Toronto Mike'd: The Official Toronto Mike Podcast - Toronto Mike'd #17

Episode Date: November 28, 2012

A typical week in Toronto with the Grey Cup, Rob Ford's ousting and breasts on display...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Rosie, hello! How's it going today? There's not a lot of things that could move breasts down to the bottom of the show rundown but I think we have the topic that did it. So uh breasts was the big topic of the day, and it was a typical week in Toronto where nothing particularly interesting or podcast-worthy occurred. Does that sound about right? Sounds about right. We have lots of things to talk about, I think, today. Well, the bell, of course, that call uh, a callback to episode one when we said, uh, we didn't
Starting point is 00:01:09 want to make it all about Rob Ford, but every time one of us brought him up, we were going to hit the bell. He's coming up today. I don't think we can avoid it. Well, my 10-year-old son is here today. I told him I was a big radio star and he's here to watch his daddy broadcast over the airwaves to millions and millions of people and we can let him control the bell if we want. James, do you want to say hi? Hi.
Starting point is 00:01:42 Try again. Hi. How old are you son 20 how old are you really 10 and you enjoying uh the show so far yeah okay great i'm gonna mute you tap me on the shoulder if you have something interesting to say. But I don't, but I'll just, I only answer if taught to me. Okay. James is very well brought up. He only speaks when spoken to. James has already gotten a quick lesson in how very unglamorous broadcasting is.
Starting point is 00:02:23 A lot of sitting around and waiting. He's been a very good sport so far. Well, without further ado, I wanted to mention to everybody it's episode 17, and normally I play a clip, and you might hear a play-by-play of some Toronto sports star who wore 17. I think it's pretty obvious who this episode is going to be dedicated to. And I didn't want to do a play. I actually thought I would play Hero of the Day by Metallica because anyone in Toronto who's a Wendell Clark fan has seen the,
Starting point is 00:03:03 Wendell Clark fan has seen the, the, my son's got his arm up because the all heart video, the tribute to Wendell Clark is essentially that's every morning we start our day watching all heart. I watched that on your website. It's amazing. You have to watch it. It's on your site,
Starting point is 00:03:22 right? Everywhere. It's all over my site. It's all over YouTube. My son, hold up. It's great. You have to watch it. It's on your site, right? Everywhere. It's all over my site. It's all over YouTube. My son, hold on. It's great. James, do you enjoy All Heart by the Wendell Clark tribute video? Yes.
Starting point is 00:03:33 And there's another video you like, right? The one they did at Air Canada Center with the Aerosmith Dream On. Yeah. And what is your favorite part of these videos? I like when Wendell Clark just keeps beating up everyone. Me too. That's the best part of it. So this episode is to Wendell.
Starting point is 00:03:53 In the 80s when we didn't have a lot going on in Leafland, we always had Wendell Clark. He was just pound for pound. What a tough guy. What a great leader. And he scored the big goals when you needed it. And damn it, I love that guy. All Heart is a perfect way to describe him. Oh so nice. It's a nice song. And you and I Rosie were at the
Starting point is 00:04:13 Humble and Fred party last week. They had a party for their 250th episode and we met a number of listeners. I just wanted to give a shout out to one of them right now. This is for Liz, who I met here at Redfish Studios. Liz, I've started swimming. I've been swimming every day since our Thanksgiving. It's made my hair different. I don't know how else to describe it, but I don't require any product like gel or hair spray or anything in order for it to just sort of stick up on its own.
Starting point is 00:04:49 It's like it's been chemically the chlorine. Is there product in your hair right now? Zero. See, that's remarkable. It's it looks it doesn't look it looks like it's been styled with some some product. That's really that's just from the chlorine. Yeah, absolutely. Zero product in my hair is like this every day now.
Starting point is 00:05:05 And I just got a haircut. But before the haircut, it was really crazy. Like, I think I wrote on my blog, it was like Kramer meets Einstein. You have thick hair. You have thick hair. Thank you. Thank you. Well, it wasn't, it was just an observation.
Starting point is 00:05:19 I'm trying not to go bald. So this is good news. But Liz had a really good suggestion for some special uh shampoo i could buy that would help my chemically altered hair now and i bought a different kind that she suggested what does she recommend keels or something oh that's good stuff yeah it was like 23 bucks it's not cheap it's good stuff three bucks on uh hair products smells good the keel stuff it's expensive it's pricey i bought someone else's for 10 bucks and it seems fine i don't know um but it's still sticking up but i think this is just how my hair will be so long as i swim in chlorine every day but that's why i have this wonderful uh wonderful
Starting point is 00:05:55 body now it's because of my my swimming so you have no comment james is smiling no i've got his dad did your dad talk a lot about his uh about his great body no he's gonna stay me he's gonna actually i want to hear i want to hear a little bit more about this let's put his you're unmuted for a minute put his mic up so what do i want to tell you did your dad talk about his she wants you to say your dad's got a hot body or something i'm not sure that's appropriate no what that's it i'm muting you okay you're getting okay that's fine you're done um so that's very nice so liz recommended a hair product like a chlorine shampoo and anyways um that's my new swimming hair and i also want to say uh i want to say hi to a longtime reader and commenter.
Starting point is 00:06:49 And if this song means anything to you, it means you're a fan. Likely, you're either a fan of the Pogues, because it's the Pogues, the body of an American, or you're a Wire fan. And McNulty, who's named after a key character in The Wire, many, many years ago, I wrote an entry saying, I want to see The Wire. Does anyone have the DVDs they can lend me?
Starting point is 00:07:12 He wrote a comment saying, I have the DVDs. You can borrow them. He told me where he works. I went and met him. He lent me his DVDs. That is so nice. He's very nice. The funny thing is, I've watched. That's what I love about the readers on your site.
Starting point is 00:07:24 That's, I just site that's i just that's really really nice yeah and i i borrowed them i watched the series loved it and then i went and bought my own copy because i loved it so much and i own my own copy of uh dvds which i've lent to my brothers and i lend you know so it's like you pay it forward or whatnot exactly but i wanted to say hi to mcnulty i don't think i've ever officially uh mentioned him on the podcast but he actually won those trips to uh canada's wonderland for that uh oh the contest you had yeah and i so i saw him again there right after i got uh off the leviathan uh he was there with his son and was like hey how's it going you had a lot of
Starting point is 00:08:03 your readers go to that event, right? Yeah, because Canada's Wonderland was trying to set that record and they gave me all these free tickets. I just gave them out to anyone. So nice. I wish my little guy was a little bit older. I would have loved to. Now, did they end up?
Starting point is 00:08:16 They didn't end up actually making the record. Oh, that's too bad. But there was no lineups and we got to go and James was there. It was a good time. That's great. So do you have anything else you want to add about the Humble and Fred party? We met Stephanie. Yeah, Stephanie was so lovely.
Starting point is 00:08:31 It's just, you know, it's so nice to meet, to put faces to names, obviously. And Stephanie was lovely. I could have talked to her for hours. There's something so nice when you meet someone and you feel like you've known them forever. I felt like I... Well, you'll like this then because many, many many this is a long time ago on my blog she knows I'm a big Blue Jay fan and she said you have what's your mailing address and I'm like oh she's not gonna come kill me or anything I give her my mailing address and she sends me copies of the Blue Jay albums they put out in
Starting point is 00:09:01 the early 90s with you know you know Long Came Joe and that's the one I love. Stephanie did. The Tom Henke one, The Ballad of Tom Henke. And yeah, she just sent me these Blue Jay albums, which I ripped to MP3 and I still, I share them on my blog all the time. Like, it's just fantastic. It's really cool. She was, you know, she was so lovely.
Starting point is 00:09:20 And it was so nice to meet Rick C. Because he's, you know, a frequent commenter. That's not his full handle, Rose. I know his nice to meet Rick C. Because he's a frequent commenter. That's not his full handle, Rose. I know his full handle. Rick C. from Oakville. Yeah. That's a key detail. He doesn't live too far from my brother and sister-in-law.
Starting point is 00:09:33 But it was just so lovely. It's just so lovely to chat with everyone. And we didn't even mention, but the great part of the party was watching Humble and Fred do their live show. There's something about seeing something live that has just this amazing energy to it. And they were so funny. And the whole studio audience was just so, I mean, I can see why they're, you know, 100 percenters. You know, everyone's so loyal. Everyone's so into them.
Starting point is 00:09:57 And I could just tell that they were so, you know, they felt really good to be there among all their fans. It was great. And then some of those characters, too, like Scary Pete and Chicken Shawarma, they just bring back such good memories. It was awesome. It was a really fun night. And the highlight being my bit I did. I wrote that bit and performed it. That was the highlight. We agree?
Starting point is 00:10:18 It was, you know, for me, that was, I could have just went home after that. So if people haven't heard, I essentially pretended like I had messages from John Derringer, Andy Frost and Mike Stafford. And I read these well wishes to Humble and Fred. Yeah. It was great. I spent over, I would say somewhere between 90 seconds and 150 seconds on that bit. And I hope it was well received.
Starting point is 00:10:43 It was all good. And then Dan, it was neat to, you know, Dan Duran was there. And there was, I forget the names of the music performances. One was Howard's daughter, Spencer. Yeah, she had a lovely, lovely voice. And the other guy, crap. I know, I can't remember, but he was really good. He was really good, too.
Starting point is 00:11:06 It was great. It was really good too it was great it was really really fun um 250 it's pretty although you wrote something on your site yeah it's more than 250 yeah you said it was actually not you know their pr reps told them to say it's 250 it was like 254 i think but uh yeah it wasn't 250 but they yeah it's just better you know what are you gonna do we're celebrating our 254th episode. Round number is better. They had to round it down. So they, yeah. Oh, we didn't talk about the best part of the whole night.
Starting point is 00:11:32 The food. Oh yeah. So Palma Pasta, who is catering my wedding. And I love that guy, Il Duce. I know I'm not allowed to give shout outs, but can I give a shout out to Il Duce? Because I got to meet. Okay, that's the last one, I promise.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Oh, he's so lovely to meet him. He's so, wow, his food. You've never met Il Duce before? I have not. You've been missing out. How fantastic. I have not, no. His food was pretty spectacular.
Starting point is 00:12:04 It's pretty authentic. Remember the big box of buns? You know, I remember spectacular pretty authentic remember the big box of buns you know i don't you i remember you talking a lot about a box of buns you seemed really mike was really really fixated on this box of buns towards the end of the night and i wasn't really paying attention to you there was a huge box of buns at the end of the night i was flirting my head i was thinking i could take that freeze it like we could eat that till through christmas well it's nice to not have things go to waste for sure then i then i thought mike the chef there said he was gonna take it to a food bank or something so excellent then i i'm not finished
Starting point is 00:12:35 my story rose so i'm like there's no way i'm taking the freaking box of buns and then like there's some poor like a homeless kid or something who could have ate it and i freaking have it in my freezer. Like I can afford my own buns. Fair enough. So that was my thought. Good. And then I'm listening to Humble and Fred's podcast and Fred says he took it for his neighbor
Starting point is 00:12:53 John. His neighbor John's got the box of buns. Is his neighbor John homeless? No, apparently he's not. He's in a home? He lives in a home? He has a nice home in Brampton and he has a lot of buns. Now I wish you'd have taken the buns.
Starting point is 00:13:05 You know what? I know. At least half of the buns. Because I think he travels all over the place. I think he does better than I do. Like, I need the buns. But the homeless kids didn't get the buns. Clearly not.
Starting point is 00:13:19 They ended up in a nice house in Brampton. No. But you know what else they gave away at this party? Since nothing else happened in Toronto this week, we might as well just talk about the Home and Bread party. Nothing happened of worth, noteworthy. And we're not talking about Bress or Rob Ford. We better get on with it.
Starting point is 00:13:35 Rob Ford wasn't even first on my hit list. Something else happened before that, but we'll get to that in a second. They gave us free samples of the five-hour energy drink that spawned. They get a check from these guys every freaking month uh five hour energy i don't see any of that money but i did get four free samples or whatever and you and i we can tell everybody you and i like a half an hour ago we did something we took our first ever shot of five hour energy i i have never you know what i'm kind of freaking out is that true i feel the same no i feel i um i feel i feel a little buzzy do you yeah because you're high when you're
Starting point is 00:14:15 not i have a lot of natural energy as it is and if i drink coffee i have a lot of energy but right now i feel um because normally i feel good it was actually it was tastier than i expected it to be okay i thought it's across it's a cross between buckley's uh cough medicine and freezies you know but i actually don't think that's that's it's more because i think buckley's tastes disgusting i actually thought that this was more like a freezy than it was it was okay it was i don't think anyone's taken it for the taste but uh i took it down and i don't feel any different but i do drink like i'll drink a starbucks and not feel any different like i don't drink for the i don't know the caffeine i just like the taste of coffee i think um i do think i prefer my caffeine from coffee because it's just this
Starting point is 00:15:01 feels like a like it to me it feels like a jolt and then i fear that you know jolt cola that was our that was our five-hour energy in the grade school we were in high school i studied for grade school well i remember the first time drinking jolt cola grade studying for latin my latin exam and memorizing all these um latin terms and being up all night and i drank jolt cola it was it was. My hand was shaking. That stuff was good. They should not have been allowed to sell that stuff. That stuff was crazy. That was like our heroine in the schoolyards of St. Pius. So you had it in grade school?
Starting point is 00:15:32 I never had it until we were at Michael Power. No, it was grade school. I remember with Chris Lang and we had Jolt Cola. And yeah, grade school. But this stuff, five-hour energy is fine, I think. You have energy normally because sometimes you're you're excited about phil and you're excited about the blue jade trade you're excited about everything like i don't know what will happen when something exciting actually
Starting point is 00:15:53 happens like i gotta throw the table like oh god you cut off but um i just i just it was it was better i have to say It was better. I have to say it was better than I thought it would be. Yeah, it was fine. It was fine. But I just thought the people needed to know we had our first five-hour energy. It was good.
Starting point is 00:16:13 This is the memorable Argos fight song, which was recently rediscovered, and the people have been playing it all week because on Sunday, I watched the Argos win the Grey Cup at home, the 100th Grey Cup. Rose, did you watch? You know what?
Starting point is 00:16:38 I kind of watched in and out because I was doing some work at the time, but oh, so wonderful, so awesome. I was downtown just, I think, was it on Friday or Saturday? And it just feels so good when stuff is going on in the city. Like, it just felt so good. There were people from out of town. Yeah, there was a good buzz, right? Such a good buzz. And what I really love when you have people, like, such a big event coming from out of town,
Starting point is 00:16:58 you see people in their Edmonton Eskimo jerseys. You know, there were people that weren't even cheering for Calgary or Argos. They were cheering for, you know, Saskatchewan or Winnipeg, but they were just, they were there for the event and they were so excited and it felt great. You know, people in wigs and they're laughing and they're singing and it just felt wonderful. It just felt, we haven't had anything like that in Toronto in so long. So I was just, it was great. Oh, I saw the cheerleaders, they were getting out of the bus and they were all like, you
Starting point is 00:17:23 know, excited and it, and it was great. Now, I was thinking, should I go to the parade? And I almost went to the parade, but I actually had a sick son at home. James was home sick. Doesn't seem too sick to me right now. He just looks incredibly bored. He just ate a bunch of Wixom's birthday cake, which I don't think sick people are supposed to do. But I watched it on that you could
Starting point is 00:17:47 live stream the video and I watched it while I worked and it just looks like a good time the whole city seems to have embraced the Argos so very proud of them for the convincing victory that's the other thing the way they it was I have to admit it was nice to see them really kind of kind of crush them so it was I mean I you know I didn't watch the whole game but I came in at the important parts and it was nice to see such a nice, like, yeah, like you said, convincing victory. So I have to admit, I've kind of forgotten about hockey.
Starting point is 00:18:14 It's amazing how you don't have something you forget. You really do. I didn't think I would. I forget. No matter how badly you wish to have hockey back, it isn't coming back. So I think our natural instinct is to make lemons out of the lemonade. Like that's how I work. So, you wish to have hockey back. It isn't coming back. So I think our natural instinct is to make lemons out of the lemonade.
Starting point is 00:18:26 Like that's how I work. So, you know, fine. No, no, no NHL hockey. Well, you know, that's fine. I'll do other things with my life and I'll be fine without you. No, exactly. And it was again, it was just nice to be, you know, downtown and people going into bars and going into restaurants. And it's it's it's really, really, really
Starting point is 00:18:46 cool. Argos! Breaking news, Rosie. Mayor Rob Ford has been ousted. It's okay. We can't ring it every time for this. By the way, I do want to put a timer on this there's a bunch i just want to say we're in the humble and fred studios here and it's sort of
Starting point is 00:19:10 decked out for christmas there's tinsel and there's a little bell with a i like the festive spirit in here i don't think they did that i think i mean humble seed or fred's fred's okay it's christmasy it's good it was done think, after they recorded today. I think Ward, I think Al actually decorated it. Tomorrow, the guys will either like what they did or hate it. We won't know until we listen to the podcast. But Rob Ford, and we can't go too long on this because this topic, I'm already exhausted by it. Like, I don't know how to describe it. I was exhausted before the verdict came down on the Rob Ford front and I did post an entry about it and
Starting point is 00:19:48 like a hundred comments later I'm exhausted again like I will converse with my friend Rosie about this and some thoughts I have about it but before we begin maybe we'll we'll just tell everybody of course as if they don't know an Ontario judge has ruled that Rob Ford violated the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. So that's what he has been found guilty of. And Rose, what's your thoughts on what has transpired? Well, I'll be honest. I have to admit, my first reaction to it was a little bit of,
Starting point is 00:20:29 reaction to it was a little bit of, oh, you know, what a shame that something he did to help kids has brought his downfall. So I have to admit my first reaction, even though, no, am I a huge fan of his? No. But my first reaction was that, oh, what a shame. This is how it's gone down. However, the more I read about it, when I read that he was asked six times to pay back the money, I don't understand why his advisors, his supporters, the people close to him would not have just said, pay back the money. This is his great character flaw, in my opinion. You know the statement? Stubborn sense of entitlement those
Starting point is 00:21:05 four words sum it all up to me the whole the whole rob ford saga stubborn sense of entitlement and i just i find it sad i feel sad for our city that this is what has happened i think it's key what you mentioned it's to me it's key that we not get bogged down by the fact it was only $3,150 for underprivileged kids. Like that detail, those two facts to me are completely irrelevant. And they have no place in this discussion. Therefore, remove them because it's irrelevant, completely irrelevant that it was what the money was for, that it wasn't going into Ford's pocket. And it's completely irrelevant the amount of the money was for, that it wasn't going into Ford's pocket. And it's completely irrelevant,
Starting point is 00:21:46 the amount of the money. What matters, what got him in trouble in the first place wasn't even, by the way, it wasn't even the fact that he was using city letterhead that was inappropriate, but that's not what did him in.
Starting point is 00:21:58 What happened was he shouldn't have been soliciting the money from the lobbyists. So this money came from lobbyists. And if he had just said, I apologize and paid it back, we're not talking about it today. Exactly. It never, we would not be here. This wouldn't be happening. We wouldn't be in a position where now more time is wasted. More money is going to have to be spent, more distractions from what we need, from what
Starting point is 00:22:19 the city needs. We need to focus on transit. We need to, it's just more distraction. And we, if he had just paid it back, we wouldn't even be just talking about it. And he had to fix opportunities. And he said no each time. And then he should have, what's the term, recused himself? Am I, is that the right word? But he speaks on the issue in council
Starting point is 00:22:35 and then he votes on it. And that's where he violated the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. He voted on an issue in council where he was involved financially. And that's a huge no-no for any elected official. You know, it's just, you know, it's, I just, I don't understand why he doesn't have
Starting point is 00:22:55 better people advising him. And then not even just on this, but on everything. You know, I've never- He won't accept a driver so he can get work done while you're going from A to B. He refuses to accept a driver where every mayor, Mel Lastman was saying, are you crazy?
Starting point is 00:23:10 You can't do this job without a driver. And he, he just, he, something about Rob Ford's personality. He, he's right. Damn it.
Starting point is 00:23:19 And he's right. He's right. He's right. He's right. And he won't listen to other people's uh opinions and advice and he won't solicit like even okay he did not he was almost proud he was telling everybody who will listen and he said on the stand that he did not read the municipal conflict of interest act he was a counselor for many years he never read it he was mayor of toronto the biggest city
Starting point is 00:23:44 in canada he didn't read that act and he didn't what i would do in his position was i might He was a counselor for many years. He never read it. He was mayor of Toronto, the biggest city in Canada. He didn't read that act. And he didn't, what I would do in his position was I might find somebody who knows the act and have them explain it to me. Yeah. You have those resources at your disposal. They even have like these sessions you can attend for new counselors where they tell you everything you need to know about the act. So you don't have to read whatever the 50 page small type document he refused it's like he was intentionally remained
Starting point is 00:24:11 ignorant on purpose and it goes down to what you said stubborn sense of entitlement it sums it it sums it all up but you know what's really interesting now is you know listening you know you listen to um conversations on it on talk radio and you read about it and i think actually one of the commenters on your site who who writes who writes so eloquently uh lauren i think he pointed out and he said well now will he become now you know a martyr and already i actually heard someone compare him to christ being crucified and that's rg like you can discountG with a great assault there. He's always... Oh, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:24:46 You compare him to Gandhi and Jesus. Well, the thing is that there are... See, the thing with Rob Ford is there's a lot of characteristics of his that I think actually people liked about that stubbornness. And I think some of that endeared it. So it's just a shame now that I think this had to happen like this because I think it sort of just distracts from the sheer fact that he didn't think he had to play by the rules.
Starting point is 00:25:13 You know, I listened to his press conference earlier, and he did, for the first time he did sound contrite. Well, he read it, though. That's the first time he read his prepared statement and didn't shoot from the hip like yesterday where he was blaming the left wing conspiracy. Sounds like he's finally listening now to someone. Somebody got to him.
Starting point is 00:25:29 Somebody told him, no, this is what you're going to do. Read what's written on this paper. Sound as sincere as you can. And then don't take any questions and get the hell out of here. No. And, you know, I never, you know what? I actually never, it never bothered me that he wasn't so perfectly eloquent. He wasn't so polished.
Starting point is 00:25:46 You know what? I think that actually endeared him to a lot of people. That never bothered me. I'll tell you the things that actually bothered me. I never, ever could really come to terms, and I have to admit this, I could not get over this with Rob Ford. It bothered me to no end that he would not go to the pride parade it was just to me as the mayor of this city pride is more than the pride parade is more than just um you know a a parade community it is a integral part of the culture of the city it is important it is important to so many people
Starting point is 00:26:22 and it is not good enough to say i go to the cottage that weekend you are the mayor of the city it is important it is important to so many people and it is not good enough to say i go to the cottage that weekend you are the mayor of the city it is it is more and i feel like his attitude i remember once here after a cyclist was was killed um something to the a comment he made and it was something it's his own fault at the end of the day exactly his heart bleeds for him yeah exactly are you kidding i could not shake that. You are, you need to think bigger. It is not just, it's, it's, it's, I cannot get past those things. That being said, there was stuff about him I quite liked. He spoke recently about bullying and, you know, I, you can see the passion he has for those kids. And he said, you know, if you're being bullied you you you say something and i could see that that you know reaching reaching kids there's you know nothing's black nothing's black and white but i i can never get past uh uh some some of the stuff i feel like toronto we're it's so special and we we need a mayor that represents everyone to me uh relating to his stubbornness is inability to reach consensus on council so this was a man would, the way he tried to get things passed was sort of to,
Starting point is 00:27:29 you know, subway, subway, subway, subways. There was never like, okay, here's how we're going to do it. You know, like David Miller was always good at this. You know, talk to the right wing guys, talk to the left wing guys, you know, bring them in on this and then reach consensus. That's how you lead, right? That's how you would lead a company. And he's leading the biggest city in Canada.
Starting point is 00:27:47 And more to your point about the Pride Parade, one thing is, okay, I'm not going to be in this parade for whatever reason, but isn't it like a week or 10 days of stuff leading up to it, including flag raising? He wouldn't step 10 feet out of his office to participate in any of the events. Exactly. But when the great cups coming to toronto and they're gonna have that uh mud bowl or whatever they had and at nathan phillips square
Starting point is 00:28:11 all we i mean all we've been inundated with that gif that i never shared on my site because i didn't think it was fair to him because the large man falls like we're laughing at this no i was actually upset somebody put that on your site it seems so everywhere i mean every site i know but i feel like your site is above above that i'm not above anything but i can tell you that i didn't share it and a commenter posted it and i had seen it a billion times because i'm on reddit a lot of things actually i never had never it went viral like that gif of him falling was everywhere so mean i i hate it how did you miss it you must not travel the web very far i don't you know what i don't tend to watch videos online, it's so mean. I hate it. How did you miss it? You must not travel the web very far. You know what?
Starting point is 00:28:46 I don't tend to watch videos online. No, it's an animated GIF. It's embedded. There's no video. Oh, I didn't have to press play? No.
Starting point is 00:28:52 Oh, I didn't press play. You know what? You're the only one who didn't see that. I would never, if I saw a link to something that said Rob Ford falling,
Starting point is 00:28:58 I would never watch that. That would not appeal to me. It was everywhere. But this is interesting. It wasn't on the on the news yeah it was on the news it was everywhere honestly no joke that gif of rob ford playing football and falling it was everywhere every blog that's associated with a newspaper and any any everywhere but i like somebody i actually was reading that that bit on your site and somebody said that you made fun of his weight.
Starting point is 00:29:26 You never, ever. That's not you. That's Freddie P. Oh, okay. Freddie P. I was actually angry when I read that because I know Mike. Toronto Mike would never make fun of something. That is not something a friend of mine. All my archives are online.
Starting point is 00:29:36 You are my friend. You would never do that. Go ahead and find it. He thinks. No, no, no, no. Mike would never make fun of someone's weight. That's not the person, the human being that you are. No, I honestly don't care.
Starting point is 00:29:47 I do not. And I mean it. I'm looking in the eye. My son's beside me. I do not care at all how heavy Rob Ford is. It's hard to lose weight. It's a struggle. People struggle with it their whole life.
Starting point is 00:29:59 I've never... Rob Ford's weight is not the issue. I know it's Humble and Fred today we're talking. I listened to their podcast today. And Fred leads leads this but Humble was right on board people don't like Rob Ford because he's fat and it's to me I'm listening at home like that's so ridiculous everyone I know who dislikes Rob Ford doesn't even bring up his weight none of us give a rat's ass how fat he is. I don't care that he's fat I don't care that he's not that he doesn't speak you know beautifully i that's not that's not the the issue at all that's why i hate those things that show him falling or anything it's just it's just me to me it's the equivalent of
Starting point is 00:30:35 schoolyard bullying you know it's it's it's it's cruel but whoever said on your site that you made fun of his weight no it's freddie no that No, that's not true. That's not true. I'm not going to go too far on this line except to say that when people tell me that we would like him, as if he was 200 pounds and fit, this would be completely different. We'd be Ford fans. To me, it's ludicrous.
Starting point is 00:31:00 It's almost like a deflective technique to say, oh, you just think he's fat. Maybe somebody's making fun of his weight, but not me and not in my circle are we making fun of his weight. Any mayor that chooses to not participate in the Pride Parade, I don't care how fit you are. I lost respect
Starting point is 00:31:15 completely. Or to say, you know, there's other stuff too. The resistance to affordable housing in certain areas. Like it's, yeah, there's nothing to do with his weight. So what's next, Rosie?
Starting point is 00:31:34 What's next? Like I understand, of course, he's going to appeal and that's fine. It's within his rights. He will appeal. It does sound like this decision will be withheld in the appeal it was a it was a proper decision based on the evidence at hand and the judge had no choice but to deliver that verdict so on appeal it's looking quite likely like rob ford will lose again on appeal at that point he will be removed from office and he is not allowed to run again during this term and there's going to the
Starting point is 00:32:08 judge will have to elaborate on what term it means the city hall lawyer guy says term is the four year period so rob ford would be allowed to run in 2014 uh the judge has to say what term means but uh then what happens next does the deputy mayor take over uh with doug holiday or is there a by-election which a lot of people don't like to talk about the by-election because it's like six or seven million bucks or something the problem with a by-election is that you know it's exactly seven million dollars And research shows that, or data shows that, voter turnouts for by-elections are very low. So not only are you costing the city a lot of money, but you're not going to get people coming out again. So whether it's a by-election or councillors appointing someone
Starting point is 00:32:58 in the meantime to run things until the next election, election um we'll see we'll see exactly we'll see and that's this you mentioned to me earlier that this is like you're kardashians like you're like a political junkie and this is fascinating stuff right we're on uncharted territory let's go it's kind of it's it's you know i have no i don't really find celebrity and this is another reason why i've always liked mike's site i don't find the celebrity stuff interesting to me at all but you know politics it's you can't make this stuff up. If you wanted to make a movie about a Toronto mayor, it's just you could not make this up.
Starting point is 00:33:32 Everyone was flabbergasted yesterday at what happened. No, it's so funny. You listen to the experts, the lawyers all getting interviewed. Nobody thought the judge would make this decision. And I love it. Not that, you know, you like to see people be wrong, there's a little no i even wrote somebody said i just mentioned that the the argo parade was today and i mentioned ford will give a speech and then someone said well if he's still mayor and i said well if he's not mayor if that decision comes down that he has to be removed
Starting point is 00:33:58 i said i will be flabbergasted oh yeah and then an hour later he asked me are you flabbergasted Oh, is that what you mean? The fact is we didn't, some of us felt Toronto deserved better. And we were willing to wait till 2014 and then back a candidate that we liked and hope that they won democratically. It looks like we don't have to wait till 2014. This is what the cards that were dealt to us and we will, you know, proceed. Exactly. This is not, we're not going to have a parade to celebrate the judge's decision that he's ousted. This is just the way it is in Toronto and we need to proceed. Unlike a lot of people from Humble and Fred and others, you and I actually own property in Toronto.
Starting point is 00:34:54 We do. And we live in Toronto. We pay taxes in Toronto. We pay property taxes. And we vote for the Toronto mayor. We vote for the Toronto mayor. Absolutely. And most people you're listening to talk about this situation and read don't that's
Starting point is 00:35:06 a fact they can have opinions but it's a little they don't have skin in the game no it's uh it's it's going to be it's going to be very very interesting to see what happens it's funny there's been so much going on um i was actually at the news came at the same time about Mark Carney going to England. I thought that was, you know, here's another example of someone being interviewed, you know, for the past few months showing no indication at all that he was going to leave, you know, Canada. I watched the Lisa Laflamme on CTV interview him, this really, really... You love your CTV, Rosie? I love Lisa Laflamme. I have loved Lisa Laflamme ever since she was on Newsnet.
Starting point is 00:35:47 No, she's great. But here's Mark Carney saying, I'm not going to. I have a job here to do. And here he is now going, I have to tell you something interesting about all that. He's going to England. Obviously, huge job. You see him on the cover of the of the papers now in in Britain. And he's being tasked with, you know, basically saving the economy there because he's done such a good job in in Canada.
Starting point is 00:36:11 And then there was a news report and the reporter was talking about how this is such a huge job and he's taken it and his salary. And I'm wondering, I have to admit, I'm wondering, I wonder how much money he's going to make. So in my head, I'm thinking he must, you know, must be like $500 million. Because I mean, what a huge job to save a country's economy. And they're like, oh, he's going to probably make about close to a million dollars.
Starting point is 00:36:32 And it sort of struck me in my tracks, stopped me in my tracks because, you know, thinking of what, you know, hockey players make. And I'm like, here's Mark Carney, who's basically going to, is tasked with such a huge responsibility.
Starting point is 00:36:47 And he doesn't really make as much as most talking players what does obama make oh i know it's not i mean i know it's not i know it's not comparable it just sort of threw me threw me off it was so there was so much i know you can't compare but it's just but you know what i mean it's it's interesting it was it was i really did uh it really did throw me off it's like whoa that's actually oh yeah that amount of pressure and responsibility that's not that much money well thank you why is ty why does ty domey make more than uh barack obama you know it's just it just makes you a little bit more mad at this whole lockout business although I did hear that they're not that we're going to talk about this but they are talking again I don't even know what that means that bell means two things one
Starting point is 00:37:20 I'm done with rob ford I mean I just can't do it anymore. It's exhausting. You know, let's see what happens next. Watch the process unfold. No, it's going to be, it's going to, it's, it's, it's interesting. It's fascinating. And I refuse to talk about the hockey lockout. Just refuse. Fair enough. But I do want to ask you, Rosie, you went to Michael power high school with me right yes i did okay and we showed up there and was it 89 yeah yes okay oh my god 89 oh my god so you remember the 80s right love the 80s so my memory of i don't, whatever. Uh, maybe it was a crowd I was hanging around with at that time at Michael
Starting point is 00:38:08 Power, but the cult, it seemed like the cult was the biggest band on campus. Do you have any memory? Do you share any of this? Oh my God. It was, it was,
Starting point is 00:38:19 yeah, it was the cult, the cure. What else? Well, I was like Depeche Mode freak. But it was a big band. That group, you're right.
Starting point is 00:38:28 That's a good trifecta, actually. Those were pretty much the three for me. I also went to U2 a lot then. Yeah, U2 was... Yeah, they're always big. But was I the only guy with Public Enemy going through? But no, I remember The Cult specifically. It was crazy big.
Starting point is 00:38:43 I love the song. Can you keep playing it in the background? It's good. Yeah, sure. Mike, I just want to say, you've gotten so good with all the buttons and everything. I don't screw up anymore. It's a lot smoother.
Starting point is 00:38:55 When I go to bed at night, I visualize myself doing it. Yeah, it's very good. You're doing awesome. And look, the fades are even working. Rose, we've been teasing the audience about breasts, your breasts, other mothers' breasts. I didn't realize we were specifically talking about mine. Well, you're a mother. And I'm glad that you're referring to them as breasts because one of Mike's readers, Blind Dave, pointed out that he doesn't like the term boobs.
Starting point is 00:39:25 He prefers breasts or tits. Well, there's always one rose. We can't kowtow to the lowest common denominator. I have to say, if Blind Dave is listening, I laughed out loud when I read that because he was like, oh, I don't like the term boobs. Breasts or tits. And I always think of tits as a bad word. I'm sorry, James. You can hear tits.
Starting point is 00:39:43 He's worse than that. But I feel like feel like like it's funny breasts almost i don't know something it's very um breasts i think this breast is fine the doctor term like if i were talking my daughter i would call them breasts yes we use the doctor term yeah certainly when it's a penis like i don't go you know mind your cock and balls i call it a whistle that's not no rosie you're not supposed to do that you're supposed to go penis and then when they're older you can call it a whistle. That's not, no, Rosie, you're not supposed to do that. You're supposed to call it a penis. And then when they're older, you can call it a dink or whatever.
Starting point is 00:40:08 A dink? I'm not going to say dink. Who says dink? I ain't Homer. I can see your doodle. Oh my God. But don't call it a whistle. Just call it a penis.
Starting point is 00:40:18 Guess. Well, you should. Okay. I'm giving you mother advice. Thank you. But back to breasts. You can introduce, this was your big topic you introduce it and then i'll tell you my thoughts well a couple of weeks ago this was i mean gosh no one's really talking about it now but a couple of weeks ago i i found it really
Starting point is 00:40:35 interesting um um now you know we've been saying we're going to talk about breasts but we're really going to talk about breastfeeding um a mother breastfeeding her twins in a daycare was asked to move to another room and it caused an uproar. She demanded an apology from the city of Toronto and she got it. And I just find this, you know, especially ever since, you know, having had a child and nursed him, I find it really interesting. Are you offended if you see a woman nursing in public do you mean you're not sure like you think i might be one of those guys who's offended by no i'm just i'm just i'm just curious because everyone has i have so i have so many thoughts on this but okay i'll tell you my thoughts and then you can continue uh absolutely not at all
Starting point is 00:41:23 not even a little bit like not even a little bit. Like not even a little bit, oh, I wish she would go to another room or whatever. To me, it's to be encouraged that it's better for children to receive, to be breastfed. The propaganda posters in the hospital, at Women's College Hospital, where my boy here was born and his sister,
Starting point is 00:41:42 said to breastfeed for two years. That's what the poster said. And I remember because James didn't get two years. He didn't get the one year. I can't remember how long, but he was breastfed for as long as his mommy was willing to go. And his sister was breastfed. But it's to be encouraged and it's beautiful and there's absolutely nothing offensive about it. You know, it's funny because, you know I've I've seen you know I have friends
Starting point is 00:42:06 that have you know the whole whole variety of things I have friends that have absolutely no issue whatsoever with pulling out a breast and feeding you know no without covering up um it's a beautiful natural thing and I really I really do think everyone has to get over it, you know. And now, that being said, me personally, when I was nursing, and I nursed Nicholas until he was about 16 months. I always covered. I personally always had a nursing cover when I was in public. And this wasn't, this was more for me. Now, I know. Maybe you don't want strange men looking at your areola.
Starting point is 00:42:43 This is the thing. There are some women, and I, you you know i talk about this with my friends there are some women that feel very much that when they're nursing their breasts are for feeding their breasts have become something for feeding me personally i didn't completely disattach to me my breasts still felt like a part of me not necessarily you don't want to flash people in well you know before i was nursing i wouldn't pull i wouldn't you know take out my boobs and show them and so when I was nursing I preferred to cover up with a nursing cover and that was just also for for me not even for others that being said there were a couple of situations where um I was in public specifically it was a
Starting point is 00:43:22 second cup at uh Humbertown out on the patio with Chrissy. Wait, Rosie, I keep seeing signs, Save Humbertown. Is it like in danger of disappearing? Yes, and everyone needs to get, honestly, get over it. I see the signs near Royal York. It's from 1952.
Starting point is 00:43:36 It's this old school. Personally, it's... I don't mean to get away from the breasts. We'll get right back to it. But you just mentioned Humbertown. I drive on Royal York a lot. Yes, what's happening is they're proposing basically a big mall, get away from the breasts. We'll get right back to it. But you just mentioned Humbertown. I drive on rural York a lot. Yes. What's happening is they're proposing
Starting point is 00:43:46 basically a big mall, a mixed-use condo, you know, condos, office space. Oh, Toronto does not have enough condos. No, and I mean, I can understand people being like enough with the condos, but, you know, in fairness,
Starting point is 00:44:00 Humbertown as it is now is a very old style of mall. It's one of those... The strip malls. Yeah. It's got a shoppers. Yeah. And there's a bulk barn.
Starting point is 00:44:09 It's inevitable that it's going to get redeveloped into something else. The immediate community is upset because they feel there's going to be so much, you know, more traffic and this and that. I just think though that it's, you know, sure have conversation about what's going to happen there. Maybe less condos or mid-rise or whatever. But Humbertown as it is, is an old-fashioned mall. I personally think.
Starting point is 00:44:31 So you don't care if it disappears? Honestly, no. What do you think of the Hyde Park Zoo? Do you care if that disappears? Oh, my God. You know how I feel about the Hyde Park Zoo. Okay, get back to the boobies. I'm terrible.
Starting point is 00:44:40 Freaking out about the Hyde Park Zoo. Back to the boobies. I love the Hyde Park Zoo. Maybe this is the five-hour energy kicking in there. We should talk about the Hyde Park Zoo. Back to the boobies. I love the Hyde Park Zoo. Maybe this is the five-hour energy kicking in there. We should talk about the Hyde Park Zoo next time. Stick it on the Google document. Because I have a lot to say about the Hyde Park Zoo. No, so yeah, so with the breastfeeding,
Starting point is 00:44:54 there have been situations where I, there was a couple of times where I had to pull it out and it was, you know, it just had to happen. And it is funny though. It does make... Men are uncomfortable? Well, you know what? Here's my thing real quick before you get back. So if I see, let's say, I don't know, it just had to happen. And it is funny though. It does make... Men are uncomfortable. You know why? Here's my thing real quick before you get back.
Starting point is 00:45:08 So if I see, let's say, I don't know, I'm at McDonald's or something and then a woman takes out her breast to breastfeed, I have a natural instinct that's from just centuries, I think it's ingrained in me that there's a boobie hanging out. So it's like, I'll naturally want to take a peek at this breast that's hanging out.
Starting point is 00:45:25 But I realize when it comes to, when they're breastfeeding, I can't be staring at this breast. My husband's got the exact same thing. Exactly. So the biggest challenge for me is to ensure that I'm not staring at this breast that's now on display.
Starting point is 00:45:39 Scott says the same thing. Offensive, not at all. And you know, not all breasts are attractive. It's easier not to stare at the less attractive breasts but i suspect you men would want to check out your breasts when you're feeding nikki well you know i've always been ample ample bosomed woman and this is why you always i noticed anytime i bring up the chick who tweeted me her breasts alice and pill you always talk about her
Starting point is 00:46:05 little ones you always like you basically uh they're not that little i don't know they're maybe they're a small b cup alice and pill i don't know she tweeted them to me they look like a small b she didn't tweet them specifically to you a lot of men like small b like you know you can't you cannot be a big boob uh snob i'm not all All I'm saying is that I'm used to perhaps glances. I have no problem with it. But what I found funny was in that situation where I had to nurse him and I didn't have a cover, I happened to be with a girlfriend who was dating someone who was very, he was a very, I guess he was kind of a granola type of guy.
Starting point is 00:46:45 He seemed very chill. He was wearing Birkenstock lived in he met us for he met us for coffee and he had like a hipster he was i don't describe it like an artist and i remember i i he had a notepad with him and he was like oh whoa just stop for a sec i need to i just need to sketch that tree like he was very like earthy and granola. So this is not someone who I thought. Fartsy fartsy. Fartsy fartsy, sure. And, you know, he had brought some lavender oil and he was like, you know, he was like, oh, this is, you know, good for your soul, whatever. And so I did not see this as someone who was going to have an issue if I had to.
Starting point is 00:47:16 Yeah, he should be all over this. It was the opposite. Really? He was so uncomfortable. He was so. He doesn't have to look. Comfortable. What was so funny because he did that thing where kind of like you described you gotta look at somewhere
Starting point is 00:47:27 else like look somewhere else he was going to crawl out of his skin and i thought did he tell you he was uncomfortable oh no oh no but you just tell no i could tell you could feel it it was just buzzing off of him how uncomfortable it's just okay he doesn't know where to look and he's trying not to look like he's looking at your boob that just came out. Exactly. Exactly. That's okay. To me, if he didn't say anything. Oh, no. And he didn't walk away or whatever. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:47:49 That's fine. That sounds normal. I actually went at Sherway Gardens was nursing him. I was covered. And this man walked by. And he stopped. And he was like, good for you, dear. Well done.
Starting point is 00:48:03 And I was like, that was odd. Oh, I thought he was going to lift you dear well done and i was like that was oh god okay to get to a point though where nicholas he was a big baby and i um i don't know it was about 16 months is a long time well he was under the cover and he was wearing like running shoes and you just saw this running shoe sort of kicking out from under the cover and my mom was with me we kind of looked at each other and i was like i should probably wrap this up soon i think people think i'm nursing a four-year-old. I have a question about this. I remember with Jamesy's mom, the problem was Jamesy's teeth came in really early
Starting point is 00:48:31 and he used to take a chomp. And like we were teaching him, like we did everything you're supposed to do, but that's why she weaned him off because he was like biting her breast. You know, I never, he never did that. He never did that. The reason I had to stop cold turkey
Starting point is 00:48:47 because I got, it was terrible. I had a, out of nowhere, a kidney stone. I had to go on this medication. So I had to wean him cold turkey because I was on all this morphine and everything.
Starting point is 00:48:58 It was awful. To be honest, it was probably for the best because he really... Well, 16 months, you did very well, I'd say. Yeah, I probably would have probably gone longer.
Starting point is 00:49:04 But you know what? It was, he was getting really big. He was hungry all the time. I was, I was drained. Although I will say one thing for, with breastfeeding, you lose, it helps you lose all that weight because your body has to, and it's good. It builds up the immunities and it's got good nutrients and it costs you nothing. Yeah, that's, that's, that's true. Yeah. I never, that's a good point. Yeah. It beats the hell out of the expensive formula that they hide behind the counter. Well, formula is expensive. But you know what? I do want to say, though, there is a lot.
Starting point is 00:49:29 It's funny. You mentioned the propaganda. I don't want to say propaganda. Well, I don't call it propaganda. But the two years, I thought it was great. But a lot of moms who can't go two years, I don't want them to feel any shame. Or that can't go at all. Like, I have a girlfriend who just had twins.
Starting point is 00:49:40 And she can't. She can't. It's just not on. And she feels bad. And it was funny funny we were just talking about it this this morning i'm like don't feel bad there is nothing wrong with bottle feeding your baby formula at all if you can't do it do not no i don't think i think uh you know i don't think she breastfed i mean i belittle her for it every chance i get don't get me wrong but
Starting point is 00:50:02 no i'm just kidding no you can't it's hard You know what? It is so hard when you have it. It is so hard. But honestly, if you've ever seen someone nurse twins. Whoa. Oh, I admire her for even trying. It's a lot of work. But yeah, so I'm glad the city apologized to that mom. You know, it's amazing that anyone would still
Starting point is 00:50:26 i couldn't believe in a daycare asked to to move somewhere else i'm glad they apologized and yeah i think um we just have to you know just get a little bit more understanding about it here here so we agree on the breast issues any any other boob related stuff before we uh move on okay pet peeve time okay okay so everyone's calling it 2012 i heard it at the great cup parade today you know we're in 2012 we're great cup champions i refuse to call it 2012 it's 2012 because it wasn't 1983 when the argos won the cup. It was 1983. I like 2012. It is 2012. I don't even know how it became 2012. Who decides what will become the standard when we had a standard and then you just decided
Starting point is 00:51:15 to switch it? I wonder if it came from saying 2000, like in the first part. They didn't know what to call that decade. Exactly. Because that was weird. The odds. The odds was like, who said that? No one said that.
Starting point is 00:51:24 I don't think everyone said that. I said that. Mr. Burns said that. Yeah, exactly. But I bet you it comes from that. You say 2008, 2009, and now we're into 2012. I've actually never really thought of that before. But for sure, brevity, I prefer 2012.
Starting point is 00:51:36 Whenever I speak about 2010, 2011, 2012, never 2012. Yeah. Come on. No, I'm with you. I'm not disagreeing much with you today. today i have to say we agree about everything we're agreeing about everything today i'm not surprised though because you know we talked about you know who rf oh where's the bell you can hit the bell for me one more time just one more time go ahead Rosie play the cult again no I have a question
Starting point is 00:52:09 do you know what we're listening to right now nothing you're shaking your head are you sure you're 38 years old oh my god WKRP oh my god thank you oh my god I love WKRP oh my goodness how much did you love that show?
Starting point is 00:52:25 Well, I'm about to tell you. I think that energy, I can't tell if that energy I just saw is from the five-hour energy it took before the show or that's just rosy. You know what? This is like 98% rosy, but I'm not going to lie. There's this tiny little like right here. I want that. What do I have to do?
Starting point is 00:52:42 Drink more? No, we drank the same amount, but I'm smaller than you maybe that's that's it not much what's your weight i'm not telling my weight i'm 120 pounds oh how much do you weigh uh 147 yeah so i'm smaller than you yeah i can't believe you were gonna think that you're gonna tell everyone that i'm not smaller than you i'm kidding come on you're five foot nothing okay don't worry about that so this is um that was wkrp theme song and the reason i'm playing it is because i find it interesting i grew up watching that show in syndication and it made me love radio less nesven yeah and it made me i just wanted to be like johnny fever dr johnny fever and venus flytrap it made me fall in love with being like a dj on
Starting point is 00:53:23 the radio because in that show, the DJs made their own playlist. Like the DJs decided what they would play. Andy Travis gave them full license. I didn't know at the time, I was very young, that in reality, you didn't have that,
Starting point is 00:53:37 most radio people at the time didn't have that luxury where they could play what they want. They didn't have a say in it. And now they have no say in it. I don't think they get to decide anything like that anymore decide anything no now they have like these uh least of all play like songs or but that show uh cannot be released on dvd with its original music because of licensing problems do you know this so that's the interesting thing is they did put out season one on dvd with
Starting point is 00:54:03 replacement music so like let's say in the show van morrison was playing right okay when it ran originally on dvd they have some kind of uh they don't have van morrison they have a piece of music that is much less expensive to license or something in the public domain so it's crappy it's yeah so all over the place music was such an important part of that show and they can't they cannot use that music because it's cost prohibitive to license it all for dvd release so i find it interesting that uh you all i want to do is i want to watch there's only four seasons but i i love that show i love the characters i'd love to watch it again was there only four seasons i didn't realize that but i will only watch that show if i can have the
Starting point is 00:54:48 original music i don't think that's gonna happen i don't think there's gonna be that much of a demand for them to put that amount of money out to give it to you with van morrison and that's all the original songs because you know stevie wonder whatever they were playing they played like they played a lot of the late 70s, early 80s kind of stuff. Well, isn't that what they say, rap and hip-hop today, it's not the same because when its first inception, music was sampled without the licenses. Public Enemy, that's great.
Starting point is 00:55:19 Exactly. Thank you. You're welcome. They said that you really couldn't make Fear of a Black Planet today because of the licensing, they're so different. make fear of a black planet today because of the licensing they're so different so fear of a black planet if no one knows is a amazing public enemy album but the the bomb squad that produced this thing it was layers upon layers and it wasn't just james brown it was all this crazy awesome stuff sampled and remixed and it was incredible today
Starting point is 00:55:42 yeah and they say you couldn't afford to put out that album today no interesting very very interesting so um who's your favorite character on wkrp oh less nesbitt i loved him oh my god oh not jennifer marlowe no i liked her too but i've had to pick she was the brains of the upbringing oh my god that show was so so funny gosh that makes me think for some you bring up wkrp and it makes me think of Three's Company. That was the other one that I loved. Yeah, I watched that too, but as I aged, I liked Three's Company less and less and WKRP more. It did not age well.
Starting point is 00:56:13 Three's Company is one of those ones that it did not age well. Although John Ritter, the physical, I really think he's unparalleled in terms of that physical humor. When he would come out of that kitchen, Jack, right? That was his character. Jack Tripper. Jack Tripper. When he would come out of that kitchen and trip and fall, his character jack tripper jack tripper when he would come out of that kitchen and like trip and fall oh my god it was it was hysterical it was absolutely hysterical yeah loved it what was it what were other good ones from from then oh i used to watch uh first of all i just wrote today actually on my blog i mentioned
Starting point is 00:56:38 in passing that i preferred cheers when it had a coach oh completely before woody and a lot of no you'll be surprised. A lot of people our age prefer cheers after Rebecca and Woody show up. Oh, no. I didn't, after Rebecca came on, I, to me, it was, for me, it was always Sam. But there were more episodes post-Rebecca
Starting point is 00:56:57 than pre-Rebecca. I know, I know, but. What's so wow about Rebecca? Did you love the Cosby show? I watched it. I loved the Cosby show when I was on my honeymoon. It was ridiculous. There we are in this hotel room and The Cosby Show came on every day at 5 o'clock.
Starting point is 00:57:11 And I just, I watched it every day. I watched it. I loved it. I loved The Cosby Show. I think I preferred Family Ties to The Cosby Show because I really liked Michael J. Fox. Loved it. Oh, loved it. Loved it, loved it, loved it.
Starting point is 00:57:24 And my mom at the time was a dead ringer for Elise Keaton. You're kind of a ringer for Alex. Michael J. Fox. Yeah. Alex P. Keaton. Alex P. Keaton. I do have a picture of. Well, you have that same buzzy energy of.
Starting point is 00:57:38 It's a five hour energy drink there, I think. Remember the episode where he takes. Oh, yeah. And he's studying for the finals. I'm studying for. Yeah, absolutely. So good. there i think remember the episode where he takes oh yeah and he's studying for the finals i'm studying for yeah absolutely so good do you remember the one where his his friend died and it was like really like out there episode and his friend had a cleveland indians hat and i remember i don't even know how to describe this episode they actually had some dramatic a lot of dramatic episodes and now a special episode of family ties that's good a lot of good a lot of good stuff did you
Starting point is 00:58:05 watch groin pains yep well you know alan thick was uh i i met him here i don't know but a year ago alan thick i met him in this very room right because he his the the the insurance cambridge life solutions he did they did that here right yeah okay so wkp distinctive voice we need it on dvd uh at least put it out there where i could watch it again we'll see but original music i don't know how to make that happen and i want to wrap up by talking about something that happened one no 10 years ago 10 years ago that Toronto Mike was born not the person the blog do you know I remember I remember Mike's site wait when I first started working it was um your full I don't your full yeah it was before it was,
Starting point is 00:59:06 I remember Mike said, I don't even think you had comments on it then. And it seems like just yesterday, I can't believe it's been 10 years. Well, you know, the original- Your website used to keep me company at work when I was bored in my office. Oh, nice.
Starting point is 00:59:19 Interesting. The website originally was just flat HTML files sitting on the server. So I'd edit them in like Notepad or whatever and then FTP them. What's that? HTTP. Yeah, Rosie, HTTP. And then at some point I needed, you know, to have comments and everything,
Starting point is 00:59:37 like a proper blog, you need to have a content management system sitting on the server and then it can feed it. So I implemented movable type. This is like 2003 when that happens or whatever. And then I put it into that CMS. And the first entry was November 30th, 2002. And James was less than a year old when that happened. He was born in January 2002. You're right. You can't do it with the aughts. So that's where it comes from. That's where it comes from.
Starting point is 01:00:06 So 2002 is when the blog was born. So I just wanted to say happy blogiversary or whatever you would say to a blog. 10 years, I think, is a long time for a blog. There's not a lot of blogs over 10 years. No. And, you know, when you think, you know, well done. Like, you know, when I think of that site when you first started it and, you know, what it is now and the, you know, the awesome community that you have built up there and all the interesting stuff that you write about. You should be really proud of it, Mike.
Starting point is 01:00:36 It's awesome. I'm proud of it, even though last week Irvine posted that he was leaving the community because he has to go incognito because he's got some IT security job. I saw that, but I was, first of all, I did not know what the darknet was until he, I have nightmares now. I have nightmares now of this thing.
Starting point is 01:00:59 About the darknet? I didn't even know, I've never heard of that before. Oh, yeah. He scared me yeah He scared me He scared me about putting pictures of Nicholas on the internet
Starting point is 01:01:07 Everyone wants to scare you about everything But I must say you know I always found Irvine's post very interesting and I was like oh what a shame to see him go
Starting point is 01:01:14 but it doesn't seem like anyone on your site really believes that he's gone Irvine was a real pain in the ass for a long time though Yeah see I don't think I because I always read your site but I never read the comments
Starting point is 01:01:24 so I missed I think I missed a lot of so he came he left for a while and then when he came back it was a kinder gentler irvine so when he left before why did he leave before he went he went to bc like he said he was leaving he had to go i don't know you know i don't know these people it's like i'm vouch for him they just tell me but he was in alberta i get their comments but irvine was in alberta and he said he was going to BC. And when he was in BC, he wouldn't comment and he didn't. And then months later, he came back with a vengeance. And now he says he's gone for good because of his IT security thing.
Starting point is 01:01:57 Now, is that, I mean, I know nothing about this. Is that actually, is that a true thing? Like that you would not be allowed to? I can't vouch. I don't know. I don't know. Wow. I have no idea. I have no idea idea what he's doing i have no idea if he's bullshitting us right i have no idea except that he hasn't commented since so he's kept it up for a few days yeah we'll see it was only the other day that i saw that so well happy anniversary and
Starting point is 01:02:20 congratulations for you toronto mike it's awesome and rosie thus ends episode 17 jam-packed with argo's great cup madness rob ford in his ousting and all the breasts that are fit to breastfeed it was lots of fun and for everyone listening thanks so much for spending time with us see you soon. Bye, everybody. I want to take a streetcar downtown Read Andrew Miller and wander around Thank you. where you've been because everything is kind of rosy and gray yeah the wind is cold but the sun's on it won't be today and your smile is fine and it's just like mine and it won't go away because everything is rosy and gray Everything is rose and green You've been under my skin for more than eight years It's been eight years of laughter and eight years of tears
Starting point is 01:04:15 And I don't know what the future can hold or do For me and you But I'm a much better man for having known you Thank you.

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