But there obviously was some sort of trademark issue. Someone still owns Byway. I guess Byway stopped giving a shit when they shuttered everything.
Starting point is 00:58:01 Because it's called Byway Depot, I think. Is it actually B-I-way? No, it's the same logo. Clearly it was a Byway Depot, I think. Is it actually B-I-way? No, it's the same logo. Clearly it was a Byway, and then Byway head office is like, we're done or whatever, and you've got to change your name, and they added a little tiny font, Depot, to the end, and they kept going. Byway's dead, though, right?
Starting point is 00:58:16 Long dead. I think so, yeah. I loved Byway. There was one at Jane and Annette for years that I used to know. I bought comforter sets that have Dukes of Hazzard on it and Pac-Man. They had a Pac-Man sheet set at Byway
Starting point is 00:58:29 that was on my bed. Very nice. Loved Pac-Man. Wow. Bed bugs included, I bet. No way. We didn't have bed bugs back then, man. Those were the good old days.
Starting point is 00:58:36 Right, sure. We had smallpox. Can I go to work now? Last... I gotta go to work. I know you gotta go. We're gonna wrap it up right now. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:58:43 One last thing. Anne Romer retired again. Do we have any thoughts on that? Is she really retired or is it another psych out like last time or what? Any thoughts? I don't know about that, but she's certainly an institution in the city. I'll say that. I think she's moved to Collingwood maybe?
Starting point is 00:58:59 She is an institution on the city's airwaves. Sorry. No, no, no. I was saying now she's moving to Collingwood after she's retired. Of course she's an institution. You know who Ann Romer is. Oh, yes. Did you get Toronto TV in Guelph? Not anymore. I can't tell if my live TV is
Starting point is 00:59:13 just streaming everything. I haven't completely... Do you have an antenna? I had an antenna for a while, and then we just weren't watching anything live, so we were just downloading stuff and watching that. So it's still there. You didn't go out and take it? I took it down. You really? I did. Wow, that is that's aggressive. Yeah. That's like, fuck you, antenna. I'm climbing up
Starting point is 00:59:29 on this roof again. Exactly. And then I like tar down the tile. Wow. But if I were... That's hatred towards the antenna. Most people just let it sit there. No, because I want to sell the house at some point. You can't sell it with a 12-foot antenna on the roof. Like I was talking about Toronto. Oh, you had like a big fucking one. Oh, yeah. Ah. I have an antenna on the roof, but I was talking about Toronto. Oh, you had like a big fucking one. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:45 Ah. I have an antenna on the roof, but it's not 12 feet. I used my whole ass to put that up there. Wow. I envy you non-sports guys. I like the over-the-air antenna, though. Yeah? It's good for... You know what?
Starting point is 00:59:55 It's sports, and if you don't watch sports, then... Exactly. No, it's all sports. Because if it wasn't for sports, nothing would have to be live. Yep. So maybe, what, the Oscars? Like, what the fuck is it? Yeah, yeah. Well, that's a good thing
Starting point is 01:00:05 for the antenna as well, is that I can watch anything that I want that's on network television. Yep. Do you have a good time in service? Definitely. Thank you for having me. Are you going to change your name to Ian? Probably not. That would be amazing. 35 years old, you decide, you know what? Wait, Mike made a good point.
Starting point is 01:00:21 I want you to call me Ian. And then you can do the Ian at your service. Ian at your service. And that's the... No, no, it was TS2? TS2.ts. I thought it was, yeah. Or
Starting point is 01:00:35 Credible Goat now. Does that redirect to TS? No, no, it's a separate thing. Can I look at that at work? Oh, right now. Pull it up. Dot com.
Starting point is 01:00:48 He's giving me the crazy eyes. Dot com, CA, org, biz, and stuff. I got it all. What's going on in Guelph? He's locking down that fucking brand. I don't know if I've ever gone to a dot biz website. Have you?
Starting point is 01:01:03 No, I would never. The virus is there. That's great. I would like gone to website. Have you? No, I would never. The virus is there. That's great. I would like to go to website. You just don't go there. Totally. .biz. I love it.
Starting point is 01:01:13 .xxx. He owns. Do you also sell domain? Yeah. Of course. Of course. Incredible goat. .biz.
Starting point is 01:01:23 And that brings us to the end of our 144th show. You can follow me. I'm going to go to this website. Everyone should go there. You can follow me on Twitter at Toronto Mike. Elvis is at Oshawa Elvis. Do you work in cash only? No, I actually take credit.
Starting point is 01:01:41 At iService on Twitter. I am at your service. But no, iService. At iService on Twitter. I am at your service. But no, iService. At iService. See? He's almost going down the same line. Is it purely professional or do you talk about... Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:01:51 Not at all. There's lots of goat porn on it. You've got to watch out for it. See you all next week. See you all next week. I wonder who. Yeah, I wonder who. Maybe the one who doesn't realize there's a thousand shades of gray. Because I know that's true.
Starting point is 01:02:18 Yes, I do. I know it's true. Yeah.

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