Toronto Mike'd: The Official Toronto Mike Podcast - Toronto Mike'd #25

Episode Date: February 19, 2013

Rosie and Mike talk about Hazel, Oscar Pistorius, Oscar picks, Monopoly tokens and Mike tells his Alpha Getti Gobbler story....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the 25th episode of Toronto Mic'd, a weekly podcast about anything and everything, often with a distinctly Toronto flavour. I'm Mike from Joining me as always is Rosie from and hosting this audio file are the good people at Core Fusion. Hello Mike. Rosie, how you doing? I'm doing good. I'm warmed up. It's freezing outside. What is the temperature to a guy? I haven't been outside today. It's like minus 50. No, my goodness. No, it's definitely, it was warmer during the day. I think it was two degrees during the day. And then at around four o'clock, it really dropped to definitely below zero. It's cold, brr.
Starting point is 00:01:07 But this lovely coffee you've made me is quite warm. I normally pick up coffees for us, and I forgot my wallet, so Mike kindly made some. It's warm and delicious. Were you going to McDonald's today? Actually, this is funny. I was going to go to Tim Hortons because it's roll up the rim and making me even more disappointed that I forgot to buy his coffees because that's always fun.
Starting point is 00:01:28 But I made you French press coffee. Yeah, it's good. You really do know how to make a mean cup of coffee, my friend. Because I don't know these people and their Tassimos and their instant coffee machines. I like the French press. I have for many years and I don't feel like changing. It's simple and pure and delicious. And you could do it camping.
Starting point is 00:01:46 That's true. You bring your... No electricity required. You just boil water. Well, I think the Tassimos and all that, it's, you know, it's, I think they're trendy, but they're quite expensive and I'm not sure the coffee really tastes. You lost me at trendy, Rose. So it's, uh, yep.
Starting point is 00:02:05 No, it's good. It's good to be here for episode 25. So just last week I mentioned I ran the Hazel 5K in 2007. And then I was reading, I think on Valentine's Day, Hazel McCallion turned 92 years old. And then I started thinking, do I remember a time before Hazel was mayor of Mississauga? Because we're both in our late 30s. And the fact is, she was elected mayor of Mississauga when we were four years old. That's incredible. There is no, we don't remember a mayor of Mississauga not named Hazel. You know, it's funny because my grandpa is 92 and it makes me feel good that Hazel's 92
Starting point is 00:02:47 because it makes me realize that he can last. Because there's at least somebody from his kindergarten class is still around. Yeah, she turned 92 on Valentine's Day. Wow. And she's still going strong, although I don't think she's running again. Well, we don't know that for sure. Do runs i think i thought i heard she wasn't but i i'm i'm not sure i hope don cherry runs instead oh my goodness there you go he's a young 79 so he could do another you know 20 years and 79 i think he's 79 wow he actually looks quite he looks very good right i think he looks good too and i have to say i I like, I always enjoy his, um, his, the jackets, the crazy, I actually look forward to them. His politics are as far away from mine as possible, but I listen,
Starting point is 00:03:31 I make everyone be quiet during first intermission on Saturday nights. Don Cherry's talking, be quiet. I listen to every syllable the man utters and I look forward to it. I totally agree. I don't know what it is. It's just having grown up with it, but I look forward to when he comes on. Well, he's interesting, first of all, and he's entertaining. And whether you agree with him or not, you want to hear what he thinks. I know I recently heard someone say, oh, I think, you know, he's past his prime. Maybe it's time to retire him. I hate people. They say that about Bob Cole.
Starting point is 00:03:56 I can't stand people who want to put people out to pasture as soon as they hit a certain age. I think he will be greatly missed once he decides to move on. Who can take his place? No, he's definitely unique and special. He is. And he tweets now. He doesn't do the tweeting. He sends his tweets to a producer at CBC who does the physical tweeting
Starting point is 00:04:16 from the account. So he writes it and she tweets it. And it's always like four or five tweets to get his thought across. It's part one of five and then there'll be five tweets and he'll get his thought. And he was just saying today, like, you know, he said, get rid of the coach, play Colton Ormore and play Kadri and everything will be OK. And he goes, look what they've done and look what's happened in Leafland. So, you know, he's boasting that Cherry had this all figured out years ago.
Starting point is 00:04:42 Oh, wow. Really? There you go. It was pretty cool last night. Yeah, Scrivens has two career shutouts, and they happened to be in the last two games. That's amazing. It is amazing. I'm a Reimer guy, but Scrivens is filled in as well as possible.
Starting point is 00:04:56 It's hard to do better than that. Well, I think it's the ideal situation. There's so much pressure on one of them. I just think that it's impossible to be the Leaf goalie. The amount of pressure is just insane. So why not have a couple? You want an Alan Bester, Ken Reget, Platoon, like the good old days of 1986. I just think knowing the support is there, not all the pressure is on one person.
Starting point is 00:05:17 I think that they will both perform better. Okay, but when playoff time comes around, you're not switching up every game. So let's see. I don't know. Playoff time comes around. You're not switching up every game. So let's see. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:05:32 The big news of the week is that Oscar Pistorius, if I'm saying his name right, Blade Runner, who my mom fell in love with. I don't know if we talked about it on this podcast or I talked about it on another podcast. But my mom saw an Oscar documentary, like, I don't know when it was, in the spring, leading up to London. And she fell in love with this guy because, you know, it's a great story. Like, you know, basically, you put on your shoes, you put on your legs, and you're going out. Like, you don't treat him any different. And look where he goes. So my mom, we always joke that Oscar was like my mom's, the son my mom wished she had. So that was a big family joke. My mom loves Oscar.
Starting point is 00:06:02 So I had to write her, the morning that the news broke So I had to write her the morning that the news broke. I had to write her, make sure she was okay. Are you okay? Because he's in jail. But here's what I want to ask you about, Rosie. So I am a former foreman of a jury on a murder case. Do you know that? So I speak with some authority that the man is innocent until proven guilty.
Starting point is 00:06:23 But today is the first time he put out his story. So he issued a statement. So I have to go to my notes here. On my touchpad from HP, which now runs Chrome. It looks amazing. It really looks good. It's jelly bean Chrome. I digress.
Starting point is 00:06:39 But anyways, I brought my tablet back from the dead. Okay. So he claims he went to bed with Reva Steenkamp. That's how you say it. So he went to bed with her on the 13th of February. And then he woke up to close a window or something. And then he hears noises in the bathroom. And as I understand it, he puts on his legs, grabs his gun.
Starting point is 00:07:02 He's always got a gun by the bed. And he fires four shots, I think it was four shots, into the bathroom through the door. And then he has this moment of clarity of sorts where he realizes that his girlfriend's not in the bed.
Starting point is 00:07:17 And then he thinks, oh no, she's in the bathroom. Well, I heard that he actually called, he yelled to her, Reva, call the police. There's an intruder. And then that's when he realized she wasn't in the bed. Okay, so can I, I'll go first and then I want to hear your thoughts because you're very smart. This, this is, I don't know, my notes say really with three question marks.
Starting point is 00:07:41 Like, I don't know where to begin. It clearly, it's like a Hail Mary pass. It's the only story you can try to sell and get off like OJ because I can't tell you how ridiculous the story is that you hear noises in the bathroom and you don't check that it's not the woman that you're in bed with that's not her. You fire the four shots through the door,
Starting point is 00:08:03 then check and see if Reva's in bed. I can't imagine. I don't know what to say. It's so, it smells of such BS. I completely agree. Oh, Rose, we never agree. I don't have much more to say than I totally agree with you. Well, I read it twice because what he's trying to sell, and then I realized he's got nothing
Starting point is 00:08:21 else to sell. Everything else he's done, he has to spin the story he thought she was an intruder. What else could... Well, he could tell the truth and then spend the rest of his life in jail, or he could lie and get out. I just have to say it is an unbelievable story for so many reasons. I feel like your mom, I loved him. I saw that documentary as well.
Starting point is 00:08:42 I had tears in my eyes thinking of this little boy. Oh, I should have called you that morning to make sure you were okay. You know, I remember him saying exactly that. You know, I never felt different. My brother had shoes. I had my, you know, prostheses. He just never felt any different. But, yeah, it's a little hard to swallow.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Because, you know what, I tried to, I read it, what he had said, and then I tried to picture, you know, put myself in that position. So you wake up, you hear something. Oh, my gosh. Is the first thing you do blast bullets? And I understand he had to get legs on and then walk seven meters or something before he fires. Like the fact that he has put legs on tells you how much thought has to go into firing these bullets. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:09:23 And, you know, and it's funny. I used to have a makeup artist that was from South Africa. And she said that the culture there is very different. The violence there is, she goes, I can't even describe to you what it's like there. She's like, women are raped. She goes, I don't know anyone that hasn't been raped. Like her sister had been raped.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Like the level of violence there is nothing like here. I think it has the second highest murder rate after Columbia. It's a very violent society. So I suppose it's not that crazy. But he is in a gated community. He's not in some public housing or something. Absolutely. I know.
Starting point is 00:09:59 So I mean, okay, I guess I could see why you know, maybe he had a protectress. And he had somebody else in the bed with him that he, you have to check if she's in bed before you fire the bullets. Or you have to. And everyone would, including Oscar. Okay, so we agree in this statement. Yeah, I agree. Hail Mary passed because OJ got it.
Starting point is 00:10:16 No, we didn't think OJ would get off of it. Look at Casey Anthony, you know. I mean, there's some people that... I didn't follow it as closely, but I guess it was similar obvious guilt. Well, it just seemed so obvious. But one thing that I thought was sort of interesting about, you know, one thing when you have these cases that happen in other countries, you get to learn a little bit about, you know, their legal system.
Starting point is 00:10:35 And you having served on a jury... I did, Rose. In South Africa, they follow the Roman Dutch tradition of the court. There is no jury. Basically, the judge, I think it's called the chief magistrate, will hear the prosecution and the defense, and there's no jury.
Starting point is 00:10:54 One judge decides. I didn't know, but I thought their system would be similar to ours because we both come from the British parliamentary system. Yeah, it's fair. Et cetera. With the wigs and all that. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:03 I know. So I thought that was really interesting. So basically what happens is the judge hears it and the judge can have some advisors to help go over the affidavits. But at the end of the day one judge decides whether or not he's guilty. I hope it's not Judge Lance Ito.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Is he working in South Africa? But I agree with you. I'm like, really? You really think anyone's gonna believe that well i was curious to know what he would say happened because uh he said he was innocent and there was all signs pointed to ridiculous and then this is what he came up with so they must have thought what's our best story and this is it i wanted to ask you what you thought about um okay so first of all night okay if you're nike you must just be like oh my gosh
Starting point is 00:11:45 because you have three in a row i guess because they had tiger woods and then they had lance armstrong and now they have oscar and it's like progression because tiger cheats on his wife and then lance cheats on the sport and just lies to all of us and i some would say that's worse and then what's worse than that oh yeah i yeah. Oh, yeah. Killing someone. So I'm not sure what fourth step will be, but... But I wanted to ask you what you thought about the ad that had to be pulled because it was... Oh, yeah, the bullet in the chamber. Bullet out of a chamber.
Starting point is 00:12:17 And, you know, obviously they had to pull it because it's ridiculous. But then I was thinking about it, you know, in this sort of climate right now of gun control and gun violence violence what's making doing making an ad like that in the first place i don't know i don't know i never i never taste i never saw the ad until it got posted somewhere it was on a site and i i don't know they like to i always find it interesting how militaristic the analogies are when it comes to things like football and stuff. Like, it always seems very violent and, yeah. Yeah, like what's more violent than a bullet? And warlike, and yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:50 So, I mean, I guess what's faster than a bullet? And I guess that's the analogy there, but... And it's just surprising that, you know, and right now with what's going on in politics and, you know, in Sandy Hook, why you would make an ad in the first place that's, you know, about a, you know, likening, because, you know, when you're putting a figure like Oscar Pistorius,
Starting point is 00:13:08 that's a symbol of great athletic achievement and victory, and why are you using the analogy of a bullet? I don't know, I was surprised it didn't even go there, but maybe I wouldn't have even thought of it if this hadn't have happened. Right, and you know what's even more baffling than the fact he is now in jail for being accused
Starting point is 00:13:25 of murdering his girlfriend is that he did not win the gold at the Paralympics. Isn't that incredible? I know. And this is after he, you know, insisted on it.
Starting point is 00:13:34 Yeah, we were wondering, first of all, he raced in the finals of the relay in the Olympics and then he did not win the gold at the Paralympics.
Starting point is 00:13:42 So what did he, did he medal? I can't remember. I thought he came in second, but the fact he didn't win was rather shocking, I would say. Well, it is interesting how I actually found, I actually was following it during the Olympics because he was wanting to compete in the Olympics,
Starting point is 00:13:57 and then there was some discussion over whether his prostheses would actually give him, yeah, the unfair advantage. But then I read something that they decided it wouldn't because he has a disadvantage coming out of the gate. Fair enough, except that all science proves that the difference between Usain Bolt and me, other than the fact he's a little taller...
Starting point is 00:14:17 I don't see the difference. not so much in the speed of our... I'm doing gestures like you can see it in the podcast, but not in the speed of the swing of your doing gestures like you can see it in the podcast, but not in the speed of the swing of your hips, like your legs swing is pretty similar. It's the speed at which you hit the ground and come off it. So that's where the biggest difference between Usain Bolt
Starting point is 00:14:34 and I is. And this prosthetic legs that our friend Oscar has, our former friend, give him an unfair advantage when it comes to coming off the ground. I'll tell you one thing. If one more fallen,
Starting point is 00:14:48 if there's one more hero that falls, I can't even take it. If Usain Bolt, if anything happens. I just hope Wayne Gretzky is being a good boy because that's the one,
Starting point is 00:14:55 that would be the one that breaks my heart the most. Usain Bolt would, I loved him. I said that to Monica right after I said, please don't let us find this. If this had been Usain,
Starting point is 00:15:03 I would have been like devastated. I really like the guy and he seems so, like Oscar, I would have been devastated. I really like the guy. Oscar, I was indifferent to Oscar. I didn't know much about him. I wasn't sure he should be in the Olympics, let alone rooting for him. But Usain Bolt. And going back, Wayne Gretzky, I was thinking, what's the hardest knock against him? Maybe his wife might have gambled at some point.
Starting point is 00:15:21 Something like that. There's nothing on Wayne Gretzky. I can't think of anything. He's a good Canadian boy. He better stay that way, Rose. I know. It's just, but yeah,
Starting point is 00:15:28 Hussein Bolt, I'm like, no, there can't be. And Crosby too. There's another guy. Crosby, from what I can tell, seems to be,
Starting point is 00:15:35 it would shock me to find out something of this nature, anything like this with Sidney Crosby. He's so cute. Hockey players, they seem to be pretty
Starting point is 00:15:42 well behaved. Well, because they're Canadian, Rose. Yes. Yes. So, okay, this be pretty well-behaved. Well, because they're Canadian, Rose. Yes. Yes. So, okay, this is Oscar week. Your aunt, Lynn, did send me the Oscar pool, and I did submit it. But apparently, I can't win the money because I missed some money deadline.
Starting point is 00:15:56 But I'm in it for sport. Good. That's good. So I hope I win your Oscar pool. And I'm going to just run down my picks for the top awards. Don't worry, I won't do a half an hour on all 40 awards or whatever. But real quick. Just the big ones.
Starting point is 00:16:11 Okay. I'm calling Best Picture, I'm calling Argo. I agree. That's what I picked as well. I haven't done mine yet because I'm still thinking, but I know the big ones. So I'll say if I agree or disagree. Best Director, I have Ang Lee from Life of Pi. Oh, I didn't pick that.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Okay. Who do you have? Not Ben Affleck. Ben Affleck was not nominated, I do not believe. No, no, I know. That's the one I would have picked had he been nominated. Lincoln, the Lincoln director. Oh, Spielberg.
Starting point is 00:16:42 Yes. He's an up-and-coming indie director. That's Spielberg, guys. lincoln the direct the lincoln spielberg yes yeah he's an up-and-coming indie director that's spielberg guy best actor is uh my my irish friend daniel day lewis love him yeah i like him too he's always amazing he's my fave and he's good in lincoln lincoln kind of bored me but his performance was exceptional i haven't seen it but i keep hearing how amazing it is i was kind of underwhelmed but okay yeah the that's why i picked argo for best picture best actress i'm going with jessica chastain for zero dark 30 i would pick that too i don't think it's going to be jennifer lawrence i don't know why i just have a feeling it's not i feel like she's we're maybe oversaturated with her oh and the movie
Starting point is 00:17:18 sucks too but no one's agreed with me yet i haven't found anyone to agree with me on that well i haven't seen it the only one I've seen is Argo. I'm really behind this year. But I have to admit, I'm not really, I don't really want to see it. Lincoln looks like it's going to be good, but it's sort of a chore. It's a historical drama. It's work. I'm so tired these days.
Starting point is 00:17:36 It is. You know what? Django Unchained, I can't. It's going to be too violent for me. And Zero Dark Thirty just looks, you know, I don't want to see torture. Speaking of, well, it's only a little bit at the beginning and then it unfolds nice. Django Unchained is going to get this award
Starting point is 00:17:51 for Best Supporting Actor. Christoph Waltz was unbelievable. And can I tell you, that movie I'm naming what I think is going to win but by far the best movie I saw was Django Unchained. I found it way better than Argo, way better than Lincoln and Silver Linings and all this.
Starting point is 00:18:09 It is the movie of the year, but they'll give it to Argo. But yeah, I agree with your dad. Yeah, he liked it so much. I couldn't believe it. I was like, twice? He went back twice. He's like, it was so good.
Starting point is 00:18:19 It's the best movie I've seen in a while. And Tarantino. He's amazing. He is amazing. So yeah, Christoph Waltz, Better Win, or I'll be very mad. And then I have Anne Hathaway as Best Supporting Actress
Starting point is 00:18:31 for the movie I'll never see, Les Miserables. I know. I don't really want to see that either. You won't see it. I'll agree with that when everyone's talking about her. It's funny how I've decided she's the greatest supporting actress in a movie I'll never see. I even feel like I know she was amazing in that. I've never seen's the greatest supporting actress in a movie I'll never see. It's just, I even feel like I know she was amazing in that. I've never seen
Starting point is 00:18:48 the freaking thing. I know. Alright, and best original screenplay, I have Django Unchained by the great Quentin Tarantino. Seems like a good choice. And then I have Argo for best adapted screenplay. For sure, I'll have to win that. Chris Terrio is the guy's name. Fun. Oh, I do enjoy
Starting point is 00:19:03 Oscar night. Rose, you wanted to vent about Monopoly tokens. The microphone is yours. Oh, my goodness. It feels... Yeah, the Monopoly tokens. I just sort of feel that it was... Do we really care that much? I feel like Hasbro manufactured it to get us excited about games.
Starting point is 00:19:23 And I just don't feel like anyone really... Do people really still play games? Okay, I'll answer it. First of all, yes. They're changing it to get some press. Look at all the press they got out of changing some people. What did they change? Do you remember an iron for something?
Starting point is 00:19:34 The iron got dropped and they picked up a cat. Look at all the free press they got from that. Oh my God. I just was like rolling my eyes. Like, who cares? But I will say this, that I do pull out the Monopoly board game periodically to play with the kids in Monaco.
Starting point is 00:19:49 And I don't want to... For some reason, I like the board version. I have the real paper money and all that. I don't want to put it on the tablet or something. No, it's funny. I think Monopoly and Scrabble are probably the only ones I can tolerate. Those are the two I play. Those are the two games.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Yeah, that's the only two. And I like Canuck 4. Other than that, like Risk or I don't know, I just don't think people play it as much. Well, you don't like games. I remember previous podcasts when I would tell you about it. I'm so annoyed. You won't play poker either, right?
Starting point is 00:20:19 No, no. So of course you're not going to like, of course you don't care about Monopoly. You're not a gamer. No. You're not a gamer in the old sense. I just feel like I kept hearing about these tokens. You do listen to a lot of talk radio.
Starting point is 00:20:31 They have to fill the time with something, Rose. People are on Facebook pouring their passion into the, we can't lose the wheelbarrow. It's like, really? Do you have nothing better to do with your time? It doesn't matter. PR gone wild. I'm glad it's done
Starting point is 00:20:45 speaking of gone wild when i was a very young man i'm gonna say five years old or something like that there was an ad i would see on television okay it was for alfaghetti which at the time i quite liked canned pasta yes was a staple of my diet as a five-year-old it's true it's true and i haven't had canned. I think the idea of canned pasta today makes me feel sick. I think that sauce would be horrible. But as a five-year-old, it was like a big time deal. Yeah, it was a big time deal.
Starting point is 00:21:13 For sure. So there was an ad featuring a character named the Alphagetti Gobbler. And the song was tattooed in my memory. So before the internet, this was a pain in the ass. And even for years with the internet, because I was always talking to people, you're the alphagetti gobbler. Like I would do that, you're the alphagetti gobbler.
Starting point is 00:21:31 Gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble. Whatever, and I would talk about it. And I would blog about this memory when I had a blog in the last 10 years. And some people remember the alphagetti gobbler, but there was no signs anywhere that people could point me to a YouTube clip or something and let me read it.
Starting point is 00:21:45 It was nowhere. It was nowhere. That's funny. Eventually, one of the three kids, I'm going to play the ad audio, obviously, but one of the three kids in this ad was Googling Alphagetti Gobbler or something one day, and he saw my post, and he wrote me, he wrote a comment, then he wrote me an email to say, hey, I was in this when I was three years old or four years old. Come on.
Starting point is 00:22:07 And I have this on VHS. And so I'm writing him. I'm like, I've been looking for the Alpha Getty Gobbler ad. I was looking at that point. I've been looking for over a decade. And I'm like, you need to get this. You have it on VHS. You need to rip it to some digital format and get it to me.
Starting point is 00:22:22 So this guy, his name's Ryan. He actually does that. He gets me an AVI file and I was so excited. I just uploaded that AVI file to my YouTube and I shared it right away. This is going back a few years, but I'm going to play for you now the audio from the Alfagetti Gobbler ad that I loved as a kid and hunted for years. You ready? Amazing. Let's see if you remember this, okay? Go. Since you were a GTA child of the 80s.
Starting point is 00:22:50 Okay. If you want to hang on to your alfaghetti, watch out for the alfaghetti gobbler. The alfaghetti gobbler loves to gobble up those delicious little spaghetti letters and wiggly little words. Oh, hey, there he is now. Gobbledeggetti.
Starting point is 00:23:11 So cheesy and tomatoey and so much fun to eat. You're the Alphagetti Gobbler. Who, me? Okay, so that guy was a big spaghetti monster or something. So Ryan, the person, which voice was that he wasn't one of the voices three kids at the table and the one who speaks is not ryan so there's two kids who don't speak who are just little kids eating their alfagettis at the table that's amazing and he sent it to you yeah and he sent it to me and uh so if you want the alphagetis i don't know search
Starting point is 00:23:38 for gobbler and don't worry it'll all be safe for work. I don't recommend you search Google for Gobbler. There's been times when I've Googled a word and then been so sorry. I think Googling the word Gobbler would be a big mistake. But you can search Toronto Mike for that. What did you search? Rosebud. Don't ever Google Rosebud. It was not what I was looking for.
Starting point is 00:24:02 I don't know what to say. Rose. I promised iTunes this was a clean show. It's just, you know, I don't want to act like I'm all naive, but I really was like, whoa, that was not what I was expecting when I Googled Rosebud. Anyways, moving on. It was a Citizen Kane Google search?
Starting point is 00:24:20 Was that what you were looking for? Wasn't that the name? It was, yes. But no, it was actually more gardening related. Oh, my goodness. Okay, be more specific with your Google terms, Rose. Google is dirty. Google can be dirty.
Starting point is 00:24:34 At least there isn't. If you were crazy about that stuff, there's a safe search you could turn on, but I would. Oh, I mean, I can handle it. I hope so, because you can't handle Django Unchained. I don't know if you can handle this, Rose. No, I can't. Not from the stuff you told me was in it. No, thanks.. I hope so, because you can't handle Django Unchained. I don't know if you can handle this Rose by the time. Not from the stuff you told me was in it. No, thanks.
Starting point is 00:24:49 Oh, but it's good, Rose. No, I know. And the violence, for the most part, it's cartoony. And then there's some parts where it's not, and that's where it's effective. Like, I would let my kids watch Django Unchained. Yeah, no. Okay. Now, do you listen to, you listen to this AM talk nonsense, but do you listen to CBC Radio 1?
Starting point is 00:25:02 I do. What, okay. Okay. talk nonsense, but do you listen to CBC Radio 1? I do. I want to make a controversial statement that could get me in big trouble with the CBC and my fans,
Starting point is 00:25:12 especially maybe my one fan, Liz, who is a great fan of the show. Liz is awesome. How could Liz get mad at you? No, she's a fan, and I don't want to upset her with this comment I'm about to make. You better not upset Liz. I do not enjoy Stuart McLean's Vinyl Cafe. I'm throwing the table.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Rose, why did you throw your coffee at me? It's hot. I'm totally joking. I do a good imitation. On a Sunday, I'll start talking like Stuart McLean Do a good imitation. Like on a Sunday, I'll start talking like Stuart McLean and tell a story about the coffee I purchased from Loblaws. It was President's Choice.
Starting point is 00:25:55 I think he's an acquired taste. See, that voice, though, that's not how he'd talk if you were like just hanging out with him one on one, is it? I don't believe so. But who knows? Maybe it is. I've never, you know what? Again, I'm going to agree with you there. I was never a huge fan either. She was a great co-host, the way she spoke into the microphone.
Starting point is 00:26:12 But you know what? I always think he's going to end up, like he's going to turn into, was it Harvey? What's the guy's name? And that's the rest of the story. Yeah, he's not my thing. I find him, it's too, I don't want to, this is a too small town folksy. It's almost, it must be the same crowd that likes,
Starting point is 00:26:29 who's the comic I can't stand from East Coast? Oh, damn it. I went to Conan O'Brien recording once and he was actually the comic. And I was so disappointed that that's how Americans are going to think Canadians are. Anyways, the name eludes me. He's a very famous comic who gets his own specials and stuff
Starting point is 00:26:46 from the East Coast. It'll come to me. But I feel like the Stuart McLean Vinyl Cafe fans, I don't think they're big city folk. Does that mean? No, I think he's very, very popular, and I think there are lots of people that like him. But I think it's just a certain type of style.
Starting point is 00:27:04 I like his books. The stories, they lack a certain edge, and they're all kind of of people that like him, but I think it's just, you know, it's a certain type of style. I like his books. I think the stories are, they lack a certain edge, and they're all kind of O. Henry-esque, but they're not particularly clever or funny. They're just kind of mildly amusing, and they take forever to get through. I don't have that patience. I don't got time for that.
Starting point is 00:27:17 Now, why do you feel that Liz will be offended? No, I don't know. I actually was randomly going to pull a name out, and Liz is, because I just read a comment she said about our podcast or something, and it was a random selection. Oh, I see, I don't know. I actually was randomly going to pull a name out. And Liz's, because I just read a comment she said about our podcast or something. And it was a random selection. Oh, I see. I don't think she's a big CBC fan or anything.
Starting point is 00:27:31 But I just felt like that would be some kind of sacrilege. It would be like saying you don't think Wayne Gretzky is a nice guy or something. I think Stuart McLean is a nice guy. I just don't really buy the whole shtick. And it doesn't really appeal to me. Yeah, I hear you on a completely, um, unrelated note.
Starting point is 00:27:47 I just happened, um, to tune into Bill Carroll last week and I'm probably way behind in this, but the, um, she's gone. Arlene Bynum fired. So she,
Starting point is 00:27:56 really? Two and a half weeks ago. Oh, I, you know what? Cause I, I didn't last very long. I listen more in the morning than the afternoon.
Starting point is 00:28:01 I actually hadn't heard Bill Carroll show. Oh yeah. That didn't, that didn't last long at all. You know, it's funny. I don't listen to the show, but I feel like I'm an authority because I get all the comments from people who Google this. I see, okay.
Starting point is 00:28:11 So I feel like I know about it, but I can tell you that the consensus is that Bill Carroll's a very big personality and it's his show and there was just no room for another personality of her nature who used to host the show. There was no room for her and she was pushed out so they just got rid of her completely she's not doing her own show no there's no 640 she's been removed from the website which is your 2013 clue that somebody's been fired 100 absolutely so i guess the only female then on 640 would be tina tregenni is that i'll take
Starting point is 00:28:42 your word for it that is probably how you say it. It is an Italian name. Yes, she's Italian. So one woman left on 640. Wow, that's interesting. Well, it is talk radio for guys. Oh, sorry, that was mojo radio. I get confused. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:28:57 Mike Stafford is on 640. Yeah, I like it. I enjoy his time. Yeah, I was surprised. I'm not surprised that they don't, because when Bill Carroll used to be on back in the day. Oh, on 1010 you mean? Yeah, on 1010. He wasn't, I don't believe he had a co-host then. I don't know. I haven't heard him since Q107. on 1010 in the mornings before they moved him to the afternoons. And then when they moved him to the afternoons, he definitely had more of an edge. I don't think he was too pleased with that move.
Starting point is 00:29:30 But I like John Moore, so I didn't really mind it too much. But I'm glad he's back. I was just surprised. I was like, oh, it's too bad she's gone. Because actually, I liked her. She's very intelligent. And I'm just sorry to see she's not on the radio. I know.
Starting point is 00:29:41 I heard one minute of her once, and I found her delivery far more boring than Stuart McLean's delivery. I mean, I found it really boring. Yeah, it's a very... I didn't like it. Very... But it's not my cup of tea.
Starting point is 00:29:50 Yeah, no. Just, you know, intelligently. Did you know most of that Carol show is not live? I had no idea. Most of it. So if you get breaking news in Toronto while he's on, you'll notice it's not live. So, okay, I have a really dumb question.
Starting point is 00:30:04 Because he's in California. Oh, okay. And it's not live. So, okay, I have a really dumb question. Because he's in California. Oh, okay. And he has another show, so he records like three, I think it's like three hours or on tape and they go on, like they're not live,
Starting point is 00:30:12 they're like three hours old or something. And then he does like an hour live maybe at the end. I thought I read something on your site that he moved back. No, that was the initial speculation,
Starting point is 00:30:21 but no, because he's very popular and happy. There's an LA 640, like a different 640 where he has a show. So he's on popular and happy on in there's an la 640 like a different 640 where he has a show so he's on tuesdays okay so he's not he doesn't even live here no he's california wow well good for him he's raking it in then rose i hope this was a good show because i'm not recording with you next week i'm taking a week off we have a vacation week because i am being i feel like i'm in the army.
Starting point is 00:30:46 I'm being shipped out to Frankfurt. Frankfurt, Germany. I've never been to Frankfurt. I had to Google some stuff to learn about it. It is like the economic capital of Europe. I had no idea. Because I was in Berlin last January, and I thought that was like the cat's pajamas, as the kids would say when it comes to Germany.
Starting point is 00:31:02 And it's the cool city. But this is apparently lots of museums and interesting things in Frankfurt oh I think Frankfurt will be amazing to see for sure and you get some time to sightsee and a little bit a little bit yeah that's great so I'm gone a week so oh so we will resume then in two weeks and that brings us to the end of our show you can follow me on Twitter at Toronto Mike and Rosie, you're on Twitter Rosie in Toronto. Quick rant because I got to say
Starting point is 00:31:31 it because it gives me two weeks before I can say it again. Somebody told me real Torontonians never pronounce the second T. I've heard that too. And they say if you say Toronto you're not from Toronto. I say Toronto and I was born in Parkdale at St. Joe's Health Center. You're Toronto Mike. I think you know how to from Toronto. I say Toronto and I was born in Parkdale at St. Joe's Health Center. You're Toronto Mike.
Starting point is 00:31:47 Yeah. I think you know how to say Toronto. I find Toronto like Toronto. Toronto. It feels like I'm from Rochester
Starting point is 00:31:53 or something. I think I say, okay, I want you to forensically go back over all our podcasts and see how we say Toronto. Now,
Starting point is 00:31:58 because now I feel very conscious of it that I'm saying Toronto. Well, I know because I was just saying Rosie in Toronto and I realized
Starting point is 00:32:02 I should be saying Rosie in Toronto to prove I'm from Toronto, when it just seems unnatural to call it Toronto when it's Toronto. I like saying the second T. I feel like the second T is... I think we say it. I think it's cool. I'm going to say the second T really loud,
Starting point is 00:32:21 just to tick people off. So this is Toronto, Mike Mike and Rosie in Toronto saying see you next week. Bye for now. Thank you.

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