Toronto Mike'd: The Official Toronto Mike Podcast - Toronto Mike'd #147

Episode Date: December 2, 2015

Mike chats with his buddy Elvis about Sparks, Price, the Sam Smith concert jinx, comic books and Mike's power move with the microphones....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to episode 147 of Toronto Mike's, a weekly podcast about anything and everything, often with a distinctly Toronto flavor. I'm Mike from and joining me this week is the only man banned from Graceland, Elvis. That would be ironic, wouldn't it? That would not be surprising, though. That would be ironic, wouldn't it? That would not be surprising, though. That would be really ironic. Elvis' band from his own house. Have you been to Graceland?
Starting point is 00:00:51 Twice. Only twice. I'm surprised. Only twice. I have to go back. It's on my list of things to do in the next couple of years. Even though you've been there twice, it's made your bucket list. Yeah, I have to re-experience it. It has gone through some changes, and I was much younger. Have you ever been to Dollywood, I have to re-experience it. It has gone through some changes and
Starting point is 00:01:05 I was much younger. Have you ever been to Dollywood? I have not. I have no intention of going to Dollywood. I think if you was a Dollywood guy. I like Dolly Parton in terms of her voice and stuff. Jolene's fantastic. I've got no intention of going to an amusement park themed after Dolly
Starting point is 00:01:22 Parton. Okay. I've got to say, though, hearing your voice, I realize that it's too soon for an Elvis episode. It's pretty crazy. Anon Anon is really going to get excited about this. So, okay, let's start with that since you've introduced it. There's a commenter named Anon Anon.
Starting point is 00:01:42 Yeah. It's Anon ampersand Anon. Correct. It's very clever. It's AnonAmpersandAnon. Correct. Very clever. It's very clever. So here's the concept is that he commented on your blog and I took two things out of it. One is he has an opinion about the way in which you run your podcast, which is fine. We can talk about that. But the other is, is that he started the comment off by saying, while I generally avoid the podcast that Elvis is on. Yeah, he doesn't like Elvis.
Starting point is 00:02:05 He then commented on your podcasting ability, which I'm not sure how. Thanks. That's fine. You don't have to like me, but I did appreciate it. So this comment is on the entry for episode 144, which was your last appearance. So with with Ion Service. Ion Service. Yes. Yeah. And it was pretty funny. The way he did it was was last appearance. With Ian Service. Ian Service. Yes.
Starting point is 00:02:25 Yeah. It was pretty funny. The way he did it was pretty interesting. Okay. He definitely listens to every episode. He's been commenting for a long time. Or she. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:35 You know what? That's amazing. I'm assuming this is a guy just because he's such a dick. Well, because most of the people listen to our dudes. And he doesn't. He skips Elvis episodes.
Starting point is 00:02:43 He does, which he wanted everyone to know, which I, yeah, yeah, yeah. You don't have to share. I'm not sure if he was trying to be funny or if that was,
Starting point is 00:02:50 that is actually the case. But I, since he did listen to the episode, he was critiquing an episode that he said he doesn't listen to. Well, here's the thing. If you subscribe to this podcast, you're,
Starting point is 00:02:58 you obviously can tolerate me or you would never subscribe in the first place. Right. You figure, cause you're on everyone. If you, but if you then realize you don't, maybe cause there's another tweet i have to mention in a minute about you but if there's something about elvis that you dislike then you might just say
Starting point is 00:03:11 okay when the elvis episodes show up right which used to be like once every three months or something i just skipped that one because you're pretty clear as to like that's the great thing about your your little synopsis is synopses is that you tell people who's on. So if you don't like me and our banter, then don't listen. Yeah, I've heard from one guy who doesn't like sports at all, so he skips the sports media people. Gotcha. Ion Service?
Starting point is 00:03:36 No, he didn't like that. I was surprised. Ion didn't like sports at all. I don't know why that still surprises me. There's a lot of people who don't like sports. So what's the tweet? Oh yeah, so the tweet was, I have it here, hold on. Rob J tweets, which button knob keeps
Starting point is 00:03:53 Oshawa Elvis's laugh from murdering our eardrums? You know what? Rob J is his name? Rob J, you wouldn't be the first person to request that button in real life. I think you might be the first person to request it for this podcast,
Starting point is 00:04:10 but there are certainly people in real life that suggest. I remember my godson, when he was very young, said he wasn't talking very much at the time, and he turned to his mom at one point and said, Perry Laugh Loud. You know, you just said your real name. Well, I might have might have slipped. But yeah, he he mentioned that I laughed loud. It was pretty funny. Yeah. But but back to an on and on, because what he said was that when I tell a guest so Norm Wilner is a good example. He was recently on
Starting point is 00:04:43 great conversation, but he's a well-spoken, soft-spoken kind of guy, and he was kind of quiet and moving off the mic. Right. You see these things flashing everywhere? I'm not just the guy. I'm not just the host and president of this company. You're the producer as well. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:57 Board operator. There's lots of things going on. Board ops, that's what we call them. And I can see that he's off mic and he's quiet, and I know that when this is done and i do the compression and everything it's gonna be a poor listening experience and this is like early like the first one percent of the podcast i've identified what he's doing and we had the chat before i press record but he's forgotten like people do so i gently remind him that he's
Starting point is 00:05:21 got to be right on the mic and And he changed the way he was talking. And he projected into the microphone. And it was better from then on. Right. AnonAnon thinks this is a power move. Like I'm asserting some authority over my guests. Like a power move. And I don't feel like you need any defending.
Starting point is 00:05:38 Because that's ridiculous. Because you do that well yourself. And I'm certainly someone who, as another commenter indicated, they enjoy our podcast together because I put you in your place. Yeah, apparently you're the guy who calls me out on everything. Which I do. I do. Sometimes jokingly and sometimes seriously. imagine Ion Service was here last week,
Starting point is 00:06:06 and when you asked him to give a plug, he said, okay, everybody, go to my website, it2. It would just be a ruined plug, and he would go back and listen to that podcast and be like, why didn't Mike tell me to get on the fucking mic? I don't know if you saw last night. Yeah, of course. Of course.
Starting point is 00:06:24 I'm just trying to create a good show people can listen to. But Andrew Stokely, now he can get defensive about this. I saw him chime in last night because he's the one who said, Mike, get the Rode Procasters, get these exact microphones. Right. Because he actually, by design, he knows he wanted it so it only picks up the noise right in front of them. Right. That was by design. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:41 And there's definitely a, I mean, when you're in a studio, like a radio studio, right? There's, there's minimal amount of noise. And so you can have different types of microphones. But in this, you have a very open environment here and it's also, there's costs that, you know. And the environment changes because this is my second studio. Right. Because I got kicked out of Jervis' bedroom. So I'm going to also defend Stokely here and say that I agree with his choice of microphones. And realistically, for you to say to people, get on the microphone, I don't think is a big deal at all.
Starting point is 00:07:12 That's my bottom line anyway. And I never have to say it to you. Well, no. Hey, I'm a professional broadcaster. What the fuck do you want? Come on. So, okay. So you've been here, yeah, 140, what is this, 147. You were 144. Right. That's really, that's like last week. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:26 Exactly a week ago. Exactly a week. And since then, there's actually been two episodes that have recorded. Mike Toth came in. Right. And Adam Groh. Two people that I would listen to. Would you?
Starting point is 00:07:38 I would, absolutely. Mike Toth, I highly recommend. I know. Well, I don't know him, but I know of him. He was the host of a game show I was on. I don't think he loved the fact that I was, like, telling how the sausage is made. Like, I had some insider info.
Starting point is 00:07:53 You, actually. Right, yes. And we start talking about how they get the guests and stuff. And then I got some looks and then some comments. You know, I was like, Adam, that's real talk. Like, come on. You can't come on and not talk about how the song has made. That's the have you ever heard this podcast before?
Starting point is 00:08:08 Like we can't just play along like it's some, you know, but he said there's a hybrid. There's some people that they do pick up like off the street and then some people they set up like you were. Can I quickly go through? Because there were questions I gave a given explanation on Twitter, but I'm not sure how many people saw it. So I'll give you my experience for Cash Cap. I was standing outside of my building that I worked in at the time, which is at Bay and Bloor. And we were out there having a coffee and a couple of guys were having a smoke. And this woman approached us with a clipboard.
Starting point is 00:08:38 And on the back of the clipboard was this logo that said Rome. And she said that she was a producer of a television show and that she was recruiting people to be on the show. And she had some questions. And so the people who were on hanging out with us, um, immediately pointed to me and said, Elvis would totally be on a TV show. I had been on TV before. So they said, and they know I'm a loud mouth. What were you on? Uh, nevermind. But that's important. So I answered the questions, and they got back to me the next day and said that, you know, you're in for this show. And the way that they pitched the show was that it was a current affairs roundtable show where there was a host, and they invited people, regular people on the air, to talk about the issues of the day, generally centered around Toronto, but, you know, political or stuff that was happening around that time, particular
Starting point is 00:09:33 period of time. And the catch was, is that I needed to get a friend to be on the show with me that I thought would compliment me in terms of what they knew versus what I knew about current affairs. And then we set up a time to meet the producer at a Starbucks at Yonge and Bloor. Get into the Starbucks. She gives us the lowdown of what this Rome show is going to be all about. And because it is a city, a show about the city of Toronto, the location where they film changes all the time.
Starting point is 00:10:03 So out comes her purse and she gave us 20 and said go outside and hail a cab now what we didn't realize and what we didn't seem to be weird was that she was constantly getting phone calls on her cell phone and she was constantly communicating with people and we just assume hey she's a producer of a television show that's filming today of course she's gonna be busy right yeah so we go outside and this minivan pulls up today she's got shit to be busy right yeah so we go outside and this minivan pulls up uh perfect timing right in front of the starbucks and i said to my friend there's no need for us to get into a minivan minivan cab let it go we'll get the next one right she appeared out of nowhere she like ran out of the starbucks and was like no no no i'm gonna get in this one so we get in and then
Starting point is 00:10:39 that's when all the lights and stuff go off so what what you see on the show, the reaction of us getting into the cash cab, totally legit, totally real. We literally pulled up maybe six feet and then they kicked us out again to go back into the Starbucks because now if we're going to be on a TV show, A, we need to know the rules and we have to sign release forms.
Starting point is 00:10:56 They're not going to film the show and then not have your permission to show it. Then you go back into, so when you see people hailing the cab, they can't do that if it's going to be a surprise, that was us acting quote unquote. So they got us back out on the street, film us hailing the cab, Saturday. Oh, you did? I think so. So, anyone who wants to hear the Adam Groves, that's one. He's like, oh, fuck. That's great. Yeah, so, I mean, they do it that way.
Starting point is 00:11:30 And then I think that was, it doesn't matter. They don't make Cash Cab anymore. It's gone. Oh, is it really? Yeah. He says it's gone. They stopped producing Cash Cab. And he gave me a long story
Starting point is 00:11:39 about how Canadian television sucks. It was like seven seasons or something. I think eight seasons. That's a long time. So, that's done done and now he's focusing on the Adam Groh quiz show because he owns that and he goes and does that for corporate events and different things and stuff.
Starting point is 00:11:52 So that's his focus. And he quizzed me. Have you heard this episode yet? I have not, no. So he quizzed me and I won't ruin it except that he said he gave me two questions nobody ever gets and I won't ruin the surprise. Can you give them to me when we're done? Who was on deck when Joe Carter hit the walk-off homer in 93?
Starting point is 00:12:10 Ricky Anderson? No. It took me less than one second to give the correct answer. I don't know. Alfredo Griffin, which I just know. It's in my head somewhere and I pulled it out instantly. And then Nissan, I think it's Nissan, has an electric car and it doesn't make any noise so it's dangerous so they had to
Starting point is 00:12:29 give it an artificial noise and they modeled the noise of the car on flying cars in this 1982 movie and it took me about one second to get this correct answer as well no clue he said i'm the only one who got these two in the history of the universe blade runner so there you go yeah he says everybody says back to the future that's what you know that came out in 85 well when you said 82 then i was like that's not the right answer even my son i gave my son this question he goes why are people saying back to the future we all know that's 1985 but we all know it now because easy tough guy we all know it now because this 30th anniversary thing was everywhere right well i love back to the future though i watched I watched that. Fucking great movie.
Starting point is 00:13:05 But you know what? I don't love the sequels. People like all three. I actually just like that first one. I never go to a sequel. I've seen them. I think it was okay. You know what?
Starting point is 00:13:11 I've seen the third. The third one was on TV like a hundred times. But I wanted to go back and watch the second one. So I watched the first one and fell asleep. And then I never went back to it again. So I got to watch all three. Okay. But if you...
Starting point is 00:13:22 Because it's one of those things where I've seen... Unlike The the godfather where i've seen one and two a million times and the third one i've seen once right uh the back to the future i've seen the first one a million times i've seen the second one once and the third one once i've seen the second one once and and that didn't blow me over but that's a movie though that you probably should see multiple times because there's so many twists and turns but i've seen them all now and silly clickbait articles it's like a couple months It's like a Scooby-Doo episode of like, you know, people pull off their mask and there's someone else, but then there's
Starting point is 00:13:50 like more masks. It's like a Mission Impossible movie. It's like an onion. Like so many different layers. It's crazy. It's amazing. Speaking of movies, and I know you have an agenda. I apologize. Minor agenda. I'm hijacking the show here. Go ahead. Are you, I would love to hear your opinion on the, your excitement level or
Starting point is 00:14:07 anticipation of the new star wars movie coming out two weeks plus two days from today okay so i want to see it but not badly enough to pre-perjure not badly enough to see it during the mayhem so i thought that buying tickets in advance when they went on sale what was it like two months ago or a month ago yeah i thought it was ridiculous i I'm like, you got to be fucking kidding me. I'm not buying a ticket, uh, that far in advance. And then the hype, I admit the hype got to me. And a week later I said, you know what? It's getting towards the Christmas holidays. I'm going to go see if I can buy a single ticket myself in Oshawa and just go on my own. Right.
Starting point is 00:14:47 In the evening, one time after the kids go to bed. And then so I went online and looked around and I realized that there were still tickets available. Sure. And so what I ended up doing was I bought a ticket to the VIP theater at Young and Dundas. Yeah. During the day on December 18th. I would have gone with you, by the way. And I'm going with a co-worker and her boyfriend, and I'm going to go have some beers and watch a block stormtrooper.
Starting point is 00:15:11 Yeah, you're making it an event. We like events, right? Yes. It's an event. And I haven't gone to an event in 100 years. I would buy into that. I chose not to do it, but if my boy, for example, if the 13-year-old said, yeah, let's do this,
Starting point is 00:15:24 I'd be into it in a heartbeat, like on a rock show. It's like, this is what we're going to do it, but I mean, if my boy, for example, if the 13-year-old said, yeah, let's do this, I'd be into it in a heartbeat. Like, we're in a rock show. It's like, this is what we're going to do. And I'm hoping that, because the show is at like 2.30 in the afternoon, so I'm hoping the nerd quotient is going to be as low as possible, or at least there are going to be nerds like me who don't dress up. My great fear with this one is the spoilers. Like, I'm sure
Starting point is 00:15:39 there's something going on with Luke and stuff, and I know that Luke's not appearing in these posters and shit, and we know Luke's in the movie. Apparently there was a new trailer, like a teaser trailer that was released and he's in it. Is he? But I don't want to watch it anymore. I don't want to watch it. I just want to watch the movie.
Starting point is 00:15:50 I already feel I know too much. I need to go in cold. And I am excited about this. Howard Stern interviewed J.J. Abrams this week. I heard it. As well as Adam Stryver. And they didn't give away anything. I heard that Abrams one.
Starting point is 00:16:06 Cause I downloaded, uh, it was good. I downloaded that episode. So the day after Howard Stern airs on your Sirius XM, I downloaded illegally from a torrent network. Right. That's how I rock with the Howard Stern.
Starting point is 00:16:17 So I did listen to the Abrams interview. Yeah. It was good. It was good. Yeah. And apparently it's under like massive lockdown. And what is there? Seven episodes left of the Howard Stern show. Is that what they're promoting? Yeah. Yeah. Uh, seven. Yeah. And apparently it's under like massive lockdown. And what is there? Seven episodes left of the Howard Stern show.
Starting point is 00:16:26 Is that what they're promoting? Yeah. Yeah. Seven. Yeah. Seven, including today. And what's your prediction there?
Starting point is 00:16:31 Oh, he's going to re-up. He's going to re-up. I don't know if it's going to be still three days a week. It might be less. It might be less amount of shows in the year, but he's, he's not,
Starting point is 00:16:41 I don't think he has a, his ego won't let him go away without having a big bash. He'd have to have a big he'd have to have something like he couldn't just disappear. And he's not about to start a podcast. So I think he'll come in. But I think he'll go five days a week. And I think there's only five days a week. I think he'll go five more years, three days a week.
Starting point is 00:16:59 But I think they're going to do more video content online. OK, good. Yeah. I like that show. A couple of things happening in the city. Firstly, I'm going to start with Maple Leafs. Sparks got a shout out in his first game, Karen Sparks. So I actually watched this game for two reasons. He has the keys to my heart.
Starting point is 00:17:19 He's won the city. It doesn't take much. I once wrote this when Reimer got off to a start as a rookie. Like Reimer had a good run as a rookie. And I wrote a blog entry titled Owning the City is Easy. It's very easy.
Starting point is 00:17:31 Sparks right now owns the city. But why does he own the city, do you think? Two reasons. One is that he did something no Maple Leaf had ever done before, which is fucking cool. But the second, obviously, is that even though he's American, which is the only knock against him, I like the Canadian. I think my goal is to be Canadian.
Starting point is 00:17:47 I'm like John Cherry. No, he's from Illinois, but he's got real emotions going on. I think we all like the fact that this kid wasn't, he really was choked up over the history. He cried. Yeah. On national television. And we love that. It's great. It's fucking great. It was like, hey, man,
Starting point is 00:18:04 you just got a shutout, and you're the only person to have ever done this in a Maple Leafs uniform in their first start. And he starts to cry and says, thank you. As the crowd is going bonkers for him. It's so amazing. He plays tonight. It's fucking great. And if he retired now, I say he retires now. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:18:17 Build a statue for the fucking guy. Take down the Ted Rogers statue. Yeah, that's ridiculous. And put up. No, I mean, it's another, you know, another piece in folklore history. And it was just a nice, it was a nice moment to recognize that there are still real people because as much as they are, you know, hockey players tend to be the realest of the real athletes.
Starting point is 00:18:39 They still are becoming more. Last season, he was in Orlando Solar Bear. It's crazy. Which is fun to say. So I don't even know what to go for it. Orlando Solar Bear., he was in Orlando Solar Bear. It's crazy. Which is fun to say. I don't even know what that is. Go for it. Orlando Solar Bear. Say it fast.
Starting point is 00:18:48 Orlando Solar Bear. Pretty good. That's why you're a professional and I'm not. It's a great story. And his parents were there and I was watching them. Yeah, his mom was crying.
Starting point is 00:18:58 Yeah. Everyone's crying. I'm crying. Although she seemed pretty cool down the stretch when he was holding on to the 2-0 lead. She was pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:19:04 He's fucking crazy, man. Can you imagine that? You play against a bunch of NHLs in the first game and you don't let a goal in. Oh, no, it is amazing. And then, you know, I did tweet smartass that I could have shut out the Oilers. So we always have that caveat.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Well, the Oilers and their little 24 shots. And really, he got a couple of posts and they didn't really challenge him. There's a couple of nice saves. Like he had to make... Bernier would have let in at least one, right? We would have won like 3-1 in that game. He did acknowledge that
Starting point is 00:19:28 he thanked his fantasy the people in the fantasy league who picked him and said, you're welcome. My wife's got one of those going on at work. I told her when they said Sparks was going to start, I said, pick him up and play him. I have a feeling.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Weird things happen in first games, I said. I just have a feeling. She picked up Sparks, played him, got the shutout. Nice. True story. Good for her. She thanked me on Twitter for my... So, Sparks...
Starting point is 00:19:51 So, following like Pan Am fever and Blue Jays fever, there's Sparks fever. But it was dampened yesterday when news came out that David Price had signed with the Red Sox. A lot of people were like pissed off because I guess because we couldn't make a competitive bid, we didn't make any bid at all. Why put in a bid?
Starting point is 00:20:10 It's like bidding on that million dollar house. Like here's $400,000 bid. Like you don't waste your time. So the Jays did not make a bid because we were not going to go seven years. Well, I think that's what agents are for, right? They're going to tell you what he's looking for and then you have a reasonable expectation
Starting point is 00:20:24 of what he will actually go for, and if it's not worth your time, then why put the effort in? So, which is fine. That's business, and they got shareholder shit and all that crap. Whatever you got to do, got to do. But as a fan, when there's no salary cap, like there's no salary cap, it's not like hockey.
Starting point is 00:20:39 Why? So many people were tweeting. A lot of them did work for Rodgers, but some didn't. That's overpriced anyways. I don't want to overpay for a guy. Why do we care as fans when Rodgers overpays for a guy, when the guy is the best available starting pitcher? I agree with you completely in the sense that if it's not your money and there's no salary cap, then who the fuck cares? But I think that in this particular case,
Starting point is 00:21:02 $31 million over seven years is a lot of fucking money, and I think people would have wanted him back and would have gladly paid it if it was their own money. It's the five, six, seventh year of that contract that essentially would put you in a seller cap position where you'd be like, hey, we're paying so much to this fucking guy,
Starting point is 00:21:19 we can't afford anybody else. But that's like a... I know what you're saying, but it's not a real budget. That's an arbitrary budget set by Rogers. Yeah. But Rogers has, you know,
Starting point is 00:21:28 it's, it's obviously blue, the blue Jays are a rounding error for them. Right. So there's, it's not, they're not the, you know,
Starting point is 00:21:34 the Mark Cubans that are going to spend anything to win. You know that there is an artificial one. So I know, I guess as a fan, it's tough. I don't want to care about Rogers's budget for baseball. It's tough to see him go. But I think that a blue Jays fan who understands the economics is kind of like,
Starting point is 00:21:48 yeah, would have been really nice, but hey, let's make sure that we spend that money on someone else. And then I tweeted, I hope the people saying that get like a nice Christmas bonus from Rodgers for staying under budget. But I don't know. What I don't think is cool is people saying I didn't want him because he can't pitch in the postseason. I'm like, you can't get in the postseason unless you have a guy like Price to get you there. I mean, the guy was 9-1 in the 11 games he played for us. Like, come on. No, no.
Starting point is 00:22:16 It's fucking amazing. Of course you want him on your team. There was two great starting pitchers available in the free agent market, and he was one of them. And, yeah, neither are coming here. You know what? I think the thing that hurts about it more so than him not being here is that he's with the Red Sox. Yeah. Playing for an AL East team, that's tough.
Starting point is 00:22:36 That's really tough. Somebody I follow on Twitter who's been on the show is a huge Red Sox fan. Oh, for fuck's sake. And a little over the top. You have to understand, when 99% of your followers are in the GTA, on a night like last night, you have to show restraint, right?
Starting point is 00:22:51 Sure. Even though you're ecstatic, maybe. And I don't know why you're a Boston fan. I called this person out on the show. Like, why are you a Boston fan? You were born and raised in Toronto, but whatever. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:23:00 Like, why is Strombo Habs fan? Whatever. So I guess you got to show some restraint. I actually had to mute her in tweet deck because it was too many pro Red Sox tweets last night. Too many. I find that funny. I find it funny on both ends. That she's, you know, this person is going crazy, but then you also felt compelled to mute her.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Yeah. I didn't want to see, like, it's fine. I actually knew we weren't going to get. I wrote an entry last week. Can we stop talking about Price? He's not coming here. Like, he wasn't coming here when week. Can we stop talking about price? He's not coming here. He wasn't coming here when the J.A. Happ signing happened. He wasn't coming here. It was clear.
Starting point is 00:23:30 So I was not surprised. And there's no surprise he went to the Red Sox. They got a big budget. They were going to land him or Granke. They were going to get one of them. So not a big shock anywhere here. But I don't need to see a bunch of I don't need to see in my feed a whole bunch of pro Red Sox. Like Red Sox celebration tweets. Hey, I reserve the right to mute
Starting point is 00:23:45 and tweet that. Hey, you have that right. I also have the right to say wah. I have the right to edit this out of the final because as you now know, I've educated you, we're not in the cloud yet. That's right. Yeah, thank you. It's all in this fucking room. It's not with Ion. Once it goes to Ion service, then
Starting point is 00:24:01 it's out there. There was another edit, so that's what I'm starting to track edits because I used to never edit anything. Who'd you edit? Mike Toth. Toth? It is Toth, by the way. Yeah, not Toth. Toth, he goes on a long rant against somebody he calls Super Dave.
Starting point is 00:24:16 Super Dave Osborne? No. I love Super Dave Osborne, but he calls him Super Dave. Isn't he dead? Super Dave Osborne? No, he's not dead. He's not dead, but he's really old. Do you know Super Dave Osborne's real name is Dave Einstein?
Starting point is 00:24:26 Yes. And his brother is... Alfred? Alfred. Yeah, it's Albert... The guy who does all the Simpsons voices. Fucking funny shit. Albert, who's the great comedian?
Starting point is 00:24:40 Who's in the movie Mother? I hate it when this happens. Albert... I don't know. Okay. Albert Brooks. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:24:48 Really? That's his brother? So Albert Brooks is a fake name because his name is Albert Einstein. That's ridiculous. So Bob Einstein and Albert Einstein are brothers. Bob became, so Bob, yeah, this is a true story. And he would have been alive. Like his parents would have known who Einstein was, right?
Starting point is 00:25:05 Because Einstein was alive in the 20th century. He was a big deal during World War II. Yeah, yeah. I don't know how famous he was. He was a big deal for his whole life, I think. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But he became like a pop icon, I think, after World War II, I think, when he was in America. Because he was Jewish.
Starting point is 00:25:20 But, you know, yes, he was definitely Jewish, yeah. But, you know, there was... Yes, he was definitely Jewish. Yeah. So Albert Einstein and Bob Einstein brothers, one becomes Albert Brooks and one becomes Super Dave Osborne. Fucking Super Dave Osborne. And they're all still alive.
Starting point is 00:25:32 And Bob Einstein appears on Curb Your Enthusiasm all the time, as you probably know. Oh, does he really? Yeah. Have you ever seen Curb? I have, but I haven't seen it recently. But it's also one of those shows where they don't do it anymore,
Starting point is 00:25:44 but Larry David has said that we may do more. Yeah, he's got the keys to that fucking train. Like HBO said, here's the keys. Do it whenever you want. And I think once he was going to make a season. Yeah. It's like Louis, right? Yeah, I think it's like Louis on steroids.
Starting point is 00:25:56 And comedians in cars getting coffee. Jerry has said that he does them when he wants it. And then when he has six of them, that's the minimum. Then they release them. Kind of like this podcast. I do it when I want that's right i own the keys and the people have said release them as you do them don't hold them back i had a twitter poll and i didn't like it because i did my first ever twitter poll which is a new feature in twitter and then it didn't show up in tweet deck like in tweet deck you don't see the twitter poll but i'm assuming i'm assuming
Starting point is 00:26:22 that if i use tweet deck there must be a lot of people using TweetDeck. I'm like, I can't do this until TweetDeck. I think TweetDeck's owned by Twitter, so I don't know why I can't interpret a poll. Bottom line is, yeah. Why do I think this? This is like the trivia of Adam Groh asked me who owns TweetDeck. I would say Twitter. I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:26:40 It seems dumb. Twitter would want you on their app. If only we had some kind of way to verify this. They don't want you going somewhere else. If only we had some kind of way to verify this. They don't want you going somewhere else. Okay, so Price is a Red Sox. Is that how you say it? He's a member of the Red Sox. Red Sox.
Starting point is 00:26:51 So whatever. Right now, the opening day starting rotation is Stroman, Estrada, Dickey, Happ, and Chavez, who we got in a trade with Oakland, I think. So I have a little bet, a side bet with Toronto Sports Media's Jonah. He says we'll add another starter, and I say that'll be it. I say we won't add another starter. I think we'll add another starter.
Starting point is 00:27:12 Whether or not it's a starter. We never did discuss the terms of the bet, but maybe it's a gentleman's bet. Yeah, is there a deadline? What happens if they add one? Opening day of spring training. How's that? Well, you should probably get his opinion on that.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Okay, so listen to Toth and listen to Grow. Okay. So Toth, you had to edit because he talked about someone named Super Dave. Actually, he does a bit about the real name of Super Dave where he says it and then he discusses how you pronounce it. And then right after we're done, he says he was worried he might get sued by that guy. So he said, can you take that out? And then I realized.
Starting point is 00:27:42 So I've had a few instances lately. I want to say something where I feel compelled to tell you to edit it, but I can't imagine what it would be. I want to add to my opening speech where I talk about being on the mic. Don't say anything you're going to ask me to edit out later because I'm tired of editing. I don't want to edit the show. Ed Keenan was one thing.
Starting point is 00:27:57 That was a big edit. Big fucking edit. So did you have to edit out the whole rant? No, I kept the rant. I just took away when he said the full name. Did you put in a beep like old school? No, I just put in a beep for Ed Keenan because he was such a big chunk.
Starting point is 00:28:12 Commentary on that. Big fucking chunk. Half the episode, a couple minutes. So there you go. That's your Blue Jays news. And the feedback has been good lately. Some people don't like Elvis episodes, but I don't care.
Starting point is 00:28:25 What do I care if you like it? And on and on, like, I'm glad he listens. He's not going to listen to this because you're on it. He or she. Oh, yeah, he or she. I'm glad this person listens,
Starting point is 00:28:33 who I'm sure is a guy. Of course. But, you know, like, if you want to stop listening because I say get on the mic, that's your right. Like, I don't actually look at how, I stopped long ago.
Starting point is 00:28:43 I stopped looking at how many downloads an episode gets. So I actually wouldn't know if you were like you know it's democracy man yeah listen what you want to listen to now accepting sponsors so if big companies want to come in and get the title sponsorship let me know um it's not a power move that one that comment pissed me off like i was gonna like i'm the guy who's gonna invite people to his basement to chat about their lives and do something that of weird power move. Why didn't you hammer Todd when he was in here? I did rough up Todd. He wasn't talking.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Who was it that was telling you that? A lot of people. He would say, oh, something happened with Dean and there was a thing of Dean and then I was told my services are no longer required. People want that detail. What the fuck happened with you and Dean? It was all pretty fresh and he was working on some
Starting point is 00:29:29 severance shit he was careful yeah which he should have been yeah he wants to work again in the industry so uh the other day Corey Joseph hit a three-pointer to win uh the game for the Raptors over the Wizards and my kids and I screamed and hugged like Joe Carter just went deep. I think it's just that I don't think my daughter had ever witnessed a buzzer beater for the win before like live. Big fucking moment. She's a big Raptors fan now. She couldn't believe it.
Starting point is 00:29:55 I personally think that the Argos are more exciting. Oh yeah, let's talk. And Argos are more exciting and there's a bigger fan base of the Argos. I don't think anyone cares about the Raptors. We're going to get in about the Raptors and the Argos are more exciting and there's a bigger fan base of the Argos. I don't think anyone cares about the Raptors. We're going to get in about the Raptors and the Argos in one second. Actually, I would play solemn music,
Starting point is 00:30:12 but I don't want to cheese this up. So there's a gentleman, and I didn't know this guy until he passed away, but there's a guy at TSN named Rick Hodgson, and Rick Hodgson produces. He's a TSN producer, so when you see hockey clips and shit, so he's the guy who's managing
Starting point is 00:30:27 everyone doing that. Wasn't the quote I heard was that if you saw a hockey replay on TSN in the last 10 years or something like that, it was his or something? Yeah, James Duthie wrote a nice piece about Rick
Starting point is 00:30:39 and James Duthie is coming on this podcast. Oh, nice. So Rick Hodgson, it turns out that Rick Hodgson's cousin is the wife of my wife's boss. So my wife's boss's wife is first cousins with Rick Hodgson. So I have a lot of inside info. But needless to say, this guy is 36 years old.
Starting point is 00:31:01 And he feels pain in his chest. And he goes to the hospital. And he never leaves the hospital. He passes away at 36 years old. So feels pain in his chest and he goes to the hospital and he never leaves the hospital he passes away at 36 years old so i just felt awful he's got a young child he's married with a young child and rick hodgson was a producer and you won't know the name at first i thought i recognized the name but it just because it kind of looks like rick hodge i don't actually know rick hodgson it was like a trick in my head but it's just terrible that you have a sad story man otherwise and it turns out he had some underlying uh heart scares before but
Starting point is 00:31:28 he had changed his lifestyle right and yeah it was still still got him and it's terrible bad horrible stuff so he would have been putting clips together for the great cup um the great cup was in winnipeg and it was was like Ottawa versus Edmonton, right? Right. So during the Grey Cup, and I was watching the Raptor game, and then I watched an episode of Ray Donovan, and then I watched the end of the Grey Cup. So that's what I did, because I heard the Grey Cup.
Starting point is 00:31:54 I saw on Twitter the Grey Cup was closed, and I wanted to see a good finish to a big event or whatever. So I was just wondering aloud, like on Twitter, like how many people under the age, I use the age of 40, because I think how many people under the age of 40 were watching in Toronto, we're watching the great cup. And I know it's a big number. I'm sure it's a big number because it gets big ratings, but it didn't in my little circle and my little sample, my small sample size and no interest. There was more people that seemed interested in the Raptor game than the great cup. It just
Starting point is 00:32:20 didn't seem like the great cup was resonating this Edmonton versus Ottawa Grey Cup. So somebody called CFL Lady at CFL Lady was telling me on Twitter, essentially her argument is because TV numbers for Argos are higher than TV numbers for Raptors. The Argos have a bigger fan base than the Raptors. And just the smell, just smelling this comment, I, it just smelled like nonsense. Like as a guy who's lived in the city, it doesn't even feel close. What are your thoughts on Argos versus Raptors? I don't think it's close. Well, the fact that someone needs to feel compelled to convince you that the Argos are so much bigger than the Raptors, tell me that that's just not the case, right? It's like when people tell you, like they
Starting point is 00:33:01 get mad at you because you don't like a particular band or you don't like the movie that they like um and they tell you how great it is it's like well it's probably not all that good anyway if you got to really convince me that this is great or this is funny or whatever so that's sort of where i chalk up her her argument to the the great cup is like the super bowl my wife watches one football game it's an event and that's the super bowl yeah um and and actually too sorry she'll watch the great cup as well but just because it's an event. And that's the Superbowl. Yeah. And, and she actually too, sorry, she'll watch the great cup as well, but just because it's an event and it's a Canadian thing and the Mounties come out and we single Canada and who's the halftime show. You probably know who they are.
Starting point is 00:33:31 It's a winner take all one game final. It's fun. And it's usually the weather plays a factor. Like it's, it's just more, it's, it seems more real than the Superbowl. The Superbowl is really,
Starting point is 00:33:40 really polished. So yeah, but who the, like, did anyone care that the argos couldn't play their remaining what was it two or three home games and oh yeah yeah because the jays were in the playoffs like no one fucking cares the only reason why she's full of excuse sorry go ahead the only reason why i care about the fucking argos is because they're taking over bmo field they're
Starting point is 00:33:58 going to ruin the soccer experience she says the reason the gate is so weak at Argo games is because they're playing in the dome and that they'll have 25,000 strong each game going forward. And that, that, that, that's more people than the Raptors get. Cause there's only whatever, 20,000 seats at a Raptor game. Well, that argument doesn't hold water either because they said the reason why the Jays didn't have good attendance wasn't because the team was bad, but because they were in the sky dome. But what happened this year when you have a good team, then suddenly there's a lot of fucking people. The Argos have had good teams in the past
Starting point is 00:34:29 and they still weren't getting massive crowds. They did and they will. Certainly, you know, she invited you to go to the first game at BMO Field and, you know. Did she give me a ticket? I don't remember. Which is also ridiculous because like, hey, the first game in a brand new stadium,
Starting point is 00:34:44 of course it's going to be fucking huge. It was because it's the first season at BMO. And it's, you know, it is a better seating experience and in-stadium experience. But at the end of the day, if there was an NFL team here and that NFL team didn't buy the Argos, then I think that the Argos are in big, big trouble. And don't you think that with people under the age of 40, the Argos are already in huge trouble? Doesn't it seem like it's an older crowd? Imagine the Marlies, right? The Marlies are here and they exist in Toronto
Starting point is 00:35:12 for reasons other than economic for the Toronto Maple Leafs. When they call up Garrett whatever Sparks, when they call him up, he literally gets on a streetcar and goes down, or an Uber and goes down the street. You think they give him a cab or something, yeah. streetcar and goes down or an Uber and goes down. They give him a cab or something. Yeah. He's going to go in an Uber down the street.
Starting point is 00:35:29 They don't have to fly someone from St. John's Newfoundland. That's a primary reason why they left Newfoundland in the first place from their, from their team. Same thing with the Argos. If the Argos are here and they could compliment the NFL team, then they live.
Starting point is 00:35:41 If the NFL team is here and they don't own the Argos, the Argos are dead. I'm going to talk, this week, I'm going to talk to Arash, actually tomorrow, I think. Arash Madani comes over
Starting point is 00:35:51 and he covered the Grey Cup and I follow him on Twitter and he's like one of my only Twitter friends that was talking about CFL all year. But was he getting paid to do that? Yeah, he was being paid to do it for sure. So, I mean,
Starting point is 00:36:03 the CFL is really big in Canada, I think, outside of Toronto. Why then? This is the great question because her argument is, look at the TV numbers. So I go and dive into the TV numbers. And without a doubt, Argos outdraw. There's a few reasons in my head about this, but I'm going to ask your thoughts on this. So the Argos outdraw the Raptors on television. Yep.
Starting point is 00:36:21 So my thoughts are, firstly uh the raptor game keeps moving around like sometimes it's tsn2 which i know my own family who are a lot of basketball fans a lot of them don't get tsn2 it's like a different tier or whatever you get a cough up like another another 11 bucks a month or something for tsn2 so there's just the whole of like finding raptors on tv is difficult but the other thought i have is that uhgo fans are older. They're older demo that watches things on traditional television. So when you're a member of the numerous people doing TV ratings, I think you have a PPM device that picks up encoding and shit. And if you're watching regular TV, no problem.
Starting point is 00:37:00 I talked to somebody who carries a PPM device, and apparently when you watch things on the computer, you have to put something in the headphone jack. There's a different process involved. And I don't know how many young people carry PPMs anyways. It's tough for them to get people under 40 to carry those fucking things. So I think the nature of TV ratings heavily favors an Argo telecast versus a Raptors telecast.
Starting point is 00:37:25 I think the young people who are Raptors fans are streaming it. They don't have cable. They don't watch the old-fashioned way where they go to their cable TV and turn it to Channel 30 or whatever. So these are some initial thoughts. But why do you think the Raptors are smoked by the Argos in the ratings? Well, I think a big part of it is there's fewer games. That is a big part.
Starting point is 00:37:42 I think that's a big part of it is that the Raptors can play, you know, sometimes three or four games in a week, especially over the holiday season where the Argos are playing, you know, generally it's on Saturday that the Argos will play. So you kind of have that, you have that one day a week and it's a weekend as opposed to a weeknight,
Starting point is 00:37:59 usually during the day. And they only play like what? I don't even know, 18? 18 games. 16 is nfl 18 18 maybe um yeah and and so i i think that plays a big factor in it that's got every game has weight to it it's like i always say like the jays cough up a game oh there's nothing less significant in sports than a regular season baseball game right it's one in 162 raptors are one in 82 so it's a little more significant but it's nothing compared to a football game.
Starting point is 00:38:25 Sure. And you're playing a team that's an hour away in, in Hamilton that creates automatic buzz. And then you go, you know, a few hours away and that you're now you're suddenly playing a team in Ottawa and then Montreal. Like there's a lot of,
Starting point is 00:38:36 um, you know, like we, we know exactly where these places are and it's easy to get excited about it. Um, as opposed to watching a Bills game, which is they're already far away
Starting point is 00:38:46 and then they're playing some Baltimore. Like, what the fuck? Why would anybody ever want to leave Baltimore? That's right. Why would anyone want to go to Baltimore? Fuck. What is, in your opinion, what's more popular,
Starting point is 00:38:56 the Pan Am Games in Toronto or the Argos in Toronto? Argos, by far. Argos. That's offensive. Do you know where the next Pan Am Games are? That's a matter. I've already been clear on this. Don't get me all up Argos. That's offensive. Do you know where the next Pan Am Games are? That's a matter. I told you.
Starting point is 00:39:06 I've already been clear on this. Don't get me all up about this. I know it. Why don't you know it? I don't have a clue. I would guess it's in South America. I feel like it's their turn. No, I think it's North America.
Starting point is 00:39:15 I think it's in Mexico. Wow. I think. I don't think so. I actually think maybe the one before Toronto was in Mexico. No, it was Rio before. The name is Rio. Because Rio got it as a way to prepare.
Starting point is 00:39:28 The very first album I bought with my own money, like vinyl, was at Jane and Bloor. There was a used record shop, and I walked in and bought Rio. That's the first vinyl I purchased myself. Her name is Rio. She dances on the sand.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Her name dances on the sand. Her name is Rio, and she dances on the sand. Her name dances on the sand. Her name is Rio and she dances on the sand. That's right. That's all I know. I love that fucking album. And then seven and the ragged tiger came out and I bought that in cassette because I had moved to cassettes by then. Look at you.
Starting point is 00:39:56 And, uh, I, does I choreographed a break dance to, uh, the reflex. And, uh,
Starting point is 00:40:05 yeah. Do we have that? Is that on tape anymore? That's nowhere. You know what I have to do? I have to do a lip dub for Come Together. Oh, the Aerosmith version or the John Lennon version? The Beatles version. The video that they gave us or the YouTube link that they gave us was for the Beatles
Starting point is 00:40:20 version. You're going to do Steve Tyler. No, I'm going follow the beatles one because otherwise it won't no i know that's like so that's a work thing yeah it's a work thing yeah work my wife just had a christmas party work places are all into like this stuff now like this is for january though but yeah it's lip dubs are a big thing it's a millennial thing because the person who's organizing is a millennial and she's asked all the managers to do this lip dub and then they're gonna mash them all together it is a millennial thing yeah because i don't know i've never been
Starting point is 00:40:48 i've never had the desire to do a lip dub but i'll do it i don't know how i would i don't know i don't maybe i shouldn't say this now this is something i will have to edit out but i don't know like if i ever went back to an office environment like that like could i play this game with the millennials or would i i think i'd be like do you have to you have maybe i shouldn't go back to an office environment. Maybe I'm better off. I don't know how I could. So I, I don't know how I would go back to a traditional office myself.
Starting point is 00:41:09 I've thought about it. Sure. Yeah. Like go work at a fucking bank or something. Like give me a break. I mean, a t-shirt and jeans. I wear roots jogging pants.
Starting point is 00:41:18 I know all the fucking time, but like I wear t-shirt and jeans and I'm going to work. Like I can't go back into a suit. I purposely didn't wear my rootsots jogging pants because I figured- I was looking. You would just fucking bust my chops for half an hour. And you're not wearing the Amber Comby and Finch. This is the-
Starting point is 00:41:32 Okay, so my son passed over more than one sweater. This is another one my son passed over. I love that you're wearing an Amber Comby and Finch. My Mrs. Elvis and I went into- It was either an Amber Comby or an American Eagle or one of Aero Postel, one of those fucking places. Yeah. For young people.
Starting point is 00:41:47 Where you got to like, you have to like, you know, the front of the store is all blacked out. Like there's no windows or anything. You have to like walk through this tunnel to get in. And this was maybe say 10 years ago, right? When we first, like maybe a couple of years after we started dating. So 10 years ago, I'd still be in my late twenties. And we were greeted by a greeter at the front door.
Starting point is 00:42:05 And the dude was, to both of us, Mrs. Elvis is four years younger than I am. So she was still in her mid-20s. And the dude says like, hey, guys, welcome. You guys excited for spring break? I swear. That's amazing. I'm like, are you fucking, spring break? What the fuck are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:42:24 Look at me. Yeah, you know, I don't remember 10 years ago. I have like, are you fucking, spring break? That's amazing. What the fuck are you talking about? Maybe he's talking about. Look at me. Yeah, you know, I don't remember 10 years ago. I have massive fucking slyburns and gray hair in my late 20s. That's funny. You ready for spring break? When I was meeting the officiant of our wedding like two summers ago. When did I get married?
Starting point is 00:42:38 Two summers ago. Yeah, 2013. I met the officiant at Starbucks at Sherway Gardens. And then we decided we'd go across the street to the new beer market. And they carted me at the door. Nice. And then I got carted. And I'm like, what am I, 39, I think, at the time?
Starting point is 00:42:51 And I look 39. Or you'd think I look 49, but that's okay. And I remember, like, I think once they carted me, I'm like, fuck it, I'm not going in this place. It's like, I don't want to be a member of any club that would have me as a member. I'm out of here. And I don't think we ever went. I was in Anaheim for work recently, a couple months ago. And we went to a bar.
Starting point is 00:43:08 And I was with all of the millennials that I work with. And they carded all of them and got to me. And they're just like, no, go ahead. I'm like, fuck you, man. And these people give me the benefit of the doubt here. Yeah, come on. They carded like six people in front of me. And then, just go ahead.
Starting point is 00:43:22 Maybe they have our famous, if you look under 25, we've got card you and they're like oh they get all packed they're 25 this guy no way yeah that's right that's exactly what it was i'm like come on man i'm with six other people at least card everybody hey remember in the summer i went to like three can con concerts in sam smith park uh back to back to back sure you remember this this? I saw The Spoons. It was great. I remember this. The next night... That's right. The first night, I went with my mom to The Spoons.
Starting point is 00:43:54 Because we have Jarvis. He was in bed by then. I went with my mom to The Spoons. Fantastic. But Monica had seen The Spoons with me before. I love The Spoons. Although I think they're just spoons. I don't know if they're both spoons. I don't know. Okay. They'll do either. I think I tweeted at him about it.
Starting point is 00:44:10 So then the next night, which is like the Saturday night, Monica and I went to see Kim Mitchell. Kim Mitchell's got to be Saturday night. Get another soda. The thing is, when I talked to you about going to this concert. It's horrible. We talked about how he's pretty good on cue. I think we talked about, like, we thought he had a good show on Q107. He is a professional in many, many senses of the word. Turned into a professional broadcaster and certainly a professional musician by far.
Starting point is 00:44:38 So we talked about Kim Mitchell because I'm going to see the show. And then between the show and us talking about the show, he is kicked off of Q107's airwaves. They decide they're not going to renew his contract. He's out. They made a bunch of changes, but that was one of them. So between us talking about it and me seeing Kim Mitchell that night,
Starting point is 00:44:57 when he was fantastic, by the way, Kim Mitchell was gonzo. And then the very next night, which was the Sunday night, I actually went alone to this, okay? I went by myself. Did you dance with yourself to this song? Pretty much.
Starting point is 00:45:13 The whole show was amazing. Alan Frew. Yep. Was it just Alan Frew? Just Alan Frew. Oh, it was. But he did all the Glass Tiger hits. Of course.
Starting point is 00:45:20 What else was he going to fucking do? He was going to sing that fucking Vancouver Olympics song? He did. He did. Of course he did. Everything you attach to Alan Frew, he sang that night. Well, he wrote that. He wrote that song.
Starting point is 00:45:29 A storm was brewing overhead. It was like, yeah. And actually, the first song, I saw Rosie there for the first song. And then I guess they had to get their kid to bed or whatever. But Rosie was there for the first song. But I was alone for the rest of the show because she left to put her kid to bed or whatever. I have a boner.
Starting point is 00:45:47 I really do. I can see that. All right. So here's the thing. I go see Alan Frew. So great. He was amazing. Three of the best
Starting point is 00:45:56 worst concerts in a row. But like a week or two later, Alan Frew has a very serious stroke. Do you know? Really? I didn't know he had a stroke. He's still with us
Starting point is 00:46:08 and he's in rehab or whatever, but he had a serious stroke and can no longer perform. Oh my goodness. I had no idea. How did I not hear this? I don't know. Maybe because I had this queued up to talk to you about this and then because I and At Your Service was here, I didn't bring it up because we had other things to talk about. Yeah, we went way over time too.
Starting point is 00:46:24 So I just thought the two out of the three that I was excited you know, the spoons are the same old, same old. But yeah, there was like those things happen. Kim Mitchell is essentially fired from his gig on Q107. Sure. And Alan Frew even more seriously has a health issue
Starting point is 00:46:40 right after I see him. That's horrible. Sam Smith trifecta has a little jinx attached to it. You believe in jinxes, right? Yeah, yeah. Toeball, you fucking jinx the Leafs all the time. You jinx Toronto sports all the time. How did I jinx as a 93, Elvis?
Starting point is 00:46:55 Well, you weren't blogging then. That's true. That's the key. Oh, shit. Stop fucking blogging. Hey, how did I didn't? How about when Canada won the gold medal at the junior championship last year? I was in the building when we beat Russia. Well, you weren't blogging about shit. Hey, how did I didn't... What about when Canada won the gold medal at the junior championship last year? I was in the building when we beat Russia.
Starting point is 00:47:08 Well, you weren't blogging. I was tweeting. Well, hello. I took photos and tweeted. For fuck's sake. For fuck's sake. So that's my... The Sam Smith concert.
Starting point is 00:47:15 That's too bad. That's really... It's all bad. I didn't know that. That's horrible. Yeah, so I hope he bounces back. Yeah, totally. He was fantastic.
Starting point is 00:47:21 And he looked like he was in tremendous shape. I remember thinking to myself, this fucker's in better shape than I am this guy like i was listening to him when i was like in primary school like come on glass tiger was big yeah don't forget me when i'm gone yeah kim mitchell's fucking big he's huge he's a wild party he he is i'm not a huge fan of kim mitchell's music i appreciate it but i'm not a huge fan but i also appreciate the guy that's a real fucking pro i mean he did a ton of work with rush and all that stuff like he you talk to rush who are who are like there's no one else on the canadian mount rushmore of rock music there's rush and only
Starting point is 00:47:56 rush that's it uh wow yep i'm saying it right here he's a big fan you know who else would you put on the mount rushmore of can rock? Guess who? I guess. I guess. No pun intended. You've just added somebody to the Canadian. Say what you will, but I would put the Tragically Hip up there. I don't know if I'd put them on the Mount Rushmore. You're thinking, oh, Rush are
Starting point is 00:48:19 big in Germany. Rush are big in Australia. No, no, no. Rush is like the greatest fucking band ever. I'm not anti-Rush. I like Rush are big in Australia. No, no, no. Rush is like the greatest fucking... I'm not anti-Rush. I like Rush. I agree. Forget that they're Canadian. It's just they're amazing.
Starting point is 00:48:31 But they're an international phenom. They are. Whereas the Hip are a Canadian phenom. So I think that's why your brain doesn't put them together. But if you just looked at Canada... If Mount Rushmore wasn't in South Dakota and it was in Saskatchewan? Okay. Right. Do they have that? That would be the worst place. Let's only look at a band's
Starting point is 00:48:49 body of how they're received in Canada. You know what? That would be amazing if there was one fucking mountain in Saskatchewan, which I don't think there are any. And if there was one and we carved out rock stars' faces. Would you put Nickelback in there? Come on. No. I love the Mount Rushmore argument
Starting point is 00:49:05 because it gives you four spots. Okay, let's go. The Guess Who, Rush. Guess Who, Rush, Tragically Hip, and then you're not going to put Nickelback there. You're not going to put Our Lady Peace there. I'm thinking of bands that are really big, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:18 You're right. They wouldn't get there. What's another big rock band? There's got to be other big rock bands that we're not thinking about. Honeymoon Suite. Honeymoon Suite. Can you put solo artists? Because Neil Young would be ahead of Rush. You know what? You'd have to put Neil Young up on there.
Starting point is 00:49:30 He's number one. Then you've got to put Joni Mitchell up there. You put Neil Young, you put Rush, you put Joni Mitchell, and then that kicks out who? Guess who? Or Tragically Hip. You'd have to kick out Tragically Hip. How come Leonard Cohen doesn't get invited to this party? Is he a rock star, though? No. Well, he's a musician. I mean, you can make the argument
Starting point is 00:49:46 about Joni Mitchell then, too. I like this game better when it's just bands. Once you introduce these solo artists, Alright, let's just do bands then. Because then Gordon Lightfoot wants an invitation. There's a lot of people
Starting point is 00:49:55 lined up there. Does he get up there, though? I don't know. Okay, so definitely Rush. Definitely... Stomping Tom. Oh, yeah. Hello out there.
Starting point is 00:50:01 Okay, so definitely Rush. I saw Stomping Tom perform live on the Conan O'Brien show. That was the episode Steve and I recorded. I've seen Gordon Whitefoot in concert before, but not Stomping Tom. No, I have seen Stomping Tom. I lie. Early Morning Rain is one of my favorite songs of all time.
Starting point is 00:50:17 It's good. They're good shit. Good folk songs. You know, he was reported dead. Yes, he was. And he read it. Many years ago. Didn't he get phone calls and stuff, too? I'm sure you would. I'm sure once I'm reported dead, people will call me. Mike, you're. And he read it. Many years ago. Didn't he get phone calls and stuff too?
Starting point is 00:50:25 I'm sure you would. I'm sure once I'm reported dead, people will call me. Mike, you're dead. No one is going to call you. Why aren't you answering? No, they'll tweet you. But we'll activate a poll and tweet that. Does your wife, who's younger than you, and my wife is younger than me,
Starting point is 00:50:38 and women seem to live longer anyway, do they have the keys to your social media life? No. You could die tomorrow. Yeah. The poor guy at TSN. You die die tomorrow you need somebody you trust who can no one has the keys to the castle control that shit no one financially yes but not not to my social media when i do a snowy bike ride it's always a possibility well yeah yeah el duce and i are well aware of the fact that i talked i
Starting point is 00:51:02 talked on the phone last night in your hands every day he oh really you guys talk of the fact that you're taking your life in your hands every day. Oh, really? You guys talk on the phone? That's romantic. I don't have many male friends I have phone conversations with. We do these catch-ups and we talk. It's kind of interesting. There's two of them, right? There's the Anthony that I hear
Starting point is 00:51:18 on the phone. The Il Duce I know is a ball-busting... He'll make he'll, he'll make something up just to go against you to bite, to bust your balls. So you mean El Duce on your blog is not always the El Duce that I know? he is.
Starting point is 00:51:34 There's only one El Duce, but he's got two personas. Gotcha. Guy, I see what you're saying. I thought you were saying there's two people. So you're only one guy. The ball busting Elvis is the real guy.
Starting point is 00:51:42 That's right. Okay. Right. But Il Duce, there's a sweetheart Anthony. He is a very nice person wouldn't say a nick oh and he always I remember during the Rob Ford era he would go at me digitally he'll do she would go at me but Rob Ford's the greatest mirror of all time right you're such an elitist or whatever whatever and then he'd call me up laughing to tell me he doesn't believe any of that he thinks Rob Ford
Starting point is 00:52:02 is a disgrace he should step down and he would phone me up and tell me how he really feels. See, there's an element of that to me, too. I don't go that far. But yeah, I mean, whatever. But he's a nice guy. Do you ever assume an argument just to assume? This is big in talk radio, right? A guy will have, they call it hot takes, which I hate that expression.
Starting point is 00:52:18 But this is my hot take. We don't want David Price. And this is my hot take about why we don't want David Price. Just to have the fodder like to be contrarian well i mean you kind of have to do that when you're trying to invent content for your show but i i don't know i think if i would accuse me of anything it would be that i sometimes try and walk the line you know like trying to cash trying that's right try and take both sides of an argument but i also think that that's how life is you got to be pragmatic right you can't just be like signing him as the greatest thing or not
Starting point is 00:52:47 signing him as the greatest thing well it's not probably there's probably good and bad things to both but it's i always find it interesting these people who will assume the argument that we're better off without the greatest starting pitcher available well yeah i but i mean you have a guy running for president who's doing the exact same thing and it seems to be working so i haven't paid attention to him well you, because it's pretty funny. It's awesome. Dangerous, too, at times. But, I mean, people will respond to that.
Starting point is 00:53:13 Because there are so many people who don't take a stand on anything that he's taken a stand very clearly. I can see a politician. It's called a wedge issue. So politicians will identify a wedge issue and they realize that issue. You should be on this side of that issue just because these people will come over or whatever. That's actually like a strategy
Starting point is 00:53:32 in politics. But he's taking it to the next level because he's lying. You're talking about the Muslims in New Jersey. Well, there's so many things that he's lying about. But he's lying about the fact that he saw Muslims dancing in the streets. Right, in New Jersey. And that he also saw people jumping from the building, but he's lying about the fact that he saw Muslims dancing in the street. Right, in New Jersey. And that he also saw people jumping from the building, but he's also four miles away from ground zero.
Starting point is 00:53:50 So did he really see that? And really, if anything's in the media in 2001 and you cannot actually point to it anywhere, it just didn't happen. Like, we don't live in a world. Like, this isn't like in the 30s, there was a newspaper article and the microfiche has been destroyed. Right, or where the president of the United States had to take a train to go across the country to campaign, and there were some states that they never set foot in because there was no, you know, no meat. Right, there was not enough people there,
Starting point is 00:54:11 no time, whatever. Right, like Delaware. Yeah. Like, why would you bother? We're going to Delaware. So, I don't even remember where we started there. We're going to wrap up soon. Is there anything you brought to the table content-wise?
Starting point is 00:54:23 Yeah, there was one thing I wanted to mention because I'm super, super excited. I think, I don't know if we mentioned it last week or not, but I feel like there's been some additional development since we last talked about it. So as you know, I'm a huge comic book fan. I used to read comic books. I still do read comic books digitally.
Starting point is 00:54:39 I'm kind of scared to go back into a comic book store now because I'm just worried that the people that sold me comic books when I was a teenager are still going to be working behind the desk, which I have a realistic expectation that they would be. I know, but I'm still scared. Todd in Streetsville, if you're still working at
Starting point is 00:54:53 that place with your mom, I'm really scared. Shout out to Streetsville. Image Comics. Anyway, Daredevil was a horrible movie by Ben Affleck. And then they decided to resurrect-resurrect it. Marvel signs a deal with Netflix to produce a Netflix-only series about some comic book characters that make up part of the Defenders, which is sort of like the B version of Avengers. But it depends on who you ask.
Starting point is 00:55:21 If you talk to Jimmy Kimmel, he was way more into the Defenders than he was the Avengers. Anyway. Okay. Avengers, but it depends on who you ask. If you talk to Jimmy Kimmel, he was way more into the Defenders than he was the Avengers. Anyway, Daredevil comes out, really, really dark, really, really awesome show, 13 hours of an origin story of who Daredevil is, and Kingpin is Vincent D'Onofrio. As far as I'm concerned, he should be nominated for an Emmy. It was great. Then they come out with the second series, which is Jessica Jones, sort of a newish character that was introduced to the comic books in 2001 wasn't really didn't really know anything about her first introduced during the show just finished binge watching it amazing super dark probably the best portrayal of a female superhero i've ever seen okay the next one is going to be daredevil season two which he's then going to apparently in this it's going to come out in the spring apparently he's going to
Starting point is 00:56:03 fight the punisher and punisher is obviously a very interesting comic book character because he's one of the few that is actually using guns to kill people. Most comic book characters don't kill people. And then they're going to also come out with Luke Cage, which was introduced in Jessica Jones. And then they're going to come out with another character. I can't remember the name of it right now. And then they're going to actually do a Defenders series on Netflix.
Starting point is 00:56:24 And this is all Netflix. And they're going to actually do a Defenders series on Netflix. And this is all Netflix. And they're going to tie it into the Avengers movies as well. Wow. So I have to say, for the second time in the show, I have another boner. Because I am just so thrilled with the quality and the content and what's happening in the comic book world, not only on the big screen, but within the netflix realm which keeps it like a comic book more so than the big blockbusters like avengers and captain america which looks amazing by the way but all this stuff is just so amazing so if you're into comic books or even if you're not you just want to like sort of dabble in it um go watch daredevil season one jessica jones and and just
Starting point is 00:57:01 it's it's a really awesome time for someone who's an old nerd like me to be able to watch the shit I would read when I was a kid. It's just so great. I never read it, to be honest. I read Archie comics in Asterix. What about Asterix? No, they're not comics.
Starting point is 00:57:18 I mean, they're comics. They're comics in the definition of it, but they're not comic book heroes. Although, Obelix had super strength because he drank the Druid gave him. You know what I did read, though, is I read Tintin. Yeah, Tintin was big, too.
Starting point is 00:57:33 You know what Tintin did for me? Every time I would read Tintin, I loved it, I would pee the bed. Is that right? I think I would get so scared or just so uptight about it. As recently as like five years ago. And I would pee the bed all the time.
Starting point is 00:57:43 And my mom was like, don't read it anymore. And I'm like, I love it. That's an amazing story. So you save that for the end. I would go to the library and read Tintin. I'll put that in the description. Elvis discusses his bedwetting habit. Seriously, dude, you can almost set your clock to it. It's like, oh, Perry
Starting point is 00:57:58 went to the library today and got Tintin. And you have to be old enough to like read a book like that. So you're clearly like nine years old, I think. I must have been nine, ten, eleven, twelve yeah vincent d'onofrio by the way of course was the fat guy in full metal jacket that's right oh you know that and then he was the skinny guy in law and order and now he's super fat in kingpin yeah well kingpin is just a big guy i don't know he said he put on 30 or 40 pounds for the role and shaved his head like he's fucking awesome and so great the chick great. The woman superhero was
Starting point is 00:58:25 the girlfriend of Jesse Pinkman on Breaking Bad. She's really good in it, too. I thought she had an interesting look to her. She's good in Jessica Jones. All right. I was going to do a thing on winter cycling,
Starting point is 00:58:41 but I'll save it for next episode. Two boners, one episode. Two boners, one episode. Two boners. Two boners, one show. That sounds like a porno movie. I have a note here to share the fact that I now officially deem the phrase, we created value for shareholders as the grossest term in 2015. We created value for shareholders.
Starting point is 00:58:59 Who said that? Is that a Roger saying? People say that. Big companies just say that. Well, that's what they're supposed to do. I know. I just find that when we look back at this civilization we've created, creating value for shareholders will be what we hang our hat on. What is that?
Starting point is 00:59:12 Is it though? What have we done? I don't know. What have we done anyway? Making money. Yeah, we're making money. That's awesome. I should make money.
Starting point is 00:59:22 I'm going to sell this title. I told Il Duce, Toronto Mike brought to you by Palma Pasta. Yeah, for sure. And Or the Incredible Goat. That's right. Which is kind of a better title than the one I came up with. Yeah, why doesn't Palma Pasta fucking sink some money in here?
Starting point is 00:59:40 Or at least bring a plate of cannolis. Every time you record, there should be lasagna. Yeah, we could have lasagna or cannolis. I fucking love Italian food. It's my favorite food. Just make it without cheese, please, and meat. Thanks, Duce. Oh, yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:59:53 Yeah, you're the vegan who doesn't talk about it. That's right. That's the kind you're going to be. Every vegan mentions it, and you don't. Every atheist, vegan, and... You show great restraint. What's the other one? Oh, CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:00:06 CrossFit, right. I'm one of those three. And cyclist. Winter cyclist. And that brings us to the end of our 147th show. Boner. You can follow me on Twitter at Toronto Mike. And Elvis, if you want to complain about his big laugh, tweet him at Oshawa Elvis.
Starting point is 01:00:28 Boner. See you all next week. Boner. Big fat. Rosie and Gray Yeah, the wind is cold But the smell of snow Warms me today And your smile is fine And it's just like mine And it won't go away
Starting point is 01:00:53 Cause everything is Rosie and Gray Well, you've been under my skin For a long time

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