Toronto Mike'd: The Official Toronto Mike Podcast - Toronto Mike'd #20

Episode Date: December 19, 2012

Rosie and Mike are joined by James and Michelle as they talk about the Distillery District, the Ottawa trip, the Newtown tragedy, Bill Carroll, R.A. Dickey and our favourite cereals...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Merry Christmas Rosie! Hello my friend! Do you know you open every episode with Hello my friend like it's your trademark? Well, at my little guy's daycare, when we get there in the morning, his teacher says to all of them, hello, my friends. Everybody says to each other, hello, my friend. And it's kind of caught on. I quite like it.
Starting point is 00:00:38 At Jamesy's daycare, I used to say, say hello to my little friend. We have some special guest stars here today for podcast number 20. The world can now end because we've done 20 podcasts. I think we fulfilled our legal obligation, our contractual obligation. To the universe. Breaking news on Toronto Mic'd, the podcast.
Starting point is 00:01:07 We had a school strike in Toronto today. Whoa. And little James and Michelle had to stay home. And because they stayed home, they had to come to the podcast with me. Say hello to the Toronto Mic listenership. Michelle. Hi. And how old are you, Michelle? Eight. James, this is a second appearance for you. Say hi to everybody. Hello. Wow. Last time I took, last time James was on the podcast, we ended up in the emergency room. I won't reveal to the audience why we were there, the podcast, we ended up in the emergency room.
Starting point is 00:01:51 I won't reveal to the audience why we were there, but yeah, we went straight from the podcast to emergency. When I saw later that you tweeted a pic of him in the hospital bed, I was mortified. I was like, my God, were we that horrible to listen to for an hour? We literally made him sick. And now we're really gonna make him sick because we've got a whole pan of brownies here to celebrate our 20th podcast. 20 brownies for episode number 20 and any good Torontonian when they think of the number 20 they think about I think it's safe to say the kids have never seen Mighty Mouse. Is that correct? This is like from the 20s or something.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Really old. Yeah. This is like from the 20s or something. This is really old. Yeah. So that's the, I think I'm too young to know Mighty Mouse in that incarnation. But the Mighty Mouse I'm referring to is Damon Stoudemire, the very first Raptor star, you might say. He was Rookie of the Year in our inaugural season, our first ever draft pick.
Starting point is 00:03:07 And he was fun to watch in those sad early years not that it's got much better I think our record now is what it would have been back then but we didn't we didn't have any expectations back then so that seems like a solid choice for number 20 we'll see if there's controversy later but I think that seems solid to me Rosie this controversy you speak of is this when Scott tells you who I should have put as number 20? There's no real controversy. It's just, yeah, Scott guessing what the number's going to be. There wasn't any discussion about number 20. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:34 So I went with Dane Stoudemire because I'm tired of favoring Jays and Leafs. The poor Raptors only had one, Vince Carter, at 15. Very cool. And I want to give a shout-out to Toronto Mike's biggest fan in India. I'm sure it's true. He's the only regular commenter from that very large country. What is there a billion people there, Rosie? It's big. It's very big. It's large. It's 1 billion people. And this is a shout out to Roshan, who's been commenting forever. And he seems to really like Canadian music and Canadiana. Roshan is so cool. I was looking and he seems to really like Canadian music and Canadiana.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Roshan is so cool. I was looking at his blog, which is really neat. It's, I think. And I realized we're kindred spirits because I like to write about food, and I love to take pictures of food. And I had really recently posted a picture of a steak that we had had at the Saint on um ozzyton and then i was
Starting point is 00:04:28 on roshan's site and he had this very similar picture of this incredible looking piece of chicken it was amazing because they can't have steak that that cow is sacred no it's well this was this was chicken it looked phenomenal and i realized that very very very far away there is a kindred spirit that also likes to photograph good protein what's with the obsession shout out to roshan shout out to roshan what's with the obsession with uh taking pictures of food when did this start like i have a good buddy on facebook every day he has a nice picture of the dinner he made it's well it's for me i i whenever i would travel I have been doing it for years. Whenever we'd go on trips and we'd travel, I always found that the things that you remember the most and you talk about were always your meals.
Starting point is 00:05:11 So I always used to photograph food long before a digital camera or anything like that. And we'd come home from our trips and develop the pictures. And people would be like, there's only pictures of food. Like you didn't take pictures of anything else. And now I notice that, you know, this is long before Facebook or anything like that. Before the foodie blogs and all that. Yeah, the foodie blogs and stuff. And I mean, I don't have a foodie blog on my Toronto scoop.
Starting point is 00:05:31 I write about everything. But I do find that if there's something that's particularly delicious, it is fun to photograph it. Although I have to admit, sometimes if Scott and I are out together and, you know, it's somewhere a little bit nice, I can tell, okay, do we have to take a picture a picture really do we have to take a picture of the food all right as a guy who just today was on flickr and was realizing i have like like 12 000 photos on there i've never taken a picture of a meal in my life like i've never once looked at my meal and thought i should take a
Starting point is 00:05:59 picture of this um maybe it's because i'm not a foodie well i don't know i just i don't take a picture of every single thing I eat But if there's something Particularly delicious And I'm writing about it To me a picture That old saying A picture is worth
Starting point is 00:06:12 A thousand words If something's really yummy It's fun I just caught James taking Michelle's other brownie James It's her brownie I should have brought the pan in
Starting point is 00:06:18 You've had enough No I haven't even ate On the microphone If you're gonna You can speak on the microphone if you can you can speak on the microphone so you're done you're not gonna talk that's it you're fine i have to tell uh all our our listeners mike really has the cutest kids they're so adorable okay is that true i i love that
Starting point is 00:06:40 they're sweeties yeah they're very cute and you had a shout out you wanted to give. I do. I want to give a shout out. Now, obviously, love all the Toronto Mike gang, all the boys. They're awesome. Phil and Rick and Rob and Declan and Douglas. All of them. They're all so awesome.
Starting point is 00:06:57 But I want to give. Don't forget Lauren. Oh, my God. How could I forget Lauren? Argy. Oh, my gosh. Totally Argy. Elvis.
Starting point is 00:07:07 I know. We're going to forget're also they're also fun and awesome but I want to give a shout out to the Toronto Mike ladies Liz and Stephanie because they're just so funny they're so awesome whenever they post I feel like they they bring a really good vibe no you've got Sammy who's the momfessional posted today. You've got Sammy who she feels the same way about me as OLP. You've got Elba who's a mummy. You have Victoria. There's tons of Toronto Mike ladies. But I want to give a shout out to them. Oh, Victoria got beat up on the weekend.
Starting point is 00:07:38 I remember now. She's fine. She could well take care of herself. But it's just there's something, you know, when the girls post, there's a really good, funny. So a shout out to the Toronto Mike ladies in the house. They're awesome. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:54 Hey, Rosie, I saw that you had a picture on, I think it was on of the distillery district. Did I see that? You did. On Thursday night, we took Nicholas to the Toronto Christmas Market and the Distillery District, which I love because every year, their Christmas tree is insane. It's massive and sparkling and gorgeous, and I love it.
Starting point is 00:08:15 And just the whole vibe down there is really cool. And it's free. It's such a fun, free thing to do. It's inexpensive to park, so you can really do it for nothing. So we went. We took him Thursday night. He's two and a half, and all do it for nothing so we went we took him Thursday night his little he's two and a half
Starting point is 00:08:27 and all the lights and everything he went crazy and I actually got some really nice pics and I actually didn't realize how much stuff there is for kids
Starting point is 00:08:35 there's pony rides that area is very photogenic that area oh my gosh it's great so we had a really fun time there it was Sunday
Starting point is 00:08:42 it ended on Sunday okay so two things one is did you know I'm getting married in the distillery district? I heard a rumor. Everybody's talking about it. And the kids and I and Monica all went to the same thing you went to on Saturday in the distillery district. And you're right. Is that because you saw it on No. She lies. Come on. It's like a year. I was told it was like a European Christmas fest. He never heard of it. He's never even heard of the distillery district. I got jealous of your guterman and warts picture that's right
Starting point is 00:09:08 so i took i was awesome did you guys like it yeah did you enjoy your five dollar poutine yeah i actually wanted poutine but the line was insane i couldn't wait oh it looks so good it was cold right it was pretty cold when we went and but it was great time yeah it was a good time and the parking was cheap and it was quick to get down there and it was a good time the distillery district i think you know it's um it's a bit of a place where i think you have to say okay i'm going there you don't you know it's it's a bit of a destination you have to say you're going but i really think it's you know it's easy to get to it's it's it's worth it it's pretty cool of a destination, you have to say you're going, but I really think it's easy to get to. It's worth it. It's pretty cool. Excellent. Now, I had a crazy week last week.
Starting point is 00:09:54 So last we talked on a Tuesday, I was going the next day to Ottawa. So Monica and I flew to Ottawa, and we did some work at the United Way to give back to an Ottawa community home that needed some food for their pantry and some pull-ups and some diapers and things so we did that with Chevrolet Chevrolet Canada and then we were given this uh new 2013 Chevy Trax and said okay here's a map meet us at 6 30 in uh Montebello Quebec and we just went on our own we, here's a map. Meet us at 6.30 in Montebello, Quebec. And we just went on our own. There's a new Highway 50 that connects Ottawa to this Montebello.
Starting point is 00:10:32 It was pretty slick. We went to this crazy chateau. I think it's called Fairmont Le Chateau Montebello. Wonderful dinner, great cocktails. We had a room. We spent the night. And then the next day, we went to this place called Fairmont Canuck and we shot uh clay pigeons I don't know what it's called clay discs and we had a great lunch and we went on a nice hike and then we drove back to Ottawa and flew back to
Starting point is 00:10:56 Toronto on Thursday it was the most wow that sounds amazing so fun it sounds amazing even they give you a hundred bucks cash to buy yourself lunch on the, on the Wednesday. And if you, and we went to the museum on Chevrolet cause we gave us a hundred bucks and said, the museum of civilization. We went to the museum of civilization. Yes.
Starting point is 00:11:13 That is like one of my favorite museums. It's gorgeous. It was amazing. And we were there on Wednesday. So they cultured you. Not only did they give you all this fun things, you know, dinner and a hotel room,
Starting point is 00:11:21 they, they, they gave you culture. That's awesome. And we helped out the community. And if we had more time, I would have gone. I wanted to see the War Museum because it's, like, connected or whatever in Gatineau. But we ran out of time.
Starting point is 00:11:31 So I think $24, we both went to this Museum of Civilization. And then we had to hit the road to get to this 630 Cocktails. But, yeah, I just want to say it was amazing. And the tracks drove wonderfully. I don't even think it's available yet in Canada. It's not even going to the United States. It's like a compact SUV for the European-Asian market because it's not too big like the Americans like, and it's good on gas.
Starting point is 00:11:58 I have to say, I've always had Chevrolets. I had a Cavalier. No, actually, I had a Chevette. I had my mom's old Chevette, my very first car. I remember that, by the way. Do you remember my Chevette? I had an Escort. Do you remember my Ford Escort?
Starting point is 00:12:08 Totally remember your Escort when we were kids. Oh, my God. So, yeah, so my mom's Chevette I inherited in, like, grade 12 or 13. I was mad when you gave it up. Like, you gave it up for a Civic or something. No, I never had a Civic. Why do I think you had a Civic? No, you're thinking of someone else.
Starting point is 00:12:23 Not me. Okay, what did you go to after your Chevette? A Cavalier after I started working at the Weather Network. You know why a Civic Cavalier? They were both so popular, I get confused. No, a Civic was a lot more expensive than a Cavalier. So I had my Cavalier forever. And, you know, I just, I had it forever.
Starting point is 00:12:35 I never, it always worked. I never really cared about cars, so I just drove it, drove it, drove it. But then, and I had it right up until I had Nicholas, and then I needed something bigger because the Cavalier was just two doors. So impossible with a car seat. And then we bought a used Equinox. And I realized I have always had Chevrolet cars. And they've always been really, really dependable.
Starting point is 00:12:54 So is it like the Equinox, the Trax? It's a little smaller, I think. Because the Equinox is in America. But this one's not going to America. Because they don't like small SUVs there, I guess. So we are more like we like a smaller car in canada i have to admit part of what i liked about the equinox is i didn't want i want i wanted something bigger but i didn't want to feel like i was driving a big massive van it just
Starting point is 00:13:14 i just didn't feel that you're in a big it's an suv there's pictures on my blog but it didn't feel big but it felt safe i mean i'm coming from my 99 protégé so it felt pretty amazing the brakes worked i'm like oh the brakes work you had radio we had serious satellite radio yeah that was good time so uh i had a blast that's awesome um uh the um winter carnival be a nice thing to go back um because scott lived in ottawa in Ottawa for a while so we spent a lot of time there and he was leader of the opposition for a while wasn't he? I remember. Well he was the, for a while
Starting point is 00:13:52 he worked for Canada AM as the political producer so we did, yeah we spent a lot of time in Ottawa and the winter carnival is amazing. We went skating on the Rideau Canal. The kids would love it. That would be a fun thing to go back and do with them. And beaver, did you have a beaver tail?
Starting point is 00:14:08 No, I didn't. I passed right by the booth. I didn't. You can get them at the X in the summertime here anyways. I'm glad the kids are here sort of because, sort of, because we, we should talk briefly if you're into it about the Connecticut shooting. Yeah. There's a big sign in there.
Starting point is 00:14:26 So I'll just, I know your kid's two and a half, so I'm sure he's 100%. Hold on. Every time I'm recording a podcast, I should turn on my phone. Mike's mobile cellular is ringing. He's very busy and important.
Starting point is 00:14:38 So, okay. So Friday, the shooting happens Friday and I pick up the kids at school Friday and they don't know anything about it. Like, what was I the phone call oh yeah your kid's too young like you'd be oblivious to this and you wouldn't understand this so you can't really talk to him about it but no michelle you're eight and james and james you're 10 no you do this every time you asked him a closed questions such a ding okay so we uh we we talked all about it like i just told them what
Starting point is 00:15:07 happened and then we i got lots of questions and i did my best to answer them and we talked this combo went really deep like it got into the american history like we went through american history and like uh the culture of guns and violence and we compared it to Canadian history. And then we talked about a whole bunch of stuff. And I felt it best to put it out there and discuss it. Like as a family. Because I know some parents are not talking to their kids about this. Because they're afraid their kids will be scared. Scared, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:42 Wimps. Not wimps. So they went to school Monday. and none of them were scared. And then James' teacher brought it up. So James' grade 5 class talked about it briefly. And Michelle's grade 3 class never discussed it at all. So it was, I guess, for her, she's 8, I guess they left it up to the parents. But I just wondered what you think of all this.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Rosie? Well, I definitely think you have to talk to your kids about it. And I mean, I can understand a teacher maybe wanting to leave it with a parent. I don't know. In a way, I have to admit, I was almost relieved. Nicholas was too young to... It was just so upsetting. And I have to admit, it made me think a lot about guns because the culture of, I think Canadians were so different.
Starting point is 00:16:34 I've never, and I'm completely respectful of people that are hunters. My mom's family, they're from Thunder Bay and grew up having a camp and there's lots of people that did a lot of hunting and shooting and, you know, very respectful of people who do that. But for me, you know, growing up, I've never seen a gun. I've never been around people that were gun owners. You know, for me, a gun is just not something that's part of my world. And, you know, the, you know, not all, but a lot of Americans are different. There are people that...
Starting point is 00:17:10 There's no American who doesn't know somebody who owns firearms. Exactly. There is none. You know, and I mean, I've, you know, no friends that had colleagues, they were out on a work thing in the States and they were all at a bar and all the purses were on the table.
Starting point is 00:17:23 Half the purses were open and there's handguns in them. And when my one friend said, you know, oh my God, like she was shocked by it. And they're like, well, how would you walk to the car at 2 a.m.? Like you need your gun. It's such a different thing. And my one girlfriend, Melanie, she married, you know, she's Canadian. She went to school, medical school in Texas.
Starting point is 00:17:44 And she got engaged to an American and moved to the States into a rural part of Ohio. And, you know, her husband, amazing guy, you know, really smart, really fun, really interesting. And they moved in together shortly after getting married. And, you know, she moved there. after getting married and you know she moved there and one day he says to her and this is about you know just two weeks after he's like there's something that you need to do there's something that you need to do now that you live here um he's like I own guns I've always owned guns and she she knew that she knew they were guns in the house but they were locked up he's like you need to come in the backyard and they live they had quite a large backyard in a rural area and you
Starting point is 00:18:23 need to shoot a gun that's crazy and I remember her telling me the story and they live, they had a quite a large backyard in a rural area and you need to shoot a gun. That's crazy. And I remember her telling me the story and her voice was shaking because, but for him, it's just so interesting. Like it's just such a different, it's like it was just in his fiber of his being. He grew up with them. It was not something,
Starting point is 00:18:38 but he understood her not having had that experience with it. He wanted her because they're in her house. He wanted her to know the feeling of what it was like to hold a gun and shoot it. So we took her out in the backyard and she was shaking and she said it was nothing like she expected. She said it was terrifying.
Starting point is 00:18:55 It was forceful. It was loud. It was not like duck hunt. It was not like duck hunt. She said it was, she goes, if I never do it again, she goes, I understand why he wanted me to do it. I did it.
Starting point is 00:19:06 But if I never, and you know, um, about 10, that was about 10 years ago. They actually don't have, have guns in the house anymore. You know,
Starting point is 00:19:13 they have kids now. And I think he realized, you know, I don't think he, I think he still, you know, believes people, you know,
Starting point is 00:19:19 if they have, if they're careful and they have the right to have them. But I think he just got some perspective as the years went on that, you know what, this, this isn't going to protect my family. This isn't going to protect my children, you know?
Starting point is 00:19:29 So I don't know. It just made me think that story came back to me when this all was happening. And it's, it's, it's devastating. I mean, obviously it's just about the guns.
Starting point is 00:19:37 Um, I held my first gun ever in my entire 38 years of life the day before. Well, it was so funny cause I was going to ask you today because I was saying I have never touched a gun. Me neither. Have you? And how?
Starting point is 00:19:49 I've never seen a gun. Do you know that? Me neither. No. Well, actually, I have. I mean, strapped to a cop's belt. Exactly. Holster or whatever.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Me too. That's it. And I wanted to ask you, I was like, I wonder if Mike's ever touched or seen a gun because I haven't. And I was so curious because we have similar upbringings. And look at that. And how funny that in the last few days. So what was it like yeah at Fairmont Canuck this is on the Thursday so uh Thursday we we had to choose things to do you have to pick from a list so I was I just
Starting point is 00:20:16 wanted to do this big hike that's what I wanted to do but Monica said hey they have like clay shooting they teach you how to shoot and you shoot rounds and then there's a big course you go on and you shoot these orange clay discs that shoot out of this machine and i'm like okay whatever babe let's try it yeah whatever when am i gonna have a chance to learn that's the thing i would have wanted to do that too because i like trying things that i wouldn't get the opportunity to do so if you have a chance to do it why not when i get said you're in quebec wilderness and i'm like okay fine so they teach you basically they teach you you know how to load the gun and how to take out the shells and how to hold the gun and then you do it and then you you do I did 12 it was a 12 gauge shotgun and I took
Starting point is 00:20:54 12 shots I think I went two for 12 or something I wasn't very I didn't I wasn't very good at it was it hard it was hard yeah like I two out of twelve that's how hard it was like i can throw the first some would argue i i can't but uh two for twelve and then a big group went on the the course the nine station shooting course and i i asked monica if we can do a smaller hike instead if there's a hike guy who takes you around and she's like okay i was done like i knew that would be like the last time i hold a gun like i did nothing for me like i don't need it was shooting clay and i'm done so that's it so that's like my first and last experience of a gun i'd be very happy if all the guns in the world disappeared but i think it's so ingrained in this american
Starting point is 00:21:39 psyche that they have this right to bear arms. Correct. And there's so many guns out there in America. And I just think guns are an American thing, just like God and apple pie and NASCAR and NFL football. Well, it's funny because my dentist and I were talking about it today and he was telling me about a colleague of his that he went to U of T with and he went to dentistry school, but then didn't really like dentistry. So he decided to go to the States and he became an anesthetist and he, um,
Starting point is 00:22:09 an anesthetist. Oh, they make you like not feel pain. Right. An anesthesiologist. Yeah. There's, I don't know what the terms are.
Starting point is 00:22:15 There's different, there's different terms, but, um, he, um, I think, uh,
Starting point is 00:22:19 anesthetist is like as a, as a medical doctor anyways. So he said, you know, about 10 years later, I think he was working in South Beach, and he went to go visit him, and he's like, he couldn't believe the change in personality.
Starting point is 00:22:31 He had gone from being this mild-mannered, just sort of, you know, typical Canadian guy to having, he was really into guns. He was into owning them, and he did some, you know, recreational shooting. And they had gone out at night and they were walking to the car. And him and his wife both were armed. And my dentist was like, it was so bizarre. Is this like a handgun?
Starting point is 00:22:56 I have my question. So I see these Bushmiller, what was the company? Anyways, Bushmill or something. Makes these automatic weapons or semi-automatic weapons or whatever that this killer used in Newtown, Connecticut. And I just wondered, what is the purpose of the semi-automatic weapons for civilians? Well, and I think that's the whole outcry now, right? There is none.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Can Obama put this genie back in the bottle? Well, the way I see it is that he doesn't have to worry about re-election. He's in. But his party has to worry about re-election. You know what? But poor Hillary is waiting in the wings? Well, the way I see it is that, you know, he doesn't have to worry about re-election. He's in. But his party has to worry about re-election. You know what? But poor Hillary's waiting in the wings.
Starting point is 00:23:29 Poor Hillary. She needs to take better care of herself. She had the flu, though. Like, don't you think she just had the flu? Yeah, but then she's not, she fainted in a concussion.
Starting point is 00:23:36 I know, but she... It's terrible. She needs to take care of herself. I love Hillary Clinton. I think she's amazing. But, yeah, so he really could make a difference. But I fear that, you know, I mean, after the, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:23:48 We'll see what happens. Okay, but I wrote something the other day. Anyways, it was handguns. They were walking around with handguns. Like people walk around with handguns. To me, the handgun, there's no other purpose of a handgun than to shoot somebody to kill them. So to me, it's crazy. But handguns are those, you know, you click, bang, bang, bang, right?
Starting point is 00:24:05 Not like, brr, like spraying bullets or whatever. Right, that can spray several bullets in a minute. No. Some of these, like, six-year-old kids were shot, like, 11 times. Oh, my God, I know. It just doesn't, I just, anyway. So, I don't know what your thoughts are on this, but originally I thought, you know, this is a gun control issue,
Starting point is 00:24:21 and then I, like, spent the weekend answering these kids, the difficult questions I was uh fielded by these kids and then I realized I actually think it would be better to put the focus on uh mental health and making it readily available and affordable and effective and I think if you focus on mental health you'd have more success uh preventing these tragedies as opposed to gun control, which, like I said, it's almost like telling the guy in Mississippi he can't pray to God, you know. Or he can't watch NASCAR on Saturday afternoon. Like, nice, try again. Absolutely. You know, one of, it's actually one of the commenters on your site actually wrote something, and I thought it so it really stuck with me I think it was Cambo he wrote I think it was if it wasn't him I'm sorry but he wrote
Starting point is 00:25:10 Americans have the right to bear arms but they don't have the right to health care it is what families that have mental health issues it is hard in Canada where we have access to things in the states if you are if you have a child with mental illness, you have to, you have to, the point you have to get to in order to access, if you can't afford, you know, private, private care, it's devastating. It devastates families. You know, some, you know, sometimes you have to, if you, if you have a, if you have a child that's suffering from illness, you have to charge them. The police have to charge them before they can get care in a hospital. So it's clearly something that they need help with.
Starting point is 00:25:52 If you need help, you can only go to CAMH, and you should be assigned here in Toronto. You can be assigned psychiatric professionals to sort of meet with you and take it from there. Yeah. I mean, obviously, you know, there's always things can always improve, but we're very lucky here. KMH is an amazing organization. And so I thought mental health one and then gun
Starting point is 00:26:14 control two and then this media sensationalization of killers, which I don't think was as bad this time. I noticed that this time it seemed to be a lot more focused on the victims. I hardly heard the guy's name after that once they realized it was not the guy's brother and then we had the name tossed around a bit like i don't even i didn't even use the name in my entry and i didn't i just
Starting point is 00:26:34 think maybe we don't sensationalize the killers and then you know what i think it is mike i think you actually you really you wrote it you wrote it really really nicely on your entry about guns. You said there's something about a room full of frightened six and seven-year-olds and somebody spraying bullets at them that just felt raw. It felt different from the Batman shooting even, which was devastating, but I think I was so desensitized. This was different. I think this is different because I think this is so horrifying for people because when you're a teenager, you're not innocent anymore.
Starting point is 00:27:06 You know, the world is bad when you're six and seven. You don't you don't you don't know bad yet. You don't know. And one of the victims was named James. And when Obama said his name, I got sad because I thought of my James. We'll see the little foot, the little the one that the football. Oh, yeah. And they put the names on the shirt on the shoe. OK. All right. The one that the football, Victor Cruz, and they put the names on the shirt, on the shoe. Okay. All right, Rosie.
Starting point is 00:27:27 Rosie's losing it. So I will say one thing, and I hope people don't hate me for this, but what really ticked me off, you know, I understand mourning and I understand dealing with death. And how do you explain this? Like what happened here? Blah, blah, blah. But I kept hearing, I kept hearing that this phrase I kept hearing was, there are 20 more angels now in heaven. And I kept hearing different variations on that theme. And it seemed to me they were suggesting these 6- and 7-year-olds
Starting point is 00:27:55 are in a better place today than they were last week when they were off to school. And I understand if you think those children are now worm food, it's harder maybe. But to me, it minimizes the entire tragedy. It's as if we're saying the poor kids who were murdered are better off today because they're in heaven playing with grandma and grandpa in the clouds. And I just, it just upset, it just, I don't tweet this. I don't write this because I know it'll offend too many people. But to me, it just really upsets me to I don't tweet this. I don't write this because I know it will offend too many people. But to me, it just really upsets me to hear people make those statements.
Starting point is 00:28:29 No, and I think when something so horrifying happens, and I think when it happens to children, I don't envy anyone that has to explain it to a child. If you know a child that lost a sibling, do you say they're a warm food? No, you don't. You don't use those words, but you don't tell them. I've never lied to my kids.
Starting point is 00:28:55 My kids are beside me right now. I've never lied to them. When they die, they know what happens. But not everybody believes that, Mike. So that's the difference I guess that's what upsets me. I know. Is that people think there's some imaginary man in the sky who's going to take them up. Who's called for them?
Starting point is 00:29:12 I kept hearing that too. Even Obama, and I liked his speech, but then he ended it by saying they were called. They weren't called. They were brutally murdered by some psychopath killer. No, it's a way of human beings to cope. It's a way for them to grieve. Human beings need better coping mechanisms.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Well, you know what? I don't disagree with that. Does that mean you agree with me? You can't. I'm not too hard on... In a situation like this, this is so hard and it's so extreme. I don't blame people for that. What I've always kind of had trouble with is sometimes I find people will say a lot,
Starting point is 00:29:53 oh, my prayers, oh, I pray for him, my prayers. Yeah, there was a lot of that. I get it. And you know what? Again, this is how people cope. But sometimes I do think that it's, I do feel a little bit like, okay, your prayers are great, but, you know, maybe there's more you can do. Maybe you can do something because your prayers are doing nothing. Like maybe you can do something.
Starting point is 00:30:13 I don't know what, you can do something. Do something. Just don't do nothing, which is your prayers. Now, I like. Human beings are complicated, so we all have different ways of dealing with stuff. There was one dad, he made a couple of statements, and I thought he was really courageous and well-spoken, actually. I think he lost a daughter.
Starting point is 00:30:31 And he said that, like, don't forget the killer's family. Because I kept, and it's like, obviously there's a lot of victims here, but put yourself in the position of this guy's brother, okay? So your brother just killed your mom and then shot up a bunch of innocent kids and teachers and then shot himself he's become a mom and you will you get you will get zero zero sympathy or support during this but your mom's dead murdered by your brother your brother who may or may have been mentally ill whatever he snapped your brother did horrible things you have to live with the rest of your life then he killed himself
Starting point is 00:31:10 so he's gone and you're left to pick up these pieces and nobody really gives a shit about you no and the fact that that father and you have to and you know that was a man of faith right like that father is a deeply religious man um so keep to keep, so keep that in mind. But he was, I, it was, I think a lot of people were amazed at the fact that he said, I feel, and my empathies are with his, the gunman's family. He was, he was, I thought one thing he said was amazing. Somebody said, how do you move forward from this? And he said, I move forward, you know, by helping other people because you feel better about yourself when you help others. And I thought that was pretty amazing.
Starting point is 00:31:55 You know, this man just lost his six-year-old daughter to something so senseless. And he's not only able to, you know, extend empathies for the man who killed her for his family, but he's also able to think know extend empathies for the man who killed her for his family but he's also able to think about about others and you know that and just from a little bit i read about him that does come from his faith and from his religion so you know you have to be respect respectful of of that no there are good people of faith and good people without faith there are good people and there's a lot of bad people of faith i can tell you there's a lot of strong believers or like the most hateful people you'll meet absolutely and the meanest
Starting point is 00:32:28 close-minded people you'll meet and there's a bunch of pardon my french there's a bunch of asshole atheists out there too who who are very selfish and self-involved okay so maybe we'll move on now it was so tragic i just I just hope we can stop hearing these news. I know. And it's so close to, I mean, it's awful, obviously, any time. But there's something about it being close to. I don't think there's a good time for this one. But yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:56 Something about it. And people keep talking about the presence under the tree. It's horrible. It's horrible. It is. OK. So, Rosie, you're like a AM radio junkie
Starting point is 00:33:06 I do I do like a lot I've always listened to talk radio I listen to everything I like to I like to hear everything and I've always
Starting point is 00:33:12 listened to talk radio so it's like 1010 on that list oh yeah I listen to 1010 and then 640's on that list
Starting point is 00:33:19 yeah I think I listen to 640 and 1010 I listen to a little bit of 680, mostly because one of my close girlfriends is Irene Precklett. She's on, so I always like to hear her. Say that last name for me again.
Starting point is 00:33:31 Irene Precklett? Precklett. Do you know Irene Precklett? No. Oh, yeah. But I like that last name. Oh, she's great. She's a really good friend of mine.
Starting point is 00:33:36 She does news on 680. So I have to admit, I listen to it more because I like to hear Irene. But yeah, no, I've listened to talk radio for years. Okay, I'm just curious if you are familiar with the work of Bill Carroll. Oh my gosh, yeah. When I was commuting, he was on in the mornings. And oh gosh, yeah, I listened to Bill Carroll plenty when he was on in the mornings. You know, I remember him from Barometer on Q107.
Starting point is 00:34:01 Oh my gosh. Do you remember Barometer? I do, but I never listened to it. I used to be a big q107 guy like the top 10 of 10 was my go-to this is when when appetite for destruction first came out back i guess 80 okay just to go on late 80s but go ahead i'll put an aside before we go on with bill carroll i mean elvis um you're many elvis presley i was thinking or stoico elvis of toronto mike uh fame small e elvis i was thinking about him yesterday because i was in the car and q107 Or Stoico. Elvis of Toronto Mike. Fame? Small e Elvis.
Starting point is 00:34:25 I was thinking about him yesterday because I was in the car and Q107 and it was ACDC. And it was jail, jail, jailbreak. There's like five listenable ACDC songs. It was so funny. So Scott was singing, he was doing like air guitar while he's driving, you know, jailbreak. And I actually said, I was like, oh, Elvis would like the scene right now. And then right after ACDC, it went right into Rush. And we were just joking about how Rush, why is Rush, like they're so awesome, but they're so awful.
Starting point is 00:34:56 Like it's just hilarious. Like I love them, but why? You know, it's really an unexplainable thing with Rush. He has a voice you either love or hate, I think. Exactly. My brothers find it like nails on a chalkboard, and I really like it. Same. I do too.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Anyways, just because you brought up Q107, I had to share that. No, go ahead. I love hearing your thoughts of Q107. I haven't listened to Q107 in a long, long time. I think last time I listened, brother Jake Edwards was doing the morning show. Okay. And I used to listen for The Champ. All right.
Starting point is 00:35:21 Yeah. That's a true story. Ever since I became the champ the tea bag i said pardon no i used to every day at like 6 20 or something i used to hear it it was amazing okay brother jake's in vancouver i think uh still doing that stuff i don't know if he still does a champ but yeah he's in vancouver so So Bill Carroll, I don't know. Basically, there's a... I got friends in radio. I've ever told you that, Rosie.
Starting point is 00:35:48 You do? Yeah. Inside sources? It sounds like Bill Carroll is going to be doing afternoons on AM640. So now the last thing I heard was that after he was let go from 1010, he moved to... Didn't he quit?
Starting point is 00:36:03 Oh, he was let go? Yeah, he was maybe let go. I had no idea. You know what? He has a good gig in LA. Yeah, and then I heard that he... And it's funny because my aunt and uncle, not the Toronto Mike super fans, but...
Starting point is 00:36:14 And I don't like these aunts. They don't live in Toronto, but they were really big 1010 fans and they really liked Bill Carroll. And they actually kept listening to him using the interweb to his show out of LA. Apparently it's doing quite well.
Starting point is 00:36:29 They like him. I heard him on the This is the Humble and Fred Radio Network on the podcast over there and he said apparently it's doing well. So I don't know. What I don't know is I don't know if he's like there are signs he might be moving back to toronto in april because there's a facebook his
Starting point is 00:36:49 wife has a facebook page and and she's discussing this with steve anthony's wife it's this crazy toronto media world and a guy who humble and fred know and i know from humble and fred show because he's a super fan craig mil. And this whole discussion is going on. And it sounds like they might be moving back in April. But I don't know if he's giving up the L.A. gig. So I don't know a lot of the details except that he was a 10-10 guy. And this is a 640 deal. And this Arlene Bynum on 640, I accidentally caught her like twice and couldn't listen for two minutes.
Starting point is 00:37:22 It's the most boring delivery. She's horrible. I, she's horrible. I don't, you know, to be honest. I hope she's not listening to John in, like, episodes 20, but she might be a lovely lady, but. I don't listen a lot to 640 in the afternoons anymore, but I have to admit, like, I listen to Bill again. I mean, I think, I have to admit, like, when he left,
Starting point is 00:37:44 I thought, okay, you know what? It was time for a change. He was on in the mornings for a long time. I mean, I think, I have to admit, like when he left, I thought, okay, you know what? It was time for a change. He was on in the mornings for a long time. I really liked John Moore. So I was excited that he moved from afternoons to the mornings because I always really, really liked him. Never heard him. There's only one guy in 1010 I've ever heard. The funny guy, Richards, Jim Richards.
Starting point is 00:38:00 Oh, Jim Richards. I quite like him as well. And very little, but go on. I'm sorry. Yeah, no, no, that's okay. So I, and yeah, no that's okay so I and yeah so when Bill left
Starting point is 00:38:07 I wasn't like oh thank god he's gone although I think some people felt that my only thing with Bill Carroll
Starting point is 00:38:13 that used to drive me crazy was he I think they do a lot of and this isn't just him on CFRB but they do a lot of the you know the ads
Starting point is 00:38:20 where the presenter talks you know what I mean right you mean like Tom's place exactly right so Bill Carroll right? Do you mean like Tom's place? Exactly, right? So Bill Carroll used to do one for like a renovation place.
Starting point is 00:38:29 So clearly they had done renovations on his house. I think Bob McCowan did this at some point too. I don't know. And I think I just... It was so much. Like it was just too much. Too much? And I...
Starting point is 00:38:38 There was a fine line between being a shill, like a corporate shill. A shill. And having some integrity. You got to find a balance. And I think it just was like maybe one too many times of how great this renovation place was. And I was like, ooh, they really should pull that back a bit.
Starting point is 00:38:50 But I would listen to him again. I feel, you know what I liked about Bill Carroll was he just, he had a very comfortable, just talking, you know, on our presence, right? I don't, like, I'm not a big AM talk guy. I used to like a bit of Stafford when I would hear it. And I like Bob McCowan, and that's it. I got into talk radio a lot when I was in university. not a big am talk guy i used to like a bit of stafford when i would hear it and i like bob mccowan and that's it i got into talk radio a lot when i was in university um i had a summer job
Starting point is 00:39:10 working for a plastic surgeon um i see you took him up on his offer out of order your kids are here i'm sure they don't um although collagen implants in the lip although i have that is a story that is there is a story that goes along with that. Actually involves an anesthesiologist. It involves an anesthesiologist. I'm ignoring that. But so I worked for, my plastic surgery stories would be a whole, a whole, and no, I've not had any plastic surgery, my God.
Starting point is 00:39:40 But those summers I worked for a plastic surgeon. This was just before, unbelievably unbelievably there was really no internet so it was like it was like we were in first second year so the internet like it wasn't so commonplace that an office would have an internet exactly so doctors it was um Dana Stoudemire was rookie doctor silver's office was in the Royal York Hotel so this plastic surgeon he was a kind of like a plastic surgeon to the very um you know well to do wealthy there was like some celebrities that would come from out of town and it was the So this plastic surgeon, he was kind of like a plastic surgeon to the very, you know, well-to-do wealthy. There was like some celebrities that would come from out of town. And it was the whole second floor of the Royal York Hotel.
Starting point is 00:40:10 And I was like the office manager and I helped coordinate stuff. And so I would, so he'd do all the surgeries in the morning. And in the afternoon, I'd have to sit there at the reception desk. And there was nothing to do because there was no internet. There was no email. You know, I would read as much as I could. But I listened to talk radio all the time. that's how i really really got into it those long afternoons in the summers in the royal york hotel working for dr silver so gotcha yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:40:34 so uh bill carroll's probably coming back to toronto i don't know you know what i didn't i wasn't i tweeted it and i wasn't even gonna write about it and then somebody said you need to write about it like that's a toronto mic thing to do and i'm like well i don't even like listen to 640 i don't listen to 1010 i don't know bill carroll but you're interested in the radio stuff right others might be interested so there you go all right well so when will we know like for sure soon rosie he's gonna make it now i'm really interested he's gonna he said he's making it oh oh i'm sorry ros It's okay. Mike's bursting to talk about the Blue Jays. I couldn't wait to play another song. I know, that's okay.
Starting point is 00:41:09 So, this is Blue Jay Talk on Toronto Mic'd. So, Rosie, last time we made a big deal, I think we signed Melky Cabrera right after the big Marlins trade. And you came in so excited. Like I'd never seen you so excited. I went on, I found a Blue Jay blog. I was reading all about it. It was like very, very exciting. It was just nice to see everyone get excited again about the Blue Jays.
Starting point is 00:41:39 What if I told you that level of excitement has increased since that moment? Would you believe me? I can't even believe it. How can that be? What if I told you we are now 8-1 odds to win the World Series next year? We were 10-1 after that signing of Melky Cabrera. So how could it get better? Oh, Rosie, I can't tell.
Starting point is 00:41:58 Did they not cover this on the AM Talk radio? You didn't tune into 590 this week? No, but they did cover it in the Toronto Star online. So it did permeate my consciousness. You're still reading that for free? I'm still reading it for free, but I will pay when I have to. Will you?
Starting point is 00:42:12 But that's another topic, yeah. And by the way, Toronto Sun, pay while. You said it would never happen, and it did. I know, and I was wrong. You were. Soon they're going to wish they listened to me,
Starting point is 00:42:22 but that's another story. Well, that's a whole other story, yeah. So the Blue Jays have made a significant trade with the new york metropolitans for r.a dickie who's a 38 much like us a 38 year old mature he's mature but he's a knuckleballer so the age doesn't really count it's a different throwing style so he's not a 38 like for a fastball pitcher he's this it's a different so if you throw a knuckleball you can be an older pitcher that's really interesting you didn't know a fastball sometimes what's his name tim wakefield he's like 45 years old he's throwing great like knuckleballers are a whole different
Starting point is 00:42:59 kettle is that because you're not using your arm as much you're using more your hand it's a different arm motion that lasts you can just do it without not using your arm as much? You're using more of your hand? Yeah, it's a different arm motion that lasts. You can just do it without wearing out your arm much longer. So 38-year-old knuckleballers are not the same as 38-year-old fireballers. And what other pitches are there? There's knuckleball, fastball. There's lots of balls. There's screwball, corkball.
Starting point is 00:43:22 There's breaking balls. There's change-ups. There's curveballs, obviously. There's lots of different pitches. We should ask the baseball expert. What do you throw, James? What pitch? Fastball.
Starting point is 00:43:35 Fastball. Change-up. Yeah, you have to have a change-up, that's for sure. But this guy has a special arm. He was born without a certain muscle. He was born without a muscle in his right arm. The one that, when they get Tommy John surgery, you ever heard of Tommy John surgery?
Starting point is 00:43:51 No, I don't know this. So lots of pitchers get this. It's named for a baseball player named Tommy John, who's the first to get it. And it's when this muscle tears and they do Tommy John surgery to repair it. He doesn't have that muscle. And he tells this story that doctors don't know
Starting point is 00:44:04 how he can turn a doorknob without pain that's crazy let alone pitch well enough to win the 2012 Cy Young award he was deemed the best pitcher in the national league last season and he's missing this muscle so he doesn't feel pain he just continues continues to pitch. Doctors don't understand. That's incredible. And that's a true story. Gosh, human beings, we're so weird. Like, that's so weird.
Starting point is 00:44:31 He's a freak. I don't think that's common. But he's an interesting guy, too. He just climbed Mount Everest or Mount Kilimanjaro, I guess. He's doing crazy stuff that most baseball pitchers aren't doing. But he's a Blue Jay, and he's excited to be here. And he's on our team now. He's on our team now. So we took a team much improved from the Miami
Starting point is 00:44:48 from the Miami trade and the Cabrera signing. We still had a couple. We still had Edwin Encarnacion. Did I say that right? And Joey Batts, Jose Batista. They're still here. We just added
Starting point is 00:45:04 all these guys from the Miami trade. And we now have the Cy Young Award winner last year. So our five-man rotation is amazing. So do you think this is it now? Like can more happen? No, I don't know if more will happen. But let me just say we gave up a lot for this guy because we gave up two blue chip prospects, including this guy, Travis
Starting point is 00:45:25 Darnot, who came over in the holiday trade, who was supposed to be like this wonderful catching prospect. Didn't you say we already had enough back catchers? We gave two of them away in the trade and we got back a backup. We got back this guy who can catch the knuckleball. So we traded Buck and this Darnot guy because we had a bunch of catchers. I knew we had to trade catchers.
Starting point is 00:45:47 We had too many catchers. Right. So we gave up this Darnot who everybody says is going to be amazing and we gave up Buck and we got back a backup catcher
Starting point is 00:45:56 to catch our A. Dickey because not just any catcher can catch a knuckleballer. So our number one catcher is definitely J.P JP Arancibia. That is no doubt. So we're good then. We're fine.
Starting point is 00:46:08 I think we're fine. Will Darnot be better than Arancibia in the long run? Is that your phone ringing over the roof? Come on. It's not a smartphone, is it? Okay. So no more. We won't go into that.
Starting point is 00:46:19 A great pitching prospect was given up. A great catching prospect was given up. But we have this reigning NL Cy Young Award winner who's going to pitch for the jays next year and i am thinking at this point we go for broke normally i'd look at that trade and say what are you doing like you gave up this but but this is a this is the right time for that trade because we're there this should put us over the edge we should be in the playoffs next October, Rose. Can you imagine? Okay, so that was my question. So do you really think you're calling it? Wow.
Starting point is 00:46:50 Because the Red Sox are in transition. We're in the playoffs. 93. We haven't been in the playoffs since 93? Correct. So we have an opening. Tampa Bay is still good. Baltimore is better.
Starting point is 00:47:00 That's almost 20 years. Those two are good. Yeah, it's 20 years. And Red Sox are in transition because they were crap last year. They had to bail, dump everything. Yankees are old. This is like the moment. This is it.
Starting point is 00:47:12 We go. So we're going to be in the playoffs. Maybe. You've got to play the games. I could be eating these words at some point. But I'm confident with this rotation and this batting lineup, I'm confident that we should be in the playoffs next October. Oh, my gosh.
Starting point is 00:47:27 That really would be fantastic. It would be really nice to see us get excited about this. Blue Jays in the playoffs? What do you think, Michelle? What do you say? I don't know. Okay. Romero's still there.
Starting point is 00:47:38 Don't worry. And Joey Batts. But Romero's not our worst pitcher. Now he's probably our fifth best starter right now is Romero, who was like the opening day guy last year. So, okay. So that's your Blue Jay update, Rose. That's an exciting thing.
Starting point is 00:47:51 All right. That's good. That's really, really, really good. No, it was on my radar. I did see that more stuff, more stuff had happened that was indicating an even more stellar team for us.
Starting point is 00:48:02 So that's pretty good. I've seen this My Toronto Scoop, and you have lots of social media chicklets. I always see, like, pin this to Pinterest. Is that how you say it, Pinterest? I always see, like, I don't know. I see things like you can plus, Google plus this thing. Well, you told me about Google.
Starting point is 00:48:19 You made me Google plus. I'm not judging Google plus. I tried my best to make that work. I know. I tried to. I still have a Google plus chicklet. But my question is, did you ever use Instagram? I used it once, but I found that Instagram, I didn't really need it. Because if I take a picture and I'll put it on my website, I'll put it on Twitter or Facebook,
Starting point is 00:48:40 I don't need yet, I don't need another thing to host all my pictures. You only need to put pictures somewhere. Yeah, exactly. And I didn't really... So where's your go-to place for hosting pictures um you know what I don't really is it imager like what is it that you like well what I do is I'll take my picture and then I'll put it if I'm going to use it on my um website then I just put it on my website and then I kind of pick and choose I'll put them on on Facebook I guess um I'm just curious yeah I don't really know where I go like I've been putting my pictures on flickr for like eight
Starting point is 00:49:09 years now oh you know what photo bucket i'm sorry photo bucket i like photo bucket yeah and so you don't need uh instagram because the instagram users i was never one but they're freaking out over terms and conditions i know i i saw that facebook's implementing but the thing is is once see to me once Instagram got bought, I think it bought by Facebook. Yeah, I was kind of like, well, obviously it's going to change, right? So I think people,
Starting point is 00:49:31 you know, Instagram was kind of like this kind of cool thing and had the cool finishes on the pictures. Like it looked neat. I hated them. I always hated them. I mean, I prefer just the picture. That's the thing.
Starting point is 00:49:40 Why do you want faux aged pictures? Totally agree. It's either they're old or they're not. I totally agree. Like when I took a picture, I want it to look like what i want it what the image is i don't really want to add stuff after but that's just you know some people like doing that i know but these people are phony baloney like it's all style over substance like they take a picture and they make it look like it's 100 years old except they took it that day yeah i don't see it's all because you made it look 100 years old doesn't make that 100-year-old picture. It's still taken today.
Starting point is 00:50:06 To me, you just ruined a good picture. I'm not going to say – you know how I feel about when you say things are cheeky, right? Boys use Instagram just as much as girls do. However, that being said, I will give you that Pinterest does seem to be more of a female thing. Give me the list that you use. So you use Pinterest. Okay. My first – And then I'll tell you if I do it too. Okay first one i use the most is twitter i use twitter as well yeah so twitter is
Starting point is 00:50:29 my favorite twitter is the one i use the most um and then second is facebook i'm on facebook as well but i like people i know in the real world exactly yeah like like you know the um uh you know close friends and family and then um i don't use Google Plus anymore. With Define Use, like you don't post there. I don't post there, exactly. I don't post there too much either because no one's there. Yeah, and then Pinterest I use as just another way to link to my website. So if I have it, because I have a lot of pictures on my site, I'll pin the picture to a board. So say I wrote about, um, uh, the Toronto Christmas market, then I'll put like,
Starting point is 00:51:10 I have a board, cool things in Toronto. Pinterest is more, is more image, image based. You know, people like to see the, the, the pics and the images. I'll pin the picture to Pinterest and then somebody will click and go to my site. So I use it for that. I don't really browse Pinterest so much, but I know lots of people that do just to get ideas for any men. No, I have to say most of the people I know on Pinterest are ladies. Do you ever try
Starting point is 00:51:33 Tumblr? I have never tried Tumblr. Me neither. I actually don't even know what that is. I've heard of it. I thought it was a blog site. It's sort of a blog. It's like a hybrid between like blogger and Pinterest. Maybe it's like a hybrid between like blogger and Pinterest maybe. It's like a hybrid or something. No, I've never used it.
Starting point is 00:51:47 But you know what? One that I keep meaning to look at that you talk about all the time. This is crazy. I've never actually really used Reddit. Oh, but that's different. To me, that's a news aggregator. And I can't go a day without visiting Reddit. But you know the thing with Reddit?
Starting point is 00:52:03 I looked at it once. It's so not appealing aesthetically. I find it very... I know. I wish they'd change it. You get over that pretty quick. Yeah, you're right. It does feel a little dated.
Starting point is 00:52:13 But what I like about it... Of course, then I like the judge report and that certainly is not attractive. But I do like to... There's something about it I find compelling. I like to look at it at least once a day. Never been there, but I do Reddit do read it like
Starting point is 00:52:25 crazy and um i like the reddit because you can you got like a front page where everything the most popular stuff what people are like buzzes about but they have these subreddits like every subreddit you can imagine like i i subscribe to a subreddit for mad men breaking bad the toronto Breaking Bad, the Toronto Blue Jays, Toronto, just The Wire. Like anything I'm passionate about, I subscribe to that subreddit and see what's going on there. It's just you can – there's a subreddit for everything. My son James would really like the Minecraft subreddit. Well, I'll show you the Minecraft one, but you got to stay out of Gone Wild, okay?
Starting point is 00:53:02 Promise me. Well, I have him a muted the poor guy so i will tell you later about these subreddits is that okay off air maybe okay now rose yes i don't want to spend too much time on this because it's ridiculous but what is the uh deal with people thinking the world is gonna end i don know, but I keep hearing this ad on the talk radio for or outwithabang. And I'm like, what is this? Is this a real thing?
Starting point is 00:53:32 I keep meaning to, and then I never actually look it up. But are there people that really think the world is going to end? I think that the Mayans, I know the Mayans had a calendar that ends on like the 21st of December, which probably means they ran out of space. which probably means they ran out of space. I'm thinking they ran out of space. And the whole notion that the Mayans know something, like the Mayans don't know anything.
Starting point is 00:53:53 Like, why are you giving these guys such power? Like, I know more than the Mayans. You know what? I have to admit, I don't really pay attention. Like, I'm not a person. Is there anyone who really believes it or are we all pretending to be interested in it for like an event's sake? I think that's it. person. Is there anyone who really believes it or are we all pretending to be interested in it for like an event sake?
Starting point is 00:54:05 I think, I think that's it. I don't know anyone that really believes it. I think the Y2K had a better chance of happening than this and I ignore that completely.
Starting point is 00:54:11 Well, totally agree and I actually thought with Y2K that maybe there was a chance of maybe, I didn't think the world was going to end
Starting point is 00:54:17 but I thought maybe, you know, maybe some computers would crash, cash registers might go crazy. Like I thought there might have been and there was nothing. As long as the ACC's sound system
Starting point is 00:54:24 stayed on that night, we were going to be be fine we picked the best place to have to to go down the world's gonna end I want Gordon singing ahead by a century exactly no um but I am also I don't read horoscopes I'm not I'm not a waste of time I'm really not into any of that I don't believe in astrology like I I've never I don't think I've ever once read a horoscope so but that's just that's just me. Some people will say, oh, I'm a cancer. Oh, yes. Oh, cancer and this don't mix.
Starting point is 00:54:54 And I'm like, I can't even fake civil. But there's a lot of topics I've lost patience for. Yeah, no, I don't. What's your sign michelle i was just gonna say that every year somebody says on the 21st they go wild like oh my gosh the world's gonna end and it never happens i don't think this is i think this is a special 21st like there's a mayan calendar they're all pointing to but the world hasn't ended yet right did i did it didn't end yet no well it didn't end in this
Starting point is 00:55:26 room i hope it doesn't end i hope it doesn't end i don't know i have uh lowest of the low tickets for wednesday so it's not gonna end before that right no i think we're gonna be okay rosie one here i'm uh excited about world junior hockey championship as i am every year but especially lockout years so then i looked at the first game on Boxing Day. I was so psyched. I'm talking to Monica. I'm like, I'm going to be so into this. I love this.
Starting point is 00:55:50 And then it's like a 4 a.m. start. 4 a.m. Eastern, this thing starts. And I'm like, that's part of the fun, though. I don't think that's fun. That's not fun at all. Do you know what's funny? I would be equally as upset with a 7 a.m. start. That's where my lifestyle is right now.
Starting point is 00:56:04 4 a.m. is the witching hour for me. Like, there's a dead sleep happening at 4 a.m. World Juniors is a big tradition in our house. Everyone gets up early. Do you remember the last time we dealt with this? There's been a lot of North American-hosted World Juniors lately. I sleep in. The boys watch.
Starting point is 00:56:20 So your husband will get up for the 4 a.m. game? I don't know if he'll get up for the 4 a.m. game. Also, yeah, I don't know. He might, though. Canada-Russia gold medal, I'll get up for the 4 a.m. game? I don't know if he'll get up for the 4 a.m. game. Also, yeah, I don't know. He might, though. Canada, Russia, gold medal, I'll get up for. But that is it. Well, Canada, gold medal, I'll wake up for. Everything else, I'll wake up and catch up with.
Starting point is 00:56:35 What time will the gold medal thing be at? I don't know. It's a great question. If it's 4 a.m., we're going to have not very much sleep. Because the last couple of years um our little guy was being up at 4 a.m was actually not out of the ordinary so uh i think scott watched a lot of interesting life that's the thing this year he's sleeping through the night now so i i i highly doubt we'll be up at at 4 a.m but i love it there's something so nice the tradition of it it's amazing watching it on bing Day is amazing. Especially with no energy. And then there's no hockey.
Starting point is 00:57:05 There's like nothing to watch. I wonder, I know we're not, I know this is a taboo subject around Toronto Mike, but I have to admit, I am curious if there's going to be
Starting point is 00:57:14 any hockey at all this year. Ping me when they make a decision. I'm so like, all I can think about is like 50 days till pitchers and catchers report. That's where I'm at.
Starting point is 00:57:24 50 days, pitchers and catchers report in Dunedin. It's like my daddy does his countdown to baseball. He loves it. It's awesome. That's what I'm excited about right now. I'm so glad. Rosie, your phone is really upsetting. So me and my brothers used to always say, okay, the Raptors sucked,
Starting point is 00:57:39 the Leafs sucked, and the Jays sucked. And we'd be, what's the first major Toronto team that's going to make the playoffs? And we'd have this discussion, this debate. Well, I think it'll be the Raptors. No, it'll be the Blue Jays. And this discussion, and this is prior to all these deals, so, you know, now, no doubt now, Blue Jays are so heads and tails
Starting point is 00:57:58 beyond where the Raptors and Leafs are right now. Right, James? I kind of threw a major to get Argos off the table. Well, they're not NFL. No, but I mean, I love the CFL too, but I just feel like with eight teams, you're going to win one every eight years. And there's nine teams next year.
Starting point is 00:58:23 What's the new team? Ottawa. Which is great. I think Ottawa, that's a good fit. But they can't call it the Rough Riders because Saskatchewan won't let them. Oh, really? Yeah. I'm not even sure what the name is, but it won't be Rough Riders. Wait, why would they want to be Rough Riders?
Starting point is 00:58:38 Because there is a Rough Riders and it was ridiculous that they ever had two Rough Riders in this league. That's what just makes the CFL the CFL. And I remember I didn't know the answer. So unique. I think Blind Dave helped me out. Somebody, I think it was Blind Dave,
Starting point is 00:58:52 helped me understand how there came to be two rough riders. We're going around the table. All four of us are going to do this real quick. Just tell me your favorite cereal. Rosie, what's your favorite cereal? Right now my favorite cereal is Marshmallow Moments by Sally's. It is so good. How many grams of sugar in that? I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:59:09 But just keep in mind, I don't eat breakfast. Cereal for me is actually a snack. I don't eat cereal as my breakfast because I don't eat breakfast. That's just... You don't need to explain yourself, Rosie. I'm not going to judge you for that. Just because I'm waiting for you to freak out that I don't eat breakfast. What am I, a health nut?
Starting point is 00:59:24 Come on. I would eat pizza every day if you let me. I'm not going to judge you for that. Just because I'm waiting for you to freak out that I don't eat breakfast. What am I, a health nut? Come on. I would eat pizza every day if you're that mean. I know. But I like cereal. For me, cereal is like, I like to eat it before bed. And so I like it more as a snack. So I like the sweet. I have to admit, I like the sweet cereal.
Starting point is 00:59:34 I never heard of that cereal. I thought you were going to give me something I heard of. Okay. I'm really into the cereal right now. You get it at Walmart. Apparently, when Walmart first had Sally's Cerealsals they sold a billion bags maybe not a billion a million they sold so many bags not a billion just a million it's actually quite healthy it's affordable because you know these organic cereals they're very expensive like the cashy
Starting point is 00:59:54 cereals it's like six bucks for a box so the Sally cereals are quite healthy I don't think marshmallow moments that flavor is as healthy healthy as the others but um and it's it's more um it doesn't come in a box, it comes in a bag. It's delicious. It's so good. It's at Walmart. I wish I would love if, yeah. Time's up.
Starting point is 01:00:11 James, what's your favorite breakfast cereal? Frosted Flakes. But what is, okay. Do you want to tell us what my rule is for cereals? Three grams of sugar and... The kids can pick any cereal they want so long as it's three grams or under. Three grams lets it be
Starting point is 01:00:31 cornflakes or Rice Krispies or Special K. That's the secret. Or Cheerios, of course, which is like one gram. Chocolate Cheerios are good. I don't like those. Me neither. I like them. It's way over the three limits. So they can pick anything they want. That's like dessert. So that Frosted Flakes doesn't actually qualify, so I've never bought that.
Starting point is 01:00:50 What about the Banana Nut Cheerios? Are those all right? Yeah, way over the three. The only one that qualifies. Even Multigrain is way over the three. Only regular Cheerios qualifies. I like Cheerios. We had it this morning.
Starting point is 01:01:00 Yeah, I like Cheerios. What's your favorite cereal you're allowed to have in your three gram cap there? I already know the answer. You want me to tell you? Special K because that's what you always ask for. Now, is it just the plain
Starting point is 01:01:12 Special K you guys eat or do you get like the vanilla, raspberry business, just the plain? Plain Special K which actually happens to be, I know I'm going out of order but it's my go-to cereal
Starting point is 01:01:22 since I started my new regime that made me this physically elite athlete you see before you. So I go to Special K as my go-to cereal now. I answer that for James. Michelle, what's your favorite cereal right now? If I'm going for more like a treat cereal, I'd probably say Corn Pops. And if I'm going more for you're three grams, I didn't go for Cheerios Thank you for clarifying that so I was just curious what cereals people like James, what is your treat cereal? What is this cereal like if you had just he just said it was oh
Starting point is 01:02:06 to do cereal like if you had just he just said it was oh okay sorry sorry can i tell you my cereal not that i've ever would do it now but raisin bran yeah oh god that's my treat cereal i loved raisin bran are you a 90 year old man how's raisin bran your treat cereal because it exceeds my three gram sugar cap it's so it's pretty much a treat cereal no joke the sugar they're putting in cereal is ridiculous. I don't even know. When your son's older, you're not going to be giving him candy for breakfast. You're going to say have special care. It's a good rule to have because they are full of sugar.
Starting point is 01:02:36 I have frosted flakes for dessert. You know when cereal come in those little boxes? Do they still have those? I used to like to eat the frosted flakes out of those little boxes Like, do they still have those? Yeah, they still got those. I used to like to eat the Frosted Flakes out of those little boxes. They were so, like as a snack. They were so good. Once I went to this like, I don't know, little thing at, I don't know, something like that. And they gave you like these three free boxes of, I don't know, different type of cereals.
Starting point is 01:03:00 And that was like the first time I tried most of my cereals. Yeah, it's like a sample. So good. I also like Lucky Charms. I like the marshmallows. I used to like Pac-Man. Do you remember, Mike, you would remember Pac-Man cereal? Of course.
Starting point is 01:03:11 I got some at home. I really like the cereals with the marshmallows. They don't make it anymore. I tried to find it. I don't like marshmallows in high school. And my cereal. Rose's phone is going off. I know.
Starting point is 01:03:20 I'm starting to be a tad bit concerned. We're going to leave it like this. This is our last show before Christmas. Because you don't want to come next Tuesday Because next Tuesday is Christmas Gotta wrap presents Won't you have to like Have a big meal or something I got stuff to do
Starting point is 01:03:36 I'm probably going to be a little busy Culturally speaking our family Christmas is a big day You wake up Santa's coming it's a great day Monica it's Christmas Eve it's a great day. Woohoo! Yeah. Monica, it's Christmas Eve. It's our family too. It's like culture shock.
Starting point is 01:03:51 I'm going through culture shock. Christmas Eve, yeah, I always grew up Christmas Eve as just as big as Christmas Day. I love Christmas Eve. It's just the day to like burn. Let's burn this so we get to Christmas. Well, you do it in the evening. You have a big meal and then you go to midnight mass. No, we don't do that.
Starting point is 01:04:05 On that note. Merry Christmas to everybody. Thanks for spending time with us, everyone. Have a happy holiday. That's it? That's it. We're done? You can say Merry Christmas if you want.
Starting point is 01:04:21 Merry Christmas. And Happy New Year. Ho, ho, ho. I want to take a streetcar downtown Read Andrew Miller and wander around We'll see you next time.

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